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Mobile Learning Readiness among Working Adult Learners in Malaysia






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1.0 REFERENCES ON MOBILE LEARNING IN MALAYSIA 1.1 Digital Library 1.2 E-journal 1.3 Forum


PAST STUDIES 1.1 Mobile learning in teacher training. 1.2 The Mobile Devices and its Mobile Learning Usage Analysis. 1.3 Adoption of Mobile Learning Among Distance Education Students in Universiti Sains Malaysia. 1.4 Satisfaction of Distance Learners towards Mobile Learning in the Universiti Sains Malaysia. 1.5 Evaluation of a mobile learning organiser for university students.




10 - 17






The practice of mobile learning currently exploits both handheld computers and mobile phones. Mobile learning using handheld computers is obviously relatively immature in terms of both its technologies and its pedagogies but is nevertheless developing rapidly. It sometimes draws on the theory and practice of pedagogies used in technology supported learning and others used in the classroom and the community, and takes place as mobile devices are transforming notions of space, community and discourse and the investigative ethics and tools. The term mobile learning covers the personalised, connected and interactive use of handheld computers in classrooms , in collaborative learning , in fieldwork , and in counselling and guidance. Mobile devices are supporting corporate training for mobile workers and are enhancing medical education, teacher training, and numerous other disciplines. Mobile devices are becoming a viable and imaginative component of institutional support and provision. In many of these cases, they give uniquely situated and contextaware learning experiences but in other cases they may be reaching remote or inaccessible learners and supporting conventional learning or conventional e-learning. Mobile learning also covers the delivery and support of learning using mobile phones and in the last five years, mobile phones have steadily assumed a place in further and high er education in the USA and the UK, supporting distance learners and part-time students. There has also been a growing understanding of mobile phones potential for supporting learning and of the evolution of cultural life and social behaviour with the take up of mobile phones in many parts of the world. There is experience of using mobile phones to deliver educational content. One study looks at SMS in learning Italian, another at learning literature. There is also experience in using mobile phones to provide study support. This work shows that SMS can be used to provide support, motivation and continuity; alerts and reminders; bite-size content, introductions, tips and revision; study guide structure. Experts in online learning are mapping out how to transfer their support strategies to SMS and anticipate the gradual transition of any SMS service from operational issues, through tutorial and pastoral support, to fully moderated asynchronous conferences.


Mobile learning can perhaps be defined as any educational provision where the sole or dominant technologies are handheld or palmtop devices. This definition may mean that mobile learning could include mobile phones, smartphones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and their peripherals, perhaps tablet PCs and perhaps laptop PCs, but not desktops in carts and other similar solutions. Perhaps the definition should address also the growing number of experiments with dedicated mobile devices such as games consoles and iPODs, and it should encompass both mainstream industrial technologies and one-off experimental technologies

Mobile learning or m-learning is set to be the next big wave in education at Malaysia. It offers enormous potential as a tool to be used in situations where learners are geographically dispersed, to promote collaborative learning, to engage learners with content, as an alternative to books or computers, as an alternative to attending campus lectures and for justin-time delivery of information. Once limited to making and receiving calls, mobile phones today are evolving into educational platforms for information access and learning. With mobile technology, we can push and pull information and deliver learning to any one at any time and at any place. It provides learning on-the-go or just-in-time learning. The potential of mobile devices in enhancing learning is enormous and many higher education institutions are expected to embrace m-learning soon.



The term digital library has been applied to a wide variety of offerings from collections of electronic journals to software agents that support inquiry-based education to collections of email to electronic versions of a public library, to personal information collections, and even to the entire Internet. The digital library has a comprehensive search facility,It is always time saving, resource sharing is very easy with the help of a digital library. The digital library enables to adding texts sound and images and helps in building a better image of the library in the society. it is portable.It can deliver information very was so easy, there is no need to go to the library to get any information. Multiple users can access it at the same time. And it is a safe medium


Electronic journals, also known as ejournals, e-journals, and electronic serials, are scholarly journals or intellectual magazines that can be accessed via electronic transmission. In practice, this means that they are usually published on the Web. They are a specialized form of electronic document, they have the purpose of providing material for academic research and study, and they are formatted approximately like journal articles in traditional printed journals. Being in electronic form, articles sometimes contain metadata that can be entered into specialized databases. Some electronic journals are online-only journals, some are online versions of printed journals, and some consist of the online equivalent of a printed journal, but with additional online-only material. The benefit of electronic journals is availability for readers. Patrons can view journals when the library is not open if they have access to a network terminal. Also, invoicing and claiming will be on-line so, therefore, librarians will be having more time to improve their on-line skills and train their users. It also, offers speed of delivery, eliminates printing, and saves money in terms of costs to go to libraries.

OUMH1203 1.3 FORUM

Forum is an online community where visitors may read and post topics of common interest.Forums can be a useful for anyone doing online learning, both in terms of reading the content and actively participating in the discussions. Reading from forum's archives can be a good way to obtain a basic knowledge about a topic, and it also provides a historical perspective on trends and opinions. Other benefits from forum discussion is the students can learn how to do revision when they receive comments on their writing from their peers besides they can refer to subject made on the forums in class to enrich discussion and to acknowledge thoughtful ideas.

OUMH1203 PAST STUDIES 1.1 Mobile learning in teacher training

This journal is explain about mobile learning project, were the mobile device a used in educational activities. The main focus of this task is teacher training. This journal studied by P. Seppl & H. Alamki from University of Helsinki & Oy Radiolinja Ab. This study carried out at the Department of Home Economics and Craft Science in University of Helsinki in year 2003. This journal identify that teacher and student was extensive use the Uniwap project very well. According to the research

Over five weeks there were 388 messages: 54 SMS-messages and 334 digital pictures in the Uniwap database. That is approximately 9.7 messages per day and about 24.3 messages by every participant (teacher or student).( P. Seppl & H. Alamki.2003:5)

What we can see here is learning using equipment portable can attract student and teacher in teaching and learning in a university, especially in University Of Helsinki.

1.2 The Mobile Devices and its Mobile Learning Usage Analysis This journal was studied by S. M. Jacob and B. Issac at Malaysian University in year 2008. They was analysing about usage mobile device for mobile learning. They carried out the survey in random population of 151 undergraduate students in a Malaysian university. According to result of the survey:

The popular mobile devices used among the students were pen drives, cell phones and laptops. The most popular mobile activities correspond to these devices as well send and receive short text messages, send and receive emails, transfer files through pen drive.( S. M. Jacob and B. Issac. 2008:5)

What we get here that the usage of mobile device for mobile learning will be realized within the next 3-5 years. And the fact that the goal of mobile learning is to facilitate learning and in future, wireless convergence networks could be found anytime and anywhere, wherever the student is located. 6

OUMH1203 1.3 Adoption of Mobile Learning Among Distance Education Students in Universiti Sains Malaysia

This journal was studied by Issham Ismail, Rozhan M. Idrus, Azidah Abu Ziden and Munirah Rosli from University Sains Malaysia. This study was carried out in order to investigate whether mobile learning using Short Message Service (SMS) was a method of learning adopted by the students enrolled in the School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The analysis was conducted on a sample of 105 students based on gender, age, ethnicity, programme of study and mobile device ownership who was from four different courses which are Bachelors of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Science and Bachelor of Management. The result indicated that mobile learning has helped them to get easily information that they need at anytime anywhere and approve their studies. Mobile learning are easy to remember and very helpful for the learners in their study. Apart of that learners are also very excited to take another mobile learning assisted course if the courses were relevant with their learning need.

1.4 Satisfaction of Distance Learners towards Mobile Learning in the Universiti Sains Malaysia

This journal was studied by Issham Ismail, Thenmolli Gunasegaran, P. P. Koh & Rozhan M.Idrus. This program was conducted at the School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) from February 2009 to April 2009 which is the second semester of year 2008/2009. Their study was to examine learners perception concerning the satisfaction level of Mobile learning. Among those involved in this study are 105 undergraduate students from Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Social Science and Bachelor of Management from Universiti Sains Malaysia. Study found that there is effect that positive in levels of satisfaction students after using Mobile method of learning. The learning method is easy to use because their received SMS about what they needed, but they still have a problem with the cost. Maybe in the future, it will be easy to used this learning method if the cost not so expensive when they sending SMS for mobile learning.

OUMH1203 1.5 Evaluation of a mobile learning organiser for university students

This journal was studied by Dan Corlett, Mike Sharples, Susan Bull & Tony Chan from University of Birmingham. The study was carried out during the academic session 2002/2003 in the Department of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Birmingham. Seventeen students on the Human Centred Systems MSc course were recruited to the trial. This journal is describes a 10-month trial of a mobile learning organiser, developed for use by university students. The organiser makes use of existing mobile applications as well as tools designed specifically for students to manage their learning. After 10-month of trial, most student not use the application provided with the best. they prefer to do other than study.

OUMH1203 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research was conducted in May-June 2011 by sending research paper on Mobile Learning Readiness among Working Adult Learners in Malaysia. A total of 30 questionnaires were distributed to student from three different universiyies which are studied at Open University Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Universiti Utara Malaysia. The data was collected according feedback from respondent. The research find that mobile learning still need more studied to realize it for working adult learners in Malaysia.

OUMH1203 FINDINGS The purpose of this study is to explore the level of mobile learning readiness among working adult learners in Malaysia. The respondents consisted of current status, 17 undergraduate student and 13 post-graduate student, and it is from 1 not employed or not working and 29 working. They are 5 study at 1st year, 12 study at 2nd year, 9 study at 3 rd year and 4 study for 4th year. The respondents was from 12 males and 18 females, ranging in age from 20 to above 40.
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 A B C D E F G H I I(a) I(b) I( C) I(d) I(e) I(f) I(g) YES NO

SECTION B: Handphone Facilities A Do you have a handphone(mobile phone)? B Does your handphone have a 3G service? C Does your handphone have a 4G service? D Does your handphone have MMS service? E Does your handphone have a video call service? F Have you ever used a video call? G Does your handphone have Internet access? H Does your handphone have a memory card that can store digital files? I Can your handphone read/open up the following files? a. Word document b. PDF document c. Excel document d. Power Point document e. Video files f. Audio files g. Photos/graphics


OUMH1203 Before that, I survey about the handphone facilities. From my 30 respondents from my survey, they all have a handphone. 20 respondents or 66.66% have a 3G service at their handphone and 10 respondents or 33.33% dont have this service. They only have 1 or 3.33% respondent have 4G service at their handphone. From this purpose, 25 my respondents have MMS service at their handphone. Its mean 83.33% and 5 respondents or 16.66% did not have MMS service at their handphone. Next purpose, I ask about video call service. From my respondent, they have 20 respondents or 66.66% have a video call service and 10 respondent or 33.33% do not have video call service. The survey also ask about internet access at their handphone. By the way, only 20 or 66.66% respondents have internet access and 10 or 33.33% from them do not have internet access at their handphone. And the next question, I ask about memory card that can store digital files at handphone and 24 or 80% respondents have it and 6 or 20% do not have a memory card. And the last Question at this section, I ask about the handphone can read or open up the following files. First, word document. Only 2 respondents or 6.66% can read or open the word document and 28 or 93.33% cant read and open this document. From the survey, just 3 or 10% can read or open PDF document and the balance 27 or 90% respondent cant read and open it. Excel document, only 2 or 6.66% respondents can open. They have 1 or 3.33% respondent can open or read power point document. From this purpose, they have 21 or 70% can open and read video files and 20 or 66.66% can open and read audio files. And the last question at his section, they have 21 or 70% can open and read photos or graphics documents.


Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 A B C D E F G H I J K L

SECTION C: Internet Access A - I have subscribed to the internet line using my handphone B - I have used wi-fi facility to access the internet C - I have sent/ received email via handphone D - I have download files from the internet using my handphone E - I have sent 3G files to other to people F - I have opened up a 3G file that I received in my handphone G - I have used handphone to send messages using MMS H - I have received 3G files I - I know how to convert Power Point files into a 3G format J - I have shared the internet line between my handphone and my computer using bluetooth facility in my handphone K - I have accessed my facebook and/or other social network sites using my handphone L - I read online news using my handphone

The purpose of this study is to survey about internet access. Look at the bar chart, we can see only 1 or 3.33% always respondent have subscribed to the internet line using their handphone. 1 or 3.33% respondent often, 10 or 33.33% respondents sometimes, 4 or 13.33% rarely respondents and 14 or 46.66% respondents never subscribed to the internet line using my handphone. It is because maybe if they wanted to subscribed to the internet line using my handphone, they must buy an expensive handphone. So, from my respondent, there just only 1 respondent have an expensive handphone.


OUMH1203 From the feedbacks on this quick survey, the respondents used wi-fi facility to access the internet, only 4 or 13.33% respondents always used the facility. 1 or 3.33% respondent often,8 or 26.66% respondents sometimes, 5 or 16.66% rarely respondents and 12 or 40% respondents never used wi-fi facility to access the internet. It is because maybe if they want to subscribed to the internet line using my handphone, they must buy an expensive

handphone. So from my respondent, there just only 1 respondent have a expensive handphone.

The quick survey show, the respondent have sent or received email via handphone, only 3 or 10% respondents always used it. 7 or 23.33% rarely respondents and 20 or 66.66%

respondents never sent or received email via handphone. It is because maybe if they want to subscribed to the internet line using my handphone, they must buy an expensive handphone. So from my respondent, there just only 1 respondent have a expensive handphone.

The survey show, only 1 or 3.33% from respondent have download files from the internet using my handphone. 2 or 6.66% respondents sometimes, 3 or 10% rarely respondents and 24 or 80% respondents never download files from the internet using my handphone. It is because maybe if they want to subscribed to the internet line using my handphone, they must buy an expensive handphone. So from my respondent, there just only 1 respondent have a expensive handphone.

From the feedbacks only 1 or 3.33% respondent have do send 3G files to other to people. 1 or 3.33% respondent often, 4 or 13.33% respondents sometimes, 4 or 13.33% rarely respondents and 20 or 66.66% respondents never have sent 3G files to other to people. It is because maybe if they want to subscribed to the internet line using my handphone, they must buy an expensive handphone. So from my respondent, there just only 1 respondent have a expensive handphone.

Only 1 or 3.33% from respondent have used handphone to send messages using MMS. 1 or 3.33% respondent often, 6 or 20% respondents sometimes, 2 or 6.66% rarely respondents and 20 or 66.66% respondents never have used handphone to send messages using MMS. It is because maybe if they want to subscribed to the internet line using my handphone, they must buy an expensive handphone. So from my respondent, there just only 1 respondent have a expensive handphone 13


The survey show, only 2 or 6.66% from respondent have received 3G files. 4 or 13.33% respondent often, 13 or 43.33% respondents sometimes, 5 or 16.66% rarely respondents and 7 or 23.33% respondents received 3G files. It is because maybe if they want to subscribed to the internet line using my handphone, they must buy an expensive handphone. So from my respondent, there just only 1 respondent have a expensive handphone

According from the feedbacks 2 or 6.66% respondent often know how to convert Power Point files into a 3G format. 2 or 6.66% respondents sometimes, 5 or 16.66% rarely respondents and 21 or 70% respondents never know how to convert Power Point files into a 3G format. It is because maybe if they want to subscribed to the internet line using my handphone, they must buy an expensive handphone. So from my respondent, there just only 1 respondent have a expensive handphone.

Only 1 or 3.33% respondent always shared the internet line between my handphone and my computer using bluetooth facility in my handphone. 8 or 26.66% respondents sometimes, 4 or 13.33% rarely respondents and 16 or 53.33% respondents shared the internet line between my handphone and my computer using bluetooth facility in my handphone. It is because maybe if they want to subscribed to the internet line using my handphone, they must buy an expensive handphone. So from my respondent, there just only 1 respondent have a expensive handphone

From the feedbacks only 3 or 10% respondents always have accessed their facebook and or other social network sites using handphone. 2 or 3.33% respondent often, 8 or 26.66% respondents sometimes, 4 or 13.33% rarely respondents and 13 or 43.33% respondents always have accessed their facebook and or other social network sites using handphone. It is because maybe if they want to subscribed to the internet line using my handphone, they must buy an expensive handphone. So from my respondent, there just only 1 respondent have a expensive handphone.


OUMH1203 Lastly, the purpose of this study is to survey about internet access show only 1 or 3.33% respondents always read online news using by handphone. 1 or 3.33% respondent often, 3 or 10% respondents sometimes, 8 or 26.66% rarely respondents and 17 or 56.66% respondents online news using my handphone. It is because maybe if they want to subscribed to the internet line using my handphone, they must buy an expensive handphone. So from my respondent, there just only 1 respondent have a expensive handphone.



25 Strongly disagree






Strongly agree

Not applicable 5

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L- M N O P Q R S T U

SECTION D: Mobile learning A- I know what mobile learning is all about. B- I want to know more about mobile learning. C- I don't think I want to be involved in mobile learning. D- I prefer conventional learning than mobile learning. E- I think mobile learning is good for working adult who are pursing their higher education. F- I don't mind paying extra money for mobile learning. G- Mobile learning will make my life difficult. H- I am not ready for mobile learning if the university implements it now. I- I would like my lecture to integrate mobile learning in my class in addition to face-to-face meeting in my class. J- I am afraid I will spend more money on my handphone bill because of mobile learning. K- I will be ready for mobile learning after 2 years. L- I don't know how to use 3G facility in my handphone. M- I would like my lecturer to integrate mobile learning in my class besides online forum in my course. N- Mobile learning will save my learning time. O- Mobile learning is an alternative to web based learning. P- I need to learn how to use my handphone for mobile learning. Q- I am looking forward to engage in mobile learning. R- I will upgrade my handphone if mobile learning is going be implemented in my course. S- Mobile learning is an alternative to conventional learning. T- I think my university is not ready for mobile learning using handphone facility. U- Some of my lecturers are already integrating mobile learning in their teaching.


OUMH1203 From the survey from this section about the mobile learning, 2 or 6.66% disagree , 22 or 73.33% agree, 7 or 23.33% strongly agree and 1or 3.33% not applicable know what mobile learning is all about. On this question, who want to know more about mobile learning, only , 5 or 16.66% disagree , 18 or 60% agree and 7 or 23.33% strongly agree. Next, the question and 16 or 53.33% disagree , 8 or 26.66% agree, 1 or 3.33% strongly agree and 1or 3.33% not applicable and don't think want to be involved in mobile learning. The survey show, that 5 or 16.66% disagree , 19 or 63.66% agree, 4 or 13.33% strongly agree and 2 or 6.66% not applicable to prefer conventional learning than mobile learning. Then 8 or 26.66% disagree , 18 or 60% agree, 3 or 9.99% strongly agree and 1or 3.33% not applicable think mobile learning is good for working adult who are pursing their higher education. The purpose show, 11 or 36.66% disagree , 8 or 26.66% agree, 3 or 9.99% strongly agree and 1or 3.33% not applicable don't mind paying extra money for mobile learning. The curvey ask about the mobile learning will make my life difficult, and the respond 13 or 43.33% disagree , 10 or 33.33% agree, 2 or 6.66% strongly agree and 1or 3.33% not applicable. Feedback show, 12 or 40% disagree , 13 or 43.33% agree, 3 or 9.99% strongly agree and 3or 9.99% not applicable not ready for mobile learning if the university implements it now. Then 2 or 6.66% disagree , 24 or 80% agree, 1 or 3.33% strongly agree and 1or 3.33% not applicable would like lecture to integrate mobile learning in my class in addition to face to face and meeting in my class. 6 or 20% of the respondents disagree and afraid will spend more money on their handphone bill because of mobile learning. 15 or 50% agree, 8 or 26.66% strongly agree and 1or 3.33% not applicable. Next question, only 13 or 43.33% disagree will be ready for mobile learning after 2, 6 or 20% agree , 3 or 9.99% strongly agree and 1or 3.33% not applicable don't know how to use 3G facility in their handphone. Then, the purpose ask that would like my lecturer to integrate mobile learning in my class besides online forum in my course, and the respond, 3 or 9.99% disagree , 20 or 66.66% agree and 2 or 6.66% strongly agree. 9 or 30% disagree , 16 or 53.33% agree and 4 or 13.33% strongly agree that mobile learning will save learning time. Then, the question about mobile learning is an alternative to web based learning, and the respond, 2 or 6.66% disagree , 24 or 80% agree and 4 or 13.33% strongly agree. The survey show, only 5 or 16.66% disagree to learn how to use my handphone for mobile learning, 21 or 70% agree , 3 or 9.99% strongly agree. Then I looking forward to engage in mobile learning, 7 or 23.33% disagree , 20 or 66.66% agree and 3 or 9.99% strongly agree. I ask about upgrade your handphone if mobile learning is going be implemented in your course, 5 or 16.66% disagree , 16 or 53.33% agree and 3 or 9.99% strongly agree and1 or 3.33% not applicable. Then, I ask about mobile learning is an alternative to conventional learning, then the respond 4 or 13.33% disagree , 21 or 70% agree and 3 or 9.99% strongly agree and 2 or 6.66% not applicable about this learning. I ask about your university is not ready for mobile learning using handphone facility, and the respondent show 11 or 36.66% disagree , 13 or 43.33% agree and 1 or 3.33% strongly agree and 2 or 6.66% not applicable. And the last question, some of your lecturers are already integrating mobile learning in their teaching, the respondent show, 12 or 40% disagree, 11 or 36.66% agree and 1 or 3.33% strongly agree and 1 or 3.33% not applicable. 17

OUMH1203 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION For my opinion about this research is most of respondent was usually know about mobile learning. They also know how to used it but some other of them still need more knowledge to implementation the device that they used to search information in mobile learning. Mobile learning was very important at this time because in Malaysia is full with new technologies to step forward among others country. Besides that, adoption of new technologies should be applied to each individual because it is important if they are compelled to use mobile learning services.



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