Basic Emergency Care

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Basic Emergency Care

20091st Edition

DR.Mohammmad A.Ghany

Basic Emergency Care
(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and
First Aid)

Edited by:

Dr. Mohammad A. Ghany Ismail

Master of general surgery

May, 2009

All thanks to Allah for giving me the courage and patience

to achieve this work.

This manual is designed to provide medical students with an

updated and concise knowledge in the first aid and CPR .It is
designed in a clear and easy manner to understand for the average
student. Carefully selected illustrations and photographs are

I hope my students will realize my effort and meat that with a

similar effort from their sides to achieve success and progress. And
I hope that this book will provide an experience that is instructive and
enjoyable and I would be very happy to receive your comments and
please excuse any errors and omissions.

Many thanks to the beloved members of my family whose

support is essential in accomplishing this formidable task.

I want to express my gratitude to my colleagues for their

valuable help and suggestions.

The Editor:

Dr∕Mohammad A.Ghany
‫سةْ نَفسْي كَما‬
‫علّمني أنْ أدَا ِ‬
‫"يا َربْ عَلمّنْي أنْ أدةّ النَاسْ كَما أدةّ نَفسْي وَ َ‬
‫علّمنْي أنْ التسَامخ هَوأكْثَر مَراتة القوّج وَأنّ دةّ االنتقام هَو أولْ‬
‫سةْ النَاسْ وَ َ‬ ‫أدَا ِ‬
‫مَظاهِر الضعْفَ‪ .‬يا َربْ ال تدعني أصَاب تِالغرور إذا نَجَذْت وَال تاليأس إذا فْشلت تَل‬
‫ذكّرني دائِـماً أن الفَشَل هَو التجَارب التي تسْـثِق النّجَاح"‬
Table of Contents
Introduction to Emergency Medical Care……………………1

Part One: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation...................3

Chapter 1:Cardiovascular and Respiratory Anatomy

and Physiology…………………………………………………….4

– Respiratory system…………………………………..…..5
– Cardiovascular system………………………………...11

Chapter 2: Cardiovascular emergencies………………18

– Risk factors of CV diseases…………………………..19

– Coronary artery diseases……………………….……21
– Acute myocardial infarction………………………..22
– Congestive heart failure……………………………..24
– Arrhythmia ………………………………………….…….26

Chapter 3:Patient assessment and early


Chapter 4: Basic Vital Signs……………………..……..….35

– Pulse………………………………………………………......36
– Respiration……………………………………………..…. 37
– Blood pressure……………………………………...……38

Chapter 5: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).39

– Chain of survival……………………………..…………..40
– Introduction to CPR……………………………………..42
– CPR, know what to do? .................................43
– Infant CPR……………………………………………………49
– Child CPR…………………………………………………….50
Chapter 6: Choking……………………………………………51

– Choking; causes, management…………………….52

– Choking; conscious infant…………………….……..54
– Choking; unconscious infant………………….…….55

Chapter 7: External Defibrillation………………………56

– Automated external defibrillator (AED)………57

Part Two: first Aid………………………………………………….61

Chapter 1: The Human Body Anatomy and


– Integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous

– Survival needs…………………………………………….64
– Anatomical position…………………………..……….64
– Body cavities………………………………………..…….65

Chapter 2: Trauma……………………………………………..66

– Introduction to trauma management………….67

– Trauma assessment……………………………………73

Chapter 3: Shock and Bleeding ………………………..80

– Shock …………………………………………………………81
– Bleeding……………………………………………………..86
– Epistaxis……………………………………………….…….87
– Internal bleeding………………………………………..88

Chapter 4: Soft Tissue Injuries…………………………..90

– Contusion, Haematoma………………….…….…….91
– Abrasion……………………………………………….……92
– Laceration, Puncture, Avulsion……………..……93
– Amputation……………………………………………….94
– Evisceration, Neck wound, chest wound…….95

Chapter 5: Musculoskeletal Injuries……………….….96

– Fracture………………………………………………….….97
– Dislocation, Sprains, Strains………………………100

Chapter 6: Burns………………………………………………103

– 1st degree burns…………………………………..…..105

– 2nd degree burns……………………………….…….106
– 3rd degree burns……………………………………….107
– Management of burns………………………………111

Chapter 7: Head Injuries……………..……………………116

– Scalp laceration………………………………..……….117
– Skull fracture……………………………………….……118
– Brain concussion……………………………………....118
– Cerebral contusion……………………………………119
– Epidural haematoma………………………………...119
– Subdural haematoma…………..……………………120
– Cerebral laceration…………………………………….120
– Assessment of head injury…………………………121
– Management of head injury………………………122


History and Origins of EMS (emergency medical service)

 Accidental Death & Disability is the Neglected Disease of Modern

 Emergency care developed during warfare at the beginning
of the 20th century.
 By the 1960s, domestic emergency care lagged behind.
 Staffed emergency departments were often limited to large
urban areas.
Now it is the duty of everyone to know some basic emergency care

Components of the EMS System

Prehospital Care

– First Responders/EMT(emergency medical technician)

– Intermediates/EMT-Paramedics

Emergency Departments

– Patient Care Technicians/Nurses/Physicians

Specialty facilities

– Cardiac center

– Stroke center

– Trauma centers

– Burn centers

– Pediatric centers

– Others

Roles and Responsibilities

– Personal safety
– Safety of crew, patient, and bystanders
– Patient assessment
– Patient care
– Lifting and moving patients safely
– Transport/transfer of care
– Record-keeping/ data collection
Basic emergency care includes:
 Basic Life Support:
- Airway management & CPR
- Automated External Defibrillation
- Emergency Oxygen
 Basic First Aid: Care for Injuries and Sudden Illness

Part One
Chapter 1

and Respiratory
Respiratory System CPR

The purpose of the respiratory system is to move oxygen (0 2)

into the bloodstream through inhalation and pick up carbon dioxide
(C02) to be excreted through exhalation.

Basic Respiratory Anatomy(Fig.1-1)

Air enters the body through the mouth and nose. It moves
through the oropharynx (the area directly posterior to the mouth)
and the nasopharynx (the area directly posterior to the nose). Air
then proceeds on a path toward the lungs passing through larynx
,trachea and bonchi.

Upper respiratory tract (outside thorax):

 Nose.
 Pharynx.
 Larynx.
Lower respiratory tract (inside thorax):
 Trachea .
 Two main bronchi,
 Bronchial tree.
 Two lungs and pleura.
Consists of 4 main cartilages:
a. One Thyroid cartilage.
b. One cricoid cartilage.
c. One epiglottis.
d. Two arytenoid cartilages.
Fig.(1-1)Respiratory system

A leaf-shaped structure called the epiglottis closes the larynx to
prevent foods and foreign objects from entering the trachea during
swallowing. The larynx contains the vocal cords. The cricoid
cartilage is a ring-shaped structure that forms the lower portion of the

The trachea
Is the tube that carries inhaled air from the larynx down toward
the lungs, It is formed of 15-20 C shaped cartilages, incomplete
posteriorly At the level of the lungs, the trachea splits (bifurcates)
into two branches called the bronchi. One to each lung. Inside each
lung, the bronchi continue to branch and split and the air passages get
smaller and smaller. Eventually, each branch ends at a group of alve-
oli. The alveoli are the small sacs within the lungs where gas ex-
change takes place with the bloodstream.

The lung
Are two large spongy organs, occupying the thoracic cavity.
They are cone-shaped having apex, base and two surfaces:

– Apex: located above the clavicle.

– Base: resting on the diaphragm.

– Surfaces:

1- Costal: is convex related to the ribs and costal cartilages.

2- Medial: is concave, containing the hilum.

Hilum of the lung:
It is triangular in shape, lying on the medial surface. Structures
that enter and leave at hilum are:

1-The primary bronchus.

2- One pulmonary arteray
3- Two pulmonary veins

The right lung consists of 3 main lobes (superior,middle and

inferior).The left lung consists of 2 main lobes(superior and

The diaphragm

Is the muscular structure that divides the chest cavity from the
abdominal cavity. The intercostal muscles fill the intercostal spaces.
During normal respiration, the diaphragm and intercosals work
together to allow the body to inhale and exhale.


Two layers

1- Visceral pleura: covers the lung.

2-parietal pleura: lines thoracic cavity and upper surface of


Both are separated by a space (pleural cavity) filled with few

drops of pleural fluid.
Basic physiology
Rate of respiration in adult is 16-20 cycle/ minute.
This rate is faster in children and slower in adult.
Respiration consists of 2 phases:
Inspiration (inhalation) is an active process. The diaphragm
and the intercostals contract, the diaphragm lowers and the ribs
moves upward and outward, this leads to decrease intrathoracic
pressure expansion of the lung and air flow in the lung.

Expiration (exhalation) is a passive process. . The diaphragm

and the intercostals relax, the diaphragm rises and the ribs moves
downward and inward, this leads to decrease of chest size and elastic
recoil of the lung and air flow out of the lung.

Air moves into the lungs through the series of airpassages (the
airway). During inhalation, air is moved into the alveoli. These small
sacs in the lungs are where gas exchange with the blood takes place.
The alveoli are very small. The blood vessels around the alveoli are

Oxygen is transferred from the air in the alveoli to the

bloodstream through the very thin walls of the alveoli and the
capillaries. At the same time carbon dioxide and waste product of the
body's cells, moves from the bloodstream into the alveoli.
Oxygenated blood is carried from the lungs to the heart so it can be
pumped into the circulatory system of the body. Oxygen carried by
the blood is given up to the cells. Waste carbon dioxide is picked up
from the cells and returned through veins to the heart and then the
lungs where it moves from the bloodstream into the alveoli and out of
the body through exhalation.

Infants and children (Fig.1-3)

There are a number of special aspects of the respiratory anatomy of

infants and children:

1- In general, all structures in a child are smaller and more easily

obstructed than in an adult.
2-Their tongues take up proportionally more space in the phatynx than
do an adult's.
3- The trachea is relatively narrower than in adults and, therefore,
more easily obstructed by swelling or foreign matter.
4- The trachea is also softer and more flexible in infants and
children, so more care must be taken during any pressure on the
neck, such as in applying a cervical collar or during procedures to
place a tube in the trachea.
5- The cricoids cartilage is less developed and less rigid in infants
and children.
Cardiovascular System (circulatory system) CPR

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and the blood vessels
through which blood is circulated throughout the body.

Basic Anatomy of the Heart(Fig.1-4)

The human heart is a muscular organ about the size of your fist; located
in the center of the thoracic cavity.

The heart has four chambers:

Two upper chambers called atria and two lower chambers called
The atria both contract at the same time. When they contract, blood
is forced into the ventricles. Both ventricles contract simultaneously to
pump the blood out of the heart.
The path the blood through the body is as follows: right atrium to
right ventricle to lungs to left atrium to left ventricle to body, then back to
the right atrium to start its journey all over

 Right atrium: The superior vena cava and the inferior vena
cava are the two large veins that return blood to the heart.
The right atrium receives this blood and sends it to the right

 Right ventricle. The right ventricle receives blood from the

right atrium. When the right ventricle contracts, it pumps
this blood out to the lungs via the pulmonary arteries, this
blood is very low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide in
the lungs, the carbon dioxide is excreted (taken out of the
blood ), and oxygen is obtained (taken into the blood from
air the person has inhaled). The oxygen-rich blood is now
returned to the left atrium via the pulmonary veins.

 Left atrium. The left atrium receives the oxygen rich blood
from the lungs. When it contracts, it sends this blood to the
left ventricle.

 Left ventricle. The left ventricle is the most muscular and

strongest part of the heart. It receives oxygen rich blood
from the left atrium. When it contracts, it pumps this blood
into the aorta, the body's largest artery, for distribution to
the entire body.

Valves and openings: (Fig.1-5)
A. Opening between Atria and ventricles guarded by tricuspid valve
on the right and mitral (Bicuspid) valve on the left side.
* Both valves arc called atrio-ventricular valves (A- V valves).
B. Opening from the right ventricle into pulmonary artery guarded
by pulmonary valve.
C. Opening from the left ventricle into Aorta, guarded by aortic
*Both pulmonary and Aortic valves are called (semilunar valves).
Function of valves: All valves allow flow of blood in one direction and
prevent its regurge.

Fig.(1-5):Valves of the Heart

Circulation of the Blood

The kind of vessel that carries blood away from the heart is
called an artery. Arteries begin with large vessels, like the
aorta, they gradually branch to smaller and smaller vessels.
The smallest branch of an artery is called an arteriole .These
small vessels lead to the capillaries.
Capillaries are tiny blood vessels found throughout the
body. the capillaries are where gases, nutrients, and waste
products are exchanged between the body's cells and the
bloodstream. From the capillaries the blood begins its return to the
heart by entering the smallest veins, small veins are called a
The kind of vessel that carries the blood from capillaries back to
the heart is called a vein.

Important arteries to know:(Fig.1-6)

• Coronary arteries (right and left): The coronary arteries
branch of the aorta and supply the heart muscle with blood.
Although the heart has blood moving through it, it receives its
own blood supply from the coronary arteries.
Damage or blockage to these arteries usually results in
severe chest pain.

• Aorta: The aorta is the largest artery in the body. It begins at its
attachment to the left ventricle, travels superiorly, then arches
inferiorly in front of the spine through the thoracic and abdominal
cavities, then splits into 2 iliac arteries.
 The pulmonary artery: The pulmonary artery begins at the
right ventricle. It carries oxygen-poor blood to the lungs, an
exception to the rule (arteries carry oxygen-rich blood, and
veins carry oxygen-poor blood). It does, however, follow the
rule that arteries carry blood away from the heart while veins
carry blood to the heart.

 Carotid artery: The carotid artery is the major artery of the

neck. You will be familiar with this vessel from your CPR
class. It is the artery that is palpated during CPR pulse checks
for adults and children. . It carries the main blood supply of the
neck one on each side. Never palpate both at the same time
because of the danger of interrupting the supply blood to the

 Femoral artery:"femoral" to the bone in the thigh, the femur.

Pulsations for this artery can be felt in the crease between the
abdomen and the groin. This artery is the major source of
blood supply to the thigh and leg.

 Brachial artery. The brachial artery is in the upper arm. It is

the pulse checked during infant CPR. Its pulse can be felt
anteriorly in the crease over the elbow and along the medial
aspect of the upper arm. It is also the artery that is used when
determining blood pressure with a blood pressure cuff and a
 Radial artery. This artery travels through and supplies the
lower arm. The radial artery is the artery felt when taking a
pulse at the thumb side the wrist. Again, you can relate the
name "radial to the radius, a bone in the forearm.

 Dorsalis pedis artery The dorsalis pedis artery lies on the top
(dorsal portion) of the foot, lateral to the large tendon of the
big toe.

Important veins to know(Fig.1-6)

there are two venae cavae. The superior vena collects blood
that is returned from the head and upper body. The inferior vena
cava collects blood from the part of the body below the heart.
superior and inferior venae cavae return blood to the right atrium.

Basic physiology

The contraction (beating) of the heart is involuntary. The heart has its
own pacemaker and special conducting system(modified cardiac muscles
initiate and propagate impulses). Regulation of the heart beat rate,rhythm
and force is under control of the brain:
a - Cardiac acceleratory center (C.A.C): This center
sends stimulating impulses to the heart causing
b - Cardiac inhibitory center (C.LC): This center
sends inhibitory impulses to the heart causing
Fig.(1-6) Main Arteries and Veins of the body
Chapter 2

Cardiovascular Emergencies CPR

Cardiovascular Emergencies

Risk factors of cardiovascular disease

What are the major risk factors that can't be changed?

 Increasing age — Over 83 % of people who die of coronary heart

disease are 65 or older.

 Male sex (gender) — Men have a greater risk of heart attack than
 Heredity (including Race) — Children of parents with heart
disease are more likely to develop it themselves. African
Americans have more severe high blood pressure than Caucasians
and a higher risk of heart disease.

What are the major risk factors you can modify, treat or control by
changing your lifestyle or taking medicine?

 Tobacco smoke — Smokers' risk of developing coronary

heart disease is 2–4 times that of nonsmokers. Cigarette
smoking also acts with other risk factors to greatly increase
the risk for coronary heart disease.

 High blood cholesterol — As blood cholesterol rises, so

does risk of coronary heart disease.
 High blood pressure — High blood pressure increases the
heart's workload, causing the heart to thicken and become

 Physical inactivity — An inactive lifestyle is a risk factor

for heart disease. Regular, moderate-to-vigorous physical
activity helps prevent heart and blood vessel disease.

 Obesity and overweight — People who have excess body

fat — especially if a lot of it is at the waist — are more
likely to develop heart disease and stroke even if they have
no other risk factors.

 Diabetes mellitus — Diabetes seriously increases your risk

of developing cardiovascular disease.

What other factors contribute to heart disease risk?

 Individual response to stress

 Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure, cause heart
failure and lead to stroke. It contributes to obesity, alcoholism,
suicide and accidents.
Prevention of Heart Disease

a. Regular exercise
b. Optimal body weight
c. Sound nutrition
d. Nonuse of tobacco and other drugs
e. Nonuse use of alcohol
f. Dealing constructively with stress
a. Periodic medical examinations
Coronary Artery Disease CPR

Coronary Artery Disease

Myocardium (heart muscle) requires continuous oxygen and
nutrient supply

Myocardial blood supply passes through coronary arteries

Atherosclerosis (Fig.2-1)

 Is Narrowing of lumen of blood vessel

– plaque formation - related to Risk Factors

– results in decreased myocardial perfusion

 Poor tissue perfusion causes:

a. tissue damage (ischemia)

b. Tissue death (infarction)

Fig.(2-1):Atheroma or Plaque
Acute Myocardial Infarction CPR

Acute Myocardial Infarction

―Heart Attack‖

 Inadequate perfusion of myocardium causes:

– Death of myocardium = Infarct

– Damage to myocardium = Ischemia

Symptoms of acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

1. Chest Pain - cardinal sign of myocardial infarction

– Occurs in 85% of MI’s

– Substernal

– ―Crushing,‖ ―squeezing,‖ ―tight,‖ ―heavy

– May radiate to arms, shoulders, jaw, upper back, upper

abdomen back

– May vary in intensity

– Unaffected by:

Swallowing,coughing,deep breathing or movement

– Unrelieved by rest/nitroglycerin

– Pain lasts longer (up to 12 hours)

2. Shortness of breath

3. Weakness, dizziness, fainting

4. Nausea, vomiting
5. Pallor and diaphoresis (heavy sweating)

Important Notes:

– (50% of deaths occur in first two hours)

– (Average patient waits 3 hours before seeking help)

– Changes in pulse, BP, respiration are not diagnostic of


– Early recognition of MI is critical

– When in doubt, manage all chest pain as MI

Management of Cardiac Chest Pain

a. Position of Comfort: sitting or lying down

b. Patent Airway

c. High concentration O2

d. Reassure the patient

e. Obtain a brief history and physical exam

f. Aspirin 325mg oral.

g. Nitroglycerin 0.4mg tablet sublingual

h. transport immediately:

– Do not walk patient to the ambulance

– Do not use lights/siren if patient is awake, alert, breathing

without distress

– Monitor vital signs every 5-10 minutes

Congestive Heart Failure CPR

Congestive Heart Failure(CHF)

 CHF = Inability of heart to pump blood out as fast as it enters.

 May be left-sided, right-sided, or both.


1. Coronary Artery Disease

2. Chronic hypertension (high blood pressure)

3. AMI

4. Valvular heart disease

Symptoms of CHF

1. Weakness

2. Dyspnea

3. Dyspnea on exertion

4. Orthopnea=Difficulty breathing on lying down

5. Congested neck veins
6. Tachycardia
7. Pulmonary Edema
 Noisy, labored breathing
 Coughing
 Rales, wheezing
 Pink, frothy sputu

1. Sit patient up

2. Administer high concentration O2

3. Monitor vital signs ∕ 5-10 minutes

Arrhythmia CPR


Arrhythmia means any abnormality of rate, regularity

or site of origin of cardiac impulse.
 Normal sinus rhythm =60-90 bpm
 Bradycardia (slow rhythm): <60 bpm
 Tachycardia (fast rhythm): >100 bpm

Sinus Tachycardia

Heart rate exceeding 100 per minute


1. Exercise

2. Strong emotion

3. Anxiety states

4. Pain


1. Fever-Infection

2. Hemorrhage-Shock

3. AnemiaCongestive

4. heart failure
Sinus Bradycardia

Heart rate is less than 60 per minute


1. athletes

2. Emotional states leading to syncope

3. Sleep


1. Systemic disease:

– Obstructive jaundice

– myocardial infarction(inferior wall or atrial infarction)

– high intracranial pressure

Chapter 3

assessment and
Patient Assessment and Early Management CPR

• What is Patient Assessment?

• Why is Patient Assessment important?

Phases of patient assessment

– Scene Survey

– Initial Assessment

– Focused History and Physical Exam

– Detailed Physical Exam

– Ongoing Assessment

– Communication

– Documentation

Scene Size Up

– Location

– Incident

– Injured/Injuries

– Observe

 Smoke?

 Fire?

 High line wires

 Possible Mechanisms of Injury

– Ensure Safety

 Yourself

 Partner

 Other rescuers/Bystanders

Scene Safety & Personal Protection

• Body Substance Isolation

– Hand washing

– Gloves & eye protection

– Mask & gown

• Protective Clothing

– Cold weather clothing

• Dress in layers

– Gloves

• Use proper gloves for job being performed

Your personal safety is of the utmost importance. You must

understand the risks of each environment you enter!

Initial Assessment

• Purpose

– To rapidly identify & correct life threats

– To identify those patients who need rapid evacuation

• Minimum Time on scene - Maximum Care En Route


A. General Impression

– Using the facts gathered to this point, what is your first

impression of the patient’s condition?
B. Chief Complaint

C. Mental Status (Level of Consciousness)

– A - Alert

– V - Verbal

– P – Painful

– U - Unresponsive

D. Identify Life Threats (A-B-C-D)

– Airway

• Control C-spine (If trauma suspected)

• Open-Clear-Maintain

– Breathing

• Look

• Listen

• Feel

• Bare chest if respiratory distress apparent

– Circulation

• Major Bleeding

• Pulse (Rapid/Slow : Weak/Bounding)

• Capillary Refill

• Skin Color

• Pale

• Ashen

• Cyanotic

• Mottled
• Red

• Skin Temperature

• Hot (warm)

• Cool

• Skin Condition

• Moist

• Dry

– Disability

– Expose

• Head/Neck

• Chest

• Abdomen

Rapid Evacuation

Criteria for Rapid Evacuation

– Poor General Impression

– Unresponsive - no gag or cough reflex

– Responsive - unable to follow commands

– Cannot establish / maintain patent airway

– Difficulty breathing / Resp. distress

– Uncontrolled bleeding

– Severe pain in any part of the body

– Severe chest pain

– Inability to move any part of body

Focused History & Physical Exam - Trauma

• Purpose

– Obtain Chief Complaint

• What happened to the patient?

– Evaluate Chief Complaint

• What circumstances surround this incident?

• Is the Mechanism of Injury a high risk for injury?

– Conduct Physical Exam

– Obtain Baseline Vital Signs

• Re-evaluate Mechanism of Injury (MOI)

Focused History & Physical Exam - Medical

• Patient Responsive? Yes/No


• A - Alert

• V - Verbal

• P - Painful

• U -Unresponsive

Responsive Patients - Medical

• Assess Chief Complaint

• Signs & Symptoms

Unresponsive Patients - Medical

• Rapid Medical Assessment

• Baseline Vital Signs

• Transport

Detailed Physical Exam

• More detailed Head-to-Toe examination

• Time sensitive

• Required for any unresponsive patient

• If the patient cannot communicate what is wrong, you must

seek out the problem(s)

• Required for any multi-trauma patient

• Victims of multiple trauma must be assessed for less

obvious or ―masked‖ injuries

On-Going Assessment

• Purpose -

– Determine if there are any changes in the patient’s condition

– Identify any missed injuries or conditions

– Assess the effectiveness of treatment given and adjust if


• Performed on both the trauma or medical patient

• Procedure

– Repeat Initial Assessment

– Reassess Vital Signs

– Repeat Focused Assessment

– Check Interventions
Chapter 4

Vital Signs
Vital signs CPR


Vital signs are an outward clue to what is going on in the patient’s body



• Pulse Points (fig.4-1)

Dorsal Pedal

Posterior Tibial

(Posterior and slightly inferior to medial Malleolus)

Fig.(4-1) pulse Points


– Adult

• 60-90 Beats/minute

– Child

• 80-110 Beats/minute

– Infant

• 120-150 Beats/minute


• Regular or

• Irregular


• Full

• Weak (Thready)

• Bounding



– Adult

• 12-20 Resp/min

– Child

• 20-28 Resp/min

– Infant

• 30-70 Resp/min @ birth

• 30 Resp/min @ 6 months

• Regular or

• Irregular

• Full

• Deep

• Shallow

• Labored

• Noisy

Blood Pressure

• Systolic - Pressure on the arterial wall when the heart contracts

• Diastolic - Pressure on the arterial wall when the heart is at rest

• Auscultated BP - Listening for both the systolic and diastolic


• Palpated BP - Feeling for the systolic pressure

Auscultated Blood Pressure

• Adult

– Male

100+ Age (up to 50)


– Female

90 + Age (up to 50

Chapter 5

Chain of Survival CPR

Chain of Survival

The American Heart Association has summarized the most

important factors that affect survival of cardiac arrest patients in its
chain of survival concept

The chain has four elements: (1) early access, (2) early CPR, (3)
early defibrillation, and (4) early advanced care.Fig.(5-1)

Where each of these links is strong is much more likely to bring

back a patient from cardiac arrest than a system with weaknesses in
the chain.

Early access early CPR early defibrillation early

Advanced care

Fig.(5-1): Chain of Survival

Early Access
Early access means that the person who sees someone collapse
or finds someone unresponsive calls a dispatcher who quickly gets
EMS responding to the emergency. The public, unlike EMS provider
used to recognizing emergencies, takes time to realize that an
emergency exists and they should call for help .

Early CPR
Early CPR can increase survival significantly the only time it
does not help is when defibrillation reaches the patient within
approximately 2 minutes.

Early Defibrillation

This is the single most important factor in determining survival

from cardiac arrest.
The hard part is getting it to the patient in cardiac arrest early
enough to be effective. If the response time of the defibrillator (time
from call received to arrival of the defibrillator) is longer than 8
minutes virtually no one survives cardiac arrest. This is truley even
with early CPR.

Early Advanced Care

Early advanced care is second only to defibrillation,(en-
dotracheal intubation, starting an intravenous line, adminis-
tering medications into an IV line) are also apparently
responsible for a higher survival rate.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR


Facts about CPR

1. 75% of all cardiac arrests happen in people's homes.
2. CPR doubles a person's chance of survival from sudden cardiac
3. CPR provides a trickle of oxygenated blood to the brain & heart &
keeps these organs alive until defibrillation can shock the heart into
a normal rhythm.
4. Effective CPR provides 1/4 to 1/3 normal blood flow.
5. Rescue breaths contain 16% oxygen (21%).
6. If CPR is started within 4 minutes of collapse & defibrillation
provided within 10 minutes, a person has a 40% chance of survival.
7. Brain damage starts in 4-6 minutes of cardiac arrest.

8. Brain damage is certain after 10 minutes without CPR


1. The proper way to determine unresponsiveness is?
2. The preferred way to check for breathing is?
3. What is the best position for the victim to be in when you are
doing CPR?
4. Where do most out of hospital cardiac arrests occur?
5. What is the best way to open the airway prior to giving mouth
to mouth ventilations?
6. What is the recovery position?
7. What is the ratio of chest compressions to ventilation in one
person adult CPR?
8. What is the ratio of chest compressions to ventilation in child
and infant CPR?
1. Shake & Shout at the person
2. Look at chest to see if it rises & listen & feel for air coming from
person's nose or mouth
3. Flat on the floor
4. In the home
5. Tilt head back & lift chin up
6. Placing victim on his or her side
7. 30 to 2
8. 30 to 2



Survey The Scene, then:

R – check Responsiveness (Fig.5-2)
Tap shoulder and shout ―Are you ok?‖


A - Activate EMS (emergency medical

service) if unresponsive= call 997
P - Position on back
– All body parts rolled over at the same time
– Always be aware of head and spinal cord injuries
– Support neck and spinal column
– victim must be on a hard surface
– Place victim level or head slightly lower than body

• Head-tilt/chin-lift (Fig.5-3)
Open victims' airway by tilting head back with one hand
while lifting up chin with your other hand

Fig.(5-3):Open Airway, Head-tilt & Chin-Lift

B - BREATHING (Fig.5-4)

1. Position your cheek close to victim’s nose and mouth, look

toward victim’s chest
2. Look, listen, & feel for breathing (5-10 seconds)
3. If not breathing, pinch victim's nose closed & give 2 full
breaths(one second length) into victim's mouth (use
4. If breaths won't go in, reposition head & try again. If still
blocked, suspect choking, perform abdominal thrusts
(Heimlich maneuver)

Fig.(5-4):Give 2 Full Breaths

1. Check for carotid pulse by feeling for 5-10se conds at side of
victim’s neck
2. If there is a pulse, but victim is not breathing, give Rescue
Breathing at rate of 1 breath every 5 seconds
3. Check for return of pulse every minute

(Fig.5-4):Check Breathing, Carotid Pulse

4. If no pulse, begin chest compressions as follows:

a) Place heel of one hand on lower part of victim's sternum

between the nipples. With your other hand directly on top
of first hand, depress sternum 1.5 to 2 inches(4-5 cm).
b) Perform 30 compressions to every 2 breaths.

c) After 30 chest compressions give: 2 slow breaths

d) Continue until help arrives or victim recovers

e) Chek for pulse after 2 minutes (5 cycles)

5. If the victim starts moving: check breathing

When Can I Stop CPR?

1. Victim revives

2. Too exhausted to continue

3. Unsafe scene

4. Physician directed (do not resuscitate orders)

5. Cardiac arrest of longer than 30 minutes(controversial)

Why CPR May Fail?

1. Delay in starting

2. Improper procedures (ex. Forget to pinch nose)

3. No ACLS follow-up and delay in defibrillation

u Only 15% who receive CPR live to go home

u Improper techniques
4. Terminal disease or unmanageable disease (massive heart attack)

Complications of CPR

 Vomiting- Aspiration

 Rib fractures

Prevention of Stomach Distension

– Don’t blow too hard

– Slow rescue breathing

– Re-tilt the head to make sure the airway is open

– Use mouth to nose method

Infant CPR CPR

INFANT CPR (Fig.5-6)

1. Tap baby's feet

2. Carefully tilt forehead back & lift chin. Open airway only slightly.
3. Check breathing for 5 seconds. Look, listen, & feel.
4. Give 2 slow breaths(Place your mouth over nose & mouth of
5. Check for pulse for 5 seconds on the inside of upper arm against
6. If no pulse, start CPR.
a. Do a cycle of 30 compressions & 2 breaths for two minutes,
then call 997.
b. If another rescuer helps you, give 15 compression & 2
c. Use middle and ring finger.
d. Compress below the line between the nipples, ½ to 1/3 of
chest depth.

Fig.(5-6):Compress by 2 Fingers below the line between 2 Nipples



1. Shake victim very gently & shout "Are You OK?"

2. Tell someone to call 977.
3. Carefully tilt forehead back & lift chin (open airway).
4. Check Breathing for 5 seconds (Look, listen, & feel).
5. If not breathing, give 2 slow breaths.
6. Check pulse for 5 seconds. If no pulse, start CPR:
– Compress chest 30 times and give 2 breaths.
– Compress with 1 hand on chest and ½ to 1/3 of chest depth

Important notes

 Even With Successful CPR, Most Won’t Survive Without

ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support)

ACLS includes defibrillation, oxygen, and drug therapy

Chapter 6

Choking CPR



1. The tongue is the most common obstruction in the unconscious

victim (head tilt- chin lift)

2. Vomit

3. Foreign body (Foods)

4. Swelling (allergic reactions/ irritants)

5. Spasm (water is inhaled suddenly)

How to Recognize Choking?

1. High pitched breathing sounds?

2. Can’t speak, breathe or cough

3. Universal distress signal (clutches neck)

4. Turning blue

Management of choking

If victim is coughing strongly, do not intervene

Conscious Choking

A. Give 5 abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver)(Fig.6-1)

– Place fist just above the umbilicus (normal size)

– Give 5 upward and inward thrusts

B. Continue until successful or victim becomes unconscious

Fig.(6-1): Heimlich maneuver

If Victim Becomes Unconscious After Giving Thrusts

1. Try to support victim with your knees while lowering victim to the

2. Assess

3. Begin CPR

4. After chest compressions, check for object before giving breaths

You Enter An Empty Room And Find An Unconscious Victim On
The Floor

1. Assess the victim (RAPABC)

2. Give CPR if needed

3. After giving compressions:

– look for object in throat

– then give breaths

Choking: Conscious Infants (Fig.6-2)

1. Position with head downward

2. 5 back blows (check for expelled object)

3. 5 chest thrusts (check for expelled object)

4. Repeat

Fig.(6-2):Choking Infant
Choking: Unconscious infants

1. If infant becomes unconscious:


3. When the first breaths don’t go in, check for object in throat then
try 2 more breaths.

4. If neither set of breaths goes in, suspect choking

5. Begin 30 compressions

6. Check for object in throat (no blind finger sweep)

7. Give 2 breaths
Chapter 7

Automated External Defibrillation CPR

Cardiac arrest and Early Defibrillation

Facts about defibrillation

 The Most frequent initial rhythm in adult cardiac arrest:

ventricular fibrillation

 The Most effective treatment for VF: defibrillation

 Increased VF time = Decreased survival probability

 BLS cannot convert VF to normal sinus rhythm

 BLS only increases time available to defibrillate

Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) (Fig.7-1)


External defibrillator that incorporates rhythm analysis system, it

contains a computer that analyzes the patient's heart rhythm after the
operator applies two monitoring-defibrillation pads to the patient's


1. Fully Automatic does not advise the EMT-B to take any

action. They deliver the shock automatically once enough
energy has been accumulated .
2. Semi- Automatic the more common type, advise the EMT-B
to press a button that will cause the machine to deliver a
shock through the pads. Semiautomatic defibrillators are
sometimes called "shock advisory defibrillators."
Fig.(7-1):Automated External Defibrillator(AED)

Operational Steps

1. Assess scene and patient

2. Confirm cardiac arrest

3. Turn on power

4. Attach device

5. Initiate rhythm analysis

6. Deliver shock if indicated

Do NOT use AED if patient is:

1. < 8 years old

2. Weighs < 55 pounds

1. Assess scene for safety

– Water

– Explosive atmosphere

– Patient on conductive surfaces

2. Assess patient

– ABCs

– Presence of transdermal medication patches (nitro patches)

3. Confirm arrest

– Unresponsive

– Apneic

– Pulseless

4. Start BLS

5. Attach defibrillator

6. Stop CPR, analyze rhythm(Avoid patient contact during


7. If machine says ―shock,‖

– ―Clear‖ patient

– Deliver shock

– Immediately reanalyze
Post-Resuscitation Care

1. Continue to support airway, ventilation

2. Supplemental O2

3. Clear airway if vomiting occurs

4. Monitor vitals

5. Stabilize, transport, meet ACLS team

Part Two
First Aid
Chapter 1

The Human Body

Anatomy and
Human Body First Aid

The Human Body

Anatomy and Physiology

Integumentary System

�Forms the external body covering

�Composed of the skin, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, hair, and nails
�Protects deep tissues from injury and synthesizes vitamin D

Skeletal System (Fig.1-1)

�Composed of bone, cartilage, and ligaments
�Protects and supports body organs
�Provides the framework for muscles
�Site of blood cell formation
�Stores minerals

Muscular System(Fig.1-1)
�Composed of muscles and tendons
�Provides locomotion and facial expression
�Maintains posture (Fig.1-1)
�Produces heat
�Provides protection and support

Nervous System
�Composed of the brain, spinal column, and nerves
�Is the fast-acting control system of the body
�Responds to stimuli
�Interprets environmental stimuli
Survival Needs

1. Nutrients – needed for energy and cell building

2. Oxygen – necessary for metabolic reactions
3. Water – provides the necessary environment for chemical reactions
4. Normal body temperature –necessary for chemical reactions to
5. Atmospheric pressure – required for proper breathing and gas
exchange in the lungs

Anatomical Position

Body erect, feet slightly apart, palms facing forward,

thumbs point away from body (Fig.1-2)

Directional Terms

�proximal Fig.(1-2)
�Distal Anatomic position
Body Cavities (Fig.1-3)

A. Dorsal cavity protects the nervoussystem, and is

divided into twosubdivisions
�Cranial cavity – within the skull; encases the brain
�Vertebral cavity – runs within the vertebral column;
encases the spinal cord

B. Ventral cavity houses the internal organs

(viscera), and is divided into two subdivisions
�Thoracic (Fig.1-3)

1. Thoracic cavity is subdivided into

�Pleural cavities (two) – each houses a lung
�Mediastinum – between the pleural cavities, Houses esophagus,
rachea, etc
�Pericardial cavity – encloses the heart.
2. Abdominopelvic cavity is separated from the thoracic cavity by
the diaphragm
�It is composed of two subdivisions
 Abdominal cavity – contains the stomach, intestines, spleen, liver
and other organs
 Pelvic cavity – lies within the pelvis and contains the bladder,
reproductive organs, and rectum
Chapter 2

Introduction to Trauma First Aid

Introduction to Trauma Management

Facts about trauma

Trauma is

 The Leading cause of death at ages 1-40

 Third leading cause in all age groups

 50,000,000 injuries/year need medical attention

 12% of all hospital beds occupied by trauma

 350,000 permanently disabled/year

 100,000 to150,000 deaths/year

 One-fifth to one-third of all deaths may be preventable

When does trauma death occur?

See the following diagram

Causes of death

Immediate deaths (<1 hour)

1. Loss of Airway 3. Brain Stem Laceration

2. High C-Spine Lesion 4. Aortic/Heart Rupture

Early deaths (1-3 hours)

1. Epidural Hematoma

2. Subdural Hematoma

3. Hemo/Pneumothorax

4. Intra-abdominal Bleeding

5. Pelvic Fractures

6. Femur Fractures

7. Multiple Long Bone Fractures

z Why do these patients die?

Late (2-4 weeks)

1. Sepsis

2. Multiple Organ System Failure

z How can these deaths be avoided?

Trauma Care Conclusions

z Definitive Trauma Care = Surgeon’s Knife

z Short time to surgery = Improved survival

z EMS improves survival by:

o Recognizing critical trauma

o Supporting oxygenation, ventilation, perfusion
o Transporting rapidly to definitive care
Types of Trauma
1. Penetrating
2. Blunt
– Deceleration
– Compression

Motor Vehicle Collisions

Five major types

– Head-on
– Rear-end
– Lateral
– Rotational
– Roll-over
Head-on Collision
 Vehicle stops
 Occupants continue forward
 Two pathways
– Down and under
– Up and over
i. Down and under pathway(injuries)
– Paper bag pneumothorax
– Aortic tear from deceleration
– Head thrown forward
• C-spine injury
• Tracheal injury
ii. Up and over pathway(injuries)
– Chest/abdomen hit steering wheel
• Rib fractures
• Flail chest
• Cardiac/pulmonary contusions
• Aortic tears
• Abdominal organ rupture
• Diaphragm rupture
• Liver/mesenteric laceration
– Head injuries
• Scalp lacerations
• Skull fractures
• Cerebral contusions/hemorrhages
– C-spine fracture
Lateral Collision
l Car appears to move from under patient
l Patient moves toward point of impact
l Chest hits door
l Lateral rib fractures
l Lateral flail chest
l Pulmonary contusion
l Abdominal solid organ rupture
l Upper extremity fracture/dislocations
l Clavicle
l Shoulder
l Humerus
Rotational Collision
l Off-center impact
l Car rotates around impact point
l Patients thrown toward impact point
l Injuries combination of head-on, lateral
l Point of greatest damage = Point of greatest deceleration =
Worst patients
l Multiple impacts each time vehicle rolls
l Injuries unpredictable
l Assume presence of severe injury


l Critical Factors
– Height
• Increased height = Increased injury
• Always note, report
– Surface
• Decreased stopping distance = Increased injury
• Always note, report
Assess body part that impacts first
Fall onto Buttocks (injuries)
l Pelvic fracture
l Coccygeal (tail bone) fracture
Lumbar compression fracture
Fall onto Feet(injuries)
– Bilateral heel fractures
– Compression fractures of vertebrae
– Bilateral Colles’ fractures
Stab Wounds
Facts about:
 Damage confined to wound track
o Four-inch object can produce nine-inch track
 Gender of attacker
o Males stab up; Females stab down
 Evaluate for multiple wounds
o Check back, flanks, buttocks
 Chest/abdomen overlap
– Chest below 4th ICS = Abdomen until proven otherwise
– Abdomen above iliac crests = Chest until proven otherwise
l Small wounds do NOT mean small damage
Gunshot Wounds

l Damage CANNOT be determined by location of entrance/exit

l Severity cannot be evaluated in the field or Emergency Department
l Severity can only be evaluated in Operating Room
 Look at mechanisms of injury
 The increased index of suspicion will lead to:
 Fewer missed injuries

Increased patient survival

Trauma assessment First Aid

I-Scene Size-Up

l Ensure Safety of

– Yourself
– Your partner
– Other responders
– Bystanders
– Patient
l Scene survey
– Location?
– Appearance?
– Where is patient?
– What is condition of vehicle?
– Mechanism of Injury? Amount of force?

II-Initial Assessment

 Find life threats

 If life-threat is present, DEAL and CORREC
 If you can’t correct it:
– Oxygenate
– Ventilate
– Transport
– Most obvious or dramatic injury usually isn’t what’s killing the
– Listen to patient’s chief complaint
Initial assessment include

i. Asses mental status (Level of Consciousness)

– A - Alert

– V - Verbal

– P - Painful

– U - Unresponsive

ii. A-B-C-D

A. Airway (with C-Spine Control)


– Noisy breathing = Obstructed breathing

– But all obstructed breathing is NOT noisy

– Manual stabilization of C-Spine

– Assume airway problems with:

» Head, face, neck, thorax trauma

» Low O2 tension

B. Breathing


– Is patient breathing?

– Is patient moving air adequately?

– Give O2 immediately if:

o Change in O2 saturation

o Possible shock

o Possible severe hemorrhage

o Chest pain
o Chest Trauma

o Dyspnea

o Respiratory Distress

If you think about giving O2, GIVE IT!

– Assist ventilations if:

o Rate is <12

o Rate is >24

o Decreased tidal volume

o Increased respiratory effort

If you can’t tell if ventilations are adequate, THEY AREN’T!

– If breathing is compromised:

o Expose

o Palpate

o Auscultate

Try to find, and correct the cause

C. Circulation

– Is heart beating?=pulse assessment

o Rate

o rhythm

o force

– Serious external hemorrhage ?

– Skin color, temperature

o Cool

o Pale
o Moist

– If circulation is compromised:

o Expose

o Palpate

o Auscultate

Try to find, correct cause

– If carotid pulse absent:


o Transport

D. Disability

– Level of consciousness = Best indicator of brain perfusion

– Pupils--Eyes are windows of CNS

– Asses Head injury and fractures

Important notes about Initial Assessment

1. Expose, Examine

– You can’t treat what you don’t find

– Remove clothing from critical patients

2. Vitals signs are not necessary to determine whether patient is


Regardless of your findingsIf the patient looks sick, he is sick

3. Initial Resuscitation:

 Aggressively correct hypoxia, hypovolemia

 Immobilize C-spine

 Maintain airway

 Oxygenate
III-History, Physical Exam

– You will get to this with MOST trauma patients

– Perform only after:

– Initial assessment is completed, and

– All life-threats are corrected

– Include

– Rapid head-to-toe assessment if Significant mechanism of

injury or multiple injuries

– Focused assessment of injury site if NO significant

mechanism of injury, isolated trauma only

– Baseline vital signs

– SAMPLE history

Head to Toe Exam

 Organized, systematic

 Superior to Inferior

 Proximal to Distal

 Extremity assessment must include:

» Pulse

» Skin color, temperature

» Capillary refill

» Motor, sensory function

Baseline Vital Signs

1. Pulse

» Rate: Rapid or Slow

» Rhythm: Regular or Irregular

» Quality Weak (Thready) ,Full or Bounding

2. Respirations

» Rate :Inadequate or <10 or >24

» Rhythm :Regular or Irregular

» Quality :Shallow-Full-Deep-Labored

3. Blood Pressure

» Hypotensive?

» Hypertensive?

» Narrow pulse pressure?

» Wide pulse pressure

4. Pupils

» Dilated?

» Unequal?

» Reaction to light

5. Skin

» Color

» Temperature

» Moisture

» Turgor

» Capillary refill
SAMPLE History

– Signs, Symptoms

– Allergies

– Medications

– Do you take any medications?

– What are they?

– Past, Pertinent Medical History

– Have you had any recent illnesses?

– Have you been receiving medical care for any conditions?

– Last oral intake

– Last food or drink

– Events leading up to incident

Chapter 3

Shock &
Shock First Aid


Inadequate perfusion (blood flow) leading to inadequate oxygen delivery

to tissues.


 Cells get energy needed to stay alive by reacting oxygen with fuel
(usually glucose)

 No oxygen= no energy

 No energy= no life

Cardiovascular System

 Transports oxygen, fuel to cells

 Removes carbon dioxide, waste products for elimination from body

What is needed to maintain perfusion?

1. Pump Heart

2. Pipes Blood Vessels

3. Fluid Blood

How can perfusion fail?

1. Pump Failure

2. Pipe Failure

3. Loss of Volume
Types of Shock and Their Causes

1) Hypovolemic Shock (the most common)

– Loss of volume (blood , plasma and fluids)

– Causes

• Blood loss: trauma and haemorrhge

• Plasma loss: burns

• Water loss: Vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, increased urine


2) Cardiogenic Shock

– Due to Pump failure

– Heart’s output depends on

• How often it beats (heart rate)

• How hard it beats (contractility)

– Rate or contractility problems cause pump failure

– Causes

• Acute myocardial infarction

• Very low heart rates (bradycardias)

• Very high heart rates (tachycardias)

3) Neurogenic Shock

1. Spinal cord injured

2. Vessels below injury dilate and Loss of peripheral resistance

4) Psychogenic Shock

– Simple fainting (syncope)

– Caused by stress, pain, fright

– Heart rate slows, vessels dilate

– Brain becomes hypoperfused

– Loss of consciousness occurs

5) Septic Shock

– Results from body’s response to bacteria in bloodstream

– Vessels dilate, become ―leaky

6) Anaphylactic Shock

– Results from severe allergic reaction

– Body responds to allergen by releasing histamine

– Histamine causes vessels to dilate and become ―leaky‖

Signs and Symptoms of shock

» Restlessness, anxiety

» Decreasing level of consciousness

» Rapid, shallow respirations

» Nausea, vomiting

» Thirst
» Diminished urine output

» Hypovolemia will cause

– Weak, rapid pulse

– Pale, cool, clammy skin

» Cardiogenic shock may cause:

– Weak, rapid pulse or weak, slow pulse

– Pale, cool, clammy skin

» Neurogenic shock will cause:

– Weak, slow pulse

– Dry, flushed skin

» Sepsis and anaphylaxis will cause:

– Weak, rapid pulse

– Dry, flushed skin

– Patients with anaphylaxis will:

• Develop hives (urticaria)

• Itch

• Develop wheezing and difficulty breathing (bronchospasm)

What chemical released from the body during an allergic reaction

accounts for these effects?

Shock is NOT the same thing as a low blood pressure!

A falling blood pressure is a LATE sign of shock!


1. Secure, maintain airway

2. Apply high concentration oxygen

3. Assist ventilations as needed

4. Keep patient supine

5. Control obvious bleeding

6. Stabilize fractures

7. Prevent loss of body heat

8. Elevate lower extremities 8 to 12 inches in hypovolemic shock

9. Do NOT elevate the lower extremities in cardiogenic shock

10.Administer nothing by mouth, even if the patient complains of

Bleeding First Aid



– External

– Internal

• Traumatic

• Non-Traumatic

Significance: If uncontrolled, can cause shock and death

Identification of External Bleeding

1. Arterial Bleeding

• Bright red-Spurting

2. Venous Bleed

• Dark red-Steady flow

3. Capillary Bleed

• Dark red-Oozing

Control of External Bleeding

1. Direct Pressure(Fig.3-1)

• gloved hand

• dressing/bandage

2. Elevation
3. Arterial pressure points

4. Splinting

• Air splint

• Pneumatic antishock garment

5. Tourniquets

• Final resort when all else fails

• Used for amputations

• write ―TK‖ and time of application on forehead of patient

• Notify other personnel


– Bleeding per nose

– It is a Common problem

– Causes

1. Fractured skull

2. Facial injuries

3. Sinusitis, other URIs

4. High BP

5. Clotting disorders

6. Digital insertion (nose picking)

– Management
1. Sit up, lean forward

2. Pinch nostrils together

3. Keep in sitting position

4. Keep quiet

5. Apply ice over nose

6. 15 min adequate

– Epistaxis can result in life-threatening blood loss

Internal Bleeding

– causes:

• Trauma

• Clotting disorders

• Rupture of blood vessels

• Fractures (injury to nearby vessels)

Can result in rapid progression to hypovolemic shock and death

– Signs and Symptoms

• Pain, tenderness, swelling, discoloration at injury site

• Bleeding from any body orifice

• Vomiting bright red blood or coffee ground material

• Dark, tarry stools (melena)

• Tender, rigid, or distended abdomen

• Signs and symptoms of hypovolemia without obvious
external bleeding

– Management

• Open airway

• High concentration oxygen

• Assist ventilations

• Control external bleeding

• Stabilize fractures

• Transport rapidly to appropriate facility

Chapter 4

Soft Tissue
Soft tissue Injuries First Aid

Soft Tissue Injuries

Skin Anatomy and Physiology: see before

Soft Tissue Injuries

• Closed

• Open

Closed Injury

• Associated with blunt trauma

• Skin remains intact

• Damage occurs below surface

• Types

– Contusions

– Hematomas


– Produced when blunt force damages dermal structures

– Blood, fluid leak into damage area causing swelling, pain

– Presence of blood causes skin discoloration called ecchymosis



– ―Blood lump‖. Causes mass of blood to collect in the injured area

– Larger blood vessel damaged

Abrasion First Aid

Closed Injury Management

1. Rest

2. Ice

3. Compression

4. Elevate

5. Splint

When in doubt assume underlying fractures are present

Open Injury

– Skin broken

– Protective function lost

– External bleeding, infection become problems

Open Injury Types

1. Abrasions

2. Lacerations

3. Punctures

4. Avulsions

5. Amputations


• Loss of portions of epidermis, upper dermis by rubbing or scraping


• Usually associated with capillary oozing, leaking of fluid

• ―Road rash‖ is an example

Laceration, Puncture, Avulsion First Aid

Laceration (Fig.4-1)

• Cut by sharp object

• Typically longer than it is deep

• May be associated with severe

blood loss, damage to underlying

• Types

– Linear

– Stellate


• Result from stabbing force

• Wound is deeper than it is long

• Difficult to assess injury extent

• Object producing puncture may remain impaled in wound

Avulsions (Fig.4-2)

• Piece of skin torn loose as a flap or

completely torn from body

• Result from accidents with machinery and

motor vehicles

• Replace flap into normal position before


• Treat completely avulsed tissue like amputated part

Amputation First Aid

Amputations (Fig.4-3)

• Disruption of continuity of extremity or other body part

• Part should be wrapped in sterile gauze, placed in plastic bag,

transported on top of cold pack

• Do NOT pack part directly in ice

• Do NOT let part freeze

Open Wound Management

1. Manage ABCs first

2. Control bleeding

3. Prevent further contamination, but do not worry about trying to

clean wound

4. Immobilize injured part

5. Mange hypoperfusion if present

Special Considerations

Implanted Objects

• Do NOT remove

• Stabilize in place

• Exception

– Object in cheek(Remove, dress inside and outside mouth)

Evisceration, Neck wounds, Chest wound First Aid


• Internal organs exposed through wound

• Cover organs with large moistened dressing, then with aluminum

foil or dry multi-trauma dressing

• Do NOT use individual 4 x 4’s

• Do NOT attempt to replace organs

Neck Wounds

• Risk of severe bleeding from large vessels

• Risk of air entering vein and moving through heart to lungs

• Cover with occlusive dressing

• Do NOT occlude airway or blood flow to brain

• Suspect presence of spinal injury

Open Chest Wound

• May prevent adequate ventilation

• Cover with occlusive dressing

• Monitor patient for signs of air becoming trapped under pressure in

chest (tension pneumothorax)
Chapter 5

Musculoskeletal Injuries, Fracture First Aid

Musculoskeletal System

o Bones

o Muscles

o Cartilages

o Tendons

o Ligaments

See anatomy

Extremity Trauma

A. Fracture: Break in bone’s continuity


w Direct force

w Indirect force

w Twisting forces (torsion)

w Diseases of bones (pathological fractures)

• Osteoporosis

• Tumors

Open vs. Closed Fractures

w Closed = skin over fracture site intact

w Open = break in skin over fracture site

• Bone ends do not have to be exposed

• Small opening in skin communicating with fracture site =

open fracture

• Open fractures more serious due to external blood loss,

possible infection
One of the most important things we do is to prevent closed
fractures from becoming open ones

Fracture Types (Fig,5-1)

w Transverse: fracture is at 90o angle to shaft

w Oblique: fracture is at an angle other than 90o to shaft

w Spiral: fracture coils through shaft of bone like a spring

w Impacted: bone ends driven into each other

w Comminuted: bone broken into > 3 pieces

w Greenstick

w Shaft of bone not completely broken

w Compressed on one side, splintered outward on other

What group of patients does this type of fracture occur in?

(Children and old age)

Fig.(5-1):Types of Fractures
Fracture Signs

w Deformity

w Tenderness

• Usually point tenderness

• Overlies fracture site

w Inability to use limb

• Reliable sign of significant injury if present

• Reverse is not true

w Swelling, ecchymosis

w Exposed fragments

w Crepitus

• Grating of bone ends

• May be heard or felt

• Do NOT actively seek

Dislocation,Sprains,Strains First Aid

B-Dislocation: Displacement of bones from normal positions at joint

Signs of dislocation

w Deformity

w Swelling, ecchymosis about joint

w Pain/tenderness in joint

w Loss of motion usually perceived as ―locked‖ joint


w Partial, temporary dislocations

w Result in tearing of ligaments

w Bone ends NOT displaced from normal positions


w Tenderness

w Swelling, ecchymosis

w Inability to use extremity

w No deformity

w Degree of joint dislocation at time of injury cannot be

determined during exam

w Extensive damage to neural or vascular structures may have



w Muscle pull‖

w Injury to musculotendenous unit

w Pain on active motion

w Pain not present on passive motion

Assessment, Management of musculoskeletal injuries First Aid

Assessment of musculoskeletal injuries

w Perform initial (primary) assessment

w Locate, treat life-threats

w Assess for injuries of head, chest, abdomen, pelvis

w Assess distal neurovascular function

w With exception of pelvic, possibly femur fractures, orthopedic

injuries are NOT life-threatening.

w Do NOT let spectacular orthopedic injury distract you from ABCs

w It’s the unobvious things that kill patients!

w Evaluation must ALWAYS be done of distal neurovascular


– Pulse

– Skin color

– Capillary refill

– Sensation

– Movement

Management of musculoskeletal injuries

w Splinting

• Prevents further movement at injury site

• Limits tissue damage, bleeding

• Eases pain

When in doubt SPLINT

w It may be difficult to differentiate fractures, dislocations and

Principles of Splinting

1) Do NOT move patients before splinting unless patient is in danger

2) Remove clothes to allow inspection of limb

3) Note, record distal neurovascular function before, after splinting

4) Cover wounds with dry, sterile compression dressings

5) Fractures: splint joint above, below fracture

6) Dislocations: splint bone above, below joint

7) Minimize movement

8) Support injury until splinting completed

9) Pad splint to avoid local pressure

10) Angulated fractures

w Realign before splinting

w If resistance, pain encountered stop, immobilize as is

11) Dislocations

w Splint as is unless circulation compromised

w Attempt to reposition once to restore pulse

w If resistance, pain encountered stop, immobilize as it is

Chapter 6

Burns First Aid


– Skin: Largest body organ

– More than just a passive covering

Skin Functions

1. Sensation

2. Protection

3. Temperature regulation

4. Fluid retention

Two layers ( Fig.6-1)

1) Epidermis: Outer layer

2) Dermis: Elastic connective tissue,

Contains specialized structures:

a) Nerve endings

b) Blood vessels

c) Sweat glands

d) Sebaceous (oil) glands

e) Hair follicles

Types of Burn Injury

• Thermal burns: flame, contact with hot objects.

• Scald burns: hot fluids.

• Chemical burns: necrotizing substances (acids, alkali).

• Electrical burns: intense heat from an electrical current

• Smoke & inhalation injury: inhaling hot air or noxious chemicals

• Cold thermal injury: frostbite.


Burn is the Third leading cause of trauma deaths

– Loss of fluids

– Inability to maintain body temperature

– Infection

Critical Factors: classification of burn depends on

1) Depth

2) Extent

Burn Depth (Fig.6-2)

1) First Degree

• Involves

• Red

• Painful

• Tender
• Blanches under pressure

• Possible swelling, no blisters

• Heal in about 7 days

2) Second Degree (Partial Thickness) (Fig.6-3)

• Extends through epidermis into dermis

• Salmon pink

• Moist, shiny

• Painful

• Blisters may be present

• Heal in ~7 to 21 days

• Burns that blister are second degree,But all second degree

burns don’t bliste
3) Third Degree (Full Thickness) (Fig.6-3)

• Through epidermis, dermis into underlying structures

• Thick, dry

• Pearly gray or charred black

• May bleed from vessel damage

• Painless

• Require grafting

l Often cannot be accurately determined in acute stage

l Infection may convert to higher degree

l When in doubt, over-estimate

Complications of Burns(Common Complications)

�Infection and Septicemia (can occur at any time during convalescence)

�Renal Failure
�Diabetes (Stress Diabetes)
�Curling's Ulcer (A stress ulcer specific to burns)
�Adrenocortical insufficiency

Burn Extent: Rule of Nines

A. Adult Rule of Nines(Fig.6-4)

Fig(.6-4):Adult rule of Nine

B. Pediatric Rule of Nines(Fig.6-5)

For each year over 1 year of age, subtract 1% from head, add equally
to legs

Rule of Palm

Patient’s palm equals 1% of his body surface area

Burn Severity

Based on

• Depth

• Extent

• Location

• Cause

• Patient Age
• Associated Factors

Critical Burns

1. 3rd Degree >10% BSA(body surface area)

2. 2nd Degree > 25% BSA (20% pediatric)

3. Face, Feet, Hands, Perineum

4. Airway/Respiratory Involvement

5. Associated Trauma

6. Associated Medical Disease

7. Electrical Burns

8. Deep Chemical Burns

Moderate Burns

1. 3rd Degree 2 to 10%

2. 2nd Degree 15 to 25% (10 to 20% pediatric)

Minor Burns

1. 3rd Degree <2%

2. 2nd Degree <15% (<10% pediatric)

Associated Factors that affect severity of burns

a) Patient Age

• < 5 years old

• > 55 years old

b) Burn Location

• Circumferential burns of chest, extremities

Management of Burns First Aid


3 Phases

– Emergent (resuscitative)

– Acute

– Rehabilitative

Pre-hospital Care

• Remove from area! Stop the burn!

• If thermal burn is large--FOCUS on the ABC’s


Check for patency, soot around nares, or signed nasal hair


Check for adequacy of ventilation –O2 supply


Check for presence and regularity of pulses

• Burn too large--don’t immerse in water due to extensive heat loss

• Never pack in ice

• Patient should be wrapped in dry clean material to decrease

contamination of wound and increase warmth

Emergent Phase (Resuscitative Phase)

• Lasts from onset to 5 or more days but usually lasts 24-48 hours
• begins with fluid loss and edema formation and continues until
fluid motorization and diuresis begins

• Greatest initial threat is hypovolemic shock to a major burn


• Airway management-early nasotracheal or endotracheal

intubation before airway is actually compromised (usually 1-2
hours after burn)

Fluid Therapy

The fluid leak, which is caused by increased capillary permeability,

continues for 24 to48 hrs. post burn.

• 1 or 2 large bore IV lines

• Fluid replacement based on:

– size/depth of burn

– age of pt.

– individualized considerations.

• there are formula’s for replacement:

– Parkland formula

– Brooke formula

– Modified Brooke

– Evans formula
Parkland Formula

Total 24 hours need =4 cc x % BSA x Kg

– 1 / 2 over the first eight hours

– 1 / 2 over the next sixteen hours

Lactate Ringers is the fluid of choice

Assessment of adequacy of fluid replacement

• Urine output is most commonly used parameter

• UOP= 30-50 ml/hr in an adult

Wound Care

After the initial resuscitation

• Remove smoldering clothing

• Do not remove adherent clothing

• Provide comfort and pain control

• Dry linen dressings, not gauze

• Do not cool wound, can advance the degree of burn

Emergency Department

�Warmed saline on gauze, dry sterile towels until complete assessment

After complete assessment:
1. Clean with warm saline.

2. Debride loose dead tissue with sterile forceps.

3. Apply topical antibiotic cream or ointment.

4. Cover and wrap with sterile gauze.

General Principles of Cleaning

5. Use clean technique and sterile instruments.

6. Debride any loose dead tissue with each dressing change.

7. Remove any remaining ointment or cream with each dressing


8. Open blisters if:

a. Prevent movement of joint.

b. Very large.

c. Fluid in blister is not clear.

General Principles of Dressing

1. Ensure gauze does not stick to wound.

2. Apply adequate cream or ointment.

3. Use protective layer to prevent adherence.

4. Adjacent burn surfaces should not touch.

5. Example: individually wrap fingers.

6. Adequate gauze to absorb drainage.

7. Gauze is for comfort, protection, warmth, and to keep area clean.

Topical Antimicrobials: Silver sulfadiazine (Flamazine, silvadene)

– Good gram positive coverage and good yeast coverage.

– Poor gram negative coverage.

– Disadvantage: incomplete eschar penetration


– Useful for hand burns and feet burns.

– Keep hands in position of function

Management of specific areas


– Polysporin bid or tid.

– Occasionally, wet saline soaks bid.


– tetracycline or chloromycetin ointment.

Surgical procedures

• Escharotomy

• Fasciotomy

• Dressing / hydrotherapy

• Debridement

• grafting

• Splinting
Chapter 7

Head Injuries
Head Injuries,Scalp Laceration First Aid

Head injuries

Nervous System Components

• Central Nervous System

– Brain(Cerebrum,Cerebellum,Brainstem)

– Spinal Cord

• Peripheral Nervous System

– Motor nerves

– Sensory nerve

Injuries to Scalp and Skull

• Scalp Lacerations

• Skull Fracture

Scalp Lacerations

• Bleeding usually NOT severe enough to produce hypovolemic


• If shock present, think about other injuries

• Exceptions

– Laceration that involves a large artery

– Scalp injuries in children

Skull Fracture, Brain Concussion First Aid

Skull Fractures

• Injury to rigid box around brain

• Indicates significant force

• What happened to brain and neck?

Types of Skull Fracture

• Linear(fissure)

– Most common

– Crack in skull

– Detected only on x-ray

• Comminuted

Multiple cracks radiate from impact point

• Depressed

– Bone fragments pressed inward

– Places pressure on brain

Injuries to Brain

Brain Concussion

• Temporary disturbance in brain function

• Probably due to brain being ―rattled‖ inside the skull by a blow to

the head
Cerebral Contusion, Epidural Haematoma First Aid

• Usually confused or unconscious

• Retrograde amnesia--―What happened?‖

Cerebral Contusion

• Means Bruising and swelling

• Results from brain hitting skull’s inside

• Since brain is in closed box, pressure increases as brain swells,

blood flow to brain decreases

Signs and Symptoms of Cerebral Contusion

– Loss of consciousness

– Paralysis (one-sided or total)

– Unequal pupils

– Vomiting

Epidural Hematoma

• Usually associated with skull fracture in temporal area

• Fracture damages artery on skull’s inside

• Blood collects in epidural space between skull and dura mater

• Since skull is closed box, intracranial pressure rises

Signs and Symptoms

– Loss of consciousness followed by return of consciousness

(lucid interval)
– Headache

– Deterioration of consciousness

– Dilated pupil on side of injury

– Weakness, paralysis on side of body opposite injury

– Seizures

Subdural Hematoma

• Usually results from tearing of large veins between dura mater and

• Blood accumulates more slowly than in epidural hematoma

Signs and Symptoms

• Deterioration of consciousness

• Dilated pupil on side of injury

• Weakness, paralysis on side of body opposite injury

• Seizures

Cerebral Laceration

• Tearing of brain tissue

• Can result from penetrating or blunt injury

• Can cause:

– Massive destruction of brain tissue

– Bleeding into cranial cavity with increased intracranial

Assessment of Head Injuries First Aid

Assessment of Head Injury

• Early detection of increased intracranial pressure is critical

• If pressure inside skull exceeds average blood pressure, blood flow

to brain stops

• Level of consciousness is BEST indicator of patient’s condition

• AVPU system

• Glasgow scale

AVPU System

• Alert

• Responds to Verbal Stimulus

• Responds to Painful Stimulus

• Unresponsive

Glasgow Scale

• Eye Opening

– Spontaneous = 4

– To Voice = 3

– To Pain = 2

– None = 1

• Verbal Response

– Oriented = 5
– Confused = 4

– Inappropriate Words = 3

– Incomprehensible Sounds = 1

– None = 1

• Motor Response

– Follows Commands = 6

– Localizes Pain = 5

– Withdraws = 4

– Flexion = 3

– Extension = 2

– None = 1

• Maximum Score = 15

• Minimum Score = 3

Management of Head Injury

• ABCs with C-spine control

• C-collar, long board

• Do NOT apply pressure to open or depressed skull fractures

• Do NOT attempt to stop flow of blood or CSF from nose, ears

• Do NOT remove penetrating objects

References Basic Emergency Care


1. Limmer D., O'keefe M., Grant H. et al. (2001):

Emergency Care,9th edition; Printice Hall-Inc.,
2. Hebb M.O. (1998): The Gist of Emergency Medicine.3rd
edition,published by
3. Chapleau W.and Alexander M.(2008): Emergency
Medical Technician Exam,2 edition; Barron's educational
4. Adult Basic Life support; American Heart Association.
Retrieved on 13-6-2007.

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