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Lighthouse Investment Management

Weekly Chart Window

September 2, 2013

Weekly Chart Window - September 2, 2013

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Nominal Bond Yields ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Real Bond Yields ............................................................................................................................................ 4 TIPS-derived Inflation Expectations .............................................................................................................. 5 Corporate Bond Spreads ............................................................................................................................... 6 Currencies: Emerging Markets ...................................................................................................................... 7 Currencies: Scandinavia and Switzerland ..................................................................................................... 8 Stock Market: Moving Averages ................................................................................................................... 9 Stock Market: MACD................................................................................................................................... 10 Stock Market: Stocks Above 50-Day MAVG ................................................................................................ 11 Stock Market: Stocks Above 200-Day MAVG .............................................................................................. 12 Stock Market: Net New Highs ..................................................................................................................... 13 Stock Market: New Highs/Lows Ratio ......................................................................................................... 14 Risk-on / Risk-Off ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Lighthouse Timing Index ............................................................................................................................. 16 Spotlight: Potash Producers ........................................................................................................................ 17

Weekly Chart Window - September 2, 2013

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Nominal Bond Yields


Yields kept surging, reaching the highest level in two years 10-year Treasury bond yields have more than doubled since the low (1.4%, July 2012) The increase in yields is not driven by increased inflation expectations (on the contrary inflation expectations are receding, see page 5) Instead, an increase in real yields is the driving force

CONCLUSION: The Fed wants to depress real yields, so investors (desperate for returns) buy riskier investments, driving up their prices (creating a modest wealth effect) and enabling financing of projects that would otherwise have been unattractive. This plan seems to fail, which risks hurting the Fed's credibility.

Weekly Chart Window - September 2, 2013

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Real Bond Yields


Real (inflation-adjusted) bond yields continue to increase As the Fed tries to reduce monthly purchases of Treasury bonds, real yields seem to normalize from artificially depressed levels Accepting negative real returns only made sense if investors were expecting severe and longlasting deflation (TIPS principle amounts are adjusted by inflation, hence reduced in case of deflation, but always paid back at par [100%], and therefore have a 'free' deflation protection embedded).

CONCLUSION: The Fed is trying to 'have the cake and eat it'; they want to depress real yields, but increase inflation expectations. These two goals are, in free markets, not compatible. It seems that even $1 trillion asset purchases per year are not enough to enforce the Fed's will.

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Lighthouse Investment Management

TIPS-derived Inflation Expectations

Observations: Inflation expectations are calculated by subtracting real (TIPS) yields from nominal yields. Inflation expectations have resumed their decline. The Fed prefers elevated inflation expectations in order to motivate consumers to spend. A slowing velocity of money counters the Fed's efforts. Recent talk from Bernanke about possible 'tapering' of QE later in 2013 led to doubts regarding the Fed's policy of N-GDP targeting, only adopted in late 2012. CONCLUSION: Nominal and real interest rates have risen above levels seen before the announcement of the most radical program of 'quantitative easing'. The Fed has failed to achieve its goal (depress yields) and, despite record bond purchases, has lost control of the yield curve. It is highly questionable if the Fed will be able to follow through on its plan to reduce bond purchases. Its credibility is waning, which might ultimately hurt the dollar's value.

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Corporate Bond Spreads

Observations: Corporate bond spreads continue to rise slowly Since May 2013, the yield premium paid by BBB-rated companies has increased from 1.87% to 2.11% (previous week: 2.10%) Since May 2013, the yield premium paid by CCC (or lower)-rated companies has increased from 7.51% to 8.26% (previous week: 8.22%)

CONCLUSION: Corporate bond spreads are still depressed by historic standards. However, spreads might continue to mean-revert (just as real yields). However, the correlation between the BBB corporate bond spread and the S&P 500 index is zero (monthly data since 1997).

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Currencies: Emerging Markets

Observations: Emerging Market currencies continue to weaken against the US Dollar, especially the Indian Rupee, Brazil Real, South African Rand and the Indonesian Rupiah (not shown above) The widening gap between the Brazil Real and the Mexican Peso is not sustainable The main driver has been escalating current account deficits Central banks have to intervene to support their currencies, losing vital currency reserves in the process. As forward FX rates are directly linked to short-term interest rates, central banks try to discourage short selling by raising rates. Weak currencies trigger capital flight by international investors lured by higher yields Rising bond yields risk pushing already weakening economies into recession

CONCLUSION: Deteriorating conditions in emerging markets could spill over into developed markets. Global companies might feel negative impacts in their earnings. Weekly Chart Window - September 2, 2013 Page 7

Lighthouse Investment Management

Currencies: Scandinavia and Switzerland

Observations: The Norwegian Kroner is trending weaker after slower than expected economic growth (despite the fact Norway is benefitting from rising oil prices) The Swiss Franc remains around 1.23 to the Euro, not far from the 'line in the sand' of 1.20 drawn by the Swiss National Bank

CONCLUSION: Renewed discussions about Greece's membership in the Euro-zone, once German elections are over, could lead to upwards pressure on the Swiss Franc, forcing the SNB to buy more Euros against Swiss Francs.

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Stock Market: Moving Averages

Observations: All moving averages have a positive slope (pointing upwards) The 10-day mavg has breached the 50-day moving average - a first warning sign Momentum of the 50-day mavg seems to be topping out

CONCLUSION: The uptrend is still intact, but looks vulnerable

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Stock Market: MACD

Observations: The S&P 500 Index is around 8% above its 200-day moving average, which is quite extended The S&P is less extended from its 100-day moving average (which is to be expected, as shorter averages tend to follow the index more quickly) All three derivatives of moving averages are falling, suggesting the stock market is losing momentum.

CONCLUSION: A correction is under way; the stock market needs to let off more steam.

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Stock Market: Stocks Above 50-Day MAVG

Observations: 45% (previously 59%) of the 500 stocks within the S&P Index are above their 50-day moving average. Less than half of the S&P 500 members are in a medium-term uptrend. This is a bad sign. Any reading below 50% indicates trouble for the bulls. The trend is declining, and the indicator has breached the 50% marker.

CONCLUSION: More than half of the members of the S&P 500 index are in a medium-term down trend. This is a serious warning sign.

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Stock Market: Stocks Above 200-Day MAVG

Observations: 79% (previously 83%) of the 500 stocks within the S&P Index are above their 200-day moving average More half of the stocks in the S&P 500 Index are in a long-term uptrend. This is a healthy sign. A drop below 50% would indicate trouble. The trend is declining, and the indicator has breached its own 50-day moving average - a first warning sign.

CONCLUSION: Most stocks are still in a long-term uptrend, but the number is rapidly decreasing. A warning sign.

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Stock Market: Net New Highs

Observations: The number of NYSE-listed stocks with new 52-week highs is lower than the number of stocks with new 52-week lows. This is a negative sign.

CONCLUSION: Most stocks are participating in the recent correction, confirming the rally has ended (at least in the medium-term).

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Stock Market: New Highs/Lows Ratio

Observations: NYSE-listed stocks with new 52-week highs exceed the number of stocks with new 52-week lows by a ratio of 1.8 : 1, with a falling trend (previously = 2.3 : 1). The rally since the beginning of 2013 has been accompanied by falling peaks in the ratio, which can be interpreted as a negative sign. The ratio's 50-day moving average (dotted line) is pointing downwards - a negative sign The ratio has dropped below 5 - a negative sign

CONCLUSION: This indicator continues to deliver a "sell" signal

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Risk-on / Risk-Off

The general market (SPY) is outperforming high dividend shares (SDY), (red line, bullish) Stocks are underperforming bonds (blue line, bearish) The high-yield bond ETF (HGY) is underperforming investment-grade ETF (LQD); green line (bearish)

Equal-weight ETF (RSP) is underperforming market cap-weighted ETF (SPY); green area (bearish)

CONCLUSION: 1 out of 4 indicators suggest the stock market is in an uptrend (PS: I have low confidence in these indicators).

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Lighthouse Timing Index

Observations: The Lighthouse Timing Index remained at zero (previously: 0 points)

CONCLUSION: Our composite index suggests that while the uptrend has ended it is too early to confirm a bear market has begun.

Note: This index is a trend-confirming indicator, and will not be able to anticipate market tops or bottoms in advance. Due to smoothing of data, a certain time lag of about two weeks is to be expected.

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Lighthouse Investment Management

Spotlight: Potash Producers

Kali + Salz:

Potash (chemical element K) is the third most important plant nutrient after nitrogen and phosphorus. Until July, 90% of the world's potash reserves were controlled by two cartels, Canadian Canpotex (POT, MOS & AGU) and BPC (Belarusian Potash Company, consortium of Belaruskali and Ukralkali). Potash-producing stocks are down around 50% after Ukralkali, the world's largest producer, quit BPC in July and promised to extract the raw material at maximum levels, leading to a sharp price drop. Ukralkali complained Belaruskali was undermining the cartel by selling potash outside of its agreed quota. In return, Belarus arrested the CEO of Ukralkali during a visit. In retaliation, the Russians cut energy deliveries to Belarus by a quarter and banned the import of Belarusian meat. Timing could not have been worse for German Kali + Salz, which is currently developing a $4bn Canadian potash mine with a budgeted break-even price of $420/ton compared to recent prices of $350-$400/ton. Interestingly, EuroChem, a Russian nitrogen and phosphate producer, bought a 10% stake in K+S. EuroChem is owned by Andrey Melnichenko, the 6th richest Russian worth an estimated $14bn. It is unlikely Ukralkali will remain outside the cartel for long; instead, it is likely trying to discipline Belaruskali. Sooner or later, the cartel will resume. Institutional shareholders are increasing pressure on K+S to abandon developing the Canadian mine (which would be a unfortunate).

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Lighthouse Investment Management

It is possible the Russians are simply staging a cartel fight in order to force K+S to abandon the Canadian project. Alternatively, the Russian billionaire could attempt a take-over of K+S at a depressed price (shortly before the Russian cartel adversaries reconcile and world market price of potash rises again).

CONCLUSION: Unless you expect a severe recession, potash producing companies might be a rewarding play with a 1-year time horizon.

Any questions or feedback welcome.

Disclaimer: It should be self-evident this is for informational and educational purposes only and shall not be taken as investment advice. Nothing posted here shall constitute a solicitation, recommendation or endorsement to buy or sell any security or other financial instrument. You shouldn't be surprised that accounts managed by Lighthouse Investment Management or the author may have financial interests in any instruments mentioned in these posts. We may buy or sell at any time, might not disclose those actions and we might not necessarily disclose updated information should we discover a fault with our analysis. The author has no obligation to update any information posted here. We reserve the right to make investment decisions inconsistent with the views expressed here. We can't make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information posted. All liability for errors, omissions, misinterpretation or misuse of any information posted is excluded. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All clients have their own individual accounts held at an independent, well-known brokerage company (US) or bank (Europe). This institution executes trades, sends confirms and statements. Lighthouse Investment Management does not take custody of any client assets.

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