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America is incredibly sensationalist They live in a first world with first world problem.

If you quantify danger as a number from 0 to 100, India in general, college or n ot, has a danger level of say 70. This is cumulative of traffic accidents, homicides, and what not The US, however has a danger level of 30 on average. In India, when you have something like a college suicide or a college murder, or anything else, a bunch of things can happen 1. The college informs no one 2. In case of so-called 'accidental' death, like road accidents, people tend to go 'it can happen to anyone' when in reality, it happens a lot more in India tha n the USA, if that makes sense. 3. Politicians downplay it to not excite the media and ruin their colleges reput ation America, on the other hand, is sensationalist. Maybe once in a year, some random shooting will take place killing like 5 people, and this is not necessarily eve n in college campuses, and then this happens: 1. Politicians play it up 2. 5 deaths becomes a national loss 3. Gun control laws are brought up. Face it, 5 deaths by road accidents due to b ad traffic rules dont scare as much as 1 death due to a gun. Unfortunate, but tr ue 4. It's remembered for years and years by the media So, essentially, I am of the believe that India is a far dangerous place. I have been threatened to be beaten up in India, have come close to traffic acci dents on multiple occasions and have generally felt the need to worry about phys ical well-being more. In America, I have never even remotely felt like I was under the danger of physi cal harm, no matter where I went. To counter some other points 1. STALKED? REALLY? In america, especially in college, you have dozens of protec tion services and numbers you can call for the same. Also, the people who are oc casionally stalked are hot blondes. Not to be racist, but no Indian girl is in g rave danger. Also, protection measures can very easily be sought. In India, on t he other hand, loooooooool. Stalking is a part of Delhi date culture 2. Mugged? I can't give you facts, but in America you're only likely to be mugge d in dark parts of NYC if youre alone and in bad territory. If you are, your fau lt. Also, you just get your wallet stolen from you. In India, this means raped a nd getting a rod shoved up you. 3. Held at gunpoint? Most sensationalist thing in America. I've never seen a gun in 2 years. This won't happen. The Boston bombings and the Dark Knight shootings are again sensationalist. They killed like maybe 10-15 people in total that many college students in India probably die every hour because of drunk dri ving Let's stop defending America and look at India now. 1. Guys will probably stalk you if youre a remotely attractive Indian girl. 2. They will also rape you 3. No matter where you go, you will most probably have some form of guy problem where they're over-possessive or can't let go or wont let you date somebody else . This is commonplace here. 4. In India, the mere chances of you getting run over by traffic is huge compare d to America 5. In India, you're much more likely to get in a car where somebody was driving

drunk. In America, no one would dare. 6. In India, girls have curfew hours for a reason. America does not have this co ncept. 7. In India, even if you die, if you're not rich, it probably won't even make th e paper 8. Do you have any idea how nervous girls are when travelling anywhere to anywhe re alone in India. Short distances or long. yeah I can't think of anything else. It's absurd to suggest that an Indian girl of all sections of society will be sa fer in India than America That mere sentence sounds illogical You know that in America, if you dial 911 police are there in 5 minutes or less I don't know about the UK but the UK has no educational prospects worth my time not even remotely, unless you attend one of the 5 good places Oxford/Cambridge/UCL/Imperial/

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