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Course Syllabus CS 3330

Computer Architecture Fall 2013 MW 2:00pm 3:15pm Rooms Wilson 301; Olsson 120 Instructors: Office: Phone: Email: TAs: To be determined Office Hours: TDB Class Webpage: Available via Collab class site At the web site you will find this syllabus, class schedule with reading, lab and homework assignment due dates (initially the dates are estimated and updated periodically), homework assignments, lab assignments, and other materials of interest. The web site will be updated as the course progresses. Course Description: Includes the organization and architecture of computer systems hardware; instruction set architectures; addressing modes; processor design (data path, control and pipelining) and computer arithmetic; memory systems; hardware implementations of virtual memory, and input/output control, buses and devices. Parallelism, multicores, multiprocessors, clusters and GPUs are also discussed. Prerequisites: CS 2110 with a grade of C- or higher, and highly recommended (but not required) is CS 2330. Jack Stankovic and Eduardo Socolovsky (Stankovic) Rice Hall 428 (Stankovic) 434-982-2275

Textbook (make sure you have the correct version, doing homework questions from the wrong text results in zero credit): Patterson, David A. and John L. Hennessy. Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Fourth edition. Revised Printing, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. ISBN: 978-0-12-374750-1 Labs: Students will perform 5 labs during the semester in teams of two. The lab schedule will become available as necessary and will not start until enough background material is taught (note: the labs begin most probably the week of Sept 16). In most cases each of the 5 labs takes two weeks of lab time to complete. Note that you only need to attend the lab section during weeks in which a lab is scheduled and you have not yet competed the assignment. Late labs are not permitted and receive no credit. Problem Sets: Problem sets are handed out in class and available on the website. Late problem sets are not accepted without prior authorization from your insturctor. You may work together on problem sets, but you are responsible for your own work and may not copy. In other words, you should understand and be able to explain the work that you have done, even if a classmate helped you over a few hurdles along the way. Copying from answer keys is also not acceptable. Grading: (Tests and Exams are closed book) Tests (2) 30% Homework 20% Labs 20% Final Exam 30% Class Schedule and Reading, Lab and Assignment Due Dates See the separate document (on the web site) that contains all this information. Warning. Important. Given the large size of this class and that we have homeworks, labs, tests and exams, it is necessary to be very strict on all due dates. Plan ahead for things like interviewing trips. Pledge all your work and tests/exams.

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