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Engineering Academy
APPSC 2012 (Model Exam) SUB: STRENGTH OF MATERIAL Branch: Civil & Mechanical Engineering
Time : 75 Minutes Maximum Marks : 75

01. If a material has identical properties in all directions, it is said to be (a) homogeneous (b) isotropic (c) elastic (d) orthotropic 02. The ratio of linear stress to the linear strain is called (a) modulus of rigidity (b) modulus of elasticity (c) bulk modulus (d) poissons ratio 03. The greatest stress to which a material can be subjected with any permanent deformation is said to be (a) limit of proportionality (b) limit of elasticity (c) yield stress (d) limit of plasticity 04. Highest value of modulus of elasticity among the following is for (a) steel (b) copper (c) brass (d) aluminium 05. For non-dilatant materials, the maximum value of Poissons ratio is (a) 0.25 (b) 0.50 (c) 0.67 (d) 0.90 06. In a bar of length L, diameter D and cross sectional area A the strain produced is S under the action of load W. The Youngs modulus of elasticity for the wire is (a)







07. Which of the following has the highest value of poissons ratio (a) Rubber (b) Steel (c) Aluminium

(d) Copper

08. The relationship between the Bulk modulus of elasticity K and Youngs Modulus of Elasticity E is given in terms of Poissons ratio () as (a) K = 3E(1-2) (b) E = 2K(1+) (c) E = 3K(1-2) (d) K = 2E(1-2) 09. If the value of Youngs modulus of elasticity for a material is zero, it implies that the material is

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(a) highly elastic (b) plastic

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(c) incompressible (d) visco elastic

10. A simply supported beam of length L carrying a load W concentrated at the centre of span will have a maximum bending moment of (a)
WL 2


WL 4


WL 8


WL 16

11. At the point of contraflexure (a) bending moment is minimum (b) bending moment is maximum (c) bending moment and shear force both are either zero or change sign (d) only bending moment is either zero or changes sign 12. Shear force (V) and bending moment (M) are related by (a) V =
M Z dM dx

(b) V =

(c) V =


(d) V =

Z dx

13. The strength of a beam section depends upon (a) its sectional area (b) its sectional modulus (c) distance of its base from N.A. (d) its length 14. The point of contraflexure occurs in case of (a) cantilevers only (b) overhanging beams only (c) continuous beams (d) all types of beams 15. Two beams carrying identical loads, simply supported, are having same width but beam A has double the depth as compared to that of beam B. The ratio of elastic strength of beam A to that of B will be (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 1/2 (d) 1/4 16. For a simply supported beam, carrying a uniformly distributed load, the shape of the bending moment diagram will be (a) triangular (b) parabolic (c) circular (d) cubical 17. In a simply supported beam, along the neutral axis (a) fibres do not undergo strain (b) fibres get twisted (c) fibres undergo maximum strain (d) fibres undergo minimum strain 18. A cantilever beam of length 5 m carries a uniformly distributed load of 100 Newtons/m throughout its length. The maximum shearing force in the beam will be (a) 100 N (b) 250 N (c) 500 N (d) 1250 N 19. In a simply supported beam of length l carrying a uniformly increasing load from zero at right (B) supported to W at left support (A). The shear force at B is equal to (a) Wl/6 (b) Wl/3 (c) Wl (d) 2 Wl/3 20. When the shear force diagram is a parabolic curve between two points, it indicates that there is a (a) point load at the two points (b) no loading between the two points (c) uniformly distributed load between the two points APPSC Model Exam CE/ME_SM

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(d) uniformly varying load between the two points 21. In a simple bending theory, one of the assumption is that the plane sections before bending remain plane after bending. This assumption means that (a) stress is uniform throughout the beam (b) strain is uniform throughout the beam (c) Stress is proportional to the distance from the neutral axis (d) strain is proportional to the distance from the neutral axis 22. In a beam there is a layer which is neither stretched nor compressed during bending operations. This layer is known as (a) compressive layer (b) tensile layer (c) neutral layer (d) the middle layer 23. The maximum deflection of a cantilever beam of length l with a point load W at the free end is (a) 8 EI
Wl 3

(b) 3 EI

Wl 3

(c) 16 EI

Wl 3

(d) 48 EI

Wl 3

24. The deflection of the beam may be reduced by (a) decreasing the depth of beam (b) increasing the span (c) providing greater end restrains (d) any of the above methods 25. Continuous beams are (a) Stronger and much stiffer than simple beams (b) weaker and less stiffer than simple beams (c) subjected to excessive shear strain (d) withstand double the maximum bending moment on simple beams 26. The moment of inertia of a rectangle of base b and height h about the base of the rectangle is (a)
bh 3 12 bh 3 6 bh 3 3 bh 3 2




27. The moment of inertia of an area is always least with respect to (a) vertical axis (b) bottom most axis (c) radius of gyration (d) central axis 28. The ratio of bending moment at the centre of a simply supported beam of effective length L subjected to central load W with that when the load W is uniformly distributed, will be (a) 1/2 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 8 29. Two beams of equal cross-sectional area are subjected to equal bending moments. If one beam has square cross-section and the other has circular section, then (a) circular section will be economical (b) square section will be economical (c) both beams will have equal strength (d) in shear the square section will be stronger 30. A cantilever of length L carries a concentrated load W. If the length of the cantilever is doubled, the deflection at the free end, for the same load, will be (a) 2 times (b) 4 times (c) 6 times (d) 8 times

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31. A smooth roller support offers following reactions (a) a moment normal to the plane of motion to the rollers (b) forces parallel and normal to the plane of motion of the rollers (c) a force normal to the plane of motion of the rollers (d) a force parallel to the plane of motion of rollers 32. An imaginary beam for which the load diagram is (a) simply supported beam (c) laminated beam
M , the diagram will be known as EI

(b) conjugate beam (d) fixed beam

33. The ratio of average shear stress to maximum shear stress for a circular section is (a) 4/3 (b) 2/3 (c) 3/2 (d) 3/4 34. When a body is subjected to a direct tensile stress (p) in one plane, then tangential or shear stress on an oblique section of the body inclined at an angle to the normal of the section is (a) p sin 2 (b) p cos 2 (c) p tan 2 (d) (p/2) sin 2 35. The maximum shear strain occurs on (a) principal planes (c) 90 with principal planes 36. The shear stress on principal plane is (a) maximum (b) minimum (b) 450 with principal planes (d) independent of the principal planes (c) zero (d) none

37. The maximum shear stress is equal to the (a) sum of the principal stresses (b) difference of the principal stresses (c) half of the difference of the principal stresses (d) half of the sum of the principal stresses 38. The sum of the normal stresses on any two mutually perpendicular planes will be (a) variable (b) invariant (c) depends on planes(d) none 39. In Mohrs circle, the centre of circle is located at x + y x + y ] from x axis (a) from y axis (b) [

(c) x + [

x + y

] from y axis

(d) y + [

x + y

] from x axis

40. If the principal stresses at a point in a strained body are P1 and P2 (P1>P2), then the resultant stress on a plane carrying the maximum shear stress is equal to (a)
P1 + P2
2 2


P1 + P2 2


P 1 P 2

(d) none

41. A prismatic bar is carrying only an axial force. The two planes on which normal and shearing stresses are equal are inclined to the axial force at angles (a) 0 and /2 (b) /4 + /8 (c) /4 and 3/4 (d) /3 and 5/6 42. Mohrs circle is used to determine the stresses on an oblique section of a body subjected to APPSC Model Exam CE/ME_SM

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(a) direct tensile stress in one plane accompanied by a shear stress (b) direct tensile stress in two mutually perpendicular directions (c) direct tensile stress in two mutually perpendicular directions accompanied by a simple shear stress (d) all the above 43. The modulus of resilience is (a) the maximum energy stored at elastic limit (b) the maximum strain energy stored at elastic limit per unit volume (c) strain energy per unit area (d) none of these 44. The hoop stress induced in a thick cylinder due to radial pressure will be (a) tensile (b) compressive (c) shear (d) bond 45. A body is subjected to two normal strains of magnitude x = 0.003 and y = 0.002. The shearing strain on a plane inclined at 300 with x strain is given by (a)
3 x10 3 2


3 x10 3 4


1 x10 3 2


1 x10 3 4

46. An elastic body is subjected to a direct compressive stress Px in the longitudinal direction. If the lateral strains in the other two directions are prevented by applying Py and Pz in those directions, then Py=Pz is equal to ( is the poissons ratio) (a) Px/(-1) (b) Px (c) Px/[(+1)] (d) Px/(1-) 47. A prismatic bar of volume V is subjected to a compressive force in the longitudinal direction. If the poissons ratio of the material of the bar is and the longitudinal strain is e., then the final volume of the bar will be (a) (1+e) (1-)2 V (b) (1-e2) (1+e) V (c) (1+e) (1+e)2 V (d) (1-e) (1-e)2 V 48. An elastic bar of length l, cross-sectional area A, Youngs modulus of elasticity E and selfweight W is hanging vertically. It is subjected to a load P applied axially at the bottom end. The total elongation of the bar is given by (a)
Wl Pl + AE AE


Wl Pl + 2 AE AE


WL Pl + 2 AE 2 AE


Wl Pl + AE 2 AE

49. A Mohrs circle reduces to a point when the body is subjected to (a) pure shear (b) uniaxial stress only (c) equal and opposite axial stresses on two mutually perpendicular planes, the planes being free of shear (d) equal axial stresses on two mutually perpendicular planes, the planes being free of shear 50. A thin circular plate of radius r and thickness t is subjected to radial stress throughout its circumference. The unit volume change of the entire plate is 2 2 (1 ) (1 ) (1 2 ) (1 2 ) (a) (b) (c) (d)

51. If all the dimensions of a prismatic bar elongating under its own weight are increased in the proportion m : 1, then the total elongation will increase in the ratio (a) 1 : m (b) 1 : m2 (c) 1 : m3 (d) 1 : m4 APPSC Model Exam CE/ME_SM

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52. A solid cube is subjected to normal forces of equal magnitude along three mutually perpendicular directions, one of which has an opposite nature as compared to the remaining two forces. The volumetric strain of the cube is equal to (a) its linear strain (b) twice the linear strain (c) thrice the linear strain (d) its shear strain 53. A compound bar consisting of material A and B is tightly secured at the ends. The coefficient of thermal expansion of A is more than that of B. When the temperature is increased the stresses induced will be (a) tensile in both the materials (b) tensile in material A and compressive in material B (c) compressive in material A and tensile in material B (d) compressive in both the materials 54. A simply supported beam of span L carries a concentrated load W at its mid-span. If the width b of the beam is constant throughout the span, then, when the permissible bending stress is f, the beams mid-span depth will be (a) 3 WL/2 bf (b) 3WL / 2 bf (c) 6 WL/bf (d) 6 WL / bf 55. A short column of external diameter D and internal diameter d, is subjected to load W, with an eccentricity e, causing zero stress at an extreme fibre. Then the value of e must be D3 d 3 D2 + d 2 D2 + d 2 D2 d 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) 8D 8D 8D 8D 2 56. A column of length l is hinged at both ends restrained form lateral displacement at midheight. The critical load of the column is given by (other symbols have usual meaning) 2 EI 2 2 EI 4 2 EI 2 EI (a) (b) (c) (d) l2 l2 l2 4l 2 57. In a closed-coiled helical spring subjected to an axial load, other quantities remaining the same, if the wire diameter is doubled, then the stiffness of the spring when compared to the original one, will become (a) twice (b) four times (c) eight times (d) sixteen lines 58. In a thin long closed cylindrical container, the fluid pressure induces (a) only hoop stress (b) only longitudinal stress (c) longitudinal stress is equal to twice the hoop stress (d) longitudinal stress equal to half the hoop stress 59. A steel wire of 20 mm diameter is bent into a circular shape of 10 m radius. If E, the modulus of elasticity is 2 x 106 kg/cm2 then the maximum stress induced in the wire is (a) 103 kg/cm2 (b) 2x103 kg/cm2 (c) 4x103 kg/cm2 (d) 6x103 kg/cm2 60. A solid metal bar of uniform diameter D and length L is hung vertically from a ceiling. If the density of the material of the bar and the modulus of elasticity is E, then the total elongation of the bar due to its unit weight is

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2 L2

61. A steel cube of volume 8000 cc is subjected to an all round stress of 1330 kg/cm2. The bulk modulus of the material is 1.33x106 kg/cm2 The volumetric change is (a) 8cc (b) 6cc (c) 0.8cc (d) 10-3cc 62. A bar of diameter 300 mm is subjected to a tensile load such that the measured extension on a guage length of 200 mm is 0.09 mm and the change in diameter is 0.0045 mm. The poissons ratio will be (a) 1/4 (b) 1/3 (c) 1/4.5 (d) 1/2 63. In a rectangular element subjected to like principal tensile stresses P1 and P2 in two mutually perpendicular direction x and y, the maximum shear stress would occur along the (a) plane normal to x-axis (b) plane normal to y-axis 0 (c) plane at 45 to y-direction (d) plane at 450 and 1350 to the y-direction 64. A beam has a triangular cross-section, having base b and altitude h. If a section of the beam is subjected to a shear force F, the shear stress at the level of neutral axis in the crosssection is given by (a)
4 F 3 bh


3 F 4 bh


8 F 3 bh


3 F 8 bh

65. If the crushing stress in the material of a mild steel column is 3300 kg/cm2, Eulers formula for crippling load is applicable for slenderness ratio equal to/greater than (a) 40 (b) 50 (c) 60 (d) 80 66. The resultant cuts the base of a circular column of diameter d with an eccentricity equal to d/4. The ratio between the maximum compressive stress and the maximum tensile stress is (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) infinity 67. A solid shaft of circular cross-section is subjected to a torque T which produces a maximum shear stress fs in the shaft. The diameter of the shaft should be 16T 16T fs fs (a) (b) 3 (c) (d) 3 fs fs 16T 16T 68. A shaft is subjected to a bending moment M and a torque T. The equivalent bending moment Meq on the shaft is given by (a)
M + M 2 +T 2 4


M 2 + M +T 2


M M +T 2


M + M 2 +T 2 2

69. Consider the following statement: A beam of channel cross-section with vertical web loaded with a concentrated load at midspan in a plane perpendicular to the plane of symmetry passing through the centroid is subjected to (1) Bending moment (2) Twisting moment APPSC Model Exam CE/ME_SM

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(3) Shear force (4) Axial thrust Of these statements (a) 2, 3 and 4 are correct (c) 1 and 2 are correct

(b) 1, 2 and 3 are correct (d) 1 and 3 are correct

70. A cantilever of constant depth carries a uniformly distributed load on the whole span. To make the maximum stress at all section the same, the breadth of the section at a distance x from the free end should be proportional to (a) x (b) x (c) x2 (d) x3 71. Two closed-coil springs of stiffness S and 2S are arranged in series in one case and in parallel in the other case. The ratio of stiffness of springs connected in series to parallel is (a) 1/3 (b) 1/9 (c) 2/3 (d) 2/9 72. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (a) Macaulays Method : Deflection of beams (b) Eulers Method : Theory of column (c) Eddys theorem : Torsion of shafts (d) Kanis method : Analysis of portal frames 73. A bar of elastic material is subjected to a direct compressive stress 1 in the longitudinal direction. Suitable lateral compressive stress 2 is applied along each of the other two lateral directions to limit the net strain in each of the lateral directions to half the magnitude of what it could be under 1 acting alone. If is the poisions ratio of the material, then the magnitude of 2 is 1 2(1 ) 1 (1 ) 1 1 1 1 (c) 1 (a) (b) (d) 2 (1 2 ) 2 2 (1 ) 74. In order to produce a maximum shearing stress of 75 MN/m2 in the material of a hollow circular shaft of 25 cm outer diameter and 17.5 m inside diameter, the torque that should be applied to the shaft is (a) 87.4 kN.m (b) 17.49 kN.m (c) 174.9 kN.m (d) 349.7 kN.m 75. A rectangular beam 10 cm wide, is subjected to a maximum shear force of 50000 N, the corresponding maximum shear stress being 3 N/mm2. The depth of the beam is (a) 25 cm (b) 22 cm (c) 16.67 cm (d) 30 cm

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