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42 QueensGateGardensS.W.

20thMarch 1886.

My Lord,

1. In view of the possibility of any other Power making, as under its protectorate,any of
the Islands in the open Seasand Straits belonging to the Stateof Johore,I shall feel
much obliged if your Lordship will kindly arrangefor a Registerof theseappanages
to be preservedby Her Majesty'sSecretaryof Statefor the Coloniesas well as by His
Excellencythe Governor of the Straits Settlements- By this plan the interestsof any
country will be safeguardedunder the provision of the Agreementsrecentlymade.

2. The Islands in questionrange themselves around the Coast of Johore : all those on
the Western side, and a large number on the Easternside, being in the immediate
vicinity of Johore; but of the latter a large proportion also extends further out,
stretchingto evenas far as the neighborhoodof Borneo.

3. Thesemost distant Islandsconsistprincipally of what are commonly called by the

Malays the "Pulau Tujoh" (the "Seven Islands") with their respective groups of
islands,but classifiedby Europeansunder the three headingsof the Natunas,the
Anambas,and the Tambelans,as undermentioned:

1. Boonboran - GreatNatuna

2. PulauLaut North Natuna

The Natunas
3. Soobi
I SouthNatunas
4. Serapan
5. Jimaja
The Anambas
6. Siantan

7. Tambelan The Tambelans

Source : Memorial of Malaysia Annex 63

4. Havingregardto recentacquisitions by ForeignPowersoandto the lossof time which
a referenceby the Governorto your Lordshipfor directionon mayoccasion,I have
deemedit expedientbeforereturningto Johore,to communicate in the first instance
with your Lordship;and I trust I may haveyour concunencein this and that your
Lordshipmay be good enoughto adoptmeasures which may avoid suchreference
andlossof time.

5. I proposelateron to fonvardto your Lordshipa detailedlist of all theIslandswith an


TheRightHonorable EarlGranvilleEsq.
of State
Her Majesty'sPrincipleSecretary
for theColoniesDowningStreet

I havethe honor to be,

your Lordship'sObedientServant.

Sultanof Johore

Source : Memorial of Malaysia Annex 63


Chartsof theIslandsbelongingto JohoreGeneralChans

7es I
ts WesternCoastof Johore
7e6 )
403 Western,
& EasternCoastof Johore

041 Eastemcoastof Johore(immediate


660A EastemCoastof Johore(acrossto Borneo),shewingthe"PulauTujoh"

or the"SevenIslands".

Charts of Groups
- ofthe-
PulauTujohor theSevenIslands

348 NorthandGreatNatunas

104 SouthNatuna

371 Anambas

361 Tambelans

20s March1886

Abdul Rahman

of the Sultanof Johore

Source : Memorial of Malaysia Annex 63

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