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Creatures of Grimm

Creatures of Grimm
The following is a list of creatures from the NBC television series Grimm. They are referred to in the show as Wesen.

About the Creatures of Grimm

Wesen is German for 'creature', 'essence' or 'character'. Although the names of many of the Wesen listed below are compounds of German words, most of them are not truly German names in the sense that these creatures do not exist by these names in the Grimms' tales, nor are they referred to as such in spoken or written German. Further, the words are not always pronounced or spelled using German diction and plural forms. The correct German pronunciation is: *VAY-zn, with emphasis on the first syllable and with a voiceless "s". According to Monroe, a character on the show, most normal people cannot see Wesen, but there are times when they can allow themselves to be seen. Within the show's mythology, this is the source of many legends and stories which were passed down as fairy tales by The Brothers Grimm. So far in the series, Wesen have been seen (by non-Grimms) when Monroe revealed his creature appearance to Hank Griffin, when certain Wildermnner were victims of a failed experimental drug, and when a Coyotl unthinkingly revealed her appearance due to her fear of Nick Burkhart. In each case, these events were witnessed by Detective Griffin, leading him to question his sanity until Nick revealed the truth. Normal humans also may have been present at the Lowen Games, where Wesen were clearly seen. While most Wesen have been seen interacting with each other relatively casually barring some tensions between particular species, such as a long-standing species-wide feud between Blutbaden and Bauerschweine it is unclear whether long-term relationships between Wesen of different species are possible. So far, all long-term Wesen relationships shown have featured the Wesen being involved with their own species, but Monroe and Rosalee have shown an interest in each other despite being a Blutbad and a Fuchsbau respectively, with no signs that there is anything against such an interest other than their typical discomfort at the thought of risking their pre-existing friendship by trying for a closer relationship; the fact that they are both canine-based Wesen (wolf & fox) may mean that incompatibility issues are lessened.Wikipedia:No original research One episode featured a Seelengut who was pregnant with the child of a Blutbad as the result of an affair with no indication that the mother was concerned about her child's health although what the child would be like when born was never clarified and another featured a mother Genio Innocuo whose attempt to improve her child in utero resulted in him also possessing the strength of a Lowen, but this was a 'Jekyll-and-Hyde' transformation where his true self had no memory of his Lowen side's actions (this was an artificially-created hybrid, leaving it unknown what would happen if a Genio Innocuo and a Lowen bred the natural way). One episode saw a Klaustreich involved with a Seltenvogel and another episode featured a Lowen that was married to a Mauzhertz, but since these relationships were both abusive on the male's part the Klaustreich simply wanted the Seltenvogel's Unbezahlbar and the Lowen pushed the terrified Mauzhertz off a balcony during an argument this does not set a positive precedent for cross-Wesen relationships.Wikipedia:No original research It is unclear whether Wesen can actually sense each other's presence or if visual identification is required to confirm what the other Wesen are. On some occasions, Wesen meeting Nick for the first time have identified him as a Grimm when they have assumed their natural appearance while he remains human, suggesting that Wesen assume their true forms in each other's presence as a courtesy of introduction.Wikipedia:No original research

Creatures of Grimm

Recurring creatures
While not generally thought of as a Wesen species, Grimm share a bloodline trait separating them from normal humans: they are capable of seeing the true form of a Wesen, typically when the Wesen is startled, afraid or otherwise emotional. It is implied in the pilot episode that a member of the next generation receives the gift as the last approaches their deathbed or is murdered, but Nick's mother later debunks this, noting that the ability skips entire generations and family branches the only guarantee is that it seems to manifest earlier in women than men. It is a long-standing tradition that Grimms hunt Wesen who attack the general population traditionally killing them by decapitation and keep journals recording their encounters with Wesen for future Grimms to learn from. Although the protagonist Nick Burkhardt has been informed that Grimm only hunt "the bad ones" of the supernatural world, most of the creatures he encounters are instinctively afraid of or hostile to him, due to the fact that Grimm are rarely seen by average Wesen. Over the years, the Grimm have acquired a reputation as semi-mythical boogeymen, with reports of past Grimms demonstrating a flexible morality; one Grimm even clearly stated that he killed a group of Genio Innocuo simply because they were Wesen despite being fully aware that they were peaceful and harmless to others. This negative reputation extends to the highest levels of Wesen society, with even the royal families doubting the existence of a good-natured Grimm (although some of their servants have expressed a belief that Nick is working for Renard before Renard informed them that Nick is ignorant of his Wesen status). Grimm also seem to possess a natural ability for profiling people, a trait Nick demonstrates even before his Grimm powers activate, and are highly skilled at physical combat. They are also resilient to such magic as the Coins of Zakynthos, which makes ordinary humans and Wesen become overconfident, power-hungry, and obsessive. They have been guardians of the Coins for many generations. It has been suggestedWikipedia:Avoid weasel words that if a Wesen ingests the blood of a Grimm, it will strip them of their powers and abilities, essentially turning the Wesen into an ordinary human, though this has only been confirmed with a Hexenbiest. When Nick was blinded by a Jinnamuru Xunte, his hearing became sharper to compensate for his lost eyesight, a trait that he retained even after his vision was restored; he is now able to determine Rosalee's identity based on her footsteps, hear the other side of a telephone conversation taking place in the next room, and detect objects thrown at him before they make contact. It should be noted that most Wesen give an involuntary shudder when they notice that a Grimm is observing them. This may simply be because they feel exposed at being seen, but Wesen may in fact have the ability to sense a Grimm seeing them.Wikipedia:No original research There is also an unexplained connection to the Verrat that implies that Grimm were key in the Verrats' rise to power; whether they are servants or rulers of the Verrat is unknown. First seen in "Pilot".

The Reapers of the Grimm, a.k.a. Grimm Reapers, are a secret society devoted to the elimination of the Grimm. They are usually dressed in black trench coats, or wearing some form of the color black, and carry a large scythe with an inscription as their weapon of choice; they typically take trophies by decapitating their victims (which resulted in Nick's mother being able to fake her death, as a Reaper had decapitated another woman in her car and dental records were therefore impossible). In the pilot episode, the Reaper Hulda carried a scythe that read Erntemaschinen der Grimms, which translates to "Reaping machines of the Grimms."[1] In "Lonelyhearts", the unnamed Reaper's scythe reads Vernichter der Grimms, "Destroyer of the Grimms". This particular Reaper was admonished and maimed by Captain Renard, who seems to hold some sort of authority over them.Wikipedia:No original research In "Of Mouse and Man", Monroe is beaten by a group of Reapers as a warning that his alliance with Nick is upsetting the status quo. Nick later kills two Reapers single-handedly and sends their heads back to Germany, an action which sends ripples through the Wesen and Grimm communities. At least two Reapers seen are Hsslichen, but it is unknown if all members are; a Nuckelavee was once sent after Nick, but it is unclear if the

Creatures of Grimm Nuckelavee was a Reaper or just another agent for the group that is responsible for the Reapers, particularly since he lacked a scythe and was focused on tracking Nick rather than trying to kill him. First seen in "Pilot".

Blutbaden (BLOOT-bahd, BLOOT-bah-dn) are wolf-like Wesen with a keen sense of smell and great strength. The Blutbaden are very violent when in packs and are provoked by the color red. Their sense of smell can be weakened by the herb wolfsbane and they are vulnerable to attacks to the lower back. Precise details of their interaction with humans are unknown, but it would appear that most can comfortably interact with human society; Monroe was apparently ignorant of his heritage until his Wesen abilities first activated, and another Blutbad, Holly Clark, was adopted into a human family with no complications. Even the more vicious Blutbad manage to operate in human society if they secretly attack others. Variants include the Wieder Blutbad (including Monroe), a reformed Blutbad who abstains from the killing of humans through a regimen of diet, drugs, and exercise; these retain their strength, but must avoid situations where they might be tempted to more feral courses of action, such as when Monroe declines to help Nick investigate cases on the full moon or expressing uncertainty how he would react when required to fight another Blutbad. They are the mythological basis for the Big Bad Wolf. Blutbad literally means bloodbath in German. First seen in "Pilot".

Eisbiber (ICE-bee-br) are beaver Wesen who appear to be meek and very cowardly but not as much as Mauzhertz. They seem to have a knack for repair, baking, and crafts. Eisbiber are a democratic society who convene in societies called "lodges," and put issues in their community to a vote. When confronted by Nick, the Eisbiber act very afraid even when he says he won't hurt them; it takes a year's acquaintance with Nick for an Eisbiber to feel comfortable talking to Nick out of choice rather than necessity. Eisbiber is a combination of the German words for ice and beaver. First seen in "Danse Macabre".

Fuchsbauen (FOOKS-bow, FOOKS-bow-n) are fox creatures who are extremely sly and cunning. Fuchsbau seem to not mind dealing with shady transactions, such as selling human organs and blood (supplied by Geiers) to other Wesen. Monroe warns Nick to "count your fingers after shaking hands with a Fuchsbau," suggesting they are prone to theft and cheating.Wikipedia:No original research Rosalee, however is a relatively human Fuchsbau with no sign of a dishonest nature apart from questionable past mistakes. Fuchsbau means fox burrow in German. First seen in "Organ Grinder".

Hexenbiester (HEKS-n-beest) are witch-like Wesen with silver hair and ugly, rotten faces. They are infamous for brewing primitive concoctions and brews called "Zaubertrank" (singular)/ "Zaubertrnke"(plural) (German for "magic potion") that have various compulsive, highly emotional and/or ultimately deadly effects on humans. Hexenbiests can be identified by a birthmark on the underside of their tongue. Hexenbiests have a reputation for working for royalty and are extremely loyal. All Hexenbiests are strikingly beautiful in human form, making them masters of seduction and manipulation. Three of the four Hexenbiests seen in the show (as of December 2011[2]) are female lawyers. Hexenbiests are the only natural enemies of Mellifers, but their greatest weakness is the ingestion of the blood of a Grimm, which will render them completely human. Hexenbiest is the combination of the German words for witch and beast. A Hexenbiest was first seen in the "Pilot", and their nature was revealed in "Beeware". Rosalee also reveals in "Mr. Sandman" that the name "Hexenbiest" only applies to females of the species; a male would be called a "Zauberbiest" ("wizard beast").

Creatures of Grimm

Secondary creatures
These creatures star in one or two episodes. Pronunciations are those used in the series. They are not always a close approximation of the German or French. Balam Balam (BAH-lahm) is a jaguar-like Wesen that appears in "La Llorona" as Detective Valentina Espinosa (played by Mexican actress Kate del Castillo). Judging from its namesake, this Wesen species is originally from Mesoamerica.Wikipedia:No original research Espinosa developed obsessive behavior spending four years tracking the spirit/monster that had killed her niece. The Balam shown is an extremely daring creature who tends to act first and think later, although she had also managed to set up a complex computer network tracking crimes similar to the disappearance of her niece. They are typically quick and agile although they do not continuously present this characteristic. Balam is Mayan for "jaguar". First seen in "La Llorona". Bauerschwein Bauerschwein (BOW-r-shwyn) are pig or boar-like Wesen. They have an intense rivalry with the Blutbaden that dates back centuries. The rivalry is described as so intense that the Blutbaden are even blamed for Bauerschwein suicides. Bauerschweine like to take mud-baths in order to think, calm their minds, and soothe their skins. The Bauerschweine are not usually antagonistic towards others and thus rarely find themselves at odds with the Grimms. They supposed to be the mythological basis for the Three Little Pigs. Bauerschwein is the combination of the German words for farmer and pig. First seen in "The Three Bad Wolves". Coyotl Coyotl (kou-YOH-tl) are coyote-type creatures. They exist in packs; if one is spotted, there are usually more lurking nearby. Pack membership is construed similarly to membership in gangs or the Mafia, where leaving the pack is taboo. There is a mating ritual for female Coyotl: soon after a girl's seventeenth birthday, she feasts with the rest of the pack, is bathed and clothed, and then tied to a "fertility matrix" on the day of the full moon; this sequence begins her official transformation into a woman and the ability to bear Coyotl children. Finally, she is given to a male member of the pack. Female Coyotl without a pack do not necessarily have to go through the mating ritual. "Coyotl" is the Aztec word from which the English "coyote" is derived. Although their name is Aztec and the iconography of their fertility matrix seems Great Plains Native American inspired,Wikipedia:No original research the Coyotl in "Grimm" appear like Caucasians in their human form. First seen in "Bad Moon Rising". Cracher-Mortel Cracher-Mortel (Fr. cracher "to spit" + mortel "deadly or mortal") is a powerful puffer fish-like Wesen that use their spit to induce a deathlike trance to its victims and create zombie slaves completely obedient to it. In Grimm lore, Baron Samedi, the cracher-mortel who appeared so far, is known as one of the Loa of Haitian Voodoo. Samedi is a Loa of the dead, along with Baron's numerous other incarnations Baron Cimetire, Baron La Croix, and Baron Kriminel. He is the head of the Gud family of Loa, or an aspect of them, or possibly their spiritual father. He is currently working for the royal families, specifically Captain Renard's brother, Eric. First appeared in "The Waking Dead". Dmonfeuer Dmonfeuer (DAY-mohn-fyu-r) are dragon-like creatures and one of the rarer Wesen. Dmonfeuer have the ability to vaporize their own fat, which they can cough up as a cloud of highly flammable particles. Igniting the produced vapor gives them the appearance of breathing fire, which is presented as the inspiration for the myths about dragons. Dmonfeuer is a combination of the German words for demon and fire. First seen in "Plumed Serpent". Drang-Zorn Drang-Zorn (DRANG-zorn) are badger-like Wesen that are prone to violent outbursts, and are very protective of their offspring. When they feel threatened, they hide in underground dens. Their children sometimes experience their first Woge (Wesen transformation) earlier than the usual age of 13, and when that happens, these Drang-Zorn children become very unstable and highly violent to anyone who might upset them or get in their way, even their parents, which is why they need to be isolated from everyone else until they settle down. Drang-Zorn is a combination of the German words Drang ("urge, stress") and Zorn ("wrath"). First seen in "The Bottle Imp".

Creatures of Grimm Fuchsteufelwild Fuchsteufelwild means hopping mad in German. Fuchs "fox", Teufel "devil", wild "mad" or "wild") is a goblin-like Wesen with twin blade bones as fingers that release highly concentrated acid secreted by its muscles, and are also sharp enough to slice a victim in half. Their legs are also very strong enabling them to leap far and stomp the ground with considerable force. They are typically ill-tempered and small in stature but incredibly agile and highly intelligent; the Fuchsteufelwild in the episode "Nameless" was a skilled computer programmer. Their large egos fuel their capacity for horrible and cunning acts of violence, and their inability to accept defeat prompts them to commit suicide if they fail in their games. Fuchsteufelwilds love to play intricate games with their victims and always go by an anagrammed name with the same letters that make up the name "Rumpelstiltskin", such as Trinket Lipslums. First seen in "Nameless". Geier Geier (GY-r) are highly sadistic vulture-like creatures that are known for their ability to move quickly through the trees. Geiers are most infamous for harvesting human organs and blood, preferably while the victim is still alive, to make highly effective medicinal remedies for the Wesen community. The Grimms consider Geiers to be one of if not the most vile Wesen species they have ever documented. Geier means vulture in German. First seen in "Organ Grinder". Genio Innocuo Genio Innocuo (JEE-nee-oh i-NOK-ew-oh; Italian for "harmless genius") are very rare tortoise-like Wesen that originate from the Galpagos Islands. They are a peaceful, non-violent species, that often possesses genius level intellect. They lived in relative seclusion until around the year 1833, when they were discovered by a Grimm who traveled with Charles Darwin. The Grimms of that time were still very prejudiced against all Wesen, and the Genio Innocuo had never even heard of Grimms or what they do, which is why it was easy for the latter to hunt down and cull most of this particular Wesen population. This explains their rarity, and also why some of them use genetic engineering to increase their defensive capability. One Genio Innocuo mother altered her child's genetics in utero in an attempt to give him the strength of a Lowen, but this resulted in a split personality disorder where his Lowen side attacked anyone who even might be a threat. First seen in "The Other Side". Glhenvolk Glhenvolk (GLOO-n-fohlk; Germ. Glhen "glow" + Volk "people"); are alien-like, extremely rare humanoid reptilian creatures with magnificent glowing skin, giving them a very extraterrestrial-like appearance. This uniquely ancient Wesen species has roots that go all the way back to Africa. The gestating female consumes cow ovaries during pregnancy to prevent premature delivery of the child. Glhenvolk are a benevolent species; they do not like to kill accidentally or intentionally. Male Glhenvolk are extremely caring and protective of their mates especially if their mate is pregnant. Attempting to harm a Glhenvolk's mate is one of the only ways to elicit a violent response from them. They are believed to have been hunted into extinction for their skin's unique luminescent quality, which is highly coveted by collectors. Their existence was thought by many to be nothing more than a legend and to see one is considered extremely good luck. Their name translates to "glow-people". First seen in "Endangered" Hsslich Hsslich (HES-lish) are troll-like Wesen who are particularly fond of stewarding bridges, demanding toll payments from the Eisbiber who build them. Several of them work in construction for that very purpose. This is done as a means of extortion as well as for the sake of upholding ancient traditions. When the Eisbiber do not comply with demands, the result is fatal. Hsslich in German means ugly, so they are called "the ugly ones." First seen in "Leave It to Beavers". Hundjger Hundjger (HOONT-yay-gr) are vicious dog-like Wesen with heightened tracker talents and relentless sense for pursuing their prey, which is why they become feared hit men, enforcers or bounty hunters. They are employed in the service of the Verrat, a power hungry organisation originating in Europe that seeks to infiltrate and take over any corruptible power structure in the world, while enforcing their strict laws and values on all Wesen. Hundjger are construed as the enforcers responsible for mass executions of renegade Wesen during the Second World War, a notable example being their infiltration of the Spanish army and monarchy during Franco's regime. All Wesen fear them and the Verrat, which is why some have banded together in a

Creatures of Grimm resistance movement called the Laufer. When the Verrat track down Wesen associated with the Laufer, Hundjger are the ones dispatched to eliminate them. Hundjger is a combination of dog and hunter. First seen in "Cat and Mouse". Jgerbar Jgerbren (YAY-gr-bar) are bear-like Wesen who use a Germanic weapon with a claw-like scoop to disembowel their victims. Some more traditional Jgerbrs practice the ritual of Roh-Hatz, which is a coming of age rite. According to Nick's murdered aunt Marie Kessler's Grimm journal, most of the Jgerbrs tend to be lawyers, mortgage lenders, and politicians, and can live peacefully among humans as long as they avoid alcohol. They are supposed to be the mythological basis for The Story of the Three Bears. Jgerbr is a combination of the German words for hunter and bear; roh is the German word for raw and Hatz is an older German word for hunt. First seen in "Bears Will Be Bears". Jinnamuru Xunte Jinnamuru Xunte (JIN-nuh-muh-ROO CHOON-tay) are fly-like creatures that hail from Africa, and feed off their victim's tears. Their black brain is crawling with red parasitic worms that it spews on its victim's eyes leaving them blind; the Jinnamuru Xunte commonly feeds on families by attacking the relatives of earlier victims. The only way to stop the worms from completely devouring the eyeball is using the antibodies found in the Jinnamuru Xunte's eyes. Jinnamuru Xunte is loosely translated in Kenyan to "evil tear-stealing spirit". First seen in "Mr. Sandman". Klaustreich Klaustreiche (KLOW-shtrykh) are cat-like creatures, with more resemblance to alley cats than beasts of prey. They are noted to be popular with women, but it never ends well as they are very possessive and prone to violence. Klaustreich is intended to mean "Scrounging Prankster,"[3] and is a combination of the German words Klaue (meaning claw) and Streich (meaning stroke or prank). The first word can also mean to "steal" from the German word "klauen". First seen in "The Thing With Feathers". Knigschlange Knigschlange (KOON-ig-shlahng-g) are king cobra-like creatures. They are an extremely unpleasant and dangerous Wesen species. They have long serpent tongues and distinct hoods. They have the ability to use their tongues to check body temperature, pulse and other vital signs. Because of their unique skill, they are generally sought after by those wishing to unmistakably confirm an individual's death. In short, they typically find employment through exceptionally shady avenues. They also have sharp fangs that release a deadly toxin into whatever they puncture. They are highly distrustful creatures and are very rarely deceived. The second distinct trait of Knigschlange is that they are extremely fast and have incredible reflexes that far exceed that of a Grimm. Knigschlange is spelled and pronounced almost (but not quite) the same as Knigsschlange ("king's snake"), which is a German word that refers to the boa constrictor. First seen in the episode "Over My Dead Body". La Llorona La Llorona (LAH-yor-OH-n) (originally from Mexico) is a supernatural apparition of a crying woman who haunts the area where two tributaries flow into a main stem river, forming a Y shape. La Llorona will kidnap and attempt to drown two boys and a girl between the ages of seven and ten every Halloween, hoping the children can take the place of her own children, who she lost to the river many centuries ago. Though she has been encountered by Grimms several times, none of them (including Nick) have been able to figure out precisely what she is, except for the fact that she is not technically Wesen. La Llorona means "the weeping woman" in Spanish. First seen in "La Llorona". Lausenschlange Lausenschlangen (LOW-zn-shlahng-g) are snake-like creature with forked tongues, fangs, slanted eyes and skin covered in scales. They typically prey on weaker creatures (such as the Mauseherz) and use their powerful arms to crush their victims like a boa constrictor. They have been known to eat humans, with one of Nick's ancestors finding the remains of two children in a Lausenschlange's stomach after decapitating it. Lausenschlange is a combination of the German words for louse and snake. First seen in "Of Mouse and Man". Lebensauger Lebensauger (Germ. Leben "life" + Sauger "sucker") are hideous lamprey-like Wesen that have porous skin and large, funnel-like mouths with sharp teeth. Due to their hideous appearance, they often experience self-loathing and even identity crisis, preferring to pretend to be what they want to be. They are

Creatures of Grimm generally considered to be amongst the most repulsive of Wesen and are subsequently known to be prone to substance abuse. Lebensauger are exceptionally good at keeping their true nature secretive and rarely Woge in front of other Wesen. First appeared in "The Hour of Death". Lwen Lwen (LOH-n) are lion-like Wesen that run gladiatorial games in which creatures are forced to fight each other to the death. The games have survived since ancient Rome because the Lwen allow bets to be placed on the fights. Lwen keep to themselves, existing much as a lion's pride, and try not to let details about them or the games get out. Like Blutbladen, they appear to have a strong sense of smell. Derived from the German word "Lwe" which means lion. First seen in "Last Grimm Standing". Luisant-Pcheur Luisant-Pcheur are otter-like creatures with the ability to swim for long periods of time under water. They are similar to Eisbibers but are typically less skittish. When Woged, the Luisant-Pcheur displays its insulated underfur. An outer layer of hair protects that inner layer. This unique structure traps a layer of air and keeps them dry and warm while under water. Luisant is French for gleaming, pcheur means fisherman. First seen in "Kiss of the Muse". Mauvais Dentes Mauvais Dentes (MOH-vay DOH; French: mauvais "bad", dents "teeth") is a terrifying saber-toothed tiger-like Wesen that is smart, swift and deadly. There are few left in the world, but based on the Grimm ancestry, they are vicious killing machines: one of them can have the ability to wipe out an entire village single-handedly. They have a reputation for toying with their victims before killing them, much like a cat, as Kelly Burkhart said, "Mauvais Dentes is like a cat. He'll watch, he'll wait. If he figures out your coming after him, he'll do something to draw you in." When Woged, they develop enormous teeth capable of leaving puncture wounds in their victims up to an inch in diameter. The only people powerful enough to send a Mauvais Dentes are members of the royal families. First seen in "Bad Teeth". Mauzhertz Mauzhertzen (MOWZ-hurts) are mouse-like Wesen, well known for their cowardly streak. When confronted, they often flee to their "safety zones." They tend to be hoarders. There is no mention of them in the Grimms' books, something which is attributed to their deeply ingrained timidity, saying that no Mauzhertz ever did anything to attract the attention of a Grimm; the Mauzhertz Nick faced had merely suffered a psychological breakdown due to an oppressive father rather than being naturally vicious. Mauzhertz is derived from two German words: Maus (mouse) and Herz (heart). The name has also the connotation of chicken-hearted in German. First seen in "Of Mouse and Man". Mellifer Mellifers (MEL-i-fr) are bee-like creatures that live and operate as part of a swarm with a hive mentality. The leader of a Mellifer hive is referred to as a Mellischwuler. Their hives are large and are where they harvest their own venom to use as a weapon. They have a connection with normal honeybees and often use them to provide cover for their movements. Mellifers' only natural enemies are Hexenbiests. Mellifers are the only Wesen seen thus far who are openly friendly towards the Grimms. They might even have been old allies, with the Mellifers warning the Grimms of impending supernatural threats. It is possible that Nick's actions during "Beeware" could have turned the Mellifers against the Grimms, or at least against him. The suggestion that Mellifers and Grimms are allies is challenged by a Hexenbiest who counters that Nick is being manipulated to fight a blood feud, thus introducing the concept that Wesen can be conniving and untrustworthy. Mellifer is the Latin word for honey-bearing, from which is derived Apis mellifera, the scientific name for the European honeybee. First seen in "Beeware". Murcilago Murcilago (mur-see-EL--goh) are bat-like creatures that originate from Spain. They have glowing red eyes and vicious rows of teeth. They have the ability to produce an ultra- or infrasonic shriek that is fatal to humans. The shriek ruptures eardrums, eyeballs, nasal passages, and bowels, as well as breaking glass in the vicinity. In addition to their shriek, Murcilago also possess razor-sharp claws that they use as secondary weapons. They are referred to as "Gelterblitz" (literally "greased lightning", an actual German phrase for someone really fast) and "bats out of Hell". A Murcilago's screech is particularly unpleasant to the sensitive hearing of a Blutbad. The best way to fight a Murcilago is to use a hand-cranked siren known as a Murcilago

Creatures of Grimm Matraca, which emits a supersonic noise that temporarily renders the Murcilago incompetent. Murcilago is Spanish for bat. First seen in "Happily Ever Aftermath". Musai Musai are Elfin-like Wesen with the ability to inspire artistic creativity in those they get close to. Musai are very attractive and seductive, having bright red hair, sparkling light blue skin, long, pointy ears and large, deep blue eyes. The kiss of the Musai secretes a psychotropic substance and is known to be as euphoriant and addictive as any narcotic known to man, causing obsessive infatuation. Once a relationship has been established and sealed with a kiss from the Musai, it always leads to madness, destruction and death, but at the same time inspires much creativity in the Musai's afflicted lover. The Musai don't seem to try to hide the influence that they have over other people. They also don't feel guilty about the deaths that they cause thinking that they have done nothing wrong. Since there is no antidote for a Musai's kiss, only true love for somebody else is strong enough to break the induced infatuation. Parts of Van Gogh's biography are presented as a famous example of a tragic relationship between an artist and a Musai. First seen in "Kiss of the Muse". Nuckelavee A Nuckelavee (new-k-LAH-vee)Wikipedia:Cleanup is a horse-type Wesen. One was sent by the Royal Families to track Nick. The Wesen is most likely derived from a Scottish Mythological Creature by the same name.Wikipedia:No original research The creature is a type of Centaur, a man's torso sewn to the back of some sort of rotting horse. The Nuckelavee was said to be the cause of blight, disaster, floods, and more because of his purely evil nature and may well have caused the disease (or caused its aggressiveness) in "Quill". First seen in "Quill". Raub-kondor Raub-Kondor (ROWB-kohn-dorr; Germ. Raub "robbery" + Kondor "condor") are condor-like Wesen: fierce, black-feathered bird of prey creatures with steely blue eyes. Raub-Kondors are known to be one of the most dangerous hunters in the entire Wesen community. When Woged, they have the ability to see incredibly well at night through their steely blue eyes. The quality of their vision is comparable, if not superior, to military-grade night vision goggles and that of a Steinadler. Additionally, Raub-Kondors are capable of turning their heads up to 270 degrees in either direction. First seen in "Endangered". Reinigen Reinigen (RY-ni-gin) are rat-like creatures. They are scavengers who are not usually violent, unless pushed to the edge. They can also control the behavior of rats by using their musical ability. They are portrayed as "at the bottom of the food chain". They are supposed to be the mythological basis for The Pied Piper. Due to their typical non-violent nature it is likely that Reinigen do not have bad history with the Grimms. Reinigen means to clean in German. First seen in "Danse Macabre". Schakal A Schakal (SHAH-kahl) are jackal-like Wesen who seem to lead a thieving lifestyle. They are very ferocious and have been known to eat babies. "Schakal" means Jackal. Adolf Hitler is being portrayed as a Schakal who wore the Coins of Zakynthos as buttons on his collar during World War II. Schakale seem to be able to stand against a Grimm longer than normal wesen would (their skill almost matches those of a Mauvais Dentes). This is ironic, as two Schakale were killed by a Lebensauger, a wesen that has as much strength as an average human. Some (or maybe most) are shown to be daring, as a Schakal (Akira Kimura) was willing to go against a Grimm with no second thoughts. They have the potential to be great war leaders; as stated above, Adolf Hitler was supposed to be a Schakal. First seen in "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau". Scharfblicke A Scharfblicke (SHAARF-bilk-uh) is an owl-like Wesen with extroadinary eyesight that allows for them to see what otherwise cannot be seen. They have been known to find work as key masters and locksmiths because they can peer directly into locks and easily decipher the intricate mechanisms inside. When Woged, they display a pronounced beak, a plumage of feathers and extremely large eyes. The large eyes likely account for their elevated field of vision. Scharfblick in German corresponds to the term sharp-eyed. First seen in "Face Off". Seelengut Seelenguter (ZAY-ln-goot) are sheep-like Wesen. They are timid and peaceful creatures who are almost never violent. They are also a highly social species that tend to congregate in large groups, similar to Eisbibers. Their herd-mentality might lead them to be indecisive and incompetent as individuals, but it also seems

Creatures of Grimm to make them braver when acting as a herd. Like Bauerschwein, Seelenguter are normally considered by Blutbaden to be prey. Seelengut is the combination of the German words for soul and good. First seen in "The Good Shepherd". Seltenvogel A Seltenvogel (ZELT-n-voh-gl) is a bird-like Wesen, comparable to a canary or parakeet. They are so rare that they are considered extinct. They have been kept as "pets" by royal families. Once in its lifetime, a Seltenvogel will develop a glandular bump on the center of their neck below their chin. Inside this bump is a golden item, called "Unbezahlbar" (meaning "priceless"), that must be cut out before it grows too large or the Seltenvogel will die. It is extremely rare, estimated to be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars; however, if broken, it is worthless. The growth of the Unbezahlbar can apparently be accelerated through an unspecified drug, but it is unclear if this is a natural part of the process. Seltenvogel is a combination of the words: "selten" meaning "rare", and "vogel" meaning "bird". First seen in "The Thing with Feathers". Siegbarste Siegbarsten (SEEG-barst) are very rare ogre-like Wesen known for their incredibly high pain thresholdmedically described as congenital analgesiaand extremely dense bone structure, their incredible strength, potent body odor, and their tendency to carry on vendettas "to the grave". It is mentioned that they might prefer to receive gold as payment for their work. They are vulnerable to "Siegbarste Gift", a rare toxin specifically cultivated for use against Siegbarste ("Gift" is German for poison). This toxin is one of the few effective countermeasures, and in order to pierce their defenses requires a high-caliber rifle such as an elephant gun. Siegbarste Gift kills by calcifying the Siegbarste's skeleton, essentially shattering the Siegbarste from the inside out. Siegbarste is a combination of the German words Sieg (meaning victory) and possibly barst (the past tense of bersten, to burst). A corruption of "unbesiegbar(ste)", (most) invincible, would also be a possible explanation. First seen in "Game Ogre". Note: The German word unbesiegbar can not be inflected, so there is no form like "unbesiegbarste"; "siegbar" is not a German word, there is little to no meaning in the German language. Skalengeck Skalengeck (SKAH-lng-gek) are lizard-like Wesen. They usually intimidate their prey by greeting them with a hostile grin and their tongues hanging out. They may enjoy pain or be somehow immune to it through pleasure. Skalengeck is a combination of the German word for "scale" (see "Skalenzahne" for the correct etymology) and gecko. "Geck" is also a medieval German term for fool, in the 19. century for a fashionmonger. First seen in "Pilot", and featured more in "Island of Dreams". Spinnetod Spinnetods (SPIN-i-tod) are spider-like Wesen whose females are afflicted with a condition that causes them to age rapidly (it is not clear if male Spinnetods share this condition). The only way they can age normally is to suck the life out of young men; Spinnetods who resist this urge rapidly age to the point where a 28-year-old Spinnetod will appear at least three times that age. They do this by vomiting a digestive juice into the victims mouth which liquifies their insides, then draining these by biting into the flesh with their large, spider-like fangs. Though this seems violent and evil, these creatures are more often than not incapable of stopping themselves and are controlled by their more primal urges, not unlike the Blutbaden. Spinnetods have an odd attraction to shiny objects and often take jewelry, watches, etc. from their kills. Spinnetods have the ability to regrow body parts such as fingers in a matter of days. They seem to be creatures relatively unknown to the Grimms; their only mention in the books is an untranslated scroll given by a Japanese Grimm. Spinnetod is combination of the German words for spider and death; however, the creature itself is based off the Jorgumo, a demon from Japanese folklore. First seen in "Tarantella". Stangebr Stangebren (SHTAA-nguh-bair) are porcupine-like Wesen that can expose and retract needle-like quills as a defense mechanism. Stangebrs are generally peaceful and docile, similar in nature to a Mauzhertz, Reinigen or Eisbiber. They tend to find work in areas that allow them to be outdoors. When Woged, Stangebrs display an impressively thick coat of colored quills, or spines, used both for armor as well as camouflage. Stangebr is a combination of the German words for rod and bear. First seen in "Quill.' Steinadler Steinadlern (STYN-ahd-lr) are eagle-like Wesen that are commonly associated with the military and heroics. They are known to be very noble. When dealing with Steinadlern, it is practical to go with a gut

Creatures of Grimm feeling on where their allegiances lie, at times these creatures can be hard to trust. Steinadler (literally Stone-eagle) is the German name for the Golden Eagle. First seen in "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau". Taureus-Armenta Taureus-Armenta (TAH-ree-oos arr-MIN-tuh; Lat. Taureus "bull", "ox" + Armenta "cattle for ploughing") are minotaur-like Wesen with the head of a bull and body of a man. Taureus-Armentas are famous for stubbornness and courage in the face of adversity. Highly respected on the battlefield, they are often found in the front lines willing to face any enemy and have nerves of steel under fire. Known for their keen inclination to volunteer for even the most dangerous tasks, they are steadfast in their approach and are among the most honorable of Wesen. First seen in "Volcanalis". Verrat Verrat (fer-RAAT; Germ. "betrayal") is a powerful Wesen organization established in 1945 that serves the seven royal houses. Volcanalis Volcanalis is a primal, elemental entity of scorching fire and earth that manifests as a lava-burning humanoid in mountainous areas with potential volcanic activity. Notable examples where it was supposedly sighted are Mount Vesuvius before the destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum, and more recently in the aptly named Pacific Ring of Fire. Volcanalis has been known to take residence within mountains, coming out only to exact vengeance upon those who dare to take its "property": the stones found close to its habitat, making it very territorial and possessive. It seems to have an affinity with the earth itself, being able to track those who took the rocks found within its abode. It travels around underground, smouldering the earth itself to get close to its target. It is nearly invulnerable against all forms of damage, except sub-zero substances like liquid nitrogen. The few times this fiery being was witnessed has inspired survivors to associate it with demonic beings, or the devil itself. First seen in "Volcanalis". Wendigo Wendigo (WIN-dee-go, Algonquian evil spirit or cannibal) are savage, human-like Wesen that are Man-eaters, and are said to have breath like burnt flesh. When woged they grow short snow-white fur over their body, the teeth develop into needle-like fangs and the nails grow into long curved claws. They are known to store the remains of their victims in pits near their dining area and in some places underground. First seen in "To Protect and Serve Man". Wildermann Wildermnner (VIL-dr-mahn, -men-r) are Bigfoot-like Wesen. Normally friendly creatures, Wildermnner are intelligent loners who enjoy nature and activities such as building campfires, hiking, and camping. Wildermann is a combination of the German words for savage (wild) and man. First seen in "Big Feet". Ziegevolk Ziegevlks (TSEE-guh-fohlk) or Bluebeards, are goat-like Wesen who release powerful pheromones which put other people under their spell. When one of the Ziegevolk consumes a Sonoran desert toad, their pheromones become much more potent. In creature form, Ziegevolk apparently have enhanced agility. Ziegevolk tend to choose occupations that put them in the public eye, like preachers, game-show hosts, and actors; according to the show's Grimm Guide, famous Ziegevolk from real-world history included Giacomo Casanova, Frank Sinatra, and John F. Kennedy. Ziegevolk are considered nonviolent, generally intent on breeding rather than fighting. Herders, however, are Ziegevolk who capture and keep women for breeding, instead of simply "catch and release". The pheromone production can be (temporarily) disabled by attacking the pheromone-producing gland in his brain. Ziegevolk is a combination of the German words for goat and people. All Ziegevolk seen or mentioned have been male, suggesting this may be a single-gender breed of Wesen. First seen in "Lonelyhearts".


Creatures of Grimm


Minor creatures
Dickfellig Dickfellig (DIK-fel-ig)Wikipedia:Cleanup are rhinoceros-like Wesen that make good fighters. Dickfellig is a combination of the German words for thick and furred. Dickfellig means to be insensitive or indifferent in German. Dickfellig might also point to the phrase "Ein dickes Fell haben" (to have thick fur) which is the German version of the English phrase "to have a thick skin." First seen in "Last Grimm Standing". Ghost Ghosts are, like La Llorona, supernatural beings. The only known ghosts in Grimm are La Llorona's three children. They look like pale humans, with black eyes and red pupils. They also appear to have a slight blue aura surrounding them. First seen in "La Llorona". Gefrierengeber Gefrierengeber (g-FREER-n-geb-br)Wikipedia:Cleanup are not described in detail but mentioned in passing. It is implied that they have a high cold tolerance, most likely a polar bear-type Wesen. Gefrierengeber probably is a combination of the German words for to freeze and giver. First mentioned in "Let Your Hair Down". Mordstier The Mordstier (MORT-shteer)Wikipedia:Cleanup are bull-like Wesen. Mordstier is derived from two German words: Mord (murder) and Stier (bull); however in German, Mordstier means "huge animal". First seen in "Game Ogre". Rifleisch The Rifleisch (RIS-flysh)Wikipedia:Cleanup are tiger-like Wesen. They are quite agile and quick. Rifleisch is a combination of the German words for torn, ripped and flesh, meat. Schnietmache Schnietmache (SHNEET-makh-)Wikipedia:Cleanup have been referenced twice as particularly dangerous Wesen in a fight, once in "Tarentella" and once in "The Kiss." There is no clue as to the nature of this Wesen, but the name seems to suggest a relation to the bringing of snow storms (the name derives from forms of the verbs "to snow" and "to make"). Another more likely explanation to the meaning of the name could be that it consists of the words schnitt (cut) and macher (maker). Even though Schnittmacher is not a real German word it points in the direction of a Schnitter (lt. someone who cuts) which is originally the word for reaper but in mythology and here more accurately the personification of death. Skalenzahne Skalenzhne (SKAH-ln-zahn/-zay-n)Wikipedia:Cleanup are crocodile- or alligator-like Wesen. They are relatively peaceful in human society, unless they taste human flesh, which can cause them to become violent and crave human meat. They are popular contenders in the Lwen games, because of their violent nature and apparent enjoyment of the fighting. Their name comes from the German word "tooth" and is a possible mistranslation of the English word "scale" into German, due to its dual meanings as both a measuring device and the segments of keratin covering the skin of certain reptiles. The German word "Skalen" is the plural of measuring scales, not the keratin pieces. The likely correct word would have been "Schuppen". First seen in "Last Grimm Standing".

[1] Reaper of the Grimms (http:/ / www. nbc. com/ grimm/ grimm-guide/ 2011/ 11/ reaper-of-the-grimms/ ), Grimm Guide, NBC. Last accessed 31 December 2011. [2] http:/ / www. nbc. com/ grimm/ grimm-guide/ 2011/ 11/ hexenbiest/ [3] Klaustreich (http:/ / www. nbc. com/ grimm/ grimm-guide/ 2012/ 04/ klaustreich/ ), Grimm Guide, NBC. Last accessed 25 April 2012.

External links
Grimm Guide (, NBC

Article Sources and Contributors


Article Sources and Contributors

Creatures of Grimm Source: Contributors: 2001:628:2010:21:6173:74EC:E9C9:645B, 2A02:2F0E:605F:FFFF:0:0:567C:B68B, 2A02:2F0E:61CF:FFFF:0:0:4F70:3EDF, 2A02:2F0E:61DF:FFFF:0:0:4F70:34D3, 2A02:2F0E:61DF:FFFF:0:0:4F70:3597, 4november, 72Dino, Agent equinox, Alefu, Ampfinger, AussieLegend, Barri, Bema Self, Bmundt, Busterboy06, Bvojir, Caringtype1, Carl Francis, Cedricstark, Colin Pye, DaemonsTool, Darthwill, DePiep, Discospinster, DuctTapeJedi, Editor JD, Electriccatfish2, Emmileigh, Erikeltic, FriscoKnight, Gaarmyvet, GoShow, Goadeff, GoingBatty, Google45, GorillaWarfare, Gtravis3, Heavenstorm, Huzonfurst, Icealien33, JC Chu, JDspeeder1, Jaffaquake, Johndburger, Jonathanfu, Kevinbrogers, Kmaedits, Kwamikagami, Kyle Brackman, LegacyOfValor, Legoktm, Malcolma, Masterwraith, MaxHarley, Maxrideboytoy, Mconwell, Melopsittacus23, Mercury7x, MikeyMouse10, Millermk, Mogism, Mondoblasto, Mortandos, Num1dgen, Osseuse, OwenBlacker, Pengolodh II, Peter Putzer, Phaeton23, Pphaneuf, Qa003qa003, Racklever, Ragestorm, Richard-of-Earth, Riinka, Roththesloth, Rtkat3, Ryan Reeder, Salanola Ortoluron, ShelfSkewed, Skuag, Smurfgurl22, Sochwa, Sun Creator, T.ken, Tcassidycurtis, TheDumon, Theopolisme, V2Blast, Vheuer, Wickedlizzie, Woodshed, Yishen91, Corcrin, 476 anonymous edits

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