Re-Image A Smart-1 Appliance

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How To Re-image a Smart-1 Appliance

12 May 2011

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Date 5/9/2011 Description First release of this document

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Important Information .............................................................................................3 How To Re-image a Smart-1 Appliance .................................................................5 Before You Start .....................................................................................................5 Method 1 Re-imaging a Smart-1 Appliance using a DVD Drive ........................6 Completing the Procedure ................................................................................... 8 Verifying the Procedure ....................................................................................... 8 Method 2 Re-imaging the Smart-1 Appliance using the LOM card...................9 Completing the Procedure ................................................................................... 9 Verifying .............................................................................................................. 9

Completing the Procedure

How To Re-image a Smart-1 Appliance

This document shows you how to re-image a Smart-1 appliance with a new image. This is useful to: Prepare Smart-1 for deployment Prepare Smart-1 for an upgrade Refresh Smart-1 with a new image.

Supported Versions
The first procedure in this document requires an external USB DVD drive. The procedure may be used to re-image all Smart-1 appliances, but it is especially relevant to the Smart-1 5 appliance which can only be re-imaged in this way. The second procedure in this document uses the internal LOM card on the Smart-1 appliance to reimage the appliance. The procedure is applicable to all Smart-1 models other than Smart-1 5 which does not have an internal LOM card.

Supported Images
R65, R70 and later ISO images are available on the Check Point support site for download. Upgrade packages for minor versions are also available. Important - Smart-1 appliances require a Check Point package that is only for Smart-1. Using the wrong image will either not work or could damage your Smart-1 system.

Supported Appliances
The Smart-1 appliance family

Before You Start

Related Documentation and Assumed Knowledge
sk43778: Supported upgrade options for Smart-1 sk40824: How do you back up a Check Point management station?

Impact on the Environment and Warnings

This procedure replaces the factory installed image with a new Smart-1 image and returns the appliance back to a factory state. After re-imaging, the Smart-1 appliance must be reconfigured as a brand new Smart-1 appliance. If the re-image is part of an upgrade, then before beginning the procedure Check Point recommends that you: 1. Perform an upgrade_export from the appliance. 2. Know the basic configuration, so you can perform the initial configuration of the device. This will make it possible for you to import the upgrade_export file.

How To Re-image a Smart-1 Appliance

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Completing the Procedure

Method 1 Re-imaging a Smart-1 Appliance using a DVD Drive

1 Download the required Smart-1 ISO image
Download the required Smart-1 ISO image that is compatible with your particular Smart-1 model from the Check Point support site ( The following are some of the available images. Later versions are also available. Smart-1 images for R70.1: Smart-1 5 and 25 R70.1 image Smart-1 50 and 150 R70.1 image

Smart-1 images for R70: Smart-1 50 and 150 R70 image Smart-1 5 and 25 R70 image

Smart-1 images for NGX R65: Smart-1 25 NGX R65 image Smart-1 5 NGX R65 image Smart-1 50 SmartCenter NGX R65 image Smart-1 50 Provider-1 NGX R65 image

Burn the ISO image onto a DVD disk.

Burn the image onto a DVD disk. There are freeware utilities on the internet that can be used to burn the ISO on to the DVD disk. For example, Active ISO Burner from Lsoft Technologies Inc.

Attach the USB drive to the Smart-1 appliance

Attach an external USB DVD drive to the USB ports on the Smart-1 appliance. Insert the DVD disk that you prepared with the appropriate platform Smart-1 ISO image into the DVD drive. The LG USB DVD drive, model GP08LU11 was tested with this procedure and worked properly without any issues.

Method 1 Re-imaging a Smart-1 Appliance using a DVD Drive

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Completing the Procedure

Attach a PC to the Smart-1 console port

Attach the Smart-1 console cable to the console port of the Smart-1 5 appliance; plug the other end of the cable into a PC serial port. Use PuTTY or your preferred emulator. Set the baud rate to 9600 and open a console connection. Turn on the Smart-1 5 device and the boot process should start to be displayed in PuTTY or your chosen emulator.

Reconfigure the BIOS

Break into the BIOS by pressing the TAB key several times until the BIOS configuration screen is shown and navigate to the Boot option:

Select the Boot Device Priority and if necessary reset the boot order so that the USB device is the first device in the list and the second boot device is set to the Hard Disk Drive so the boot order now looks like the following:

Method 1 Re-imaging a Smart-1 Appliance using a DVD Drive

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Completing the Procedure

Save the changes and exit the BIOS setup:

Completing the Procedure

The USB drive is now the first boot device and the Smart-1 will now be able to boot from the ISO image. An installation wizard will guide you through the installation procedure.

Verifying the Procedure

If the Smart-1 device automatically boots from the DVD then this procedure was successful. If the Smart-1 device did not boot from the device check the BIOS and make sure that the: USB is the first boot device USB ports are enabled (by default USB is enabled). ISO image on the DVD is the correct image ISO image on the DVD is bootable in VMware or on a PC. However- Do not run it, as it will fail to fully install in VMware and will corrupt your PC.

Method 1 Re-imaging a Smart-1 Appliance using a DVD Drive

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Completing the Procedure

Method 2 Re-imaging the Smart-1 Appliance using the LOM card

In Smart-1 25, 50 and 150 it is possible to mount an image from the network or from the desktop via the appliances internal LOM card: 1. Access the LOM card in the Smart-1 appliance by browsing to (default IP address of the LOM card). 2. In the Login page, enter username and password. 3. If the server is not powered on: a. Select Appliance Control > Power Control. b. Select Power On Server and click Apply Changes. 4. Select Appliance Control > KVM Console. 5. Click Open Console. 6. If not already installed, install Java from this location to be able to open the console. 7. In the Jviewer window that opens, go to "Device" menu and click "Redirect ISO". 8. Select the image from the local desktop or anywhere on the network and click "Open". 9. Reboot the appliance. It will boot from the selected image and begin installation.

Completing the Procedure

After rebooting the appliance the Smart-1 should now boot from the selected ISO image and guide you through the installation procedure.

If the Smart-1 device automatically boots from the selected image then this procedure was successful.

Method 2 Re-imaging the Smart-1 Appliance using the LOM card

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