2007 The House On Mango

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Idioma Ingls I 2007 Dpto.

Ingls FFyL, UNCuyo STUDY SHEET THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET by Sandra Cisneros A. Pre-reading questions 1. What does the title The House on Mango Street suggest? 2. What does the authors name suggest about the authors birthplace? What do you know about her? 3. Surfing in the Internet might prove very useful. Have you tried these web pages?

http://www.masconomet.org/teachers/trevenen/mango.html http://www.gradesaver.com/classicnotes/authors/about_sandra_cisneros.html http://www.galegroup.com/free_resources/chh/bio/cisneros_s.htm http://www.barnesandnoble.com/writers/writer.asp?cid=996864 http://www.answers.com/topic/sandra-cisneros

B. Analysis of the text The house on Mango Street downloaded and adapted from:

Sandra Cisneros constructs her work through a series of vignettes. A vignette is a short, well written sketch or descriptive scene. It does not have a plot which would make it a story, but it does reveal something about elements in a plot. It may reveal character, or mood or tone. It may have a theme or idea of its own that it wants to convey. It is the description of the scene or character that is important. By linking these vignettes, Cisneros attempts to reveal the life of a young girl, a daughter of Mexican immigrants, growing up in Chicago an inner city of the United States. When all of the vignettes are told, the reader gets a larger picture of the narrator, Esperanza, and the culture from which she springs. C. Genre: Is This a Novel? Is The House on Mango Street a novel? Well, maybe it is a novella. It is hard to categorize Cisneros' work and just because we cannot does not mean that the work is in any way diminished. In fact, it may enhance its reputation in many ways. Cisneros breaks the rules. She writes a work of fiction and she does not follow the conventional rules of plot or form. Is it prose? Mostly, but there are certain chapters which are sort of prose poems ("My Name" or "Geraldo No Last Name" or "Darius & the Clouds"). Because she breaks the rules, Cisneros creates something new and it is up to you to decide if what she has created speaks to you. Breaking the rules is important sometimes, especially when it comes to art, science and creativity. This is why it is important to learn the rules in the first place! Learn what has been done and what has worked well in the past. Learn to use all of the techniques and ideas that others have devised and then you can put them together in new ways. It is a clich, but we do stand on the shoulders of giants. Experiment. Be brave. (Not everyone will like what you come up with.) Learn the rules so that you know where they will take you. Then, IF YOU HAVE A GOOD REASON, break a few. Just make sure you know why you are doing so and whether you are willing and ready to take the risk and face the consequences. D. What are the steps or stages typical of narratives in general? How does the formula below help you recall the generic structure of narratives? (orientation)^ setting ^action^complicating action^resolution^(evaluation)^(coda. The generic structure of The House on Mango Street does not fit the ordinary expectations of readers. Each vignette is not typical of chapters in novels since they are quite independent from each other in respect of the narration. Each of them can be read as if it were an independent narrative or anecdote. Some of them have quite an expected structure, others have been described as prose poems. In any case, each vignette

Idioma Ingls I 2007 Prof. AMM de Gandur Prof. Grisel Salmaso


contributes to achieve the overall picture of Esperanzas family, her childhood and her neighbourhood. E. You may choose to read the whole novel (novella or novellette. first and then go back to the somehow independent vignettes one by one or you may prefer to read the following sets of questions before and after reading each vignette. Choose the strategy that best suits your needs and personality but make sure you make the most of the reading process. Downloaded and adapted from:

1. "The House on Mango Street" Dreams, expectations, hopes, desires, poverty, disappointment, ownership, relationship between ownership and identity. What other topics are covered in this vignette? 2. "Hairs" What is this vignette about? Answer this and don't mention the topic hair. When you have done so, you will have mentioned theme. Exercise: Re-write this vignette and break it into lines as if it were a poem. What are some of the most poetic images? 3. "Boys and Girls" This vignette is important! What do you learn about the narrator's culture from the way the children are thought of and the way the children behave? What does this vignette tell the reader about the relationship between males and females? "[...] Until then I am like a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor." (page 9) What is the anchor? What is the thing in her life that is holding her in place? What will free her? 4. "My Name" This is another prose poem. Find some of the important images that refer to how the narrator thinks of herself. What has caused her to think negatively about her name? What do you learn about Esperanza's Mexican culture that was foreshadowed in the vignette "Boys and Girls"? 5. "Cathy Queen of Cats" What do you learn about bigotry from Cathy? What do you learn about Alicia? Why do you think Alicia stopped being friendly with Cathy? What do you learn about Esperanza from the way she accepts the stories from Cathy? 6. "Our Good Day" Rachel and Lucy: Who were they in "Cathy Queen of Cats"? What choice does Esperanza make in this vignette? What do you think this means? 7. "Laughter" Here is another vignette that is about more than the facts it presents. What is the theme of the vignette? 8. "Gil's Furniture Bought and Sold" What does the astute reader learn about Esperanza from this vignette? 9. "Meme Ortiz" What must it be like to go through life with two names and titles depending upon which language you are using? Which language is Esperanza's? Are you sure? Cathy is mentioned again. How does this information highlight one of Cathys salient features? What does the reference to the Corderos house suggest? 10. "Louie, His Cousin & His Other Cousin" What is Marin's role in the family? Fill in the missing pieces and explain why Louie's cousin was arrested. 11. "Marin" What does this vignette tell us about the role some women are asked to play in society? What does Marin feel will save her? 12. "Those Who Don't"

Idioma Ingls I 2007 Prof. AMM de Gandur Prof. Grisel Salmaso


Does anything that is mentioned in this chapter ring true for you? How does the situation described resemble or differ from what happens in the neighbourhood you live in? 13. "There Was an Old Woman She Had So Many Children She Didn't Know What to Do" What is Rosa Vargas' life like? What is the cause of most of her problems? What is the consequence of the way her children are raised? Is she to blame? Who is? How could this problem be avoided? 14. "Alicia Who Sees Mice" Alicia from "Cathy Queen of Cats" is the subject of this vignette. What are some of the obstacles she must overcome to continue to improve herself? How does the culture of her family hold her back? 15. "Darius & the Clouds" What is the theme of this prose poem? 16. "And Some More" Who is the speaker of each line? Can you attach a name to each? What is the destructive element involved in this scene? 17. "The Family of Little Feet" What is happening in this vignette that is so powerful that the girls want to forget that it happened? Where does the power lie? There are many things that are dangerous that are described here. Mr. Benny from the corner grocery notices one danger. Are there others? Think back to "Marin" and "Alicia Who Sees Mice" or look forward in the book follow the character of Sally. What are the dangers in Esperanza's world? 18. "A Rice Sandwich" Esperanza tries to be part of something she sees as special. What was the reality of the canteen? Describe Esperanza's shame. 19. "Chanclas" What is the significance of the last two lines of this vignette? Consider the events in "The Family of Little Feet." What is the ambivalence the character has about her growing sexuality? 20. "Hips" This is another story in a series about the burgeoning sexuality of the girls. Why does the author contrast the talk of developing bodies with the songs of the jump rope? What is the purpose of the juxtaposition of these two topics? How has Nenny separated herself from the group? 21. "The First Job" Which quality of Esperanza's personality shows up while she is at her first job? What information do you have from previous stories about Esperanza and other women in the book that would account for Esperanza's shyness and reticence? 22. "Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark" What phrase does Esperanza use that indicates she feels more an American than a Mexican? 23. "Born Bad" This is the first story to indicate the path of escape for Esperanza. What is it? Who encouraged her? What do you think will be one of your paths to your future? What gift do you have that "will keep you free"? Have you begun "to dream the dreams"? 24. "Elenita, Cards, Palm, Water" Why does Esperanza seek a home? Remember back to "The House on Mango Street." Is there anything in the story to indicate that Esperanza is still a little girl? 25. "Geraldo No Last Name" They never saw the kitchenettes. They never knew about the two-room flats and sleeping rooms he rented, the weekly money orders sent home, the currency exchange. How could they? (page 66) If Marin did not know Geraldo very well, if she did not even know his last name, how does she know about his life? Who else has no last name in the story? Why is this so?

Idioma Ingls I 2007 Prof. AMM de Gandur Prof. Grisel Salmaso


The use of an anonymous character is a popular technique used by writers. If the character can be anyone then the character can also be the reader. Giving a character a sense of universality is important when the writer wants to impress her theme on the reader. Is Geraldo like you? If you think the answer is No, please think about whether or not you carry any identification with you when you go out. If you were hurt and unable to communicate, would strangers be able to tell who you are? Would you even have a first name? 26. "Edna's Ruthie" The narrator does not know what is wrong with Ruthie. Any answer about her problem would be speculation, but good readers have good speculations. What do you think? 27. "The Earl of Tennessee" Here is a case where the observant reader is smarter than the narrator. Explain the last paragraph of this vignette. 28. "Sire" Again we have the juxtaposition of youth and sexuality. Lois is in a trap. She is involved with something that she does not completely understand. How would you advise Lois? In one ear, Esperanza hears her mother's voice which says that "those girls are the ones that go into alleys." Esperanza also wonders where Sire takes Lois and what happens there. What is the conflict that Esperanza is in? Would you describe the conflict as Esperanza against another person, against herself, against nature, or against society? Who out there could make a case for all four? 29. "Four Skinny Trees" These are the trees mentioned in the previous vignette. Esperanza understands the trees. In fact, everything that Esperanza says about the trees could be said about her. Without using or mentioning the extended metaphor of the trees, tell me all about Esperanza. 30. "No Speak English" What is the sorrow of the woman across the street? Why does she get upset when the baby boy begins to sing the Pepsi commercial? 31. "Rafaela Who Drinks Coconut & Papaya Juice on Tuesdays" Why does Rafaela get locked in doors? What does this tell you about the role of women in this culture? What does this tell you about some of the pitfalls and dangers that Esperanza must avoid? Are these pitfalls very different from the ones you must avoid? 32. "Minerva Writes Poems" Why does Minerva write poems? How is she like Esperanza? How is she different? A cautionary tale is pretty much as it sounds. It is a story that warns or cautions the reader about a danger he might face. How is "Minerva Writes Poems" a cautionary tale? 33. "Bums in the Attic" These chapters are forming a climax to the book (being wary of calling it a novel). Esperanza is changing both in body (see "Sire") and in aspirations (this vignette.. Before Esperanza only wanted a house, but now her dreams have added a new dimension. She is sounding more confident about her success and she has added an altruistic or selfless side to her dream. People who live on hills sleep so close to the stars they forget those of us who live too much on earth. [...] One day I'll own my own house, but I won't forget who I am or where I came from.[...] (pages 86-87) 34. "Beautiful & Cruel" Here is Esperanza at her most confident. She is not like those "who lay their necks on the threshold waiting for the ball and chain." (page 88) In this poetic image, what does the word "threshold" signify? What is the "ball and chain"? What are the connotations of these two terms? Why does Esperanza emphasize that she will act "like a man"? What does this signify in this story? 35. "A Smart Cookie" Here we have another cautionary tale and this one is told to Esperanza by her mother. Esperanza's mother warns her about refraining from participating in life because of shame. Her lesson is that refraining from life will only perpetuate the shame. Explain the significance of the last sentence: "I was a smart cookie then."

36. "What Sally Said"

Idioma Ingls I 2007 Prof. AMM de Gandur Prof. Grisel Salmaso


What are the dynamics between the father and Sally? Why does Sally leave home? Why does she go back home? Why does her father hit her? Why does Sally leave home? 37. "The Monkey Garden" This is a complex and important chapter. Read it carefully! First we have a garden. Could this be an allusion to another garden? What famous gardens do you know of? Next we have a description of the garden that the children take over. Describe it when they first have it. What happens to the garden as time goes on? Things had a way of disappearing in the garden, as if the garden itself ate them, or, as if with its old-man memory, it put them away and forgot them. (page 95) Let's go back to what we were learning about theme. The plot of this chapter is about a garden, but a good story is always about something other than the plot. If this story is about something more, then what might the garden be all about? On page 96, Esperanza tells the reader that this was the place where she wanted to die and where she had tried to die. She indicates that this would be the last day she would be in the garden. Therefore the events that follow this must be significant. You are being told to pay attention. Will you? Please, do. Following this attention getting paragraph, Esperanza asks, "Who was it that said I was getting too old to play the games?" If this immediately follows the attention getting paragraph , this question might be important. What is the story about? In this story, Esperanza is contrasted with what other character that we have been getting to know? In this story, what are the differences between Sally and Esperanza? Esperanza witnesses some interplay between Sally and Tito and the boys. She becomes angry in a way that seems out of proportion to what is happening. The action between Sally and the boys must represent something more important to Esperanza. What is it? Esperanza cannot explain her anger and her desire to save Sally from the boys. Can you? Afterward Esperanza is embarrassed and upset. She wanted to be dead. Did she die? Is there any way you could think to explain that a part of her died that day? What part might it be and how did it happen? I looked at my feet in their white socks and ugly round shoes. They seemed far away. They didn't seem to be my feet anymore. And the garden that had been such a good place to play didn't seem mine either. (page 98) A symbol is an object that represents a much, much, much, much, much, much more complicated idea. Remember the shoes Esperanza is refers to. She mentions them in "Chanclas." In this story, what do the shoes symbolize and why do they no longer seem to be her feet anymore? What does the garden symbolize and why is it no longer Esperanza's? Sally does not seem to a part of the garden in this story. Did she leave the garden in the same way as Esperanza? What is the conflict in this story? There is a great deal to talk about in this story, but much of it depends upon the previous chapters and what the reader learns there. 38. "Red Clowns" What happens to Esperanza in this chapter? In what way is she different from Sally? Why is she different from Sally? Will she ever become like Sally? 39. "Linoleum Roses" What is Sally's fate? 40. "Three Sisters" This vignette seems to take on a mystical element absent in any of the other chapters, even "Elenita, Cards, Palm, Water" which was ostensibly about fortune telling. This story seems to be about something truly mystical. Esperanza meets three old aunts at a baby's funeral. Three sisters they are called and one cannot help thinking of the Three Weird Sisters who were fortune telling witches from William Shakespeare's Macbeth. They ask Esperanza to make a wish and she does, but does not tell them what it is. (What do you think it is?) The sisters tell Esperanza that the wish will come true but they add an admonition or warning. After repeating Esperanza's name, one sister says, When you leave you must remember to come back for the others. A circle, understand? You will always be Esperanza. You will always be Mango Street. You can't erase what you know. You can't forget who you are [...] You must remember to come back. For the ones who cannot leave as easily as you. (page 105) Why does the sister repeat Esperanza's name? The climax of the story has been over for several chapters. We are into the denouement. What was the major conflict of the story? If you are having trouble figuring out the conflict and who won, answer this question, "How do you know Esperanza will never end up like Sally?"

Idioma Ingls I 2007 Prof. AMM de Gandur Prof. Grisel Salmaso


Who won the conflict and when did it happen? (Only answer this if you have already finished the book.) What is this story telling us about Esperanzas fate? 41. "Alicia & I Talking on Edna's Steps" Who is Alicia? What is significant about her and why is she talking to Esperanza? Recall Alicia in "Cathy Queen of Cats" and "Alicia Who Sees Mice." What is this chapter telling you about the fate of Esperanza? Who is going to make Mango Street better? How? 42. "A House of My Own" How will Esperanza make a house of her own? What confidence is Esperanza showing? What is the significance of the simile in the second paragraph? 43. "Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes" Where did Esperanza go? How? Why? F. All texts reflect part of the political, religious, social ideas, principles, values of its author. This is technically described as the ideology expressed in the text. This seems to be true of The House on Mango Street. Sandra Cisneros message can be said to be that immigrants, Hispanics in particular, suffer a lot in the US. It can also be said to be that Latino immigrants can succeed in spite of being discriminated against in most places. What other traces of ideology can you pinpoint in this text? G. Look up the following phrasal verbs in your dictionary. Write down the meaning they have in the text and any other meaning they might have in a different context. let out (page 18) give up (page 30) dive in (page 51) look into (page 63) go for (page 20) go away(page 31) make up (page 52) throw out (page 68) take off (page 24) keep on (page 40) turn out (page 53) let out (page 70) go out ( page 27) show off (page 47) show up (page 54) leave out (page 70)

H. Look up these excerpts in the book, reread the vignette they have been taken from very attentively and then paraphrase the sentences. Pay special attention to the underlined words and phrases. 1. Until then I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor. (page 9) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2. Not the shy ice cream bells giggle of Rachel and Lucys family [...](page 17) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3. All brown all around, we are safe. [] our knees go shakity-shake [...](page 28) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4. [] so she can wake up early with the tortilla star, the one that appears early just in time to rise and catch the hind legs hide behind the sink, beneath the four-clawed tub, under the swollen floorboards nobody fixes, in the corner of our eye. (page 31) .............................................................................................................................................................................

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............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5. The mothers feet, plump and polite, descended like white pigeons from the sea of pillow [] ( page 40) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6. Its Rachel who learns to walk the best all strutted in those magic high heelsto run like a doble-dutch rope, so that the shoes talk back to you with every step. [] Down the corner where men cant take their eyes off us. We must be Christmas. (page 40) ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7. They bloom like roses, I continue because its obvious that Im the only one that speaks with authority; I have science on my side. [] Bones got to give. (page 50) ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8. When Im too sad and too skinny to keep keeping, when Im a tiny thing against so many bricks [] Four who grew despite concrete. Four who reach and do not forget to reach. Four whose only reason is to be and be. (page75) ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9. [] but I have decided not to go tame like the others who laid their heads on the threshold waiting for the ball and chain. (page 88) ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10. I have begun my own quiet war. Simple. Sure. I am the one who leaves the table like a man, without putting back the chair or picking up the plate. (page 89) ............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................

Idioma Ingls I 2007 Prof. AMM de Gandur Prof. Grisel Salmaso


I. Answer the following questions on each of the vignettes. Be precise. Avoid unnecessary repetitions. Even if you write your answers for the sake of practice, this exercise is meant to give you practice on oral production, on oral responses. 1. The House on Mango Street a. How many members were there in Esperanzas family? b. What were their names? c. Why did Esperanzas family move to the house on Mango Street? d. What were the positive aspects of living in this new house? e. Why wasnt Esperanza happy about living in this house? 2. Hairs a. Why is this vignette entitled Hairs? b. What does the reader learn about Esperanzas family through this chapter? c. What were Esperanzas feelings towards her mother? 3. Boys and Girls a. What was Esperanzas brothers attitude towards her at home and outside? b. Why couldnt Nenny be Esperanzas friend? c. Why did Esperanza want to have a best friend? 4. My name a. Why didnt Esperanza like her name? b. Who had she been named after? c. What was Esperanzas great-grandmother like? d. Why would she have liked to know her? e. What kind of name would Esperanza like to have? 5. Cathy Queen of Cats a. Why is this vignette entitled Cathy Queen of Cats? b. What was Cathy like? 6. Our Good Day a. Why was it a good day for Esperanza? b. Who were Esperanzas new friends? c. How did she make friends with them? d. How did Cathy react? Why? e. Why was Esperanza surprised when she told her new friends her name? 7. Laughter a. Why is the chapter called Laughter? b. In what way were Lucy and Rachel similar? 8. Gils Furniture Bought and sold a. Who was the owner of the store? b. What was the store like? c. What was sold at the store? d. What did the girls see at the store that astonished them? e. Why were they impressed? 9. Meme Ortiz a. Who was Meme Ortiz? b. What was his real name? c. What was Memes dog like? d. What was special about the backyard of his house?

Idioma Ingls I 2007 Prof. AMM de Gandur Prof. Grisel Salmaso


10. Louie, His Cousin & His Other Cousin a. Who was Louie? b. Where did he live? c. What was his female cousin, Marin, like? d. What happened to his male cousin? 11. Marin a. Who did Marin write to? b. What would she do if she went back to Puerto Rico? c. Why did Louies parents want to send her back? d. Why did Esperanza like Marin so much? 12. Those Who Dont a. Why were people afraid of going into Esperanzas neighbourhood? b. Were the people from her neighbourhood scared? c. When were they frightened? 13. There was an old Woman. a. Who were the Vargases? b. What was wrong about them? c. Why didnt their mother do something about it? d. What was peoples attitude towards them? 14. Alicia Who Sees Mice a. Who was Alicia? b. What did she have to do at home? Why? c. Why did she study at the university? d. What was she afraid of? 15. Darius & the Clouds a. What was Esperanzas opinion of the sky? b. What else apart from enough sky did they lack at their neighbourhood? c. What did they do about it? d. What do you think the sky and other beautiful things stand for? e. Who was Darius? f. What was he like? g. What was his only wise comment according to Esperanza? 16. And Some More a. Why is this vignette entitled And Some More? b. Why did Esperanza and her friends start discussing? c. How did their quarrel end up? 17. The Family of Little Feet a. Who were the family of little feet? b. What did the mother give Esperanza and her friends? c. What happened to the girls when they wore them? d. Why did they decide to hide them? e. Were they really dangerous as the boy in the street said? Why? 18. A Rice Sandwich a. Who were the special kids? b. Why did Esperanza want to eat at the school canteen? c. Why didnt her siblings want to eat at the school canteen? d. What was Esperanzas mother first reaction when Esperanza told her to prepare a sandwich for her to eat at school? e. How did Esperanza convince her mother? f. What happened to Esperanza the day she was supposed to eat at the canteen? g. Were the kids and the canteen as special as she had thought they would be?

Idioma Ingls I 2007 Prof. AMM de Gandur Prof. Grisel Salmaso


19. Chanclas a. Why did Esperanzas mother buy new clothes for Esperanza? b. Why was Esperanza self-conscious at the party? c. What made her feel better? d. How did Esperanzas attitude towards the boy she met at the party change? 20. Hips a. What did each of the girls say about hips? b. Why was Esperanza so ashamed of what Nenny said? c. What did Esperanza mean when she said that Nenny is in a world they dont belong to anymore? 21. The Firs Job a. Why did Esperanza need a job? b. What kind of job did she want? c. What kind of job did her aunt find her? d. What was Esperanzas attitude at work? e. Who did she meet? What did he do? 22. Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark a. Who died? b. Why did Esperanzas father tell her first? c. What is the meaning of the title of the chapter? d. What was different about her father that night? e. What do you think were Esperanzas feelings towards her father? 23. Elenita, Cards, Palm, Water a. What did Elenita do? b. Why did Esperanza go to her house? c. Why was Esperanza disappointed? 24. Geraldo No Last Name a. Who was Geraldo? b. Where did he work? c. Where did he meet Marin? d. What happened to him? How did Marin feel about it? 25. Ednas Ruthie a. Who was Edna? b. What was she like? c. Who was Ruthie? d. What was she like? e. What was special about her? f. What was the relationship between Ruthie and Edna like? g. Why did Ruthie live with her mother? h. What did the children and Ruthie do together? 26. The Earl of Tennessee a. Who was Earl? b. Where did he live? c. What did he do? d. What did people gossip about him? 27. Sire a. Who was Sire? b. What was his girlfriend like? c. What did Esperanza think about her? d. What changes did Sire and Lois relationship bring about in Esperanza? 28. Four Skinny Trees a. Why did Esperanza like the four skinny trees?

Idioma Ingls I 2007 Prof. AMM de Gandur Prof. Grisel Salmaso



b. What did they make her feel? 30. No Speak English a. Who was mamacita? b. What was she like? c. Why did she move to the neighbourhood? d. Was she happy living there? Why? e. What did she feel when her baby started speaking English? 31. Rafaela Who drinks a. Who was Rafaela? b. Why couldnt she go out of the house? How did she feel about it? c. What does the juice represent? 32. Sally a. Who was Sally? b. What was she like? c. Why did Esperanza make so many questions about Sally? Was it actually Sally she was thinking about? 33. Minerva Writes Poems a. Who was Minerva? b. Why was she unhappy? c. What did Esperanza and Minerva have in common? 34. Bums in the Attic a. Why was Esperanza ashamed of going out with his father and sister on Sundays? b. What did Esperanza think about people who lived in the hills? c. What would Esperanza do if ever she had a house of her own? 35. Beautiful and Cruel a. What did Nenny think about waiting for a man to get married to? Why does Esperanza say it was easy for b. her to say so? c. What did Esperanza think about it? d. Why is this vignette entitled Beautiful & Cruel? 36. A Smart Cookie a. Why was Esperanzas mother frustrated? b. What did she regret? c. What piece of advice did she give Esperanza? 37. What Sally said a. What did Sallys father do to her? b. What did Sally say about what he did? c. What did Sallys mother do about it? d. When/why did Sally go back home? e. How did her father treat her then? f. Did he ever abuse her again? How? When? 38. The Monkey Garden a. Why was it called the monkey garden? b. What was the garden like? c. What happened to the garden after the monkey left? d. Why did the children like going to the garden? e. What did people say about the garden? f. How was Esperanza different from Sally? g. What did the boys do to Sally? h. What did Esperanza do about it? i. How did Sally and the boys react? j. How did Esperanza feel afterwards? k. What did she try to do?

Idioma Ingls I 2007 Prof. AMM de Gandur Prof. Grisel Salmaso



39. Red Clowns a. What happened to Esperanza at the carnival? b. How did she feel? c. Why was she angry with Sally? 40. Linoleum Roses a. Who did Sally marry? b. What was her house like? c. Was she happy? 41. The Three Sisters a. Who were the three sisters? b. What did they do? c. Where did Esperanza meet them? d. What happened between Esperanza and the three sisters? e. How did Esperanza feel? 42. Alicia & I Talking a. Why did Esperanza like Alicia? b. What did they talk about? c. What did Alicia tell Esperanza about Mango Street? d. How did Esperanza react? 43. A House of My Own a. What kind of house did Esperanza want to have? 44. Mango Says Goodbye a. What are the differences between Esperanza in the first chapter and Esperanza by the end of the book? b. Why did she change that much?

Idioma Ingls I 2007 Prof. AMM de Gandur Prof. Grisel Salmaso



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