Monster Inside Him

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Chapter 1: The Streets I let my body move rhythmically to the beat of the base in the club.

Unlike the other girls I had come here with, I didnt let any alcohol through my mouth tonight. I was totally in control. My body was mine. FIRST NIGHT OUT! Wooohoo! Miranda cheered as she downed another shot. I offered her an encouraging smile, but I couldnt help but judge her. She was one of the few girls who had come from America with me. We were supposed to be students who were acceding. We had this opportunity, to be transferred from an American University to the University of London. We got the chance to experience life in another country. I took the opportunity to immerse myself in my studies; something that I have done all my life. On the other hand, Miranda took the opportunity to take advantage of the low drinking age and got drunk. I dont care where the hell we were; in America the drinking age is 21. Im an American. That means another three years for me. Wow, you American girls cant handle your liquor, clearly. Claire joked with me as we watched Miranda dance on top of the bar. Claire smelled of alcohol, but being British and much more used to drinking, she seemed only slightly buzzed. Yeah, Miranda doesnt have your tolerance, yet. I laughed back. Claire smiled at me. She had been the one to help me get settled into life in London. I still had a lot to learn, though. I had been here less than a week. Youre not drinking, love? She looked pointedly at my water bottle. Nah, partying isnt my thing. In fact, Im going to head back to the apartment. I informed her as I stood up. Here, Ill come with you. She smiled and climbed off of the stool, following me outside. You dont have to. I can find my way home. I suggested. To be honest, I kind of wanted to be alone. No, I have an Econ test tomorrow too. Besides, you dont know this area yet; were in the dangerous part of town, love. I need to come with you. She insisted. I laughed and rolled my eyes at her; typical stubborn Claire. We told Miranda and Natasha, the other British girl we shared an apartment with that we were leaving and then stepped out into the cool London air. I followed Claire down the

long streets, through various twists and turns. Are we even going the right way? I giggled as I struggled to keep up. Of course! Im just trying to avoid certain streets that are known for, er, some stuff. Look, if any guys approach us, just distance yourself. Ok? She called back to me, getting kind of nervous as we turn on to a dark street. Ok? I mumble back. It was more of a question, but she ignored me. At the end of the street, five dark figures stood with their backs pressed to the brick walls. Shit, Claire cursed under her breath. Maybe they didnt see us. She whispered to me as she stopped. She started to back away slowly, just when the five figures all looked up at us. Shit, she cursed again. What is it, Claire? My shaky voice asked quietly. Her reaction was scaring me. Its too late, we cant turn back. Theyve seen us. Just follow my lead. She commanded. Who are they? I ask nervously as I follow behind her slowly. She pretends not to see them and pulls me close so that we are walking with linked arms. They are the members of the gang that rule this town. They get what they want, when they want. Just, follow my lead, please. She begs as we are standing right in front of them. What do we have here? One of the guys approaches us. He has blond hair and shocking blue eyes. His accent sounds different than the typical British accent I have yet to grow accustomed to hearing. H-h-hi! Claire giggled, pretending to be drunk. I looked at her curiously. I thought she said to play it cool? Drunk already? Its barely midnight. One with brown hair and eyes jokingly scolded. I watched as Claire stumbled around in the middle of the street. She was acting beyond piss drunk now. I glanced from each face of the boys. They were all watching Claire in amusement. All of them but one. The one with dark hair styled up in a curly mess and emerald eyes watched me. His eyes never once broke from my face. I felt my breath hitch in my throat. Would you like to come home with me tonight, babe? The guy with the dark hair

winked at Claire. He wrapped his toned arm around her petite waist and helped her stand straight. She giggled and nodded. Wait, what was going on? I stared at her in disbelief. How about you, Darlin? You got somewhere to be tonight? The dark haired boy spoke finally. I narrowed my eyes at him. Yes, and sadly, it doesnt involve you. I hissed as I made my way towards Claire. The dark haired boy raised his eyebrows at my answer. An American- new to town? She clearly doesnt know who we are. He chuckled as he slowly pushed himself off of the wall. Claire pretended to stumble on to me just so she could bring her lips to my ear. Play their game, Olivia; have a one night stand. Theyll leave you alone after its over. Trust me. You have to give into them or things dont end well. She warned me before she returned to her drunk state. I watched as she stumbled down the street with the dark haired boy and turned the corner, leaving me alone with the four boys. Who were these guys and what the hell was Claire talking about? Darlin, the exotic boy addressed me again, you clearly dont know how these streets work. Why dont I show you? He smiled at me and wrapped an arm around my waist. His smile wasnt warm or amusing; it was wicked and cruel. It was as if he knew something that I didnt. Thanks, but no thanks. I responded as I pushed his arm off of me. He furrowed his brow as his eyes flashed in anger. You clearly dont know who youre dealing with. He warned. He began coming closer to me. I stumbled backwards, trying to increase the space between us. That is, until I hit the brick wall of the building. The boy made his way up to me and stretched out his arms, leaving his hands on either side of my shoulders. I was trapped. What the hell do you think youre doing? I asked the mysterious boy as he leaned into me. I could ask you the same thing, Darlin. He smirked as he nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck. I froze as I felt his lips against my skin. Mustering up as much strength as I could, I shoved the boy off of me and started to walk quickly down the street. I heard footsteps pursuing me, but then they stopped. Leave her boys. The one who had taken interest in me commanded.

Ill see you around, Darlin! He called to me as I turned the corner. I didnt dare to look back. End Notes: Please review! Tell me what you think! Back to index Chapter 2: His by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: This chapter is twice as long as the last one, but I hope that you like it! Chapter 2: His I rushed home after that; quickly taking a shower and changing into my pajamas. I tried to calm the nerves that were erupting in my tummy, but nothing worked. I just gave up with that whole process and settled upon studying for my Economy exam tomorrow. Yes, the exam that I was SUPPOSED to be studying for with CLAIRE. Wherever the hell that confusing girl was. I locked myself in my room, well the room I shared with Miranda, for three hours before I heard our apartment door open. I guessed that Natasha and Miranda were home from the amount of giggling filling the main room. I sighed and stood, abandoning my books for the night and unlocking the bedroom door. Hey party pooper! Miranda giggled as she stumbled through the door and collapsed on her bed. Natasha was close on her heels. I rolled my eyes at them and left the room (and my econ books). You and Claire suck! Natasha called after me as she landed on something with a thud. She was no doubt on my bed. As I made my way through our main room (which was our kitchen, TV room, dining room and office in one because four girls in college couldnt afford much else), I heard our front door rattle around. The lock clicked open and Claire entered, looking embarrassed and ashamed. Oh, Olivia, youre still up. She muttered as she shut the door behind her. I nodded and followed her into the room she shared with Natasha. Yes, and drunk and drunker are asleep in my bed, so I am bunking with you tonight. I inform her curtly as I climb into Natashas bed. So, how did it go with Harry? She asked as she slid out of her heels and tight dress and into her comfy pajamas. Who? I asked as pulled the blankets over me and watched as she climbed into her own bed and did the same. Harry Styles? The boy who stopped us on the street? She pressed. I looked at her in

confusion. The boy with the curly hair? I questioned, receiving a nod in response. Oh, I shrugged, nothing happened. I started to shut my eyes, but she gasped and I was forced to open my eyes. Suddenly she was there, sitting next to me on the bed. What do you mean nothing happened? She whisper-shouted at me. I mean, he invited me over to hook up, but I told him no. I said slowly. She widened her eyes. Then what happened? You have to tell me EVERYTHING he said, Han, this is important! She jumped up and began to pace around the room. Well, after you left he told me that I dont know how the streets work, so he wanted to show me. Then I told him no thank you. I shrugged, trying to remember what had happened. And then? She snapped at me. I was taken aback by her attitude, but obliged anyways. Then he told me that I dont know who I was dealing with while pressing me up against the wall. He began to kiss my neck, but I pushed him off and told him no. I stated, proud of my own courage. You did WHAT?! She nearly screamed as she stopped pacing all together. Then I left. I concluded. She just looked at me completely flabbergasted. You l-l-left? She seemed as though she was hearing the impossible. Yeah. And he let you? What do you mean he let me? Of course he did. I shrugged. Who was this guy? Did he say anything? Claire stood with her brows furrowed and her mouth open. Uh, yeah, he told me that hed be seeing me around. I shook my head, trying to shake the memory from my mind. Oh shit. Shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT! She stomped her feet like a child. What is it Claire? I asked as I sat up in bed.

Why couldnt you have just listened to me, Olivia? She muttered sadly. Because I have morals and I dont want to just have one night stands with random guys on the street! I snapped, and then suddenly regretted it. Claire didnt seem to notice the outright insult to her. These arent just random guys on the street, Olivia! This was ONE DIRECTION! She yelled. Am I supposed to know what the means? I stammer. I mean, has she forgotten that I didnt grow up on the London streets like she did? No. She sighed in defeat, shaking her head. Liv, listen. Ill explain this to you as clearly as I can. One Direction is the gang that owns the streets of London, almost literally. When they want something, they get it, got it? They hang around bars at night, waiting for drunken girls to take home. Thats why I acted drunk last night. Zayn, the dark one, took me home, we had sex and thats that. End of story. What? I asked, completely confused. In London there are dangerous guys. You just have to distance yourself and run away. Not with One Direction. If they want you, they wont stop until they have you. You just have to give in. When you said no to Harry, it sparked this game in his head. He wont stop until he has you, by whatever means necessary. Theyve hurt girls before, Liv, theyve raped them. Theyre not good people. She began to cry as she spoke the last words. What do you mean? I asked quietly. See this mark, she points to a hickey on her neck, when other guys see this mark, they wont touch you until its gone. This means that I belong to Zayn until it goes away. When it does; Im free. Theyll never touch me again. She tried to explain it to me, but I still didnt get it. So, they like mark girls like their property? I ask in complete disgust. I cant believe guys actually did this to girls. Yup. Now Harry WANTS you, Liv. Shit, I cant believe this is happening. Look, next time he comes around, just let him hook up with you, ok? She begged me. I nodded slowly as I processed all that she said. Ok, good. Now go to sleep. We have an econ test tomorrow. She muttered as she climbed back into bed. I lay back down on the pillow and shut my eyes.

That night, I had a horrible dream. I was running through the streets of downtown London. Someone was chasing after me, calling for me. Come back here Darlin he would shout. I woke up sweating like a hog. Pleasant, I know. ********************************************* Two weeks passed. Two weeks I spent going from my apartment to class and back to my apartment. I didnt go out partying again because I was afraid to run into Harry Styles. Claires story had really scared me. I figured after two weeks, maybe he had forgotten about me right? Well, apparently not. I stepped out of class and looked around. I usually met up with Natasha right after this class but she wasnt around. Ditched class today! Cya at home! Xxx Natasha I read her text over. Oh well, now I would have to walk home alone. I started my short walk through the chilly London air. I snuggled under my scarf and put my hands in my pocket. It was only October, yet it was already freezing. I walked through the small park across from my home and made my way up the flight of stairs. Fucking machine! I heard Natashas posh accent shout as soon as I entered the flat. Whats wrong now? I ask as I begin to kick off my boots. I broke the stove. Now we cant make coffee or tea and Im absolutely freezing! She exclaims. Her messy red hair is in a bun on top of her head and all that is covering her body is panties and a bra. Maybe you should put on some clothes, I mutter as I roll my eyes. Maybe, since youre such an amazing flat mate, you can run out and grab me a tea from Starbucks? She begs me, bring her hands together under her chin. Pretty please with me doing your laundry for a month on top? She pleads. Youre so lazy. I laugh as I slip my boots back on and head out. The cold London air surprises me once again, but I suck it up and endure. Starbucks is a couple blocks away, but I refuse to take the short cut through the alleys. I cant risk another run-in with Harry Styles. Just in case.

The line to Starbucks is like literally out the door, so by the time I get Natashas tea and my coffee I had less than fifteen minutes to get back to our flat, grab my books and get to class. Shit, I was going to be late. I jogged out of the coffee shop and down the street. I took the bold risk of running through the alleys to make it back to the apartment. I mean, Claire had said that One Direction lurked for girls at night, right? Not at quarter to four in the afternoon. I rushed through the alleys, taking a couple turns before I end up halfway home in less than three minutes. Ok, maybe Ill make it to class Maybe Ill make it to class Maybe Ill make it to- shit. I nearly drop the hot drinks in my hand as I bump into something hard. I back up and look at what I had nearly spilled my drinks over. It wasnt a something It was a someone. Whoa, careful there, Darlin. The easily recognizable dark haired boy chuckled as he steadied me. I backed away from his touch and gulped. I glanced around and noticed that the rest of Harrys gang was present too. I let out a shaky breath and looked back up at the smirking boy. Sorry, I mutter as I spin around and head away from him. Where do you think youre going, Darlin? He asks from behind me. I dont answer. Instead I continue to rush down the alley. Holy shit, what did I just do? Hey, Im talking to you! He snapped as I felt a hand roughly grab my arm and yank me backwards, causing me to drop Natashas tea on the floor. The liquid spilled out and onto the ground. I gripped the coffee in my other hand tighter. Did you hear me, Darlin? He hissed down at me. I gulped down my tears. His grip on my arm tightened as he grew angrier at my silence. I asked you a question. He spat. I looked down at his shoes, trying my best to avoid his violent eyes. S-sorry. I stammered without bringing my eyes up to look at him. Its alright Darlin. Where you off in a rush to? He chuckled, his voice much softer than it had been. I dared to glance up at him. His eyes were softer but his brow was still furrowed. His lips were raised in an amused smirk. C-class. I whispered. He raised his eyebrows and got closer to me. Our noses were almost touching. I could smell cigarettes from his clothing, his fingertips and his breath.

Do you think you could ditch a day? He smirked. I started to shake as I thought of spending any more time with him. I heard Claire in the back of my mind telling me to just give in. I also heard my own conscience telling me not to get involved with someone like him. Claires hickey had just started to heal. I didnt think I could bear two weeks of judgmental and fearful stares. No, sorry. I mutter as I slip under his arm and start quickly down the alley. Ooooh, a good girl. I like that. More fun. Harry laughed with his friends as I walked away. I took the nearest alley to a populated street, not caring about a shortcut anymore. I walked a few more blocks with no sight of Harry before I breathed out a shaky breath in relief. I needed to call Claire. I took a sip of my coffee and pulled out my cell phone. I stared down at the screen as I dialed four digits of Claires number before bumping into someone again. This time, the open coffee completely slipped from my hands and spilled all over the pavement. But that wasnt what I was upset about. You really should watch where youre going, Darlin. Harry smirked at me. His large hands grabbed my upper arms roughly and yanked me into the alley he had emerged from. I swear, those alleys are like the fucking labyrinth. He abducted me into an alley in broad daylight and no one said shit. Either English people are extremely observant, or Harry is just that feared in society. He is going to rape me. He is going to rape me. He is going to rape me. Would you relax? I wont rape you. Harry snapped at me as he pulled me further into the darkness of the alley. Oh shit, did I say that out loud? Yes! Harry snapped impatiently again. Awkward. Wh-where are you taking me? I started to cry. Harry didnt even break his composure as he watched the tears fall from my eyes. No one says no to me. Got it? He avoided my question completely. Please. I begged him. I was scared shitless, to say the least. I am not going to rape you! He spun around completely, causing me to smack right into his hard chest. I stumbled backwards, but Harry caught my waist before I fell backwards.

You gotta stop doing that, Darlin. He chuckled, his mood shifting completely. Where are we going? I ask a little more bravely. Nowhere. I just wanted a little more privacy. Oh. I sigh, confused. I still gripped my cell phone in my hand tightly. I could dial 911. Wait, what was the emergency number for England? Fuck, I gotta learn this stuff. You intrigue me, Darlin. He stepped close to me, but had yet to release my waist. Please stop calling me that. I whisper as I bring my hand up to wipe away my tears. Then what should I call you? He inclines closer to me, leaning down to press out foreheads together. Do not tell him your name. Do not tell him your name. Do not tell him yourOlivia. TRAITOR! Olivia, what a beautiful name. He purrs in my ear. I tense up at his husky voice. Well Olivia, youve achieved the impossible. Youve captured my attention. He continued. The way he put it was as if I had won a prize. Someone has a lot of confidence in himself. Ill pick you up tonight at 8. He whispered as he leaned his lips to the crook of my neck. His lips left a wet trail of butterfly kisses until I felt his lips part at the most tender spot on my throat. No. I pulled away quickly. Anger flashed in his features and his brow furrowed. The hell? He spat. I wiggled out of his grasp and backed away. I c-cant tonight. I started rubbing the spot on my neck that he had intended to bite. Cancel your plans. He growled as he roughly grabbed the back of my head. I pushed away once more. I did not want him to mark me. I belonged to no one. What do you think youre doing? He shouted at me as I began to run away from him. Youre mine, Olivia. Get over that fact! He shouted again. I heard footsteps pursuing me, but I didnt stop. The spot on my neck began to tingle as I thought of what he could have done.

You belong to me, and dont you fucking forget it! He roared as I ran down a populated road. I kept running without stopping until I was safely inside my apartment. I got odd looks from my roommates as I ran through the flat and locked the door to my room. It would be ok if I skipped class, I was already REALLY late. It was ok if I never left my room, right? All I knew was that, tonight, he was coming for me. End Notes: Thank you all for reading! Please review? Back to index Chapter 3: Forced by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: Sorry for not updating this week- I hope this chapter is long enough to make up for it! :) Chapter 3: Forced Olivia! Unlock the door! Miranda shouted from outside our room. It was 7:30 pm and I had hid under my covers since I got back from my coffee outing. Olivia! Please just let me come in and change so that I can go clubbing with Natasha! Please! She begs through the door. I dont respond. I simply lie underneath the thick blanket on my bed, my whole body including my head was hidden underneath. Is she coming out? I heard Natasha ask. Nope. She wont even talk. What do you think happened? I mean, before she was asking for Claire, but now she wont even speak Miranda trailed off. When I got back and locked myself in my room, I had called Claire, I had texted Claire and I had shouted for Miranda to get Claire for me. Too bad Claire was going to be out at some seminar for her Calculus class all day. There was no one I could talk to. Well, Im going to head down to the bar and grab us a booth, yeah? Try to get your American friend sorted out. If not, you can borrow some of my clothes. Natasha spoke clearly in her posh accent before I heard the door slam shut. I wonder if Natasha knew about One Direction. I mean, she grew up in London like Claire, so she probably did. I couldnt help but think that Miranda was out of the loop. I felt a sudden wave of panic for her. Ugh! I swear to god, Olivia! Just tell me whats wrong! She shouted from the door. Oh, if only she knew. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut. Fine. Be that way! Miranda huffed. I heard her stomp off to Natasha and Claires room and slam the door shut. I lay there for 45 more minutes before Miranda knocked again.

Ok, I am going to meet up with Natasha. Well be back later! She called to me. I glanced at the clock. 8:20 p.m. Harry said he was going to pick me up at 8. Thank god. He didnt actually come. I breathed out a sigh of relief, but still remained under my blanket. I listened as Miranda noisily clunked around in her heels before opening the door to leave. Oh, hello. I heard her greet someone politely. I didnt hear whoever it was respond. I could only hear Mirandas loud voice. Yeah, shes in that room. But good luck getting her out. Miranda chuckled. I heard the heavy sound of footsteps, but not heels, approach my door. I had the worst feeling. Im off Olivia! And youre dates here. Why didnt you tell me you had a date?! She shouted rhetorically before slamming the door to our flat shut. Date? What daOlivia! Darlin, come on. Were going out! The smooth husky voice from this afternoon called to me. I froze. Shit shit shit. I heard a dark chuckle before a loud bang. I didnt dare come out from under the covers. Were going out. Harry called for me; his voice clearer and closer than before. I peeked over my blanket to see a sight that nearly caused me to scream. Harry Styles was standing in my bedroom. How did you-? I gasped. I didnt need to finish my sentence for him to know I was asking about how he seemed to break through my locked door. He smirked down at me. Oh please, Darlin. Breaking and entering is what I do for a living. He scoffed. I buried my face back under the blanket. Maybe hell get the hint and go away. Were going out tonight. He muttered again, impatience seeping into his voice. I felt a light tug at the blanket covering me, but I held it tightly. Suddenly, the blanket was completely gone and I was laying exposed. I still had the clothes on from before, so at least I was decent. You need to change. The restaurant isnt casual. He stated matter-of-factly, waiting for me to make a move to get out of the bed. After a minute or so, he let out a big sigh. Ill be back in five minutes Olivia. If youre not dressed by then, Ill dress you myself. He hissed, although I thought I saw a hint of a smile on his face when he said the last part. I went cold inside. I couldnt imagine him touching me like that. I heard the bedroom door shut softly, signaling that he had left. I let out a shaky sigh before climbing out of the bed and tiptoeing to the door. I wasnt going to let him touch me, but I wasnt going to let him control me either. I just needed to wait until 9:30, when Claire gets home from her seminar. She would know what to do. Shed help me, shed

call the police I just needed to stall until then. I locked the door again, even though I knew Harry could easily pass this obstacle. To ensure my safety from that cruel man, I moved the chair from my desk and slipped it under the doorknob. I used this trick a lot when I was in high school and I got into arguments with my parents (who didnt?). I slipped back into bed and hid myself completely under the covers. I felt like a child again, hiding from the monsters under my bed and in my closet. This time, I was hiding from the monster waiting in my living room That thought sent a shiver down my spine. Olivia. Its been five minutes, Darlin! Harry called from the main room of my flat. I heard heavy footsteps approach my door. The door knob jiggled a little bit. I heard a low and dark chuckle from the other side of the door; he thought that I just locked it again. He thought I was that stupid. I smirked to myself under my blankets knowing that it would take him a little longer this tiThe blanket was ripped off of me, revealing a slightly angry, but slightly amused Harry Styles standing next to my bed. I think I shrieked, but the sound that I made wasnt completely human. Harrys mouth turned up into a half smirk. So it has to be the hard way, huh? I was hoping for this. His husky voice whispered as his small smirk grew to a wicked grin. I flinched at his voice and curled up in a ball. Through narrowed eyes, I watched him lean down to me and grab my waist. For a second, I was frozen with fear, but it was a second too much. By the time I registered what was happening, he had lifted me out of bed and tossed me over his shoulder. My reaction of kicking and fighting back came too late. I punched and fisted the back of his shirt, but he completely ignored me. It was as if my efforts had no affect on him as he hauled me over to my closet. I was so weak in his strong arms; I stood no chance against him. He roughly plopped me down on the floor, making me land on my ass with a painful thud. He ripped open my closet door and pulled out one of my tighter dress choices. My eyes widened with horror, but before I let him try anything else, I scrambled to my feet and made a bolt for my now unlocked (thanks to a certain criminal) door. I was quick in my attempt to escape, but he was quicker. It was almost as if he had been expecting that. His large hand grabbed my shoulder roughly and yanked me back to him. Oooh, feisty. I like that. He cooed down at me. I shuddered nervously and tried to take

a step back, but his grip only tightened. P-p-please. Harry, Ill get dressed. I promise. I beg as he places his other hand on my waist. My body shuddered completely as his hand on my shoulder traveled down to my hip. His hands held me in place tightly as his fingers fiddle with the button of my jeans. In one swift movement he unbuttoned my jeans and brought down my zipper. I snapped out a momentary trance and tried to push his hands away. Cant have that, now can we? Harry chuckled as he grabbed both of my wrists in one of his hands and pulled them over my head. His free hand was used to shimmy my jeans down to my ankles. He let go of my wrists for a second as he scooped his arms under my bum so that I was hoisted in the air and the jeans around my ankles slipped over my feet and on to the floor. He placed me down gently before bringing his hands up to my shirt. I pinned my arms to the side, making it impossible for him to even try to pull it over my head, but it seemed like he had other ideas. His hands grasped the light fabric right above my hip bones and ripped my shirt in half, tearing the fabric from my body. I gasped as I watched the shirt (which I had spent a LOT of money on) fall to the floor. I tried to struggle, to run, to fight, to escape, but Harry held me firmly in place. He caught my wrists in his large hand again and locked them together like handcuffs. He reached over and grabbed the dress from the floor, still holding my hands in his own. If I release you, will you be a good girl and put this on, or will I have to do it? He asked me. I could tell he was trying to seem intimidating and in control, but there was a glint of amusement and excitement in his eye. I-I can do it. I assured him. At this point I would do anything to avoid having him touch me like that again. Good girl, he encouraged condescendingly. He patted my panty clad butt lightly and stepped back so that I had room to slip my dress on. I gulped and waited for him to turn around, but he didnt. No, he just stood there looking over my nearly naked (with the exception of my panties and bra) body. I shut my eyes and pretended as if he wasnt there. This was hard because he was watching me so carefully that I could nearly feel his eyes on me. I blushed knowing that he was looking at every curve, every freckle, every imperfection. I slid the tight dress up and zipped it with a little difficulty, but I didnt feel like asking Harry for help. I gathered my hair over my right shoulder and walked in front of my full length mirror, something I would do if Harry wasnt there.

The dress he had picked out for me was a dress I had bought for clubbing. Well, actually Natasha made me buy it; I had never wanted to do much clubbing. Now fix yourself up, do whatever girls do, but look good. I wont be seen on a DATE with just any girl. He scoffed as he took a seat on my bed. I ignored him as I put on some makeup and slipped on a pair of black heels from Mirandas closet. Good. You look acceptable to be seen out with me. Lets get going. He got up and stalked out of my room, expecting me to follow. Im not going anywhere with you I muttered under my breath. Somehow, he heard me. Darlin, if I have to come back in there, things wont be pretty. So I suggest you do as I say and COME WITH ME! He snapped from the other room. The fury laced in his voice was nearly tangible, so I swallowed my pride and followed him. Worst decision of my life. Ever. End Notes: The outfit Olivia put on- Thanks for reading! I didn't expect such a great response for this story, so I am ecstatic right now!! I will update soon, I promise... If I can get this to 75 reviews, I think I'll cry with joy. Back to index Chapter 4: The Date by Sophie Grey Chapter 4: The Date Harry silently walked down the few flights of stairs of the apartment building and then pushed open the door to the parking lot. He didnt even wait for me, or check if I was following him. It was like he just expected me to follow, like there was no other option. Maybe this would be a good time to sneak back upstairs. I paused in the lobby of my flat for a moment, more like a second really. Dont even think about it, Darlin! Harrys voice echoed from the car park. How did he-? Whatever. I let out a huffed sigh and went out to where he was waiting for me. The cold air of the parking lot hit me like a ton of bricks. The skimpy dress I was wearing was hardly enough to maintain any warmth. I was practically naked in what Harry had given to me. I shivered and continued on. I found Harry standing by one of the most expensive cars I have ever seen. I think it was a Bentley. He was leaning against the car staring back at me. His pose showed off his thick muscles, which were exposed through his tight white t-shirt. His black leather

jacket were thrown casually over his shoulders. He smirked at me when he caught me looking. I felt heat rush to my face, so I looked down quickly, trying to hide my blush. Suddenly, two long fingers were placed under my chin and guided my face up to look into his emerald eyes. Dont do that. He murmured gently. D-do w-what? I stammered in confusion. Look away when you blush. I like when you blush, you look beautiful. He whispered. I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach, sending butterflies throughout my body. This feeling wasnt a reaction of fear or nervousness though. What was this boy doing to me? Now get in the car. He commanded, removing his fingers from my skin. Just like that, the gently person who had called me beautiful not a moment ago disappeared. I made my way over to the car door of the passenger side (which was backwards for me, but I guess Ill have to get used to the strange British cars) and climbed inside. As soon as I buckled up, Harry sped away from my apartment building and down the dangerous streets of London. Well, I guess they werent dangerous any more. I mean, the person who defines danger was currently taking me on a date, so I was certain I could handle any other danger that came my way. He was silent, like a scary silent, as we drove. The only sound in the car was my heavy breathing. We pulled up in front of an elegant brick building with a crowd of people waiting in a line by the big glass French doors. Harry hopped out of the car and skipped the entire line. I reluctantly followed. He didnt even pay attention to me. It was as if I wasnt there. I followed him into the restaurant, ignoring the dirty looks I got from the patrons waiting on line. I debated making a run for it, I mean, there were so many people around. Then I realized that Harry wouldnt care. Hed chase me and haul my ass back here. Might as well save him a step. Table for Styles. Harry spoke to the hostess. The girl was a couple years older than me, maybe 23 or 24, but the way she looked at Harry made it seem as if she was a drooling teenager. I-Im sorry s-s-sir, but your n-name isnt on here. She pointed to the reservation book. Harry flashed her a flirty smile and shut the book.

Are you new here, hun? he asked her politely. She nodded eagerly, flustered about how close he was standing to her. I noticed that he didn't call her 'Darlin' like he called me. He called her 'hun', but it wasn't personalized like he spoke to me. It was simply condescending and slightly patronizing to her. Thought so. Is your manager around? He breathed quietly. She nodded and then stumbled backwards to the kitchen. Harry stepped away from the hostess booth and hooked his arm around my waist possessively. He brought his lips to my ear and purred through hushed whispers. Well have the best table in the house. He promised. You dont have a reservation. I reminded his, trying to sound casual a not intimidated. Dont need one. He smirked as he watched the hostess reappeared with a short, balding man. I thought Harry would let go of me, but he just pulled me into his chest and looked over to the approaching me people. Mr. M-Styles. I am so s-sorry. Here, your t-table is r-ready, s-s-s-sir. The manager stutters nervously upon seeing Harry. Harrys face turned hard, cold and dangerous. About fucking time. Next time you hire a hostess, make sure the bitch knows who the bloody hell I am. Harry spits as he roughly pulls me behind the manager who leads us to a private table with a view of London. Harry yanks out a chair and nods at it, then crosses the table and sits at the other one. I assumed that was my order to sit. I sat down and looked back up at Harry. Ill send a server over in a short moment. I hope that you can forgive us for the inconvenience Mr. Styles. The manager stuttered. Harry looked up at the man, raising his eyebrows. Oh, youre still here? He asked condescendingly. The manager took the hint and stumbled off towards the kitchen. I sat there, completely in awe at the reaction the people had to Harry. Why were they all so afraid of him? Olivia. His voice snapped me from my thoughts. Hmmm? I muttered in response. I asked you what you were getting to drink. He informed me, amusement evident in his voice. I bit my lip and glanced down at the phone I had placed in my lap. Er, water is fine. I said quietly. It was almost 9 I pushed it further under the table and

started typing out a message to Claire. The way I was doing it reminded me of how I used to text in class back in high school. It was embarrassing, really. Put the phone away, Darlin. Were on a date. Harry ordered monotonously, not even looking up from his menu. I slipped my phone back in my bag and blushed. The same feeling I had back when I used to get caught texting in class washed over me; shame, embarrassment and fear that I might get detention. This time, though, I wasnt worried about detention. S-sorry. I whispered. So, youre an American. Where are you from? Harry asked politely as he set down his menu. I was taken aback by the kindness of his voice; I almost started to relax. Almost. Umm, yes. I grew up in New York suburbs. I responded softly. He nodded, processing the information What about you? Did you grow up in London? I asked, half to be polite and half to take the attention of those intense emerald eyes off of me. Were not here to talk about me. He responded smoothly. I felt a warm hand place itself on my knee underneath the table. My heart stopped and my breath got hitched in my throat. His fingers brushed against my thigh, inching their way up slowly. My heart started pounding again, rapidly and loudly. I, er, have to go to the bathroom. I announced as I stood up quickly. Harry chuckled darkly at my reaction to his touch. He didnt think it was because I liked him, right? It was purely because I didnt want him touching me. I stumbled towards the back of the restaurant where there were restroom signs pointing down a hall. I turned into the hall, disappearing from Harrys watch completely. Down the hall there were three doors; a mens bathroom, a womens bathroom and a glass door with the exit sign above it. I didnt even hesitate before heading towards the exit. This was it. This was my way out. I was about a foot from the door when I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. I spun around, my heart frozen in fear. There he stood, leaning in the door frame of the hallway. His eyes were lit in amusement and his eyebrows raised questioningly at me. The bathroom is that way, Darlin. He chuckled, nodding towards the girls restroom door. He didnt look mad, just that he found my attempt funny. I had to do it. He was so relaxed. He didnt expect me to make a break for it right in front of him. I turned on my heel and shoved the door opening. I let my legs take me as far as they could as fast as they could down the London streets. The cold air was hitting my legs and

my arms, but I couldnt let that affect me. I had to get away from him. I allowed myself one quick glance behind me to see if he was chasing me. He wasnt. I couldnt see him. He wasnt anywhere. Thank god. Maybe I had actually gotten away froI fell to the pavement after smacking into something hard. I didnt even have to look up from the ground to know what had happened. I had done this too many times before. I felt two arms reach down for me, two hands grabbed my waist and hoisted me off the ground. For some reason, I didnt scream. For some reason I let him pick me up and stand me in front of him. Even after I had gained my footing, his hands didnt leave my waist. Darlin, where do you think youre going? He asked me. His face was calm, serene almost. His voice was soft, but scolding and reproachful. It was like he was reprimanding a child. His eyes, though, betrayed the calmness of his face and voice. His eyes were absolutely furious. They were blazing with the fire of rejection, betrayal, anger and frustration. Thats what scared me. I-I-I Im sorry Harry. I- I didnt know what to say. He looked so angry Save it, Olivia. He hissed, his voice showing a crack in its serene composure. In one swift motion, I was thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Please! Put me down! I begged in fear as he started to walk towards a dark alley; his territory. Calm down, Darlin. You tried to escape me. Im simply teaching you a lesson. He spat roughly as he shoved me back to the floor. My whole body began to quiver in fear and in reaction to the extreme temperature. Harry leaned down to me and rubbed my arm softly. Youll never run away from me again. End Notes: Thanks for reading! Please leave a review! And follow me on twitter @sophiegMalik When you get the chance, please read these stories. They all responded to my dark challenge, so these stories are pretty good. British Horror Story. by mrslennonMalik Into the Deep by model4moi

Tortured by DayDreamer1000 Mine by irishkingdom The Launcestone Mystery. by Lolxxxd Dancing with Devils by Em_Bk Warmth of a Black soul by Prettywithpittys Brotherly Love by twiningslove The Monster by ILoveKevin Black as Night, Pure as Gold by Em_Bk The Way I Loved You by taylorMalik1d The Mistress by Fallforyou All of these writers worked really hard and deserve to have their stories read and reviewed. Thank you! Back to index Chapter 5: Never by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: I hope you like it! Chapter 5: Never I was completely frozen at his touch. His eyes displayed a mix of anger and lust, a ghost of a smile playing upon his lips. His hand rubbed up to my shoulder and rested at the base of my neck. His touch sent a shiver down my spine. He brought up his other hand and gently caressed my cheek. How many times do I have to tell you Olivia? He purred. Youre mine. I nodded quickly, hoping to appease him in a desperate attempt. A small smirk twitched on his lips before his ghostly smile returned. You have to learn not to run away again. He hissed, this time harshness sneaking into his voice. P-please. I wont run again. I whispered hoarsely. Harry chuckled to himself. I dont believe you. I know youll try it again. He patted my cheek softly. N-no I wont. I wont run. I promised the lie as sincerely as I could, but even I couldnt believe my own words. Why not? Why should I believe you? Why wont you run? His voice challenged me in a mocking tone. I knew the words that he wanted to hear. B-because Im y-yours. I rushed out frantically. Harrys smirk reappeared before it

disappeared just as quickly. Say it louder! He ordered roughly. IM YOURS! I spoke up nervously. Good girl. Im glad you realize that, but this time, Darlin, it wont cut it. You have to learn. I shuddered at his words, but barely got the chance to respond before Harrys open palm connected roughly to my cheek. I let out a small shriek as I absorbed the pain. To be honest, it wasnt that bad. I could tell Harry was holding back the majority of his strength. Youll never run from me, right? Harry taunted. I nodded quickly before an evil glint took over his eyes. But thats not enough. He hissed. His hand grabbed my throat roughly and gave it a squeeze. I was still able to breathe, but that didnt mean I wasnt scared out of my skin. I clawed at his wrist to try to get him to loosen up, but to no avail. Youre mine, got that! You cant run from me. Even if you do, Ill always find you. I nodded again, too scared to speak anymore. Harry dropped his hand from my throat and grabbed my chin gently. Youre mine. THIS is mine. He whispered as he kissed the side of my face that he had hit. My cheek was throbbing, but his touch made it worse. I didnt want his disgusting lips touching me, but for my own good I kept my mouth sealed. THESE are mine. He whispered again before gently pressing his lips to my own for a brief moment. I kept my wide eyes open, afraid where his possessive touch would go. THIS is mine. He roughly grabbed my ass and gave me a rough squeeze, making me gasp softly. Harrys lips twitched up at the corners at mu reaction, but other than that he ignored it. THIS, he purred softly as he brought his hand around to the front and rubbed up against my, er, girl spot.. is mine. Luckily over the stretched fabric of my dress I couldnt feel his touch. It was more like a soft rubbing than a sexual move. His hand left that area and traveled up to my stomach. For some reason, I was completely frozen. I wanted to punch him, kick him and fight him off. I didnt though. I just let him touch me like a weak little girl. I didnt know what else to do. THESE are mine. He whispered hoarsely as he groped my breasts tightly. His hands

dug into my flesh as his eyes danced with pleasure. My breath caught in my throat. How far would he push this? How far would he take this? And this, his voice changed to a soft and quiet tone, is mine. He placed his hand gently on the left side of my chest. My heart beat grew faster directly under his touch. He smirked as the rate of my heart only confirmed his statement. HE thought my heartbeat meant that he made me nervous; that I liked him. The TRUTH was that my heartbeat meant that he made me tremble in fear; my nervousness was in anticipation of rape. Dont ever forget that you belong to me. He whispered as he gently ran his hand up and down my neck. I didnt respond but it was clear; I would never forget. He leaned his lips onto my throat and placed a few butterfly kisses randomly. His lips found a certain spot that seemed to be softer, more sensitive than the other parts. I felt his lips part and his tongue slipped out. I knew what came next. I knew what to expect after his tongue finished moistening my sensitive spot. Harry. I snapped as I mustered up my strength to shove him off of me. I broke out of the trance of fear I had been locked in. Harry stumbled backwards, caught by surprise rather than the little force I managed to use. What? He snapped, his eyes turning angry again. Im hungry, I rushed out, can we go back inside. I want to finish our date. I tried to convince him. Harry rolled his eyes and chuckled, before slipping his arm around my waist tightly and walking back up to the restaurant. I didnt want to finish my date with him. In fact, that was one of the LAST things I wanted. At this point, anything was better than having him MARK me. No matter how many times he told me; whether he raped me or beat it into me, I would never, ever, be his. End Notes: Please review! Thanks so much for support! What do YOU want to happen? Back to index Chapter 6: Marked by Sophie Grey Author's Notes:

Sorry for not updating! As many of you probably know I've been without power for the whole week. Chapter 6: Marked Would you like more tea? Claire asked me. I shook my head and turned back to the TV. It had been three days since my date and three days since I left my apartment. I knew that he could come for me here, but it was much less likely. Do you need anything else, hon? Claire asked from the kitchen. No, thanks. When I told Claire about what had happened with Harry, she freaked out too. We decided that it was best not to tell Natasha or Miranda; save them the misery and fear. After Harry and I returned to the restaurant, we had a quick dinner and then he took me home. Luckily, he didnt try anything else that night and I got home without any further molestation. Youll be fine, Olivia. She tried to assure me. I dont think she managed to assure either of us. Are you going to class today? I ask casually, trying to change the subject. If youre ok here by yourself Actually, can I come with you? I ask in a small voice. Claire and I share a few classes together, and I was too afraid to go to class by myself. Ok, Ill go get our books. Claire spoke slowly. She had been really understanding these past few days; taking care of me as if I were sick. That was actually what we told Miranda and Natasha; that I was sick. That's why I stayed home and why Claire took care of me. We gather our stuff and head out the door. I hook my arm in hers and walk down the flight of stairs. We quickly make our way through the most open and populated streets, being sure to stay clear of dark side streets and alleys. We both know that its his territory. We made it to class slowly, glancing over our shoulders every time a dark figure emerged from the shadows. Class started abruptly and soon I found myself falling asleep to the Professors familiar drawl. Olivia, Claire whispered to me, halfway through the lecture. Mmm? I mumbled, upset about having to wake up from my nap.

Miranda just texted me and shes severely ill. Im going back to the flat to take care of her. She whispered. My heart stopped and my head snapped up. Youre leaving me here, alone? I have to walk home alone? I gasped. We both knew what would happen, who would show up, if I had to walk home alone. No, Andrew here has offered to take you home. She motioned over to the boy on the other side of her. He was a big guy with broad shoulders. Dont worry, love. Claire and I have been friends for a long time. Any friend of hers is a friend of mine. He offered me a warm smile. I returned the smile. Surely, this muscular dude could protect me much better than Claire would have. I didnt tell him WHY you need protection. No one would agree to that. She whispered as softly as possible in my ear. I nodded and watched as she quickly and quietly left class. After the lecture was over, Andrew wrapped his arm around my shoulders in a friendly manner, not at all possessive or romantic, and escorted me out of the room. We walked down the streets of London. You can tell me what youre afraid of. I wont judge you, I swear. He told me slowly. I looked up at the friendly face of the burly boy. He seemed like a good enough guy, and I thought maybe one day the two of us could be close friends. Still, I could never tell anyone what is plaguing me. Oh, er, Im still getting used to London. I dont know how to find my way home yet. I giggled, putting on my best dumb blonde act. He saw through me, but backed off, like a good friend. Well theres a shortcut through here, if you want to take it. He nodded towards a less used road. My breath hitched in my throat as I thought of who would typically hang out in streets like that. Id rather just stick to the main roads, if thats all right. I muttered softly. He nodded and led me right past the scary street. Sure thing, love. Andrew answered. Just as he said that, two familiar looking boys stepped out of a thin alley in front of us. I got that paranoid feeling in the pit in my stomach. The two boys approached us casually; theyre muscular bodies omitting a confident swagger. One had blond hair with deep colored roots. That wasnt what captured my attention, though. It was the piercing blue eyes that display almost no emotion. The other boy had much thicker muscles. His eyes were deep brown, matching his hair. His face was set hard and cold.

I gulped but hoped that the boys werent heading for me. I still had no idea where I knew these boys from, all I knew is that Ive seen them before. The pushed through the crowds on the busy streets of London. I clung on to Andrew tighter, suddenly feeling guilty that I dragged him here with me. I realized where I saw these guys before just a second too late. Before I could warn Andrew, the two boys had reached us. They brushed by me quickly and grabbed Andrews shoulders roughly. I let out a shriek as they roughly dragged him back to the alley they had appeared from. In broad daylight they did this all. Right in front of everyone on the streets; no one said a thing. Stop! Stop! I yelled as I chased after them. HE had sent them, I knew it! I ran towards the alley they had disappeared to. My pace quickened as I heard a loud slam and then a thud, followed by an animalistic yelp that could only come from Andrew. I was about to turn the corner when I felt two hands grab my shoulders and pull me back roughly. I let out a small scream and started thrashing about. The body holding me down dragged me away from the alley where I heard Andrew being brutally beaten. I was dragged back into the very street I told Andrew that I didnt want to go down. It was the street I expected Harry to hang out in. Boy was I right. He yanked me up to my feet and shoved me against the wall. I bit down on my tongue and refused to make a peep. His dark eyes were blazing with a fire of fury. His face had sloppy scruff that somehow made him more intimidating, whether or not I found it sexy. What the fuck was that?! He spat at me. I winced at his volume and how close he pressed his face to mine, but I refused to answer. This only made him angrier. He drew his hand back and slapped my cheek with but a slight force. It still sent my face whipping against the brick wall I was trapped against. Answer me when I speak to you, Darlin. Harry whispered menacingly. I slowly turned my face back and glared up at him. I dont know what youre talking about. I hissed at him. My very core was trembling in fear, but I couldnt show him that. No, Im strong and independent. Harry raised his eyebrows at me and back up. He spun around to pace the small street quickly. I steadied my breathing in his brief moment of distraction. Suddenly he kicked the side of the brick wall and spun around to face me.

His random act of violence had my heart pumping again. What did I tell you on our date, Darlin? He snapped. He still stood a few feet from me, but I refused to remove myself from the wall I was pressed against. I quickly thought back to our conversation (an awkward one) at dinner. He had ordered a beer, and I asked him not to get drunk. His reaction was a dark laugh. Itll take a lot more than a beer to get me drunk, Darlin. He had informed me. uh, didnt you say that a beer doesnt make you drunk? I tried to lighten the mood and stand up straighter. Harry shot me a dirty look and took a step closer. You think this is a joke? He spat. I shook my head, but refused to act scared. I told you that you were mine. Remember that? He took another step towards me. Oh yeah, that. I muttered, looking down. Oh yeah, that. He mimicked me in a nasally voice. Another step closer. If you remember that, then why the hell were you walking down the fucking street with another guys fucking arm around you?! He shouted at me. His voice boomed and echoed off of the walls of the buildings on the isolated street. H-h-he was just walking me home. I stuttered, still refusing to look up at him. I could smell him as he took another step closer. Smoke, fire, cigarettes, thats what he smelled like. There was a manly musky odor underneath it all, but mainly I could only smell cigarettes. Why did you need him to walk you home, Darlin? He challenged. I could almost hear the smirk in his voice. He stepped closer to me, now he was pressing me to the wall. No longer was there space between us. His arms outstretched to either side of me, trapping me in a prison. Harry, please. I just want to go home. I hiss up at him, forcing the courage to look into his eyes. He chuckled darkly and pressed his nose gently to mine. Should have thought of that before you went whoring around. He whispered. I dont belong to you, I dont belong to anyone. I can do what I please. I snap at him, angry at his tone, his behavior and the fact he just called me a whore. Darlin, I dont want to hurt you. But if you dont check your attitude and start following my rules, I might have to teach you a lesson. He grabbed my chin in his hand roughly,

forcing me to look at him. Z-Harry relax. Hes just a friend, if that. I put my hands against his chest to brace the distance between us. Not for long, Liam and Niall are taking care of that... he spoke more to himself than to me, but that didnt mean that I didnt catch it. Make them stop. Theyll kill him. I begged as tears dripped down my cheek. I cant, Darlin. He has to be an example for the other douches who might want you. He spoke sharply and fiercely. Those words had hit home for him. Let. Him. Go. I hissed, trying to stand my ground. Or what? He teased. Ill be yours. I promise. I cried. Sorry, but I dont negotiate. And I certainly dont need your permission. He hissed. Before I could protest, he grabbed the back of my neck with one hand and my waist with the other. His lips left a single butterfly kiss on the sweet spot on my neck. I gasped at the sharp pain I felt, but I had been expecting it. His tongue soothed over the bite wound, but provided me with no comfort. I guess he had just made it official. I was his. He had marked me. End Notes: Thanks for reading! Please review! So, does anyone think that Harry should spank her? Like later on in the story? Or should I just save that for one of my upcoming stories and Harry's just be possessive and dominating, maybe slap her around a little. Back to index Chapter 7: Violence by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: Hope ya like! This chapter is kind of violent, so just be prepared for that. Chapter 7: Violence I ran my fingers over the spot Harry had bit into. He smirked down at me as he pulled away. I didnt dare to look into his eyes. A blood curdling yell broke through our silence like a knife. I suddenly remember Andrew. Poor Andrew.

Before Harry could stop me, I pushed past him and bolted down the street. The stupid people walking pretended as if they didnt hear the scream of a man in pain. Weak cowards. I turned the corner to find a horrific sight, though it wasnt as bad as it could have been. Niall and Liam towered over a bloody and beaten Andrew. I couldnt tell if he was unconscious or just too hurt to move. I scrambled over to them as quickly as possible, paying no attention to personal safety. Niall drew back his foot and slammed it into Andrews stomach. I heard a shriek escape my lips, earning me the attention of the two violent boys. Both watched me intently as I rushed over to the poor boy lying on the floor; neither made a move to stop me and just moved out of my way. It was as if they were afraid, or werent allowed to touch me. I didnt know what to do with Andrew. His face was bruised and bloodied. His body was bent and contorted. His eyes crusted shut. His arm certainly was not supposed to be in that shape. I started crying, blubbering like a fucking baby. I held his cheeks in my hands as I looked over him. This boy was a complete stranger. He was just trying to help out; be a good person and walk me home. He was just doing the right thing. And now, here he lay, clinging on to life because he was seen out with the wrong person. I felt a new presence enter the ally. I heard his slow approach, but didnt dare look up. I wanted him to see that I was too preoccupied with Andrew. I snuffled and wiped my tears quickly. I returned my hand to the bloodied cheek. Get up. Harry snarled behind me. I ignored him. He didnt deserve my response. Did I stutter? Get the fuck up! He snapped again. I heard him take a step closer and then felt a gentle nudge in my side. His fucking foot. He nudged me with his fucking foot like I was a fucking dog. Olivia, Im not playing with you. Dont fucking touch that boy one more time or youre gonna get it. He growled, growing increasingly furious with me. I felt two other pairs of eyes watching me, but pretended they werent there. I dont know why I did it; I guess I was still clinging on to some ridiculous rebelling side within. I made a point of drawing my hand up and stuck my index finger straight out. I didnt look to see Harrys reaction; he still stood over me. I slowly, dramatically, poked the unconscious boys cheek, doing what Harry told me not to do. I then slowly lifted my face to stare at the others who were with me in the alley.

Niall looked almost amused at my childish behavior. Oh, I am so glad someone finds this funny. Liam just stood there looking shocked and almost fearful for me. I turned to look up at Harry. He looked livid, to say the least. His nostrils were flaring. His chest heaving up and down in short breaths. His fists were curled up at his sides. The vein in his neck was popping out and his jaw was clenched tightly. His teeth were snapped shut behind his lips that formed a silent snarl. This wasnt the scary part though. His eyes. The usually brown pools of mystery were now black, almost tinted red. They showed so much anger and frustration. I could see the brutal force he wanted to inflict. I could feel the hate rolling off him in waves as his eyes bore holes into me. His stare burned me with fear and regret; I had pushed him too far. Quickly he grabbed me under the arms and yanked me off of Andrew. He threw me up against the wall and slapped me with more force than he had ever before. It sent me straight to the ground. I swore I felt blood in my mouth. The pain in my cheek caused me to tear, letting silent sobs escape my lips, I lay on the dirty floor. Harry turned to his friends (was that what Niall and Liam were, Harrys friends? Fellow gang members? Brothers? Minions? Whatever, friends works for now) and nodded towards Andrews body. I tried to muster up the strength to sit up, but I was shaking with fear. All I could do was cry out. Dont hurt him! I pleaded as Niall and Liam gripped the boy. Shut up! Youre making it worse for yourself! Harry snapped at me before turning back to his friends. They lifted Andrew up (it was a team effort, Andrew is a BIG boy) and dragged him over to the edge of the alley. The hoisted his body up and dumped him in the dumpster bin. I cringed at the thought of Andrew lying hurt in a pile of trash, but at least they wouldnt hurt him anymore. Niall and Liam received another nod from Harry before stalking off down the alley and turning onto the busy street as if nothing ever happened. The pussy bystanders pretended not to notice. It was then that I realized I was alone. With him. In an alley. And he was pissed. I felt a chill go down my spine as his hard eyes turned to me. He didnt even speak. He just stomped over to me. His large hand grabbed my hair and pulled me up to my feet. I shrieked in pain as he

pulled my locks higher so that my face was pressed to his. I had to stand on my toes and I still was not eye level with him. I warned you Darlin. I said I didnt want to hurt you. I told you that if you pushed me, I would need to teach you a lesson. I warned you He whispered as an evil smirk contorted his features. All I could do was squeeze my eyes shut and hope he makes it quick. I felt my body being thrown across the floor and land against the brick wall opposite us with a thud. A low whimper escaped from my lips. I peeked through my eyelids to see Harrys boots walking towards me. I closed my eyes again and waited for more pain. I heard him crouch next to me. I felt his long fingers trail along my jaw. Oh, Darlin. How will you learn? He muttered before removing his touch from my skin. I braced myself for more pain. He slammed his boot into my stomach, emitting and animalistic cry from. I quickly curled into a ball to protect my vital organs. I glanced up to see him sneering down at me. His head was cocked to the side slightly and his eyes were trained on me. He reached down and scooped me up into his arm, holding me gently. I thought that the torture was over, but it wasnt. He carried me over to the dead end of the alley, the furthest away from the busy street. I gasped as he dropped me on the floor. Get up! He snarled. I tried my best to push myself off the floor, but my limbs were too shaky to be affective. Oh for Gods Sakes! He snapped as he yanked my arms up so that I wobbled to my feet. He grabbed my wrist tightly and held it over my head, pressing it roughly to the brick wall. His fingers dug into my flesh, no doubt leaving bruises. His other hand grabbed my other wrist and did the same thing. He leaned his face in close to mine and rubbed our noses together. I could feel him inhale and exhale against my skin. His lips travelled down to the spot he had marked earlier. He laid a gentle kiss there before leaving a butterfly of wet and gross kisses up to my jaw line. He pressed a gentle kiss to my own lips. My heart was beating so fast that I thought it would run off. His hands held my captive in his painful handcuff-like grip. I tried turning my head away from him, but it only made it worse. He crashed his lips onto mine again, this time parting his. His teeth bit down on my bottom lip forcefully and began to tease and tug at it. His hips started to grind into mine.

Each thrust sent me roughly against the brick wall. I remained frozen under his touch, not willing to react the way he clearly wants me to. He pulled his lips off of my own and leaned his head towards my right ear. Still grinding me, he nipped and grazed at the soft, sensitive skin of my earlobe. Harry, I whispered hoarsely, finally finding my voice. He hummed in pleasure once as he thrust his hips against mine again. Thats right Darlin. Say my name He muttered in my ear. Harry, I tried again, please, youre hurting me. He stopped licking my ear and grinding his hips to pull away. His hands let my drop and he took a step back. I thought I saw disappointment flash across his features, but I may have been mistaken. He quickly masked and emotion with anger. Thats the point. He hissed. I rubbed my wrists gently. There were five finger-like bruises patterned across the skin. For about three inches from my palm to my wrist, it was completely red. I didnt have time to inspect any other damage though. He quickly backhanded me, sending me back onto the dirty floor. This time, I let no cry escape my lips. Before I could let tears fall, he ripped me off the ground and stood me back up again. His large hands gripped my shoulders tightly, no doubt leaving a pair of matching bruises to those on my hands. He shook me roughly. My head snapped back and forth, my whole body convulsing now with pain. Are. You. EVER. Going. To. See. Another. Boy. Again?! He spat as he shook me mercilessly. I couldnt respond, though I tried. He was shaking me too hard. Are you EVER going to disobey me again?! He continued, not even needing a response. Harry. I heard a soft voice call to him. It wasnt mine. Harry didnt stop shaking me, but he slowed down. Mind you own business! He spat back at the person. Harry, youre going to hurt her. The voice continued. Too Late I wanted to laugh bitterly. Exactly. She has to learn. Harry roared. I heard the voice take a few steps closer, there were two pairs of footsteps.

Harry youre pushing it too far. The voice continued. I know how to handle my woman! Harry snapped. He stopped shaking me completely, but still held me by my shoulders against the brick. I tried to clear my fuzzy vision to see who was coming to rescue me. Harry, why dont you take it easy? Well take her home and you can cool off. The voice suggested. NO! Harry shouted. SHES MINE! No one else can touch her! He spun around to confront the voice. I finally could see who it was; Liam, and with him was Niall. Why dont you have Niall drive her over to Lous and have Eleanor clean her up? Shell be there when you calm down. Liam pressed. Niall cant take her. Shes mine. Harry whispered, almost in defeat. If you keep punishing her while youre so angry, youre going to end up killing her. Liam continued. I-I Harry couldnt answer. Shell be safe with me, you know that Harry. I promise I wont lay a hand on her. No one will, except El. Nialls distinct accent cut through the conversation. Harry quickly spun around and backhanded me once more; catching me and the other boys completely off guard. I collapsed onto the floor in a heap of sobs. Dont try anything funny! Harry ordered me before storming off down the alley, with Liam close on his heels. End Notes: Thanks for reading! Please leave a review and tell me what you think! Next chapter, you'll meet the other boys and Eleanor. I will try to update ASAP. Back to index Chapter 8: Not Alone by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: So this chapter is crap, but I hope you like! Chapter 8: Not Alone Niall approached me slowly. His face displayed no emotion as he crouched down next to me, leaving quite a distance. He opened his mouth to speak, but hesitated almost as if he was debating not to. Do you think you can stand? He asked softly, reluctantly. I nodded and tried to push

myself off the ground. My limbs were still shaky, so I struggled. Niall made no move to help me, but instead just stared at me with sympathy evident in his blue eyes. I finally made it to my feet, but not without having to grip the brick wall for support. Niall looked me over and shook his head before gesturing for me to follow him. I wanted to run away so badly, but I didnt dare. I was in no shape to try to escape from Niall. I consented, supressing my desire, and followed him down the alley and onto the street. Niall walked slowly, to make sure I was ok, but he never spoke to me or made a move to help me. It was as if he wanted to, but there was some unseen force stopping him. After about a block, he stopped in front of a small black sports car. He opened the back door for me, but watched me as I struggled to climb into the backseat. The car ride was silent. I had no idea where he was taking me, but I didnt have much of a choice on whether or not to go anyways. When we stopped in front of an apartment building, about a mile later, Niall opened the door for me but, again, made no move to help me out. I had gotten used to it by then, though. To be honest, I dont think Niall was allowed to help me as it would involve touching me. He tried to talk to me as little as possible, too. He led me over to an elevator inside the building, trying to look at me as little as possible the whole time. Where are you taking me? I asked as the elevator opened on a floor. Niall stepped out and waved me over. I stumbled after him wondering why he never answered my question. He immediately knocked on a door and waited. A few seconds later the door was answered by another one of the guys I had seen that first night. He had bright blue eyes and oddly styled brown hair. His eyes had a mischievous tint that reminded me of a devious child. I assumed this was Louis. Niall? Didnt know you were coming ov- he immediately froze once his troublemaking eyes caught me. His eyebrows raised in surprise as he took in my appearance. His mouth pressed together to form a hard line. He looked back to Niall. What the hell is going on? Does Harry know you have HER here? he gasped as he ushered Niall inside. I awkwardly followed them, trying not to feel self-conscious at Louiss hard gaze. Louis, get El to clean her up, Niall muttered to Louis, Ill explain when she leaves the room. Louis nods and pokes his head around the corner of the foyer. ELEANOR! He calls. I take the opportunity to look around the apartment. It was furnished nicely, with expensive features. The flat was big, too. From what I could see in the foyer, it spanned over a large square footage. The other boy, the dark-haired one that took Claire home that night a few weeks ago,

sauntered in. He looked over Niall and Louis and then at me. His smirk changed to a frown, but he didnt have the chance to say anything. I heard a light patter of footsteps and then a beautiful girl turned the corner. She was tall and thin, nothing like me. Her hair was long, brown and fell in gentle curls. I swore she could have been a model. She looked a couple years older than me, but not many. Dont call me like a dog, Louboo. She teased him with a smirk. Her smile faded and her brows furrowed once she saw me. Is this-? She looked at me pointedly. She didnt finish her sentence, she didnt have to. Yes, Louis answered slowly, do you mind taking her to the guest room and cleaning her up a little? The way he spoke to the girl was different from how he just acted. His voice softened as his gaze turned loving. No problemo! She giggled, forcing a dazzling smile on her perfect face. She came over to me and wrapped a delicate arm around my shoulders. Come now, She hummed as she began to tug me away from the boys and down the hall. I was more than happy to go with her. I didnt, no I COULDNT be around them anymore. She led me into a nicely furnished room and sat me down on the comfy bed. As soon as she shut the door, she bounced over to me. Im Eleanor! She squeaked with a smile as she gave me a light hug. Olivia, I responded softly. Oh, I know very well who you are. She winked. I furrowed my brow in confusion and awaited an explanation, but I never got one. Instead, she began to look over the bruises that battered my body. May I? She asked as she pointed to my stomach. I nodded my head and froze as she lifted my shirt lightly. Her face contorted into anger once she saw the bruising on my stomach, but she quickly hid her disgust. Im really sorry that this happened to you Olivia. Im really sorry that any of the boys set their sight on you, nonetheless Harry. She whispered to me regretfully. What do you mean? Well, Ive been around long enough to know everyone. All the boys are a bit possessive and controlling. Actually, thats an understatement. Were objects to them Olivia. Out of all of the boys, Harry is the, er, MOST passionate. She said softly. Passionate?

I mean, he gets angry and horny the fastest. I havent spoken to any of the boys directly, too much. You know, Im Louiss so theyre not really supposed to talk to me. Eleanor shrugged as if it were no big deal. oh? I gasped. I guess thats why Niall was so reluctant to touch or talk to me. Eleanor began wiping the dirt off of my face and arms. That was the only skin that had really been exposed so the rest of my body was pretty clean. Harry hadnt left any open wounds, so Eleanor just got me a bunch of ice packs to help with the soreness. She also tried to find me a change of clothes, since the ones I was wearing were torn and dirty. The only problem with this solution was that I was too short and chubby compared to Eleanor. I wasnt fat, but I am a curvy girl and Eleanor is like a stick, so I was stuck in the clothes I had on. I know that this sucks for you, being in his sights, but I have to say Olivia; Im glad youre here. Im glad Im not the only one anymore. She whispered. What do you mean? I wonder. Well, Louis is the only one of the guys who has a girlfriend. All of the others have been shagging with random girls. Youre the first one Ive ever met. Im glad Im not alone anymore. I smile back at her. Yeah, sure. I was seen with another guy. I shrugged. She gasped. What were you thinking?! He hadnt marked me yet. I hadnt accepted my fate yet. I was too afraid to walk home alone. I was afraid that he would find me. My roommate was supposed to walk me home, but a friend got sick so she had one of her good friends walk me home. You should have told Harry that. Would it have helped? I asked doubtfully. No, I guess not. She sighed, defeated. Honestly, all he did was slap me once and mark me. It was what I did after that made him angry. I hinted. Eleanors eyes widened. What did you do? She pressed. I felt like I was gossiping again in high school. I had to go see how Andrew was. I had to make sure he was ok. Liam and Niall were

were Andrew was such a mess after them. Harry got angry that I was so concerned. Thats why he did this. I gestured to my body. Oh. My. God. That poor boy. You werent even marked when he walked you home, so he didn't even know better? She gasped. I shook my head. They left him in a dumpster. I need to go back and make sure hes ok. I decided. Eleanor grabbed my arm. You CANT! She gasped. I nodded. Ill call my friend Claire to check on him. I changed my mind. Eleanor was right, for me to go back out there would be suicide. I patted my pockets but my phone was nowhere. Shit, he must have taken it when I was down. I hissed. Eleanor bit her lip and glanced at the door as if she was debating something in her mind. Here, she handed me an iPhone, use mine. Just make it quick. Were dead if they find out. I nodded and quickly dialed Claires number. Hello? She asked into the phone. Claire, its me. I greeted solemnly. OHMYGODOLIVIAAREYOUOKWHEREAREYOU?! She screamed. Claire. Calm down. Im ok for now. Ill explain everything when I get home, but I need you to do something for me. I begged. You have a lot of explaining to do. She snapped. I know. Can you go check on Andrew? They-they, they dumped him in a dumpster a few blocks from class. I whispered, barely able to get the words out. Eleanor motioned for me to wrap it up. What the hell happened, Liv? Where are you? She rushed out, extremely worried. I dont know. Ill explain when I get back. Just go find Andrew, please. Hes going to need to go to a hosp- The door slammed open and I froze. Harry stared back at me, well at the phone in my hands. Olivia? Olivia, whats going on? I got to go, Claire. I whispered. I gulped as I ended the call and put the phone in my lap.

Darlin, give the phone back to Eleanor. He said quietly. His voice was too calm, too serene. I-Its m-m-mine. I lied. He shook his head and pulled out my phone from his pocket. Bullshit. This is yours. Give her back her phone. He commanded through his teeth. I slowly handed Eleanor back her phone and mouthed the word sorry. Harry nodded at me to follow him and I felt that I had to oblige; I didnt have much of a choice. I heard Eleanors light steps as she followed us. Who were you on the phone with? Harry asked as we entered the main room where all the other boys were. My roommate, Claire. I answered back as strongly and bravely as I could. Niall furrowed his brow. I thought you said you took her phone? He asked Harry. All of the boys completely ignored my and Eleanors presence. I did. Then where did she get a phone from? He pressed. I saw Eleanor look down and I couldnt help but notice her hands tremble a little. Where do you think?! Harry snapped at him. Niall nodded in understanding. I watched Louiss face go hard and his eyes narrowed at his girlfriend. Eleanor, go wait for me in our bedroom. He commanded angrily. The way he had spoken to El earlier, with love and admiration, was gone. He was a different person now. Eleanor knew better than to argue. I watched as she dragged herself down the hall and stepped into a room. I couldnt help but feel bad for her; she was only trying to help me. Come on. Were leaving. Harry informed me. I nodded silently and looked at the other boys around the room. No one looked at me. No one but Harry. Ill be back, boys. I have to take care of something. Louis said coldly as he stood. Niall, Zayn and Liam hummed in a response, but didnt say much. I flinched as I watched Louis walk down the hall and into the room Eleanor had gone into. He quietly shut the door. I quickly followed Harry out of the apartment, not wanting to overhear what Eleanor was going to go through. The worst feeling of guilt washed through me as I realized Eleanors fate was completely my fault. End Notes: Reviews? What do you think of Eleanor and Olivia?

Back to index Chapter 9: Home by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: Sorry for taking so long! Hope ya like! Chapter 9: Home I was afraid that Harry would be angry at me; that he would repeat the events of the afternoon because I tried to call Claire. From what I could tell, though, he wasnt angry. At least thats what I hoped. He waited for me to step out of Louiss apartment and for the door to close before he said anything. Once we were alone in the hallway, he gazed down at me. You must be hungry. He assumed. Really? After everything that he did today, after everything that Ive gone through, thats all he could say? Not really. I answered quietly. He rolled his eyes. Sure youre not, he snorted, come on. Were leaving. He turned on his heel and started down the hall and to the elevator. He didnt even look behind at me to see if I was coming. He didnt have to. While his long muscular legs led him with long, rapid strides down the hall, I was still battered and bruised, so I stumbled behind him. I was walking too slowly, so when Harry stopped and pressed the button for the elevator, I wasnt there. I was holding onto the wall as I tried to walk as quickly as possible, but every step sent a sharp pain in my abdominal region. What is taking so bloody long? He snapped at me. I squeaked out an apology and rushed as much as I could. I heard Harry huff out a sigh and then heavy footsteps approached. I barely had time to look up before I was scooped off of my feet and into his arms. Harry held me bridal style to his chest. His hands gripped my thighs and my back tightly, his fingers curling around my abdomen. I winced as his fingers dug into the bruising on my stomach. A pained hiss escaped my lips when his grip tightened. He immediately looked down at me with concern. Whats the matter, Darlin? He asked in a low voice as he stepped on the elevator. N-nothing. Im ok. I answered back, not able to meet his eyes. He gently put me down, leaning me against the elevator wall. Carefully he pressed his body to mine and stared down at me.

Im gonna ask again, and I expect you to be truthful; whats the matter? He asked me sternly. He spoke softly, but his tone was commanding. It hurts. I whispered, looking down at my feet. His long, cool fingers brushed underneath my chin and pushed my face up to look at him. What hurts, Darlin? Tell me, Ill help. I looked at him in complete disbelief. This fucker was honestly going to play this game with me? He knows EXACTLY what hurts. Umm, my stomach. I responded quietly. Harry raised his eyebrows at me, before smirking lightly. His shadow disappeared from my view as he bent down and slowly pushed up the fabric covering my stomach. I was frozen, my heart pounding, while he placed four gentle kisses on my battered stomach. He slowly brushed his fingers across my abdomen as he looked back up at me. Better? I didnt respond. I stayed frozen at the kneeling boy in front of me. Is that it Darlin? He flashed his pristine white teeth at me. For a British boy on the streets of London, someone surely put a lot of money in his dental health; I thought that was an American thing. Mmhmm, I hummed, not wanting him to leave any more kisses on my body. His smile dropped at the corners, but his eyes remained in an amused light. No its not, Darlin. You can tell me what hurts. I shook as I slowly put my wrists forward. He grabbed one of them as he stood before me. He carefully kissed each bruise left by the strong grip of his fingers. He did the same to the other hand. His eyes trailed up to the bruises on my shoulders, and soon, his lips followed. I remained stiff with fear at each gentle, wet mark left on my cold skin. His lips didnt leave my touch as they made their way to the hickey on my neck. His hot breath fanned over the sensitive skin that was patterned with bruises from his strangling stunt earlier. He dragged his tongue over his mark before leaving a wet kiss like he had everywhere else on my body. I can make your pain go away. He whispered in my ear. I shivered as my stomach overturned. I had a bad feeling of how he would make my pain go away. Z-Harry. I pleaded Thats right Darlin, say my name. He growled against the skin of my jaw. I suppressed the fear rippling through me and pushed away from him. I stalked off of the elevator as quickly as I could, but of course, Harry was right next to me, easily keeping pace with my injured body.

Leave me alone, I hissed. He ignored me, giving me a warning look as if I were treading on thin ice. Where ya going, Olivia? He asked me seriously, sliding in front of me before I could leave the building. Home. I spat. He narrowed his eyes at my attitude, making my heart go into overdrive. I was too far in to back out now, though. I had to be firm with him, let him know that I wasnt going to take his shit. What was the worst thing that could happen? He could beat me again I couldnt think about that. Ok, Ill take you home. Harry agreed softly. Wait what? Just like that he would take me home? He stepped out of my way and hooked an arm around my waist gently. He held the door for me as he led me to his car and helped me climb in. Neither of us spoke as he got in the drivers seat and revved the engine. The car ride was silent, the only sound was my heavy breathing. Harry quietly focused on the road, every so often. I watched the buildings fly by. The route he was taking me back to my apartment was familiar, so I had no cause to worry. When we pulled passed the turn for my flat, I felt a surge of concern rush through me. I looked over to Harry, who was staring in front of him at the road. Harry, you missed my turn. I said softly. He glanced at me in the corner of his eye, but didnt say anything. Harry. I spoke louder. Mmm? Whats the matter, Darlin? You missed my turn. Harry turned to me and raised his eyebrow. Yeah, and? He quizzed with amusement. Y-y-you said you were t-t-taking me HOME. I stuttered. He lied. Why was that so surprising to me? Mmmhmm. He hummed. you lied? I whispered in disbelief. I felt my voice break, but I couldnt register the words that came out of my mouth. I didnt lie. He scoffed. B-b-but-

I AM taking you home- to MY home. He chuckled. I looked over at him and furrowed my brows. My bottom lip quivered and I felt my eyes tear up. I looked away from the man sitting next to me and out the window. I heard him speak, but I didnt listen to what he said. I knew he was going to rape me. I knew he was going to beat me. He was going to walk all over me. How did I get myself into this mess? OLIVIA! Harrys angry voice snapped me from my saddened thoughts. He stood outside the car, holding the door open. He looked down at me almost angrily. S-sorry. I whispred. Darlin have you been ignoring me this whole time? He asked as he pulled me out of the car and hooked his arm around my waist. I didnt answer him. Darlin. Have you been crying? He asked as his fingers trailed down my cheeks to my quivering lip. I didnt answer him. Olivia, are you going to say anything? He asked angrily. I didnt answer him. Instead, I roughly yanked out of his grasp and tried to run for it; it was my only hope. I made it about ten feet before Harry pulled me into his chest. We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Dalin. Either way, Im gonna get what I want. He hissed in my ear. I shuddered at his words and desperately tried to fight his grip. The hard way it is. He chuckled as he threw me over his toned shoulder and headed into a tall building. I punched and kicked at him as he entered the building. The people around us just stared for a moment before looking away, as if they didnt see a girl being dragged inside. Harry took me up to the top floor where the elevator opened up to the apartment, like a penthouse He still held me on his shoulder, ignoring my futile attempts to break free. He slammed me down roughly on the couch. He leaned down to me, but I tried to slap and kick and punch him away. He just grabbed my wrists and pinned them over my head before leaning down so that his breath fanned my face. Careful Darlin. Dont make me angry. He warned menacingly. My breath hitched in my throat. Please, Harry. Let me go. I whispered. He smirked down at me. He transferred both of

my wrists into one of his large hands, freeing up the other one. His free hand trailed down to the mark on my neck and his fingers slowly brushed over it. Ill never let you go. Youre mine. End Notes: PLEASE REVIEW! The more reviews, the quicker I'll update. Back to index Chapter 10: Overnight by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: Hope ya like!! :) Chapter 10: Overnight I stared up at his dark eyes in fear. Before I could respond, he roughly crashed his lips onto mine. He licked his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for permission; permission that I did not grant. He controlled my lips completely, despite the fact that I tried to keep my mouth as still as possible. He didnt try to pry my mouth open after I didnt let his slithering tongue in. After a few minutes of just molding our lips together, he pulled off of me. He let go of me and turned around, heading off to a different room without a word. I took a quick glance around. His apartment was furnished like a man cave. The walls were dark, with dark wood furniture and big leather pieces of furniture. The pictures on the wall were of modern art, but the focus of the room was the giant-ass flat screen. I didnt wait to see more of the expensively furnished flat. I rushed to the elevator while I had the chance. I pressed the button for the elevator to come. I prayed it would arrive quickly. Every glance over my shoulder made me shake in anticipation. Harry could come back from wherever he went at any moment and and I couldnt think about that. The elevator opened up, allowing me to step on. I pressed the close doors button and then the button to the lobby, but the elevator didnt move. I pressed the buttons furiously with my trembling fingers, but it didnt help. What the fuck? Where ya going, Darlin? I heard a deep voice chuckle from a few feet away. I jumped at the proximity of his voice, only making me press the buttons faster. He appeared and stepped on to the elevator. He pressed his hips to mine, squaring me against the wall. His hands trapped me in a prison I had no hope of escaping. Try to escape all you want Darlin, but its never gonna work. The elevator is deactivated for this floor until I give the okay. He hissed in my ear. I gulped. It was just him and me on this floor until he decided otherwise.

He left me on the elevator and went back to wherever he had gone before. I slumped to the floor, expecting to cry like a big fucking baby, but I had no tears left to spare. I crawled off of the frozen elevator and back into the apartment of the monster. I waited for Harry to come and find me, but he never did. I decided to take a look around, maybe find another escape route. I tiptoed to the full length windows and gazed out. We were on the top floor- I would never survive the jump. I continued on to each window, maybe there was a fire escape or something. I didnt find anything in that room, so I continued on to the next one. The kitchen. I wish I had just stayed in the first room; Harry was in this one. Have you finished trying to run away? He asked me casually as he hovered over a modern looking stove. I didnt respond, I just stood in the doorway. He went back to whatever he was cooking, humming an unfamiliar tune. I watched him cautiously; too afraid to approach him, but also too afraid to take my eyes off of him for a moment. I watched as his back muscles tensed and flexed every time he moved his arms. I watched his skilled movements around the kitchen. Every so often, his dark eyes would shift in my direction, but other than that he acted as if I wasnt even there. Are you hungry? he broke the silence. I looked up at his sudden question and shook my head. A low, humorless chuckle escaped his broad lips. Weve gone over this, Darlin. He sighed. I shrunk back as he stepped forward. You must be hungry. Its nearly midnight and you havent eaten much today. He reached for my hand gently and began tugging me through the kitchen towards a table. Carefully, he softly pushed me into the chair and put a plate of food in front of me. He grabbed a plate of food for himself and slid into the chair across from me. He hungrily consumed the dinner he made, barely glancing up to me. I didnt touch the food in front of m. I couldnt. I wouldnt. Once he was finished, he pushed his plate towards the center of the table and leaned back in his chair, looking satisfied. His disgusting eyes glared at my untouched face and then up at me. Eat the damn food, Olivia. I wont ask you again. He seethed. Like every time he threatened me, my heart beat unsteadily and my palms got sweaty. Im not hungry. I whispered, without looking up. I saw his hand reach across the table and grab my chin. Roughly, I was forced to look up at his angry eyes. Bullshit. Eat the damn food. He hissed. I shook in his grasp, before I yanked away.

I wont eat anything youve made. I hissed back, equally as angry. He raised his eyebrows at my attitude and leaned towards me in his chair. Fix the tone, Darlin, or Ill come over and do it myself. S-sorry, but I cant. I whispered and looked down. Why the bloody hell not? Why wont you let me help you?! He spat. I heard him push his chair back roughly as he stood. I shook like a leaf as he approached me. He crouched down next to me so that we were eye level. B-because you probably spiked it or or poisoned it. I admitted my fears. Harry let out a dark chuckle. And why would I do that? I would never kill you, Darlin, youre mine. Killing you would just be stupid. He kept chuckling as if I had suggested something completely ludicrous. In my own defense, after what he did to me this afternoon I thought that my murder would be likely. It could be spiked, I retorted, like a child in a losing argument. Harry smirked at me and cocked his head to the side. With what? I already have you here, in a sound proof apartment. We both know I could take you. Darlin, if I really were to rape you, drugs or alcohol would not stand in my way. I looked at him slowly. I felt the fear in my eyes, and I knew he could sense it too. Eat your food, Olivia. He whispered softly to me. I nodded slowly, not able to meet his eyes and began to slowly pick at the food in front of me. I ate about 30% of the plate, and then looked back at Harry. He remained crouched by me the whole time, staring at me through narrowed eyes the entire time. Please, Harry. I c-cant eat any more I begged. I felt like I was going to seriously throw up. Fine, he huffed as he stood. He held out his hand to me and helped me stand from the chair. Silently, he led me down a hall and into a room. I followed behind him silently. What was I supposed to do? Run away? To where? Time for bed, Darlin. He pointed at the large king-sized bed in the middle of the room. I felt my body tremor. No. No-no I want to go home, Harry. Please. I cried softly. He wrapped his arm around my waist gently. He led me over to the bed, or at least he tried to. I resisted as much as I could. I kicked and struggled as he continued to pull me. He didnt use excessive force; he just tugged me over like a parent would with a child throwing a tantrum.

Come on now, Darlin, dont make this harder than it has to be. He asked me softly. I still fought as he pressed me down on the bed. He looked at me sternly before pulling off his t-shirt and handing it to me. I stared at his hand, refusing to take his clothing. Sleep in this, Darlin, or sleep naked. Your choice. He shrugged. I snatched up the shirt quickly and held it tightly. He slipped off his jeans and throw them on the other side of the room. He slid into the other side of the bed and looked at me expectedly. Ill just go to the bathroom I mutter awkwardly before I stood. Harry sighed and leaned on his elbow. Ive seen you in your knickers before, Darlin. Remember our first date? Change into the damn shirt. I gulped and turned away from him as I slipped off my own shirt, but kept my bra on. I put Harrys shirt on and then removed my dirty jeans. My clothes still had dirt on them from this afternoon. I carefully slid into the bed next to him and curled up as far away from Harry as possible. He wasnt happy with this, so he yanked me back into him. His hand wrapped around my body gently. Stop shaking Darlin. I promise I wont hurt you. He tried to comfort me; it didnt help at all. He began to hum in my ear softly, the same unrecognizable tune from before. I didnt know what to do. If he wanted to rape me, wouldnt he have done so already? With the pain and exhaustion of the day hitting me and the soft hums of Harry, I dozed off in his arms. That night, I didnt dream at all. The state I was in was merely for healing the wounds, both mental and emotional, caused by the day. **************** I awoke feeling warm. I was pressed into Harrys barely clothed body, restrained by his muscular arms. His right hand was gripping my breast gently, while his left hand rested over my leg, gripping my inner thigh. His fingers lay not two inches from my nether part. My breathing became rapid as realization struck; I was here as his captive. I tried to slip out of his grasp, or at least loosen his hold, but nothing worked. Harry was asleep, and yet he still controlled me. Stop wiggling around, Darlin. Im not gonna let you go. Harry whispered in his husky, deep morning voice without opening his eyes. Get your filthy paws off of my goodies, Harry. I snapped at him as I continued to wiggle. Oh, did I mention that I wasnt a morning person? Harry chuckled a throaty sound before shifting his hands. Thank God.

His right hand moved down to my waist, while his left hand moved a few inches down my thigh. I sighed in relief; he was no longer hanging on to my sensitive parts. This relief was short lived. Harry used his tight hold on me to yank me roughly on top of him. My bare legs tangled with his. The t-shirt I was wearing, HIS t-shirt, was pressed up against his bare chest; providing a thin layer of protection. As soon as I was on top of him, he rolled so that I was trapped below him. Harry didnt press any weight on to me, he distributed his weight onto his elbows, but still kept me between his hard body and his soft bed. What did you say to me? He growled. Did I stutter? I hissed, rolling my eyes. If he was trying to intimidate me, then it wasnt going to fucking work. Ive dealt with enough of his shit, and I have the battle scars to prove it. Harrys dark, thick eyebrows shot up and his lids squinted his narrowed eyes at me. He looked pissed, to understate. Check your tone, Darlin. He warned in his deep voice. Fuck. You. I spat. Harry smirked evilly. Oh, youre about to. He whispered just before he crashed his lips on to mine again, but this time, I didnt just remain still. I bit down on his lower lip as hard as I could. I released once I felt the coppery taste of blood in my mouth. Harry pulled off of me quickly and ran his fingers over his injured lip. I took this opportunity to run. While he was absorbed in the short pain I caused, I scrambled out of the bed and bolted. I knew there was no way to escape, so I hoped to find a fire escape or a good hiding spot or something. I heard him stomp behind me- not bothering to run, knowing that I cant leave. Oh, youve done it now, Darlin. He laughed behind me. I ran over to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. That would give me a few minutes to think everything through. End Notes: Please review and tell me what you think! Back to index Chapter 11: Fire Escape by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: Hope ya like, I'm not too crazy about this chapter, but I will try to update again soon ASAP Kind of a short chapter...

Chapter 11: Fire Escape Open up, Darlin. He cooed kindly from the other side. I held back the urge to vomit and the thought of him being nice. I heard his deep knock on the door. I shrunk away from it. I pressed myself against the wall, as far away from HIM as possible. I have no problem breaking down this door, Darlin. Open up now. He called in a soft voice again. I didnt respond. I couldnt. I didnt want to. I was never going to open up to him; I was sure as hell that I would never open the door for him. OLIVIA! He shouted, breaking his calm composure. I heard a loud bang on the door. It was his fist, no doubt. I was suddenly grateful for the wooden barrier between him and me. I couldnt imagine if I had been there for him to slam his fist into. Fine! Ill see how much you like staying in there for the whole fucking day! Youll break eventually. He laughed darkly. I waited for him to yell some more, but he didnt. I peeked through the key hole to see if he was still there. He was. Harry was sitting on the floor across from the door with his back pressed up against the wall. He was still in just his boxers from the night before, which reminded me that I still had his shirt on. I ripped the unwanted fabric off my body and dumped it in the toilet. Stupidly, I was left in my bra and panties Smart. I slumped down against the shower door and bury my head in my hands. What have I done? I sit there quietly for about an hour before Harry calls to me again. Ready to break yet, Darlin? Nope. I can go all day! I called back confidently, although I didnt feel like that at all. Somehow, I doubt that! He teased. What about you? Can YOU go all day?! I challenged. I was planning on spending the day in anyways, Darlin. He scoffed. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to ignore him. Im inviting some friends over, so they can hang here while we wait for you to break. He informs me through the heavy wood door. Im so happy for you, Harry! You have FRIENDS! I shout sarcastically. I hear a low chuckle from the hall before Harry responded. Just you wait until I get my hands on you. My heart skipped a beat as fear pumped through my veins again. I didnt answer him, so

our tense and bitter conversation was temporarily ended. I crawled across the bathroom floor and pressed my ear to the door to listen to whatever Harry was doing. Hey, hows it going? I heard him speak. I didnt hear a response, but Harry continued to talk. He must be on the phone. Yeah, Im just at home. Harry laughed at something said on the other line before continuing. Hey listen. I know we were going to head over to your place, but Ive run into a slight, er, problem. How about you all come over to mine? He suggests. There was a pause while the other boy answered. Yeah, can you call them all for me? Another pause. Thanks, Lou. And, sure, you can bring El. I might need her help anyways. I heard him hand up his phone. I peeked into the key hole to watch him stand up and stalk into his bedroom. I breathed a sigh of relief, but was not able to make a move before he came back. In his hands were some folded clothes. He abruptly slipped them on and leaned back against the wall across from the door. As if he knew I was looking through the key hole he turned his stare right at me. I gasped and scooted backwards, like the distance could protect me from his intense gaze. My chest heaved up and down with each strained breath. He was on the other side of the door. I need to relax I take a few minutes to steady my breathing. Just when I got the nerve to peak back through the key hole, I hear other voices. Whats going on? Louis said that you have a problem to deal with? I heard one of Harrys friends ask. Zayn? Yeah, Olivia went and locked herself in the bathroom. Harry complained as if I couldnt hear him. You need to control your woman. Zayn chuckled. Youre telling me. I rolled my eyes at their conversation, resisting the urge to throw open the door and slap the shit out of them. For some reason, I somehow predict that it wont end well for me. I hear more voices enter the room. Whats going on? I think Liam asked. Olivias locked herself in the bathroom. Zayn explains softly. I squeeze my eyes shut and pretend not to hear them. I debate turning on the water to block out the voices but

then I hear one quiet voice that stands out from the rest. Louis? Louis, can I try talking to her? I can help. Eleanors soft, feminine voice asked. I jump to my feet and rush over to the door. Without thinking I rip the door open and run out of the bathroom. As soon as I see her I engulf her in a hug. Shh- mind your own- Louis was cut off by my actions. Eleanor is shocked by my sudden attack, but gently hugs me back. Louis was standing right in front of El, so I may have hip-checked him out of the way, oh well. I see Harry make a move towards me in the corner of my eye, and apparently Eleanor did too. Fire escape is in his study next to his room. She whispered quickly, just as Harry yanked me off of her. I allow myself to glance over Eleanor quickly, inspecting her injuries from the night before. She shows no apparent violence- did Louis not beat her? Maybe the bruising was in less exposed areas. Where did your shirt go?! He snapped. I see all the boys turn around to look at the other room simultaneously, taking the hint that this was none of their business and they shouldnt be staring. I glance down at my body and blush; oh right, only in my underwear. Oh, you mean the disgusting fabric you gave to me last night? In the toilet, just where all the rest of your shit should go. I spit back at him. Anger flashes through Harrys eyes quickly. He grabs my arm roughly and shoves me towards his bedroom. Go put on some clothes. Ill sort you out later. He snapped. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. No. I challenge. He turns back towards me with a look that had me questioning whether or not he would kill me. Dont test me, Olivia. He hissed. With that he follows his friends into the other room. I see El shoot me a quick glance of encouragement before she was tugged along gently by Louis. I travel to his bedroom in defeat and slip on some of his clothes, just so I dont walk around half naked. I still wasnt sure why Eleanor continued to help me; she only made it worse for herself. Nevertheless, I was infinitely grateful. I quietly slipped out of the room and investigated the room next to Harrys. There were bookshelves from floor to ceiling, matching the dark mahogany wood floors. Behind a monstrous desk and a high-tech computer sat a large leather chair. I could only assume this was the study. I made my way to the window and glance down. A fire escape.

I try to wiggle the window open, but it makes too much noise. I knew Harry would come to investigate if I didnt stop. With a rush of adrenaline, I push the window open with a loud screeching noise. I heard shouting coming from the living room and then heavy footsteps. Before I chickened out, I climbed through the window and began the long descent down the escape ladder. I could hear the office door being slammed open, but I kept going. I couldnt stop, hed kill me. OLIVIA! I heard someone shout above me. I didnt look up; I kept going. I felt the entire escape ladder shake as someone heavy climbed on above me; this only made me quicken my pace. Olivia, I swear to god, if you dont stop right now- I cut Harry off. If I dont stop then what? I have a head start, you cant possibly catch me! I couldnt help but shout back. My words were strained from running down, but I knew he still heard me. I took a tentative glance up to confirm my suspicions. Harry was racing down the fire escape above me. I could feel the anger rolling off of him. I saw the heads of Zayn and Niall poking out the window, watching the whole thing but making no move to help. I would never understand their relationship. I kept climbing downwards with not a moment to spare. I couldnt let him catch me. Of course he was in much better shape than I, so he was catching up. When I finally pressed my bare feet to cobblestone I couldnt be more relieved. I had reached the street. I took off racing in a random direction and didnt stop running until I found a dark shop to slip in to. I waited behind a bookshelf of the bookstore I was hiding in while the shopkeeper and customers stared at me as if I were a madwoman. Well, I guess that must be how I appeared- my light hair was in a disarray, I was out of breath and I was wearing mans clothing. Whatever. It wasnt like I owed the bystanders anything- they wouldnt have helped me if they knew the true story anyways. When I saw Harry run by the store without giving it a second glance, I huffed out a sigh of relief. His muscular legs kept him flying through the crowd searching for me. I quietly left the shop and headed in the opposite direction he had run off in, but made sure to avoid his apartment. I didnt stop checking over my shoulder until the streets I wandered on familiar streets. When I stood in front of my own building, I thought that I felt some tears of joy brim to

my eyes. I had escaped. For now. End Notes: Review? Thoughts on Harry? Olivia? Louis and Eleanor? I know where I want to take this story, but I am having a bit of a writer's block, so I am taking any suggestions. Back to index Chapter 12: Attack by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: TWO chapters in one day! Hope ya like this one. Chapter 12: Attack Claire held me in a tight embrace for a long time. We both stood there sobbing in the main room of our flat. She had obsessed over my injuries, and the mark on my neck. I had obsessed over the state Andrew was in. In the hospital, medically induced coma because his extensive injuries need time to heal. He kept saying she wasnt marked, she wasnt marked over and over again on the ambulance ride. I think hell be fine though. I just dont get how someone can just leave him bleeding like that in the dumpster. Absolute monsters. She had told me. Finally, I decided that I should go clean myself up and change out of HIS clothes. I backed away from Claire and offered up a sympathetic smile. She returned it and silently let me do as I please. A quick glance around our flat told me instantly that something was wrong. Why are there boxes? Whats going on? I stammered. My brow furrowed in complete confusion. Claires eyes turned sad. Miranda, she, well, she got kicked out of the program. Her grades were slipping rapidly and she was failing every class. Holy shit. Was all I managed to say. Yeah, shell be back a little later to say good-bye. She is pretty upset, but I think we just have to let her go, no drama. Thats all we can do for her now, Olivia. She is returning to America I nod and solemnly head off to my bedroom. Poor Miranda. I would miss her antics. Now I was the only American left in the flat. After taking a shower and changing into my own clothes, I decide to just go to bed. It was only 4 in the afternoon, but I was physically exhausted from the whole day. I made my

way over to my increasingly comfortable-looking bed and prepare to lie down, but a little white slip of paper on my pillow catches my eye. I gingerly pick it up and read the messy handwriting. Nice try, but Ill be seeing you soon, Darlin. xxxHarry My heart stops in my chest and I know that I wont be sleeping at all tonight. ********************** *A few days later* After Mirandas tearful departure, things around the apartment have been strained. Natasha seems to know that Claire and I are hiding something from her. I mean, its true, but its for her own good. I never showed Harrys mark on me again. I remember from when I had hugged Eleanor I had noticed the scars on her neck. Like me, she had a hickey prominent near her collarbone. But I did see that there were scars from previous hickeys that she hid with makeup. I did the exact same. People seemed to know, though, that I belonged to Harry, no matter how much I fight it. I guess word had gotten out about Andrew. At least I was trying. Ill see you later! Claire calls as she heads off to class. I smile and wave at her, heading back to our apartment. I no longer cared if I walked alone any more, I almost preferred it. This way, Harry couldnt hurt anyone else because of me. I figured hed find me when he wants to regardless of whether or not I was with someone else. I still avoided alleys though. That was almost asking for Harry to take me. I start a brisk walk in the familiar direction of my home. The cold London air hadnt ceased from surprising me. I had to hide under my coat for protection. A quick glance to the left made my heart stop. My spine shivered and I felt the fear rise up from the pit of my stomach. I saw Zayn and Liam leaning against a brick building shaded in an alley. They were lighting up some cigarettes and checking out some of my classmates as they walked by. I quickly slid into another alley to avoid them noticing me. I knew Harry catching me again was inevitable, but why speed it up?

I continue down the alley, hoping it leads to another road that I could use to take me home. What have we here? A mans voice chuckled from my right. I jumped and snapped my head in his direction. There stood three guys who all wore tattered jeans and t-shirts. None of them had shaved in a while. Hey baby, I can show you a good time. Another called to me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. A bunch of drunks was all they were. Where ya goin? The last man asked. Leave me alone. I snapped as they all stepped close to me. I tried to keep walking, but the seeming leader of the group slid in front of me. A yank? He snickered. I held my head high and looked him straight in the eye. Move out of my way. I ordered as politely and as strongly as I could. All of them just laughed. Panic coursed through me. I was almost certain of these mens intentions, but I almost wished it werent true. Come on now, sugar. Dont be like that. The man behind me laughed. I felt an arm wrap around my waist, but before I could scream, a hand was pressed against my mouth. Thinking as quickly as I could, I bit into the disgusting, dirty hand. The man in front of me screamed out in pain and then slapped me across the face. You bitch! He snapped. I crumbled to the floor at the sheer force of the blow. You hit like a fucking girl. I laughed at him. I knew this would just make it worse for me, but I couldnt help myself. He had pissed me off. And apparently, I had pissed him off too. He kicked his foot into my stomach, prompting me to spit up blood. Lovely, how ladylike of me. I produce a scream that sounds like a hurt animal, but one of the men tugs me back to my feet and slaps his hand over my mouth. Enough out of you. Hey, I recognize this girl. The quietest man spoke up. The other two turned to him. What are you talking about, Devon? The leader sighs. Isnt that Styless bird? Devon continues.

Part of me is disgusted that I am automatically associated with Harry. I want to stand up for myself and explain my own independence. But then part of me is grateful. Harry has a certain reign over the streets of London. Maybe the guys would leave me alone if they thought I belonged to Harry. To be honest, Im glad that hand was clamped over my mouth; I wasnt sure whether to refute or prove his question. Are you stupid? The other one snapped. She isnt marked. The leader argued. Devon just shrugged his shoulders and allowed them to continue. Hold still, sweetheart, and itll be quick. The leader turned to me. Devon slid into place behind me, holding me back while he prevented any sounds from escaping my lips. I should have listened to them. I shouldnt have fought back. Did I? Of course. I always do. The men hungrily tore at my clothes, but I resisted. I sent as many kicks as I could, despite Devons struggles. Soon it became more of a beat-up-Olivia session than a rapethis-girl. Each slap, punch, kick, smack and pull left me weaker and weaker. At one point, I stopped fighting back and slumped against my captor. Did this end the brutal attack? Of course not. My face was cut up from the hits it took. My body was spotted with black and blue marks already, but other than that was red all over. My limbs had shut down- the pain being too much so they were forced into numbness. I think the worst part was not being able to yell for help because of the hand on my mouth. I was impressed by Devon. At first, I had sent some pretty nasty bites down on his fingers, but he resisted the urge to pull away. Nothing sexual had come my way yet. I mean sure, I was pretty much naked with the exception of my bra and panties. But, other than a few kisses and licks placed randomly on my body here and there, most of the violence consisted of actual violence; not rape. But, I may have spoken to soon. As I said before, I was left in only my underwear, which must have enticed them. That and being completely defenseless and covered in my own blood. Sick bastards. The leader stepped forward and wrapped a thick arm around my neck. While he started to moisten up the soft spot on my collarbone with his tongue, his fingers swiftly removed

my bra in a quick movement. The other one was knelt at my side. His hands pulled off my panties, leaving them at my ankles. His fingers teased and groped at my thigh. The leader had licked over Harrys mark when he quickly froze and pulled away. What the bloody hell? He mused. His fingers rubbed against my neck roughly before he gasped and jumped back. D-d-devon was right! Shes marked! She was wearing makeup! He yelped. The man at my nether region stumbled away from me and stared at me in complete fear. Shit! He shouted. Bouncing in and out of consciousness, I was still able to feel hope bloom in my naked chest. Maybe they would leave me alone now. What the fuck are you doing?! A familiar, raspy voice demanded. I didnt have time to look at the voice that came from the entrance of the alley. Harry Devon gasped as he released me and jumped away from my battered body. My legs were too weak to hold me up, so I collapsed onto the floor, banging my head hard on the ground as I hit it. Not a second passed before the disgusting men were blurred from my vision and blackness took over. End Notes: Reviews? Back to index Chapter 13: Monster by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: Tried to make it a long chapter! Chapter 13: Monster I half expected to wake up in a hospital room. I mean, I was in extreme pain. Last time I was awake I was bloody all over, no doubt with a broken bone here or there. I also half expected to still be in that dirty alley. Who knows with Harry? When I blinked my eyes open, I found I was in neither of these places. I was, in fact, lying in a large bed. I knew for certain that I had never been in this room before, but the styling was too familiar. Youre awake? Someone beamed next to me. I turned to find the most beautiful sight I

had ever seen; Eleanor with a first aid kit. It was no hospital, but it was sure a hell of a lot better than being left in an alley to die. Ugh, what happened to me? I groaned, allowing the full extent of my injuries to register in my brain. My entire body was sore, but hidden under the covers of the bed. Well, from what I heard- El began. I quickly cut her off. It was a rhetorical question. I KNOW what happened. I rolled my eyes playfully and sent her a warm smile. Eleanor inched closer to me and pressed a wash cloth to my face. Well, Ill fill you in to what happened AFTER you got knocked out. She informed me. I nodded, urging for her to continue. Some of the boys called Louis and told him to bring me here. When I came, you were lying in the bed all battered and bloodied and gross, no offense. I almost thought Harry tried to kill you, but I know he loves you too much for that. Oh please. I snort, not able to resist the urge to interrupt. He does really love you, Olivia. She persisted. I rolled my eyes but said nothing more. Since I have some background in nursing, I am the go to girl for all of the medical needs in this messed up little world of Louiss. I was given some damp rags and a first aid kit and then put to work. Youre a nurse? I thought youd be a model or something. I muttered. Eleanors beautiful laugh broke the saddened atmosphere. Yeah right. No seriously, Eleanor. I argued. It was her turn to roll her eyes. Im NOT a nurse, by the way. I was in school to become a nurse, but then I met Louis. We started to date, but when things got serious I had to quit school, quit my part time job and move in with him. Its just the way things work here. She whispered almost wistfully. I furrowed my brow and stared up at her. You would have made a great nurse. Thanks. She smiled appreciatively. Anyways, she continued, I helped dress you and clean out your wounds. And here we are. She concluded. Was I naked when the boys found me? I asked fearfully. I really didnt want to know

the answer but I had to ask. Eleanor winced a little bit and bit her lip. Well, when I was sent back here, yes, you were naked, but Harry put his coat on you so that he could carry you back here without creating a scene. I flinched at the thought of Harry touching my bare body, carrying me all the way here without any clothes on. By the way, where is HERE? Where are we? I took another look around the room. Everything was eerily familiar but I knew that I had never been in THIS room before. Harrys guest bedroom. She stated as if it were obvious. I rolled my head back and sighed; of course. I spent so much effort trying to escape this place, and now I was back, in worse shape than before. Im almost done and then Im going to bandage you up. She informed me. I nodded and squeezed my eyes shut. Did you try to run at the beginning? I asked her, remaining in a relaxed position with closed eyes as she finished up. To be honest, no. Louis has always been dominating and controlling, but not to the extent of the other boys, so I was intrigued. I really do love him. Im going to spend the rest of my life with him. She answered honestly. I could hear the pure love and adoration for Louis in her voice and I truthfully didnt understand how she could take it. But, doesnt he, you know, punish you and stuff. Like whenever you helped me. I spoke softly. I didnt even need to look at her to know she was blushing. I thought I had stepped too far when she didnt respond, but just as I was about to apologize, she opened her mouth. Well, to be honest, I have never been comfortable enough to tell this to anyone else, but you out of all people understand. Lou doesnt beat me like Harry beats you. He punishes me in, er, other ways. She spoke slowly as if she were trying to register what she was actually saying at the same time as figuring out how to put it. Oh? She had me intrigued. I was afraid to push her too much, costing me the only friend who can truly understand my predicament. Yeah, well, he, umm, rapes me. She said quietly. I immediately opened my eyes to stare at her. She was looming over me with some gauze, wrapping up one of my arms with an ashamed look and a rosy tint to her cheeks. What? I gasped. No man has the right to do that to a woman, no matter who the fuck he thinks he is. Well, its not like that, Olivia, I swear. Louis and I ARE in a sexual relationship, just

when Im in trouble, its more pain than pleasure for me. She tries to defend her man after seeing my revolted expression. Now Im confused. I sighed and turned my head back so that I was staring at the dark painted ceiling. Eleanor sighed too, and continued to fix me up. Well, he, umm, does it- when Im being punished- Its kind of She was stuttering, not sure whether or not to explain Lous sexual conquests. Its ok, you dont have to tell me. I assure her calmly. If it was really making her this uncomfortable, I wasnt going to push her. He does it anally. It hurts like a bitch, but it keeps me in line. She blurts out. Immediately afterwards she looks at the floor trying to hide her completely tomatocolored face. Aww, El I didnt know how to comfort her. This poor girl had to deal with this for a long time. No, its fine. Im fine. She regained her composure and moved to my other side. It honestly doesnt hurt as much anymore. Its just embarrassing is all. Im fine; youre the victim, anyways. I chose this, you didnt. She tried to move the spotlight back on to me. She obviously wasnt comfortable with all the attention, so I let her. Yeah, but I heal quickly. A couple of bruises cant break me. Neither can Harry stupid Styles. I hissed. She laughed lightly, but then seriousness dawned across her features. I have to tell Louis that youre awake so that he can tell Harry. She warned me. I rolled my eyes. what does it matter to him anyways? Actually, why cant you directly tell him yourself? Its the rule. Im Lous girl. I cant talk to any other guy and no other guy can talk to me. Not even one of the boys. Its just the way it is. Thats also why no one else can get involved in a relationship. Lou or Niall cant get between you and Harry. She explained. I nodded, I guess that made sense in some chauvinistic twisted, fucked up sense. Can you just wait until youre done fixing me up? Ill need all my strength when I deal with him. I sigh quietly. She nods sympathetically and continues to work. Done. She breathed and stood back. We had spent the remainder of the time in comfortable silence, enjoying each others company. Now, I would have to deal with HIM. I hold in the tears of fear, so to not look weak in front of Eleanor.

Whats the prognosis, Doc? I teased. She looked me over as she cleaned up her supplies. No serious fractures, thank God. Lots of bruising, abrasions, some minor contusions, sprains. Youll be sore for a while, but youre pretty much all battered up, nothing too serious. You were lucky. You must have put up a helluva fight to get out of that one. She mused. I sighed, at least my weak kicks and resisting werent completely in vain. You can fetch the beast. I shut my eyes. I heard her leave as quietly as possible. A few moments passed before I heard a heavy stomping that was the complete opposite of Eleanors light footsteps. The stomping was rushed, and grew louder as he approached the room. I heard the door open with a click, but I refused to open my eyes until it was necessary. I tried to imagine myself in a better place; with Claire, or at home, my real home. America. Darlin, you up? His deep, raspy voice called to me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the man standing at the door. Stupid bastard. I bit my tongue to hold in my thoughts. Howre you feeling? He asked gently as he moved into the room, closing the door with his foot behind him. He made his way over to the bed I lay on and kneeled next to me. I stared up at the ceiling, pretending he wasnt there. I knew this tactic wouldnt work, but maybe he would go away. Darlin, look at me. He demanded a little more roughly than before, working hard to maintain a gentle edge to his voice. I slowly turned to look at him through narrowed eyes. What? I spat at him. He raised his eyebrows at me. Dont be mad at me, Darlin, you brought this upon yourself. He chuckled. What the fuck did he find funny in this situation? That I was laying injured in a bed? Oh yeah, thats fucking hilarious. And how did you come about thinking that? I didnt ask to be attacked in an alley. They only reason I was attacked is because I was trying to avoid YOU! I hissed. Motherfucking douche thinks he can blame this all on me? I think not! YOU went into that alley, Darlin. YOU covered your neck with makeup. He pointed out gently, still not able to hide the harshness his voice naturally takes on. I did that stuff because of YOU. Because last time I saw you, you threatened me. I didnt want to get the shit beaten out of me again. I huffed. How could he possibly think this was my fault? Too bad Darlin While avoiding getting the shit beaten out of you, you went off and

got the shit beaten out of you- just by someone else. It was inevitable I guess. He laughed. This son of a bitch has one twisted sense of humor. Well, you might as well do it now. Get it over with. I whispered reluctantly. If I was going to be in pain, I wanted it to all be at once. Harry furrowed his eyebrows and ran his fingers along my bandaged arm. What on earth are you talking about, woman? He muttered, clearly confused. I looked back up at him, myself now included in the confusion club. Arent you going to punish me? I whispered so quietly that I was surprised he heard. Why would I do that, Darlin? He asked me softly, almost sympathetically. No, Harry Styles was NOT being nice. B-because I disobeyed you. I had an attitude. I said no to you. I ran away. I covered your mark with makeup. I deliberately avoided you. I was naked in front of three other men. He flinched at the last part, but other than that, did nothing. I could honestly list all the things I had done wrong, but I thought itd be best if I didnt. The reason why I punish you is because I want you to learn never to do whatever you did wrong again. I think this taught you a pretty valuable lesson not to run from me, hide from me, or cover up anything again. He patted my cheek gently. Besides, you werent naked for those men by choice, because if you were, thatd be a different story. I looked away from him. Was he giving me a free pass? Was it because he felt bad for me, all broken and bruised? Did Harry Styles have a heart? What happened after I knocked out anyways? I asked. What had he done to those men? I mean, they probably were in much worse condition than Andrew had been. I shuddered. I dont want to think about that. Mind your own business. He snapped at me suddenly. I looked up at him; anger was evident in his eyes. I got that panic in my chest again, but at this point, I was pretty good at suppressing it. It is my business. They were attacking me. They would have been raping me if you had come a few minutes later. I snapped back equally as harsh. Watch the tone. He warned. What? Did you leave them in a dumpster like Andrew? Youre a monster I muttered under my breath. My comment wasnt meant for him to hear, but of course, with my luck, he did anyways. Excuse me? They were beating you to a bloody pulp and they were about to rape you

and IM the monster?! He stood from his crouched position to tower over me. I flinched at his volume, but refused to back down. YOU beat me to a bloody pulp! I reminded him. That was just discipline! You got what you deserved that time; a couple sore days. These guys werent stopping! You werent even conscious! He shouted back. You would have beaten me that much if LIAM hadnt stepped in the way! I yelled at him. Just because I was lying in a bed, all sick and bruised, DOESNT mean Im weak. I was going to fight back. Harry opened his palm like he was about to bitch slap me. His nostrils were flaring and his eyes were on fire. Then, suddenly, he lowered his hand and squeezed his eyes shut. I saw his lips move as he silently counted to ten and then kneeled back at my side. They were monsters too. They got what they deserved. He spoke softly, although I could see his teeth clenching as if he were trying to hold back a fiery dragon that was his rage. And whats that? I asked calmly. Unlike your ex-friend Andrew, these men didnt quite make it. The lads and I took care of them. He whispered, speaking slowly so he could judge my reaction with each word. My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. I knew Harry was dark, but a murderer? I mean, these guys really did a number on me and even I didnt want them dead. Holy shit, what have I gotten myself into? Youre a monster, I whispered again, without thinking. Good move Olivia, piss off the self-admitted murder, why dont you. Its as if I get stupider each day. To my surprise, Harry didnt get angry. He stood up from the bed and headed for the door. He opened it as quietly as possible and stood in the frame with his back to me. Just when I thought he was about to leave, he flicked the lights off and peered at me over his broad shoulder with an evil smirk. Everyone has monsters inside them, Darlin. I just choose to let mine unleashed. And with that, he shut the door and was gone. End Notes: Review? What do you think of Harry and the boys? What do you think of a more gentler side of Harry? If you like it, I'll try to show a little more of that. But don't worry, there will be plenty of violent Harry! What do you think of Eleanor and Louis?

What do you think of the story in general? Any suggestions? Thanks for reading! p.s. follow me on twitter @sophiegMalik I ALWAYS follow back! Back to index Chapter 14: Prisoner by Sophie Grey Chapter 14: Prisoner After Harry left the room, I lay in the bed just thinking. How long would he keep me here for? Was I being held against my will? How would I get out of this? Would Harry eventually kill me? When the door opened slightly, my heart stopped. I swear to god, if its HarryHey, how are you doing? Eleanors sweet voice was like heaven to my ears compared to Harrys gruff rasp. I smiled up at her and shrugged. I could be better. I sighed. Eleanor laughed lightly and sat next to me on the bed, carefully. Ill be coming over every day to check on you. She assured me. So that means hell be keeping me here I mused. She offered me a sympathetic smile. Im sorry, but I have no other choice. Please dont leave me alone with him I begged softly. I knew she wouldnt be able to, but I had to ask. I I have to. She whispered softly and rubbed my arm comfortingly. Why do you let Louis boss you around? Why do you let him punish you? I asked rhetorically. Eleanor sighed, not willing to return to this conversation, but having no other choice. Because I love him. No offense, but this isnt love. In his world, it is. The boys are involved in some dangerous business with some dangerous people. Louis knows whats best for me. She tried to explain. I shook my head, but dropped it. Ill never understand. Look, Ive got to go, but I wanted to come and say good-bye. I advise you to stay in bed

overnight to avoid stressing your injuries. Thats a rule. She told me sternly. Too bad. Rules are meant to be broken and Ive already decided on getting out of bed. I admit as I sit up in bed. Eleanors eyes widened and she fluttered her hands to my shoulders and tried to gently force me down. Olivia, no. She shook her head at me disapprovingly at me. I rolled my eyes at her pathetic attempt to keep me in bed. Eleanor, you know that Im going to get out of bed regardless of whether or not you try to stop me. We both know Ill find a way out of here. I laugh. She sighs softly. I know, but I have to try. Olivia, youll just make yourself worse. Why would you even want to go out there where Harry is? She tried to use words to stop me from climbing out of bed. I ignored the firing pain in my muscles as I stood. I tried to pretend that I didnt see Eleanor wince at the sight of my full injuries, but I couldnt. It must really look bad. You could either help me go to the living room or you could try to make it harder for me and end up causing more pain. Your choice. Either way, you know Ill be victorious. I half-teased. She rolled her eyes at me but wrapped an arm around my waist. youre something, you know that? Full of fire. She laughed to herself. We wobbled out to the main room where the five boys sat. No one noticed us at first, but me being me, I made myself known. Yo homeskillet. I hollered in an obnoxious voice. Five sets of eyes turned to me sharply. Dont do anything stupid. El whispered to me. Me? Do something stupid? I acted shocked. Little did she know the whole purpose of this excursion was to piss off Harry. I guess that was kind of me doing something stupid, but whatever. I figured that maybe I could piss Harry off so much that he would leave me alone or kill me. Anything was better than being treated like an object. Harry shot to his feet as I headed towards him, leaving Eleanor as she stood behind where Louis sat. What are you doing out of bed? He asked in a concerned voice. I looked up in his emerald eyes as I grabbed his shirt for support. He held me so that I could stand. I didnt feel like lying there anymore. I shrugged. I dont care what you feel like, but you need to go lie down. This isnt up for debate. He ordered in his strict voice.

Youre right, it isnt. I get to decide whats best for my body. I stared up at him with fiery eyes to show him I couldnt be controlled. Olivia, get back in that bed before you fucking make me get involved. He seethed in my ear. I didnt come here to argue with you, I changed the subject, I came here to talk to you. I whispered as seductively as I could. I saw Harrys eyes widen in shock, but also in happiness. A ghost of a smile graced his lips. Really, Darlin? He raised his eyebrows. He didnt care that it was in front of everyone, but he tugged me against his chest. I pressed my chest against him and looked up into his eyes. Yeah, I wanted to thank you for saving me. I havent gotten the chance to do that yet, but I am really grateful for you. If you hadnt rescued me, then I dont know what would have happened. Youre my hero. I cooed. I thought I saw a hint of a blush on his cheeks, but I wasnt sure. Harry pressed his nose against mine when he leaned down. Ill always be there to protect you, Darlin. Youre mine and I wouldnt let anything happen to you. He whispered. But you were so brave! I pressed with excitement, he was falling for it, I mean, you took on those three guys all by yourself! I continued. Well, I didnt do it on my own He looked down modestly. I could tell he was enjoying my flirting, my complimenting, my admiration. Oh, dont be humble! Some of the lads helped me out. He shrugged, glancing over at the two boys on the couch. I quickly pushed off of Harry and went over to one of the boys; Liam. I just want to thank you for saving me as well. I cooed in the same flirtatious tone I had used with Harry. Everyones heads snapped in my direction. Liams eyes were in complete surprise. What the hell do you think youre doing?! Harry snapped, returning to the harsh and mean person I knew and loved. I completely ignored everyone and wrapped my damaged arms around Liams neck. He stood motionless, not conforming with my body and not pushing me off either. He stared straight ahead over my head, trying to ignore me. Thank you, Lili. I whispered. I leaned my face up to press my lips to his cheek, but I was ripped away roughly first.

What the fuck was that?! Harry shouted at me. I refused to shrink away from his anger, so instead I rose to it. Thanking my hero. I responded as if it were obvious. His eyes narrowed. Just because youre in a delicate state doesnt mean I have problems correcting you. He hissed. I rolled my eyes. Someones jealous. I know what youre doing. You just want to piss me off. Well, congrats Darlin it worked. Go wait for me in the guest room. He pushed me towards the hallway that led to the rooms. oh please. You think I care enough about you to orchestrate a plan to make you angry and jealous? I scoffed as if it werent true. His eyes went ablaze and I could feel the sympathy from the other boys almost tangibly from the air. Fine. You hate me so much, see how you like it when you have no one BUT me. He snapped. His large hand roughly grabbed my upper arm and, despite my protests, dragged me back to the guest room. My heart was beating out of my chest. He was going to kill me. He thrust open the door and threw me inside. I collided with the wall painfully and crumpled to the floor. I waited for Harry to come at me with a baseball bat or something, but he didnt. He slammed the door shut and locked it with a click. Fucking stay in here! He shouted from the other side of the door and then stomped down the hall. So my plan didnt exactly work. I was his prisoner now more than ever. End Notes: Review? Back to index Chapter 15: "Because I Love You" by Sophie Grey Chapter 15: "Because I Love You" I stared at the door with a hateful glare for a little bit, just waiting for Harry to return to beat the shit out of me, but he never did. Every so often I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and opened them quickly, expecting him to just appear in those few seconds, but he didn't. Maybe he was waiting. Waiting for his friends to leave so no one could hear my screams of pain when he beats me mercilessly. With a weak sigh, I crawl over to the bed in the middle of the room and clamber under the covers. If I'm waiting for my inevitable doom, I may as well be comfortable. I snuggled up tightly, being careful not to touch any of my already existing bruises. I knew I would be in more pain when Harry comes barging in here. Speaking of which, he never

came. I lay awake for a few hours waiting for him, but finally succumbed to my droopy lids. I woke up to complete darkness. I half expected Harry to be sitting in the chair in the dark corner, but to my relief he wasn't there. It looked as if no one had been in the room since I dozed off. Mustering up as much strength as I could, I pushed out of bed and flung my body at the door. It didn't budge. I cried and screamed and begged through the door, but I received no response. In fact, I didn't hear anything on the other side of the door. Huh, maybe Harry's friends left. Maybe, if I was lucky, Harry left too. Maybe he left as one final act of kindness and let me starve to death in solitude. Fingers crossed. I continued to attack the door with the last ounce of energy within my body. After that I became emotionally and physically exhausted- my healing injuries took their toll and I fell to the floor as the room phased to complete blackness. I awoke to daylight, so it must have been hours later. Despite the sun streaming through the window, that wasnt what woke me up. It was the smell. It was the godliest smell, definitely food. For someone who hadnt eaten in God knows how long, the smell was both heaven and hell. Both relieving and torturously tempting. I snapped my head in the direction of the smell. Resting on the nightstand on the right side of the bed (how the fuck did I get on the bed? I passed out on the floor) was a white plate displaying an appetizing grilled cheese. I could see tomato resting between the thick layers of cheese. There were some carrots cut nicely and neatly on the side of the grilled cheese. Behind the plate was a glass of clear and cool water. Feeling the nauseous wave of hunger hit, I reached for the food eagerly but quickly pulled away as if the grilled cheese bit me. For gods sakes, he probably drugged the food. Maybe he wanted me to be even weaker when he comes to beat me. Sick bastard. I ignored the mouthwatering food for as long as I could. The longing glances through the corner of my eye were not helping, though. I finally broke down and scarfed down the food like a ravenous street dog. Honestly, it looked like I hadnt eaten in days. Oh wait I HADNT eaten in days. I figured, if Harry wanted to come, he would come. Whether or not he put pulls in my food and whether or not I ate said pills wouldnt stop him. So why give a shit? I was just gulping down the rest of the water when a dizzy spell hit me like a ton of

bricks. With a shaking hand, I safely put the cup down and lay back in bed. My eyelids felt unnaturally droopy and forced themselves shut. My last thought before I slipped into unconsciousness was: damn bastard drugged my fucking fooHoly shit, talk about dj vu. I woke up in the darkness, again, with the smell of food next to me. This time it was some steamed vegetables with rice and a glass of milk. I tried to resist the food again because I had no doubt there were drugs, but I failed once again. HEY! Dont judge me, my body is healing from a violent ordeal and I need my strength. Well, thats what I keep telling myself. Again, I knock out a few minutes after eating. This odd cycle continues for some time. Im not sure if two days pass or two weeks pass, I lost count. Every time I woke up, there would be a new dish of food next to me, which made me fall back asleep. Oftentimes, in my attempts to ignore the food I would get out of bed, but that would only cause me to slip into unconsciousness somewhere on the hard floor. Still, I woke up in my bed every fucking time. I hadnt seen Harry at all. I only smelled his strong presence of cigarettes after he puts me back in bed. I only consume the food he makes for me constantly. The weird part is, I am always out because of pills for random times, but each time I wake up a hot and fresh plate of food awakes. Its like he knows when Ill wake up or wont, so he makes the food accordingly. I wake up to pitch darkness like usual and smell something delicious next to me. You know, for a possessive psycho, the asshole is a pretty good chef. I steal a glance at the food I will, as per routine, try to ignore: Tomato soup, French baguette and iced tea. Damn. It looks delicious. I tear my eyes away from the tempting sight and look around the room. Thats when I notice it. The darkness completely engulfs my surroundings, the only thing catching my attention is a shimmer of a metal object in the pale moonlight. I narrow my eyes as I stare closely at the object wondering why I had never noticed it before. What is it? Suddenly, I let out a shriek as the object moves. My fear is met by a dark chuckle, scaring

me even more. Relax, Darlin. Its just me. His husky voice whispers as he leans forward in the chair so his whole face could be illuminated by the moon. The scruff on his jaw line and grown out significantly and he got rid of the gay motherfucking stripe in his hair, but other than that, Harry looked like the same douche psycho I had grown to be so fond of (that was sarcasm). W-what are you doing here? I stuttered in a weak voice. Huh, so much for standing up to him. This is my fucking flat, Darlin. I can go where I damn well please, he chuckled as his dark eyes stared at me. Well its nice of you to show up instead of cowering and drugging me before you make an appearance.I hiss back. I thought Harry would get mad, but he just laughed. A week in complete isolation and you still have that fire? Loving it, Darlin. Oh, so I had only been here a week. Its gonna take a lot more to break me, you little shit. I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest. Im counting on it. He winked. I fucking hate you. I whispered harshly. He raised his eyebrows at my words. Tsk tsk, Olivia. Havent you heard the saying dont bite the hand that feeds you? Be nice to me or Ill let you starve. He threatened. LET ME STARVE! I snapped, a slow death like that is better than being here with you! Enough with the melodramatics, Darlin. He scolded me like a child. SAYS THE FUCKER WHO IS KEEPING ME PRISONER!!! I exploded. Harrys reaction was to just laugh, which set me off even more. I grabbed the bowl of tomato soup and chucked it at the wall right above his stupid head. The bowl shattered upon impact, the pieces crumbled to the floor. The soup dripped down the walls looking eerily like blood. I felt a know form in my stomach. I snapped my eyes to his face, taking in his reaction. His face was calm, but his eyes were enraged. My stomach became even queasier.

Throwing temper tantrums, Darlin? Like a child? He scolded sternly. Fuck. You. You wanna act like a fucking child, then Ill treat you like one. I have no problem taking you over my knee! He threatened. I pretended not to feel intimidated by his threat of a spanking, although internally I was screaming in fear. Im not afraid of you. I murmured stubbornly. Harry raised his eyebrow at my response and abruptly stood up. Before I could stop myself, I instinctively flinched and cowered underneath the covers. Thats what I thought. He chuckled and sat back down. I shot him angry daggers, peaking out from the duvet. If you came here just to threaten me, Harry, then I am going to kindly ask you to leave. I said in mock politeness. He smiled sweetly at me, too sweetly, and leaned forward in the chair. My flat, Darlin. He reminded me. Im not here by choice, at least let me suffer in peace. I whispered, this time my voice took on a desperate edge. He let out a frustrated sigh, stood and headed for the door. Why me? I whimpered as he stepped outside. I didnt intend for him to hear, but he responded to my rhetorical question from the other side of the door. Because I love you. End Notes: My laptop still isn't fixed yet- I doubt it will ever get fixed. I'm probably going to have to buy a new one, meaning I've lost all the backups to my stories. I felt bad for not updating so I wrote this on my phone. I will try to get another update soon, but it takes me a while to write without my laptop. Reviews? Tell me what you think! P.S. In about three days I will be deleting the chapter where I explain my laptop troubles, so don't freak out if this story becomes one chapter less. Back to index Chapter 16: Drunk by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: Hope ya like Chapter 16: Drunk After storming out of the room, and leaving me speechless, Harry had yet to make another appearance. Surprisingly, he left the door open, as an invitation for me to come

out and spend time with him. Yeah right. I slid out of bed and slammed the door shut, making it loud enough to let him know that I do not want to come out. I am his prisoner, NOT his guest. I climbed back in my bed, feeling disgusting as I was still wearing his t-shirt, and tried to block him out of my memories. I miss my family. I miss my Mom, I miss my Dad, I miss my brothers and my sister, I miss my dog, and I miss my friends. Why was I stupid enough to apply for the study abroad program and come to motherfucking London? I could have gone to Paris or Madrid. Stupid. Im stupid. How could he say he loves me? Who the fuck says shit like that? I mean, you don't treat people you love like this. I doubt Harry even knows what love really is. He can't possibly love me. Whenever we're together, we argue, or things are violent. No, he must only love the idea of me. I wait for Harry to come in and yell at me for slamming the door, but he doesnt. Eventually, I fall back to sleep. When I wake up again, its still dark. I cant tell if its the same night or the next. I woke up to a smell, but not a good one. There was no meal awaiting me. There were no drug infested sandwiches by my bedside. No, the smell was coming from the corner of the room where I saw the shiny object again. The metal tip to his boots. It was glimmering in the moonlight again. What do you want Harry? I murmured in exasperation as I lay my head back down on the pillow. I heard him get up and heavy footsteps approached my bed. The smell was becoming stronger and stronger. Cigarettes and something else. I want you. He slurred as he kneeled by my head. Cigarettes and alcohol. Thats what that smell was. He is so piss drunk that I could literally SMELL him. Well, since I am prisoner here, you technically have me. I hissed at him, subconsciously scooting to the other side of the bed to put some distance between us. This didnt go unnoticed by drunk Harry.

No, I mean, I want you to want me. Why dont you love me like I love you? He muttered as he leaned his elbows forward on the bed. In his right hand was a mostly empty bottle of jack. Oh lord. Hmm, let me think- He cut me off. That was rhetorical Darlin. His words were slightly jumbled together. Surprisingly, for as drunk as he was, he was able to hold himself together pretty well. Why are you here Harry? Youre going to do something youll regret.I whispered. It was obvious to hear the pain and fear laced in my voice. Harry noticed immediately. I just want you to love me. I wanna be like El and Lou. Why cant we be like them? he wimpered. Eleanor isnt there against her will and Louis has never beat El to a point where she could barely walk! I snapper back. He rolled his eyes. Details. Details. He waved my statement off with a scoff. Why? I whispered to him after a moment of silence. He looked down at me seriously before looking away. Why what? He asked, although it was obvious he knew what I was talking about. I watched as the moonlight lit is sickeningly perfect features. Why me? How can you love me? You dont know me. Why cant you leave me alone? I was almost 100% certain my words would set him off, but he shrugged innocently. I dont know. He whispered. You dont love me. I stated stubbornly. He sighed in frustration and ran a hand through his dark locks. Maybe I dont, maybe I do. I can't be sure. Al I know is I just really want you. He whined. I rolled my eyes. Hes already made this clear. Why me, though? You can have every other girl. I told myself to stop. I was treading in dangerous waters. He was drunk and I was pushing a sensitive topic. I tried to stop pushing it, but I couldnt. I was too stubborn that even I couldnt handle me. Because you said no. No one says no to me, so I needed to get you to be mine, but you just wouldnt let me. You were too stubborn. He started to yell. I watched as he brought the bottle to his lips and drained it completely. I felt a shiver run down my spine as is cognition becomes worse and worse.

Then why didnt you just leave it and let me be? Harry, this isnt the way things should be I spoke softly and reached my hand out to touch his hand, hoping to calm him. Instead, he stood up quickly and yanked away from my touch harshly. NO! I cant let things be. Thats what HE did and you saw how everything turned out! He snapped at me. I shrunk back from his volume and furrowed my brow in confusion. What was he talking about? Who was he referring to? Harry, I think that maybe- He cut me off with a glare and continued on his rant. HE wasnt man enough. HE didnt make her stay. HE let her leave him. Let them leave him. Let them leave me He shouted furiously as he began to pace. Who are you talking about? I asked in a small and timid voice. Thats why I do what I do, he continued, ignoring me, because if I dont force you to stay, Ill end up like him. All alone. Harry was too angry and drunk to stop now. I let him finish up, afraid I would get hurt if I interrupted. They all left me with him. HE was weak. HE couldnt control his women so he ended up alone. I will NOT be the same. I am in control. Youre mine. You wont ever leave me like she left him. You wont ever leave me like they left me!He declared in anger before collapsing into a heap on the ground. I stared at him cautiously for a moment before slipping out of bed and bravely approaching him. I quietly sat on the floor next to him and rubbed my hand on his back gently. I figured I would try a new tactic when dealing with him. My harsh and sarcastic attitude is fine for usual times, but I was afraid of drunk Harry (anyone who is drunk is unpredictable) so I didnt want to push it. What were you talking about? I asked barely above a whisper. His head snapped out of his hands and his dark eyes stared at me. Nothing. Mind your business. He tried to sound stern and scary, but behind his front I could hear pain and loneliness. Please. Maybe I can help. I offer up softly, offering the warmest smile I could muster. His brows furrowed as he glared at me in utter confusion. Why the fuck would you help me? You hate me. His broken voice was too hard to cover with the harsh sound he had intended it to be. I thought for a moment on how to answer carefully. I didnt want to overstep and ruin the moment. Well, maybe if you tell me whats wrong, Ill understand you better. It might make me

more forgiving. I watched as he had an internal debate on whether or not he should let me into his life. Eventually, I saw in his eyes that I won. He leaned back against the wall and shut his eyes before he began to speak. When I was little, my parents always fought. I never paid it much attention, though. I just thought thats what parents do; I fought with my sisters all the time, so of course Mum and Dad would fight. Its only natural. I never really realized how wrong for each other they were. My mother came from a fast life in London while my father just moved from Pakistan with conservative Muslim beliefs. They were too different. They divorced when I was eleven. No matter how hard my Dad tried to make Mum stay, it didnt work. She took all four of us, my sister and me, and left him. The custody battle was a bloody one. Neither parent wanted the other to have contact with us. They hated each other too much. Finally, it was settled. We would be split, my sisters and me. At the time, Mum and Dad were too enraged to see how much it hurt us. My Dad worked full time while my Mum stayed home to take care of us. Its not that I loved my mother more, its just that I understood her better, we were closer than I was to my father because he was never home. The judge decided that he split us based on gender, so, being the only son, I went with my father for good and my three sisters went with my mother. I never saw the again. They just left me in the dust like I was nothing. My father missed my mother so much he turned to the bottle. He became an absolute drunk. He was never physically abusive towards me, but he wasnt much of a father either. You can imagine how scared I was at just eleven to come home to a father like that. If he was ever sober, then he wasnt home. He was at work. Sometimes I prayed that when I came home from school my father would be working just so I wouldnt have to be afraid. I hated being around him just because he and I never got along. It was obvious that he didnt want me around, so at 17 I left. Ive been alone ever since. I havent seen him in over four years He opened his eyes and looked down at me. For the first time since I met him I saw a human in his eyes instead of some chauvinistic monster. Harry I began, not knowing what exactly to say. Dont. Just dont. I dont want your fucking sympathy. I dont fucking want it. He snapped. I stared at him for a moment more before standing up and sliding back in bed. I

felt his sad eyes follow me around the room. "Please. I didn't mean to snap at you. Please don't be angry with me." He begged. In my experience, most drunk guys are angry, horny and violent. Harry was the opposite, kind and gentle, broken and needy. When he was sober he was angry, horny and violent. Quite the perplex character. "I'm not angry with you Harry." I sighed. He looked up at me with hope in his emerald eyes. "I want to make things right between us. I want us to be like El and Lou." He whispered. I let out another sad sigh. I couldn't bear to look at his childlike expression. Drunk Harry was much too soft to be mean to. "I don't know, Harry. There's already been a lot of damage." "Please. Please. I promise I can make things right. I'll never hurt you again. I'll treat you like a princess. I'll try to love you." He begged. He was next to me now, his big eyes reminding me of a puppy. "Fine. Try." I consented. A huge smile broke across Harry's face. He leaned in and kissed my forehead before bounding out of the room. I didn't want to agree to this, but he wasn't giving me much of a choice- looking all innocent like that. It is hard to believe Harry could show a side like that. I figured he was so drunk that come morning he wouldn't remember any of this and we'll just go back to our old hateful relationship. I hope. End Notes: So, Harry is a little sweeter in this chapter, but don't worry. The old Harry will be back in the next chapter. This was just to show that he isn't a complete asshole, although he kind of is (again, not in real life. I love the real Harry... He's NOT an asshole.) Reviews? P.S I'm gonna put up my Zayn Bad Boy Fanfic soon, and I'm going to create a series with this one and my new one. I need a banner for the series. Just a banner with a pic of the boys on it and the title is just Bad Boys. The theme has to be dark. If you make me a banner I will give you credit and read any of your stories and give a shoutout! Back to index Chapter 17: Playing with Fire by Sophie Grey Chapter 17: Playing with Fire The next time I woke up, it was morning. To be honest, I felt great. I think I had recovered almost fully from the attack in the ally. Now, the only problem I would have to deal with is Harry.

Carefully I slipped out of bed and opened the door, surprised it was unlocked. The apartment looked chipper with light reflecting off of every surface. I heard someone humming in the kitchen as pots banged around. A warm aroma filled the air as the scent of something delicious came my way. For once, Harrys home felt, well, homey and not like some prison. I tiptoed into the kitchen and stood in the doorway, watching Harry as he hovered over the stove. He was humming an unfamiliar tune as his body swayed slightly. I dont know, he seemed kind of happy. Good morning. I whispered quietly, finally making my presence known. Harry froze up and spun around quickly. Heat rushed to his cheeks as he became slightly embarrassed. Quickly, though, he collected his cool and turned back to what he was doing. Morning, Darlin. Sleep well? He asked over his shoulder. I took a tentative step forward. Would things be different with Harry, now? Yeah. And you? I responded quietly. My voice was shaky, scared and slightly strangled as it came out of my mouth. Yeah. Im a little hung-over. He breathed lowly. My heart rate increased as he mentioned the previous night. Did you take an advil? He nodded in response to my question. The conversation was becoming increasingly awkward. I still couldnt tell if he remembered last night or not. I really hope he does. Do you want breakfast? I made omelets. Sounds great. I breathed and slid onto the stool behind the counter. He turned around and pushed a plate with a beautiful looking breakfast in front of me before sitting down at the other stool next to me. We ate in an awkward silence. I didnt want to overstep and mention last night, but I didnt know whether he would ever bring it up. After we both finished, Harry collected our plates and began to do the dishes. Im going to go take a shower. I muttered in disappointed defeat after there was no mention of Harrys drunken promise. You can take a fresh pair of clothes from my dresser when youre done. He replied simply. After my shower I slipped on Harrys sweatpants and a t-shirt and made my way to the living room, where I heard the TV on. As soon as I stepped into the room, Harry noticed

and switched the TV off. I went and sat next to him on the couch, getting the courage to finally speak up about last night. So, Im feeling better. Glad to hear it. He said as he turned his body to completely face me. I think Im ok to go home now. My voice dropped to a whisper. Would he keep his drunken promise and let me go? Would he keep me prisoner here forever? Harrys whole body stiffened and his eyes flashed with anger. No, this isnt possible. Hes returning to the old Harry. No. He spoke lowly, but his voice was harsh and final. I couldnt help but feel incredibly angry. I thought we were passed all this. I felt my brow crease and my teeth clamped together. Harry raised an eyebrow at me, as if daring me to shout at him. My fists balled up and I jumped up from the couch. I wasnt asking. I am going to go home. I spat and began to walk away. I almost made it out of the room before he caught up to me. Roughly, he grabbed my shoulder and slammed me against the nearest wall. It wasnt hard enough to make a mark, but it still hurt a little. Excuse me? He shook me a little, do you want to say that again, Darlin? I winced at his shouting and how tight his grip was on me. Still, I hadnt learned by now not to fight with him. So, being a stubborn bitch, I stood tall and argued back. I. AM. GOING. HOME. He narrowed his eyes at me. I dont think so. He huffed as released me with a shove and went back to watching TV. You promised. I whispered softly. I saw his whole tense. His eyes flashed up to mine for a second. As he took in my look of defeat and sadness, I thought I saw his eyes soften before he looked away. His lips mashed into a hard line and he gazed at the ground. Fine. He murmured so low, I thought I had heard him incorrectly. I was frozen in my spot for a second, not fully registering what had happened. Maybe things would be different with Harry now. I didnt want to make a big deal about this small change; I didnt want to make him feel uncomfortable. But I still needed to give him some sort of appreciation so that in the future hell be more willing to repeat this action. Against my better judgment, I went up to where he sat on the couch and pecked him on the cheek softly. As I pulled away I looked back down at a stunned Harry. Quickly, he

collected himself and looked up at me with his dark eyes that were clouded with emotions. He pushed himself off the couch and brushed passed me, grabbing my hand as he went. I felt an electric spark as our palms connected. Usually, Harry just grabbed me by the arm or wrist, but now he was actually holding my hand. Lets go before I change my mind, Darlin. Harry snapped, not looking back at me as he returned to his bad boy persona. Still, I couldve sworn I heard a smile in his voice. We traveled down the elevator, through the lobby and to his car holding hands. We were both silent, but it wasnt the same awkward silence we had experienced over breakfast. It was almost comfortable. Almost. Thanks. I whispered, breaking the silence as Harry pulled up in front of my flat. I unbuckled myself as hopped out of the car before he decided he wouldnt let me leave. When I heard a car door slam behind me, my heart faltered. Shit. I knew he would do this. I knew he wouldnt let me leave that easily. I spun around to see Harry, his hair gelled up, his leather jacket rubbing against the fabric of his t-shirt. If he werent such a fucking maniac, I would think he is beautiful. W-what are y-you doing? I stammered in fear. Harry smirked at the fact he still had the power of fear over me. Darlin, what kind of a gentleman would I be if I didnt walk you to the door? He chuckled as he grabbed my hand again. I had only known Harry for a few weeks, but gentleman isnt the first word that comes to mind when I think of him. Actually, it doesnt come to mind at all. I offer a polite smile and follow behind him as he leads me up to my flat. We stop just outside my door. With his dark brows furrowed, thinking in deep concentration, Harry looks down at me. I want to take you on a real date, Darlin. On Friday night. Ill pick you up at 7. He decides, without even consulting my schedule. Erm, Harry. What day is it today? I ask shyly. He laughs at my oblivion (which, by the way, was caused by SOMEONE keeping me locked up for over a week). Tuesday, he breathes as he leans in close to me. I felt my heart flutter with nerves as I think he is about to kiss me.

Heres your room key and mobile. I found them with the pile of your clothes in the ally. He whispered with a smirk, obviously intending to lead me on. I snatch my stuff from him and roughly shove the key into the door. Before I can push it open, Harry grabs me and smashes his lips onto mine. For a moment, I am frozen in shock. His teeth graze and tug at my bottom lip before he forces his tongue into my mouth. His hands grip my waist roughly before they travel down and squeeze my bum. I try to push him off of me, angry that whenever we have somewhat of a nice moment, Harry has to be a dick and ruin it all. I couldnt manage to even get him to budge. I felt him chuckle as he got rougher. He clearly liked my attempts to resist. Sick bastard. Finally he pulls away to let me breathe. I stare up at him with a glare of pure hate, hoping he gets the hint. See you on Friday. He winks as he squeezes my butt again. I angrily brush past him, not bothering to argue or fight with him; itll just end up worse on my end. I open the door and step in. Olivia! He called before I could slam the door. Im glad youre feeling better. He smirked again. I narrowed my eyes and stuck up the longest of my fingers at him and slamming the door in his face. I can hear his deep laughter echo down the hallway. Oh hey, youre back. I spun around to see Natasha with her red hair in a bun and wearing nothing but her underwear. She acts as if I went to the supermarket, or out for a jog. Not missing for over a week with no forwarding address. I was kind of grateful. Yeah, I sighed shakily and stepped into my home. The flat I had missed so much. The apartment I had dreamed about. I didnt know you had family in London. She commented before shoving a handful of Doritos in her mouth. I looked at her oddly. What in Gods name are you talking about? I asked, utterly confused. She raised her eyebrows. Thats where Claire told me you were staying. Im guessing that isnt true She hissed suspiciously. I froze. Im guessing Claire knew that Harry took me and had to cover for me with Natasha. Oh yeah. Yeah, I was staying with family! How stupid of me to forget! I laughed

nervously. She rolled her eyes and turned to walk back into her room. Right. Theyre keeping a bunch of fucking secrets from me. She muttered under her breaths, followed by a string of profanities. I sighed. I felt bad for Natasha. Miranda was her best friend, like Claire is mine. With Miranda gone, and with the secret that Claire and I keep, Natasha cant help but feel alienated. I head off to my room to check if Claire is there, and sure enough, shes sitting on her bed texting. She notices I come in once my phone ding with a text she obviously just sent to me. OHMYGODYOUREHOME! She yelped and ran up to me; engulfing me into a hug. I laugh at her enthusiasm and sit down next to her, ready to tell her everything. Claire shuts the door to make sure Natasha cant hear and then looks at me expectedly. Go. She orders, telling me to explain. I was brutally attacked and nearly raped in an ally when Harry saved me. He took me back to his apartment, had me cleaned up and literally locked me in a room on bed rest for a week. I finally managed to convince him to let me go this morning. I whispered. Claires eyes widened. I went on to tell her about the other side of Harry, and, although Claire was surprised, she told me to be careful. Im playing with fire. Neither of us knew how long this nice Harry would last, if at all. End Notes: What do you think? Please review! Check out my new story: Champion. It doesn't have too much bad boy Zayn in it yet, but that will change soon. Thanks for reading, I will update ASAP. Back to index Chapter 18: And Then There Were Two by Sophie Grey Chapter 18: And Then There Were Two I paced as I read the letter over and over. It was from my brother, David. He wrote to tell me how much my family missed me. How theyve been trying to get in touch with me over the past few weeks, but my phone was never on. How they cant wait to see me when I come home at Christmas. How my little sister and little brother draw pictures for me and cant wait to see my face when they give them. How my parents and my older brother David worry after not hearing from me in forever.

I let out a sad sigh and drop the letter to the floor. Onto the next. Over the time I had been kept prisoner at Harrys, I had accumulated quite the pile of mail. Most of it was just threats from the school about how I am failing most of my classes due to poor attendance. Yeah, and whose fault do you think that is? Let me give you a hint, his name rhymes with rain. And insane. And pain. Like pain in the ass. Everything alright, babe? Natasha asked from where she lay lazily slumped on the sofa. I bit my lip and nodded as I carefully folded up all my letters from the school and handed them for Claire to look at. This did not go unnoticed by Natasha. Watcha got there? She asked, begging to not be left out, as she sat up and mussed her vibrant red hair. Claire glanced over at me and plastered on a sweet smile. Oh nothing, just some bills. Its my turn to cover them this month. She lied as she tucked away my warning letters. I felt bad for isolating Natasha so much from the situation, but it was for her own good. Mmhmm, Im sure its just bills. She rolled her eyes, fed up with our lies. She settled back in on the couch and started flipping through a magazine. Well, Im going to go get ready for that seminar tonight. Dont wait up for me. Claire called as she stalked off to the bathroom. Natasha and I sat in silence for a moment before she sat up with a wide grin on her face. I have a brilliant idea! She squealed in her distinct accent. Shoot. I encouraged with a smile. Its hard not to appreciate Natasha. Despite having her best friend kicked out of the program and leaving the country, despite having her two roommates obviously keeping a secret and despite always being left out, she was trying her hardest to be a good friend. Since Claires not gonna be in tonight, lets you and I have a bonding night. Well paint toenails and watch movies and bake! The whole nine yards, as you yanks say! She bounced up and down at her idea. Sounds fun, but I cant tonight. How about tomorrow? I decline guiltily. To be honest, that was exactly what I wanted to do on my Friday night, but I didnt have much of a choice. And whyre you so busy?! She asked lightheartedly. I shrugged. I mean, what should I tell her? Sorry, I cant hang out because this psycho gang leader is taking me on a nonoptional date? yeah, Im sure thatll go over well.

Erm, I am going quick, think of a lie really quick I am going to, er, the supermarket. I muttered. What? What kind of a dumbfuck says that? Me, apparently. Disbeilief, disappointment and hurt crossed Natashas features before she plastered on a cheesy smile and headed off to her bedroom. Alright, if you say so She rolled her eyes and disappeared. I let out a shaky sigh as guilt flooded through me. Poor Natasha must just think that we dont like her, when in reality were just trying to protect her. I head over to my room where Claire is just doing her hair. Silently, I dress and do my make up. Youre going to be ok tonight. Call me if you need me, if hell let you. She whispered as she placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Thanks Claire-bear. I mutter back. We stare at each other for a second before she turns to go. Well, Im off! She shouts behind her and leaves the room. I start putting on earrings when I am called. Han! I think you should come in here! Claires voice displays urgency, so I rush out to the living room to see whats going on. By the door was a stack of suitcases. Natasha was standing there with the most clothes Ive ever seen her wear. She had her thick coat on and a scarf wrapped tightly around her neck. There were tears in her big brown eyes, but her face was like stone. Whats going on? I whispered, already knowing. Claire turned around with tears in her eyes. I-Im leaving. Natasha whispered, her words breaking as her eyes overfilled. W-what? Why? I stepped closer to her, knowing that this was completely my fault. I-I know something is going on b-between you t-two and I know you d-dont want mme involved. Its not m-my place to p-pry but I cant be out of the loop all the time. Im gonna go stay with some friends across campus. W-whatever is going on, I hope it gets worked out. She states her practiced speech and turns to leave. Natasha! Wait. Please, you dont have to go. Were sorry, you just dont understand. I wanted to explain to her so badly. I didnt want her to leave, but its better this way. Youre right, I dont understand, she adds, sadly, and I cant keep doing this. Maybe we can go out for coffee soon, yeah? She chokes up under her flow of tears. Claire and I

rush over to hug her, but then we watch silently as she heads down the hall. It was for the best, we had to let her go. Shell be safe now. Claire whispered to me. And happy. She wont feel left out. I add in sadly. Claire gives me another sad look before grabbing her purse and heading off to her seminar. First Miranda left after flunking out. Now my secret forced Natasha out of her own flat. I laughed bitterly to myself: and then there were two I figure its better that Natasha left before she gets dragged into my mess like poor Claire has. Nothing I can do about it now. I head back to my room to get ready for my oh-so-exciting date. Seven Oclock rolls around faster than I expected. I held my breath as I peered out the window of my bedroom. I spotted Harrys familiar car roar up to the curb. I couldnt see his face yet, but as he pushed himself out of the car, I could see his tense posture and his stiff muscles. I watched nervously as he slipped his leather jacket on and pulled out a cigarette and flung it on the street, carefully putting it out with the tip of his boot. I saw him turn around and felt my heart stop. His eyes were infuriated and his hands trembled slightly. There was a dark shadow over his face but I could still see how his mouth was rigidly set in a frown. I carefully stepped away from the window as my heart beat unevenly. He was already pissed and I havent even gotten to make a sarcastic comment yet. Shit. I waited a few minutes before I heard an angry banging on my door. Carefully, I opened it to reveal the fuming Harry. He brushed passed me and stopped in the middle of my living room. I quietly shut the door and turned to him, waiting for the storm to hit. He turned around and his eyes met with mine. As soon as I saw him up close, I let out a shocked gasp. What happened?! I covered my mouth with my hand as soon as I let the words slip out. Harry looked away from me angrily.

Nothing. Lets just go. He went towards the door, but I stupidly slid in front of him and grabbed his cheeks in my hands. He was just as shocked as I was that I did that. I gulped back the fear because it was too late to change the fact that I just got in the way of a livid Harry. Were not going anywhere with you looking like that. I decided. He narrowed his eyes at me and grabbed my wrists in his large hands. What did you just say? Suddenly you get to make the decisions here? He snapped. I sighed impatiently and wrenched my wrists from his grip. Harry, for Gods sake. You have a black eye!! I had never seen Harry with any sort of injury before, so seeing him with a black eye and a cut lip was a shock. Yeah, I fucking know that, Olivia! He snapped. I let out an angry huff before bravely grabbing his forearm and yanking him towards the bathroom. I figured that he was beginning to calm down and let me clean him up because he didnt resist me. He let me tug him along. I let go of his arm and began to dig through my messy medicine cabinet. He shut the lid of the toilet and sat on top of that as he watched my dig through a first aid kit. ok, so what happened? I asked as I set to work on him. His dark eyes glanced up at me quickly and then stared straight ahead. None of your business. He growled. I rolled my eyes at his response. What exactly do you and your gang of testosterone pumped friends actually do? Are you drug lords? Pimps? I pressed stupidly, knowing clearly I was heading into dangerous waters. What did I just say? He snapped, mind your own fucking business. Harry. If youre gonna force me to be with you, then youve clearly made yourself my business. If you dont start fucking talking, Im not going out with you. I huffed and started to put the medical supplies away. He raised his eyebrows at me and stood from his unconventional seat. When I turned back around, I bumped into his chest. So you think you have a fucking choice? He chuckled darkly. I stepped away from him and then headed back into the kitchen. Of course I do. He followed me. I felt nerves rise in my chest, knowing that picking an argument was such a stupid thing to do. Such a me thing to do.

I felt his hand grab my arm, fingers digging into my flesh. I let out a gasp as he spun me around and slammed me into his chest. Ill drag you outta here if I have to. You should know that by now, Darlin. He threatened. I yanked away from him and stared bravely up into his demonic eyes. Then Ill scream like a little bitch the whole night and make you have a miserable time. I countered. Then Ill beat the scream straight outta you. He hissed, leaning down into my face so that our eyes were level. I rolled my eyes so that he couldnt see the fear in them and brushed passed him, bumping shoulders as I went. Jesus, youve clearly forced your way into my private life, cant you let me see a glimpse of yours. Im trying to make this work, but I expect some effort on your end Harry. I scolded him as if he were a child, knowing that was the stupidest thing I could do. I had basically just emasculated him. I grabbed my purse and waited by the door. I expected the worst, a punch from his closed fist, as I heard his heavy footsteps approach me rapidly. He spun me around and slammed me against the wall. This is it. I thought. Ive pushed him too far. I closed my eyes tightly, expecting a blow, but instead I was met with soft lips planted firmly against my own. The heat of the kiss increasing when, for some reason, I decided to kiss back. End Notes: Sorry this chapter is crap. I wrote it quickly because I figured it was about time that I update... Please review! You have no idea how much review mean to me, they always make me feel better! P.S on a different note. I've gotten the flu. SO... I am trying to update this story and my other bad boy one, Champion, as much as I can but I really just feel like shit! Love you guys so much for reading! Back to index Chapter 19: Trying by Sophie Grey Chapter 19: Trying I couldnt believe it, but I was kissing Harry. It wasnt like all the other times when he forced me up against the wall and attacked my lips with his, when I had no choice, when he made me feel dirty. No, I was standing here, with my body pressed against his, my

hands tangled in his hair, his hands on my waist, and our lips moving in perfect synchronization. It almost felt good. I liked having his tongue lick the outline of my lips. I liked how my lips seemed to fit with his like a key in a lock. Without my brains consent, my throat let out a pleasured moan. Immediately I could feel the smile on Harrys lips as he pushed my boundaries, deepening the kiss. Although with great reluctance, I forced myself to pull away. I couldnt give him the wrong idea I mean, sure I was giving him a chance with me, but its not like I had much of a choice. Harry smiled down at me- a genuinely happy smile, not the usual cocky asshole smirkbefore forcing his face into its usual emotionless state. Come on, lets go. He muttered, grabbing my small hand with his larger one and intertwining our fingers. I smiled to myself, knowing he was trying to play it cool but that kiss had affected him as much as it had affected me. Where are we going? I asked in a huff, breathless from trying to keep up with his long strides as he led me down the hall. Its a bloody surprise. He snapped. Jesus, so touchy I muttered. He remained quiet as he led me down to his car and held the door open for me to climb in the passenger seat. What a gentleman. I approved gesturing to his grip on the car door. Shut up and get in the car, will ya. He grunted, surprising me as a teasing smile played on his lips. Hmm, maybe I did have a new Harry taking me out after all. He shut, well, slammed, the door behind me and climbed into the drivers seat. We pulled up in front of a cute little restaurant, obviously private owned and obviously not wellknown. There was no line to get in, no big black cars parked in front and no alleys for guys to hide in. This didnt seem like the kind of place Harry would hang out at, but I didnt question it. He helped me out of the car silently and wrapped his arm around my waist possessively. I allowed myself to be tugged into the restaurant. He wasnt being rough with me, or anything, but he still had a firm grip on me to make sure I wasnt able to leave. Table for two. He muttered to the hostess. She nodded and began to scan her list for a table, before doing a double take. As soon as she saw Harry, her jaw dropped and she stared back up at him with wide eyes.

R-r-right away, sir. She whispered nervously. Harry chuckled darkly, loving his evident power over the citizens of London. Well, I havent got all day! He snapped at her, his mouth turning into a hard line as he pretended to be angry, just to see her reaction. Anyone else probably thinks that he is angry and that he is about to do something rash, but I knew him well enough by this point. I could see the light in his eyes from amusement; he just liked using his power to taunt people. Stop it! I hissed at him as I slapped his chest, pushing myself out of his grasp. Quickly, he grabbed me and yanked me into him, my back slamming into his chest. Stop what? He snapped at me, angry that I dare speak to him like that. You know damn well what Im talking about. Leave the poor girl alone. I gestured to the young hostess as she watched our exchange in shock. Harry looked back up at her with hateful eyes. I swear I could see her trembling from where I was. Umm, y-y-your table, she stammered, right this way. She walked briskly to a private table in a cozy corner of the restaurant, placing our menus down and running off as quickly as she could. I slid into the chair that Harry pulled out for me and picked up the menu, ignoring his pissed off expression. Talk to me like that again and you wont be able to walk for a week. He warned me. When I didnt respond, I could almost feel the anger rolling off of me. Suddenly, my menu was gone and instead I was looking at Harry, who leaned across the table to get in my face. Is that clear, Darlin? I didnt gratify him with a response. I simply crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back in my chair. I wanted to let him know that if we were going to try to work this out, then he would have to change his attitude towards EVERYONE. Is. That. CLEAR?! He shouted, getting the attention in the restaurant. I flushed with embarrassment as I received lots of sympathetic and scared looks. I pushed his shoulders back so that he landed back in his chair. Yes, I understood you the first time. No need to throw a tantrum like a child. I shrugged as if getting yelled at by Harry didnt just make me almost shit myself in fear. He narrowed his eyes at me before muttering something under his breath and picking up his menu. I smiled inwardly at my success and took back my menu. A big waiter came to take our

orders- Im guessing the manager sent over their biggest guy in case Harry got violent. I couldnt blame them, but I grimaced at his track record. Can I take your order? The man asked nervously, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. Harry set down his menu before looking at me and then up at the waiter. Ill have fish and chips and whichever beer is on brew. He decided. I shot him a look at the mention of alcohol, but held my tongue. I wasnt going to start an argument in front of the poor man. A-and you, Miss? he asked me, but before I could answer, Harry stood up from his chair and stepped towards the waiter. Oi! Who said you can talk to her?! He shouted, getting up in the poor guys face. This seen was all too familiar, so I jumped out of my chair and rushed behind Harry. I-I-I was just taking her order! The waiter explained in a desperate and pleading voice. Harry grabbed him by his collar and shoved him against the wall. I tried to pull Harry back, but I was shrugged off. HARRY! Harry, stop it! I yelled, trying to get his attention. He ignored me, only acknowledging my existence when he shoved me back away from the waiter. Everyone else in the restaurant watched in horror as Harry threatened the poor guy, violently shaking him and slamming him against the wall. No matter how hard I tried, I couldnt pull Harry away, so I moved on to a different tactic. I left. I literally grabbed my purse and walked right past Harry. Hopefully, that would pull his attention away from the poor guy who was just trying to do his job. I made the effort to slam the restaurant door behind me, no doubt getting the attention of everyone inside. I started to march down the street but smiled to myself when I heard the restaurant door open. I pretended not to notice and kept walking. Oi! OLIVIA!! I heard Harry shout behind me. I stuck up my middle finger, but did not slow down my face. Hey! He yelled, closer to me now, hey Im talking to you! I was jerked backwards as his hand grabbed my upper arm and spun me around. His looming height used to be threatening, but at this point I had nothing to lose so I no longer feared him. He could beat me if he wanted, why should I care? I already hurt more inside than he can ever make me feel from his fist.

What?! I snapped at him, catching him off guard as I shoved him away from me. You cant just walk away from me like that! He stepped towards me, leaning down to get in my face. And you cant just go around threatening people! I raised my voice to match his volume and turned to leave. He stepped around me and slid in front of me, preventing me from walking away. I thought I made it clear that youre mine. I dont like any other guys talking to my girl. He said sternly, crossing his arms over his chest, making his t-shirt collar tug down a little showing the edges of his tattoos. He. Was. Taking. My. Order. Harry. I hissed through my teeth. What was with him and this possessive need he has over me? I am so fucking sick of it. I didnt like how he was looking at you. He was looking at me desperately, Harry. Desperately, because of YOU. YOU scared him shitless and he felt bad for ME. I snapped. Watch the tone, Darlin. He warned me, raising his eyebrows. No. You know what, Im done. I came here with you to try this out. Youre acting like an asshole, so Im leaving. Have fun beating a waiter shitless. I stepped around him and began strutting down the street away from him. If you dont turn your perky ass around and march back here, Darlin, I will drag you back inside! He shouted after me. I flipped him off and kept walking. I thought we would actually try this, but I guess Harry hadnt changed afterall. Darlin!!!! He roared angrily. OLIVIA!!! He sounded even more infuriated. I didnt hear him pursuing me, so I figured he expected me to turn around and come crawling back. Please. I barely heard his whisper, but the pain and conflict was clear. For some reason, I turned around. He was still in the same spot I left him, but he was looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes, nothing but pure sadness filling them. Harry, I shook my head, wondering if he could hear me as far away as he was. I walked a little closer to him, so that we could carry a conversation. Harry, I cant do this to myself. Im not gonna try if youre not. I whispered, touching his arm gently. He caught my wrist in his hand. He brought my hand up to his cheek and

held it there. His other arm snaked around my waist and tugged me closer, gently. I looked up at him, slightly frightened. He looked back down at me, but only with a look of brokenness, not anger. Please, Darlin. Im trying, I really am. Its just Youre so beautiful and you make me feel insecure, I cant help myself. Also, its just instinct. With the things I do, the people I do business with, its my natural urge for me to protect you from everyone because I cant trust anyone. Please, Darlin, give me another chance. Im trying. He pleaded, rubbing circles on my hip with his thumb. He made my heart beat out of rhythm. How come he can turn from a controlling monster to this sweet and vulnerable man. You go in there and you apologize profusely, I ordered, and no more violence. I cant believe I was actually doing this. His eyes lit up with joy and he dropped my hand from his grip and wrapped his free arm around my waist. He picked me up off my feet and spun me around in a circle. He attached his lips to my cheek before setting me back down on my feet. Ill try harder, Darlin. He smiled. I intertwined our fingers and followed him back into the restaurant. I sat down at our table and nudged my head in the direction of the whispering waiters in the corner of the restaurant. Harrys eyes traveled over to them before he let out a huff and sat down across from me. Im not apologizing to any damn waiter who was checking you out, Darlin. I already settled things with you. He snapped. I narrowed my eyes at him. Harry, I- Can I take your order? I heard a shaky voice squeak. I looked up to see a small, young waitress instead of the one we had before. I decided to drop the subject for now and put in my order to the nervous girl. Harry acted sweet to her too, I guess showing me that he was trying. Once she wrote everything down, she practically ran to the kitchen. See, that wasnt so hard. I smiled at him. He glared up at me through narrowed eyes, but changed the subject. Your hickey is fading. He commented, looking clearly at the mark he left on me. I let out a sigh, but left it alone. If Harrys line of business is as dangerous as he makes it out to be, maybe its best that I let everyone know I belong to him. Itll be safer for other guys and for me. End Notes: Hope ya like!!! Please review! I got a bunch of reviews on the last chapter and they literally made me so happy. You have no idea how much of an impact the positive reviews actually have. What would you like to see in this story? How should Zannah evolve? Any stories you recommend to me and my readers?

follow me @sophiegMalik on twitter! I always follow back and I love to chat with people through DM!!We could exchange ideas or just carry on a 'normal' conversation. Back to index Chapter 20: My Match by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: New Character!!! Chapter 20: My Match After dinner, Harry left an extra-large tip for the waitress, implying that some of it was supposed to end up in our initial waiters pocket. He acted like a complete gentleman, holding the door for me and everything. I kept my guard up though; you can never be too careful with Harry. You wanna go back to my place? He asked me before he started the engine to his fancy car. W-what? I stuttered, trying not to think of the implications in that question. NO! Not like that. Oh god, no. Darlin, were moving slow- I would never I just want to spend more time with you and the guys are coming over later so I was wondering if you wanted to come back and hang with us. He rushed out, blushing a little. I thought it was cute- a few weeks ago I was afraid he would rape me, but now he gets flustered over the inference to sex. Uh, sure. I muttered, thinking about whether or not this would be fun- would Harry let me talk to anyone else? Did our argument earlier actually change anything? When we arrived at his building, we didnt say a word to one another. It was a comfortable silence that neither of us wanted to break. He held my hand the entire time, even on the elevator, and only let go when he had to look for his key card to his pad. He walked me into his apartment, awkwardly shuffling around as he thought of what to say. I looked around nervously- every other time I had been here, it had been against my own will. I decided not to bring up that awkward piece on information. Er, make yourself at home, I guess. He muttered awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. He looked me up and down before turning on his heel and walked off into the kitchen. I didnt know what else to do, so I followed. Need any help? I asked quietly, watching him trying to balance a bunch of beers and pretzels. Thanks Darlin. Could you grab a bowl for the pretzels and a can opener while I try to make it to the other room without making a mess? He chuckled at his own stupidity. I smiled and grabbed the supplies, following him into the TV room. He set up the beers

while I sat up the pretzels. Do you want a drink, Darlin? I know El doesnt drink, but Im not sure about Liams bird He muttered scratching his head. No, Im too young to drink. I responded casually. What? Youre 18, right. Oh god, please tell me Im not dating a minor. He groaned. I laughed at his frustration and shook my head. No, Im 18, but Im also an American. But youre in England, so you can drink now. He furrowed his brow, as if the idea of someone opting out of a beer was the most foreign concept. I dont really like the taste of alcohol anyways. I shrugged. He rolled his eyes as if I was being ridiculous and muttered something like more for me under his breath. Did you say that Liam has a bird? I asked after a few minutes. Harry nodded and looked up at me. Yeah, it means girl or chick or something. Hes bringing her over for the first time tonight. Id appreciate it if youd try not to scare her away. He raised his eyebrows at me knowing that Id very much so do that. Is she here by choice? I asked casually. He rolled his eyes, but nodded. Yes, she is. Liam asked her out and she said yes. Now theyre dating. She had a choice. He didnt kidnap her. He spat, catching me off guard at his suddenly bitter tone. I guess that was still a sensitive topic for him. Okidokey, well Im sure shes lovely. Ill enjoy talking to her and Eleanor. I try to smooth things back to how they had been. He looked back up at me; his anger seemingly vanished as he sat back in his chair. I sat on the sofa across from him and pulled out my phone, after feeling the buzz of receiving a text. It was from David. Who are you texting? Harry asked quickly. I glanced up at him over the phone before finishing my text to David. If were going to try this, Harry, you have to trust me. I told him. He leaned forward, opening his mouth as he was about to say something, but was interrupted by a loud ringing on the elevator door. We both looked over to the door as whoever was in the elevator rang the doorbell to get off on the floor. Harry rolled his eyes and looked back to me.

HARRY!!! We know youre in there! I heard Zayn shout from the elevator. If you dont let us in then well start pissing in your lift!!!! Niall roared with laughter. We heard the two boys erupt in a fit of complete hysterics. Harry! Please, mate, youve got to let me off the lift!! Eleanor and I are trapped with dumb and dumber who are starting to unzip their pants! Louis cried out. I stifled a giggle as Harry let out an angry huff and pushed himself out of his chair and stomped over to the elevator. This conversation isnt over. He warned me before buzzing his friends in. I put my phone on the coffee table and stood up so that my seat became available. Niall and Zayn bounced off the elevator and rushed into the TV room, grabbing beers and a handful of pretzels. Hello Olivia! Eleanor rushed up to me and engulfed me into a hug. I hugged her right back before she pulled away to sit on the armrest of Louiss chair. I looked around for a place to seat, but Harry patted his lap, giving me the order to sit on him. I sighed, but decided not to fight with him. I figured, if Harry was going to try with me, I could at least try with him. The boys immediately set in to a loud and obnoxious conversation over something that I could not follow. So I just sat quietly, like I knew Harry wanted me to. He held me gently but firmly on his lap, somehow making us fit together perfectly, as if it were meant to be. The boys didnt stop talking when the buzzer on the elevator signaled that Liam and his girl were here. Would you let them in? Harry whispered in my ear, gently nudging me off his lap. I walked away from him, ignoring the condescending tap on my ass he sent me off. I had to grit my teeth and bite my tongue to prevent me from making a scene. Hes trying, Im trying. Right? I buzz the couple in. The elevator door opened to reveal Liam holding the hand of a tall exotic looking girl. Her skin was tan, like Harrys, and her hair was curly and wild. Beautiful. Thats the only word that I could use to describe her. She smiled at me timidly and looked at the floor. Liam gave me a small nod as he stepped in. The girl was pulled in beside him. Hey Liam, I smiled politely. He looked over at me in confusion, and nodded at me again, but didnt say anything as he pulled his girlfriend into the room where all the guys were hanging out. I guess he still didnt want to talk to me. I still remembered that day in the alley where Liam made Harry stop beating me and took him away to calm down while Niall took me to get nursed up by El. Maybe he wasnt such a bad guy, but rules or

no rules, Liam could at least greet me with words, like a human being. Guess not, I muttered, following the couple in. Liam paused by the door, before wrapping his arm tightly around the beautiful girls frame and whispering something in her ear. Everyone, this is Danielle. Danielle this is Niall, Zayn, Harry, he pointed each boy out, Louis, taking a brief pause his eyes flashed up to mine and then back to Danielles, Eleanor and Olivia. Danielle smiled politely, but she looked like she was concentrating on something. I immediately knew she was trying to remember the list of rules Liam had no doubt given her on who she was allowed to speak to. I was tempted to say only girls, no boys, but I decided that would make things awkward, so, acting as I almost never do, I held my tongue. Danielle looked up at Liam with a questioning expression. He leaned down and muttered something in her ear. She nodded and looked back to me. Its lovely to meet you. She whispered in a nervous voice, before looking over to Eleanor to greet her too. I smiled at her and stepped forward. Its nice meeting you too. I have to say, I really like your outfit. Where did you get those shoes? I asked her, putting my hand on her arm as if we were the best of friends. She instantly relaxed and smiled brightly at me. Well, I actually bought them at this discou- Harry cut her off mid-sentence. Oi, Darlin. Mind taking your girl talk in the kitchen? No offense, but I dont want to hear about shoes. He snorted. I narrowed my eyes at him before looking back at Danielle, who looked embarrassed and frightened at the same time. Oh, ignore him, I scoffed, hes just trying to get under my skin. I assured her, angry at Harrys rudeness to the clearly afraid girl. Darlin, I wasnt asking. Take the girls in the other room, the lads and I need to discuss something not fit for your presence. He snapped at me, now pissed off. I smiled sympathetically at Danielle, before turning around to face Harry completely, my hands on my hips. If us girls are inconveniencing you so much, then move your lazy ass to another room and gossip! I retorted. I saw Louis, Zayn and Niall raise their eyebrows at my clear disrespect to Harry, while Liam was whispering something to Danielle and Eleanor was trying to get my attention, shaking her head- telling me to stop. Angrily, Harry pushed out of his seat and stomped forwards. Its my fucking house, Olivia! He hissed, not embarrassed at all to fight in front of an

audience. Then be a good host and take your barbaric friends in another room so I can talk with Danielle and Eleanor! I shouted back, stepping forward so that our chests were touching, never backing down from a fight. If you dont get yourself in the other room, Ill drag you in there. Understand, Darlin? He shouted back, jabbing a finger towards the kitchen. I stepped away from him and crossed my arms over my chest, raising my eyebrows. I made it clear that I was not about to leave. Harry let out an angry huff before stepping forward and roughly grabbing me. He slung me over his shoulder, fireman style, and stomped into the kitchen. I pounded my fists on his back and shouted all the profanities I knew at him. He slammed me down and crouched down so our faces were level. I know I said we would try, but in front of my gang members you have to respect, submit and obey me, Darlin. I thought I made that clear. He snapped. I was about to reply, but he shocked me when he ripped fabric from the sleeve of my shirt. Holding me down with one hand, he yanked my other hand up above my head and tied me to a cabinet I always had trouble reaching. Sorry, Darlin. Im the leader in there and I need to assert my dominance over everyone, especially my girl. He apologized. I screamed more profanities and began thrashing about. I dont give a shit if the fucking Queen was in the next room, he shouldnt do this to me. REAL couples dont fight like this. COME IN HERE AND FIGHT ME LIKE A FUCKING MAN YOU PIECE OF SHIT, BALL-LESS COWARD! I screeched loudly as he left the room. Not a second later, Danielle and Eleanor came in cautiously. Eleanor rushed over to me, while Danielle awkwardly stood by the door. What are you thinking, Olivia? You knew what you were getting yourself into. She scolded me softly as she pulled my hand out of the make-shift handcuffs. I looked up at a deathly-white girl, who stared at me with wide eyes. Dont worry Danielle, I pleaded with her, you wont ever get into like that with Liam. Im just a trouble-maker whos too stubborn to know when to give in. I smiled humorlessly. Yes you are. Do you even know whats going to happen when we leave? Hes really angry. Eleanor continued to scold me. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself off the floor. Oh relax, I scoffed, he wont beat me. I said confidently. Olivia, you really have no ide- I shushed Eleanor and put up my index finger, signaling

silence. I went to stand by Liams new girl and pressed my ear to the door. Shes really wild and stubborn, isnt she? I heard Liam comment with distaste evident in his voice. Im working on it, Liam. Its more complicated than that, you know? Shes actually willing to try with me if I give her a normal relationship. Harry explained. No one can have a normal relationship in the world we live, Harry. Its too dangerous. Liam continued. Do you think you could calm her even a little bit? Louis added in, I think she may be a negative influence on Eleanor because shes been acting out more lately. Before Harry could rush to my defense, Zayn put in his two cents. I personally love it. Your birds hilarious and fit. I love coming here because I know there will always be a good show between the two of you. He laughed. I heard Niall burst out into laughter too, while the others didnt find it funny at all. STOP! Eleanor hissed, pulling me away from the door. I rolled my eyes at her again. Jesus, I was just listening. I laughed at her nervousness. Youre scaring Danielle, she snapped before turning to the girl in question, I know it seems violent and dramatic now, but its not usually like this. Dont get put off, love. Eleanor comforted. I let out another laugh. Oh please, El, you and I both know that as long as I am around it will always be like this. I laughed bitterly. Olivia- Sorry if I scared you, Danielle. Thats just how my relationship with Harry is. Were both very stubborn, very passionate and violent people. El and Louiss relationship is not like mine at all- theyre both calm and reasonable people. I explain to her. Danielle nods, and processes all the information. So how should I act around Liam? She asks in a soft, timid voice after a few moments. I shrug and lean against the counter. However you feel is right. Liams a good guy though. One time, when Harry was beating the shit outta me, Liam pulled him off. I mentioned, as if it were no big deal. Danielles whole face contorted into pity and shock. He BEATS you?! She gasped. I nodded.

He did, but I made him promise he wouldnt any more. That time was pretty bad, though, it had never gotten that bad before. What did you do? Danielle asked, but quickly slapped her hand over he mouth. Sorry! If you dont want to- I waved off her question. I was seen talking to another guy, but he ended off worse than I did I trailed off, wondering if I was taking it too far. Olivia, shut up. Youre scaring her. Look Danielle, dont pay attention to Olivia- shes just a problem child. HEY! I interrupted, laughing a little, I am NOT a problem child. I tried to defend myself. Eleanor raised her eyebrows at me. Ok, maybe I am. But you two are here by choice. You want to date gang members who are all dominant and stuff, I never did. Harry forced me to. In fact, this is the first time Ive been to Harrys place, or on a date with Harry, on my own free will. I pointed out. Danielle looked at me with a, once again, shocked expression, but Eleanor rolled her eyes. Oh please, you make this harder on everyone than it has to be. She chided. I laughed with her and smile deviously. Thats the fun part. Before Eleanor could protest, I strutted back into the TV room and plopped onto Harrys lap. I saw Eleanor and Danielle watch timidly from the doorway. Youre a cowardly asshole. I whispered to Harry, not being able to hide the smile on my lips. I was being quiet, although I knew everyone was watching us and could hear our conversation. And youre a stubborn bitch. He smiled back down at me before leaning down and gently brushing his lips against my own. He pulled away before we could really kiss, but I couldnt help but blush. This relationship we had- the fighting and sweet-talk was actually more fun than I thought it would be. It seems as though Ive met my match. End Notes: I have a couple things I want to say real quick, so bear with meFirst of all, I want to thank everyone who has read and reviewed any of my bad boy stories because my series has reached the top tens!! I still have three stories that I have planned out, but haven't started yet so I am really excited. Thank you, I love you all. Also, could you go check out two stories for me? One is call A Twist in the Road and the other is Light up the Dark. They both have dark themes to the stories even though the boys aren't as... well... evil as they are in my stories.

My favorite author right now is SmilinForYa She is really great and has stories that are amazing and kind of dark. I would love for you guys to follow me on twitter @sophiegMalik I always love to DM people and just chat, so don't be scared to hit me up, a lot of people have done so already. Lastly, back to the story. I hope you liked this chapter!! The next chapter will have an even more intense argument with Zannah, but also a more intense makeup scene. I promise. Also, a lot of you have requested a sex scene. I probably won't include it in the next chapter, but let me know what you think and I'll put it in soon. Thanks again! Please review! :) Back to index Chapter 21: Misunderstanding by Sophie Grey Chapter 21: Misunderstanding I was the girl Harry wanted me to be that night. I figured that at least once I would act in line in front of his friends. I have no idea what kind of business Harry and the boys were involved in, but Im sure it was nothing legal. Theyre the gang that owns London- it cant be good. Maybe Harry was right. Maybe he did know best and maybe I should listen to him. But then again, maybe not. Its not in my nature. By the end of the night, all of the guys got drunk and passed out in the living room. I made up the guest room where I used to stay for Danielle and Eleanor and decided to just settle in Harrys bed. I would have tried to wake the boys up, but I decided that may not be the smartest idea, so I left them to sleep in awkward positions while I slept in Harrys giant bed by myself. I mean, I would have shared but I figured Eleanor and Danielle wouldnt be too comfortable with the idea of sleeping in Harrys bed. So, alone I slept. I actually slept quite well. Harrys smell resided in his bed sheets and it comforted me. A forresty, musky scent mixed with cigarettes. The next morning I woke in a panic. It was well passed eleven, so I missed another class Im probably going to have to drop out of school now. I mean, I was failing all my classes and I barely attended anyways. I just didnt want my parents to be disappointed in me, but what other choice did I have? Tell them that I was distracted by a forced

relationship with an abusive and sometimes psychopathic gang leader? Yeah, didnt think so. I rubbed my eyes and slipped out of bed. Quickly I pulled on a pair of Harrys sweats and a t-shirt and put my hair up in a bun. I removed my makeup from the night before and went to go deal with the mess of boys in the TV room. Harry, I whispered as I shook him gently. He lay in an awkward position on the couch with his head propped at an uncomfortable angle. Harry, I whispered again. He groaned and swatted my hands away. Leave me alone. He mumbled sleepily. I giggled a little at his rough, sexy morning voice. If you dont get up then Ill sit on you. I threatened. His eyes remained shut, but a beautiful smile washed over his features. His hands reached out and grabbed my waist, yanking me on top of him. You didnt just threaten me. He snapped with that smile still on his face. I readjusted myself and brought my face close to his. Oh, but I did. I teased. His eyes opened slowly, our noses just about touching. His smile grew. Youre beautiful in the morning. He whispered. And youre probably still drunk. I dont have any makeup on. I laughed bitterly. He scrunched his brows together and took in my whole appearance. I like when you wear my clothes, you look sexy. He continued. I sat up a little, pushing myself away from him. And youre delusional. He raised his eyebrows at me before his fingers began to dig into my sides. I couldnt help but let out a shriek as I started to giggle uncontrollably. STOP! Harry, that tickles! I whined between giggles. He chuckled with delight, obviously proud that he got me to laugh. Harry! I continued to laugh, kicking and slapping at him, but missing each and every time. He continued to tickle me, ignoring the fact that all his friends were passed out peacefully in the same room. HARRY! I shrieked again, my foot nailing him in his stomach, harder than I intended. He let out a grunt before falling back on the couch. I gasped and sat up slightly.

Oh Harry, Im so sorry. I didnt mean to- He glared up at me. My heart stopped. He was pissed at me. You just kicked me. He growled. I gulped and scooched back on the couch, away from him. He leaned forward, his eyes completely black. Suddenly, he launched himself at me. I flinched and tried to put up my hands for protecting my face, but it seems that wasnt necessary. Instead of punching me like I thought, he tickled me some more. This time, he sat on my legs so I couldnt kick him anymore. I shrieked out in delight with the fact that he was tickling me, only pretending to be angry. STOP! I laughed. Say youre sorry! He ordered, his fingers fiercely attacking my sides. IM SORRY! Didnt quite catch that! He shouted again, his eyes dancing in amusement seeing that I couldnt stop laughing. IM SORRY! I tried again, shouting louder. What did you sa- Goddammit Harry! Shes sorry! Zayn snapped angrily from where he lay stiffly on the floor. He groaned and yanked his pillow out from under his head and put it over his head to block out our noise. Harry stopped tickling me, but didnt move from his position pinning me to the couch. He looked down at his friend and chuckled. I didnt mean to kick you, Harry. I whispered, touching his cheek lightly to get his attention back to me. His dark eyes shifted their focus to my face. He stared down at me with adoration and caught my hand in his. Didnt even hurt. Ive been hit a lot harder, Darlin. He shrugged, climbing off of me. Why dont you go see how the girls are doing and maybe set up breakfast? He suggested. I raised my eyebrows, doesnt he know that I cant cook for shit? Why dont you set up your own damn breakfast? I muttered. He rolled his eyes. Because I am doing a much, much more dangerous job: Waking up these four idiots. He chuckled. I sighed and pushed off of the couch. Stalking into the kitchen, I found Danielle and Eleanor already up and dressed. Of course they looked perfect- of course. I looked down at my outfit and grimaced. They look

fucking perfect and I look like a shitfest. That makes me feel absolutely fucking amazing. Do either of you know how to cook, because me in the kitchen is a dangerous thing. I grumbled. Both laughed at me, immediately understanding what I was asking and started to work on breakfast while I sat on the counter and provided the two of them with unintended entertainment. I dont understand why that is so funny I shrugged, sticking a slice of tomato in my mouth. Eleanor shook her head at me while Danielle just laughed as she flipped over omelets. I cant believe you actually bit him there! Danielle blushed at the sensitive topic. Ok, he was my first boyfriend and I was inexperienced. He told me I suck dick like a child sucks a lollipop, so I bit his penis. I shrugged. I dont take criticism well. I reached for a slice of bell pepper that Eleanor was slicing to put in the next omelet but she slapped my hand away. Youre a character, Olivia. Danielle said to me, flashing me a bright smile. You love me and you know it. I insisted. And here I thought you were a sweet and shy American, but thats not at all what youre like, is it? Danielle continued. I can be very sweet and shy! I insisted, grabbing a vegetable when El wasnt looking. And in which alternate universe would that be? Eleanor asked seriously. She didnt turn around from where she was cleaning a knife in the sink, but I could hear a smile in her voice. I hate you both. I grumbled. You love us. Danielle scoffed. And you know it! Eleanor peeked over her shoulder to laugh at my expression. I rolled my eyes and slid of the counter. Lets head off, troops! I commanded, grabbing two plates and leading Eleanor and Danielle into the living room carefully. They were both balancing plates in their hands, and a couple glasses of orange juice. When we walked into the living room to find all the guys up and looking sleepy. All five faces perked up when they saw us carrying food.

Babe, I love you so much, you know that. Right? But I have never loved you as much as I do in this very moment carrying food for me. Louis sat up quickly as he opened his arms for Eleanor. She rolled her eyes and handed him a plate and a glass. She handed Niall and Zayn glasses of orange juice too, but she didnt say a thing to them. I watched as Danielle carefully handed Niall and Liam a plate and then gave juice to Harry and Liam. I shoved food at Harry and Zayn and sat by myself on the floor in front of Harry, who was still on the couch. Thanks. Harry smiled down at me. I looked up at him and smirked. Dont thank me, thank Eleanor and Danielle. I didnt do shit. I ushered him to thank the girls, but of course, due to the stupid rules, he didnt make a move to be appreciative. Why am I not surprised? He rolled his eyes with a smile. I ate the food the girls made for me, enjoying the silence as everyone ravenously attacked their omelets as well. When everyone was finished, Danielle, El and I collected the dishes wordlessly. I decided not to comment on the sexism of the situation and just helped clean. I let Danielle and El return to the TV room when we were almost finished. They made the whole meal, the least I could do was put the dishes away. Holy shit! I heard Harry shout from the other room. I crept to the door and pressed my ear to it. Mate, maybe you should calm down. I heard Liam try. My blood literally froze in my veins. What was going on? Im gonna kill her. Im going to fucking kill her. Harry snapped. What did I do? "Take a deep breath, it's probably not what you think." I heard Zayn pipe in. "I swear to god I am going to kill her. The second I get my hands on her she'll wish she never met me." Harry ranted. I took a deep breath and bravely stepped foot inside the room. All heads snapped in my direction. I immediately tensed up at what I saw. Harry was standing by the coffee table, holding MY phone in an iron grip. Liam was standing near him, obviously trying to calm him down. Danielle was hiding behind Liam, so scared that she was almost white. Zayn was standing right behind Harry, with a hand on his shoulder. Niall and Louis were standing to the side. Eleanor whispering something to Louis nervously. Whats going on? I asked quietly, feeling awkward and scared with everyone staring at me. Why dont YOU tell me what the fuck is going on Olivia! Harry shouted at me. I

flinched at his volume, but stepped closer. I could no longer be afraid of Harry. He changed for me. Calm down and tell me what has you angry. I forced the words out of my mouth, making sure my voice was steady. Harry glared at me, his eyes blazing, before he shoved his friends out of the way and stomped over to me. DONT YOU DARE FUCKING TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!!! He shouted. I took an instinctive step back, but he grabbed my shoulders roughly and shook me twice. W-w-what is it Harry? I whimpered. Why dont you tell me why you were texting a fucking boy!!! He shouted. What are you talking about?! I snapped, feeling the anger rise in my chest. I looked at your phone Olivia. I saw the texts! He screamed in my face. I tried to get loose from his grip, but I couldnt. You read my texts?! Are you fucking kidding me?! I shouted back, equally as angry now. I thought we were going to try this. I thought we were going to be a normal couple. I guess it was all a show. Thats not the point!! I wasnt texting ANYONE, Harry! Oh yeah? Then how come some asshole texted your phone with things like I miss you and please text back and I want to see you? Huh? He shook me again. I trembled in his grip, but forced myself to stand my ground. Youve got to believe me when I say that I have no idea what youre talking about. I pleaded. I looked at all the other faces in the room. Everyone was watching me with pure sympathy, except Danielle. She gripped on to Liams arm in absolute fright. BULLSHIT!!!! He screamed. Let me see the texts. I snapped. Oh, so you can text back your boy toy? I dont think so!!! He shook me again. Z-Harry. Youre hurting me. Stop. I whimpered, hoping that hell realize what he is doing and back off. Of course, he didnt. He only became angrier. TELL ME WHO THE FUCK HE IS, OLIVIA!!!

I have no idea who youre talking about! The contact name was David. Whos DAVID?!! He shook me again. I stared up at him incredulously. This was all just a big misunderstanding. As he glared at me with pure fury, I couldnt help but laugh a little. He was getting jealous over texts my BROTHER had sent? Is he serious? DONT MOCK ME!!! He shouted. What happened next happened in slow motion. I watched his hand come up and aim for me. His palm slapped me across the face harder than I had ever been hit before. Immediately, he let go of me and let me fall to the floor in pain. I felt the coppery taste of blood in my mouth. My cheek was instantly reddened and the stinging sensation was brutal. I just stared up at him with sadness and betrayal in my eyes. He stared down at me, still angry, his chest heaving up and down. Everyone around us gasped. I saw Danielle bury her head into Liams shoulder which stifled her sobs. I felt like crying too, but besides a few tears, I held the rest in. Bravely, I pushed myself off the floor and clutched my cheek. I stared up at him, square in the eye. He stared back down at me, slowly calming down and slightly in shock. What I did next even surprised me. I lifted my knee and jammed it straight into his balls, like really hard. Harry let out a curtled yelp and fell to his knees like a little bitch. He grasped his balls as tears welled in his eyes. As he tried to hold himself together, his entire face turned red. Next time you decide to go through my phone like the possessive dickface you are, at least check your facts. In case you didnt realize, DAVID, my lover boy, has the same fucking last name as me. Hes my brother, you asshole. I snapped at him. He reached out to grab my leg weakly, but I kicked his hand away and took a step back. This was going to be a show for everyone in the room. David. My older brother. The one I havent spoken to in forever because my insecurebitch boyfriend is too controlling. So maybe next time, before you starting having a bitch fit like a 13 year-old girl, you should talk to me about it first. It was all a misunderstanding. I continued. And if you ever, EVER, fucking hit me again, I will not only kick you HARDER in your crown jewels, but I will also cut them off. You may be an insane psychopath, but I can be too, Harry. You lay a fucking finger on me and I will make you fall to your knees like a

little cunt in front of all your friends. Do you fucking understand me? I didnt even look down at him, I didnt care if he was angry, sad, upset or embarrassed. I wanted to make sure he knew who he was dealing with. You make me sick. I spat at him before I stormed out of the room, clutching my cheek. I headed towards the elevator, but quickened my pace when I heard someone behind me. End Notes: So... Please review!!! I only need like 180 more reviews before my Bad Boys series can make it back to the top tens and I would really love for my stories to be up there. Remember, the more reviews, the faster the update!!!! :) Back to index Chapter 22: Three Strikes by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: Filler chapter- kind of boring and crappy. Sorry. Next one will be a better update, I promise. Chapter 22: Three Strikes I jammed my finger against the elevator door button, praying it would reach me before whoever was following me did. I continually jammed my finger against the button, repeatedly poking it, but receiving no response. Damn, he must have that stupid elevator lock on. I spun around to see Louis and Niall approaching me with solemn looks on their faces. I had no doubt that Harry sent them to drag me back into the TV room as he is otherwise occupied with nursing his hurt balls and his hurt ego. Just as they reached me, I ducked under their arms and darted towards the study. I caught them off guard, so I had a second or two head start, but they started to chase after me. I slammed the study door behind me and locked it, buying myself more time. Quickly, I jerked open the window and climbed through and onto the escape ladder. It was a long way down, but I had escaped this way once before. I felt tears sting in my eyes at the dj vu I was experiencing. I thought Harry and I were past this. I thought that things would be different, but we were literally doing the same thing we had done a few weeks ago. I heard a loud bang above me and suddenly Louis and Nialls heads popped through the window, watching me race downwards. I was already a few floors below Harrys penthouse. FUCK! Louis shouted as they disappeared from view, going back to report to Harry. Now knowing how to get home from his place, I made my way back to my apartment in less than fifteen minutes. When I got back, I found Claire watching TV in her pajamas

calmly. As soon as I walked in, she turned it off and rushed over to me. I was so worried. You didnt come home last night. Wait, why are you wearing his clothes? She asked me suspiciously. I held up my finger as I panted, out of breath, and made my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Everyone was at his house and we all fell asleep. I explained, immediately knowing that she assumed I had slept with him. Howd it go? She pressed. I gulped down my water and turned to her. Perfect, actually, until this morning. Her eyes widened. What happened. Olivia, tell me. You cant keep me in the dark! She whined nervously. I sat down, my breathing finally getting back to normal. He thought I was texting some guy, when it was only my brother, so he hit me. I turned my face to show my injured cheek. I didnt know how it looked, but I dont think it was too bad. She gasped and stuck her fingers out to gently run them along my cheek. Oh my god She didnt even know what to say. Then I kicked him in the balls and emasculated him in front of his gang members and their girlfriends. Problem solved. I shrugged casually and stood up. OLIVIA YOURE INSANE!! She shouted at me as I walked towards the bathroom to take a shower. That ship has sailed, Claire! I called back to her. I took a nice long shower, standing under the hot streams of water as I thought about what I was doing with Harry. Where was this going? What are we going to do now? A half an hour later, I reluctantly shut off the water when it started running cold and toweled myself off. I quickly threw on something comfy and sat down to work on my makeup. I had to cover up the forming bruise on my face somehow. As I was playing with foundation, I heard a loud banging on our front door. My stomach tensed. He wouldnt come here, would he? Before I could tell her otherwise, I heard Claire answer the door. Not a few seconds later, did I hear her scream. I rushed into the front room to see Claire standing pale white by the front door while Harry stood in my living room, his head craning around, looking for me, peaking in the kitchen. Sh-sh-shes not here! Claire stammered nervously from where she stood.

Bullshit. Harry snarled. I marched into the room with my hands on my hips. And what the hell do you think youre doing here? I shouted at him. Harrys head snapped at the direction of my voice, his furious eyes landing on me. I was glad I hadnt yet covered my face in makeup, so he could see the full extent of the damage he had done. I asked you a fucking question. I snapped. He took a few long strides, closing the gap between us, and grabbed my wrists roughly. What the fuck was that? He yelled at me. I glanced at Claire in the corner of my eyes. She was trembling in fear, her bottom lip jutted out as if she were about to cry. I could ask you the same thing. I retorted coolly, struggling, in vain, in his grip. You think you can get away with fucking emasculating me like that in front of my gang, Darlin? He shouted again, shaking me a little. You started it. You hit me first! I defended. His eyes blazed. I hit you because I thought you were cheating on me!! You could have just clarified!! He shouted, he shook me again. If you dont fucking let me go, Ill show you a repeat of this morning and Ill limit your abilities to make babies. I snapped. He narrowed his eyes at me, but released my wrists. I stepped away from him and pressed my back against the wall. My still wet blonde hair fell in front of my face as I crumpled to the floor. Sadly, I looked up at his still infuriated figure. I thought things would be different. I thought we were going to try. I whispered. He looked down at me, some of his anger evaporating. I lost my temper. Im sorry. He whispered. He came and sat down next to me, leaving just enough space so that we were almost touching. You could have just asked me who David was. I continued. I saw Claire staring at me strangely, her whole body still convulsing in fear. I lost it. I completely lost control, I am so sorry. Its just the thought of you with someone else He couldnt finish his sentence. But you completely embarrassed me in front of everyone. You knew that out of all the ways you could have reacted, THAT was the worst. He scolded me softly. I know, but I had to make sure you didnt do it again. I explained. I leaned my head

against his shoulder. Im sorry. I whimpered. He let out a sigh and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to his chest softly. I guess were even. He mumbled. Harry, what are we doing? Are we going to delude ourselves into thinking this can work? I asked him. His whole body stiffened. I made a mistake and Im sorry. Please Darlin, please dont talk like that. He begged me. I let a few tears escape my cheeks and looked up at him sadly. This was our do-over. I dont know how many of those I can give, Harry. I cant be in an abusive relationship fooling myself into thinking this is going to get better. It wont. Please, Darlin. I made a mistake- a bad judgment call- How many mistakes will you make until I end up in the hospital? I-I cant do this, Harry. I dont think this is going to work out. I dont think WE are going to work out. I whispered sadly, still engulfed in his embrace. No, no we can do this, Olivia. I know we can. Youre strong and you fight back. You can handle me. Please He begged. I think maybe we need some time apart to rethink this. No, please Darlin. Not you too. You cant leave me too. He sounded like he was crying, but when I looked up he was staring emotionlessly ahead. I dont know. Please. Ill do anything. I looked over at Claire, who was still standing by the door, but no longer shaking. She stared back at me in complete shock. Fine, but there are rules. Anything. He sat up straight, holding me tightly as if he let me go I would disappear. You hit me and Im out. Of course. I can talk to other guys.

But- Harry, I wont have a fucking one night stand, but I can at least give the waiter my fucking order or say hi to your friends. Harry stiffened up while he thought about it. Reluctantly, he gave in. He knew he had no other choice. No more hickeys. Those protect you, Olivia. He stated firmly. Harry- NO, thats the one thing I wont budge on. If you hadnt covered my mark that night a few weeks ago, I wouldnt of had to carry your naked, lifeless body back to my apartment. My whole body shook at the reminder of that night where my virginity was almost lost, where I was almost beaten to death, if it hadnt been for Harry. Fine. I sighed. I pushed myself off of him and stood up. He stood also. This is our last chance though. I warned. He stared down at me and nodded. Three strikes and thats it, Harry. Weve already tried twice before. I continued. Ok he nodded. I squeezed my eyes shut, not really sure that this was a good idea. But I have some rules too. He amended. I stared up at him with raised eyebrows. If I tell you to do something, especially in public, PLEASE listen to me. Its not just me being an ass, but me trying to protect you. You dont know how to deal with the people Im involved with, but I do. Please. I rolled my eyes at him. Whatever. Ok, and you will never ever embarrass me in front of my gang again or we will be having some serious problems. He looked at me pointedly and wagged his finger in my face. I smacked it out of my face but nodded. I wont have to if you dont act like a dick. I shrugged. He laughed humorlessly. I wont be a dick if you dont act like bitch, Darlin. He caught my chin in between his index finger and thumb and tilted my head upwards to look at him. Carefully and slowly he leaned down and placed a kiss on my injured cheek. I shut my eye and let myself enjoy it. His lips found their way to my lips and left a soft and innocent kiss. Before I could kiss back, he pulled away and looked down at me. I stared back up at him and stepped out of his grasp.

Can you just give me tonight alone? Ill call you tomorrow, ok. I just need time alone. I pleaded. His eyes softened and his muscular arms wrapped around me in a hug. Ok, Darlin. He whispered. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and walked towards my front door, ignoring Claires presence on his way out. If you ever touch my balls again, Darlin, it had better be in bed!! He called back with a mischievous smirk, ending the sad tension between us. I shut the door with a wave and stalked back into my bedroom to cover my bruise. I looked at the faded mark on my neck, surprised that Harry didnt give me another love bite right then and there. In fact, it was barely noticeable. I collected my hair over on one side so that it was covered completely and let out a sigh of relief. I feel much less objectified and much more comfortable in my own skin. I turned away from the mirror, avoiding looking at my bruise any longer. I wasnt able to cover it completely, so a dark shadow was still visible on my cheek. When I walked back into the front room, I found Claire exactly where I had left her. Are you ok, Claire bear? I asked her softly. She stared back at me with wide eyes, tears brimming in them. I-I-Im so She stuttered. I suddenly felt guilty. She grew up in London, so she knew about the things One Direction have done. She, of all people, knew to be afraid of them, so that encounter with Harry must have scared her shitless. Im sorry you had to see him angry like that. I whispered to her. Im so proud of you! She squeaked out, shocking us both. W-w-w-what? You, youve tamed him. You stood up to him- you I have mad respect for you. She gushed out. I looked at her like she was insane and then burst out laughing. I will always be surprised by this girl. I gave her a quick hug and shook my head. Youre a character, Claire bear. And youre insane, but I think thats what saves your butt from getting beat by Harry Styles. I think hes in love with you- he acts like a lost puppy around you. I rolled my eyes at her and walked off to my room. I couldnt show it to anyone, but I was shaking internally from my confrontation with Harry. I truly thought that he was going to beat me or something.

The amount of courage I had to summon in order to face him mentally and emotionally exhausted me. I climbed under the covers of my bed and curled into a ball. It took me a half an hour, but eventually I cried myself to sleep, at 3 oclock in the afternoon on my Saturday. End Notes: Please leave a review!! I've finally made it to the Top Tens and I am honestly so thankful. I mean, you guys are amazing. I mean honestly, you guys are the best and I love you all. I try to give you the best stories I can, but I don't always have time to write. To be honest, my life sucks right now but the kind words that you leave in my reviews get me through it all. Please follow me on twitter @sophiegMalik I love you guys!!! Back to index Chapter 23: Expulsion by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: Tell me what ya think! :) Chapter 23: Expulsion Sunday passed slowly. I called Harry reluctantly and we set up another date, but other than that I didnt do anything. When Monday morning rolled around, I had to force myself out of bed because of class. Granted, it wasnt until the afternoon, but still. It was about fucking time I showed up to University. I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself some cereal. I ate it slowly as I sifted through the mail. I opened all the letters addressed to me. Bills I was behind on, letters from my family and one from the school. Dear whomever it may concern, It is with deep regret that we inform you that __Olivia Olson__ is being expelled from London University. It is due to failing ( _3_) subjects and poor attendance that M( r/s ). __Olson__ is no longer welcome to participate in academic activities associated with London University. When the next semester begins, M( r/s ). __Olson__ is welcome to apply to begin her first year at the University again. Sincerely, Dean Michael Richards I stared in shock at the letter. Shit, I had just gotten kicked out of fucking London

University. The rest of the letter was all crap about getting money back and shit, but I paid that no attention. Shit, what am I going to do? I am so fucked Not only will my parents kill me, but theyll be disappointed in me. Ive failed out of college. I fucking failed out of college. And what am I going to tell them? Oh yeah, I got kicked out of college because my possessive boyfriend kidnapped me a couple times. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. And its not like I can go on pretending that I didnt get kicked out because my parents probably got the same fucking letter- the school had their address because theyre the ones sending the checks for my tuition. I didnt even have it in me to cry. All I could do was fold the letter up with a sigh and slip it in the back of my pocket. I guess I would have to move back to the U.S now. I miss my family so much. I miss my old friends. I miss my old life. But was it weird that I really didnt want to leave London? Maybe it was ending the adventure. Maybe it was my friendship with Claire. Maybe it was Harry But I dont want to move back to the United States. Im finally independent (well sort of). I dont think Im ready to leave. I mean, Claire and I had just started getting really close. I started working out plans in my head. Maybe if I get a job I can help Claire with the rent if my parents refuse to help any more. But who would want to hire a foreign girl, on a visa, who just got kicked out of University her first year? Hmm, maybe Im not off to such a great start. When Claire finally came into the kitchen, I silently handed her the letter. She didnt say anything as she read it, folded it back up and engulfed me in a hug. I could feel her hot tears on my shoulder, but I refused to let myself cry. I had cried too many times this semester (mostly over one person who shall remain nameless) and if this letter meant anything to me, it was that I need to change my life right now. Starting with growing a pair of balls and not acting like a little cunt all the time.

She handed me back my letter and quietly wiped her eyes. Well figure this out, Olivia. Well figure this out She muttered quietly. I took back the evil letter and put it in my back pocket again. I I just need to be alone. I need to call my parents before they check their mail. I whispered, my whole being feeling empty inside at the thought of the phone call. I hadnt spoken to my parents in forever and now, Im finally going to call them, only to tell them Ive been kicked out of the school that was draining their money. I feel like a fucking moron- a loser. Maybe Ill call them later. The letter will take longer to reach them because theyre across the Atlantic back home, in America. I have about a day or two of leeway. Might as well enjoy it while I can. Claire patted me gently and left the room, coming back a few minutes later with her purse and then leaving the apartment. Claires a good friend. She knows to give me my space when I need it and not to pry too much. Im going to miss her. I stood in the kitchen with my hands gripping the edge of the counter. I hunched over the sink, prepared to vomit, but nothing came out. This whole situations nauseating. I heard the apartment door open, but figured it was Claire. She probably forgot something. I stayed frozen for moment, waiting to hear Claire leave, but instead I felt a presence behind me. I spun around quickly to be met with a tall, broad frame instead of Claires petite one. Dark emerald eyes stared down at me intently. Z-Harry? I stammered, still shocked that he knows how to get into my apartment. How did you- Youre apartment really isnt safe, Darlin. Your locks are shit, he spoke finally, his voice deep. A new cigarette hung from his mouth, captured between his lips. He brought a lighter up to his lips as he continued to stare at me. He lit his cigarette and went to breathe it in, but I quickly grabbed it and pulled it away from him. I doused it with water and left it to simmer in the sink. Harry stared down at me in amusement as he let out puff of smoke. Having a bad day, Darlin? He chuckled darkly. Dont smoke in my flat! I snapped at him, brushing past him to leave the kitchen. I

heard him follow me out into the TV room. You alright? You havent dropped the f-bomb yet. Something wrong, Darlin? He asked with serious concern now. I turned around and stepped towards him. I pressed my cheek to his chest and curled my hands in to my stomach. His muscular arms wrapped around my body cautiously and his face nuzzled in my hair at the top of my head. Whats wrong? What happened? He rushed out, concerned over my behavior. Nothing, I muttered against his chest, nothings wrong. Nothings happened. I dont know why, but I felt too embarrassed to tell Harry about me getting kicked out. Yes, it was kind of his fault for preventing me from going to school, but I wasnt actually all that angry. It was also my fault; I definitely could have tried harder to go to school. If nothings wrong then why am I hugging you like a small child? He asked, pulling away slightly so that our eyes met. His thick brows were knitted together over his beautiful eyes. Cant I have a hug? I whined, trying to change the subject. You are the least needy person I know. The least touchy-feely and Im in a fucking gang, so that says something. So, NO. You cannot just have a hug because thats not you, Darlin. He said sternly. I sighed softly and pushed my head against his chest again. Its nothing, really. Dont make me force it out of you, Darlin. He warned me. That a threat? I countered stiffly. Yes. Harry- If you dont tell me, Ill tickle you, and we both know I can pin you easily, Darlin. I laughed lightly and pulled out of his grasp. Scary I rolled my eyes, turning my back on him. I heard him take a step towards me, but then I felt his hand reach into my back pocket and pull my letter out. HARRY! I yelped, spinning around and trying to grab at the paper. He held the folded letter above his head so that, even jumping up, I couldnt get it.

Do you want to tell me what this is? He asked calmly, too calmly. No. Its nothing. Give it! I jumped for it again, but Harry turned his back to me and began unfolding it. Harry, stop! I shouted, lunging for the letter, trying to reach around Harrys broad shoulders. He easily held me back with one hand as he skimmed over the letter. Eventually, he dropped down his arm so that I could reach for the letter if I wanted. I didnt want to. He tossed the evil paper aside and stared down at me sadly. You got kicked out of University? He asked me in a quiet voice. I bit my lip and stepped back from him, nodding. Darlin- Im so sorry. He stepped towards me and reached his arms out, I pushed them away. Dont be sorry. Its not your fault, I muttered, staring at my feet in shame. His index finger and thumb caught my chin and tilted my face up so that I had to look at him. Bullshit. You and I both know that its my fault. Dont be angry with me, please. He whispered. I sighed and let him hug me. Im not angry, I promise. Im just disappointed in myself. Dont be disappointed in yourself, Darlin. Youre the smartest person I know- you obviously would be succeeding at UNI if I hadnt gotten involved. He protested. Harry, stop. I dont feel like arguing with you. I mumbled softly in pure exhaustion. Its not the end of the world. The letter said you could reapply, right? Wait out the semester and then reapply. He decided, patting me gently. I cant afford to, Harry. My parents are working their butts off just so I could attend classes THIS semester. All that moneys already wasted I cant make them do this whole thing again. Not all of us make a ton of money illegally like you do. I pulled away and went to sit down on the couch, reality finally hitting me. Harry came around and crouched in front of me. He stuck his face right up to mine, his hot-cigarette breath fanning my cheeks. Ill pay for it. No, I dont want you to. I want to be independent, not needy. I replied, sighing again.

Ill make them take you back. Ill force them to change their minds. He set his jaw in determination, his eyes blazing in ferocity. No. I dont think beating the crap out of the dean will help, Harry. I put off his idea. His eyes softened and he leaned forward. Well figure this out, Darlin. Dont worry about it; its not the end of the world. Just take a few days for yourself, ok? Things will be better when youre relaxed. He ordered gently. I stared at him incredulously. Did he not realize? Harry, this IS the end of the world, dont you get it? If Im no longer at London University, I no longer get to stay in the schools apartment which means I have no place to stay or no money to buy myself a flat. My parents will force me to move back home. Dont you get it? WE wont figure anything out because there will be no WE! I snapped, pulling at my hair in frustration. Harrys entire face fell dramatically. It was all dawning on him. Shit. Exactly. I hissed, burying my face in my hands. I heard him stand up and pace in front of me. Shit shit shit shit shit shit!!! He shouted. Suddenly, a loud crash made me jump, startling me. I gasped and looked up at Harry, whose chest was heaving up and down from heavy, angry breathing. Across the room was water dripping down the wall and a broken vase with some damaged looking flowers on the floor. Jesus, Harry. I felt my voice shake slightly in fear. He looked down at me, his eyes black, before he turned abruptly on his heel and left, slamming my door behind him causing the entire building to tremor slightly. End Notes: I have the next chapter almost finished as well, so maybe it'll be up tomorrow night or Friday night! Please please please review! I really enjoy your reactions to each chapter. And I know you must all hate me... Just as things start to get better, but don't worry- I'm going to make it all worth it in the long run! Thanks for reading! I'll try to update ASAP! Back to index Chapter 24: Job Search by Sophie Grey Author's Notes:

Just a heads up, this chapter is pure filler. Chapter 24: Job Search I stared at the door after Harry left for an embarrassingly long time. So that was it? Hes done? He left? And Im alone again. I guess its better this way. I can call my parents and pack in peace. Still, I would have liked to say good-bye to him without our conversation ending in slamming doors as usual. I guess my hopes had been too high. Claire came home shortly after I collected myself and started watching TV with me silently. She didnt ask me why I was being so quiet. She didnt ask me why there was a broken vase at the end of the room. She didnt ask me why my lip was jutted out and trembling ever so slightly. She put the pieces together on her own and figured it out. Her silent non-physical support, just sitting next to me, was just what I needed. She understands me perfectly. However, we both jumped and even let out a yelp when we heard our front door slam again. We spun around in our seats on the couch to stare at the intruder. Coming into our apartment was not one, not two, but three members of the vicious street gang One Direction. Fuck you Harry. I spat at him as he came near me. He raised his eyebrows at me and rolled his eyes. Zayn and Niall trailed in behind him, carrying God Knows What. Nice to see you too, Darlin. Hey Claire. Harry greeted Claire with a simple nod. The poor girl sat frozen, her mouth hanging open and her eyes displaying complete fear. Just set that stuff on the coffee table and make yourselves at home boys. Harry spoke to his friends, not really taking his eyes off of me. Im pretty sure I didnt give you three an invitation. I hissed, angry at him for running out on me before. And Im pretty sure I warned you about your shitty locks. He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and stood from my seat, prepared to kick him out. Im angry at you. Please, Darlin. Im sorry for getting you kicked out. He grabbed my hand and held it to his chest, right above where his heart lies. Thats not why Im mad, you bozo.

Wha- You left me when I needed you. You just stormed out of here like a fucking PMSing teenage girl. You just abandoned me. I continued. He laughed humorlessly and brought me closer to him, not caring about our audience. Eh, youll get over it. He shrugged nonchalantly. I furrowed my eyebrows together. And what if I dont? I challenged, because Im me and thats what I do- I start arguments. Even with crazy, violent gang-leader boyfriends. Bullshit. You dont need anyone to console you. Youre not that emotional. Apart from the mood swings, you hardly act like a woman. Im going to ignore that extremely offensive comment towards myself and women in general. I narrowed my eyes at him. He laughed again. But seriously, Niall and Zayn are here to help. He motioned to the two boys. Niall waved at me while Zayn winked. Hey guys, I muttered. When Harry and I worked things out, one of the conditions had been that I could talk to his friends. Yes, it felt awkward after being used to ignoring them for so long. Hey baby. Zayn smiled flirtatiously at the trembling Claire. She blushed and mumbled a hello. I rolled my eyes at him as he continuously checked her out. Im not quite sure if Zayn remembers sleeping with Claire all those months ago or not, but I was going to fight like hell to make sure she stays out of this mess. Whats this? I motioned to the cardboard box Zayn and Niall brought in. Harry looked at me for a moment before opening and pulling stuff out. Soda, because I know you dont like it when I drink. He handed a soda to each person, having exactly five in the box. Snacks, because you eat about as much as Niall does. He placed a couple different bags of food near him on the floor. CDs to listen to because your music taste is shit. He declared, stacking CDs on the table. My laptop and a shitload of London journals. He placed those items on my sofa. What the fuck is all this? I asked in complete confusion. Harry stared back at me innocently.

Were going to help you find a job here in London so you can stay!! Claire, youre welcome to help and hangout with us if youre not too busy. He asked her politely. She nodded slowly, her eyes staring at me questioningly. You dont have to hang around these morons, I told her softly, not wanting her to feel forced. HEY!!! Claire of all people should know that I can be quite a gentleman! Zayn threw his soda bottle cap at me in retaliation. I saw Claire turn even redder at the mention of her hookup. So he did remember Right, Zayn but a gentleman never kisses and tells. Niall nudged his friend with his foot. Zayn, now sprawled on the floor, looked up at Niall inquisitively. I dont kiss and tell. You told me Claire was a rather good shag. Niall chuckled. I grabbed a pile of newspapers and threw it at the two of them. Shut the fuck up right now because I dont want to hear any more. I snapped. Zayn and Niall burst out laughing. Not even here for three bloody minutes and weve gone and made the girls uncomfortable. Zayn snorted. Id say its a record! Niall declared, high-fiving his best friend. Harry ignored them as he grabbed his laptop and sat down with his back pressed against a wall. He looked over at me and patted the spot next to him. How is finding me a job gonna help? Well, you can tell your parents a good reason to stay AND youll have enough cash to pay rent for this flat so you can stay with Claire. Harry reasoned. I sighed and grabbed a newspaper, sliding down next to him with a red marker to search for a job. I saw Claire quietly grab a newspaper and began looking from where she sat on the couch. Zayn remained on the ground, sifting through the papers I threw at him while Niall sat on the other end of the couch as Claire, giving her space. What kind of job are you even interested in? Zayn asked me suddenly. I looked at him for a moment and thought about which class I liked the most for the short time I attended school. Erm, finance or something. I shrugged, turning back to my newspaper in embarrassment. I have no idea what I want to do!

An hour later, snacks were being passed around and we were listening to some classic rock CDs as we all lay around, chatting and searching. Claire is no doubt my best friend, but it felt good knowing that even Harrys friends have my back. The boys constantly made jokes with each other, often at my expense. Often times, Claire would ever join in the conversation, and then return to listening. The odd mix of people got on surprisingly well. The weirdest part, it wasnt even awkward between Zayn and Claire any more (once Zayn got it out of his system). It was Nice? Pass the chips. Zayn grunted from the floor. Harry chucked the last un-opened bag towards Zayns gut and then resumed his research. Everyone had found a couple things for me, but I wasnt really interested in any of it. I kept telling them to stop and that Ill figure it because I honestly felt bad for being so picky and making them spend their afternoon doing this. But then Harry told me to shut the fuck up with the whining and look harder so I no longer felt guilty. Claire looked comfortable where she lay on her stomach on the couch with her fifth newspaper propped up on the arm. Niall sat crosslegged on the floor by her head, his newspaper in his lap. Zayn lay on his back, holding the newspaper above his head. Harry sat with his back to the wall, his legs stretched out and his laptop on his lap. I lay with my head on his knees and my newspaper above my head like Zayn. It was rather uncomfortable. The nice part was that with Harrys free hand, he was running it through my hair. That felt nice. What about this- A personal assistant at a financial firm? Claire piped up, her clear voice getting more confident around the boys. For some reason, Zayn, Niall and Harry burst out laughing. Like complete hysterics. I swatted Harrys hand away from my hair and sat up, narrowing my eyes at him. Whats so funny?! I think Id be good at that job. Harry stared at me seriously for a moment before laughing even louder. HEY! Will someone please tell me whats going on?! I snapped at the three of them. Claire looked bewildered as she watched the men she was raised to fear her whole life, roll on the floor in laughter. Sorry love, but I cant imagine YOU being a personal assistant to someone! Niall choked. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him questioningly.

I can do it. I decided. I felt Harrys hand wrap around my waist gently, his chin resting on my shoulder. I dont think you should do it, Darlin. No offense, but youd make a horrible personal assistant. He teased. I stood up angrily, pushing him off of me. I can definitely do it. I pouted. Harry laughed at my childishness and stood up next to me. Could you imagine lads? Her bossll ask her to fetch a tea and shell bring it back and dump it on his head. Harry laughed. Or hell ask her to make a photocopy and shell flip him off! Niall added in. Arent personal assistants supposed to do WHATEVER their boss wants? Like, WHATEVER he wants. Zayn raised his eyebrows up and down suggestively. I looked at him incredulously for a moment, feeling stupid, until it clicked. God, is everything about sex for you? I scoffed. NO! Zayn protested, sometimes its about alcohol, too. I rolled my eyes and went to sit down, but Harrys grip on my waist tightened, preventing me from doing anything at all. Harry- Youre not applying for that job, Darlin. He spoke firmly in my ear, his hot breath fanning my cheek. I tried to turn around to look at him, but he held me firmly. Harry, I can do what I please. Im interested i- Darlin, I said no, and thats final. Do you understand me? He snapped. I saw Claire stare at us with wide eyes, while Zayn and Niall pretended not to hear us. No, I dont understand you. Youre being an asshole. I hissed back. He let go of my waist, but roughly spun me around and held my shoulders. His eyes were blazing red with a fire of anger and jealousy. I. Said. NO! He shook me a little. What the hell is wrong with you? I yelled at him. His eyes narrowed at me. Watch how you talk to me. Harry. What the hell is wrong with you? I repeated, ignoring his warning.

I wont have you working in a job where your boss requires sexual favors from you. So I said no. Now stop arguing. He let go of me and slid against the wall, grabbing his laptop to resume the search. Zayn was kidding, Harry. I hissed at him. He looked up at me, rolling his eyes and then looking back at his computer. I dont care. I said no. His tone was stern, telling me that I should drop it. I already dealt with getting expelled today, so I decided not to start an argument with him. Fine, I sighed, sliding down next to him. He looked at me with surprise evident in his eyes for a moment. Really? He said to himself, turning back to browsing for jobs. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed. How about this- An intern at a financial institute? Pays not too shabby. Niall tossed a newspaper at me. Harry picked it up and read over the job description circled in red marker before handing it to me. It was an entry level position, but thats all I could get with my education and experience level. Honestly, it looked perfect. Whats the name of the company? Zayn asked lazily from the floor. Erm, Jacobs and Johnson Financial Institute. I read from the paper. Zayn shot up and exchanged a look with Niall. Hey Harry. Zayn called to him cautiously. Harry looked up at him suspiciously. Mmm? Remember that, er, business acquisition we made last week? What about it? Er, Jacobs and Johnson was one of the firms we, uh, invested in Zayn led on. I could tell that they were obviously not talking about investments, but I didnt say anything. Harry had yet to tell me what he and the guys actually do to make all their money, but Im not exactly sure I want to know. OH! Understanding crossed Harrys face, yes. Then thisll be a PERFECT place for you to work, Darlin. You wont even need an interview to get the job. All it takes is a little phone call from your boyfriend I want to get this job on my own merits

Nonsense, youre allowed to ask for help. No. I dont want you to call in, that wont help. I rolled my eyes. I dont care what kind of power Harry had over these people, but I didnt think itd be fair if he got me the job. I can be quite persuasive when I want to be, Darlin. If you think that your scare tactics will work on that firm, then youre mistaken. Youre not actually that scary. I teased. I am VERY scary. Harry looked over at me. I giggled at him and stood up. No youre not. Im going to see about scheduling an interview. I stated before turning away from the group and heading into the kitchen for privacy. Of course Harry followed. You dont get frightened by me anymore? He asked me playfully. I shook my head and bit back a smile. He tried to appear intimidating as came closer to me, but I could tell he was just kidding. No? Hmm, well have to change that! He roared, grabbing my waist and flinging me over his shoulder effortlessly. He ignored my pleas and protests as he carried me off to the bedroom. He flung me down on the bed roughly and climbed on top of me. Am I scary now? He asked, leaning down to purr in my ear. Nope. I giggled. He let out an animalistic growl before pinning my arms above my head and kissing up and down my neck End Notes: So this chapter was just filler. Don't worry, things will get better. I just needed to resolve things and have her get closer to Harry's friends so they could establish a dynamic. Even though this chapter was crap, please review!!! Back to index Chapter 25: Electric by Sophie Grey Chapter 25: Electric I giggled and squirmed, but he held me firmly beneath him, never once lifting his lips off of my skin. Harry I whispered, trying to get his attention. He stared up at me with black eyes, finally bringing his mouth up.

Am I scary now? He asked me, trying to seem mad but not really doing a good job of it. Oh yes. Oh youre so scary. So so so very scary. I teased sarcastically. He growled again and nuzzled his face into my neck. His breath hot on my shoulder, I could feel him breathing me in. My hands found their way to his hair and I mussed it a little. I was enjoying the feeling between my fingers way too much. His dark eyes trailed up and down my body before his fingers began to run along the hem of my shirt. Slowly, he slipped his hands on to my bare stomach, under my shirt, and travelled their way up. Z-Harry. I gasped, suddenly afraid at the darkness in his eyes. His eyes shot back up to mine, before traveling down to my body and pushing his hands up further, pulling my shirt up with them. Darlin, have you realized weve never been intimate. Ive just been stealing kisses. We havent even snogged properly. He whispered roughly, his voice hoarse and soft at the same time, his eyes lustful. I patted his head patronizingly, and shuffled under his touch. Zayn, Claire and Niall are all in the other room, Harry. He smirked at me devishly and removed his hands from my stomach. He pulled himself back up to me, hovering over me as his elbows supported his weight. He brought his lips down to my ear and allowed his teeth to graze. That only makes it more fun The danger Harry, no. I said as firmly as I could, making sure to catch his eye with a stern look. Live a little, Darlin. He challenged, his eyes glinting, trying to provoke me into a reaction. Harry, NO. Dont think I wont kick you in your baby makers again. I have no problem with that. I threatened in a low voice. He rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh. Bloody women he muttered under his breath as he pushed himself off of me and flopped down next to me on the bed. I propped myself up and looked down at him. Im going to make sure the boys havent broken anything or Zayn hasnt raped Claire. I whispered, kissing his nose teasingly and leaving the room. I could hear him grumbling profanities at me as I left. I couldnt help but smile knowing I had gotten Harry riled up.

Oh good, you havent destroyed anything. I muttered in appreciation as I walked back into the TV room. Claire looked at me thankfully, finally bringing another presence back in the room so she wasnt outnumbered by gang members. Nah, we were trying to keep it down to see if we could hear the shagging. Zayn replied casually with a dorito chip hanging out of his mouth. I blushed and looked away from him. All right, Harry spoke from behind me, tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dumber, get out of my girlfriends apartment. Zayn and Niall started muttering under their breaths and pushed themselves off of the ground. I have a date anyways, see you all later. Zayn mumbled. Harry rolled his eyes. Do you now? He asked incredulously. Mmhmm. With who? Two lucky ladies actually, called whiskey and scotch. Beer might show up later. Zayn elaborated. Niall burst out laughing and neither Claire nor I could suppress a smile. Harry, on the other hand, didnt seem to find it funny. Ive heard that before- you need to get new material, mate. He replied coolly. His mouth remained in a straight, hard line, but his eyes were dancing in amusement. I aint staying around for this verbal bullshit. Ill see you around Harryie, Zayn grinned, dodging Harrys sloppy punch. Dont be a stranger, Claire. Zayn winked as he leaned down and pecked her on the cheek, causing her to blush. Niall offered her his hand to shake, knowing full well that shed be more comfortable with that. Id give you a kiss too, but I dont think either of us would survive his highnesss fury. Ill see you around, Han. Zayn waved to me, pretending to whisper about Harry, but making sure he was loud enough to be heard. Out. Harry said seriously, but even he couldnt control the smile ghosting his lips. See you Olivia! Niall called to me, clapping Harry on the shoulder. Thanks for helping me with the job search, boys! I thanked them kindly, but they didnt respond.

Mate, you drove us here. So can we borrow your car or should we- Out. Harry pointed to the door, interrupting Zayn. The tube it is. Zayn grumbled, winking at me to let me know that the exchange between he and Harry was just playful. Olivia, go get your jacket. Harry ordered me. Why? I asked lazily, not wanting to get up from my comfy chair. Because Im taking you out as a celebration dinner- youve got a job! Claire, youre welcome to join us. He turned to her. N-no, she rushed out quickly, Id much rather stay here and clean up. She gestured to the varied bits and pieces of trash that littered our apartment. Dont worry about it, Ill send some of the boys over to deal with it. Harry shrugged. NO! She all but shouted, no doubt wanting nothing more to do with the guys of One Direction, Its fine. Ill do it. Really. She urged. We are not going out for a celebratory dinner. I decided leaning my head back and shutting my eyes gently. I heard Harry step in front of me and I could smell him before I could see him. I opened my eyes quickly and stared into his emerald ones. He was leaning over me, our noses barely touching. Excuse me? One, Im too tired, two, you never actually asked me if I wanted to go, AND three, I havent gotten a job yet so there will be no celebratory dinner as that will only jinx me. I pushed at his chest, trying to get some breathing room, but Harry wasnt budging. Lucky for you, your boyfriend has an in with the CEO of the company. So yes, youve got the job. He responded coolly, almost saying I didnt have a choice in the matter of my job any more. Harry, do NOT threaten him. Do you hear me? If you threaten him, Ill-Ill I couldnt think of a good threat fast enough. I frowned, why was it so hard to make a scary threat? Youll what? Harry chuckled at my frustration. Ill beat you up. I decided. Harry smirked down at me. I saw Claire in the corner of my eye shuffling about, not quite sure whether or not she should leave, as she clearly wanted, or stay, to make sure neither Harry nor I became violent.

Are you threatening me not to threaten your future boss? He asked, clearly amused. Yup. Gotta problem? Come on, Darlin. Lets go out to dinner, it doesnt have to be celebratory. He pleaded with me. He still trapped me in the chair my butt was glued to, his face inches from my own. Im tired. I whined. This whole day had been way too eventful. Ill make it quick. He promised. Thats what she said. I muttered, trying to slide out of the chair because Harry wasnt letting me up. He gripped my wrists and yanked me back up so that our eyes were level. Come on, get your coat. He coaxed, his strong cigarette breath blowing in my face. I glared back up at him angrily. I would, but some asshole isnt letting me up. He rolled his eyes at my snappish tone, but pushed himself off of the chair, allowing me up. I stood away from him and crossed my arms over my chest. Cant we stay in tonight? Im really ti- Thats it. He huffed in frustration. Harry took a menacing step towards me and hoisted me up over his shoulder with ease. HARRY! I shrieked, pounding at his back. Come on, Darlin. Were going out to dinner. He chuckled as he grabbed my coat off the rack and his keys off the table by the door. Obnoxious son of a bitch. Thinks he can do whatever the fuck he pleases. Fucking take me out against my will. Out of control cunt. I muttered as he carried me downstairs into the car park. Whatd you say? I didnt quite catch that. He laughed. Shut up. He continued to laugh at my bad mood as he set me down on me feet in front of his car. I glanced between him and the car with an angry expression. Dont make me force you into the car, Darlin, because I have no problems strapping you down in the back. He laughed. I pushed him away from me but climbed in the car, knowing full well he would follow through with his threat.

He slammed my door shut and took a few long strides to climb into the drivers seat. I am NOT happy about this. I informed him, staring out the window. He revved his engine and started driving like a maniac. Youll get over it. No, I dont think I will. Ill make it up to you. No, I dont think you will. Harry paused for a moment. I saw him glance at me in the corner of his eye. What if I buy you the fattest, greasiest food we can find in the city and then Ill track down the best damn ice cream youll ever have? Damn. This boy knows me too well The way to my heart is through my stomach; there is no doubt about that. Fine. I mutter, not willing to give up such a golden offer. Harry laughed at me, again, and moved one hand from the steering wheel and on to my knee. I felt my heart race at his touch, but pretended not to care. We had a good time, like we normally do. We fooled around and ate our hearts out, acting as if we were a normal couple. But we would never be a normal couple. When it was just Harry and I, and the stress of the world wasnt holding him down, it was great. He was great. He can be funny and lovable and caring and silly. He puts down his bad boy mask for a little while and shows me the real Harry. I dont think hes ever truly been himself for a long time. After the promised ice cream, Harry and I start heading home. Harry focuses on driving and humming along to some classic rock song on the radio, one hand on my thigh, while I tried my hardest not to doze off. My head rested against the window, my eyelids fluttering open and closed as I tried to focus on the darkness outside. Darlin. Harry whispered. I swatted him away with a moan, earning a chuckle in response. Darlin, come on, you have to wake up. He cooed at me. I reached out to slap him, but he caught my wrist in his hand and draped it over his shoulder. I moaned as he tried to pry me out of the warm car. Of course, he was able to effortlessly move me from my comfy position in the car, holding me bridal style against his chest.

Fuck you. I muttered, cracking my eyes open to stare up at him. He let out a throaty laugh as he kicked, yes kicked, his expensive car shut. I snuggled into his warmth and shut my eyes again. Harry held me tightly to him, not willing to let me go. When I heard an elevator door ding, I flutter my eyelids open and stare up at Harry incredulously. This isnt my building. I grumble accusingly. He presses the button for his penthouse and ignores me. Harry, why arent you taking me home? Its passed midnight, Darlin. I didnt want to wake your roommate. He justified, as if it were obvious. Im pretty sure Ive seen you pick locks before. I press, not quite sure why Harry didnt just break in my window or something. Thinking back to our first ever date, I seem to remember him breaking into my apartment building and getting in my room by picking a lock and destroying the piece of furniture I had placed in front of the door to prevent his entry. Not really feeling up to it at the moment, Darlin. He stated sternly, ending the conversation. I closed my eyes again and felt the elevator come to a stop before the doors opened. Harry carried me through his flat, eventually placing me down on his bed. My eyes were still shut as I tried to fall back asleep, but I knew it was his bed because of the smell. The musky, cigarette man smell. I breathed it in and nuzzled my face into his pillow. If you get your foundation on my pillow, I will be pissed. Harry informed me from somewhere in the room. I stuck out my hand and flipped him off, not willing to open my eyes. I felt the bed dip down next to me as he climbed over to hover above me. Come on, lets get you in bed. He chuckled. I felt his fingers run along the top of my shorts, slowly undoing the button and sliding them down. I didnt open my eyes as he pulled them down my legs and off of me entirely. His hands rested on my thigh, his rough finger pads digging into my skin as they rubbed circles. I smiled at the feeling that rushed through me at his touch. Harry I whispered, my eyes opening a little to make sure he didnt get the wrong idea. The room wasnt lit, so I could only faintly see Harry against the blackness surrounding me. He glanced up at me, his eyes dark, before his fingers traveled up to the hem of my shirt. Slowly he drew it up my stomach to my ribcage. I watched him in curiosity as a gentle kissed was placed right above my navel. His rough hands continued to push my shirt up passed my breasts. Arms up. He ordered gruffly as the material passed over my head. I watched him fling

the shirt on to the floor, his eyes turning back to me with darkness. His hands ran smoothly down my body, from my shoulders to my thighs, over my lacy bra and panties. One hand crept towards my inner thigh. His hand stopped, luckily, right before my panties. Carefully, I stretched my arms up and locked the around his neck, forcing him to come closer to me. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine gently, as if he were afraid Id pull away. When I moved my hands to his hair, the kiss became more heated. I tugged at his hair as his hands came up to grip my bare waist roughly. The pain that I felt from his fingers digging into my flesh actually provided pleasure. His lips hungrily attacked mine as his tongue pumped in and out of my mouth. He rubbed his hand down my waist and to my back then to my bum. As one hand gripped my waist painfully, to keep me in place, the other squeezed my panty-clad bum. I let out a moan against his lips. I could feel his smirk at my reaction. Bravely, I tugged his shirt up a little, revealing his abs. Automatically knowing what I was trying to do, Harry pulled away from me and ripped off his shirt. I looked up and down his bare torso, which was nothing new to me. Although his abs were only faintly outlined in the dark, I could clearly see his thick, muscular arms. I used to be afraid of his size- his muscular arms would have no problems in sending me to the hospital. I used to flinch every time he touched me. Now, I admired his strength as he hovered above me. I watched as his muscles tensed, bringing his body back down against mine. The feeling of our bare torsos touching sent electric sparks through my body. End Notes: ... I know, I suck. I left it off on a sort of cliff hanger again! In case you haven't noticed, that's my thing. Just to be sure you guys don't hate me too much, I am going to update this story again either tomorrow or Tuesday without a doubt!!!! You know the routine- reviews? What do you think? What do you want to happen next? Blah blah blah Back to index Chapter 26: Waiting by Sophie Grey Chapter 26: Waiting I felt Harrys surprisingly soft lips against mine. His hands groped me everywhere, moving too quickly, not quite sure where to stop. I felt his fingers run along my back and up to my bra clasp. Harry. I whispered, tilting his head up to look into the eyes that had been focusing on

my breasts. Mmm? I-I dont want to lead you on. He let go of my bra clasp and steadied me, making sure to lay me down on his pillow softly before sitting up a little. What dyou mean leading me on? He asked, his tired mouth slurring the British words together. I dont want to give you the wrong idea. Im not giving it up tonight. I whisper, holding his cheek in my palm. His brow furrowed, but his eyes didnt turn angry as I had expected. He looked almost rejected? Why not? Well, I just dont think its time yet, thats all. I muttered, sitting up across from him. Even in the dark I could see his eyes wander over my barely covered body, selfconsciousness flushed through my body. I awkwardly shuffled so that the pillow I had been sitting on was now in my lap and I could cover part of my body. Darlin, weve been together for like six months or something. He pointed out as he ripped the pillow away from me and tossed it on the floor. How long have we actually dated Harry? Just like a few weeks or something. Most of the time Ive been with you has been against my will, remember that? I point out as I try to slip underneath his duvet. Harry pins down my arm to prevent me from hiding from him. Stop it, Darlin. Youre beautiful, no need to hide your body. He tutted, pulling me by my waist so that I was right in front of him now, our eyes level, both our bodies crouched. I just think we should wait. Why? What would make a difference if we waited? Huh? He asked me, his rough fingertips trying their best not to bruise me in his grip. I-I just dont want to Please leave it. I begged him, not willing to get into too many embarrassing details with him at the moment. Would you just give me a bloody reason?! Harry snapped at me, youre fucking sitting here in your knickers and a bra, making me drool like a fucking pig and you wont even give me a fucking reason. He ran a hand through his hair to relieve some of his

frustration. I couldnt help but glance down at the growing bulge in his jeans. A fuzzy feeling washed through me and all I wanted at that moment was to have him inside me. Gross. Harry, I whispered apprehensively. I knew I would have to tell him eventually, but I was still reluctant to do so. What? He looked up at me angrily, waiting for me to continue. I-Im a virgin. I whispered quietly, looking down at my fingers as I fiddled with the sheets on his bed. I felt my face flush as Harry just stared at me. Well, shit. He huffed, collapsing onto his bed, lying next to me. I reached out for the shirt he had discarded earlier and slipped it over my head, slipping my bra off once I had the shirt over my head. Yeah I muttered, not quite sure how to respond. I needed to keep myself busy to avoid an awkward conversation with him, so I climbed off the bed and headed to the bathroom, leaving the door open as I removed my makeup and brushed my teeth. Seriously? Youre a virgin? He asked once I came back into his room. I nodded, not uttering a word as I picked up the pillow from the floor and slid into bed next to him, under the covers. Harry slid out as soon as I came in and removed his jeans before coming in next to me. This isnt a joke, right? He pressed, propping himself up on his elbow as he turned to face me. No, Harry. Can we drop it? I demanded, feeling childish and mortification at my inexperience. Harry reached his hand over to rub my cheek. Would you relax, Darlin. He chuckled at me. I tried to turn away from him, but his hand moved my face so that I was forced to look at him. Being a virgin is ok. Its ok. Ill help you. He whispered. But, Ill be so inexperienced and youll think it sucks I trailed off sadly. Darlin, with the amount of fire you got in ya, I doubt therell be anything sucky about it. That is, unless youre into that sort of thing He chuckles. I stifle a giggle at his comment, not wanting to change the seriousness of the mood. Look, Olivia, I know that youre a virgin and all, but Im the man and I have needs too, you know. He whispered.

Harry- I know- youre not ready tonight. Im not going to force you into anything. I just want you to know that you can trust me and that Ill take care of you. I stared at him for a moment, not really quite sure what to say. If we had been in this same situation a few months ago, I have no doubt Harry would have shut me up and taken my v-card. Its actually really shocking that the bad ass Harry Styles changed so much, just for me. I couldnt help but feel special. Im sorry. I whispered to him, reaching my hand up to his and intertwining our fingers. Dont be sorry. Whyre you sorry? He asked, scooting his body closer so we were pressed together. I felt his erection against my skin and blushed, knowing he couldnt see. I wont be able to please you and- Oh please. You being a virgin is the best thing Ive ever heard. He assured me. What? Do you know what that means? It means you are 100% mine and Ill be the first one and the only one to make you feel good. It means that no other guy caught you before. It means that no matter what happens, Ill always have some claim on you because Im the guy who took your virginity. Oh I flushed in embarrassment a little. It made me feel good when he put it like that. To be honest, Darlin, Im new at this too. Youre a VIRGIN?! I gasped, completely shocked. He immediately threw his head back in laughter, the booming sound echoed in the quite room. Absolutely not. Quite the opposite actually. Ive never had a girlfriend. Really? Yes, really. Youve had boyfriends, but youve never had sex. Ive had sex so many times, I cant keep track- TMI. I muttered. -But Ive never settled down with a chick before. Youre teaching me how to be a good boyfriend and Ill teach you how to be a good lover. Deal?

Deal. I nodded. He took our hands and shook them as confirmation. By the way, I know that all virgins have this fantasy that their first time will be special, but it never is. I promise to you that I will pull out all the stops and make your first time like it is in the movies. Ive never been a romantic guy, but Im going to pull out all the stops. When its time, you better hold on because Im gonna romance the shit outta ya. He promised, grinning at me like a fucking five year old. Harry And then Im gonna fuck you so hard, youre gonna forget about the romance shit and beg for more. He concluded. You have a way with words. I teased, lying on my back and staring at the ceiling. I heard Harry get out of bed, his feet padding towards the bathroom. Where are you going? I whispered, shutting my eyes as I prepare to doze off. Where do you think? He turned to look at me over his shoulder as he stood in the doorframe to the bathroom. I shrugged in response, figuring he had to piss or something. You may not be putting out tonight, but my body responded differently. Someones gotta get the job done, even if it aint you. He muttered as he shut the door so he could finish himself off. I woke up the next morning feeling hot, like really hot. I guess thats what I should expect with a 180lb, pure muscle weight pressed on top of me. Harry, I groaned, get off of me. No. He murmured back, his face buried into the pillow next to me. His shoulders were pressed against my arms, his stomach lying flat against mine and our legs intertwined. I cant breathe, let me up. I demanded, slapping at him a little. He moved his hands from underneath the duvet and caught my wrists, pinning them above my head. Sucks for you. Let. Me. Up. Now. No, you can never get up. Youre mine and Im gonna keep you here, under me, forever. I rolled my eyes and squirmed underneath him.

If you let me up, Ill make you pancakes. I promised. I felt his whole body go rigid before he pushed off of me, keeping his weight on his hands in a push-up position above me. Tempting, but you cant cook for shit. He offered me a half smile before collapsing on top of me again. I can make pancakes perfectly fine, thank you very much. Its the other food I have a problem with. He growled in response, but rolled over, freeing me from the human prison. Fine, but only because pancakes are involved. I giggled and slipped out of bed, wearing nothing but panties and Harrys t-shirt. I walked by his side of the bed as I searched for pants, but came up empty handed so I decided to just cook in what I was wearing. I felt a sharp sting on my butt cheek. Gasping, I covered the exposed, now hurting area. Harry tried to swat me there again but I jumped out of the way. Go make me pancakes. He ordered, pushing his face back into the pillow to fall back asleep while I made breakfast. I rolled my eyes but trudged off to the kitchen. The pancakes were a success. I didnt set the flat on fire and I didnt scald anyones face. Pretty good for me Harry floated in, literally, at the smell just as I served the food. We ate silently, both of us exhausted and neither of us morning people. Im pretty surprised, but these werent half bad. Harry mused, picking up his plate to lick up the remainder of the crumbs and syrup after all of his pancakes were gone. Pig. I spat, throwing my plate in the sink behind me and reaching for his. He angled his body away from me so he could continue licking his plate like a dog. His tongue pressed flat against the ceramic. Hey now, dont you start with the attitude Darlin. He warned, finishing off his plate and tossing it in the sink like me. I rolled my eyes and pushed my chair out, getting up to go change. Whatre you gonna do about it? I challenged, walking down the hall with my hips swaying back and forth. I heard him curse under his breath, thinking it best not to ever repeat those words. I slipped on my bra from yesterday and one of Harrys t-shirts and sweatpants. I guess Im bumming it today. Then again, I was never the type to get all dressed up, ever.

I spose Im should take you home now, yeah? Harry complained as he came into the room and slipped on some clothes. Yeah, I gotta get back and call my parents, give em a heads up about my expulsion. I sighed. And your new job. And the new job I might get on my OWN without your help. I added in, emphasizing the fact that I dont want Harry to have anything to do with it. Whatever helps you sleep at night, Darlin. Harry, Im serious. I warned, taking a step closer to him. He placed his large hands on my waist and held me in place, looking me over as if I was just there for his viewing. So am I. This is our last resort and Ill be damned if you think that not getting this job and moving back to the states is an option. He leaned down and connected his lips to my neck. I feel his fingers brush over the faint hickey I have from him. His lips move back to where his fingers had been, sucking at the skin, licking over my sweet spot with his tongue. I lean my head to the side to give him full access- after all, this was one of the conditions that he gave me. Hed be nice as long as I was marked. I gasped as his teeth penetrated the skin on my neck, the familiar feeling sending little butterflies through me. I belong to Harry Styles, his mark on my neck serving as a reminder for everyone, including me. I know Harry marked me to keep other guys away, hes admitted that plenty of times. But I also know that he marks me to keep me in line. To remind me that, at the end of the day, I belong to him and hes the boss. He may be sweet and gentle now, but his dominance is still over powering. He always needs to be in control of everything. He always needs to be in control of me. You look hot in my clothes. He whispered in my ear, the feeling of his breath sent shivers down my spine. Bitch, I look hot in anything. I shrugged, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing how much his words truly affect me. Youd look better naked. He mumbled to himself as he left the room. Without a doubt those words werent meant for me. A few minutes later Harry reappeared in the kitchen, just as I had finished the dishes and put them away. He spun his car keys on his finger and gestured for me to follow him. I decided to leave

my clothes here just in case I stay the night again. No doubt Harryll do the laundry by then. I followed Harry out to his car and slid into the passenger seat. He puffed out smoke, breathing cigarette smoke into the interior of his fancy shmancy car. I shot him a dirty look as he flicked the end of the cigarette butt. Thats a horrible habit. Youre going to kill yourself and everyone around you. I informed him. He rolled his eyes and moved both his hands from the steering wheel. Jesus Harry! I screeched. He laughed and grabbed the steering wheel with his left hand again. See, doing that can kill me and everyone around me, but I did it anyway. He shrugged. You couldve just said that, you didnt need to show me. I yelled at him, trying to steady my breathing down. He shook his head and took in another breath of cigarette smoke. Show, dont tell. He mocked. I reached out and slapped him across the chest and hit him as hard as I could. Asshole. I seethed. Hit me again and Ill spank you. He warned with a menacing smile on his face. I stuck out my tongue and looked out the window. When he pulled up to my apartment, he didnt get out like he usually did. Darlin, I gotta take care of some business, Im gonna drop you here cause I know that if I come in I probably wont leave. He leaned in and left a lingering kiss on my lips. Gentle, not heated like I had hoped. It was better than nothing though. Ill see you around. I waved, climbing out of his car, breathing in the fresh, noncigarette air. You bet your ass you will. Ill call you tonight, Darlin. Be good. He called as he roared away in his car. I sighed and headed into my building. I ignored the drunks littered on the stairs and shoved my key in the hole and let myself in the apartment. It was darker than usual, but I figured that Claire was probably just not up yet. Throwing my keys on the table, I stomped back to my bedroom to change out of Harrys clothing. As I whirled passed Claires room, I heard her crying. What? Claire never cries. I paused outside her door just to make sure what I heard was right.

Yup. Someone was sobbing on the other side of the door, no doubt. I bit my lip nervously and decided to enter. Carefully, I pushed the door open and poked my head in. In the corner of the room, Claire was curled up with her knees curled up under her chin. Claire? I whispered in shock. She looked up at me, revealing a bruised and tear stained face. Her hair was ruined, like destroyed completely. Her makeup was running and did I mention she was naked?? Yeah, well she was. Her whole body had scattered bruises and cuts. To be honest, her injuries werent too bad, but I know that Claire isnt strong like me so she wouldnt be able to deal with things like that. Holy shit, what happened? I gasped, running towards her. I crouched down next to her, but was too afraid to touch her. She looked so broken and scared. Hann-ann-annah. She sobbed. I rubbed her back gently, shushing her comfortingly as she cried. Claire-bear, what happened? I asked, not really sure whether or not I wanted to know the answer. H-h-Zayn, she whispered. My blood ran cold, knowing exactly where this was going. I removed my hand from her back so that it could form a fist. I bit my lip until it drew blood, anger completely taking over my body. He raped me, Olivia. End Notes: Ok... So the Clarry shippers- do you hate me or love me for this? Let me know what you think of this chapter? There was a little bit of sweet Zannah action, but the main point to this chapter was the last bit!!! Thoughts? Reviews? Love you all!!! Back to index Chapter 27: Independence by Sophie Grey Chapter 27: Independence *Claires P.O.V* I watched Harry carry Olivia out to his car and then set her on her feet. I made sure he didnt hurt her or anything, but I couldnt monitor them the whole time. He just helped her into his car and then sped off. Ever since Olivia came to the UK, Ive felt protective of her. An American girl in a foreign land, and my best friend. Yeah, its my job to look out for her. Despite all of my

attempts, somehow Olivia ended up with the most dangerous man in the city. Of course she would. I feel incredibly guilty, because this is basically all my fault. Still, I feel proud of Olivia because shes changed Harry. Even when things in that odd relationship become, er, violent, I know that she doesnt play victim and makes sure to leave Harry as fucked up as she is. Good for her. I wish I could be as assertive as she is. But thats not me. I would never be able to speak to Harry like Olivia does. I grew up in London, learning to fear One Direction ever since the town became theirs four years ago. A loud banging on the door brought me away from the window. Tentatively, I opened it up. Alright, gorgeous? Zayn fucking Malik was leaning in my doorway, looking me up and down hungrily. Oh, hello. I greeted lamely. I felt my cheeks redden under his intense stare. Harry here? I went round his but he wasnt there. Zayn asked, sidestepping me and inviting himself in. Nervously, I shut the door and turned to him. It made me feel uncomfortable to have him in my house alone with me, but I figured if Olivia was at one point in a room with ALL of One Direction by herself, Id be able to handle Zayn. Umm, he just took Olivia out. Im, umm, not sure where they went. Sorry. I shrugged quietly. Great. Well, hes not answering his phone, so Zayn licked his lips casually and plopped down on my couch. Oh, make yourself at home I can try calling Olivia. I offer, eager to get him out of my flat. I pull out my cell and dial the familiar number. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Hey, this is Olivia! I cant come to the phone right now, so leave a-. Click. I sighed and

slid my phone in my back pocket in disappointment. Shes not answering either I mutter. Well, if hes with Han then hell be back. Mind if I chill here? He wasnt really asking, he was staying whether or not I wanted him to. Well, I need to go to class soon I informed him nervously, shuffling my feet around. Eh, you can miss class today and hang out with me, love. He propped his feet up on my sofa and rested his head back on the cushion. I watched as he fiddled with his curls before looking back up at me. Well, I really shouldnt- Youre skipping class, Claire. I knew that if Olivia were in this position, she wouldnt put up with this shit. She definitely wouldnt. I could just imagine what she would say before storming off. I wish I could be like that, but I have been living in fear for so long that it goes against my nature completely. Oh, ok. I guess I submitted, inwardly cursing myself for being so weak. Come sit with me. He patted the sliver of space next to him. I waltzed over, but sat on the chair nearby, not on the couch. I didnt feel comfortable cozying up with him. He looked at me with narrowed eyes for a moment, making my heart race, before flicking on the TV and settling in. We spent like two hours watching whatever was on TV. A football match of some sort. Zayn didnt seem too interested in the game- clearly not a fan of either team, watching only because there was nothing else on. I didnt pay attention to the game at all. I pretended to, but I couldnt help but watch Zayn in the corner of my eye. His presence made me nervous. I remembered that one night where I pretended to be drunk and let him take advantage of me. He treated it like a routine- not acting mean, but not quite kind either. The sex wasnt too rough, but it was mostly to please him. There was none of the foreplay women liked. It was all about pleasing him- because the world revolves around One Direction. You look deep in thought. Zayn chuckled. I glanced up at him nervously, unaware until that moment that the game had ended, the TV was off and he had been watching me.

uh, yeah. I replied. Smooth, Claire. Real smooth. He flashed me a reassuring smile before standing up from the couch. You got any good beers here? He asked rhetorically, wandering into the kitchen to see for himself. I followed him in, stopping in the doorway to give him space. Shit, he cursed, all you gots a bunch of chick drinks. He slammed the fridge shut, making me jump. Well, we are you know chicks I reminded him awkwardly. He shook his head and began poking around in the cabinets, searching for a snack. Im just gonna I have to grab something I muttered, backing up slowly before heading to my bedroom. I walked over to my bed and sat down on the edge. Breathe. He isnt here to hurt you. Breathe. Harry and Olivia will be back soon. Breathe. Hes just being friendly. You know, I dont usually like double dipping. Zayns raspy voice startled me. I looked up to find him just stepping into my bedroom. Quickly, I stood up so that his height didnt completely dwarf me. Standing barely helped. His intimidating frame stepped closer. Kicking the door shut, he took the last step so that he was right in front of me. But, I figure itd be ok to make you the exception. He shrugged, reaching his fingers up to run along my cheekbone. My heart started beating out of my chest. He wants to seduce me. He wants to have sex with me. Hes gonna fuck me again. I laughed nervously and tried to think of what Olivia would do- kick him in the balls and walk out casually- no, that wouldnt do. Well, I really should, er, go grocery shopping. I muttered lamely. Grocery shopping? What the fuck is wrong with me? Why couldnt I have come up with a better excuse? Honestly I tried to play off my awkward excuse and walk past him, but he caught my arm and forcefully pushed me back, sending me into a painful collision with my back and the wall. I dont think so, love. He growled at me. I gulped as he began to make his way towards me. My hands trembled as I debated just giving in. No, Olivias right. Just because hes a part of the most dangerous gang in London, actually in Britain, doesnt mean he can just

get sex from random chicks whenever the fuck he pleases. Zayn, I gotta go. I said a little loudly, my voice shaking in fear as he continued to waltz towards me. His emerald eyes narrowed. Didnt you just hear what the fuck I said? He asked me, tilting his head to the side. His voice was calm, but anger etched into his composure. I felt my heart stop, like literally stop as he pressed his body flush against mine. Yes, but I need to run out. Sorry. I said bravely. I gave myself a mental pat on the back. Good for you, Claire. You sounded somewhat confident-ish. He raised his eyebrows at me. Listen, Claire. Harry might be turned on by that independence bullocks, but Im not. Youve already fucking disrespected me enough, so drop the attitude before I get angry. He threatened, his gravely, mad voice whispering in my ear. I could feel his lips on the tip of my ear. Please, Zayn. Just- I whimpered. He cut me off by crashing his lips onto mine roughly. I felt his teeth graze my bottom lip before his tongue forcefully entered my mouth. I placed my hands on his hard chest and tried to push, but it didnt work. Instead, it made him angry. Breaking away from the kiss, Zayn grabbed my wrists roughly and threw me onto my bed. I let out a small cry and pushed myself up against the headboard, trying to get as far away from Zayn as possible. He tugged me harshly by my ankle until I was underneath him. No matter how hard I kicked and clawed myself away from him, he was always able to keep me under control. Claire. Enough. Youre wearing my patience very thin. He hissed, leaning down over me. I whimpered as I felt his tongue travel down my neck. Thinking back to that time, all those months ago, when I willingly let Zayn fuck me, I remember getting the love bite. I remember the cold stares I received for two weeks after that. I remember being so lonely. I remember no one, male or female, having the guts to talk to me except for Olivia who was too innocently stupid to know otherwise. Thinking quickly, and irrationally, I kneed him in his junk- something that always seems to work for Olivia. I thought I had hit him pretty hard in the jewels, but apparently not. He didnt even flinch. Did this kid have balls of steel or something?! In movies, things happen in slow motion. A car accident. Falling in love. Being in a physical fight. Ive never experienced that- I never really had an experience worthy of

being in slow motion. Until now. Zayns arm raised over his head, his palm drawn back. I watched in horror as his hand came around and collided with my cheek. Again and again. Three times he hit me. It wasnt just a bitch slap or anything either. It was a forceful hit. Times three. I could feel a coppery taste in my mouth- blood?- and tears in my eyes. How could Olivia do this? How could Olivia be as brave and mouthy as she is, fully knowing the pain shell have to feel afterwards. That was the first time I had been hit by anyone. In my life. My Mum never even spanked me as a child. I had never been one for confrontations and I grew up with two younger brothers who would never hit me. Youve fucking asked for it! Zayn shouted as he pulled off of me. I wasnt about to sigh in relief though, I knew I just made things a whole lot worse. Suddenly, I was on the floor again. I let out a cry, hoping the neighbors would hear me. Zayn was there instantaneously, kicking me in my back and my thighs a few times before crouching down next to me. Claire, you should know better than to disrespect me like that. When I want somethingI get it, and it isnt your place to tell me no. He whispered menacingly. His hand yanked my hair, pulling me off of the ground as he stood. I screamed again. No one came running to my rescue. I guess Ill just have to teach you a lesson He decided. He slammed me up against the wall. His hands let go of my hair. One moved to secure my waist while the other held me against the wall by my throat. Its like you dont even fucking know who I am, or what Im capable of. He tightened his grip on my throat, blocking my airway so that I couldnt answer. The tears rolled down my stinging cheeks in a never ending flow. Kudos to Olivia for being able to survive this kind of brutality and maintain her independence. I guess it was stupid of me to try to stand up for myself like she can. Zayn released my throat and let me fall to the floor briefly, before yanking me back up

roughly by my upper arms. His fingers dug into my sensitive flesh. Its ok to flirt, but when I tell you to do something, you do it. When I want something, you give it. Got it? I nodded, unable to form words as he threw me back onto the bed. Leaning over me, he ripped off my shirt, my most expensive shirt, and threw the shreds on the floor. He pressed down on me and connected our lips roughly, my wrists hostage in his oddly large hands. My jeans were pulled off without the kiss being broken. And then my bra. He had to pull away to remove his own garments. Even his boxers found their way to the floor. My knickers were next. Kneeling beside me, Zayn yanked my head up again so that I was eye level with his, er, gentleman part. I cringed and tried to pull away, but that only made him yank harder. Suck. He demanded roughly. Zayn, I- SUCK! He interrupted my begging by pushing my face against his dick. Unwillingly, I let it in my mouth. Zayn had to guide my movements, pulling my head back and forth with his hands as he made a strange moaning sound above me. His hard dick was pushed further down my throat until I couldnt breathe and an animalistic gagging sound came from my mouth. I guess he decided that was enough because he pushed me down and climbed on top. Looking down at me for a second before crashing out lips together, Zayn adjusted so that he was comfortable. Without any more foreplay, he shoved himself inside of me. I let out a whimper of pain, but it was muffled against his lips. My body heaved up and down in sobs, but he paid no notice. He broke our lips apart as he began to thrust, again, again, again, again, again, and again. Profanities slipped from his lips as he enjoyed the feeling of me tightening around his cock. I wasnt even wet and he didnt use any lube. My vagina felt like it was literally on fire. This was more painful than the beating. Say my name. He demanded. I refused to do it. I couldnt. My teeth were pressed down so harshly on my bottom lip that it drew blood. I could taste salty tears as they dripped on my lips. Say my name or Ill pull out right now, spank you like a fucking 6 year old, and start this process all over again.

Zayn! I rushed out, my teeth releasing my lip letting blood trickle out. He groaned in pleasure and thrusted some more. Again. ZAYN! His cum exploded inside of me. The thrusting continued for a little while as he panted and cursed above me. The thrusting finally began to slow. I closed my eyes as he pulled out, panting from the movement of his hips. I felt his presence leave my bed. Moments later, a zipper was heard. Get up. He demanded roughly. I opened my eyes timidly to find him fully clothed, hovering over where I lay on the bed. I tried to get out of bed, not willing to defy him again. It worked- I learned my lesson. I couldnt muster the force to push myself up. My body was in too much pain, my arms were shaking weakly. I SAID GET UP! He roared. I cant. I pleaded, afraid of what he will do. He rolled his eyes and grabbed me, throwing me into the corner of the room. Oh for Gods sake. Zayn came over to me. I pulled my feet in, tucking my knees under my chin and tried my best to prevent any of my vital organs from getting damaged as he kicked me again. Crouching down, I was met eye to eye with the devil. Are you going to disobey me again? He asked me. I shook my head quickly. I heard an evil chuckle before the mop of curls pressed against my cheek as his teeth made contact with the skin on my neck. It was a quick, sharp pain, and it was over quickly. I squeezed my eyes shut knowing that the hickey was the least of my worries at this point. Zayn pushed himself away from me and allowed his height to loom over me. See you Claire, he said casually. I whimpered a little, at the sudden change in his tone and aura. I watched him walk to the door in my room, pausing in the door way to look over his shoulder. Hate to break it to you doll, but I wont be coming back for thirds. He winked. I suppressed the urge to vomit, at least in front of him, and remain unresponsive.

Oh by the way, no need in telling Harry I was looking for him. Ill head over to his apartment and wait there. Bound to run in to him eventually. Zayn trailed off, speaking more to himself as he left the room, closing my door behind him. I waited quietly until I heard my front door slam shut before I burst out into sobs. It mustve been an hour later when I heard my door open again. Glancing up in fear Zayn had come back, I was relieved to find the outline of a woman. Olivia. Claire? She gasped. I could only look at her. What must be going through her mind? What must my best friend think of me? Holy shit, what happened? She rushed over to me, crouching next to me. She waited to touch me, obviously afraid of my fragile state. I hated letting people see me cry. I just hated it. It was weakness and I could never do it. I guess its a little late now. Hann-ann-annah, I sobbed, unable to even form her name. Claire-bear, what happened? she asked again, rubbing my back soothingly. H-h-Zayn. I whispered. I instantly saw the blood drain from her face and her hands turn into fists. Im guessing she knew full well what I was going to say next. He raped me, Olivia. End Notes: So.... I know you've been waiting for Zannah smut and I haven't given any yet, but I figure Clarry smut is better than no smut! Sorry about last night- I thought I had posted a chapter and I tweeted about it but the chapter didn't upload properly. I hope this was worth the wait! I love you all for reading. Honestly, this is my most popular story and I never thought it would make it this far. Thank you all. Please review! I would love to know what you think!!!! Back to index Chapter 28: Fucking Insanity by Sophie Grey Chapter 28: Fucking Insanity *Olivias P.O.V* Claire, listen to me- youre going to get through this. Hes not going to touch you again. I promise. I whispered to her, tears in my eyes. She hugged me back lightly, careful not to press to hard into me because her entire body was covered in bruising. I-Im so sorry to leave you. She cried into me. I hushed her and opened the cab door, helping her out gently.

Claire, dont you dare fucking worry about me. Go home and rest, do you hear me? I scolded her lightly, giving her another hug and sliding back into the taxi as I watched her stumble up to her Moms apartment building. I watched the older looking version of my best friend hugged her daughter. I tore my eyes away from Claire for the last time and told the cab driver Harrys address. After Claire and I cried together on the floor in her room, I helped her clean up and put her to bed for a while. As she slept, I packed up all of her stuff and called her mom explaining what happened. When Claire woke up screaming an hour later, I made her a cup of tea and then hailed a taxi. She didnt want to leave me, but there was no other choice. Claire is in a delicate and fragile place. Although her mom lives in the other side of London, I still felt that she needed to go home. Also, I dont think its safe for Claire to be associated with me anymore. I should have kicked her out a long time ago. Even though pushing Claire out meant that, job or no job, I could no longer afford to stay in the apartment, I knew I had to do it. As the cab driver tore down the streets of London, I worked on my breathing. Seeing Claire hobble up to her mother made the situation even more tangible. Im going to kill Zayn fuck-up Malik. I felt my phone buzz as I received a text. Just got home- with the boys. Pick u up in 20 min. xxxHarry I rolled my eyes. I was going to be at Harrys apartment before he gets the chance to leave. Zayns already there and I have a bone to pick with him I thrust the only cash in my pocket at the cab driver and raced into Harrys building and onto the elevator. When I reached Harrys floor, I waited anxiously for someone to buzz me in. When I get my hands on that dark haired asshole The doors opened to reveal Harry staring at me in surprise. Darlin, I said that Id come pick you up. Didnt you get my text? He asked me, reaching for me to pull into a hug. I slapped his hands away and rushed passed him. Olivia. He called after me as I raced into his TV room. Olivia! I heard Eleanor call my name in delight. I completely ignored her as my eyes

zeroed in on the fucking rapist himself. I ignored the chorus of hellos from everyone in the room as I tried to breathe rationally. Darlin! I heard Harry call to me as he entered the room, confused by my rudeness of ignoring him at the door. If I attacked Zayn, there were three things that could happen. A. Zayn turns on me and beats the shit out of me. B. Harry separates us and beats the shit out of me. C. Harry separates us and beats the shit out of Zayn. Eh, fuck it. Ill take my chances. I lunged at Zayn, knocking him clean off the sofa. I tackled him to the ground, pinning him beneath me as I began throwing punches. I could tell that the two hits I got in barely did any damage to Zayns face, but as I pictured Claires broken body I couldnt help the anger flowing through my body. Almost immediately I was ripped off of Zayn. The shouting and screaming around me, bringing me back to reality. As I kicked and punched Harry, who was holding me back from behind, I glanced around everyones face. Harrys gang, Niall, Louis and Liam, were all staring at me with shocked faces, while theyre girlfriends, Eleanor and Danielle, looked a little afraid. Zayn was on the ground, propped up on his elbows, staring at me like I was insane or something. None of them were making a sound. The shouting was coming from behind me. OLIVIA!! What the fuck are you doing???! CALM THE FUCK DOWN!! He shouted angrily. The screaming was even louder though. The screaming was coming from me. YOU BASTARD! Wait until I get my hands on you!! LET ME AT HIM!! I screeched as I tried to get away from Harry. God, get your woman under control. Zayn scoffed as he pushed himself off the ground. This made me see red. In a very stupid move, that I did not think about beforehand, I slammed my foot as hard as I could into Harry. I hit is leg, causing him to lose his footing. Taking advantage of this, I flung myself back on top of Zayn. This time, Harry came tumbling down with us. I only managed to forcefully slam Zayns back against an ottoman before Harry flipped me over and pinned me beneath him. He grabbed my wrists in one hand before I could fight him.

SLAP! What the fuck are you doing? Are you fucking insane?!! He shouted at me. I blinked back tears, not willing to show him how hard his hit actually was. My whole cheek was throbbing. Just. Let. Me. At. Him. I hissed between my teeth. Zayn got up again and looked down at me, shaking his head. Crazy cunt. WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!! I began thrashing about underneath Harry, trying to get up so I could tackle Zayn again. Harry straddled my waist, his knees on either side of me holding his weight firmly on my waist. ENOUGH! He shouted, shaking me roughly. Get off me, you asshole!! I screamed. I could faintly hear Louis and Eleanor arguing about something in whispers, but I couldnt focus on them. Harry shook me again. Listen to me, Darlin. Im going to get up and you better fucking explain what in Gods name is going through your screwy little brain when you decided to attack my mate. He spat at me. I glared up at him in response. I have no problem throwing you back on the floor and disciplining you if you try to pull anything, Darlin. He reminded me as he stood up and roughly yanked me with him. He spun me around to face Zayn, who was rubbing his elbow which had been injured after I tackled him the second time. Apologize and explain. Harry commanded. I looked up at Zayn for a long moment. This man attacked my best friend. This man raped her. This man broke her. This man forced her to move back home. This man ruined her. Zayn, I took a deep breath and stared up at him. I should just explain what happened and why Im pissed, but for some reason I dont think thatll help. These boys have some twisted vision of how to treat women. The only way to get through to him is violence. Harry taught me that. IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!!! I screeched, losing it again and trying to lunge for him. Harry held me tightly, but I could tell it was difficult. Niall had to come and hold my other arm down because Harry was clearly struggling so much.

Never before has Harry had to get help in controlling me, but I guess the adrenaline from my anger was making me much stronger. Together, the two of them dragged me across the apartment. While they remained silent, I shouted profanities at Zayn and the other two boys. Shut the fuck up if you know whats good for you! Harry shouted angrily as he threw me into his room, my body slamming against the bed frame sending pain through my bones. The door was banged shut and a small click signified that I was locked in. Immediately, I got up and started to pound my fists against the door. No response. HARRY! I shouted. I probably should have handled the whole situation differently, but I was just so angry. All I could think about was attacking Zayn. Now that Im locked in Harrys room, I definitely should have just told Harry to beat Zayn up. It wouldve hurt Zayn more anyways. I gave up after a few minutes, once my knuckles started to bruise. About an hour later, I heard footsteps near the door. I stood up and waited for Harry to come in so I could start explaining. When he stepped in, though, I couldnt bring myself to speak. His eyes were black with fury. I had really done it this time. He looked me over and clenched his jaw. I saw his chest heave up and down angrily and his fists curl and uncurl again. Harry, I- Do you know what happens when someone attacks One Direction, Dariln? He interrupted me, his voice low and gruff. I clamped my mouth shut and shook my head. Do you want to know why that is? No one has ever lived to tell the tale. He hissed. I shrunk back as he took a step closer to me. You see, someone so much as look at one of us the wrong way and thats it. Theyre 6 feet below. And then you go ahead and fucking attack Zayn. Hes out there FUMING, Olivia. Harry continued, his voice rising rapidly as he paced in front of me. I sat down on his bed and looked at my knees as if I were a child getting scolded. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FUCK TO DO WITH YOU!! He shouted. I jumped at his voice, but didnt look up. I mean, we should be killing you right now. The only reason Zayn hasnt stabbed you is

because youre my girlfriend. He continued, his voice never dropping in volume. Harry, I- You know what happened to Eleanor? She fucking slapped me once, when Lou first started bringing her around. I made a comment and she got pissed. You wanna know what happened to her? Louis used his belt She was in the hospital for four fucking days and she couldnt walk for a week. I shuddered at the image. Poor El And all she did was fucking slap me, Olivia. You attacked Zayn. I have no idea what the fuck to do with you, I mean honestly He ran his hands through his hair and looked at me. He still seemed angry, but at least he wasnt pummeling his fists into me, yet. I dont know what you expect. You know what the dynamic of the gang is. And I dont want to lose you, but I have to make sure you get punished for the shit you pulled out there. He continued, his voice no longer shouting at me. I decided to take advantage in the brief lull of his speech. Is this the part where you ask me why I attacked Zayn, or does that come after you beat me senseless? I asked bitterly. We both knew what kind of a predicament Harry was in. He beats me, I leave him. Ive made that clear. He doesnt beat me, and he seems like a pussy to his gang which makes him vulnerable and susceptible. Dont you dare start with me- I am in no mood to deal with your shit. He snapped. I avoided the urge to hide under the bed and stood up, my eyes not quite at his level but at least he didnt completely tower over me like when I was sitting. I think I get a fucking chance to explain myself. You know Ill be damned if I go down without a fight. I dont even care what your explanation is, though Im sure Zayn would love to hear it. Harry stepped closer to me. I was completely lying before- Harry dwarfed me. Zayn already fucking knows. I spat. I saw fire flash in Harrys eyes, his teeth clamping down and his chest starting to heave again. Shit. He grabbed my arm tightly, send a wave of pain to my fingers. I let out a small cry but he pretended not to hear it as he dragged me back into the TV room where his friends all sat around talking in hushed murmurs. No doubt the conversation was about me. The talking stopped as soon as I entered. Now why dont you tell everyone the reason behind your fucking insanity before I make

it so you cant speak for a while. I cringed at Harrys threat but still managed to glare up at him. Dont you dare look at me that way. He snapped, shaking me a little. I turned my eyes away from him and gazed out at my expectant audience. Liam, Niall and Louis all glared up at me like I was a weed that needed to be pulled or a bug that needed to be squashed. I was a pure disrespectful annoyance to them and nothing more. Zayn looked at me with, as you can surely guess, pure hatred and violence. He wants to hurt me. Danielle stared up at me nervously, her body shaking as she latched herself onto Liam, her eyes wide in fear for my personal safety. Eleanor just looked at me disapprovingly, I could tell I had a scolding coming on from her. Still, I didnt miss the ways her eyes danced over my body, looking for bruises, or the sigh of relief that escaped her lips when she found none. Were waiting. Harry snapped. I think you should get the fucking bastard to tell you what happened. I hissed back at him, being stupid once again. Harrys open palm connected with my face again, sending me a few steps backwards. I saw Eleanor flinch at the loud noise while Danielle had to look away. Speak to me like that again, I dare you. I want to get it out there that I have no bloody idea what the bitch is talking about. Zayn muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. I flared my nostrils and sent icy daggers at him. Taking a step forward, I got ready to punch him, but Harry saw what I was going to do. He quickly pulled my back against his chest and pinned my arms at my side. Dont you even think about it. He warned in my ear. Attack me one more time and I WILL hit you back, Zayn stepped towards me to threaten me, his own eyes burning with hatred. Alright mate, step down, Harry ordered, Ill handle my woman, thanks. He warned Zayn. I think youve proven that you cant handle her. Zayn retorted, but backed off. Now Darlin, you better fucking explain to Zayn what the bloody hell was going through your screwy mind when you decided to attack him or Ill put you in your place, which is the hospital, in front of everyone. I pushed Harry off of me as hard as I could, which really only made him let go of me for a second before he grabbed me again.

He raped Claire. The whole room went silent for a moment before it erupted in chaos. End Notes: Okkk so I know it's been forever but please don't hate me!! I'm going through some shit, but hopefully things will clear up and I'll have more time to write. I didn't mean to take out my shit on you guys by not updating ANY of my stories. Sorry. On another note... Tell me what you think!! And thanks for reading and remaining patient and loyal to me! P.S check out one of my other bad boy stories Infinity p.p.s Do you notice that I have a thing for cliff hangers...? Back to index Chapter 29: Dark Side by Sophie Grey Chapter 29: Dark Side The whole room went silent for a moment before it erupted in chaos. Danielle was sobbing. Hysterically. And Liam was trying to comfort her, but to be honest, kindness and patience arent exactly Liams forte. Eleanor started shouting at Louis about his involvement, causing the two of them to get into a heated argument. Harry immediately began shouting at Zayn, but still didnt let go of me. He knew that if his grip loosened even just a little, that I would launch myself at Zayn again. Niall rushed to Zayn and began to calm him down because, sure enough, he began shouting too. Mate, dont do anything rash. Niall cautioned. MY FUCKING SEX LIFE IS NONE OF ANYONES BUSINESS!! Zayn roared. I struggled against Harry, wanting to slap Zayns stupid face but my boyfriend was holding me tightly. But you really had to go off and fuck her best friend?! Harry shouted back. They got into an argument, and for only that moment, I was silent. Then, I started to thrash and scream again. See what a bloody mess youve left me to deal with!! Harry snapped at Zayn as he started to back out, dragging me with him. I watched Louis roughly grab Eleanor and push her towards the elevator in Harrys penthouse. I guess they were leaving Eleanor shot me a sympathetic look before resuming her fight with Louis. He ignored her and stepped onto the elevator. Soon enough those two were gone.

Liam held Danielles hand as he walked with her towards the elevator too. He looked worn out from dealing with her, while Danielle was still sobbing. By the time the elevator arrived for them, Harry had somehow managed to get me down the hall. Harry, dont- SLAM! I was locked back in his room again. I shrunk down into a ball and sat on the floor, my back pressed to the door. Even though I wasnt listening for him, I could still hear Harrys conversation with Niall and Zayn. You alright? Niall asked. Bloody fine. The bitch didnt make a dent. Zayn replied curtly, his voice laced with anger. Hey watch it. Harry cautioned, finally sticking up for me. Jesus, mate, calm down. I didnt lay a fucking finger on her. You know, it was fucking stupid of you to rape Claire. You knew Olivia would find out and react like that. Now I have to go sort her out. Harry grumbled. Claire was disrespecting me, so I had to put her in her place. You clearly have forgotten how to discipline your woman! Hey!! Harry snapped. You know Im right, Harry. Especially after that stunt your bird pulled. Well, believe me, she wont pull shit like that again. I cringed at the tone in Harrys voice. Somehow, he wasnt mad at Zayn except for the fact that Zayn made me angry. In fact, Harry was only pissed that he had to deal with me. Just get out of my fucking flat, and Ill give ya a ring tomorrow. Yeah? I heard a bunch of murmurings after that. It was quiet for a few more minutes, so I assumed Niall and Zayn finally left. Then, Harrys doorknob started to rattle. I launched myself across the room and made it look like I had just been chilling on his bed and not eavesdropping on his friends. We need to talk.

Like hell we do. Please tell me you left Zayn on his ass with a black eye. He rolled his eyes at me and stepped next to me. Stand up. He demanded. I carefully stood up and stared at him. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared down at me. His eyes narrowed. I cant believe you think you can just- I cant believe you! I shrieked, cutting him off. I poked his chest, stepping towards him. He raised his eyebrows at me and set his jaw. I knew I was pressing his buttons, but I got seriously pissed. I cant believe you are fucking siding with Zayn when he RAPED MY BEST FRIEND!! Darlin, calm down. He grabbed my wrist and shoved me backwards, my back hitting the wall. He put his hands up on either side of my head and leaned in. I could smell the cigarettes on his breath. Claire needed to learn her place. She knew what she was dealing with. He whispered to me, his voice taking on a ring of authority. HE RAPED HER, you asshole! I shouted back, pounding my fists into his chest. He caught my wrists and held them above my head. He leaned in close to me so that he could look at me eye level. Olivia. I understand youre angry and I know that Zayn raped Claire, but there is nothing you can do about it now. He spoke to me slowly, as if I were a child. I could tell I was wearing his patience thin and his calm composure was cracking. There is something I can do about it- I can fuck up his man parts so bad he wont be able to rape anyone again! I declared, not really thinking about the fact that if it came to a physical confrontation I had no hopes in messing up Zayns junk. Calm down, Darlin. He whispered to me. Slowly he released his grip and backed up. I buried my face in my hands and just started sobbing. How can you fucking defend him when he raped someone?! I peeked through the cracks in my fingers to see Harry scratch the back of his neck and look at the floor guiltily. Well you see, Darlin, its more of a power thing. We need to show everyone what were capable of. I let my hands drop as I stared at him, mouth agape, in absolute horror. W-w-what do you mean? Z-z-Harry Have you r-raped anyone? I whispered. He looked back up at me sadly and then turned his gaze to the window.

Dont ask questions you dont want the answers to. I let out a choked gasp and fell to my knees. I didnt cry, for some reason I couldnt. I just needed to hold myself together, so I wrapped my arms around my body. Darlin, you have to understand, he came over to me and put his arm on my shoulder. DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME. I snapped. Harry moved his arm away from me, but remained kneeling in front of me. Oh shit, what have I done? Oh shit, what have I gotten myself into? I whispered to myself. I know One Direction is a badass gang and I know Harry is the leader. I know Harry killed people- but I didnt really let myself truly process it. The only people I knew he killed were three guys who assaulted me. They were hardly innocent. But this Harry raped innocent girls. He may have killed innocent people too. Holy shit. I stood up quickly and stomped out of Harrys room. Olivia! Olivia, where are you going? Harry called after me as I pressed the button for the lift. He approached me and looked down at me seriously. I could tell he was upset by my reaction, but at that moment, I couldnt give a shit. Harry is a monster. Home. I hissed at him. Come on, can we just talk about this? He begged. Im going home. I repeated. Ok, you need time to cool off, I get that. Ill drive you. He decided, stepping onto the elevator with me. He pressed the button for the garage and watched me carefully as the doors closed. Im not going back to my apartment, Harry. Im going home, home. As in, America, home. I whispered. He spun around quickly and pressed me against the wall. No, you cant leave. Well work through this. Please, Darlin. He begged. The expression on his face was so hurt and broken that it was heartbreaking. I had to force myself to look at the floor to gain the strength to continue. I cant, Harry.

I know Ive done bad things, but youre changing me. Please, dont leave me. Dont leave me like my Mum and sisters did. He pleaded. I bit my lip and let a few silent tears fall as he reminded me of his past. I thought about everything Harry and I had. Yes, there was lots of bad in our relationship, but things were great too. When it was just the two of us and Harry let his walls down Harry, you dont understand. I dont have school, I dont have a job yet. I cant pay for my apartment without a roommate. I just, I have no other place to go. I need to go home. I allowed myself a quick look at him only to see actual tears streaking softly down his face. The fearsome Harry Styles was crying? I-I think I love you, Olivia. Im sorry for everything. Im so sorry. I never meant to drag you into my world, but I just- I really care for you. Please, please dont leave me. He begged. I stepped off the elevator when the doors finally opened and started walking up the ramp out of the garage. He followed me quickly and stepped in front of me, blocking my path. And do what, Harry? Stay where? There is nothing left for me here. The little I have to my name will be used to by a one way ticket to the U.S. I said as coldly as I could, looking passed him. His eyes were the rare warm brown that I only got to see when he let his guard down. I was so used to the black anger that usually controls his features that I was thrown for a loop. You have me, Olivia. Im whats left for you here. We fight all the time, Harry. Youve-youve raped and killed people. Youre world is terrible and dangerous and frightening. I would never hurt you. You already have. IVE CHANGED! He shouted, causing me to jump back in fright, cant you see? Youve fucking changed me!! I cant bloody control it, but for some reason you make me want to be a better person. I looked off into the distance, more tears slipping down my cheeks. Where am I supposed to live? What am I supposed to do with my life? I whispered, my voice coming out all broken. His fingertips cautiously reached out for me and stopped the tears trailing down my face. You can apply for that job we found. And-and you can live with me. I can take care of

you. He suggested. I looked over at him and tried to ignore the part of me down deep that wanted to move in with him and live a life like he offered. Weve barely just started dating for real Harry. You cant leave me, I wont let you. He replied. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek before side-stepping him and walking out of the building onto the street. I refused to let myself look back for fear that I would crumble and run into his arms only to be engulfed in his twisted world. Olivia, please. I faintly heard him whisper. I cried silently as I continued my way up the road, pretending like I didnt hear him. I heard his heavy footsteps jog up to me from behind, but I kept going. Olivia! He called, a little more determined. I kept walking, but halted when I bumped into a firm chest. He had caught up to me quickly. Before I could side-step him again, Harry grabbed my arms and held me still in his rough grasp. Youre not leaving me. I wont let you. I furrowed my brow and looked up into his eyes. Black. Pure black. The darkness sent chills down my spine. His eyes opened up gates to his worst side. His dark side that everyone else knows. The side I so desperately tried to forget. Harry, I- I began nervously. His expression made me want to cower and cry because I was actually truly afraid. Youre not leaving me! I wont let you! He repeated, this time louder. He let go of me briefly, but before I could try to run, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I let out a scream, even knowing that no one would stop and help me. End Notes: So I'm not gonna lie, I didn't really have a plan for this chapter, I kind of just wrote and somehow my fucked up brain made it end up here. I wanted to have fun with it and just write and for some reason this is the way it went... Yeah... Harry got soft for a few chapters, but now bad boy Harry is back, guys.

I hope everyone had a nice Easter or Passover or whatever! :) I have a huuuuuuge favor to ask all of you- I'm not quite sure how the 1dff awards and voting works, but if you guys vote for me for best Harry or any other category then I will love you forever. In fact, if I get nominated to the voting round then I will update 5 chapters in a row. I pinky swear!! Thanks for reading and tell me what you think!!! I love you all!!! Back to index Chapter 30: Like A Child by Sophie Grey Chapter 30: Like A Child I knew there was no use in struggling. Harry is a strong guy, much stronger than me, so all the punches and kicks and squirming almost had no effect on him. I fought anyways. We traveled through the garage and back to the elevators. Harry stoically carrying me fireman style, and me flailing on his shoulder, trying to get him to put me down. Epic fail. But, when the elevator doors were closed successfully and Harry hit his floor number, he did actually place me on my feet. I couldnt run anywhere anyways, because we were trapped in the elevator, but Harry still gripped my upper arm harshly, keeping me by his side. Let go of me, you fuckwit. I hissed at him. His steely gazed remained focused forward, eyes on the door and a mask of emotionlessness across his features. He pretended like he didnt hear me, but I knew he did because his grip on my arm tightened significantly. I felt his fingers dig into my flesh, his palm pressing into my arm. I let out a small whimper at the pain, but he pretended not to hear again. Harry, ow. I emphasized. He rolled his eyes but kept his eyes forward. The doors opened, revealing the apartment I had just fled from. Harry kept his grip on me and jerked me into the flat, leading me to the TV room and practically throwing me on the couch. He walked away from me, into the kitchen. I could feel my heart pounding pretty much out of my chest. Did I lose the sweet Harry I knew because I tried to leave? I felt guilt wash over me- I had completely forgotten about his childhood, so I didnt realize the fresh wounds I opened until Harry reacted poorly. I understood his pain, heck I could feel it. Still, I feel like Harry may have overreacted a little But that was his thing, wasnt it? A violent overreaction. I slid off the couch and pressed the button to the elevator. When it came I stepped in

cautiously and pushed the garage floor. Nothing moved. Of course not. But I was expecting this. As I had learned in my first visit here, Harrys elevator only moves with a key. You know you cant go anywhere, Darlin. Harrys voice caught my attention. I looked up to the doorway to the kitchen where he was leaning against the frame, his arms crossed over his chest. It was worth a try. I retorted, stepping off the lift and back into his apartment. My voice came out stronger and calmer than I thought it would. My whole body was shaking with fear, but I somehow managed to hide it. Well, at least I thought I did. Im not going to hurt you, you mustnt be so afraid. Harry said softly, staying where he was. I guess he could see right through my act. It was kind of scary how well Harry knows me, and how well I know him. We know each others tells. What do you expect me to say to that, Harry? I snapped, angrily. He cast his eyes away from me and to the floor. I sighed and sat down on the couch, looking away from him. It was a few moments until anyone spoke. What do you want for dinner? I was thinking Chinese food, cuz I dont really feel like cooking and I know you dont either. He started a new conversation, as if nothing were wrong. I looked up at him in disbelief before getting up from the couch and walking away. I ignored him completely as I walked by him, down the hall and to the study. I knew that he knew what I was doing, but for some reason, he didnt follow me. I strutted passed his giant, mahogany desk and to the window. Glancing down, the reassurance of the fire escape made me smile. I glanced behind me nervously, waiting for Harry to show up with anger. No sign of him. It was almost as if he wanted me to escape. I took a shaky breath and gripped the window, pushing it lightly.

Didnt move. I tried again and pushed with all of my might. No movement. Was it locked? I quickly flicked the little lock on top of the frame, unlocking it. Too easy. When I tried to open it again, it didnt budge The fuck? I stepped back and looked at the window with confusion. Why wouldnt it open? I sealed it shut permanently. I had the frame melted into the sill so that the window cant open. Harrys voice startled me. I jumped and spun around. He was leaning in the doorframe again. W-when did you do that? He thought about it for a moment, after the last time you escaped out my window so its been a little while. You cant do that! Its a safety hazard. What if the flat catches fire? The elevator surely wont be affective. I began to argue. Then I guess youll just have to trust me He shrugged, walking away. I followed him out of the study warily. Im gonna order take-away, what do you want? He called back to me. Nothing. I snapped, flopping down on the couch. Harry rolled his eyes and picked up his phone. I heard him order into it, but didnt really pay attention to what he was saying. I tried to shut my eyes and go to my happy place, but I felt the couch dip down as someone distracted me. Want to watch a movie? I didnt answer him. I wasnt necessarily being a child in that I was giving him the silent treatment, but I honestly couldnt talk to him right now. Come on, Darlin. He let his hand graze over my knee. As soon as I felt his touch, I shuffled to the other end of the couch. Olivia, cmere. He ordered gently, sounding slightly frustrated. I looked to my left, at the wall.

Hearing Harry curse under his breath, I probably should have expected what was coming next, but I wasnt paying attention. Suddenly, Harry grabbed my ankles and yanked me towards him. Climbing on top of me, he straddled my waist, pinning me beneath him to the couch. His hands grabbed my wrists before I could try to push him off and pressed them against my shoulders roughly. I tried squirming, but the awkward position he held me in made it difficult to move at all. He leaned down in my face so that his breath fanned across my cheeks. Listen to me, Olivia. I get that youre pissed. I get that youre scared. But you have to understand that youve left me with no choice. What did you expect me to do? Let you go? You and I both know that I cant do that. He shouted at me. I flinched at the sheer anger behind the volume of his voice. What did you expect ME to do, Harry? All of my friends are gone! You scare meyoure violent and unpredictable and angry and Im afraid of what would happen if I... I shook my head and turned away from him. You what, Darlin? You think you can just fucking leave me? I may have gone soft on you, but that dont fucking mean this isnt MY town and you arent MY girl! He shouted, shaking me. Well, right not youre not making a great case if youre trying to get me to stay willingly. I muttered. Who said it has to be willingly? Ive held you here before, I can do it again. He growled. His grip on my wrists tightened significantly. Dont you see youre pushing me away? I cried out at him, squirming a little more to get him to loosen his grip, which of course, didnt work. No Im not, Darlin. Im keeping you here. No, by forcing me to be here and returning into this asshole of a person youre pushing me away. I shook my head vehemently. Well thats too fucking bad because youre my girl, youre living with me, and youre gonna like it. He shook me one more time to get the point across, before climbing off of me. Can I at least go get my stuff from home- I mean my old apartment? I whispered, sitting up as he began wandering into the kitchen. Ill have the boys fetch your stuff. Was all he said. I stomped off to the guest bedroom and shut the door loudly, locking it behind me. It took me a moment before all of my

emotions his and I collapsed onto the bed in tears. A light knock on my door brought me from the crying I had been doing for just about 20 minutes. Chinese is here! Harry called through the door softly. I remained silent and hugged the pillow into my body. There was a heavier knock after my moment of silence followed by the jiggling of the doorknob. Darlin, dont play this game with me I know you can hear me. He called through the door, sounding a little rougher. I shut my eyes and tried to imagine the dates Harry and I went on together and how fun and carefree he was. When I first met Harry and I would go to my happy place, it would be at home, with my family. Now, my happy place is a memory of the two of us And then he was there, next to me, ripping the pillow from my body with his large, rough hands. Its my fucking flat, Darlin, I have the key. He muttered, harshly but also quietly. I pushed myself back against the headboard. Harry smiled predatorily and climbed onto the bed. He pushed himself on top of me, despite my struggles, and hovered above me. Mmm, I quite like you underneath me. I could get used to this. He smirked, cocking his head to the side as his eyes ravished my body. I regretted suddenly wearing such a tight and sheer top today. Dont hold your breath, I muttered, causing him to chuckle. His long finger began to trace the outline of my cheek bone. My breath hitched in my throat and my hands fell limp at my sides. The power he has over me is actually disgusting. Actually, be my guest- hold your damn breath. See if I care. I changed my mind, my voice coming out a little shaky as his finger trailed over my jaw. Watch how you talk to me, he cautioned, clearly amused. Although his expression and smile seemed light, his eyes were dark. I could tell that my action of locking myself in my room had pissed him off. His finger outlined my lips gently, his own gazing softening as he stared down at me. The finger stopped as his eyes met mine again. Slowly, he pressed his finger into my mouth a little bit. Acting on instinct (ok, and maybe acting a little bit on rebellion too), I bit his finger. He pulled his hand away from me and shook his head. Before I had the chance to realize

what was happening, Harrys lips crashed onto my own. His hands (his other one AND the one I bit) tangled themselves in my hair so he could hold my head still. Ah, it seems like youre getting smart Styles- anticipating my moves. I froze under his touch (again), knowing damn well that the fastest way to get him off was to wait until he was all done. Fighting it would make him angrier and hornier. But he didnt stop. I lay still as his hands started traveling down my body. I lay still as he groped and explored me, our lips never breaking apart. Although he was practically violating my rights to privacy and exploiting me for his needs, Harry was respectful enough. He just touched me, over my clothes. There was no sexual business going on. It was like he just wanted to feel me, not fuck me. Thats what I told myself, at least. I knew for a fact that the latter was more so true. His hands, once they had traveled down my neck, the crevice of my breasts and onto my stomach, they circled to my back and rested on my butt. He still lay on top of me, pinning me beneath him in our heated exchange. Well it wasnt necessarily an exchange because that means both people give and get. He gave all he had and I lay there like a board. Harry never broke the kiss though. He kept our mouths mashed together, trying desperately to get a response. He tried to conform my mouth to fit his needs, to get my tongue to fight back, to get me to do something. I didnt. I had to begin to breathe through my nose because this fucker wasnt giving up. Finally, he pulled back and stared me in the eyes. His hand swept down my cheek. I can take care of you, I can treat you right. You just have to let me. He whispered softly. I looked away from him, not quite sure what to say. A sad sigh escaped his lips. Come on, dinner is here. He changed the subject, scooting off of my bed. I didnt look at him at all. My hands still trembling and my cheeks still red from our encounter. Dont make me drag you. He spat harshly. I looked over to him and, judging by the expression he wore, decided to take his hand. We ate dinner in silence. Well, he ate dinner in silence. I sat there, looking out the window with my arms crossed over my chest.

Do you really want to start with me, Darlin? Harry asked as he took another bite of his fried rice. I glanced over at him warily and then looked back out the window. Harry sighed. I suppose youre going on a hunger strike until I let you go. Trying to make me feel guilty, are you? Harry didnt receive a response. I heard a faint chuckle. Do you really think Im going to let you starve yourself to death? He asked again. I looked over at him, meeting his eyes as he raised his eyebrows expectantly at me. No, I suppose I knew he wouldnt let me starve myself and I knew I would cave in before it got to that point. Still, I wanted to make my point clear. Eat your damn food, Darlin. He commanded, harshly this time. I shook my head at him. He rolled his eyes and pushed out of his chair. Fine, starve yourself. See if I give two shits whether or not you break now or later. He snapped at me. He dumped his plate in the sink and leaned against the counter. I pushed away from the table and reached out for my plate. A sharp stinging erupted in my wrist. Harry slapped my hand away. I guess he meant it to be gentle, but it actually really hurt. He grabbed my shoulders and shoved me roughly back into the hard wooden kitchen chair. Ah, ah, ah, he taunted, youre not allowed to leave this table until youve finished all of your meal. I rolled my eyes and tried to stand up again, but he held me firmly in place. Harry. I finally spoke to him, Im not a fucking child who doesnt want to drink his milk and eat his vegetables. Youre not my mother. Let me up. I hissed. Acting an awful fucking lot like a child. He retorted. He let go of me and stepped back, but as soon as I tried to stand, I was forced back in the chair. Zaaayn! I whined. He smirked at me. I blushed, realizing how much that behavior resembled that of a child. If you get up from this chair, Darlin, without finishing your food- I will spank you like a child. Do you understand me? Eat your fucking meal before I lose it. End Notes: Sooo, a little bit of a filler chapter. But you get to see more of badboy Harry. Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote! Twitter: @sophiegMalik Back to index

Chapter 31: Safe by Sophie Grey Chapter 31: Safe If you get up from this chair, Darlin, without finishing your food- I will spank you like a child. Do you understand me? Eat your fucking meal before I lose it. I stared with wide eyes up at Harry, who towered over me, his arms outstretched on either side of me, preventing escape. W-what? I whispered softly. Do you need me to repeat myself, Darlin? He snapped, his face turning into a sneer. Even with such an ugly expression, Harry still managed to look beautiful. I. Will. Spank. You. I will take you over my knee and lay into you if you dont eat your food. He taunted angrily. I immediately shrunk back from his threat. You promised. I muttered quietly. My hands trembled as I brought them up to touch Harrys face. What the bloody hell are you going on about? He caught my wrist roughly in his hand, bringing my touch away from him. You-you promised me that you would never lay a hand on me again. You promised Remember, three strikes? I clasped my other hand over his. He narrowed his eyes down at me. I remember, but all that bollocks went out the window you tried to leave me and move back to the States! He shouted, pushing my hands off of him roughly and slamming his fist down. I flinched back. I swear to you that I will take care of you. I wont injure you, Ill keep you healthy, Ill protect you, Ill keep you happy, but Ill be damned if I let you sit there and go on a hunger strike because youre pissed at me. He snarled, pacing back and forth before me. Harry, if you treat me like this- like an incapable child- I dont know if Ill be able to forgive you. I informed him, my eyes looking everywhere but at his. I heard a dark laugh escape his lips, making it hard to keep my fearful yet curious gaze downwards. You think I dont know that you hate me? I dont give a damn anymore! I used to want you to love me, to be with me, to be my girl, but now I just have to keep you safe and this is the only way I know how to take care of you. So I dont give three shits if you hate meIll get over it. He shouted loudly. I felt tears brim over from my eyes. You-you think I hate you? Harry, I could never, ever hate you- no matter how hard I try. And believe me, Ive tried. After that first time you took me out, I wanted to hate you.

After you beat me in the alley when I tried to pull you off of Andrew, I wanted to hate you. But for some messed up reason- I couldnt. I cried out, pulling my feet up on my chair so I could bring my knees to my chest. And now, you know, after how we were. After how you were I keep thinking about how well we fit together and how, despite all of this, I just want to be with you and I HATE myself for it, but I cant hate you ever. Never. He looked down at me and chewed his lip, the adorable, nervous habit he constantly displayed. Darlin, I need you to please eat and please let me take care of you. I need you to just listen to me. This isnt up for debate. You promised me, too. He decided finally. His voice was softer, less harsh, but still held the ring of authority to it. I-I wont eat, Harry, I crossed my arms over my chest, not until you give me freedom. Why wont you let me take care of you? He muttered, kneeling in front of me so that we were eye-level. Because I cant let you just control everything. I cant let you just control me. I dont want to be here with you right now. I finally regained the steadiness in my voice. I still had to wipe tears with the back of my sleeve but at least I didnt sniffle or cry like I was doing before. You just said that- I want to be with you. I did say that, but I cant be with you right NOW. I am angry with you and I want nothing more to punch you in the face. He stood up and looked amused at my honest and calm answer. Why are you angry with me? He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest, his muscles flexing. Because. Because? Do you really have to ask that? Harry, you defended the man who raped my best friend, youre holding me here captive AND you threatened to SPANK me! Im allowed to be angry with you. And you have every right to be angry with me, but my threat still stands. He determined, leaning back against the countertop again. We glared at each other for another moment. Silence enveloped the kitchen, neither of us willing to give in. I let out a reluctant sigh. If we were going to be stuck here all night, might as well start a conversation.

S-so, if Im gonna stay here with you, then I gotta get that finance intern job interview at that firm lined up. I mutter, pretty much against my will. Harry looks at me through narrowed eyes. You think Im going to let you step foot out of this flat, nonetheless get a job? Darlin, I want you to be happy but I know that the second I give you freedom, youre outta here. Youre going to run away and leave me here. He spoke slowly, watching my reaction cautiously. I wont run. Harry, I have nowhere else to go. Even if I could make it to the airport, I dont have enough cash on me to by a third class ticket. He thinks this over, his eyes glancing up at the ceiling in thought. Even if I had a place to go, Im not quite sure if Id want to leave I added in, pretty much against my own will. His eyes snapped back to me. I can take care of you. He whispered. I glanced down at my food and then back up at him. I know, but I can take care of me too. I added in. Ill call Niall or one of the guys to pick up your clothes and whatever you have left at your flat. He mumbled, fishing out his cell phone. I saw the ends of his mouth go up as he tried to resist the urge to smile. He started to move towards the other room so he could make his phone call. And Darlin, he paused in the doorway, My threat still stands. Eat your food. I watched him walk away, disappearing into the other room. Hey man, I heard him greet. Nah, I got her. Shes good. He laughed at something said on the other line. Mate, well head out and take care of that shit tomorrow night, yeah? Been a while since Ive done a job like that. Yeah, Ill see you tomorrow. Make sure all the other lads know about it too, yeah? Thanks man. Dyou think you could do me a favor? More deep chuckles. Not that kind of favor, mate, get your head out of the gutter- you sound like a fucking school boy. I just need you and one of the guys to go to Olivias place and fetch her shit. Shes moving in.

Yeah, drop it off whenever. But Niall, do me a favor and ask either Liam or Louis. I dont want Zayn coming around Olivia anytime soon. More chuckles. Its not him Im worried about. Shed kill im, mate. Ive no doubt about that. Thanks again. You too. Silence. I waited a moment before I heard his footsteps come closer. I pushed out of my chair and placed my plate in the sink. I turned around just in time to watch him come into the kitchen. Niall said that hed go fetch your I met Harrys eyes, which instantly narrowed at me. His jaw clenched as he looked at me. Are you fucking serious?! He yelled at me. I winced at how loud and angry his voice got. Harry, Im not- What the fuck did I just tell you?! Huh?! Didnt I fucking tell you to eat your damn food? He stormed over to me, his tone harsh. I put my hands up to brace against his chest, keeping as much distance between us as I could. I dont understand what the big deal is! Its just food! I argued back, never one to take it lying down. He curled up his fist and tried to breathe in. Suddenly, his fist hit the drywall next to me. I let out a small yelp in surprise. The big deal, Darlin, is that you wont listen to a damn thing I tell you. You dont fucking know how to take orders. I told you to eat your food and you didnt. Thats what the fucking big deal is! He lowered his voice so that he was no longer yelling. The menacing edge was still there though. Well you know me, Harry. You knew that I wasnt about to take fucking orders from you. Did you think I would actually sit there and eat just because you threatened me? Thats rich. I sneered, ducking under his arm so I could walk away. Just as I tried to do that, though, Harry caught my torso. I panicked for a second, but Harry didnt hurt me. He just held me, tilted like I was. You cant run from me. He snarled. He dragged me over to the table roughly. I tried to fight against him, but I knew it was of no use. Harry always managed to get me, grab me, hold me, whatever. He slammed me against the wall and tilted my head back. I started to tremble at his violence, knowing damn well that in the past hes taken it too far.

I dont understand why you cant just eat your damn food. He growled, forcing my mouth open. I tried to kick and struggle against his hold, but he ignored my fighting easily. I tried to protest, but the only sound that came out of my mouth were moans and unrecognizable grunts. Harry gripped my jaw tightly, not allowing me to close my mouth at all. In fact, I couldnt move any part of my head with his iron grip. I wont let you starve yourself. He continued harshly as he grabbed a handful of food on my plate. I allowed the building tears in my eyes to overflow down my cheeks. He forced the food into my mouth and then immediately clamped my lips together. I tried to open my mouth again to spit it out, but Harrys hold was too tight. Swallow it. He commanded sternly. I cant understand how he can just look at me while Im crying and trembling. How can he just stand there and watch that? I guess he truly is cold-hearted. I reluctantly swallowed the food, choking on it a little. Harry let me go when I started a coughing fit but then grabbed me again and forced another handful of food down. After repeating it about three or four times, he finally let me go. Immediately, I collapsed to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. I wont let you starve yourself, he repeated, Ill do that every meal if I have to. I struggled to stand up, but ignored the outstretched hand offering to help me. As soon as I stood, he offered me a glass of water, to help with the coughing. The rough way he forced food down my throat had me choking a little. I swallowed and swallowed, refusing to take the water. Finally, he had enough and shoved it in my face. I took it from him, but immediately flicked my hand in his direction, causing the water to be thrown out of the glass and onto his face. Before he could respond, I slammed the cup down on the table. I stormed out of the kitchen, ignoring him as he called my name. Just as I was about to enter the guest bedroom, I flipped him off, and then slammed the door shut. The rest of the night, I stayed locked up in the guest bedroom. Sometime around eight I heard Liam and Niall come drop off my stuff from my apartment, but Harry made no move to come and get me. I guess we both needed some space. When I was finally tired, I stripped down to my undies and got under the covers. I was lying in bed for hours, literally, but sleep never came. I kept tossing and turning,

switching from lying on my left side to lying on my right side and onto my back, never being able to find a comfortable position. Besides that, I couldnt sleep because I kept thinking about Harry. I mean, how dare he just treat me like he can control me? Asshole. I heard Harrys heavy footsteps down the hall at about 1 a.m, causing me to perk up a little to listen. I waited until I heard the sound of his door shut and then I lay back down and tried to fall asleep. Nothing. Nothing at all. No sleep. Not even a ten minute dozing off. I decided on a bold move. I slipped out of my bed, yes only in my underwear and bra, and left my room. I crept down the hall, not really sure where to go. I guess I could try to escape, but I didnt really want to. But then again, the fire escape is sealed off and the elevator is deactivated. I padded softly into the kitchen, but immediately spun around and walked back out. My cheeks flushed just at the memory from earlier this evening. I found myself in the TV room. I guess I could have put on a movie or something, but I didnt feel like it to be honest. I didnt know if it was because I didnt want to wake Harry or if I just wasnt in the mood. I turned back around and headed towards the hall again. This time, I didnt turn into the guest room like I should have. This time, I slowly put my hand on the doorknob. What am I doing? The thought crossed my mind but it wasnt enough to make me stop. It wasnt enough to prevent me from turning it slowly and stepping inside. I bit my lip as carefully walked towards his bed. Harry was in the shower. The bed was still made with no one in it. For some reason, something inside me compelled me to climb under the covers. I curled up there, instantly feeling better. In no time I was coming in and out of consciousness. Sleep was so close, I could feel it. My eyes were shut and my breathing slowed. The only way I knew I wasnt sleeping was because I could hear Harry in the bathroom. Turning off the shower. Fumbling around in the cabinets.

Flushing the toilet. Opening the door. I didnt even realize it but my breathing stopped when Harry opened the door. I heard his wander around the room for a couple minutes, opening drawers and sliding on his boxers. I made no move to acknowledge him. I decided my best bet was to pretend I was asleep. I heard him walk up to the side of the bed I was lying in. The bed dipped down next to my waist as he sat down. I stiffened once I felt his fingers trail along my cheekbone. Beautiful. Youre so, so beautiful, Darlin. He murmured before getting up. I heard him shuffle around to the other side of the bed and climb in. I kept my back faced towards Harry as he got comfortable. I stiffened even further when I felt his hand rest on my lower back protectively. After a moment of waiting for Harry to move his hand, I allowed myself to grow comfortable at his touch. He started to rub circles, his fingers gently scratching right in between my shoulder blades. I couldnt help but let a small smile grace my features. Harry didnt even realize that I was awake, but his attempt at comfort felt so good. I rolled over a little, causing him to completely remove his touch from my back in surprise. I waited another moment before turning to him completely. My gaze met his shocked eyes. I couldnt sleep. I whispered. I gathered that, he answered quietly. We stared in each others eyes. Youd think itd be all romantic, but it really wasnt. I think we were just too tired to really process much. Im sorry. I shut my eyes and scooted a little closer to him. Our chests were touching and our legs entangles. So am I. He responded, wrapping his strong arms around me and pressing my body flush against his. I curled into him willingly, allowing his body to envelop mine. I reached up and pressed my lips to his softly, and only once. Just a small peck, but it caused him to freeze up in surprise. I didnt linger. I brought myself away from his face and nuzzled me face back into his warm chest. He tugged the blanket up around my neck. And thats where I fell asleep. Safe in his arms.

End Notes: Ok.... so tell me what you think!!! Thank you all for reading. I hope that you guys read my other bad boy stories, I updated all of them today!! Please keep voting for my story! I promise that if I win any kind of award for the 1dff awards, then I will update 5 chapters of this story. Pinky promise Back to index Chapter 32: Panic by Sophie Grey Chapter 32: Panic I woke up a while later. The sunlight was streaming through the cracks in the blinds on the windows. The suns rays hitting my face and warming my bare skin. I was trapped to the bed by Harrys body. He was lying right next to me. His bare chest was pressed against my side. The only thin fabric separating us was my bra. His leg was hooked around my legs, entangling them yet keeping them still at the same time. One arm held onto my waist with an iron-like grip, fingers digging into my flesh. The other arm was across my chest, palm pressed against my shoulder and finger pads stuck to my skin. I turned my head a little to look at Harry. His face looked so peaceful. The usual angry lines that I was beginning to think were permanent disappeared. Light snores escaped his lips. I smiled to myself. I tried to slip out of bed and put some clothes on, but Harry had me locked down. His tight on me grew stronger, and slightly painful, once I started to wiggle. But he was still asleep. Its like even unconscious Harry needs me by his side all the time too. Harry I whispered, trying to push against his chest. He dug his fingers into my flesh and pulled me as tightly as he could into his chest. His breathing was still slow and even, so he was still asleep. I didnt want him to wake up and find me in his bed, in his underwear, because I didnt want him to think our relationship would be that easy. I mean, I want to be with him, but there were parts of us that we needed to work out. Or, we could just do what we always do and sweep it under the rug. I gave up and just rested my head against his tattooed chest. I guess find our near naked bodies entangled isnt the worst thing that Harry has seen throughout his years. I let my hands rest against his abdomen. Slowly, my eyes began to shut and I drifted back off to sleep. Darlin. Someone cooed above me. I pretended not to hear whoever it was, and turned

my head to the side. Come on, Olivia, wake up. Someone chuckled. I felt a hand graze across my cheeks, but I slapped it away. No. I mumbled, not willing to open my eyes. Its quarter to one, Darlin. Eleanor will have both my head and yours if were late. He tugged at my shoulders gently. I opened my eyes a little. Wha- I rubbed my eyes and sat up slowly. A now dressed Harry was sitting right in front of me, a beautiful smile gracing his features. And you gotta get changed. I wont let you go out of this apartment wearing that. I met his eyes, which were staring down at my body with a black lust. I rolled my eyes and crawled off the bed. I let out a gasp as he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back to him. I watched with large eyes as he climbed over me and leaned down into my face. I think we have a few minutes to spare He smirked. I took the chance to slide right out from underneath him and roll onto the floor. Just as I was walking out his bedroom door, he came up behind me. Youre going to have to try harder than that, Harryie. I patted his cheek and headed down to where my stuff was. Youre lucky that you look so damn good in your knickers or else I wouldve taken you over my knee for calling me that. He growled behind me. I picked out some clothes and began to walk down to the guest room. What, you dont like it when I call you Harryie? I asked with an innocent smile. Stop provoking me. He warned, but I could tell he was kidding by the goofy grin on his face. So I guess thats it? Just another one of our problems pushed under the rug? I quickly threw on my clothes and brushed on some make up. Deciding my hair looked fine the way it was, I ran a brush through it but didnt bother with much else. I am graced will blonde, straight hair from my Fathers side. All of his sisters have the same hair. We never have to straighten it or detangle it. My mother and my sister, on the other hand, have beautiful curly hair, but its always a mess to deal with. The bathroom almost always smells like burnt hair, straightening iron, detangler and conditioner.

When I walked out, Harry was texting away on his phone. I walked passed him and into the kitchen. I began to poke my head into the cabinets and the fridge, but I pause once I felt his presence behind me. Whatre you doing? He asked, looking up from his phone with furrowed brows. I shrugged and went back to my search. I feel like I should bring something to Els, you know? Dont people usually bring dessert or something. Maybe a bottle of wine or a bouquet of flowers I remember whenever my parents went out, thats what they brought with them as a gift to their hosts. Harrys chuckle behind me made me think otherwise. Its a nice thought, but I think Eleanor would rather you didnt bring anything. And whys that? I frowned, looking up at him. Because the dessert would be burnt, the wine sour and the flowers dead. Hey! I reached out and slapped his arm, Im not THAT bad! He laughed as he slipped his phone into his pocket. Darlin, you cant deal with that homemaker shit if you tried. He shook his head and linked our arms together. Cmon. We should get going. We arrived at Eleanor and Louiss around 2:30, which was right on time, apparently. Just as we were about to knock on their apartment door, Harry pulled me back against his chest and brought his lips to my ear. Behave. He demanded lowly. I shuffled away from him and knocked on the door. Not with that dark-haired motherfucker there. Oh goody! Everyones here! Eleanor clapped as she opened the door. Immediately I was yanked inside, with Harry close behind me. I glanced over my shoulder, catching the glare cast my way at my comment, but I ignored it. Everyone? I asked, glancing into the living room at the three other people seated. Louis was lounged in a recliner, his feet dangling over the armrests and his head bopping back and forth as he talked excitedly. Across from him was Liam, who was seated on the sofa. He sat causally, totally at ease in the environment, his legs stretched out in the way that all guys sit, his arm resting on the back of the couch. Danielle was nuzzled into his

side. Her hair crazy, but beautiful and her makeup impeccably done. She still looked nervous and fearful, but I guess shed be like that forever. It can be unsettling, surrounded by so many gang members at once. Yep. Eleanor ushered me towards the spot next to Danielle, Were doing a couple thing. Like a triple date. Now that Danielles here and youve calmed down a bit, I finally have girls to hang out with! I decided to ignore her blatant insult towards the way I used to act around Harry. Thats the thing with Eleanor, she means well, but not everything comes out so polite. Immediately, Eleanor disappeared into the kitchen and started to rustle around as she finished up the meal. I laced my fingers with Harrys once he plopped down next to me. So, whatre Niall and Haz up to? You heard anything lately? Liam asked Harry and Louis. They began to chatter away while I remained quiet. Maybe today would be nice. Just like if we were a normal couple, we would go to another couples house and hang out with friends. Yeah, I know we need to talk about some, er, things, but Eleanor said she preferred if we just stuck to having a couples lunch rather than all of us over. Louis explained awkwardly. Danielle met my eyes, we both knew what he meant. Eleanor didnt want Zayn in her home. Cant blame her. I muttered. Harry looked in my direction and narrowed his eyes. I knew I was stepping on the line. Neither can I. Danielle added quietly. My head immediately snapped in her direction. Thats the first Ive ever heard Dani mutter a word in the presence of any of the boys. What did you just say?! Liam snapped at her, his voice rising. At the sound of Liams voice, Eleanor came from the kitchen. Nothing. Danielle whispered, her voice trembling. Damn right it was nothing. I dont want you speaking of any of the other boys like that. Louis may allow it, Harry may allow it, but I will not tolerate disrespect. Do you understand me? He grabbed Danielle roughly by the shoulders and shook her. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks, but she just nodded. Hey, hey. Louis doesnt allow disrespect in his household either. If youre going to talk to your woman like that, then dont do it under my roof. Eleanor butted in, staring pointedly at Liam. He widened his eyes and glanced over to Louis. Excuse me? He seethed, standing up. Harry and Louis exchanged glances before our host stood from his comfy position.

Thats enough. Lets just let this topic go. Eleanor, get back in that damn kitchen because if I have to put you back in there, were going to have a problem. He ordered. She rolled her eyes, but complied, turning back and stomping back into the kitchen. Liam settled back in, but kept a tight grip on Danielle. Subtly, I grazed over her body, her bare arms and legs looked free of bruises, which meant that thus far Liam had been treating her well enough. Still, things can change. One more comment like that, Danielle, and youre getting it. He whispered, not intending for me to hear. I looked forward and thought about what I should do. The poor girl had just been feeding off my energy; this is my fault. I remembered back when Harry lost it after seeing me with Andrew. I remembered angry he got in the ally. The violence. The pain. The punishment. It had been Liam to step in and calm him down, urging him that continuing on would only kill me. Leave it. Liam wont hurt her. Harry whispered in my ear, knowing exactly what I was thinking. I looked at him, checking the honesty behind the statement. Seeing that he seemed pretty truthful, I decided to keep my trap shut for now. Im going to go help Eleanor in the kitchen. I announced, standing up from my spot. Help? Darlin, Im pretty sure youll make it worse. Harry nudged me to get my attention, earning chuckles from the two other boys in the room. For your sake, Im going to pretend I didnt hear that, I snapped at him. He just laughed at me, shaking his head at my threat. Am I really that non-intimidating? Danielle, would you care to join me and keep me out of trouble, since Im so fucking horrible in the kitchen? I asked her politely, glancing at Liam. He didnt seem to care whether or not she came with me, so I figured he might not be as controlling as Harry had once been- just slightly short-tempered. Sure. She responded softly. Carefully pushing herself off the sofa, earning a kiss on the cheek from Liam in the process. Her cheeks blushed a bright red under her tan skin and a shy smile spread across her broad lips. At least when he touched her, she seemed to enjoy it, unlike how it had been for me and Harry at the beginning. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen, finding Eleanor sitting on the counter, breathing in and out slowly.

El? EL! You ok? I rushed up to her, waving a hand in front of her face. She didnt look at me, just at the wall before her, counting to ten over and over again as her breath came out in puffs. Whats happening? I asked Danielle. She calmly stepped forward and wrapped her long fingers around Eleanors wrist. I think shes having a panic attack. Go fetch Louis. Danielle ordered, remaining calm. She wetted a cloth and began dabbing Eleanors face with it. I spun around and raced back into the living room. Well, I cant say Im pissed or anything, just slightly frustrated. He knew exactly what- GUYS! I interrupted Harry mid-sentence. He looked up at me with a glare. Darlin, its rude to interrupt and youre in no place to piss- LOUIS! I interrupted again. I watched Harry clench his fists angrily and quickly stand up. What? He frowned at me, surprised and aggravated that I was talking to him. Its Eleanor. Shes- I didnt finish my sentence. At the simple sound of her name, Louis took off for the kitchen. "Where's Danielle?" Liam asked, his eyes searching for his woman, obviously thinking she was in danger too. Whats happened? Harry asked me, following Liam and me into the kitchen. Back to index Chapter 33: Little Things by Sophie Grey Chapter 33: Little Things Whats happened? Harry asked me, following Liam and me into the kitchen. Danielle was still blotting Eleanors face with a damp rag, telling her to breath in and out like they do to women in labor. Shes having a panic attack. Louis answered for me, not looking back at any of us. He gently pushed Danielle away, quietly thanking her for her help. She put the towel in the sink and went to go stand in Liams embrace. We watched as Louis wrapped his arms around Eleanor and held her tightly. He picked her up off the counter and let her curl into his chest like a baby. You cant go to bed, Without a cup of tea.

And maybe thats the reason, That you talk, in your sleep. And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep, Though they make no sense to me. I know youve never loved, The sound of your voice on tape. You never want, To know how much you weigh. You still have to squeeze, Into your jeans. But youre perfect, to me. He began to sing to her, in front of us all. I saw Liam and Harry exchange wary glances, but nothing was said. Danielle watched him in awe, her hips swaying gently to the imaginary beat. I could only stand there in confusion. What was happening? Why was Eleanor having a panic attack? Louis sings? Ive honestly never seen that side to him. I mean, I know Louis loves Eleanor, but I always thought she cared for him. She cooks for him. She cleans for him. She gives him something to come home to. But now I see that she needs him just as much as he needs her. Come on baby, I know that you know the words. I wont stop my horrible singing until you sing with me. He urged, taking a brief break in the middle of his song. I dont know what horrible singing he was talking about because, for a street gang fighter, Louis sounded professional. I wont let these little things, Slip, out, of my mouth. But if its true, Its you, Its you, They add up to. And Im in love with you, And all these little things. I looked up at Harry to catch his reaction. His brows were furrowed in concentration as he watched the scene unfold. Im guessing he never saw his gang mate act like this either.

Youll never love yourself half as much as I love you. And youll never treat yourself right, Darling, But I want you to. If I let you know, That Im here, For you. Louis swayed back and forth with his girl in his arms. Maybe youll love yourself, Like I, Love you. This time, Eleanor joined in. Her voice wasnt as perfectly pitched, or as well controlled as Louiss, but the soft and gentle elegance provided the perfect contrast. If this gang thing doesnt work out, Louis and Eleanor should go as a duet for albums or something. There you go, baby. There you go. He whispered, smiling at the girl nuzzled against him. Slowly he placed her back on the countertop, where he found her, and kissed her nose. Well someone had to shut you up. She giggled. He laughed with her, obviously relieved that whatever was going on with her was over. As if nothing happened, Louis kissed her again, on her mouth, and then turned to leave. Hurry up woman! Im starving! He called back, a smile in his voice. She laughed at him, shaking her head, and climbed off the counter. Liam and Harry glanced at her, but then followed their friend to the living room, no doubt ready with questions. Eleanor returned back to the stove and began stirring whatever was in a large pot. Hey, El? I called to her, shooting Danielle a wary glance. The two of us stepped closer to our friend. Hmm? Could you, by any chance, explain to us what just happened? Danielle asked her timidly. I saw Eleanors shoulders slump slightly and the back of her neck turned pink. She was obviously embarrassed. Or not. You dont have to. Danielle quickly added, looking down in guilt. Shes not like me; she doesnt like pushing people too far.

No, its ok. Eleanor murmured, turning around to us. I, uh, I get panic attacks sometimes and Louis calms me down. She summarized quickly. Why? I push, shamelessly. Eleanor met my eyes briefly, but decided to continue on. Erm, well. Thats kind of a long story. She trailed off, her eyes shifting to the countertop. Thats ok, Danielle comforted her. We have time, I said at the same time. Both girls looked at me and giggled. Well arent you pushy? Nothing can hold Olivia back. Would you just go on? I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest. Eleanor nodded, took in a deep breath and leaned against the counter. Well, my parents died when I was very young, so I was put into foster care. My foster parents didnt treat me well. When I was sixteen, Louis and Niall watched my foster mother chase me out of our house with a belt. Before she could strike me, he was there. She reminisced, not meeting either my gaze or Danielles. He pushed her away from me and started to comfort me. My foster father came out and started shouting and threatening me. Louis just snapped. I ran away while he beat my foster father. Im not quite sure what happened with them after that, but soon Louis and Niall found me and brought me back to the boys. Say what you want about the guys- but theyre good people. They just do bad things. Sure, theyve beaten people before, but they wont stand for constant and exaggerated abuse. Theyre good people She started to fiddle with one of the bracelets on her wrist. Liam said that they should clean me up and help me out. He felt bad because I was so young. Louis immediately agreed and started to take care of me. We havent been apart since then, three years ago. Its actually kind of odd because Louis is five years older than me. This 21-year old lad wanted to look over me. Honestly. She smiled a little. All the other guys helped me out, but Louis and I had a different connection. Sometimes, I get flashbacks from my childhood. I cant snap out of it. Louis is always there and he helps me. He, uh, sings to me. Its the only thing that works. Its like, he does all these little things to prove how much he loves me. He may be rough on the edges, but hes this big old softy on the inside. She blushed. Both Danielle and I were about to say something, but Eleanor turned back to the stove.

Can we just stop talking about this? she asked quietly. Sure. I agreed, grabbing myself a glass of water. Danielle started to chat aimlessly with Eleanor, but I remained quiet as I watched the two of them. Big and scary One Direction who rule London arent as badass as they seem, after all. As they continued chatting away, I stared off into space. Would Harry drop everything and sing to me in front of his friends? I didnt know the answer to that question. I honestly had no clue. I knew Harry cares for me, that much is obvious, but he also likes to keep up his bravado. He doesnt like showing weakness to his gang and he doesnt like my attitude in front of his gang. Whatre you deep in thought about, yankee-doodle? Danielle asked me, nudging my shoulder to get my attention. I turned to her and started to laugh at the nickname. Yankee-doodle? Well, youre an American, yeah? From the North? A yank? She frowned, wondering whether or not she was misinformed. Yeah, thats me. A regular yankee-doodle. I continued to laugh. Eleanor rolled her eyes at us and started preparing some vegetables. Danielle, can I ask you a personal question? I look at her abruptly, pulling my curiosity into our conversation out of the blue. Something tells me youre going to ask it regardless, so go ahead. She approved, seemingly nervous. Well, has Liam Is he Does he treat you well? I stutter out, not quite sure how to phrase my question. El and Dani immediately catch on, though. We all know what Im getting at. Yeah, he does. Hes a good guy. She nodded, biting her lip. Come on, then. Out with it. Eleanor pointed a spoon at her. What? Hes a good guy, BUT Eleanor pressed. Danielle looked down at her feet. Come on you. Everyone here knows that, although Lou and I get on fine, there are times where hes had to do some things that Im sure all of our guys have done. We all know about Harry and Olivia because the two of them can hardly keep it to themselves. Now lets heat about you. Eleanor encouraged. I nodded along with her.

Well, er, Liam doesnt like it when I speak ill of anyone he likes. She muttered softly. Yeah, I gathered that. I responded sarcastically, referring to the incident earlier. Or if I disrespect him. Then he kind of just, gets angry. He snaps at me a lot, but he never gets too violent. Shaking me and a slap or two is as bad as it has ever gotten. Usually, Liam calms himself down. Danielle shrugged, stealing a carrot from Eleanors cutting board. He just, calms himself? Just like that? Even Lou cant do that and I know for a fact Harry doesnt. Eleanor mused to herself. As she began to toss a salad. I dont know. He kind of does this cute thing where he clenches his fists and scrunches up his face and holds his breath while counting to ten. After that, the anger is gone and he usually just leaves me with a warning. Danielle whispered. Shes obviously gotten a better end of the deal than I have. Then again, she hardly seems like the person who would purposefully disobey a dangerous gang member/boyfriend. Thats just me. How has Harry been lately? Eleanor turned the focus off of an uncomfortable Danielle and onto me. Eh, a couple violent moments, but nothing I cant handle. I shrug. I knew for a fact that out of the three of us, Im glad that I was the one put with Harry. Loving him and all aside, neither of them would last a day after a punishment from him. We know you can handle a lot, Han, but were sure you push him a lot too. Eleanor raised her eyebrows, expecting more. I dont know what to tell ya. Recently, theres been a lot of fighting, but most of it has been verbal. Eleanor and Danielle exchanged looks. What was that? I accused, pointing my index finger at the two of them. The looked at each other once more before starting to giggle. Oooh, Olivias calmed down the maniac! Olivia and Harry, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Alright, enough, enough. How long does it take you to make a fucking lunch, El? I grumble, trying to pretend like my cheeks werent flushed bright red and I wasnt stuttering awkwardly. They both giggled again like fucking school children. You two are annoying. I complained, crossing my arms over my chest.

Oh stop your pouting and go set the boys up in the dining room. Lunch is ready. Back to index Chapter 34: Stick to Your Guns by Sophie Grey Chapter 34: Stick to Your Guns Lunch passed quickly. Surprisingly, an easy flow of conversation was maintained throughout the whole time. Harry was having a wonderful time, laughing at every other comment made. I knew I was going to take great pleasure in reminding him that if it werent for the fact that I made him allow me to talk to other boys that this lunch wouldnt have happened. Apparently, Liam and Louis followed in his footsteps because Eleanor and Danielle were allowed to engage in conversation also. Pat on the back for Olivia. When lunch was over, Eleanor refused any help in the kitchen, whispering that Louis always helps her clean up after everyones gone. Danielle and I exchanged phone numbers so we could text. I promised to have the girls over to our, I mean, Harrys flat soon. Should I call it our flat? I mean, Im living there too, now And I actually feel at home there. I wish I could cook like Eleanor and Danielle. I sighed, leaning my head against Harrys shoulder as he drove. I dont. Darlin, thats what I love about you. Youre different and not like them. In my world, women stay home, they cook, they take care of their men, and they obey orders. Thats what women involved with gang men do. But not Olivia. Not my Olivia. My Olivia is different. She sucks in the kitchen and she doesnt care. She fights me even though she knows what shes in for. She knows how to handle my anger and punishments. He laughed. I rolled my eyes. Youre so not a stereotype. He shook his head. And youre so not as scary as you think you are. Oh yeah? Wait til you piss me off again, Darlin. Ill show you a thing or two about being scary. He raised an eyebrow as he glanced down at me. Is this us, now? Fighting turns to violence and then we just get over it? We dont even resolve anything? I whispered, hoping he wouldnt hear me. He did. Yes, thats us. Thats what we do, Darlin. Sure, we have our problems- you like to be the hero, a rebel, and I may have a temper problem- but at the end of the day our

arguments are just that, arguments. Doesnt change the way we feel about each other. He shrugged, looking away from me. Harrys not a touchy feely guy, so for him to say that was enough for me. For now. When we climbed out of his car, Harry surprised me by pulling me in for a kiss. He grabbed the back of my head and leaned down to my level. Catching me off guard provided him with the opportunity to be dominant. He took complete control and conformed my mouth to his. We moved in sync as his tongue explored my mouth and I grabbed fistfuls of his perfect hair. We both pulled away, smiling and slightly out of breath. Neither of us said a word as we headed upstairs. Later that night, Harry found me trying to lug some of the stuff Niall and Liam had brought over from my old apartment. I tried with all my might, but I made it like three feet. Watcha doin? He asked, leaning against the doorway. Swimming. The fuck does it look like Im doing? Im trying to unpack all this shit. I snapped back, letting out a grunt after trying real hard to pull a box of clothing, but not getting it to budge. For a poor chick, I sure do have a lot of shit. Darlin, let me do that. He chuckled, pushing me out of the way. No. I got it. Youre going to hurt yourself. He cautioned, trying to pry my hands off the box. Patronize me one more time and its not me youre going to have to worry about getting hurt. I hissed back. He raised his eyebrows at me and narrowed his eyes. Talk to me like that one more time and I assure you that youll be the one getting hurt. He threatened. I rolled my eyes, but let go of the box. Asshole wants to lug all this crap down to the guest room and break his back, be my guest. I followed him down the hall, but froze when he paused in front of his bedroom door. He kicked it open with the black boot on his shoe and began pulling the box in after him. Wait, Harry! Theres a closet and dresser in the guest room. I can just stay in there! I called to him, following him inside the room. He ignored me and dragged the box into the closet, pushing it inside and then strolling out of his room to get another box. HARRY! I shouted after him. I waited a moment before he reappeared with another box. He too brought that into his room and placed it on his dresser.

The closet is all yours, Darlin. I left you some space in the dresser too. I know how much birds need their precious space for shit. I can stay in the guest room. I remind him, wondering why he wasnt allowing me to be in there. Oh yeah? Says who? He challenged, stepping towards me. I took a step back. Id much rather have my own room. I continued, narrowing my gaze at his cocky smirk. Id much rather have you in my room. I dont want to stay in your room. I felt like I was arguing with a stubborn child. I had to speak slowly and keep calm. Be patient. I reminded myself. Its too bad its not up to you, Darlin. He cocked his head to the side, testing me. Like hell it isnt. It is damn well up to me where I sleep. I crossed my arms over my chest and straightened my stance, trying to appear taller. Like that would work, anyways. Ive a good 7 inches shorter than Harry. Hmm? Im pretty sure Ive already decided that youre staying here. Harry, I breathed out, I really dont feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed yet. Were still working through some problems- And they wont work out any faster if youre down the hall. Were done arguing about this. He decided, wiping that stupid smirk off his face. Youre right. Were done arguing because Im staying in the guest room. Rushing our sex life isnt going to help. Darlin, Ive got blue balls. You probably dont know what that means, so Ill explain it simply- youre sleeping with me. He brushed passed me and headed for the door, pausing in the doorway. I dare you to argue this with me- see what happens. With that, he headed down the hall and to the living room. Start unpacking! He called back to me. I stood there frozen for a while. I knew very well what blue balls meant. I also knew that I wouldnt be sleeping well tonight. Shaking, I hung up my clothes in the empty closet and put the rest in the few drawers set aside for my stuff. I kept glancing behind me, kept glancing at the door, checking to see if

Harry was there. I pulled open the next drawer, but it already had clothes in it, so I was about to shut it, but something caught my eye. Something black. Something shiny. Something metal. A gun My blood ran cold and I immediately slammed the drawer shut. I knew that Harry had a gun. I mean, he must if hes in a gang. But seeing it is a whole different thing. He kept a gun in his sock drawer as if it were no big deal. Its a pretty fucking big deal. I slammed the drawer shut and collapsed on the ground. Hugging my knees to my chest, I pressed my back to the dresser. Holy shit. He has a gun. I crawled to the doorway and peeked down the hall. I could hear the TV on from the living room. I bit my lip and did something pretty stupid. I went back to the drawer and took out the gun. Quietly, I moved out of the bedroom and walked backwards down the hall, my eyes remaining on the entrance to the main area of the apartment the entire time, just in case I hear the TV flick off and Harry emerges. I held the weapon with my thumb and index finger, away from my body as if it contained some disease. I dont know guns well, but I held it by the handle thingy, knowing to keep my fingers away from the trigger. Quickly, I slipped into the guestroom. My eyes scanned the room to find a place to stash the killing machine. I knew Harry probably wouldnt come in here, but I still wanted to hide it thoroughly. The dresser would be too obvious, so I went with under the mattress.

I paused to listen for a second, ensuring that he was, in fact, still in the TV room. My hands gripped the edge of the mattress, my palms sweaty from the nervousness I felt in dealing with the black, metal object. I pushed the gun as far under the mattress as I could and then rapidly, but silently, made my way out of the room and back to Harrys room. Once inside the safe area, I collapsed back on the floor in front of the dresser and tilted my head back. Once he finds out I hid his weapon, hes going to track it down and shoot me with it. I have no doubt. I went on the alert once I heard heavy footsteps come down the hallway. I looked up just as Harry entered, bag of chips in hand. You done? He asked me as he shoved a chip in his mouth. I nodded, not quite finding my voice to speak. You ok? He furrowed his brow, popping in another Dorito. Y-yeah. Im fine. My voice came out shaky and broken. Great Olivia, hes going to catch on. I thought to myself. Stick to your guns, dont let him get suspicious. I almost laughed to myself at the irony: stick to your guns You sure? He stepped closer to me. I scrambled off of the floor, using the dresser edge to pull myself up. Y-yes. Im sure. I rolled my eyes, trying to give him the attitude I would if nothing was wrong. But something is wrong. Theres a gun in the house. If this is about what I said earlier, then I want you to know that Im not going to rape you. I promise. He told me gently. As a peace offering, he tilted the open end of the bag of doritos towards me. Gingerly, I took at one chip and ate it. Taking my gesture as an acceptance of his apology, Harry turned back around and headed off to the TV room. Back to index Chapter 35: Worried by Sophie Grey Chapter 35: Worried Days passed quickly with Harry. We had a fairly good time, keeping each other company and hanging out. On my third day at his place, Harry drove me to a job interview at that financial corporation. Jacobs and Johnson, the investment firm was called. I still had no idea what sort of power Harry held over the company, and I didnt really want to find out.

The interview went smoothly and a day later, Jacobs called and said I got the job. I tried to tell myself it was because of my good attitude and hard work, and not because Johnson and Jacobs saw Harry waiting for me in the hallway and made the connection in their head. I started working there a few days later as an intern and I honestly cant be happier. I know it sounds boring, but finances and investments are actually things Im good at. Of course, I cant handle any clients cases, but being in the atmosphere of an investment firm is enough to wet my appetite. I do get paid, not too much, but I still have my own money now and I can stop mooching off Harry. He said its not mooching if we live together and hes my boyfriend, but still I consider it mooching. Its been a few weeks since I started at the firm. I only work three days a week, but Im ok with that. I can always up my hours later. Harry goes out five nights a week. He leaves at eight and doesnt come back until four or five in the morning. The first night, I got angry with him- which spurred another fight. After that, I kind of just accepted it. Hes not out partying or anything- hes out working, whatever that means. Though, its not hard to guess since he came home on multiple occasions with cuts and bruises on his face and body. The next day, Eleanor, Danielle and I talk about it and they report that Louis and Liam come home in the same state. We leave it at that. None of us want to go in further detail. You going out again? I asked Harry from where I lay on the couch, flipping through the newspaper. He glances over at me as he walks across the living room and slips on his leather jacket. Yeah, dont wait up. You know I will. He paused in the doorway before coming back to me. He crouched in front of me so that we were eye level.

Darlin, I can take care of myself when I get home. I dont want you losing any sleep. He mutters softly. I know, but I wont be sleeping well regardless so I may as well wait up. I shrug. When Harrys not home, I toss and turn. Im not sure if its because Ive grown so accustomed to the curve of his body against my own or if its because I know hes out there, somewhere, in danger. Either way, I dont get much sleep. Olivia. He breathed out. The use of my actual name and not an affection nick name caught my attention. Hmm? I know that these few weeks have been tough, with me being gone so frequently. I know that I worry you when I come home like I do. And I want you to know that Im sorry. But I think that itll end soon. The boys and I are almost done with a certain job. Just bear with me for a little longer. He begged. In response, I leaned forward and kissed him on the nose. Have fun. Ill try, he grinned back, leaning down to kiss me fully. When Harry left, I occupied my time talking to my family on the phone. Theyre five hours behind so it was only the afternoon for them. At about midnight, I said good-bye and I love you like I always do and began to look for a snack in the kitchen. I froze in my spot once I heard a loud banging. Where was that coming from. THUD! The entrance. Nervously, I tiptoed out of the kitchen and peered into the foyer. What I saw made my heart drop. Zayn and Liam were standing in front of the elevator, after just climbing off of it, holding a body. I let out a gasp, alerting them of my presence, and ran to Harry.

What did you do to him?! I shouted as they pushed passed me and carried him down to his bedroom. I followed behind the two boys. Hes fine. Liam assured me with a grin. They were both grinning. The hells wrong with you?! I pushed them out of the way so that I could get a better look. Harry was unconscious, but that was the least of my worries. His face was puffy and swollen, his eyes black and blue. Bruises trailed his jawline and down into his shirt. Cuts and blood were left scattered across his beautiful features and he lay so still. Hes obviously not fine! Calm down, Olivia. Liam put his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner, but I pushed it off. Dont you fucking tell me to calm down! Wipe those stupid smirks off your faces and tell me what the fuck happened! I shouted at them. The boys exchanged glances before turning back to me. Well, its not really- Zayn began, but I cut him off. Im not talking to you. Liam, I turned to the other boy, tell me what happened. They both rolled their eyes at me, but I was determined never to speak to the dark haired cunt again. He just got a little banged up. Nothing too bad. It looks worse than it is- no broken bones or sprains. So you can relax. The only reason why hes out is cause hes drunk. Liam shrugged, trying desperately to wipe that smile off his face. Tell. Me. What. Happened. I demanded through my teeth. Jesus, its like she dont even know how to talk to us. Liam turned to Zayn. No respect. He agreed. Look, Olivia. I cant tell you what happened. Alright? Something went down, we came out victorious and we decided to celebrate, so Harry got drunk. Thats all. Now if youll be so kind, weve got to get going. Liam nudged Zayn out of the room, leaving me to the corpse-like man who they seemed so unconcerned with. I sat down next to him and let my fingers trail over his hurt face. He seemed to sense my cool touch, even in his slumber, and allowed a smile to spread across his cheeks. It hurt me physically, but I pulled my hand away and went into our ensuite to grab first aid supplies. As he slept peacefully, I cleaned up the blood on his face. Carefully, I shimmied him out of his shirt and pants.

His body wasnt bruised as badly as I thought it would be, but I still had to clean him up a little. Once that was all done, I tucked him under the covers and curled up beside him. Its over. We won. Its over. He muttered as I snuggled myself into his body. I looked up to see if he was awake, but his eyes were still shut peacefully. When I awoke, it was 11a.m the next day. Harry was still asleep next to me, his arm hooked around me protectively like it usually was. He didnt look as bad in the daylight as he had in the darkness. I guess the shadows had made his bruises seem bigger and his cuts seem deeper. I carefully pushed myself away from him and padded down to the kitchen in my pajamaswhich was a pair of panties and one of Harrys t-shirts. What do you make someone with a hangover? I put on the tea, knowing that Harry would want that when he wakes up. I set out two advils and a glass of water for the pain he will be in from his physical injuries as well as from the headache of a hangover. While I was waiting for the toast (simple, not-smelly food is great for hangovers, I think) I decided to put a little music on. Just as I reached for the radio, I pulled my hand back, knowing that waking a hungover Harry with obnoxious rap music is probably a stupid idea. The toast was ready quickly, so I buttered it up and set it on a plate at the counter. I fixed Harrys tea and put it next to the plate. I could hear feet shuffling at the end of the hallway. Hes up. Good Morning. I greeted softly, my eyes roaming over his near naked body and examining the damage. Yeah, definitely not as bad as it had looked last night. Mornin. He grunted back. He paused in front of the counter and stared down at the prepared meal. This for me? Yep. I nodded my head and leaned forward on the counter, standing across from him as he sat down and watched his food cautiously. Its not poison, is it? He picked up a piece of the toast. What the hell are you talking about? You never cook for me. Did I do something to make you want to kill me? He took a

tentative bite of the toast and ate it slowly. Following that was an extremely cautious sip of tea. I was trying to be nice to you, I shrugged, standing back up straight, even though you dont deserve it. I added in as an afterthought. Why are you trying to be nice to me? He narrowed his eyes. Because you look like that, plus you have a hangover. He glanced down at his body and look expectantly at the bruises. I dont look too bad, do I? He mused to himself out loud. Wait, why dont I deserve it? He asked, pushing his eyebrows together. I sighed and shoved the glass of water and the advils towards him. He took them, never breaking eye contact with me. Because Liam and Zayn had to bring you home. And? He pressed as if it were no big deal. And, I dont want to be around Zayn, he rolled his eyes at me, and you were unconscious, and you were drunk and you were all beat up. You gave me a fucking heart attack. I thought something horrible had happened to you! Well nothing horrible happened. Im fine. Louis was wasted, so Niall took him back to Eleanor. That left Zayn and Liam to take care of me, thats all. And this is my flat, Zayns my mate, hell be coming round ere a lot, so you better bloody get used to it. He mumbled out with a grumpy tone. I wont ever get used to it. Whatever. What about you being drunk and looking like that, huh? Thats no big deal to you either? I pointed to his swollen cheek as an emphasis to my point. He winced, as if he were only now feeling the throbbing pain. I got into a tousle. You think I look bad, you shoulda seen the other guy. Harry chuckled to himself, shaking his head at the memory. I didnt get as hurt as it looks like I did. That stressful thing I told you about yesterday, the job eating up my time- that ended when I took care of this guy last night. The lads and I decided to celebrate with some drinks. Sue me. I thought you had been I thought maybe you wouldnt wake up. I thought Zayn and

Liam were bringing me your body to mourn over! Dont be so bloody dramatic. You cant get rid of me that easily. He growled, storming out of the room without another word. Back to index Chapter 36: Clubbing by Sophie Grey Chapter 36: Clubbing I stood in front of the mirror for a while, looking myself over. I was wearing a tight dress that went down to about three inches above my knee. It curved with my butt and my breasts, giving me an hourglass shape. To make up for the long length, the collar was a scoop neck that showed off a nice amount of cleavage. I had tried to curl my hair, but failed and ended it up putting it in a loose pony-tail. I also tried to do a smoky eye, but failed at that too. I ended up putting on a good layer of foundation, lipgloss, eyeliner and mascara. After Harry had cooled off for a while, he came back into the kitchen to find me. The boys and I are going out clubbing tonight to celebrate last nights victory. He had muttered, leaning in the doorframe as he watched me clean up. Dually noted. Ok, well were going soon. Ok. Are you gonna go and get changed or am I going to have to do that part myself? He stepped into the kitchen and smirked at me. I met his beautiful emerald eyes. What do you mean? Well, youre coming, arent you? I didnt know I was allowed to go Well you are. Eleanor and Danielle are coming too, if that helps. He scratched the back of his neck nervously as if I would say no to his awkward invitation. Ok. What should I wear? I pushed myself away from the counter to walk passed him and into the hallway. A party outfit- but without showing too much skin. I dont need to be on the lookout for other guys checking you over. Hence the dress that came down just above my knee. I moved my ponytail over my shoulder to cover the fading mark that Harry left as a

warning to other guys. I still find it embarrassing that I need to be tagged like a dog, but I gave up on that battle and kept my mouth shut. Ready? Harry called to me. I rushed out of the bedroom, grabbing my heels in my hand and met him at the door. I watched as his eyes scanned over my outfit, but sighed in relief as he said nothing. Good, the guys are here. He muttered, nudging me out the door. We traveled down to the lobby, hand in hand, but in silence. He led me out onto the street where two black range rovers, with tinted glass windows, awaited us. I looked back and forth between the two of them, not sure which one I should go in. That one. He pointed to the range rover in the back. I nodded and headed in that direction. Like a true gentleman, Harry held the door for me and helped hoist me up the gap between the car and the pavement. I slid into the backseat, where Harry slid in next to me. In the drivers seat was Liam, and in the passengers seat was Danielle. Harry, would you like to sit up front? I dont mind switching seats. Danielle asked softly, turning to peer at us over the seat. Thanks for the offer, babe, but Im good here. Im guessing everyone else is in the other car? I wondered aloud. Yeah, Niall, Zayn, Louis and Eleanor. We figured itd be best that way, Liam answered when Harry didnt do it quick enough. Liam doesnt think Danielle would feel comfortable in the car with Zayn yet. I dont feel comfortable with you in the car with Zayn for a completely different reason. Harry enlightened me, whispering in my ear to keep our conversation private from the couple in the front. When we got to the club, Harry made sure to keep a hand on me at all times. Thats ok, I was a little too intimidated by the atmosphere to be by myself. As a group, we headed to the back where the V.I.P section was. Im going to get drinks, any preferences? Zayn called out to everyone once we got settled in. Vodka and cranberry, please. Eleanor muttered quietly, not meeting Zayn in the eye. You know what I usually get and Danielle wants a spritzer. Liam informed him.

Water. I asked coolly. I tried not to seem too bitchy, but the fact that I still hated Zayn was prevalent. Really? Are you serious? Is Harry making you drink water? Cant handle your alcohol? As soon as the word left my mouth, everyone turned and started to ridicule my choice. I shrunk back into Harrys arm and glared at all of them. Oh shut up. Its my own choice- I dont want alcohol. I dont drink. I crossed my arms over my chest to show the finality of my choice, but none of them seemed to notice. Oh come on! Just try it! So weak She said no. Thats it. Leave it. Harry growled, ending the conversation once and for all. I kissed his cheek gratefully and smiled at Eleanor in victory. Bloody Americans she teased me. I stuck my tongue out at her playfully. Surprisingly, for that one night only, the seven of us got along perfectly. We all laughed and told jokes and shared stories. No one overdid it with the drinking and any tension that had been there before eased. By 11:30pm, Danielle was trying to teach El and I how to dougie. While we epically failed, our boyfriends watched on in amusement. Niall and Zayn even lightened up for the evening too. You two are impossible! Danielle gave up, giggling as she stopped moving her body to the beat. Its not our fault were retarded! We cant move our hips like you! Eleanor whined, putting her hands on her hips. Yeah! We cant all be professional dancers! I added in, mimicking Eleanors stance. Clearly. Louis laughed at us, his eyes twinkling. Eleanor leaned over and smacked his

shoulder. Can we go dance for real? Danielle asked Liam hopefully, completely ignoring the Eleanor exchange. Liam shook his head. Sorry, baby. I dont dance. Not even for me. She batted her long lashes and leaned over in his face, revealing some cleavage. I watched his eyes travel to her chest before widening and snapping back to her face. N-no, he gulped, why dont you ask the girls? Coward. Anything to get the attention off of him. Danielle turned to Eleanor and me with hopeful eyes. Oh no. I groaned. Dani, did you not just see how we fail at dancing? Eleanor complained. Danielle let out a small giggle as she no doubt thought back to the embarrassing moment that occurred less than five minutes before. Come on, itll be fun! She begged. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. Can I? Eleanor turned to Louis. I dont see why not. He lifted his drink to his lips and took a sip, watching his girlfriend over the edge of his glass. Well? I turned back around to Harry. He looked up at me uneasily. Be careful. He whispered. I leaned down to give him a peck on the cheek, but he pulled me in and lay a wet kiss on my lips. I pushed myself away and wiped my lips with the back of my hand. As the girls and I headed out of the VIP area, Harry swatted my ass in disapproval of my reaction to his kiss. I chose to ignore it, deciding that the best place to start a fight with him was NOT a club. We made our way to the center of the floor. As Danielle began to lose her body to the beat of the music, Eleanor began to jump around a little bit, having fun while looking adorable. I tried to imitate the way Danielles body seemed to move effortlessly, but I felt awkward. Song after song passed. Occasionally, I would let my eyes travel up to the VIP booth where I was met with three intense gazes. Even when we were away from them, they never truly stopped watching, did they?

Eventually, I began to get the hang of the music. I smiled at the girls and let my muscles loosen up. Two hands found my waist and I let an even bigger smile grace my lips. When I looked down at the hands holding my hips, I froze. The hands werent as big as Harrys, and they were much paler. I shoved whoever it was off of me and spun around. Some kid stood behind me. He looked to be a year older than me, his brown hair slicked back, and his white skin flushed from the heat of the dance floor. Come on, baby. He cooed to me, attempting to dance with me once more. I nervously glanced around, meeting Danielle and Eleanors warning looks, and then turning back to the boy. No. I said firmly. He looked disappointed, and glanced down at the floor. Okay I watched his fallen expression and felt guilty. Subconsciously, I flicked my hair over my shoulder, and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. I have a boyfriend, sorry. I added in nicely, hoping that it would make him feel better that I wasnt just turning down for shits and giggles. He looked back up at me, but then turned even paler than he was originally. oh shit He murmured, backing away from me like I was plagued with some disease. Are you ok? I asked in concern. He started to shake his head. I didnt know Im so sorry. Please dont tell. He begged me. I looked at him nervously, what was happening? Excuse me? I tried to clarify, taking a step towards the strange boy to meet my curiosity. Your mark. You belong to one of them At that moment, I knew exactly what he was talking about. He knew about One Direction. He was afraid Look, kid, Im real sorry if- I was suddenly interrupted when a force grabbed me from behind and shoved me backwards. There a problem here? Harry hissed, stepping in front of me to get up in the boys face. End Notes:

Ok, I did it. FIVE CHAPTERS. Beware, I'm about to get all sappy on you guys. I just wanted to give this to you guys as a way to say thank you for all the support I've received on not only this story but all my badboy fics. I really love you guys. You have no idea how much you mean to me. The fact that you guys care enough to nominate me for an award is enough, but it would be great if you guys kept voting so that I could actually win! Please tell me what you thought of the last few chapters. I know my writing wasn't that great because I kind of rushed it for you guys, but I wanted to give you more on the other members of the One Direction gang. Leave a review!! :)))) Follow me @sophiegMalik on twitter and DM me or mention me anytime you want to chat. Also, please keep voting for my story here: sid=0any20zg4efmcrj138718& Back to index Chapter 37: Comfort by Sophie Grey Chapter 37: Comfort There a problem here? Harry hissed, stepping in front of me to get up in the boys face. I clutched onto Harrys arm and tried to tug him back. Hey, hey. Relax. I told him calming words in his ear, but he forcefully shoved me back and sent me flying into someone. You wanna tell me what the fuck I just saw, mate? He spat at the poor boy. The younger male cringed back and was visibly trembling. Im sorry. I didnt know. Harry! I shouted at him, pissed off that he was so rough with me. He spun around at the sound of my voice and nodded at someone behind me. Immediately, two arms came constricting around my torso. Lets go. Louis spoke to the other two girls I had been dancing with. Lou- this isnt right. He was just- I said LETS GO! He interrupted Eleanor, dragging me out of the club kicking and screaming. Danielle and Eleanor followed behind us silently. The last thing I saw before I was pulled out of the club was Harry and Zayn following behind Niall and Liam, who were pulling the boy out of the club. Let me go! I struggled against Louis. He quickly let go of me and nodded towards one of the Range Rovers.

Were leaving. He informed us. Danielle scrambled in the car. Eleanor paused for a second but he sent her a look that even made me question arguing with him. Soon, Eleanor joined Danielle in the car. I tried to brush passed Louis but he pushed me back. Get in the damn car, Olivia. He demanded, his short temper making an appearance. If you think Im going to actually listen to you, then you have another thing coming. I hissed back. I didnt give him the chance to respond as I dodged him and jogged around him. I saw his arm come out to catch me, so I was able to duck and make my way into the club. Glancing around, I couldnt find Harry and the boys anywhere. I raced through the hot, sweaty bodies and barged out of a back entrance door into an alley. I dont care if you didnt fucking know!! PUNCH Your hands were all over her! I heard Harry shout. I winced at the complete fury and darkness in his voice. Instantly, I rushed towards their dark shadows. P-please. A weak voice begged. I heard Harry and his friends chuckle darkly before a THUD sounded through the alley, followed by a cracking of bones and a scream in pain. As I came closer, I saw the scene all too clearly. Zayn, Liam, Niall and Harry were all standing in front of a figure crumpled on the ground. Thats enough. I snapped bravely as I slid in between the victim on the floor and the dangerous men in front of me. Jesus Christ. Liam cursed under his breath as the four boys realized who had stepped in. Darlin, Im in no bloody mood to deal with this. Where the fuck is Louis? He yelled at me, yanking me away from the boy on the floor harshly and slamming me against the opposite brick wall. I flinched at the pain in my lower back from the force of the contact. Youre clearly forgetting who youre dealing with, Harry. Did you actually think that Louis could hold me back? Please, even I give you more credit than that. I scoffed cruelly. Ill make a fucking example outta you. He warned lowly, his hand coming up to my neck and resting there lightly. And whatre you gonna do, tough guy? I taunted him, beat me? I felt his fingers tighten a little, his expression looked as if he were debating my suggestion. Ill see you at home. It was definitely more of a threat than any sort of romantic

promise or casual gesture. His voice was laced with tense fury and even I thought maybe itd be best to back off. Then my eyes darted to the crumpled boy who was lying in his own blood on the floor and decided that backing off was cowardly. I tried to kick him, but Harry easily held me up against the wall while he turned to his friends. Niall, deal with her. Do whatever it takes to get her back to mine and Ill sort her out when Im done here. Just dont scrape her up too badly, yeah? Harry practically hurled my body at the Irish boy and watched the two of us struggle. I fought Niall in vain as he effortlessly picked me up and carried me out of the alleyway and back onto the street. Louis was waiting outside the Range Rover with an angry expression. He was leaning on the car with his arms folded over his chest. I heard Louis mutter some derogatory and insulting things about me as he opened the door to the backseat, where I was flung practically on top of poor Danielle. As soon as Niall and Louis were in, the car was tearing off down the streets towards Harrys flat. You guys are going to hell. Whats going on back there isnt right. I tried to lean forward to talk to Niall and Louis, but it made it hard with Danielle in the middle seat. Like we care. Niall snorted. You guys are a bunch of heartless bastards. All five of you. Louis, I really think that were not being rational about this. Eleanor spoke up softly, leaning forward like me to try to hold a conversation. I swear to god, El, if you dont shut your trap right now, Ill sort you out right here. Ill pull over to the side of the road and deal with you in front of these three. Louiss volume rose as he snapped at her. His stern eyes glanced at her in the rearview mirror to make sure that she got the message. But- If you know whats best for you, then shut the fuck up. The rest of the ride was silent. I knew that when we arrived at Harrys building, there was no way I would get away from Niall and back to the club somehow, but that didnt stop me from trying. I mean, I do have a reputation to uphold. Niall dragged me out of the car, roughly. As soon as we were out, Louis sped off towards Liams to drop Danielle off.

The struggle began. At one point, I think I may have punched Niall somewhere in his face. He shouldve expected worse, though. Im not an easy person to deal with. Regardless, he still made it up to Harrys apartment and literally dumped me on the floor before leaving. I didnt even bother attempting escape. The elevator is locked and the fire escape is sealed. Escape is impossible. Instead, I focused my energy on being angry at Harry. Lets see how big and tough the fucker is when he comes home and has to deal with me. I would have trashed his place if I didnt know that I would be the one cleaning it up anyways. The thug arrived not too long afterwards. I could hear the elevator doors ding open from the bedroom, where I was changing. I quickly slipped on my top and charged out, fully prepared with verbal (and potentially physical) attacks. I padded into the living room, but he wasnt there. I saw his keys on the table, then his leather jacket laying on the sofa. Its as if he left a little trail for me to follow into the kitchen. I followed it, only to find asshole taking a sip of beer. His back was to me, but I knew that he had heard me come in because all his back muscles stiffened. Put down the goddamn beer. I seethed, crossing my arms over my chest. Harry didnt listen to me, instead just turning around to face me. Immediately, I knew something was wrong. Harrys eyes were rimmed with red and the pupils held a sadness and loneliness that broke my heart. His eyebrows were slightly raised in worry and his whole body was shaking. What happened? I breathed out, this time, significantly less harsh. He shook his head and took another swig of beer. Harry, I whispered, coming up to him so that I could wrap my hands around his drink and pry it away from him, What happened? I repeated. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and held my close to his chest. I lay my head against his pecs as he buried his face in my hair. I could feel his chest heave up and down as he breathed me in.

I lost my chance. He whispered hoarsely. His own voice sounded broken and sad. Moreso than I have ever heard it. What are you talking about? I prodded, mimicking his actions and wrapping my arms around his long torso. I lost my chance and now I can never make it right. His second statement gave out no more than the first had. I rubbed circles into his back in hopes to soothe him. I remember my mom used to do that when I was upset and, as stupid as it seems, it helped. Youll never leave me, right? He asked me after a few moments of silence. I paused. I cant promise him that. I cant promise that one day I will have enough of this life that I wont be able to take it. I cant promise that he wont push me over the edge. I love you, I responded, uttering the words for the first time. I was still mad at him, furious even, but our problems would have to, once again, be swept under the rug. Seeing Harry like this made me know that something was wrong, instantly. He never acted like this. I was braced for an argument, a fight. I was in no way prepared to deal with this. I suck at comforting people. Want to tell me what this is about? I urged gently, my hands never leaving his back to let him know that I would be here. I l-love you, too. He stuttered out, nervously. Harry, I pleaded. I cant help him if I dont know whats going on. Darlin, I dont know what to do. He started. I remained quiet, not willing to push him anymore than I already have. Ive never had a good relationship with him, but that doesnt mean I never wanted to. I love him. I furrowed my brows at his cryptic explanation, but waited for the end before I opened my mouth. But now its too late to change anything. Harry has this way of crying without actually crying. Like he shakes a little, but he doesnt actually make a sound or shed a tear. Its just not his style. It felt so weird,

holding him in my arms instead of the other way around. But Harry needed me, and Im his girlfriend. I have to be there for him. Its my job. I just got a call. He continued on. My Dad died. End Notes: Alrighty, I'm gonna make this quick because I am exhausted. I want to thank everyone who has read, reviewed and voted for this story. I won best Harry for 1dff spring and I am eternally grateful. I love you all! Please leave a review. It will make my weekend. PS my seventeenth bday is this week! Hoorah! Back to index Chapter 38: Stages by Sophie Grey Chapter 38: Stages Those next six days were by far the hardest of my life. After Harry told me his father died, we were silent for about an hour. Then, he went into the first stage of grief; denial. He wasnt necessary denying the fact that his father died, but the fact that he could have cultivated a relationship with his father. He spent only about six hours on this phase. I thought that was a good thing, that he was moving through the grief process so quickly, but I was wrong. It was the next morning at a very exhausting breakfast- we had stayed up all night talking about what had happened to his father while Harry deluded himself into thinking there was nothing he could have done- and we were short-tempered enough as it is. Harry definitely could have tracked down his father and formed a relationship in the four years he didnt see him. But that doesnt mean that it was his fault. The six years Harry spent alone with his father was toxic to Harry, and probably formed the complex man I knew. Nevertheless, I was in a bad mood and so was Harry at breakfast. Neither of us had spoken a word, we just sat nibbling on the eggs I made. I forgot why I dont let you cook, now I remember. Harry muttered unappreciatively. I looked up at him through narrowed eyes. I had to take a deep breath to steady my temper. His Dad just died, I had to be lenient. Maybe next time you can cook. I replied back as calmly as I could. His eyes shot back

up to me. And when do you suppose I do that? Hmm, Darlin? Between the times when Im taking care of your unappreciative ass and trying to be the perfect boyfriend you seem to expect? He slammed his silverwear down roughly to emphasize his point. My Dad is a therapist. I grew up watching him council people through the grief process, so I should have known what was next. I should have expected it. I think that somewhere, subconsciously, I knew what I was doing. I think I just wanted to push him through the grief stages. Anyways, what I did next was pretty stupid for me. Maybe in between the times youre getting high off your ass and when you have to beat the shit outta other guys to make up for the lack of confidence you have from a fucked up childhood! Yeah, that was pretty stupid of me. It was especially stupid of me to leave the table without Harry stopping me. I shouldve known. I tried to leave the room, but Harry grabbed my arm roughly and slammed me harshly against the wall. His eyes were completely black. Say it again. He hissed. I gulped in fear, instantly regretting snapping at him in his fragile state. Harry- Say it again. He yelled at me. I bit my lip in nervousness and shook my head at him. I knew where this was going and I knew that saying it again would only push him over the edge quicker. That one sentence I spat at him had made him angrier than Ive seen him in a while. Just because I was tired and stressed out and unable to resist the urge to argue. That one sentence forced him into his next stage of grief: anger. Of course I wanted Harry to get through all the stages, but during that stage I wished that he would remain in the annoying denial stage forever. That was one of the worst beatings I had ever gotten from Harry. And it didnt get better from there. While denial lasted six hours, anger lasted four days. That first beating was the worst, but for the majority of those four days, Harry let out his anger through violence. He took it all out on me. Of course, it wasnt all beatings. There was lots of yelling. I think I learned my lesson the first time because I successfully kept my mouth shut.

Now, normally, I dont put up with that violence shit, but I felt guilty. I was the one who forced him into this stage. Besides, his Dad died so that allowed Harry some leeway, right? Through his fits of anger in his second stage of grief, Harry managed to plan the whole thing. I tried to help where I could, but I only managed to piss him off. The rest of One Direction helped a lot though, making me realize how close the boys actually are. Theyre not just a gang; theyre brothers. It was after Harry punched me in the face, causing my nose to bleed, that he found me in the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror, blotting at my nose with a wet rag. I glanced into the corner of the mirror and nearly jumped when I saw Harry leaning in the doorway. Our eyes obviously met, but I pretended not to notice him. I was afraid that any sudden movement would set him off like some deranged wild animal. Are you ok? His soft voice frightened me a little. I hadnt heard him speak to me like that in a while. I nodded in the mirror and then focused my attention back on cleaning up my face. I had a bruise on my right eye and a cut on my jaw. My face didnt even display the worst of my injuries. Injuries scattered my body and I was fairly certain that I had a broken rib or something. No youre not. Let me help. He stepped into the bathroom. I didnt want him to touch me but I was afraid refusing help would make him angry. Slowly, he took the rag away from me and set it on the sink. He gently grabbed my thighs, biting his lips when I visibly flinched at him touching a deep bruise, and put me on the edge of the sink. He wet a new rag and began to clean me up carefully. I kept my eyes trained on the ground, not wanting to look at him, but he forced our eyes to meet by tilting my chin up. I cant believe I did this to you, he whispered sadly, Im so sorry, Darlin. Im so, so sorry. I dont know whats wrong with me. People deal with the anger stage of grief in different ways. When my Grandma died, my Dad snapped at my older brother and me a lot. When our dog died, my brother used to throw temper tantrums. When his Dad died, Harry beat the living shit out of his girlfriend Something is obviously not right with him, but I already knew that. I knew that Harry was different and I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to stay with him. I love you so much, please dont leave me. He whispered, rubbing my cheek softly.

That ended his anger phase, THANK GOD, and began the depression phase. He moped around the house and shut me out completely. I often found him just sitting there and staring off into space. I tried to get him to open up but he was sealed off. The few times he would talk to me, he would say things like: He was successful, and married with four kids. He made it far. If he died all alone and unhappy, then why should I even try to be happy? I dont stand a chance. Last thing I said to him was Ill see you in hell, old man. What kind of son am I? I guess I am going to hell. I fucking left him on his own. Ive blamed him for four years now, since I was 17, but it was my fault the whole time. IM the one who left HIM. We were still in that phase when the funeral that we had planned was supposed to take place. We drove to the Mosque in silence. He wore long pants and a long sleeved shirt, dressed in all black. He said that it wasnt required to wear black to a Muslim funeral, but he always wore black so he did it anyway. He told me to dress conservatively, so I wore a long black maxi skirt and a loose black shirt. Harry said his family wasnt too religious, so I didnt have to wear a headscarf, but to be respectful I shouldnt wear makeup. Of course, I had to wear a little concealer to cover up the bruising on my face, but I didnt tell Harry that. I didnt want to upset him. The littlest things could set him off. Harry was doing his nervous tick; chewing his lip. His hands trembled as he held the door for me. When we sat down in the front row, he was bouncing his leg and fiddling with my fingers in out intertwined hands. I sat nestled between Harry and Eleanor. Louis sat on her other side next to Zayn. Niall was next to Harry and then Liam and then Danielle. Harrys Fathers body wasnt going to be viewed. It was wrapped in a beautiful ivory shroud, no skin visible. There were lots of people here to pay their respects. I saw a little section of men and women dressed similarly to how Harry and I dressed. They all had tan skin, dark hair, and brown eyes like Harry so it wasnt hard to deduce that they were Styless. Another section of people was entirely made up of men in suits- men who worked with Harrys father, I presumed. Then there were us; Harrys gang. There were about 20 guys sitting behind the eight of us. When I asked Eleanor, she said that they were some members of One Direction. I guess I hadnt realized until now that One Direction isnt

limited to the five guys I know. El did say that the boys were kind of like the leaders, but people cowered away from every member, nonetheless. While every seat could have been filled, a lot of people stood in the back to give the notorious gang a few rows of breathing room. It was a familiar reminder of just who my boyfriend is and the power he has over London. Harry stood up when it was his turn to speak. The previous night, he nearly cried trying to figure out something to say. When I tried to comfort him, he returned back into his shell, hiding his feelings from me and staying pretty quiet. I had no idea what he had planned to say. So, erm, he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and glanced around the room. I watched his eyes travel to the back and then quickly divert away, as if he saw something he wasnt supposed to. I wanted to turn and see whatever it was that got him nervous, but before I could he caught my eye. He looked me dead in the eye and then started to talk. Throughout his whole speech he never once looked away from me. Everyone thinks my Dad and I are very different people. I mean, by my age he was a manager at work, he was married, with a kid on the way. I mean, Im no where even near that stage. Harry kept looking at me while everyone was looking at him. But in a way, my father and I are quite alike. A lot of who I am today comes from who my father was and who he taught me to be. He taught me to be passionate. He taught me how to be dedicated and driven. He taught me how to be independent. He taught me how to be so much I could tell it hurt Harry to speak like this of his dad. I knew there were good times, before the divorce, but Harry said his parents started having problems when he was 9 but didnt do anything about it because his Mom was pregnant. That means it had been over twelve years without a decent memory of his father. In fact, Harry hadnt even spoken to his father for four years. I remember when I was invited to my classmates house for a 7th birthday pool party. We didnt have a pool like my classmate, Billie, did, so I never learned how to swim. I still dont know, Harry joked. As more time passed, he seemed to be growing accustomed to talking, but he still never took his eyes off of me. I didnt want to go, but my Dad made me. He said to hang out by the pool and compliment Billies sister. So while all my friends were playing Marco Polo, I was sitting on the side with Billies sister, who was nine at the time, mind you, and two of her friends. I kept telling them they were pretty and had nice shoes and whatnot. Let me tell

you, the next day at school, all my friends showed up with sunburns and I showed up with three girlfriends who were all two years older than me. Harry laughed a little at the memory. I smiled warmly at him. So I guess my Dad taught me all my suave moves with the ladies. A wink was thrown in my direction and I couldnt help but blush. I remember another time when I was bullied when I was six. I came home to tell my Dad, but he told me not to worry because all of the bullies end up working for the kids they bully. Now, this was only supposed to make me feel better, but I took it upon myself to inform my bully of this. He beat the crap out of me. When I came home with a black eye, Dad changed strategy. He taught me how to fight back, even though my Dad is the- I mean was the most anti-violence guy in the world. Ironic, Harry chuckled darkly. It didnt take a genius to figure out that everyone in that room knew exactly who Harry is and what he does for a living, so I wasnt surprised when he dropped small references to his violent and illegal nature. When I was a kid, my Dad was my hero- he was like this immortal guy who could do no wrong. When I was a teenager, it was the opposite. Now, I realize my Dad definitely had flaws, but he taught me how to own up to them through example. He showed me how to highlight his good characters to make up for things he fell short of. I know its been a while since Ive seen him, but that doesnt mean he ever stopped being my father. Wherever you are Dad- thank you for teaching me everything. Youll be missed. With that, Harry bowed his head and then came back to sit next to me. I put my hand on his lap and let his squeeze it tightly to get any remaining anxiety out. That brought him into his final stage of grief: Acceptance. Speaking in front of all these people about his father had provided him with the closure he so desperately needed and allowed his to finally get a move on with his life. After it was all over, Harry practically shoved me out of there. He purposefully avoided condolences and sympathies of his extended family and his fathers work friends. It wasnt hard, though; not many of them came over to talk to him in the first place. They were all too afraid. On our way out we passed a little girl, about ten years old, sitting on a stoop outside the Mosque. Harry paused and stared at her for a moment, his eyes softening completely before he spun back around and hopped into his car. I followed him in, but just as I was about to shut the door, a beautiful middle-aged woman ran out. Safaa! She called with concern. Upon seeing the little girl, she took a sigh of relief and offered a soft smile, Safaa Styles, you gave me a heart attack, baby. Please tell Mummy where youre going next time. With that, I shut my door and let Harry rip away from the pavement and tear down the street.

I couldnt help but glance at him cautiously. The little girl we saw back there was no doubt the infant sister his mother took with her when she left. That woman was his mother. They had been there through the whole thing and Harry had seen. By fault or not, Harrys mom and sisters left him with an alcoholic father all alone. They hurt him and damaged him emotionally. He had just gotten over his fathers death and the last thing he needed was emotional toil by seeing them again. It had been ten years since he last saw them. Ten years ago, Harry was just an eleven year old kid and she turned her back on him. Now, Harry is a well-known criminal and I was afraid to know what would happen if they tried to reconnect. End Notes: Hi everybody! I think all of you know what has been going on with Sophie, but if not, I'll explain. Two weeks ago, Sophie got her laptop taken away because she was caught doing something she wasn't supposed to. That's why she hasn't updated in FOREVER. I'm her best friend, Hailey, and I share an account with her. All I do is read fanfics though, I don't write. Sophie has been handwriting chapters of her stories for me to update because she is so frustrated that she couldn't update. Anyways, Sophie should be getting her laptop back tomorrow!!! I promise that this writing is 100% Sophie's. I did not change a thing. I literally just typed this up and posted it. ANYWAYS that's why it has taken so long. Sophie wanted me to apologize for her. She'll try to update ASAP. She still has her phone, so you can tweet her or leave a review and she can read stories, so if you want to get in touch with her before she gets her laptop back tomorrow... Back to index Chapter 39: Pleasure by Sophie Grey Chapter 39: Pleasure And I set fire, to the rain! And I threw u-u-us into- Hey, Darlin! Harry interrupted my wonderful solo as I made our bed. I looked over to him with a smile, but it immediately fell from my face as I saw how he was looking at me. There was a pure sadness in his eyes and his mouth was set in what looked like a permanent frown.

Yeah? I asked him apprehensively, standing up straighter and cocking my head to the side. Can I talk to you a moment? He asked me, stepping into our bedroom and looking me over longingly. I nodded, with my brow furrowed in confusion. I didnt know what was going on. I didnt know what he was about to say. He motioned for me to sit down on the bed, and I complied without breaking our eyes apart from each other. Whats going on, Harry? I asked him quietly. He knelt in front of me and took my smaller hands in his larger ones. I need to ask you something. He informed me. I nodded for him to continue, words not coming to my mouth. He was scaring me. Do you remember what you told me a few weeks ago? You said that if I lay another hand on you that youd leave me Do you remember that? He leaned towards me, his whole face twisted in desperation. Y-yes, I whispered. Darlin, last week you were there for me when I needed you and I cant thank you enough. Youre honestly the most perfect person in the world for me. But But that doesnt change the fact that I hurt you, Olivia. I really hurt you. His fingers trailed over the fading bruise on my eye. Harry- you cant be serious. You were grieving and emotional- That shouldnt matter. Darlin, dont you ever give me an excuse to hit you. He scolded me, but I just stared back at him utterly lost. I need you to hear me out before you completely freak. Yeah? His words came out slow and cautiously. He gave my palm a gentle squeeze in reassurance. He took my unsure silence as encouragement to continue. Olivia, I love you. Ive never loved someone before as much as I love you. I want to give you everything you want, everything you need, I want to give you happiness and protection. I-I just I cant even describe how much I love you. He struggled with his words. It doesnt take a genius to know that Harry isnt an expressive guy. It was impossible for him to even say he cared for me more than some worthless street slut, so I knew for him to say all those things must have been tough. Harry- Darlin, let me finish. Please. He begged me. I bit my lip and let him continue.

Whatever he was about to say wasnt going to be good. I just knew it. A knot of uneasiness formed in my gut. I want to be that guy that can do everything for you. But I cant. Im not that guy. I cant give you all of that. I cant give you happiness and I can barely protect you from myself. I ripped my hands from his and covered my mouth just as a gasp escaped. Tears formed in my eyes once I realized what was going on. He was breaking up with me. Holy shit. Harry Styles was breaking up with me. Darlin, oh please dont cry. Please, please dont cry. He whispered, catching the traitor tears that spilled onto my cheeks on his fingertips. I shook his hand away from me and looked down at the floor. I-I cant believe youre breaking up with me. I whimpered, sounding so childish and whiny. I never wanted to be that chick that was obsessed with her boyfriend, but after everything weve been through, I thought that he wouldnt just dump me out of the blue. And now hes claiming its to make me happy and to protect me? Bullshit. If he gave two shits about any of that then he would have broken up with me as soon as he lay a hand on me. No no no no no. Darlin, Im not breaking up with you. He grabbed my cheeks in between his large hands to get my attention. Dont you see? I could never leave you! He snapped at me. His eyes looked crazed and passionate as his grasp moved from my face to my torso. Then what the hell are you talking about Harry? Youre scaring the crap outta me! I shouted at him, slapping his hands away from me so I could stand up. He stood up too, but only to tower over me. I need you to do something for me. He caught my eyes with that brooding look that makes him look so damn sexy and thoughtful. Anything. My lips whispered without my brain giving consent. He looked at me for a moment before looking away towards the wall. He did that nervous habit of chewing his lips before he squeezed his eyes shut tightly and started pulling at his hair.

I wanted to calm him, but I let him get whatever emotion out. When he was finally able to look at me again, I met his eyes without fear. Harry said he loved me. Why was I getting so hooked up on that? Why were there butterflies in my stomach? Why was my heart beating uncontrollably? You have to dump me. I dont have the strength to leave you, but for your own good you need to break up with me. He couldnt even meet my eyes as he asked me to do the unthinkable. All I could do was stare at him until words finally came to my mouth. Are you fucking insane? I snapped at him, my mind going into overdrive. Who tells someone he loves her and then asks her to dump him? Olivia, please- I cut him off and slapped his hand away as he tried to reach for me. The fuck kind of drugs are you on? I yelled at him, my New Yorker coming out with excessive hand movements and gestures to show how emotionally unstable I was at that moment. OLIVIA! FUCKING LISTEN TO ME, JESUS CHRIST! He screamed, his neck vein popping out. I instantly quieted and let him speak. But it seems that Harry needed to get his anger out some other way because instead of using his words he lifted the nearest object, which happened to be my cell phone, and chucked it at the wall, causing it to shatter into pieces. I flinched at the loud sound of the technology against the drywall but I tried not to seem afraid. Dammit, Olivia! Why cant you fucking realize anything? Its like you LIKE when I hit you or when I beat you. I thought you said you would leave me if I ever did it again, but you didnt! You keep giving me all these chances and I dont fucking deserve them! I took in a deep breath, willing myself not to yell at him for his stupidity. I allowed my eyes to take in his form; heavy breathing, fisted knuckles, messy hair, red face and wild eyes. Everything about his was screaming at me to stay away, but I was compelled to rest my hand on his forearm. Harry Am I allowed to speak now? I asked him slowly. He narrowed his eyes at me, but nodded. Ok, first of all, if you want us to be over then youre the one whos going to have to dump me. Stop being a cunt and grow a pair. Second of all, I will never leave you because because I think I love you too. I cant believe those words actually came out of my mouth. Those words I swore Id never let him hear me say. Maybe he just grew on me or maybe it was meant to be all along, but theres no doubt in my mind that I love Harry Styles.

Those threats of me leaving him when things got violent were empty and selfish. Harry is a broken man. Hes a hurt man and he shows his emotions the only way he know howthrough violence. For me to threaten him like that was so stupid and self-concerning on my part. To be honest, I cant leave Harry. Ive become too reliant on him and too invested in him and I dont really want to be without him. It sounds stupid that the same guy who left me nearly unconscious is the same guy I refuse to break up with. I mean, Im Olivia Olson for fucks sake. I dont take shit from anybody. Olivia. Please, I need to protect you and this is the only way that I can. You need to leave. I bought a plane ticket that leaves in two hours. It lands in New York. Just go. Its not safe for you. If youre so damned concerned about my safety then why didnt you fucking dump me a long time ago?! I shouted at him, the anger making my voice rise to all new levels of volumes. I wanted to throw something to get my aggression out, but I didnt think it would help much. It didnt seem to help Harry. Because Im only realizing now that I love you. You showed me how much you care and I dont know how to show it back. So you need to leave to protect yourself. He tried to explain to me. I narrowed my eyes and took a step closer. You say you love me? He nodded his head frantically. Then prove it. I smashed my lips onto his, catching him by surprise. I didnt give him enough time to react before we fell backwards onto the bed. My chest hit his but his hands held my waist firmly above him to prevent me from tumbling off. In a swift movement, he flipped us over and trapped me beneath his body. Dammit woman! Why are you doing this to me? He growled, his lips attaching to the base my jawline. Harry, if I wanted to leave you, I wouldve done it by now. I smirked, knowing I had won. But, Im Harry Styles. Ive never been to jail because the cops are too afraid to arrest me. I formed my own gang at 17 and Ive raped and killed people, Olivia. He pulled away from me to look at me seriously with stern eyes. I just stared back at him innocently, knowing damn well it would piss him off. Exactly, youre Harry Styles. The guy who kill three people because they hurt me. The guy who forced me to stay with him to make sure I healed properly. The guy who completely changed the rules in his gang because I felt uncomfortable being ignored by

his friends. Youre the sweetest guy I know, you just hide it under a lot of anger. I ran my finger along the outline of his lips. Youre stupid if you want to stay with me. He murmured against my touch. I pulled his head back against my neck so that his lips would resume leaving kisses. I did get kicked out of college, remember? I felt him smile against my skin and let my body lose control under his touch. You know how the morning after an intense night a lot of chicks wake up not remembering what happened the night before. That didnt happen to me. When I woke up, naked, in Harrys muscular arms, I could remember everything. I could remember the way our bare torsos felt flush against each other. I could remember how our bodies fit together perfectly. I could remember the feeling I got when he brought me to the top and the happiness I felt when he brought me back down again. I could practically still feel the pain erupting inside me as he entered and took away the most sacred thing from me. I could practically still feel the joy in the pit of my stomach when he screamed out my name during his climax. And the pleasure. The pleasure was an experience Ive never had before. I cant even describe how Harry had made me feel. But at that moment, as I lay in his arms, all I could feel was pain from my lower region. I knew that eventually I would have to lose my virginity to someone, but I didnt think it would hurt as much as it did. I mean, especially afterwards. I tried to slip out of Harrys arms to grab a cup of tea or an advil or something, but in his sleep, he constricted his grasp and held my firmly against his chest, reminding me that I would never leave him and he would never let me. End Notes: Ok, it's late and I'm sick so I'm not going to write anything profound here. Got my laptop back, thanks for being so patient with me and thanks to Hailey who helped me post updates to all of my stories! Thanks for reading, please leave a review. :) Love you all Back to index Chapter 40: Reconnection by Sophie Grey Chapter 40: Reconnection I dont understand whats going on. I muttered, furrowing my eyebrows and trying to focus harder. Harry let out a groan of frustration and picked up the little pamphlet. I tried to explain it to you, just read this, maybe thatll help. He thrust the pamphlet at me and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away from me in aggravation.

I READ IT, Harry! I threw the pamphlet back at him and stood from my chair. He rolled his eyes at me and started to pick up the little pieces scattered across the table. You know what? Youll understand it better once you actually play. Its hard to do with two people so maybe whenever the lads come by again, Ill have them help me teach you. He resolved, giving up on me completely. I dont know why I have to learn this game in the first place, it seems stupid. I felt offended that a board game was able to outdo me, so I couldnt help but let anger and embarrassment control my actions. Harry packed up the game and put the instructions pamphlet on top so it would be easier to access in the future. Its not a stupid game. Its a lot of fun if you actually know how to play, Darlin. He spat. Harry has very little patience, so it was safe to say that we were borderline on an argument over the stupid board game. It IS a stupid game. Ive never even heard of it before. It must be some British guy who invented it. I insisted, not willing to be second to a fucking game. Ok, Olivia. The United States definitely has Risk. Youve just never heard of it but its definitely an international game. He replied, pushing the box back into its place among the other three games Harry had in his home; a poker set, chess, Risk, and Mastermind were the only games he owned and the only four games I didnt know how to play. We decided to stay in for the day to educate my board game skills. Apparently, Harry felt bad that I was so sore and decided itd be best to relax. Should I even bother trying to teach you the other three games or will you fuck those up as well? He glanced back and forth between me and the games. I know something else Id like to fuck. I smiled at him, hoping to lighten up the conversation. He groaned again. Darlin, if you tempt me, I wont be able to control myself but I dont want to hurt you again. He spoke slowly as if he were explaining this to some toddler. I shook my head at him and waddled, yes waddled, over to the fridge. How about we cool off and Ill make us some lunch? I suggested. I started searching through the cupboards but my attention was drawn back to Harry when his booming laugh echoed through the small room. What are you shitting yourself about? I snapped, knowing damn well what his response would be. Every time I tried, he would laugh at me. Youre going to cook lunch? Please. Of course, he could never miss an opportunity to

poke fun at my skills, or lack thereof, in the kitchen. For your information, I can make a mean sandwich, thank you very much. My attention returned to looking for supplies but his cabinets seemed bare. I popped open the fridge and found the same thing- no food. Wheres all the food gone? I swear we had food last I checked. I turned to Harry, who was wiping his eyes from laughing. We ate it, dumbass. I bit back a smart remark and just rolled my eyes. When was the last time you went grocery shopping? Ive never been, Eleanor always goes for all of us. She doesnt mind. He shrugged. I stared at him in shock. How can someone who lives by themselves never go grocery shopping? Well, I know what were going to do today. I decided. And whats that, grocery shopping? Darlin, can you imagine the shock of the poor citizens when Harry Styles meets them in the bread aisle. He snorted. Just give El a ring. No, Ive already decided and I can be very persistent, so stop fighting me. I tutted. I made my way to our bedroom to get changed. He followed behind me and stood in the doorway, watching as I slipped out of my sweats and into a nice pair of jeans and a sweater. I may feel like shit, but I wanted to at least look good if we were going out. I wandered into the en suite to put on makeup, having him following me and standing in the doorway again. Do you know how embarrassing itll be to be seen at a grocery store? He tried again. No I dont, and youll get over it. I swiped concealer over the remaining bruises on my face. Darlin, youre already not feeling well, lets not push you. He tried a different approach. I turned to give him a hard stare before batting my eyelashes onto the mascara brush. Harry, youve left me in worse condition before. Im fine and were going. He groaned, obviously accepting that he wasnt getting out of this one and wandered off to change It always amazes me how little effort he puts into his appearance and how great he looks. Simple black jeans, a white T-shirt and a black leather jacket transform Harry from a model to a god. He puts gel in his hands and runs his fingers through his hair to get it into its infamous curly locks.

As soon as we entered the store, Harry was grabbing things and placing them in the cart. I couldnt believe how enthusiastic he got once we were there. It was literally like a kid in a candy store. Can we get these? Eleanor used to buy them for me but then she stopped. Harry held up a box of Hostess Twinkies. She stopped because theyre absolute shit for your body, but sure, why the hell not. I muttered as I looked at various pastas. He smiled broadly and placed the item in the cart, walking along side me for a moment before getting distracted by another item. Harry, Im going to the vegetable aisle. Why dont you go get one box of cookies we can have tonight while I go find carrots and radishes? I offered. Just one box? He complained like a toddler. I rolled my eyes at him. We already have twinkies, chocolate cake mix and brownie mix in here. We only need one box of cookies, now go! I laughed. He stalked off towards the sweets aisle, getting some head turns as he went. People were definitely shocked to see the notorious gang leader Harry Styles in the store, but then again I was still shocked I managed to get him to come. I pushed the cart passed a couple bickering over spices, a little girl deciding between two candy bars by the registers and a teenage boy looking at different boxes of condoms in the drug store aisle. Oh, sorry Darling. A voice apologized as another cart bumped into mine. I placed the carrots in my hand into my cart and looked up at the woman. Oh its no- I instantly stopped talking as I looked over the woman standing in front of me. She was middle-aged, but absolutely beautiful. She was Caucasian but with dark features. Her smile was dazzling and warm and her eyes were so kind. Tricia Styles. I recognized her from the funeral. Recognition crossed her face as she obviously remembered me being the girl on her sons arm from the event. We both kind of just stood there for a moment until another voice interrupted us. Mum, I cant decide. I think Ill just get both. The little girl deciding between candy bars approached us and looked up at her mother. The girl, Safaa I think, looked exactly

like her older brother. Her dark hair was straight around her round face, but when she smiled at me I could see my boyfriend in her expression. Harry told me she was ten, but her brown eyes seemed more knowing than a ten year-old. This little girl was an infant when her mother took her away, so I doubt she knew who I was, but she could tell that something was up by the way her mother was looking at me. I said one, Safaa. Tricia said, looking at her youngest daughter briefly. The girl pouted. But I cant decide! Well, youre going to have to. The last thing you need is two candy bars. Her mother turned her attention back to me, looking me over slowly. What if I get one for me and one for Doniya? Safaa pressed, making her mom focus back on her. I know that Doniya will just give it to you, Safaa, nice try. That ended the argument. What Doniya does with her candy bar is her business Safaa muttered, placing one candy bar in the cart and the other on a random shelf. Her stubborn spirit was almost identical to that of someone that I know. Sorry about that Tricia smiled at me. I shook my head and offered a timid smile in return. Shes adorable. I started to pull my cart away, not sure what to do in this situation, but Tricia stopped me. Im sorry to be so rude, Darling, but are you- do you know my- I I think I saw you at a funeral recently. She sputtered out awkwardly. Knowing that I couldnt lie, I nodded solemnly. So youre Ive heard about you. You have? I asked nervously. I know Harry and his mother have had a complicated past, but I still felt nervous about what she thought of me. She is my boyfriends mother, after all. My eldest daughter, Doniya, hears the gossip of London even in the town were from, Bradford. We-we know about Harrys, erm, pastime. Doniya said she heard about a girl who caught his heart and is changing him for the better. You must be Olivia Olson. I blushed. I knew that Harry was well known, but I never guessed that my association with him would be too. The one and only.

Oh my goodness, I cant believe Im meeting you. Its a pleasure really, Darling. She moved around our carts to wrap me in a brief but warm hug before pulling away and smiling at me. I noticed her habit of calling me darling. It sounds so much like how Harry calls me Darlin. I wonder if thats where he picked it up from Im just- I worry so much about him because we hear things and none of its good. And then I heard about you, I just. I havent been a mother to him the past ten years and Im just happy to know that someones taking care of him. Tears welled in her eyes and I instantly felt bad. I love your son, I whispered, hoping to only please her. Safaa watched on with wide eyes and listening ears, no doubt drinking in all the information her mother forgot to censure around her. I dont know if I want to know the answer, but I have to ask: Is he good to you? She bit her lip, obviously having heard about Harrys track record with women, with violence, and with me. Harry and I get into fights, sure, but hes nothing I cant handle. A friend of his said that Im the only person who can give him a run for his money. I answered as honestly as I could without upsetting her with the gory details of our relationship. She smiled at me, obviously taking a different meaning out of my answer. Do you think maybe you could give him this? She fished in her purse for a little piece of paper and wrote something on it. When she handed it to me, I glanced over it. A phone number. I was wondering if you could get him to call. Darling, I really want to form a relationship with him. She begged me. I slipped the paper in my back pocket. I dont know if thats such a good idea. Harry was just recuperating from his fathers death and I didnt know if itd be good to put more stress on him. Please. I know Ive been a horrible Mum to him, but I want to change that if hed let me. The girls and I decided to stay in London for a little while. I was hoping to get in touch with him before we return to Bradford. Please, youre my only chance of a reconnection. She grasped my hand tightly and pleaded shamelessly. I glanced nervously back and forth between Harrys mom and the female, ten year old, Harry look alike. Ill bring it up, but I dont know if- Darlin! I whipped my head around to see Harry jogging up to me, his eyes glued down at the objects in his hands. Uh oh. I know you said only one box of cookies but I cant decide. If the situation werent so serious and awkward, I would have laughed at the irony that 21 year old Harry faced the

same dilemma as his sister, who happened to be 11 years younger than him. Harry, I- I cut myself off as he looked up at me and then at the people I was talking to. His mouth popped open a little bit, his eyes shifting back and forth. His mother stared back at him in shock, while his youngest sister just looked at him curiously. Harry Tricia Styles moved slowly as she reached out for him, but he quickly moved away, to stand next to me. What the hell, Olivia? He spoke lowly, but slightly angry. We bumped into each other. We recognize each other from the funeral, Harry. I whispered back, even though I knew both his mother and his sister could hear us. He looked back at his mother, but then down at his sister and I swear I saw tears form in his eyes. He looked at the little girl with an instinctual love, even though he had never actually met her. Quickly, he blinked the tears away and forced his gaze back to me. I could see panic in his eye as he tried to send me a silent signal. Harry, I- Harrys mother looked about close to tears as she looked over her estranged son, I gave your girlfriend my number. I want us to reconnect. Funny you should say that now, after ten years of no communication. He spat, turning on his heel and storming off. Harry, please. His mother begged after him, but was ignored. Olivia! Come on! Were leaving! He called back for me. I looked back at his family once more. Ill try to talk to him, just give me time. I promised before following him out. End Notes: Thoughts? What do you think about Harry's family? What should he do? Do you think that I should go into more detail for sex scenes or leave it up to the imagination? Do you want to see more violence in Zannah arguments or do you want to see them wean off into a more normal relationship? Thank you so much for reading, I love you, please leave a review. Back to index Chapter 41: Threat by Sophie Grey Chapter 41: Threat I paid as quickly as I could, though the cashier moved at a snail pace. Big blue eyes stared at me in fear. Even though I was in a bad mood and I wanted to snap at her for the slow pace, I thought she looked scared enough so I only offered up a friendly smile. I glanced over my shoulder at where I thought Harry was, but there was only an empty

space. I glanced back at the girl and realized it was me she was afraid of. Why? Harry Styles. She thought that if she messed up I would go and tattle or something. My stomach fluttered a little bit and I could feel my heart sinking. The last thing I needed was for people to be afraid of me. Wait, then where was Harry? I took out my credit card and paid for all of the groceries. Pushing the cart out of the store, I kept my eyes peeled for my boyfriend. Instead of finding him, I caught the eye of his mother. I gave her a reassuring nod, promising Id talk to him, before heading over to where we had parked. Wait! Olivia! I heard my name being called and forced myself to turn around. Harrys mother rushed up to me with her youngest daughter trailing behind. I dont mean to pry, Darling, I know Ive done enough already, but I wanted to make sure youre alright. She looked at me only with concern, kind of like how my own mom used to look at me when I was in high school. Of course Im alright. I plastered on a fake smile. She shook her head and looked down at her ten year old, who stood clinging to her shirt. I mean, well, he just looked so angry and and I hear things and Im worried that, she glanced back down at her daughter and censored her next words carefully, that hell do something he will regret. I bit my lip. Shit, I hadnt thought of that. Harry has a tendency to act rashly when hes angry, but he doesnt often regret it. Of course, since Im the one going home with him, Im on the receiving end of his violent tantrums. Im not afraid of him. I lied. I could tell Harrys mom didnt believe me but she didnt push it in the presence of Safaa. I sent them a small wave and turned on my heel. I stopped the cart right by the car. It was locked so I guessed that Id be stuck there until Harry made an appearance. Catching drift of a particular smell, I glanced around until my eyes landed on the cloud of smoke coming from around the corner of the store. Deciding it was safe to leave the cart filled with groceries right next to Harrys car (which had a license plate that said STYLES on it), I wandered over to the smoke, following my hunch. You know how I feel about smoking, I said softly. His dark eyes snapped up to me, but he made no move to toss out the lit stick in between his fingers.

You know how I bloody feel about my mother, didnt stop you from getting involved. He responded, his voice huskier and lower than usual. I didnt mean to upset you, I just felt bad for her. Harry scoffed at my words and flicked the butt of his cigarette to the concrete, squishing it with the toe of his boot. You knew damn well what you were doing, Darlin. He walked away from me, leaving me standing in the remains of his smoke. I let out an aggravated sigh and followed behind him. Harry. I called behind him. When I caught up to him, he was packing up the trunk with the grocery bags. He shoved the shopping cart forcefully away from his car, not bothering to put it back in the little trolley station. His eyes met mine and I saw how hurt he looked, but the pain in his eye was quickly masked. Thats what he does- suppresses things until he cant control them any longer and then I get hurt. Not this time. Harry! I raised my voice a little to make sure that he knew how serious I was being. His eyes met mine again and his jaw clenched. What? What do you want from me, Darlin? What could you possibly want from me now?! He immediately started to yell at me openly, ignoring the people going in and out of the grocery store. They all pretended not to stare, but I saw wary eyes watching me. I just want you to talk through this, please. I begged him. It was like something flicked a switch and set him off. Before I could even react, his fist curled up and slammed into the side of his car. I let out a small yelp and covered my mouth in shock. He aimed his violence at something besides me. God Dammit! He shouted, his voice coming out in a snarl. I wanted to reach out and give him a hug, or at least squeeze his shoulder in reassurance, but I was too afraid. I stayed where I was and tried to remain below his radar. I cant fucking talk about this! You know that! He shouted again, kicking his tire roughly. I watched as he hit his car two or three more times, letting all of his fury and pain out onto the hunk of expensive metal. Dents were forming on one side and his knuckles were getting bloody. I felt like I was being selfish by not stopping him. He was only going to hurt himself by taking on a car, but I couldnt bring myself to be on the painful end of his fist any more.

He finally turned to me, his eyes black as they usually are when he gets in these moods. I scan up and down his body only to find his knuckles bruised. Everything else seemed to be intact. He was breathing heavily and his fists were still clenched, but I think the worst of it was over. Thank God. Im sorry. I whispered. Its ok. He whispered back between rough breaths. I looked down at my hands and opened my stupid mouth again, being a dumbfuck like usual. I think you should forgive your mom. What was I thinking? Lord only knows. Harry stared at me incredulously for a moment before letting out an obnoxious snort. You didnt think that one through, so Im letting it go. I did think it through, I defended, I think that youd feel better if you worked this out. I stood my ground, feeling a little more confident now that he had the chance to beat up a vehicle and not his girlfriend. Olivia, youre fucking with me right now. That bitch left me alone with an alcoholic when I was a kid! A fucking kid! I didnt hear one word from her. He pointed his finger in my face, his whole being beginning to tremble again. People make mistakes, Harry. I know you have your fair share. I muttered softly, lowering my voice with the hopes that hed do the same. SHE LEFT ME WITH HIM! Youve got no fucking idea how much that hurt! Youve hurt people too, Harry. If you work through this with her, I think you can- Ive never hurt a kid. Ever. All the people Ive ever hurt havent been innocent. Back then, I was innocent. I was 11 fucking years old. I hadnt done anything wrong and she left me. I was innocent and you hurt me. He looked me dead in the eye and shook his head. That was different, Darlin. My mother She He couldnt even come up with a response. The wheels were turning in his head, but he couldnt defend himself. He knew that what he did was much worse than what his mother did. She made me like this.

I know, baby. I know. I whispered. I let myself rub his arm comfortingly, but I didnt touch him much more than that. He let out a sigh and I watched his fists clench and unclench again and again until his body was no longer trembling. As he calmed down, I allowed myself to become closer and closer to him, wrapping my arms around his torso bravely and nuzzling my face into his chest. His hands eventually flattened themselves against my back, rubbing me as if I was the one who needed to be calmed down. Can we go home? I asked into his chest quietly. I took the gentle kiss planted on the top of my head as a yes and pulled away from him. I had trouble opening the passenger door, because someones fist dented the latch in, so I had to climb through from the drivers side. Never back down, never give up, never gonna leave, so put your hands up. I sang along to the radio on the ride home. Harry and I were set in a comfortable silence; the only sound was the soft radio and my god-awful singing. I think Harry felt bad for almost losing it because he let me listened to lite radio rather than the usual R&B or rock he put on. With one hand on the steering wheel, and one hand on my thigh, right above my knee, things felt normal again with Harry. But when we pulled up to his building, both of our faces fell. One Direction stood waiting for us. All four of them were there. Stay in the car. Harry ordered, his voice taking on an authoritative edge. I nodded, knowing not to mess with him. Something was up, that much I could tell. Niall and Louis were both shaking their heads sadly as Harry approached his friends, while Liam and Zayn stood in tense stances, obviously trying to control their anger. They werent too far away from the car, so I could kind of hear muffled talking, but I couldnt make out what they were saying. All I knew was that something happened and they were pissed off. I offered a small smile when Harry glanced back at me, but he didnt return it. He turned back to his friends before everyone but Liam approached the car. Lou, Haz and Niall are going to help you get the groceries inside while Liam and I talk, ok? Harry asked me, opening the drivers door and helping me climb out. I nodded, knowing better than to argue. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and nudged me towards the three boys who had already unloaded the car. I followed them inside, glancing back just to see Liam and Harry disappearing around the corner.

The elevator ride was awkward. Louis, Zayn and Niall kept exchanging looks between one another, communicating with their eyes and leaving me out of the conversation. They carried the bags of food to our kitchen and began unloading, comfortable enough in Harrys flat to know where everything went. Harrys going to be ok, right? I asked Louis softly. Out of all of Harrys friends, I liked him the best. El loved him so that counts for something in my book. Zayn turned out and let out a snorting laugh. Out of all of Harrys friends, I liked him the least. For obvious reasons. Whats so funny, dumb fuck? I snapped at him. Watch the way you talk to me, Olivia. He warned before opening one of the chip bags and popping a few in his mouth. Niall stopped what he was doing to grab a handful as well. You dont have to worry about him. Harry isnt doing anything dangerous. He just needed to talk to Liam. Louis comforted me. Then why did all of you come over here? I pressed, knowing damn well that it has to be a dire situation for all of One Direction to show up at Harrys apartment. Niall and Louis exchanged nervous looks while Zayn read over the nutrition label on the Tostitos he was eating. Fucking 120 calories per serving! Thats like 30 chips! Sweet. He smiled boyishly and took another handful. I ignored him and watched Niall and Louis closely, waiting for one of the boys to give me a clue. We wanted to see our favorite problem child. Niall turned to me, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. Even a notorious gangster has a telltale giveaway when he lies. Nice try, Horan. Just be good. Harryll be back any minute and you can annoy him with questions. Louis begged me. I sighed sadly, knowing Harry wouldnt tell me anything anyways. Will you tell Eleanor? Louiss eyes immediately met my own and I received a threatening look. Thats different. How? You arent my girl. I need to respect Harrys relationship just like he respects mine. Drop it, Olivia. He spoke with clipped words, clearly pissed off at me. Oh well, angering

dangerous gang members has been my past time for the past year, so I was used to it. I have a right to know whether or not I should worry about my boyfriends safety. I retorted, equaling the level of coldness in my voice to that of his. Im not playing around. Of course, my response was met by chuckles from Zayn. I turned to him and stared at him through narrowed eyes. His eyes connected with mine and he offered a teasing wave. What is so fucking funny?! I shouted, throwing my hands in the air. Nothing, doll. Its just, if Harry knew, hed be so angry. Zayn shrugged, sending a knowing smile to Niall who shook his head at his dark-haired friend. If Harry knew what? That you were worrying about him. Youre his to take care of and he doesnt want you to get all anxious or nothing over him. He worries about you not vice versa. I wanted to respond by saying that they were wrong, that Harry needed to be taken care of just as much as I needed to be taken care of, but before I could, two pairs of heavy boots echoed through the apartment. I immediately rushed out of the kitchen, the boys close at my heels, and threw myself on Harry. He immediately caught me and held me against his body. I inhaled his masculine scent, the strong smell of fresh cigarettes invading my nose. I was worrying about you. I whispered in his ear, even though I knew hed react like Zayn predicted. Dont you fucking worry about me. He growled back, squeezing me tighter into his muscular form. I didnt respond and instead hid my face from everyone else against his chest. I could feel the vibrations in his neck as his voice came out and spoke to his friends. Liam know what surveillance plan to set up. Call the others and tell them to bring them here. This is safest. Harry ordered. Liam and Louis rushed out of the apartment quickly, while Niall and Zayn paused to speak quietly to one another before they too disappeared from my sight. I pulled away just enough to meet Harrys frantic eye. Harry, whats wrong? I asked quietly, concern etched in my features clearly. Nothing, Darlin. Nothings wrong. He whispered, pushing my head back against his chest. I wont let them get you. He muttered to himself, the words not meant for my ears.

End Notes: Ok, I'm exhausted so I'm going to keep this quick. What do you think of Harry not being abusive towards Olivia? What do you think is going on? What do you think of the other boys and their relationships with Olivia/Harry/their girlfriends/each other? What do you think Harry should do about his mother? Please review! It would mean the world to me!!! Also, when you get the chance please check out The Cold Ink in His Heart by xoxo22! Thanks for reading! I love you guys! Back to index Chapter 42: Danger by Sophie Grey Chapter 42: Danger Please tell me whats going on, I begged Harry as I watched him tear apart our bedroom. I crossed my legs in a pretzel and fiddled with the edge of the comforter of the bed. His dark eyes snapped in my direction. Nothings wrong, Darlin, I just need to find something. He growled. My eyes followed him around the room, watching him rip out drawers from the dresser, dumping our clothes all over the floor. Well, what are you looking for? Maybe I can help. I suggested, starting to get a feeling about exactly what he was looking for. No. You cant help. Just sit there and shut up. He snapped, throwing a pile of my bras on the floor in the corner of the room. I watched him get down on his knees to crouch over and look underneath the bed. He let out an angry huff and jumped up from his position. I know what youre looking for. I muttered, not even sure he would hear me. Oh yeah? You fucking know what Im looking for, do you, Darlin? Then show me where the fuck it is! He shouted, kicking the edge of the dresser. I let out a sigh and stood up from the bed. Carefully, I wrapped my fingers around Harrys wrist and tugged him closer to me. He narrowed his eyes at me but let me drag him around after me. I brought him to the guest room and made him sit on the edge of the guest bed. You know I have no fucking time for this. He snapped at me. I waved him off and got on my knees. Carefully, I stuck my hand under the mattress and wrapped my hand around a cold piece of metal. I tugged it out and held it up gingerly. The gung hung awkwardly

between my index finger and thumb and I dangled it in Harrys face. His mouth popped open. WHY THE FUCK IS THAT IN HERE?! He shouted, snatching the weapon from my hand. He stood up quickly and got right up in my face. He tucked the gun in the back of his pants and hid it with his shirt. His black eyes met mine. Why the hell was that in here, Darlin? He asked again, his voice low. I gulped and met his eyes. Why do you have a gun in the first place? I returned, not letting my voice waver in the slightest. Its my fucking home. Now why was that gun in here? I- I found it and I- Harry. I think you should come here. Nialls head poked in the room. I let out a breath of relief when he glared at me and stormed out of the room. I followed Niall and Harry reluctantly down the hall and to the kitchen. Umm, mate. Niall nodded his head towards me. Harry turned around and let out a sigh. Darlin, this isnt something for your ears. He told me curtly. His eyes traveled over to the living room, silently commanding me to go in there and leave him and Niall be. I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the doorway. What going on? Harry, please tell me. I can help. You wanna help? Then go in the other fucking room and sit there and be a good girl. He shouted at me. I looked at him a second longer before I did as he said and went into the other room. He was obviously angry with me for hiding his gun, so I didnt want to push it. I walked past the elevator on my way to the living room. As soon as my fingers trailed on the cool metal of the elevator door, it dinged and began to open. I nearly jumped back six feet. Jesus Christ, you fucking scared me! I gasped out when Eleanor hopped off of the lift. She let out a small giggle and wrapped her thin arms around me. Nice to see you too, babe. Terrific. Havent even said hello and shes running her mouth like a trucker. Louis snapped, brushing past me and his girlfriend. Eleanor narrowed her eyes at the back of

his neck and shook her head. Ignore him, he has his period. Getting awfully brave, Eleanor! Louis called back in response. I watched Danielle walk over to us with a timid smile. Liam came up behind her and planted a small kiss on her cheek before following Louis into the kitchen where the other boys were. Do you have any idea whats going on? Danielle asked in her usual timid voice. I have no idea and Im sick of not knowing. Harrys being a dick and wont tell me anything. I muttered, walking the girls into the kitchen with me. Im being a dick, am I? My head shot in the direction of his voice. Shit. I hadnt met for him to hear that I- Didnt I tell you to go sit in the living room and shut up? He pressed on. He stared up at me from where he sat at the kitchen table. I gulped nervously and glanced over at the other pairs of eyes in the room. Well- Whatever, youre here now. Go make up the guest room for Eleanor and Danielle. Theyll be staying with us for the next few days. He shooed me off. I walked about two feet away before storming right back into the kitchen. Why are they staying with us? Whats going on? Im sorry, I dont remember opening the floor to questions. Now run along, Darlin. Cant you see Im not in the mood for your antics? Can I talk to you in the other room, Harry? I asked him through clenched teeth. I didnt care what was going on, he had no right to speak to me like that. Olivia. If I have to get out of this chair, I will put you in your face so quickly, youll be suffering from whiplash. He spat, slamming his palm flat down on the table. Fine. But this isnt over! I declared as I turned on my heel and slammed every door possible on my way to the guest bedroom. I dont know whats going on, Danielle whimpered, fiddling with the edge of the comforter. Her long legs were spread out on the guest bed while Eleanor sat on the edge. I paced the room, letting my mind make the worst of the situation.

Liams being extra affectionate with me, hes acting so clingy. Its weird. She continued. She let out a small sigh and tucked her hands under her chin. Yeah, well Harrys being an extra douche, so you got the better end of the stick. I muttered. Danielle shrugged and continued to fiddle with the comforter. I let my eyes glance over to Eleanor, who had been silent for the entirety of the conversation. What about Louis? I asked her, bringing her in. She looked up at me questioningly. What about Louis? She repeated, tilting her head to the side. Yeah, has he been acting strange? I ask her, feeling an inkling of suspicion in my chest. She looked down at her fingers. Oh you know Louis, hes always acting strange. She responded monotonously. I paused my pacing for a second before rushing forward and kneeling in front of her. You know something! I accused, bending down so that she was forced to look me in the eye. I saw Danielle sit up on the bed and inch her way forward into our conversation. What? No Eleanor shook her head fervently. I can smell your bullshit. El, what do you know? I-I cant tell you. I promised Louis. She whispered. Her eyes were begging me not to push it. But, of course I did. What did he tell you? I demanded, making my voice into a harsh whisper. Eleanor, please. Im scared. Danielle whispered from behind El. Eleanor bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut. The boys received a threat and theyre just taking precautions. Thats all. She looked back up at me. I got the feeling that she didnt know any more than what she was telling us. I let out a sigh and sat down on the floor. How come Louis told you, but none of the guys told us? I asked, motioning between Danielle and me. Eleanor shrugged. Ive been around for a while; I understand their world, their business. Liam didnt want to scare Danielle, and Harry knows you. He thought youd overreact or do something stupid. How come everybody is just waiting for me to do something stupid?! Eleanor and Danielle let small smile grace their lips.

What? I felt unnerved by their smiles and the exchange of knowing looks. Oh nothing, its just that- Olivia, you do things without thinking, you like provoking the most dangerous man in the city. Doing stupid things is kind of you M.O. Shut up, Eleanor. I spat when I couldnt think of a defense argument. Danielle and El just let out light giggles and shook their heads. A few hours later I walked into the kitchen with my stomach grumbling. I had to go to work in less than an hour and One Direction had not come out of the kitchen all day. It worried me that whatever threat they received concerned them this much, but if they wanted to keep me out of the loop then theyd have to deal with my hunger. Harry, can we order- Cant you see Im busy! Harry snapped at me. I pretended like his tone didnt cut a knife through me and shrugged it off like I shrugged everything else off. But I have to- Im sorry, but did you not just fucking hear a word I said? Im busy! he shouted, pushing his chair back and coming to get in my face. His large hands grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the kitchen wall. I was very aware of the four other boys who were watching us carefully. I took a trembling hand and reached up to put it over his own hand, not for comfort, but to keep his hand from moving off my shoulder to wrap around my neck or hit me across the face. Harry. I whispered to him, hoping hed realize how scared I was. Go into the other fucking room, sit there, and shut up! He shouted, pushing me out of the kitchen with such force that I stumbled backwards and onto my back. Immediately, Eleanor and Danielle were at my side and helping me to get up. I glared up at Harry who shook his head at me and turned back into the kitchen. FUCK YOU! I shouted after him, only proving what El and Dani said about me true; I do a lot of stupid things. Harry didnt turn back around or respond to my outburst, but I saw his shoulders tense up. Before I could get myself into any more trouble, Danielle and Eleanor dragged me down the hallway. I pushed them off of me and stormed into my bedroom. The clothes were still all over the floor from earlier when Harry was looking for his gun. I sorted through them and found my blouse and pencil skirt. I slipped them on and applied a little bit of makeup. When I left the room again, Eleanor and Danielle were there, waiting for me.

Where are you going? Danielle asked when I grabbed my purse and walked towards the elevator. I ignored them and pressed the button. You cant leave. Boys orders. Eleanor reached for me, but I stepped onto the elevator. Its dangerous out there! She shouted at me. I shrugged and pressed the button for the bottom floor. Eleanor looked at me sadly. Im sorry, but if you dont get off the elevator Ill have to get him. She warned me softly. I knew she was only trying to help and protect me but I needed to call her on her bluff. I have to go to work. I responded coolly as the doors began to close. She shook her head sadly and stepped away from the lift. Harry! She called out, HARRY! Olivias leaving! Her voice carried to the kitchen. Just as the doors were about to close, I saw Harry race into the foyer, his eyes ablaze. His hand came out to stop the doors, but he was one second too late because I was able to safely get away. Work was the one place I was independent from Harry. I needed to go to maintain some sort of sense of myself. Im Olivia Olson, not Harrys bitch. I knew I had a few minutes head start- the only official exit from Harrys flat was the elevator because some dumbfuck sealed the fire escape. So Harry had to wait. Wait until the elevator returned. Wait to come and get me. He had to wait. And I walked free. End Notes: Too tired to write a nice endnote- hope you like it and tell me what you think! Back to index Chapter 43: Harry's POV by Sophie Grey Chapter 43: Harrys POV Harry! I dropped what I was doing when I heard Eleanor call out for me. Both Louis and I immediately jumped to our feet. HARRY! Olivias leaving! What the fuck? My heart immediately stopped and I raced out of the kitchen into the foyer. My eyes met Olivias as the elevator doors began to close. She smirked at me knowingly. I ran forward, ready to shove my arm between the doors to prevent her from going anywhere, but I was one second too late. The fucking doors shut right in front of me. FUCK! I shouted, slamming my fist into the wall next to the doors. Didnt she know what was awaiting her out there?

I still remembered clearly when we came home from the store and the boys were waiting. They played a voicemail for me- from a man I hadnt heard in four years- a threat I had been expecting, yet caught me off guard at the same time. Before I never had anyone in my life that could be a weakness for me. I would watch your girl, if I were you, Styles. They wanted Olivia. The fucking Sharks want my girl. Shes fine. Just go get her once the lift comes back. Louis spoke up from behind me. I spun around so quickly that it would have made me dizzy had I not already been seeing red. My eyes zoned in on his protective grip on Eleanor. How do you fucking know that, Lou? You heard the threat!!! I shouted at him, jabbing my finger at him. Louis put his hands up in surrender, briefly letting go of El. Look, Harry. Calm down. The lifts on its way back up. He tried to comfort me. Well, fuck him. DONT YOU FUCKING TELL ME TO CALM DOWN WHEN OLIVIAS IN DANGER! I yelled pushing his chest so that he stumbled back. His eyes narrowed at me. His hand reached out and nudged Eleanor behind him. I watched Zayn and Niall stand up in the corner of my eye, ready to separate me and Louis if I lost my temper, which I have quite a track record of doing. If Eleanor were in danger we both know that you wouldnt be fucking calm. I seethed, trying as hard as I could to steady my anger. Olivia forced me to do that. For some reason she made me want to be a better person. And I dont fucking know why she made me that way. She made me stop taking my fear out on Louis and she wasnt even in the fucking room. Fuck her. Youre right. Id be freaking out too. Now, get on that fucking elevator before she gets too far. He commanded. I offered him a nod in appreciation and stormed off. The elevator ride took forever. I paced the entire time. When it finally arrived at the lobby, I didnt even have to push people aside to clear a path for me. I headed off in the direction of the financial building Olivia interned at. If something had happened to her, I dont know what I wouldve done. A killing spree perhaps? I could barely control my anger as it was. Without her with me, I would go insane. Literally.

I couldnt remember life before her. She made it three blocks. She made it three blocks away from my apartment before I caught sight of the back of her head. Her long blonde hair swayed as she strutted quickly on the sidewalk. My anger set aside for a moment so I could let my eyes travel up and down her body. Her pencil skirt hugged her ass, my mouth twisted up into a smirk. She annoyed the fuck out of me. She never followed directions. She constantly put herself in danger. But damn, she was hot. She wasnt skinny like Danielle and Eleanor or tall. She was much smaller than me, which I liked, and she had sexy curves without being chubby. Perfect. Absolutely perfect. When I caught up with her, I waited a moment to take in my surroundings. I needed to make sure no Sharks were here. My hand reached out and grabbed her arm. Quickly, I yanked her back, making her stumble into my chest. Her small bodys force didnt make me budge at all. I wrapped my arms around her frail waist and squeezed her a little. Where the fuck do you think youre going, Darlin? I growled in her ear. No matter how hard I try or what I do, she couldnt seem to grasp the fact that my word is law. She wasnt allowed to just leave like that. To work. She hissed. Her tiny elbow came back and slammed into my stomach. I let out a grunt of pain, but I didnt let go of her. Shed run as soon as I loosened my grip. I dont think so. I spun us around so I could slam her up against the brick wall of a nearby building. I had to keep my composure when I saw her wince in pain. I hated making her hurt, but I had no other choice. I didnt know how else to make her cooperate. Dont you know how dangerous it is for you to be out here? I hissed, making sure to bend over so I could be eye level with her. I noticed her hands trembling and her throat move as she swallowed a bile. I was scaring her. Good. That was the purpose of my actions, but why was that so disappointed in myself for making her afraid. No, I dont, stupid cunt. How the hell am I supposed to know whats going on when youre fucking keeping things from me! She snapped back at me. Her fear completely overpowered by her bravery and stupidity. I ignored the urge to smile proudly. Olivias feisty attitude was one of the things I loved about her. But its also one of the things that drove me insane.

The fuck did you just call me? I snarled, slamming her up against the wall again. Sometimes, even when I wasnt completely controlled by my rage, I couldnt help but hurt her. She never thought things through, I had to show her there were consequences. I was afraid that if I didnt harm her as punishment, worse things would happen. Like the Sharks could get their slimy hands on her. Do you need an ear piece, Grandpa? I think you heard me. She responded. I felt her thin hands slam against my chest with the goal to push me backwards and away from her, but her small hands did not damage. I barely even flinched. My strength was no match for her. Lets go. I hooked my hands around her wrist like handcuffs and began to drag her back to my- I mean our- home. She fought with me the entire time. Staying true to Olivias attitude, she spewed curses along the way. Of course no one stopped me along the way. No one dares to fuck with Harry Styles. Except the Sharks. If Im going to have to drag you into the elevator then were gonna have a fucking problem. Do you understand, Darlin? I shook her a little to get my point across. She rolled her eyes. I guess were gonna have a fucking problem. She spat as she continued to fight against me. I narrowed my eyes at her. I had to work hard to control my anger enough so I didnt beat her in front of everyone in the lobby like I wanted to. I wasnt that person any more. At least thats what I kept telling myself. Darlin, I think youre gonna wanna reconsider. I warned her. She was really pushing it, but I shouldve expected Olivia to not behave. It just isnt her style. Bite me. She hissed. I shoved her into the lift and pressed my body against hers, trapping her to the wall. Dont tempt me, Darlin. She smirked back up at me. She thought I couldnt read her, but I knew exactly what she was about to do, just before she was about to do it. I quickly jammed my hand against her knee, which was jerking up towards my crotch. I forcefully shoved her leg back down and grabbed her shoulders. Nice try. She gulped nervously. I slammed her body back against her wall of the lift as it carried us back up to my penthouse. Harry, I-

Shh. Just shut your pretty mouth before it gets you into most trouble. She scoffs and struts past me and into the apartment, brushing my shoulder on her way. I spun around and followed her out right on her heel. I saw Eleanor shoot Olivia an apologetic look from where she sat on Louiss lap. Eleanor had nothing to be sorry for. Unlike some people, she did what shes supposed to. Olivia! Were not done talking! I shouted after her. She spun around and looked me square in the eye. Not one ounce of fear was shown in her eyes though I knew it was there. Unless you want to tell me whats going on, then this conversation is definitely over. She spat. I wanted so desperately to tell her about the threat, but I couldnt. I didnt want to scare her. I didnt want to make her worry. Plus, knowing Olivia, her reaction would just put her in further danger. Louis was able to tell Eleanor because shes rational. And because hes a fucking pussy who couldnt keep his trap shut. Liam didnt tell Danielle because she would have been terrified. The poor girl shakes in our presence enough as it is. Plus, the threat was directed at Olivia, not the other girls. No one really knew about Eleanor and Danielle. Zayn and Niall slept with and marked so many girls they blend in with the rest. Not my Olivia. Olivia had made herself known to everyone, even my enemies. I let her walk away from me, not having the heart to argue with her any more knowing that her association with me had put her life in danger. Shes my girl and it was my fault those assholes were after her. Thank God shes ok. Liam muttered. Danielle nodded in agreement, not saying anything as usual. You should keep her on a leash, mate. Niall joked. I looked up at him, hoping the darkness in my eyes was enough to shut his piehole. We may be friends, but I was sick of my mates saying shit like that about my girl. The rest of the evening was tense. Olivia was still obviously pissed at me for not telling her what was going on, so I ignored her. Id rather pretend she wasnt there than acknowledge her and end up doing something Id regret.

I wasnt that person anymore. Are we having dinner or am I excluded from THAT, too? Olivia snapped from the door. I felt guilty, but she wasnt the only one who didnt know; Danielle was left out of the loop but she preferred it that way. Enough, Darlin. I snapped at her. She knew I was working on my anger, yet she insisted on pushing my buttons anyways. I curled my fists on the arm rests of my chair and counted to ten under my breath. Apparently that was some shit method that was supposed to help with my anger. Complete bullshit. I still wanted to slap her across the face. Her beautiful, porcelain face. Somethings seriously wrong with me. But somethings seriously wrong with her too, because she stayed. What are you going to do, fight me? She challenged, looking for any way to act out or get attention. That an invitation? I countered through clenched teeth. As much as her independent attitude turned me on, it also pissed me off to no end. She let out an angry huff and turned on her heel, storming into our bedroom. I smirked in victory and relaxed my tense muscles. I made it through an argument without violence. It felt good. About an hour and a half later, Eleanor stood up. I think Ill check on Olivia. Shes been awfully quiet. I looked up at the brown haired girl in surprise. It was odd that my girlfriend go this long without causing some problem. I watched El and Danielle sway out of the living room and down the hall. I waited a moment before standing to follow them. Before I could even make a move to leave the room, Danielle let out a blood curdling scream. All five of us ran into my bedroom faster than I thought possible. Danielle and Eleanor stood in the middle of the room, their faces white and their mouths open in shock. Liam and Louis immediately rushed to their sides. Those lovey dovey relationships disgust me. Olivia and I didnt need to be like that. We got each other.

I let my gaze travel around the room. Olivia was nowhere to be found, but the window was open. She fucking left me again I started to see red. I had the sudden urge to hurt someone. When I got my hands on her Id ring her neck I swear to god. Id make it so shed never be able to walk again. IdHarry, mate. Look at this. Zayn waved a piece of paper in front of my face. I snatched it out of his hand and took the chance to look around. The room was a mess. The bed was unmade, the duvets strewn all over the floor. A chair was turned over, and papers scattered the room. The curtains were ripped from around the window. A small dent was imprinted into the wall next to the bathroom. It looked like a tornado swept through. She fucking threw a temper tantrum and ran away. Ill kill her. Ill fucking kill her. You should read it mate. Zayn urged. I let out a growl and moved my eyes down to the paper. Written in a messy scrawl was a very simple note. You have 48 hours. It was so simple, but it meant so much. Niall took it from my hands carefully and passed it around to the other guys. I couldnt even pay attention to them. I was too frozen. My body stiff in shock. My heart nearly frozen in fear. They took her. I shouldve realized before. The room was a mess- Olivia would never go without a struggle. But how could the Sharks just come and take her right from under my nose? We didnt hear a fucking peep. I crumpled my fists up and slammed them into the walls, decorating them with small, permanent craters. I let out a shout and flipped over the armoir full of her clothing. Liam and Louis rushed Eleanor and Danielle out of the room. Well get her back, Harry. Dont worry. Niall patted my back. Shes a fighter, mate. Shell be fine. Zayn said seriously from where he stood

inspecting the window. Theyre dead. All of them. Dead." End Notes: What'd you think of Harry's POV? I don't think I'll do it again because I wasn't really comfortable, but I wanted to try something new. WHat do you think will happen to Olivia? Any other thoughts? Please leave a review! PS if you read any of my other stories, I'm sorry for the lack of update but I literally have writer's block on all of them! :/ Back to index Chapter 44: Nightmare by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: Warning: This chapter is really violent. Chapter 44: Nightmare Kidnapped. Motherfucking kidnapped. Someone kidnapped me. Who the hell does that? I felt like I was in a movie or something because normally you dont get fucking kidnapped. Right? I mean come on. I had been sitting in my room, pouting over Harry, like usual, and some asshole came up behind me. He had come in before I did, so he hid somewhere in my room until it was safe for him to come and get me. I couldnt even scream because the fucker put a cloth over my mouth as he grabbed me. Two other men had been with him. They messed up my room so Harry wouldnt make any mistakes. He would know the second he came in what happened. Somehow, these fuckers hoisted me through the window and down to the street level without making a sound. I couldnt even remember how it happened. I mean, who gets a 135lb girl down the side of an apartment (without a ladder or fire escape) and into a van without making a fucking sound? I mean, is that even possible? Apparently so. They knocked me out when they tried to put me in the van. It seemed like I was being too difficult. Well, those cunts shouldve gotten used to it. If they thought that trying to get me in the van was tough, then theyre in for a not so pleasant surprise. Wake UP! Someone kicked my side and sent me rolling over a few times. I let out a

pathetic groan and pushed myself onto my knees. Stand up. I glared up at the shadow of a man towering over me, but did as told and got t my feet. He stepped closer, bringing a disgusting smell with him. Cigarette and alcohol scents swirled around me as he bent down to level eyes. Harry smelled like cigarettes. But he always had some sort of a woodsy, man smell mixed in with the cigarettes as well as an undertone of cologne. This guy smelled too strongly of cigarettes, plus the alcohol was overwhelming. And instead of cologne, he smelt of B.O. Pleasant. You must be Olivia Olson. His deep voice stated confidently. I took a step away from him, getting a better view of his mug. I had never seen this man before in my life. I was sure of it. I knew I would remember his scars and piercing black eyes if I had. Whats the matter dear? You afraid? He taunted, laughing loudly and obnoxiously. I snorted at his comment, my pride getting the better of me. Please. Ive dealt with men worse than you. I was certain. I mean, I handled Harry at his darkest so this guy would be a walk in the park. My head snapped to the side as his palm harshly connected to my cheek. I didnt even let out a cry of pain. Yes, it hurt like hell. Yes, I was in pain. But, it was nothing compared to the pain Ive felt before. Nothing compared to what Harry had done for me. Thats what you think, but babe, Im your worst nightmare. He snarled. I let out a bitter laugh. Too bad my worst nightmare hits like a girl. My mouth never seemed to comply to my brain. I had been thinking, shit this guy is serious, but instead I insulted him. I was on a roll. Excuse me? He snapped. I couldve apologized and played it off, but did I? Of course not. Im Olivia Olson and for some fucking reason I couldnt keep my trap shut. Did I stutter? You. Hit. Like. A. Girl. And then I was on the floor. He shoved me to the concrete and kicked me twice in my gut with such force. I felt something jerk inside of me and instantly curled up into a ball to protect my vital organs. He kicked at my back, hitting my spine and sending a sharp pain up and down my back. I had the urge to vomit, but when I opened my mouth, all that came out was blood. Shit.

You like that bitch? Whos the girl now? He shouted as he hovered over me. A violent punch was sent to my side before the man stormed away. As soon as he disappeared, two other guys came over to me. The grabbed my arms and hoisted me off the floor. I tried to struggle against their holds, but their rough grips just tightened on my arms. They dragged me out of the room and tossed me down some stairs. I tumbled to the bottom and landed with a thud. I looked up with just enough time to see the two men slam the door at the top of the stairs shut and lock it. I couldnt find the strength to get up, so instead I curled up at the bottom of the stairs and let silent sobs escape me while betraying tears slipped down my cheeks. I dont know how long I was like that until the door was opened again. Two men came downstairs and grabbed me again. They were different from the men from earlier, but they were about twice as rough. Their fingers dug into my flesh as they dragged me up the stairs. They shoved me to the floor in front of the abusive man from earlier and held me there. Thatll be all, men. The intimidating man acknowledged them. The guys let go of me and disappeared down a corridor. I refused to look up at the man in front of me, so I let my eyes wander. It looked like we were in some sort of a warehouse. But it wasnt a worn down, abandoned one like in the movies. This warehouse was livable, conformed into a hideout for whoever this man was. This hideout wont keep me hidden forever. Harry will come. Harry will come. Look at me, bitch. The man commanded. Harry will come. Harry will come. I reluctantly tilted y chin upwards so that my glare met his. His black eyes stared down at me cruelly and I could practically see the evil thoughts floating through his mind. Harry will find us and hell kill you. I spat bravely. I waited for his anger to flare up and for more violence to be delivered at my expense, but my harsh words were met with a loud chuckle. Thats alright, my dear. He crouched down so that he could see me clearer. I was still on the floor, too sore and hurt to get myself up, but he made sure to bend over so he could get in my face. I was planning on that, in fact. I know that I wont be making it out of this. But neither will you. He hissed. His large hand came forward and grabbed my chin. He yanked me

forward so that I was practically underneath him. I tried to squirm my way out, but I was in no condition to fight with him. His hands held me down firmly, his fingers hurting me with his strength. Do you think Im afraid to die? My dear, this is all about revenge. You see, long ago I ruled London. I was in control. MY gang was feared. Then, One Direction came along and took me down. They were too strong for my men. I knew that their forces overpowered my own, so I knew that I would never be able to take London back. He explained to me. Each word came out harsh and bitter. His knee pressed down against my chest just at the mention of One Direction. I let out a gasp at the pressure on my airway, but I didnt fight it. Id lose that battle in a heartbeat. Harry will come. Harry will come. So you see, dear, Ive been waiting for the perfect kind of revenge. One Direction took everything away from me, so Im going to take everything away from them. He grinned at me mockingly. But you see, Olivia, he spat my name in disgust, the guys of One Direction have had nothing to lose up until this point. Then I laid my eyes on you. Then I saw you and the Muslim together. I saw how that dick looked at you, how he took care of you. I knew I would get my revenge through you. He snickered. I flinched at the way he spoke of Harry. I had never heard such hatred in my life. Even when I hated Harry, I wouldve found his tone a little harsh. Now Im going to break you. Hell spend the next day and a half searching for you and me. And then hell swoop in here in 36 hours to rescue you, just 12 hours short of his deadline, and his men will kill all of my men and me. I dont care because Ill have already won. His smirk was twisted. His eyes black but I could now see that there was nothing behind them. No emotion except hate. Nothing. When he takes you home, hell find you broken. You wont be the same person. Youll be permanently damaged scarred. Hell have to live with that for the rest of his life. Ruining one of their pathetic lives is enough for me. I may be dead, but Ill be victorious. If you think that youll break me, then you dont know me. I spat as viciously as I could. The man just laughed at me. You clearly dont know who I am, Olivia. Hasnt Harry told you a thing? He challenged me, his eyebrows raised in amusement. Harry keeps his private life and business life separate, thank you. I hissed, my cheeks flushing a little at the fact that this asshole was right; Harry didnt tell me anything about

One Direction or what he does. Well, Im Jay Fisher. Leader of the Sharks. He looked down at me as if I was supposed to immediately recognize his name. As if I was supposed to suddenly cower in fear. I just stared up at him in the same confusion. That a boy band or something? I asked him seriously, working as hard as I could to prevent a smirk from reaching my features. He grit his teeth together and flared his nostrils. Immediately I was across the room, hitting the wall with a loud thud. I let out a quiet whimper and tried to pull myself up. Jay came over and kicked my side roughly. His hand wrapped around my neck and pulled me off of the floor. I brought my hands up to claw at him, but he didnt even feel it. I was slammed against the wall and punched in the gut. I tried to fall to the floor and curl up, but he wouldnt let me. He hit me again and again before he let me crumple on the ground. Oh you stupid bitch. You have no idea what youre in for. He left and the two guys from earlier came back and threw me down the stairs. My arms and legs got cut up as I tumbled down the concrete steps. I landed on my wrist and let out a small yelp. Something was wrong. I backed up against the wall and cradled my wrist to my chest. It wasnt broken, I knew that, but it wasnt alright. A sprain at most, but that didnt mean it didnt hurt like hell. It was another hour or two before the men came down to get me. I snapped at them, but they paid me no mind. They didnt care that my entire body was hurting like hell. They didnt care that my wrist hurt. Or that my muscles were sore. Or that I was exhausted. Or homesick. They couldnt give less of a shit. I was thrown to the ground in front of Jay again. I looked up at him, not even bothering to hide the sadness within me. He nudged me harshly with his foot and crouched down in front of me. You think youre high and mighty, dont you? You think Harrys the good guy in all of this? Hes just as bad as me, doll. He snarled. I shook my head. I knew Harry was bad, but he wasnt even comparable to Jay. Under all the hurt, under all the pain, under all the violence, there was a good man. A good man who loved me. Harry will come. Harry will come. Harry is not even comparable to the scum as low as you. I defended him, knowing

damn well there would be consequences. But I couldnt just let Jay drag Harrys name through the mud. I physically couldnt let him do that. Youll pay for that. He laughed at me cruelly. He nodded to his two men who came forward on cue and dragged me to the middle of the warehouse floor. They shoved me to the floor and stood right behind me. Take off your clothes. Jay demanded as he approached us. I felt myself choke up in fear. My whole body began to tremble in fear, but I stood my ground. No. I replied simply, my voice weak. He nodded back to his two men, who immediately stepped forward and pressed my body flat against the cool concrete. They held my arms and legs down, making it impossible for me to struggle even slightly against their strength. Jay came forward with a wicked smile and clutched the fabric that clothed my chest. He pulled at it sharply and ripped the shirt from my body. I started to kick and squirm but it did no good. Jay admired my chest shamelessly as he pulled out a pocket knife and slowly cut my pants off of my legs. Fresh, hot tears started to roll down my cheeks. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Harry will come. Harry will come. His grimy hands found my bra and unclasped it. His eyes roamed down to the very last piece of clothing that covered my body. No no no no NO! Just like he took off my shirt, Jay tore my panties clean off my body, leaving me completely exposed in front of him. I felt my cheeks flush and the speed of the tears increase. Now, my dear, are you going to do this willingly? Or am I going to have to force you? He smirked. Even under the utter fear and desperation I was feeling, I was still cognitive enough to be my usual loud mouth and obnoxious self. I wouldnt touch you willingly with a ten foot pole. His smirk turned sinister and evil. Very well. He reached for his own belt unbuckled it. It came off smoothly, his black evil-filled eyes never leaving my sad and scared ones. Unexpectedly, he got to his knees in front of me, between my naked knees. My breath caught in my throat as he raised his belt up and thwacked it across my bare torso. Pain flared against my skin and I had to force my eyes shut to prevent any more tears from spilling. Again and again he whipped me with his belt. The leather made welts across my bare body. The leather went through my skin and hit my soul. The leather

made me feel lower and shittier than I had ever felt before. Harry will come. Harry will come. I shook and trembled and whimpered and cried until the belt stopped. But even that couldnt make me open my eyes. 20 hours. Jay snickered in my ear as he hovered over me. I didnt look but I could hear fabric rustling, so I knew what was next. I wished that he would go back to whipping me. I wished that what was about to happen was all a lie. But then I felt him. Inside of me. Being only the second time I had sex, the pain of his thrusts almost equaled the emotional pain that scarred my being. Almost. Thrust after thrust. Grunt after grunt. I didnt understand how those two men could just hold me down as this evil creature tortured me. They must have been evil too. Something was wrong with them, too. Everyone in the godforsaken Sharks were fucked up beyond belief. When Jay was done with me, I was thrown to the bottom of the stairs and locked in the basement. I crawled away from the stairs and hid underneath them. I curled up and just cried. Ugly sobs raked my body. Now I knew how Claire felt when Zayn raped her. I couldnt even build up the hate I needed to think about Zayn. As much as I disliked him, I knew Zayn was never as bad as Jay. Neither was Harry. No one could be. The next fifteen hours were hell. Those two men came to fetch me about four times to bring me up and have Jay... Jay Jay do things. Harry will come. Harry will come. I didnt have any tears left to cry. My pain tolerance was pushed as far as it could go. At one point I became numb to all of his abuse. Every thrust, every strike, every kick, every pain blended together. My whole body was on fire and I could no longer distinguish individual acts of violence. I was thrown in the basement with the reminder that I had five hours left of this. Harry will come. Harry will come.

That was the only thing that helped me get through this. The promise that I would see him again. The promise that he would hold me. The promise that I could run my fingers through his hair. The promise that he would get angry at me again and again and again and we would fight. The promise that at the end of the day I would fall asleep in his arms. Harry will come. Harry will come. Two hours passed until Jay came downstairs for me. He looked over me and smirked. His black eyes met mine, but I had to look away. I couldnt bear to look at him. I couldnt take his darkness any more. Three hours, doll. He said as he turned to go. I saw him pause at the foot of the stairs before he looked back over to me. I told you, my dear. I will win. I always win. He disappeared to the floor above the basement, chuckling darkly on his way up. He was right; he won. I gave up. I was broken. Harry will come. Harry will come. End Notes: Tell me what you think will happen!!!!! Should I do another HARRYS POV in the future? P.S I'M GOING TO THE ONE DIRECTION CONCERT TOMORROW AT THE IZOD CENTER IN NJ!!! Tell me if you're going! I'm sitting in section 127, not sure which row. Gaaaah! I'm so excited! Back to index Chapter 45: Harry's POV part 2 by Sophie Grey Chapter 45: Harrys POV part 2 I stood amongst the rubble. Amongst the ashes. Amongst the bodies. I didnt feel any remorse when I kicked aside the burned remains of a man. His clothes were singed onto his skin and his eyes were still open. Endless brown pools of begging staring at me in pain. The man didnt die a swift death, thats for sure. But I didnt care. Im a monster. Cold to the fucking core. His death almost brought me pleasure. Almost. Only one thing brought me pleasure those days, and I couldnt find her.

We found him! one of my men rushed forward to give me a quick warning. I spun quickly on my heel to face the devil himself. Jay was dragged forward by some of my loyal gang members and forced to kneel in front of me. His cold, black eyes stared up at me in complete amusement. I didnt detect any fear. Youre going to fucking wish you were dead, cunt. I hissed at him, kicking my foot into his stomach harshly. He tried to bend over and coughed a little from the force. I almost smirked to myself at his pain. Almost. He didnt look back up at me in pain. He looked back up at me with pride. Thats funny. This is exactly what I did to your bitch a few hours ago. His mouth twisted up into an evil and twisted smile. My whole entire body shook with anger and I began to see red. I lunged forward and wrapped my hands around his weasel neck. Almost immediately, though, two pairs of hands tugged me off of him. Harry. Stop. Liam commanded in my ear. Stop, you dont want to kill him. You want him to suffer. He reminded me. I moved my furious gaze to him. Yeah, mate. Well take care of him. We promise. Zayn chimed in. I pushed them off of me and turned my back on the shark leader. Make it as bad as possible. I snarled without looking back. I couldnt even lay my eyes on Jay anymore. The next time Ill be seeing him is in hell. I WON! He laughed as Liam and Zayn dragged him out of the warehouse. I had my men set it on fire, but only enough to cause casualties. The frame still stood. I won because shes broken! She wont ever be the same! Before I could even turn around and punch him in his ugly mug, the boys took him out. Me and my men continued to search the building. I checked the far side of the warehouse, my hands pulling desperately at anything that could conceal Olivias petite frame. Oh god, what if shes dead? I had to shake the thought from my head. I couldnt even think about that. I wouldnt even be able to function if that were true. Olivia. My Olivia. HARRY! As soon as I heard my name being called out my body carried me to Louis.

Shes here. Nialls got her. Louis patted my back and nudged his head towards one of the few doors that survived the fire. I ripped it open to find a set of stairs, the bottom of which was consumed by darkness. I could see the faint light of Nialls flashlight. I grabbed the one Louis was holding and switched it on. I followed the stairs to the base, where I found a small dent in the wall and a couple puddles of blood. I couldnt stop myself from physically cringing. It was hers. She had been here. Love, I need you to come to me. I heard Niall whisper softly. I continued further into the basement before I heard a small girlish yelp and the sound of a slap. Fucking hell. I cant help you if you hit me. Niall cursed out, trying hard to keep his voice calm and steady. Harry will come. Harry will come. Thats her! Thats my Olivia! Shes waiting for me. I broke out into a light jog, my heart beating out of my chest and my brain to overwhelmed to think properly. My flashlight landed on Nialls back, his hand rubbing his arm. Yeah, Olivia was there. Shed be the only one that could hit Niall that hard. Harry will come. Harry will come. Her voice was so broken and pained that I almost didnt think it was her. But the way she said my name I would have smiled if the situation wasnt so grim. Im here, Darlin, Im here. I spoke out to her. My flashlight landed on a girl in the corner of the room. Her arms were held over her head in defense. Her body was curled up in a ball to protect herself from major damage. Her pale body was stripped naked of clothing. Dark purple and grey bruises were scattered across her limbs and abdomen. Blood stains and deep cuts tattooed her delicate skin. And it all killed me. It amazed me that just 36 hours ago this very girl yelled at me for being an ass to her or something like that. Harry? She lifted her matted-blonde hair covered head and met my eyes with her green ones. Her shadowed face twisted into a desperate and hopeful smile. I literally felt my heart drop into my stomach. I approached her carefully, with my arms held up and my palms faced forward. I wanted her to know I wouldnt hurt her. I wanted her to know Id keep her safe. I was shocked when immediately her body collided with mine, sending me back a few feet before I could gain balance. Her small form crumpled against my chest, her thin arms

wrapping around my neck. My arms immediately circled her waist and held her to my chest tightly. I didnt think Id ever let her go again. Niall walked behind me carefully as I carried the love of my life upstairs. I didnt look at anyone as we left the building. I ignored Louis as he called out orders to my men, obviously because I was otherwise occupied. I didnt care when I passed Liam and Zayn shouting degrading things in another room, a thin wall protecting the noise of them beating Jay mercilessly. Niall helped me get Olivia into the car and drove us home. Niall grabbed Eleanor for me as I took Olivia straight to our room. Her beautiful eyelids were closed over her orbs gracefully. Each time she took a deep breath in, her face scrunched up in pain. The cuts and bruises across her ribs told me exactly what went down. I carefully set her down on the bed and pulled the duvets back. I slowly felt my body shut down as I truly got to examine her suffering under the bright lights of my home. Jay put her through this Jay put her through this because of me. Liam dumped Danielle about six hours into our search. He did it for her safety. He did it to protect her. Danielle understood of course and left on her free will. It was only a matter of time until our gang was threatened again. It was only a matter of time until someone found out about Danielle. It was only a matter of time until someone took her, too. So she left. Liam got her a first class ticket to the other side of the country. It hurt him, but he did what he needed. He mourned for a few hours, but Liam bounced back quickly. Because he knew he did what was best. Of course Louis thought about all these things too. I watched when he first turned to Eleanor, shortly after Liam left to ship Danielle off, and tell her he thought it best if she left him. If she dumped him. If she moved on and lived a better life. His response? A slap across the face and the introduction to a cursing match. Needless to say Eleanor wasnt going anywhere. The girl in question entered the room quietly and gasped when she saw Olivia. Her watery eyes met mine, but she immediately pulled out her first aid kit and set to work. I stood at the edge of the bed, holding Olivias thin hand in my palm as Eleanor sponged the blood off her body.

I couldnt let my eyes leave my girls gorgeous face. Ive honestly never seen anyone as beautiful as her. No one even came close. Eleanor put Neosporin over Olivias cuts, and even brought out a medical package of needle and thread to stitch up a few deep gashes. At one point, the sharp pain woke Olivia up, but Eleanor quickly pulled out a pill and forced her to swallow. A few months ago, Eleanor had given me the same pills to help Olivia recover from another scrape. Another scrape that she was in because of ME. I was the problem. Always the problem. Eleanor rubbed some cream over the dark bruises splotched on the ivory skin. Her hands carefully felt up each limb, toe to thigh, finger to shoulder. I let go as she tested Olivias wrist out. She nodded to me so I took it back in my grasp. Eleanor moved to the other wrist. She flexed each finger before gently rotating the wrist. Almost immediately, Olivia ripped her hand away from Eleanor and held it to her chest. In her sleep she muttered out curse words, but this wasnt a new occurrence. I had slept next to Olivia for a while. Some people walk in their sleep, some people snore, a lot of people talk, but not my Olivia. Nope, she curses. Sometimes shed keep me up at night, muttering vocabulary words that even I hadnt heard of. What the fuck did you do? I couldnt help but growl at Eleanor. The brown haired girl looked taken aback and immediately began sputtering out a defense. I-I-I think its broken It was too easy to flex it. Her bodys reflex I moved my eyes away from her and down to the girl on the bed. I didnt even want to know what had happened to break her wrist. I mean, Ive done some pretty dick things to her, but even I hadnt managed to break a single bone in her body. And sometimes, as hard to admit it, that was my intention. Eleanor began constructing a cast around Olivias delicate wrist. She set it as carefully as she could, instructing me to hold Olivia down carefully so that she didnt toss or react in

her sleep. We heard the other boys come in to the apartment, but none of them dared to come into my room, so we ignored them. Could you Eleanors cheeks flushed as she handed me the soothing cream and motioned to the bruises on Olivias chest. The finger-shaped bruises I gritted my teeth at the thought of Jays greasy fingers touching her there. While I let my fingers carefully rub the cream over Olivias perfect breasts, Eleanor carefully pulled Olivias legs apart. I let my eyes wander down to Olivias nether region to see what Eleanor was looking at down there. And then I got it. My hands trembled and I immediately paled. I looked at Eleanor questioningly, hoping shed look up at me and deny my very worst fear, but I watched as her eyes widened. Please I whispered. She glanced up sadly and nodded. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I couldnt take it any longer. The monster inside me could no longer be contained. For hours I had it build up. For hours I held my anger in as we searched for her, as we cared for her, but I couldnt any more. I dropped any remaining touch I had on Olivia and left the room wordlessly. I stormed passed my four closest friends to the elevator. My fist impaled the wall and I let out a pained shout. It wasnt even the physical pain that I wanted to cry about. It was HER pain. It was what SHE had to go through. Mate, shes ok. Els in there fixing her up. Shell be good as new. Shes ok now, shes safe. Niall tried to comfort me, but I roughly shoved him away. I watched as one of my best friends landed painfully on the expensive coffee table. He didnt even look angry with me as he pulled himself up. His blue eyes held nothing but pity. Its over Harry. You have her here with you. Louis added in, not daring to come near me. I could only imagine what I looked like- unshaven, hair a mess, disheveled clothes, trembling hands, crazed eyes. It took everything I had not to break out and cry. My Olivia. My poor Olivia. She meant everything to me. Her laugh made a smile cross my features on even the darkest days. Her confident walk had me drooling every time she left. Her angry fits kept me on my toes. Her sarcastic comments proved I had met my match. Her tears were my pain. Her love was my world.

She meant everything to me. Shed be better off without me. None of this would happen to her again. Shed be safe. Safe like Danielle. Safe and sound. Protected from people like Devon who tried to rape her all those months back. From people like Jay who who From people like me. Yeah. Shed definitely be better off without me. End Notes: Sorry I didn't get the chance to read this over and proof it, but I really want to go to bed and get this up for you guys. Tell me what you think of Liam and Danielle, of Eleanor, of Jay, of Harry's POV and of what happened to Olivia. What do you think will happen next? Your reviews mean everything to me! Back to index Chapter 46: Safe by Sophie Grey Chapter 46: Safe When I look into your eyes It's like watching the night sky Or a beautiful sunrise Well, there's so much they hold And just like them old stars I see that you've come so far To be right where you are How old is your soul? I heard the most beautiful voice singing to me. In all the darkness, the voice was like a light. It must have been an angels voice. Never before had I heard something so lovely in all my life.

Well, I won't give up on us Even if the skies get rough I'm giving you all my love I'm still looking up Yes. It was definitely an angel. No other creature would be able to produce such a nice sound. The husky, yet smooth voice was so pleasant and gentle. I wanted to smile and reach out to the angel, but I was surrounded by darkness and it hurt to move my body even in the slightest. And when you're needing your space To do some navigating I'll be here patiently waiting To see what you find The angels voice got slightly louder as he leaned in towards me. My nostrils filled with the familiar and comforting scent of a forest. The underlying smell of cigarettes reminded me of someone important. 'Cause even the stars they burn Some even fall to the earth We've got a lot to learn God knows we're worth it No, I won't give up The angel placed a gentle kiss on my cheek before its voice and presence disappeared from around me. I tried to call out for the angel to help me. To make my pain go away, but no sound came out of my mouth. The only thing I managed to do was squeeze whatever was in my hand ever so slightly. I heard a gasp come from the angel, but I couldnt hold on any more so I tried to let the darkness take over. I still couldnt slip into unconsciousness like I wanted to. I was still stuck in the darkness. I could only hear the sounds around me, but no one, not even the angel, seemed to listen to my cries of pain and desperation. Please, I whispered. I felt hot tears sting in my eyes when I reached out for someone, anyone, but there was no one there. It wasnt until later that I could finally see a light in the darkness. My eyes searched frantically in the bright light, but all I could see was white. My eyes took a few moments to adjust to the brightness. Fuck. I groaned out. My eyes scanned the room for Harry. The last thing I could remember was him holding me. He had come for me. He had finally come for me. I knew

he would. I knew it. How are you feeling? The familiar feminine voice asked me. Before I could respond, her cool fingers touched my forehead. A sense of panic erupted in my chest and instincts kicked in as I slapped away Eleanors hand and shrunk back into the mattress. Olivia, sweetheart its just me. Eleanor looked down at me in concern and sadness. Please dont touch me. I whispered. I pulled up my duvet to my cheeks, hiding my body from her. A shadow of hurt passed over Eleanors features. She took a step away from the bed and held up her hands in surrender. Honey, Im not going to hurt you. She said softly. I shook my head at her. I knew Eleanor. Eleanor was a soft and sweet person. She was loving and kind. Why was I afraid of her? The rational part of me was screaming to jump up and hug her, but my body wouldnt let me. The irrational part of me couldnt trust her. I couldnt trust anyone. My whole body was sore with bruises and cuts and even a cast on my wrist. No one would be allowed to touch me. Please, Olivia. Its me. Eleanor tried again. I shook my head quickly and cowered back into the headboard. Eleanors eyes looked down to the floor. Im sorry, she whispered before disappearing out into the hall. I let out a sigh in relief at being left alone. I knew it was completely illogical, but I felt a sense of fear when Eleanor was around. Her presence made me panic and I didnt know why. You have to be careful, shes- well shes not the same. I heard Eleanors come from outside the door. I quickly pulled the covers back up as if it could protect me from her. What do you mean? Harrys voice snapped angrily. Harry? She was afraid of me. I couldnt touch her without her throwing a fit. Eleanor said sadly. The door to Harrys and my room opened gently and I watched as Eleanor stepped in. My heart started pounding unevenly and I felt my hands tremble and become increasingly sweaty. But then, Harry stepped in behind her. My reaction shocked everyone, including myself. I leapt off of the bed and ran as quickly as I could to him. I crashed myself against his chest and felt warm and safe as his arms wrapped around me. She-she was afraid of me before. Olivia, are you ok? Eleanor stepped closer to us and

tried to place her hand on my shoulder. I saw her palm open but before she could even touch me I jumped behind Harry and cried out. Dont touch me! My mind didnt even tell my body to do that, it acted on its own. Darlin, its just El. Shes not dangerous. Harry said slowly. He turned around and pulled me into him and held me tight. I heard Eleanor leave the room but I didnt look up to watch her go. Harrys large hands rubbed my back soothingly, but I could feel his tense muscles underneath his clothing. Something was making him nervous. Im sorry. I murmured, knowing I was the cause of his uneasiness. Harry slowly helped me back into bed and kissed my cheek. You have nothing to be sorry for, Darlin. Tell me how youre feeling. He said quietly as he kneeled down next to me. His hand grasped mine (well, the one NOT in the cast). Im fine. I said quietly, offering him a small but helpless smile. His eyes narrowed in suspicion, sending my heart beat off the rocker. Dont lie to me, he warned in his deep voice. I was used to receiving that kind of tone from Harry, but unlike before I felt uncomfortable and fearful under his glare. Im s-s-sorry. I apologized quickly, before he could hit me. His eyes widened briefly and he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. Dont be afraid, Darlin, I wont hurt you. He brought his other hand up to stroke my cheek comfortingly. I looked over him carefully before nodding slowly. Youre safe now. Ill always keep you safe. I promise. He smiled at me, but it didnt reach his eyes. Something was wrong. For some reason, I couldnt press him on it. I didnt want to anger him at all, so I left him alone. I lifted my casted arm up and stared at it sadly. It reminded me of everything that happened- the abuse, the pain, the misery the rape Darlin, do you think you can relax? Do you feel tired? Are you hungry? I couldnt possibly answer all of the questions Harry was firing at me, so instead I remained quiet until he was done. Does anything hurt? Do you need anything? C-can you sit with me? I asked timidly after I made sure not to interrupt him. Harry looked at me for a moment before moving to sit next to me on the bed. He looked down at me as if to check if I was ok with everything. I answered by scooching over a little. I dont want to hurt you, so tell me if Im overstepping, ok? He told me. I nodded again and let him settle down next to me. I wanted him to wrap his arms around me, but I was

too afraid to ask, so I waited until he got comfortable enough to squirm into his chest, practically forcing his arms up. Harry held on to me tightly, almost as if he was afraid that if he didnt, I would disappear. Again. We lay like that for a few hours until there was a timid knock on the door. Harrys vocal chords calling out to come in made his throat vibrate against my cheek. I hid my face from whoever entered, making Harrys hand move up to the back of my head to hold it protectively. Dont let them get me. Dont let them get me. I-I think I should check her over- to be safe. Eleanors timid voice spoke up. I shook my head fervently against Harrys body, my hands fisting tight knots of his shirt. Come on, Darlin. Its for your health. Harry tried to pry me off of him, but I didnt budge at all. I couldnt bear to let Harry let go of me. I didnt want him to go anywhere. Shes just going to check you. Ill be right here. Harry tried to get me off of him again, his voice becoming slightly aggravated. Someone else came up to the bed and tried to pull me off of Harry, but as soon as I felt a foreign pair of hands on me, I let out a shrill scream, right in Harrys ear. Tears fell as I began to hysterically sob. Dont let them get me. Dont let them get me. Harry, please dont let them get me. Dont touch her! Harry shouted angrily at whoever was touching me. The unfamiliar touch immediately removed itself from me as Harry pressed me between him and the bed. His chest prevented me from seeing anyone else but him. His hands held me tightly, his fingers digging into my skin, reminding me that at that moment he was the only one touching me. He would keep me safe. Sorry, mate! I heard Louis respond carefully, I was just trying to help El check her. He tried to defend himself. I knew that I shouldnt be afraid of Louis. I knew it. But for some reason I couldnt help it. I couldnt bear him to touch me. I couldnt bear to have anyone but Harry touch me.

I couldnt trust anyone but Harry anymore. Not after Jay Not after he had his way with me without my consent. Ill fucking do it. Tell me what to check and then leave her alone. Harry snarled. He sat up a little, but still remained in front of me. I need you to scan her body for cuts and make sure none are infected, check to see if her cast is clean and I need you to check, er Eleanor trailed off in embarrassment, muttering something so that no one would hear. Speak up so we can get this over with. Louis demanded softly. I heard Eleanor whisper something to him before she continued. I need you to check her vaginal area to make sure theres no bleeding or extensive bruising. I didnt get a chance earlier. She muttered. I think that was all because as soon as she said that, the door shut softly. Harry let out a small sigh of relief before turning his attention to me. His eyes met mine and his hands moved up to cup my cheeks. Its me, Darlin. Its just me. He whispered. He leaned forward and planted a small kiss on my forehead before pulling away. Can I check your arms? He asked. I nodded and held out the arm without a cast. He held it gingerly and looked over my cuts and bruises. He carefully pushed it against my body and reached out for my other one. He looked over my cast and felt it softly. Then he checked the exposed part of my arm for signs of infection. Can I check your legs? He asked me. I nodded slowly and kicked the covers off of my bare limbs. His cool fingers trailed up and down my legs before he looked at me again. Am I allowed to lift up your shirt to check there? He asked me softly. I carefully pulled up my t-shirt and let him touch my stomach briefly before his cool touch gently touched my breasts. He helped me sit up so he could check my back. Harry shifted himself so that he was sat between my legs. I looked up at him timidly, knowing exactly which question would come next. You can say no to this, Darlin, he started, making sure to hold a strong eye contact with me, can I pull down your knickers? I trusted Harry with my life. I knew hed never abuse me sexually, like Jay did. I mean, Harry was able to wait for months and months until he finally took my virginity. I knew that I was safe with him, so I nodded. He bit his lip nervously. I felt his soft fingers trail up my thighs and stop at my hips. Slowly, he pulled down my panties until they were off my body completely. He looked back up at me, his eyes silently asking if he could continue. I offered him nothing but wide eyes in return, which

he took as a yes. I felt his cool touch between my legs and I instantly knew it was ugly down there. I knew Jay did damage, I could feel it. I wondered if Harry knew that Jay raped me By the look in his eye, I thought that he probably did know. As striking as his loving and affectionate look was, it was completely replaced by a murderous glare. I leaned my head back so that I could no longer see how angry Harry was getting. I knew what happened when he got angry When I took a daring glance back down at him, it wasnt Harry who was touching my private spot, but Jay. Quickly, I kicked him in the stomach, sending him off the bed with a thud. I let out a loud scream and covered myself with my blanket. HARRY!! Harry, please! I called out for help, hoping that Harry would come and protect me. Harry will come. Harry will come. Dont let them get me. Please, dont let them get me. Help! Shhh, Darlin, its me! Harry stood up from the ground, his eyes looking at me in fear and his hands held up, palms forward, in surrender. Harry! I scrambled out of bed and threw myself at him. Harry looked shocked as he caught me in his arms and helped me back into bed. What happened? He asked me slowly. I could still see that he was afraid, but not OF me, FOR me. He didnt know what was happening any more than I did. He was here. The man was here and he was touching my my I started to cry into Harrys chest as he stroked my hair soothingly. Olivia, that was me. Hes dead, Darlin. He cant get you. He whispered. But, but he was here. He was touching me like before. No he wasnt. That was me. Darlin, youre safe. He cant get you.

He did things to me down there, Harry. I sobbed loudly. Harry tucked the two of us under my covers, his limbs holding me tight against him. I know, Darlin. I know. He whispered, kissing my forehead softly. Dont let them get me. Dont let me go. Never. I wont ever let you go. End Notes: SO, there wasn't much action in this chapter but it gave an insight into how messed up Olivia is now. Tell me what you think by leaving a review! Also, I want to thank you guys SO much because this story made it to top ten most reviewed and I literally started to cry. You guys rock. Back to index Chapter 47: Harry's POV part 3 by Sophie Grey Chapter 47: Harrys POV part 3 When my Olivia finally fell asleep, I had to pry myself away from her frail body. I placed her under the covers gently and tucked her in. I resisted the urge to climb on top of her and just lay there forever and forced myself to leave, marking her with a simple kiss on the forehead before I exited. How is she? Eleanor demanded as soon as I stepped out of my bedroom. I put my hands up, palms forward, and walked straight passed her. I literally began to shake the further away I went from Olivia. I opened her legs. I saw what he did to her. There were finger shaped bruises on her upper thighs. Her center was swollen and bloody. Her whole body screamed out to me and I knew what Eleanor said before was true. That asshole raped her. A lot. As if I didnt fail her enough. As if kidnapping and abuse wouldnt scar her enough. As if As if I wasnt compelled to kill everyone in my path before, the intensity only increased. Not only did he have his hands on my girl, and his cock inside of her, he violated her. He took away her free will.

He had sex with her more times than I had. And that was enough to make me send my fist straight through the wall. And again. And again. I knew I had an audience. I could feel all of their eyes on me, but no one dared to step in and stop me. I felt blood trickle down to my wrist as I yanked my hand out of the drywall. My knuckles scraped against jagged pieces but the pain felt good. It was a small price to pay compared to the pain that Olivia had felt. I finally turned back around to look at the people who were watching me. Five pairs of eyes looked at me sympathetically. Five heads shaking in discouragement. These people were the ones who decided to stay in my living room, taking turns sleeping on the couch or the floor, so that they could be here in case I needed them. These people got so little in return from me, but somehow they still came to support me and to help me heal my other half. These people were my true family. Niall and Liam were sitting on my couch looking up at me. Zayn was sitting on the coffee table leaning back, his fists tight around the edge of the table so tight that his knuckles were white. Eleanor stood, her hands clasped over her mouth, tears spilling from her eyes. Louis stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her, pressing her into his body in an effort to comfort her. She-shes so fucked up. Shes. I dont know if shell ever get better. I whispered. Man, dont forget who youre dealing with. This is Olivia. Shes just shocked, but shes the strongest most stubborn person I know, so I know for a fact that shell pull through this. Zayn spoke up, his voice hard. I saw Louis nod in agreement. Youre a real retard if you think she wont make it through. Liam said solemnly. I looked over them all and let out an aggravated grunt. But they were right. Olivia would make it through. Right? But its going to be a long road. Niall said sadly, At least from what El told us. Dont worry man, Jay paid for what he did. We didnt make it easy. Zayn comforted. As odd and sadistic as it sounded, that did make me feel better. I made dinner. Would you like some? Eleanor spoke up quietly. I glanced down at the

small girl in Louiss arms as he tried to shush her. She must have been scared out of her mind. If this could happen to Olivia, it sure as hell could happen to her. Plus, El lost both of her only friends, Olivia and Danielle, in such a short time. She must be so desperate to bring my baby back. I never really noticed El before. She was quiet and obedient, always in the background. It wasnt until that whole ordeal that I noticed how much us five guys depend on her. She was the glue that held us together. The buffer during arguments. She took care of all of us, not just Louis. That would be great. I said quietly, offering her a warm glance. I couldnt bring myself to smile, but I figured she deserved kindness too. She deserved to catch a break. I wasnt going to treat her poorly after all she had done for me. Louis let her go into the kitchen and grab me a plate of whatever she made. She came back in a few minutes with a glass of water and a plate of chicken and potatoes. I thanked her and sat down, ignoring my friends, no, my brothers as they murmured about what was going on. Look, man. Itll be a long process, but shell heal. I dont doubt it for a moment. Niall sat down next to me. I didnt respond to him. I spent the evening with the guys and Eleanor, even though I craved to be with Olivia. Even if she was asleep and all I could do was hold her. But I had to talk to Eleanor about how to make Olivia better. I needed to cover bases with the guys and see how everything with our gang was working out, because I couldnt keep on top of everything like I used to. It was a few hours later when I decided to go back to Olivia and hopefully get some sleep. I stood up and turned to look at everyone so I was the center of attention. Look, guys, I began, meeting each of their eyes, I appreciate your help. I dont know how to express thanks or whatever but just know that I mean- I was interrupted by an ear-splitting scream. Before I could process what was happening, my body took me into my bedroom. My legs ran even though my mind wasnt working right. I heard the heavy footsteps of two boys behind me, but I didnt turn around to see who was coming. OLIVIA! I roared as I slammed the bedroom door open. I couldnt help but think the worst. I couldnt help but.... I wont let this happen again. My eyes scanned the room until I saw her tiny body curled up in a ball on the bed. Her

eyes were frantically looking around the room as tears rolled down her cheeks. Whats happening? Niall asked worriedly as he pushed me further into the room so he could see what was going on. Harry? Harry? She called out for me. I immediately ignored Liam and Niall who came in quickly just in case something horrible was happening. I crawled on the bed and grabbed her gently. Darlin, Darlin, Im here. Im right here. I whispered. Her eyes met mine and I watched her whole body ease at the sight of me. I woke up and- and you werent here. She cried as she pressed herself into me. I held her as tightly as I could. This girl wasnt my Olivia. My Olivia wouldnt cry. My Olivia wouldnt need me like this. My Olivia wouldnt ever be so reliant. Its ok. Im here. I wont ever leave you again. Ever. I promise. Niall and Liam backed out of the room before Olivia saw them. I knew shed freak if she did see them. She clung to me desperately as she cried into my chest. Ive never wanted to cry so badly in my whole life. Seeing her so broken and changed It literally killed me. And Harry Styles does not fucking cry. I was suddenly relieved that I refused to allow my mother and sisters back into my life. It was bad enough that I dragged my girl into this, I didnt need my family getting fucked up too. She finally settled down after about an hour of me holding her and rocking her like a baby. What kind of a man does this to his girl? The fuck is wrong with me? All my fault Darlin, do you want something to eat? I asked her softly. Her wide eyes met mine and she nodded slowly. I scooped her up in my arms and stood up from the bed.

Dont worry, Ill be there the entire time. I whispered to her, my nose grazing along her soft cheek. She rested her blonde head on my shoulder and shut her eyes gently. Just you and me? Her quiet voice asked. No. Eleanor and Louis are going to eat with us. I felt her body stiffen in my arms and immediately I knew I made a mistake. But, youll be with me. Darlin, I wont let anyone hurt you. I had to start to force Olivia to at least be around the others. I was going to help her get better. I needed to help her get better. When we sat down at the table, Olivia refused to let go of me as I tried to put her in a chair. I leaned over and set her down carefully, but she clutched my dark shirt tightly in her small fists and let out a whimper. I reached up to pull her wrists away from me, but the second I did that, I saw tears well in her eyes. Letting out a sigh, I scooped her back up, feeling her body relax under my touch, and set her on my lap. There was a time, way back in the beginning of all this, where Id kill to have Olivia sit in my lap willingly. But when she refused to let go of me, it felt unnatural. I missed my independent and obnoxious girlfriend. Eleanor came in first. She paused in the doorway to gauge Olivias reaction. Hi, babe. Olivias head snapped up and she looked over Eleanor. Her fingers gripped me tightly and I heard her breathing pick up, but other than that she didnt react poorly. El made us something to eat. I whispered in her ear. Olivia nodded, but when Eleanor came over to us, she shift further back against me. I tightened my hold on her thin waist to let her know I was there, but I didnt let her hide from Eleanor. When Olivias face hid in my shirt, I brought my hand up and gently pulled her chin away. She wont hurt you. I rubbed Olivias back as Eleanor sat down across from us and set food on the table. I set up a plate for Olivia, but not for myself. I just ate a few hours ago and I usually ate off of Olivias plate anyways. I sent a small nod over to El, who leaned back in her chair and called out to Louis softly. The second he entered the room, Olivia saw him and began to freak out. She let out a small yelp at the sight of the other male and began to thrash against me. I turned her body around completely and gripped her roughly. Im here. Look at me. I made her focus her eyes on my face. She trembled as silent

tears streamed down her face. Its just Louis. You know him. You know Eleanor. They wont hurt you. She nodded, but the tears didnt stop. I took my thumb and swiped it across both cheeks, catching her tears in the process. I turned her around and led her hand to the silverware. I watched Louis place his arm over Eleanors shoulders as her eyes met his. I could see the tears she was trying to hold back. Even Eleanor couldnt see Olivia in the body of the girl sitting on my lap. Same hair, same face, same eyes, but something was missing. Her lips werent set in a smile or, in more cases than not, cursing me out. Her eyes werent bright with laughter or deep with anger. She didnt have the same presence she used to. It took three days for Olivia to grow accustomed to Louis and Eleanor. She no longer jumped or started to cry when they came in a room and it got to the point where they could approach her. Eleanor tried talking to her once, but Olivia kept her responses short, just like she did with me. I was able to successfully leave Olivia alone with Louis and El for a few minutes even. But I never pushed it past 20 minutes. I didnt want her to get upset. She was starting to grow used to Niall and Liam. They could be in the same room as her, but only if I was holding her and they remained at a distance. She wouldnt bear to be in the same room as Zayn, though I couldnt blame her. The memory of her friends rape was almost as fresh as her own. I knew that Jay destroyer her And I knew Zayn destroyed Claire I wouldnt be surprised if shed never be able to be around him again. She couldnt be around him before her ordeal either. Except, before Id have to hold her back from attacking him. After, Id have to hold her back from running away and hiding. Where did my Olivia go? Was she still in there? After two weeks, Olivia started to respond to me. I could hold light conversations with her. Mostly, shed stay with me no matter what. Sometimes, though, shed stay with Eleanor and help her with domestic stuff. Mostly the cleaning because Olivia in the kitchen is a dangerous thing. The weirdest part of the whole thing was that she did whatever I told her to. Id say that shed have to sit and be quiet for a little while and shed do it. Id tell her to go clean with Eleanor while the guys and I discuss something and shed do it. Shed kiss me whenever

I asked her to. She didnt even fight with me. And I missed it. I missed the fire I tried so hard to dampen. I missed the quick tongue and wild cursing I tried to correct. I missed the rebel I tried to beat out of her. I almost grew accustomed to her doglike obedience. Almost. Can you go fix some lunch? I asked Olivia as Liam sat across from us at the dining room table. I could tell he needed to talk to me about something- most likely the fact that we had three people owing us a total of a hundred grand and not one of them had the money to pay us back. But you can imagine my surprise when she said no. Excuse me? My voice came out sharply, my reaction happening before I could think. I shouldve felt relieved that she denied me, but my old reaction came instinctually. Immediately, she hopped off my lap, her whole frame shaking like a leaf. Her eyes were wide with fear. S-s-sorry. Ill. Just- Lunch, right. She scampered off after stuttering out an awkward sentence. I stared after her in disbelief. Shit. I cursed out. What? She finally hinted to her innate rebellion and I completely squashed it. I shouldnt have been so harsh I should have just let it go I can be a real fucking idiot sometimes. Give her time. It shows that shes starting to become the person she once was. Liam reassured me. Now, enough about your bird. Markinson, Gregor, and Smithlin owe us some cash. I think we give em a not-so-subtle warning, send out some of our guys with crowbars, and see how quickly the cash flows in End Notes: Sorry it's been forever! I don't want to make excuses but I work two jobs, six days a week to save up for college so I don't always have time to write but I try my hardest! I'm working right now on the next chapter to give to you guys.

If you ever get bored waiting for an update, you can go check out my other stories in my bad boy series or any of the stories I have under my favorites! I know this chapter was kind of boring, but the next one will be dramatic. Tell me what you think!! P.S there will be TWO chapter updates tomorrow, so watch out for them! Back to index Chapter 48: Over by Sophie Grey Chapter 48: Over I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling aimlessly. Harry told me to hang out in our room for a little bit, so of course there I was. I didnt want to be cooped up in here, but I was afraid that if I disobeyed Harry hed beat me like Jay did. I held up the cast on my wrist which reminded me exactly what would happen if I denied Harry. I would like to think that Harry would never do something like that to me, but what Ive lived through said otherwise. My eyes scanned over the sharpie decoration that littered the cast. Louis had signed it first, his name written in big black letters surrounded by happy faces. Eleanor left a little cursive note about getting better and signed it with her name. Liam and Niall both wrote their names in small lettering while Harry decorated the rest of the cast in doodles and patterns that looked professional. Olivia! Harrys voice boomed down the hall. That was my cue that its ok to come out again. Slowly, I pushed myself off the bed and made my way to the kitchen. Louis and Harry were standing against the counter while Eleanor was fishing through the refrigerator. All the guys stayed with us for about a week, but then they moved out. Now, three weeks after Harry brought me home, Eleanor and Louis became seemingly permanent residents of Harrys guest room. We have no fucking food. Eleanor grumbled as she stood up and placed her hands on her delicate waist. Louis narrowed his eyes and reached over to land a hard slap on her bum, causing her to leap forward about a foot in surprise. Language! How many times do I have to tell you?! He snapped at her. She rubbed her

backside and furrowed her brow. Sorry. I watched the exchange in shock. Louis laid his hands on her He just hit her I took an instinctual step back as the abuse registered in my mind. I saw Harrys eyes flicker up to me and understanding immediately crossed his features. Louis, control yourself. He snarled as he pushed away from the counter. Harry approached me and looked at me softly. You hungry, Darlin? He asked me. I shook my head as I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat at the thought of someone abusing Eleanor. From the beginning of our relationship, Ive been a handful. I cursed, gave attitude, disobeyed, fought back, got violent, everything. Not Eleanor. Shes obedient and sweet and kind and caring. How can anyone hurt her? Are you alright? He asked me quietly as his eyes studied me cautiously. I nodded and stepped away from him so I could go to Eleanor. I placed my hand on her back as she sent a glare to Louis. We can go grocery shopping. I suggested softly. NO! Both Louis and Harry jumped forward in protest. Even El couldnt help but get startled by their intense reaction. Why not? I pressed. I saw Harrys eyebrows rise up in surprise at my response. That was the fourth time that week that I objected or questioned anything that he said. But I couldnt help it. I couldnt sit here and watch Eleanor be viewed as the bad one. She wasnt the one who deserved to be hit. Maybe if I pushed a little bit, then Louis and Harry would see that Im the disobedient one and El would get a break. Because neither of you are allowed to leave this flat without at least two of us. Louis said gruffly as he reached out for his girlfriend. I saw her step out of his range, making his eyes turn hard. I had to step it up before he got angry again. Were not twelve. Were not going to get lost at the market. I rolled my eyes. We said no. Well need at least four of us to go out with two of you, two per girl. Harry said slowly. I watched as he kept his anger in check. Then you three go and Ill stay here. I suggested, leaning away from everyone in case

Harry got mad and lunged for me. Im not fucking leaving you. Harry snapped harshly, his eyes getting angry. I nodded silently, instantly backing off at the sight of his anger. He let out a sigh as he rubbed his temples with his index fingers. I looked down at my feet and rubbed my cast with my unbroken hand. Its funny, well more ironic, I thought that Jay had only sprained my wrist but the asshole actually broke it. I guess it didnt hurt as bad as I thought it would to crush my bones Lets just Ill send Niall and Zayn to the store. Harry decided. I heard Eleanors cute giggle so I immediately looked up at her. Sorry, its just can you imagine the two of them grocery shopping? Eleanors giggles lit up the room as a smile crossed Harrys features at the thought. I could see Louis picturing it and suddenly he broke out in laughter, too. I watched the three of them in amusement, but I only let myself show a small smile. It was pretty ridiculous to imagine the two feared gang members picking out produce. How about I call Niall and hell bring some men and Ill take El with us? Louis suggested as his laughter calmed. A smile was still etched on his face and his eyes crinkled at the corners as he and Eleanor kept exchanging glances. The thought was still fresh in their minds and they couldnt get over the amusement. Harry agreed to the idea and within twenty minutes they were gone, leaving me alone with Harry. I perched myself on the couch and began flipping through the channels, no particular show in mind. Harry came over and sat with me, leaving about a foot of breathing room between us. Can you pick a show, this flipping around is pissing me off. Harry groaned after a few minutes of watching me move rapidly through the channels. If this annoys you then leave the room. I was here first. I retorted, refusing to look at him as I continued to flip around. When I didnt hear a response, I let myself glance at his being in the corner of my eye. He was smiling? I let my head snap in his direction as his white teeth were on display. He shook his head at me, but I couldnt ignore the sad and faraway look that was in his eyes.

What the fuck are you grinning about? I snapped at him. What was so funny to him? Nothing. He continued to shake his head as he looked away from me. Weirdo. But why did he look so sad if he was smiling? It was three days later when I figured out exactly what was making him so sad. The house was empty, again, except for me and Harry. I was sat at the kitchen table fiddling with my cast. What are you doing? He asked me as he watched me from the doorway. My arm is itchy and I cant fucking scratch because of this fucking cast. I replied as I shoved the edge of the spatula up the edge of the cast. I let out a satisfied moan as I hit the right spot. Harry let out a disgusted grunt. God, we cook with that. You know what? Just throw it out when youre done. He shook his head as he sat down across from me. I tossed the spatula in the trash, missing the bin, but leaving the cooking utensil on the floor anyways. Whats up? I asked him in a much better mood after my itchy arm had been taken care of. Nothings up. Why would something be up? I looked at him suspiciously as soon as he opened his mouth. I was just being chipper before, but now something was definitely up. I was just being polite Are you ok? I asked him softly. I didnt want to push him too hard, knowing that his anger isnt a pretty thing. He hasnt hurt me In fact, hes been controlling himself very well ever since he saved me, but I still wasnt too sure about how much longer he could control himself for. Im not, actually. Theres something I really need to talk to you about. Uh-oh. I started panicking, immediately trying to think of what Ive done wrong. A lot. Ive fucked up a lot. I didnt respond as I waited for him to expand on it. I didnt want to make whatever I did worse by interrupting him, so I sat silently. We need to go over what happened to you. I know that its my fault, I know that it was horrible and you shouldnt ever have to relive that. But I need you to get it all off of your

chest so you can get better. I am better. Besides this fucking cast, I- I dont hurt anymore. I told him in confusion. I mean, sure I had scars, but there was no fresh blood, no open cuts, no sore bruises. Just this crippling cast. Im not talking physically, Darlin. I know that man did things to you. I can see it. Every time I caress you, or kiss you, or god forbid put my hand anywhere below your waist and above your knees I can see you panicking internally. I know what he did. Harry said lowly. He spoke through his teeth, the subject matter making him visibly uncomfortable. Wait, he knew? He knew that I let another man touch me? That I let another man control me? Let another man put himself inside me? Didnt he want to kill me? Didnt he want to stab me to death? Didnt he feel angry at me that I let it all happen? Im sorry. I whispered, knowing it wouldnt make up for anything. Dont you dare say that. I dont ever want to hear those fucking words come from your mouth ever again, do you understand? YOU have NOTHING to be sorry for. He snapped, his voice rising a few levels in volume as he leaned forward in his chair to get in my face and emphasize his point. I nodded quickly, not sure how else to respond. I need you to tell me why youre so scared all the time. I know he hurt you, but I want you to know that Id never hurt you and I wont ever let anyone hurt you again. He told me, his hand reached across the table for me, but I couldnt help but instinctively shrink back. I dont know what you want me to say, I whispered, he beat me, he touched me, he raped me. He broke my hand, he threw me down stairs, he kicked and punched and slapped and I wanted to just die. The only reason I willed myself to survive was so that you would come and rescue me. I needed you to hold me again. Please dont say that. He moaned. I started to worry about what I did wrong. Did he not want to know about the abuse? I thoughtPlease dont tell me that you need me. Please. He begged me, sadness filling his beautiful emerald eyes. But, I do. I need you. I assured him. I couldnt be without him. I dont even know why because I used to hate his guts. I used to want to stab him in his sleep so I could run away. But I could no longer go to sleep without him lying beside me. And I knew that somehow, for some reason, he needed me too.

You cant need me. You have to be able to be independent and take care of yourself. He urged me. I could see something was tearing him apart internally. And I couldnt help but feel a sense of discomfort. What was going on?? Wh-why? Because you cant be with me anymore. I-I cant have you here anymore. I need you to leave. To go back to America, as far away from me as you can get and just- just go on with your life as if I never fucked it up. His husky voice came out in a broken whisper and the tough Harry Styles had to hold back tears. But I didnt. I started to cry like a baby, something I had been doing a lot lately. I cant leave. You cant make me! I wont go willingly! I screeched as I pushed myself away from the table. He stood too and reached over to me but I slapped his hand away. Darlin, I dont care if its willingly or not but youre going to leave. Youre going to leave because I promised Id never let you get hurt and I know that if you stick with me something bad will happen- again. So youre going to go back to your family and Ill leave you alone. Forever. No. I wont go. I sniffled out through sobs. Ive been thinking about this for a while. I cant have you get hurt again, so you need to leave. End of discussion. He said as sternly as he could. His eyes completely gave away the true sadness and misery he was feeling as he took in my depressed posture. Dont do this please. I whispered. I have to. I love you, but we're over. End Notes: Soooooo- don't hate me. There will be another chapter up later today in honor of the BSE music video.... Speaking of which... holy shit that music video killed me. I'm literally dead. I keep showing it to my brothers and sisters and they're getting angry but I don't care because it's just perf. Check back here later for the next chapter! Back to index Chapter 49: Moving On by Sophie Grey

Chapter 49: Moving On Stupid, fucking, fucked-up, asshole, dick, cunt-face, jerk, pussy, bastard, son-of-a-bitch, motherfucker, shithead I ran through all the words in my limited vocabulary that could describe Harry. In less than 24 hours he broke up with me, go a crying Eleanor to pack up my stuff and plopped me on a plane. Yes, a plane. I looked out the tiny window down into the endless blue of the Atlantic Ocean. How many times did I want to run away? How many times did I dream of hopping on a flight and leaving him behind? How many times did I actually try to escape him? Now that it was all happening, I just wanted to go back. Harrys an abusive asshole who needs to control everything and everyone. Hes possessive and hates sharing anything from his gangs turf to his women. Hes a feared man, known for his violent temper all across London. Hes caused people pain and misery, without even thinking twice about it. And as horrible as that all sounds, I loved him. I loved the way he would argue with me. Yeah, he may have been abusive, but I gave it right back to him. I didnt put up with his shit at all. I loved the way he would take care of me, making me meals because I couldnt cook for shit. I loved the way he would hold me when no one else was looking. I loved the way he would turn into this sweet and caring gentleman behind closed doors. I loved the way he looked at me. Even when we were in the worst of fights, he wouldnt stop looking at me with adoration. He loved me. And now, he left me. Well, technically I was leaving him, but he forced me to. Literally. Like he dragged me into the car from our flat. He had to lock the car doors to prevent me from running. He carried me onto the plane, set me down in the chair and buckled me in before kissing my forehead and telling the plane to leave. All the other passengers were seated. When they saw Harry and his girl coming along I couldnt even imagine the fear they felt. Harry just drove right up to the terminal. I guess I forgot that Harry Styles is Harry Styles. I forgot just how powerful he was over these people. So, I guess he got to skip customs Dumbass jerkface.

The good-byes were the hardest part. I, surprisingly, had grown attached to the family of misfits that I had been forced into. Saying good-bye to Eleanor was all tears and hugging and crying and more tears and sobbing until Louis and Harry had to pull us apart. Louis gave me a light hug and told me Ill miss your antics, thats for sure. I hope everything works out well for you. Before giving me a kiss on the cheek and then turning to comfort Eleanor. Liam gave me a half hug. Out of all the boys, I think I knew the least about Liam. But, like Harry, he made Danielle leave him for her own safety. The only difference is, she went willingly. Niall engulfed me in a quick hug and then muttered something about it getting boring. Without you around, itll be a helluva lot more boring, thats for sure. I think is what he said. Zayn opened his arms for a hug, but I responded with my middle finger. Like fuck Ill hug him. Of course, this started an argument between the two of us. Really? Ill never be seeing you again and thats how you want to end it? I think the old bitch is back, Harry. He snarled. I rolled my eyes and stuck up my other middle finger, too. Fuck you Zayn. People like you have a special place in the center of hell. Ill save you a spot right next to me, love. He smirked at me. Harry caught me just as I lunged for his throat and pulled me back. I tried to push him out of the way to get to Zayn, but Harry was too strong. This isnt over! I shouted at him as Harry began to push me out the door. I think it is, have fun in America! Zayn called with a chuckle, knowing he had won the argument. You think I wont be back? Ill be back! Was the last thing I called to all of them, Zayn in particular. Of course I would be back. That wasnt good-bye, right? It couldnt be good-bye. If Harry thought this was actually good-bye then he obviously underestimated me. Seriously. The whole car ride I told Harry exactly how I felt about what he was doing. Mixing in some colorful adjectives and crude hand gestures, I think I got my point across. Harry sat there and took it like a man, but I could tell he wanted our final time together to be peaceful.

Well, fuck him. Our whole relationship was a violent mess, so I thought thats how our last moments should be, too. And now Im on a plane and I didnt even tell him I loved him before I left, forced to leave. I ignored all of the sympathetic looks I received from the other passengers. Even the flight attendants seemed to know who Harry was. The couple sitting next to me was obviously scared out of their mind. They didnt say a word to me the entire trip. But I didnt care. Excuse me miss, but you have to get off the flight now. Someone gently pushed my shoulder. Mmm. Miss, miss? I jolted upright and rubbed my eyes. A stewardess stood over me with that fake smile plastered to her face. She helped me out of the seat and waited behind me as I stumbled off the plane. Great. What do I do know? I wandered through the airport down to baggage. I waited behind everyone else until no one was left. Then, I grabbed the remaining bags, which were mine, and headed over to the payphones. Mama, I whimpered into the phone, can you come pick me up at JFK. She knew it was serious, so I was glad when she didnt press for an explanation. She just told me to wait by the bus pick up and shed be there as fast as she could. Twenty minutes later, my familys recognizable minivan pulled up in front of me and my mother rushed out. She looked the same as when I left her a year ago. Her blond, curly hair was pulled up in a loose bun with grey streaks running up the sides. She was still slightly overweight, but wore clothing that flattered her body. She ran up to me and immediately pressed me into a bone-crushing hug. I hugged her back, wrapping my lanky arms around her and buried my head on her shoulder. She may have been shorter than me but she still managed to hold me tightly to her as if I was just a toddler again. Baby, I missed you. I barely got to speak with you at all while you were away. You have to tell me everything. How was that job? How about that boy? She rambled off in

excitement as she pulled away from our hug, her acrylic nails still dug into my shoulders. I started to sob some more, making her pull me back to her. Her hands rubbed my back as she tried to calm me down. Its ok baby, Im here now. Its ok. Youre home. The drive home was silent. I knew my mother was dying to ask me questions about my trip, but she could tell I wasnt ready. She also knew I needed those few minutes of silence before we got home. My house was anything but silent. Now, no one knows youre home yet. Heck, I only found out an hour ago, so everyone will be a little shocked. I nodded in response to my mother as I tugged my suitcases from the trunk. Jim! Kristen! Frankie! Get in here! I have a surprise! My mother shouted into the foyer as soon as we stepped inside. Just as I had left it, my house was a mess. Toys and shoes strewn across the halls. Noise clattering from all over. People chattering. Dogs barking. Children screaming. Home sweet home. Barbara, this better be good. I just got Frankie and Kris to stop attacking each- my father stepped into the foyer as he babbled on about calming down my little siblings. Like my mother, he was slightly overweight and stood shorter than I. He was balding, but still had enough hair to show that it was all grey. His face had almost no wrinkles though, except the permanent traces etched into his skin from smiling too much. The second he saw me, his blue eyes lit up. Oh my goodness He gasped. He looked over me again as if he couldnt believe what he was seeing. Olivia? Oh god! He rushed forward and grabbed me in a hug. He squeezed me tightly as if he was afraid that if hed let go, Id run off. Daddy! I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my elbows rest along the soft fabric of his sweater on his shoulders. My baby girl. Ive missed you so much! OLIVIA! My seven year old- Well, I had been away a year so he was eight- ran forward and hugged my waist. Not far behind him was the youngest of our troops, little

five year old Kristen who mimicked her brothers actions. After all the greetings were said, even to the three dogs, two cats, two turtles, my fish, and the four hamsters, I was left alone in my room to unpack. My mother had gone off to call my older brother, David, who no longer lived with us. He lived with his girlfriend a short ten minute drive down the road, so she invited the two of them over for dinner. I didnt feel like eating. I didnt feel like unpacking. I just climbed into bed and cried. That night, everyone tried desperately to get me out of bed and to come downstairs. David even threatened to make sushi out of my fish, but none of it worked. In fact, the next four weeks passed similarly. I barely moved, I barely ate. All I did was sleep- my dreams were much better than the hell of a reality I was living. In my dreams I was with Harry. And he would hold me. And kiss me. And laugh with me. And yell at me. And argue with me. And tease me. And cuddle me. And dance with me. I cried for hours whenever I woke up. Thats it. Im sick of this shit. Olivia, get out of the fucking bed. Davids voice boomed into my room. I muttered out some curses and hid my head under the covers. Im not playing around. He ripped the blankets away from me and sat next to me on the bed. You go to London to study abroad, meet a boy, get kicked out of school, move in with said random boy, get a random job, and then show up out of the blue like a complete fucking disaster. You have everyone worrying about you. Youre so much paler, and thinner, and duller than you used to be. He lectured me. It stung to actually hear that I was hurting my family, but I seriously didnt have the energy to do anything but wallow in my self pity. Maybe I should get antidepressants or some sort of drug to make me feel better. We see the scars and cuts and bruises. This fucking cast is hard to miss. Youre going to tell me what happened or Ill never speak to you again. He decided.

Youre such a fucking drama queen. I tried to turn my back to him, but he grabbed me and pinned me on the bed. Just like he used to when we were little, he climbed on top of me and straddled my waist. TELL ME! He commanded. Get off of me, fatty. Just tell me who hurt you. Was it that boy? No. Please. Just leave it, ok? I whispered. He looked over me sadly and shook his head. I cant. Whether you like it or not, youre my baby sister and its my job to take care of you and to annoy you to no end. Tell me what happened, please? He begged me. I shut my eyes tightly and imagined I was just talking to Harry. It was me and him. I could actually smell his forest-y cigarette scent. I loved him. He loved me. I began, not opening my eyes to destroy the illusion of Harry that I had before me. I saw every single one of his tattoos. I saw his stubble, and his wild hair. I saw his emerald eyes that were always angry at me, but looked at me adoringly at the same time. We were fucked up. Both of us. But that was ok, we were fucked up together. I felt a ghost of a smile trace over my lips, but as quickly as it came, it went. He wasnt a good guy. He was involved in some things that Im still not sure of. He was dangerous. But he loved me and thats all that matters. He took care of me. He provided for me. He challenged me. He completed me. I could see his muscles tense liked they used to under my touch. I could see his breathtaking smile, his tongue pressed against the back of his teeth. But an enemy of his got a hold of me and broke me. He hurt me and did things to me that Ill never forget. But my love, he saved me. He brought me home and healed me. He made me better. As soon as I began to return to my old self again, he kicked me to the curb. He made me come back here. He said it was for my own good, but I know whats good for me and it isnt this. HES whats good for me. Hes the only thing Ill ever need. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks as I pictured Harry walking towards me. I saw his large frame reach out for me, but then he was gone and my eyes were open, gauging Davids reaction. It doesnt sound like a good relationship. I know it hurts, but this guy did what he did for the best. David said quietly. He brought his hand up and wiped away my tears before climbing off of me.

It wasnt a good relationship, but he did everything in his power to protect me. I need him David. I whimpered. David helped me sit up in bed and even got me to swing my legs over the side. I know you think you need him, but- It physically hurts my heart when hes not with me. When hes not touching me, or holding me, or even yelling at me. It hurts me David. WHAT ABOUT THIS?! He snapped, holding up my cast in front of my face, didnt THIS hurt you? Being around this guy will make things like THIS happen again! This is all that I have left of him. I cradled my broken wrist in my other hand. I bet it was all better by then, but the cast was the only reminder of him. See, Louis signed it, and even Liam and Niall. And look, Eleanor did too. I didnt let Zayn though. Zayns not allowed to touch me. I explained. David shook his head at me. I could see him trying to calm himself down, but I dont think it was working. I have no fucking idea who those people are. My other family. Harrys family. See, look. Harry did this. He decorated my cast for me to make it prettier. Hes so talented. I pointed out all of the intricate designs that were tattooed on my cast. Little swirls and comics. Hearts and flowers. Doodles and words. Harry? Is that the guys name? David asked me as he helped me stand up. I nodded in response and continued to trace the designs lightly with my finger. Youll be ok, kiddo. Ill make sure of it. Over the next two weeks, David tried really hard to make me better. He told my parents what happened. He got my mom to talk to me about Harry. He got my Dad to take me to the Doctor to get the cast removed. Call me weird, but I kept it. I have it in a little shoebox under my bed and whenever I cant sleep, which is every night, I pull out the cast and go over the little notes and drawings on it. David even got his girlfriend, Cassie, to set me up on a blind date. Im not going. I decided after Cassie had done my makeup. She was nowhere as good as Eleanor was at doing makeup, but I didnt tell her that. Oh come on, you dont have to marry the guy, just go and have some fun. Cassie smiled broadly at me. No is not an option. David informed me from where he stood watching at the doorway. I cant do this. Please dont make me. I begged them, hoping one of them would feel

compassion and just let me be. Olivia, its been six weeks. Youre going out. Itll help you move on. He said sternly, telling me there was no arguing with him on this. Ill never move on. This guy cant compare to Harry. I snapped back. Unless this guy was Harry, there was no way in hell Id go out with him. Ill drag you there myself, Han. Dont play with me. Older brother mode kicked in and the threats started. Unlike other people I knew, David never went through on his threats. They were just kind of incentives to make me do things. But we all know that adorable little sister always wins. Well, apparently not in that case because less than thirty minutes later I was sat in the car of some douche named Will. Shall we? He smiled at me as he started the car, making the radio blast redneck country music. Oh my fucking lord. Whatever. I shrugged as I looked out the window longingly, thinking about what Harry would have done if he had caught me with Will. Well, Will would end up in the dumpster hanging on for dear life. Me, on the other hand, I had no idea what he would do to me. But the thing is, Id rather be with Harry while he was abusing me than spend a night with this asshole any day. End Notes: Tell me what you think!!! Is this the end of Zannah? Don't worry, there are still more chapters to come. This isn't the end! Not even close. Back to index Chapter 50: Forever by Sophie Grey Chapter 50: Forever And the magical fairy told the happy prince and princess that theyd live happily ever after. The end. I closed the childrens book and placed it on the floor next to the bed I lay on. Another. My five year old sister, Kristen demanded. I sighed and pulled myself off of the bed. Try to sleep first. Ill read you another if you cant fall asleep, love. I whispered, pressing my lips to her forehead.

Love? She questioned me with a tilt of her blonde head. I pretended not to feel the heat rush to my cheeks and just nodded. Yeah, sorry. I think I must have picked that up in London. I shrugged it off, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. When I get big like you, I want to go to London! She declared. No. I wont let you. I snapped quickly, sounding harsher than I had intended. Why? Because I dont want you to get sucked into the rough street gangs only to fall in love with the abusive leader who will eventually force you to move away after his enemy kidnaps and rapes you. Because then youd be too far away from me. I smile down at her sadly as I switch off the nightlight in her obnoxiously pink room. I made my way down the stairs and plopped down on the couch next to David who held my sleeping eight year old brother, Frankie, in his lap. Shouldnt you be getting ready for your date? David asked me as he flicked the volume on the baseball game lower. I heard my Dad grumble at this, but he didnt make a big deal about it. My date with Will wasnt bad, it just wasnt good. He didnt make a move on me and, despite trying hard to make polite conversation, he couldnt manage to shake the awkward feeling that owned the atmosphere. In the two weeks since then, Ive been on three other dates. Derek, Isaac and Joshua. All very nice boys, but none of them could get me to open up. Its funny, actually- David used to threaten any boy I brought home in high school. It used to make me so angry. But in those few weeks he was doing the exact opposite. He was literally lining up his single friends to go out with me. Anything to make me get over Harry. As it turns out, that made me angry as hell too. I dont want to go. I whined like a child. Last one this week, I promise. He pleaded with me. I could tell that he only wanted me to get better, but this dating thing was not the way to do it. If Id ever heal, itd be over time. Forcing me with other guys wouldnt do it.

I dont even know this guys name. I give in reluctantly. Ricky. Ricky? I scoffed, thats such a douche name. David nudged my side roughly and sent me a warning look. I rolled my eyes. Hes asleep, Dave. I pointed to the sleeping boy. His big brother mode set in as he tried to protect the younger boys ears from the foul language that I seemed to be known for. Besides, douche isnt even a bad word. Id rather none of my children use that word, Darling. A feminine voice piped in. I whipped my head around so quickly that it probably hurt but I was too distracted. I knew it wasnt him. He never pronounced the word like that. Her voice was too feminine for him. He had a deep voice and a harsh accent. She sounded pleasant and cheery. I knew it was my mother. But some part of me still had hope. What did you just call me? I whispered quietly. My mother, father and brother all heard the drastic change in tone in my voice. Even I heard it. I sounded so broken. Darling? Ive always called you that. She said worriedly. I shut my eyes tightly and tried to block everyone out. I tried to block HIM out. Darlin. Darlin. Darlin. Well dont call me that. Ever. I snapped, my eyes still squeezed shut. I heard them shuffle around and wasnt surprised when I felt my mothers hand on my shoulder. Im sorry, honey, I thought-

Just dont fucking call me that again! OK?! I shouted, jumping out of my seat. I took in everyones shocked and hurt expressions and immediately felt guilty. My mothers lips were curved in a timid frown and I could tell she was really concerned. Sorry. HE used to call me that Sorry. I muttered softly, hoping thatd be enough of an explanation. My mother exchanged a knowing glance with my father and I could tell I was instantly forgiven. OLIVIA! The awkward moment was interrupted by the youngest Olsons voice coming from upstairs. I glanced around at everyone again before letting out a sigh and heading upstairs. As soon as I entered the little girls bedroom, my doorbell rang. Good. I can hide out up here for a while so I would have to spend less time with my date. I picked Kristen up wordlessly and carried her to the banner by the top of the stairs. I sat down with her on my lap and pressed my head against the wall that hid us from view. How about instead of a story, we spy on my date? I whispered to her as I peered around the wall to see down the stairs. Yeah yeah! Kristen nodded enthusiastically. Hello! You must be Ricky! My mother greeted happily. I couldnt see the boys face at all. The only thing I could spot from where I sat was his shoes. Can you see him, Kris? Yeah. She was leaning over the steps from where I held her in my lap. I let her lean forward as far as she could as long as I still held a tight grip. Well, is he handsome? I asked her. Yeah. I rolled my eyes. Leave it to my little sister to me as nondescript as possible. Ricky? No, Im not Ricky. Are you Mr. and Mrs. Olson? My whole body went rigid. I immediately pulled my sister back against my chest and tried to steady my breathing. This wasnt happening. I was doing so well How could I be hallucinating??? Yes we are Im sorry, young man, but who are you? I heard my father speak up. I shut my eyes and squeezed my sister gently. I could feel her tiny hands reach up to my hair to pat my head, almost as if she could sense that something was wrong. Im a friend of your daughters. Is Olivia home? No no no no no no no. My whole body

trembled in excitement and fear. Excited that I could remember the sound of his voice, and the way his accent pronounced my name delicately. Fearful that my hallucinations could be so strong. So Real. What does he look like? I asked Kristen. Her big blue eyes stared up at me before she leaned over the stairs quickly to get another good look. He has black hair. And hes tan. And someone drew on his arms in marker. And hes tall. Bigger than Mommy and Daddy and even David. Her tiny hand clasped mine. And? And he has nice eyes and white teeth. And a nose. And a black jacket. Yes, would you like me to grab her for you? Please, no. This wasnt happening. I felt tears sting in my eyes as they started a trail down my cheeks. I couldnt be imagining this. I prayed this was real, I prayed he was here. But I knew Id just face disappointment. Yeah. Just tell her Harry Styles is here for her. And when I heard his name my heart literally stopped. I let go of Kristen who immediately scrambled off my lap to hug me from behind. No! Shes not ready to handle you. Shes so broken. She hasnt even begun healing! Hey, I thought I was doing a good job David, just go get your sister. My mother pressed him. And? I begged Kristen to tell me more. I needed some sort of proof that that that he was actually there, in my front door. And he looks angry and mean and scary but kind of sad and stuff. She whispered. That was enough confirmation for me. I pushed myself up and scampered to the top of the stairs so I could look down. I had to move down to the top step and crouched a little just so I could see everyone. I cant. I wont let this jerk come in and ruin all the progress Ive made. I wont let him hurt- And then they heard me on the stairs. With Kristen right behind me I looked down at all of them from where I stood at the top step. All four heads snapped in my direction and tears of relief replaced the tears of disappointment. I wouldnt be able to imagine this, right? Harry? I croaked out, letting my body carry me down three steps. He took a big step

forward so that he stood right at the bottom of the stairs, not five feet from me. He looked so so so REAL. Darlin? Darlin, its me. Its me. He whispered. He looked different. His hair wasnt gelled like usual. It was matted and flat, yet still stood up in a curly mess of sorts. He had stubble lining his jaw. His usually pressed leather jacket was wrinkled and rolled up at the sleeves, revealing his collection of tattoos. His shoes were untied, his pants hanging low on his hips. Harry! I gasped ecstatically as I literally jumped, yes jumped, from my place on the stairs and into his arms. I knocked him to the ground, but he landed on his back without making any sounds of pain. His arms wrapped around me tightly as he rolled us over so we were literally just a pile of entangled limbs on the floor of my foyer in front of the stairs. I think Frankie woke up with all the noise, so literally my whole family was watching our reunion. Harry pulled me up off the ground and helped me stand up, without breaking out embrace. We were tied together permanently now and I knew Id never let him go. I had my arms wrapped around his torso while his were around my waist and my neck. My head was pressed into his chest as I soaked his t-shirt with the tears from my silent sobs. I felt his lips press to the top of my head and I cried even harder. He was actually here. He was actually holding me. In a way, the eight weeks we were apart were worse than the day and a half I was with Jay. I was with Jay for less time. Jay hurt me physically, but I was strong enough to take it. And at least I knew that Harry would come for me. Those eight weeks were the longest of my life. I couldnt bear the emotional turmoil Harry caused me. And the worst of it all, I didnt think Harry would be coming for me. I thought it was over. THAT was what hurt the most. That was what made it so painful. I cant believe youre here. I sobbed into his chest. I know, Darlin. Im so sorry. He whispered to me. I didnt think you were coming back. I clung to his t-shirt tightly. Id never let go. Id never let him slip away from me again. I know, Darlin. He shushed me. I felt my familys eyes boring into our intertwined

bodies, but I didnt care. All that mattered was that he came back for me. And I wouldnt let him leave me again. End Notes: Ok, so I really want to know what you think! Please please please leave a review. Please! Back to index Chapter 51: Back for you by Sophie Grey Chapter 51: Back for you So what is it that you do for a living, Harry? We were sat in my living room. My Mom and David sitting on the couch with Frankie and Kristen in their laps. My Dad was also supposed to be sitting on the couch, but he kept standing up, not able to control his nervousness. Can I get you a drink? A minute later. Are you hungry? A minute later. Do you want me to turn the air-conditioner on? He was so nervous to be around the guy who captured his daughters heart and then broke it. Each time Harry politely declined. I had never heard him use such formalities before, but then I realized: Harry was just as nervous about meeting my family as they were about meeting him. My Mom sat there with a stupid grin across her face. The more she took in Harry, the more she seemed to love him. Every time he opened his mouth and that smooth, yet gravelly voice of his came out, she seemed to be drawn in. My brother, on the other hand, seemed to hate him more and more by the second. Davids eyes were permanently narrowed at Harry, his mouth set in a frown and his whole expression screaming untrusting. And Harry could pick up on it. Harry was sitting in the recliner across from my family. Everyone tried to get me to sit on the other chair in the room, but I refused to let go of Harry, so, much to Harrys embarrassment and my familys discomfort, I sat on his lap. My legs straddled his waist and my chest was pressed against his. His arms were wrapped around my torso and his hands rubbed my back gently. My cheek was against his

shoulder, his chin on the top of my head. We fit together like a lock and key. And I didnt think Id ever be able to part from him again, not even for a second. My family, well, my parents, made small chat with Harry politely, but everyone avoided the giant elephant in the room: how Harry left me and how it fucked me up. I knew David wanted to say something. I knew he didnt like Harry, not for a moment. I knew he could see through the polite act. I knew he knew something was off about Harry. But for some reason, he didnt say anything. He kept his mouth shut. Luckily, after Harry was invited in, David texted my intended date for tonight, unknowingly avoiding a catastrophe. I could just imagine Harry beating Rick to death on my front stoop in front of my family. Some first impression. At about eleven, everyone moved upstairs to go to bed. My Mom showed Harry the guest room, but that was only for show. She knew hed end up in my bed, so she made no fuss when Harry politely declined and instead followed me to my room. My lips were on his the second the door shut. His hands grabbed my hips and brought me closer. My fingers gripped his hair. Our mouths moved perfectly in sync, as if we didnt go two months without interaction. He tried to hold me close to him, while I literally forced him on my bed. He moaned into my lips and flipped us around so he was on top. His favorite position. Darlin. I missed you so much. He whispered, breaking our lips apart. Dont. I held my hand up. I didnt want his apology. I didnt want an explanation. All I needed was him there, and for him to never make me leave again. But I- Please, just stop. I begged him. He stared at me for a moment. His emerald eyes held mine and I watched as he thought over something carefully. Eventually, he gave in by nodding at me. I wont let you leave again. Darlin. Will you come back to London with me? Do I have your forgiveness so you can be my girl? He asked me eagerly. All of his words jumbled

together with his nervousness. I could feel his palms getting sweaty. Mmhmm. I could never say no to you. I whispered back with a smile. He leaned down and kissed me, a smile on his lips as well. He pulled away, but the smile was gone. A look of seriousness cast over his beautiful features. Darlin, we do need to talk. You cant avoid it. He tried to sit me up, but I wasnt cooperating. I pressed myself against the bed and tried to bring him back down with me. Yes I can. He chuckled darkly and gently tugged me up in his lap. No, were going to talk now. He decided. I easily recognized that tone of voice; there was no arguing with him now. Hes made up his mind and he wouldnt budge. Fine. I grumbled. My hands snaked up to his chest and gripped his shirt tightly in my fists. I just want you to know that I wanted you to leave for your own good. I thought I was doing what was best for you. Not for a second did I stop loving you. Not for a second were you not on my mind. He started. His fingers came up to gently brush against my cheek. His fingers caught a strand of my hair and he started to twirl it. I love you so much. I whispered, leaning my head into him. He let me bury my face in the crook of his neck, allowing me to take in his scent. I know, Darlin. And even though you left me, I never left you. I followed you to the U.S and watched you. I left the guys in charge and took the last two months off just so I could make sure you were safe. But you see, I wasnt strong enough. I couldnt let you move on. I couldnt bear it. So I caved, and here I am. I didnt know I had begun to cry until I felt his soaked t-shirt cling to my face. I pulled away to inspect his clothing, when it dawned on me that it was my tears making him wet. And I know youve been dating, and I literally had to have my men hold me back because I was so close to killing a couple of them. I realize that it sounds psychotic to anyone else, but you know that Im so head over heels for you and I just dont know how to show it. I tried to crane his neck down so his lips could connect with mine, but he forcefully pulled away. A wave of rejection hit me hard. I downcast my eyes so that he couldnt see the hurt in them, but I was stupid to think Harry wouldnt notice. No no no. Darlin, I want to kiss you but I know that if I do, Ill get distracted and I wont say what I want to. His fingers curled around my chin and tugged my face up so I was forced to look at him.

Because I fucked up. I fucked up so bad. I fucked up by letting the only thing that matters to me, the only person Ive ever loved, the only person whose ever loved me, just walk out the fucking door. I cant believe I just fucking let you slip through my fingers. I shook my head, prepared to argue with him. He was being too hard on himself. He thought he was doing what was best. But Harry didnt even let me open my mouth before he started up again. And I know that you didnt take it well. I saw you cry more times than I care to count. I watched as your family tried to bring their Olivia back, but you shelled yourself away. Your parents probably think Im just some asshole that mistreated and dumped you, and I guess that theyre right, but- Stop. I love you. I forgive you. Now kiss me, dammit. I interrupted him. Harrys eyes met mine and then our lips crashed together. He pressed me against the mattress and let his body take over. I finally felt the touch I missed so much, the touch I craved for so long, the touch that kept me going through the roughest times. His hands felt me up hungrily. His fingers trailed up my sides, over my breasts onto my neck, down my stomach, over my crotch, gripped my legs and wrapped them around his waist. It was like he didnt know where to start. Like he wanted to touch every part of me at the same time. Like he didnt know if Id be there for that much longer. But I wasnt going anywhere. I clutched the fabric on his back and eagerly tugged it up. Harry got my not-so-subtle hint and quickly let go of me to pull his shirt up over his head before his fingers came back down to my body. I reveled in the feeling of his bare chest pressing against me. I could feel his muscles tense as he held me tightly. His abs. His biceps. His pecs. His shoulder muscles. There was so much about him that could protect me. Harrys the strongest person I know. His muscles encased me in a cage of his human flesh and I never felt so safe before. His hips grinded into mine and I let out a moan into his mouth. I could feel him smirk against my lips as his fingers dug into my skin. The next thing that happened was me losing my shirt. His fingers traveled up and fiddled with my bra strap playfully. I wanted him to take it off so badly, but he was being good. I could tell that he was holding back significantly and I didnt know why. I wanted him to just throw me on my bed, strip my clothes off and fuck me so hard that I would never dream of going out with another man again.

No, Darlin. Harrys hand gripped my wrist tightly as my fingers went for the clasp on his black jeans. I looked up at him pleadingly but he shook his head. No. Not now. He said again, but slower. I could hear the stubbornness and decision in his voice, but I wanted him in me so badly. Fucking hell. Harry, please. I cant. I want you so bad. I missed you so much. I whimpered. I sounded whiny and child-like, but I dont think he understood how bad I wanted him to fuck me. I had sex only a few times in my life, and the majority of them had not been with Harry. The majority were no consensual. In fact, almost all of it was rape. And I needed to forget that. I needed to forget him leaving me. I need to forget the months I spent in pain and misery. I needed him to make me forget it all. But for some reason, he didnt want to. Why wont you touch me? Why wont you fuck me? I asked him. I didnt mean to sound so broken and lost, but I couldnt help it. He looked down at me sadly. I want to so badly, Darlin, but your parents are in the other room. They already hate me, I dont want them to catch us going at it like rabbits. He chuckled deeply. I sighed because I knew he was right, but that didnt mean I didnt want to have sex. Because I still did. But my walls were paper thin. How about we just cuddle instead? He compromised, pulling me against his chest even tighter than before. I wrapped my arms around his neck and left a kiss to his shoulder. You hate cuddling. I reminded him. I remembered back to all those times where I just wanted him to hold me, but he was too impatient and couldnt figure out why he should waste his time sitting around just holding me. I cant hate anything if its with you. He whispered. We settled under the covers of my bed, both of our torsos bare, except for my bra. Soon, he kicked off his pants to get more comfortable and helped me out of my own jeans.

In just our underwear, we held each other tightly. He cradled me to his chest and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. And it was there that I was able to fall asleep for the first time without having nightmares. It was like scary gangster Harry was able to scare away everything bad from me, even in my unconsciousness. Darlin. I smiled when I awoke to the sound of Harrys gentle but husky morning voice. Darlin, I know youre awake. He spoke again. I let my eyes flutter open slowly and take in my surroundings. Hovering over me was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. A shirtless Harry was smiling down at me with a halo of light surrounding his gorgeous body. Good morning. I mumbled quietly. Im glad youre awake. Your Mum made breakfast, but I dont want to go alone. So get up. He grinned at me playfully as he pulled away. I sat up quickly, pouting at the loss of his presence in my bed. My eyes travelled over to where he was slipping on his clothes from last night and I lay back down in bed. Hey, get up. Im starved. Harry came back over to nudge me gently. He narrowed his eyes at me, as if he were mad, but I could tell he was only fooling around. Im not hungry. I sighed, getting comfortable under my duvet. He scoffed as if he couldnt believe it and started to tug at my ankles. Harry! I squealed. When the warmth of my blanket disappeared. Slowly, I was pulled off the bed, but instead of falling on the ground, Harry caught me in his arms. He held me to his chest and stared down at me intensely. Will you go to breakfast with me? No. Will you go to breakfast with me, as my girlfriend? He added in as an afterthought, thinking itd change my mind. I shook my head playfully, making him scrunch up his eyebrows in deliberation. Will you go to breakfast with me, as my fiance? I was about to shake my head again, but then the words actually registered in my head. It took me a minute to find the words

to speak. What? He let out a sigh and carefully sat me down on my bed. Ok, I know that we just got back together, literally last night. I know weve only been together for a year and for most of that year you were with me unwillingly. I know that I should be begging your forgiveness and trying to make everything up to you. I know all of that. But I just want you to be mine. I want you to wear a ring and show it off to your friends. I want there to be a legal document stating that you belong to me. I want you to be my wife. I want you to marry me. I could practically see his body trembling before me. He was so nervous. My words got stuck in my throat and I couldnt even think of the words to say. Like, it literally came out of nowhere. 24 hours ago, I was trying to accept the fact that Id never see the love of my life again, but here he was, proposing to me. So, Darlin. Will you marry me? End Notes: So, kind of a sappy chapter. But let me know what you think! Back to index Chapter 52: Cooking by Sophie Grey Author's Notes: Ok, sorry ahead of time but I didn't have the time to reread this chapter! Chapter 52: Cooking In the three days that Harry had been staying with me and my family, I dont think there was a moment where we werent together. In fact, I dont think there was ever a moment where we werent touching each other. I had just been without him for eight weeks and I couldnt physically not have him with me. I needed him there, with me, touching me, holding me to remind me that I wasnt dreaming all of it. That was my biggest fear: Id just wake up and he wouldnt be there. It had happened before. I leaned back into his chest and let him wrap his muscular arms around my waist. We were standing in the kitchen by ourselves, but we both knew we werent alone. Even if youre the only person in the room, youre never truly alone in my house. Thin walls. Lots of people. Lots of gossiping and open ears.

So we just kind of stood there in silence, enjoying each others company. I could hear my Dad arguing with David in the other room. I could hear my mother playing with Frankie and Kristen. I love you. Harrys deep voice startled our brief tranquility. I smiled and reveled in the feeling of his hands on me. Olivia! Olivia, could you- My mother came into the kitchen with Kristen on her hip but immediately froze when she looked over my stance with Harry. A dark crimson arose over her cheeks and she nervously looked down. Oh, er, sorry. Am I interrupting something? Not at all, Mrs. Olson. Harry replied smoothly, stepping around me but never breaking our contact. Oh, honey, please call me Barb. My mom smiled up at my fianc but then quickly moved to place Kristen down. Did you need something, Mom? I asked her, remembering how she was calling for me. Oh yes, your father, David and I need to run out to deal with something, so would you mind watching the kids? Well be back around dinner. She assured me. I nodded my head, though I was unsure how comfortable Harry was with taking care of my siblings. Ive never seen him around kids. I guess Id do most of the babysitting. Its not a bother, Harry smiled warmly, and Olivia and I would love to cook dinner for everyone, if you dont mind us using your kitchen. I turned around to look at my fianc in shock, but my mothers reaction was to just laugh. Olivias going to cook dinner? She questioned in disbelief. Well, maybe she can help set the table or something. Harry played along, clearly knowing that I have no place in a kitchen, with knives and ovens and whatnot. That seems safer. My Mom agreed. Both of them started to laugh, but I didnt think it was funny. Ok, enough jokes at my expense. Go wherever you need to go. I ushered her out before she and Harry could laugh at me about anything else. A few minutes later, Frankie came bounding in.

Ok, Frankie, take your sister and go watch- Who wants to help with dinner? Harry cut me off and turned to look at my younger siblings. My parents loved Harry. Like LOVED him. I dont know if it was because they saw how happy he made me, or if it was because they were just relieved to have him pull me out of my eight week depression. My older brother took a different approach. He hated Harry. I think it was a few factors that contributed to his hate, but I didnt push it with him. I knew that it was a little bit of the protective older brother whos supposed to dislike his sisters boyfriend. And I knew it was because of the way Harry looked- as nice and gentle as he was being around my family, there was no denying that Harry was a dangerous person, and David HATED that. The tattoos. The leather jacket. The knife scars. The stubble. The looming height. The muscle. They all didnt help diminish Harrys bad boy image, but I think what did it was the way he carried himself. You could tell Harry was a dangerous person because of his straight back and broad shoulders. His knowing smirk and his constant scowl. His confidence. His strength. But most importantly, his eyes. His eyes didnt regard anyone as a threat. He sized up any new person he met and made it obvious. He clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes in a way that could make anyone tremble when he was displeased. I think the most important thing that made David hate Harry was that he caused my long depression. It was his fault I came home a mess. It was his fault I had visible scars. It was his fault that I didnt call home when I was away. It was his fault I got kicked out of school. It was his fault that some of my internal fire was dimmed. And the worst part of it all was that David was right.

It was his fault. My younger siblings took the complete opposite approach. While Kristen found Harry intimidating she had the biggest crush on him and said he looked like Aladdin. Frankie, on the other hand, thought he was the coolest most badass person in the world and wanted to be exactly like him. I want to help! Me too! I wasnt at all surprised when both my younger siblings rushed forward and began to jump up and down in excitement over helping Harry with something. I hope that you two have a better sense of what youre doing in the kitchen than Olivia. Harry winked at them, making the two children explode into peals of laughter. Youre on a roll today. I narrowed my eyes at him. Harry only responded with his cute smile, tongue pressed against teeth and all. Ok, he clapped his large hands together and looked down at the two eager munchkins, heres the plan: Im going to need someone to open this box of rice. Harry leaned down and held out an unopened container of rice to Kristen, who was more than willing to open it for him. Thank you, princess. He smiled at her when she was done. He then turned to Frankie. Ok, big guy. I need you to get me a large pot and fill it halfway with water. Go that? Frankie nodded before scampering off to fulfill the request. Soon, Kristen was on pot duty- making sure to alert Harry when she saw bubbles in the water, while Frankie was taught how to pound out chicken breasts and continuously banged on the meat. Oh, Darlin. Can you handle setting the table or is your little sister going to show you up? Harry teased me as he came close enough so that if we spoke in whispers, my brother and sister wouldnt hear. Enough with that, asshole. I snapped at him. That was the third jab about my cooking. I was nearing my breaking point. Or else? He pressed me, letting his hands rest on my waist as he tugged me closer. I braced my hands against his chest and looked up to glare at him. Or else Ill beat you up. I threatened. He raised his eyebrows and let out an amused chuckle.

Mmm? Did you forget who youre talking to, Darlin? Just because were not in my territory doesnt mean Im not still in charge. His voice spoke like velvet, but I heard his words clearly. So nothing changed, then? He left me for eight fucking weeks and hes still going to treat me like this? I havent forgotten, I just dont particularly care. I retorted, stepping out of his grasp. I felt Harry pull me back, but he let me go again as soon as he landed a kiss on my cheek. Dont get pouty with me. He mimicked the angry pout I wore on my lips. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the kitchen so he couldnt see the smile that crept on my mouth. I begrudgingly set the table while Harry gave my siblings odd jobs to help him with dinner. It actually shocked me at how good he was with them. I mean, who wouldve seen that coming? Fearless gang leader of London likes kids. What the fuck? It definitely got me thinking about our future. Of course, I said yes to Harry when he proposed. I wanted to be tied to him in any way possible. I was his girl. We loved each other. But that wasnt enough. I needed to be legally tied to him, on a piece of paper, so that he wouldnt be able to leave me again. But we couldnt tell anyone yet. Part of it was because I didnt have a ring due to the unconventional and unplanned proposal, but I didnt mind. Our whole fucking relationship was unconventional and unplanned, so it kind of fit. The major part of it was because Harry needed approval from his gang. Whenever a member wanted to get married, the top five met and voted on the marriage proposal. I think it was based off of the fact that the woman would technically be marrying into the gang so the top five would get to decide on the new member. In our case, it would be me. I would be the new member. I didnt exactly like the idea of being a member of One Direction, but it wasnt like I would really be in the gang. It was more like an honorary position that would just associate me with them. I wouldnt actually be a member.

Harry said that it wasnt often that they had to vote on marriage. Most guys liked their bachelor style, or didnt think marriage was in their future. The few times they had gathered to vote, it was usually a unanimous decision. If the woman was obedient and understanding of the gang lifestyle, the marriage was permitted. If the woman was disobedient and disrespectful, the marriage was denied. Guess which category I fell into? The whole thing was fucking stupid, and I told that to Harry quite frequently. He told me to shut up because it was beyond his control. Bullshit. But whatever. The whole thing was so fucking confusing. On the off chance that our marriage was approved, I wondered whether or not we would have kids. I mean, seeing Harry with my siblings made me want it, but I didnt know if that would be realistic for us. I couldnt bring kids into the gang. I couldnt even take the chance of Harry potentially hurting my kids. I couldnt let them be subject to kidnapping like I had been. What do I do now? Frankie looked up at his idol for guidance. Harry carefully leaned over him to see what he had done so far. Ok, now take this little spoon and carefully drizzle some sauce over the rice and the chicken. He said slowly, demonstrating carefully to my little brother who watched him closely. What about me? Kristen came over from where she had been charged with scooping rice. You can fill the glasses with water. Harry patted her head gently, which caused her to break out in an ear to ear grin. She hurried over to complete her task. When everything was done, Harry sent the kids off to wash their hands. We had about twenty minutes before the rest of my family came home. Of course, that resulted in Harry cornering me in the kitchen and showering my neck and shoulders with light kisses. I tried to push him off, worried my little siblings would walk in on us. And Harry seemed to realize that.

Theyre watching TV. Relax. He cooed in my ear. That did settle me a little bit but I still felt a little tense. His fingers ran up and down my arms until they reached my shoulders. He tugged me to him gently and let his arms wrap around me tightly. In the time he had been cooking with my siblings, I missed his touch. I craved it. I was like an addict. Without the feeling of his hands on me, I started to go through withdrawl. I love you so much, Mrs. Styles. He murmured against my jawline. I gripped his hair between my fingers and smiled at the new name. Im not Mrs. Styles until I pass the stupid gang voting thing. I return smartly. I didnt realize that I jeopardized the moment by potentially pissing Harry off, but luckily he only chuckled and pulled away to meet my eye. Well, youve already got my vote. He smiled. I cocked my head to the side playfully and let my fingers travel down from his hair to his neck. Really? And all this time I thought you didnt like me. I teased him. I flexed my fingers out, suddenly longing for a ring to mark my engagement finger. I wanted everyone to know who I belonged to, but we had to wait. I mean, not really, but youre fit as fuck so I figured what the hell. His hands came down quickly to my ass and squeezed both cheeks harshly. I held back my small gasp by covering it with a giggle. Is that the only reason? No, I also love your cooking. Enough with that. I tried to say it seriously, but I couldnt help but smile through my words, even though they came out snappishly. He pressed me against the counter and pressed our foreheads together. And I guess I love you. His nose rubbed against mine softly, his lips so close to mine. I guess I kind of love you too. I whispered back. Our lips connected before our banter could continue, but I didnt mind. His kiss was to die for. So soft and gentle, yet hard and dominating at the same time. I crumbled under his control and let him force his tongue in my mouth.

Whether or not we got approval to marry, one thing was for sure: I was going to spend the rest of my life with this man

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