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theSun | TUESDAY JUNE 16 2009 9

news without borders

Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh

Mixed reaction to
China maids
HOME Ministry secretary-general Datuk rejects maids from any particular country.
Mahmood Adam’s remarks that if the Chinese As long as there is a need, maids from any
community no longer has any objection, the country should be allowed to come to work
ministry will reconsider allowing Chinese na- in the country through the proper channel,
tionals to be brought in as domestic helpers to she said.
overcome problems between employers and Some say China maids are potential home
their Indonesian maids have drawn mixed wreckers, but maids of other races, too, can
responses from women’s organisations. pose a similar threat, she added.
While some quarters are against the idea, “The government should treat the cause
expressing fears that these maids may become of the problem, such as understanding family
“home wreckers”, others have no objection, needs and helping to relieve the burden of
China Press reported yesterday. single mothers.
However, most of them felt that to over- “Giving incentives to companies offering
come the problems of maid abuse or maids home-cleaning services for them to lower
getting violent with their employers, the their charges to benefit lower-income groups
government should treat the cause, not the is another option,” she added.
They said the government should
look into ways to help families who
need domestic helpers or draft legisla-
tion to protect the welfare of maids, Teacher under
instead of looking at bringing in maids
from a particular country.
Following cases of maid abuse, Mah-
probe for
mood said the government may again
propose bringing in maids from China
sex with pupils
for Chinese employers, hoping that by A PRIMARY school teacher reportedly forced
removing the communication barrier, four pupils aged between eight and 10 to perform
there would be less friction between oral sex on him on separate occasions while he
employers and their maids and fewer took pictures of them in the act.
cases of maid abuse. According to reports in the Chinese press
It has been found that many Malaysian yesterday, the incidents occurred in the teachers’
women are wary of their counterparts restroom in a boarding school in Bintulu between
from China as past cases showed that May 14 and 19.
Malaysian men have a soft spot for these The reports, quoting police sources, said the
foreign women. incidents came to light only after the victims
But some human rights groups beg to related their ordeals to their classmates, who
differ, saying China maids should not be informed the hostel matron.
denied the right to work in Malaysia. One of them, a Year Four girl, was forced to
Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew gratify the 24-year-old teacher’s lust on three
Mei Fun said Mahmood did not under- occasions while the other three – two in Year
stand the real problem as maid abuse had Two and one in Year Four – had their modesty
nothing to do with race. outraged once.
No one can guarantee that China maids On all occasions, the teacher sent for the
will not be abused, she said, adding that the victims on the pretext of wanting them to col-
removal of the language barrier may make lect exercise books for their classes, and took
it easier for the maids to shout back at their them to the restroom where he stripped them
employers when they are reprimanded. and outraged their modesty.
“Don’t create another social problem The reports said police are investigating the
while trying to solve one. MCA remains case following a report lodged by the school’s
firm against maids from China,” she said. headmaster on Saturday night.
DAP women’s wing chief Chong Eng
said the movement neither encourages nor

Police: Suspect dies of infection

by Charles Ramendran led to his death. man’s death certificate and his He said no bruises were body will be claimed today.
found on his body except for Manikavasagam, who was
PETALING JAYA: Police the black eye the man had also accompanied by Bukit
said yesterday a post mortem sustained while struggling Lanjan MP Elizabeth Wong,
carried out by University Ma- with policemen during his declined to comment on the
laya Medical Centre (UMMC) arrest on Wednesday. outcome of the post mortem
mortuary showed that a 53- “We have a civilian wit- report until the pathologist
year-old theft suspect who ness, who saw what hap- explains it in detail to the
was found dead in police pened during the arrest when deceased’s family today.
custody on Sunday died of an the suspect tried to escape Gnanaprakasam, who
intestinal infection. from police.” had nine previous records
Selangor police chief DCP Meanwhile, Kapar MP S. for drug-related offences,
Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said Manikavasagam, who turned was found dead in his cell
the post mortem revealed up at mortuary at about 8pm at the Damansara police sta-
that due the condition, A. with Gnanaprakasam’s fam- tion three days after he was
Gnanaprakasam had suf- ily and friends, said hospital arrested for trying to break
fered blood poisoning which authorities have issued the into a house.

Fomca seminars to empower consumers

KUALA LUMPUR: The community centres and public the seminar could register with
Federation of Malaysian Con- halls, will provide wide-ranging the Fomca office.
sumers Associations (Fomca) information to consumers, from Fomca is also partnering
will hold 125 seminars nation- the lodging of complaints to Cuepacs, the National Council
wide to empower consumers how to handle price increases of Women’s Organisations
under its smart partnership and avoid over-buying to keep (NCWO) and the Malaysian
with Petronas, Fomca presi- demand low, he said. Youth Council in disseminat-
dent Datuk N. Marimuthu said Marimuthu told Bernama ing information on consumer
yesterday. yesterday any organisation awareness and consumer
The seminars, to be held in which wanted to participate in rights, he said.

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