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Learn from Singapore

ACCORDING to plemented under the existing political and then the prime minister, dealt with the issue
Wiser to recall ESE rods
BUILDING owners and developers who have been
using the early streamer emission (ESE) lightning
rods should feel jittery about the latest ruling by the
European Committee for Electro-technical Stand-
Penang Chief Min- economic conditions and administrative of good governance. ardisation (Cenelec).
ister Lim Guan Eng, capabilities. Complicating matters, it is not Fay was 18 years old when he was Since February, Cenelec has ruled that all member
Singapore Minister easy to differentiate between the good guys found guilty of spray-painting cars. He was countries should withdraw any lightning protection
Mentor Lee Kuan from the others. sentenced to an 83-day jail term and six standard that did not conform to the international
LocalCounsel Yew had comment- The temptation to rehash old ideas should strokes of the cane. Prominent personalities, standard (IEC-62305). Hence, the French ESE light-
by Goh Ban Lee ed that Penang’s be avoided. Take, for example, the issue of including US President Bill Clinton appealed ning protection standard (NFC 17-102) and all ESE
infrastructure was mobility. Lim is still talking about Penang for leniency. Singapore came under severe lightning rods are now legally banned in Europe.
not as good as that of Ipoh and Seremban. Outer Ring Road (PORR) and has called criticism of being a barbaric state. This information was recently revealed by the
Always a politician, Lim not only revealed on Penangites to voice their views. But this Singapore stood firm. Indeed, Lee per- International Conference on Lightning Protection
this nugget of an observation, but also took highway was proposed about 30 years ago! sonally wrote an article in Time magazine. (ICLP), an international scientific organisation that
the opportunity to point to the “18 years of Koh was committed to it in his 18 years as Quote: “Can we govern if we let him off and focused on lightning research and safety. (see www.
graceful decline” under the leadership of Tan the chief minister. not cane him? Can we then cane other for-
Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon. It would be an irony for Penangites who eigners or our own people? I am an old style STANDARDS.pdf)
When told of Lim’s remarks, the former voted for a change of government only to get Singaporean who believes that to govern you The ESE rods were declared as a danger to public
chief minister, who also had a meeting with the same stale serving. must have a certain moral authority. If we safety in a warning issued in 2005 by the ICLP.
Lee, pointed out that roads came under the Besides, the traffic conditions in Penang do not cane him because he is an American, Insurance companies that provide cover for
state government and local councils. He re- have changed dramatically since the 1970s. I believe we’ll lose our moral authority and buildings that have been installed with the ESE rods
minded the reporters that the state had been The concept of good transport has also our rights to govern (May 9, 1994).” should feel jittery about the Cenelec ruling too. This
under the Pakatan Rakyat government since changed, with the use of private cars to go Singapore did show that it heard the is because the ESE rods do not comply with the
March 8, 2008, implying that the present state to work getting the last priority. The focus appeals and reduced the caning to four Sirim lightning protection standard (MS-IEC62305)
government should be blamed. should be on public transport and not the strokes. either.
Penangites are certainly appreciative of outdated PORR. There is, of course, no need to ape every- The problem is further compounded when most
the verbal skills and mental capacities of the Penang could and should learn from thing Singapore does. After all, according to government buildings also use the ESE rods. Since
present and former chief ministers in the Singapore about public transport. The world a former president of Indonesia, it is no more these rods do not comply with the Sirim standards,
blame game. However, they prefer better is also learning from the island state. In fact, than a red dot on the map! Besides, there is it is only proper that all government ministries and
infrastructure and want to know is what is Penang could learn from the republic about no way Malaysians or Penangites can pay agencies set the right example by replacing them
being planned for the state and how Lim housing, open space and landscaping, public the chief executives of the government what with rods that fully comply with the Sirim standard.
intends to implement them. Besides better safety, pedestrian walkways and cleanliness, Singaporeans are paying their prime minister It makes no sense at all to allow the ESE rods
infrastructure, including pleasant transport just to name the obvious ones. and ministers. to be used on existing buildings or to install them
hubs, efficient mass transit systems and even Most important of all, Penang and for that on new building projects since they are already a
comfortable bus shelters, they also want af- matter Malaysia should learn from Singapore known danger. The science, technology and innova-
fordable housing, green open spaces, job op- about compliance with municipal rules. Dr Goh Ban Lee is a retired academic inter- tion minister should issue a total product recall.
portunities and a safer and cleaner Penang. This may be a good opportunity to remind ested in urban governance, housing and urban
The above wish-list is relatively easy Malaysians of the story of Michael Fay, an planning. Comments: letters@thesundaily. ZA Hartono
to make. The difficult part is getting it im- American living in Singapore, and how Lee, com. Kuala Lumpur

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