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ISSUE 692 | AUGUST 26 - SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 NEWS 4

Yuzana, Ruby Dragon in spotlight over govt land deal in Botahtaung

Govt dismisses Quintana accusations

United Nations human rights envoy Tomas Quintanas August 19 confrontation with demonstrators was a misunderstanding, a police official says, while presidential spokesman and Deputy Minister for Information U Ye Htut insists that Mr Quintana was never in any danger.

Par Par Lays legacy of laughter and defiance

Comedian Par Par Lay never shied away from expressing his political beliefs and making fun of the failings of those in power despite the inevitable consequences. Defiance was his hallmark, right up until his death on August 2.

Rice firms wary of foreign competition

A Ministry of Commerce proposal to open up the rice sector to foreign firms is being met by opposition within the industry, with local millers and traders pushing for more time to prepare for the increased competition that would follow arrival of foreign companies.
U Soe Thein leads a protest outside Yangons High Court on August 20.




Demonstrators have called on President U Thein Sein to take legal action over a land dispute against a department in his own government. The demonstrators say the Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development confiscated their land in downtown Yangon for a national development project, but it then sat idle for two decades. The department recently signed agreements with private firms, including Yuzana and Ruby Dragon, to build housing on the Botahtaung township site but the demonstrators say they want the land to be returned instead. Su Phyo Win

Taungbyone sheds light on world of nats

A festival of spirts, colour and bacchanalian mayhem, our Myanmar Times roving reporter travels to Taungbyone in Mandalay Region to partake in the revelry. She discovers a celebration that rivals any Mardi Gras in the world.

General seeks settlement

Major General Soe Shein has opened negotiations with farmers in a bid to get them to withdraw a complaint filed after he allegedly threatened to shoot them during a confrontation in Nay Pyi Taw on July 5. However, the farmers have so far rejected the offer, saying they cannot accept the generals demand that they correct media reports about the conflict. NEWS 3


Page 2
Google streetview goes to the zoo
Google has announced a new project which will allow users to explore zoos around the world. While many websites offer livestream coverage of the rare, cute and cuddly, the service will be photo-based but allow interactive panning and walk-throughs. Those hoping for a virtual tour of Yangon zoo will have to wait, but can replicate the experience by simply performing a Google image search. Be sure to look out for the smoking monkey.

online editor Kayleigh Long |

THE INSIDER: The local lowdown & best of the web

Putting the world wide in www
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg has issued a white paper which asks the question Is connectivity a human right?, and outlines a vision to provide internet access to the next 5 billion [people]. The project is a cooperation between tech giants including Facebook, Nokia, Ericsson, and Samsung. Today, the internet isnt accessible for two-thirds of the world. Imagine a world where it connects us all, the paper suggests. Myanmar web users reading the above statement on the projects newly-launched site will have plenty of time to contemplate the prospect while waiting for the page to load.

Nutty decision leaves readers hopping mad

Tourism Australia had some of the dimmer fans of its Facebook page clutching their pearls and decrying the nanny state last week when it posted an image of a kangaroo in repose, letting it all hang out. The image was captioned censored for Facebook, and the bucks genital region was covered by strategically-chosen pixels. Censoring the reproductive organs of an animal is one of the most stupidest things Ive ever seen, said one irate user. Why are you censoring a kangaroo? OMG, thats just crazy! Ive got loads of pics of my dog on Facebook and none of them are censored, wrote another.

Dubious fashion choices for Kalaw drug mule The state-run New Light of Myanmar last week
reported on the arrest of a man at a Kalaw bus checkpoint, who was subsequently charged for the possession of 200 grams of opium, as well as 104 stimulant tablets. The mans picture appeared next to the report in the New Light, showing him standing next to a table with the offending goods and sporting a T-shirt emblazoned with a large marijuana leaf.

When Myanmar was Burma...

Archival material provided by Pansodan Gallery

Style Statement
The cover of Oh We journal, December 1971, calls for peace prayers

Forward, the Burma Socialist Party Programmes propaganda journal, March 1969

Ariel Thuta for NOW! magazine. Photo: Htet Aung Kyaw (Studio HAK)

News 3

Committee slams president over criticism

SOE THAN LYNN MPs have accused President U Thein Sein of intervening in the legislative process and trying to influence the Constitutional Tribunal. The basis of their complaint is two messages sent to the parliament on August 5 and 8 that were then reprinted in state newspapers on August 7 and 9 in which the president argued that two recently approved bills were unconstitutional. The Region/State Hluttaw Law 2013 and Anti-Corruption Law were approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in late July after MPs rejected nearly all of the presidents proposed changes. The presidents statements published in state media explained why he had recommended the changes. Joint Bill Committee chairman U Nanda Kyaw Swar told the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on August 22 that his committee had examined the messages and concluded that the government was trying to influence the activities of the parliament and judiciary. We found that the governments statements could cause misunderstanding among the public and hurt the reputation of parliament, said U Nanda Kyaw Swar, who is also deputy speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. Laws that are passed by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw can be reviewed by the Constitutional Tribunal if these laws seem contrary to the constitution. Thats what the tribunal was created for But the presidents messages and statements [are unconstitutional] and inappropriate. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw has always respected the interests of the

MPs debate proposed media law changes

WIN KO KO LATT AMYOTHA Hluttaw MPs have sent the Printing and Publishing Enterprise Law back to the bill committee after discussing 13 proposed changes to the version that was approved by the Pyithu Hluttaw in early July. The changes would remove the controversial registration department provision, which critics say could allow the government to restrict freedom of press. Seven MPs discussed the proposed amendments on August 23, with U Min Oo, from the National League for Democracy, arguing that the Ministry of Information should not have the power to ban publications before a court has found them guilty. U Khin Mg Ye said he wanted the law to stop companies from operating both print and broadcast media organisations. The 13 proposed changes were submitted to the Amyotha Hluttaw on August 19 and were drafted after the committee met the Interim Press Council on July 24 and the the Ministry of Information on July 26. The committee said the post of registration official should be abolished, while fines stipulated in the law should be reduced significantly. Translated by Zar Zar Soe

President U Thein Sein (second right) and Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker Thura U Shwe Mann (right) walk inside the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw building in Nay Pyi Taw on July 31. Photo: Boothee

nation and its citizens when we make legislation and always been conscious of the need to follow the constitution. The parliament has also welcomed advice and comments from union ministries, legal experts and even political enthusiasts among the general public so that laws are well rounded. The speaker of the parliament and the president should build understanding and seek to cooperate instead of sending messages to each other. Amyotha Hluttaw representative U

Myint Tun, one of two MPs to second the report, said the incident highlighted the weaknesses in the presidents advisory team and the partiality of the state-owned media. This has caused a lot of problems. Actually, the president is a good person thats why the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw elected him president. But I really doubt the advisers beside him, U Myint Tun said. He said negotiations between the government and parliament over

legislation should take place in the Joint Bill Committee instead of in public. Legal experts and members of the Constitutional Tribunal should be invited to the Joint Bill Committee because we will get a better result, he said. It just confuses people when [the government and parliament] are sending formal letters to each and some are being printed in the newspapers. Translated by Zar Zar Soe and Thiri Min Htun

General opens talks over land dispute

PYAE THET PHYO MAJOR General Soe Shein has opened negotiations to settle a dispute with farmers who allege that he threatened to shoot them in a confrontation in early July over disputed land in Nay Pyi Taws Lewe township. Police are conducting an investigation into the complaint and have interviewed 10 witnesses but say the case could be closed if the plaintiffs reach a settlement with Maj Gen Soe Shein, who was former Senior General Than Shwes personal staff officer. It depends on the plaintiffs. They can withdraw the complaint if the two sides reach a compromise. So far we are still investigating [the complaint] and have not filed any charges yet, said U Soe Min Thein, the head of the Lewe township police station. The farmers involved in the dispute have confirmed initial negotiations have taken place. The settlement would likely see them withdraw the complaint in exchange for Maj Gen Soe Shein paying them for the land that he acquired in 2010-11. But Ko Khin Maung Win, the husband of Ma Khin Tint, who alleges that Maj Gen Soe Sheins associates assaulted her, said the complainants have refused to accept the generals demand that they correct reports about the dispute that have been published in local media. He said two of Maj Gen Soe Sheins staff visited Lewes Htone Bo Telsu village on August 19 to negotiate with the complainants. They said they want to buy the land where the armed confrontation happened but they also demanded the complaint be withdrawn and that news report in journals be corrected, one of the complainants, Ko Aung Than Oo, told The Myanmar Times last week. We cant totally agree on their demand [to correct news reports] and we are still considering the other two points. We want to directly negotiate with Maj Gen Soe Shein, he said. Compensation for farmland is also likely to be an issue. Maj Gen Soe Shein has offered to buy 339.68 acres but farmers are demanding K1.2 million an acre, about twice the market price. The farmers say he acquired the land improperly because he did not disclose in his application that there were other claims to it. They have also accused him of illegally running a limestone production business on the fields, in violation of his application to use it for agricultural purposes. The July 5 confrontation occurred when Maj Gen Soe Shein discovered farmers cultivating the disputed land. Translated by Zar Zar Soe

4 News



UN rights envoy: Attack gave insight into mob violence

TIM MCLAUGHLIN UNITED Nations human rights envoy Tomas Quintana said an attack on his convoy in Meiktila has given him a firsthand look at intercommunal mob violence that has erupted several times in Myanmar over the past year. Mr Quintana, the special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar, said a group of about 200 residents descended on his vehicle as it was travelling to a township administrative office around 10:30pm on August 19. Meiktila was the scene of deadly clashes between Muslims and Buddhists in March that left at least 44 people dead. A visibly upset Mr Quintana told reporters and diplomats at Yangon International Airport at the end of 10-day trip on August 21 that members of the group proceeded to punch and kick the windows and doors of the car while shouting abuse while police stood by. The fear that I felt during this incident, being left totally unprotected by the nearby police, gave me an insight into the fear residents would have felt when being chased down by violent mobs during the violence last March as police allegedly stood by as angry mobs beat, stabbed and burned to death some 43 people, Mr Quintana said. The visit was Mr Quintanas eighth to Myanmar and the first time the government had permitted him to travel for 10 days. His previous visits had been limited to just five days. The security issues in Meiktila forced Mr Quintana to abandon his planned visit to a camp where about 1600 Muslims displaced by communal violence are staying. However, his version of events contrasted with comments from activists from the 88 Generation student group who organised the protest. They said that Meiktila residents blocked Mr Quintanas convoy because they wanted to hand him a letter. The letter expressed dissatisfaction with Mr Quintanas previous report on the human rights situation in Myanmar, which it said was biased toward Muslims, and rejected calls by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to grant citizenship to Rohyinga Muslims living in Rakhine State. The state has and had a responsibility to protect a special rapporteur like me coming from the United Nations and that didnt happen. The state failed to protect me in that situation, he said. He added that the incident had been raised with the Minister for Foreign Affairs U Wunna Maung Lwin and other officials. Earlier in his visit Mr Quintana encountered protesters in Rakhine State, who also accused him of being biased toward Muslims. Mr Quintana said that he was able to speak personally with one of the protestors and, while the conversation was tense, he welcomed that people were able to stand in public and express their views. Speaking to The Myanmar Times following the press conference, Mr Quintana said that he had seen some small signs of progress in Rakhine State and praised the regional and central government for cooperating with aid efforts. He also welcomed what he described as the governments growing realisation that there is a need for a third party to mediate between religious groups and the government, noting that communication between the central government and the Muslim community has not been possible at all. While Mr Quintana thanked the government for granting him expanded access across Myanmar, he was not permitted to travel to Laiza in Kachin State. Mr Quintana said that no specific reason was given to him as to why he was not permitted to travel to Laiza but that the issue stemmed from a breakdown in communication between the central government and the Kachin State government. Mr Quintana will present the full report of his findings to the UN General Assembly in October.

The state has and had a responsbility to protect a special rapporteur like me coming from the United Nations and that didnt happen. The state failed to protect me.
Tomas Quintana UN human rights envoy

Mr Quintana flatly refuted the report that he had been given a letter. Nobody approached me, not even in a peaceful way, and nobody gave me a letter, he said. Mr Quintana said that the unwillingness of local police to step in to quell the demonstrators represented a clear failure on the part of the government to ensure his safety and well-being.

Palaung civil society groups lament brief meeting

NAN TIN HTWE LEADERS of Palaung civil society groups have expressed disappointment over their first meeting with UN human rights representative Tomas Quintana, saying they were not given enough time to discuss their concerns in full. On August 17 Mr Quintana, the special rapporteur for human rights in Myanmar, met six representatives from the Palaung Womens Organisation, the Taang Students and Youth Organisation and the Taang Youth Association (Myanmar) in Lashio, northern Shan State. Organisation leaders said it was the first time that Mr Quintana had met Palaung groups inside the country, but added that they were not able to discuss all the problems afflicting their region. We could discuss clear human rights violations, such as the militarys conscription of villagers for clearing landmines, rapes and forced labour, but not related problems such as the impact on education, health and transportation, said Ma De De Poe Jaine, general secretary of the womens group. Though describing the meeting as a step forward, she said she did not expect much improvement in the region. When we met, it was past 8pm. He looked tired. So maybe it was hard for him to concentrate, said Ma De De Poe Jaine. Ma Nway Ei Kham Lin, general secretary of TSYU, said the meeting had lasted less than an hour. We were planning to discuss narcotics, fighting, land grabs and the consequences of the Chinese gas pipeline that passes through Palaung areas. But we had no time, she said. Human rights are important, but drug problems are important too. She said she hoped that Mr Quintana had learned enough from the briefing to make the international community aware of human rights and other issues in Palaung areas. He said he had no authority to discuss drugs problems, Mai Myo Aung, secretary of TSYU, told the Phophtaw News Association, a news agency focused on issues in Mon State. Mr Quintana visited the Palaung self-administrative area on August 20 on what was his eighth and longest trip to Myanmar. He also encountered controversy while travelling in Rakhine State and Meiktila, which have both been hit by outbreaks of religious violence. On the confrontations with protesters in these areas, Ma De De Poe Jaine defended Mr Quintana and said he was just doing his job. When it comes to sectarian violence, Myanmar people might see him as biased because the majority in Myanmar is Buddhist, she said. But I think he has to report what is really happening in Myanmar. therwise he will lose his credibility.

United Nations special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar Tomas Quintana speaks on August 21. Photo: Aung Htay Hlaing

News 5


Govt dismisses Quintana accusations over clash

UN human rights envoy never in any danger during confrontation with demonstrators in Meiktila, government officials say, but an 88 Generation leader concedes the protest could damage the groups image


s to reporters at Yangon International Airport

GOVERNMENT officials have dismissed UN human rights envoy Tomas Quintanas accusations that police failed to protect him from a violent incident during his 10-day trip to Myanmar to report on human rights issues. The envoys vehicle was surrounded by hundreds of demonstrators when he arrived late at night in Meiktila on August 19, the scene of violent clashes earlier this year between Muslim and Buddhist communities. The incident occurred about 10:30pm as about 300 local residents defied a local curfew to surround Mr Quintanas vehicle. 88 Generation student leaders in the town who organised the protest insist that they approached Mr Quintana only to hand him a letter, a version of events that Mr Quintana later refuted. But a police spokesman in Nay Pyi Taw dismissed the incident as a misunderstanding, saying that, when the local people attempted to hand over the letter, plain-clothed security guards rapped on car windows to usher the convoy through the crowd. Some people tried to give Mr Quintana a letter and show photos they took during his visit in Meiktila ... They had no intention to be violent toward him, Lieutenant Colonel Min Aung from the Myanmar Police Force said. There was also a misunderstanding. Some of our security members who were on duty at that time were in plain clothes. Some of them signalled for the car to move forward by beating the car glass, he added. Presidential spokesman U Ye Htut told The Myanmar Times by email that Mr Quintanas version of events was inaccurate. He said Mr Quintana was never in danger and that there was adequate security, with 30 police posted in the area.

He said the police had ordered the 300 or 400 protesters to disperse when the curfew began at 10pm and by the time Mr Quintanas vehicle arrived 30 minutes later there were still 100 people at the bridge, who demonstrated with posters reading No Quintana. Some people did knock on the window of Mr Quintanas vehicle and tried to give him a letter and a T-shirt But he did not open the window and the police tried to clear the road so he could keep going, he said. Nevertheless, a senior member of the 88 Generation, Ko Pyone Cho, conceded that the groups reputation could be damaged by the actions taken by some members in its name. We warned them not to take a violent action like this, he said. 88 Generation policy is for peace and national reconciliation, not to encourage grudges and violence. The reports Mr Quintana has issued following his previous visits here have been criticised by some as biased in favour of Muslims, particularly the Rohingya in Rakhine State. After arriving on August 11, the human rights envoy visited areas in Shan, Kachin and Chin states, as well as sensitive areas like Rakhine, Meiktila and Lashio, the scene of violent inter-communal riots over the past year. He faced anger from local residents in Meiktila and Sittwe. We dont trust him, said Ko Aung Naing Lin, a resident of Sittwe and a member of the Wunlat Development

Tomas Quintana pays respect at a Buddha image in Lashio. Photo: United Nations

report, he only wrote about the rights of Muslims. We showed our feelings by organising a protest, he said. But National Development and Peace Party spokesperson Mohamad Salim said the bias allegation doesnt make sense, adding that there was plenty of evidence as to who had suffered the most in Meiktila. We are also willing to live peacefully with the Rakhine community. We

[Quintana] seemed to be afraid we were going to attack, but we didnt do anything.

Ko Htein Min Khaing 88 Generation member from Meiktila and protest organiser

Foundation. Citing Mr Quintanas meetings with Muslim leaders, Ko Aung Naing Lin accused him of bias. This isnt the first time. He has visited Rakhine State several times. He met with the Rakhine community only for show. When he published his

are doing our best to build peaceful co-existence between the two communities, Mohamad Salim said. He criticised the protest campaign, warning it could damage the image of Myanmar in the international community. The protests continued when Mr

Quintana arrived in Meiktila. We protested against his position on Rakhine State, said Ko Htein Min Khaing, a member of the 88 Generation students, who said they had gathered since the morning of August 19 to wait for Mr Quintana. Maybe 300 people took part in this protest campaign, but we had no plan to attack him. He seemed to be afraid we were going to attack, but we didnt do anything. We just wanted to give him a letter, said Ko Htein Min Khaing. The letter explained what really happened in Meiktila, he said. At his press conference at Yangon International Airport prior to his departure on August 21, Mr Quintana said there was never any letter and described the confrontation as a very violent incident. On accusations of his alleged proMuslim bias, Mr Quintana said, I was appointed as an independent expert with a United Nations mandate to address all human rights [issues] in Myanmar. Its not only the situation in Rakhine State, not only the situation in Meiktila or in Lashio. With AFP

6 News


Electronics law set for reform


THE Pyithu Hluttaw has agreed to discuss a private members bill that would amend the draconian Electronic Transactions Law, which has been used regularly over the past decade to jail activists and political opponents of the military. Pyithu Hluttaw representative for Thingangyun U Thein Nyunt, who drafted the proposed changes, said the original intention of the law was to send politicians and student leaders to jail. The [ostensible] aim is stated in section 3 to build a modern and developed nation and to support electronic transactions technology. Practically, the offences and penal-

ties stated in the law differ from this aim. The penalties in the law ... are so strong and should be amended, he said on August 21. The changes proposed by U Thein Nyunt would add several exemptions, including one on free speech, to section 33 of the law, which currently allows the state to imprison anybody using electronic devices to spread material that could be deemed anti-government. The original provision is so

[Section 33] is so broad that it can be used to target anyone.

U Thein Nyunt Pyithu Hluttaw representative

broad that it can be used to target anyone, he said. He also proposed punishments stipulated in the law both fines and prison terms be relaxed significantly. The law was introduced by the State Peace and Development Council in 2004 and contains 13 chapters and 52 sections. Over the past decade it has been used to jail a number of prominent activists, including comedian Zarganar, Pyithu Hluttaw representative Daw Sandar Min and 88 Generation leader Ko Ko Gyi. After the proposal was seconded, Deputy Minister for Communications and Information Technology U Thaung Tin voiced his support for the changes. This proposal supplements the proposal submitted to the Pyithu Hluttaw on January 29 to annul the Electronic Transactions Law. At that time we agreed that the government should draw an E-commerce Law

and amend offences and penalties [in the Electronic Transactions Law] in line with the current situation, he said. A committee has been formed with experts from the relevant ministries as well as businesspeople, IT technicians and other experts. It has started the process [of amending the law] and I believe that U Thein Nyunts proposal is suitable because it will move forward the [process], he said. He said that when the bill committee considers the proposed amendments it should make sure they conform to the draft Telecommunications Law, which is being debated in the hluttaw, and should consult with his ministry. The bill committee should also invite and discuss the changes with lawyers from the relevant government ministries, including those that bring about criminal charges, he said. Translated by Thiri Min Htun

Rakhine govt denies probe call

BILL OTOOLE A CALL from non-government organisation Physicians for Human Rights for an impartial government investigation into anti-Muslim violence has already encountered opposition from the Rakhine State government. Government spokesman U Win Myaing told The Myanmar Times last week that an investigation is unnecessary because local courts are already hearing cases against those charged, with the full support of the central government. He said police will investigate both the Rakhine and Muslim communities to find who was responsible for the violence, but added that he believed Muslims were the main instigators. Physicians for Human Rights has published eight reports on communal unrest in Myanmar since 2004, with the most recent report based on interviews conducted between March and May. While the New York City-based group made a variety of policy suggestions in the report it regularly advocates for the central government to conduct an impartial investigation aimed at prosecuting security forces who abetted or otherwise ignored violence against Muslims, particularly in Rakhine State. The impunity of the former Burmese regime and the renewed waves of recent violence demand not only an immediate response to address the crimes of the past, but to stem the escalation of violence, it said. The government should [i]nvestigate and prosecute all members of the police force who commit or facilitate human rights violations [and] install an internal accountability mechanism within the police force to fire, demote, or otherwise appropriately punish officers who do not appropriately punish civilians. The group said it has documented multiple instances of police attacking Rohingyas, providing cover fire for Rakhine mobs that were attacking Rohingyas, and watching while Rohingyas were attacked. U Win Myaing declined to comment on most of the organisations findings but dismissed the notion that police had abetted or stood idly by during the violence. He said the police have acted as a buffer during the riots and complied fully with the law. The Presidents Office did not respond to requests for comment.

Three die as floods hit Rakhine State

THREE men died and more than 680 people were made homeless by flash floods and rising river levels in Rakhine and Kayin states after heavy rains, relief agencies said last week. U Aung Thaung Shwe, deputy head of the Disaster Management Unit at the Myanmar Red Cross Society, said the deaths by drowning occurred in villages in Thandwe township, Rakhine State. Those forced to evacuate their homes were relocated to five relief camps on August 21. Two men died while trying to collect firewood drifting along the stream. A total of 682 people from the flooded residential quarters in Thandwe were evacuated ... on August 21. Our team collaborated in the emergency response by distributing meals and drinking water, and delivering patients to the hospital, he said. Thandwe resident U Tin Soe said low-lying areas of the town had been flooded since August 19 and heavy rain upstream affected almost all quarters of the town on August 21. The water level was about 5 feet (1.5 metres) in No 2 quarter and deeper in some lower areas of No 1 quarter. Schools and markets were closed because of the flood, he said. By August 23, water levels had receded. Meanwhile, the Thanlwin river rose 1.2m (about 4 feet) above its warning level in Hpaan, Kayin State, prompting some residents to seek temporary shelter in 12 relief camps on August 23. Aye Sapay Phyu

DKBA force rejects traitor tag

NYEIN EI EI HTWE A Border Guard Force created three years ago from ethnic armed groups in Kayin State has encountered many problems during its transformation, says one of its commanders. Major Chit Thu said the force, formed in 2010 by members of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Association (DKBA), had been accused of betraying its roots and stigmatised as an enemy. The DKBA was formed by soldiers who broke away from the Karen National Union in 1994. Maj Chit Thu was speaking at a celebration to mark the third anniversary of the creation of the force, held at Shwe Koh Ko camp in Kayin States Myawaddy township on August 20. We faced many allegations that we were betraying our mother organisation, the Karen National Union, and were misunderstood by other national organisations, who called us enemies, said Major Chit Thu. We feel sorry for the misunderstanding but we just focus on complying with the constitution and with the principles of Karen national leader Saw Ba U Gyi, he added. Border guard forces were created following a referendum to approve the 2008 constitution, which states
Major Chit Thu of the DKBA Border Guard Force speaks at a ceremony on August 20. Photo: Nyein Ei Ei Htwe

that the Tatmadaw is the only legal armed group. While many armed groups rejected the governments demands to transform into border guard forces and come under Tatmadaw control, a number of smaller groups agreed or were forced to acquiesce. About 4000 people from 12 organisations attended the anniversary celebration.

Brigadier General Tin Maung Tun from the Tatmadaws Southern Region Command said the army had worked with the Border Guard Force on a range of issues, including illegal border trade and security. The force has also worked on environmental issues, as well as refugee ... cases, said Brig Gen Tin Maung Tun.

News 7

Thousands of migrants in limbo as Thai visas expire


Ministry of Health to create HIV budget line

WIN KO KO LATT YAMON PHU THIT NEXT years health budget will create a separate budget line to bring added momentum to the fight against HIV, a member of parliament has revealed. The separate budget [line] will be part of the overall health budget and will be initiated [in 2014-15], U Tin Maung Oo, secretary of the Pyithu Hluttaw Public Affairs Management Committee, said at a meeting with civil society leaders in Nay Pyi Taw on August 15. The meeting was held to get feedback on the Association Law drafted by the committee. The draft law has generated an outcry in the NGO sector over its strict registration provisions. National NGO Network chair Daw Nwe Zin Win, who also attended the meeting, said only a few details about the budget line were revealed. We have not discussed it exactly yet but the [HIV] budget will focus on anti-retroviral therapy and HIV testing, she said. The overall health budget for 201314 is more than K400 billion (US$412 million), an increase of K130 billion, or almost 50 percent, on 2012-13. HIV/AIDS-related organisations welcomed the news and said it was the direct result of their lobbying efforts. Ko Thiha Kyaing, chairman of Phoenix Association, said NGO leaders had met parliamentarians and political party leaders to discuss HIVrelated issues and request they raise them in the hluttaw. The first meeting was held in May 2012 and a follow-up took place last month. There is a lot that needs to be done with this proposed budget, he said. Prevention [among high-risk groups] is the most important priority, and we also need to provide ART treatment for people living with HIV and also take other steps to reduce new infections, he said. More than 240,000 people are estimated to be living with HIV in Myanmar. About half are thought to be in need of ART, of which only 50,000 receive it.

MIGRANT workers in Thailand, including some who have been working legally in the country for decades, face an uncertain future in the coming weeks as the first visas issued under a 2009 program expire. Migrant workers were able to apply for two-year work visas under the program, with the possibility of a twoyear extension. Officials from Thailands Department of Immigration do not know exactly how many visas were granted in 2009 but estimate it was in the hundreds of thousands. Thailand has ruled out extending the visas or issuing new ones because it does not have enough funding. Workers with expiring visas now face two options: return to Myanmar through a costly and complex immigration process, or remain in Thailand illegally potentially at great personal risk. While officials in both the Thai and Myanmar labour ministries agree with rights groups that labour laws should be overhauled to give migrants longer-term security, activists say both immigration officials along the border and politicians in Bangkok are resistant to change. The actual policy is about the [Thai] governments fear of migrants coming and settling for a long time and becoming part of the system. They deliberately keep them for only short periods of time, said Jackie Pollack, program director of Migrant Action Program, an advocacy group based in Chiang Mai. The Migrant Workers Rights Network said the workers issued a visa under the 2009 program are now facing significant challenges. Workers are being tricked, exploited and extorted by Thai and Myanmar brokers, agencies and officials through misinformation about visa extensions or the need to return home and enter Thailand again through fresh and expensive unregulated [labour] systems, the group said in a statement. Significant numbers of migrants

A migrant worker on a construction site in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand. Photo: Kaung Htet

are already paying up to 15,000 baht [US$500] for new passports, sometimes with new names, thereby forfeiting previously earned social security and labour protection rights and falling under situations of fresh debt bondage and passport confiscation.

The actually policy is about the [Thai] governments fear of migrants settling for a long time.
Jackie Pollack Migrant Action Program

In an interview with The Myanmar Times, Pieng Pahp, an expert on alien workers in the Thai Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, said unskilled migrant workers play an important role in Thailands economy and labour rules should be over-

hauled so they can stay on a more permanent basis. However, advocates of labour reform face a difficult challenge to overcome the bureaucracy and chaos of Thai politics. The Thai government is quite unstable. Only two years ago we switched to [a different government], which led to a whole new cabinet [that] we need approval from ... Whenever it changes we need to go back to the beginning and start our work again, Ms Pieng said, adding that new labour laws also had to be approved by parliament. We have submitted the changes we want in the law to parliament, she said. The law will change in the future, but it will take time ... We are doing the best solution that we can manage. Ms Pieng acknowledged that corruption was a very real obstacle to reform. How can you develop a country when corruption gets in the way? she said. We need to do things in an open, transparent way. She said it was difficult to say who was responsible for the corruption, or even which country they

are from. I dont know if its in the government or the police, she said. In the coming weeks, officials from Nay Pyi Taw plan to meet with their colleagues in the Thai government to lobby them on labour reform, said Daw Khin Wa Oo, head of migrant affairs in the Department of Labour. While her department wants to protect Myanmar workers abroad, she said they are ultimately at the mercy of the laws and regulations of their host country. Until reform occurs, thousands more Myanmar migrants in Thailand are likely to face the prospect of their visas expiring in coming months. But the process is set to be repeated in coming years, with more than 1 million people having been issued three-year temporary passports under what is known as the National Verification program. This is only the first group to reach this point, said Ms Pollack. With the fees for passports as well as the immigration corruption, they [will] end up paying at least six months and up to one year of their salary just to be here.

8 News

Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief (MTE) Ross Dunkley Chief Executive Officer U Myat Swe Editor-in-Chief (MTM) Dr Tin Tun Oo Chief Operating Officer Wendy Madrigal Director Non-core Assets Wai Linn EDITORIAL Editor MTE Thomas Kean Editor MTM Zaw Myint Chief of Staff Zaw Win Than Editor Special Publications Myo Lwin Jessica Mudditt - Deputy Editor MTM Sann Oo Business Editor MTE Vincent MacIsaac Business Editor MTM Tin Moe Aung Property Editor MTM Htar Htar Khin World Editor MTE Douglas Long The Pulse Editor MTE Manny Maung Timeout Editor MTM Moh Moh Thaw Online Editor Kayleigh Long Sports Editor Tim McLaughlin Chief Political Reporter Soe Than Lynn Head of Translation Dept Ko Ko Head of Photographics Kaung Htet Photographers Boothee, Aung Htay Hlaing, Thiri Book Publishing Consultant Editor Col Hla Moe(Retd) Editor Win Tun Nay Pyi Taw Bureau Chief Soe Than Lynn PRODUCTION Head of Production & Press Scrutiny Liaison Aung Kyaw Oo (1) Head of Graphic Design Tin Zaw Htway MCM PRINTING Head of Department Htay Maung Warehouse Manager Ye Linn Htay Factory Administrator Aung Kyaw Oo (3) Factory Foreman Tin Win ADVERTISING National Sales Director Khin Thandar Htay Account Director Nyi Nyi Tun Classifieds Manager Khin Mon Mon Yi ADMIN & FINANCE Finance Manager Mon Mon Tha Saing HR Manager Nang Maisy Publisher Dr Tin Tun Oo, Permit No: 04143 Systems Manager Khin Maung Thaw DISTRIBUTION & CIRCULATION Circulation & Distribution Director Jesse Gage ADVERTISING & SUBSCRIPTION ENQUIRIES Telephone: (01) 253 642, 392 928 Facsimile: (01) 254 158 The Myanmar Times is owned by Myanmar Consolidated Media Ltd and printed by MCM Commercial Printing with approval from MCM Ltd and by Shwe Zin Press (0368) with approval from MCM Ltd. The title The Myanmar Times, in either English or Myanmar languages, its associated logos or devices and the contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the Managing Director of Myanmar Consolidated Media Ltd.

US policy on the past: Forgive and forget

TIM MCLAUGHLIN WHEN he visited Myanmar earlier this month, United States Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and Speechwriting Ben Rhodes laid out the US vision for Myanmar in one sentence: We see the story as just beginning. But Mr Rhodes and his colleagues in Washington are more than aware that Myanmars story is not beginning now, in 2013. Nor did it begin in November 2012, when President Barack Obama swept into Yangon to plant a kiss on the cheek of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and a friendly hand in the palm of President U Thein Sein. It also didnt begin in 2009, when Washington initiated a policy review that would eventually lead to the Obama administration engaging Nay Pyi Taw. It is, in many ways, a process that began at independence in 1948 and was never completed. The recent anniversary of the August 8, 1988, uprising, in which state security forces massacred hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent civilians, is but a poignant reminder that the path to democracy in Myanmar has been a long one. What Mr Rhodes, a key Obama adviser on Myanmar, has made clear is that the US will only look forward in Myanmar. It has no plans to play an active role in the pursuit of accountability for past injustices. I think that sorting through the past is an incredibly difficult issue, Mr Rhodes said. Washington has cosied up to more than a few unsavoury characters in the past so it is not likely to be concerned about supporting an investigation that could dig up fresh allegations of atrocities. Washington is, however, afraid of putting Myanmars reform process in jeopardy or threatening its own influence in a geopolitically important country. Wading into Myanmars past, or urging the government to do so in an effort toward reconciliation, could leave Washington on the outer here. It is hardly what the Obama administration wants given Myanmar is a bright spot among a growing list of foreign policy failures. Mr Obamas refusal to fully cut support to Egypt despite a bloody coup that has claimed the lives of hundreds, the messy conclusion of long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the fallout from revelations of National Security Agency spying have left him with very few ticks in the foreign policy win column. Myanmar, where change has come at an unprecedented rate and largely without violence, has become Washingtons token victory trotted out at every chance as an example for other embattled nations. If the people of Myanmar are to enjoy justice, they will have to bring it about themselves. The people of Myanmar will have to find a way to do that through political dialogue and through the political process and it would be very difficult for the United States to prescribe how that is done, Mr Rhodes said. No, Washington will not prescribe ideas for dealing with crimes from Myanmars past. But prescriptions on how to invest in Myanmar? Or how the constitution should be reformed to enable Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to be considered for the presidency? Yes, the US has plenty to say on that. Washington needs Myanmar now, perhaps more than ever. But it needs to come with a clean slate and that means putting on blinkers to the past and stepping back from calls for accountability. Dont expect the US to look to the past unless it is to justify calling the country Burma.



I think that sorting through the past is an incredibly difficult issue.

Ben Rhodes US Deputy National Security Adviser

Megacity mayors both have the common touch

Photo: Reuters


Myanmar Consolidated Media Ltd. Head Office: 379/383 Bo Aung Kyaw Street, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Telephone: (01) 253 642, 392 928 Facsimile: (01) 392 706 Mandalay Bureau: No.178, 74th Street, (Bet. 31st & 32nd streets) Chan Aye Thar San Township, Mandalay. Tel: (02) 24450, 24460, 65391, 65392 Fax: (02) 24460 Email: Nay Pyi Taw Bureau: No. 10/72 Bo Tauk Htein St, Yan Aung (1) Quarter, Nay Pyi Taw-Pyinmana. Tel: (067) 23064, 23065 Email:

IN the recent past, two men who could hardly be more different have been elected to govern the capital cities of their countries. That they have their work cut out goes without saying, for Manila and Jakarta are two of the regions biggest and most unmanageable cities. Manilas new mayor, the ex-film star Joseph Erap Estrada, is a former president of the Philippines and resembles a kind of Ronald Reagan figure if Reagan had ever played a rakish bandit, instead of cleancut sheriffs. In contrast, Jakartas new governor, Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, is a simple man of the people, who can wander into a wet market, grab a bowl of noodles and share life stories with the paisanos. Yet despite their orthogonal differences, they are two men who almost everybody would love to have as uncles. There would never be a dull moment. It would be like living in a milieu that resembled a cross between Yes, Minister, The Sopranos and The Lone Ranger. Yet, setting aside their opposing personalities, Erap and Jokowi have one crucial similarity: they both know how to win elections. And in politics, nothing else is more important. As an Indonesian minister recently remarked when asked if a colleague was a suitable presidential candidate, It does not matter if he is suitable, or if he is good or bad. What matters is: Is he electable? Erap and Joko have proved they are consistently electable, often under conditions of adversity that, in the eyes of the media, caused them to be rated as rank outsiders. Yet they always triumphed.

Joseph Estrada waves to supporters after casting his vote inside a precinct poll at a school in Manila on May 14.

Consider Erap, whose nickname is formed from the reverse spelling of the Tagalog word Pare, which, as befits his nature, means Buddy. Big Buddy Estrada, the paunchy, moustachioed, philandering Marlboro Man, was widely ridiculed when he entered politics and especially when he made a bid for the nations highest office in 1998. But Erap, who hails from a relatively affluent family, is smart and while he knew his image upset the establishment, he knew it clicked with the masses who recoil at bogus political correctness. So he stayed non-PC and never denied smoking, drinking and fathering five ninos by various mistresses and still became president by the biggest margin ever recorded in Philippine elections. Three years later, he was deposed by an uprising instigated by the mili-

tary and the Catholic Church, jailed for life, pardoned by his successor Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, and now he has become mayor of Manila. So its dj vu all over again. As it is, in a way, for Jokowi, who, despite being a diametrically different politician, shares Eraps capacity to win elections by displaying the common touch. Jokowi is a slim, non-smoking, teetotal family man, whose only nonconformist trait is a love of rock music he was once the proud owner of a guitar signed by a member of the eardrum-busting band Metallica. For sure, hes no stern ascetic. Yes, he puts in prodigious hours, but really hes just a regular Jo, who loves to strum his guitar and sing along with the folks in suburban slums and rural heartlands. It was this quality that enabled Jokowi to become well-known as the

mayor of the small city of Solo in central Java, where he first used his people skills to relocate stall holders to new and more amenable retail areas. Then, after winning last years Jakarta governorship poll, he again went down to the barrios and persuaded recalcitrant vendors and squatters to move so that traffic and flood alleviation measures could be taken. It is now clear that barring a disaster, Jokowi is going to use the governors post as a stepping stone to the presidency of this regions biggest and most powerful nation. Last week, Indonesias most influential publication, Tempo, had a photograph of him on the cover, with the headline Run, Joko, Run. If he runs, he will win. Because, like his opposite, Erap, he has that ineluctable quality of electability.

News 9

Three companies sign on with Telenor

Norwegian firm signs agreements with Ericsson, Huawei and Wipro of India

Ministry to train ethnic minority language teachers

EI THAE THAE NAING THE Ministry of Education will help train teachers so they can offer classes in ethnic minority languages outside school hours, an official says. Ethnic languages will be taught in government primary schools after hours under a voluntary scheme being established by the ministry. Volunteer teachers will be given the opportunity to teach in their native language in classes that will take place after regular lessons finish about 3pm. Department of Educational Planning and Training director general U Ko Ko Tin said the courses had been developed by academics with expertise in each of the different languages. Meetings have been held since November to establish the syllabus for each language, with four Pa-O, Rakhine, Kayah and Mon already completed, and others still underway. We will provide training for volunteer teachers who want to teach in their ethnic language, the deputy minister told The Myanmar Times. The classes, which will be restricted to primary schools, could begin as early as this year. In some areas classes have already begun, said Daw Khin Mar Htwe, a director of the Department of Educational Planning and Training. We are creating the syllabuses and we will try to teach ethnic languages in the coming academic year. If that is not possible then we hope to begin the following year, she said. Ethnic minority groups have been pushing for decades for their languages to be allowed into the countrys classrooms. For many, the decision to allow language instruction after hours does not go far enough, with some pushing for the language of instruction in minority regions to be changed from Myanmar. Ma Haung Saing from the Thinking Classroom Foundation, an organisation that helps support teachers and is part of the National Network for Education Reform, said many children from ethnic minorities are unable to understand lessons in state schools because they are taught in the Myanmar language. This leads to high drop-out rates in minority areas, she said. If these classes are in addition to regular schooling there is a risk that children might already be tired at the end of the day and that could cause difficulties, she said. They should be included in the formal syllabus, like English. I also want to see ethnic languages used as the language of instruction so that ethnic minority students are interested in studying and can learn more easily. It would help if the teachers are also from the same region. She said that because of the longstanding ban on minority languages in classrooms languages are currently taught in monasteries or churches.


NORWEGIAN company Telenor has signed initial agreements with three firms to develop its mobile phone network in Myanmar. The company has signed memorandums of understanding with Chinas Huawei, Ericsson of Sweden and Indias Wipro, a spokesperson confirmed. The spokesperson said the agreements were signed within the past month but would not provide specific dates. The three companies were selected to support [Telenors] efforts to deliver a state-of-the-art telecommunications network in Myanmar, the spokesperson said. Formal agreements with the companies will be finalised when Telenor receives its operating licence. The government has said that the licences will be issued by the end of September. Telenor and Qatari company Ooredoo were awarded coveted telecoms operating licences by a tender selection committee in late June, beating out nine other companies and consortiums.

Photo: Reuters

Huawei has worked in Myanmar since 2003 and its low-cost smartphones are popular with consumers. In September 2012 President U Thein Sein visited the companys Shenzhen headquarters during a trip to China. Ericsson, meanwhile, is the worlds largest provider of wireless network equipment. Wipro is headquartered in Bangalore and specialises in information technology,

consulting and outsourcing. The Telenor spokesperson said that the company could not yet comment on what role the three companies will play in its network development plans. Wipro and Huawei did not respond to requests for comment, while an Ericsson official said the company does not comment on potential business.

10 News


Designers get call up for Games

PERFORMERS at the Southeast Asian Games will be showing off their talents in style thanks to contributions from the countrys leading designers. A consortium of designers called the Myanmar Fashion Designer Group has been tasked with making outfits for performers participating in 27th SEA Games, which begin in Nay Pyi Taw on December 11. The group consists of about 30 designers, including Ma Myint Zu (Zu Zu Collection), Ma Pont (My Favourite Collection), Thet Hnin Aye (Do Zo) and San Bouk Ra (Shayi). Ma Myint Zu said the group enjoyed the experience but met some difficulties designing clothes that met the requirements set by the Ministry of Culture. The designers came up with about 30 different styles and then took them to Nay Pyi Taw for approval. One design was selected for each of Myanmars eight main ethnic groups, while two more designs were chosen for performers. Altogether around 1000 outfits will be made for the event, with the designers given an end of August deadline. The costumes will be worn by performers during the SEA Games, although the design group has not been told if they will feature in the opening or closing ceremonies. I made the clothes by combining Shan traditional dress with a modern style, Ma Myint Zu said. Ei Ei Thu

Sangha association demolishes illegal monasteries, houses

PHYO WAI KYAW SI THU LWIN THE Sangha association in Mandalays Pyi Gyi Tagun township has demolished nine small monastic buildings constructed illegally on a 4-acre plot of land, association members said last week. The buildings in Nwae Taw Kyi Kone ward were demolished on August 14 following complaints from the landowner, said the associations township chairman, Sayadaw Thawbana. Seven families were also evicted from the compound the same day. The association took action because the issue involved monks and it is our responsibility to resolve it, he said. We gave them two weeks to move but they didnt go anywhere. Now we destroyed the monasteries and make them to go back their original monasteries [in Pyi Gyi Tagun township]. Association secretary U Zanaka said the monks had been living on the site for five or six years but the previous leaders of the Sangha association had failed to take action. Some monks built monasteries and also sold some plots of land for about K8 million, he said.

A monk looks on as household items are piled on the street after the Sangha association demolished illegally built monastic buildings and homes in Mandalays Pyi Gyi Tagun township on August 14. Photo: Phyo Wai Kyaw

We have got official letters from the relevant [government] departments to remove them. For related complaints [such as disputes over land sales], people will have to go through the appropriate departments, he said. U Aung Ko Win, the son-in-law of the landowner, said that his family rented parts of the compound to some families about five years

ago. At the same time, the monks constructed monastic buildings on the land. When his family asked them all to leave last year, the monks encouraged the families to stay on the land illegally, he said. Because of the monks it made it more difficult to evict them, U Aung Ko Win said. Monks should not get involved in these kinds of issues. They

asked the people not to move so they continued to stay here, he said. Tenant Ko Kyaw Kyaw, who moved to the area from Bago Region, said that he had been paying rent to the ward administrator since last year, when the land owner demanded they leave and refused to accept any more payments.

Second court appearance for Myanmar Times reporter

PHYO WAI KYAW A SENIOR reporter from The Myanmar Times has made a second court appearance in his battle against a defamation charge. Ko Si Thu Lwin appeared in Madaya Township Court on August 22 over allegations that his coverage of a recent dispute in Mandalay Region damaged the dignity of electricity department officials. Ko Si Thu Lwin wrote a series of articles for The Myanmar Times this year covering a conflict over the installation of power lines in Madaya. Residents argued the lines should bypass the town, rather than be run down the main street, for environmental and safety reasons. The controversy was first reported in the papers Myanmarlanguage edition on May 24. On May 29, Madaya township electricity engineer U Nyan Htun submitted a complaint to police alleging Ko Si Thu Lwins article contained some words that damaged the dignity of the electricity department and its staff . During the August 22 hearing, U Nyan Htun told the township judge that it was safe to install the power lines down the main street of the town. He said he had worked in accordance with the instructions of his superior and had not misused the budget for the project for his own benefit. However, U Nyan Htun also admitted that Ko Si Thu Lwin did not state his name in the report and that the article quoted residents and did not contain any editorialising or opinion. U Nyan Htun also submitted his list witnesses on August 22. The next hearing is scheduled for August 30.

News 11

More foreign news groups to get approval

AUNG SHIN THE government plans to allow more foreign news agencies to open bureaus in Myanmar soon, a Ministry of Information official says. Associated Press (AP), Japans Kyodo and NHK, and Xinhua and Guang Ming Daily from China have already opened branches here, while at least 10 more organisations have applied for permission. U Ye Naing, general manager of the ministrys News and Periodicals Enterprise, said they are likely to be given the green light in the near future. We are reviewing their proposals and reporting to the Presidents Office. Some of them have already been sent to the Presidents Office They are likely to be able to open their branches in the near future, he told The Myanmar Times. International Herald Tribune, Agence France-Presse and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation have all applied for permission to open offices, along with Nikkei Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun and Manichi from Japan, CCTV and Mingalar Magazine from China; and The Straits Times and Channel News Asia from Singapore. U Ye Naing said the government would benefit from the increased presence of foreign media by improved coverage of govern-

Govt to devolve more power under reforms


News and Periodicals Enterprise general manager U Ye Naing speaks at the opening of the Associated Press office in Yangon on August 6. Photo: Boothee

ment and parliamentary activities in international media. He cited the example of Kyodo, which is cooperating to train journalists from the New Light of Myanmar in Japan. The ministry also has received technical training from AP, he said. Xinhua and Guang Ming Daily have had offices in Myanmar since 1996, while US-based AP and NHK news agency of Japan were given approval on April 1 to open offices, while Kyodo was approved on April 23.

THE central government has committed to speeding up decentralisation in order to spur people-centred development during the second half of President U Thein Seins term. Minister for the Presidents Office U Tin Naing Thein said the government is working to streamline administrative functions, more clearly demarcate responsibilities between Union Government ministries and devolve more authority. He acknowledged at a workshop on local governance in Nay Pyi Taw on August 18 that ministries in Nay Pyi Taw have so far been reluctant to cede authority to the 14 state and region governments and six self-administrative bodies created under the 2008 constitution. Whenever we go to the states and regions, the local governments repeatedly say thatthey cant do anything because the union ministries are controlling everything, U Tin Naing Thein said. He said the two vice presidents were overseeing the process and had sought feedback from regional governments. When we asked regional governments which areas of government they

were confused about [whether they had control over], we got a pile of reports [about one foot thick], he said. When we compiled them, we found 169 areas where we need to streamline functioning between union ministries and local governments, he said. These confused areas include planning and budgeting, he said. U Tin Naing Thein said fellow Minister for the Presidents Office U Hla Tun would soon being drafting the budget bill for 2014-15, adding that the central government plans to allocate larger budgets to the regional governments. We will allocate more budget to local governments based on the presidents instructions, he said. President U Thein Sein signalled his intention to devolve more executive power and, crucially, government funding to regional governments in an important policy speech on August

We will allocate more budget to local governments based on the presidents instructions.
U Tin Naing Thein Minister for the Presidents Office

9 in which he outlined his agenda for the final 30 months of his term in office. The president said a planned administrative overhaul would be the third wave of his governments reform strategy, after political and economic reform. In the speech, which was published in state media, he also strongly criticised some ministers for being reluctant to give up authority to regional governments. He said he had been forced to retire and transfer some senior government officials because of poor performance, lack of transparency and corruption. The August 17-18 workshop on improving local governance and peoplecentred services held little more than a week after thepresidents speech was organised by the United Nations Development Programme and the Ministry of Home Affairs. UNDP country director for Myanmar Toily Kurbanov told The Myanmar Times that the workshop had helped to establish what are the most important priorities to strengthen the presidents reform agenda. UNDP has global experience in local government strengthening and decentralisation, he said. We thought we could help the government by sharing the global experience so that Myanmar can learn ... and reflect [on] what is the mostappropriate [path] for Myanmar in developing its own approach to strengthening local governance.

12 News


Daily papers fight for survival

Photo: Zarni Phyo

Distribution bottlenecks, printing delays and ballooning losses its the nature of the media game in the daily era

LAUNCHED in the heady days of new-found media freedom, the countrys dozen private daily newspapers are struggling with a host of problems. Circulations are tumbling and costs are rising for newspapers that face crippling distribution problems and financial straits, industry insiders say. Five months ago, the government removed its longstanding restriction on private daily publications, allowing pioneering newspapers to explore the new daily territory for the first time in half a century. So far more than 30 have been granted licences and 12 are being distributed but it not yet clear how many will survive. Among the strongest contenders are papers backed by the countrys leading political parties. The Union Daily, belonging to the Union Solidarity and Development Party

(USDP), distributed free copies for 10 days after its April 1 launch and now boasts a circulation of 40,000. We printed only 10,000 copies in the early days. But right now, we print 40,000 copies a day. The production cost per copy is K148, and

The number of daily newspapers available at newsstands out of the 31 granted licences


there isnt much advertising yet. We expected losses, and were still losing money, said U Win Tin (U Thiha Aung), the papers chief executive officer and chief editor. Mizzima Media, an outlet founded by exiles in the early 1990s in India, returned to Myanmar last year and applied for a daily licence. It started publishing daily on May 24

and now has a circulation of 8000. But the paper is still facing all-round losses, said its founder. Part of the reason is the cost of paper and ink, printing and distribution. I cant put a figure to our daily losses. But were working on a digital newspaper and will focus on online media in the future, said U Soe Myint. While many newspapers are relative newcomers to the print media industry, a number of well-established weeklies have also transitioned to daily publishing. 7Day News launched its first daily edition on April 25 and faced difficulties almost immediately. We faced a lot of problems with printing and used seven different printing houses in our early days, which delayed our papers from reaching the market in time. It was harder than we expected, said executive editor Ko Ahr Mahn. We are in a much better position now that we have our own printing presses. Each copy costs us K120 ... [and] we print 50,000 copies a day, more or less ... Whether we make a profit depends on our

advertising load, he said. The range of problems facing the dailies includes not only greater competition but also the cost of newsprint and printing, electricity, labour, distribution and marketing. Printing costs can come to K135 per copy for a 24-page colour newspaper, said one experienced printer. Thats about as cheaply as you can do it with a print run of 10,000 copies. A bigger print run would reduce the per-unit cost. Without advertising revenue, dailies will face losses. They will struggle, said U Htay Maung, head of printing at Myanmar Consolidated Media, which publishes The Myanmar Times. Nationwide distribution is hobbled by transportation bottlenecks. Most private daily newspapers print only in Yangon and getting copies outside the big cities in time is difficult. Most rely on distribution companies rather than their own networks to get papers out. U Kyaw Min Swe, editorin-chief of Voice Daily, said distribution difficulties were a major factor inhibiting circulation growth. He said Voice Daily, which launched on April 1, initially printed 40,000 copies but circulation has since dropped to 25,000.

We dont have our own distribution staff, which would allow our papers to reach a wider area. Our circulation dropped because of distribution challenges and also the market is very competitive, he said. Tun Oo Sarpay is one of a number of companies daily

We expected losses, and were still losing money.

U Win Tin CEO and chief editor The Union Daily

journals use to get copies around the country. The company distributes eight journals across upper Myanmar. Some are flown in, some come by road. Distribution to remote towns from Mandalay takes a long time and we often have to take back unsold copies from vendors, said Tun Oo Sarpay owner U Tun Oo. Daily wholesale prices range from K110 to K150, and sales are not good. No paper sells more than 4500 copies in Mandalay, and some sell as low as 50 or 100.

In a bid to win readership from some of its larger rivals, the owners of Messenger Daily have been distributing the paper free of charge since May 7. However, they say that circulation has still halved from 60,000 to 30,000 copies. Editor Ko Thura Aung said both readers and advertisers are reluctant to make the switch from weekly to daily products. Private dailies are new for readers ... We havent reached our target yet, he said. The advertising is also not the same as in our journal, where we had regular income every week. We are still losing. Daily Eleven, published by Eleven Media Group, which is said to have the largest circulation, did not respond to requests for comment. While some had predicted the daily era would lead to the demise of weekly journals, this has so far not been the case as, to cover their losses and keep readers and advertisers reluctant to make the switch many dailies continue to print their original weekly publications. We are still publishing our weekly journal to [subsidise] our daily, U Kyaw Min Swe said. The weekly journal might disappear in the future but for now the dailies rely on the income from the weekly journals.

News 13

Shimon Peres to visit Myanmar next year

MYA KAY KHINE ISRAELI president and Nobel peace laureate Shimon Peres plans to visit Myanmar next year, an official in Israels Ministry of Foreign Affairs said last week. Ministry director Mattanya Cohen revealed the planned visit to The Myanmar Times at a ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Myanmar and Israel in Yangon on August 19. Mr Cohen did not reveal any specifics about the planned trip but said that he expected ties between the two countries to remain warm. He also expressed support for expanding Israelsponsored development projects taking place in Myanmar. Even though bilateral trade is only a few millions, Israel has always helped Myanmar in its development in the past 60 years and now I am here to know who the donors are and what big projects they are doing for the development of this country and how Israel can contribute, he said. While in Myanmar, Mr Cohen said he will explore options for greater cooperation, particularly on agriculture and water management, in meetings with government ministers and other
Israeli President Shimon Peres speaks at the World Economic Forum on the Middle East in May 2009. Photo: World Economic Forum

New twist in Lewe village bribery scandal

PYAE THET PHYO A VILLAGE administrator in Nay Pyi Taws Lewe township has denied claims he confessed to accepting a K200,000 bribe. Residents in Pauk Myaing village tract have accused administrator U Khin Maung Htoo of asking for and then accepting the bribe in exchange for speeding up the issuing of land ownership documents. Its not totally true that I confessed. Weve reached an understanding, U Khin Maung Htoo told The Myanmar Times on August 21. The accusations were first levelled in late May by U Aung Kyaing, who owns 3 acres of farmland in the village-tract, and were initially rejected by U Khin Maung Htoo. However, residents say that on August 7 the administrator contacted a number of witnesses listed in U Aung Kyaings complaint submitted to the township authorities on July 29 and asked them to withdraw the complaint. The next day he told them that he took the money and also implicated other local officials, they said. We testified that the administrator accepted K200,000 because we are familiar with the case, said U Myint Lwin. On [August 8], the administrator confessed in front of us at his uncles house. The August 7 meeting took place at the home of U Myo Win Hlaing, another of the witnesses listed in the complaint. The administrator asked us to withdraw the complaint when we negotiated at my home and he also confessed [the next day] to receiving money from U Aung Kyaing, U Myo Win Hlaing said.

It's not totally true that Ive confessed.

U Khin Maung Htoo Village administrator

officials in Nay Pyi Taw. Yangon Region Chief Minister said the two countries shared a common achievement they both achieved independence from Great Britain in 1948. Diplomatic relations were established shortly after. Bilateral co-operation has developed in various fields including education, agriculture, health and the economy under the sponsorship of MASHAV Israels Agency for International Development Cooperation and through other channels, U Myint Swe said, adding that more than 300

civil servants have attended MASHAVrun courses in Israel since 1990. The 60th anniversary event was attended by more than 100 people and organised by Club Shalom Myanmar, which was formed nine years ago by those who attended courses in Israel. Israels ambassador to Myanmar, Hagay Moshe Behar, said the political changes taking place in Myanmar meant it was the right time to expand its relations in the economic and political fields. If we do things together, it will benefit both, he said.

U Khin Maung Myint, who was also present at the meeting, said the administrator told them two local officials had also been involved. The administrator revealed that the clerk and [another official] had also been involved with him, he said. However, U Khin Maung Htoo said he has not confessed to anything. He said the Lewe township administration office is forming a tribunal to investigate the complaint. Meanwhile, landowner U Aung Kyaing said he had no intention of withdrawing the complaint. Translated by Zar Zar Soe

YCDC replacing open dump sites with plastic bins

AYE SAPAY PHYU YANGONS municipal authority plans to close all of the citys open dump sites to reduce environmental and air pollution, said U Than Lwin Oo, head of the Pollution Control and Cleaning Department under Yangon City Development Committee. He said YCDC will place plastic waste bins at more than 600 sites where people currently just dump rubbish in the open, adding that the waste collection system would also be upgraded in time. There were more than 700 open garbage sites in Yangon, although we have reduced this to 649 by putting down large plastic bins, U Than Lwin Oo said. We intend to abolish all open rubbish collecting sites in the future, which will prevent animals from spreading the trash around and limit air pollution and bad smells. He added that more than 4000 YCDC plastic waste bins are in use in Yangon, with more to come. U Than Lwin Oo also said that new 38 garbage compactor trucks, including rear bin lifters, arrived in July and will be pressed into services to collect bins using fewer workers, in less time, soon. He said YCDC data collected in 2012 showed that the citys rubbish collectors, who number about 3380, cleaned up an average of 500 kilograms of trash each day.

14 News


MPs approve First phase of ambitious ministry lending program launched in NPT loan despite concerns over interest

Photo: Hsu Hlaing Htun


THE government will offer low-interest credit with a highinterest loan from a Chinese bank, after parliament approved the loan despite opposition from some MPs. The loan will be used to fund an ambitious government program to reduce poverty and spur rural development, despite criticisms from MPs (see related story right). The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw approved the US$100 million loan from Chinas Export-Import Bank on the recommendation of President U Thein Sein by majority vote on August 22. The Ministry of Cooperatives will report to parliament on how they will manage the loan, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw speaker Thura U Shwe Mann said after the vote. The proposal to approve the loan was submitted by Pyithu Hluttaw representative U Aung Thaung, an adviser to executive members of the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), and discussed by eight MPs. Myanmar will repay the loan over 10 years, two years of which

will be free of interest. The country will pay annual interest of 4.5 percent for the other eight years, plus an immediate management expenses payment of 1pc, or $1 million. Some MPs said both the interest rate and the management fee were too high. U Phyo Min Thein from the National League for Democracy, the main rival of the USDP, said cooperative enterprises had always been a failure. This loan, with its high interest rate, should not be accepted for cooperative use, he said. Representative Daw Tin Nwe Oo said the ministry should carefully consider the potential for risks as well as profit from cooperative enterprises before taking out the loan. We may lose again if we make mistakes, she said. Though the loan is in US dollars, China will lend the money in kyat and representative U Win Oo said this could entail exchange-rate losses and also contribute to exchange rate instability. However, Minister for Cooperatives U Kyaw Hsan said the loans would meet demand from cooperative associations for credit. It is true that the cooperative system has not succeeded in the past, he said. But we will try to learn from our mistakes. Translated by Zar Zar Soe

LOANS worth more than K7 billion (US$7.2 million) are being offered to residents of eight Nay Pyi Taw townships as part of a government-sponsored lending program aimed at reducing poverty that could eventually see more than $3 billion distributed in low-interest loans. The Ministry of Cooperatives has been offering the loans in Nay Pyi Taw for the purchase of agriculture vehicles and machinery on an instalment basis since August 19 as part of the governments rural development and poverty elimination program. At a ceremony to announce the loans, President U Thein Sein told members of cooperative societies, who will receive the funds, We wont break the cycle of poverty unless people can work. I want to encourage people to get a job. The development of your society is up to you. Myanmar has borrowed US$100 million from China to help create more job opportunities for people from rural areas as well as urban workers. Minister for Cooperatives U Kyaw Hsan said the ministry will seek financial assistance from other international sources because it needs between K600 billion ($619 million) and K3 trillion ($3.09 billion) to extend the loan scheme across the country. We planned to give people in both rural and urban areas

President U Thein Sein examines sewing machines at the launch of a loan program on August 16.

the opportunity to own vehicles and machines for their business by lending each family up to K500,000, U Kyaw Hsan said. Initially, funds amounting to K12.5 billion will be used to buy tractors, tractor trailers, trucks, engines, generators, water pumps and motorbikes for farmers; and taxis, sewing machines, trishaws and motorbikes for people in urban areas. More than 10,000 people, including farmers and mem-

bers of cooperative societies in eight townships in Nay Pyi Taw, attended the August 19 ceremony. A total of K7.2 billion in loans is being granted and agricultural machines are being sold on instalment to 12,610 members of 203 cooperative societies in the townships. Borrowers should be members of a group that must comprise at least five people. Loans will be granted to each group on the recommendation of the cooperative

society, said U Khin Maung Myint of Pyinmanas Cooperation Department. U Thein Tan, a farmer from Dekkinathiri township in Nay Pyi Taw, said he would use the loans to cover the shortfall in support from the agricultural development bank, which lends farmers only K100,000 an acre. The farming loans are not enough, he said. Im grateful to the president for the new plan. Translated by Thiri Min Htun

First Nay Pyi Taw flights set for take off

ZAW WIN THAN BANGKOK Airways will become the first carrier to offer regular service between Thailands capital and Nay Pyi Taw, with the company confirming flights are scheduled to start within weeks. The airline will launch its thrice-weekly service at the end of September, less than three months before the 27th SEA Games kick off on December 11. The move puts the company ahead of budget carrier Thai AirAsia, which will not start flights between the two capitals until October. We will launch Nay Pyi Taw [flights] from September 30, said Daw Nang Hon Tip, a senior sales executive at the Bangkok Airways office in Yangon. We want to meet the demand from people travelling for the 27th SEA Games in Nay Pyi Taw this December, she said. The 90-minute flights will be offered every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening from Bangkoks Suvarnabhumi Airport using a 70-seat ATR 72500 aircraft. Regional budget carrier Thai AirAsia announced in June that it hoped to become the first carrier to launch direct services between Bangkok and Nay Pyi Taw. Scheduled services will begin in October, with the airline offering four flights a week on a 180-seat Airbus A320. Bangkok Airways is also set to become the third Thai airline, after Thai AirAsia and Thai Smile, to offer regular flights from Bangkok to Mandalay, with services beginning on September 15. Daw Nang Hon Tip said the company will initially offer four flights a week on the route before ramping up to daily frequency on October 27.


Johnson & Johnson, a corporation incorporated in the United States of America, of One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08933, U.S.A., is the Owner of the following Trade Mark:-

Reg. No.14915/2012 in respect of Intl Class 5: Human pharmaceutical preparations. Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark will be dealt with according to law. Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L for Johnson & Johnson P. O. Box 60, Yangon E-mail: Dated: 26 August 2013


News 15

HIV among top health burdens, study finds


Shan news agency hits airwaves, online

NAN TIN HTWE ETHNIC media outlet Shan Herald Agency for News last week began broadcasting eight hours a day of online radio programming, covering topics ranging from politics to music. SHAN Radio launched on August 19 and is broadcast from 9am to 5pm on weekdays. It is available through the website, initially in Shan language. Daily content includes two 30-minute news broadcasts as well as talk shows and community programming. The program is the latest venture for the online news agency, which covers Shan State-related issues in English, Myanmar, Shan, Chinese and Thai languages. Editor U Khun Sai said the agency decided to embark on the online radio venture after it had to stop publishing its journal, Independence, in 2010 because of a lack of funding. The Shan- and Myanmar-language publication was launched in 1984 and 3000 copies of each issue were distributed illegally inside Myanmar and in border areas. He said he believes that online radio will be a more effective medium than print because of growing internet penetration, particularly on mobile devices. The agency plans to begin broadcasting in Myanmar within six months, and Thai within one year. I know we can face some difficulties because of internet [connection] problems in Myanmar, U Khun Sai said. But we are optimistic because the government said during the peace negotiations that it plans to set up thousands of mobile towers.

AN international study of HIV/AIDS in Myanmar has placed it among the countrys leading causes of disease burden. Released on August 21, The Burden of HIV: Insights from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 found that more than 5 percent of deaths and disease burden in Myanmar is attributable to HIV/AIDS. The authors of the report, written by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, say it is based on the first study that compares HIV/AIDS-related health loss in Myanmar to the impact of other diseases. Despite a modest decrease in the HIV/AIDS death rate since 2007, the disease is still responsible for a greater percentage of deaths in Myanmar than

anywhere else in Southeast Asia. The death rate has fallen just a small amount less than 11 percent since the diseases peak in the country in 2007, Theo Vos, a professor at IHME, told The Myanmar Times. He cautioned that the epidemics impact remains greater here than in neighbouring countries. HIV/AIDS, as of 2010, was still responsible for 5pc of deaths in Myanmar more than any other country in the region, he said. In addition, the decrease in the mortality rate is modest compared with progress that has been made by countries such as Thailand, where it has been reduced by more than half, or even Cambodia. Mr Vos said that by applying a disability-adjusted life year (DALY) measurement the sum total of years of life lost due to premature death and disability researchers have been able to capture the true burden that HIV/AIDS puts on society. Our studies take into account premature mortality hugely important for a disease that largely impacts young people, Mr Vos said. And young

people who die lose more potential years of life than old people who die. For example, the slow rate of decline in HIV/AIDS burden in Myanmar compared to Thailand indicates that Myanmar can learn from Thailand how to accelerate progress in HIV control. He said Thailand had been proactive in implementing educational programs as well as introducing a decentralised model where patients can access better levels of treatment and coverage. Eamonn Murphy, country coordinator at UNAIDS Myanmar, said that in spite of the studys grim news, there has been major progress since 2010 in controlling the incidence of the disease in Myanmar. Mr Murphy said up to 50pc of patients now have access to treatment and the Myanmar government has committed to reaching 85pc of those infected by 2016. He said that increased funding alone is not enough to combat the spread and impact of the disease. What we also need to do is address issues like social stigma and legal barriers ... which are still causing a huge problem.

The article Rakhine aid workers resigning over social media threats, published in the August 19-25 edition of The Myanmar Times, incorrectly stated there are more than 80 international aid organisations working in Sittwe. The number refers instead to the approximate number of foreign humanitarian workers in the Rakhine State capital. We regret the error.

Police hunt eight members of juvenile gang after burglary

HSU HLAING HTUN POLICE in Pyinmana have arrested two juveniles accused of breaking into a car service centre to steal vehicle parts. The two are said to belong to a gang of at least 10 young people allegedly responsible for several thefts in Paung Laung ward, where the two suspects live. The suspects a boy and a girl, both aged 13 were arrested on August 11 at the scene of the alleged crime in 12th Street. Police were alerted by a mechanic but failed to apprehend four other members of the group who had also climbed over the brick wall of the Myae Thar companys premises. Police said on August 15 that they were still investigating the other eight alleged gang members, who are also said to be aged 13. Three are thought to be girls. The alleged perpetrators were caught with six items from the car service centre valued at K145,000 and police say the two suspects in custody have confessed. They have told police the attempted robbery was orchestrated by an adult, who took members of the group to the car service centre on his motorcycle. Residents in Paung Laung ward said they hoped the arrests would end a recent crime wave that has afflicted the area. Its high time the police took action against these young crooks. They are rampant in this ward, and everyone knows who they are and where they live, said resident Daw Thida. Translated by Zar Zar Soe

16 News


Indonesia arrests four over embassy bomb plot

INDONESIAN police have arrested four men suspected of involvement in a failed plot to bomb the Myanmar embassy in Jakarta, an official said on August 21. The plot was a sign of the growing anger in Muslim-majority Indonesia at the persecution of the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar, where most of the population is Buddhist. We arrested four terror suspects for alleged involvement in a plot to bomb the Myanmar embassy, national police spokesman Ronny Sompie said, adding they were detained in raids between August 17 and 20. He said police were probing what role exactly they played in the plot. Mr Sompie said that one of two suspects arrested on the evening of August 20 was a terror convict who had been jailed for eight years and was released in 2008. The alleged mastermind, bombmaker and fundraiser of the plot had already been detained. Police foiled the embassy plot on May 2 when they detained two men with a backpack holding five pipe bombs, who had allegedly been planning to launch an attack the following day. Militants also launched a bomb attack on one of Jakartas biggest Buddhist temples earlier this month, slightly injuring one person. AFP

Ministry to tackle dress and behaviour with civics program

SHWEGU THITSAR THE Ministry of Culture plans to trial a cultural civics program aimed at combating the influence of decadent foreign cultures at two universities, ahead of a planned rollout to all tertiary institutions and high schools. The course has been drafted by the rector of Mandalay National University of Arts and Culture, Daw Khin Kyi Pyar, and will be introduced at the arts and culture universities in Yangon and Mandalay, said Deputy Minister for Culture U Than Swe. He said the civics program teaches the rights and duties of citizens and includes all kinds of Myanmar traditions. He said the program is needed in order to preserve Myanmars culture, especially what we wear and how we behave. But for the most part the ministry seems concerned about how young women dress and behave. The Ministry of Culture has noticed the changes in womens culture including fashion. During the last water festival I also saw Myanmar women swigging beer from a bottle by Inya Lake. It isnt proper behaviour, U Than Swe said. While conceding that Myanmar men are also drinking alcohol and adopting Western dress, he said the ministry was more concerned about women because it was dangerous for them to engage in these kinds of behaviours. He said that while the ministry is concerned about how womens fashion has changed in Myanmar over the past decade but will not try to control fashion trends. Our department wont issue any instructions on womens dress in Myanmar. We have been told we cant do it because it not democratic. But parents should make sure their children are disciplined and respect our culture, said U Than Swe. I dont mean women should wear clothes like in the old days. Womens fashion has always changed but it changed significantly after 2000. And some other aspects of our culture have also changed. While South Korean dramas have been blamed for many of the changes, U Than Swe said many women take their cues from local celebrities. These [South Korean] movies alone are not the main factor because you dont see decadent fashions in those movies. However, they do include scenes where a woman propositions a man, and women are drinking and getting drunk, he said. There will be other factors [for changing fashions], such as Western movies and copying local movie stars. University students said that while they welcomed the cultural civics program they did not believe the government or other bodies should seek to control how women dress or behave. longyi or long skirt. I dont mean we shouldnt wear shorts at all. I also like to wear short dresses or skirts. But I wear them to a party or a function or to go shopping, she said. As for drinking alcohol, I dont think it is a sin to drink a glass of wine or beer at a party. No one should say a woman is bad just because she drinks alcohol. But women need to be careful not to get too drunk like some men, she said. Another university student, Ma Aye Myat Mon, said she is not a fan of revealing clothing but does not always stick to traditional dress. I always wear dress in Myanmar style when I go to university but sometime dress like Korean movie stars for special events, such as birthdays and on New Years Eve, said the 18-year-old physics major. Actress Wint Yamon Hlaing, famous for her role on the TV series Sign of Love, said actors should not be criticised for how they dress on TV because they are in character. I agree people copy how their favourite stars dress but on TV how we look varies depending on the character we are playing, she said. My favourite style is just jeans and T-shirt. Translated by Thiri Min Htun

During the last water festival I saw Myanmar women swigging beer from a bottle ... It isnt proper behaviour.
U Than Swe Deputy Minister for Culture

Ma Yamin Thu, 18, a secondyear law student at East Yangon University, said all people should wear clothing appropriate for whatever they are doing. For example, if you visit a pagoda or go to university, your dress should be a Myanmar

Models pose on a stairway Yangon on June 14. Photo: K


NOTICE is hereby given that Lawson, Inc. a company organized under the laws of Japan and having its principal office at East Tower, Gate City Osaki, 11-2, Osaki 1-chome, Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo, Japan is the owner and sole proprietor of the following trademarks:(Reg: No. IV/6755/2013)


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(Reg: No. IV/6757/2013) The above three trademarks are in respect of :Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Class: 3 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting. Class: 4 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Class: 5 Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery; side arms; razors. Class: 8 Scientific, nautical, sur veying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus

and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software; fire-extinguishing apparatus.Class: 9 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials. Class: 10 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Class: 11 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers type; printing blocks. Class: 16 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Class: 18 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Class: 20 Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Class: 21 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed covers; table covers. Class: 24 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Class: 25 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees.

Class: 28 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Class: 29 Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. Class: 30 Grains and agricultural, horticultural and forestry products not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds; natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals; malt. Class: 31 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Class: 32 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Class: 33 Tobacco; smokers articles; matches. Class: 34 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Class: 35 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. Class: 36 Telecommunications. Class: 38 Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement. Class: 39 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Class: 41 Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. Class: 43 Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals. Class: 45 Any fraudulent imitation or unauthorized use of the said trademarks or other infringements whatsoever will be dealt with according to law. U Kyi Win Associates for Lawson, Inc. P.O. Box No. 26, Yangon. Phone: 372416 Dated: 26th August, 2013

News 17

New insurance firms to embark on hiring spree


at a stadium before a football match between famous actors and singers in Ko Taik

THE nascent private insurance sector could soon create hundreds if not thousands of jobs for skilled and semi-skilled workers, the deputy minister for finance says. U Maung Maung Thein, who is also a former managing director of state-run Myanma Insurance, which until recently enjoyed a monopoly in the sector, said most of the jobs would be filled by young people. This sector will create a lot of jobs because there are 12 private companies setting up insurance operations, he said. Most of these jobs will appeal to young people but there will be positions that will provide a chance for retired people to re-enter the market, especially if they have experience. The Ministry of Finance has granted working permits for the 12 companies to offer six types of insurance. The liberalisation, it says, is driven by a desire to build public trust in insurance, support the development of the economy and boost foreign and domestic investment. Myanma Insurance will continue as a market leader, he said. The department has given permits

to private companies to offer six types of insurance but it will expand these later when the providers show they can successfully manage their operations. The six types of insurance include life, fire, car and bank deposit insurance. U Kyaw Zwar Soe, assistant manager at insurance firm IKBZ, which is owned by Kanbawza Group, said his company has already hired 60 staff and expects to expand rapidly in coming months. We hired retired Myanma Insurance employees to act as consultants, as well as others as full-time employees, he said. We have about 20 ex-Myanma Insurance employees working for us. But we expect to hire hundreds of staff and havent met our target yet. Finding experienced workers is difficult given that the sector was stifled for six decades by a state monopoly. U Kyaw Zwar Soe said those interested in finding a job in the sector, either in public or private enterprises, should consider taking a three-month course with Myanma Insurance. But even then private companies have to offer regular in-house training to improve their skills. The training details standard insurance service procedures, and trainees can apply for jobs at private firms when they have finished,

he said. But we cant rely on them immediately after they have finished the training and still need to provide more on-the-job training, which usually takes about three months. Of the 12 companies permitted to sell insurance to the public, five were given operating permits on May 25 and another four on June 14. Three companies Excellent Fortune, Pillar of Truth, and Young are yet to be issued operating permits because they have not deposited the required paid-up capital at Myanma Economic Bank (MEB). Companies planning to offer general insurance coverage must deposit K46 billion (about US$47 million) at the bank. At least 40 percent of the paid-up capital must remain with MEB but the company can use the remainder as working capital. Approved companies can use 60pc of their paid-up capital to operate, said U Aye Min Thein, managing director of Myanma Insurance. We check every day what the companies are doing. The 12 companies that have been awarded working licences are: Grand Guardian Insurance Public, IKBZ, First National, Young, Capital Life, Global World, Excellent Fortune, Pillar of Truth, Ayeyar Myanmar, Aung Myinmo Min, Aung Thisar Oo and Citizen Business Insurance Company. Translated by Thiri Min Htun

18 News


Rakhine push for fair share of resources


RAKHINE States natural resources should benefit the people of the state, the largest Rakhine political party says. The Rakhine Nationalities Development Party (RNDP) launched a petition campaign in Yangon and Rakhine State on August 18 to support its push for more of the national budget to be spent on the states development, in line with the revenue generated from its natural resources. U Khine Kyaw Moe, a member of

the partys central executive committee, said campaigners hoped to garner at least 300,000 signatures from residents of Yangon and 17 townships in Rakhine State. We will continue this campaign for the next two or three weeks. While Rakhine State is our main focus for collecting signatures, we are also inviting other ethnic groups to take part in the campaign. We hope this initiative will lead to the adoption of a natural resources allocation bill that will benefit all ethnic groups and the public, he said in Yangon on August 18. The petition will be sent to the president and to the speakers of the Pyithu Hluttaw and Amyotha Hluttaw. U Zaw Aye Maung, the Rakhine affairs minister for Yangon Region, said

legislation was needed to ensure natural resources are shared fairly between states and regions and called on members of the public to sign the petition. A bill showing what percentage of the profits from natural resources should go toward the development of the states or regions that yielded those assets would strengthen the countrys solidarity and stability, he said. Campaigners say Rakhine is one of the poorest and least developed areas in the country and profits from its natural resources particularly natural gas from the Shwe field, most of which will be exported to China should be devoted to its development. People in the state dont benefit from its natural gas, nor from its forestry and livestock sectors, said U Khine

People in Rakhine State dont benefit from its natural gas.

U Khine Kyaw Moe RNDP member

Kyaw Moe of the RNDP. Campaign supporter U Hla Maung Thein said underdevelopment led young people from Rakhine State to migrate elsewhere. The number of Rakhine ethnics is significantly down because of the poor economy in the state. Electricity is essential for its development, he said.

He also expressed concern that Rakhine States beaches, which are a potential source of tourism revenue, could be damaged by development projects approved by the central government. Rakhines coastline contains some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. We need to protect that resource. The development of seaport projects could entail risks to the coastline because of pollution and marine traffic. Systems to protect the coast should be in place beforehand to prevent coastal degradation, U Hla Maung Thein said. Shan Nationalities Democratic Party senior member U Saw Than Myint said he believes that all ethnic groups should benefit from the countrys natural resources.

Pipeline companies give $1.6m for rural development projects

KHIN SU WAI RESIDENTS in areas along the route of the MyanmarChina oil and gas pipelines will benefit from US$1.6 million in support for livelihood, education and infrastructure projects. The funds have been pledged by Southeast Asia Gas Pipeline Company (SEAGP) and Southeast Asia Crude Oil Pipeline Company (SEAOP), the consortiums established to build and operate the two pipelines. The companies have committed to funding 33 projects in 2013-14 that will see basic infrastructure, such as roads, schools and hospitals, built in communities along the pipeline route. Other projects will seek to improve electricity and water supplies. Contracts for the funding were signed at a ceremony in Mandalay on August 16 attended by Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise director general U Wai Oo and senior officials from SEAGP and SEAOP. The oil and gas pipelines run from the coastal township of Kyaukpyu in Rakhine State through Magwe and Mandalay regions and Shan State before crossing the border into Chinas Yunnan Province in Muse township. The gas pipeline is 793 kilometres (491 miles) in length and the oil pipeline 771km (479 miles) long.


Mandalay residents get their first glimpse of the city zoos first African residents: a pair of single-humped camels. The pair, along with two zebras, was transferred from Nay Pyi Taws Safari Park to Yadanarpon Zoological Garden on August 12 and quickly settled into their new home, said zoo administrator U Khin Maung Latt. Aung Ye Thwin

Officials from Southeast Asia Gas Pipeline Company and Southeast Asia Crude Oil Pipeline Company shake hands at a ceremony on August 16. Photo: Khin Su Wai

The pipelines cost an estimated US$2.5 billion to build and the investors include six companies from four countries: Myanmar, China, South Korea and India. The gas pipeline was officially opened at a ceremony in Mandalay on July 28.


ABBOTT GmbH & Co. KG, a Company incorporated in Germany, of Max-Planck-Ring 2, 65205 Wiesbaden, Germany, is the Owner of the following Trade Mark:-

Reg. No. 467/1982 in respect of Calcium antagonist-Coronary therapeutic agent with antiarrhythmic action for the treatment of coronary insufficiency arrhythmias and hypertension. Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark will be dealt with according to law. Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L for ABBOTT GmbH & Co. KG P. O. Box 60, Yangon E-mail: Dated: 26 August 2013


News 19

Yangon health department cracks down on illegal clinics

Campaign has uncovered three to four unlicensed establishements in most townships, says regional official


Pedestrians walk past the Samsung service centre on Mahabandoola Garden Street last week. Photo: Thiri

Customers demand clearer picture on Samsung repair fees

WAI LINN ANGRY customers are complaining about high repair costs at the newly opened Samsung service centre. They say that TV sets still under warranty cost almost as much to repair as the original purchase price because the service centre charges hundreds of dollars to air freight replacement parts to Yangon. I bought a Samsung 32-inch LCD TV in April 2012 for K293,000 with a two-year warranty. I sent it for repair last week because there was no picture. The staff at the Samsung service centre in [Mahabandoola Garden] Street told me the repair charges would be K260,000. Thats almost as much as it cost new I cant afford that, said Ko Htet Maw. The warranty covers labour charges, so the price they quote is just for spare parts. I dont understand what kind of service Samsung is providing, he said. Ko Htet Maw said he was not the only person frustrated by the high charges at the centre. Another customer at the centre told me he was being charged K187,000 for repairs to an old 32inch set. He left without putting in an order, he said. U Aung Kyaw Oo said his TV had a similar problem as Ko Htet Maws and he said he could not afford to get it repaired. My 32-inch LCD has no image. Only the sound comes out. But the service charges are too high I cant get it fixed at the service centre, he said. Ko Zarni Win Htet, head of channel management of Samsung Myanmar Branch, said the company is working to improve service at the centre, which opened in late 2012 and took over responsibility for repairs from a number of licensed distributors. In LCD and LED TVs, [the] motherboard panel costs about the 75 percent of a TV set price so when the motherboard malfunctions, the repair cost is almost the same as a new TV set, Ko Zarni Win Htet said. It is also hard to find spare parts for old model TVs as we are not able to store parts in Myanmar. When we need them, we have to order them from Thailand and it takes time. He said another issue was that Samsung distributors have offered extended warranties that the service centre can not honour. Samsung is giving one year warranties only but the local distributors give a two-year warranty card when they sell the products, he said. If the customer [brings us a] product bought more than one year ago for service the centre will charge for parts and also the labour. He said Samsung Myanmar also plans to open service centres in 10 other cities, including Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw, in coming months. U Than Win Aung, managing director of Samsung distributor AA Electronics, said his company was no longer responsible for repairing damaged or faulty Samsung products but was aware of the complaints. The service centre was established under direct management from Korea last year. We know there are some problems with repair services. Last year I had 20 40-inch units that malfunctioned. The service centre ordered the parts from Korea, and the price included airfreight charges, he said. There have been a lot of complaints.

YANGON Regions Department of Health has uncovered scores of unlicensed medical clinics across the city, an official says. Department head Dr Aye Ko Ko said his department had instructed township supervisory committees to check all private clinics in July. Most committees found at least three or four unlicensed clinics in their township, he said, the majority of which specialise in Chinese traditional medicine. The instruction also ordered committees to close facilities that do not have an operating licence, or are found to be offering services beyond what they are permitted to carry out. We have not taken legal action against them if they do not have a valid licence, or if the doctor who is on the licence is not there or has been replaced with another doctor who is not mentioned on the documents, Dr Aye Ko Ko said. Instead, when we discover these cases we close them for a fortnight or a month and we have permanently closed one clinic that was found to be seriously breaking the law. The clinic permanently shuttered was found to be performing surgical operations, including abortions, that it was not permitted to undertake. He added that officials will continue checking all clinics for the next two months and then bring legal action against healthcare providers found to be continually in breach of the law. The law for private healthcare providers states that any person offering healthcare services without a licence faces a jail term ranging

from one to five years and may also be fined. Dr Aye Ko Ko added that the department has so far uncovered more traditional healthcare clinics than Western medical clinics in breach of the law. He said some traditional health practitioners were under the erroneous assumption that they did not need licences to operate. Traditional medicine providers must have a licence from a registered traditional medicine university. Foreign traditional medicine practitioners must have a licence from the department, as well as relevant documents from their country of origin, said U Kyaw Soe, a spokesperson for the Traditional Medicine Department in Nay Pyi Taw. But we have not given any licences or permission to foreign traditional medicine providers yet, U Kyaw Soe said. Chinese traditional medical clinics are popular for curing bone and joint-related pain and can be widely found in downtown Yangon. Last month, Minister for Health Dr Pe Thet Khin warned the public to be careful of Chinese traditional medical clinics because many do not follow government instructions, even when they are told to close down. Retired medical superintendent Dr Ba Shwe said illegal clinics began appearing in Yangon in 2000 because the government stopped inspecting clinics regularly. He added that some opened only temporarily in order to avoid paying tax or to provide illegal services, including abortions. Clinics in Yangon Region are required to pay an annual licence fee of K40,000, municipal tax of K60,000 and government tax of K40,000. There are 45 private hospitals, 215 special clinics and 2405 general clinics registered with the Yangon Region Department of Health, according to official figures.

20 News


A legacy of laughter and defiance

Moustache Brothers leader Par Par Lay never sought to hide his political beliefs, defying the authorities right up until his death last month


ON January 4, 1996, in a compound on Yangons University Avenue, an audience laughed heartily at comedian Par Par Lays wordplay on the makeshift stage. Discussing how the word for co in Pali means sufficient or equal, and operative in Myanmar means endeavour, he wryly noted that when the two are combined the whole shop gets cleaned out a reference to corruption in the Ministry of Cooperatives. Those in the audience responded with loud belly laughs. But the comedians, and the audience, knew not everyone listening would find the jokes so funny. The performance was being held to celebrate Independence Day. Par Par Lay and his cousin Lu Zaw were performing at Daw Aung San Suu Kyis compound. The National League for Democracy leader had been released just six months earlier, after six years of house arrest, and was sitting in the audience. Even before the event, Par Par Lay knew he would pay a heavy price for making government corruption the butt of his jokes. That he told them anyway and told them well enough to make people laugh in such an environment of oppression and fear speaks to his commitment to his cause, one that he stuck to even in the last months of his life. On August 2, Par Par Lay comedian, activist and three-time political prisoner passed away at his home in Mandalay. He had been suffering from kidney and urinary problems and when it became clear his condition would not improve he was released from hospital so that he could spend his final days at home. One-third of the famous Moustache Brothers comedy trio along with cousin Lu Zaw and brother Lu Maw Par Par Lay leaves behind an adoring audience, a collection of inimitably sharp-tongued jokes and a long list of those whom he has mocked, including many who are still in positions of power. In an interview with The Myanmar Times on July 29, just days before he died, he spoke of that famous

Lu Maw (left) and Par Par Lay perform at their home in July 2012. Photo: Phyo Wai Kyaw

performance, the repercussions that followed and his hopes for the countrys future. When I brought artists together to perform [on Independence Day], some cancelled once they found out that we were going to Daw Aung San Suu Kyis house, he said. Many were afraid of what would happen if they participated at that time anyone deemed anti-government could be subject to strict punishments so he had to find replacements for those who pulled out at short notice. However, he did not have enough time to change the National Registration Card numbers on the tickets. When the conductor came to check the tickets, Par Par Lay said he knew

he had to find a way to divert his attention. He and his companions took out drums, an oboe and cymbals and started to perform. The ticket inspector drifted by, smiling heartily and did not bother to interrupt the performance to check their identity cards. That was the power of art, Par Par Lay said. I fight using the skills of my art form to organise the public. Ticket collectors, of course, were the least of the groups worries. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said at the time that she would take responsibility if authorities tried to charge performers. The show is being celebrated in my compound and so the issues are all my responsibility, she said. The comedians have a responsibility to

reflect what is happening at this time. They are not guilty of anything. If there is [an offence], its mine. For Par Par Lay, those words were the best reward for his work. However, as soon as he got back to Mandalay he packed a bag. As he expected, at 1am the next morning authorities from Military Intelligence knocked on his door. Other performers from the Independence Day show Lu Zaw, two female performers and four musicians were also arrested. Reflecting on his brothers legacy, Lu Maw told The Myanmar Times on August 6 that the performance changed both their lives. I told Par Par Lay before he went to the Yangon show to perform to his utmost if he decided to go there, he said. For the audience, the performance was inspiring, a brief reprieve from years of fear and censorship. For the authorities, however, it was a challenge one they believed threatening enough to send both Par Par Lay and Lu Zaw to prison. We had been waiting for them at the Maha Aung Myay township court, Lu Maw said, remembering the day of Par Par Lays sentencing. However, we learned he had been sentenced behind closed doors. Lu Maw said they had tried to have four witnesses testify, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. But she was kept from attending due to travel restrictions imposed by the government on her mobility. It wasnt the first time Par Par Lay had been sent to prison he had been sentenced to six months in 1990 for criticising the military regime for not recognising the results of that years election but this term was considerably harsher: seven years in Kyain Kayan Kha labour camp, about 43 kilometres (27 miles) from Myitkyina in Kachin State. Lu Zaw was also found guilty and sent to prison in Katha for seven years.

The other performers were released after interrogation, although two NLD members were also jailed over the show. After his colleagues were jailed, Lu Maw and the rest of his family continued to perform for audiences. In prison, Par Par Lay performed as well, entertaining other prisoners and sometimes even prison authorities. He believed it was the best way to stay healthy during the long years of incarceration, and it was also a way to boost the spirits of those around him. Par Par Lay was released in July 2001. Just as he had brought jokes to his fellow inmates, he gave his new audiences a glimpse of prison life through his performances. A routine performed on his knees with hands and feet bound in wire always brought rapturous applause. After 2001, the comedians were banned from performing in public. Despite the restrictions, however, Par Par Lay and his comrades-in-laughter in the Moustache Brothers continued pushing boundaries by exploiting a loophole that allowed them to perform for foreigners inside their own home. When I was released and prohibited from performing I opened a restaurant, one of his jokes ran. My wife is a good cook and so more and more customers came to us. The staff of [Mandalay] City Development Committee eat so much. Traffic police eat again and again. Contractors and engineers eat until theyre totally filled. And the audiences laughter at the expense of authorities and, often, the Moustache Brothers themselves kept coming. In 2007 Par Par Lay was arrested again, this time for supporting monkled protests. Despite the cost of resisting the authorities who to this day have yet to remove the ban on public Moustache Brothers performances Par Par Lay never stopped opening his mouth, speaking for those too afraid or too vulnerable to speak for themselves. This past year he began to flout the ban, touring rural areas and making speeches to the people in what he called his No Fear campaign.

I fight using the skills of my art form to organise the public.

Par Par Lay Moustache Brothers troupe leader

The upcoming 2015 election is so important, he told me in his final interview before his death. Its important that people are able to vote for what they believe in. When I went around the country for the No Fear campaign, I found that there is still fear among people. When he began to feel pain in his back earlier this year, he refused to cancel the tour. He also participated in Thingyan celebrations in Mandalay in April. The pain later spread, however, and on July 16 he was admitted to hospital for treatment. Par Par Lay wont be around to judge the winners and losers of the election in 2015. But his fellow Moustache Brothers will continue to perform as a duo, they say, just as they did when Par Par Lay was in prison. And theyll be ready carry on his legacy to apply a spittlecovered finger to the ears of anyone who doesnt respect its results just as he did after the last election, and just as he would have done after the next.

22 THE MYANMAR TIMES August 26 - September 1, 2013

Rice firms wary of foreign competitors
Millers and traders are urging caution as the government moves to open the wholesale and retail markets to foreign competition

Su Phyo Win

DOMESTIC rice millers and traders say it is too early to open the wholesale market to foreign competition, following signals that the Ministry of Commerce is planning to do so. We cant compete with foreign companies, said Myanmar Rice Federations central executive committee member U Soe Win. This is not the right time to give them permission to enter the wholesale market. We are just starting to do business openly. Why let them in at this moment? His comments follow reports that the ministrys directorate of trade this month began gathering comments and opinions from businesspeople and business-related organisations about opening the wholesale and retail markets to foreign competition. An official from the directorate confirmed the reports. As we are moving forward we need to open up [the economy] according to trade rules, said the official who requested anonymity. In the past our countrys doors were closed, but now we have to open all of them according to international policies and agreements. We have informed [domestic companies] in advance. We did this a long time ago.

Local businesses must prepare to compete with [foreign firms]. This competition will occur in the near future, but I cant say the exact date now, he said. U Soe Win said Myanmar should be preparing for the creation of the ASEAN economic community in 2015 when members of the association are scheduled to form a single market. All sectors will open automatically in 2015, he said. Domestic business people said they are most concerned that Chinese and Thai rice millers and trading companies will drain the profits from the sector because they have better technology and knowhow. Domestic millers say their facilities are inadequate or outdated and that they lack the funds to renovate them or build new ones. The rice sector will be hardest hit, they said, adding that the countrys main agricultural sector should be placed on a protected list. Not all businesspeople share this assessment. Myanmar Rice Federation central executive committee member U Nay Lin Zin said domestic businesses were overprotected. Too many businesspeople are protected [from competition. We should welcome [foreign] firms in Myanmar, U Nay Lin Zin added. We need to take a risk. In the future citizens will earn more profits. The opposition is due to the fact that the rice sector will be affected by the opening of the retail and wholesale markets, but what the sector needs most is more technology and investment, he said.

Farmers collect rice seeds in Nay Pyi Taw last week. Once known as the rice bowl of Asia, Myanmars agriculture sector is now being undermined by a lack of investment, poor logistics and little access to credit. Photo: AFP

We cant compete with foreign companies . We are just starting to do business openly, why let them in at this moment?
U Soe Win Central Executive Committee Member Myanmar Rice Federation

The government is calling for input from the businesspeople and stakeholders. At the very least we need to consider what percentage the local partner should commit [to a joint venture with a foreign firm]. Everyone is talking about the AEC in 2015. Thats not too far away. We cant rush to prepare for it at the last minute so we should start getting ready now, U Nay Lin Zin said. U Sann Linn, joint secretary general of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, called for a balanced policy. Regulations could both help domestic rice millers and traders compete with

foreign firms and open the market at the same time, he said. Opening the market will be good for consumers, he said. Although local businesspeople think they face a risk, we can use tax policy to protect them. Foreign companies should not get tax-free status, he added. U Sann Linn said the wholesale and retail markets will be opened after the foreign investment law is amended and that the amendments will be based on information collected from domestic businesspeople and other stakeholders. One letter drafted by a rice federation member warns that foreign

companies will quickly gain control of the domestic market, and that they will do this one crop at a time. It says that foreign companies are already working in the agriculture sector by registering in the name of Myanmar citizens and that they have manipulated prices of some crops over the past year, putting them out of reach of local consumers. Foreign companies will have a devastating effect on farmers livelihoods, the letter says. It urges the government to restrict foreign firms activities in the agriculture industry to prevent destruction of rural economies and the profits of domestic firms.

BUSINESS editor: Vincent MacIsaac |


Rupees fall signals tough times for Asia

Business 26

Land prices surge on road to Mandalay

property 32

Exchange Rates (August 23 close)

Euro Malaysia Ringitt Singapore Dollar Thai Baht US Dollar

K1285 K292 K763 K30.25 K968

K1295 K297 K766 K30.75 K970

Government moves to cool property market

aung Shin htar htar khin GOVERNMENT officials say they are planning to introduce additional real estate transaction taxes to cool the overheated the sector. The statements follow announcements in state media last week that a tax on real estate transactions will not be lowered from its current 37 percent, despite industry pressure. Deputy Minister of Finance Maung Maung Thein said at a press event in Nay Pyi Taw on Friday that government officials are looking at ways of collecting tax based on square footage of property. We have [internally] proposed tax prices for land in the Yangon region, and are looking at rates for the entire country. We will make an announcement soon, he said. Hiking property transaction taxes will help reign in land prices and also generate revenue for state coffers, he said, adding his ministry collected K26.1 billion in income tax during June and July. In August 2012 the government axed a five-year property tax holiday, bringing into effect a 30pc transaction tax and 7pc stamp tax to be paid by the buyer. The real estate sector was rife with rumours the tax would be reduced this year, but last weeks reports in state media such speculation. U Yan Aung, general manager of Sai Khaung Noung real estate and law firm in Yangons Tamwe township, said last weeks announcement had already cooled the market. The market has been a bit sluggish because of the [propsed] transaction tax, he said. U Soe Thein, a minister at the Presidents Office, said on Friday high and unpredictable prices in the real estate market are hindering development. People are getting into trouble because of those tricky land prices, he said. U Soe Thein pointed to land speculation in Dala township as an example of a runaway market. Talk of a Korean-funded bridge from Yangon to Dala sparked a surge in prices in the township recently, he said, adding that speculators rushed to buy land that was currently accessible only by ferry from the city centre. No one can confirm that the project will proceed at present, he said. The bridge might be 30 years away, U Soe Thein added.

Doubts over AEC

US firms operating in ASEAN are skeptical the 10-member bloc can meet its 2015 deadline for establishing a single market, a survey by the US Chamber of Commerce found. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations has set 2015 as the target for creating the ASEAN Economic Community, or AEC, but a survey of 475 US executives in the region, found that 52 percent did not think it will meet its goal. AFP

The cheapest car in the world, the Nano, could pose a threat to Japanese automakers dominance of the domestic market since going on sale earlier this year, the sales and marketing chief of the Yangon dealership that sells them said. The Nano, which is manufactured by Indias Tata Motors, is becoming popular as a taxi, said U Ko Htoo Aung Linn, head of sales and marketing at Apex Greatest Industrial (AGI). He said AGI is targeting new car buyers who want fuel efficiency and a practical vehicle rather than a luxurious one. It is also selling TATAs Super Ace light truck, which it says is becoming popular among small business owners. The Super Ace has taken off, U Ko Htoo Aung Linn said, adding that the model is most popular with those seeking a commercial vehicle. AGI sells a brand new Tata with a one-year, 30,000-kilometre warranty. It also has a service centre for the vehicles, U Ko Htoo Aung Linn said. Dealers cite a change in import policy in 2011 that allows individuals freedom to import any car they like as the reason for shifts in the market. Tata vehicles are in demand because they consume less fuel than other brands, U Ko Htoo Aung Linn said. The dealership has sold more than 250 Tata vehicles since April, he added. Aye Nyein Win

Yangon Sales accelerate on arrival of worlds cheapest car

sanitary and that the adjacent poultry farm will use imported veterinary medicines. He said that 31 investors had so far agreed to invest K50 million (about US$50,000) apiece and that the company is hoping to attract 50 investors in total. Hlaing Kyaw Soe, translated by Zar Zar Soe

THE price of sesame has dropped from its peak in late July by about K10,000 per 74 kilogram bag, according to Mandalay Wholesale Centre. Brown sesame, which is used to make cooking oil, had reached K125,000 per bag at the end of last month, its highest price in five years, traders said. U Maung Htay, a trader at Baw Ga Wholesale, said demand from China had driven up prices at the beginning of the harvest to more than 10 percent above last years peak. Prices fell quickly this month, however, and now traders are worried that they could plummet because this years crop is larger than last years, he added. Top-quality black sesame is now selling for K145,000 a bag, white sesame for K136,000 a bag and regular sesame for K123,000 a bag, wholesalers said. Kyae Mone Win, translated by Zar Zar Soe

Mandalay Price of sesame drops after hitting five-year peak

A new chicken-processing plant near Mandalay will handle 3000-5000 birds a day when it is completed at the end of this year, according to a spokesperson for the company building the plant. Livestock Development Companys U Nay Thurein said the facility will be built on a more than 10-acre plot near Ka Pine village in Patheingyi township. The chickens will be imported from Malaysia and the plant will use technology from India, he added. Processed chicken will be sold at a price that is 20 percent below the current market price, U Nay Thurein said, adding that the meat will be fresh and

Mandalay New chicken plant to begin operating this year

The price of eel has more than doubled this year thanks to the creation of a wholesaling association that sets the price every three days based on prices in China, the major export market, a member of the association said. U Taing Kyaw, secretary of Eel Wholesale Centre Association, said the price of eel was as high US$4000 per tonne during the third week of August compared to a peak of $2000 last year, before the association was formed. During this years dry season, when eels are scarce, the price had climbed to $7000 a tonne, he said. More than 50 tonnes of eel are shipped from Mandalay to the border trading town of Muse every day, traders said. Kyae Mone Win, translated by Thae Thae Htwe

Mandalay New wholesale centre keeps eel price firm

24 Business

THE MYANMAR TIMES August 26 - September 1, 2013

Better business at new airport

The Fine Print

Legal & tax insight

Govt signs vital treaty

Alessio Polastri Sebastian Pawlita MYANMAR has acceded to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, which guarantees that any arbitral award obtained overseas will be automatically recognised and so enforced in Myanmar. Several times, during our working experience in Myanmar, we have addressed issues about the governing law and arbitration clause with foreign investors concerned by the transparency and efficiency of Myanmar courts. In addition, in the many conferences on investing in Myanmar we have spoken at, we ranked accession to the New York Convention as a priority for enhancing the confidence of foreign investors about Myanmars legal system as well as its potential as an investment destination. Beside positively responding to one of the major concerns of foreign investors, becoming a contracting state to the New York Convention is a huge achievement of the government and a very important step toward the normalisation of its legal system. However, in order to be fully and effectively implemented, the New York Convention needs to be integrated into domestic laws that will regulate its provisions. Moreover, judges and courts must demonstrate a clear willingness to automatically apply the convention. There are examples in the region in which long-term contracting parties to the convention have never fully implemented its provisions. Although Vietnam has been a member of the New York Convention since 1995, experience so far has been very mixed in terms of enforcing a foreign arbitral award, which requires the approval of the Vietnamese judiciary. Vietnamese courts assume wide discretion as to whether to allow enforcement and often set aside an award on the grounds that it is contrary to the basic principles of Vietnamese law. Only a few foreign awards have actually been enforced in Vietnam. Unfortunately, Vietnam is not the only troublesome example. Courts in Cambodia, one of the first contracting states to join the New York Convention in 1960, are still unreliable when it comes to the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards obtained in the Singapore International Arbitration Centre or in the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, for example. Therefore, in order to see the endeavours of the government fully accomplished, judges and the judicial system in general will need to do their part to allow full and automatic recognition and enforcement from at least the Singapore International Arbitration Centre or the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre: the two most popular and developed arbitration centres in the region. This would be an outstanding starting point and it would also give a tremendous advantage to Myanmar against other emerging economies in gaining the confidence of foreigners looking to invest large amounts of money. Attracting investors is relatively easy for a country with Myanmars terrific potential, but drawing investors who can contribute know-how, large amounts of capital and experience is a much more challenging task. Thankfully, such investors are the governments target.
Alessio Polastri and Sebastian Pawlita are consultants at Polastri Wint & Partners in Yangon.

Passengers wait for flights in a departure lounge at Yangon International Airport, which will be upgraded soon. Photo: Bloomberg

Dexter Tan gets a weekly reminder of the challenges Myanmar faces in catching up with the world when he lands at Yangons international airport. The airport doesnt seem to be very business focused, with long immigration lines and only a few baggage carousels, shops and restaurants, said Mr Tan, 55, treasurer of the Malaysian Myanmar Business Council. There are no international standard eateries like McDonalds. That will change in coming years after Incheon International Airport Corp was awarded the US$1.1 billion contract to build a new international airfield last week. The Korean company, owner of the Seoul airfield that has been rated the worlds best for the past eight years, will help quintuple the citys passenger capacity by 2018. The upgrade is part of President Thein Seins efforts to create jobs in one of Asias poorest countries. The United States eased sanctions last year and the European Union and Japan wrote off loans owed by the nation, which McKinsey Global Institute estimates needs to spend $320 billion on infrastructure by 2030 to lift economic growth to 8 percent. That has already brought investments from Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Unilever. With scant investment in infrastructure over the past many decades, Myanmar is in massive need of infrastructure upgrades in almost every sector, said Daniel Gelfer, director of Singapore-based political risk consultancy firm Vriens & Partners. Even though they are the new-

est airports in the country, the Mandalay and Yangon airports are in need of updates in order to handle tremendous increases in tourist and business visitors. Incheon, ranked the worlds best since 2005 by the Airports Council International, and its partners were chosen as the preferred bidders to build a new airport at Hanthawaddy, about 60 kilometres (37 miles) from Yangon. This facility will be able to handle 12 million passengers annually when it opens for business in 2018. The citys existing airport is also aiming to more than double its capacity to 5.5 million by 2016. There are difficulties expanding the existing Yangon International Airport, said Daw New Ni Win Kyaw, an assistant director at the Department of Civil Aviation. The current airport is small and we plan to have both airports operational. Yangons existing airport opened a new

Number of passengers the new airport at Hanthawaddy is expected to handle annually after it opens in 2018



terminal in 2007 for international travel, while a facility built in 1947 is used for domestic flights. That includes Singapore Airlines and Cathay Pacifics Dragonair unit. The airfield at capital Nay Pyi Daw, Myanmars biggest with a capacity to handle 5 million passengers, is served by 18 international carriers. Myanmar is the next big thing within Asean, said Shukor Yusof, a Singaporebased aviation analyst at Standard & Poors. This is the last frontier. U Thein Sein signed a foreign investment bill in November to woo overseas investors. Companies scouting opportunities or striking development agreements include Visa, the biggest payments network, Unilever and closely held hotel chain Best Western International. Coca-Cola, the worlds largest soda maker, opened a bottling plant in June and pledged investment of $200 million in Myanmar over the next five years after leaving the country about six decades ago. The economy may grow 6.75pc this fiscal year, led by natural gas sales and investment, the International Monetary Fund said in a May report. That growth will bring in more tourists and businessmen, who will expect better amenities, like in Singapores Changi airport, says Mr Tan. Changi has plenty of retail stores, dutyfree shops and eateries. When you step into Singapore airport, you are spoilt for choice, he says. Yangon is the exact opposite of that. Bloomberg


MANI, Inc., a Company incorporated in Japan, of 8-3 Kiyohara Industrial Park, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi, 3213231, Japan, is the Owner of the following Trade Mark:-

Reg. No. 7621/2013 in respect of Surgical and dental products. Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark will be dealt with according to law. Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L for MANI, Inc. P. O. Box 60, Yangon E-mail: Dated: 26 August 2013

26 Business

THE MYANMAR TIMES August 26 - September 1, 2013

Job watch
1. Business Development Manager 2. Receptionist 3. Clinic Doctor (Yangon based) 4. Offshore or remote site Doctor (28 day rotation) 5. Nurse (Yangon based) Please obtain the detail job description from,Myanmar. or from the following address; International SOS, Inyalake Hotel, 37 Kaba Aye Pagoda Road,Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +95 1 657 922 , Fax: +95 1 667 866 Closing date of application: 6th September 2013

UNFPA Vacancy Notice No.2013/009

Want to be part of a team bringing positive impact directly to families within Myanmar? Join us and you will too, because at UNFPA, everyone counts. We are seeking an experienced operations specialist to join our team as you help support implementation of the historic 2014 Population and Housing census. If youre looking for an opportunity to make a difference, thrive in a challenging yet rewarding teamwork environment and have a strong operations background, then wed love to hear from you. Position Title : Field Coordinator (Taunggyi) Grade : SC8 Duty Station : Taunggyi, Myanmar Issue Date : 19 August 2013 Closing Date : 1 September 2013 (5:00pm) Duration of Appointment : 1 Year Applications are invited from interested Myanmar nationals for the post of Field Coordinator (Taunggyi). Applications should be addressed to UNFPA Representative. Attention: International Operations Manager RoomA07, UNFPA, No.6, Natmauk Road, Yangon. Email : For further details, please see the vacancy announcement posted at UN billboard. No.6, Natmauk Road, Yangon and also at UNFPA website ( Applications will be considered only when meeting all requirements set in detailed vacancy announcement.

Commuters sit next to an advertisement for a brokerage firm at a bus stop in Mumbai on August 19. Indias rupee hit a new low of 62.35 to the US dollar last week, with nervousness setting in about the currencys future as foreign investors pull out cash. Photo: AFP

Clouds gathering over Asia

ASIAS role as the worlds growth engine is waning as economies across the region weaken and investors pull out billions of dollars. The Indian rupee fell to a record low last week. Thailand is in recession and Indonesias widest current-account deficit pushed the rupiah to the lowest level since 2009. Chinese banks bad loans are rising and economists forecast Malaysia has cut its growth forecast after posting last week its second straight quarter of sub-5 percent growth. The clouds forming in Asia as liquidity tightens and Chinas slowdown curbs demand for commodities and goods are fuelling a selloff of emerging-market stocks, reversing a flow of money into the region in favour of nascent recoveries in the US and Europe. Emerging markets from Brazil to Indonesia have raised borrowing costs this year to try to aid their currencies as the prospect of reduced US monetary stimulus curbs demand for assets in developing nations. The eye of the storm is directly above emerging markets now, two years after it hovered over Europe and four years after it hit the US, said Stephen Jen, co-founder of hedge fund SLJ Macro Partners in London and former head of foreign-exchange strategy at Morgan Stanley. This could be serious for Asia. Almost US$95 billion was poured into exchange-traded funds (ETFs) of American shares this year, while developing-nation ETFs saw withdrawals of $8.4 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Signs of a stronger US economy may prompt the Federal Reserve to begin paring its $85 billion in monthly bond purchases as soon as next month. The pendulum is swinging back in favour of the advanced countries, said Shane Oliver, Sydney-based head of investment strategy at AMP Capital Investors. Its one of these things

As capital flows back in to the US, emerging economies are facing recession, deficits and falling currencies

The emerging Asia story is crumbling and the dollar is once again king.
Indranil Pan Chief economist, Kotak Mahindra Bank

that happens once a decade or so when you see a turn in relative performance. Weve entered a tougher, more difficult period for Asia, Mr Oliver said. In the past three months the MSCI Asia Pacific Index has fallen 7.4pc, compared with a 0.7pc decline in the Standard & Poors 500 Index and a 0.8pc drop in the Stoxx Europe 600 Index up to the close last week. Indian policymakers led by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh are battling to stem the rupees plunge, attract capital flows to bridge a record current account deficit and revive growth. The currency has weakened about 28pc versus the dollar in the past two years, reviving memories of the early 1990s crisis, when the government received an International Monetary Fund loan as foreign reserves waned. It seems now the pain is going to be in the emerging markets, said Nitin Mathur, an analyst in Mumbai at Espirito Santo Investment Bank, who expects sectors with higher valuations such as consumer goods to suffer the biggest declines. The problems in India are not temporary blips. The problems are much more serious which will take a lot of effort to get resolved. In Thailand, the economy entered recession last quarter for the first time since the global fi-

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in Myanmar is inviting qualified candidates to apply for the following positions: Sr. Title and level 1. Myanmar-English-Myanmar Translator (Re-advertised) (LICA 6) Yangon Yangon National National 27 August 2013 29 August 2013 2. Human Resources Associate (LICA 4) 3. Finance Assistant (Accounts Monitoring, Reconciliation and Reporting) (LICA 3) Duty Station Home based Position National Deadline 26 August 2013

For details please visit UNOPS website and click on the post you are interested in applying for. All applications must be made through UNOPS E-recruitment system.

nancial crisis. Toyota Motor said last month industry wide car sales in Thailand will fall 9.5pc this year. The government cut its 2013 growth forecast yesterday as exports cooled and local demand weakened, with higher household debt restricting scope for monetary easing. Thailands private-sector credit as a share of gross domestic product has increased significantly in recent years raising concern about financial stability, said Krystal Tan, an economist at Capital Economics in Singapore. Taiwan last week cut its 2013 growth and exports forecasts and said the global outlook for the second half is worse than in May. We are seeing a turning point, said Freya Beamish, a Hong Kong-based economist with Lombard Street Research, who says Chinas competitiveness has been hurt by labour costs that are 30pc too high. Chinas seeing flat to falling growth so the regions clouds are already here. The $3.9 trillion of cash that flowed into emerging markets over the past four years has started to reverse since US Fed chairman Ben Bernanke talked about a tapering in quantitative easing this year. The slowdown in Fed bond buying will probably begin next month, according to 65pc of economists surveyed by Bloomberg from August 9-13. The JPMorgan Emerging Markets Currency Index has declined 2.4pc since Bernankes June 19 tapering comment. The Bloomberg Dollar Index, which monitors the greenback against 10 major currencies, has increased 0.9pc over the same period. The emerging Asia story is crumbling and the dollar is once again king, said Indranil Pan, chief economist at Kotak Mahindra Bank in Mumbai. Indias moves to tighten cash supply, restrict currency derivatives and curb gold imports since July have failed to arrest the rupees slump to record lows. The deficit widened to an unprecedented 4.8pc of GDP in the year ended March 31. The government aims to narrow the gap to 3.7pc, or $70 billion, this year, Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram said on August 12. Indias slump is worse than elsewhere in Asia because the country has failed to carry out long-overdue structural changes to the economy, said Mr Pan at Kotak Mahindra Bank. In India, we have great policies on paper but the gap between whats on paper and the implementation is unduly large, said RC Bhargava, chairman of Maruti Suzuki India, the nations biggest carmaker by volume. If we just implement whats already there, we can get back on track in the next two to three years. Bloomberg

Property 27

US buyers wagering on the desert

As the US housing market recovers, home prices are surging so high in Las Vegas and Phoenix that warnings of new bubbles are emerging
A FIVE-BEDROOM house in Las Vegas sold in mid-July for US$499,000, double the price it went for three months ago. In Phoenix, a similar house sold this month for $600,000, gaining $273,000 since March. Bubbles are inflating in Nevada and Arizona even as housing in the rest of the country recovers at a more sustainable pace. Gains in the two desert cities are the biggest since the height of the real estate boom, just before their plunge to the bottom of the national housing collapse. This year, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller property-value index, Las Vegas and Phoenix have topped the nation in price increases. Theyre clearly in bubbles, said Karl Case, one of the creators of the index. What can go up can go down real quick. In May, Phoenix prices jumped 21 percent and in Las Vegas, they rose 23pc from a year earlier. Nationally, home prices were up 12pc from a year ago, the most since the beginning of 2006, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller index. Price gyrations in Phoenix and Las Vegas arent likely to spread and probably dont signal another national calamity, said Daren Blomquist, vice president of data firm RealtyTrac. The markets where you see wild swings in prices are destination spots, warm places where people want to vacation, like Las Vegas and Phoenix, Mr Blomquist said. The rest of the country likely will continue to do well, regardless of what happens in those cities. There have been regional boomand-bust cycles before, with home prices in Boston falling 17pc in a more than four- year decline ending in 1992, and California values plunged 27pc in six years before bottoming in 1996. The bust that began in mid-2006 cut 62pc from the value of Las Vegas homes and 56pc from those in Phoenix. Private-equity firms, hedge funds and real estate investment trusts buying distressed houses to rent have helped push up values in cities hard hit by the housing crash, including Phoenix and Las Vegas. Theyve raised at least $18 billion and bought more than 100,000 properties since 2011. In Las Vegas, cash deals made up 60pc of all transactions in June, according to research firm DataQuick Information Systems. The bigger they gained, the harder they fell, said David Blitzer, managing

Homes under construction in Las Vegas, Nevada, where a bubble is inflating prices as housing in the rest of the US recovers at a more sustainable pace. Photo: Bloomberg

director at Standard & Poors Financial Services. The Las Vegas property that doubled its value in three months is a 3,600-square-foot house with five bedrooms and a three-car garage, plus a pool and waterfall in the backyard. It sits on a half-acre lot about 19 kilometres north of the casinos on Las Vegas Boulevard, known as the Strip. In Arizona, the 2,800-squarefoot house that gained 84pc in three months has four bedrooms, a pool, and an acre of land north of the city. In both examples, the recent sales information is from RealtyTrac and prior prices are from deeds and assessment records. Both properties were bought and resold by investors. President Barack Obama, who took office in the midst of the financial crisis brought on by the collapse of the housing market, has warned at least four times this month about what he called artificial bubbles. We have to

The builders said last year that there was no way they would pay more than $200,000 an acre for land. Now, theyre saying theres no way theyll pay more than $400,000.
Dennis Smith CEO, Home Builders Research

turn the page on the bubble-and-bust mentality that created this mess, he said in a weekly radio address earlier this month. The real estate markets in Las Vegas and Phoenix are being driven by a shortage of homes, for entirely different reasons. In Phoenix, the dearth of properties is caused by the breakneck pace of foreclosure completions. The inventory of homes in foreclosure in Phoenix dropped 64pc from a year earlier, the fastest pace in the nation, according to CoreLogic. In Las Vegas, new consumer protection laws have slowed the pace of repossessions. A Nevada law passed in 2011 following revelations of foreclosure abuses the previous year requires lenders to prove they have the right to foreclose. Assembly Bill 284 threatens criminal penalties for non-compliance. In the months after it passed, foreclosures ground to a near halt, according to RealtyTrac. The ensuing price spike became known as the 284 bubble. Shortages push prices up, and once that happens everyone rushes into the market, Mr Blitzer said. In May Nevada legislators scrambled to reverse a key provision of the law. A new amendment makes it easier to seize houses by stipulating banks can use affidavits based on a review of their internal records. Still, lenders are moving slowly because they are wary of the shifting legal landscape, said RealtyTracs Mr Blomquist.

Percentage by which home prices rose in Las Vegas in the year to June, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller Index


Banks dont like uncertainty, he said. The changing laws have muddied the water for banks trying to pursue foreclosures. In Las Vegas more than half of properties with mortgages are worth less than the loans against them, according to Zillow, a real estate data firm. In Phoenix, the share is a third. Nationally, about a quarter of mortgages have negative equity. To sell a home, owners have to be able to pay off the mortgage, whether from the proceeds of the home sale or with cash. Someone who got a $350,000 mortgage in Phoenix or Las Vegas in 2006 probably is now more than $150,000 underwater, despite the surge in prices. Those stuck owners give builders the opportunity to gear up to meet demand, at a cost. The average price of an acre of land is $400,000 this month, according to Dennis Smith, CEO of Home Builders Research in Las Vegas. The same parcel would have gone for $200,000 in December,

he said. The builders said last year that there was no way they would pay more than $200,000 an acre for land, he said. Now, theyre saying theres no way theyll pay more than $400,000. Labour costs also are rising as the building boom gives workers the opportunity to demand higher pay, Mr Smith said. All of that is passed on to customers, he said. The higher that land prices and building costs go, the higher prices will be a year from now, Mr Smith said. Single-family building permits in Nevada rose in May to the highest point since early 2008. In Arizona, permits reached a five-year peak in June, according to data from the Commerce Department. In the rest of the US, banks are stepping up efforts to reclaim homes and the improving economy is trimming the number of newly delinquent loans as the housing recovery passes the halfway point of its second year. Nationally, there were 2.2 million homes for sale in June, up from 1.8 million in January, a sign the US price gains may slow to a sustainable pace. Thats not the case for the desert cities. The market in Las Vegas is booming at a speed that cant be sustained, Mr Smith said. I dont use the word bubble because that implies its going to burst and never come back, he said. I dont see a crash. I see a slowdown. Thats what better happen, or well be seeing a bunch of tumbleweeds blowing through town. Bloomberg

28 Property

THE MYANMAR TIMES August 26 - September 1, 2013

Shades of green
YOU might face a few traffic snarls on the way home to this two-storey, pale green house in Yankin township, but when you arrive the shade trees in the 6300-square-foot compound will afford some relief. This house has two double bedrooms and one single bedroom upstairs, and another double room downstairs. A partition separates the dining room from the kitchen. There are two living rooms, one of which could be used as a computer or reading room. Each room is air-conditioned, and there is an attic for storage. The downstairs floors are tiled; the upper rooms have parquet. The house is not fully furnished. Ei Thae Thae Naing Location : Moe Kaung Pagoda Road,

Yankin township Selling price : K1.5 billion (US$1.54 million) Contact : Phoenix Real Estate and

General Service Phone

Photos: Zarni Phyo

: 01 8613388

1. Vacancy 1 Job Title: Sales and Marketing Officer Job Description Coordinate sales activities to ensure the proper planning and implementation of sales strategies, in order to maximize revenue and achieve sales target set. Key Accountabilities Market intelligence, data collection and evaluate / recommends counter strategies and sales action plan. Regularly visits to agents, and corporate Company to review sales performance and find means to improve the sales revenue generation. Prepare relevant reports to for Management and carry out instructions from time to time. Solicit market intelligence and feedbacks of competitors activities from agents. Assist Agents needs on enquiries and ensure regular updates on MH product Qualification & Experience Minimum 2 years of working experience in similar Industry Degree in any discipline but preference is for those majoring in Marketing or Business Highly computer literate and good command in written and speaking Myanmar and English Ability to communicate with all levels of people and able to work independently with minimum supervision. Pleasant character with high interpersonal skills Good customer service skills and able to secure market intelligence on short notice Persuasive with good networking skills 2. Vacancy 2 Job Title: Secretary & Admin Officer Job Description Assist to Area Manager and responsible in carrying out all aspects of company secretarial functions; administrative, scheduling appointments, meeting, travel itineraries, booking hotels and other related functions. Qualification & Experience Minimum 1 year of working experience in similar position. Certificate in secretarial course or any Diploma/Degree in similar /any discipline Highly computer literate and good command in written and speaking Myanmar and English Ability to communicate with all levels of people and able to work independently with minimum supervision. Pleasant character with high interpersonal skills Good organization skills and good in time management. Closing Date 05 September 2013 Please submit your complete resume with the following documents to Area Manager Malaysian Airline System Berhad Ground Floor, Central Hotel, 335-357 Bogyoke Aung San Road, Yangon Tel: +951 387 647/8/ Fax : +951 241124 o Passport size photos- 2 copies o Educational certificate o Recommendation letter (optional) o Labour registration , Police clearance card and Household Census List

Land prices surge after Mandalay road widened

Aung ye thwin LAND prices in a township on the outskirts of Mandalay have increased 10-fold in a year, following the expansion of a road link to the inner city, according to residents. The cost of a land plot in the Yankin Tharyar and Thumingalar wards of Patheingyi township has risen from K3 million or K4 million to between K25 million and K30 million now, said Ko Soe Nyunt, from Yankin Tharyar ward. He added the dramatic increase in price was due to the extension of Patheingyi Road which has been widened by 3.6 metres (12 feet) on both sides. In the past, land plots in Patheingyi township lacked buyers. But these plots are now in high demand, he said, adding that prices started to rise shortly after construction of the road extension began. Yankin Tharyar ward is particularly popular with buyers because it has full utilities, services and attractive streets, he added. Another resident, U Than Win, said plots in Patheingyi township were mostly sought after by Chinese people who want land which can host a garden as well as a house. Because of high demand from land buyers, the townships rent market has also risen, he added. U Than Win said that, once completed, the expansion of Patheingyi Road should result in a decrease in traffic accidents, as well as speeding up travel time to the city centre. The road is normally crowded from 6am to 8pm, but it is narrow so there are accidents, especially motorcycle crashes, U Than Win said, adding that there are four to six crashes a day on average. Once the road expansion is completed we will be able to go downtown in five minutes, he said. News that a development project is to be built near the township is also contributing to the increase of land prices in Patheingyi township. Translated by Zar Zar Soe

US home sales rebound in July

SALES of previously owned US homes jumped in July despite rising mortgage rates, with prices continuing to post year-onyear double-digit gains, an industry report said on August 20. The National Association of Realtors said existing-home sales surged 6.5 percent to an annual rate of 5.39 million units in July, rebounding from a June decline to a downwardly revised 5.06 million. The robust July sales were stronger than analysts expected; the average estimate was for a 5.10 million unit pace. Tight inventory helped to keep prices rising at an unusually fast pace, the association said. Nationwide, the median existing-home price was US$213,500 in July, up 13.7pc from a year ago. Tight inventory in many areas means above-normal price growth for the foreseeable future, said association economist Lawrence Yun. The median price has risen at a double-digit pace for the past eight months. In July it was only 7.3pc below the all-time record of $230,400 in July 2006; two years ago, it was 25.7pc below the peak. Mr Yun said that the highest mortgage rates in two years were pushing some buyers to close deals, but further rate increases could crimp sales. In July, the average rate on a 30-year mortgage rose to 4.37pc from 4.07pc in June, the association said. AFP

Science & Technology 29

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT EMBASSY OF JAPAN The Embassy of Japan is currently seeking an individual for the position of an assistant. The successful candidate must be a Myanmar national and should possess following qualifications: University Graduate Excellent proficiency in English writing and speaking Effective communications skills Secretarial skills Computer literate Japanese language skills and knowledge on Japanese culture is an advantage Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Applications with detailed resume, copies of certificates in accomplished fields, one recent photograph and recent medical certificates are to be submitted to the Embassy of Japan at No. 100, Natmauk Road, Bahan Township, Yangon by mail or email at by August 30, 2013.

S Koreas traditional markets go high-tech

Small-time merchants are embracing cell phones and iPads to do business
SEOULS traditional markets bustling, narrow streets of small vendors selling cheap, fresh produce -- have largely opted out of the high-tech charge to make the South Korean capital one of the most wired cities on earth. But squeezed by big-box stores and dwindling custom, these mom-and-pop operations are slowly going digital, replacing well-thumbed ledgers with tablet computers, and cash pouches with sleek smartphones that can scan credit cards. Yoo Hyung-Geun has been selling sesame oil at Seouls outdoor Junggok Cheil market for the past 14 years. Two months ago, he finally parted ways with his trusted manual cash register and replaced it with a Samsung Galaxy touchscreen tablet provided free by the countrys top mobile operator, SK Telecom. The tablet not only functions as an electronic cash register but also features software specifically developed by SK Telecom to help small businesses improve their performance. At the most basic level, it stores and provides basic sales and inventory data, such as how many bottles of sesame oil a key ingredient in South Korean cuisine are sold each day, week or month. But it also lists and stores the items brought by individual customer, allowing Yoo to engage in some basic target marketing, promoting new products via text messages or emails to regular shoppers based on their purchase history. These days, Im trying to analyse this data in different ways, Yoo said, adding that his sales had jumped nearly 30 percent since he embraced the new technology. Yoo was one of an initial batch of 14 merchants in Junggok Cheil market to receive the tablet and specialised software. SK Telecom launched the initiative partly in response to a call from President Park Geun-Hye for large companies to lend a hand to smaller businesses who struggle to stay competitive. South Koreas huge, familyrun conglomerates, like Samsung and Hyundai, have been blamed for stifling innovation and deliberately smothering small firms especially in the retail sector as they seek to expand into new markets. For those working in the countrys 300 or so traditional markets, the growth of supermarket chains like E-Mart and HomePlus with modern, spacious, air-conditioned stores and ample parking space is a daunting challenge. So far, the company has provided 26 tablets and accompanying software to merchants in two markets in or near Seoul and plans to do the same in other venues later this year, said SKT spokeswoman Irene Kim. The mobile operator has also provided mini electronic kits that can scan credit cards addressing one of the main complaints of shoppers who seek to stay loyal to the old markets. Its much more convenient if I dont have to carry wads of cash whenever I come here, said Kwon Hyuk-Sung, a Seoul resident and regular shopper at Yoos store. Junggok Cheil is not the only market where vendors have accepted that new technology can give them a fresh foothold in a rapidly changing and increasingly competitive environment. In the southern city of Busan, one traditional market teamed up with a local government office to create a mobile phone app that offers discount coupons. AFP


Shiseido Company Ltd., a company organized and existing under the laws of Japan, of 7-5-5, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, is the Owner of the following Trade Mark:-

Estimated number of traditional food markets in South Korea


Reg. No. 4329/2001 Reg. No. 24/2004 in respect of Street or shop-front dissemination of advertising matter, Demonstration of goods, Direct mail advertising, Commercial sales information supply, Sales promotion for cosmetics. Health care, Manicuring, Pet grooming, Plastic surgery, Beauty salons, Hairdressing salons, Turkish baths, Information supply for Beauty and Hairdressing salons in homepages by Internet. Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark will be dealt with according to law. Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L for Shiseido Company Ltd. P. O. Box 60, Yangon E-mail: Dated: 26 August 2013


Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., a company incorporated in the Republic of India, of Mahindra Towers, Dr. G.M. Bhosale Marg. P.K. Kurne Chowk, Worli, Mumbai-400 018 Maharashtra, India, is the owner and sole proprietor of the following trademarks:-

Reg. No. 7622/2013 in respect of Class 07: Motors & engines (except land vehicles), Diesel Generators. Class 09: Inverters. Class 12: Apparatus for locomotion by land including utility vehicles; parts and accessories thereof.

Reg. No. 7623/2013


The radio telescope antennas of the ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/ Submillimeter Array) project will be unused for the foreseeable future, as the sites workers went on strike on August 22 after failing to reach a compromise over higher wages with the sites management. The ALMA, an international partnership project between Europe, North America and East Asia, with the cooperation of Chile, is presently the largest astronomical project in the world. Photo: AFP

How bats beat the lifespan rule

FROM the elephant to the mayfly, biologists say there is a general rule about longevity: The bigger the animal, the longer it lives. But an intriguing exception is the Brandts bat (Myotis brandtii), a native of temperate areas of Europe and Asia. The insect-munching mammal tips the scales at five to 8 grams less than 2 teaspoons of sugar yet can live for more than 40 years, as long as a dolphin and more than a horse or a cow. Eager to learn why, an international group of scientists sequenced the bats genetic code, highlighting a network of genes that could explain its exceptional lifespan. They pinpointed genetic variants that, as expected, give the tiny creature its ability to navigate by sonar and to sense dim and ultraviolet light. But they also came across unique variants that control cell sensitivity to two growth hormones. One mutation is linked in humans to a form of dwarfism and may be protective against diabetes and cancer, previous work has shown. Together with adaptations such as hibernation and low reproductive rate, [these] contribute to the exceptional lifespan of the Brandts bat, the scientists suggest. The Brandts bat takes a long time to reach sexual maturity and produces a single pup at a time, which weighs about a seventh of the parents body mass. The study was published in the journal Nature Communications. AFP

Reg. No. 7624/2013 in respect of Class 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); advertising materials, brochures, pamphlets, booklets, catalogues, magazines, periodicals, manuals and handbooks; packaging made of cardboard and paper. (The trademarks mentioned hereinabove are collectively referred to as Trademarks). Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised adoption and use of the Trademarks will be dealt with according to law. Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L for Mahindra & Mahindra Limited P. O. Box 60, Yangon E-mail: Dated: 26 August 2013

ge t

gers o n i f n

the pulse editor: MANNY MAUNG

THE MYANMAR TIMES august 26 - september 1, 2013



Taungbyone n
The festival is a bacchanalian whirlwind of colour and noise ... a study in contrasts

A festival of spirits a
SAMANTHA SMARTWELL aving lived for several years in the heart of Sydneys gay area, Im no stranger to the sight of a burly transvestite spinning around to the beat of a drum while swilling whiskey and smoking cigarettes. This, however, was different. Not 20 minutes earlier Id sat and watched a cowherd in a bamboo hat guide his bovine charges down a dirt road while the sun set on the postcardperfect serenity of Taungbyones paddies. My culture shock reverie was disrupted, and in some sense made complete, by an assertive full-palm grab on the buttocks by a saffronswathed gent. Taungbyones saturnalian nat pwe (spirit festival) had alternately been described to me as a traditional Buddhist but quintessentially Myanmar gathering and Southeast Asias biggest gay party concepts that I once would have thought to be near-diametrically opposed. I was struck by terror at the thought of writing about the experience because I knew that, in doing so, I would be navigating the semantic minefield of a gender spectrum far removed from the binaries that would seem to prevail in Myanmars fairly traditional and overwhelmingly Buddhist society which is to say nothing of the task of wrapping my head around the worship of the 37 most celebrated nat spirits. The festival is a bacchanalian whirlwind of colour and noise, and to walk around it was a study in contrasts. Vendors sat selling all manner of wares, from traditional sweets to Justin Bieber T-shirts and bafflingly machetes. The stories I had heard about the festival being a hub for vice proved hollow, with only a handful of places selling beer. Families milled around enjoying the fairground atmosphere, while others negotiated the uneven turf in stilettos with varying degrees of finesse. In the bamboo huts dotted around the festival ground, the nat kadaws (spirit mediums) take centre stage. The barrage of noise emanating from the traditional hsaing waing (a traditional Myanmar orchestra) oscillates between pulsating and frenzied, and the movements of the shamanistic nat kadaw reflect this. The nat kadaws act as conduits to the spirit world; capable of straddling the divide between earthly and

the pulse 41

and saturnalia
supernatural, past and present, man and woman. They perform to the crowd, then as the music reaches a frenzied climax they seem to lose themselves completely in fits of primal and ecstatic thrashing. Each nat has its own unique characteristic virtues and vices, and the performances vary in accordance with these. The nat kadaws, offstage, are something of a spectacle. They glide serenely through the crowds trailed by an entourage of helpers and makeup artists, and often some sort of offering. A woman excitedly told me that the nat kadaw we were seeing approach the stage pursued by a woman carrying an offering of roast chicken was her favourite, and she makes sure to catch the performance every year. We spoke with some bright young things of 18 or so who, dressed to the nines and immaculately made up, had made the journey all the way from Myitkyina in Kachin State for their first nat pwe. I made the ethically dubious decision to part with K300 to enter a tent whose sign promised, in the least, a beerdrinking monkey. What I got was a baboon antagonising a 15-foot python on command, a monkey that mimed hanging itself, a cobra that reared in a cage in the corner, and a slow loris reaching for the hand of anyone nearby, appealing to you with eyes that could break a heart. I later rode the manpowered ferris wheel twice, the athleticism and daring of its operators never ceasing to amaze. Leaving the festival, we walked past families that lay sleeping on the floor in bamboo huts. Delirious with exhaustion, overstimulation and possibly whiskey, entirely unsure of just what it was Id experienced, I muttered a solemn oath to return next year.
Nat kadaws act as conduits to the spirit world and perfrom to call on good fortune. Photos: Greg Holland

nat pwe:

42 the pulse local

THE MYANMAR TIMES August 26 - September 1, 2013

SEA Games promo takes youth spin

Nandar Aung Lwin Mar Htun PROMOTIONAL efforts for the Southeast Asian Games are swinging into gear as recordings of music videos and an album of songs specifically targeted towards younger audiences, being released in early September. One song Mingalaba, has already been produced by the hip hop group Snare, in Yangon, Bagan, Sagaing and Mandalay, and directed by U Win Lwin Htet. The video is currently showing on MRTV-4 and Channel 7. The second song, South East Asia King, filmed across five cities, including Chaung Thar beach, is a joint effort between 12 Myanmar celebrity pop-singers. The two songs will also feature as live performances in the 2013 SEA Game opening ceremony at Nay Pyi Taw on December 11. After producing one song for the SEA Games, we wanted to add a group song so we got a permit from Ace Digital Media Architect Media, which is handling the preGames entertainment section, the managing director of Bo Bo Entertainment, Ko Bo Sann said. The shoot at Chaung Thar beach will be the one we use at the opening ceremony of the games. Efforts to target the youth demographic are based on a desire to attract a lively following for the international event, as well as being an initiative to encourage more active and less sedentary lifestyles among Myanmar youth. One way promoters are doing this is by giving younger celebrities prominence in advertising campaigns, with the 12 singers of South East Asia King being of similar age to the target audience. The singers Jauk Jack, Hlwen Paing, Bunny Phyo, Kyaw Htut Swe, Naing Wan, Ye Yint Aung, Thar Thar, Sandi Myint Lwin, Aim Chit, Bobby Soxer, Mi Sandi and Nan Thu Zar are seen as attractive draw cards for the youth demographic. Among those from Myanmars artistic community involved in the games is graffiti artist Arker Kyaw, who was banned from spray painting in Yangon last year, has been commissioned to create a work in a public space to mark the sporting occasion. Arker Kyaw gained notoriety in Myanmar last year after he spray painted an acclaimed, but controversial portrait of Barack Obama on a roadside wall in Yangon, shortly before the US presidents historic visit to Myanmar. Speaking about the SEA Games commission, he said, This is the first time where I have ever officially been allowed to draw graffiti. The artist has declined to reveal details of what he plans to create, but games organisers, who said it was the Obama painting that first alerted them to Kyaws talents, have reportedly said that it will be up to ministers to choose the final design. The 2013 SEA Games are being held in the country for the first time in 44 years, with various tournaments to be held in Mandalay, Nay Pyi Taw and Ngwe Saung beach from December 11 to 22 this year.

Ma Sabei, 18, earns a living making textiles and handicraft for a local social enterprise. Photo: Aung Htay Hlaing

Helping hands boost opportunities for underprivileged women with big dreams
There are few chances for women with disabilities to work, but fair trade enterprises, such as Pomelo, are helping them to earn
Zon Pann Pwint

OMEN whose lives were blighted by accident, disability or disaster have joined together to support themselves and their families through their artistry. By hand-making ethnic-style textiles and various handicrafts, they are able to make a living by selling them to social enterprises such as Pomelo in Yangon. Ma Sabei, now 18, recalls the day in her childhood when she fell from a height, breaking her leg. Her family, being poor, could not afford to have the leg properly set, leaving it deformed. I felt sickened whenever I looked at myself in the mirror, Ma Sabei said, recalling how the misfortune left her timid and lacking in self-confidence. Ma Myint Myint Maw, 32, her husband and her two children are deaf. Htet Htet Naing, whose leg was deformed in Cyclone Nargis in May 2008, was rescued from drowning by her grandmother. Now these women and others form a successful handicrafts group called Dream Together. For Ma Sabei, the transformation came two years ago, when she met Ma Naw Eh Wah, a livelihood coordinator from The Leprosy Mission Myanmar. I saw those

young women with disabilities, neglected by their families and having nothing to do, said Ma Naw Eh Wah, 26. I decided to teach them handicrafts. At the Disability Resource Centre on Sittwe Road, Hlaing Tharyar township, Ma Naw Eh Wah taught the women how to make fashion accessories for women such as necklaces and bracelets. Altogether, seven women with disabilities ranging from deafness, poliomyelitis (a viral infection that affects the nervous system) and leg deformities, work in the centre or in their homes in Hlaing Tharyar township. I check the quality of their

Ma Sabeis whole family used to depend on K3000 a day ... Her income is very helpful.
Ulla Kroebar Volunteer at Pomelo

products because I want people to buy them because they like them, not because they are made by disadvantaged women. When they work at home, they can earn income without neglecting their housework, Ma Naw Eh Wah said. I invent designs for them to follow, she added. When I no longer lead the group, they can stand on their own feet and do their own business, she added. We support those women by giving them the chance to sell their products at Pomelo, said Ulla Kroebar, a volunteer at the store, which opened in January, 2012. The women of Dream Together have to support their families. Now that they can earn, their families view of them has changed, she said. I am so impressed by Ma Naw Eh Wah, and her group is a wonderful example of how people can become creative if they get the chance. Ma Sabei, the eldest daughter of seven, can now support her sick mother and her father. Ma Sabeis whole family used to depend on K3000 a day her father earned repairing bicycles. Her income is very helpful, Kroebar added. Ma Myint Myint Maws children are now studying at Mary Chapman School for the Deaf, and she supports them and her husband by her earnings. She can make the most money and her handicraft is the neatest, said Ma Naw Eh Wah. After she was injured in Cyclone Nargis, Htet Htet Naing dared not go outside alone. Now she is rather confident and can come to the centre

alone. She can earn up to K70,000 a month, said Ma Naw Eh Wah, who says the women could make more money if they found other outlets. We have many requests about our products. Some ask whether they are made in Bangkok. But we cant accept other women with disabilities unless we get more orders. When Rachael Storass came to Yangon in August, 2011 looking to buy socially responsible products, she met Annie Bell, who had started the organisation Helping Hands, where street children help to renovate old furniture. Helping Hands also has a sewing workshop where women execute the designs of an Italian designer, Valeria. To support those groups, the two women opened Pomelo, said Kroebar, who works as a volunteer five days a week. Pomelo also sells stuffed toys made by another local outfit, Action For Public, which are made by widows living with HIV. AFP asked if we could sell school uniforms that they made, but no expat or tourist would be willing to buy that, Kroebar said. So we thought to ask them to start with stuffed toys and now they sell more than 12 different products through Pomelo. Pomelo is a fair trade and social enterprise helping disadvantaged people. It is located at 85-87 Thinbyu Road (lower block), Botataung, Yangon

the pulse 43

Good vibes, bad planning at Kuala Lumpur music fest

Headline acts from the mid-nineties lures an intrepid music critic
douglas long

Models told to man up

Nandar Aung DITCH the manscara and show off your natural rugged good looks. Thats the advice being given to Myanmar men who fancy a career in modelling ahead of competition to find the countrys most attractive males. The Manhunt III event, run by Myanmar Model Management (MMM) will give would-be male models the opportunity, not only to compete for a top prize of K1.5 million, but also to improve their skills and promote themselves to the public, according to organisers and past winners. However experts have warned that previous competitors, perhaps overly influenced by their betterknown female counterparts, have been a little too feminine in their styling. If men want to become international models, they have to avoid looking like girls is the blunt message from stylists, which seems to ignore the trend for androgyny on the European catwalks in recent years. Make up artist Lin Lin will be overseeing the models hair and make-up at this years contest. I enjoy supporting Manhunt. Its a good for anyone who wants to be a male model, and those who win will gain a lot of popularity through having taken part, she said. But in the past Ive seen a lot of competitors who havent looked natural and have gone for a feminine cute look. For international male modelling you need to look attractive, but not girly cute. Thats why I am encouraging the men competing this year to go for a more natural look. The competition, now its third year, also requires contestants to prove themselves in an IQ test and talent show, before taking part in a photoshoot and showing off their skills on the catwalk. MMM founder U Htay Min Htun said he had a lot of interest in the competition: A lot of people have been contacting me asking when this years event is going to take place, he said. In previous years, Manhunt heats were held in both Yangon and Mandalay but this year, will just in Yangon in different spots throughout the city. The model competition and entertainment program will take place in Junction Square Promotion Area on September 20 with the finals being held at The Strand hotel on September 28. Men from any area of Myanmar are eligible to take place and can get entry forms from Utopia Tower, Ko Ko beauty salon (Junction Mawtin) and Ko Maw Beauty hair salon in Sanchaung. The closing date for entry is September 17.

MONG Myanmars many noble struggles in this semi-post-junta historical period is the quest to attract top flight international musical acts to Yangon. Having netted the likes of Jason Mraz, Michael Learns to Rock and Air Supply over the course of the past nine months, the country clearly has much room to improve in this regard. In other words, its still necessary to get out of town to see half-decent international bands perform in concert. So it was that I travelled to Kuala Lumpur for the Good Vibes Festival, held at Sepang F1 Circuit near KL International Airport on August 17. The headliners were the Smashing Pumpkins, supported by alt-rock luminaries Modest Mouse from the United States and Japandroids from Canada, as well as 10 Malaysian indie bands. I arrived in KL on the day of the concert, and by the time I made it to the festival I had, unfortunately, missed most of the local musicians. But I did catch the last Malaysian act, a group called Monoloque who demonstrated the sort of adventurous, quirky creativity still missing from Myanmars largely derivative music scene. Combining Malaysian folk, psychedelia, punk, wildly meandering electronics and moody male and female vocals, the band proved itself to be quite adept at mixing shoegaze dreaminess with appealingly abrasive guitar and keyboard noise. And yes, I bought their CD after the performance. I had been looking forward to seeing both Japandroids and Modest Mouse, but I was disappointed to learn that the concert organisers had made the unforgivably boneheaded decision to schedule both bands to play different stages at the same time. Japandroids also made their consternation abundantly clear. Theres only one negative thing about our visit to Malaysia: having

Brian King, the singer/guitarist of Japandroids, performing at the Good Vibes festival in Kuala Lumpur on August 17. Photo: Thandar Khine

to play at the same time as Modest Mouse, vocalist/guitarist Brian King told the audience in the middle of their set, which really fucking sucks, but thats how it goes. They even dedicated the song The House that Heaven Built to the other band, and in between their own songs indulged in a bit of air guitar to the sounds of the music drifting over from the other stage. The Japandroids are a two-piece band King, plus drummer/backing singer David Prowse but they generate enough noise and energy that they would easily eclipse three or four average, fully kitted-out ensembles. Despite the clarion call of Modest Mouse, I stuck with Japandroids to

the end as they played all the songs from their album Celebration Rock, released last year. The set ended with their excellent cover of the legendary Gun Clubs For the Love of Ivy, during which I was surprised to hear the local fans shouting along to the songs signature lyrics, Im gonna buy me a graveyard of my own/and kill everyone who ever done me wrong a concept whose charming appeal apparently transcends cultural divides. Modest Mouse was kind enough to play an extended set, which meant they remained onstage for another 30 minutes after Japandroids finished. For those of us who dashed over from the other stage, the concert started with

King Rat and ended five songs later with Tiny Cities Made of Ashes. Everyone has their own list of bands whose music evokes personal nostalgia trips. For me, Modest Mouses quirky twang, combined with the comical dread of singer Isaac Brocks lyrics, never fails to remind me of that moment in my mid-30s when I realised Id rather run through lightning storms with stainless steel saucepans tied to my body than spend another weekend shopping at the Burbank IKEA. (Its probably no coincidence that, around the same time, I found myself boarding the Thai Airways Flight of No Return from Los Angeles to a certain Southeast Asian country called Myanmar.) Likewise, I largely associate the Smashing Pumpkins with the 1990s, although I dont feel the same deep-seated attachment to them as I do for Modest Mouse. The Pumpkins are just a really good rock band with great songwriting backed by awesome playing skills. They were surprisingly strong live, due in no small part to the fact that Billy Corgan is one of those rare vocalists who sound better onstage than a recording in the studio. Admittedly, I havent really kept up with the band since their 1998 album Adore, but tunes from their first four discs accounted for at least half of the 18 songs they played, kicking off with Tonight Tonight and also including Cherub Rock, Disarm, Bullet with Butterfly Wings, Today and Zero. One major highlight was a hard-edged, but still trippy cover of David Bowies 1969 classic Space Oddity. Speaking of oddities: Although the large Malaysian crowd embraced the Smashing Pumpkins with great enthusiasm throughout the set, little effort was made to generate the chanting, foot-stomping noise necessary to bring them back for an encore. The band, therefore, did not reappear onstage after their regular set. If they had, Im fairly certain they would have played 1979. It was the one huge hit missing from their playlist and the one song I had most wanted to hear.

44 the pulse
phnom penh

THE MYANMAR TIMES August 26 - September 1, 2013

Cambodias forgotten songs rediscovered

Rosa Ellen

t was a chance purchase in a Paris flea market that led to the discovery of 54 lost traditional Cambodian songs, according to the man into whose hands they have now landed: filmmaker Rithy Panh. The director was given the yellowed, elegantly printed songbook Chansons Cambodgiennes, published in 1921, by a friend some years ago, but had to put it away until he knew exactly what to do with it. The book ended up at the Bophana Center, the audiovisual repository founded by Panh, where Cambodias lost film, music and

Its a way to keep traditional songs alive... to transmit this heritage to the next generation
Rithy Panh Bophana archivist

sounds wait to be rediscovered. Written by Frenchman Albert Tricon, about whom not much is known, the music is about to find a new audience when eight more of its songs are released on next month on a CD called Cambodian Forgotten Songs. It is the second recording to come from the precious book, which contains three kinds of traditional songs carefully transcribed into phonetic French and notated in the western scale. The recording musicians included young artists from the Royal University of Fine Arts, as well as older masters, performing in what is called a Pleng Kar Boran ensemble. We started the project in 2008, says Bophana archivist Chea Sopheap. We completed the first part with eight songs. [Afterward] I saw one of them being played on a TV talent competition that really inspired me. The first volume wasnt known [before we released them]. Published by the Socit des tudes indochinoises and printed in Paris, the songbook is kept inside a temperaturecontrolled store room, from which Sopheap retrieves it for a look. From its simple, elegant cover page, it doesnt look much different than the thousands of other popular songbooks published in the days of family pianogatherings and ragtime, which makes the fact that its purchaser happened to be a friend of documentary maker Rithy Panh seem quite serendipitous. Would Albert Tricon and whoever helped him gather the songs have had

Chansons Cambodgiennes is a treasure trove of songs published in 1921 Photo: The Phnom Penh Post

any idea that they were saving many of them from disappearing? The book [in its introduction] says Cambodians might have forgotten many melodies from their past, Sopheap says. Albert Tricon says he collected songs from provinces from around Cambodia and also from the Royal Palace. What he recordedin his book was essentially the popular songs of the time. For Panh the album represents a less-explored folk music, one that is overshadowed by Cambodias enduring Golden Era phenomenon. People love the music from the 1960s, but not songs before the 60s. [These] might be from the last century or even before that, he says. Its the last [opportunity to record

the songs] because that [generation] is very old now. Its a way to keep our popular songs alive. More importantly, its a way to transmit this heritage to the new generation. Much of the music in Chansons Cambodgiennes disappeared through decades of war and cultural destruction, says Sopheap. The eight pieces chosen for the second CD are from three genres: ancient Arak, which harks back to a pre-Buddhist and Hindu animist time, and depicts the natural world in poetic lyrics; Mohaori music, traditional court and entertainment compositions; and more recent folk songs. From the 20th Century songs, small clues as to Cambodian life and attitudes can be deduced, Sopheap says. In the lively song Barang Sra

Pov, the singer describes ropes being pulled by French sailors during the days of the protectorate. It is unclear, says Panh, how much of the Khmer language Tricon knew when he began transcribing the heavily poetic lyrics from local performers and musicians. To work out the phonetically written verses, Bophana researchers Lach Rattanah and Kim Vary translated, consulted dictionaries and met with language experts, with help from an advisory committee made up of composer Him Sophy, archaeologist Sam Ang Sam, and Professors Pick Tu Kravel and Hun Sarin, who wrote the book on traditional music, Khmer Orchestra. To notate the songs he heard, Tricon writes that he sat down at a piano and tried to adapt them for the chromatic scale, before changing to the Cambodian bamboo romeat a traditional xylophone. For the orchestra, music master Yun Theara rearranged the songs and the recording process was photographed by Vann Channaron, Vann Naths son. For knowing the mindset of a population, we must listen to these popular songs, wrote Tricon. I am sure these Cambodian melodies will be for many a revelation. Little did he know the revelation they would be to Cambodians themselves. The CD will be available from September 13 in Cambodia. The Phnom Penh Post

46 the pulse tea break

Universal Crossword
Edited by Timothy E. Parker

THE MYANMAR TIMES August 26 - September 1, 2013



ACROSS 1 Swedish Muppet 5 Crosby, Stills & ___ 9 Treated the lawn, in a way 14 Name on your behind, perhaps 15 Ersatz spread 16 Acid in proteins 17 Length times width measurement 18 Look at with intentions 19 One Wayans 20 You dont have to be sick to take it 23 You may break it with guests 24 Apply footnotes 25 Fooled you! 27 Blood clots 30 Wash all over 32 Coastal inlet 33 God, in Latin class 35 Having a worse prognosis 39 Varying wildly 43 Discharge of weapons 44 Underworld ferrymans post 45 Isnt ___ Lovely 46 Bring rapture to 48 Holster contents 51 Indian cotton fabric 54 Anything ___ ? 55 Wolframite, for one 56 Whatever-its-called 62 Onetime capital of India 64 They have holes in their middles 65 But wait, theres ___! 66 Up to a certain point 67 With the same amount one started with 68 Closely related (to) 69 It can be altered 70 Dojo flooring units 71 Avian haunt DOWN 1 Abrupt bit of thunder 2 Take it 3 ___ since (as of) 4 Complete debacle 5 Midday 6 Aquarium cleaners problem 7 Be a retailer in 8 Got ground up? 9 Nobility title 10 Little teapots opening 11 Act like 12 Cain raised him 13 Gift recipient 21 There Will Be Blood subject 22 Befitting 26 Tarzans is famous 27 Periods of time 28 ___ 18 (Leon Uris book) 29 Arnazs collaborator in comedy 30 Big Sky Country city 31 Whey-faced 34 Prefix for while 36 Word with hurrah or laugh 37 You may test for it by saying Hello! 38 Walk woozily 40 Message complete 41 Explosive 42 Makes clear 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 63 Montserrat output Capital ending Able-bodied one M.O. part ___ you ashamed of yourself? Designing Women actress Burke Winged wader Secret couple, in gossip Super star? Bit of funny business It surrounds the pupil Courteous chap Result of a good at-bat








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Telephone us now on +951 392 928

the pulse food and drink 47

More Moroccan magic in the kitchen

Phyo's cooking adventure
1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 - 2 tablespoons cooking butter Preparation Put couscous into a heat-proof bowl and pour the boiling water over the couscous. Cover with aluminum foil for 5 to 7 minutes, or until the couscous absorbs all the water. Gently fluff the couscous with a fork and set aside. Slice the spring onions thinly. On a medium heat, melt the butter in a frying pan. Make sure all the butter coats the surface of the pan. Place cooked couscous in the pan and add the sliced spring onion, then mix. Add salt and lemon juice just before removing from the heat.
Moroccan-style mutton mince kebab. Photo: Phyo

AMB plays a central role in many dishes from Morocco, but lamb mince can be difficult to find in Yangon. Mutton is a good replacement and this week my recipes feature a Moroccan-style mutton kebab with dates. The pumpkin dish, traditionally served with couscous the otherrecipe for this week is great as a side dish to the mutton kebab, or just on its own as a light, vegetarian meal. Moroccan dishes are great to recreate in Myanmar as most of the ingredients are available here. Moroccan-style mutton mince kebab Ingredients (serves 4) 500 grams mutton mince 3 tablespoon olive oil 3 medium red onions 3 medium tomatoes 3 long green chillis 5 dates diced 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon black pepper

pan and toast, then set aside. After almond flakes become a golden colour, transfer onto plate and set aside. Add the remaining olive oil and pumpkin cubes into the pan and toss well. Pour cup water into the pan, cover the lid and simmer until the pumpkin becomes soft. If the pumpkin needs more water, add another cup of water. When the pumpkin is cooked, turn the heat up and fry until sizzling. Bring the pumpkin seeds and almond flakes back to the pan and mix in well. Add salt and black pepper to taste. Tips Vegetable oil could be used in both recipes. Sultanas can replace dates. Stir the pumpkin carefully so that it keeps its shape. Shopping Couscous is available at larger supermarkets and at Quarto Products on Inya Road. Quote We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons. Alfred E. Neuman, fictitious mascot and cover boy of Mad magazine Next week Moroccan-style saffron fish curry and okra tagine

2 cinnamon sticks 4 cardamom seeds Lemon wedges to serve Preparation Absorb all liquid from the mutton mince with kitchen tissue paper until it becomes dry. Slice the onions and tomatoes into circles. Halve the green chillies and deseed. Dice the dates. Set all aside. Add olive oil into a sauce pan and turn heat to medium. Saut the cinnamon sticks and cardamom seeds in the hot oil. Add the sliced onions. When the onion is trans-

parent add the mince, soy sauce, vinegar, salt and black pepper to fry. Use a wooden spoon to break the mince apart as it cooks. Cover the pan with a lid. When the meat is tender, add chilli and fry for 2 more minutes. Add dates and mix well. Serve with couscous and wedges of lemon. Couscous Ingredients (serves 4) 1 cup couscous 1 cup boiling water 3 spring onions

Pumpkin with seeds and almond flakes Ingredients (serves 4) 500 grams pumpkin 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds 2 tablespoons almond flakes water salt and pepper Preparation Wash the pumpkin and dry well. Cut into 3cm cubes. When the pumpkin is dry, add tablespoon of the olive oil into a frying pan on a medium heat. Add the pumpkin seeds and almond flakes into the

Paying a visit to the Governor

A trip to the Guvs is an experience in indulgence
Manny Maung FOR a touch of elegance and oldworld glamour, its hard to beat The Governors Residence. After all, if youre in the mood to splurge, why not do it in style? Whether Im there to enjoy the curry table feast in the restaurant upstairs, or just to enjoy a refreshing drink poolside at the Kipling Bar, Ive yet to be disappointed at the Guvs. The place just gives me an instant sense of relaxation. Granted, the prices are astronomical in Myanmar terms, so Ive had to restrain myself from getting too relaxed. On this occasion, however, there was nothing prompting the visit other than a need to spoil myself, so I thought Id indulge myself a little more than usual. I eased myself into the night with a Mandalay rum sour (US$10). It came with a sweet glazed cherry on the top. Dry, comfortable and nursing my drink, I found monsoon season again romantic rather than a nuisance. Whether it was the rum or the rain outside, I realised once again that the small details in life the cherries on top, if you will do matter. Unless of course you dont like cherries. But, hey, its a wellstocked bar why not just order something else? As a starter I opted for the sauted baby potatoes, wild mushroom and watercress salad with Myanmar goat cheese and walnut dressing ($11). The plate arrived with the cheese oozing onto a bed of potatoes and while I couldnt really taste the walnuts, the goat cheese itself had a powerful nutty taste that mixed with the pungent odour of fungus. While I thoroughly enjoyed the combination of textures and flavours in my starter, its the bread-basket that gets me every time, and that nights was no exception. The simple combination of a generous portion

Wine Review
re W d ine
Bouchard Pinot Noir La Vignee 2010 Light-bodied on the nose and blackcurrant in colour, I was hoping for more depth with this wine. The grapes havent been allowed to ripen on the vine and the wine just tastes bland.




Squid ink risotto and parmesan chard at the Governors. Photo: Manny Maung

of freshly baked dinner rolls and dollops of butter is probably one of my most favourite indulgences. And since my dining companion happened to be gluten intolerant, ours had my name all over it.

The Governors Residence

35 Taw Win Road (near the Indian Embassy), Dagon township, Yangon. 01 229860 Food: 8 Drink: 8 Service: 8 Atmosphere: 10 X-factor: 10 Value for money: 7 Total Score:


Unfortunately, I filled up so much I couldnt finish the squid ink risotto with marinated char-grilled squid and parmesan chard ($16) that I had ordered as my main. That was a shame, but I managed to eat all the delectable morsels of tender squid, leaving most of the ink-stained risotto rice (it pains me to think of that now). My friend, having skipped the bread, was able to tuck into her meal a delicately cooked aromatic cod fillet with vegetables and a spiced coconut laksa sauce that didnt overwhelm the fish at all ($28) with greater gusto, although it proved to be a hearty portion as well. Its a shame we were both so full we had to skip dessert. Lesson learned next time, order the sweets first.

wh W ite ine

Pigmentum Ugin Blanc 2012

Strong citrus notes but well balanced with nectarines and a smooth, creamy peach finish. The wine is mediumbodied and almost bubbly on the tongue.




48 the pulse socialite


ETUDE Houses Pink Play Party 2013 at Singapore Lucky Draw

Aye Myat Thu, Wint Yahmone Hlaing, Maw Maw and Ohnmar Khin U Khin Soe and Johnnie Koh

City Hair demonstrations

Shwe Thike

Jame Lee

HTC Mobile Lucky Draw

Daw Thin Thin Soe Richard See

Khine Khine Latt

Maykha Myat Mon

Khine Thazin Yu War


Sheene Super BB product launch

Mo Mo Ko, Wint Yahmone Hlaing and Ma Htet

Mac Coffee product launch

Htet Phone Naing Aung Lay Min Thein Khant Myint Zu Maung Bobby Soxer Nan Nilar Htike

the pulse socialite 49

THEREs nothing quite like a good haircut to brighten up a socialites image so what better way to prepare for another busy run of social activities than enjoying a demonstration of the styling-talents at City Beauty Salon in Tarme townships on August 14. Freshly coiffured, Socialite felt good fortune was smiling upon her, and so the next day she popped along to the HTC mobile companys lucky draw at My Garden Restaurant. If at first a socialite doesnt succeed she should always try her luck again, and so Thursday it was off to another lucky draw, this time by beauty brand Etude House, where there was a chance to win a trip to the Pink Play Party 2013 taking place in Singapore later this month. Alas, a trip to Singapore was not to be, so Socialite decided to pamper herself instead and headed along to the opening of Nemita Spa at Chatrium Hotel. More beauty inspiration on Friday with the launch of Sheene Super BB at Junction Square, before joining the celebrations for the 68th anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia at Traders Hotel. Socialite wound up her hectic week on August 18 with Miss Alpure 2013 contest at Gamhone Pwint on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road. After all that a refreshment was definitely in order and so Socialite stopped off on her way home at the Sedona Hotel for the Mac Coffees new product launch.

U Aye Myint Kyu and wife

Sebastianus Sumarsono

Su Pan Htwar


Miss Alpure 2013 Contest

68th Anniversary of Independence Day of Republic of Indonesia


Aung Khine Linn

Make-up artist Toe Toe

Ma Moe and Khine Wint Phyu

Nemita Spa opening eremony

Zaw Paing and wife

Alex and wife

Phe Da

50 the pulse travel

THE MYANMAR TIMES August 26 - September 1, 2013


Yangon to Nay Pyi Taw Flight 6T 401 FMI A1 FMI A1 FMI B1 FMI A1 FMI C1 Days 1 1,2,3,4,5 6 1,2,3,4,5 7 1,2,3,4,5 Dep 7:00 7:30 8:00 11:30 15:30 16:30 Arr 7:55 8:30 9:00 12:30 16:30 17:30 Mandalay to Yangon Flight Y5 233 YJ 892 YJ 892 YH 918 YJ 143/W97143 6T 402/K7 223 K7 223 YJ 892 Nay Pyi Taw To Yangon Flight FMI A2 FMI A2 FMI B2 FMI A2 FMI C2 Days 1,2,3,4,5 6 1,2,3,4,5 7 1,2,3,4,5 Dep 8:50 10:00 13:00 17:00 18:00 Arr 9:50 11:00 14:00 18:00 19:00 YJ 902 W9 201 W9 144 W9 201 Y5 132 6T 402 YJ 202 K7 227 K7 627 Arr 7:25 8:05 8:15 7:55 8:40 7:30 8:35 8:40 7:55 8:10 8:10 8:25 8:25 9:05 9:05 9:40 8:55 9:10 10:10 11:55 12:25 11:55 11:55 12:25 12:25 12:55 12:55 12:25 13:25 13:25 14:15 12:55 16:10 16:40 16:40 15:55 16:35 16:35 16:40 YJ 202 YJ 762 K7 845 YJ 202 W9 120 YJ 602 YJ 762 YJ 782 YH 732 YJ 212 YJ 762 YH 732 W9 129 YH 728 6T 502/K7 225 K7 225 W9 129 K7 625 8M 6604 YJ 725/W9 7752 YJ 212 YH 738 W9 511 W9 252 YJ 725/W9 7752 YH 730 Days Daily 2,3,4,6,7 5 Daily 1,2,3 2,3,4,5,6,7 Daily 1 1 4,5,6,7 Daily 1,2,3 3,5,6,7 1 3 2,4 1,5 4 6 2,4,7 1 1,3 6 1 2 1 5 2,4 2,3,4,5,6,7 4,5,6,7 1,5 Daily Daily 1,2,3 Daily 2,4,7 7 7 3,7 2 2 3 2,4,6 Dep 8:10 8:30 8:10 8:40 9:20 8:55 8:55 8:30 8:40 9:10 9:20 9:25 9:30 10:00 10:05 10:35 10:55 11:00 12:35 12:50 15:30 15:45 15:40 16:05 16:10 16:10 16:30 16:35 16:40 16:40 16:45 16:50 16:50 16:55 17:10 17:20 17:20 17:20 17:25 17:30 17:35 17:50 18:00 Arr 9:25 10:25 11:00 10:45 10:45 10:55 11:00 9:55 10:35 11:05 10:45 11:20 10:30 12:00 12:55 12:00 12:20 12:25 14:00 16:00 17:25 17:10 17:05 17:30 18:15 18:15 18:35 18:00 18:45 18:45 18:10 19:00 19:00 19:00 18:35 18:30 18:45 18:45 18:50 19:35 19:00 19:15 19:25 Flight YJ 891 YH 917 YJ 891 Arr 7:45 7:30 8:40 7:50 7:50 8:20 8:55 16:40 17:25 17:10 17:20 16:55 17:25 17:25 17:25 YJ 891 6T 401/K7222 K7 222 6T 401 YJ 761 YJ 901 W9 201 K7 828 W9 201 YJ 751/W9 7751 YJ 761 YJ 751/W9 7751 W9 119 YJ 761 YJ 751/W9 7751 YH 727 Flight YJ 202 YJ 211 YJ 211 YJ 202 K7 625 W9 252 YJ 202 Myitkyina to Yangon Days 4 7 5 3 Daily 2 1 Dep 9:35 9:05 14:35 10:05 15:40 16:05 16:30 Arr 12:25 12:25 18:35 12:55 18:35 19:00 17:25 Flight Dep 6:10 6:10 6:10 6:30 6:30 6:30 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:45 10:00 10:30 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 11:15 Arr 8:25 9:35 9:00 9:35 9:30 9:30 10:35 8:10 9:10 9:40 8:45 9:55 11:10 11:40 11:40 11:40 12:10 12:10 12:40 Flight K7 319 YJ 301 YH 633 Yangon to Myeik Days Daily 2 1,3,4,5,7 Dep 7:00 7:00 7:00 Arr 9:05 9:10 9:15
Day 1 = Monday 2 = Tuesday 3 = Wednesday 4 = Thursday 5 = Friday 6 = Saturday 7 = Sunday

Nyaung U to Yangon Flight YJ 891 YH 917 YJ 891 YJ 143/W9 7143 YJ 143/W9 7143 K7 222 6T 401 YJ 891 YJ 891 6T 401 YH 732 YH 732 6T 502/K7 225 W9 129 W9 129 K7 225 Days 7 Daily 2,3,4,6 1,2,3 4,5,6,7 Daily 2,3,4,5,6,7 5 1 1 1 2,3,4,5,6,7 Daily 1,2,3 Daily Daily Dep 7:45 7:45 7:45 8:35 8:05 8:05 8:05 8:55 7:45 9:10 16:55 17:25 17:40 17:40 17:25 17:45 Arr 9:50 10:45 10:25 10:45 10:45 11:00 10:55 11:00 9:55 12:00 18:15 18:45 19:00 19:00 18:45 19:00

YH 737 K7 826 W9 129 W9 129 6T 501/K7 224 K7 224 YH 731

3,7 2,6 1,2,3 4,5,6,7 Daily Daily 2,3,4,6

11:15 11:45 14:45 14:30 14:30 14:30 14:30

12:40 13:00 15:55 15:40 15:40 15:45 15:55

6T 707 6T 707 YJ 301

2 6 4,7

7:30 11:15 12:45

9:30 13:15 14:55

Myeik to Yangon Flight YH 634 YJ 302 K7 320 Days 1,3,4,5,7 2 Daily 2 6 4,7 Dep 11:25 11:25 11:30 11:55 15:40 15:10 Arr 13:25 13:35 13:35 13:55 17:40 18:45

Heho to Yangon Flight YJ 892 YJ 892 YJ 902 YH 918 YJ 892 6T 402/K7223 K7 223 W9 201 W9 201 6T 402 YJ 762 K7 829 W9 120 YJ 762 YJ 762 YJ 762 W9 129 YJ 752/W9 7752 W9 129 YH 731 YH 728 6T 501/K7 224 K7 224 YJ 602 YH 738 K7 827 Days 7 2,3,4,6 1 Daily 5 2,3,4,5,6,7 Daily 4,5,6,7 1,2,3 1 6 1,3,5 1,3 1 2,4 6 1,2,3 5 4,5,6,7 2,3,4,6 1,5 Daily Daily 6 3,7 2,6 Dep 8:40 9:15 9:25 9:35 9:50 9:45 9:45 9:55 10:10 10:50 11:50 13:50 15:00 15:20 15:50 11:50 16:10 16:55 15:55 15:55 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:25 16:40 17:25 Arr 9:50 10:25 10:35 10:45 11:00 10:55 11:00 11:05 11:20 12:00 14:00 15:05 17:10 17:30 18:00 14:00 19:00 18:05 18:45 18:45 18:10 19:00 19:00 17:35 18:50 18:40

6T 708 6T 708 YJ 302

Yangon to Thandwe Flight 6T 605 6T 607 Days 5 1 Dep 11:15 12:30 Arr 12:10 15:05

Yangon to Mandalay Flight YJ 211 W9 512 YJ 891 YJ 891 YH 917 Y5 234 6T 401/K7222 K7 222 YJ 201 K7 626 K7 226 YJ 201 YJ 901 YJ 143/W97143 W9 251 6T 401 YJ 761 W9 201 8M 6603 YJ 751/W9 7751 YJ 761 W9 251 K7 624 YJ 751/W9 7751 YJ 201 YJ 761 YJ 751/W9 7751 YJ 601 YH 737 YH 727 YH 729 YJ 211 YH 731 YH 731 W9 129 YJ 781 K7 224 6T 501/K7 224 YH 731 Days 7 3 1,2,3,4,6 5 Daily Daily 2,3,4,5,6,7 Daily 4 1,5 2,4 3 1 1,2,3 Daily 1 6 1,2,3 2,4,7 5 1 2 Daily 7 1 2,4 3 6 3,7 1,5 2,4,6 5 1 2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3 2 Daily Daily 7 Dep 6:00 6:00 6:10 6:30 6:10 6:15 6:30 6:30 6:00 6:45 6:45 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:45 9:00 10:00 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:15 11:15 11:15 11:30 14:30 14:30 14:45 14:30 14:30 14:30 15:00

Yangon to Myitkyina Flight YJ 201 YJ 211 YJ 211 YJ 201 K7 844 W9 251 K7 624 YJ 201 Days 4 7 5 3 2,4,7 2 Daily 1 Dep 6:00 6:00 11:30 7:00 7:30 10:30 10:30 11:00 Arr 9:20 8:50 14:20 9:50 11:05 13:25 13:25 13:50

Thandwe to Yangon Flight 6T 605 6T 608 Days 5 1 Dep 12:25 15:20 Arr 15:00 16:15

Domestic Airlines
Air Bagan Ltd. (W9) Air KBZ (K7)
Tel : 513322, 513422, 504888, Fax : 515102 Tel: 372977~80, 533030~39 (Airport), Fax: 372983

Air Mandalay (6T)

Tel : (Head Office) 501520, 525488, Fax: 525937. Airport: 533222~3, 09-73152853. Fax: 533223.

Asian Wings (YJ)

Tel: 951 516654, 532253, 09-731-35991~3. Fax: 951 532333

Golden Myanmar Airlines (Y5)

Tel: 95 9 400446999, 95 9 400447999, Fax: 01 860 4051

YANGON TO SIT T WE Days 5 3,7 Daily 1 2,4,6 Dep 11:15 11:30 12:30 12:30 14:30 Arr 13:15 12:55 13:50 13:55 15:55 6T 605 6T 611 K7 426 6T 607 6T 611

Yangon Airways(YH)

Yangon to Heho Days 7 Daily 2,3,4,6 5 2,3,4,5,6,7 Daily 1 6 1 4,5,6,7 1,3,5 1,2,3 5 1 7 1,3, 2,4 3 1,5

Tel: (+95-1) 383 100, 383 107, 700 264, Fax: 652 533.

FMI Air Charter - Sales & Reservations

Tel: (95-1) 240363, 240373 / (+95-9) 421146545

Yangon to Nyaung U Flight YH 917 YJ 891 YJ 891 6T 401/K7 222 K7 222 YJ 143/ W9 7143 6T 401 YJ 781 W9 129 W9 129 6T 501/K7 224 YH 731 YH 731 YH 731 K7 224 Days Daily 1,2,3,4,6 ,7 5 2,3,4,5,6,7 Daily 1,2,3 1 2 1,2,3 4,5,6,7 Daily 1 2,3,4,5,6 7 Daily Dep 6:10 6:10 6:30 6:30 6:30 7:00 7:00 14:30 14:45 14:30 14:30 14:30 14:30 15:00 14:30

6T = Air Mandalay W9 = Air Bagan YJ = Asian Wings K7 = AIR KBZ YH = Yangon Airways FMI = FMI AIR Charter Y5 = Golden Myanmar Airlines

SIT T WE to yangon Flight 6T 612 6T 606 K7 427 6T 608 6T 612 6T 612 Days 3,7 5 Daily 1 2 4,6 Dep 13:15 13:35 14:05 14:15 16:15 16:15 Arr 14:40 15:00 15:25 16:15 18:10 17:40

Subject to change without notice

the pulse travel 51


Flights PG 706 8M 335 TG 304 PG 702 TG 302 PG 708 8M 331 PG 704 Y5 237 TG 306 YANGON TO BANGKOK Days Dep Daily 7:15 Daily 9:00 Daily 9:50 Daily 10:30 Daily 14:55 Daily 15:20 1,5,6 16:30 Daily 18:20 Daily 18:05 Daily 19:45 Arr 9:30 10:45 11:45 12:25 16:50 17:15 18:15 20:15 19:50 21:40 Arr 10:20 19:35 Arr 5:00 12:25 14:40 14:45 16:05 16:05 21:15 Arr 11:50 12:50 16:30 20:00 Arr 21:55 Arr 13:15 15:50 22:15 Arr 16:15 Arr 18:35 18:00 17:35 Arr 16:10 Arr 21:30 MANDALAY TO KUNMING Flights Days Dep MU 2030 Daily 14:40 Flights 8M 336 TG 303 PG 701 TG 301 PG 707 PG 703 TG 305 8M 332 PG 705 Y5 238 BANGKOK TO YANGON Days Dep Daily 6:15 Daily 7:55 Daily 8:50 Daily 13:00 Daily 13:40 Daily 16:45 Daily 17:50 Daily 19:15 Daily 20:15 Daily 21:10 Arr 17:20 Arr 7:00 8:50 9:40 13:45 14:30 17:35 18:45 20:00 21:30 21:55 Arr 8:00 17:20 Arr 9:20 10:40 10:40 13:25 14:50 15:45 17:05 23:35 Arr 13:15 Arr 8:00 11:15 13:50 14:40 Arr 10:30 16:35 15:50 Arr 9:55 Arr 11:30 13:15 13:55 Arr 18:10 Arr 18:10 DON MUEANG TO MANDALAY Flights Days Dep Arr FD 2760 Daily 10:50 12:15 KUNMING TO MANDALAY Flights Days Dep MU 2029 Daily 13:55 Arr 13:50

International Airlines
Air Asia (FD)
Tel: 251 885, 251 886.

Japans fake food is real deal for tourists


YANGON TO DON MUENG Flights Days Dep FD 2752 Daily 8:30 FD 2754 Daily 17:50 Flights MI 509 8M 231 Y5 233 SQ 997 8M 6232 3K 586 MI 517 YANGON TO SINGAPORE Days Dep 1,6 0:25 Daily 8:00 Daily 10:10 Daily 10:25 Daily 11:30 Daily 11:30 Daily 16:40

Air Bagan Ltd.(W9) Air China (CA) Air India

DON MUENG TO YANGON Flights Days Dep FD 2751 Daily 7:15 FD 2753 Daily 16:35 SINGAPORE TO YANGON Flights Days Dep SQ 998 Daily 7:55 3K 585 Daily 9:10 8M 6231 Daily 9:10 VN 943 2,4,7 11:40 8M 232 Daily 13:25 MI 518 Daily 14:20 Y5 234 Daily 15:35 MI 520 5,7 22:10 Flights CA 905 BEIJING TO YANGON Days Dep 2,3,4,6,7 12:40

Tel : 513322, 513422, 504888, Fax : 515102 Tel : 666112, 655882. Tel : 253597~98, 254758. Fax: 248175

Kyoko Haswgawaw

Bangkok Airways (PG) Condor (DE)

Tel: 255122, 255 265, Fax: 255119 Tel: + 95 1 -370836 up to 39 (ext : 810)

YANGON TO KUALA LUMPUR Flights Days Dep 8M 501 1,3,6 7:50 AK 1427 Daily 8:30 MH 741 Daily 12:15 MH 743 Daily 15:45 Flights CA 906 YANGON TO BEIJING Days Dep 2,3,4,6,7 14:15

Dragonair (KA)

Tel: 95-1-255320, 255321, Fax : 255329

Golden Myanmar Airlines (Y5)

Tel: 95 9 400446999, 95 9 400447999, Fax: 01 860 4051

YANGON TO GAUNGZHOU Flights Days Dep 8M 711 4,7 8:40 CZ 3056 3,6 11:20 CZ 3056 1,5 17:40 Flights CI 7916 Flights MU 2012 MU 2032 CA 906 YANGON TO TAIPEI Days Dep 1,2,3,5,6 10:50 YANGON TO KUNMING Days Dep 1,3 12:20 2,4,5,6,7 14:40 2,3,4,6,7 14:15

KAULA LUMPUR TO YANGON Flights Days Dep AK 1426 Daily 6:55 MH 740 Daily 10:05 8M 502 1,3,6 12:50 MH742 Daily 13:30 GUANGZHOU TO YANGON Flights Days Dep CZ 3055 3,6 8:40 CZ 3055 1,5 14:45 8M 712 4,7 14:15 Flights CI 7915 Flights MU 2011 CA 905 MU 2031 TAIPEI TO YANGON Days Dep 1,2,3,5,6 7:00 KUNMING TO YANGON Days Dep 1,3 8:20 2,3,4,6,7 12:40 2,4,5,6,7 13:30

Malaysia Airlines (MH)

Tel : 387648, 241007 ext : 120, 121, 122 Fax : 241124

Myanmar Airways International(8M)

Tel : 255260, Fax: 255305

Silk Air(MI)

Tel: 255 287~9, Fax: 255 290

Thai Airways (TG)

Tel : 255491~6, Fax : 255223

Vietnam Airlines (VN)

Fax : 255086. Tel 255066/ 255088/ 255068.

Qatar Airways (Temporary Office)

Tel: 01-250388, (ext: 8142, 8210)

YANGON TO CHIANG MAI Flights Days Dep W9 9607 4,7 14:20 Flights VN 956 YANGON TO HANOI Days Dep 1,3,5,6,7 19:10

FD & AK = Air Asia TG = Thai Airways 8M = Myanmar Airways International Y5 = Golden Myanmar Airlines PG = Bangkok Airways MI = Silk Air VN = Vietnam Airline MH = Malaysia Airlines CZ = China Southern CI = China Airlines CA = Air China KA = Dragonair Y5 = Golden Myanmar Airlines IC = Indian Airlines Limited W9 = Air Bagan 3K = Jet Star AI = Air India QR = Qatar Airways KE = Korea Airlines NH = All Nippon Airways SQ = Singapore Airways DE = Condor Airlines MU=China Eastern Airlines BR = Eva Airlines DE = Condor AI = Air India

CHIANG MAI TO YANGON Flights Days Dep W9 9608 4,7 17:20 Flights VN 957 HANOI TO YANGON Days Dep 1,3,5,6,7 16:35

YANGON TO HO CHI MINH CITY Flights Days Dep Arr VN 942 2,4,7 14:25 17:10 Flights QR 619 YANGON TO DOHA Days Dep 1,4,5 8:15 Arr 11:15

HO CHI MINH CITY TO YANGON Flights Days Dep Arr VN 943 2,4,7 11:40 13:25 BANGKOK TO MANDALAY Flights Days Dep TG 781 2,3,5,7 7:25 Flights QR 618 Arr 8:50

LBERTO Pellegrini doesnt speak or read Japanese, a deficit that threatened to leave the Italian tourist starving in a nation famous for its gastronomic delights. Fortunately for the hungry honeymooner, restaurants across this food-obsessed nation where English menus range from sparse to nonexistent often display their wares in the form of intricately-made plastic replicas. The sight of a giant hotdog slathered in condiments doesnt faze the average Japanese restaurant-goer, and these fake food parades are often so similar to the real thing that they almost dare potential customers to take a bite. A sudsy-looking beer, perfectly glazed sushi and indestructible deepfried pork cutlets, known as tonkatsu, are a common sight on the streets of neon-lit Tokyo and even the smallest towns. It can really help, Pellegrini said as he and his wife combed lunch venues in Tokyos upscale Ginza shopping district. I point at the food and I just say I want this, I want that Its easier because choosing from a list in Japanese is impossible [for me]. But that sumptuous-looking futomaki has less-than-tasty origins. The original craftsman was working for doctors and making models for pathological studies, such as skin diseases and human organs, before he was asked to make food samples for a restaurant, says Yasunobu Nose, a senior editor at the leading Nikkei Business Daily who authored a book about food models. That turn of events in the early 1920s set off a food revolution in Japan where the idea spread rapidly as eating out soared in popularity and rural people flocked to the cities.

Unused to what city restaurants had to offer, the models gave countrydwellers and locals alike a quick visual rundown of the chefs specialties before stepping inside an eatery. Nearly a century later, Japanese have developed a sense of getting information from three-dimensional signs Nose said, adding that plastic food also has a limited presence in neighbouring China and South Korea. Youre calculating lots of things what kind of side dishes are there, how big is the meal and is it economical? he said. But for foreign tourists who dont have this literacy, food samples are just something that closely resemble real dishes. Iwasaki Co., a leading plastic food maker, has an army of craftspeople who hand-paint the moulds, which sell for as much as US$100 each, although restaurants can lease a fake hamburger set for about $6 a month. Our main customers are restaurant owners, but plastic food samples are increasingly popular among ordinary people, said Takashi Nakai, a spokesman for the company, which started business in 1932 when the samples were made of wax instead of todays more durable plastic. Iwasaki recently opened two shops in Tokyo where it sells sushi cellphone charms and bacon-adorned key chains all with multilingual signs warning that this is not edible. The shops also let visitors take a stab at creating their own fake food. Israeli tourist Elda Rozencvaag was not impressed. When I see this it makes me feel like I dont want to eat it. It is too weird, he said, staring a plate of perfectly formed sushi. It has too many details even more than in the real dish. Pellegrini, however, was relieved at the visual guide, even if hes not sure what hell get. This looks like an omelette. But I cant be sure its an omelette. It was a fishcake. AFP

YANGON TO PHNOM PENH Flights Days Dep Arr 8M 403 3 16:50 19:15 Flights 0Z 770 KE 472 YANGON TO SEOUL Days Dep Arr 3,4,6,7 0:35 9:10 Daily 23:35 08:05+1 Arr 6:00

DOHA TO YANGON Days Dep Arr 3,4,7 21:05 07:00+1

YANGON TO HONG KONG Flights Days Dep KA 251 1,2,4,6 1:10 Flights NH 914 Flights AI 228

PHNOM PENH TO YANGON Flights Days Dep Arr 8M 404 3 20:15 21:40 Flights KE 471 0Z 769 Flights NH 913 SEOUL TO YANGON Days Dep Daily 18:40 2,3,5,6 19:50 TOKYO TO YANGON Days Dep 1,3,6 10:30 Arr 22:30 23:25 Arr 15:30 Arr 23:30 Arr 13:20

YANGON TO TOKYO Days Dep Arr 1,3,6 21:30 06:40+1 YANGON TO KOLKATA Days Dep 1,5 14:05 Arr 15:05

MANDALAY TO BANGKOK Flights Days Dep Arr TG 782 2,3,5,7 9:30 11:55 MANDALAY TO DON MUENG Flights Days Dep Arr FD 2761 Daily 12:45 15:00

HONG KONG TO YANGON Flights Days Dep KA 250 1,3,5,7 21:45 Flights AI 227 KOLKATA TO YANGON Days Dep 1,5 10:35

Subject to change without notice

Day 1 = Monday 2 = Tuesday 3 = Wednesday 4 = Thursday 5 = Friday 6 = Saturday 7 = Sunday

Is this the real thing? Tokyos fake food fad proves there are no boundaries to being creative. Photo: Kazuhiro Nogi

52 the pulse

THE MYANMAR TIMES August 26 - September 1, 2013

Friends mourn Dagon Taryars death

PROMINENT author Dagon Taryar, who spent a lifetime trying to achieve national peace, died of natural causes on August 19 at his nieces home in Aungban in Shan State, aged 95. His real name was Htay Myaing. He is recognised as a peace-loving author and his lifelong effort had been to achieve peace in the nation and in the people, poet Maung Sein Ni, chairman of Myanmar Poets Union told The Myanmar Times. He had a peaceable temperament and lived life peacefully. He even refused to accept the special honour of becoming nobility, as offered by the British government, and always stood up for the people all his life, Maung Sein Ni said. Dagon Taryar lived in an era of British colonialsim in Myanmar, a military coup in 1962 and uprising in 1988. He experienced, witnessed and was involved in fighting against oppression. Dagon Taryars political novel Doe Khit Yaut Ya Myi Hmar Ma Lwe Par (Certain to Reach Our Era) was censored five years ago but is now being reprinted. Zon Pann Pwint

August 26 September 1, 2013

Aquarius | Jan 20 - Feb 18 One of the greatest virtues you can cultivate is the simple act of listening. If you now the value of what you need to notice in the world around you, youll become aware of whats coming into your sphere of activity. A close friend getting in touch with you may be someone with whom you can spend a lifetime. Love may even be in the cards. Pisces | Feb 19 - March 20 Nothing in your mind needs to be complicated. Organise yourself as an optimist, and youll find that a constructive imagination can transform the world in to a global organization of reciprocal intercommunication. Using modern management techniques for optimizing personal, financial and material resources is essential to making uou more harmonious. Aries | Mar 21 - Apr 19 If youre seeking information about the future you must be prepared for the unexpected. Let old things go and be ready to awaken to new things that will improve your situation. Make the best use of your time right now. Create your most vivid mental picture of exactly what you want in life. Taurus | Apr 20 - May 20 Enlightenment comes through the consistent cultivation of mind, body and soul. Stop being a prisoner of the past and become an architect of the future. The most noble thing you can do is to share your knowledge and help others in need. Keep an accurate, objective picture of where the economy is today and start focusing on your higher purpose. Gemini | May 21 - June 20 Be yourself, an integral being, who knows without going, sees without looking and accomplishes without doing. Through greater self-control, you can gain the full benefit of your active mind. With your gifted imagination, social communication can enrich your life. Know that love is not meant to be limited. Let it go as it likes. Cancer | Jun 21 - Jul 22 Time is change. Familiarity means less change, and therefore less time. You can lengthen your life by keeping away from doctrines and ruts. Know that confession is often an avoidance of change, but confess nothing which is beyond your control. The results wont chain you down to continuous frustration.

WEEKLY predictions
Leo | Jul 23 - Aug 22 Take a quick mental survey of your activities up to this point in the day in order to determine your direction, as any direction seems decidedly preferable to no direction at all. Never let yourself be stuck where you are. Desire to increase the boundaries of yourself to do more, learn more and express more. Seek love above pleasure or power. Virgo | Aug 23 - Sep 22 Distinguish yourself. Understand how to feel comfortable and free at the same time. Realise that some changes are out of your control and some up-rootings are repetitions of past mistakes. Let yourself make a mark on humanity because of your inspirational and creative quality. Channel the extraordinary perceptions of the mind. Libra | Sep 23 - Oct 22 Dishonest people believe in words rather than reality. Dont fight a fact but deal with it. Youll soon see the value of reason, and the awareness will make your energy outflow more positive. Unless you accept your faults, you will most certainly doubt your virtue. Let your feelings become clear for love. Scorpio | Oct 23 - Nov 21 Bragging is a half-hidden fact, a rehearsal of past accomplishments that you slip into conversations under false pretenses, as opposed to sharing excitedly some recent recognition or achievement with a friend. Try to keep social issues in perspective. For positive change, make all communication with authorities diplomatic and transparent. Sagittarius | Nov 22 - Dec 21 Insecurity can mean a lack of selfknowledge. Know that deep emotions are often expressed in irrational words. There is no security on this earth, only opportunity. Time is the thing that keeps everything from happening all at once. Time management skills can create entirely new paradigms to your future. Capricorn | Dec 22 - Jan 19 Negative feedback is better than no feedback at all. Dont let your mind react to criticism with hurt feelings. Dislike is a function of need. Use your mental energy to take on the right challenges. Create yourself anew by moving toward self-sufficiency and optimism. Your job is to comfort the distressed and distress the comfortable.

Dagon Tayar in 2011 on a trip to Yangon. Photo: The Myanmar Times

Dagon Taryar, 1919-2013

One true star

Ko Ko Thett

OLLOWING the passing of journalist Maung Wuntha (1945- 11 August 2013) and satirist Min Lu (1954- August 11 2013), the great poet, novelist, peace activist and pianist Dagon Taryar died in Shan State in what may be called the Perseids of Burmas literary sky. Dagon Taryar had been Burmas unofficial national poet laureate for decades. He had outlived almost all of his contemporaries in a country where life expectancy for men is 62. More importantly, he stood out from many of his peers with his prolific output and his political and literary integrity. Since the 1970s, Taryar had shunned the hurly-burly of the Rangoon literary scene, but writers, journalists and poets would flock to his house in Aung Ban, Shan State, on his birthdays. He had lost his eyesight in his twilight years, but his writings continued to grace Burmese magazines. His death therefore has justifiably been mourned as a national loss and his funeral on Wednesday saw some of Burmas most prominent artists Dagon Tayas Most Notable Works Poetry: Ahlinka [Prosody, Selected Poems by Dagon Taya] (1962) Novels: - May (1941) - Myaing (1941) - Myuyitwaithaw Nway-Oo-Nya-Myar [Misty Spring Nights] (1953) - Sabe-oo [Budding Jasmines] (1961) - La-young-shoon-mya-thaw-Nya-tapar [Moonlit Night] (1964) - Doh-Khit-Ko Yauk-ya-myi-hma Malwe-bar [Our Times will Certainly Come] (1973) Memoirs: - Sandayar Saya [The Pianist] - Dagon Taya by Dagon Taya (1950) - Ghadalariz [China] (1951) - Yokeponhlwar [Snapshot Portraits of My Contemporaries] (1955) Literary Criticism: - Sapay Thabawtaya, Waybanye, Hloteshahmu [Literary Theory, Criticism, and Movements] - Ahlaveda [On Aesthetics]

and activists in attendance. Dagon Taryars affectionate nicknaming of men who were near and dear to him in what he calls snapshot portraits is well-known. He probably would have been the only Burmese writer who could get away with calling Aung San (1915-1947) the barbarian when Aung San was still alive and being worshipped as an independence hero in 1947. Like Aung San, Taryar had emerged from anti-colonial student movements in the 1930s. Both Aung San and Taryar had been editors of Oway magazine, a publication of the Rangoon University Student Union (RUSU). Unlike Aung San, Taryar became disillusioned with power politics and political squabbles as early as 1940. He was one of the principled Marxists who had initially objected to the idea of getting assistance from the fascist Japanese for the formation of an anticolonial Burmese armed force. Like his colleague Ba Hein, whom he called the civilized chap he had preferred to work with the Chinese communists. Taryars first novel May, adapted from Self by the British author Beverly Nichols, was published as a special edition by revolutionary book club Nagani [Red Dragon] in 1941. Even before the book was out, May was almost turned into a film to raise funds for the RUSU. Tayas poetic prose in May was very experimental in its days. Ba Hein called Taryar a word sculptor, whose style is characterised by new and unusual expressions. May, printed five times since 1941, would have enduring appeal for younger Marxist writers, from Mya Than Tint to Bamaw Tin Aung, who had died before Taryar. Dagon Taryars literary influence was such that Aung San asked him to pen what might have been the very first declaration of Burma Independence Army (BIA) to be dropped from the airplanes soon after the BIA occupied Rangoon in 1942. As far as Taryar was concerned, modern Burmese literature did not begin with the romanticist Khitsan movement in the 1930s. He set it off with the launch of Taryar magazine in December 1946, and the centrefold manifesto of the New Literature Movement. In the name of new literature, Taryar had advanced the Burmese language by bending it, coining new words and phrases or translating

English terms into his poetic Burmese. Taryar had been the most global and local poet of his time. Taryars heavenly language had dismayed many of his down-to-earth critics who made no distinction between social realism and socialist realism. Critic Thein Pe Myint charged, He [Dagon Taryar] propagates social[ist] realism, but his lines are intelligible only to himself. He talks about national culture, but his writings are too American. In his introduction to Twenty Years, a memoir by Major Chit Kaung, Taryar writes I love the communists [] They are a erudite lot who have sacrificed a lot for the country [], especially the communists who are not in power. Taryar had had to pay dearly for his communist sympathy. After the 1962 coup, General Ne Win threw him into a cell in Insein jail and kept him there for four years. When the Ne Win government bestowed upon him a prestigious national honour for his role in the independence movement, he declined it and went into exile in Shan State. When Taryar was not busy being a prolific writer and poet, he was an accomplished pianist, specialising in Burmese classics, and a dedicated peace activist (since the days of Cuban missile crisis). Arguably he was the most controversial and divisive literary figure Burma had ever produced. Yet he was convinced that he had no enemy. To him, politics are simple; they should be about turning foes into friends and the ultimate goal of democracy is peace. In the 1970s, he even attempted to quell the fight between the Burmese poets with his dictum, You may do away with rhyme. You may never do away with abhidhamma. Taryars abhidhamma is usually understood as ideology. His axiom did not go down well in the circle of a handful of contemporary poets who have advocated the de-ideologisation of contemporary Burmese poetry under the military rule. As the Pali phrase abhidhamma is also taken to mean profound dhamma, Taryar might have been telling poets to dive to conceptual and linguistic depths. Ko Ko Thett is a poet who helped co-author the collection of poems, Bones will Crow (2012), with the English novelist, James Byrne.

AUNG MYIN KYAW 4th Floor, 113, Thamain Bayan Road, Tarmwe township, Yangon. Tel: 09-731-35632, Email:

The Essentials
EMBASSIES Australia 88, Strand Road, Yangon. Tel : 251810, 251797, 251798, 251809, 246462, 246463, fax: 246159 Bangladesh 11-B, Than Lwin Road, Yangon. Tel: 515275, 526144, fax: 515273, email: bdootygn@ Brazil 56, Pyay Road, 6th mile, Hlaing Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 507225, 507251, 507482. fax: 507483. email: Administ.yangon@ Brunei 17, Kanbawza Avenue, Golden Velly (1), Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 566985, 503978, fax: 512854 email: bruneiemb@ Cambodia 25 (3B/4B), New University Avenue Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 549609, 540964, fax: 541462, email: RECYANGON @ China 1, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Yangon. Tel: 221280, 221281, fax: 227019, 228319 Danmark, No.7, Pyi Thu St, Pyay Rd, 7 Miles, Mayangone Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 01 9669520 - 17, Fax 01- 9669516 Egypt 81, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Yangon. Tel: 222886, 222887, email: egye mbyangon@ mptmail. France 102, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Yangon. Tel: 212178, 212520, email: ambaf rance. rangoun@ Germany 9, Bogyoke Aung San Museum Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 548951, 548952, email: info@rangun. India 545-547, Merchant St, Yangon. Tel: 391219, 388412, email: indiaembassy @ Indonesia 100, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Rd, Yangon. Tel: 254465, 254469, 229750, fax: 254468, email: kukygn @ Israel 15, Khabaung Street, Hlaing Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 515115, fax: 515116, email: info@ Italy 3, Inya Myaing Road, Golden Valley, Yangon. Tel: 527100, 527101, fax: 514565, email: ambyang. mail@ Japan 100, Natmauk Rd, Yangon. Tel: 549644-8, 540399, 540400, 540411, 545988, fax: 549643 Embassy of the State of Kuwait Chatrium Hotel, Rm: 416, 418, 420, 422, 40 Natmauk Rd, Tarmwe Tsp, Tel: 544500. North Korea 77C, Shin Saw Pu Rd, Sanchaung Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 512642, 510205 South Korea 97 University Avenue, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 5271424, 515190, fax: 513286, email: myanmar@mofat. Lao A-1, Diplomatic Quarters, Tawwin Road, Dagon Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 222482, fax: 227446, email: Laoembcab@ mptmail. Malaysia 82, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Yangon. Tel: 220248, 220249, email: mwkyangon@ Nepal 16, Natmauk Yeiktha, Yangon. Tel: 545880, 557168, fax: 549803, email: nepemb Norway, No.7, Pyi Thu St, Pyay Rd, 7 Miles, Mayangone Tsp,Yangon. Tel: 01 9669520 - 17 Fax 01- 9669516 Pakistan A-4, diplomatic Quarters, Pyay Rd, Yangon. Tel: 222881 (Chancery Exchange) fax: 221147, email: pakistan@ Philippines 50, Sayasan Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 558149-151, fax: 558154, email: p.e. Russian 38, Sagawa Road, Yangon. Tel: 241955, 254161, fax: 241953, email: rusinmyan@mptmail Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia No.287/289, U Wisara Rd, Sanchaung Tsp. Tel : 01-536153, 516952, fax : 01-516951 Serbia No. 114-A, Inya Rd, P.O.Box No. 943, Yangon. Tel: 515282, 515283, email: serbemb @ Singapore 238, Dhamazedi Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 559001, email: singemb_ ygn@_ sgmfa. Sri Lanka 34 Taw Win Road, Yangon. Tel: 222812, fax: 221509, email: slembassy. The Embassy of Switzerland No 11, Kabaung Lane, 5 mile, Pyay Rd, Hlaing Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 534754, 512873, 507089. Fax: 534754, Ext: 110 Thailand 94 Pyay Rd, Dagon Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 226721, 226728, 226824 Turkish Embassy 19AB, Kan Yeik Thar St, Mayangone Tsp,Yangon. Tel : 662992, Fax : 661365 United Kingdom 80 Strand Rd, Yangon. Tel: 370867, 380322, 371852, 371853, 256438, fax: 370866 United States of America 110, University Avenue, Kamayut Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 536509, 535756, Fax: 650306 Vietnam Bldg-72, Thanlwin Rd, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 511305 email: vnemb myr@ UNITED NATIONS ILO Liaison 1-A, Kanbae (Thitsar Rd), Yankin Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel : 01-566538, 566539 Fax : 01-566582 IOM 12th Flr, Traders Hotel, 223, tel: 252560 ext. 5002 UNAIDS Rm: (1223~1231), 12 Fl, Traders Hotel. tel: 252361, 252362, 252498. fax: 252364. UNDCP 11-A, Malikha St, Mayangone tsp. tel: 666903, 664539. fax: 651334. UNDP 6, Natmauk Rd, Bahan tel: 542910-19. fax: 292739. UNFPA 6, Natmauk Rd, Bahan tsp. tel: 546029. UNHCR 287, Pyay Rd, Sanchaung tsp. tel: 524022, 524024. fax 524031. UNIAP Rm: 1202, 12 Fl, Traders 254852, 254853. UNIC 6, Natmauk St., Bahan, tel: 52910~19 UNICEF 14~15 Flr, Traders Hotel. P.O. Box 1435, Kyauktada. tel: 375527~32, fax: 375552 email: unicef. yangon@unicef. org, UNODC 11-A, Malikha Rd., Ward 7, Mayangone. tel: 01-9666903, 9660556, 9660538, 9660398, 9664539, fax: 651334. email: UNOPS Inya Lake Hotel, 3rd floor, 37, Kaba Aye Pagoda Rd, Mayangone Tsp. tel: 951657281~7. Fax: 657279. UNRC 6, Natmauk Rd, P.O. Box 650, TMWE tel: 542911~19, 292637 (Resident Coordinator), fax: 292739, 544531. WFP 3rd-flr, Inya Lake Hotel, 37, Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd. tel: 657011~6 (6-lines) Ext: 2000. WHO 12A Fl, Traders Hotel. tel:250583. ASEAN Coordinating Of. for the ASEAN Humanitarian Task Force, 79, Taw Win st, Dagon Tsp. Ph: 225258. FAO Myanma Agriculture Service Insein Rd, Insein. tel: 641672, 641673. fax: 641561.

General Listing
No. 205, Corner of Wadan Street & Min Ye Kyaw Swa Road, Lanmadaw Tsp, Yangon. Myanmar. Tel: (95-1) 212850 ~ 3, 229358 ~ 61, Fax: (95-1) 212854. info@myanmarpandahotel .com http://www. Parkroyal Yangon, Myanmar 33, Alan Pya Pagoda Rd, Dagon tsp. tel: 250388. fax: 252478. email: enquiry.prygn@ parkroyalhotels. com. Golden Hill Towers 24-26, Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd, Bahan Tsp. tel: 558556. ghtower@ Marina Residence 8, Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd, Mayangone Tsp. tel: 6506 51~4. fax: 650630. MiCasa Hotel Apartments 17, Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd, Yankin Tsp. tel: 650933. fax: 650960. Sakura Residence 9, Inya Rd, Kamaryut Tsp. tel: 525001. fax: 525002. The Grand Mee Ya Hta Executive Residence 372, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Pabedan Tsp. tel 951-256355 (25 lines).

YANGON No. 277, Bogyoke Aung San Road, Corner of 38th Street, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel : (951) 391070, 391071. Reservation@391070 (Ext) 1910, 106. Fax : (951) 391375. Email :

Asia Plaza Hotel

Avenue 64 Hotel No. 64 (G), Kyitewine Pagoda Road, Mayangone Township. Yangon. 09 8631392, 01 656913-9 Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon 40 Natmauk Rd, Tarmwe. tel: 544500. fax: 544400.


Royal White Elephant Hotel No-11, Kan Street, Hlaing Tsp. Yangon, Myanmar. (+95-1) 500822, 503986. MGM Hotel No (160), Warden Street, Lanmadaw Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. +95-1-212454~9. www. Savoy Hotel 129, Damazedi Rd, Kamayut tsp. tel: 526289, 526298, Sweet Hotel 73, Damazedi Road, San Chaung Tsp, Ph: 539152 Sedona Hotel Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd, Yankin. tel: 666900. Strand Hotel 92 Strand Rd. tel: 243377. fax: 289880. Summit Parkview Hotel 350, Ahlone Rd, Dagon Tsp. tel: 211888, 211966. Thamada Hotel 5, Alan Pya Phaya Rd, Dagon. Tel: 243639, 243640. Traders Hotel 223 Sule Pagoda Rd. tel: 242828. fax: 242838. Winner Inn 42, Than Lwin Rd, Bahan Tsp. Tel: 503734, 524387. email: reservation@winner Yuzana Hotel 130, Shwegondaing Rd, Bahan Tsp, tel : 01-549600, 543367 Yuzana Garden Hotel 44, Alanpya Pagoda Rd, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Tsp, tel : 01-248944

No.7A, Wingabar Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel : (951) 546313, 430245. 09-731-77781~4. Fax : (01) 546313. Confort Inn 4, Shweli Rd, Bet: Inya Rd & U Wisara Rd, Kamaryut, tel: 525781, 526872

Reservation Office (Yangon) No-123, Alanpya Pagoda Rd, Dagon Tsp Tel : 01-255-819~838 Hotel Ayeyarwady (National Landmark, Zeyar Thiri Tsp, Nay Pyi Taw) Tel : 067-421-903, 09-4920-5016 E-Mail : reservation@

(Nay Pyi Taw)

No. (356/366), Kyaikkasan Rd, Tamwe Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Ph: 542826, Fax: 545650 Email: reservation@

Reservation Office (Yangon) 123, Alanpya Pagoda Rd, Dagon Township Tel : 951- 255 819~838 Royal Kumudra Hotel, (Nay Pyi Taw) Tel : 067- 414 177, 067- 4141 88 E-Mail: reservation@


Emergency Numbers
Ambulance tel: 295133. Fire tel: 191, 252011, 252022. Police emergency tel: 199. Police headquarters tel: 282541, 284764. Red Cross tel:682600, 682368 Traffic Control Branch tel:298651 Department of Post & Telecommunication tel: 591384, 591387. Immigration tel: 286434. Ministry of Education tel:545500m 562390 Ministry of Sports tel: 370604, 370605 Ministry of Communications tel: 067-407037. Myanma Post & Telecommunication (MPT) tel: 067407007. Myanma Post & Tele-communication (Accountant Dept) tel: 254563, 370768. Ministry of Foreign Affairs tel: 067-412009, 067-412344. Ministry of Health tel: 067-411358-9. Yangon City Development Committee tel: 248112. HOSPITALS Central Womens Hospital tel: 221013, 222811. Children Hospital tel: 221421, 222807 Ear, Nose & Throat Hospital tel: 543888. Naypyitaw Hospital (emergency) tel: 420096. Workers Hospital tel: 554444, 554455, 554811. Yangon Children Hospital tel: 222807, 222808, 222809. Yangon General Hospital (East) tel: 292835, 292836, 292837. Yangon General Hospital (New) tel: 384493, 384494, 384495, 379109. Yangon General Hospital (West) tel: 222860, 222861, 220416. Yangon General Hospital (YGH) tel: 256112, 256123, 281443, 256131. ELECTRICITY Power Station tel:414235 POST OFFICE General Post Office 39, Bo Aung Kyaw St. (near British Council Library). tel: 285499. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Yangon International Airport tel: 662811. YANGON PORT Shipping (Coastal vessels) tel: 382722 RAILWAYS Railways information tel: 274027, 202175-8.

M-22, Shwe Htee Housing, Thamine Station St., Near the Bayint Naung Point, Mayangone Tsp., Yangon Tel : 522763, 522744, 667557. Fax : (95-1) 652174 E-mail : grandpalace@

The First Air conditioning systems designed to keep you fresh all day Zeya & Associates Co., Ltd. No.437 (A), Pyay Road, Kamayut. P., O 11041 Yangon, Tel: +(95-1) 502016-18, Mandalay- Tel: 02-60933. Nay Pyi Taw- Tel: 067-420778, E-mail : com. URL: http://www.

No. 12, Pho Sein Road, Tamwe Township, Yangon Tel : (95-1) 209299, 209300, 209343, 209345, 209346 Fax : (95-1) 209344 E-mail : greenhill@ Hotel Yangon 91/93, 8th Mile Junction, Mayangone. Tel : 01-667708, 667688. Inya Lake Resort Hotel 37 Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd. tel: 662866. fax: 665537.


50th Street 9/13, 50th street-lower, Botataung Tsp. Tel-397160.

Happy Homes
Real Estate & Property Management

Tel: 09-7349-4483, 09-4200-56994. E-mail: aahappyhomes@, http://www.

Green Garden Beer Gallery Mini Zoo, Karaweik Oo-Yin Kabar.

THE MYANMAR TIMES august 26 - september 1, 2013 car rental

Lobby Bar Parkroyal Yangon, Myanmar. 33, Alan Pya Phaya Road, Dagon Tsp. tel: 250388. Lemon Day Spa No. 96 F, Inya Road, Kamaryut Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 514848, 09-732-08476. E.mail: lemondayspa.2011

co working space


Gems & Jewelleries

Home Furnishing

HOT LINE: 959 - 402 510 003 First Class VIP Limousine Car Rental. Professional English Speaking Drivers. Full Insurance for your Safety and comfortable journey Call us Now for your best choice

No. (6), Lane 2 Botahtaung Pagoda St, Yangon. 01-9010003, 291897.,

Strand Bar 92, Strand Rd, Yangon, Myanmar. tel: 243377.fax: 243393,

Sein Shwe Tailor, No.797 (003-A), Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Corner of Wardan St, MAC Tower 2, Lanmadaw Tsp, Yangon, Ph: 01-225310, 212943~4 Ext: 146, 147, E-mail:

22, Pyay Rd, 9 mile, Mayangone Tsp. tel: 660769, 664363. Ruby & Rare Gems of Myanamar No. 527, New University Ave., Bahan Tsp. Yangon.


No. 52, Royal Yaw Min Gyi Condo, Room F, Yaw Min Gyi Rd, Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 09-425-307-717

Co-Working/Event Space Affordable & central 01-1221265.


Tel: 549612, Fax : 545770.

coffee machine

Duty free

Balance Fitnesss No 64 (G), Kyitewine Pagoda Road, Mayangone Township. Yangon 01-656916, 09 8631392 Email - info@

Bldg-D, Rm (G-12), Pearl Condo, Ground Flr, Kabaraye Pagoda Rd, Bahan Tsp. Tel: 557448. Ext 814, 09-730-98872.

M a r k e t i n g & c o mm u n i c a t i o n s

A d v e r t i s i n g

SAIL Marketing & Communications Suite 403, Danathiha Center 790, Corner of Bogyoke Rd & Wadan Rd, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: (951) 211870, 224820, 2301195. Email: admin@ www.advertising-myanmar. com

Spa Paragon Condo B#Rm-106, Shwe Hinthar Condo, Corner of Pyay Rd & Shwe Hinthar St, 6Mile, Yangon. Tel: 01-507344 Ext: 112, 09-680-8488, 09-526-1642.

illy, Francis Francis, VBM, Brasilia, Rossi, De Longhi Nwe Ta Pin Trading Co., Ltd. Shop C, Building 459 B New University Avenue 01- 555-879, 09-4210-81705

Duty Free Shops Yangon International Airport, Arrival/Departure Tel: 533030 (Ext: 206/155) Office: 17, 2nd street, Hlaing Yadanarmon Housing, Hlaing Township, Yangon. Tel: 500143, 500144, 500145.



Innwa Book Store No. 246, Rm.201/301, GF, Pansodan Street (Upper Block), Kyauktada Tsp. Tel. 389838, 243216 Zamil Steel No-5, Pyay Road, 7 miles, Mayangone Tsp, Yangon. Tel: (95-1) 652502~04. Fax: (95-1) 650306. Email: zamilsteel@


Life Fitness Bldg A1, Rm No. 001, Shwekabar Housing, Mindhamma Rd, Mayangone Tsp. Yangon. Ph: 01-656511, Fax: 01-656522, Hot line: 0973194684,

No. 589-592, Bo Aung Kyaw St, Yangon-Pathein highway Road. Hlaing Tharyar tsp. Tel: 951645178-182, 685199, Fax: 951-645211, 545278. e-mail: mkt-mti@


Marina Residence, Yangon Ph: 650651~4, Ext: 109 Beauty Plan, Corner of 77th St & 31st St, Mandalay Ph: 02 72506

One-stop Solution for Sub-station, M&E Work Design, Supply and Install (Hotel, High Rise Building Factory) 193/197, Shu Khin Thar Street, North Okkalapa Industrial Zone, Yangon. Tel: 951-691843~5, 9519690297, Fax: 951-691700 Email: supermega97@

La Source Beauty Spa (Ygn) 80-A, Inya Rd, Kamayut Tsp. Tel: 512380, 511252 La Source Beauty Spa (Mdy) No. 13/13, Mya Sandar St, Between 26 x 27 & 62 & 63 St, Chanaye Tharzan Tsp,In ning Mandalay. Ope ust Tel : 09-4440-24496. Aug La Source Beauty Spa Sedona Hotel, Room (1004) Tel : 666 900 Ext : (7167) LS Saloon Junction Square, 3rd Floor. Tel : 95-1-527242, Ext : 4001

n oo !! ns ns Mo otio m o Pr

150 Dhamazedi Rd., Bahan T/S, Yangon. Tel: 536306, 537805. Room 308, 3rd Flr., Junction Center (Maw Tin), Lanmadaw T/S, Yangon. Tel: 218155, Ext. 1308. 15(B), Departure Lounge, Yangon Intl Airport. 45B, Corner of 26th & 68th Sts., Mandalay. Tel: (02) 66197. Email: MYANMARBOOKCENTRE Nandawun Compound, No. 55, Baho Road, Corner of Baho Road and Ahlone Road, (near Eugenia Restaurant), Ahlone Township. tel: 212 409, 221 271. 214708 fax: 524580. email:info@


No. 20, Ground Floor, Pearl Street, Golden Valley Ward, Bahan Township, Yangon. Tel : 09-509 7057, 01220881, 549478 (Ext : 103) Email : realfitnessmyanmar

98(A), Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon. Tel: 553783, 549152, 09-732-16940, 09-730-56079. Fax: 542979 S.B. FURNITURE Email: asiapacific.

European Quality & Designs Indoor/ Outdoor Furniture, Hotel Furniture & All kinds of woodworks No. 422, FJVC Centre, Ground Floor, Room No. 4, Strand Road, Botahtaung Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 01-202063-4, 09 509-1673 E-mail: contact@,


No-001-002, Dagon Tower, Ground Flr, Cor of Kabaraye Pagoda Rd & Shwe Gon Dine Rd, Bahan Tsp. Tel: 544480, 09-730-98872.

Myanmar Research | Consulting | Technology

FloralService&GiftShop No. 449, New University Avenue, Bahan Tsp. YGN. Tel: 541217, 559011, 09-860-2292. Market Place By City Mart Tel: 523840~43, 523845~46, Ext: 205. Junction Nay Pyi Taw Tel: 067-421617~18 422012~15, Ext: 235. Res: 067-414813, 09-49209039. Email : eternal@

Shwe Hinthar B 307, 6 1/2 Miles, Pyay Rd., Yangon. Tel: +95 (0)1 654 730


24 hours Laboratory & X-ray No. (68), Tawwin Street, 9 Mile, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel : (951) 9 666141 Fax : (951) 9 666135



Cooper Valves

Exotic Alloys for Severe Service, Myanmar Sales Representative

Dance Club & Bar No.94, Ground Floor, Bogalay Zay Street, Botataung Tsp, Yangon.Tel: 392625, 09-500-3591 Email : danceclub.
(Except Sunday)

24 hours Cancer centre No. (68), Tawwin Street, 9 Mile, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel : (951) 9 666141 Fax : (951) 9 666135

RISK & INSURANCE SOLUTIONS Tel: (09) 40 15 300 73

U Min Sein, BSc, RA, CPA.,RL Advocate of the Supreme Court 83/14 Pansodan St, Yangon. tel: 253 273.

Floral Service & Gift Centre 102(A), Dhamazaydi Rd, 500142 Summit Parkview Hotel, tel: 211888, 211966 ext. 173 fax: sandy@

Foam spray Insulation

24 Hour International Medical Centre @ Victoria Hospital No. 68, Tawwin Rd, 9 Mile, Mayangon Township, Yangon, Myanmar Tel: + 951 651 238, + 959 495 85 955 Fax: + 959 651 398 24/7 on duty doctor: + 959 492 18 410 Website: One Stop Solution for Quality Health Care

Media & Advertising

Foam Spray Insulation No-410, Ground Fl,Lower Pazuntaung Rd, Pazun taung Tsp, Yangon.Telefax : 01-203743, 09-5007681. Hot Line-09-730-30825.

GAS COOKER & Cooker Hoods

Worlds leader in Kitchen Hoods & Hobs Same as Ariston Water Heater. Tel: 251033, 379671, 256622, 647813

One Stop ENT Center No. (68), Tawwin Street, 9 Mile, Mayangone Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel : (951) 9 666141 Fax : (951) 9 666135 Email : Website :

Intuitive Design, Advertising, Interior Decoration Corporate logo/Identity/ Branding, Brochure/ Profile Booklet/ Catalogue/ Billboard, Corporate diary/ email newsletter/ annual reports, Magazine, journal advertisement and 3D presentation and detailed planning for any interior decoration works. Talk to us: (951) 430-897, 553-918 58B Myanma Gon Yaung Housing, Than Thu Mar Road, Tamwe, Yangon.

Marine Communication & Navigation

No. (68), Tawwin Street, 9 Mile, Mayangone Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel : (951) 9 666141 Fax : (951) 9 666135 Email : Website :

Yangon : A-3, Aung San Stadium (North East Wing), Mingalartaungnyunt Tsp. Tel : 245543, 09-73903736, 09-73037772. Mandalay : No.(4) 73rd St, Btw 30th & 31st St, Chan Aye Thar Zan Tsp. Tel : 096803505, 09-449004631.

Top Marine Show Room No-385, Ground Floor, Lower Pazundaung Road, Pazundaung Tsp, Yangon. Ph: 01-202782, 09-851-5597

august 26 - september 1, 2013 THE MYANMAR TIMES

Office Furniture

Enchanting and Romantic, a Bliss on the Lake 62 D, U Tun Nyein Road, Mayangon Tsp, Yangon Tel. 01 665 516, 660976 Mob. 09-730-30755 1. WASABI:No.20-B, Kaba Aye Pagoda Rd, Yankin Tsp,(Near MiCasa), Tel; 666781,09-503-9139 2. WASABI SUSHI:Market Place by City Mart (1st Floor). Tel; 09-430-67440 Myaynigone (City Mart) Yankin Center (City Mart) JunctionMawtin(CityMart) UnionBarAndGrill 42 Strand Road, Botahtaung, Yangon. Tel: 95 9420 180 214, 95 9420 101 854, UnionBarAndGrill

service office

Water TAnk

Open Daily (9am to 6pm) No. 797, MAC Tower II, Rm -4, Ground Flr, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Lamadaw Tsp, Yangon. Tel: (951) 212944 Ext: 303 sales.centuremyanmar@

Aye Yeik Tha Real Estate Mobile: 09-518 8320, 09-507 4096.

Bo Sun Pat Tower, Bldg 608, Rm 6(B), Cor of Merchant Rd & Bo Sun Pat St, PBDN Tsp. Tel: 377263, 250582, 250032, 09-511-7876, 09-862-4563.

No. (6), Lane 2 Botahtaung Pagoda St, Yangon. 01-9010003, 291897.,

PE water tank

Tel : 01-684734, 685823, 09-7307-6589, 4500-48469.


Water Treatment

Capital Hyper Mart 14(E), Min Nandar Road, Dawbon Tsp. Ph: 553136. City Mart (Aung San Branch) tel: 253022, 294765. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (47th St Branch) tel: 200026, 298746. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (Junction 8 Branch) tel: 650778. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (FMI City Branch) tel: 682323. City Mart (Yankin Center Branch) tel: 400284. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (Myaynigone Branch) tel: 510697. (9:00 am to 10:00 pm) City Mart (Zawana Branch) tel:564532. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (Shwe Mya Yar) tel: 294063. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (Chinatown Point) tel: 215560~63. (9:00 am to 10:00 pm) City Mart (Junction Maw Tin) tel: 218159. (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) City Mart (Marketplace) tel: 523840~43. City Mart (78th Brahch-Mandalay) tel: 02-71467~9. IKON Mart No.332, Pyay Rd, San Chaung. Tel: 535-783, 527705, 501429. Email: sales-ikon@ Junction Mawtin Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Cor of Wadan St. Lanmadaw. Ocean Supercentre (North Point ), 9th Mile. Tel: 651 200, 652963. Commercial scale water treatment (Since 1997) Tel: 01-218437~38. H/P: 09-5161431, 09-43126571. 39-B, Thazin Lane, Ahlone.

Real Estate Agent Agent fees is unnecessary Tel : 09 2050107, 09 448026156

Good taste & resonable price @Thamada Hotel Tel: 01-243047, 243639-41 Ext: 32 Acacia Tea Salon 52, Sayar San Rd, Bahan Tsp, Tel : 01-554739.

22, Kaba Aye Pagoda Rd, Bahan Tsp. tel 541997. email: leplanteur@

Bld-A2, Gr-Fl, Shwe Gabar Housing, Mindama Rd, Mayangone Tsp, Yangon. email: eko-nr@ Ph: 652391, 09-73108896

Real Estate Agency

Email : realwin2012@ Tel : 09-732-02480, 09-501-8250

G-01, City Mart (Myay Ni Gone Center). Tel: 01-508467-70 Ext: 106

Water Heaters

Lunch/Dinner/Catering 555539, 536174 For House-Seekers Bld-A2, Gr-Fl, Shwe Gabar Housing, Mindama Rd, Mayangone Tsp, Yangon. email: eko-nr@ Ph: 652391, 09-73108896

G-05, Marketplace by City Mart. Tel: 01-523840 Ext: 105

with Expert Services In all kinds of Estate Fields

Tel : 09-332 87270 09-4203 18133 (Fees Free)

Worlds No.1 Paints & Coatings Company


a drink from paradise... available on Earth @Yangon International Hotel, No.330, Ahlone Rd, Dagon Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 09-421040512

No. 5, U Tun Nyein Street, Mayangone T/S, Yangon. Tel : 01-660 612, 011 22 1014, 09 50 89 441 Email : lalchimiste.

The Global leader in Water Heaters A/1, Aung San Stadium East Wing, Upper Pansodan Road. Tel: 01-256705, 399464, 394409, 647812.

Monsoon Restaurant & Bar 85/87, Thein Byu Road, Botahtaung Tsp. Tel: 295224, 09-501 5653. No. 372, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Pabedan T/S, Yangon. Tel : 01-380 398, 01-256 355 (Ext : 3027) Email : zawgyihouse@

Made in Japan Same as Rinnai Gas Cooker and Cooker Hood Showroom Address

Water Heater


Sole Distributor For the Union of Myanmar Since 1995 Myanmar Golden Rock International Co.,Ltd. #06-01, Bldg (8), Myanmar ICT Park, University Hlaing Campus, Hlaing Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 654810~17.

Relocation Specialist Rm 504, M.M.G Tower, #44/56, Kannar Rd, Botahtaung Tsp. Tel: 250290, 252313. Mail :

No.430(A), Corner of Dhamazedi Rd & Golden Valley Rd, Building(2) Market Place (City Mart), Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel : 01-523840(Ext-309), 09-73208079.

Ocean Center (North Point), Ground Floor, Tel : 09-731-83900 01-8600056


TOP MARINE PAINT No-410, Ground Floor, Lower Pazundaung Road, Pazundaung Tsp, Yangon. Ph: 09-851-5202


Legendary Myanmar Intl Shipping & Logistics Co., Ltd. No-9, Rm (A-4), 3rd Flr, Kyaung St, Myaynigone, Sanchaung Tsp, Yangon. Tel: 516827, 523653, 516795. Mobile. 09-512-3049. Email: legandarymyr@ .mm

Quality Chinese Dishes with Resonable Price @Marketplace by City Mart. Tel: 01-523840 Ext.109

Delicious Hong Kong Style Food Restaurant G-09, City Mart (Myay Ni Gone Center). Tel: 01-508467-70 Ext: 114

Horizon Intl School 25, Po Sein Road, Bahan Tsp, tel : 541085, 551795, 551796, 450396~7. fax : 543926, email : contact@horizonmyanmar. com,

World-class Web Services Tailor-made design, Professional research & writing for Brochure/ Catalogue/e-Commerce website, Customised business web apps, online advertisement and anything online. Talk to us: (951) 430-897, 553-918 58B Myanma Gon Yaung Housing. Than Thu Mar Road, Tamwe, Yangon.

Heaven Pizza 38/40, Bo Yar Nyunt St. Yaw Min Gyi Quarter, Dagon Township. Tel: 09-855-1383

Indian Fine Dining & Bar Bldg No. 12, Yangon Intl Compound, Ahlone Road. Tel: 01-2302069, 09-43185008, 09-731-60662.

INTERNATIONAL MONTESSORI MYANMAR (Pre-K, Primary) 55 (B) Po Sein Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon, Tel: 01-546097, 546761.


Moby Dick Tours Co., Ltd. Islands Safari in the Mergui Archipelago 5 Days, 7 Days, 9 Days Trips Tel: 95 1 202063, 202064 E-mail: info@islandsafari Website: www.

Crown Worldwide Movers Ltd 790, Rm 702, 7th Flr Danathiha Centre, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Lanmadaw. Tel: 223288, 210 670, 227650. ext: 702. Fax: 229212. email: crown

World famous Kobe Beef Near Thuka Kabar Hospital on Pyay Rd, Marlar st, Hlaing Tsp. Tel: +95-1-535072

The Ritz Exclusive Lounge Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon 40, Natmauk Road, Tamwe Tsp, Ground Floor, Tel: 544500 Ext 6243, 6244

Road to Mandalay Myanmar Hotels & Cruises Ltd. Governors Residence 39C, Taw Win Rd, Dagon Tsp, Yangon. Tel: (951) 229860 fax: (951) 217361. email:

Schenker (Thai) Ltd. Yangon 59 A, U Lun Maung Street. 7 Mile Pyay Road, MYGN. tel: 667686, 666646.fax: 651250. email: sche

Kohaku Japanese Restaurant Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon 40, Natmauk Road, Tamwe Tsp, Lobby Level, Tel: 544500 Ext 6231

The Emporia Restaurant Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon 40, Natmauk Road, Tamwe Tsp. Lobby Level, Tel: 544500 Ext 6294

Yangon International School Fully Accredited K-12 International Curriculum with ESL support No.117,Thumingalar Housing, Thingangyun Township, Yangon. Tel: 578171, 573149 Yangon International School New Early Childhood Center Pan Hlaing Golf Estate Housing & U Tun Nyo Street, Hlaing Thar Yar Township, Yangon. Tel: 687701, 687702

Asian Trails Tour Ltd 73 Pyay Rd, Dagon tsp. tel: 211212, 223262. fax: 211670. email: res@ Shan Yoma Tours Co.,Ltd

Custom web design and development. Scalable, optimized sites and responsive design for mobile web. Facebook apps, ads and design. Hosting and domains. Myanmars 1st socially and eco responsible IT company. Get in touch: and 09 7316 2122.


Car Rental with English Speaking Driver. (Safety and Professional Services). Tel : +95 9 2050107

Check Eligibility Business Visa And Tourist Visa No need to come to Myanmar Embassy


for IGCSE course can come and see the results of past IGCSE/GCE O results. Do you want your child to be one of them? Hp: 09-732-55281 guide for 2nd M.B., B.S Classes 09-517-3808. saya Saw Aung (Ex.A.P), Chemistry Classes for Int'l School (sec-levels), IGCSE Cambridge Int'l AS & A Level & SAT-2, Ph: 09500-5470. For IGCSE (Edexcel & Cambridge) & Secondary students Regular tuition classes Home tuition classes Exam preparation classes All subjects available Contact: Tr. Pyae Phyo Kyaw 09-508-8683 Tr. Kaung Myat (Special for Maths) BE(PE) For Int'l Courses Geometry, Algebra I & II, Pre Calculus.Ph : 09-731-42020 Email: kaungmyatoo251@ gmail. com One-stopInt'lEduCentre Foreign & Local Teacher IGCSE/GCE 'O' (all subjects) www.facebook. com / superstarigcse theinhtikesan01@gmail. com. 09-732-55281, 09513-9298 "Scholar Teaching Organization" founded with ME,BE and Master Degree holder with 12 years experience in teaching field.Role and Responsibility: Making the students develop problem solvingskills, critical thinking skills & I.Q & E.Q enriching skills, Int'l Schoo (ILBC, Total, MISY, ISY, PISM, Horizon, ISM, network, CISM, MIS, MLA, ES4E, DSY RV). All grades, All Subjects ..... Singapore MOE Exams (AEIS, -AEIS exam), SAT, IGCSE, IELTS, TOFEL.. Tr.Daniel Caulin: 09-2150075. Tr.Bryan : 09-420070692. Maths (home tuition) Are you need in IGCSE, GCE O & A, SET 1 & 2 mathematic, I can set up your ability. Sa Ya Henry(BE) Ph: 09-4210-13498 TUTORING SERVICE : Secondary I, II, III & IV (All subjects) IGCSE (All subjects) All Int'l School Students. Ph:09732-04820, 09-422550085, 09-4201- 05 422. STudy Home for General English (4 skills) Language from Basic. Who want to study home in private time and need study guide only English Grammar for children. Let's join us Now! Ph: 09-4210- 37619 services such as advertising in facebook, Google, YouTube, YAHOO!, etc. If you are interested in advertising locally or internationally, pls contact 09-732-55281 Mobile Container office, Mobile Clinic , Garments on Hanger GOH for Multipack Engineering Services Limited : (420/422), Rm 301, 3rd Flr, Corner of Strand Rd & Botahtaung Market St, Botahtaung, Yangon, Tel : 397-974, 299-511, 09- 504- 2810, 09-730- 21041. AUGUST Engineering Service (Aircondition & Electrical) Installation, Repairing & Maintenance. Tel:09731-10321, 09-31268502. Email; aes. Aung Professional Translation Professional Translation from Myanmar to English and English to Myanmar. For Translation, Technological Subjects, Education, Contract, Advertising, Movie, Literature,etc. With Various Services on paper, electronic file, recording and other relevant matters. both regular & express with expert service. 09732-11907, 09-73082069. Email :aung. Real Estate We have Lands for sale suitable for making Industrial buildings in large area. Buyers can Contact Us on 09-4500-59037 (There is no pay for Agents & Third party ... Warmly welcome the buyers) Intel Core i3 (3rd) Ram 4GB H.D.D 500GB Intel HD Graphic 4000 Price : 360000. Ph : 09-31288077 99% New Samsung Series 5 Ultra Book Intel Core i5 Ram 8GB H.D.D + SSD Display 13.3 1 Year 6 Month International Warranty Price : 720000. Ph : 094200-50651 iPhone 4S 32GB white official unlock 98% new (370000ks) contact : 09514-7480. New ipad 32GB, WiFi Only, White Color, all accessories, box & cover. Asus Nexus 7, 32GB, 3G + Wi-Fi, Black Color, all accessories, box & cover. Sony Ericsson Xperia ray, White Color, all accessories, box & cover. Ph : 09-514-6483 Epson Slip Printer (include all accessories and cable) Model_ TMU220D Color- Black Price : 145,000 Ks 2ply roll paper 20 packs Ph: 09-503-6050 Apple iphone 4 [ with original box with full accessories, officially unlock in Singapore ] Price : 270000 Kyats. Ph : 09-44-800-6520 CAR, Toyota Crown [2002 Model] [pearl white 2 tones, 2500 Cc] (Premium Package, Original TV, PS, PW, Swing AC, SRS, ABS, DVD, Sun Shade) Nissan Tiida Latio [ 2007 Model] [pearl white, 1500 Cc](M grade, Original TV, PS, PW, AC, SRS, ABS, DVD, Smart Key, Push Start, Gray Back Grass) Toyota Corolla Van [1998 Model, 1500 Cc, Silver Color] (L Extra, PS, AC, SRS, ABS) : CC / ---- Mazda Scrum Truck [2003 Model, 660 Cc] (AC, PS, 2WD, Manual Gear) Ph : 09-492-75744 Antique camera of Agfa brand from Germany which is over 100 years and it can still be available to use with Isochrom 120 Film. If you are interesting for it, pls contact Ph: 01538321, 09-310-59596, 09-4308-4000. 2 Month Used Samsung Galaxy S2 White Color 16GB With Original Accessries Version 4.1.2 Price 200000. Ph:09-73048106

By Fax : 01-254158 By Email :, By Mail : 379/383, Bo Aung Kyaw St, Kyauktada Township, Yangon.


Buy space ON THESE PAGES Call: Khin Mon Mon Yi - 01-392676, 392928

MYANMAR : Within 24 hours can make you get confidient in Myanmar Language and scripts! Teacher Phyu Phyu Khin : 09- 4930-8926 (phyuporcupine@gmail. com) English General, Business English and Conversation English taught by experienced and qualified native speaker. Specialist in Vocational English - Hospitality, Retail, Management Skills, Marketing Management, Business Development and Tourism Industries. Also IELTS Preparation, assistance with essays and assignments. Email maryjane.denton@ gmail. com The Great New for Foreigners : We are offering easiest way to learn Myanmar Language at your home. If you would like to learn it,join us Now! we are offering fair fees for you! Contact: 09-421037619 Starting now Basic Grammar, Basic English 4 Skills, IELTS Foundation, Basic English Speaking Course, Oversea English Speaking Courses. Can offer Home style teaching & individual teaching. Ph: 09-732-15521 Are you a native speaker of English? Do you want to learn to speak, read, write or listen in Myanmar, Chinese and Japanese (all levels)? No. 757, 3rd Flr, Lanmadaw, Ygn (in Chinatown). theinhtikesan01@gmail. com 09-513-9298 Package Trip for 2 night 3 days 160000 kyats for one person. Chaungtha Beach HotelMax, Belle Resort + Transportation + breakfast, lunch, Dinner 65000 kyats for one person.(1 night) 120000 kyats for one person (2 night) Ph: 09-500-59037, 09-31294519 amazing Oriental Travel & Tours Co., Ltd. Aung Kyaw Htun, Director, 09540-4040, No, 351, 1st Flr, Lower Kyimyindaing Rd, Ahlone, Yangon, Tel: + 95 1 229853, + 95 9 4201-27800, 4201-27900, Email: amazingorient-travels@, www. amazingorienttravels. com seven Star Tours, Rm 4-B, Sein Yadanar Condo, No.21/C, Sein Yadanar St, Ward (1), Kamayut, Yangon. Tel: 507261, 507264, 094015-41044, 09-401541055, Fax: 507273. Email: sevensta@ m y a n m a r. c o m . m m s e v e n s t a r. t o u r s @

CONDO for rent : Near British Council on Strand Road, Fully-funished Condo Excellent River View 1500 sqft, 1 MB, 2 BR, 5 A/C, Ph, 25 Lakhs. Ph: 09-730-60078. Kyauktada, 194, 33 St (Upper), Service Apartments: 3rd/ 4/5 Flr. Fully finished, Furniture, Air corn & TV satellite. Suitable to rent for foreigner. Ph: 09- 73094644, 09-731-57992. (1). BAHAN , Near Kandawgyi Hotel, (apartment) 900 Sqft 1MR, 2 SR, fully furnish 750 USD. (2).Golden velley, 1 RC, 8200 sqft, 1 MR, 2SR, fully furnish, 2500 USD (3).Golden velley, 2 RC, 3000 sqft, 1 MR, 2 SR, 2200 USD. (4). Golden velley, 3 RC, 9600 sqft, good for office 5000 USD. (5).Golden velley, 2 RC, 8500 Sqft, 2 MR, 2SR, 6000 USD. (6).Golden velley, near Inya Rd, 3 RC, 4500 sqft, 6 MR, 8000 USD. (7). 7 Mile, 2 RC, 8500 Sqft, 2 RC, 3 MR, 1 SR, some of furnish, 3000 USD. Ph:09-4201-14749 (1).Near Pearl condo, 1 RC, 3500 Sqft, 1MR, 2 SR, 2000 USD. (2) Chaungthargonyoung condo, 2200 Sqft, 1 MR, 2SR, fully furnish, swimming pool, health club. 2200 USD. (3) Pearl condo, 2000 Sqft, 1 MR, 2 SR, 1800 USD. (4) Parami Rd, 2 RC, 4500 Sqft, 4 MR, fully furnish, 5500 USD. (5) Near new university avenue, 2 RC, 4500 Sqft, 3 MR, fully furnish, 6000 USD. (6) Inya Rd, 1 RC, 8000 Sqft, 3 MR, 15000 USD. (7) Golden velly, near ISY school, 2 RC, 2 MR, 2 SR, 45OO USD. (8)May Kha housing, 3 RC, 3000 Sqft, fully furnish, 1800 USD. Ph: 09-4921-4276, SANCHAUNG, Ma Kyi Kyi Condo, 2400 sqft, 2 MB, 2 BR, 4 A/C,25 Lakhs. Maureen : 09-518-8320 MAYANGONE, 8 Mile, MTP Condo, 1500 sqft, 2 MB, 3 A/C, Ph. 20 Lakhs. Maureen : 09-518-8320 APARTMENT for Leasing Dagon, Samone St, 3 Flr, 139sqm, 1MBR, 1 BR, 4A/C, USD 1800/month, Fully Furnished Ring: Colliers int'l Myanmar on 09-4210-32600 or 094210-14128. Near yuzana plaza, Aung Thapyae St, 1100 square feet, 1 MBR, 2 common rooms, parque, floor tiles & wall tiles , fully decored and line phone, 2 nd floor. also suitable for office & foreigners. ph: 09516-7767, 09-517-0481, 09-401-538760 BAHAN, Moe Myint San Condo, 2400sqft, 5 A/C, Ph, skynet, f.f. 25 Lakhs(2)Pearl Condo, 1500 sqft, p.f, 4 A/C, 15 lakhs. Ph : 09-518-8320. Serviced Apartments & Office Accommodation to rent on behalf of Landlords. Pls contact : Ron Chaggar : 09-31336099, Hsu Sandi : 094210-14128 at Colliers International Myanmar Leasing Department. Office Space for Rental: Pansondan Tower, Pansondan (Central) Block, 1700 Sqft, 2 service lifts, Hall Type, Monthly Rental US$ 4000. Ph: 09-73154071, 01-514-802, 530-756 FOREIGNERS : A modern compact 2650 sq.ft floor

akh Family Life Sciences Marketing Groups is the business of MedicoMarketing, FMCGmarketing, Advertising or otherwise Promoting the sale of Pharmaceuticals Products or Consumer Products. We are specializing in direct pharmaceutical market ing services & FMCG marketing services including of recruiting, training, organizing & managing sales & marketing field forces in Myanmar. We offer long-term partnerships in representing pharma ceutical companies or FMCG who wish to increase their products' awareness & sales in markets & the medical environment in our country. Contact : 09-5169368, 09-4224-86379.

I.C.S system solution (OneStop services) Computer Maintenance, Wireless Router Confi guration, Window OS & Software Installation, Internet & Netowrk services direct to the Company, Office & Home. Available Contract service. Weekly for Only Monday. Ph: 09-5409712. (1)Money Changer software for Computer System. Changing one from another currency. Buy & Sale Currency with receipt. Enable to Show External Display for daily exchange rate. LED board not included (Separate charge For Upgrade) (2)Travel & Tour Booking Software. Ph: 09-730-75931, Email:

area single-storied 3 bedroom house, with two gate entrances, spacious lawn, garden and compound on 0.4 acre plot of land, situated in quiet locality within walking distance from International School and only 3 miles from downtown Yangon. If interested please contact phone 537061, 703493, 09-511-9421. No brokers please. Sanchaung, On Pyay Rd, near Int'l Schools, Dagon Centre, City Mart (Myenigone) and Alliance Francaise. Newly renovated, 3rd flr, 1500 sq ft (30' x 50'), 1MB+2SB, 3AC, land line phone. Teak parquet, spacious bathroms and western kitchen. Clean, airy, full light of day, security and carparking. No high buildings around. Can be furnished, if required. Good location for NGO office / residence. Ph 09732-39525.

LASHIO : Ward 12, 2Acres Land including the main house and 2storey building. In downtown and Very Good place for business. Price: negotiable. Ph: 09-5171377, 09-515-8738 MAYANGONE, 8 Mile, MTP Condo, 1500 sqft, 2 MB, 3 A/C, Ph. 3000 Lakhs. Maureen : 09518-8320. LANMADAW, (25'x50') 12th St, the whole 8 unit (lift), For Hotel, Education, Ph: 09-566-1037. CORNER LAND 36 ft x 43 ft and house 1 billion ks. (10,000 Lakhs) (negotiable) - On Insein Road, near Hledan (near DaNuPhyu Daw Saw Yi Restaurant), Kamayut, a good place for business. Complete documentation of the land, with water, electricity & 1 landline phone installed. Ko Ye : 09-4201-01705. email: BEACH LAND for sales - 30 min by boat from Ngapali in St Andrews bay - Maung Shwe Lay village. 3,5 acres - possible to extend - suitable for hotel or private villa. 100 meter beachfront. Send email for more information: or call 09-731-99668 (English) or 09-450003312 Mayangone, 9 miles, Bonyarna Lane (50x 70x 65) garden with including house (3700 Lakhs) no agent please. Pls call owner : 09-73028726.

Web Development & Design Training Sat & Sun - 3:00pm-5:00pm. Contact: 09-4211-44937 IELTS/SAT Teacher Training Are you a native speaker of English? Do you want to become a IELTS/ SAT English Teacher? We train you practically. 757, 3rd Flr, Lanmadaw (in Chinatown). theinhtikesan01@gmail. com 095139298

For Sale
(1)Toyota MarkII [1999 Model] [pearl white 2 tones, 2000 Cc] (Trante Package, PS, PW, AC, SRS, ABS, Navi TV, CD) (2)Mitsubishi Pajero [2000 Model] [ pearl white , 3200 Cc diesel] (Original TV, Back Cam, PS, PW, AC, SRS, ABS, Gray Back Grass) (3) Toyota Corolla Van [1997 Model, 1500 Cc, White Color] (GL Extra, PS, 2PW, AC, Rear Wiper) **Only 40000** Kilometers : CC / ---(4)Toyota Succeed Wagon [2002 Model, 1500 Cc, Red Color] (TX G Package, PS, 4PW, AC, SRS, ABS, Rear Wiper, Gray Back Grass, CD Player) CC / ---- (5)Daihatsu Hijet Truck [ 2003 Model, 660 Cc ] - 2 Units (AC, PS, 2WD, Manual Gear/ Auto Gear) Ph : 09-492-75744 ASUS A42J Intel Core i7 Ram 4GB H.D.D 500GB Garaphic 2GB Price : 480000. Ph : 09501-6694 99% New Singtech W540EU Ultrabook

Virgin Land Tours: Visa Services. Worldwide Air Ticketing. Worldwide Hotel Reservation. All Kind Transportation Rental. Inbound & Out bound Tour Operator. Tour Guide Services. Ph: 01-8610252, 09512-3793, 09-520-2643 NYAN MYINT THU Car Rental Service : Ko Nyan Myint Win Kyi (MD) - No 56, Bo Ywe St, Latha, Yangon, Myanmar. Ph : (+95)01246551, 01-375284. Hp:(+95)09-2132778. il:nyanmyintthu1983@, nmt@ nyanmyintthucarrental. com, colwinkyi@ Web:www. nyanmyintthucarrental. com Natthmee Classical Travels : Taunggyi-InlyKalaw-Pindaya ( july 18) hotels + Transportation + breakfast, lunch, Dinner Package Trip for 3 night 4 days 180000 kyats for one person. BaganPopa (july 18) hotels + Transportation + breakfast,lunch,Dinner

Want to Buy
We want to buy Marine Generator operation and maintenance manual books and Marine main engines operation and maintenance manual books(B&W or Yanmar Or UEC , etc..Pls contact 09-518-4314 Embassy of Pakistan intends to purchase 1 x car sedan model 2013 automatic (not higher than 2000 cc) for official use. Sealed bids are invited from interested parties at the following address:-"Embassy of Pakistan Diplomatic Quarters Pyay Rd, Yangon buy & exchange used Apple Iphone Samsung HTC Sony Huawei Used Laptop notebook Netbook macbook pro & table ipad etc.. contact -09-517-8391. SUPER Custom : Model 99,2000. Ph: 09518-8320. used Apple Iphone Samsung HTC Sony Huawei Used Laptop notebook Netbook macbook pro and table ipad etc.. contact : 09517-8391

IGCSE Foreign & Local Teacher IGCSE/GCE 'O' (all subjects), BCA, SAT, IELTS, TOEFL, Maths Courses, English Courses, Grammar. Ph: 09-513-9298. www. superstarigcse IGCSE, Secondary 2,3,4 Physics, Mathematics B & Pure Mathematics Practice with 20 years old questions. Allow individual or section. Only 5 students for one sectin. Near Heldan Sein Gay Har. Ph: 09-450025213, 524617. OIEC LMD Students attend OIEC only and passed IGCSE/GCE O Exam with all subjects As including A* (all distinctions) at one sitting. Sec 2, 3 & 4 (grade 8, 9 & 10) students also attend IGCSE at only OIEC for one year and passed the exam with all distinctions. Parents/ guardians who enroll their children at OIEC

excellent Creation Co., Ltd. DVD/ VCD/ CD (Audio & Data) Manuf acturing. Professional HD/DV Camera, Rental, Making, Editing. Video & Music Production/ Distribution. DVD/ VCD Duplicating. Maha myaing Cinema (Insein). Add: 162-164, Top Flr, Pansodan Rd (Middle), Kyauktada, Yangon. Tel: 254560, 254564.

Expert Services
Internet Advertising Do you advertise in TV or billboards? Facebook has over 1,000,000,000 users worldwide everyday and 8,000,000 users in Myanmar. We provide Internet advertising

Want to Rent
SANCHAUNG, Ma Kyee Kyee St, Moe Myint San Condo: 28' x 75' (2100 sq.ft) 2nd flr. 2 MBR, 2 BR, 4 A.C, water heater, furnitures. Price : 23 lakhs. Ph: 09-730-27267, 09730-52266. LANMADAW, 12 St, The whole 8 unit (lift). For hotel, education. Ph: 09566-1037. Need simple house with at least 4 bedrooms, 2 toilets & if possible, near to public transportation. Occupancy in November. Willing to pay 8 lakhs. Contact Ha Min Shwe at 09-4201-212 65. "A couple, no kids and pets looking for a fully furnished small condo in a nice area. Contact lulanita.bbb@gmail. com."

THE MYANMAR TIMES august 26 - September 1, 2013

registration card Police recommendation letter & other document to 9, Rm A-4, 3rd Flr, Kyaung St, Myaynigone, Sanchaung. R eceptionist Urgently Qualifications: University degree, Effective interpersonal skills & ability to communicate with foreign clients. Must be fluent in English. Pls submit CV & cover letter to Jobs_so@ Want a career? Edulink Australia is hiring for the following positions: Customer Service Officer - 3 Posts, Marketing Manager, Customer Relationship Manager. For more information pls email info@edulinkaustralia. com or ph: 09-421119895 MiTA Myanmar @ ISBC Company is inviting applications from Myanmar national candidates for the position: Business Analyst - F 3 posts : Any Graduate candidates, preferably having Master Degree in Business Administration, Engineering, English, Economics, Marketing, Management; Age 20 ~ 30, Experience less than 5 years (fresh graduates can also apply). Proficient in MS office, internet & email applications, have good knowledge in market research, liaison, data collection, analyzing information, report writing & presentation. Should be able to work independently with minimum supervision & be initiative. Candidate must be fluent in speaking & writing English. Pls email application with CV including contact details to at the earliest possible. Closing date: 30 September 2013. Nylect Technology (Myanmar) Ltd., is seeking Senior P r o f e s s i o n a l Accountant 1 post. Interested candidates can send CV: susan@ or Contact Number: 01 855 1480, 09-4203-09073 Savoy Hotel, Yangon is urgently looking for (1) Guest Relation Manager - 1 post : 3 years experience in related field and very good English skill and interpersonal skill. (2) Gardener - M 1 post : 2 ~ 3 years experience in gardening. (3) Personal Driver - M 1 post : 3 years experience in driving car. Application letter by email to savoy. or 129, Dhammazedi Rd, Yangon. Tel: (95-1) 526298, 526289. Orion Business Group is seeking (1)Site Engineer - 1 post : BE (Civil), 2 years as site engineers post in local and oversea (2) Site Engineer - 1 post : BE(Mechanical), 2 years as site engineers post in local and oversea (3) QS - F 2 posts : 2 years experience in local and oversea (4) Accountant - F 2 posts : 2 year experience in accounting field, Microsoft office, Preferred English language proficiency, Good communication & team player (5) Accountant - F 2 posts : Fresh graduate who fast learner are welcome to apply, Basic knowledge of Microsoft office. Pls apply with require document such as copy of ID, household list, recommendation letter from police station, labour card & education certificates to 512/B, Waizanyantar Rd, 4 ward, South Okkalapa Ph: 01 - 571236, 09-73113092 before 31.8.2013. we are one of the Marketing Group for Pharmaceuticals Products in Myanmar has urgently seeking (1)Team Leader - M/F 1 Post : Over 1 year experience in related field. (2) Medical Representatives - M/F 5 Posts : B.Pharm, B.Sc (or) any graduated. Experience candidate is more prefer to welcome. Willing to traveling around the area. Active & Self motivation. Good personality. Any candidate who interested, pls contact urgently on Ph: 09-422486379, 09-4211-47477, Closing date : 31st August 2013. Urgently required! An Operations Manager in an International School, male/female, any university graduate, Age 45 ~ 60, must be fluent in English (Speaking, Reading and Writing), must have management experience,working experience interna tionally is an advantage. Pls send C.V to KELVIN CHIA Yangon Ltd is a foreign legal consultancy firm is seeking (1) Lawyers who will work on a variety of corporate & commercial matters & transactions in Myanmar. If you are a Myanmar-qualified lawyer with strong English language skills, you are invited to apply to join our Myanmar practice group. Myanmar nationals admitted to intl bars are also welcome to apply. Training will be provided. Applicants may email to (2) Corporate Affairs Executive/Assistant As a corporate affairs executive/assistant, you will be involved with business development, networking, market research & liaison work. Applicants should be proficient in English, energetic & self-motivated. All nationalities are welcome (Myanmar, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, etc). If you are interested, then pls email application and curriculum vitae to kk@ RealFitnessisseeking (1)Receptionist - F 1 post : Age 20 ~ 28. Fluent in English. Relevant work experience. Can us internet, email, fax & copier . (2)Fitness Trainer - M/F 2 posts : Age 21 ~ 35. Certificate in gym personal training/ physical fitness. Can speak English (3) Cleaner - M/F 2 posts: Age 25 ~ 35. English Basic. Relevant work experience. Pls submit CV, labour card, copy photo with necessary docments to 20, Ground Flr, Pearl St, Shwe Taung Gyar Word, City FM Compound, Bahan. Ph: 01-1220881, 09509-7057, 01-549478 ext 103. Closing date : 31.8.2013 WOH HUP Int'l Pte Ltd, a Building Construction Company is seeking for Yangon Office: (1) Account Executive Degree in Accountancy 2 to 4 years experience handlingfullsetofaccount, Able to do MYOB will be an advantage, Good learning attitude & take initiatives Basic Microsoft Office knowledge. Good in English. (2)Logistic Executive - Diploma / Degree in Logistics, 2 to 5 years relevant experience, Good knowledge on custom clearance & freight forwarding, Good in English. (3)Quantity Surveyor - Degree in Surveying, 3 years relevant experience, Good in English (4) Purchasing Executive - Diploma / Degree in Purchasing or relevant, 2 to 5 years working in purchasing, Preferable familiar with construction material, Good in English. Pls submit resume with cover letter in English, stating current and expected salary (in Kyat) to - 483, Suite (8B), Aye Yeik Thar 2nd St, Aye Yeik Thar Condo, Bahan, Yangon, (OR) Email:

UN Positions
the Int'l Organization for Migration (IOM) office in Yangon is seeking Senior Programme Associate - PHC 1 post in Yangon. Pls submit an application letter & updated CV with a maximum length of 3 pages including names & contact details of 3 referees (copies of certificates & further documents are not required at this stage) to Int'l Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission in Myanmar - Yangon Office, 318-A, Ahlone Rd, Dagon Tsp, Yangon. Email: hryangon@iom. int, Closing date: 30 August 2013. IOM Int'l Organization for Migration is seeking (1) Logistics Clerk - 1 post in Bogalay, Ayeyarwady (2) Logistic Cleark - 1 post in Mawlamyinegyun, Ayeyarwady.(3) Logistic Assistant - 1 post in Ye Tsp, Mon State. (4) Medical Doctor - HIV/ AIDS 1 post Mawlamyine, Mon State.Closing date for 1 ~ 4 : 29, August. (5) Client Service Assistant - 2 posts in Yangon. Closing date : 30 August. Pls submit an application letter and an updated CV with a maximum length of 3 pages including names & contact details of 3 referees (copies of certificates & further documents are not required at this stage) to : Int'l Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in Myanmar - Yangon Office, 318-A, Ahlone Rd, Dagon Tsp, Yangon, Email: hryangon@iom. int, Closing date : 29 August 2013.

experience in a related field with an (I)NGO. Good computer skills (Microsoft Office Package). Good command of English. Pls submit application letter, CV, passport photo, copies of education qualifications, ID card copy and references to MSF-Holland (Yangon Coordination) : 59, Aye Yadanar St, Thirigon Villa, Thingangyun, Yangon. Or through msfh.myanmar. Closing date : 27th August 2013. solidarites Int'l (SI) is seeking Logistics Manager in Sittwe : 4 years of professional experience in Logistics field with INGO/ NGO. University Degree or Diploma (preferably in Logistics Or related proven experience in similar area.). Knowledge of IT management & MS office. Fluent in English & Myanmar. Pls submit application (CV, cover letter, references) at: Solidarites Int'l office Application for Logistics Manager Position/ Sittwe - 44-A, Tharyarwaddy Lane, Bahan, Yangon or per email: recruitment@ solidarites-myanmar. org (thanks to use basic excel, word or pdf format). Closing date: 30-8-2013.

Local Positions
Exotissimo Travel is seeking (1) German Tour Operator : 1 year experience in tourism related field, Excellent communication skills, Strong sales & customer service focus, Possess computer proficiency, Able to speak, read and write in German, Ability to work under pressure. (2)Domestic Ticketing Staff : 1 year experience in tourism or airlines, Good knowledge of flight information & ticket policies of airlines, Excellent organization skill, Proficient in MS office, Preferable detailed oriented person. (3)HR Assistant : Diploma/ certificate in HRM, 1 year of relevant experience, Strong interpersonal and communication skills, Proficient in MS office, Willing to learn & positive attitude, Great organizational & time management skill (4) Airport Assistant: Able to speak English, Familiar with international & domestic airlines in Myanmar, Good organizational skill, Location near to airport will be advantage. Pls send a detailed resume with recent photo & other relevant documents to HR Manager at 147, Shwe Gone Dine St, West Shwe Gone Dine Ward, Bahan, Yangon, Email: memecho@exotissimo. com MMICCo.,Ltdisseeking(1). Manager (Engineering) M 1 post : B.E (Civil), M.E (Civil) (Preferred), 5 years experience, Computer Literate, Good in English, Project Management/ Execution Experience is Preferred, Salary - 300000 Kyats & Negotiable (2). Junior Engineer - M/F 2 posts : B.E (Civil), B.Tech (Civil),At least one & half years experience, Computer Literate, English fair or Good, Project Management experience is preferred, Salary - 150000 Kyats & Negotiable. Closing date : 23 Aug 2013. Myanmar Int'l Consultants Co. Ltd. (MMIC), Rm 401 (a,b), 4th Flr, La Pyayt Wun Plaza, 37, Alanpya Pagoda Rd, Dagon Tsp, Yangon, Email : uthoungwin@ Ph: 09-5196018, 370836 ext- 401 Foreign garment manufacturing is seeking (1).Factory Manager (2). Assistant Manager : Secondary education or above, Fluent in English or Chinese, 5 years or above experience in garment business, Know-

how in HR, Shipping and Accounting procedure, (3).HR Supervisor : Secondary education or above, 3 years or above experience in Recruitment, Pay roll & Office administration, English Or Mandarin speaking, Good know ledge of MS office & Exel (4).Shipping : Secondary education or above, 3 years or above hand on experience in related industry, English Or Mandarin Speaking, Good knowledge of MS office & exel (5). Account Supervisors : University holder in accounting or related field, 3 years or above hand on experience, English or Mandarin speaking, Good knowledge of MS office & Exel (6).Cutting, Sewing & Packing Supervisor : Secondary education or above, 5 years or above experience in garment fields. We pay good remuneration & benefit. Pls send full resume & salary expected to ida@winner-gp. com for interview. SDI Manufacturing Co., Ltd: Plot 40, Ngwe Pin Lae Industrial Zone, Hlaing Tharyar. legendary Myanmar Co., Ltd. is seeking (1) Custom Clearance M/F 2 Posts. (2)Tour Operator - F 2 Posts: 1 year experience in relative field. All applicants must be University Graduate, Spoken&WrittenEnglish, Excellent interpersonal skill and good computer knowledge. Pls apply CV with 2 recent photo, NRC copy, Labour

Ingo Positions
medecins Sans Frontieres - Holland (AZG) is seeking Driver - 1 Post in Yangon : 10 standard. Able to drive all kinds of car with valid driving license. Good driving skills for the given location (city or country tracks). Basic command of English. Willing to work in shifts that include nights, weekends and public holidays. Pls send application letter, CV & passport-photo, copies of education qualifications & references to: Project Coordinator, MSFHolland (Yangon Project Office) : 15(C), Aung Min Khaung St, Kamayut, Yangon. Closing date : 1st September 2013. medecins du Monde (MDM) is seeking Medical Doctor (IIIV) 1 post in Moegaung, (Kachin State): MBBS (with valid medical registration: Sama). 1 year experience as a medical doctor in the field of HIV. Fluent oral & written English. Good computer skill especially Microsoft Office package. Pls submit CV and a cover letter to MDM Country Coordination Office, Yangon : 47(B), Po Sein St, Bahan, Yangon. Ph: 542830, 09731-71002, Email: office. mdmmyanmar@gmail. com world Vision Myanmar is seeking Administration Assistant in Pathein: University Bachelor Degree in any discipline. 1 year office experience in administration & support services. Pls submit resume (clearly identify the post you apply) by post to HR Department, World Vision Myanmar or in person to application drop-box at 18, Shin Saw Pu Rd, Ahlone, Sanchaung PO or send to Closing date : August 27, 2013. medecins Sans Frontieres - Holland (AZG) is seeking Medical Storekeeper Yangon Coordination 1 Post in Yangon : University degree (preferably Pharmacy Degree or Diploma). Working

Max Myanmar Hotel Company Ltd

JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCMENT New Hotel Openings : 1) NOVOTEL YANGON MAX HOTEL 2) MGALLERY NAY PYI TAW, JADE VILLA ZONE The above mentioned hotels are looking for interested candidates. Both Hotels will be managed by ACCOR. Novotel Yangon Max expected opening in March 2014 and MGallery Nay Pyi Taw expected opening in December 2013. Both hotels are seeking candidates for all positions from Department Heads, Middle Managers, Executives, Supervisors to Junior Staff. Interested person can apply with resume including a recent photo, copy of national identity card and house hold registration, recommendation letter on character and relevant documents to the address below; Please put : The Person In Charge, and state the name of the Hotel you are applying for, if you are applying for both hotels mention both hotels names on the envelope Max Myanmar Hotel Company Ltd No. (123),Alanpya Pagoda Road, Dagon Township, Yangon Email :

58 Sport

THE MYANMAR TIMES August 26 - September 1, 2013

Afghan in ecstasy over Pakistan win

International football returns to war-torn Kabul after a decade-long absence
F G H AN ISTA N S football team sparked rowdy celebrations across the war-battered nation on August 20 after securing a convincing 3-0 win over arch-rival Pakistan in the first international match in Kabul in 10 years. A delirious 6000-capacity crowd packed the Afghanistan Football Federation (AFF) stadium for a game that unleashed a wave of patriotic pride in a country beset for decades by war, poverty and Islamist extremism.

An Afghan spectator with his face painted in the colours of his national flag. Photo: AFP

Afghanistan, ranked 139th in the world just above Pakistan, dominated the game from the kick-off and stretched three goals ahead mid-way through the second half. The match was promoted as a symbol of footballs ability to foster peace and unite countries in a shared love of sport, but the result was celebrated by many Afghans as a sweet victory over an old and bitter adversary. I am a huge football fan, and this match was so important for us, said Shabir Ahmad, 27, a government employee at the match. There are a lot of rivalries between Afghanistan and Pakistan, even if this match was meant to boost friendship. Political ties are badly strained between Afghanistan and neighbouring Pakistan, which blame each other for bloody violence plaguing both countries. Many in Afghanistan are convinced that Pakistan pulls the strings behind the 12-year insurgency that has raged since the Taliban hardliners were ousted in 2001. This was a great victory for Afghanistan, Afghan

An Afghan policeman keeps an eye out as spectators watch their team play against Pakistan at the Afghanistan Football Federation (AFF) stadium in Kabul on August 20. Photo: AFP

coach Yusuf Kargar said after the game. I hope it brings the message of peace for both nations.

Just a small number of women were in the stands, and there was no sign of Pakistani support despite thousands of Pakistanis living and working in the Afghan capital. Security was intense with several rings of armed riot police and soldiers beating back frustrated ticketless crowds locked outside of the stadium. Kabul has been hit by a series of militant attacks this year, including near the presidents palace and on the Supreme Court, and the Taliban have vowed to step up violence as elections loom early next year. One spectator, Ahmadzai Fazeli, 25, said that insurgents at a Taliban roadblock in volatile Wardak province had wished the team well. On the way here the Taliban stopped me. I told them I was going to the football match, and they happily let me pass, he said. Now I am here feeling very patriotic and happy.

Ahead of kick-off, tempers frayed as police struggled to control unruly crowds pushing to get into the game, which was attended by some senior Afghan officials and foreign diplomats, including the British ambassador. However, the final whistle

On the way here the Taliban stopped me. I told them I was going to the football match, and they happily let me pass.
Ahmadzai Fazeli Afghan football fan

triggered delirium as players paraded the national flag in front of dancing spectators and crowds celebrated on the city streets. The game, which was played on an artificial pitch funded by the FIFA world body, was the first home international since Afghanistan played Turkmenistan in 2003. Afghanistan last played Pakistan in Kabul in 1977, before the Soviet invasion, a brutal civil war and the Talibans 1996-2001 regime. Football was not banned under the Taliban but the old Ghazi stadium in Kabul was a notorious venue for their executions, stonings and mutilations. The August 20 game, at the separate AFF stadium in the city, was be followed on August 22 by the start of the second season of the eight-team Afghan Premier League. A return match is scheduled in the Pakistani city of Lahore in December. AFP


Transit wokers cry foul in uniform row

TORONTO transit workers on August 20 rejected a proposed new uniform, saying it looks too much like the jersey of a longtime hockey rival, the Montreal Canadiens. Sketches of the uniforms with the similar red, white and blue colours of the Canadiens circulated in the local media, prompting the citys transit union to take a stand on behalf of its members. The colours are unsuitable, union spokesman Bill Reno told AFP. Our members, especially those who were born and raised in Toronto and are hockey fans, object to wearing Montreal Canadiens colors. Toronto is a hockey city like Montreal and this is a longtime hockey rivalry that is rearing its head again. The union said bus drivers, as well as subway and streetcar operators and other transit workers, would boycott the new uniforms if they are brought in next year. The incorporation of some red is meant to reflect the TTCs traditional colour and that of the Canadian flag, Toronto Transit Commission head Andy Byford said. For what its worth, though, I have favoured a predominantly blue uniform from the start as I see this as professional, modern and smart. Blue and white are also the colours of the Toronto Maple Leafs. The Canadiens-Leafs rivalry is the oldest in the National Hockey League, dating back to the leagues beginnings in 1917. The two teams met 15 times in the playoffs from 1944 to 1978. It is also symbolic of the rivalry between Canadas two largest cities, Toronto and Montreal, and early on the allegiances of fans across Canada were determined by language: English for Toronto versus French for Montreal. The TTC last redesigned its uniforms in the 1990s. The new uniforms would replace the current grey slacks with a light blue shirt and maroon coats worn by Torontos more than 10,000 transit workers. Byford noted that the final design has not been agreed upon, and promised more consultation with his workforce. AFP

60 THE MYANMAR TIMES august 26 - september 1, 2013

SPORT EDITOR: Tim McLaughlin |

International football returns to Afganistan



Vietnams return to top-level regional golf has been postponed until later this season in the latest unwanted development for the sport in Asia. Players have been told that next months inaugural Volvik-Sky Lake Vietnam Masters, set to be the richest played in the country, has been delayed. The US$500,000 tournament in Hanoi had been announced with some fanfare by the Asian Tour, which is predicting a new boom for professional golf in the country. No reason for the delay was given on the Asian Tours website. The Southeast Asian country last hosted an Asian Tour event in 2008.

Singapore Vietnams new golf tournament postponed

Eyes on the Davis Cup

Tennis Federation aims at outreach while putting controversy in the past

Japans Ichiro Suzuki wasted no time belting the 4,000th hit of his pro career, achieving the milestone in the first inning of New Yorks 4-2 win over the Toronto Blue Jays. Yankees outfielder Suzuki did it on August 21 by slicing one of Toronto pitcher R.A. Dickeys knuckleballs into left field in his first at-bat of the Major League Baseball contest. Suzuki has now compiled 2,722 hits during his 13 seasons in America. He racked up his first 1,278 hits while playing nine years with the Orix Blue Wave in his native Japan from 1992-2000.

New York City Ichiro Suzuki reaches 4,000 career hits

Students in Bago Township take part in a tennis outreach program on July 24. Photo: Tennis Federation of Myanmar

The Cleveland Cavaliers on August 20 signed Anthony Bennett, the number one selection in the NBA draft last June. The Cavaliers did not release the terms of the deal, but the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported it is worth US$16.7 million over three years. Bennett entered the draft after being voted the top freshman in the Mountain West Conference last season at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. He made league history as the first Canadian-born player to be taken first in the draft. AFP

Cleveland Cavaliers sign top pick Bennett

Tim McLaughlin HE Tennis Federation of Myanmar (TFM) has been mixing outreach with its training regimen as its players prepare for Davis Cup competition in Dubai next month. The Myanmar Davis Cup team recently visited Bago township to conduct a tennis clinic for children at the Hinn Tha Tennis Club. The visit was part of a new campaign to develop tennis nationwide that saw the team hold exhibitions in Kayan, Mandalay, Sagaing, Muse and Lashio in July and August. Champions learn a lot quicker with their eyes than with their ears, Robert Davis, technical director of the Tennis Federation of Myanmar (TFM), said of the teaching program. Getting up close and personal with our best players allows them that opportunity. Our mission at the

TFM is to spread tennis throughout Myanmar and not only identify talent, but support existing tennis clubs that benefit both youth and adult programs. The Myanmar Davis Cup team will travel on September 8 to Dubai where the Asia and Oceania Zone Group III and IV matches will be contested. Myanmar has drawn into group IV with Bahrain, Bangladesh, Iraq, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Yemen and Turkmenistan. The matches were originally scheduled to take place at the Thein Byu Tennis Center in Yangon from April 22 to May 5. However, the Myanmar government decided to move the Davis Cup events to Dubai citing security concerns expressed by participating teams following violence in Myanmar. The set back was the second in a month for Myanmars fledging tennis program. On April 5, a Davis Cup tie-break

match between Pakistan and New Zealand at Yangons Pun Hlaing Golf and Country Club was stopped prematurely and awarded to New Zealand due to poor court conditions. The ruling was protested by Pakistani tennis officials. The fallout has continued to drag on in Karachi, where on August 20, Pakistan Tennis Federation (PTF) secretary Mumtaz Yousuf accused Mr Davis of using player Aisam-ulHaq Qureshi, whom Mr Davis coaches, to persuade PTF officials to agree on Myanmar as a venue despite knowing it did not meet the required standards. Mr Davis dismissed the comments telling The Myanmar Times on August 22 via email, To make an allegation that Aisam and I contrived some plot with ulterior motives to favour Myanmar Tennis Federation is ludicrous. Our desire was to assist the PTF with its neutral site venue. The exhibitions and youth training exercises across Myanmar have

proved rewarding for many members of the countrys national tennis team, who often work as coaches when not training. It feels great to be able to give back to the sport of tennis which has given me so much, said Min Min. His feelings were shared by fellow national team player Nge Ngaung who also works as a coach in Kuala Lumpur. Though I can still play on the national team and represent my country, my future is in coaching. I hope one day to return permanently to Myanmar to teach tennis. This is something that Mr Davis hopes to encourage. That is one of the problems in developing countries, he said. Oftentimes, the better players leave for the higher-paying jobs in Dubai, Doha and Singapore. However, if we are going to decentralise tennis and develop the sport to seriously compete within Asia we need to retain our best teachers.

The 56th National Day of Malaysia

As investor confidence in Myanmar continues to grow, I believe more Malaysian companies will invest in Myanmar.

t is a pleasure, once again, to address the readers of The Myanmar Times on the 56th anniversary of Malaysias National Day.

Malaysia and Myanmar enjoy increasingly warm relations, and the links between our countries and our people grow ever stronger. In the past year alone, the number of flights between Kuala Lumpur and Yangon has doubled, and famous Malaysian brands such as Parkson and Marry Brown have opened shop in Yangon. As investor confidence in Myanmar continues to grow, I believe more Malaysian companies will invest in Myanmar. I am especially encouraged by Myanmars ongoing political reform process. While there will no doubt be challenges ahead, Malaysia stands ready to share its own experiences and help Myanmar as it continues down the path of reform. Malaysia Congratulates Myanmar Our fellow In this regard, I am happy to note that Myanmar remains the second largest recipient of technical ASEAN Member on this Historical Occasion. assistance under the Malaysian Technical Cothe pleasure of experiencing rst-hand the warmth and the increasing interactions operation Programme (MTCP). Insincerity the spirit of of Myanmar hospitality and where we discussed between our countries will help to sow seeds shared endeavour, I hope the MTCP training has enhanced co-operation on a whole range of areas. It is into strong, long-lasting relationships at ever helped Myanmars civil service to better implement reforms, as well as prepare for Myanmars also upcoming marked by ever-increasing economic cooperation, tween the people of our great nations. Chairmanship of ASEAN. demonstrated by the presence of fty business leaders in Jizut Timba de. I look forward to witnessing more positive change my o cial delegation. Best wishes, and even greater optimism during my next trip to Myanmar. I wish the people and Government of Myanmar every success for the future. There is a tall, strong tree found in both of our rainforests Thank you, Terima kasih, Jizut timba de. Eugenia Polyantha , whose wood is used to build long-lasting homes. It's my hope that this publication and Dato Sri Mohd Najib

Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Prime Minister of Malaysia

Malaysia Congratulates Myanmar for Hosting the Historical SEA GAMES 11.12. 2013 to 22.12.2013
pendence 55 years ago. Like most other countries, Malaysia's post-

maintain our long-standing strong Beyond that, I hope that people-to

Certainly we can learn a great deal from each other.

t is such a great pleasure to be able to address the readers of The Myanmar Times once again through this special publication in conjunction with the 56th Anniversary of the National Day of Malaysia. Congratulations once again to the Malaysia Myanmar Business Council (MMBC) on this initiative. My heartfelt gratitude goes to all those who have contributed towards this publication. The remarkable pace and extent of Myanmars reforms over the past year have continued to astound many. As a long-standing partner and fellow ASEAN member, Malaysia remains encouraged and fully committed to support Myanmar in this important process. So far this year, more than 150 Myanmar officials have received training under the Malaysian Technical Co-operation Programme (MTCP) in various fields such as banking, taxation, public policy, diplomacy, languages, vocational education and many others. Myanmar continues to be

HE Dr. Ahmad Faisal Muhamad Ambassador of Malaysia

the second largest recipient country of the MTCP. Certainly we can learn a great deal from each other. We have many similar attributes our colonial past, multiethnicity and aspiration for economic development, to name but a few. These commonalities are strong foundations for our good relations, which are guided by feelings of mutual respect and understanding, as well as the desire to achieve common good. At this juncture, there is widespread excitement in Myanmar as the country is gearing up to hosting some very important regional events. After a long hiatus, the SEA Games will be back in Myanmar in December. Myanmar also will be hosting a series of important Summit meetings and conferences when it becomes Chairman of ASEAN in 2014 - its first time ever since joining the regional grouping at the Kuala Lumpur Summit in 1997. Malaysia will continue to support Myanmar in its preparation to assume this important role. Undoubtedly, Myanmar

will rise up to the occasion. Both in the SEA Games and during the ASEAN Chairmanship, I am sure the people of Myanmar will do their country proud. I wish them all the best. Lastly, thank you for joining us to celebrate the 56th Anniversary of Malaysias National Day. Your friendship and support are very much appreciated. Terima kasih & Jizut timba de! Best wishes.

Dr. Ahmad Faisal Muhamad Ambassador of Malaysia to Myanmar Patron of the Malaysian-Myanmar Business Council



12:54 PM




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ts the month of August, we Malaysians, honour our Independence Day, celebrating it as a national holiday (of course!). Heres a little quick info about the Independence Day. The independence of Malaysia was a peaceful independence attained by holding talks with the British. On August 31, 1957, Malaysia gained her independence from the United Kingdom. The European Colonization of Malaysia started in year 1511, when the Portuguese captured Malacca. The Portuguese were in turn defeated in 1641 by the Dutch, who colonized until the advert of British in 1824. During the World War II, Japanese had colonized Malaysia too in 1941 1945. These left many European and Japanese influences in Malaysia later on. The first Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra along with the first president of the Malayan Chinese Association (MCA), Tun Tan Cheng Lock and fifth President of Malayan Indian Congress (MIC), Tun V.T. Sambanthan. spearheaded the effort for independence, leading a delegation of ministers and political leaders of

Malaya (now Malaysia) in negotiations with the British in London for Independence. Agreement was reached on February 8, 1956, for Malaya to gain independence. Then the official proclamation of independence was made the next year, on August 31, 1957, at newly built Stadium Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur. It was the day we got our freedom which was lost back in 1511. It was obtained after great struggle and long patience. On the glorious day, crowds gathered to witness the handover of power from the British. The Queens representative, the Duke of Gloucester presented Tunku Abdul Rahman with the instrument of independence. Tunku then proceeded to read the Proclamation of Independence, which culminated in the chanting of MERDEKA (Independence) seven times with the crowd joining in. The new Flag of Malaya was raised as the national anthem Negaraku (My Country) was played.

Celebrating 56 years of independence!

CIMB Bank wishes all Malaysians in Myanmar and throughout ASEAN a Happy National Day. CIMB Bank Yangon Representative Of ce 1008 Level 10 Sakura Tower Yangon 951 255430


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Essential Vitamins, Antioxidants

Many people are unaware of the many benefits of palm oil, despite the fact that people throughout Asia and Africa have been using it for centuries. Palm oil is an edible plant oil that is made from the pulp of the fruit of the oil palm tree. The oil, which is similar to coconut oil, is one of the richest edible oils known to man. The oil is fully of many healthy fatty acids, as well as an assortment of vitamins, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Additionally, the oil has incredibly high levels of vitamin A and vitamin E, making it a wonderful ingredient in skin care products and in natural soaps. Palm oil is naturally red, although when boiled, the oil will turn more of a white shade. The redness comes from the fact that palm oil is 15 times richer in beta-carotene (vitamin A) than a carrot. Beta-carotene is a carotenoid, which is a chemical found in common food such as carrots, pumpkins, and tomatoes. Caretenoids are some of the most effective fighters of free radicals that can damage your skin as a result of exposure to UV rays. For this reason, beta-carotene is a wonderful skincare ingredient that can help prevent damage from sunburn and keep your skin from prematurely aging. As we already mentioned, the oil is also a wonderful source of vitamin E. Vitamin E can stop the negative effects of UV rays on the skin, preventing aging of the skin and even helping treat sunburns. Continued use of products rich in vitamin E can reduce fine lines and wrinkles on the skin and can also help lighten the scars on your skin. Palm oil is very moisturizing and never dries out your skin. Also, adding palm oil into any natural soap results in the soap having a pleasant lather with nice medium bubbles. Finally, palm oil increases the hardness of the bar and helps it last longer. Palm fruit oil, naturally semi-solid at room temperature, does not require hydrogenation. It is a good replacement for partially hydrogenated oils for many reasons. Palm fruit oil is trans fat free. Palm fruit oil provides the same hard or solid fat that is required for pastries, cookies, crackers and other items that require long shelf stability and a particular mouth feel or texture. Palm fruit oil is odourless and tasteless, perfect for consumers and manufacturers alike looking for healthy oil for cooking and baking needs.

Palm Oil: A Natural Source of

Palm fruit oil is rich in antioxidants. Animal studies have found that tocotrienols may have the ability to reverse blockage of the carotid artery and platelet aggregation thereby reducing the risk of stroke, arteriosclerosis and other heart disease problems. Animal studies have found that tocotrienols may exhibit activity against tumour promotion. Cellular and animal studies have found that tocotrienols may inhibit certain types of cancer. Palm fruit oil increases good HDL, compared to other saturated oils, such as coconut promote a healthy cardio vascular health.

Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP)

Malaysia has been extending Technical Co-operation Programme (MTCP) to Myanmar since 1983 and about 1,500 Myanmar officers have been trained up to July 2013. A total of 87 officers have been trained in 2012 and 150 officers from January to July 2013. 83 Myanmar officials underwent the Diploma in Diplomacy course held in Nay Pyi Taw on 13 16 May 2013 by Malaysian officials. This MTCP course was arranged to equip Myanmar officials with necessary skills to prepare them for the upcoming Myanmar Chairmanship of ASEAN in 2014. Other MTCP courses that Myanmar officials have attended this year include in areas such as currency management, payment and settlement system, financial services for micro, small and medium enterprise and the English language. Future courses available for Myanmar participants this year include in economic planning and management, public administration, managing diversity in multicultural nations, sustainable rural development

IDFR Diplomatic Training Course 16~22 May 2013.

and integrated housing project development.

Shwe gas pipeline in Rakhine State. Photo: Ko Taik

Jonas Moberg

AST year, President Thein Sein announced that transparency in the extractive sector is necessary to ensure that all citizens benefit from the countrys resources, not just a small group. Since then, the government of Myanmar has committed itself to tackling the opacity that has long characterised Myanmars oil, gas and mineral sectors. Part of this reform involves implementing the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), a global standard that ensures openness about revenues from oil, gas and mining. Thirty-nine countries currently subscribe to EITI standards, while a number of others are in the preparatory stages, including France, the United Kingdom, the United States and now Myanmar. Under the guidance of the EITI Leading Authority, chaired by Union Minister U Soe Thane, the government aims to submit a candidature application to the international EITI Board by the end of 2013. Each country implementing the EITI Standard must follow a common set of regulations while also adapting the process to address the particular challenges of their own extractive sectors. For some, transparency is a way of minimising the risks of corruption; for others, it helps build trust and attract responsible investment. Myanmars extractive industries have their own mix of

now bidding for large onshore transit revenues are becoming challenges, all of which the EITI and offshore fields, and debate an increasingly important is well-suited to address. But swirling over the ongoing source of income for Myanmar. it will be crucial to include the licensing rounds, its important Through the EITI, citizens will relevant actors and institutions for bidding companies to know exactly how much the in the design process in order to know the procedures by which government receives from these derive the proper benefits. companies are to be awarded transits. This reporting could For instance, estimates licences. Potential investors even be expanded to include vary about oil, gas and mining want to know the investment verification that oil and gas production and revenue. While environment is transparent, citizens deserve to know what the earmarked for domestic use which is why many large reaches its proper destinations. government is getting when the international companies, EITI Reports often help nations finite natural resources including Chevron and Total, to detect weaknesses or are sold off, accurate and strongly support the institution inefficiencies in how revenues timely information is currently of EITI standards. Its also from oil, gas and mining are unavailable. As demonstrated by important for citizens to know collected and managed. Having the continuous protests around that licences are being awarded to the Letpadaung copper mine, this accurate numbers can improve those with the necessary technical tax collection systems, allow can cause considerable public and financial skills to develop the regulatory oversight of the sector discontent: Despite government countrys natural resources in a and even lead to the recovery and corporate claims that the responsible and efficient manner. of missing revenue. It can also mine is profitable for Myanmar, With much of Myanmars help stimulate broader sector people continue to be unhappy natural resources located in because they dont yet see the Citizens deserve to know what the areas where ethnic conflict is benefits for themselves. government is getting when the ongoing, the EITI also helps Under EITI standards, however, Myanmar will nations finite natural resources are provide a platform for dialogue though its multi-stakeholder publish annual reports sold off. group, contributing to improved prepared by an independent relationships and building trust third party. Stakeholders will have reform, including revisions of between all parties. relevant legislation, enforcement access to reliable information This is not to say all these and monitoring of standards about how much extractive changes will be easy. EITIs and regulations, and more companies pay the government success in Myanmar will require efficient sharing of sector for the right to extract resources. continuous political leadership, revenues for the benefit of the This information will inform the a commitment to reform and people. With the EITI bringing ongoing debates about whether the courage to engage industry multi-stakeholder groups of or not the country is receiving a and civil society in debates about government, companies and civil fair share, and will be useful in society representatives together to how the sector is managed. cases like Letpadaung and others All companies extracting oil, oversee implementation, reports recently in the news. gas and minerals must agree can inform public debate about In July, gas started to flow to disclose information about how the extractive sector is being through the 793-kilometre (493their payments, whether private, governed. mile) pipeline from the Shwe gas state-owned or other quasi-state Another benefit of EITI field on Myanmars west coast actors. Civil society organisations, implementation is that to Kunming in China. With a academia, parliamentarians and transparency and good parallel oil pipeline expected to others, in particular by those governance attract foreign begin operations next year, and living in resource-rich regions, the existing pipelines to Thailand, investment. With companies

will also need to be involved in reform. Lastly, the international community must be ready to provide a helping hand where necessary. President Thein Seins commitment to EITI implementation signals, however, that the government is ready to step up to these challenges. The progress achieved so far indicates that the process is moving in the right direction. The next step is to accelerate the consultations within and between each stakeholder group to form a multi-stakeholder group, which will take on the crucial task of designing an EITI process and work plan thats right for the country. EITI implementation alone cannot resolve all the issues in the natural resources sector in Myanmar, U Win Shein, Minister of Finance and Revenue (as it was formerly known), said at the EITI Global Conference in Sydney in May, but it can make some important contributions. Hes right on both points. The EITI cannot solve all the challenges involved in managing Myanmars natural resources. But an ambitious and inclusive EITI process one well connected to broader reforms is undoubtedly a good place to start.
Jonas Moberg is head of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) International Secretariat and is based in the United States. Email:

Lighting up the night, one customer at a time

Thanks to affordable and reliable solar technology, its getting easier to keep the lights on, even in some of the remotest corners of Myanmar
enterprises with well-performing nationwide distribution systems, and said it was companies such as these that would capitalise on Myanmar opening up. But he also said Proximitys hardwon reputation and extensive distribution network are key advantages. For instance, Proximitys partners in border areas enable it to widen its distribution network beyond where it would be viable on its own. It has sold over 1000 lights in Chin State, and pursued a successful partnership with a Karen faithbased organisation. Having the intimate knowledge of rural areas really gives us an edge over [competing] companies, he said. Right now in the solar light world, technologys going to get more and more similar, and so its going to be about who can get into communities the best. One of the next steps for Proximity is to offer solar panels capable of powering an EVD (enhanced versatile disc) player, which Mr Page said are in large demand in rural areas. Such solar panels are likely a year away from introduction to Myanmar, he said, but the plan is in keeping with the firms goal of providing in-demand products to people who otherwise have limited options. In the 1990s, rural people, even if they needed to buy stuff, just couldnt get access to good stuff, he added. Thats what Proximity really wants to do provide distribution channels so people in rural markets can get really good products.

Jeremy Mullins

IGHTY-FOUR percent of rural households are still off the grid in this country, according to the World Economic Forums New Energy Architecture: Myanmar report. While rural dwellers have traditionally used candles and kerosene lamps fuelled with diesel in their homes after dark, economic development over the past few years has put a light at the end of the tunnel for some rural households struggling with the costs of non-renewable energy. With new technology finding its way to some of the furthest reaches of the country, the results are as different as, well, night and day. One company, Proximity Designs, has found an especially effective solution for those living without electricity: solar power. Based in Yangon, the company describes itself as a social enterprise, employing hundreds of people across the country and selling products and services specifically aimed at improving the lives of its customers. While many companies might make similar claims, Proximity Designs isnt shilling luxury goods: It figures out what poor people, particularly in rural areas, need, then sets out to import or, if they cant find anything adequate, design and build themselves high-quality products at prices customers can afford. With a wide range of products and services, Proximity offers anything from technology to advice to low-interest loans. One of its most successful units, which has become profitable on its own terms, is lighting. According to Chris Page, a business analyst for Proximity, the company has sold 22,000 solar-powered lights in rural Myanmar since it began offering them in March 2012. Proximitys lights are made by d.light, a US-based company specialising in solar solutions in the developing world. The USdesigned, China-manufactured solar lights sell for between US$9.50 and $33, depending on the model. Thats a higher cost than some of the other, cheaper brands currently on the market, but Mr Page said d.lights products come with a difference. These lights are quite durable, he said. We have these three tests: We can step on them, run them over with a motorbike, dump them in water theyre water resistant. We can drop them out of a coconut tree. Quality is a huge thing here. The value of such a reliable product light is obvious to rural dwellers, as it often helps with their work. For instance, rubber tappers in Mon State prefer to work at around 2am, while many rice threshers like to work in the middle of the night, he said. While solar-powered lighting

Source: Global Energy Network Institute

A resident in Hmawbi Township in Yangon Region examines an S250 model of d.light solar light, which charges cell phones Photo: Chris Page at Proximity Designs

seems a novel solution to Myanmars energy problem, its success means Proximity is not the only game in town. Over the past two years a number of primarily Chinese competitors have entered the business, often offering solar-powered lights at a discounted price. As a result, Mr Page said, Proximity helps customers look at better lighting as an investment in a brighter future. According to the companys research, rural households spend an average of $4 to $6 a month paying for fuel for lamps or candles or other options such as flashlight batteries or diesel for generators. While d.lights may have a higher cost up-front, they pay off over the long term. And to alleviate the challenges of cobbling together the lump sum required for the lights, Proximity offers a credit program, allowing households to pay by installments. This is a major selling feature, according to Mr Page, as its rivals do not offer such plans. People are so starved for cash they dont want to spend more money then they have to on a product, Mr Page said. We have to make a case that its going to provide an economic benefit to them rather [than saying] this is really a quality light with a cool design or something. Another factor differentiating a d.light from a competitors model is that d.lights rarely require servicing, while Chinese-made knock-offs often fall apart in a couple of months. One competitor recently copied a d.light model directly and sold the resulting product in Myanmar. Proximity sold the original at

K29,000, while the counterfeit equivalent could be bought for K18,000. After two months of use, however, the counterfeit light generally broke down. We had to register our copyright here, Mr Page said. In China,

d.light took action against this [counterfeit] manufacturer. Proximity expects its success with d.lights products to draw further competition. Mr Page pointed to international firms such as Unilever and DKSH as

CNG cost hike worries taxi drivers

Mya Kay Khine
N August 1, the Ministry of Energy posted a notice on its website confirming that they are discussing an increase in the price of compressed natural gas (CNG), which is used by many taxis, buses and vehicles in Myanmar. The announcement came as no surprise to taxi drivers in Yangon, who have been hearing rumours about the reported change for months. But it has set off a debate as to whether or not Myanmar, which has always had its own abundant supply of natural gas, should be raising the price of CNG fuel. Sustainability issues are one reason why the government is considering

raising the price, said U Ko Lay, general manager of the CNG department of the Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise under the Ministry of Energy. He said eight years ago, the Aphyauk gas field in Yangon produced 100 million cubic feet per day. Now, the amount of natural gas produced has significantly decreased, he said. Gas and fuel are natural resources that have been given by nature. So one day they will be gone. Gas is not a renewable energy so we should use it economically, U Ko Lay said. Another possible reason for the increase, U Ko Lay said, is that the government has plans to divert some of the supply for other uses: For example, the gas may be used for fuel in gas turbines for electricity, in chemical fertilizer plants for the agriculture sector or in cement plants for the purpose of building more

The governments symbol for compressed natural gas. Photo: Aung Htay Hlaing

roads and bridges. Regardless of how the government plans to use CNG, taxi drivers say they are already struggling to make ends meet and have come to rely on the CNGconverted cars as Yangons roads have become more crowded and they are forced to spend more time in traffic jams and therefore more money on fuel. Is CNG not produced in our country? said Min Min Oo, a 45-year old taxi driver who has been driving for 20 years. Other countries can increase the CNG price because they import CNG from foreign sources. But we shouldnt have to. Our country has so many gas and oil fields. CNG is a commodity which

brings in foreign income, so we should be able to use it freely without charges. The CNG price is currently K273 a kilogram, which is significantly less than the price of petrol. Although drivers of CNGfueled taxis pay less for fuel per day than petrol drivers, they pay more to owners to rent their cars K15,000 daily compared to K10,000 for a petrol car. In 2005, the Myanmar government passed a law forcing passenger buses and cabs to change to CNG. However, four years ago the government changed its mind and banned CNG conversion on new cars. Some taxi drivers are hoping that the ban will be lifted and they might again

have the option to convert their petrol vehicles to CNG. [Even] if the price of CNG rises, it is better than if they dont allow [conversion to CNG], said taxi driver U Hla Kyaw, who now drives a CNG taxi. Now, all taxi drivers are affected by traffic jams. If drivers stop downtown, they are stuck downtown. And also, drivers who go to the suburbs dont come downtown. Drivers say they prefer CNG taxis for long trips and for when they are stuck in traffic jams, as the fuel is less expensive. I have driven CNG taxis before, said cab driver Ko Thet Lwin. I started with a

petrol taxi this month. The CNG taxi is reasonable for us because we lose more money on petrol when we have to drive and this affects income. The income is different between CNG and petrol taxis. According to statistics from the Ministry of Energy, there were more CNG vehicles than petrol-fueled vehicles in 2013. Official statistics for 2004-2013 show there were 16,460 petrol vehicles converted to CNG nationwide (excluding unregistered vehicles), and 9122 diesel vehicles converted. Vehicles manufactured to run on CNG number 27,623.

Iraq pushes for investment as India seeks more oil

Penelope Macrae
IRAQS prime minister on Friday pitched for investment from India to rebuild his warshattered nation, which is a critical energy supplier to New Delhi. Iraqs Prime Minister Nuri Al-Malaki said there were great opportunities for Indian firms to rebuild the nations infrastructure - constructing ports, highways, housing, railways, schools, hospitals and investing in oil production facilities. There is so much potential, said Maliki, who is on a threeday trip to New Delhi and Mumbai. Iraq is still struggling to rebuild its broken infrastructure since a 2003 US-led invasion ousted president Saddam Hussein and led to massive sectarian violence. This is the first head of government-level visit between the two countries since 1975, when then-prime minister Indira Gandhi visited Iraq. During the visit, the two sides were expected to sign an agreement that would increase Iraqi sales of crude oil to fuelimport-reliant India. Iraq has eclipsed sanctionshit Iran as Indias secondbiggest crude oil supplier after Saudi Arabia. India reduced its dependence on Iranian oil in the wake of US and European sanctions on the import of oil from the Islamic Republic. India and Iraq have historically enjoyed friendly ties. But while China has been energetically seeking infrastructure contracts in Iraq, and has invested substantially in Iraqi oil production, Iraq officials say India has been noticeably absent. Iraq has said it may need up to US$1 trillion over the next decade to rebuild its crumbling infrastructure. We are rebuilding our country, said Maliki, whose visit followed a trip to Baghdad by Indian foreign minister Salman Khurshid in June. Luring foreign investment to Iraq has been complicated anew by the worst violence in the country since 2008. We have some security breaches here and there, conceded the chairman of Iraqs National Investment Commission, Sami Raouf Taqi al-Araji. But he said the country had special forces protecting foreign workers. Were committed to protecting foreign workers, they are away from their homes, they are in our care, Araji told reporters. Despite tensions, Iraqs economy has been growing, fuelled by oil exports. Indian exports to Iraq totalled around $1.3 billion in 2012, up from $740 million in 2011, according to an Indian government official. Baghdads exports to India the vast majority of which were oil - totalled more than $20 billion last year, up from $9 billion a year earlier in 2011. India has said it is keen to reverse the traffic by investing in Iraqi infrastructure and moving to a more broad-based relationship. The country, struggling to stabilise its ailing currency, is also pushing Iraq to accept payment for its oil exports in rupees, Indian trade minister Anand Sharma said Friday. Araji said Iraq would have to consider the request. Iran, which has long battled neighbouring Iraq for global oil market share, agreed to take payments for the oil it sells to India in rupees after Western sanctions over its disputed nuclear program blocked other payment methods. - AFP

The rise, fall and rebirth of biofuels in Myanmar

Following the epic failure of a jatropha roll-out five years ago, is it a case of once-bitten, twice-shy for biofuels?
charms: At one point there were somewhere around 250 jatropha projects worldwide, mainly in Asia, Africa and South America but also, yes, in Belgium itself. Jatropha was mistakenly of Viaspace. Myanmars all-in investment led to non-farmers being pressed into service, forced to plant jatropha on every inch of available land and even in some areas it was: The jatropha experiment was a grand failure, folding after one dismal year. Mr Kukkonen, who spent several decades working at NASA, said that he remains optimistic about the fu-

Bill OToole

S Myanmar grapples with the question of how to update its severely outdated energy sector, many local companies are joining forces with outside companies to explore the intriguing but largely unproven world of biofuels. Its an industry still licking its wounds after a previous large-scale failure but those involved say that this time things will be different. In April of this year, the Asian wing of Nation First Economic Development signed an MoU with local firm Hisham Koh & Associates to develop algae farms both upcountry and around Yangon. While algae is an exciting profitable source of biofuel or commercial animal feeds for aquaculture and agriculture, it can also be a sustainable source for a broad range of high dollar value products, a press release said. From food to chemicals as well as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, multiple products from the same algal biomass are possible. In addition, California-based green energy firm Viaspace signed an agreement in October 2012 to bring their signature product, King Grass, to Myanmar. Speaking at the signing ceremony, Viaspace engineers said their specific focus would be on using King Grass to generate electricity. We hope to work with our partners to create a viable and vibrant renewable biomass/bioenergy business model to serve the national interests and growth in Myanmar, company chairman Kevin Schewe said. Both algae and King Grass need several months to grow to a point at which they can sustain biofuels, so the relative success of these projects will not be known until at least the end of this year. As previously reported by The Myanmar Times, however, these new initiatives are not the first time biofuel has been introduced in Myanmar. For many, memories of jatropha the seeds of which were once said to be able to solve all the countrys energy needs still linger painfully in the mind. In 2006, the chief research officer at state-run Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise said Burma hoped to completely replace the countrys oil imports of 40,000 barrels a day with home-brewed, jatropha-derived biofuel, according to a report by the Ethnic Development Forum. Under the governments plan, 8 million acres of jatropha plants an area roughly the size of Belgium were to be planted by 2009. Myanmar wasnt the only country seduced by jatrophas

Jatropha was mistakenly promoted as an almost magic crop that ordinary farmers could grow and squeeze the oil out of to power their engines.
Carl Kukkonen, CEO and co-founder of Viaspace

promoted as an almost magic crop that ordinary farmers could grow and squeeze the oil out of to power their engines, said Carl Kukkonen, CEO and co-founder

which werent available, such as fields being used to grow rice paddy. The plan seemed to good to be true, however, and in the end

ture of biofuels in Myanmar, despite the jatropha debacle. Whether other biofuel groups and the government itself have learned from the past remains to be seen.

The male jatropha flower. Photo: Wikicommons

Who's who in offshore efforts

Petronas / Yetagun The Yetagun natural gas field has changed hands more than once since the first appraisal well was installed in 1992. Currently owned by Malaysian state energy firm Petronas, the project was initiated by Texaco Co of the United States. Development started in 1996, but the following year Texaco sold its entire stake to the United Kingdoms Premier, which in turn sold its share of the project to Petronas in 2002. A subsidiary of the Malaysian firm is the current operator of the Yetagun natural gas field, operating in a partnership with PTTEP, Nippon Oil Exploration, and Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise, according to PTTEPs website. Production began at the site in 2000, and the addition of four new wells in 2004 was thought to double Yetaguns capacity. The site produced an average of 376 million cubic feet per day during the second quarter of 2013, PTTEP has reported. Located in the Gulf of Martaban, the concessions comprise blocks M12, M13, and M14 and cover 24,130 square kilometres. discovered by a Korean company abroad in the past 30 years in a statement announcing the start of commercial production. Currently producing some 100 million cubic feet of gas daily, Daewoo says it aims to produce 500 million cubic feet daily by late 2014. The gas is to be sold largely to the Chinese National Petroleum Corporation for the coming 25 to 30 years equivalent to the daily power usage of 670,000 homes. Daewoo announced the discovery of Shwe in 2004, and the then-military government awarded purchasing rights to China in July 2008. With a controlling interest of Daewoo held by large Korean steelmaker Posco, the firm is also jointly exploring the AD-7 block adjacent to the Shwe field in the Rakhine basin with Woodside Petroleum Ltd of Australia, and has conducted onshore exploration activities as well.
Photo: MT Archives

Total / Yadana Although international oil and gas firms have drawn criticism regarding industry practices, French firm Totals activities in Myanmar have been singled out as worth emulating. Called a responsible investor by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi during

a trip to Europe last year, in which she highlighted the need for democracy-friendly investment by companies such as Total. The firm began commercial production of the offshore Yadana Gas Field in 2000 following an investment outlay of about US$1 billion. With Total serving as operator in a consortium including Chevron, PTT Exploration and Production of Thailand, and Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise, the field has averaged 18.54 million cubic metres (654.7 million cubic feet) per day from 2001 to 2010, according to its website. With some 30 years of estimated reserves, gas from Yadana fuels Thai power plants as well as the domestic market. Company officials have also mulled further activities in the country, and Total is one of the 61 firms currently shortlisted for Myanmars 2013 offshore oil and gas tender.

Pipeline firms The pipeline project involves two separate pipelines, the Southeast Asia Crude Oil Pipeline (SEAOP) and the Southeast Asia Gas Pipeline (SEAGP), crossing Myanmar from Rakhine state to China and delivering overseas crude and offshore gas to the countrys northern neighbour. The organisation behind the twin pipelines is understood to be a conglomerate majority owned by China National Petroleum Corporation. Other partners include two South Korean firms (Daewoo and Korean Gas Corporation), two Indian firms (Gas Authority of India Limited and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation), and state-run Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise. While the project pumped its first gas in late July, the enterprise has drawn protests over environmental

and safety concerns. Protesters also said the contract, which was signed under the military regime, should be revisited and that Myanmar should not export gas when threequarters of the population lack electricity. The gas pipeline is designed to transmit up to 12 billion cubic feet of natural gas a year, though it will initially transmit only 5.2 billion in the first phase, according to SEAGP.

Daewoo/Shwe South Koreas Daewoo International started production at the Shwe natural gas field on June 22 of this year, with a pilot operation of its onshore pipeline and sales to Chinese and Myanmar buyers beginning in July. The firm estimates there are 4.5 trillion cubic feet of gas available for exploitation from Shwe, Shwe Phyu and Mya in the A-1 and A-3 blocks, and called it the largest oil and gas field in scale

MOGE Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) is the 100 percent stateowned upstream producer. The firm in its present form dates to 1989, though it is the successor to the nationalisation of the Burmah Oil Companys Myanmar assets in 1963. MOGE participates in most domestic projects as a joint venture partner, and is regarded as a major source of Myanmars state revenue. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy is currently conducting a tender for 19 deep water and 11 shallow water blocks. Sixtyone companies are currently reviewing data, including industry heavyweights such as Total and Chevron, with the results of the tender expected to come later in 2013. Ministry officials told The Myanmar Times earlier this month that previous tenders had not drawn this level of international participation due to the sanctions.

A Myanmar Times Special Report
Editors: Myo Lwin, Jessica Mudditt Photographers: Kaung Htet, Aung Htay Laing, Ko Taik, Boothee, Fiona MacGregor, Chris Page, Writers: Jonas Moberg, Mya Kay Khine, Jeremy Mullins, Fiona MacGregor, Ei Ei Thu, Jessica Mudditt, Bill OToole, Khin Su Wai Cover & Layout Design: Tin Zaw Htway, Ko Pxyo, Khin Zaw Jessica Mudditt

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Global energy news update

Japans Abe to visit Middle East in nuclear push
THE prime minister of energy-poor Japan heads to the oil-rich Middle East this weekend in his latest push to promote nuclear technology exports, a spokesman said Friday, despite growing problems at the crippled Fukushima plant. Shinzo Abe was due to leave Tokyo on Saturday for a six-day trip that will take in Bahrain, Kuwait, Djibouti and Qatar, with discussion of Japans nuclear know-how expected to be on the agenda. Qatar and Kuwait have shown interest in Japans nuclear safety technology, said an official at the foreign ministry. They dont necessarily plan to build a nuclear plant themselves, but their neighbouring countries do, the official said. Qatar and Kuwait are therefore concerned about a possible accident and any environmental impact that might be inflicted. Japan has continued to push its atomic expertise as an important export, despite the 2011 catastrophe at the tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, where multiple meltdowns cast a pall of radiation over a swathe of the countrys northeast. An already-lengthy list of problems in the clean-up got longer this week when around 300 tonnes of highly radioactive water was found to have seeped from one of the 1000-odd storage tanks on the site. Workers looking for other leaks on Thursday identified two more radiation hotspots near the containers, although plant operator Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) says they were dry and it cannot yet explain where they came from. While the atomic catastrophe has put a crimp on Japans own nuclear power generation, with all but two of the countrys 50 reactors shut down, the government has been keen to push exports of its technology as part of efforts to boost infrastructure exports to 35 trillion yen (US$350 billion) a year by 2020. Abe, a supporter of nuclear power, visited Turkey in May as part of a wider Middle Eastern tour, signing a long-awaited deal to build a sprawling nuclear power plant on Turkeys Black Sea coast, in a milestone for the Japanese nuclear industry. The agreement came a day after Japan signed a nuclear cooperation deal with the United Arab Emirates. The foreign ministry official brushed aside suggestions that the latest setback at Fukushima might put a dampener on talks during the upcoming trip, saying the government does not expect them to have any impact. The nuclear shutdown in Japan has also increased the countrys reliance on imported fossil fuels, of which the Middle East is an important source. - AFP

Irans envoy to UN nuclear watchdog quits

IRANS representative to the UNs International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Ali Asghar Soltanieh, announced his resignation on Thursday without giving any reason, the Fars news agency reported. My mission is finished ... and I return to Iran with satisfaction, said Soltanieh, who has held the post since 2005. On August 15, new President Hassan Rowhani named Ali Akbar Salehi to head Irans Atomic Energy Organisation as part of his team. Salehi, who holds a doctorate in nuclear science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, already headed the organisation between 2009 and 2010 before taking up the post of foreign minister under former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Meanwhile, foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Araghchi was quoted by the press Thursday as saying a new ambassador (to the IAEA) has been chosen and will be announced soon. Western countries and Israel suspect Irans nuclear program is cover for a drive for a weapons capability, an ambition Tehran strongly denies. The IAEA has been probing the program for the past decade, and a number of international sanctions have been slapped on Tehran for its refusal to stop enriching uranium. That process can lead to producing the fissile core of an atomic weapon. Talks between Tehran and major world powers have so far failed to yield an agreement. - AFP

Iran's envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Ali Asghar Soltanieh. Photo: AFP

US scientists claim worlds most accurate clock

US scientists said last week that they have built the worlds most precise clock, whose ticking rate varies less than two parts in 1 quintillion, or 10 times better than any other. The clock, made from the element ytterbium, could be used for technological advancements beyond timekeeping, such as navigation systems, magnetic fields and temperature. The stability of the ytterbium lattice clocks opens the door to a number of exciting practical applications of high-performance timekeeping, National Institute of Standards and Technology physicist, and co-author of the study revealing the clock, Andrew Ludlow said in a statement. While mechanical clocks use the movement of a pendulum to keep time, atomic clocks use an electromagnetic signal of light emitted at an exact frequency to move electrons in cesium atoms. The physicists built their ytterbium clocks using about 10,000 rare-earth atoms cooled to 10 microkelvin (10 millionths of a degree above absolute zero) and trapped in an optical lattice made of laser light. Another laser that ticks 518 trillion times per second triggers a transition between two energy levels in the atoms. The clocks high stability is owed to the large number of atoms. The new clocks can achieve precise results very quickly. Technicians must average the current US civilian time standard, the NIST-F1 cesium fountain clock, for about 400,000 seconds (about five days) to obtain its best performance. But the new ytterbium clocks can achieve that same result in about one second of averaging time. The study was published in the journal Science.  - AFP

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Photo: AFP

South Africa aims to start shale gas exploration by April

SOUTH Africa may start exploration for shale gas before elections in April next year, the trade minister said last week We need to advance the work on taking a decision on shale gas exploration, said trade and industry minister Rob Davies almost a year after lifting a freeze. We want to move before the end of this administration. The current governments term ends next April. Africas largest economy, heavily reliant on coal, is mulling nuclear power and shale gas as new energy sources. The countrys semi-desert Karoo region potentially has one of the worlds largest untapped shale fields. The reserves are perhaps even larger than those of its neighbour Mozambique, Davies added, after massive discoveries there in the last three years. The gas fields of Mozambique which have just opened have about 100 trillion cubic metres of gas, and the shale gas deposit - some of the estimates would suggest that it is multiples of the Mozambican, he said in a news conference. If this was the case, this could be a very, very significant game changer in terms of the energy situation in South Africa. If the estimates are accurate South Africa could have gas equal to 400 years of crude oil imports at the current rate, according to a study released last year and commissioned by Anglo-Dutch energy giant Shell. Authorities last September lifted a freeze on shale gas exploration in the Karoo, sparking a national debate and concerns among environmental activists about the effect on water quality in the arid region. But Davies was reassuring: of course we are not going to do this in any kind of irresponsible way. Its exploitation could create up to 700,000 jobs in a nation where more than one in four are unemployed. - AFP

Technip to lay worlds deepest gas pipeline in Gulf of Mexico

FRENCH firm Technip will lay the worlds deepest gas pipeline for energy giant Shell in the US Gulf of Mexico, the oil services company said in a statement on Friday. This was the second big announcement by Technip in 10 days concerning deep-sea pipelaying. In the latest statement, the company said it was awarded an important engineering, procurement and installation contract for the development of subsea infrastructure for the Stones field, at a depth of approximately 2900 metres (9500 feet). The project will be the deepest floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit in the world and Shells first in the Gulf of Mexico, Technip said, without specifying how much the contract was worth. With the award of this highprofile project, Technip confirms its subsea leadership and keeps differentiating itself through innovation to remain at the forefront of frontier projects, Technips Senior Vice President for North America Savid Dickson said. On August 12, Technip said that with Norwegian shipping group DOF it had won contracts worth 1.35 billion euros (US$1.8 billion) involving the construction of the biggest pipelaying ships of their type for Brazil. Technip said that they had won eight contracts from Brazilian oil group Petrobras to lay flexible pipelines at great depth. - AFP

Greenpeace ship defies Russia by entering Arctic route

GREENPEACE said on Saturday it had defied the Russian authorities by sending its icebreaker through an Arctic shipping route to protest against oil drilling in the fragile ecosystem. Earlier this week the global environmental group said Russia had refused its ship permission to enter the Northern Sea Route on several occasions citing concerns about the icebreakers ability to withstand thick ice. Greenpeace has called the move a thinly veiled attempt to stifle peaceful protest. In defiance of the Russian authorities, the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise entered the Northern Sea Route early Saturday morning to protest plans by the countrys top oil firm Rosneft and its US partner ExxonMobil to drill near the Russian Arctic National Park, the group said. We refuse to let illegal attempts by the Russian government to stop us from exposing dangerous oil drilling in the Arctic. The Russian Arctic National Park is a special place full of rare and threatened Arctic wildlife, and faces an infinitely greater threat from reckless oil companies than a fully equipped Greenpeace icebreaker, Christy Ferguson, Greenpeace Arctic Campaigner aboard the Arctic Sunrise, was quoted as saying. If Rosneft and ExxonMobil bring in offshore drilling platforms they will risk catastrophic blowouts and spills that could devastate the region, said Ferguson, adding the two oil majors rely on secrecy and evasion. Greenpeace said the plans to drill in the protected ecosystem were in contravention of Russias own environmental laws. Rosneft, headed by one of Putins closest confidants, Igor Sechin, did not immediately react. Both Russia and the United States hope that the global warming gradually melting the Arctic sea ice will help them tap the vast oil and natural gas resources believed to be buried in the region. Putin has pledged to turn the Northern Sea Route into a key shipping artery, part of the Kremlins bid to mark out its stake over the energy-rich Arctic. - AFP

A woman in a creek near Myitsone dam. Photo: Boothee

Ongoing hydroelectric projects unleash flood of criticism

Bill OToole

S controversial dam projects continue to pop up along Myanmars riverways, activist groups warn that, rather than developing the nation, these projects are actually contributing to instability, environmental damage and ethnic conflict in many rural areas. The most well-known project is the Myitsone dam in Kachin State. President U Thein Sein halted construction on the dam in 2011, citing environmental concerns. While members of the Chinese government have recently expressed their doubts about whether or not the project will be restarted, villagers in the

surrounding area report that the construction equipment and building materials from the site have yet to be removed. Despite concerns and setbacks, the Union Government appears as committed as ever to hydropower. In February the Ministry of Electric Power reported to parliament that six new dam projects had been approved along the Salween River in Shan and Kayan states. Activists of all stripes, however, have decried the new developments. U Maung Maung, of the Mandalay-based environmental group Green Activities, has often spoken out about the need for international best practices and environmental assessments on such sites, calling for greater transparency in the decision-making and building process. Speaking to The Myanmar Times, he said

that even when environmental impact assessments are carried out, the results are all too often kept confidential and out of the peoples hands. In addition, the environmental advocacy group Salween Watch, in their 2013 update on dam construction in Shan State, documented several communities in which projects have brought massive deforestation and damage to the local ecology. The groups report also said that dam construction is actively contributing to the armed conflict that has come to define so many rural areas. In a recent press release, Salween Watch warned that the recent build-up of Tatmadaw troops along the northern stretch of the river is directly related to dam projects. It is feared that the Burmese Army will use force to seize the SSA-N territories ... The seizure

of the Kokang area has enabled Chinese dam-builders to proceed with the giant Kunlong dam on the Salween, where construction of access roads to the site by Asia World Company is almost completed. Sai Khur Hseng, a spokesperson for Burma Rivers Watch, agreed. These are the costs of dam-building in Burmas war zones, he said. Naw Phyo Phyo, a spokesperson for the Karen Womens Organization, said earlier this year that the government and foreign investors should halt all hydropower projects until genuine peace comes to the countrys conflict areas. Karen activist Pati Saw Ko concurred. We all want development, but development must not bring suffering and difficulty for local communities.

Argentine dam deal awarded to Chinese, domestic firms

THE construction of two hydroelectric dams in Argentinas Patagonia region has been awarded to a consortium of domestic and Chinese companies, President Cristina Kirchner announced Wednesday. Local Electroingenieria e Hidrocuyo and China-based Gezhouba Group Company Limited secured the deal, Kirchner said. Those losing out include Alstom (France), Odebrecht (Brazil), Isolux (Spain), Sinohydro (China) and Hyundai (South Korea). The dams, to be built on the Santa Cruz river, will have a production capacity of 1.740 megawatts, or 4.7 percent of national electric production. Kirchner said the new construction would mean that the Santa Cruz river would have the second largest dam after Yacyreta, a dam located on the Parana river and jointly administered by Argentina and Paraguay. Argentina relies heavily on the Yacyreta dam, which covers 22 percent of the countrys electricity needs. The Santa Cruz river, which extends some 385 kilometres (240 miles), originates in the Andes and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Argentine officials say construction, which will begin in December, will take five years and create 5000 jobs. The two new dams will be named after former governors of Santa Cruz state Jorge Cepernic and Nestor Kirchner, who was president from 2003 and 2007. - AFP
Santa Cruz River. Photo: Wikicommons

End looming for illegal roadside petrol sales

The rise of legitimate filling stations, with their stable, low prices, are beginning to discourage illegal roadside sales
risk, say sellers. Now, they face a different kind of threat not from the government, but from the free market system. With more petrol stations in Yangon, their business has declined. I have been selling petrol and diesel for a long time, about 13 years in Kamaryut, U Myint, 42, said. On average, he earns K25,000 and sells about 15 gallons of petrol and diesel a day. We made a lot of profit before, but now the service stations are everywhere so we are down in the trade, he said. Still, there is a market for the small roadside sellers, U Myint said. Most customers seek out the illegal traders when the electricity goes out in their shops, or when they are stuck in a traffic jam and find themselves far from a commercial station. Others, he said, prefer not to go to the petrol station during the rainy season and will instead use a roadside seller they already know. U Myint said he buys the petrol he sells from several sources, often from private gas stations but sometimes from other drivers, both private and government. He said profits are good enough to support his family and much better than his previous profession in the cement and brick trade. Roadside petrol sales can support my family and help me save a little money, U Myint said, adding that profits depend on circumstances. If electricity is regular, petrol stations are everywhere and sales are not good, then I will change to another job maybe a rice station or electrical shop. Another roadside petrol seller, U Saw Thein, 52, from Hlaing township in Yangon, has worked in the business of illegal petrol for five years. He said profits are better now under the free market because he no

Ei Ei Thu

HE illegal roadside sale of petrol remains a lucrative business in Yangon, but profit margins are getting smaller as the number of private petrol stations increase, several petrol sellers told The Myanmar Times. Roadside petrol sellers have always been a staple around Yangon, particularly so during times when the government was limiting the supply and cost of gasoline. Up until a few years ago, however, roadside dealers caught selling petrol without a permit faced steep fines and potential punishment, and often had to bribe authorities. But at the time, business was so profitable it was worth the

Illegal petrol stations such as the one pictured are less common than they used to be. Photo: Kaung Htet

longer has to pay bribes to officials. However, he is not getting rich from his sales, he said, selling only about 10 gallons of petrol and diesel on an average day. It is enough to support my family, U Saw Thein said. We live in a roadside shop and can count beads and listen to Buddhist literature with a CD player We will [sell petrol] as

much as we can, but this job is not making me rich I have just enough to eat and live. Ko Aung Khaing, 25, lives in Sanchaung and has been working as a roadside petrol seller for over seven months. He buys petrol and diesel from a private petrol company. Most of his buyers are taxi drivers and private car owners.

I undercut the price at petrol stations by about K100 or K200, so Im able to sell about a tanks worth a day, Ko Aung Khaing said. He enjoys his work but admits that times are getting tough. Private stations are everywhere, he said, so sales in the roadside petrol shops are lower than before. Its difficult for me.


How dangerous is life on an oil tanker?

Jessica Mudditt

N a leafy area along Shwe Gon Daing Road, theres some serious training underway at MTM Ship Managements manning and training centre. There are classrooms full of young men in white shirts pouring over notebooks while their teachers animatedly issue instructions. It goes without saying that oil and chemical tankers are big business globally however training the industrys seaman on safety measures is a quieter, yet equally valuable understanding. The cargo we carry is often flammable, very highly toxic, corrosive in short, it can be very dangerous to human health, said Captain Kyaw Min, head of MTMs fleet personnel. Its so dangerous, in fact, that if a seaman was exposed to the carcinogenic cargo while in the tanker, there is a real risk of contracting leukemia. So we are doing very serious training here, he said. Most of the 14 ships MTM owns and runs are chemical tankers carrying what is known as liquid bulk. It also acts on behalf of owners in a management function, which includes administering crew wages (which can amount to US$1 million a year per ship), ship maintenance, accounting for operational expenses and dry docking expenses. MTM

One of MTM's tankers. Photo supplied by MTM

charges the ships owners some of whom reside in Japan and the United States and include companies such as Shell management fees, which is what makes the business a profitable one. In

A breathing apparatus set is worn when entering the enclosed space of the cargo area. It prevents suffocation due to lack of oxygen and poisoning due to harmful chemicals. Photo: Jessica Mudditt

total, MTM operates 28 chemical tankers, eight oil tankers and two product tankers. MTMs tankers ply routes all across the world from the US to South America (MTMs main route), to Japan from the major oil producing area, the Persian Gulf, as well as an Asian route that encompasses Taiwan, Indonesia and Singapore because they are all oil consuming countries, Captain Kyaw Min said. Singapore cannot produce oil but it has enormous refineries, including Shells. Domestically, MTM has a smaller sized tanker that travels from Singapore to Myanmar, which delivers oil to Myanmar and carries diesel to Singapore. Under British rule, Myanmar was an oil-producing country. Across the Yangon River in Thanlyin, there is a refinery that was set up by the British and which has still the potential to be a profitable venture, said Captain Kyaw Min. It was nationalised in 1962 and has since fallen into disrepair. A lot of trees and vegetation has grown up around it, but the towers and tanks are still there; plus the jetty and pipelines, he said. There has been talk that it will be upgraded with assistance from Japan though the project will of course take years to complete. Meanwhile, as reports emerge in the media about the exploitation of seamen and corrupt practices becoming more common, such as issuing false Department of Marine Administration certifi-

cates for unqualified candidates, it is reassuring to see firsthand how stringent reputable companies are about safety. No deaths have occurred on my ships, said Captain Kyaw Min, who has 15 years of experience. According to the United Nations International Maritime Organisation, every year there are approximately 100 deaths on tankers, all of which occured in the enclosed space of the cargo area. Rather than the dramatic explosions on tankers occasionally documented by the media, it is the cargo area that poses the greatest risk to life on a tanker. As Captain Kyaw Min explained, entering the cargo area, which on average holds about 30,000 tonnes of chemicals, is absolutely prohibited until the cargo itself has been emptied. After discharge and while en route to the next port to pick up the new cargo, we do the cleaning. Only once this has been completed can we can go in to check. Even then a person should never enter alone a minimum of two is necessary. The entire tank is cleaned according to stringent requirements set by international conventions and industry bodies. There are various procedures, including steaming and spraying the area with chemicals. The walls are then washed and samples sent to a laboratory to test for traces of harmful chemicals. Another reason why the cleaning is so rigorous is that a tanker may subsequently carry a differ-

ent type of cargo that could have fatal results if mixed. For example, if lubricant oil were to mix with ethanol, Everyone would die, said Captain Than Nyaing Tun, MTMs head of training and personnel. In addition to the above mentioned risks, the cargo area lacks natural light and has depleted oxygen levels sometimes to the point where fainting is a likelihood. The Safety of Life at Sea Convention of 1974 (known as SOLAS) requires that a wide variety of personal protective equipment must be on onboard. There are also different types of firefighting equipment. Each time there is an accident, SOLAS is amended to make it more and more stringent, said Captain Mow Kyaw, MTMs training principal. An important step in improving the safety of seamen on tankers worldwide is the Maritime Labour Convention, which came into force on August 23. In addition to tightening up safety requirements, it also includes measures to better ensure the wellbeing of seamen, such as adopting social security requirements set by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Senior Caption Zaw Naing Cho has a total of 25 years of experience on tankers, including 15 years with MTM. He studied chemistry at university and was initially hoping to secure a government post. But I decided against it in the end, he said. I feel more free out at sea.


How electricity changed my life

Ma Thein Nu has lived two-thirds of her life without electricity. Now 66, she will never forget the day electricity arrived in her village near Sittwe in Rakhine State. From facilitating late-night parties to keeping ghosts at bay, electric lights made life easier and better, she says. And when she and her family lost their home during ethnic conflict last year and found themselves living without electric power again, the grandmother of three realised just how much shed come to rely on electricity. Ma Thein Nu told her story to Fiona MacGregor
Fiona MacGregor

HEN I was a young woman all we had to live by was candlelight. I was 42 before we got electricity in our village and the first time they switched it on, everybody started to celebrate. My daughter was 12 at the time and she and all the other children were singing and dancing I felt like singing and dancing too. Inside I felt very proud. I cant explain exactly why I felt that way, but I knew something significant had happened. Some things didnt change a great deal: After all, it was only an electric light. We still cooked by burning wood and much of life went on as before. But in other ways things immediately got better. I dont think electricity signifi-

cantly altered the important things in our culture, but what did change, and what was so wonderful, was that we were able to mix together socially in the evenings. Before we had electricity, life was quite boring. In the evenings the only thing to do was to sit under your house with your family. When it got dark we would all go to bed. And that was how it was night after night. So in those days we would be in bed by about 7pm. After we got electricity I wouldnt go to bed till 10pm, 11pm, even midnight, even though I am not so young anymore. Living with electricity is good fun. We can stay up talking late into the night, and friends and neighbours can visit or we can visit them. Life is much more interesting. It was quite a while after we got electricity that the first people in our village got a television. That was very exciting. Everyone would

go to the house where the television was and the people had a video so we could all watch the films. Sometimes 20 people would all be crowded round the television. Ive heard people say that television can change people, but I am not sure thats true. Some of the girls wanted to wear short skirts and clothes like the people they saw in the films, but I dont think it really changed them. One thing I do remember, though, was seeing the big houses the people in the movies lived in and thinking, How are we ever going to get something like that? After our house was burned down [during the Rakhine State ethnic violence of 2012] it was like going back to the old days once again living without electricity. I realised what an important role it had come to play in my life, and I really cant think of anything good to say about a life without it, apart

Ma Thein Nu is waiting for an electricity supply to power a light and socket in her new house. Photo: Fiona MacGregor

from perhaps not having to pay for it. Candles are cheaper! But having electricity also allows us to do more work in the evening to earn money. My daughter and granddaughters learned how to make beaded crafts from an NGO. Because weve not had electricity since we lost our house, theyve only been able to do that during the day if they have time. When we get our lights back on theyll be able to do it in the evening too. One thing Id forgotten about was how scary it can be when it is dark and you have no electricity. If its dark I am so scared of ghosts, but when we have electricity I can put the light on and I am

not frightened at all. I feel proud that we are going to have electricity again soon. Life has been very hard since we lost our house and having electricity will help us feel we are getting back to normal again. The government built these new houses for people who lost their homes and we moved in here about two weeks ago. They are still building things and there is no electricity yet, but weve told were going to get it very soon. In the meantime, my son-inlaw has made something with a battery so we can have some light, but it will be much better when the electricity is working again.

The high cost of harvesting sunlight

Solar power is catching on among the very rich and via government development projects the very poor. But what about those in the middle?
They spend K100 or K200 for panels benefits, they have yet to power as a way to access electricity candles and are reluctant to spend really light up the market. in rural areas, public awareness K20,000 or K30,000 on solar People still need to know more grew. panels. about solar power and the right Today, solar panels have Panels made in Singapore, attitude they should have toward been installed everywhere from Thailand and Japan are typically using it, he said. mountainous areas like Chin State higher quality, he said, but come The major factor casting a to villages in central Myanmar. with a higher price tag compared to Under a rural development scheme shadow over solars future in the those imported from China, Taiwan private sphere, he said, is the price initiated by the Ministry of Border or India. While the panels Sun tag. Affairs, 16,000 villages have had Power imports from Singapore sell A person would have to earn solar panels installed since 2012, for K2000 a watt, Chinese-made about K3 million a year to be with priority given to autonomous panels go for around K500 a watt. able to give priority to electricity, areas and places away from the The difference adds up quickly lighting and other lifestyle things. national power grid. Even Sittwe, panels range from 5 to 10 watts up in Rakhine State, may be converted Those earning less than that will to 300W, with most being 200W automatically spend their earnings to solar power, according to a and U Zaw Win statement by MP U Aung Mya Its only the most affluent - or the most dedicated - Min said the price makes it Kyaw which was individuals who can fit solar panels into their budget. difference impossible to compete published in the with Chinese brands. Rakhine independent news website on food, medicine and education. In addition to companies He said the costs are especially Narinjara. like Sun Power, the Ministry of challenging in precisely the areas Other reports elsewhere have Industry 2 sells a range of solar which could benefit most from praised solar as a natural source panels, enough to power eight 3W solar energy, as the high startfor electricity and lighting in bulbs, four 5W bulbs or six 7W up costs prevent people from development project sites in rural bulbs. But solar power requires benefiting from solars long-term areas. All these changes raise one voltage regulators and batteries savings. question: Has solar power become to store the power as well, and We did some surveys in the indispensable in Myanmar? the prices of these materials rural areas, U Zaw Win Min U Zaw Win Min manager also depend on the voltage and said. It is difficult for [rural of Sun Power, based in Yangons watts. The system also requires people] to buy solar panels even Lanmadaw township, which has maintenance to keep the batteries by installment, let alone by down been in the solar panel market for and panels in good working order. payment. 15 years said that for all solar The high costs limit solar panel use to government projects and private donation ceremonies. U Zaw Win Min said the market could grow further if more donors were willing to help with initial investments by pushing the startup cost to below, for example, the K200 it might cost to replace a fluorescent bulb. For now, its only the most affluent or the most dedicated individuals who can fit solar panels into their budget. Still, things are changing: As expensive as solar power seems today, prices have fallen 50 percent over the past five years, according to U Zar Ni of Manlay Zar Ni Electronics in Mandalay. Sales of solar panels increased three times in the past five years, U Zar Ni said, adding that sales have been brisk since 2010. And as prices drop, its becoming easier for the average middle-class city-dweller to make the jump to the benefits of solar. Many are buying more solar panels because they realise the benefits are greater than the amount of money spent on the system. Translated by Myo Lwin

Khin Su Wai

IN developed countries, solar power is taking off as an environmentally friendly, costsaving alternative to traditional sources of power. For those in developing countries like Myanmar, however, many of whom lack more reliable sources of power, solar power is more than a lifestyle choice; its a necessity. But its also a relatively recent option, one which despite obvious benefits remains, for the time being, too pricy for all but a few. In 2008, while researching solar power for a university paper, I found it nearly impossible to find even a 1-foot-square solar panel. Even a big city such as Mandalay had only a couple of shops selling solar panels. By late 2010 and 2011, however, solar panels started being imported from China in larger numbers, and more and more electrical stores started selling them. As the media began incessantly highlighting solar

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