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Nutritional Advice


within first hour after waking up

Option 1 (Porridge is the BEST OPTION!) 30grams Porridge Oats (Made In Water) Add 100ml semi-skimmed milk by the end of cooking or after its already in a bowl Sprinkle with 1Tblsp mixed seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame) 2 Capsules Omega 3 fish oil 1 cup of Green Tea Option 2 1 slice European style bread (see the attachment)

ripe Avocado spread on the bread. (I hope you will give the Avocado a chance here 1 slice low-fat / light hard cheese ( no more than 15g fat per 100g) 1 slice of turkey or chicken lean ham 2 Capsules Omega 3 1 cup of Green tea

Option 3 250ml Natural (plain) probiotic yogurt of no more than 5% fat 30grams all bran (NOT Bran flakes!) 1Tbsp mixed seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame or 5 almonds 1Tbsp blueberries 2 Capsules Omega 3 1 cup of Green tea Option 4 1 Ryvita cracker bread 1 banana 200ml semi-skimmed milk (2%) 2 Capsules Omega 3 1 cup of Green tea

Mid-Morning Snack

2-4 hours after breakfast

(This meal you will most likely have when you are out on the go, so make sure you plan and prepare before you leave in the morning) Also, all options would be easily accessible in any metro Tesco or Sainsbury) Option 1 150 g Yeo Valley organic Yogurt Small green pear Water Option 2 2 oatcakes

150g cottage cheese (add fresh chives/ spring onions and seasoning for taste) Water

Option 3 1 ryvitas cracker bread 1handful of dried mangos Water Option 4 100g raw carrot buttons 100g raw celery sticks or cucumber slices 2 Tbsps. hummus Water Option 5 150g low fat Greek yogurt (0% or 2% fat read labels!) 10 Almonds or 8 walnuts or 8 brazil nuts 1Tbsp blueberries/raspberries/ or mango


3-4 hours after mid-morning snack

(This meal need to be prepared and packed in a box) Option 1 50grams Brown Rice 100grams Turkey Breast

Handful of mixed cooked vegetables Water

Option 2 100 grams (Skinned Diced and Steamed) Sweet Potato 100grams Wild Salmon Handful of Spinach or rocket salad 1 Tea Spoon Dr Udos Oil or a tbs of Olive oil Water Option 3 80 g slices of Lean Ham 30g spaghetti cooked al dente Green leaf salad served on the side with 1Tbsp olive oil, herbs, and lemon juice for taste, sprinkled with 1Tbsp mixed seeds. Water Option 4 100 g grilled chicken breast with seasoning of your choice (jerk seasoning/ oregano basil / garlic thyme, etc.) 30g red rice (see attachment) Cooked mixed veg (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower) Water Option 5 50g of either long grain rice or quinoa 100g Tuna with onion, carrot, bay leaf, peppercorns, seasoning Water

Afternoon Snack

within 3-4 hours after lunch

Option 1 1 pear or banana or 2 oatcakes 15 Almonds or 9 walnuts or 8 brazil nuts Water Option 2 150g cottage cheese

1 tbsp. mixed seeds 1 tbsp. of blueberries or raspberries 1 ryvita cracker bread Water

Option 3 150g natural (plain) yogurt 20g all bran (not bran flakes) 1Tbsp mixed seeds 1Tbsp blueberries or raspberries Water Option 4 150g Low-fat Greek yogurt with shredded fresh cucumber and little bit of fresh garlic (light tzatziki) 2 oatcakes or slice European style bread or 150g of mixed raw carrots & celery buttons Water Option 5 200g mixed raw vegetables 2Tbsp hummus Water Option 6 2 oatcakes Avocado Water

Option 1 200grams Skinned and diced and steamed Butter nut squash 100g grams grilled chicken breast Handful of Spinach Water

Option 2 30g red rice, cooked 120 g of fish eat oily fish once per week only, on the other days have lean (white) grilled/ steamed/ cooked/ baked/pan fried in 1-calorie frying oil; with herbs, seasoning, lemon juice and without dressing or creamy sauces! Cooked green vegetables Water Option 3 30g mixed long grain and wild rice 150g wilted spinach 150g tuna steak Water Option 4 1 small new potatoes cooked in water, sprinkled with salt and fresh chopped dill 100g chicken fillets or turkey breast 1 medium con on cob 100g steamed mixed vegetables Water Option 5 100g of lean turkey mince, with tomato sauce 50g spaghetti cooked al dente or 50 grams of brown rice Side green leaf salad with 1 tbsp. olive oil Water

Evening Snack

(2 -4 hours after dinner if you feel hungry)

Option 1 100g cottage cheese 1 tbsp. mixed seeds Water Option 3

150g low fat Greek yogurt (0% or 2%fat) 6 Almonds Water

Option 4 1 small piece of dark chocolate 1 capsule of omega 3 1 Raw carrot

Option 5 150g wilted young leaf spinach 1 Oatcake Water

Red rice examples:

European style bread examples:

Coffees and Teas are fine, but please make sure to keep it to maximum 2 cups a day and preferably not together with meals/snacks. 30 min to 1 hour before or after a meal snack is ideal. The reason for this is that caffeine might interfere with the absorption of some vitamins and minerals.

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