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Chrome can now work with Oracle E-Business Suite

Download the JRE plug-in Oracle E-Business Suite interoperability patch 6863618.

Downloaded the Sun JRE Plug-in 1.6.0_14

If using a 'Static Versioning' model the version installed here will be the specific version that must be
used to access Oracle E-Business Suite from the desktop client. If using a 'Non-Static Versioning'
model the version installed here will generally be the minimum version that will be used to access
Oracle E-Business Suite.

Exception: With next-generation java plug-in releases (1.6.0_14 or later) installed on the desktop
client, specifying a release from the earlier java 5 family may cause earlier releases to be used than
the one specified within the java 5 family. This can occur if the required version is not already
installed on the desktop client but an earlier version is.

Rename the JRE 6 Native Plug-in

If you are upgrading on the JRE 6.0 family
Rename the downloaded JRE Native plug-in file from jre-6_u14-windows-i586-p.exe to

Placed the JRE 6 Plug-in on the Web Application Tier

Move the j2se160X.exe file to the web application tier and place it in this is what I did on my

Applied the JRE plug-in Interoperability patch 6863618 by following the steps below.
Using adpatch

Run the Script

Run the script from the <patch_top>/<interop_patch_number>/fnd/bin/
applprod@gvaora3:/stage/patches/2009/6863618/fnd/bin $ ls
applprod@gvaora3: ./

If the appsTier environment is well set The script will update the new JRE version
information into your AutoConfig context file, update the version used by Workflow and run
AutoConfig to incorporate the new values throughout your application. This script must be run using
the following command: <jversion>

Where: <jversion> represents the JRE version you wish to install, without decimal points or
underscores. (e.g. 16003)
This value is listed in the '<jversion> Parameter' column of appendix JRE Parameter Settings.

For example; the command to install JRE 1.6.0_14 is:

applprod@gvaora3: ./ 16014

The script will prompt you for the following values, if it does not find them automatically:
Location of APPSORA.env file, if not present in the default location $APPL_TOP.
Location of the AutoConfig Context File.
Password for the APPS user in the database (If the correct value is returned by the script you may
press the return key at the prompt).

The forms loaded very well on this instance configured with Sun JRE plugin with IE7 then I tried
to check if Google chrome works fine.

Then I got the below error

You don't have permission to access /dev60cgi/oracle/apps/fnd/formsClient/FormsLauncher.class on this


In order to access this application, you must install the Oracle JInitiator Plugin
version 1.3,1,29. To install this plugin, click here to download the oajinit.exe
executable. Once the download is complete, double-click the oajinit.exe file to
install the plugin. You will be prompted to restart your browser when the
installation is complete

Copyright ©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation

I then located the FormsLauncherClass in

applprod@gvaora3: cd /u01/DEV3/apps/prodcomn/java/oracle/apps/fnd/formsClient

Changed the the permission as shown below

applprod@gvaora3:$ chmod 755 FormsLauncher.class

And after this the chrome loaded the forms sucessfully

Long Live Oracle and Chrome !!!!!!!!!!!!

Geoffrey Shelton Okot
Senior Apps DBA

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