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Factor Analysis 1. Problem Formulation: mcari yg mdasari hubungan antara perilaku rumah tangga dan perilaku belanja.

Tujuannya apa? To understand the relationship between household behavior and shopping behavior. Samples size = 25 respondents. Variables: use 7 variables of lifestyle statements on a seven-point scale (1=strongly disagree; 7=strongly agree). 1. V1= I would rather spend a quiet evening at home than go out to a party. 2. V2=I always check prices, even on small items. 3. V3= Magazines are more interesting than movies. 4. V4=I will not buy product advertised on bill boards. 5. V5= I am a homebody. 6. V6= I save and cash coupons. 7. V7= Companies waste a lot of money advertising. 2. Construct correlation matrix: dicari yg diatas 0.5 Correlation Matrixa V1 Correlation V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 Sig. (1-tailed) V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 a. Determinant = .062 See correlation matrix: Some correlation coefficient are moderate (sekitar 0.5 sampai 0.75) and significant. Di atas 0.75 itu tinggi. Pokoknya dicari yg >0.5 dan yg signifikan. Barlett test: Ho= The variables are uncorrelated in population. The p-value of Barletts test= 0.000, so Ho is rejected. The variables are correlated; therefore analysis factor can be conducted or is appropriate. KMO= 0.55>0.50, factor analysis is appropriate. .493 .000 .348 .000 .316 .049 .236 .116 .409 .001 .113 .192 .008 .334 .001 .094 .469 .009 .301 .348 .473 1.000 -.004 .628 .082 .675 -.100 -.338 V2 -.004 1.000 .151 -.248 .048 .582 -.251 .493 V3 .628 .151 1.000 -.182 .480 .090 -.588 .000 .236 V4 .082 -.248 -.182 1.000 .272 .017 .469 .348 .116 .192 V5 .675 .048 .480 .272 1.000 -.110 -.082 .000 .409 .008 .094 V6 -.100 .582 .090 .017 -.110 1.000 .014 .316 .001 .334 .469 .301 V7 -.338 -.251 -.588 .469 -.082 .014 1.000 .049 .113 .001 .009 .348 .473

KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square Sphericity df Sig. .550 57.994 21 .000

3. Determine the Method of Factor Analysis: Use principal components analysis 4. Determine the Number of Factors: Factor analysis ada 2: Explanatory FA the researcher does not determine number of factors. Factor analysis will do it. Confirmatory FA the researcher determine number of factors before factor analysis is done. Ways to determine number of factors: 1. A priory determination: Extraction number of factors. Misal kita isi 2, tar factornya jadi 2, dst. Component Matrixa Component 1 2 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 .817 .279 .887 -.204 .664 .050 -.684 .378 -.714 -.027 .634 .505 -.604 .383

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 2 components extracted. 2. Determination Based on Eigenvalues: Ini ditentukan oleh SPSS nya dgn klik eigen value nya. Eigen value kriterianya >1. 3. Determination Based on Scree Plot: Dgn melihat kurva itu patahnya dimana dlm kasus ini 4. Klo pake scree plot biasanya >1 (lbh byk 1 faktor hasil penentuannya daripada pakai eigen value). Kelemahannya ga pasti utk situasi tertentu.

4. Determination Based on Percentage of Variance: ada pengekstrakan di 7 variabel mjd lebih kecil. 60%. 5. Determination Based on Split-HalfnReliabilty: dibelah 2. 6. Determination Based on Significance Test: Kelemahannya sampelnya harus relative besar. Kalau pakai Eigenvalues maka Factornya yg >1 ada 3. Kalau pakai percentage of factor maka ada 3. Dilihat kumulatif akhirnya, itu total 80% jadi ada 3, bisa juga Cuma 1 tapi pasti lebih dari 60% biasanya. 33+24=57, dst. Biasanya Eigenvalues dan percentage selaras. Total Variance Explained Initial Eigenvalues Compo nent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cumulative % 35.505 61.518 80.649 87.907 93.280 97.270 100.000 Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings % of Cumula Variance tive % 35.505 35.505 26.013 61.518 19.131 80.649 Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings % of Varianc e

Total 2.485 1.821 1.339 .508 .376 .279 .191

% of Variance 35.505 26.013 19.131 7.258 5.373 3.990 2.730

Total 2.485 1.821 1.339


Cumulative % 33.076 57.805 80.649

2.315 33.076 1.731 24.729 1.599 22.844

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. 5. Rotate Factors: Matriks factor yg dirotasi. Method of rotation: Varimax. Factor loadings are simple correlations between the variables and the factors . Factor Loading: 1. V1 (.897), V3 (.762), V5 (.868) have high correlation with factor 1. 2. V4 (.867) and V7 (.817) have high correlation with factor 2. 3. V2 (.860) and V6 (.911) have high correlation with factor 3.

Rotated Component Matrixa 1 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 Component 2 -.082 -.232 -.440 .867 .224 .091 .817 3 -.076 .860 .125 -.052 -.017 .911 -.073

.897 .049 .762 .214 .868 -.057 -.351

Factor loading

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 4 iterations. Kesimpulannya dari 7 variabel mjd 3 faktor! 6. Determination based on significance:

A factor can then be interpreted in terms of the variables that load high on it. Factor 1 consist of V1,V3 and V5: V1= I would rather spend a quiet evening at home than go out to a party. V3= Magazines are more interesting than movies. V5= I am a homebody. The underlying dimension of factor 1 is the existence at home. Factor 2 consist of V4 and V7: V4= I will not buy product advertised on bill boards. V7= Companies waste a lot of money advertising. The underlying dimension of factor 2 is attitude to advertisement. Factor 3 consist of V2 and V6:

V2= I always check prices, even on small items. V6= I save and cash coupons. The underlying dimension of factor 3 is carefulness in shopping. 7. Calculate factor scores: Scores save as variables. Component Matrixa 1 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 Component 2 .378 -.714 -.027 .634 .505 -.604 .383 3 .087 .457 -.043 .597 .329 .689 .426

.817 .279 .887 -.204 .664 .050 -.684

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 3 components extracted. The factor scores for the ith factor may be estimated as follows: Equation of factor1 F1= 0.817V1+0.279V2+0.887V3-0.204V4+0.664V5+0.050V6-0.684V7 Utk Factor 2 dan 3 buat sdri. Intinya klo tar dimasukkan tiap V1 V7ke dalam rumus akan ketemu factor scoresnya 8. Select Surrogate Variables: See: Rotated component Matrix Table. Rotated Component Matrixa 1 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 Component 2 -.082 -.232 -.440 .867 .224 .091 .817 3 -.076 .860 .125 -.052 -.017 .911 -.073

.897 .049 .762 .214 .868 -.057 -.351

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 4 iterations. Use the highest loading for each factor. Factor 1 is surrogated by V1 (0.897). Factor 2 is surrogated by V4 (0.867).

Factor 3 is surrogated by V6 (0.911). 9. Determine the Model Fit: See reproduced correlation table-residual Part: Residuals are the differences between the observed correlations and the reproduced correlations can be examined by determine model fit. The smaller residuals, the fitter the model is. We that there are only 3 residuals that have values higher than 0.1. Therefore, it can be concluded that the factor models are appropriate with data or the model are acceptable. Reproduced Correlations V1 Reproduced Correlation V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 Residualb V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 -.001 -.083 -.043 -.087 .027 .040 -.096 -.012 .073 -.177 .018 .042 -.081 .060 .048 -.110 -.002 -.167 -.065 .038 -.013 .818

V2 -.002 .796a .247 -.236 -.025 .760 -.269 -.001

V3 .711 .247 .790


V4 .125 -.236 -.224 .800a .381 .019 .637 -.043 -.012 .042

V5 .762 -.025 .561 .381 .805


V6 -.127 .760 .031 .019 -.045 .841


V7 -.377 -.269 -.636 .637 -.121 .028 .796a .040 .018 .048 -.167 .038 -.013

-.002 .711 .125 .762 -.127 -.377

-.224 .561 .031 -.636 -.083 -.096

-.045 -.121 -.087 .073 -.081 -.110

.028 .027 -.177 .060 -.002 -.065

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. Reproduced communalities b. Residuals are computed between observed and reproduced correlations. There are 10 (47.0%) nonredundant residuals with absolute values greater than 0.05. SEM 2 models of test: - Structural theory model and test relationship among latent variables (contoh: kepercayaan/trust). - Measurement theory model and test relationship between latent variable and observed variable or indicators. Endogen variabel yg dipengaruhi oleh variable lain. Eksogen tidak dipengaruhi variabel lain tp mempengaruhi variabel lain. Konsturk variable tp di alam abstrak (konsep).

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