For The Removable Dental Prosthesis Flexible Partials: Aesthetic Retention

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dental practice July 2007

Flexible partials: aesthetic retention Flexible partials: aesthetic retention forthe the removable dental prosthesis for removable dental prosthesis
FEM<EK@FE8Cd\kXcXe[ ONVENTIONAL metal and XZipc`ZgXik`Xc[\ekli\jfie\jY`k acrylic partials dentures or Yi`[^\jj`[\gcXk\j Xi\ljlXccp nesbit bridges (side plates) XeZ_fi\[kfXYlkd\ekk\\k_Ypd\kXc are usually anchored to abutment ZcXjgjk_XkXi\[\j`^e\[kfnfibn`k_ teeth by metal clasps that are m\ik`ZXcjkfgjkfZi\Xk\XYXcXeZ\ designed to work with vertical i\k\ek`m\Xe[jlggfik\[i\dfmXYc\ stops to create a balanced retentive and supported removable Xggc`XeZ\%K_\j\ZcXjgj#`edfjk appliance. These clasps, in most `ejkXeZ\j#Xi\Zfejg`ZlfljXe[f]k\e instances are conspicuous and often leXZZ\gkXYc\kfk_\gXk`\ek% unacceptable to the patient. D\kXcZcXjgjfeXYlkd\ekk\\k_Xcjf Metal clasps on abutment teeth `e[lZ\ZXi`\j`edXepZXj\j%JlZ_d\kXc also induce caries in many cases. ZcXjgjZXeY\\jg\Z`Xccp[\jkilZk`m\ Such metal clasps can be especially n_\i\k_\i\Xi\ef[`jkXcXYlkd\ek destructive where there are no k\\k_kfdX`ekX`e]lccjlggfikf]k_\ distal abutment teeth to maintain i\jkfiXk`fe%K_\i\jlck`e^kfihl\fek_\ full support of the restoration. The XYlkd\ekk\\k_dXpZfeki`Ylk\kf resulting torque on the abutment dfm\d\ekf]k_\XYlkd\ekkffk_# teeth may contribute to movement n_`c\k_\`dYXcXeZ\f]gi\jjli\jfe of the abutment tooth, while the k_\i\j`[lXci`[^\dXpc\X[kfcfjjfi imbalance of pressures on the df[\cc`e^f]k_\jlggfik`e^Yfe\#Xe[ residual ridge may lead to loss or k_\[`jgifgfik`fef]gi\jjli\jfek_\ modelling of the supportive bone, and the disproportion of pressure dlZfljd\dYiXe\dXpkiXldXk`j\jf]k on the mucous membrane may k`jjl\%K_\j\i\jlckjXi\dfi\c`b\cpkf traumatise soft tissue. These results fZZlin_\ek_\kpg`ZXc[\ekXcgXk`\ek are more likely to occur when the ]X`cjkfi\klieiflk`e\cp]fi typical dental patient fails to return dX`ek\eXeZ\#df[`ZXk`feXe[ routinely for maintenance, X[aljkd\ekf]k_\gXik`Xc[\ekli\% modification and adjustment of the @ek_\ZXj\f]]lcc[\ekli\gifjk_\j`j# partial denture. `k`jXcjff]k\e[`]ZlckkfkXb\ In the case of full denture X[mXekX^\f]k_\i\k\ek`m\Zfekflijf] prosthesis, it s often difficult to klY\ifj`k`\j#kfi`Xcm\fcXiYfjj\j#fiXep take advantage of the retentive lep`\c[`e^le[\iZlkXi\Xj#[l\kfk_\ contours of tuberosities, tori i`^`[`kpf]k_\d\k_pcd\k_XZipcXk\ alevolar bosses, or any unyielding [\ekli\YXj\dXk\i`Xc% undercut areas, due to the rigidity @k`jefndfi\k_Xe.'p\Xijj`eZ\ of methyl methacrylate denture k_\[\ekXcgif]\jj`fe_XjY\\eXYc\kf base material. f]]\ik_\Y\e\kjf]k_\[`jZfm\ipf] It is now more than 70 years since the dental profession has gcXjk`Zd\k_pcd\k_XZipcXk\% been able to offer the benefits of ?fn\m\i#n_`c\k_\i\_Xm\Y\\e the discovery of plastic methyl i\e\d\ekjXe[df[`ZXk`fej`ek_\ methacrylate. dXel]XZkli\f]d\k_pcd\k_XZipcXk\#`k However, while there have been jk`cc[f\jefkhlXc`]pkf]lccck_\

: C

needed requirement in the above e\\[\[i\hl`i\d\ek`ek_\XYfm\$ mentioned situations. d\ek`fe\[j`klXk`fej% The Alternative

a revised andupdated updated version of an by ThisThis is ais revised and version of article an article by Maurice Stern DDS, originally originally published in the Maurice NN SternDDS, published in New the York New York State Dental Journal in 1964 State Dental Journal in February February 1964

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

In 1953, an alternative denture base @e(0,*#XeXck\ieXk`m\[\ekli\YXj\ dXk\i`XcY\ZXd\XmX`cXYc\kfk_\[\ekXc dental profession. The material was gif]\jj`fe%K_\dXk\i`XcnXj]fle[kf found to have astonishing physical _Xm\Xjkfe`j_`e^g_pj`ZXc characteristics and has been used in Z_XiXZk\i`jk`ZjXe[_XjY\\elj\[`e several million cases. The material is j\m\iXcd`cc`feZXj\j%K_\dXk\i`Xc`jX a superpolyamide, an improved jlg\igfcpXd`[\#Xe`dgifm\[i\cXk`m\ relative of the nylon family of f]k_\epcfe]Xd`cpf]gcXjk`Zj% plastics. K_\fi`^`eXcepcfe`jXgif[lZkf]k_\ The original nylon is a product of Figure 2 and (below) Figure 2a. Figure 1. is always to be avoided. extension jpek_\j`jf]c`e\XiZXcZ`ldgfcpXd`[\ the synthesis od linear calcium Full dentures in cases of \ok\ej`fe`jXcnXpjkfY\Xmf`[\[% Xe[[\i`mXk\jf]ZfXc]iXZk`fe polyamide and derivatives of coal pronounced tori, tuberosities or (fraction distillation). The nylon =lcc[\ekli\j`eZXj\jf]gifefleZ\[ [`jk`ccXk`fe %K_\epcfegfcpXd`[\j extremely bulging alveolar process, polyamides were the result of kfi`#klY\ifj`k`\jfi\oki\d\cpYlc^`e^ n\i\k_\i\jlckf]i\j\XiZ_YpN% in the anterior (labial) area, have research by W.Caruthers and his Xcm\fcXigifZ\jj#`ek_\Xek\i`ficXY`Xc  :Xifk_\ijXe[_`jXjjfZ`Xk\j`e(0*(% always posed problems of aesthetics associates in 1931. Xi\X#_Xm\XcnXpjgfj\[gifYc\djf] K_\jlg\igfcpXd`[\jn\i\k_\i\jlck as well as retention. Surgery can be The superpolyamides were the X\jk_\k`ZjXjn\ccXji\k\ek`fe%Jli^\ip f]]lik_\ii\j\XiZ_#`eXkk\dgkjkf avoided with the denture base result of further research, in attempts ZXeY\Xmf`[\[n`k_k_\[\ekli\YXj\ `dgifm\k_\e\^Xk`m\hlXc`k`\jf]epcfe material. The Valplast fingers, to improve the negative qualities of dXk\i`Xc%K_\MXcgcXjke^\ij#_`^_cp Yp\`k_\idf[`ZXk`fef]k_\jkXik`e^ highly resilient, thin and flexural, nylon by either modification of the i\j`c`\ek#k_`eXe[\oliXc#gXjj^\ekcp ]fidlcXfiYpZf$gfcpd\i`jXk`fe pass gently over the largest starting formula or by cofm\ik_\cXi^\jk[`d\ej`fejf]Ylc^\# =lcc\i#:f]]dXe#:Xkc`eXe[9Xb\i % dimensions of bulge, boss, polymerisation (Fuller, Coffman, Yfjj#klY\ifj`kpfigifkil[`e^Zfekfli K_\jlg\igfcpXd`[\f]`ek\i\jk_\i\ tuberosity or protruding contour and Catlin and Baker). Xe[i\kliekfk_\`ii\cXo\[gfj`k`fej `jbefnele[\ik_\YiXe[eXd\ return to their relaxed positions (due The superpolyamide of interest mucostatic detailed reproduction of the kfi\kX`ek_\ to [l\kf\cXjk`Zd\dfip elastic memory) to retain the MXcgcXjk#n_`Z_`jXmX`cXYc\`e]fli dlZfjkXk`Z[\kX`c\[i\gif[lZk`fef]k_\ here is known under the brand name mouth tissue of the model. This also denture without pressure. [\ekli\n`k_flkgi\jjli\% ^`e^`mXcZfcfli$]Xjkj_X[\jk_XkXi\c`m\ dflk_k`jjl\f]k_\df[\c%K_`jXcjf of Valplast, which is available in enhances the retention and stability of In @eYcfZb]fidf]XZlY\#n_`Z_`j block form of a cube, which is k`jjl\kfe\jn`k_c`]\$c`b\kiXejclZ\eZp% \e_XeZ\jk_\i\k\ek`feXe[jkXY`c`kpf] four gingival colour-fast shades that dentures due to retained atmospheric more than 10mm on each edge, this dfi\k_Xe('ddfe\XZ_\[^\#k_`j @kYc\e[j`ekfk_\^`e^`mXcZfcflijf [\ekli\j[l\kfi\kX`e\[Xkdfjg_\i`Z are live tissue tones with life-like pressure. material is practically non flexible, dXk\i`Xc`jgiXZk`ZXccpefk\o`Yc\#Ylk translucency. It blends into the k_Xk`k`j[`]Zlckkf[`]]\i\ek`Xk\k_\ gi\jjli\% When retention fingers are designed, but in thin extensions of about 2mm gingival colour so that it is difficult `ek_`e\ok\ej`fejf]XYflk)ddfi clearance k`jjl\Xe[k_\[\ekli\%@k_Xj\oki\d\cp N_\ei\k\ek`fee^\ijXi\[\j`^e\[# of the attached end of the or less, it acts as a flexural finger to differentiate the tissue and the c\jj#`kXZkjXjX\oliXce^\in`k_ finger _`^_k\ej`c\jki\e^k_#`jXYiXj`fe$ Zc\XiXeZ\f]k_\XkkXZ_\[\e[f]k_\ must be planned by starting the with perfect rebound to its denture. It has extremely high tensile g\i]\Zki\Yfle[kf`kjgifZ\jj\[]fid% i\j`jkXek#Xe[`j_`^_cpi\j`c`\ek%@k_Xj e^\idljkY\gcXee\[YpjkXik`e^k_\ finger far enough away from the processed form. strength, is abrasion-resistant, and is Gifg\icp[\j`^e\[i\k\ek`fee^\ijprotruberance leY\c`\mXYc\\oliXcjki\e^k_n`k_Xe e^\i]Xi\efl^_XnXp]ifdk_\ used for retention. Keep Properly designed retention highly resilient. It has unbelievable g\i]fidXg\i]\ZkX\jk_\k`Zj\im`Z\gclj `ee`k\]Xk`^l\c`d`k#Xe[Xe\Xi$g\i]\Zk fingers gifklY\iXeZ\lj\[]fii\k\ek`fe%B\\g in mind that the amplitude of yiel of perform a perfect aesthetic flexural strength with an infinite the finger is minimal at the attached \cXjk`Zd\dfip%@kkXb\jXe[_fc[jX i\k\ek`fen`k_flkgi\jjli\% `ed`e[k_Xkk_\Xdgc`kl[\f]p`\c[f] fatifue limit, and near perfect elastic service plus retention without end of the finger. I\jkfiXk`fejXi\gifZ\jj\[Ypgi\jjli\ _`^_gfc`j_Xe[ZXeY\ZXim\[\Xj`cp% pressure. k_\e^\i`jd`e`dXcXkk_\XkkXZ_\[ Restorations are processed memory. It takes and holds a high The material may also be used for `ea\Zk`fedflc[`e^%K_\gcXjk`Z Fk_\ig_pj`ZXcZ_XiXZk\i`jk`Zj`e \e[f]k_\e^\i% by pressure injection moulding. The polish and can be carved easily. obturators for cleft palates, and as an jlg\igfcpXd`[\`j_\Xk\[kf*.,=#Xk ZfdgXi`jfen`k_k_fj\f]k_\XZipc`Zj K_\dXk\i`XcdXpXcjfY\lj\[]fi plastic is heated to 375F, at which Other physical characteristics in aesthetic aid post-surgically after n_`Z_k\dg\iXkli\`k`jXc`dg`[l`[ Xi\j_fne`ek_\XZZfdgXep`e^Z_Xik% fYkliXkfij]fiZc\]kgXcXk\j#Xe[XjXe temperature it is a limpid fluid that comparison with those of the acrylics periodontal curettage and X\jk_\k`ZX`[gfjk$jli^`ZXccpX]k\i is k_Xk`j\Xj`cp`ea\Zk\[`ekfk_\gi\gXi\[ easily injected into the prepared are K_\nfe[\if]k_`je\ndXk\i`XcXjX shown in the accompanying dflc[Xjb %K_`ji\jlckj`eX [\ekli\YXj\`jk_Xk`kdX`ekX`ej g\i`f[fekXcZli\kkX^\Xe[^`e^`m\Zkfdp chart. le]X`c`e^^i`gfek_\[\ekli\k\\k_#p\k The wonder of this new material as Physical characteristics comparing a k_`ee^\i$c`b\\ok\ej`fejf]k_\ denture base is that it maintains methyl methacrylate and Valplast Physical characteristics comparing dXk\i`Xc`ekfXeple[\iZlkXi\XjXZkXj unfailing grip on the denture teeth, methyl methacrylate and Valplast yet fingure-like extensions of the ZcXjgj`eXid#gi\jjli\c\jji\k\ek`fe material into any undercut area acts Physical Characteristics f]k_\i\jkfiXk`fe% Valplast Physical characteristics Methyl Methyl Valplast as clasps in a firm, pressureless Methacrylate Gifg\i[\ekli\[\j`^egcXZ\jk_\ methacrylate retention of the restoration. Specific Gravity e^\i]fii\k\ek`fefeXi\Xj 1.16-1.20 1.04 Proper denture design places the Water Absorption (24hrs) `dd\[`Xk\cpY\pfe[k_\^i\Xk\jk Jg\Z`Z^iXm`kp (%'+ 0.4% (%(-$(%)' 0.4% finger for retention on areas NXk\iXYjfigk`fe)+_ij  1.4% '%+ '%+ Saturation by immersion _fi`qfekXc[`Xd\k\ijf]XepYlc^\# 1.2% immediately beyond the greatest JXkliXk`feYp`dd\ij`fe (%) Yfjj#kfilj#klY\ifj`kp#gifklY\iXeZ\# Youngs modulus (kg/sq mm) 280 (%+ 150-180 horizontal diameters of any bulge, Pfle^jdf[lcljb^&jhdd  )/' 5-7 \kZ%Figures 1, 2 and 2a % Tensile Strength (kg/sq mm) 8 (,'$(/' boss, toru, tuberosity, protruberance K\ej`c\jki\e^k_b^&jhdd  8.6 ,$. / 10.3 =fiY\jki\k\ek`fe#k_\i\j_flc[Y\ Compressive strength etc (Figures1, 2 and 2a). :fdgi\jj`m\jki\e^k_ /%- ('%, 8.5 8-10 fe\i\k\ek`fee^\i`e\XZ_hlX[iXek Bonding strength (kg/sq mm) For best retention, there should 9\e[`e^jki\e^k_b^&jhdd  /%, /$(' 20 14.5 f]k_\[\ekli\Zfm\iX^\ Figure 3 %@e Vickers hardness always be one retention finger in M`Zb\ij_Xi[e\jj )' (+%, 10.5 10-150 Impact strength (kg/sq mm) [\j`^e`e^Xe[gfj`k`fe`e^k_\e^\ij# each quadrant of the denture @dgXZkjki\e^k_b^&jhdd  ('%, ('$(,' 275F 437F Process softens ZXi\dljkY\\o\iZ`j\[kfXmf`[ coverage (Fig 3). In designing and GifZ\jj\[jf]k\ej ).,= *,'= Polymerizes (in 6 hrs) 460F gcXZ\d\ekfen_Xknflc[Y\dfmXYc\ positioning the fingers, care must be Gfcpd\i`j\j`ej`o_flij  160F (-'= E&8 Burns9liej Combustion Non-inflammable k`jjl\`ek_\dflk_#jlZ_XjdljZc\ exercised to avoid placement on :fdYljk`fe Efe$XddXYc\ Resistance to acids, bases WeakN\Xb Very strong XkkXZ_d\ekjcXY`Xc#YlZZXc#fic`e^lXc what would be movable tissue in the I\j`jkXeZ\kfXZ`[j#YXj\j M\ipjkife^ Discoloration Possible in time None mouth, such as muscle attachments ;`jZfcfiXk`fe Gfjj`Yc\`ek`d\ Efe\ ]i\eldj Xjn\ccXjk_\i\\o`fejf] (According to NoEf[\]fidXk`fe[l\ deformation due 8ZZfi[`e^kf  (labial, buccal, or lingual frenums) as k_\dlZZf$cXY`Xc#dlZZf$YlZZXcXe[ to water absorption Tschemik and Habib) KjZ_\ie`XbXe[?XY`Y   kfnXk\iX[jfigk`fe well as the reflexions of the muccodlZZf$c`e^lXcd\dYiXe\j%Fm\i$ material became available to the

The alternative


dental practice July 2007

Figure 7. A conventional metal RPD in the

Figure 5.
Figure 5.


patients mouth.

Figure 7. A conventional metal RPD in the patients mouth.

Figure 8. The traditional metal RPD has been replaced with a Valplast Flexible Partial

Figure 6.

Figure 8. The traditional metal RPD has been replaced with a Valplast Flexible Partial.

`ek_\Xek\i`figXikf]k_\dflk_# =flie`\i#D%(0,( The era of plastic Fournier, M. (1951) The era of plastic materials=i\eZ_ <[%8dg_fiX% \jg\Z`Xccpn_\ek_\i\Xi\\ogfj\[iffkj in the anterior part of the mouth, materials (French) Ed.Amphora. ?fg]]#D%(0,' Die Polyamide>\idXe 2 f]k_\k\\k_Xe[YifX[`ek\ijgXZ\j especially when the exposed roots of Hopff, M. (1950) Die Polyamide Jgi`e^\iM\icX^% theFigure teeth and 4 % broad interspaces (German); Springer Verlag. (Figure 4). K_\j\ZXeY\_`[[\eY\_`e[X These can be hidden behind a Y\Xlk`]lccpZXim\[m\e\\i^ldj\Zk`fe beautifully carved veneer gum section f]i\j`c`\ekgcXjk`Z Figure 5 %K_\ of resilient plastic (Figure 5). The n`[\$fg\e`ek\igifo`dXcjgXZ\jXe[ wide open interproximal spaces and k_\XiZ_ZlimXkli\^`m\dfi\k_Xe theXdgc\i\k\ek`fe]fik_\_`^_cpX\jk_\k`Z arch curvature give more than ample retention for the highly i\jkfiXk`feFigure 6 % aesthetic restoration (Figure 6). N`k_k_`jkpg\f]i\jkfiXk`fe# With this type of restoration d\k`Zlcfljdflk_Zc\Xec`e\jj`j meticulous mouth cleanliness is dXe[Xkfip%K_fifl^_Zc\Xej`e^f]k_\ mandatory. Thorough cleansing of the m\e\\iXe[Yilj_`e^f]k_\k\\k_ veneer and brushing of the teeth j_flc[Y\[fe\Xkc\Xjk]flik`d\jg\i should be done at least four times per [XpX]k\i\XZ_d\XcXe[XkY\[k`d\ kf day (after each meal and at bedtime) _fc[ZXi`\jXe[f[flij`eZ_\Zb% to hold caries and odours in check.

D\[X#C%(0,+ Test on Valplast at the Torino Polytechnic @kXc`XeTest % Meda, L. (1954)

Torino Polytechnic on V alplast at the

;\cfid\#A%(0,+ The present and the future

The present and the Delorne, J. (1954) of plastic materials =i\eZ_ Mfc%M@% The future of plastic materials

9iljZfkk`#8%(0,( (Italian). Technical laboratory

(Italian) Ed.Boll. Metallografico.

Bruscotti, A. (1951) Technical Laboratory manual@kXc`Xe <[%9fcc%D\kXccf^iXZf%


The conquests of the plastic materials in medicine and surgery

conquests of the plastic materials(French) in medicineVolVI. and surgery=i\eZ_ <[%8dfig_X%



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mXclXYc\e\ngfk\ek`Xckfgifjk_\k`Z valuable new potential to prosthetic [\ek`jkip%@k]lccjXe\\[efk dentistry. It fulfils a need not

8jlg\igfcpXd`[\`j[\jZi`Y\[XjX A superpolyamide is described as a

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_\i\kf]fi\d\kYpd\k_pcd\k_XZipcXk\ heretofore met by methyl

methacrylate or chrome-steel used fiZ_ifd\$jk\\clj\[j`e^cpfiaf`ekcp% singly or jointly. K_\dXk\i`Xc`jil^^\[#efki`^`[# The material is rugged, not rigid, _`^_cpi\j`c`\ek`ek_`ej\Zk`fej#n`k_ highly resilient in thin sections, with \oZ\gk`feXc\cXjk`Zd\dfip# exceptional eleastic memory, XYiXj`fe$i\j`jkXek#giXZk`ZXccp abrasion resistant, and highly leYi\XbXYc\#Xe[_`^_cpX\jk_\k`Zn`k_ Its use makes it possible to have

aesthetic with colour-fast tissue tones. Zfcfli$]Xjkk`jjl\kfe\j%

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@kjlj\dXb\j`kgfjj`Yc\kf_Xm\ gfj`k`m\i\k\ek`fen`k_flkgi\jjli\1(  (1) in partial dentures where gentle `egXik`Xc[\ekli\jn_\i\^\ekc\Ylk but firm retention is obtained by the idi\k\ek`fe`jfYkX`e\[Ypk_\ resilient fingers resting in recessed i\j`c`\eke^\iji\jk`e^`ei\Z\jj\[ areas of supporting alveolar contours, Xi\Xjf]jlggfik`e^Xcm\fcXiZfekflij# effecting both an aesthetic ideal and \]]\Zk`e^Yfk_XeX\jk_\k`Z`[\XcXe[ the safeguard of the remaining teeth k_\jX]\^lXi[f]k_\i\dX`e`e^k\\k_ from damaging stresses and caries; ]ifd[XdX^`e^jki\jj\jXe[ZXi`\j2Xe[ and (2) in full dentures, by the use of )fingers `e]lcc[\ekli\j#Ypk_\lj\f]k_`e thin of plastic denture base e^\ijf]gcXjk`Z[\ekli\YXj\dXk\i`Xcj materials gentle stabilisers in the ^\ekc\jkXY`c`j\ij`ek_\i\Z\jj\[ recessed contours over protuberances Zfekflijfm\igifklY\iXeZ\jjlZ_Xj such as tuberosities, tora or bulging klY\ifj`k`\j#kfi`fiYlc^`e^Xcm\fcX\% alveolae.
positive retention without pressure: REFERENCES


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and location of your nearest Valplastcertified laboratory from

Houking, R (1945) Materie ?flb`e^#I%(0+, Materie Plastiche PlasticheGcXjk`Z (Plastic Materials) DXk\i`Xcj @kXc`Xe(Italian); 2?f\gc`% Hoepli. Meridiani, B (1944) Fabrication plastic D\i`[`Xe`#9%(0++ Fabrication of of plastic

h ut

Hoepli. materials(Italian); @kXc`Xe 2?f\gc`% Plasticizers, Plastics . G`ekf#C%=%(0+, Plasticizers, Plastics% Chicago Vol.II. :_`ZX^fMfc%@@% Palazzi, S. (1947) Terapia dentaria e GXcXqq`#J%(0+. Terapia dentaria e Ondontotecnica , Chapter 1, XXX. Odontotecnica#:_Xgk\i(#OOO#<[% Ed.Ambrosiana. 8dYifj`XeX% Rohdiatoce Soc. (1950) Injection molding If_[`XkfZ\JfZ%(0,' Injection molding of (Italian); Rhodiatoce, Milan. of polyamides polyamides 2I_f[`XkfZ\#D`cXe% Tanman, G. @kXc`Xe (1933) Der Glaszustand (The KXddXe#>%(0** Der GlaszustandK_\ Vitreous state); Leipzig. M`ki\fljJkXk\ 2C\`gq`^% Pinto, L.F. (1945)

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