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The GOD only one , but we are different

Ladies and gentlemen who attend this speech I want to deliver about equality is not similar in pluralist paradigm. Nowadays so many discussion and people talking about the pluralism, as we know pluralism denote to the diversity of views. In our daily life we know the cultural pluralism, pluralism in philosophy, pluralism in political view, and many more. But now, people talking about the religion pluralism. In the wide definition mean all the people must to respect each other in belief to his own religion. In the implementation to the daily, many people have a wrong perception about this. Yes thats right if we must respect the other religion, but how about if we said like this,There is many ways to the GOD (the religion) but there is only one GOD. So many people have a view like I said before, they believes the religion like: Muslim, Protestant, Christian, Buddha, Hindu, Catholic, Otrhodoks, Konghuchu, and other have its own way to pray to their GOD, but the religion have the same GOD . I am not agree in this view. These people believe with this controversial argument said that we all same in the way to the one GOD. But in Islam we know there is only one right religion and its Islam self. Beside that if we believe there is another GOD we will categorized as the Syirik people. We believe that and if we meet this argument we will reject that, but that I must to make it right in this chance. I want to give you knowledge that diversity like pluralism is not like as the similarization. Before that let we compared the starting point of believe or we can say foundation for each believe. In the religion there are many of view , but there is something that make one religion with another have a different its the foundation of religion. In Islam we know tauhid, that the order to make sure your heart there is only ONE GOD and its Islam foundation. And then in Christian believe there is trinity , the GOD of Father , the GOD of Son , and the Holy Spirit. But that not same with Buddha we know Sidharta Gautama is the GOD for the Buddhist. How we can make all of that believe similar, but in the fact the foundation of beliefs that very different each. In Islam we know the plurality as the respect to the other religion but that not same as the pluralism. In Al-Quran we know Lakum Dinukum Wal Yadin , for you your

beliefs and for me my belief. This source of the ayat when Muhammad SAW (our prophet) get offered by the Quraisy people if Muhammad want to follow their beliefs they will follow Muhammad too but our prophet answer their question with that ayat in Al-Quran. We must know pluralism became popular because this is solution for the conflict between one to another religion. Because of that pluralism oriented to reduce the conflict and erase the different in the name of religion identity. Not to make all of the religion are same . After we have a view about pluralism, now I want to take you to thinking about what the real pluralism ! First, pluralism is not diversity alone, but the energetic engagement with diversity. Diversity can and has meant the creation of religious ghettoes with little traffic between or among them. Today, religious diversity is a given, but pluralism is not a given; it is an achievement. Mere diversity without real encounter and relationship will yield increasing tensions in our societies. Second, pluralism is not just tolerance, but the active seeking of understanding across lines of difference. Tolerance is a necessary public virtue, but it does not require Christians and Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and ardent secularists to know anything about one another. Tolerance is too thin a foundation for a world of religious difference and proximity. It does nothing to remove our ignorance of one another, and leaves in place the stereotype, the half-truth, the fears that underlie old patterns of division and violence. In the world in which we live today, our ignorance of one another will be increasingly costly. Third, pluralism is not relativism, but the encounter of commitments. The new paradigm of pluralism does not require us to leave our identities and our commitments behind, for pluralism is the encounter of commitments. It means holding our deepest differences, even our religious differences, not in isolation, but in relationship to one another. Fourth, pluralism is based on dialogue. The language of pluralism is that of dialogue and encounter, give and take, criticism and self-criticism. Dialogue means both speaking and listening, and that process reveals both common understandings and real differences. Dialogue does not mean everyone at the table will agree with one another. Pluralism involves the commitment to being at the table -- with ones commitments.

In my conclusion the pluralism in society with the diversity of the ethnic, and religion not make us to separate and make a distance. This pluralism make us to tolerate each other , and make a good relation to helping each other. Like my reality case in my hometown there was a Christian woman living close to my house. She ran a small restaurant in which the most of her customers were Muslim. She also actively took part in events in the neighborhood, and had not been discriminated against by the community with regard to her religion. While Christians celebrated Christmas inside the churches, young people from Muslim organizations worked with the police to provide security outside due to the threat of terrorism. This case just a few example to you , we must to increase our sensitivy for the other people in our society, so that we can implemented the positive side of pluralism. But I make the point in the end of my speech , the GOD only one but we different.

Achmad Zulfikar 20100510137 International Relation Departement

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