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The Benefits of Life Coaching

Find out how life coaching can offer easy to use tools and strategies that will naturally enable you to achieve the life you want!


Kitties are back to school!

Getting Back on Track After Summer Vacation
Had a relaxing and lazy summer? Check out our tips on how to get back on the fitness track .

ISSUE 10, 2013

Diagnosing Sciatica, Or is it?

From real patient success stories, find out how to properly find our if that pain is Sciatica nerve disfunction or something else.

A Home Yoga Practice Im Sorry

Learn how to practice Yoga in your home with expert recommended poses and advice!

A Canadians view on saying sorry, and how this popular expression has become one of the most common insincere spoken expressions used by people today.

The Destiny In Your Name

Whats in a Name? This interactive 3 Part numerology series, shares insight on how a name can be responsible for some of our personality traits and how to find out your destiny own number!

Moms Kitchen recipe

A Healthy twist on a comfort classic- Crunchy Dill Bites. Super easy, and vegetarian!


Page 3 - The Benefits of Life Coaching Page 4 - A Series of Transformation: Part 2 + Did You Know: All about Dill Page 5 - Getting Back On Track After Summer Vacation. + Under Utilization Of Chiropractic. Page 6 - Diagnosis : Sciatica, Or Is It? + Passing Time: Part 1 Page 7 - Dont Skip Out On Savasana. + Passing Time: Part 2 Page 8 - A Home Yoga Practice Page 9 - White Knuckled Grip + Im Sorry Page 10 - From Grief to Gratefulness + From The Hearth Of The Witch: Opening To The World of Plants: Part 1 Page 11 - The Destiny In Your Name: Part 1 of 3 Page 12 - The Destiny In Your Name: Part 2 of 3 Page 13 - The Destiny In Your Name: Part 3 of 3 + From The Hearth Of The Witch: Opening To The World of Plants: Part 2 Page 14 - Moms Kitchen: Crunchy Dill Bites: A Vegetarian Appetizer + Where To Eat In Hamilton Page 15 - Hamilton Happenings!

Letter from the editor,

As summer winds down and our sunny vacations come to an end. We find ourselves falling back into our regular schedules - with back to school preparation, new projects and an air of change. For some reason I have always felt that September was the start of a new year. With the temperatures slowly cooling down, that undeniable crispness in the air - September has a vein of excitement that surges in all of us and tells us change is coming. What will be your change? Perhaps becoming more organised, or getting more physical activity (perfect bicycle riding weather) or maybe just in your overall attitude - becoming more positive. Maybe you feel you dont need a change and that everything is in its right place. I get it - change can be scary! But what if just once a day, we choose to change our perspective? It could be as simple as smiling to a stranger, not getting angry when people disagree with us, or believing that everything will be OK when a negative situation occurs. We have the ability to change our thoughts and most of all our reactions to these situations. And bringing happiness into our lives. A positive perspective can change everything. I feel it is a small change that we can make everyday - without drastically changing our lives. However, it will change your life - because when you start changing your perspective things become easier, more pleasant and positive! Whatever your change is - have a wonderful September and enjoy every minute! THANK YOU Editor, Amy Bonin

GUSTO is a free alternative publication aimed to create unity amongst Hamiltons holistic,
green, organic and spiritual community. Executive Editor: Amy Bonin The Gusto Team Miranda Black Teresa Bonin Amber Colbear Lisa Doering Justin DOlimpio Jen Fleming Rita Gagliano Shelley Gordon Andria Hoda Care Hudson Erin Janus Anita Kaiser Kathy Korbett-King Linda Kraan-Benson Juliana LaChance Katie McClelland Lauren Olson Vanessa Pazzi Stephanie Scheid


GUSTO provides readers with stories, interviews and information concerning holistic, health & wellness and environmental awareness shared by industry leaders in our Hamilton community. We are looking for article submissions, interviewees and businesses that wish to advertise with us , or wishing to carry our magazine. Please contact us at

for submission guidelines or advertising information.

Adaptations Studio Gusto Magazine

By: Rita Gagliano

The Benefits of Life Coaching

1. Access your resourcefulness 2. Achieve abundance in your life 3. Set far better goals that motivate you 4. Move forward personally and professionally 5. Ultimately, it can help you enjoy a better life

As children were asked relentlessly what we want to be when we grow up, and as children we seem to have such a clear vision: I want to be a doctor, a nurse, a fireman. By the time we enter into adulthood nobody asks us anymore. As kids we felt invincible, we were our own super heroes, however fear is a learned response. We quickly absorb what we observe, at times even unconsciously. When that is the case, we end up incorporating certain negative patterns in our lives without much thought as to the long-term consequences. These patterns which steer us in one direction or the other can be fear, insecurity, anxiety, all leading to increased stress. We literally forget ourselves most of the times trying to manage our day-today lives, and its so hard to hear our own inner voice, when there is so much noise. It is essential we continue to ask ourselves those questions they asked us as children, and reach a point where we can answer with child-like certainty. This requires us to examine our lives, and to see what is working and what needs to change. Most of all, we need clarity as to the general direction we want our lives to go. Can we do this on our own? Certainly, but sometimes an outsiders eye helps us gain some perspective. A life coach is essentially an ally, a fresh eye that can help you de-clutter and simplify your life, so as to naturally realize this clarity of vision. More importantly, a life coach can support and sustain you as you go about designing a life worthy of that vision. Life coaching can offer easy to use tools and strategies that will naturally enable you to achieve the life you want. As with everything, what will get you there has to be simple, easy to use, and when put into practice it has to work. Studies have shown that successful people direct their lives towards specific goals. Goals get you thinking about reaching beyond your comfort zone, which is good because everything we want to achieve is presently outside our comfortable grasp. It is unfortunate that many of us never achieve our potential because leaving our comfort zone terrifies us. Life coaching may help you getting out of your own way, so that you can achieve your potential. Life isnt about finding yourself. Life is about creating the life you want.


Most life coaches will conduct their sessions by asking pointed questions aimed at stimulating reflection on specific areas of your life that you feel need improvement. As with the Socratic method, you will find the answers that are already within you. You are after a resourceful person. It is just a matter of tapping into your personal power. Sometimes you will complete worksheets and questionnaires specifically designed to elicit strategic thinking and actions, setting and achieving goals, or identifying matters that need to be address in order to access resourceful emotions. Working things out on paper may help you gain some perspective. That is why you may also be asked to start a journal to collect insights that you have reached during your sessions, and reflect on how these insights will direct changes in your life. Last but not least, you will sometimes engage in guided visualization. Visualization is one of the most effective ways to access your inner power and bring abundance into your life. It may allow you to reach greater motivation and re-examine, resolve and rewrite non-resourceful emotions, beliefs and experiences. Think of it as a system upgrade to enable you to use all those cool apps youve been wanting to play with for so long. Taken separately, all different elements of life coaching--goal setting questionnaires, empowering visualizations, a mentoring and supportive relationship with your coach--, may not seem like a lot. Together they naturally sustain positive change and achievement, and they ultimately help you get to where you want to go. So, how about it? Are you ready to design a life worthy of your vision? Rita Gagliano is a Certified Coach Practitioner at Lavandula Wellness Center. You can follow her blog at, or book an appointment at Rita Gagliano Lavandula Wellness Centre 46 King St West Dundas, ON L9H 1T7

: Part 2
By: Linda Kraan - Benson


In part one, you learned how to tap into your potential, search out your skills, learn your likes and dislikes and understand the need for personal change. Today you will learn how to take the next step towards your life goals and your ultimate dream. Transformation, or change of any kind, is not easy. Releasing old habits and thoughts is often challenging and frustrating. Patience is the key to recovery. Recognizing why you need or want to make a change is vital. You can only make changes for yourself; you cannot make changes for another, unless you are a parent of a small child or the caregiver of someone who is unable to make life choices. Transformation is about empowering yourself, giving yourself permission to release and let go of that which is no longer serving a purpose in your current life. This could be a relationship, a home, a job, or simply a thought system. Letting go of a relationship often seems the most challenging. We tend to become stuck in a situation where another is concerned; we have a difficult time cutting ties to family, friends and often colleagues. We are so focussed on not hurting another, or causing more tension, more friction and/or more upheaval in an emotional situation, that we lose ourselves to save another. You are the only person who can choose to cut these ties. You are the only one who chooses how you spend the rest of your life. Listen to your gut feeling and ask yourself these simple questions: Does this relationship make your life easier or more difficult? Do you spend more time crying than laughing? Do you constantly have a spring in your step, or are you constantly tired? Your gut response will provide the answers for you, listen carefully! Your first response is the true response. So, how do you make the change? When you have decided to release the old, and initiate the new, everything falls into place. You will meet new people who can guide and support you, you will find solutions and options you had never thought of. Talking about your feelings, your fears and your future to a professional or third party listener, always helps you to understand your needs and helps you see clearly into the next phase of your life.

Support groups are great for meeting others who have either gone through or are going through similar circumstances as your-self. You may also choose to promote encouragement and motivation in others, using your experiences and coping skills. Read/write about your struggles and your journey forward. Changing thoughts! Believe it or not, this is the most challenging of all. Letting go of inherited thoughts (labels or, ideals given to you as a child), cemented indoctrination (religious, educational, parental), peer expectation (conforming/acceptance) and issues of confidence & self worth. Change one word (or belief) at a time is the way forward. You can do this through meditation, visualization, peer support groups and/or counseling session. (Life coaching, hypnotherapy etc.). Initiate and design your own mantra, a word, sound or vibration, which becomes a repetitive sounding focus point, allowing your mind to utilize and accept what is being said or heard. (Chanting) Write a dream list or create a dream board. This gives you a visual focus point, something to plan for something you can actually see, rather than mentally envision. Surround yourself with inspirational books of poetry or stories, spiritually uplifting or vibrational music (harp, drums, wind instruments, bird or ocean sounds). Hypnotic or rhythmic movement, (swaying, soul dancing). Believe this is where it all begins. Believe you are worthy, believe you have the knowledge, and believe you are the key to change. BELIEVE in all that is universally true. Believe you are better than the words of others. BELIEVE you will transform and change for a better and more rewarding life. Trust and Faith have faith in your own power, and, trust in the outcome. Yours in health, love and transformation Lilyana. Workshops on Transformation & Life Enhancement starting soon at Lavandula Wellness Center in Dundas & DharmaReiki in Burlington.

Blessings & continued health Linda Kraan - Benson


Did you know? All about dill ( see our recipe for crunchy dill bites on page 14 !)
Dill is an important culinary herb that is used for its seeds and leaves. Dill originally grew wild in Southern Europe through Western Asia.
Ayurveda: In Ayurveda, dill (referred to as satapuspa, satakuppa, sookshamapatra, and vataghna) is believed to balance the vata dosha and is used as a carminative for colic, flatulence, and indigestion. After meals it is often used as a post meal digestive aid. Egyptian: Dill is purportedly mentioned in Egyptian medical texts dating to 3000 B.C. Ancient Egyptians purportedly used dill as a carminative and as an ingredient in a mixture for pain and headache relief. According to secondary sources, dill stems, leaves and flowers were found in the tomb of Amenophis II. Chinese: In ancient China, dill was used as a carminative. Dill seed is considered in Chinese medicine to have invigorating properties and is believed to benefit the spleen, kidney and stomach. It is used primarily for stomachache, colic, and dyspepsia and as a digestive aid. European: Ancient Romans purportedly used dill as a carminative. Dill seed (Anethi fructus), the dried fruit of Anethum graveolens, is approved by the German Commission E for the treatment of dyspepsia. Herbalists in Europe also use dill for colic and as a digestive aid and galactagogue. Western: Dill water is given to fussy babies as a digestive aid and soothing medicine. Old wives tales recommend boiling dill in wine and then inhale the fumes to cure hiccups. (www.

GETTING BACK ON Under Utilization of Dr. Andria Hoda TRACK AFTER SUMMER Chiropractic The U-U of Chiropractic is the Under-Utilization of the health philosophy, VACATION science and healing art that is at the foundation of chiropractic care. By: Justin DOlimpio
Summer is filled with family vacations, visiting friends and family and going to BBQs. It is a time that is filled with eating, drinking and relaxing but sometimes we slip up and eat things we shouldnt, drink things we shouldnt and we tend to overdo it. Thats ok it happens to the best of us. Now that summer vacation is over it is back to reality. I have just the tips to get you back on the fitness fast track. The first thing you need to do is regain your focus. You cant deny that summer holidays happened. You ate, you drank and now its over. Its time to put your foot down and tell yourself that the bad eating stops now. If youre serious about your fitness goals then it shouldnt be too hard to get back on track. Dont beat yourself up for letting loose this summer. Simply get back to your goals and get focused. Summer vacation can take on many forms though most days often end in dehydration, which can lead to water retention. The first thing you should do to restore your balance is to get hydrated. Your first priority should be to drink plenty of water throughout your day. Start with a tall glass of cold water first thing in the morning to get your metabolism going. The best thing to do is to carry a water bottle with you that you can sip throughout the day and refill. Just dont go adding any artificial sweeteners, as this will hinder your hydration efforts. Instead add lemon, lime or fresh fruit to your water. Now that you are getting back on track you need to be super picky about what you eat and work on cleansing your body. Stick with whole foods like fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Whole foods will not only help restore balance but they will also help block out cravings. That means no processed foods, dairy, baked goods or alcohol. As relaxing as summer vacation days can be most leave you feeling exhausted. Make catching up on sleep a priority. When your body needs sleep and is low on energy it makes it easier to make poor food choices and makes you less likely to get back into your workout routine. Aim at letting your body rest and get a full 8 hours of sleep at night. Lastly, it is time to put on your workout clothes, lace up your shoes and sweat out those summer indulgences. When you start your first workout though it is important to ease into it slowly. Take time to warm up your muscles before getting into your workout routine and make sure you stretch afterwards. If you are looking for an excellent workout routine that is only 30 minutes and guarantees results then I have just the plan for you. It will not only help you recover from summer vacation, but will keep you motivated to reach your goals.

Why is Under-Utilization an issue for you and your family? Why should our culture take note? The statistics on the benefits of a healthy spine and nerve system and chiropractic care are astounding and well documented by scientific literature and the tens of millions of people benefiting from the care. HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES:

People under chiropractic care use medical services 58% less People under chiropractic care take less medication. They are 15% less likely to end up in nursing homes. They are more likely to get back to work faster after injury on the job. They perform better in sports and recover quicker when injured on the field.
In the past, mixed messages about the benefits of chiropractic may have misguided you on how to utilize the care. They sometimes leave the impression that it is just for back or neck pain. While chiropractic care is exceptional at helping people with pain and other health problems, thats not what the care is about. The true benefits of chiropractic care will be experienced when you and your loved ones go beyond Crisis Care and make the Critical Transition to Lifestyle Care. This type of care is not about treating symptoms. It is about keeping your spine and nerve system healthy and balanced over the course of your lifetime, whether you suffer from symptoms or not, so your body can function at its optimum levels. From the moment you were born, your spine and nerve system have been exposed to macro and micro traumas that can affect your growth, development and function of your spine and nerve system. Since nerves control your entire body, these traumas may cause immediate symptoms that can affect every area of your body, or they may lie dormant and asymptomatic for decades leading to deterioration and disease down the road. So what is the appropriate level of utilization of chiropractic care? The answer is different for everyone and can be discovered through a chiropractic examination. You will find that the intensity of your Lifestyle Care will depend on the intensity of your lifestyle, health goals and the underlying pre-existing conditions that have impacted your spine and nerve system since birth. If you want to live an active, healthy, long life, you must have a healthy spine and nerve system. Period. Get your spine and nerve system checked today and find out how you can best utilize and benefit from chiropractic care. Start today, regardless of your age, and express your full potential for a lifetime!

Justin DOlimpio Certified Personal Trainer

Dr. Andria Hoda Meadowlands Chiropractic 2-35 Stone Church Road - Ancaster

By: Care Hudson

By: Jen Fleming
Im gonna share a little bit of an ongoing success story with you. We will call my patient Scott. Four weeks ago Scotts wife sacrificed her scheduled treatment with me so he could come in. For seven months hed been suffering with pain, sometimes debilitating, in his left hip. He had seen countless other professionals doctors, specialists, and other health care professionals to try and figure out just what was going on, and everyone seemed to agree, sciatica. For those of you who dont know, sciatica is a nerve dysfunction. The sciatic nerve exits the lower lumbar and upper sacral vertebrae and travels through the muscles of the buttocks, down the back of the thigh, does a little twist around the outside of the knee where another branch splits off, curves across the front of the lower leg, and into the first three digits of the foot. Like the previous sentence, it is a long nerve. The longest in the body, in fact. An impingement, or other injury to the nerve, is called sciatica. And it hurts. A lot. Like cut-off-your-leg a lot. The pain is searing, electric like zingers that run basically the entire course of the nerve. Pretty much constantly. Its awful. Dont get it if you can avoid it. But the problem with Scott was NOT sciatica. Not even a pseudo sciatica. Nope, its been a whole different ball game. And for 7 months, he was receiving treatments that may have been effective for sciatica, but were totally ineffective for what was going on with him. What a little information would have done for him 7 months ago So I present to you, a brief differential guide for Sciatica and other pains in the hip/butt. Symptom: Burning hot pain in the hip and buttock, stops about where the thigh attaches to the hip. What it could be: Psoas (major hip flexor) spasm or strain (like Scotts case), gluteal muscle pain, piriformis spasm, bony misalignment of pelvic joints. Symptom: Burning pain in the front of the hip that travels down the front of the thigh. What it could be: Compression of the anterior transcutaneous femoral (front of thigh skin and surface muscle) nerve. Compression usually happens in the inguinal region, where the front of your thigh connects to the hip. Can also be a psoas spasm or strain, which can cause compression of the ATF nerve. Those two symptom sets are the most common for a misdiagnosis of sciatica. True sciatica will involve pain down almost the entire length of the nerve. Where it ends can depend on which nerve roots are involved. Sometimes it goes all the way to the big toe and can involve the second and third digits, and sometimes it stops at the knee. But it will always involve the back of the thigh and hip. And NEVER the front of the thigh and hip. P.S. After a few treatments with me, and a quick referral out to my go to Osteopathic Student and super awesome RMT, Kevin Deiroff for a proper diagnosis, Scott is well on his way to pain free mobility. Yay for proper assessment and diagnosis! ALL WE REALLY HAVE IS OUR TIME We are born, we live our lifetime and then we die. We may accumulate possessions, but we cant take anything with us to the other side when we pass over, except the memories and lessons, that our souls have learned. The seconds, minutes, and hours that we have, in which to choose our lifes experience on this planet, are a precious gift and a responsibility that we received, upon being born. Our time is also the greatest gift that we can share, with others. HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR TIME??? If you are working or going to school fulltime, then almost one third (or more) of your lifes time will be devoted to those activities and related efforts, such as commuting and homework. Another third of your lifes time will easily disappear while you are sleeping, if you are getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night for optimum health. (Source: The Canadian Sleep Society) After work or school and sleeping as much as you can, the average citizen generally has only one third of their lifes time available, for everything else including gathering and preparing food, eating, cleaning your space, as well as connecting with your pets, family, and friends. Parents are responsible not only for planning their own meals and lifes activities, but for those of their children as well. How much time is left in your life, for your own self-care, health, wellness and relaxation? Sometimes unexpected obligations, obstacles or sickness can arise and interfere with your ideal routine. When all of your necessities are taken care of, how much time is available, for you to explore your own interests, dreams, hobbies and passions? WHY AM I HERE? Various philosophers in history such as; Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, and Kant, have postulated that to be alive is to have a soul. Many of the worlds major religions also agree that we each have a divine soul as well as a body, including; Buddhism, various denominations of Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shamanism, Sikhism, and Taoism, to name a few. (Source: Wikipedia) Each of our souls have incarnated into our bodies, here on Earth, at this time in history, for a reason. We each have a specific purpose or mission. We human beings are co-creating our future together and we are each responsible for our own piece of the overall global puzzle. If enough pieces were connecting at the right time and place, with other required pieces, then we would likely experience much faster resolutions to the major problems in our world. YOU ARE AN IMPORTANT PIECE OF THE PUZZLE! Part of our individual souls purpose can involve overcoming obstacles, learning lessons, developing our unique gifts and talents, sharing your gifts with, connecting with, loving and helping others, to solve problems in the world. Your soul may have one major goal, or it may have many different ones. What you think or feel, is your souls purpose may change and evolve over time, but if you are consciously making efforts to move towards whatever you think or feel that it is, then you will be experiencing what you need to experience, such as gaining skills and tools that may benefit you, later on. Often when we are heading in the right direction towards our purpose, we will find that things seem to fall into place more easily. We may experience more synchronicities and miracles in our life and life naturally becomes more joyful, because we are spending time focused on what we love and what interests us. HOW CAN I LEARN WHAT MY SOULS PURPOSE IS?? Each person is unique and has their own ways to tap into their intuition, to find their own truth and to receive clarity and answers. For some it may be through meditation, for some through prayer, for some simply reflecting on questions. If this is your way, you can investigate things like; What activities did you enjoy doing as a child? / What did you dream of becoming when you grew up? /What are you passionate about today? /What brings you joy and makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning? / Which human characteristics do you value the most? You can also try new things, volunteer, get out of your comfort zone and travel; to gain new insights and perspectives. (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 7)

Jen Fleming RMT 6

By: Lisa Doering

In the last moments of your Yoga practise you find yourself restless, thinking about dinner, emails, to do list or your just itching to leave. By doing this you are doing yourself a dis-service. I was at a yoga class recently and overheard two women telling the teacher they have to sneak out before savasana. Sure we are all busy but to miss out on the final 10 minutes, which could be the most important 10 minutes of the practice. The average person goes through life with a constant need to be alert and busy to some degree. Being in the information society, we all have cell phones, and computers which are training our minds to constantly being busy. Yoga helps to unlearn these habits and try to quiet our overactive minds. Hatha Yoga, the type that I teach, is one method we can use to achieve this quiet mind state. By practising Asanas ( postures) we give our minds a feeling that something is happening in our bodies, we have to focus. So when we do tree pose, we are not thinking about what to make for dinner or taxes, we are thinking about your standing leg that is wobbly, shaky and possibly burning. Your concentrating on your rooted foot or maybe wondering why everybody looks so serious about standing on one leg and pretending to be a tree. LOL But in Savasana there are no distractions, this is your reward, let it feel good. Taking these few moments to quiet your thoughts and let go, this can work as a de-stessor, helps with anxiety and can alleviate symptoms of illness or injury. Savasana the most important pose in any class. I guarantee you it is the only posture that you will find in every single yoga class you ever take. Savasana is your bodys time to absorb all of those yummy poses you just did. Its kind of like a reset button so your body doesnt go into complete shock after all that physical goodness you just bestowed upon it. Savasana can feel really good as well. Like too good to be legal good, like 25 celcius-IN-MARCH good so good that you secretly curse your yoga teacher when she announces that its time to roll over. But, its exactly that deliciously awesome feeling that adds to the difficulty of it all. I dont know anyone who hasnt fallen asleep in Savasana at least once. Its because it feels that good, and your body/mind responds, THANK YOU. Im turning off now. So, the trick of Savasana is finding that balance, that space between unconsciousness and consciousness. You have to be aware but not thinking, and relaxed but not asleep. Its not so easy when you think about itor dont think about it

By: Care Hudson

A holistic approach that is very helpful with uncovering this type of information is Past-Life Regression Therapy. From a regressed state, the client is able to recall activities that have made their soul happy in other lifetimes. They can also experience memories of special skills and talents that their soul possesses, although perhaps due to in-exposure in this lifetime, they may not be aware of. Past-Life Regression Therapy also offers the client an opportunity to release unwanted patterns that keep repeating. If you let your therapist know, that you are looking to explore your souls passions and purpose, then they can help you uncover more of this specific information, by asking the right questions, during your session. HOW CAN I CREATE MORE TIME? When you become aware of your passions and lifes purpose, you naturally want more time to explore and focus on them. Take a fresh, honest look at where you spend your free time. Do you take consistent right actions towards your purpose, or do you squander most of your free time on activities that are neutral, or even damaging to yourself or others? Observe where you tend to get distracted as well. If something is not in your highest interests, or if a situation does not feel healthy to you, can you take steps to remove it from your life? Look at the items on your to-do list Is there anything that is not in the scope of your interest, which you could delegate to someone else, who may be more passionate about it? Can you combine any of your tasks for greater efficiency? You may need to communicate with the people closest to you in your life, to set expectations about your time. Let them know honestly and clearly, that you need to take more time to be with yourself, to explore your passions and purpose. Perhaps you can investigate new options in a shared weekly routine and make new agreements and compromises, where needed. IS MY JOB IN LINE WITH MY SOULS PURPOSE? How do you feel about going to work? Do you dread Mondays? If your job is extremely out of alignment with your values, passions and purpose, perhaps you may want to look into a career that is more related to what you enjoy focusing on, or one that offers a more flexible schedule. A job search can take a lot of time and effort, but it would be worth it, if it ended up aligning your work with your areas of passion, or freeing up more time for you to explore them. To achieve your souls purpose, you will need to BE yourself, be true to yourself and take good care of yourself. If change is needed in your life, know that it can take time to fully manifest. Be gentle with yourself, especially in chaotic times. Your health and wellness is most important. Only when you can take care of yourself, are you going to be able to accomplish your mission and take care of others as well. It is not selfish to be aware of your souls highest interests and to pursue those faithfully. Our piece of the puzzle is up to each of us to work out. We will receive many chances to work it out, in this life or in our next experience. In the bigger picture for Earth and humanity, it is likely that the overall future of our world will go a lot more smoothly, if more souls continue becoming aware of their purpose and making their contribution to the big puzzle. Dont stress out if you are unsure of what your purpose is, or if you feel that you are late in getting started on it. We all make mistakes and no one is perfect. We are all perfectly imperfect and are always experiencing exactly what we need, in order to be able to make (new) choices and move forward. Life is about being present in each moment for the whole journey. You can courageously choose to make more time for yourself, for your healing and for your passions. You can choose to enjoy more of the moments of your lifes passing time!

Lisa Doering is a certified Yoga Instructor that teaches Hatha Yoga at different studios in Hamilton.

Care Hudson Holistic Relaxation Therapist

By: Shelley Gordon

A Home Yoga Practice

You dont need a dedicated space. You dont need incense or candles. You dont need sitar music or a chanting soundtrack. You dont even need a
yoga mat. All you need is a little knowledge and the initiative to make a home yoga practice that works for you. Ive been practicing yoga for over 15 years and teaching for 6, so I have a lot of poses to draw from, but as I say in my classes, You could choose to do Childs Pose for 30 minutes and youd still be practicing yoga. MAKE TIME If you cant commit to an hour at the same time everyday, thats okay! Start with 5 minutes when you wake up by doing a couple Sun Salutations or a Pranayama exercise. Not a morning person? Try a balancing pose like Legs Up The Wall or a seated twist before you go to bed.



I urge you to learn this simple sequence. A Sun Salutation is a series of poses that flow into each other with the rhythm of your breath. Each one takes less than a minute and you can do as little or as many as you like. You can find tons of tutorials online, but ABC of Yoga is always a good place to start.


Listen to the sound of your own breath. Notice the texture, the tone, the heat and the rhythm. Focusing on an even inhale and exhale will help to clear your mind. Stopping the mental chatter will allow you to be more present.


There is an abundance of insightful yoga instructors in Hamilton who offer private yoga sessions. The cost is usually $50 - $100 per hour. Tell your instructor what your goals are and ask for a personalized home yoga practice sequence. A single one-on-one lesson can teach you what poses work best for you, Pranayama (breathing techniques) or give you a deeper understanding of Sun Salutations.


When exploring new poses, find a balance between effort and ease. If a pose seems strenuous, dont go as deep or try a modification with blocks or straps. Alternately, if a pose is too easy perhaps you can bend your knee a little deeper or reach your arms back further. Feel your muscles working while keeping your breath calm.


Find a few poses that you enjoy and make you feel good. Add your own dance move between postures or create your own sequence. Smile. Laugh. Fall out of poses and get back up to try again. Just remember to have fun and not to take it so seriously its just yoga! LOOKING FOR MORE HELP? Details on Postures: or Yoga Props: or or Private Lessons: or

Shelley Gordon is a certified yoga instructor specialising in healing injuries as a physiotherapist assistant. She also runs an eco-conscious yoga company with her mother, Kathy, making yoga accessories from reclaimed fabric.

According to the, the United Kingdoms new internet filters promise to block much more than just pornography, according to a report by the digital advocacy organization Open Rights Group. Last week, Prime Minister David Cameron announced online porn would soon become automatically blocked in order to protect children and their innocence. The filters will be implemented by the UKs major internet service providers, which covers 95% of British web users. Based on conversations with several ISPs, Open Rights Group says the new parental controls will reach far beyond pornography. By default, the controls will block access to violent material, extremist and terrorist related content, anorexia and eating disorder websites, and suicide related websites. In addition, the new settings will censor websites that mention alcohol or smoking. The filter will even block web forums and esoteric material, though Open Rights Group does not specify what these categories would include. Making the filters default means most people will keep them, according to Open Rights Group Executive Director Jim Killock. We know that people stick with defaults: this is part of the idea behind nudge theory and choice architecture that is popular with Cameron. According to Cameron, the new parental control settings will be turned on for all new broadband subscribers by the end of the year. (


By: Kathy Corbett- King

By: Katie McClelland

One of the fundamental principles of a yoga lifestyle is aparigraha or non-grasping or non-coveting. Even those of us not on a spiritual path have heard about the trappings of the ego and how the pursuit of non-attachment can lead to an existence free from the ups and downs triggered by fluctuations in our external environment. Someone living from a place of ego (most of us) will likely experience elation when we are complimented and devastation when we are betrayed. We may feel satisfied with ourselves when we complete a taskthen when that wears off, we go looking for the next thing to validate us and make us feel whole. From a spiritual perspective, this constant seeking or as the Vipassana Buddhists refer to as the endless cycle of craving/aversion is what keeps us from being truly free. I try to practice aparigraha as often as I can. Im not very good at it, but even when I find myself grasping terribly, it gives me an opportunity to see myself more clearly and to see where there is work that needs to be done. The other morning I had an interesting occurrence that triggered a powerful surge of craving, aversion and beyond. My cat had just spent three days terribly ill, with many hours spent at the vet and the animal emergency hospital. Those of you who are pet lovers probably know that you can easily rack up hundreds, even thousands of dollars in trying to maintain the health of your pet. While I was already in the throws of grasping at keeping Zane alive, I was also feeling the financial strain of his hospital bills. As I was driving the studio, listening to the radio, the dj announced a contest: Call in and if they pull your birth month from a hat, you win $1000. If they then pull your actual birthdate, you win $10 000. I have never called in to a radio show, but somehow felt like today was my lucky day. The line was free and it rang! My heart started thumping as I imagined what I would do with my winnings. Suddenly, I heard the dj greet someone on to the show. It wasnt I hung up. I listened. After exchanging pleasantries, they pulled the month. April, My birth month. I instantly felt robbed of $1000! Next they pulled the date: the 20th. My jaw dropped. That is my birthday! I had just missed out on $10 000! It was fascinating for me to witness my reaction to this, My nervous system went haywire and feelings of incredulousness and injustice washed over me. I marvelled at how it felt so real that I had just lost something that essentially was never mine and never even existed! I was the same person I was a few minutes earlier only now I somehow felt like I had less! Nothing is really ours. We certainly dont get to take any of our possessions with us to the grave! All we have is this moment and our breath. We are all abundant. We are all whole. Possessions come and go but they do not add or subtract from our essence, our inherent completeness. I relayed this story to my Mom and she, ever the optimist, exclaimed delightedly Do you know what this means?! This means you are this close to incredible luck and fortune! Its just around the corner!. And when I look within, it is in fact, already here.

Im sorry are two words originally put together with the intention of expressing sympathy, pity or regret. This apology has become one of the most common, deceiving and insincere spoken expressions used by people. Its at the top of the list with I love you, How are you?, Im fine and Its just me. My American friends and colleagues laugh at how often Canadians apologize. This morning I was walking from the bank to the coffee shop with the intention of smiling or greeting every person that I encounter. This is an empowering exercise that I do when I feel that I need to shift my energy. As I was approaching a women that was walking ahead of me, she turned to me and said Im sorry. Im just dawdling along. She was implying that she was moving slower and possibly in my way because I was walking at a faster pace. I smiled and replied No worries, keep dawdling. We then made some small talk about the weather and I continued on at my pace. As the distance grew between us I realized that what she had said was an unintentional lie and an unnecessary apology. How could she feel sorry for walking slow? I was not offended of course but I did giggle at the ridiculousness and insincerity of the phrase Im sorry. How many times do you say Im sorry, to a stranger, and not really mean it? She caught up with me at the intersection where we resumed our cheerful small talk. I took this opportunity to share with her the enlightening lesson that was revealed by our first conversation. I said to her If dawdling and enjoying your walk on a beautiful day puts you in a happy zone, you should never apologize for it. You should never apologize for being happy. We laughed at the absurdity of the phrase and we wished each other farewell. As the day progressed I reflected on this experience with 3 questions: 1. Has the phrase Im sorry been subconsciously transformed into an excuse to initiate a connection or conversation with another person? 2. Have people become so disconnected from each other that they are finding excuses to re-connect? 3. Are people more receptive to an apology rather than random and unexpected conversation from a stranger? We can easily achieve positive encounters and experiences with others by choosing different words such as; Hello. Every word is a vibration whether it is written, thought or said. The meaning and effect of words can be changed by our emotions, beliefs and intentions. If we apologize without sincerity or purpose what energy are we sharing with the world? What energy are we surrounding our self with? Im sorry implies that we are sympathetic or regretful. If these words become a repetitive and meaningless phrase that we say subconsciously the energy we are projectinginto the world is not just the vibration of sympathy and regret but also the vibration of insincerity. What words do you choose to create meaningful and sincere communication? Kathy Corbett-King Lightworker, Wordsmith BodynSol 905-975-2836

Katie McClelland, Owner, Director-De La Sol Yoga (905)540-3569 430 York Blvd

From Grief to Gratefulness

By: Vanessa Pazzi
Ten years ago a good friend of mine Zvezda Kariz (lovingly referred to as Z) passed away from caner at the age of 23. For many years I struggled with her passing. I often asked God why this beautiful young woman didnt get a chance to live her life. She was such a giving person and a free spirit much like myself. People often thought we were sisters because we had very similar personalities. More recently another friend of mine Massimo Rosati (Mo) passed. He was generous, jovial and fun. He was always educating people about healthier living. He was like a big brother to me. We taught each other things and talked about life. We had many laughs together. Both of them are a part of my soul family. I am not an expert on grief and I am certainly not going to deny that both of their deaths had an impact on me. I cried my tears, had my sleepless nights and shouted my whys but I also learned healthy ways of dealing with their loss. Id like to share them with you in hopes of helping those of you in grief.

From the Hearth of the Witch

Opening to the World of Plants
My first article for Gusto! Perhaps it would be best for me to share a little bit about how I came about being here before I begin diving in and chatting away. I met Amy recently at the Meet, Great and Eat July 22, and was intrigued by the work she and the whole Gusto community were doing.

By: Ana Ravenstar

Live Their Spirit

Do the things that they loved to do and remember them while doing it. Both my friends LOVED music and LOVED to dance. Z was often referred to as The Dancing Queen. Mo had a career in music at one time and he was always asking me to go out dancing. Sometimes when I am in my office I blast the music, pick up my dog, do a dance and bust a move in their honour.

My experience of this group is that they are individuals coming together questioning how they might give back to their community and wanting to do what they could to create positive change. I have heard so much about peaceful or spiritual activism and this felt very much to me like a chance to be part of something that is growing from the grass roots. After a thought provoking conversation with Amy we both agreed it would be great to add a little of The Hearth of The Witch to the community and share some wisdom about the ways of the witches and our ancestors..... about herbal practices and remedies as well as insights about what it truly is to be a witch and how we can all live more in alignment with the cycles of Nature and understand how we can bring this into our daily lives. In my recent blog I shared with people how I was channelling my energy into talking more about herbs and sharing remedies and teachings from the plants themselves. I have never done this before. I had no idea where to just felt clear this was the path to follow. There is such a broad world to talk about and explore! Someone suggested I speak from the heart and begin where I am, so this afternoon I went for a walk asking the plants themselves what they wanted me to share. I ventured out and walked towards the woods just beyond the rail trail. I met the willow with its broken limbs and bent trunk. I saw garlic mustard everywhere, some pretty little flowers that looked like dragons, dandelion leaves and wild lettuce. There was some Queen Annes lace and a lot of goldenrod that has not come into bloom yet. I saw thistle with its tip of purple beauty crowning a stem of thorns and a giant burdock behind the garbage bin. Wild grape vines were sweeping all over the chain link fence with little yellow flowers peeking out the metal holes and motherwort scattered amongst them. Close to my door I was greeted by plantain and purslane. So what were they saying? What do these plants want to tell me? Could it be they are saying, Here we are, right in your own back yards, on your city streets. We are here to feed you and provide you with medicines you need! We are everywhere! You just have to see and know us for who we are! We are not the obnoxious weeds that grow beside the garbage and the roadside. We have value, truly we do! The medicines and nutrients we have to offer are beyond measure. Just come out and see. Be with us. Just look and listen So, where do I begin? What shall I tell? I think about our relationships with the plants and I go back in my mind to my own journey with the plants. I have always had a relationship with the plants however I never truly saw them. They were like constant acquaintances that I might see every day. Some I talked to and said hi, others I sought for support and nurturing, and some I just admired their beauty. I never truly sought them out to understand them at a deeper level until about 7 years ago. I wanted to know everything! I ran right out and started a course on Practical Herbalism. I was determined to learn these plants and know their medicine. I signed up for workshops and went to classes. I was going to know how to identify the plants and make my own remedies! Well...I can certainly say that I have definitely learned a thing or two since that time. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 13)

Let The Good Times Roll

Think of the good times often. I remember dancing on the tables with Z at Philthy McNastys in the good old days when we worked there together. We used to play funny tricks on the customers, the kitchen boys and our boss. One time Mo and I had the acupuncture needles in and he said we were suppose to be quiet and just relax. As I closed my eyes, Mony Mony came on the radio. I burst out laughing. It was such an appropriate song for relaxation. (Lol). We ended up laughing and talking through the whole session. When I think of my memories with them I smile and it warms my heart.

Be Grateful For The Gifts

Z taught me to embrace my inner child. To let my sense of humour run wild. To be silly and not to care what other people think. That was easy to do when we were together. I often wonder about some of the photos of us that might be out there. Ha ha. Mo gave me the gift of Spring Water. He took me to my first Spring and taught me about the consciousness of water and how the water we drink becomes our blood. He explained how the water is teaching us by becoming one with us. He changed my life forever though the gift of water. I have immense gratitude for the many gifts they have given me.

Do Something Good In Their Memory

In past years I have organized an event called Yoga Madness to raise money for The Cancer Assistance Program (free services for cancer patients). I do this in Zs memory. I am presently working on having a Spring named in Mos memory. Raise money for a good cause, name something after your loved one or build something in their memory like a rock garden. Dont cry that its over, be happy that it happened. Dr. Seuss

Vanessa Pazzi The Harmonious Soul


Last issue, we briefly explored the numerations behind the Expression/ Destiny Number found in the Numerology of your Name (reference the example to the right for a refresher on finding your number). Your Expression number uncovers your physical and mental structure, the proclivity, direction or goal in this life. This number is also often referred to as our Destiny. Since, it embodies a lifelong urge it also drives the expression of your Lifes aim. Its kind of like the Coles Notes on your developmental growth. Accordingly, the Expression number articulates your inner goal, the person you ambition to be. It also reveals the talents, abilities, strengths and weaknesses that we packed in our karma suitcase for this life. If you are familiar with the concept and philosophy of reincarnation; the vibrational resonance of your whole name can be understood as the sum total of your personal evolution, experiential wisdom, talents, debts, traumas, shortcomings and accomplishments amassed over several life times. Each and every experience, no matter how big, small, tedious, smooth, disastrous or fantastical are all part of your evolutionary path which shapes your development; forming your current state of being, in other words your own unique energy signature. After all, true knowledge cannot be acquired by placing your nose in a book - but by jumping in with both feet, wet and wild with the wiles and wisdom of experience. By reading the appropriate Expression/Destiny number that corresponds to your Name below, you will begin to conceptualize a clearer understanding of your own personal life force and the positive and negative potentials inherent in your being. It is important to realize that there are five core numbers, much like building blocks in our numerology profile. Each core numbers temperament will either enhance or neutralize the negative or positive potentials inherent in each core number. It would be advantageous to seek out these numbers to gain full insight into your Expression/Destiny number. Traditionally, one would seek out a Numerologist, but with the advent of the internet, a number of comprehensive online websites can easily walk you through the basics for free! Currently, Gusto Readers will have the exclusive opportunity to receive two free mini numerology reports by Liking the Elemental Arts Facebook Page. ONES, you are the movers and shakers, the independently fierce go-getters leading the pack! Self-reliant and wilful, you need freedom to create your own ideas and make your own decisions, this can sometimes lead you to be closed off to others ideas, but that is because you are a pioneer at heart. A lot of Ones tend to be self-made, activists, politicians, successful businessmen, inventors and entrepreneurs who are quite opinionated and inclined to be very influential to those around them. However, the exact opposite is true as well; the strong personality of the Ones can also repel others as instantly as they can inspire an entire stadium. Ones like the path less travelled and carry great convictions, this increases their chance at success in life. However, there is a tendency to become self-centric and domineering, in some cases even a bully. Since, you drive yourself with such a high set of standards, you must be careful not to be highly critical of others or hold them accountable to your principles, as this may lead to alienation from friends or family. Avoid being stubborn, rigid, and too set in your way, as this can also be a downfall in your interpersonal relationships. Rather use your great perseverance for balance and compassion. TWOS, you are the highly intuitive, tactfully refined, persuasive and persevering partners in crime we all love to have by our side! Twos truly possess a knack for working with others; they are the counsellors, diplomats, mediators, peacekeepers, advisors and our confidantes because they have an adept insight into the temperaments and circumstances of others with an air of sage wisdom for those who seek it. Twos are able to pull the best of those around them, supporting the highest potential of others.

By: Amber Colbear

For this reason, Twos will do well in any field that allows them to work with others, as their abilities are best expressed in this forum. For the same reason, Twos execute better in a partnership and most prefer it to a leadership role. Its not that Twos arent very equipped leaders or able to work independently, its that they prefer companionship and the symbiotic relationship that forms when one is in balance with the other, unified towards a common goal. However, as they say your greatest strength is also your greatest weakness, both equal and opposite, one coin: twos sides. The acute sensitivity of the Twos also makes them quite vulnerable and thrown off by any harsh word, dirty look, conflict and even hostile conditions between others close to them. While others would shrug off such events, the Twos will become anxious and suffer the unrest, as if their survival were at risk. Twos are the engine in the stock car, the power behind the throne, the push-up bra, but they also never quite get the credit they deserve, if it at all, which can be frustrating. However, Twos tend to be naturally modest and find satisfaction in the vital role they provided, this is a lesson they must learn in this lifetime. If you are looking for Marriage, find yourself a Two, they are giving, thoughtful and passionate lovers that make for outstanding marriage partners and they are usually quite musical too! THREES, you are the happy go lucky creative snake charmers of the arts, rich with imagination and spirit; you socialites bounce with creativity and inspire most of those around you knowingly or not! Three is the number of self-expression, but take caution not to scatter your talents. Threes often lack discipline and order, their greatest hurdle will be to concentrate and focus. They do well with the support and assistance of friends and family, which their inspirational talents naturally attract. You have a great deal of potential in the arts and any avenues that entail creative and unconventional problem-solving. You have the innate ability to think abstractly seeing life in grand masterpieces, rather than words. Your artistic abilities may be latent and come to fruition later in life. Since, creativity is a delicate faculty that is somewhat suppressed in childhood. (CONTINUES ON PAGE 12)


Part 2

By: Amber Colbear

Threes need to muster their confidence in order to reveal and grow their ideas and creative pursuits, this is their lesson. If they lack this poise they may scatter their talents in trivial pursuits. Threes you truly are capable of attaining a very, very high level of excellence in this lifetime. The problem for you lies within this immense potential, you will likely be very adept at many or all of the creative skill sets, naturally you will want to go in all directions at once. To overcome this, limit your field of vision and select only a few targets at a time, then helix your energies into a single blitzkrieg bop. Focus your life; choose what you love the most (right now), and commit to it. Once, you have completed the endeavour, pick a new one, just dont keeping banging your head against a wall trying do it all at once, youll never get anything done! And that will land you in a rut; intolerant, moody, jealous, introverted, cynical, sarcastic, emotionally sensitive, even finding criticism from others when none is intended. These are all attributes that contribute to a loss of direction and stagnation for a Three. However, if you focus your vast creative talents you will no doubt achieve high degrees of success, romance, happiness and acclaim. FOURS, you are doers, the builders, the managers, organizers, enterprisers, accountants, lawyers, facilitators you know, the people who gitr done! You are the foundation for which dreams are built from, and you take your obligations seriously to both family and projects; always seeing things through. Fours possess a highly developed sense of structure, however, this can at times lead to inflexibility and it is important to be able to balance both qualities. Fours and Threes would do well as friends and could teach each other a thing or too. Since the greatest challenge for you Fours, is to throw caution to the wind and let your imagination soar free, while, the Threes could use some of your order and focus! At times your views can be stubborn and rigid overruling good sense and compassion. Fours often can become workaholics and tend to fall into ruts from time to time, feeling dull, too serious or frustrated by their rate of progress. While, Fours can lay great plans, they are not risk-takers or imaginative game wagers; as a result their progress climbs at slower rate than those who are jumping off cliffs. However, the Four always gets there; slow and steady always finishes the race. Fours are great with money, and they like to save it, working long and hard at their nest egg goals with great stamina and persistence. This is why Fours are the rock and roots of our world. FIVES, fun-loving, fresh, freewheeling, freedom seekers You Fives love, love, love, your Freedom! You are a fish out of the water without it, a beached whale even. If you are not free, its a to be or not be mind set for you. Your very existence rests upon it. Remarkably adaptable, you thrive on change, adventure, and excitement, you desire the whole world, free to go and do as you please; explore and dare the unknown. It is the atmosphere essential to nurturing your many talents. With that said, while the allure of the unknown entices you, the routine of life, is a nightmare for you. For a Five; being stuck in the humdrum can lead to great despair and depression. Since Fives abhor orderliness they tend to ignore their natural limits both physically through over-indulgence in food, alcohol, sex and drugs and in some cases socially, many Fives fail to respect common boundaries of others. Fives are fast talkers, they too can charm you into anything, and they truly have a gift for public speaking, which is why they make great lawyers, politicians, public relations officers, activists, and salesmen. With that said, they also need to learn when to remain silent; the freedom to speak does not mean you always need to be. In order to be successful, a Five must find their grounding, a foundation and focus. In relationships, Fives have a strong sex drive and fall in and out of love easily and frequently.

Fostering an emotionally mature and committed relationship will satisfy the Fives most carnal needs, however most flee from it believing it will imply restrictions on their freedom when it may in fact provide a greater sense of release. The key to the success in every avenue of life for a Five is to set healthy limits, finish what you start and through self-discipline you will realize greater freedom. SIXES, where would we be without you!? The Sixes are the eternal caregivers, the moms and dads who always put the needs of others before their own. Responsible, dutiful and trustworthy with a high repute for justice and honour, are the mainstay characteristics of the admirable Six. You are inclined to counsel others and work in the healing field. Sixes are also naturally artistic, sometimes latent, mostly due to choices made out of sacrifice, but overall beauty and harmony are priorities too. Sixes crave nature and generally have a green thumb. Animals and children are particularly attracted to those with the Six vibration, then again Sixes are just as attracted to animals and children too. They dream of building their family and when the day finally comes that they do, it truly is a dream come true for the Six. However, when family or close relationships falter; Sixes must guard against a tendency to become intrusive, oppressive, pushy, argumentative or underhanded. Sixes make exceptional teachers, social workers, psychologist, veterinarians, gardeners, artists, business men and farmers alike. Sixes are idealists; their home is where the heart is. SEVENS, your mind moves with a limitless appetite for answers to lifes big questions. You are the researcher, the educator, the riddler, the academic, the philosopher; you thirst for knowledge and possess persistence and precision in your quest for truth. Your refined mind offers insight into the veil or mysteries of our existence. You are often sought out for your specialized knowledge. It is this keen insight that enables you to find peace within. For most sevens meditation comes easy, as they often find themselves to be selfintrospective naturally anyway. It is in this place, Sevens can retreat to restore their energies, lick their wounds and bounce back. It is important for Sevens to have me time on demand. Too much social interaction can be stressful. Unless your core numbers are balanced by extrovert characteristics (found in numbers 1, 3, 5, and 8), you may tend to pull deeply within yourself, even cutting yourself off from others to an extreme introversion at times. The general lack of knowledge among your peers at times can be frustrating for you; you like curious inquisitive minds and those that yield a humdrum buzz bore you. This can fuel harsh criticism and cynicism towards others and life in general. When a Sevens darker characteristics surface, they can be unfaithful, secretive, dishonest, and harsh, but this can be offset through meditation and self-contemplation. Sevens are often found as philosophers, researchers, inventors, priests, technicians, scholars, analysts, investigators, lawyers, bankers, theologians. EIGHTS, you are the upright symbol of infinity, remember good ol Buzz Light year, to an infinity and beyond!? That says it all! You have the Duracell bunny power pack potential to achieve cosmic greatness. Whichever, whatever endeavour you engage, you aim to be the best and most successful in your field. Generally, Eights have an inborn talent for ninja kicking down any obstacle in their path, money and power await you if you willing to persevere with discipline. You understand the bigger picture and have a knack for proficiency and problem solving, which also makes you a great leader and delegator, but you tend to be a my way or the highway kind of trailblazer. Your main challenge is to balance your higher ideals and your comprehension of the hard realities (aka the continual ups and downs that life on Earth seems to be plagued with). Life will probably test you many times with what seems to be impossible odds. ( CONTINUED ON PAGE 13)


By: Amber Colbear

Part 3

You keep getting kicked down, but you also keep getting back up and eventually you will have that which you seek. Ultimately, victory always falls to you. In the grand blueprints, these proverbial ups and downs are simply opportunities for you to learn how to use your personal power during dark days. Without such experiences you would never discover how much power lies within you. An Eights key to success lies within the balance of spiritualism and materialism. The pitfalls of the Eight, lie within excessive ambition and greed, taking more than giving, again, it is about balance. You can achieve great abundance, but it must be honourable and you must give just as equally to maintain what you receive. Eights make great bankers, CEOS, negotiators, entrepreneurs, detectives, collectors, builders, engineers, promoters, pilots, gamblers, managers. NINES, alas the Humanitarians, we might have blown ourselves up a long time ago if not for you! Nines are the extremely idealistic, self-sacrificing, do-gooders, visionaries, martyrs and leaders of the masses. Nines are tremendously compassionate and often are drawn to those who need a good degree of help. For this reason, a lot of nines end up in vocations like nurses, healers, motivational speakers, social workers, teachers, environmentalist, spiritualists, self-help coaches. Nines hope to transform the world through love. A Nine is most fulfilled when they give of themselves with no promise of return. If a Nine is not satisfying this urge, they can begin to feel almost soulless and empty. Only when they learn the value in giving of ones self totally, will they feel true satisfaction. Whats more this awareness amplifies the law of attraction, and abundance undoubtedly follows a Nine who gives selflessly. Nines are philanthropists, even if they were to strike it rich and they often do, they use what money they acquire to further their humanitarian causes. If they harness their positive potential, they will be quite well looked after and often make their money in strange and unusual ways; utilizing chance and a variety of artistic skills intrinsic with the expression of the 3s, 6s, and 9s. Nines you are called upon often to make sacrifices, which are in direct conflict with your ego. It is important to understand that Nines are in a very unique place. Unlike other numbers, Nines are in what could be considered the TSN Turning Point; they have the opportunity to tie up loose ends and complete a major life lesson carried through over several past lives. The Nine is the completion of a cycle and a block of learning; it also marks the beginning of another evolutionary cycle. However, Nines need to guard against their tendency to drive themselves with harsh self-criticism towards an unattainable perfection. They need to take time to acknowledge their accomplishments, rather than jump to the next rescue or humanitarian effort. Unfortunately, Nines also have to be more discerning with others. They often only see the best in people; it is an unshakeable quality inherent among all nines, but they often end up getting taken advantage of or exploited for their giving nature. Though even in such circumstances, Nines find solace in the experiential wisdom of all that is, good and bad, it is only a choice in perspective. Ultimately, Nines know they are both one in the same, as above, so below, and so they remain happiest in service, helping to advance the human race, even, if others believe their path to be futile, they admirably remain altruistic at heart.

Opening to the World of Plants continued.

By: Ana Ravenstar

From the Hearth of the Witch

I have done some studying with Susun Weed and she has said repeatedly how the best way to start is with one plant at a time. At the time I thought that was crazy. One at a time!? I was almost 50! I would be 80 years old before I learned anything! I now understand that bit of wisdom much more. Developing a relationship with the plants is somewhat similar to developing relationships with people. If you choose to meet 25 people at the same time you would know much less about them than if you met 1 or 2. Your level of intimacy would be dramatically different and you would have much less opportunity to understand the vast array of gifts and talents they might have to offer. You just wouldnt have the time to invest in the relationship. I would imagine the trust level between you would also be much stronger if you only met 1 or 2. Have you also ever considered the possibility that the plants may also choose to share their gifts with you.... or not? Is it possible they also need a level of intimacy to show themselves? It may sound strange, however, if we are in fact all energy then would it not make sense that the more time you spend with someone and honour them the more they open and resonate with your vibration? I invite you to consider it for a time and think about a plant that you have felt close to, one you love or have admired from afar. Spend some time with it, sing or talk with it, sit, draw or meditate and really begin to listen and be with the plant. See what arises and notice a world opening up that you took for granted before. I am noticing there is a world that is opening here as well. I feel like the plants have begun their teaching. I still have no set agenda about what I will share specifically from this point on; however, I have a feeling if I keep all my senses open that will become very clear. I am intrigued and excited to begin the journey and hope you are as well! Enjoy your new found relationships!

For enquiries about workshops with the plants (and other services) Ana can be reached at:

September comes from the Latin words septem, meaning seven and septimus, meaning seventh. In ancient Rome, September was the seventh month of the year. When the Gregorian calendar was adopted, it became the ninth month of the year. It is one of the four months with thirty days. BIRTHSTONE: The birthstone for September is the sapphire which symbolizes heaven. Sapphire comes from the mineral Corundum. Most people think of the colour blue when the word sapphire is mentioned, but sapphire comes in many other colours including green, pink, purple, and yellow. FLOWER: The flower for the month of September is the aster which symbolizes love. It also stands for daintiness and patience. The aster is a well known autumn flower along with its close relative, the chrysanthemum. ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: Virgo and Libra are the astrological signs for September. Birthdays from September 1st through the 22nd fall under the sign of Virgo. September 23rd through the 30th birthdays fall under the sign of Libra. (


The Elemental Artist



Place remaining teaspoon dill weed and panko in a separate small bowl, mixing to combine. Scrub potato and cut into bite-size pieces. Dip each piece into sour cream mixture then roll in panko mixture. Place in a single layer on prepared baking sheet and spray with cooking oil. Bake in preheated oven for 55-60 minutes, stirring halfway through, or until bites are golden brown. (

Who needs chips? A quick and easy vegetarian appetizer, that is sure to please! With a fresh summer flavour - this healthy alternative to a classic comfort food is great for BBQs, potlucks or family fun nights!
WHAT YOU NEED: 1 large russet potato cup non-dairy sour cream teaspoon garlic salt teaspoon + teaspoon dried dill weed, divided teaspoon onion powder cup panko

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Preheat oven to 325 F. Grease baking sheet and set aside. Combine sour cream, garlic salt, teaspoon dill weed and onion powder in a small bowl.

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Karma ChaMEALeon (Food Truck)


Bridges Vegetarian Cafe

Ontarios first 100% plant based animal free vegan food truck. Brings natural, fresh, local food to the streets. Twitter, facebook or phone to check daily locations. Cash only.

1280 Main S W, Hamilton, Ontario (at McMaster University campus) Offers a large menu with flatbreads, veggie burgers, and more. Open during semester Mon-Thur 11 AM - 8 PM, Fri 11 AM - 3 PM.

Bread Bar Earth To Table
258 Locke Street S, Hamilton Serves meat, vegetarian options available. Bakery by day, pizzeria at night. Offers organic and locally grown produce items from its own 100-acre farm and other producers. Accepts credit cards. Open Mon-Sun 8 AM - late.

The Green Smoothie Bar

236 James St N, Hamilton, Ontario Vegan, Organic, Raw, Juice bar, Western, Canadian, Take-out . A smoothies bar that also offers vegan food. Accepts credit cards. Open Mon-Sun 7am-8pm.

The Raw Shop at Body Slimmer

256 Dundurn Street S, Hamilton Offers raw juices and desserts, kale chips, salads, and raw crackers. Situated inside a womens fitness club. Accepts credit cards. Open Mon-Fri 9-2:30 PM, 5:30-7 PM, Sat 9-11 AM.

Cannon Coffee Co

179 Ottawa St N, Hamilton Serves meat, vegetarian options available. Other dishes can be made vegan. Cash only. Open Mon-Fri 7 AM - 6 PM, Sat-Sun 9 AM - 5 PM.



Che Burrito and Lounge

Vegetarian restaurant offering an extensive menu that includes Asian style mock meat dishes, combo meals, and assorted teas drinks. All you can eat lunch and dinner buffet Tue-Sun. Open TueFri 12-3 PM, 5-9 PM, Sat-Sun 5-9 PM, closed Mon.

38 Hess St South, Hamilton Serves meat, vegetarian options available. Mostly meat but has a tofu burrito thats vegan. Casual atmosphere. Cash only. Open Tue-Thur 4 PM -11 PM, Fri 12 PM -10 PM, Sat-Sun 4 PM -10 PM.

Homegrown Hamilton

The Himalaya

160 Centennial Parkway North, Hamilton Small vegetarian Indian food restaurant. Open Wed-Mon 11 AM 9pm.

27 King William Street, Hamilton. Wide selection of wholesome, locally sourced organic breakfasts, lunches and dinners, including lot of vegan/vegetarian/gluten free options. Serves organic coffee!


Workshops/ Classes
September 3rd at 7:00 PM until September 24 at 9:00 PM 318 Dundurn Street South Hamilton ,Unit #9 Join Dana Jensen and open your psychic awareness with the practice of Metaphysical Energy, Meditation, Scrying, Automatic Writing, Psychometry, Spirit you own intuition and psychic abilities and the power of universal energy. This is a four week group. Your Investment $120. Visit my site for more details or call 289-689-2462 BodynSol Healing 382 West 5th, ~ rsvp 905-975-2836 Wednesday 10:00 11:15 am. Learn to prepare your body for meditation and several ways to calm your mind and restore balance to your body & spirit. $22 drop in fee or 5 sessions or $75. Includes a cup of Chaga Tea to help clear and open the third eye. Bring a blanket and/or cushion. With innerLife Solutions 905-921-5339,


Wednesday, September 4, 2013, 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM Cmon over....bring t-shirts or fabric for silk screening. Share snacks, ideas and conversation with awesome people. This event is open to all genders. Everyone is invited! Urban Arts Initiative - 126 James St. North, Hamilton ON This event is wheelchair accessible and child friendly!



Join Lilyana @ Hypnosis2heal for first degree Reiki training. Sun & Mon 5 & 6th December (10-5 PM) Visit for more details


Sunday September 8th, 2013 - @ 9:30 AM @ BodynSol with The Harmonious Soul 382 West 5th Street, Hamilton, ON Learn Reiki for you and your Dog! This unique and hands on course is lead by Vanessa Pazzi, Certified Reiki Master and Jodie Smith, Certified Reiki Master and Animal Reiki Specialist.


@ Synchro - nicites - 219 Ottawa St. N Thursday September 19th, 2013 , 11 AM - 4 PM Enjoy a relaxing 3-part, non-invasive facial treatment using German engineered Cosmetic Ultrasound and Ultra Premium Vegan Skin Care for ultimate anti-aging results, effective for: wrinkles, slack skin, spider veins, rosacea, etc...$50.00 + applicable tax - 35 minute procedure 905-544-5115

September 07, 2013 Presented By: Locke Street Merchants Association Locke Street Festival is an annual event with stalls, live entertainment, food and everything you need for a fun-filled family day out. Start time: 10:00 am Location: Locke Street South is located in Hamiltons West End, between Queen and Dundurn, just minutes from the 403 (Main St Eastbound or Aberdeen Ave exits).


Sunday, September 8, 2013 Time 12:00 AM until 1:00 PM HAMILTON BENEFIT TO RAISE FUNDS TO GIFT TO WINNERS OF INDEPENDENT MEDIA AWARDS- A BURSARY IN ORDER TO HELP THEIR CRAFT. IN HONOUR AND IN MEMORY OF MAGGIE HUGHES of CFMU. and THE OTHER SIDE Radio Show and all Seekers and Purveyors of TRUTH!. Homegrown Hamilton, 27 King William St, Hamilton


TRANSFORMATION & PAST LIFE WORKSHOP @ Lavandula Wellness Center - 46 King St. W, Dundas Mon 23 September 7-9 pm


MENOPAUSE NATURALLY Tuesday 24 September , 7-9 PM @ DharmaReiki - Tuck Avenue, Burlington On

September 13, 2013 to September 15, 2013 Presented By: Binbrook Agricultural Society Many things to do and see for the whole family including Canadas #1 Demolition Derby. Farm Animals, Birds of Prey, Commercial Exhibits, Midway Rides, Live Entertainment for All Ages and more. Plus Sunday is family day!


On-Going Classes
BODYNSOL YOGA ~ rsvp to 905-975-2836 Personal & small classes. Similar to one on one yoga training. Gentle detoxing, strengthening, calming and rejuvenating time, just for you. Limited space. Drop in fee is $10. Monday & Wednesday 7 PM AND Friday 9:30 AM New days & times tba.

September 15, 2013, Time: 9 am- 5 PM Presented By: Pagan Pride Day Hamilton @ Gage Park Visit for an hour or spend the whole day. It is a time for Pagans, families, friends and the community to gather and celebrate. at Gage Park Bandshell Workshops & Lectures; Rituals, Vendors, Live Entertainment; Childrens Activities, and more..... Free Admission

September 20, 2013 to September 21, 2013 The Germania Club, 863 King Street East, Hamilton. Friday, September 20, 2013 - 5:00 pm to 12:00 , Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 12:00 pm to 12:00 am Admission free before 6 PM, $5.00 after 6 PM / both nights FOR INFORMATION AND TICKET SALES CALL THE GERMANIA CLUB at 905-549-0513 -




Call/Txt: 289-776-8305

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