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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. In it step by step methods are followed to solve a particular problem. It refers to a search for knowledge. It can also be defined as a scientific search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific investment. In it step by step methods are followed to solve a particular problem. It refers to a search for knowledge. Redman & mory defines research systematized effort to gain new knowledge.

OBEJECTIVE:The objective is also to find out the reactions of both the assessors and assesses of Consumer behavior and sale promotion as to their satisfaction or otherwise of the existing system and their reaction to any changes in their performance appraisal system, especially about the latest method i.e. 3600 Appraisal method. Moreover, instead of yearly appraisal they would like their Appraisal to be done more frequently as to twice in a year. It is more economical This method can cover wider areas This method is original and therefore very reliable.


Respondents feel more comfortable while answering the questions asked.

The research involved data collection techniques: Primary Sources Secondary sources

PRIMARY SOURCES: Primary data is the data which is collected for the first time. It is collected from the source of origin. For primary data collection questionnaire was framed considering certain factors like manpower planning, recruitment sources, selection methods etc. the objectives of the study was also kept in mind. A copy of the questionnaire is also attached in the Annexure. Questionnaire method is being followed and was because: preferred over interview method

SECONDARY SOURCES: The secondary data are those high are already in existence and which have been collected, for some other purpose than the answering of the questions in hand. The secondary data collection involved desk study, which was carried out to obtain background information about the sample companies.


The main sources of information were company reports, pamphlets, and magazine and personnel department. In the secondry sources the data is collected for some other purpose than the answering of the questions in hand. The secondary data collection involved desk study, which was carried out to obtain background information about the sample companies

RESEARCH DESIGN Research Designs the way in which the research is carried out. It works as a blue print. Research Design is the arrangement of the conditions for the collections and analysis of data in a manner that to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. In a research design: those studies are taken which are concerned with describing the characteristics particular individual or a group.

A research design is thse arrangement of condition s for collection and analysis of data in manner that aims to combined relevance to the research to the research purpose with economy in procedure. As such the design includes an outline of what researcher will do from writing the hypothesis and its operational implication to the final analysis of data. More explicitly, the design decisions happen to be in respect of: What is the study about? Why is the study being made? Where will the study be carried out? What type of data is required data be found? Where can the required data are found? What periods of time will the study includes?


What will be the sample design? What techniques of data collection will be used? How will the data be analyzed? In what style will the report be prepared? Why the required data be found?

TYPES OF RESEARCH DESIGN Exploratory Research Design Descriptive Research Design Experimental Research Design Diagnostic Research Design

Exploratory Research Design In it, a problem is formulated for precise investigation and working and hypothesis are developed.

Descriptive & Diagnostic Research Design In descriptive of a research design: those studies are taken which are concerned with describing the characteristics particular individual or a group. Experimental Research Design In it casual relationships between the variables are tested. It is also known as Hypothesis Testing Research Design.


The present project is descriptive in nature. The major purpose of descriptive research is the description of the state of affairs, as it exists in present. The main characteristic of this method is that the researcher has no control over the variables. He can only report what has happened or what is happening.

SAMPLE DESIGN It is not possible for any researcher to include each and every member of the universe in his research process. So, he selects small portion of the universe, which is its true representative. This group is known as sample and this process is called sampling. Sampling Techniques can be categorized into two broad categories namely: Non-probability Sample Probability Sampling

Non-probability Sampling In it, researcher selects sample deliberately, by using his own judgement, in it every item of the universe does not have equal chances of inclusion in the sample. It can be of following type: Convenience Sampling


Judgement Sampling Quota Sampling Ball Sampling Probability Sampling It is known as Random Sampling or Chance Sampling. In it, each population element has equal chance of selection.

It can be of following types: Simple Random Sampling Stratified Sampling Cluster Sampling

In the present project, non-probability sampling has been used because sample is selected by researchers own view and every item of the universe has not equal chances of being selected. Under non-probability sampling, convenient sampling has been used because sample has been selected according to own convenience.

Non-Probability Sampling In the non probability sampling, there is not a equal chance to select the element of any population. DATA COLLECTION There are several ways of collecting the appropriate data which differ considerably in context of money costs, time and other resources at the disposal of the researcher. 36

The data can be of two types: Primary Data Secondary Data Primary Data Primary data are those data, which is originally collected afresh. It dealing with any real life problem it is often found that data at hand are inadequate and hence, it becomes necessary to collect data that are appropriate. Primary data can be collected either through experiment or through survey. If the researcher conducts an experiment, he observes some quantitative measurements, or the data, with the help of which he examines the truth contained in his hypothesis. The case of survey, data can be collected by any one or more of following ways. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) By observation: Through personal interview: Through telephone interview. By questionnaires: Through schedules: Other method: a) warranty card b) mechanical devices c) Projective techniques d) Depth interview. Secondary data:-


Secondary data means data that are already available i.e., they refer to the data which have already been collected and analyzed by someone else. when the researcher utilizes secondary data, then he has to look into various sources from where he can obtain them. Secondary data may either be published data or unpublished data. Usually published data are available in (a) various publication of central, state are local governments, (b) technical and trade journals (d) books, magazines, and newspaper. (e) Reports and publications of various associations connected with business and industry, bank stock exchange (g) Public record, and statistics, historical documents, and other sources of published information like website of industry or company. They those data which are already collected and stored and which has been passed through statistical research. In this project, Secondary data has been collected from following sources: Annual reports Books M.I.S Other material and report published by company


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