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SEARCH HELPS: Providing an input help with the list of values from the database is called search help.

TYPES OF SEARCH HELP: 1. Elementory Search help: It is search help which provides a single path for selecting the list of values. 2. Secondary Search help: Basically it is a group of elementary search helps. Collective search help provides several paths for selecting the field values.

STEPS TO CREATE ELEMENTORY SEARCH HELP: STEP 1: Creating a Database Table With Few Records. Go to se11. Give Database table name as ymara and click on CREATE button.

Give the short description. Specify Delivery and Maintenance. Click on Fields tab, and specify the below fields. Click on Technical Settings tab and specify data class and size category. Save and Activate the Table.

Utilities table contents Create Entries. Create 4 to 5 records.

STEP 2: Creating elementary search help. Go to se11, select search help, give search help name as ymara_sh1 click on create button.

Select Elementory Search help and click on continue.

Give short description Give selection method as ymara. Define the search help parameters as below.

save and activate, test it immediately.

STEP 3: Assigning Elementary Search help at table level. Go to se11, give the table name as ymara, click on change button.

Select the field matnr, click on search help button.

give search help name and click on continue. click on Generate Proposal. click on copy button.

Save, Activate, test the table. Now search help will be available on matnr field.

COLLECTIVE SEARCH HELP STEPS TO CREATE COLLECTIVE SEARCH HELP: STEP 1: Go to se11, create elementary search help with below parameters.

Create another elementary search help with below parameters.

STEP 2: Creating collective search help as below. Go to se11 ,give search help name as ymara_csh. Click on create button.

select Collective search help. Click on continue.

Give short description, Define the search help parameters as below.

Click on include search help tab. Give the first elementary search help name as ymara_esh1, click on parameter assignment. Then system will propose a message, click on YES button.

Again the System will propose a message, then click on copy button.

Give the second elementary search help name as ymara_esh2. Click on Parameter assignment button.

Then system will propose a message, click on YES button. Again the System will propose a message, then click on copy button. Save, Activate and test it

STEP 3: Assigning this Collective Search help to table ymar. Go to se11, Give table name ymara, Click on Change button. Table will be displayed. Select the field and click on search help tab.

Give search help name as ymara_csh. Click on generate proposal, and click on copy button.

Now collective search help is assigned on matnr field.

Click on Utilities Table Contents Create Entries.

Now collective search help will be available on MATNR field.

By clicking the tabs above we get elementary search helps to fill the input fields.

SEARCH HELP AT PROGRAM LEVEL: STEPS TO CREATE SEARCH HELP AT PROGRAM LEVEL: PARAMETERS: It is a keyword which is used to define a selection screen with input fields, check boxes, radio buttons etc. Syntax: PARAMETERS: <p_name> (length) TYPE <Datatype>. Go to se38. Give Program name as ymara, click on Create button.

Give title and set type as executable program. Click on save button.

ABAP Initial screen(editor) will be opened.

Write the code for search help at program level in the following way. PARAMETERS:P_MATNR TYPE YMARA-MATNR. By this statement all the properties from data dictionary will be automatically copied to the parameter variable.

Save , Check and Activate.

Now execute the program, we will get selection screen with one input field p_matnr having search help.

By clicking on search help button we get help to fill the input field.

NOTE: Match Code Object: It is the keyword to assign custom search help by overwriting the standard search help.

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