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Parish cookbooks are available in the office during regular office hours

WELCOME TO ALL SAINTS (7:30am-3:30pm, M-F). Great gifts for any special occasion! If you have
CATHOLIC CHURCH any special days coming up, we suggest you purchase your cookbooks
now as our supply is dwindling and there will be no reordering.

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF OUR HIGH Have you moved, changed your phone number, added or deleted family
SCHOOL AND COLLEGE GRADUATES!! members, changed marital status? If so, please let us know so we can
Please know that your All Saints family will update our database. New postal regulations will be in force soon which
continue to keep you in our prayers as we will make a great difference, especially in our Newsletter mailings, if
wish all of you a blessed future! mail is undeliverable. Please call Lee at 531-0770 to report any changes.

All Saints “Caregivers Nite-Out” will meet again on Mon., June 15 at

STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT 6:30pm in the Resource Room. All family caregivers currently caring for
The bishops’ stewardship pastoral asks, “And what do Christians bring to a parent, spouse or loved one are invited to attend this new support group.
the Eucharistic celebration and join there with Jesus’ offering?” The Learn how to cope with the emotional and physical challenges of
answer: “Their lives as Christian disciples; their personal vocations and caregiving. Call Bob C., caregiver facilitator at [# omitted] for info.
the stewardship they have exercised regarding them; their individual
contributions to the great work of restoring all things in Christ.” A Virtus Session is scheduled for Sat., June 20th at 10:30am in the parish
hall. All volunteers (18 and older) working with or planning to work
VOCATION THOUGHT with children, youth, or vulnerable adults who have not previously
attended a Virtus (Protecting God’s Children Program) video based
Allow yourself to be fed by the gift of God’s love. Be bread for others.
session either here or elsewhere MUST register online at
Read Mark 14: 12-16, 22-26. and attend a session in order to volunteer within
the Diocese of Knoxville.
Sun. June 14 12:45pm Feast of Corpus Christi Procession
Coffee and Donuts This is a wonderful family opportunity to help out in
2:00pm Baptism Preparation class (Lounge)
the parish. Please sign up on the Bulletin Board near the coffee and
Mon. June 15 1:00pm Grief Support Group (Resource Room)
donut area. If no one is signed up the week before, we will not be
6:30pm Caregivers Nite-Out, (Resource Room)
serving. Thank you for volunteering.!
7:00pm RCIA Inquiry (Ed. Bldg.)
Tues. June 16 9:30am Mother Cabrini Guild (Resource Room)
7:00pm Little Rock Scripture Class (Ed. Bldg.)
Thurs. June 18 9:45am Catholic Women and Friends (Parish Hall)
Sat. June 20 10:30am Virtus Session (Parish Hall)
Certificates are available during the week in the parish office.
All Saints Parish receives 5% profit on all sales
The Feast of Corpus Christi will be celebrated this Sunday. Please join
us as the parish gathers after the 11:45AM Mass.
Grief Support Group will meet Monday, 1:00pm in the Resource Room

Don’t forget we have a wonderful nursery during the 10am Mass for
children 4 and under.
(Annie N., Youth Minister)
Email [email omitted] or phone 531-0770
We are in URGENT need on the Communications Committee for a
person knowledgeable in restructuring and maintaining our parish web
CATHOLIC HEART WORK CAMP – Virginia Beach, VA. Please
site into an informative and interactive web site. If interested, please
pray for our young people who will be doing service work this week.
contact Shiona C. at [# omitted] or the office at 531-0770.

“TRASH AND TREASURE”(Parish Flea Market) will be held Sat., CATHOLIC SINGLES
June 27 from 8am-12 noon in both the hall and parking lot. Reserve a Sun., June 14 Easy to moderate hike, 9:30am. Meet at the All Saints
spot indoors on a 6’ table for $30 or outdoors in a parking space for $10. parking lot near the pavilion. The group will determine where the hike
Call or email your request to Patti at [# omitted], [email omitted] or will take place. For more info, contact Randy S. at [# omitted].
Susan, [# omitted], [email omitted].
Thurs., June 18 LINE DANCE LESSONS. Linda and friends will
CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to Julian Hudson, son of David teach line dance lessons at Sacred Heart School Gym. Lessons start
and Diana who was baptized this past weekend. promptly at 7pm; doors open at 6:30pm for socializing. As usual, lessons
are free and no registration is needed. This class is for first timers and
Spring has sprung and so have the weeds! If you would like to help experienced dancers; lessons are progressive so if you are just beginning
with weeding, trimming and general clean-up, please call Angela at [# lessons, please start with the first session. For more information, please
omitted]. Everyone is welcome to help! email [email omitted].
Sat., June 20 Put on your dancing shoes and head to Andy’s Junction on
Chapman Hwy and join host Gail B. Live Band: Country Tradition VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We would like to provide a nursery for the
(country/old rock). Cost is $5. Line dance lessons begin at 6pm RCIA classes beginning in August and are looking for volunteers to
(included in cover charge). Dance from 7-10pm. Come join the fun even provide care on Monday nights from 6:45 to 9:15pm. Can you commit to
if you do not dance. No alcohol or smoking. Food is available and all once a week or once a month? Volunteers will need to have or receive
ages are welcome. Great wooden dance floor! For more info, please Virtus training. The Holy Spirit is calling people to join our faith
contact Gail at [# omitted]. RSVP’s appreciated as we will try to save community who are unable to obtain weekly childcare. Please
some seats. If you would like to carpool, meet at Sacred Heart parking prayerfully consider providing this ministry for our parish families. Call
lot at 5:30pm. Tanya Belanger at [# omitted] or email [email omitted].

Sun., June 21 HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! If you know a father, CATHOLIC CHARITIES
grandfather, or great-grandfather who is without his family on this special Summer items are needed for the boys and girls of the Columbus Homes
day, please consider accompanying him to church services. programs. These items include, but are not limited to, hair brushes, body
wash, deodorants and other hygiene products, and flip-flops. If you can
CATHOLIC WOMEN help, contact Angela M. at [# omitted] or [email omitted].
What happens after the Resurrection? Join us each Thursday at 9:45am
in the Parish Hall for “Acts of the Apostles” led by Dr. Ruth Q. Smith. An “Irish Tennis Camp” for youth will be offered at Cedar Bluff
Racquet Club the weeks of July 13-16, and August 3-6. The camp will
St. Catherine’s Croppers would like to start offering child care for our focus on stroke fundamentals and the development of match play skills in
monthly meetings. We would have the nursery available but need a fun environment for all levels. Taught by 2009 defending State
volunteers. We meet the second Tuesday of the month and would offer Champion Catholic High coaches Rusty Morris (KIL Coach of the Year)
child care from 7-9pm. If you need service hours for confirmation or and David Price. 10% of camp proceeds will go to Catholic Charities
other organizations and would like to help, please contact Paula M. at of East Tennessee! For more information, call Cedar Bluff Racquet
[email omitted] Club at [# omitted].

St. Catherine’s Croppers is currently working on an All Saints Parish CATHOLIC SCHOOLS
Scrapbook. If you are the organizer of an event at All Saint’s and have ST. JOHN NEUMANN SCHOOL
photos you would like to be put in the scrapbook, please let us know. We Applications are currently being accepted for the following positions:
need the photos (no more than 10) and a short write-up of the event. You Elementary teachers and Music teacher. State certification is required.
will not get your photos back and we need them printed out, not e-mailed. Resumes may be faxed to [# omitted] or mailed to St. John Neumann
Please contact Paula M. at [email omitted] for more info. School, 625 St. John Court, Knoxville 37934, ATTN: Principal.


Summer Registration for Grades 1-5: Please pick up your form and The Sacred Heart Annual Children’s Clothing Sale, scheduled for July
register early. Blank forms are available throughout the summer in the 31-Aug. 1, is now accepting participants. Go to
parish office lobby area. and click on “consignment” to register or for more info. You can also
call Trish at [# omitted].
GRADES 1-5, 2009-2010 – Teaching teams required and needed.
Grade 1 is in need of one teaching team; Grade 2 is in need of three DIOCESE AND DEANERY
teaching teams; Grade 3 is in need of one teaching team; Grade 4 is in CONGRATULATIONS to Father Gerard Austin, O.P., the uncle of Fr.
need of 2.5 teaching teams and Grade 5 is in need of 2.5 teaching teams. Ragan Schriver, who is celebrating his Golden Anniversary as a
A teaching team consists of two adult volunteers. Call Miriam at [# Dominican priest this weekend. Father Austin has taught for 49 years,
omitted], Carol at [# omitted] or the parish office at 531-0770 to including 31 at the Catholic University of America where he served as
volunteer. Classes without teaching teams when we begin in the fall will Chairman of the Department of Theology, Dean of Ministerial Studies,
be provided with home-school materials until teaching teams step and Director of the Graduate Liturgical Studies program.
Sacred Heart Cathedral will be offering Spanish classes for interested
Little Rock Scripture Study. Read Romans Chapter 15 and 16 and then adults. This class is designed to give a basic knowledge of
join us for discussion on Tuesday nights in the Ed. Bldg. from 7-9pm. conversational Spanish to anyone who deals with the public, i.e., pastors,
Call Dave W., [# omitted] for more info. teachers, health care workers, law enforcement, etc. Classes will meet at
Sacred Heart on Mon. and Wed. evenings beginning June 8th. Tuition is
Do you have questions about the Catholic faith? Are you curious about free but a free-will offering will be collected at the first session. Books
Catholic teachings? If so, please join us for an inquiry session at 7pm on are $18-$28 and can be purchased the first night. Class size is limited so
6/15, 6/29, 7/13 or 7/27 in the Ed. Bldg. These gatherings are open to please pre-register by calling Brigid J. at [# omitted].
people who are unbaptized, or those baptized in a non-Catholic, Christian
church. These sessions are not required as part of the RCIA classes
which will begin Aug. 17 for those feeling called to join us in our SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT
Catholic Faith. For more info about inquiry or RCIA, please call Tanya Always put off until tomorrow what you shouldn’t do at all!
B. at [# omitted] or email [email omitted].
Today’s Readings are on page 978 in the Hymnal
Sun. Ex 24: 3-8 Heb 9: 11-15 Mk 14: 12-16
Mon. 2 Cor 6: 1-10 Mt 5: 38-42
Tues. 2 Cor 8 : 1-9 Mt 5: 43-48
Wed 2 Cor 9: 6-11 Mt 6: 1-6,16-18
Thur. 2 Cor 11: 1-11 Mt 6: 7-15
Fri. Hos 11: 1-9 Jn 19: 31-37
Sat. 2 Cor 12: 1-10 Lk 2: 41-51

Sat., 06-13 9:00am Robert L. by Ron and Arlayne C.
5:00pm Jerry K. by the family
Sun., 06-14 8:15am Margaret H. by AAA Transportation Co.
10:00am Oresto D. by Linda B.
11:45am People of All Saints Parish
Mon., 06-15 9:00am Sr. Angela L. by Dennis and Christy L.
12:10pm Communion Service
Tues., 06-16 9:00am John P. by the family
12:10pm Kathleen G. by the G. family
Wed., 06-17 9:00am Special Intention for Christy K.
12:10pm Janie Smith G. family
Thur., 06-18 9:00am Lester G. by Joe and Elizabeth T.
12:10pm Communion Service
Fri., 06-19 9:00am George V. by Jeanne K.
12:10pm Lucille & Arthur H. by the G. family
Sat., 06-20 9:00am Herman H. by Jean H.
5:00pm Special Intention for Boots and Art V.

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