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Module1, 2, 3 Week 1

Books to follow 1. 2. 3. 4. F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics Fm by kodandaraman Fm by rk bansal Fm by Robert w fox

Fluid mechanics

Introduction: Dimensions and units: o Basic units M, L, t, T o Unit systems ( SI, metric systems etc) Fluid properties o Density or mass density o Specific weight or weight density o Specific gravity Viscosity Newtons law of viscosity o Type of fluids Compressibility and bulk modulus Surface tension Capillarity Concept of continuum

Note: All the data taken from the above text books with some additional explanation. The given data is only for initiation and it acts as a guide it is better to go through the text books.

Dimensions and Units:

A dimension is the measure by which a physical variable is expressed quantitatively. Dimension is a powerful concept about which a splendid tool called dimensional analysis has been developed In general there are only four basic dimensions from which the other dimensions are derived. They are Length {L} Mass {M} Time {t} Temperature {T} Every other dimension such as velocity acceleration, density etc, are represented with these four basic dimensions For example units of velocity = meter/second = Length/time =L/T=>LT-1 Acceleration = m/s2=L/T2=LT-2

Properties of fluid:

Fluid property is defined as a characteristic of the material structure of the fluid. All the fluid properties are variables rather than constants and assumed to be functions of space and time.

Density: ()
Fluid Air Petrol Kerosene Diesel Coconut oil Castor oil Water Milk Mercury Density kg/m3 1.204 737 817 820-950 924 956 1000 1020-1050 13600

The ration of mass of the fluid to its volume is called density Or The concentration of mass in particular volume Density = mass of fluid/volume of fluid Densities of different fluids which are useful in our daily life

Weight density or specific weight: ()

The specific weight of a fluid is the ratio of weight of the fluid to the volume of the fluid = weight/volume = mg/v = g since (m/v= )

Specific gravity or relative density:SG

Specific gravity, denoted by SG, is the ratio of the density of the fluid to the density of standard fluid. For liquids water is the standard fluid and For gases air is the standard fluid. For example:
Specific gravity of mercury = density of mercury/density of water = 13600/1000=13.6 Specific gravity of milk = density of milk/density of water =1020/1000=1.2

Viscosity (or) Dynamic viscosity:

Viscosity is a property of the fluid which resists the fluid to flow Or The resistance offered to the flow of a fluid is called viscosity Or The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to flow. Viscosity is a measure of the importance of friction in fluid flow. The higher the value of the viscosity then the greater is the resistance. So, a substance with a low viscosity will flow more freely than another substance with a higher viscosity.

Velocity profile

Fig:1 Let us assume a fluid is flowing over a fixed plate with a velocity u. The surface of the fluid is present at a distance of y4 from the fixed plate. The velocity of the fluid particles flowing near the plate that is at yo is zero and the velocity of the fluid particles flowing at the surface that is at y4 is umax as shown in figure 1. The fluid particles at the free surface will move with a velocity of free stream velocity and the fluid particles at the plate moves with zero velocity. The velocity variation of the fluid particles from the plate to the surface is shown in the figure. The top row that is row 4 molecules exert a shear stress on row 3 molcules and creates velocity gradient du/dy. The viscosity of the fluid in this case can be expressed as Viscosity = shear stress/velocity gradient that is =/(du/dy) In general the word viscosity means dynamic viscosity otherwise it will mention as kinematic viscosity if nothing is specified then we have to assume it as dynamic viscosity The SI unit for dynamic viscosity is pascal second [Pa s] 1 Pa s = 1 newton second/square metre Another unit often used is the 'poise' where 10 poise = 1 Pa s

Kinematic Viscosity:

Kinematic viscosity of a substance is a measure of its dynamic viscosity per unity density of that substance. The SI unit is sq.metre/second but, as that is such a large unit, many prefer the 'stoke' where 10,000 stokes = 1 sq.metre/second or 1stoke=1cm2/s

Newtons law of viscosity:

Newtons law of viscosity states that the shear stress is directly proportional to the rate of shear strain. = (du/dy) Fluids which obey Newtons law are called Newtonian fluids and which does not obey are called non-Newtonian fluids

Types of fluids:
Newtonian fluids Non-Newtonian fluids Ideal fluids Real fluids Bingham Pseudoplastics


The measure of the fluidity of a substance is given by the reciprocal of its dynamic viscosity.

Compressibility and bulk modulus:

Surface Tension:

The tension exerted between two fluid surfaces when they are in contact is called surface tension.



picture a.

Picture b.

In the above picture a. water is present in the beaker and air is present above the water surface a tensile membrane (thin layer) of water forms between the two fluids as shown in the figure b. Many of us would have seen the demonstration of a needle being supported on water surface without it being wetted. This is due to the surface tension of water. All liquids exhibit a free surface known as meniscus when in contact with vapour or gas. Liquid molecules exhibit cohesive 6

forces binding them with each other. The molecules below the surface are generally free to move within the liquid and they move at random. When they reach the surface they reach a dead end in the sense that no molecules are present in great numbers above the surface to attract or pull them out of the surface. So they stop and return back into the liquid. A thin layer of few atomic thicknesses at the surface formed by the cohesive bond between atoms slows down and sends back the molecules reaching the surface. This cohesive bond exhibits a tensile strength for the surface layer and this is known as surface tension. Force is found necessary to stretch the surface. Surface tension may also be defined as the work in Nm/m2 or N/m required to create unit surface of the liquid. The work is actually required for pulling up the molecules with lower energy from below, to form the surface. Another definition for surface tension is the force required to keep unit length of the surface film in equilibrium (N/m). The formation of bubbles, droplets and free jets are due to the surface tension of the liquid.

The rise or fall of liquid surface when the fluid come into contact with any other solid bodies.(refer the book rk bansal )

As gas molecules are far apart from each other and as there is empty space between molecules doubt arises as to whether a gas volume can be considered as a continuous matter like a solid for situations similar to application of forces. Under normal pressure and temperature levels, gases are considered as a continuum (i.e., as if no empty spaces exist between atoms). The test for continuum is to measure properties like density by sampling at different locations and also reducing the sampling volume to low levels. If the property is constant irrespective of the location and size of sample volume, then the gas body can be considered as a continuum for purposes of mechanics (application of force, consideration of acceleration, velocity etc.) and for the gas volume to be considered as a single body or entity. This is a very important test for the application of all laws of mechanics to a gas volume as a whole. When the pressure is extremely low, and when there are only few molecules in a cubic metre of volume, then the laws of mechanics should be applied to the molecules as entities and not to the gas body as a whole. In this text, only systems satisfying continuum requirements are discussed. (from text book

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