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Assessment 2: Individual research management report (30%) Overview

The management report of 2000 words aims to develop and assess students written communication and research and analytical skills through demonstrated understanding of theory, concepts and issues articulated within the course framework. The management report is due in the first 10 minutes of the students registered seminar in Week 6.

Hubbard and Tham (2013) stated Since February this year, a debate has raged around the 457 visa scheme. The government has been insistent on fixing an "out of control" scheme by cracking down on "rorts". On the other h and, its critics have challenged whether the scheme is being abused, accusing the government of xenophobia in the process. So much heat, so little light. 1 Considerable media coverage has been given to the 457 Visa issue. Concern has been raised that construction, mining and tourism industries have used this visa to obtain cheap labour at the cost of Australian workers jobs and performance quality 2. Other perspectives presented argue that it is a necessary option in a time of skills shortage. There is also considerable talk about changes to the visa process and eligibility which may seriously affect the construction industry. The CEO of Management Foundations Construction (our company for this exercise will be a construction company building office and apartment complexes for sale in Sydney, Melbourne, Burke, and Dubbo) regularly reads quality newspapers and trade articles. He has observed that business commentators express contradictory views on the impact of the 457 visa issue. As the business sometimes struggles to get workers, especially in non-metropolitan areas, he has thought 457 visas may help the company but is unsure regarding the impact on organisational culture, legal issues, and public perception. Your brief is to research the implications of the 457 visa issue in the construction industry and to recommend to the board of Management Foundations Construction if, when, and how they should be involved in the 457 programme. As part of this change you will be required to discuss how to adjust organisational behaviour to contribute to organisational productivity and sustainability in light of the 457 visa opportunities. You will need to explain the risks and benefits, both in the short (one year) and long term, of the 457 visa programme from a construction industry point of view. Please use examples of at least two Australian companies to illustrate your arguments.

Hubbard Leigh and ThamJoo-Cheong, Monday 17 June 2013 08.56 AEST, -visa-australia-migration-jobs


REQUIREMENTS 1. This is a research report. Forty five per cent of the marks are for quality research and correct referencing. You are required to have a minimum of 10 research sources and for five of these to be academic (peer reviewed). The accepted referencing style is Harvard. Please present your assignment professionally using a business report format. Highest marks will be given to those reports which address the question in a logical, coherent manner following a logical development i.e., introduction, body (argument) and conclusion with citations in text and a reference list. See the recommended book by Summers and Smith for advice on what constitutes a report, and consult the student guide on essay and report writing available on the MG102a Management Foundations vUWS site. A specific guide to writing this report is included and will also be posted in the MG102a vUWS site with a break -down of each required section of the report. Obtain advice from your tutor if in doubt. The Student Learning Unit is also available to assist students with assignment writing see online tutorials and for workshops. You need to attach three things to the front of your report before submission. An Assessment Cover Sheet (available from vUWS in MS Word format) must be attached as the first page, The Report Criteria and Marking Guide (also available from vUWS) must be attached as the next pages. The Turnitin submission receipt. The marking guide provides students with criteria for the report and a rubric of how marks will be awarded. Please read this guide carefully before commencing your assignment. Refer to it constantly for guidance as you complete your report. The report is to be bound. You must use headings throughout your report. Use a 12-point Arial font and line-and-a-half spacing. Provide a generous outer margin for comments. Use only one side of A4 paper, number every page, and bind the report appropriately. Please do not use folders or plastic sleeves. These will not add to your marks, they will be discarded and are hence a waste of your money. Put a footer on each page of your essay with your student number, name, unit number, semester, page number and number of pages. For example, 92000000 C.Lewin MG102a Autumn 2013 pg 1/9. The executive summary, appendix and reference list are not counted in the word limit. Information that is not vital to the discussion/argument should be put into an appendix at the end of the report. For example: Include information used to develop graphs, tables, pictures, etc. that are in the body of the repo rt in the appendix. Also information that is not essential to the report but is simply additional or interesting should be in the appendix putting this information in the report will use up your word limit on non-core issues and therefore will lower your mark.



4. 5.


Your report will also need to be submitted via Turnitin for authenticity confirmation. You will be able to submit via Turnitin repeatedly up until midnight of the due date and the last submission will be the one that will be assessed. This must be identical to your paper copy submitted in class. Where

REQUIREMENTS the Turnitin submission and the hardcopy are not identical the unit coordinator reserves the right not to mark the submission at all. The receipt of the Turnitin submission must be attached to your hardcopy submission. Plagiarism is a serious matter and as such any detected in the report will result in a 0 mark for the whole report. 7 Recommended reading Bryant, M 2000, Academic report writing guide , Evans, D 1995, How to write a better thesis or report , Melbourne University Press. Summers, J & Smith, B 2002, Communications skills handbook: how to succeed in written and oral communication , John Wiley and Sons. NSW, School of Employment Relations and Work 2000, Essay writing guide and report writing guide , University of Western Sydney, University Press. The Harvard style of referencing: a guide for students , University of Western Sydney Library, University Press. UWS, Voyager referencing site: Note: A detailed report writing guide can be found on vUWS. Submission requirements An original word-processed copy is to be submitted in the first 10 minutes of your seminar in the week due. A copy is to be kept by the student. There will be no resubmissions of this assessment task. Submit your soft copy of the assessment via Turnitin in the vUWS submission link. Name your file: Report student number name e.g. Report 12345678 Claire Lewin

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Marking criteria and standards

CRITERIA Professional writing: Sentence, paragraph structure, spelling, grammar. Overall professional presentation. Report length. FAIL Meaning unclear; uses colloquialisms, SMS and/or grammatical /spelling errors. All aspects of writing style require improvement. Reads as if submitted without editing or proofreading. Too short or too long. PASS Language fluent with mainly correct spelling and grammar. Sentence structure, clarity, efficiency, Structure of argument could improve. CREDIT Largely coherent, free of errors in spelling and grammar. Well structured paragraphs. Reads as proof read and well considered. DISTINCTION Coherent, well structured sentences and paragraphs, argument flows, discipline. Appropriate language used well. Reads as proofread and edited. HIGH DISTINCTION Writing style clear, concise and error free. Language appropriate and applied well. Reads as if edited and developed over a period of time with research undertaken during this development period. Demonstrating outstanding academic writing skills

0-0.5 Structure: Executive summary complete and appropriate, not an introduction. Introduction: explaining the context of the report and argument. Conclusion: valid based on argument. Fails to observe requirements. Illogical or incoherent development. Submission incomplete/late.

1 A logical progression and satisfactory development of the issues. Some citation in text and reference list. Submission on time and meeting most requirements for presentation.

1.5 A logical progression and sound development demonstrating further reading. Good use of citations in text and reference list. Submission on time and meeting all requirements for presentation.

2 A logical progression and good development of the content demonstrating comprehensive reading, appropriate citations in text and reference list and understanding of the usages of reports. Submission on time and meeting all requirements for presentation. 4

2.5 Logical progression and coherent development of the content demonstrating comprehensive reading, appropriate citations in text and reference list and understanding of the usages of reports. Hard copy, Online submission on time in tutorial. Formatted and presented as required.



CRITERIA Argument and critical analysis

FAIL Fails to demonstrate minimal knowledge of topics; misses the point or uses tautology. Unbalanced argument Reporting rather than analysing and discussing. Argument includes definitions and terminology only.

PASS Demonstrates knowledge and definitions but lacks depth in clear application in critical analysis. How, what and why but primarily in a textbook manner that lacks depth of understanding.

CREDIT Develops a clear and logical argument that addresses the topic and demonstrates understanding in the business environment. Critically discusses the report brief and findings and logically defends points of view utilising the research material.

DISTINCTION Develops a clear and logical argument that addresses the topic and demonstrates deep understanding as applied in the business environment. Critically discusses the report brief and findings and logically defends points of view utilising the research material in a professional manner. 8.5 Excellent and logical level and quality of supporting evidence that enhances the topic discussion and demonstrates deep understanding. Research material appropriate and relevant. Able to utilise material to aid in discussion to provide a balanced and comprehensive discussion.

HIGH DISTINCTION Develop a clear, balanced and logical argument that addresses the topic and demonstrates comprehensive understanding as applied in the business environment. Critically discusses the report brief and findings and logically defends points of view utilising the research material in a professional manner and demonstrating outstanding academic skills.

0-4 Level of research: Degree and quality of supporting evidence. Appropriateness, relevance, and applicability of research material to the topic able to utilise material to aid in discussion. Minimum of 10 references with at least five academic references. Simplistic research Wikipedia, Google, textbook, newspapers. Does not meet minimum referencing levels minimum of 10 References with at least 5 academic references. Poor application in report. Good basic level and quality of supporting evidence researched material. Meets minimum level of research required. Research material appropriate and relevant. Able to utilise material to aid in discussion.

7 Sound level and quality of supporting evidence that enhances the topic discussion and demonstrates understanding beyond textbook and general knowledge. Research material appropriate and relevant. Able to utilise material to aid in discussion to give a deeper understanding to the reader.

10 Comprehensive and logical level and quality of supporting evidence that enhances the topic discussion and demonstrates deep understanding. Research material appropriate and relevant. Able to utilise material in a logical manner to aid in discussion to provide a balanced and comprehensive discussion and critical analysis.




CRITERIA Referencing: Consistent use of Harvard referencing.

FAIL No reference list. No references or only prescribed text, lectures. Inconsistent format. Not Harvard. No in text citation or incorrectly used citations. Plagiarism (0 marks immediately for the whole assignment).

PASS Mostly correct citations in text and list. Consistent reference style Harvard. No plagiarism. Lacks depth or appropriate in text references. Meets minimum research requirements.

CREDIT Correct citations in text and list. Consistent reference style Harvard. No plagiarism. Appropriate use of in text references. Exceeds minimum research requirements.

DISTINCTION All citations correct in text and list. Well executed for readability and consistency. Choices of quotes well executed demonstrating a sound understanding of using in-text citation. Consistent reference style Harvard. No plagiarism. Exceeds minimum research requirements. 2

HIGH DISTINCTION All citations correct in text and list, well executed for readability and consistency. Excellent choice of quotes demonstrating a deep understanding of using intext citation. Consistent reference style Harvard. No plagiarism. Exceeds minimum research requirements.



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