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August 2013

SHM would like to express our many

Thanks to everyone who made the 7 Annual Benefit Auction a great success. The list of thank-yous is huge individuals and businesses that donated, collected and delivered items to be auctioned, those of you who helped with set-up and clean-up, the team of auctioneers, clerks, bid spotters and runners, quilters, food vendors, provided baked goods and other food, parking crew, garbage crew etc. Wow, the list could go on and on. It takes many people pulling together to have a successful auction and we cannot express our Thanks enough. So to all of you that pitched in and helped, (you all know who you are) please accept our sincere Thank You.

Response Coupon
$________ Where Needed Most $________ Bibles & Literature $________Disaster Relief $________Sponsor a child in the Dominican Republic ($70 per year) I would like to be a monthly supporter _______$200 ______$100 ______$50 ______$25 ______$10 __________Other amount

Baldwin, NY Rebuild Project

Hurricane Sandy hit New York on October 29, 2012. Widespread damage was caused in the New York Metropolitan area. SHM has responded by setting up volunteer teams to assist with the repairing of homes. Available Dates Various dates for day groups and week groups are available beginning September 16, 2013 through February 28, 2014 Maximum Team Size 15 people Call 570-726-4673(Hope) to schedule a team.

Monthly Sponsorships
SHMs monthly sponsorships are designed to provide supporters with an organized method of giving. Sponsorships are very valuable to SHM because they provide a dependable monthly income and provide a foundation of support that enables us to plan ahead. If you would like to become a monthly sponsor, see the attached sponsorship coupon and indicate on the appropriate line Monthly Sponsor and check the correct amount of your sponsorship. Thank you in advance for participating in the monthly sponsorship program.

Milton, PA Rebuild Project

SHM will be scheduling teams to help with a rebuild project in Milton, PA. We will only be using day groups for this project. As this newsletter goes to print, the slab is being poured and building will soon begin. Available Dates Call to put your team on a call list. Maximum Team Size 8 to 15 (will vary) If you would like to bring a team for a day, please call 570-726-4673(Hope).

Beech Creek, PA - Flood Clean-up

Thank You to all the volunteers who responded on such short notice to help with muck-outs after the flooding rains hit Beech Creek, PA. (See picture)

Oklahoma Update
At this time, SHM has not been able to secure a location to open a base for

volunteers. We will keep you updated if and when we are able to begin a project in Oklahoma.

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