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8th MINERALOGY (ECONOMIC SESSION) CLASSIFICATION PAPER Name: Aulia Rahmatika Utari Nim :12/331184/PA/14483 Wave: W1 (Type W1 ; W2 or T) Page:

1 Yesterday, (8/5/2013) I did the mineralogy labwork class for the eight term in this semester. Below was my note of my sulfide-minerals identification : I identified the mineral sample numbered: M51 The color was gray The streak was black The luster was metal The hardness was approximately between 3.0 to 3.5 , because it was scratched by a needle The cleavage was 3 plane The fracture was concoidal The diaphenity was opaque This mineral was tend to be ferromagnetic (fill with the degree of magnetism) The system of the crystal was isometric Draw here :

After I compared the data that had been taken in labs, I argued that there was/were any/some differences/similarities on ore of galena because of the characters above is almost same with the character of galena And, this mineral was economically valuable because it consists of lead so battery industry can take part of lead as base material to make battery GENESA GALENA Metasomatisme kontak :Setelah proses pembekuan magmatis, larutan sisa magmanya disebut larutan pegmatitis pneumatolitis ( metasomatis ). Larutan sisa magma ini terdri dari cairan HCL dan HF serta sedikit gas HO CO, HBO Berusaha mencari jalan keluar melalui rekahan menerobos batuan beku yang telah ada dan batuan samping, dan mengadakan reaksi kimia membentuk mineral baru. Karena proses pendinginan larutan tersebut membentuk endapan pegmatitis. Pada temperatur rendah Berupa mineral pirit, kalkopirit, galena, Sfalerit dan arsenopirit.

Endapan Hidrothermal : Disebabkan oleh karena proses pengendapan dari larutan/ cairan sisa magma yang telah mengintrusi dengan temperaturnya cukup rendah ( 372c )Larutan ini mengandung oksida dan sulfida dari logam Au (emas ), Ag ( Silver ),Pb( Lead/ Timah hitam ),Zn (zine),Hg dan Fe. Bentuk jebakan hidrotermal mengikuti bentuk rongga atau rekahan yang telah ditembus dan diisinya Endapan Hidrothermal terbagi dalam 3 jenis : 1) Endapan Hypothermal Diendapkan pada tekanan dan temperatur yang paling tinggi Berupa urat urat dan Dike pada kedalaman yang paling besar dibawah bumi.Endapan berupa sulfida : pirit, kalkopirit, galena

8th MINERALOGY (ECONOMIC SESSION) CLASSIFICATION PAPER Name: Aulia Rahmatika Utari Nim :12/331184/PA/14483 Wave: W1 (Type W1 ; W2 or T) Page: 2 Yesterday, (8/5/2013) I did the mineralogy labwork class for the eight term in this semester. Below was my note of my native element-minerals identification : I identified the mineral sample numbered: M49 The color was black The streak was black The luster was metal The hardness was approximately between 2.5 to 3.0 , because it was scratched by a nail and also by a needle The cleavage was poor The fracture was hackly The diaphenity was opaque This mineral was tend to be ferromagnetic (fill with the degree of magnetism) The system of the crystal was isometric Draw here :

After I compared the data that had been taken in labs, I argued that there was/were any/some differences/similarities on ore of iron because of the characters above is almost same with the character of iron And, this mineral was economically valuable because iron industry needs it to make a build GENESABESI Proses terjadinya cebakan bahan galian bijih besi berhubungan erat dengan adanya peristiwa tektonik pra-mineralisasi. Akibat peristiwa tektonik, terbentuklah struktur sesar, struktur sesar ini merupakan zona lemah yang memungkinkan terjadinya magmatisme, yaitu intrusi magma menerobos batuan tua. Akibat adanya kontak magmatik ini, terjadilah proses rekristalisasi, alterasi, mineralisasi, dan penggantian (replacement) pada bagian kontak magma dengan batuan yang diterobosnya.

Perubahan ini disebabkan karena adanya panas dan bahan cair (fluida) yang berasal dari aktivitas magma tersebut. Proses penerobosan magma pada zona lemah ini hingga membeku umumnya disertai dengan kontak metamorfosa. Kontak metamorfosa juga melibatkan batuan samping sehingga menimbulkan bahan cair (fluida) seperti cairan magmatik dan metamorfik yang banyak mengandung bijih.

8th MINERALOGY (ECONOMIC SESSION) CLASSIFICATION PAPER Name: Aulia Rahmatika Utari Nim :12/331184/PA/14483 Wave: W1 (Type W1 ; W2 or T) Page: 3 Yesterday, (8/5/2013) I did the mineralogy labwork class for the eight term in this semester. Below was my note of my silicate-minerals identification : I identified the mineral sample numbered: M33 The color was green The streak was white The luster was dull The hardness was approximately between 3.0 to 3.5 , because it was scratched by a needle but a nail couldnt scratch this mineral The cleavage was 3 plane The fracture was uneven The diaphenity was opaque This mineral was tend to be diamagnetic (fill with the degree of magnetism) The system of the crystal was amorf Draw here :

After I compared the data that had been taken in labs, I argued that there was/were any/some differences/similarities on zeolite because of the characters above is almost same with the character of zeolite And, this mineral was economically valuable because it important for agrobusiness to make fertilizer GENESA ZEOLIT 1. Zeolit Alam : ditemukan dlm batuan sedimen vulkanik, batuan piroklastik. Ada 3 tipe : a. Zeolit terbentuk dr aktivitas magma akibat proses hydrothermal, mineral silikat mjd zeolit. Pada daerah ini terbentuk heulandit, leumantit dan analism. Daerah yg jauh terbentuk : mordenit dan klinoptilotit. b. Proses sedimentasi

ada 3 lingkungan pengendapan : danau air asin, danau air tawar dan marine. Bahan Zeolit bereaksi dgn air membentuk zeolit c. Proses metamorfosa bahan pembentuk bereaksi dgn alumunium pd Tekanan tinggi. Mineral yg terbentuk : heulandit, mordenit, analism dan klinoptilolit.

8th MINERALOGY (ECONOMIC SESSION) CLASSIFICATION PAPER Name: Aulia Rahmatika Utari Nim :12/331184/PA/14483 Wave: W1 (Type W1 ; W2 or T) Page: 4 Yesterday, (8/5/2013) I did the mineralogy labwork class for the eight term in this semester. Below was my note of my native element-minerals identification : I identified the mineral sample numbered: M52 The color was black The streak was black The luster was metal The hardness was approximately between 5.0 to 5.5 , because it was scratched by knife The cleavage was poor The fracture was uneven The diaphenity was opaque This mineral was tend to be diamagnetic (fill with the degree of magnetism) The system of the crystal was amorf Draw here :

After I compared the data that had been taken in labs, I argued that there was/were any/some differences/similarities on mangan because of the characters above is almost same with the character of mangan And, this mineral was economically valuable because it is used as base material to make battery , it is mixtured into iron to increase the strength of iron GENESA MANGAN Sumber pembentukkan mangan ada 3 yaitu: 1. Laut dalam, yang berasosiasi dengan batuan beku 2. Daratan, berasosiasi dengan batuan vulkanik, ia terbentuk dekat aktivitas magma sistem di mantel (vulkanisme) 3. Sedimen, gabungan sedimen (induk) & mangan (yang mengisi & mengubah batuan induk)

8th MINERALOGY (ECONOMIC SESSION) CLASSIFICATION PAPER Name: Aulia Rahmatika Utari Nim :12/331184/PA/14483 Wave: W1 (Type W1 ; W2 or T) Page: 5 Yesterday, (8/5/2013) I did the mineralogy labwork class for the eight term in this semester. Below was my note of my silicate-minerals identification : I identified the mineral sample numbered: M54 The color was black The streak was white The luster was diamond The hardness was approximately between 10, because it couldnt scratched by any mohs scale that we brought The cleavage was poor The fracture was even The diaphenity was opaque This mineral was tend to be diamagnetic (fill with the degree of magnetism) The system of the crystal was hexagonal Draw here :

After I compared the data that had been taken in labs, I argued that there was/were any/some differences/similarities on ore of black diamond because of the characters above is almost same with the character of black diamond And, this mineral was economically valuable because it is used as core drilling bit, but actually black diamond in the laboratory yesterday was a sintetic mineral so we couldnt identified it well GENESA BLACK DIAMOND Plume Tectonic sebagai mantle plume hypothesis telah dikemukakan pertama kalinya oleh Wilson dan Morgan saat menjelaskan hotspot volcanoes seperti di Hawaii dan Iceland. Saat itu, mantle plume didefinisikan sebagai massa ringan (buoyant) material mantel yang naik karena keringanannya secara densitas. Saat mencapai litosfer, dikenal yang namanya plume heads dengan diameter 5003000 km, dan plume tails yang diameternya 100500 km yang masuk jauh ke mantel atas. Pentingnya peranan mantle plume, terutama superplume, dalam evolusi geodinamika Bumi, pertama kali diajukan oleh Maruyama yang menyebutnya sebagai plume

tectonics theory. Plume tectonics secara komprehensif dibahas dalam buku tulisan Condie.Dan tak ketinggalan di zona hotspot

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