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Provisional No 150

Order Paper
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Sitting hours 2 pm to 6 pm and 7.30 pm to 10 pm

Order of Business
Petitions Papers Select committee reports Introduction of bills Questions for oral answer Government orders of the day

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Business before the House

Government orders of the day
Name of bill Minister in charge Stage of consideration Bill no Times for debate


Government notices of motion Nos 2 and 3

Appointments to Representation Commission

6 x 5 m speeches Business Committee determination 1012 8 x 10 m speeches remaining

Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Amendment Bill Hon Maurice Williamson

Debate interrupted 11 July 2013

Interrupted debate on third reading 1041

Credit Contracts and Financial Services Law Reform Bill Hon Craig Foss Introduced 18 April 2013 First reading

12 x 10m speeches

Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill Hon Christopher Finlayson Second reading Report of the Local Government and Environment Committee presented 20 June 2013


12 x 10 m speeches

Copyright (Parallel Importing of Films) Amendment Bill Hon Craig Foss Second reading Report of the Commerce Committee presented 21 August 2013


12 x 10 m speeches

Parole Amendment Bill Hon Judith Collins Introduced 26 September 2012 First reading


12 x 10 m speeches

Victims of Crime Reform Bill Hon Judith Collins Second reading Report of the Justice and Elctoral Committee presented 27 June 2013


12 x 10 m speeches

Airports (Cost Recovery for Processing of International Travellers) 1992 Bill Hon Nathan Guy Committee stage continued 1172 902 Committee stage 892 Committee stage 892A Committee stage 422 Committee stage Committee stage Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas Bill Hon Dr Nick Smith Family Court Proceedings Reform Bill Hon Judith Collins Statutes Amendment Bill Hon Chester Borrows Unit Titles Amendment Bill Hon Chester Borrows Financial Reporting Bill Hon Craig Foss

10 11 12 13 14

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Companies and Limited Partnerships Amendment Bill Hon Craig Foss Building Amendment Bill (No 4) Hon Maurice Williamson Families Commission Amendment Bill Hon Paula Bennett Hon Anne Tolley Hon Bill English Medicines Amendment Bill Hon Todd McClay Te Urewera-Thoe Bill Hon Christopher Finlayson Introduced 7 August 2013 22 First reading 3432 12 x 10 m speeches Committee stage 1461 12 x 10 m speeches Committee stage 3392 192 3452 Committee stage Committee stage Administration of Community Sentences and Orders Bill Reserve Bank of New Zealand (Covered Bonds) Amendment Bill Committee stage 262 Committee stage 3222 3442

Mokomoko (Restoration of Character, Mana, and Reputation) Bill Hon Dr Pita Sharples Second reading Report of the Mori Affairs Committee presented 28 June 2013


Objectionable Publications and Indecency Legislation Bill Hon Judith Collins Introduced 27 May 2013 First reading


12 x 10 m speeches


Electoral Amendment Bill Hon Judith Collins Introduced 27 August 2013 First reading


12 x 10 m speeches


Public Safety (Public Protection Orders) Bill Hon Judith Collins Introduced 18 September 2012 First reading


12 x 10 m speeches


Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Bill Rt Hon John Key Second reading Report of the Government Administration Committee presented 20 June 2013


12 x 10 m speeches


Fisheries (Foreign Charter Vessels and Other Matters) Amendment 752 Bill Hon Nathan Guy Second reading Report of the Primary Production Committee presented 25 July 2013

12 x 10 m speeches


Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill Hon Craig Foss Second reading Report of the Commerce Committee presented 13 May 2013


12 x 10 m speeches


Subantarctic Islands Marine Reserves Bill Hon Dr Nick Smith Second reading Report of the Local Government and Environment Committee presented 4 June 2013


12 x 10 m speeches

30 31 32 Marine Legislation Bill Hon Gerry Brownlee Hon Tony Ryall Human Rights Amendment Bill Hon Judith Collins

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

582 Committee stage 3242 3461 Interrupted debate on first reading 2821 9 x 10 m speeches remaining Committee stage

Natural Health and Supplementary Products Bill

Debate interrupted 11 December 2012


Housing Corporation Amendment Bill Hon Dr Nick Smith Second reading Report of the Social Services Committee presented 12 May 2011

12 x 10 m speeches

34 35

Trade (Safeguard Measures) Bill Hon John Banks Defence Amendment Bill Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman Second reading Report of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee presented 3 July 2012 Committee stage continued

2942 3482 12 x 10 m speeches

36 37 38 39

Non-bank Deposit Takers Bill Hon Bill English Hon Christopher Finlayson Consumer Law Reform Bill Hon Craig Foss Game Animal Council Bill Hon Dr Nick Smith Second reading Report of the Local Government and Environment Committee presented 13 December 2012 Committee stage Committee stage Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa Bill Committee stage

3122 1672 2872 3472 12 x 10 m speeches


Insolvency Practitioners Bill Hon Craig Foss Second reading Report of the Commerce Committee presented 9 May 2011


12 x 10 m speeches


Taxation (Income-sharing Tax Credit) Bill Hon Todd McClay Second reading Report of the Finance and Expenditure Committee presented 21 March 2011


12 x 10 m speeches


Social Security Amendment Bill (No 3) Hon Paula Bennett Second reading Report of the Social Services Committee presented 12 May 2011


12 x 10 m speeches


Reserves and Other Lands Disposal Bill Hon Maurice Williamson Second reading Report of the Primary Production Committee presented 21 September 2009


12 x 10 m speeches


Spending Cap (Peoples Veto) Bill Hon John Banks Second reading Report of the Finance and Expenditure Committee presented 16 February 2012


12 x 10 m speeches

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

45 Radio New Zealand Amendment Bill Hon Craig Foss Second reading Report of the Commerce Committee presented 16 December 2009 46 Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill Hon Craig Foss Consideration of report Interim report of the Commerce Committee presented 28 September 2012 47 Regulatory Standards Bill Hon John Banks Consideration of report Interim report of the Commerce Committee presented 30 September 2011 48 49 Gambling Amendment Bill (No 2) Hon Chris Tremain Committee stage 1031 12 x 10 m speeches Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill Hon Tony Ryall Second reading Report of the Government Administration Committee presented 15 June 2007 50 Public Health Bill Hon Tony Ryall Second reading Report of the Health Committee presented 26 June 2008 51 Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou Bill Hon Christopher Finlayson Introduced 29 September 2008 52 Government notice of motion No 1 First reading 3031 12 x 10 m speeches 1772 12 x 10 m speeches 1312 2771 10 m speeches 3411 10 m speeches 301 12 x 10 m speeches

Local Government (Auckland Council) Amendment Bill (No 2) Hon Chris Tremain Second reading Report of the Local Government and Environment Committee presented 23 August 2013 Mori Television Service (Te Aratuku Whakaata Irirangi Mori) Amendment Bill Hon Dr Pita Sharples Second reading Report of the Mori Affairs Committee presented 30 August 2013


12 x 10 m speeches


12 x 10 m speeches

Private and local orders of the day

Name of bill Member in charge Stage of consideration Bill no Times for debate

New Zealand Mission Trust Board (Otamataha) Empowering Bill Te Ururoa Flavell Introduced 22 August 2013 First reading


2 x 10 m speeches 8 x 5 m speeches 5 m in reply

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Members orders of the day

Name of bill Member in charge Stage of consideration Bill no Times for debate

1 2

Gambling (Gambling Harm Reduction) Amendment Bill Te Ururoa Flavell Third reading Conservation (Natural Heritage Protection) Bill Jacqui Dean Second reading Report of the Local Government and Environment Committee presented 5 August 2013

2092 722

12 x 10 m speeches 12 x 10 m speeches

Resource Management (Restricted Duration of Certain Discharge and Coastal Permits) Amendment Bill Catherine Delahunty Second reading Report of the Local Government and Environment Committee presented 9 August 2013


12 x 10 m speeches

Electricity (Renewable Preference) Amendment Bill Moana Mackey

Debate interrupted 10 July 2013


Interrupted debate on first reading 881

5 x 5 m speeches 5 m in reply remaining

Summary Offences (Possession of Hand-held Lasers) Amendment Bill Dr Cam Calder Introduced 15 November 2012 First reading

2 x 10 m speeches 8 x 5 m speeches 5 m in reply 2 x 10 m speeches 8 x 5 m speeches 5 m in reply 2 x 10 m speeches 8 x 5 m speeches 5 m in reply 2 x 10 m speeches 8 x 5 m speeches 5 m in reply 2 x 10 m speeches 8 x 5 m speeches 5 m in reply 2 x 10 m speeches 8 x 5 m speeches 5 m in reply 2 x 10 m speeches 8 x 5 m speeches 2 m in reply

Sentencing (Protection of Children from Criminal Offending) Amendment Bill Leaufaamulia Asenati Lole-Taylor Introduced 6 December 2012 First reading


Social Security (Clothing Allowances for Orphans and Unsupported 951 Children) Amendment Bill Tracey Martin Introduced 6 December 2012 First reading 621 First reading 1221

Care of Children Law Reform Bill Jacinda Ardern Introduced 30 August 2012

Privacy (Giving Privacy Commissioner Necessary Tools) Amendment Bill Sue Moroney Introduced 16 May 2013 First reading


Reserve Bank of New Zealand (Amending Primary Function of Bank) Amendment Bill (No 2) Rt Hon Winston Peters Introduced 16 May 2013 First reading



Employment Relations (Continuity of Labour) Amendment Bill Jami-Lee Ross Introduced 13 June 2013 First reading


Tuesday, 3 September 2013

12 Education (Breakfast and Lunch Programmes in Schools) Amendment Bill Hone Harawira Introduced 8 November 2012 13 Electronic Data Safety Bill Clare Curran Introduced 15 November 2012
Name of report Select committee

851 2 x 10 m speeches 8 x 5 m speeches 5 m in reply 2 x 10 m speeches 8 x 5 m speeches 5 m in reply

First reading 871 First reading

Date presented


Inquiry into the 2011 general election I.7A Justice and Electoral Report presented 30 April 2013 Government response presented 24 July 2013 Reserve Bank of New Zealands Monetary Policy Statement, June 2013 I.3K Finance and Expenditure Report presented 1 July 2013 Briefing on Damien and George Nepata and their entitlement to compensation Maori Affairs Report presented 12 July 2013 Government response due 4 October 2013 Briefing on District Health Board initiatives designed to meet the health target of shorter stays in emergency departments Health Report presented 2 August 2013 Report from the Controller and Auditor-General, Roles, responsibilities, and funding of public entities after the Canterbury earthquakes Finance and Expenditure Report presented 8 August 2013 International treaty examination of the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, Amended by the 2010 Protocol Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Report presented 9 August 2013 Report from the Controller and Auditor-General, Matters arising from the 2012-22 local authority long-term plans Local Government and Environment Report presented 9 August 2013 Report from the Controller and Auditor-General, Local government: Results of the 2011/12 audits Local Government and Environment Report presented 9 August 2013 Investigation into the Road User Charges (Transitional Exemption for Certain Farmers Vehicles) Regulations 2013 (SR 2013/10) Regulations Review Report presented 12 August 2013 Complaint regarding the New Zealand Teachers Council (Conduct) Rules 2004 (SR 2004/143) Regulations Review Report presented 12 August 2013 Government response due 5 November 2013 Report from the Controller and Auditor-General, Health sector: Results of the 2011/12 audits Health Report presented 22 August 2013

15 16










Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Report from the Controller and Auditor-General, Education for Maori: Implementing Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success Education and Science Report presented 22 August 2013 Briefing on Molesworth Station Primary Production
Report presented 23 August 2013


27-36 Members notices of motion Nos 1 to 10

* **

Committee stage indicated for current sitting week Committee stage indicated for following sitting week Bill contains majority amendments Available for consideration during extended sitting hours

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Notices of motion

Hon Bill English to move, That Mighty River Power Limited be a public organisation for the purposes of the Standing Orders.
Lodged 6 August 2013

Hon Judith Collins to move, That, pursuant to section 28(2)(e) of the Electoral Act 1993, this House nominate Hon Roger Morrison Sowry, of Paraparaumu, to represent the Government, and Hon Peter Colin Hodgson, of Port Chalmers, to represent the Opposition, to be appointed as members of the Representation Commission.
Lodged 27 August 2013

Hon Judith Collins to move, That, pursuant to section 28(3)(b) of the Electoral Act 1993, for the purposes of determining the boundaries of the Maori electoral districts, this House nominate Daniel Takutaimoana Te Kanawa, of Hamilton, to represent the Government, and Whetumarama Werata, of Lower Hutt to represent the Opposition, to be appointed as members of the Representation Commission.
Lodged 27 August 2013


Louisa Wall to move, That this House congratulate Manurewa High School student, Rosemary Pokoata, for winning two gold medals and one silver medal at the recent Auckland Secondary Schools Karate Championships 2013, held at Carmel College on 13 July 2013.
Lodged 27 August 2013

Louisa Wall to move, That this House congratulate Manurewa High School student, Rosemary Pokoata, for winning one silver medal and two bronze medals at the New Zealand National Secondary School Karate Championships 2013, held at Te Rauparaha Arena, Porirua on 21 July 2013.
Lodged 27 August 2013

Louisa Wall to move, That this House congratulate Manurewa High School Year 12 students Garion Gleeson, Daniel Blakeborough and Aimee Scott, for winning the Otago University Information Technology Challenge for their design of an eDemocracy mobile app named citEvote, which enables Aucklanders to receive automatic notifications as they go past areas and sites which have council or development plans in for permits, held at the University of Otago House in Auckland on 3 July 2013.
Lodged 27 August 2013

Louisa Wall to move, That this House congratulate Manurewa High School Chronicles of Mesa band members, Michaela Clark, Michael Telford and Garling Wu, for winning the Peoples Choice Award at the Manukau final of the 2013 Smokefreerockquest competition, held at the Manukau Dream Centre on 13 July 2013.
Lodged 27 August 2013

Louisa Wall to move, That this House congratulate Manurewa High School Chronicles of Mesa band member, Michaela Clark, for winning the Smokefree Award for Womens Musicianship at the Manukau final of the 2013 Smokefreerockquest competition, held at the Manukau Dream Centre on 13 July 2013.
Lodged 27 August 2013


Tuesday, 3 September 2013 Louisa Wall to move, That this House congratulate Manurewa High School students, Marina and Ariana Potoru, who have been selected for the New Zealand under-17 womens Barbarian touch team to compete in Fiji from 18-23 September 2013.
Lodged 27 August 2013

Nicky Wagner to move, That this House congratulate Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology students Hannah Grieve, Daniel Hoare and Gina Johns for winning the prestigious supreme gold medal award at the student culinary Nestle Toque dOr catering competition.
Lodged 27 August 2013

Nicky Wagner to move, This House congratulate. the St Andrews College Pipe Band for winning the juvenile category of the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow, Scotland, the first time a New Zealand school has won the international competition.
Lodged 27 August 2013

Tim Macindoe to move, That this House congratulate Sue Curran and her director Christine Foster of the Hamilton Cosmopolitan Bowling Club for securing a silver medal in the B4 ladies singles and a bronze medal in the B4 mixed pairs, along with fellow Kiwi Blind Jacks members, at the World Blind and Vision Impaired Bowling Championships in England recently.
Lodged 27 August 2013


Tim Macindoe to move, That this House congratulate Gemma Brown, Charli Christensen-Rose, Chloe Gibbons, Jack Turner, Daejarna Davis, Calou Robson, Daniel Green and Kelsie Morgan of Aberdeen School, along with their Hamilton City Council Active and Safe Transport facilitator Vera MacDonald, for securing second place in the Safe Kids Creative Quest national competition with the rap song they wrote and performed to emphasise the importance of wearing helmets and other safety gear when cycling on roads.
Lodged 27 August 2013

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