Disaster Action Plan of Sitio Labey and Hilltop, Ambuklao, Bokod, Benguet

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livelihood due to storm surges, floods, landslides, earthquake OBJECTIVE People living near the river will be secured during occurrence of storm surges ACTIVITY/STRATEGY The municipality will provide a shelter for the people living in sitio Hilltop and Labey as an evacuation area in case of landslides, floods and earthquake to occur Planting of more trees along subsitio Pakak ,preferable acacia and narra tree to prevent landslide in that area. The seedlings will come from DENR or from the municipal of Ambuklao Educate the people about proper waste disposal for the government to be involved, we should coordinate with them and to propose a specific place for the people where to put their garbage The municipality will build a sturdier hanging bridge for the people for easier RESOURCES NEEDED To build a centre situated in _______ Materials: Sand, gravel, hollow blocks, iron bars, cement and other materials Seedlings DENR personnel RESPONSIBLE PERSON Local Government Units, Municipal mayor TIME FRAME

Less damage of properties and less incident of people harmed by the storm

Manpower for planting

To build a landfill

Municipal government, Local Goverment Units

Materials: Open lot,

To build a sturdier hanging bridge Materials:

No knowledge of evacuation management

evacuation Making inventory emergency resources checklist. Every family should have the list of needed materials during disaster (food, flash light, meds, salbabida) Community people Coordinate with the will be trained in baragangay officials evacuation or the fire management in terms department to of disasters conduct disaster drills in the community Formulate a storm policy and procedure. Dissemination of info's regarding the formulated plan to the community by conducting sitio classes. Provide funding to be Allocation of budget used for some by the local disaster preparedness government specified activities only for possible occurrence of calamities or disasters Coordinate with the school authorities about fundraising

Emergency kit (food, flashlight, first aid kit, salbabida and others)

Municipal government, Local Goverment Units

Facilitator, trainer, training materials

Fire department Municipal government, LGU's

Facilitator, trainer, training materials, venue for the training or lecture

Lack of funds for disaster preparedness activities

Resolution, human resources

LGU's, Municipal Government

Resolution, human resources

LGU's, Municipal Government

program/s to be conducted inside the school for the students' community awareness and involvement

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