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Personal Profile
Im a young enthusiastic person able to work equally well both in a team or with indepandable tasks. Hard working and self-motivated individual, with a good eye for detail, confident in ability to handle appropriately any given duties. Part time and holiday work has taught me the value of punctuality, following instructions clearly and also developed confidence in my ability to handle day-to-day problems appropriately. I enjoy problem solving and analysing of figures as a result of my interest and passion for mathematics. In addition to my numerical and analytical skills, I always schedule and prioritise my work to meet deadlines. Also, I have good interpersonal skills which enables me relate positively and effectively with other people. I am committed to providing my skills to the best of my ability and also ready to learn and gain more experience and develop further within your organisation.

Reddit College Dublin September 2005 June 2012 GCSE: Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, ICT, Business Studies, Religious Education, German, English, Home Economics AS-Level Mathematics Physics Chemistry Economics Polish A-Level Physics Mathematics Chemistry Polish


Previous Employment
Restaurante o Nuno Restaurant 8400-557 Carvoeiro Portugal Winemark LTD Off License Lockview Road Belfast Northern Ireland Biblioteka Pub Ul. Struga 7 90-420 d Poland Zenith Yoga 16 Duong Thanh St Hanoi Vietnam Position: Waiting Staff/Part time Duration: 4 weeks (summer job 2010) Duties: seating people, taking orders, preparing tables, cleaning up, help with deliveries, taking bookings Position: Sales Assistant/Part time Duration:23/08/2010-20/2011 Duties: sales and refunds, handling complaints, lodgements, cleaning up, opening and closing Position: Bar Staff/Full time Duration: 05/08/2011-10/06/2012 Duties: serving drinks, monitor stocks, lodgements, keeping bar area clean

Other Experience
Lifeguard volunteer at the lakes in Casarka resort, during 2 summers School Prefect 2009-11 Prefect in charge of lost property 2010-11 Work experience at Flextronics Logistics Poland for 10 days Work experience at IFS for 3 days

Key Skills
Proficient in Microsoft Office Pack Sociable person, good person to person interaction and communication skills Big teamplayer, Im aware of benefits that come from working together in cooperation Energetic and self-motivated, dont need encouragement to finish set task Fluent in Polish Willing to learn and gain further qualifications

Achievements and Intersts

Represented school at Rugby and Athletics Did half of the dublin Marathon 2010 Part of the school Senior Chorus Choir

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