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Disclaimer: None of this material is to be construed as "medical advice" and

should not be used if you are not knowledgeable about the use of it. You must read
to understand how to take care care of your health and the health of your family.

- “Modern medicine” is very dangerous to real health.

- “Skin tags” in your armpits and on your neck & groin may indicate a risk of
- 50% of all undiagnosed symptoms are caused by food allergies/intolerances.
- 9 steps to wellness: #1. Bioidentical hormone replacement if tested and showing
a need. #2. Avoid chemicals. #3. Detoxify your body. #4. Take nutrition seriously.
#5. Avoid unnecessary pharmaceuticals. #6. Supplement your diet. #7. Create a
healthy GI tract. #8. Exercise regularly. #9. Get good sleep.
- A big portion of doctor’s salaries comes from the amount of chemo they give.
- A form of B12 called Methylcobalamin protects against glutamate toxicity.
- A history of antibiotic use creates digestive problems.
- A reproductive woman makes estrogen every day and PROGESTERONE 2 weeks/month.
- Alcoholics can be helped with low dose lithium.
- All Cancers are less frequent in men with higher levels of Testosterone.
- All cell membranes need cholesterol to function.
- ALL steroidal hormones are interdependent-hormone replacement must be
- Alzheimer’s is better treated with lithium, Bioidentical hormones and avoiding
drugs. Flu shots cause Alzheimer's.
- Anti-inflammatory diet = high in omega 3 and low in omega 6.
- Antiaging must involve natural hormone replacement based on need.
- Antidepressant drugs cause depression.
- Arachidonic acid is converted to toxic inflammatory mediators.
- As people age, they need curcumin. C-reactive protein blood levels determine
- Atherosclerosis is helped by pomegranate and GliSODin (a melon extract).
- Atherosclerosis: caused by triglycerides, glucose, low Testosterone and low
omega 3
- Autoimmune disease, GI trouble, Cancers, mood control and happiness-diet
related. You can fill out a nutritional questionnaire in the comfort of your home
if you send an email to and ask for an NAQ to be emailed to
- Avoid chemicals in your environment.
- Avoid the present template that most people often end up in a nursing home.
- Avoid toxins

- Balanced Testosterone: decreases inflammation and protects the heart.

- Balanced Testosterone: improves bone density, improves strength and brain
- Bioidentical hormones are the backbone of a regenerative or wellness program.
- Bioidentical hormones put a kink in pharmaceutical profits.
- Bladder infections? Try D-mannose.
- Book “Lipitor, Thief of Memory” by Dr. Duane Graveline.
- Breast Cancer is increased with pharmaceutical progestin, not real PROGESTERONE.
- Breathing exercises are good to decrease cellular damage in your body.

- C-reactive protein levels: less than .55 mg/L for men and 1.5 mg/L for women.
- Cancer, heart disease dementia and others are inflammatory states.
- Change the way you eat, drink, think, exercise and lived your life up to now.
- Chemicalized foods, too much alcohol and overuse of sugar destroy your health.
- Chemo is big profit! Cancer has become a huge assembly-line business.
- Chiropractic care maximizes the function of your immune/nervous system so your
body can function more closely to its potential.
- Childhood shots cause autism, learning disabilities, etc.
- Chromium helps reduce sugar cravings.
- Chronic coughing, choking, stomach pains, stiffness or high BP are bad signs.
- Chronic inflammation causes some pain & stiffness in your joints, damages the
linings of your arteries and is inhibited by curcumin. It inhibits NFkB.
- Chronic inflammation is associated w all diseases. Inflammation’s centerpiece is
- Coenzyme Q10 can reduce some of the harmful effects of STATINS.
- Conventional medical care will never make great strides in true disease
- Creative visualization helps create health and good health habits.
- Curcumin may prevent every common disease you can think of. It may prevent
Alzheimer’s, atherosclerosis and chronic inflammatory disorders

- Daily supplementation is necessary.

- Decline in HGH is “somatopause”.
- DHEA-increases Testosterone & muscle, decreases fat, improves memory & immunity.
- DHEA (mother hormone) made in brain & adrenal cortex. Need pregnenolone for
- DHEA is protective against arteriosclerosis. It lowers insulin, helping
- DHEA protects neurons in the brain, possibly reducing Alzheimer’s risk.
- Diet sodas are worse than regular soda, but regular soda damages you too.
- Digestive problems must be treated individually to get maximum results.
- Do Detoxification programs to rid yourself of waste products.
- Do not put anything on your skin that you would not eat.
- Doctors doing alternatives or using breakthrough therapies are at risk of jail
- Doctors get a lot of perks, even now, for pharmaceutical prescribing.
- Don’t bring bad food into your house. Read the labels before you buy “food”.
- Drink plenty of clean fluids, get enough rest and exercise often.
- Drug companies educate doctors so they do not think outside of the programming.
- Drug companies lobby the FDA and keep competitive companies out of the USA.
- Drugs seldom if ever correct the underlying cause of health problems.

- Eat clean (organic if able) food, drink clean filtered water and exercise.
- Eating better can be a joy.
- Elevated TSH in blood testing = thyroid deficiency. T3 and T4 are necessary to
- Emergency medical care has no competition, is needed and does save lives.
- Emergency medical care is needed for traumatic injuries.
- Emergency medical care is used by people who've neglected health measures.
- EFAs reduce lithium toxicity.
- Estradiol can be made from Testosterone.
- Estriol levels can be checked with a 24 hour urine test.
- Estrogen cream, PROGESTERONE cream & glutathione cream can be beneficial.*
- Estrogen deficiency in women: bladder infections, depression, fatigue,
palpitations, weight gain, bloating, itching, sweating, hot flashes…
- Estrogen dominance means LOW PROGESTERONE, not too much estrogen.
- Estrogen dominance = the body is not producing enough PROGESTERONE.
- Estrogen dominance: uterus gets thicker than normal & excessive bleeding occurs
- Estrogen is composed of estradiol, estrone, estriol and 30 others.
- Estrogen must be balanced with PROGESTERONE.
- Estrone is converted into estriol.
- Even chronic illnesses can be reversed.
- Falling apart as you age in not inevitable.
- Fibromyalgia is an inflammatory state & is related to hormone balance
- Fill out a Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ) to start a health process.
- Fish oil turns on stem cells in the brain
- Flu shots cause Alzheimer’s disease.
- Fluoride and chlorine are damaging to your health.
- Fluoride is a toxic waste product from aluminum manufacturing.
- For drug money, it’s all about “can we patent it?”
- For you liver to work right, you must eat fruits, vegetables & healthy proteins.
- From DHEA, we make androstenedione-becomes estrone and Testosterone.
- From PROGESTERONE, we make cortisol.

- Gamma-tocopherol (vitamin E) appears to protect from prostate and breast Cancer.

It is anti-inflammatory and protects against vascular disease.
- Get Bioidentical hormone replacement IF you need it.
- Get synthetic hormones out of your life if you want to stay healthy.
- Glutamate toxicity from MSG is a major assault on your health.

- Health care is proper sleep, eliminating stress & actively learning about
- Health care is the full spectrum of nutrition, exercise, chiropractic, hormones,
- Hearing loss may be helped with aldosterone that is made in your adrenal glands.
- HGH and IGF-1 affect all organs and tissues of the body. It improves brain
- HGH and IGF-1 improve congnitive function, mood and blood flow to the heart.
- HGH and IGF-1 increases cardiac output and lung function. It reduces fat.
- HGH and IGF-1 decrease atherosclerosis, build bones & improve your immune
- HGH decreases belly fat, muscle loss, graying of hair, wrinkles & helps heart
- HGH delays many of the manifestations of aging.
- HGH is a major part of antiaging! Replacing it & other hormones is a fountain of
- HGH is released by the pituitary under direction of the hypothalamus.
- HGH promotes healing for fibromyalgia, burns, Crohn’s and injuries.
- HGH reduces abdominal fat. You can create physiology like in your 20s.
- High C-reactive protein means you need soluble fiber, fish oil and antioxidants.
It is reduced by weight loss and proper diet.
- High CRP: metabolic problems, pre-DIABETES, DIABETES or arterial inflammation.
- High CRP: use curcumin, fish oil, antioxidants like carnosine and benfotiamine.
- High fructose corn syrup is a major cause of DIABETES and hypoglycemia.
- High fructose corn syrup is much more fattening than sucrose.
- High homocysteine levels are responsible for heart attacks and strokes.
- High prescribing doctors were getting perks like luxury vacations.
- Hormonal imbalances and cigarette smoking will destroy great health potential.
- Hormone imbalances (like Testosterone or DHEA) can cause inflammatory problems.
- Hormones must be replaced only if there is a deficiency.
- Hospitals are filled with victims or trauma patients. Mayo is wrong 60% of the
- Hospitals do not offer real individualized care. There is a lot of cookie cutter
- Hyperbaric oxygen chambers, vitamins and infrared saunas are good for you.
- Hypothyroid: extreme sensitivity to hot and cold.

- I.V. vitamin C and glutathione help in restoration of your body.

- IBS is about bad food, bad diet, eating on the run, food allergies, not chewing
- Ideally just about all carbohydrates should be in the form of vegetables
- If everyone was healthy by using prevention, medical costs would shrivel.
- If PROGESTERONE is too low relating to estrogen, sleep problems occur.
- If you are low on natural Bioidentical hormones, your memory can be affected.
- If you cycle your hormones properly, you will get a period.
- If you have sleep problems, you must correct the reasons why you can’t sleep
- If you take the right amount of iodine, you will make your own estriol.
- If you take too much iodine, you will suppress your thyroid gland.
- Imagine aging without debilitation. Nutrition, chiropractic, Detoxification…
- Imagine being able to restore your hearing naturally.
- Imagine cleaning your arteries without STATIN drugs.
- Imagine never ending up in a nursing home and actually keeping a clear mind.
- Imagine preventing the deterioration of macular degeneration.
- Imagine restoring your GI tract and having no digestive problems.
- Imagine taking away pain without dangerous drugs.
- Important to replace the hormones that are lost in the aging process.
- In testing the chemicals in your body, there is a “normal range” and an ideal
- Inflammation occurs in response to injury…. heat, pain, swelling and reddening.
- Inflammatory mediators are responsible for most diseases today.
- Insurance will not pay for antiaging supplements or care.
- Iodine (in small amounts) helps prevent breast Cancer.
- Iodine helps with fibrocystic disease. Lugol’s iodine swabs are used for this.
- Iodine improves your estriol levels go up and that protects against breast
- Iscador is a mistletoe extract that builds your immune system.
- It is a horrendous calamity what is happening with aging people in this country.
- It is illegal for nutrition companies to advertise the same claims of drugs.

- Lifting some weights or doing resistance exercise is great for bone density.
- Lithium helps with Alzheimer’s. Prescription drugs do not improve Alzheimer’s.
- Lithium protects neurons against glutamate toxicity & can help memory loss as we
- Loss of sexual hormones eliminates your libido in men and women.
- Low cholesterol is a dangerous thing to have!
- Low Testosterone is caused from chemical in the environment, stress and obesity.
- Low Testosterone: lost muscle definition, shoulders slope forward and down.
- Low Testosterone: memory loss, fatigue, belly fat, weight gain, breast Cancer.
- Low Testosterone: men sleep more, lose erections and ages more rapidly.
- Low thyroid = weight gain.
- Low thyroid can be easily corrected with thyrotrophin & Bioidentical thyroid
- Low thyroid gets worse over time.
- Low thyroid increases susceptibility to infection.
- Low thyroid: better with natural desiccated thyroid than synthetic
- Low thyroid: Swelling is one way to tell. Thick skin is another way to tell.
- Low vitamin D increases Cancer, heart disease, pain, osteoporosis and viral

- M.S., rheumatoid arthritis, lupus & DIABETES have improved with stem cells.
- Macular degeneration starts in the gut with low hydrochloric acid (HCL).
- MAGNESIUM helps decrease the risk of heart attacks/disease and is needed for
over 300 enzyme activities in your body. (you can order Magnesium oil from our
office to put directly on your skin for better absorption!)
- Malnutrition is prevalent in hospitals. Read labels on the “food” they serve.
- Many nutritional supplements are much better (more effective) and safer than
- Many or most food additives are damaging to your real health.
- Medical freedom does not exist. You pay more than money for “health insurance”.
- Medical schools focus on disease, not health.
- Medicare pays tens of thousands of dollars per patient for inappropriate Cancer
care and other types of care.
- Melatonin also needs tryptophan.
- Melatonin decreases in our 40s because the pineal gland runs out of gas.
- Melatonin has antiCancer, antiaging and sleep inducing properties. It has free-
radical-suppressing benefits and extends life span of animals, reduces Cancer risk
and boosts immunity.
- Melatonin is the sleep hormone. It is an antioxidant. It protects the heart and
- Melatonin reduces Cancer cell growth and protects the immune system and your
- Men have high Testosterone and low estrogen. Women have the opposite.
- More alternatives: hyperbaric oxygen, oral Detoxification and energy health
- Most polyunsaturated oils are loaded with bad omega 6.
- MSG is a neurological toxin. MSG is hidden in many foods under different names.

- Nanotechnology patches show promise to build your immune system.

- Natural lithium (5 to 15 mg per day) is a “robust neuroprotective agent”.
- Neo Stem is a company that stores your stem cells for you to use if needed.
- Never drink diet soda because artificial sweeteners are damaging to you.
- NFkB is turned off by reduced animal fat in your diet and keeping hormones
- NFkB is turned off by stress reduction, exercise, weight loss, sleep and low
blood sugar.
- NFkB is turned off with antioxidants, omega 3, vitamin D3, resveratrol &
- Niacin is much more effective than STATIN s in protecting against heart disease.
- Niacin raises HDL and lowers triglycerides and helps with atherosclerosis. It
must be used in a limited manner to avoid uncomfortable flushing.
- Nobody really needs a lot of red meat.

- Of all hormones, thyroid is the most important.

- Olive oil, celtic salt, butter, herbs, spices, organic chicken and lemon are
good for you.
- Omega 3 can cut heart attack risks by 50%.
- Omega 3s are building blocks for the good anti-inflammatory cytokines.
- Optimal vitamin D results in less Cancer, heart disease, viral infections, less
pain, more well-being.
- Organic products are much better for you than products contaminated with
- Oxygen allows your cells to breathe and stay supple and healthy.

- P. 109 is the hormone chapter – important!

- P. 115 on DHEA and other hormones.
- People get colds and flu in the winter because of low vitamin D.
- Pharmaceutical companies and the FDA control health care and the government.
- Pharmaceutical companies are in it for profit, not your real health.
- Pharmaceutical companies don’t have a strong interest in curing anything. They
have the same motivations that tobacco companies do.
- Poultry skin and organ meats have a lot of arachodonic acid.
- Practice breathing techniques to help stay healthy. Get sheets on this from Dr.
- Preg & Prog can be converted into several other adrenal hormones besides DHEA,
aldosterone & cortisol
- Preg & Prog replacement help the adrenals (cream or sublingual).
- Pregnenolone clarifies thinking, stimulates concentration, prevents memory loss.
- Pregnenolone from the adrenal is the first hormone made from cholesterol. P. 114
- Pregnenolone is the memory hormone. It improves memory 100X more than DHEA.
- Pregnenolone reduces fatigue, fights depression, protects your joints and speeds
- Premarin is estrogen only and increases the possibility of Cancer.
- Prescription drugs do not correct health problems.
- Prescription drugs kill over 300,000 Americans per year.
- Prevention is the key to long term health.
- Probiotics helps many people with digestive problems, but not everyone.
- PROGESTERONE and estrogen replacement can be fine-tuned with blood testing.
- PROGESTERONE and pregnenolone are made in the adrenals, ovaries and testicles.
- PROGESTERONE and pregnenolone are metabololized into DHEA.
- Progesterone from the adrenal is the second hormone made from cholesterol
- PROGESTERONE low relating to estrogen: breast tenderness, itching, bloating
sweating, loss of memory and loss of libido.
- PROGESTERONE low relating to estrogen: irritability, weight gain, anxiety,
breast swelling.
- PROGESTERONE protects against breast Cancer and reduces fluid retention.
- PROGESTERONE repairs and maintains a healthy brain, helps balance estrogen,
builds bones, is a natural diuretic, burns fat and helps prevent Cancer.
- PROGESTERONE replacement reduces irritability, depression and weight gain, helps
tender cystic breasts and improves libido.
- PROGESTERONE: helps normalize sugar levels and helps with depression.
- Proper breathing helps Detoxify your phenomenal body.
- Proper supplementation is more important than ever.

- Radiation is often done when it is completely inappropriate.

- Refined carbohydrates cause many health problems & are not necessary.
- Regenerating bone marrow with stem cells and normalize immune function.
- Replacement of missing Testosterone to youthful levels does not stimulate
- Replacing missing hormones eliminates hot flashes, night sweats and bone loss,
improves sleep and emotional stability, improves libido, brain function and
quality of life.
- Resveratrol is one of the great nutrients that has a positive health impact.
- Resveratrol turns on the same genes that control calorie restriction (sirtuin
genes) and turns off NFkB and inflammation.

- Safflower, soybean, corn and sunflower oils are loaded with omega 6 fatty acids.
- See the bottom of P. 114
- Selenium and zinc help with macular degeneration.
- Several alternatives: Chiropractic, I.V. nutrition, infrared saunas and
- Sleep improvement can be created with natural hormone balancing.
- Sleep, love, eliminate stress and restrict excessive calorie intake.
- Some doctors are sharp enough to use I.V. vitamins for your deficiencies.
- STATIN drugs are given very easily by most doctors. STATIN s are very risky.
- STATIN drugs shut down production of cholesterol to your liver and brain!
- STATINS will damage your brain and all the cells of your body.
- Stay hydrated with unfluoridated or unchlorinated clean water.
- Stem cells are turned on by blueberries, green tea, omega 3 and resveratrol.
- Sucralose is chlorinated sugar, and chlorine is toxic.
- Supplements interfere with the pathological process involved in age-related
- Synthetic hormones are harmful, in food and with pharmaceuticals.
- Synthetic hormones cause Cancers.
- Synthetic progestins are dangerous.

- Take care of yourself or guarantee your life ends in a drug stupor in a nursing
- Testosterone feeds your heart.
- Testosterone is normal and needed in males and females.
- Testosterone levels are shown with blood testing.
- Testosterone levels can only be evaluated with lab tests, but don’t bank on one
lab test.
- Testosterone replacement and stress reduction instead of Viagra.
- The “conventional” medical model is having people stay alive with disabilities.
- The first 30 years of women’s lives: High Testosterone, estrogen and
- The higher the Testosterone, the lower the mortality from heart disease to
- The MAJOR HORMONES (119): Thyroid, Adrenals, Cortisol, Insulin.
- The MINOR hormones: Estrogen, PROGESTERONE, Testosterone, Pregnenolone, DHEA.
- The MINOR hormones: Melatonin, HGH.
- The more antioxidants you can absorb, the better your health potential.
- The number one cause of death is medical ignorance. (82)
- The pharmaceutical and insurance industry along with our government stifle
- The scooters that disabled people run around on are not an answer to health.
Scooters are paid for by Medicare, apparently, but CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH CARE has
severely limited Medicare coverage.
- The underlying process of disease is not addressed by medical care.
- The vast majority of people do not need drugs to be healthy.
- There are ramifications to everything you eat, good or bad.
- There is an increase in inflammatory response in hospitals.
- There is no progression of prostate Cancer with Testosterone administration.
- There is value in I.V. Detoxification and suppositories designed for helping
with metal toxicity.
- Think about EVERYTHING you eat and what it means for your future.
- Thyroid hormones responsible for metabolism.
- Thyroid imbalance can affect every organ in the body.
- Thyroid (low): chronic pain, fatigue, dry skin, high BP, irregular heart beat,
hair loss, sleep apnea, sensitivity to hot and cold, unexplained weight gain,
missing outer 1/3 of eyebrows, constipation, repeated infections, brittle nails,
intolerance to heat, muscle weakness, low BP, osteoporosis, muscle/joint pain,
cystic beasts/ovaries, chronic sinusitis, slow movements, slow speech, hoarseness,
slow heart rate, TMJ syndrome, swollen gums, rotting teeth, mitral valve prolapse,
joint pain, headaches, asthma, fatigue and energy loss, psoriasis, cellulitis,
teenage acne, dry itchy skin, absent of or diminished perspiration, skin Cancers
and melanomas.
- Thyroid orchestrates development of our brain and sexual maturation.
- To be healthy in the future, you must work on your health every day.
- To produce vitamin D, you must sweat in the sun without sunscreen.
- Too many people are taking too many pharmaceutical drugs!
- Too much omega 6 creates excess production of arachidonic acid.
- Toxins are in your food, water, air, hand creams, soaps, clothing, etc.
- Tryptophan is converted into serotonin which becomes melatonin.
- TV is controlled by pharmaceutical money and designed to program you.

- Use non toxic cleaning products and use a shower filter.

- Vegetables are needed for Detoxification by the liver.
- Vitamin B shots lower homocysteine levels.
- Vitamin D has an antiviral effect.
- Vitamin D helps reduce Cancers and many age related problems.

- We as individuals have to take care of our own health because doctors won’t.
- We can grow old and have great health.
- We have a corrupt regulatory system for drugs and health care in this country.
- We should be able to do anything that improves our health w/o government
- When Testosterone if “off”, men lose their edge!
- When you can fix your body naturally without drugs, why wouldn’t you want to?
- Why don’t they do chemo sensitivity testing in this country?
- With age, a chronic inflammatory state sets in our bodies.
- Without good thyroid function, the other hormones glands do not function right.
- Without health you have nothing!
- Without HGH: decreased memory, mood, well-being, sexual function, joint
- Without HGH: skin wrinkles, healing slows, immunity decreases, get insulin
- Without youthful hormones, your body will break down more rapidly.
- Women taking Bioidentical PROGESTERONE had a 10% decrease in risk of breast
- Women: estrogen-Testosterone balance keeps them looking good!

- You are in charge of your health and only you can improve it.
- You are protected from a lot of disease when you are hormonally “normal”.
- You cannot be healthy without a great working GI tract. Probiotics are part of
- You cannot treat heart disease with Testosterone because the FDA doesn’t approve
it, even if it works!
- You have to be proactive in taking care of your health. If you are not, you are
a victim.
- You need a commitment to become healthier & happier for your long future.
- Your body makes its own stem cells. Consider banking your own stem cells.
- Your GI tract is your second brain. It has its own nervous system, the ENS.

- Zinc: you need 30 milligrams per day. You can find out your zinc levels with a
ZINC TASTE TEST. This is available from our office at 920-731-0715.

- Professional nutritional supplements are available through our office. If you

are interested in top quality nutritional supplements, contact us via email at

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