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TEST (LIGHT) NAME:. MARKS:. 1. Diagram shows an object seen by an observer in a plane mirror.

Draw a ray diagram to show how the observer can see the image of the object.

[3 marks] (a) State four characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror. ......*4 marks+ 2. (a) Figure shows an object is placed between C and F in front of a curved mirror.

(i) Draw two light rays to show the formation of image of the object by the mirror. [3 marks] (ii) State three characteristics of the image. *3 marks] (b) Figure shows an object O standing in front of a convex mirror and label the image as I. [F=focal point, C = center of curvature]

(i) (ii)

On Figure, draw two light rays to show the formation of image by the convex mirror. [3 marks] State three characteristics of the image. *3 marks]

3. Diagram shows a periscope without right-angled prisms. Draw the prisms to enable the observer to see through the periscope. On Diagram, draw the correct position of the right-angled prisms so that the observer can see the image of the object. Complete the path of the light ray of the object to the observers eye. [3 marks]


5. (a) Figure shows an object X placed in front of a convex lens.


On the diagram, draw the light rays to show the formation of image of the object X by the lens. Label the image as I. *f=focal length+ [3 marks] (ii) State three characteristics of image formed by the convex lens. .... [3 marks]

(b) Figure shows an object Y placed in front of a concave lens.

(i) (ii)

On the diagram, draw the light rays to show the formation of image of the object Y by the lens. Label the image as I. *f=focal length+ [3 marks] State three characteristics of image formed by the concave lens. *3 marks+

6. You are given two convex lenses S and Q of different focal length. Lens S has a longer focal length than lens Q. Using the two lenses above explain how are you would make a simple astronomical telescope. Suggest modification that needs to be done on the telescope to produce clearer and bigger images. [10 marks] 7. You are given two convex lenses, R and S, with focal lengths of 40 cm and 10 cm respectively. Both the lenses are used to build a compound microscope. (i) Using the two lenses, explain how you would build a compound microscope. (ii) Suggest a suitable optical device to modify the microscope you built to produce brighter image. [10 marks]

8. You are asked to investigate the arrangement and characteristics of the lenses used to construct the simple astronomical telescope. Magnification Distance between Diameter of of image objective lens and objective lens, d /cm eyepiece, D / cm J 40.0 4.00 D = fo +fe Large K 40.0 0.25 D > fo +fe Small L 10.0 4.00 D < fo +fe Large M 10.0 0.25 D = fo +fe Small Explain the suitability of the arrangement and each characteristics of the lenses and determine the arrangement which can produce the brightest and sharp image at normal adjustment. [10 marks] 9. Table shows the characteristics of four different compound microscope. Microscope Focal length of Type of objective Type of eyepiece Object distance from the objective lens, fo /cm lens lens objective lens, u/cm S 40 Convex Convex 2f < u < f T 10 Concave Concave u<f U 10 Convex Convex 2f < u < f V 40 Concave convex u<f Explain the suitability of each characteristics of the compound microscope. Determine the most suitable microscope to be used and give one reason for your choice. [10 marks] Arrangement of lenses Focal length of objective lens, fo /cm

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