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Environmental Club Constitution: 2012-2013

Article I
Name: The Environmental Club

Article II
Club Purposes: To encourage youth to become involved and take action against environmental threats. To implement and promote programs and projects to reduce waist and pollution. Help keep the city of Huntington Park clean, as well as its parks and local beaches. To explore, enjoy, and protect the use of the earths ecosystem and its resources.

Article III
Membership: This club will be open to all Huntington Park High School students and staff. Students and staff must be committed to help and try to make a difference in the way we are living today. Club members should be open-minded to ideas involving a possible change in lifestyle, such as using less energy. All club members must participate in our various activities (fundraisers, beach clean ups, etc.) to help protect our environment. Some of the activities members carry out in the club will count as community service. We encourage club members weekly presence in order to include this extracurricular activity in a college application. Any one who wishes to join MUST fill out an application. This application is for record purposes only.

Article IV
Officers: This year the club will consist of three presidents, one secretary, and one treasurer. Job Descriptions: President - - the presidents will lead the club meetings and coordinate monthly meetings for club members. It will also be their responsibility to attend every meeting. They must be prepared and aware of what issues are being discussed or addressed. Presidents will also be required to look for different means to fundraise. The presidents will also be in charge of the agendas and have the final say in all club affairs. They will act as the spoke-persons, must be an upper classmen (11th or 12th grade), maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0, and act as leaders who exemplify themselves through their demeanor, character, and decision making ability. Secretary - - the secretary will keep an accurate account of members and meeting notes, including organizing all information regarding members names (roster), address, email, and phone numbers. The secretary will also notify members when certain events are taken place and inform the presidents of any new members to the meeting or of any members continuous absence. They must attend every meeting, maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0, be responsible for thinking and sharing new ideas with the presidents and assist in making decisions with other officers. Treasurer - - The treasurer will keep accurate records of expenses and maintain the financial transactions records of the club. They are also responsible for monitoring all fundraiser activities. Must collect and turn in any money from fundraising, attend every meeting, maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0, be good with numbers and math, work closely with teacher (accounting purposes), and help presidents make decisions about what to spend money on.

Article V
Fiscal Matters: Our club will be year round and meetings will take place during brunch in room 322 every Tuesday.

Article VI
Treasurers Policy: Transactions must be made with permission of officers. All receipts must be kept under files. A ledger/account book will be created.

Article VII
Discrimination Policy: The Environmental Club is free of discrimination. Membership and participation is open to anyone who is willing to help. Race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability does not matter.

SPONSOR - - Mr. Nello Santillana

Contact: Room #322 Cell 949-276-1458 Email (work): Email (personal):

Date Submitted: _______________________

__________________________ President Name __________________________ President Name __________________________ President Name __________________________ Secretary Name __________________________ Treasurer Name __________________________

__________________________ President Signature __________________________ President Signature __________________________ President Signature __________________________ President Signature __________________________ President Signature __________________________


Sponsor Signature

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