Different Types of GRACE

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Different Types of GRACE RBC R.O.C.K Ministries A.

Saving Grace (Acts 15:11) (Acts 20:24) (Romans 3:24) (Romans 4:4) (Rom. 4:16, Eph. 2:8) (Romans 5:15) (Romans 5:17) (Romans 5:21) (Romans 11:5) (Romans 11:6) (Eph. 1:7) (Eph. 2:5) (Col 1:5-6) B. Living Grace 1. ________________ - Acts 4:33. This great grace was actually upon the apostles as they were giving witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They had great power and great grace. 2. ________________ - Acts 11:23. When the church at Jerusalem had heard of the Revival that was taking place in Antioch (Acts 11:19-21), they sent Barnabas to see what was happening. When he got to Antioch, it says that he saw the grace of God. The Grace of God was seen. It was obvious. It was visible. 3. ________________ - Acts 14:26, 15:40-41, 1 Corinthians 15:10. When the grace of God is upon His servants, they will work. They will labor. The Grace of God was with Paul and caused him to labor more abundantly than all. The Grace of God will purge us of laziness. 4. _________________ - Romans 1:5, Grace received will cause us to be obedient to the faith. The faith is referring to the whole Christian religion and all of its aspects brought out to use in scripture. 5. _________________ - Romans 5:2, 1 Peter 5:12. The Grace of God enables us to stand, and is what we stand in. 6. _________________ - Romans 5:17-20; 2 Corinthians 4:15; 8:7; 9:8; 1 Timothy 1:14. If we find the grace of God, we will find that it is more than abundant. 7. _________________ - Romans 12:6, Ephesians 4:7. The gifts that we have been given to be used inside of the local church and in the body of Christ, have been bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit and the grace of God. We should not become proud of these, but rather give all glory to God. 8. __________________ - 1 Corinthians 10:27-33. This illustration tells us that if we live by Grace, we will be subject to the conscience of others. By Grace, we can eat anything that we give thanks for, but we will not if it offends someone. The writer in this text, Paul, did not want to offend anyone by his example-v32, everything he did was for the glory of God - v31 and so that some people will get saved- v33. The entire chapter of Romans 14 should be read also to show our subjection to others and their conscience. 9. __________________ - I Corinthians 15:10a "By the grace of God I am what I am..." It is God's resources at work in us that make us and mold us into what God wants us to be. God has a vision for you and your life. It is impossible in the efforts of our own flesh to become what that is. God goes to work on us with His resources (His Grace) to make us what we ought to be. Paul gave God's grace the glory for what he had become. This eliminates the temptation toward pride. Earlier in the book he dealt with that subject-ICor. 4:7 10________________ - 2 Corinthians 1:12; 1 Peter 3:7. That is what this whole section is about, how grace wants to help in all aspects of the life of the believer. 2 Corinthians 1:12 "...but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation (manner of life) in the world... ." We are to live by faith, but we are also to live by grace. 11. _______________ - 2 Corinthians 8:1,6-7,9,19;9:8. Giving is actually referred to as grace in chapters 8 and 9 of 2 Corinthians Grace is actually used synonymously with giving. Our giving should be a grace. A means of bestowing divine favor on others or on the churches, enabling the work of Christ to go on. Grace is enablings. Money is sometimes as enabling for the work of God. 12. ______________ - 2 Corinthians 9:14; Ephesians 2:7. By the word "exceeding" we mean that grace will always exceed what we need. We should find grace to help in time of need at the throne of Grace. When we really find it it

will exceed our need and sustain us. Even our future in Heaven will be a time of continuing the revelation of His grace to us. 13. ______________ - 2 Corinthians 12:9 This is similar to #12. God's grace is sufficient for us, even in physical suffering. Read the whole text of 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. Sufficient for every experience the believer goes through will be the grace of God. 14. ________________ - Galatians 1:15-16. By the Grace of God, Paul was called to be a preacher to the heathen. In #7 we saw that the gifts of the Spirit come by the grace of God, how we see the calling of God is by His grace. A gift is a natural ability that is Divinely sanctioned for His work (Exodus 31:1-5) or a Divinely given ability developed in a person for the work of God (such as preaching). A calling is more in the sense that a persons gift becomes their whole life. A man, for instance, may be a preacher in the church (Jr. Church) but a carpenter all week long. He is exercising his gift. Someday the exercising of that gift may be a calling, and he will set aside his hammer for a fulltime preaching capacity. This is a calling. This is by the grace of God. A man need not fear this for God's grace that calls will also sustain. 15. _________________ - Ephesians 1:6. The Glory of the Grace of God is praised in this verse, because the glory of His Grace has made us accepted in the beloved. Every human being loves to be accepted. The Grace of God accepts us all in the beloved. The word "Beloved" means "Ones that you love." 16. _________________ - Ephesians 3:7. The word "ministry" in this verse refers to a man becoming a Pastor, missionary, Evangelist, etc. It was the gift of the Grace of God that made Paul a minister. Compare this with #7 and #14. The Grace of God will enable us all to be ministers, ministering to the needs of others. 17. ________________ - Ephesians 3:8. Grace enables the preachers. Paul, a Jew, was enabled by the Grace of God to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. A man need not fear where God might call him to preach, His grace will enable that man for the task. 18. ________________ - Ephesians 4:29, Colossians 4:6. Our speech should minister grace unto the hearers. It should be seasoned with salt, but the main course should be grace. People should be strengthened by what we say. Our speech should be a resource of God to strengthen and enable those who are hearing us. No corrupt communication should proceed out of our mouth. 19. ________________ - Colossians 3:16. Singing with Grace in your hearts to the Lord. Music is a powerful tool of God. God can use it mightily. Consider this promise: "And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord." The Grace of God enables the believer to sing. With a song in their mouth they become a testimony to others of a new creature. Music even has soulwinning power. 20. ________________ - 2 Thessalonians 1:12. According to the Grace of our God, we can bring glory to the Lord Jesus and can bring glory to His church. The Lord is worthy of all the glory, but He doesn't get much. The human race has failed to give Him His glory. Grace will cause us to glorify Him. 21. ________________ - 2 Thessalonians 2:16. God has given us everlasting Consolation through grace. Consolation means "comfort, encouragement". One of the resources that Grace brings is everlasting comfort and encouragement. God is wonderful to us. He always comforts. He always encourages. 22. _____________ - 2 Thessalonians 2:16. We have good hope through grace. Hope is anticipation, expectation. 23. _____________ - 2 Timothy 2:1. The Grace that is in Christ Jesus can be a source of strength for the believer. The believer should be strong in the Grace of God. Again, Grace is enablings of God. Obviously the result will be strength. We can be strong Christians by the grace of God. 24. __________________ - Titus 2:11-13. Grace teaches us . As a teacher its lessons include: A. Deny ungodliness. B. Deny worldly lusts. C. Live soberly. D. Live righteously. E. Live godly. F. Look for the return of Christ. Grace does not teach us the liberty to sin, but the very opposite. We are not under the law, but under grace. But Grace teaches us to live at a high and holy standard. 25. ________________ - Hebrews 12:28, 1 Corinthians 15:10. The Grace of God will enable us to serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. I will enable us to work hard for the Lord. See #3 of this section. 26. ________________ -Hebrews 13:9. The heart can be established with grace. The Lord wants our hearts to be established. 1 Thessalonians 3:13 says, "To the end He may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even at our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints". He does this by His grace. It's a good thing that the heart be established with grace. 27. _______________ - 1 Peter 1:13. More grace will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 28. _______________ - 1 Peter 4:10. The word "manifold" means "various in Character". We have seen 28 characteristics of grace in this portion of the study. This verse tells us that we are to be good stewards of this manifold grace of God. It behooves us to study these 28 characteristics of this living grace and be a good steward of what God has given us and entrusted to us.

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