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Although its 2-a.m.

, it is still necessary to provide the indictment of funding ObamaCare, for it will be necessary for Mike to have to contend with a bill-of-particulars if tonights meeting of the leaders of the TEA Party Movement in Bucks County yields a conclusion that provokes discomfiture; for-sure, he has been provided full disclosure of the fervor of this effort [privately, and now publicly]. Politically, it may be possible to argue that Mike would easily defeat a competitor and then be empowered to point to the experience of having been primaried in the Fall as illustrative of his having distanced himself from the TPM; the problem with this model, however, is that he would need the energies of the TPM-friends he has made during the past half-decade-plus to maximize his chances in the fall, and the 2012-election showed that the less enthusiastic GOPers have a tendency to eschew voting. Therefore, it is necessary to remind the reader [and Mike] of the PAINFUL draft-lingo that will be entertained by days end: We have been fervent supporters of Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick for years, having provided time, cognition and money to this honest civil servant. Yet, he has not yet agreed to oppose financing ObamaCare through the Continuing Resolution, for whatever reason[s]. He is threatening to undermine the energies expended by his base, which has provided the door-knocking component that underlies his achievements; indeed, the intensity of the national effort even extends to plans to primary each Republican who attempts to forget that If you fund it, you own it! There is no further information available that will affect any effort to strategize regarding this issue. We therefore hope that Mike will announceimmediatelythat he recognizes the acute dangers of statism that ObamaCare would cement into American life and specifically pledge to oppose funding ObamaCare on each/every vote that he will take throughout the rest of his current term.

Due to the time-urgency of distilling these hyperlinks, they are provided as grouped bullet-points: o o o o o o o o Overview [excerpted, recognizing overlap] 22% Think ObamaCare Will Make Their Situation Better, 42% Say Worse warnings-about-ObamaCare Obama's Hometown Paper: Scrap ObamaCare ObamaCare-significant-widespread-and-very-real-problems ObamaCare-hurdles-higher-than-medicares ObamaCare has Everything to do with Government-Control [and nothing to do with healthcare] sarah-murnaghan-speaks

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Cost [here, contradicting claim that insurance rates would decrease despite new mandates] Breaking News: Obamacare Not Free! BHO overpromised on premiums ObamaCare-really-going-to-raise-your-premiums-a-state-by-state-map ObamaCare-really-going-to-raise-your-premiums-in-most-states-quite-a-lotpart-2-the-raw-study-by-the-society-of-actuaries ObamaCare Premiums 47% Higher But Deductibles 27% Lower Than Grandfathered Health Plans; ObamaCare Lies Cost Trickle-Down [here, documenting enhanced cost of doing business and, thus higher prices] ObamaCare-Will-Force-US-Farmers-To-Hike-Food-Prices Decreased Choice [noting exodus of insurers from multiple states, despite helpless citizenry] washington-state-dems-block-healthcare-options-for-poor and-monopolizeinsurance Massive Regulations [consistent with overall intent to control when not able to tax directly] As of Apr 30, 20,000 pages of regulations implementing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) had been issued by Health and Human Services, Treasury, the Department of Labor, and the IRS. As many as several hundred thousand pages more are expected. confusing-for-businesses IRS issues final rules on ObamaCare's 'individual mandate' Illegal Alterations [unfaithfully administering Congressional legislation] wh-has-missed-1/3-ObamaCare-deadlines New anti-ObamaCare lawsuit alleges that the IRS illegally rewrote the Affordable Care Act so that both the employer mandate and accompanying government subsidies applied in the 33 states that lack their own healthinsurance exchanges. George Will: BHO Illegally Altered ObamaCare, Like Nixon [BHO illegally" changed his ObamaCare law by delaying the employer mandate for one year; the law specifies the mandate should begin on Jan. 1, 2014, but Will argues BHO cannot arbitrarily change the law and compared his act to those of President Nixon during Watergate.] another-ObamaCare-delay-hhs-pushes-back-deadline-for-signing-finalhealthcare-plans the-ObamaCare-train-wreck-manages-to-get-worse [The New York Times finally reported that another key component of ObamaCare has been delayed. Michael Tanner, Senior Fellow at Cato, joined the program to discuss the disaster that awaits America in 2014, and 2015.] Administration delays ObamaCare caps on out-of-pocket costs

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ObamaCare as admin pushes back caps on out-of-pocket costs chicago-tribune-ObamaCare-delay Discouraging youth-purchase to starve private insurers [yielding single-payer via exchanges] will-the-bros-buy-health-insurance-in-2014 ObamaCare-will-lead-to-health-insurance-death-spiral ObamaCare-to-force-millions-to-upgrade-insurance Encouraging Illegal/Undocumented Aliens/Foreigners [promoting amnesty] obama-hides-ObamaCare-subsidies-for-foreign-students-guest-workers Decreased Quality-of-Care [shrouded] ObamaCare-threatens-charitable-hospitals you-think-youre-dreading-ObamaCare; your-doctor-is-too ohio-state-to-name-emergency-room-after-abercrombie [desperately trying to enhance funds] if-new-hampshire-expands-medicaid-state-hospitals-will-lose-hundreds-ofmillions-of-dollars gop-bill-to-eliminate-health-care-subsidies-for-congress-and-staff-underObamaCare Decreased Access [30K Americans remain uncovered] nbc-news-report: ObamaCare will leave some americans without insurance and with a-pay-cut Privacy Violations [noting the absence of vetting of Snowden before he accessed secrets] d-c-ObamaCare-exchange-awards-375k-to-planned-parenthood Planned Parenthood Will Have Access to SS#, Tax, Medical Information ObamaCare-provision-forced-home-inspections ObamaCare Provision: Mandatory Home Inspections ObamaCare navigators get $67 million without delay killers-leakers-racists-who-screens-govt-employees Draconian Enforcement [recalling that the ultimate weapons are wielded by the IRS] obama-adds-to-the-ranks-of-his-secret-police-the-ObamaCare-police The US Department of Health and Human Services has hired 86 new criminal investigators charged with enforcing ObamaCare. While HHS was given authority under ObamaCare to hire 261 consumer safety officers charged with protecting consumers, only two have been hired thus far. Elitism [noting that the exemption process has already run amok, for years] lawmaker-to-refuse-special-ObamaCare-exemption-for-her-staff ObamaCare-exemption-none-dare-call-it-treason ObamaCare mandate skips over Native Americans

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Miscellania [recalling inter alia myriad laws of unintended consequencesand ad hoc fiats] BHO-skirts-congress-funds-pre-k-through-ObamaCare Disability rights advocates, families fight new provision of Affordable Care Act ObamaCare Launch Triggers Scams another-ObamaCare-delay-shows-the-benefit-of-friends-in-high-places The Death of the 40-Hour Work-Week [despite desperate measures to compensate] NEVADA AFL-CIO: OBAMACARE WILL DESTROY 40-HOUR WORK WEEK NBC News contacted around 20 small businesses and other entities for this report and found that employee hours are being cut to 29 hours because of ObamaCare, despite the delay of the employer mandate. But the White House, NBC News reports, says that there is no systematic evidence that this is because of ObamaCare and dismisses the report as anecdotal. nbc-yes-employers-are-cutting-hours-to-avoid-ObamaCare ObamaCare-is-really-responsible-for-rise-in-part-time-employment ObamaCare Cuts Workweeks to Record Low ObamaCare-enters-texas-as-dallas-fed-employee-workweek-drops-to-2009levels Ex-McDonalds-CEO-ObamaCare-Forcing-25-Hour-Work-Week-at-RestaurantChain Local governments cutting hours over ObamaCare costs ObamaCare Effects Hit Local Governments, Small Businesses, Temp Staffing Agencies; Chicago Dumps Retirees Into ObamaCare Outrage as Forever-21 Cuts 1% of Employees to ObamaCare-Safe Hours Trends in Full and Part-Time Employment; ObamaCare Job Double Counting and Other Economic Distortions Don't Worry, Trend Towards Hiring Temps is Only Temporary (And Not at All Related to ObamaCare) Prepping for ObamaCare, Olive Garden and Red Lobster Cut Workers' Hours; Are Other Companies Doing the same? Tip Sharing Lowers Minimum Wage; Like One, Like All? Is ObamaCare Responsible for the Surge in Part-Time Jobs? What About BHO's Defense Layoff Suspensions? Adverse Effect on Organized Labor [surprisesurprise] 92%-of-federal-workers-dont-want-ObamaCare As Jed Graham states "Anyone who insists ObamaCare employer penalties aren't having a meaningful impact on work hours simply hasn't looked closely at the evidence." [one might add ... the economic distortions go far beyond parttime employment]. teachers wont like ObamaCare unions-still-really-really-frustrated-with-obamacare -spouses-unions-risk-losing-health-plans-under-obamacare Unhappy Labor Day: Obamacare Edition - How the presidents signature law is making life harder for working Americans chicago-way-illinois-officials-under-fire-for-obamacare-contracts

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Citing-Obamacare-40-000-Longshoremen-Quit-the-AFL-CIO UPS cuts health coverage for spouses with other insurance option Delta Air Lines: Health Care Costs Will Increase next year By 'Nearly $100M' Immigration Bill Incentivizes Employers To Fire Americans and Hire Amnestied Immigrants; Immigration and ObamaCares Employer Mandate Opting Out of ObamaCare (the Unaffordable Health Care Act); Not Even Labor Unions Want It

Certain key-points must be appreciated, for anyone wishing to envision what looms need only examine what exists in britain and anyone wishing to weigh still other alternatives need only scrutinize what may be the Best of both worlds [Unite universal coverage and personal choice in health care]. Unfortunately, Toomey is chewing around the edges [whistling past the graveyard, fiddling while Rome burns, etc.] when he advocates legislation intended to denude the commerce-clause-[as an end-run]; of greater import is the need to recall how the media have suddenly been bashing the Heritage Foundation, for the need for its efforts to prevail in reforming each half of the Agriculture Bill [after it had been bisected] is illustrated by the revelation that the usda makes improper payments to already wealthy farmers (per a gao-audit). It is desirable to close with levity [10-great-graphic-responses-to-what obamacare means] prior to presenting this portrayal of the lie of the land received from one of the TEA Party faithful: First: This Syria "stuff" couldn't have come at a better time for BHO! He and his "staff" are probably drooling at the prospects of keeping Congress busy with a "decision" on Syria and thereby taking their eyes of the "Delay/Defund" efforts by Conservatives. Again, our "ace in the hole" is the September 10 "Exempt America" Rally in D.C. that should hopefully refocus Congressional attention on WHAT REALLY MATTERS! This is why the pressure we're about to put on Mike Fitzpatrick is so crucial. All over the country, Tea Party/Grassroots members are going to Town Halls, visiting their Congressmen, writing letters, faxes and making phone calls to tell every GOP Rep to "delay ObamaCare." Mike has to know this by now, but our merry band of "revolutionaries" will definitely drive the point home to him in a very personal way. {Emphasized earlier was this physicians view that the goal will be trained on this issue, defunding ObamaCare, notwithstanding any noise emanating from anywhere else.} Second: Obama is going to lose the Congressional vote on going to war against Syria. If my "tea leaves" are correct, there's already a groundswell amongst the Liberals to stay out of Syria, and this may be enough for him to pull back. Of course, the danger here is that everyone in the World knows that Obama's Foreign Policy is nothing more than a myth at best, and the entire Middle East, especially Israel will be in a precarious state. If

Obama dares to go against a Congressional No Vote on Syria and attack with Cruise missiles and/or limited air strikes, we may just see the "Impeach Obama Now" proponents come out of the wood work in both the House and the Senate, not to mention the good citizens of this country. {Impeachment would probably not prevail, but broad-based recognition of a failed-presidency could quite-easily supervene.} My last point is this: What we're doing on Tuesday and with the follow up Press Release is probably going to cause a lot of consternation throughout the 8th CD and perhaps all of Pennsylvania. Everyone that knows {us} knows how much we like Fitzpatrick, so having our names attached to this Press Release is going to make a lot of jaws drop and a lot of eyes go wide! :) We're ready for whatever may come and if it makes Mike Fitzpatrick rethink his positions and get with the program, we've done our job! {Concur.}

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