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Seed Processing and Storage Laboratory

Irwin Goldman
Interim Dean and Director College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman

Current Seeds Facility

Seeds Building
1930 Linden Drive Built in the 1940s 15,495 sq ft

Utilized by researchers
Agronomy Horticulture Genetics Plant Pathology Entomology UW-Extension Wisconsin Foundation Seeds

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman

First the Seed

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman

Usage of Seeds Building

Plant breeding and genetic research Crop management and protection research Plant physiology and molecular biology research
Crops preserved in Seeds Building
Alfalfa Bromegrass Fine fescue Oats Poa annua Rye Sweet clover Tripsacum White clover Barley Canola Kura clover Orchardgrass Quackgrass Ryegrass Tall fescue Triticale Bentgrass Corn Meadow fescue Peas Red clover Soybeans Timothy Wheat

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman

Impacts from Seeds Research

Direct benefits to Wisconsin farmers and consumers
Oat varieties grown in Wisconsin are produced from the UW-Madison program

Federal funding
Seed laboratory supports millions of dollars of federal funding each year NSF, USDA, and DOE

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman

Impacts from Seeds Cont

International impact
Researchers are contributing to fighting world hunger, improving human nutrition, improving developing world agriculture

Limpopo South Africa

Student training

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman

Concern #1
Suboptimal facility

Concern #2
GLBRC researchers and the Wisconsin Energy Institute

Concern #3
Footprint of the future Meat and Muscle Biology Lab

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


Concern #1: Suboptimal Facility

Poor storage
Corn seed should remain viable for at least 25 years with proper storage
Currently, seed looses its viability after 5 years Dollars and research time

Loss of seed viability is extremely costly

Deteriorating Infrastructure
Age Inefficient and costly cooling system Wings designed and built as temporary structures in the 1940s

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


Concern #1: Suboptimal Facility, Cont

Demands exceed capacity
Research growth
Cellulosic biofuel research Conventional breeding programs

Health and safety concerns

Inadequate chemical safety and dust control
No wet lab space

Building security is lacking

Concern with transgenic seed

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


Seeds Building
Concerns Cold Room Wings Grinding

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


Cold Room

Highly inefficient Prone to break-downs

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


Cold Room
Exceeding capacity
Only 3,680 sq ft Floor to ceiling storage

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


Work Area in Wing

Inadequate work area for research

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


Temporary Wings
Deteriorating temporary addition Two of the three wings are nonprogrammatic

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


Grinding Area
Current size
175 sq ft

Poor ventilation leads to health concerns

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


Concern #2: WEI and GLBRC

GLBRC switchgrass researchers
Shawn Kaeppler and Natalia de Leon Gatti
Need 4,800 sq ft of research space

Originally part of WEI Phase I

Included space for additional seed storage

Pushed back into WEI Phase II

Uncommitted funding

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


Concern #3: Future Meats Lab

Current building is located in the future footprint of the Meat and Muscle Biology Lab
Projected by CALS to be in the 2013-15 capital plan
Meat Lab 2013-15

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


Solution: Enzyme Institute

Solves the three concerns without constructing a new facility
#1 Renovation of the Enzyme Institute will meet the demands for seed storage and processing
Plan tentatively approved by the Department of Agronomy

#2 Provides space for GLBRC researchers

Frees up additional space in WEI Enzyme Institute is ideally situated directly next to WEI

#3 No longer in the footprint of the future Meat and Muscle Biology Lab

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman




November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


Renovation Plan
Renovate existing lab and office space
Wet labs Dry labs Seed processing rooms Grinding room

Cold storage
Compact shelving

November 18, 2009 Irwin Goldman 23

Budget and Timeline

Construction A/E Design Fees Other Fees DSF Management Fees Contingency Movable & Special Equipment Percent for Arts Total Project $3,455,000 $351,000 $30,000 $152,000 $346,000 $69,000 $11,000 $4,414,000 Program Approval A/E Selection Design Report Approval Bid Date Start Demolition Start Construction Substantial Completion Final Completion July 2011 November 2011 April 2012 November 2012 N/A January 2013 December 2013 January 2014

November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman



November 18, 2009

Irwin Goldman


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