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MUDRAS Man is great divine creation. But in today's world he has remain as just a machine.

Best key to operate this machine is our popular ancient hand mudras. World is made up of five basic elements i.e. Earth, Water, Air, Space & Fire. Our fingers & thumb are determinants of these elements. So often we rub our hands, know that you had a potential to heal yourself, press them in anxiety, wash them, the list is endless of all the things you do with your hands. Did you know that you had a potential to heal yourself with a few Mudra excersies? First of all let's understand what Mudra is. Mudra is a term with many meanings. It is used to signify a gesture, a mystical position of the hands. A simple gesture like bending, crossing, extending or touching the fingers with other fingers, can effectively influence our body and our mind. Continuous practice of the mudra will create a minute changes in your body using pulse centres on parts of your hands, which trigger certain healing processes within the corresponding body part. Mudras are to be performed with both hands at the same time, unless otherwise specified. Start with 10 minutes at a time and increase up to 3/4 hour for best results. Finger type 0 1 2 3 4 Thumb Index Center Ring Little Element Fire - sun Air - wind Space Earth Water

AKASH MUDRA With each hand: Join the tip of your middle finger with the tip of thumb of both hands, press little and keep rest of the fingers straight. Now, keep your hands near the knee with palms facing upwards. Sit in this position for five to ten minutes.

BENEFITS: It generates energy and excitement. Gives strength to bones. Cures toothache. Helpful in heart diseases. Reduces ear pain. Remove annoyance APAN MUDRA ENERGY MUDRA

With each hand: Place the tip of thumb, middle finger, and ring finger together-extend the other 2 fingers straight upward. When needed, do it for 5 to 45 minutes or use three times a day for 15 minutes as a course of treatment.

BENEFITS: Mainly effective areas are strengthening & cleaning parts of the body. Besides this, other effective areas are knee, thigh. Purifies the entire body, removes toxemia from the body. Regularies the urine flow & perspiration, if it is less or irregular. Cures vomiting . For healthy teeth use this mudra along with Akash mudra. For eyes, nose, ears & mouth related problems, use this mudra along with pran mudra Cures menstruation related problems, burning sensation of hand, heart, leg & urine. APAN-VAYU MUDRA with each hand:Bend your index finger and let its tip touch the ball of your thumb. At the same time, the tips of the middle and ring fingers touch the tip of your thumb. Extend your little finger. Use as needed, until you feel the effect, or practice three times a day for 15 minutes as a course of treatment. This finger position can have a first-aid function when you use it at the first sign.

BENEFITS: It is like a medicine for Blood pressure. Removes more perspiration of legs & hands. Removes useless things from our body. Effective on toothache. Cures gas trouble. Releaves headache. Balance body temprature. Helpful to cure acidity

ASTHMA MUDRA Both hands: Press together the nails of middle fingers and keep other fingers extended straight upward.

BENEFITS: Helpful to cure asthma attack. Gives Self-confidence and self-assertion. For counteracting fear and timidity. BRONCHIAL MUDRA Both hands: Place the little finger at the base of the thumb, the ring finger on the upper thumb joint, and the middle finger on the pad of the thumb. Extend the index finger. For an acute attack of asthma, first use this mudra from 4 to 6 minutes and then practice the Asthma Mudra until breathing has become normal again. For a long-term treatment, hold both mudras simultaneously for 5 minutes, five times a day.

BENEFITS: It is important to admit your negative feelings and moods. People with respiratory problems often also suffer from inner loneliness, isolation, sexual problems, and sadness. These feelings are often successfully played down with humor. This naturally causes a great deal of stress so that these individuals are pressed for time and out of breath. HAKINI MUDRA Place fingertips of one hand over that on another hand. The Hakini Mudra can be practiced at any time.

BENEFITS: People tend to naturally put their fingers in this position while talking. This helps to concentrate. LINGA MUDRA Upright Mudra Place both palms together and clasp your fingers. One thumb should remain upright; encircle it with the thumb and index finger of your other hand. Do as needed or three times a day for 15 minutes.

BENEFITS: Increases inner heat of the body, so useful in cold. Increases heat of the body, cures proablems like cough, sinus, asthma, T.B etc. It cures problems caused due to changing seasons. Cures suffocation,caused due to aircondition. Improves digestive system. Ladies can mentally prepare herself, from resisting sexual intercourse. Helps in retaining the position of navel. PRAN MUDRA

With each hand: Place the tips of the thumb, ring finger, and little finger together. The other two fingers remain extended. As needed, use for 5 to 30 minutes. Or, as a course of treatment, do three times a day for 15 minutes.The Pran Mudra activates the root chakra, in which the elemental force of a human being is found. This finger position stimulates the nourishing energy in the pelvic floor. The Pran Mudra generally increases vitality, reduces fatigue and nervousness, and improves vision.

BENEFITS: Improves breathing. Improves resistance power. Removes blocking of vein. Removes deficiency of vitamins. Improves eyesite. Helpful in diabetes. Improves concentration power. Controls our eating habits.

PRITHVI MUDRA With each hand: Touch fore part of third finger (ring finger) to tip of thumb.

BENEFITS: Increases strength and brighten up our identity. Improves spritual power. Gives better health. Improves inner peace, excitment, visualisation power. Improves memory. SHUNYA MUDRA Heaven Mudra Bend the middle finger until it touches the ball of your thumb. Lightly press down your thumb on the middle finger. The other fingers are extended straight upward. Do this with each hand. Do as needed, or use three times daily for 15 minutes as a course of treatment. This is a special exercise against ear and hearing problems. Shunya Mudra can also quickly heal earaches and almost all diseases of the ear when used for a longer period of time.

BENEFITS: Mainly effective on ear problem. Improves the voice of those who are dumb since birth. Give relax to sudden senselessness of body due to some shock.

Cures numbness in any part of the body. SURABHI MUDRA Core Mudra The little finger of your left hand touches the ring finger of your right hand. The little finger of your right hand touches the ring finger of your left hand. At the same time, the middle fingers of both hands touch theindex fingers of the other. The thumbs remain extended

BENEFITS: It is believed that,our whishes are granted easily ,with the help of this mudra. Gives relaxation in all sort of stomach problems. It balances five main substances i.e. earth, water, wind, fire, space & hence balances vatt, pitt & cough. Improves concentration power. Removes impurity of body. Balances the extract of various glands.

VARUN MUDRA With each hand: Touch the fore part of the smallest finger to the fore part of thumb.

BENEFITS: Improves shine of skin. Cures skin disease. Advantageous in blood related disease. Benificial in gastroantraitis,diarrhea and dehydration. Relaxes contraction of muscles. VAYU MUDRA With each hand: Fold the index finger (forefinger) on the pad of thumb. Press the forefinger gently on the pad. Keep the other finger aloof.

BENEFITS: Cures gas "vayu" related problem. Doing this mudra along with "vajrasan",cures gas & uneasy feelings after having food. Cures other vaat related proablems like parkinson, scitica, polio & knee related problems. If you have pain of right side of neck, do "vayu" mudra with left hand & twist the palm from wrist, & vice-versa. In case of pain on both sides of neck, use both hands.

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