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About Mumbai

Welcome to the city that never sleeps! Pulsating, Alive, On the Move, Vibrant, Fun -- this is Mumbai or as it is still frequently referred to -- Bombay. The most modern city in India, it captures the spirit of the changing pace set by liberalization and modernisation. Once a cluster of seven islands, Mumbai was presented to King Charles II in 1661 as part of the dowry when he married Princess Catherine de Braganza of Portugal. Over the years, as colonialism gave way to independence, Mumbai has transformed itself into an entity with thriving markets, business houses and many different communities reflecting a cosmopolitan and trendy atmosphere rarely seen elsewhere. On the surface, it represents the ever-changing face of today's India -- the old coupled with the dynamic new, and yet at its very core, the heart of the city is steeped in Indian customs and values. It is the capital of Maharashtra state, and its official language is Marathi although English and Hindi are widely spoken and understood. The fast-paced life has given rise to hordes of "fast-food outlets" on almost every road, offering lip-smacking choices of Mumbai's very own pau bhaji, bhel puri and kababs. There is no dearth, though, of multi-culinary delicacies dished out in posh restaurants by expert chefs. Mumbai is a shopper's delight with bargain buys, exclusive boutiques, ethnic markets and mini bazaars. This busy city is also the hub of a thriving cultural life, with a constant stream of performances in music, dance and drama. The seat of the Hindi film industry, known locally as Bollywood, it produces the largest number of films in the world. Mumbai caters to the adventurous and the romantic through its sporting activities, nightclubs, pubs, theatres, beaches and restaurants. Old and new, rich and poor, classical and modern -- its all here for you to savour and enjoy!

APSICON 2013 48th Annual Conference

Association of Plastic Surgeons of India

24th - 30th November, 2013

Workshop Venue
Bombay Hospital, Mumbai 24th - 27th November, 2013

Conference Venue
Hotel Grand Hyatt, Mumbai 28th - 30th November, 2013

Under the auspices of Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences, Mumbai

APSICON 2013 Dear Colleagues:


26th Nov 27th Nov 2013 Registration

Program at a Glance
TIME 08:00 - 17:00 07:30 - 08:15 08:15 - 09:00 28th Nov 2013 Registration Meet the Profesor Masters Classes Gillies Oration Godrej Oration Guest lecture 1 Guest lecture 2 Tea Break Dr A C Ganguli lecture Peet Prize session Lunch Free Papers Dr R N Sharma Symp. Quiz Preliminary round Free papers Curtain Raiser WSRM 2015 Debate Guest Lecture 9 Guest Lecture 10 Valedictory Guest lecture 4 Free papers Guest Lecture 8 Kilner essay presentation APSI Best Paper session Guest lecture 7 Meet the Profesor Masters Classes Sushruta Oration Dr Balakrishnan lecture Guest lecture 3 Dr Mukherjee Oration Meet the Profesor Masters Classes Guest Lecture 5 + 6 Quiz finals Dr S N Sharma lecture Free papers 29th Nov 2013 30th Nov 2013

With great pleasure, we announce the the 48th Annual Conference of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, being held in Mumbai, from 27th - 30th November 2013. It has been our privilege and pleasure to be associated with you all for over last several decades. Our Speciality is at a cross road of commitments to the society with authenticity and benevolence and losing out in the competitive surroundings to other specialities on the other. We have to conceptualize the pathway for progress and continue to support the enhanced self-esteem and the humanitarian work in which most of us are involved in different ways. Guest Faculty and Key Note Speakers are from Whos Who in the field of Reconstructive & Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The scientific program includes orations, keynote lectures, guest lectures, panel discussion, competitive papers as well free papers, video and posters. We have enlisted some of the illustrious masters and experts across the globe deliberating on various aspects of plastic surgery to incite your hunger along with some enchanting social interactions. This would be a golden opportunity for all us to extract maximum knowledge and expertise from our peers and the pioneers in the field. It is with great honour and joy, we welcome you all with a personal greeting and look forward to your whole hearted support, enthusiasm and participation at the ensuing 48th Annual Conference of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, where attendees and faculty can mingle together and share informally their thoughts and creative projections. We are inviting all the members of the APSI and Post graduate students to register at the APSICON 2013 and take advantage of special packages. We look forward to this continuing annual gala event in the pursuit of excellence with the theme of Authentic, Benevolent and Conceptual. This year too, we assure a memorable APSIANA experience. Team APSICON 2013


Inauguration of CME

09:00 - 09:30 09:30 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:15 11:15 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:00 12:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 14:30 14:30 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:00 16:00 - 17:00 17:00 - 17:30 17:00 - 17:30 18:00

Exhibits Open

Charles Pinto CME

Inauguration Banquet

General Body Meeting Gala Dinner

Workshop Dinner

19:30 Onwards

Dr. Ashok Gupta Chairman Organizing Committee

Dr. Amresh S. Baliarsing Chairman Scientific Committee

Dr. Abbas Mistry Organizing Secretary

Dr. Sandip Jain Treasurer, APSICON 2013

Conference Theme
AUTHENTIC : The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are. - C.G. Jung
Mahatma Gandhi

APSICON 2013 Highlights


BENEVOLENT : The simp lest acts of kindness are by far more powerful then a thousand heads bowing in prayer. CONCEPTUAL : An experience conceptual, must conform to reality in order to be true: William James
Conference Secretariat: Suite No. 16, 2nd Floor, Laud Mansion. Opp. Charni Road Station,21. M. Karve Road, Mumbai 400004, India Tel. No. 2388 3693 / 8963 Fax No. 2385 8349 / 2208 0871 E-mail:,

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