Literature Notes For The Chrysalids Chapter 7

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Literature notes for The Chrysalids chapter 7

Chapter 7 tells us about the procedures involved in certifying a newborns status Not the societal attitudes/ stigma Why does nobody ever mention about pregnancy until the baby is born? In case that the baby is a Deviation, it would be treated as though it were never happened existed Logically, the Inspector wants to make Joseph Strorm anxious intentionally Inspector is insulting Joseph Strorm for not coming immediately as Joseph Strorm is also an important figure in Waknuk (Payback?) Atmosphere in the houseTension as they await the certification (Norm/ Blasphemy) Inspector was sending a message to Joseph, wait, youre not that important Speculation that if Emily Strorm gave birth to a 3rd deviant (Petra), would she be sent away by Joseph Strorm? Impolite and undignified to chase off the Inspector as Josephs high position in Waknuk is unwise to quarrel with the Inspector. Joseph has hot-tempered nature as he almost strangled himself to be polite to be the Inspector Certification is important as it decides Emilys fate to remain in the Strorm family Inspector concluded and declared that Petra was free of any detectable form of deviation Some malicious people in the society who go against the leader speculated that Petra was a deviant and that Joseph was delaying the checking of Petra. (Intentionally done to make Joseph angry and get back at him) Sense of ominous fuse After the arrival of Petra, David learnt about the family tree that he did not want to know about David feels only loneliness inside his own family, isolation from society Davis hides in his own room until the matter are settled. David wants to distance himself from his parents Tension filled the air around the house Societys attitude towards a mother who gave birth to a deviant countless of times. Harsh? Society driven by fear of the abnormal. Irony: people expect Joseph and Emily to produce normal babies as they are so good and religious but they brought in Deviants as well Inspector left doubts in the abnormality of the baby although it appears normal Done by: Erisu

Inspector does this on purpose to anger Joseph as if he had real doubts; he would have sent for and consulted a 2nd opinion. Aunt Harriet is 3 years younger than Emily Aunt Harriet travelled all the way to Waknuk so that she can borrow Petra for a day or two until she gets a certificate Aunt Harriet is the soft, warm, gentle version of Emily Aunt Harriet appeals to Emilys sympathy as her sister and a mother Aunt Harriet is desperate to keep her family together as she had already given birth to 3 deviantsworried that her husband would leave and abandon her Aunt Harriet and Emily have same superficial looks but drastic difference in attitudes Aunt Harriet shows affection for her child as she has experienced grief from the loss of her previous children Emily did not notice the small difference in Aunt Harriets babyshows that the baby is the same case as Sophie Aunt Harriet felt as those God had not answered her prayers Emily starts to get suspicious and started to question is Harriets baby had a normality certificate Emily was rigid and did not sympathise/ empathise with her own sister Emily did not even console Harriet despite her pleadings Aunt Harriet looks broken as her last hopes were dashed when Emily refused her down flatly Wyndham is trying to emphasize that Harriet was too shocked to say anything Emily does not see Harriets baby as a human as she addresses the baby it Aunt Harriet tries to do everything and anything she can to save her baby Emily strongly opposes to Aunt Harriets pleadings Emily blames Aunt Harriet for giving birth to a deviant and wants no part to help conceal that

Done by: Erisu

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