I. Teaching Tools and Its Functions

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FUNCTION(S) a. clearer lesson b. different way in conducting lesson c. different exposure a. real life experience b. student hands on lesson a. real life experience b. different exposure a. easier to memorise a. different opinion better understanding b. share knowledge c. save time and cost a. save time and cost b. better understanding, can repeat the recording a. save time b. better understanding colourful a. easy to access b. wider reference books to access c. save time and cost a. better exposure in the lesson b. save time and cost a. easier reference anywhere student a. note taking student b. creates room for further discussion a. better understanding student b. save time explaining teacher a. better explanation b. save time a. proven reference b. limited reference but important for exams a. further discussion outside classroom a. suitable for listening lesson b. easy to handle c. proven method a. important notes to be taken b. extra tool to write/jot down certain information a. better understanding a. better listening b. no noise interruption - focus a. short notes for students b. reference during lecture c. pictures

Interactive white board Video Realia Online Forum

Web conferencing

Liquefied Crystal Display (LCD) Projector E-library

Interactive software Online Materials/Notes Lecture teacher Pictures/Story board Overhead Projector (OHP) Text book

Class blog Radio


Interactive Websites Headset Mahjong Paper/Manila cardboard


Technology is becoming ubiquitous in university classrooms. The use of technology allows professors to diversify their lectures, display more information, and enhance student learning. By using different technologies in the classroom, this can help professors save time and energy and allow for more attention to be paid to the course content. There are many different learning materials available to professors in order to help them with their teaching.

Advantages and disadvantages of using technology There are many advantages of using technology and learning materials in the university classroom. These include: more active learning diversified teaching methods better student attention less time and energy for professors visual stimulation However there are some downfalls to using technology when teaching your courses. These include: equipment failures the need for back-up plans anxiety for IT illiterate teachers time spent learning new technologies

The advantages for using technology often outweigh the disadvantages. Many of the problems with using technology and learning materials can be overcome by testing equipment beforehand and learning how to properly use each technology.

Types of materials The different learning materials available to professors include (Cannon & Newble, 2000): Overhead Projectors Video and Data Projectors Blackboard Videos Internet Course management programs

Overhead projectors Overhead projectors are used as a visual aid to display information for students. It allows for material or diagrams to be displayed to large classes enabling more time for teaching or class discussions. It is important that when you are making transparencies to write large and legibly, and to only include main points or ideas. The overhead projector is easy to use and can be easily incorporated into the classroom. Video or data projectors Video or data projectors generally serve the same purpose as the overhead projector. However by using these methods it is easier to display information from more complicated sources. This enables teachers to create presentations or videos using software programs and display them to their students. Video or data projectors are more complicated to use and professors must be familiar with the equipment before the class starts. It is also important to know all necessary programs and passwords before you begin. Blackboard The blackboard is often considered a traditional teaching tool. The blackboard can be used by professors throughout the lecture to explain ideas or define main points. It is important to make sure your writing is clear and visible and that all students can see what you are writing. It is recommended that only main points or ideas be written rather than long drawn out pieces of information. The blackboard can be a useful tool to help students visualize key aspects of the lesson but may make things difficult if you are trying to teach a large group. Videos Videos are a good way of reinforcing the course material being taught. You as a teacher may have to request specific materials if they are not provided for you in the classroom. It is important if you are using a clip or a video to have it ready to go and at the proper location. Tape counters may differ from those you have at home and you shouldn't rely on them to find something quickly in the classroom. Internet The internet is another way to reinforce the course content or to display specific publications available on the World Wide Web. When using computers in the

classroom it is important to try them out and see what programs and passwords you will need. It is also important that you have specific web site addresses written down so that you don't have to waste time searching for them. One good feature of using the internet is that you may display information from other sources or even create your own web pages.

Course management programs Most universities/schoold are now using course management programs to help teachers to organise and display course information. These course management programs allow students to access certain information regarding their courses through the University's/ Schools server. Teachers choose what they want to post on the program and can include things such as course notes, grades, assignments, outlines, etc. Technology can be a very beneficial and time saving tool for all teachers.

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