Engleski Jezik Takmicenje VIII 8 LUKAVAC 2012

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Elementary schools grade VIII/8, Lukavac 2012 Instructions: 1. Grammar 2. Vocabulary 2. Reading section total:

= 60 questions = 30 questions = 10 questions = 100 questions

Each question has only 1 correct answer. Read the questions carefully, and choose the best alternative. Allowed time is 100 minutes.


1. He made his children ______ their homework every afternoon. a) do b) to do c) studied d) to study 2. The test was ____ difficult. She had problems finishing it on time. a) such b) a c) as d) so 3. By the time she arrives, we _________ our homework. a) finish b) will have finished c) will finish

d) were finished

4. When I stopped __________ to Mary, she was picking some flowers in her garden. a) speaking b) speak c) to speak d)spoke 5. Despite ________ hard, he failed the exam. a) he studied b) he has studied 6. That room ________ for a meeting today. a) is used b) is being used

c) studying

d) study

c) used

d) is using

7. We ____________ tennis every day when we were young. a) use to play b) would play c) were playing d) were used to play 8. If I __________ you, I would wait a while to begin investing. a) was b) am c) were d)would be 9. Why are your hands so dirty? - I _______________ in the garden. a) was working b)have worked c) worked d) have been working 10. That is the man __________ grandfather founded Kentucky Root Beer. a) who b) that c) which d) whose

11. Where do you think Anne was yesterday evening? - She ______________ at home. a) must have been b) had to be c) couldn't have been d) hadn't to be 12. The current constitutional problem is ___________ by the top legal minds in the country. a) studying b) being studying c) being studied d) been studied

13. If I hadnt worked hard when I was young, I _________ where I am now. a) wont have been b) would be c) hadnt been d) wouldnt be 14. Are you still taking your exams? Yes, but by this time next week _______ my last one! a) Im finishing b) Ill finish c) Ill have finished d) Ill have been finishing 15. Its against the law to kill the black rhinoceros. They _________ extinct. a) became b) have become c) become d) are becoming 16. Mandela was __ first President elected in __ South Africa after __ Apartheid was revoked. a) a / the / the b) the / X / X c) a / X / the d) the / the / the 17. Our teacher made the whole class ____ after the lesson because we had been so noisy. a) staying b) to stay c) for staying d) stay 18. I was enjoying my book, but I stopped _____ a program on TV. a) reading to watch b) to read to watch c) to read for watching d) reading for to watch 19. Shall I come over at nine? Id rather ____ at ten instead. a) you come b) you will come c) you had come d) you came 20. If I ____ the trick with my open eyes, I would never have believed it possible. a) hadnt been seeing b) hadnt seen c) didnt see d) wouldnt have seen 21. Jim is away on holiday. He __________ to Spain. a) is gone b) has been c) have been

d) has gone

22. They gave each child a small gift. Which one of these fits? a) Each child was gave a small gift. b) Each child was given a small gift. c) Each child was being giving a small gift. d) Each child is being giving a small gift. 23. Mother: Where did that train come from? Mother wants to know_______________. a) where did that train come from c) where that train had come from b) where that train come from d) where that train comes from 24. You didnt like the game, ________? a) arent you b) didnt you c) did you

d) are you

25. My daughter will be home from school soon. I _________her lunch. a) have to cook b) should cook c) had to cook d) must cook 26. Do you play volleyball? He asked___________ a) if I play volleyball b) if I played volleyball c) did I play volleyball d) do I play volleyball 27. John apologized ____ being late. a) for b) of c) to

d) with

28. ________starts at eight oclock. a) School b) A school c) The school

d) An school

29. I dont agree with you,_______does my partner. a) not b) nor c) not d) either 30. Which of the following is wrong? a) in 2003 b) on Sunday morning c) in Sunday morning d) at noon 31. _________ TV for the last four hours? Turn it off and get some exercise! a) Do you watch b) Are you watching c) Watched you d) Have you been watching 32 At first I _________ starting work so early but this has changed. a) didn't use to b) wouldn't c) didn't have to d) wasn't used to 33. I don't agree with the article about public transport _____ in last week's Evening Echo. a) which published b) published c) was published d) that was publishing 34. By the summer, I ________ English for ten years! a) am going to study b) will study c) will be studying d) will have been studying 35. Which is the correct order? ____ cake that was in the bakers window a) chocolate, delicious, round, mouth-wateringly b) round, mouth-wateringly, delicious, chocolate c) mouth-wateringly delicious, round, chocolate d) mouth-wateringly, chocolate, delicious, round 36. I wasnt simply pleased when she told me her wonderful news; I was absolutely ______ . a) delighted b) amazed c) fantastic d) fascinating

37. This country has been hit by two economic ______ in the last ten years. a) crisis b) crises c) crisisses d) crissi 38. I 've visited quite a few ____ but I've never seen such cute ____ and ____ before. a) zoos / monkeys / gorillas b) zooes / monkeys / gorillas c) zoos / monkeies / gorillas d) zoos / monkeys / gorillas 39. Jack has some unusual pets. His favourites are his three pet ______ . a) goose b) gooses c) geese d) geeses 40. Following the flood, _______ in the area _________ major repair work. a) each of building /needs b) every building / need c) each buildings / need d) every building / needs 41. I told him that he couldnt hope to catch a big fish ___ a small rod like that, but he insisted ___ trying. a) with / on b) by / about c) with / about d) by / on

42. Most fast food _____ to be unhealthy but Im not sure thats true. a) said b) it is said c) has said d) is said 43. Today, many serious childhood diseases _____ by early immunization. a) are preventing b) can prevent c) prevent d) can be prevented 44. Those books I ordered should ______________ by now. a) be delivering b) have delivered c) have been delivered d) have been delivering 45. Please dont forget _________ your essays during Fridays lesson. a) handing in b) to hand in c) hand in d) to handing in 46. The Northern Hemisphere has mostly westerly winds ___ the rotation of the earth toward the east. a) due to b) because c) therefore d) so 47. The shot was ___ quick for the goalkeeper and the ball hit the back of the net. a) so b) such c) enough d) too 48. Kate is very good at ______ people to do what she wants. a) persuading at b) persuade c) to persuade

d) persuading

49. Julie and Ben spent _ their summer holiday with their cousins in Germany. a) every b) the whole c) most of d) most 50. A: I'm thinking of getting a pet, but I can't decide whether to get a dog or a cat. B: ___ make wonderful pets. a) The dog b) The dogs c) Dogs d) A dog

51. Dan thinks politics ___ so he never votes. a) are very corrupt b) have no use

c) is very boring

d) are very boring

52. She is very selfish. She doesn't care ______other people. a) about b) after c) with d) of 53. Lucy told me about this new TV programme ______ very much. a) that she is enjoying b) who she is enjoying c) she enjoying

d) she is enjoying it

54. They live in a busy street. ______ a lot of noise from the traffic. a) It must be b) It must have be c) There must have d) There must be 55. Antonio looks ______ than he really is. a) older b) elder c) more old 56. ____ Sara ____ Michelle were sick. a) Neither/and b) Either/and 57. Ena ____ while she ____ a book. a) falled asleep / was reading c) fell asleep / were reading

d) the oldest

c) Both/and

d) Neither/not

b) fell asleep / was reading d) fallen asleep / was reading

58. Don't worry _______ late tonight. a) if I'm b) when I'm

c) when I'll be

d) if I'll be

59. You've just had dinner. You ______ hungry already. a) must be b) can't be c) can't been

d) must been

60. Which one is correct? a) What are uranium used for? b) What is uranium used for? c) What was uranium uses for? d) What were uranium used for?



1. A bed on board a ship is called . a) sleeper b) cabin

c) bunk


2. I have no brothers or sisters. A am .. child. a) an only b) a sole c) a unique 3. Im terribly sorry, I seem to have . my book at home. a) lost b) forgotten c) left d) hidden

d) a single

4. My sister and I are always quarrelling. We just dont seem to .. a) get off b) get together c) get on d) get by 5. I am not all that interested in politics and ............. affairs. a) actual b) recent c) modern d) current 6. Kylie's new song ought to do well in the charts-it's got good lyrics and a nice........tune. b) harmonious c) melodious d) strident a) catchy 7. Some intriguing new facts ................ to light during the course of the investigation a) came b) broguht c) turned d) made 8. He decided to go ahead with the new business, although he was ............. aware of the risk. b) gravely c) seriously d) fully a) most 9. The museum guards were shocked to find that the painting on the wall was a copy and the ____ had been stolen. a) first b) original c) blueprint d) genuine 10. Be careful! Youre rushing around like a .. in a china shop. a) cat b) bull c) bat d) dog 11. Most parents find it difficult to .. their children nowadays. a) grow up b) foster c) develop d) bring up 12. I to inform you that your mother died ten minutes ago. a) sorry b) regret c) apologise d) pity

13. I think everyone should .. the Human Rights movement. a) agree b) support c) stand up d) supply 14. I only paid $3 for this dress. It was a real a) find b) sale c) bargain d) cheap 15. I always try to .. something each month for my holidays. a) save b) spare c) spend d) put 16. I dont have a job. Im .. a) lonely b) sick c) unused

d) unemployed

17. Which horse shall we on in the 2.15 race? a) back b) bet c) place d) win 18. Manchester United .. NK Zeljeznicar in the FIFA Championships Final. a) beat b) won c) sailed d) lost 19. My works got worse and worse. Unless I . Ill fail my exams in the summer. a) get well b) improve c) inrease d) get back 20. Oh dear! My watch has .! a) ended b) stopped

c) finished

d) completed

21. If you work for someone, than you are .. a) a slave b) unemployed c) an employer

d) an employee

22. Im afraid theres no of seeing Mr. Brown until tomorrow. a) possibility b) wish c) opportunity d) chance 23. The around this town is quite beautiful. a) countryside b) scene c) nature 24. Hes always telling me what to do. Hes so .. a) cruel b) bossy c) helpful

d) country

d) charming

25. His parents gave him everything he asked for. He was thoroughly . a) disturbed b) ashamed c) full up d) spoilt 26. I still feel like a cigarette even though I .. smoking two years ago. a) gave in b) gave up c) gave over d) completed 27. He wants to get to the top before he is thirty. He is very .. a) tall b) ambitious c) intelligent d) industrial 28. John always arrives on time. Hes so . a) careful b) boring c) punctual

d) timeless

29. She made the .. mistake of forgetting to put the s on the verb in the third person singular. a) classic b) important c) classical d) famous 30. I was very . for all the advice she gave me. a) glad b) grateful c) in debt d) pleased

III READING SECTION You have to read all four passages, and choose the best alternative for each question. Write letter: a, b, c or d on your answer sheet which also corresponds at the chosen: A, B, C or D paragraph for it! Seaside Resorts in England A. Bournemouth Bournemouth is well-known as a healthy and attractive and modern resort, surrounded by gardens and pine forests, which is popular all year round. It stands on two small hills in the sheltered valley of the Bourne River, the banks of which are laid out as public gardens. There are excellent and extensive sandy beaches for bathing, and a long line of picturesque cliffs. Among interesting things to see, there is the town art gallery and museum, and the East Cliff rock garden attracts geologists for it contains a large collection of British geological specimens. The town has literary connections, with Thomas Hardy and R. L. Stevenson, and Mary, the second wife of the poet, Shelley, is buried in St Peter's churchyard. Pleasant walks may be taken along the coast in both directions. B. Brighton Brighton is a popular place, with a pebble beach and some sand at low tide. It lies on the slope of a hill, in the middle of a broad and shallow bay. The chief attractions of the place are its clear and bracing air, the fine expanse of sea bordered by white chalk-cliffs, and the crowds of visitors. There are a large number of old and interesting buildings in the town, in particular the Royal Pavilion, built in an Oriental style by the famous architect, John Nash, for the Prince Regent. There is an interesting aquarium near the Palace Pier. On the landward side of the town, the South Downs provide many interesting walks and viewpoints. In the summer, there is horseracing at the town race course, immortalized in Graham Greene's novel, Brighton Rock. Brighton is well-known for its numerous public houses. C. Torquay This is a well-known resort and spa on Tor Bay, Devon, with excellent bathing from a sand and pebble beach. It has a reputation for being a warm and well-sheltered place, and there is sub-tropical vegetation, palm-trees and the like, growing in the public gardens. On account of the mild climate, it is a popular place for people with delicate chests and pulmonary problems. The place dates back to pre-historical times, and there are numerous archaeological remains. Visitors enjoy picturesque cliff walks, but the town is best seen from a boat in the bay. In fact, Torquay is an important yachting station and an annual regatta is held there in August or September. D. Scarborough Situated on the Yorkshire coast, Scarborough is build around two bays, separated by a headland on which are the ruins of a twelfth-century castle. The castle makes a fine viewpoint, especially at sunrise. The new town to the north is rather formal, and some find it dull; the narrow streets of the old town to the south become very crowded. The North Bay has gardens and a promenade, protected by a sea-wall. Anne Bronte is buried in Scarborough churchyard. It is a good place for the active and vigorous, for the town makes a good centre for the North York Moor national park, and there is opportunity for sea fishing. Which seaside resort would you go to if you ___ 1. liked seeing a lot of people. 2. had breathing problems. 3. were interested in architecture. 4. wanted to go fishing. 5. were interested in fish.

6. were interested in rocks. 7. liked drinking British beer. 8. preferred a warm climate. 9. wanted to go sailing. 10. were interested in English poetry.

Prepared by: Alma Salki, Sanja Havel, Edina Braninovi, English LanguagTeachers, ivinice; February, 2012 Adapted by: English Language Teachers, Lukavac; April, 2012

Key: Grammar section:

1A, 2A, 3B, 4C, 5C, 6B, 7B, 8C, 9D, 10D, 11A, 12C, 13D, 14C, 15D, 16B, 17D, 18A, 19D, 20B, 21D, 22B, 23C, 24C, 25D, 26B, 27A, 28A, 29B, 30C, 31D, 32A, 33D, 34D, 35C, 36A, 37B, 38D, 39C,40D, 41A, 42D, 43D, 44C, 45B, 46A, 47D, 48D, 49C, 50C, 51C, 52A, 53A, 54D, 55A, 56C, 57B, 58A, 59B, 60B

Vocabulary section: 1C, 2A, 3C, 4C, 5D, 6A, 7A, 8D, 9B, 10B, 11D, 12B, 13B, 14C, 15A, 16D, 17B, 18A, 19B, 20B, 21D, 22D, 23A, 24B, 25D, 26B, 27B, 28C, 29A, 30B Reading section: 1B, 2C, 3B, 4D, 5B, 6A, 7B, 8C, 9C, 10A

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