Thesun 2009-06-17 Page10 Brown Iraq War Inquiry To Be Held in Private

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10  theSun | WEDNESDAY JUNE 17 2009

news without borders

Ex-jail chief tells of experiments, blood draining

PHNOM PENH: The former Khmer Rouge became visibly distraught while talking about
prison chief told Cambodia’s UN-backed war which prisoners were tortured and judges gave
crimes court yesterday that some inmates had him some time to compose himself.
blood completely drained from their bodies or He also told the court that Khmer Rouge
were used for medical experiments. leader Pol Pot knew prisoners’ confessions,
Kaing Guek Eav, better known by his nom de usually extracted through torture, were false.
guerre Duch, was answering judges’ questions “Pol Pot, at one point, did not even believe
about conditions at Tuol Sleng prison, where he the confessions were of true information.”
supervised the torture and extermination of up Duch added he also did not believe most
to 15,000 people. confessions and told the court how he was
“First, live prisoners were used for surgical summoned by his superior, defence minister
study and training. Second, blood drawing was Son Sen, and asked why his staff had not found
also done,” Duch told the court. any information about the CIA’s agenda.
The testimony represented a new admission “It was required for us to seek out CIA
of guilt for Duch, who previously stated he knew agents. As a result, there were many CIA
nothing of prisoners being drained of blood. agents in the confessions.
In one of the most dramatic days so far in his “All the prisoners who claimed they were
crimes against humanity trial, Duch at one point CIA agents, no they were not.” – AFP

Brown: Iraq war inquiry

to be held in private
LONDON: British Prime Minister Gordon ing outside parliament, said it was an “affront
Brown announced an independent inquiry to democracy in this country”.
into the Iraq war on Monday but immedi- “And it’s an affront to British democracy
ately faced claims of a cover-up after saying that this war went ahead despite the over-
it would take evidence in private. whelming majority of people being against
Six years after predecessor Tony Blair it,” he said.
controversially backed the US-led invasion, The inquiry will examine the circum-
Brown said the “unprecedented” inquiry stances leading up to Britain’s decision under
would cover the eight years from the cam- Blair to support then US president George
paign’s run-up to the pullout of British troops W. Bush in the March 2003 invasion to top-
next month. ple Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, and its
But he said it would be held in private for aftermath.
“national security” reasons, infuriating many Brown had promised a probe after all but
lawmakers and anti-war campaigners. a handful of Britain’s 4,100 troops withdraw
Brown is currently bidding to reassert his from Iraq by an agreed date of July 31.
authority over his ruling Labour Party after “I’m today announcing the establishment
his leadership took a hit from an expenses of an independent privy councillor commit-
scandal, historically bad European and local tee of inquiry,” he told the House of Com-
election results and a wave of ministerial mons, saying it would have access “to the
resignations. fullest range of information, including secret
An inquiry has long been sought by many information”.
Labour MPs, although the nature of the in- Evidence would be taken in private for
vestigation announced on Monday sparked “national security reasons”, he said, adding:
anger. “In this way, also evidence given by serving
“A secret inquiry conducted by a clutch of and former ministers, military officers and
grandees hand-picked by the prime minister officials will, I believe, be as full and candid
is not what Britain needs,” said Nick Clegg, as possible.” The probe will begin sometime
leader of the second opposition centrist Lib- after July – probably after lawmakers return
eral Democrats. from their summer recess in October – and
Ben Beach, a 19-year-old student protest- will take around a year to complete. – AFP

outside observers, last week convicted and

sentenced Laura Ling and Euna Lee, both in
briefs their 30s and working for US media outlet
Current TV, saying they illegally entered
the country to commit “grave crime”. “At
Chinese waitress the trial the accused admitted that what
they did were criminal acts committed,
cleared of murder charge prompted by the political motive to iso-
BEIJING: A Chinese waitress who killed a gov- late and stifle the socialist system of the
ernment official when he assaulted her was DPRK (North Korea) by faking up moving
set free yesterday, ending a case that sparked images aimed at falsifying its human rights
online debate over widespread abuse of power. performance and hurling slanders and
Deng Yujiao was originally detained on suspicion calumnies at it,” the official KCNA news
of murder but was found guilty of the lesser agency said. – Reuters
charge of causing injury with intent,
said. Deng stabbed township official Deng Guida Man kills boy after accident
to death at a bathhouse on May 10 in central
Hubei province when he assaulted her after she to save driving licence
refused to provide “special services” – slang SEOUL: A South Korean motorist who hit and
for sex. Deng Guida had pulled out a stack of slightly injured an 11-year-old boy has admitted
cash and tossed it at Deng Yujiao, before push- later murdering the child in an attempt to cover
ing her down on a sofa, a county government up driving offences, reports said yesterday. The
statement said. The waitress picked up a knife 48-year-old hit the child while under the influ-
and stabbed him. – Reuters ence of alcohol and while he was disqualified
from driving. He took the boy to a small hospital
N. Korea says US journalists but was referred to a larger facility. Instead of
visiting the larger hospital, the man drove to
admitted smear campaign an isolated spot in Damyang country 220 south
SEOUL: North Korea said yesterday two US of Seoul and shot the boy four times with a
journalists it sentenced to 12 years of hard powerful air rifle, several newspapers reported.
labour were trying to slander the state, The interior decorator, arrested after a tip-off,
giving its first detailed account of the case reportedly told police he killed the boy to avoid
that worsened ties with the US. One of a further driving ban. He was due to get his
North Korea’s top courts, in a trial closed to licence back in September. – AFP

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