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t h e s u n s a y s

Do not leave national unity to chance

THE 1Malaysia concept may be a tion of the 1Malaysia, unlike what the the aspiration of Vision 2020 which acteristics of the nation that we want or One Malaysia or Malaysia for All,
little clearer now after Prime Min- DAP is aspiring for. sees the creation of a Bangsa Ma- to have came under scrutiny, debate it is national unity that is the objec-
ister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak Everyone knows that the objec- laysia. “This is because we can only and questioning. In the process much tive, an objective all Malaysians must
explained it further in the Dewan tive is nation building and national have a stable and developed country feathers have been ruffled. Thus, if strive for and an objective that must
Rakyat on Monday, but only just. One unity and Najib said, in response to a through the people’s unity,” he said. 1Malaysia is the solution, a salve and sincerely and honestly be arrived at.
thing, however, is certain it is not the request that he elaborate, it is a con- When it was formulated as a national a confidence-building mechanism We have become a prosperous
Malaysian Malaysia that the DAP is tinuation of all the efforts of the last aspiration 2020 seemed such a long to assure everyone of a place in the nation, but we have neglected this
promoting. 50 years of forging a united nation. time away and the consensus then Malaysian sun, it has to be carefully important aspect of our nation’s
But much more needs to be said He said: “The core elements of unity was that it was achievable – a stable, explained and implemented. development. Let us continue where
about the whole concept which Najib are, first, the attitude of acceptance united and developed nation. Some For many the concept is still we had left off, but this time under
said forms the basis of his administra- among the races and people, second, tinkering was effected under the vague. The Chinese newspapers the 1Malaysia impetus let us do it
tion. Perhaps more will be known in principles of nationhood based on previous administration but the long- first explained it as a “Malaysia for together consciously, honestly and
due course. For the moment we know, the Federal Constitution and Rukun term aim of Vision 2020 remains. all” concept but have since changed sincerely. Let us not allow anyone to
as stated by Najib, that fundamental Negara and, third, social justice.” Now a decade away doubts are to “One Malaysia” as given in the undermine our national agenda. But,
provisions of the Federal Constitution He explained that 1Malaysia is like nagging many of the country’s lead- Chinese version of Najib’s blog on above all, let us not leave it to chance
will remain intact in the implementa- a formula to help the people achieve ers, especially after much of the char- the subject. But whether 1Malaysia anymore. We must work at it.

Did Obama really say anything?

comment by
Sulaiman Dufford
ten minutes up a little hill, he
could have just as easily taken
off his shoes and joined the
would have been a substantial
indication that Obama at least
knew some little thing about
selves, even though Muslim
powers have made it very clear
that they expect a full return of
Allow banks to set
IF YOU examine Barack
Obama’s much touted speech
from Cairo, you will not find
Muslims at prayer in the Al
Aqsa mosque. One news photo
of Obama in full prostration
the history of monotheism in
human society, and using the
Jewish veneration of Prophet
the pre-1967 lands to Palestinian
So on the one hand, Obama
interest rates
much. In particular, you will before the Qibla in Mecca Sulaiman (a.s.) to do so. mentioned the equal rights of I WAS glad to read “Furious Australia warns banks on rates”
not find much that the Zionists could have changed history. That would have been Muslims, Christians, and Jews (June 15). Finally, a bank that dares to challenge the status quo
would object to. In fact, his Except that he probably would substance. It would have to Jerusalem, and on the other and move in the right direction.
thinking is very much in their not have been elected, had he constituted evidence of his hand, he did nothing substantial A bank is a business, and like all other businesses it should
style – “Let’s all sit down, hold done so. So perhaps, like our intention to be even-handed toward re-establishing those be free to set the price of what it sells, and that is money. An
hands, and respect each other’s Prophet’s treaties with the in his negotiations on the rights. This is sound without experienced bank will know what is the highest, the lowest,
values.” Quraish, he secured his place Middle East. Yet it seems clear substance. It is also typically and the optimum rate of interest it can charge to lend money
“Wrist slapping” is an idiom in that history by means of cer- he could not risk his Jewish American. profitability and satisfactorily.
expressing a type of criticism. tain compromises at present. support and votership by The Americans have mas- Low interest rates stifle the economy because they reduce
For example, Obama appeared But could he not at the doing such an easy and wise tered the art of public entertain- the amount of cash in circulation, while market-driven inter-
to admit former excesses of very least have stood outside thing. Or else, dare we say it, ment and image-making. They est rates boost the economy and make it progress. If banks
colonial powers, and yet he did the front of the Golden Dome, his advisers were too stupid to have mastered it so well that can charge the interest rate they deem fit for their business
not in any sense apologise as and mentioned the Prophet recognise the positive potential they have come to believe in model, they will make more profit. This profit will then be
one of those himself. American Muhammad’s ascension from of such a move, and how easy all these images themselves. invested and the result will be that the banks can pay higher
neo-colonialism is a powerful that site, as one of history’s it would have been to make it, Most of them still believe in interest rates on depositor accounts too.
element in today’s world, and major “turning points”, no less as anyone who has been to the their “American dream”, and This will create healthy competition in the financial market
yet you would never know it pivotal than Prophet Ibrahim’s Temple Mount would know. yet what good is a salary (such with the banks having to work constantly to attract customers
from his “wrist slapping” of the smashing his father’s idols? Or take Israel’s refusal to as that of my son) in Los An- – borrowers that will pay interest on loans and investors that
former colonists. Or he could have mentioned stop building on land captured geles of US$5,000 (RM17,650) a will get the best rate for their investment.
There was a lot of sound in all three shrines – the Wailing in the 1967 war. Obama could month, when the rent for a flat is When a bank is allowed to fix the price of money, the inter-
his speech, yet not much sub- Wall, the Golden Dome, and have conditioned further US$2,000 (RM7,060) there? And est rate will be higher both for the person who spends and
stance, if you think about it. In the Aqsa Mosque – as humani- American support (especially when tax payments to the federal the one who saves. Savers are not necessarily better than
Jerusalem before his election, ty’s combined legacies from the financial) on an immediate government may be from 30% to spenders, and a balanced economy needs both.
he donned the Jewish skull site of the Prophet Solomon’s cessation of such illegal build- 40% of one’s monthly income? However, spenders are hardly concerned with price be-
cap and joined them at their famous temple which formerly ing. But no. Instead, he gave No doubt, the Americans felt cause their focus is on getting the goods. The savers, on the
“Wailing Wall” for prayers. occupied this “Temple Mount” us vague words about “both triumphant that their president other hand, allow the capital to be accumulated and, as we
This is substance. By walking (as it is still called today). This sides” having to behave them- was able to speak in Cairo with all know, no industry can be conceived without some amount
the sponsorship of Al Azhar of capital.
University, among others. They The interesting thing is that, most individuals are both
seem to feel that orchestrating spenders and savers. They spend on the things that are im-
this event was in itself some sort portant to them and save on those they consider unnecessary.
of proof of his power as a “force This is probably the main reason why allowing banks to set
for peace”. their own rate of interest is the right way to go.
Well, congratulations. I hope Malaysian bankers will follow the example of the
Commonwealth Bank of Australia and thus free the economy
The writer lectures anthropol- and the individual.
ogy at International Islamic
University Malaysia. Comments: Marisa Demori Ipoh

Komuter service much improved

AS A commuter who uses the who use public transport vehicles at home to help ease
KTMB Komuter daily, I must welcome the improvements traffic flow.
put on record that its services to the commuter service. Other major cities in the
have improved tremendously However, the KTMB man- world like Tokyo, London and
over the past one month. agement cannot rest on its New York have excellent pub-
Delays due to “technical laurels as the company’s serv- lic transport systems which
reasons” as in the past have ices can be further improved. encourage their citizens to
been greatly reduced and I Faulty air-conditioners and use the services rather than
don’t face the problems like overcrowding on some trips rely on private transport to go
before, going to office late or should be addressed by the to work.
reaching home late. management to provide com- Our city planners need to
The management of KTMB muters a comfortable ride. look into this matter.
has responded positively to Public transport should
public criticism of its poor be overhauled to encourage Hamdan Ibrahim
services and I am sure people more city folk to leave their Kuala Lumpur

Malacca road project re-listed

WE refer to “Complete link to Bukit Beruang” has been re-listed in the 10th Malaysia Plan.
(Letters, June 12). Regarding the proposed road,
the Public Works Department would like to clarify Samsudin Bakar
the project was listed in the 9th Malaysia Plan but Corporate Communications Head
there was no allocation approved. The project Public Works Department

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