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ISSN: 2053-4426




Chinese classic gets a fresh look as artist called to give hexagrams a facelift
THE BOOK of Changes, or I-Ching, has undergone a major revamp after an author and artist felt it was time to widen its visual appeal.
The ancient oracle which is used by many to foretell the future as well as giving much-needed guidance for living in the 21-st century and beyond was a hippy favourite in the 60s. It is referred to by many writers and singers of that era, including the iconic Joni Mitchell when she croons It was the hexagram of the heavens in Amelia. Now Shen Chokyi, 44, has come up with a whole new way of looking at the texts with a set of cards, visual images and writings. Chokyi, who lives in Eskdalemuir in Scotland, feels she has been called by the I Ching itself to undertake the task which took, in all, 13 years to complete. In an exclusive interview with the FG she said: I feel I was called [by the I Ching] to do it. I came up with a sequence which starts with earth and ends with heaven. Its a very geometric sequence. It follows the same pattern through each line so you can track it all very easily. Then I found out thats actually the same way that the Mayans do their calendar. It starts with the pure feminine and ends with the pure masculine. The I Ching or Y Jng is one of the oldest of Chinese classic texts. The book contains a divination system accessed by the throwing of coins, yarrow stalks or, more recently, by pressing a button on-line. The answers to questions, which could be life-changing or trivial, are read using a coded system of hexagrams - six short lines written from the bottom up. Combinations of broken (feminine/yin) or solid (masculine/yang) lines make up the books 64 hexagrams which claim to interpret most states of the human condition on a global as well as an individual level. I do really revere where it comes from. The roots. And thats what Im trying to connect with, Chokyi said. Chokyis highly idiocyncratic work is called Zhouyi Zuvuya, a mixture of the name for the I-Ching itself and a Mayan term for the way in which all things come back to themselves. I started doing illustrations of what I feel to be the image of the individual hexagrams and Ive given them titles. Some of the titles show the way through. The I-Ching is all about that, she explained.


Whats a butchers granddaughter doing in a vegetarian restaurant in Londons west end? - Find out on page six




No more socks and knickers now its mobiles or chargers

Things have changed at Samye Ling as technology replaces underwear in lost property box
THOUSANDS of hungry spiritual seekers from all over the world flock to a Buddhist centre in Scotland every year - often leaving behind more than they bargained for.
Around 300 to 400 a week arrive at the doors of the Samye Ling centre in Eskdalemuir, Dumfries every week. The centre is reputed to be the biggest of its kind in Europe. The seekers come from as far away as Australia, Africa and Asia and some stay to form part of the 70 strong, live-in, lay community. One, known only as Joseph, has lived at Samye Ling for 30 years. He is originally from Spain. He told Friends Gazette: Things have changed. People used to leave socks and knickers behind, now its mobile phones and chargers. We are open to everyone.You can just come and stay for as short or as long as you like. As long as you stick to our five precepts there are no rules. Communal lunch in the large refectory is taken with the monks every day from 12.30pm. (See picture left). To be sure of a seat its best to book. A 5 donation is normal. Go to:



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Roadworks too late to prevent toddler plight

Killer road claims life of mother, husband and passenger in ravine horror
A TO D D L E R w a s l e f t orphaned when her parents were killed as their vehicle plunged into a roadside ravine.
The 18-month-old girl, known only as Guddu, miraculously survived when the car she was in overturned on the Mehtan-Mehli-Phagwara bypass between the Indian cities of Chandigarh and Amritsar, plunging into a roadside ditch. Tragically the horror came just weeks before a multi-million rupee scheme aims to fix roads in the area. The incident happened just 60 kilometres from the Radha Soami Satsang Dera at Beas, where, it is believed, the car was heading. Mum, Madhu and husband Gupreet as well as a passenger called Bahadur were all killed outright in the crash. Local police said: Gupreet and others were on [their] way to Dera Jaimal Singh, Radha Soami Satsang, Beas, about 45 km from Amritsar, when the driver lost control of the vehicle and it fell into the nullah (ravine). Guddu and the driver, Sharanjit Singh, were seriously injured and taken to the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PIMER) in Chandigarh. The child was later rushed to hospital in nearby Jalundhar where doctors fought to save her life. A worker at PIMER told Friends Gazette: It is a very busy road. It has a lot of accidents on it. The current condition of the child or who is taking care of her since the accident, which happened in June, is not known. India has been criticised by t h e Wo r l d H e a l t h A stretch of the Mehtan-Meli-Phagwara bypass Organisation for un The Punjab in the north west acceptably high road deaths. part of India, where the accident A massive 1.24 million people happened, is set to get a facelift of its perish on Indian roads a year road network in the next two years. compared with 70,134 in China and Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir 36,499 in Brazil. Poor enforcement Singh Badal has said that IR of helmet and seat belt wearing, speeding and inadequate ambulance 137,400m (1.4bn) had been set aside for four to six laning of all facilities in India has pushed up the highways including intercity roads. total fatalities, the WHO said.

Local reader slams state of danger bypass

TO drive on the five km stretch of Phagwara-Banga road linking Mehli-Mehtan Phagwara bypass is a pain in the neck. The road links very important and busy Phagwara-BangaChandigarh state highway with the National Highway No1. But it is so pockmarked that it

Gaping craters enough to break the bones . . . of unsuspecting drivers.

gives the impression of a field raked by a farmer. Some of the pits are so wide and deep that they look like gaping craters and are enough to break the bones and vehicles of unsuspecting drivers. Those using light vehicles like cars and scooters jerk, wobble and vibrate as if they were pebbles on a crusher-belt. Ludhiana Tribune reader





Pacifism - the real superiority!
Key to my enjoyment I think is that the majority of stories come directly from real people's experience - the humanity jumps off the page. You can quote me on that! Warm wishes, Jonathan Barnett, Bristol
SUPERIORITY is attractive. We love to pull rank; in the workplace, socially, educationally, racially, politically, you-name-it. But diet? Yes, superiority in all its egotisticial nakedness is here too! Take the frankenburger made from meat grown in a lab; the answer to ethical carnivore-ism? But oh, no! Matthew Paris in The Times says: Knowing Im eating another creature sharpens the attraction. Astute writer that he is Im sure he chose the word sharpen purposely. And Jay Rayner in The Observer, egoistically claims: It was the increased volume of animal protein in the hominid diet . . . that fuelled the development of the brain. What complete and utter tosh! A devout vegetarian and pacifist Mahatma Gandhi was arguably one of the most intellectual and courageous humans ever born. His clever and brave pacifism movement used brain over brawn to succeed in getting shot of the overweaning, powerhungry and rampantly carniverous British from Indian soil for good-and-all! How much more victorious or intellectually superior do you want?

Informative, witty . . . great photos

Hi Steve, Loved reading Friends Gazette. It's informative, witty and great photos. (FG August) Lovely to catch up with what's happening in the big wide world. Teach Mor in Conamara is so isolated, although beautiful. Thank you, Steve. Helena Abrahams, Republic of Ireland

Frankenburger? No thanks!
Hi Stephen, Thank you for the magazine. (FG August). I passed it on to our [vegetarian] sales manager to have a look at! With regards to the burger made in a laboratory, it does not appeal to me at all! Lara LaMonte, Keatons Hackney, London

Humanity jumps off the page

Hi Steve, I'm on a train into south Somerset for some gardening work and I've just read half of [the] August edition of FG. Another uplifting combination of articles on food, history, spirituality and friendship. I love Friends Gazette and look forward to reading the new edition each month. Its combination of wellresearched articles about alternative subjects reported in a grounded, humerous and light tone provide the perfect tonic to the anxiety-driven mainstream media.

Its official! . . .
FRIENDS Gazette now meets international publishing standards and has gained an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). This 8-digit number, registered with the British Librarys Metadata Service, appears on our front page and below as stipulated. The system is co-ordinated in Paris.

Now I can fly straight home!

Dear Editor, Thank you so much for informing me about the new Air India flight. (FG August). I can now fly directly from my home in Wolverhampton to Amritsar [in the Punjab] where my family live. My brother who still lives there will soon be coming over to England to work. But we will still need to go home regularly to see our parents and our sister and other family members who are there. I cant tell you how excellent it [will] be to be able to fly directly to our familys home city from Birmingham airport which is not far away. Thank you once again for informing me about this. I enjoy reading Friends Gazette. It helps me a lot. Inderjit Singh Wolverhampton

. . . and on-line!
IN response to reader feedback and as part of the rules for registration with the British Library FG can now be found on-line. To download the latest issue direct from the web go to and search Friends Gazette in the newspaper and magazine section. Were second-from-the-top - last time we checked!
Published by Stephen Ward Publications, London, England. ISSN: 2053-4426




Martins dream not yet fulfilled

We are still far short of his vision. It still remains to be fulfilled. There are still areas where the breath of that visionary speech, the dream speech need to be addressed. He challenged traditional expressions of the church and their concerns. He challenged their behaviour in the light of racial injustice at that time in America particularly, and in the world. The church has changed but it still has a lot of changing to do. King who is said by some to have foreseen his own death was an admirer of Mahatma Ghandi. He followed the Indian leaders example of non-violent protest. King was Christened Michael King. His father, also prominent in the American Baptist movement, had the same name. He changed his and his sons to Martin Luther King in honour of the German protestant reformer, after visiting Nazi Germany in 1934 to attend a Baptist congress in Berlin. Baptist core values include: confronting evil, injustice and hypocrisy; challenging worldly concepts of power; transcending barriers of gender, language, race, class, age and culture. There are more than 2,100 churches in the Baptist Union of Great Britain.

Expose the con - wear the T-shirt!

MARTIN Luther King Jrs dream of a just and racially equal society has yet to be fulfilled, a top Baptist preacher has said.
The comments come on the 50th anniversary of Kings I have a dream speech, in which he spoke of the problem of racisim in US society. King, a Baptist pastor and icon of the civil rights movement, made the speech before leading a march on Washington where he established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history. He was assassinated in April 1968, on the balcony of the Lorraine motel in Memphis, Tennessee. In an exclusive interview with FG, the Reverend Stephen Keyworth, faith and society team leader of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, said:

Martin Luther King Jr speaking in W ashington in August, 1963.

GOVERNMENTS, bankers and other corporate institutions are growing fat on the back of ordinary folk! Thats the message from an idealistic and dedicated British businessman keen to challenge the status quo and clothe the nation. We need to develop a new economy. The new economy is truth. It has to be based on truth, said Matthew Barrett (pictured above), director of Breakout Wear. Referring to the recent financial meltdown he said: We bought into a lie, we personally financed the lie. And his T-shirts carry the message loud and clear. Subversive slogans include: Dont steal: the government hates competition! and Stop Wars in Star Wars-style lettering. Business is going well and his stalls at well-known street markets like Portobello and Brixton are doing a brisk trade. Among his customers are plenty of old hippies who are re-discovering the T-shirt. Sometimes people come up and say: I used to wear T-shirts, he reveals. The corporate model is unsustainable. Its all about local commerce and supporting it, he emphasises. And hes running a competition to find new British designers and copywriters. Buying British-made and Britishdesigned tee shirts from small local businesses is his firms aim.





HER grandfather may have been a butcher, but when it comes to lunching in town it seems Oscar winning actress Helen Mirren (pictured right) forsakes convention and chooses a veggie eatery.
Known as one of the most fashionable haunts in central London, Mirren was recently spotted in Tibits in Heddon Street, just off Regents Street, in London's West End enjoying Sunday lunch with the locals. Mirren who won an Oscar for her part as the Queen in the eponymous movie was born Helen Lydia Mironoff on July 26, 1945 in Chiswick, England. She was raised in Ilford and Southend-on-Sea by her Russian migr father, Peter. Her mother, Kathleen, was a housewife and a butchers daughter. A Tibits manager, Magdalena, 29, originally from Poland and a vegetarian since she was 14, said: I'm pleased but not surprised. We get a lot of stars in here. They come after shopping in Regent Street. Helen usually comes in after clothes shopping in Gap. (dont tell M&S - ED) Tibits has recently introduced extra vegan puddings like sticky toffee, panna cotta and lemon drizzle cake
picture courtesy Google Images

after requests from customers. We are getting more and more requests for vegan options, said Magdelana. The restaurant operates as an up-market self-service cafe where items are laid out on a central buffet-style island. Customers are charged by weight of helpings rather than per item.

Tesco and Fentimans in watchdog warning

AN ORGANIC drinks company and a high street giant are pulling some products from shop shelves amidst fears about breaking glass and mouldy rice.
Bottles of Fentimans Ginger Beer, Curiosity Cola, and Dandelion & Burdock, have been found to display signs of weakness which may cause some bottles to break, the Food Standards Agency in the UK says. And Tesco is recalling a number of its own brand products including Balti Vegetable Curry because the rice element can go mouldy during storage. In an official statement the watchdog says: Fentimans is recalling some of its Ginger Beer, Curiosity Cola, and Dandelion & Burdock, because some 750ml glass bottles have been found to display signs of weakness, which may cause some bottles to break. And it continues: Tesco is recalling various own-brand ambient meals, because a production fault means the rice in some packs could become mouldy during storage. These products should not be consumed but returned to the point of purchase for a full refund. A spokesman for Fentimans said: We are doing absolutely everything we can in order to eradicate risk. A spokesman for Tesco was unavailable when FG went to press. The Food Standards Agency was set up in 2001. It has an annual budget of 159.7m (2009-2010) and is headquartered in Kingsway, London. See warning on fat burners on page 7.




When something goes bump in the middle of the night

THE UK is experiencing the bodies, to the return of the dead, and largest number of sightings of to spirits and ghosts . . . ghosts and ghouls for 25 There is scarcely any other years, according to Canadian matter, however, upon which our news site, CanCon. thoughts and feelings have changed The number of reports, claims so little since the very earliest times, Cancon, is the same now as it was in and in which discarded forms have medieval times! been so Cavaliers, completely beheaded queens, preserved and phantom dogs under a thin all make ghostly disguise, as appearances up our relation and down the to death. country, it says. Parents in The site quotes the West a study carried often bring up out by Daniel their children Fanthorpe an to fear the Anglican priest bogie man and author who under the bed claims there have and fairy been nearly 1,000 stories and sightings in all in tales abound the UK. with ghosts According to and witches Fanthorpe, from Snow Yorkshire has the White to dubious claim to Hanzel and The stairs at Blicking Hall being the county Gretel. with the highest Hollywood sightings with 74 in the last 25 years has made millions with ghostly and and Devonshire coming in second supernatural blockbusters like Lord with a spectre(al) 57. of the Rings and its prequel The Even the tenth on the list, Hobbit. Lincolnshire, had 24. One of the most haunted places in Fanthorpes report claims that the UK according to Fanthorpes despite modern technology and report is Blicking Hall in Norfolk science the British, who remain, deep where the headless ghost of Anne down, very superstitious and Boleyn is said to appear with her religious, still refuse to dismiss the head held on her lap. possibility of [supernatural beings]. The apparitions at the hall, which Down-to-earth father of modern include a 15th century knight, Sir psychiatry, Sigmund Freud, called the James Fastolfe and a grey lady, often phenomenon the uncanny and put it decend the main stairs in the building down to not having come to terms and then disappear into the wall. with death. Sir Thomas Boleyn, Annes father, Many people experience the also prowls the place feeling guilty feeling [of the uncanny] in the highest because he did nothing to save her. degree in relation to death and dead Bring up the Bodies - review, page 9.

Crackdown on illegal sales of fatburner
DIETERS and health fanatics using fat burners to help them reduce could be putting their health in danger, the Food Standards Agency has warned. Users could get fevers, feel sick, vomit and sweat among other symptoms. Their nervous systems and blood could be affected and they could get sores on their skin. The culprit is industrial chemical DNP, which is easily available, particularly over the internet and is supposed to burn off the spare pounds. FSA boss, Rod Ainsworth, said: If people are offered DNP they should not take it.

Still time to help boost charity dosh

DEDICATED trekker, Robin Tait, (pictured below) who hiked over America on the John Muir Trail, despite fire warnings on parts of the route, has raised over 300 for St Johns Hospice in London. A friend and fellow hiker was cared for by its wonderful staff. In last months Friends Gazette we told how Robin decided to go ahead with the trek even though his late friend couldnt make it. Want to boost the total? Go to:




Bit on the thick side? Its probably because you believe in God!
BELIEF in God could be down to a lack of intelligence, a study has claimed.
The study was headed up by Miron Zuckerman for the University of Rochester, New York, US. It analysed 63 previous studies and announced its results last month. Those reports showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity, it said. And it went on: Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, selfenhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices. What do you think? Are intelligent people non-believers? Do you have to be simple to believe in God? Let Friends Gazette know. Email:

Welcome sign at Pret

NO MAYO signs on sandwich shelves at high street lunch giant Pret-a-Manger have increased by 100 per cent. A few months after Friends Gazette highlighted the plight of lacto vegetarians when it came to the ubiquitous egg-mayo a second product has hit the shelves - the nomayo brie baguette. Find it at all Prets, along with the original Naked Avocado Bloomer, of course!



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A veritable feast for the senses

- a review of Bring up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel
A SIMPLE retelling of Anne Boleyns catastrophic fall from grace would not alone distinguish a book from others; it is Mantels meticulous rendering of the tale that elevates this story above the multitude of other Tudor fictory. - writes Julia Routledge (above left). The climax, which the reader has been anticipating throughout the book, does not fail to shock, regardless of its inevitability: this is testament to Mantels ability to dismantle this oft-told story and renovate it in a fresh, unique form. Like the title of the novel, the skeleton of Thomas Cromwells legacy is also exhumed, and Mantel places the kings elusive and misunderstood right-hand man in a cage of words for the reader to observe as an eye-

Anne Boleyn



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witness. Henry too is intricately portrayed, laid out for examination with all his insecure caprice and doubts on full display: his body is like an island building itself or eroding itself, and somewhere within are dark mires where only priests should wade, rush lights in their hands. Mantels observations are razor-sharp; her narrative is at once muscular and economical. Hilary Mantel was Writing in a fluent, yet pungent style, her prose the first woman to is punctuated with win the prestigous startling originality, and Mann Booker prize weaves a rich tapestry of twice with her Tudor life. She holds up the crisp historical novels light of language to Woolf Hall (2009) illuminate the past for and Bring up the her audience; they are like travellers being Bodies (2012). welcomed into the capable hands of a guide from the turbulent storms of court in 1535 and 1536. She even addresses her reader as we, thus heightening the intimacy. Nonetheless, Mantel is both involved and concealed from her readers. At times, phrases seem to verge on Eliotic in their ambiguity and mystery; at other moments, the repulsion or affection she entertains for her characters is evident. So intensely immersed is she in her writing that she confessed in a Radio 4 interview to feeling in danger myself. I felt a kind of moral contamination creeping over me. In addition to the protagonist and those close to him, the sprawling, glittering array of dramatic personae into which she breathes life cannot be overlooked, for they jostle for attention, as though at a courtly masque.

Mantel presents a veritable feast for the senses: the reader is shown the world envisioned by the author, but is then able to select the finest descriptive morsels to nourish their own imagination, in this second instalment of her Thomas Cromwell trilogy. Bring Up The Bodies is so sumptuous with tantalising historical trimmings that the reader more often than not succumbs to the platter of delectable delights on offer. The novel is suffused with quotidian minutiae, and Mantel embellishes the most mundane details with exquisite language to enhance their tangibility: from Anne Boleyns famous pearls wrapped around her neck like little beads of fat to a glance that slides away like a piece of silk over grass. Mantel thus captures the zeitgeist of 1536, and distills it into words, and in so doing, brings the Tudor world closer to the minds of readers than it has ever been before.
stop press stop press stop press stop press stop press stop press stop

Churches cautious on Syria strike

AS AMERICA prepares to launch a military strike against Syria church leaders advise caution. Rev Stephen Keyworth, faith and society team leader of the Baptish Union of Great Britain told FG: To respond to violence with violence is not the answer. International Catholic peace organisation Pax Christi pleaded with nations to recognise the responsibility and authority of the UN security council. And the Melkite Greek Catholic Church warned of disaster if a strike went ahead. The US Congress is set to vote on whether to retalliate to Syrian president Bashar Assads alleged use of chemical weapons against his own people soon.

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Taking the low road to stunning Scotland

THE ROLLING countryside of Eskdalemuir, with sheep and horses dotting the hills and pheasants crossing the road, is ideal for a calm but adventurous holiday break. When youre tired of walking the grassy lowlands and taking in some stunning views then Edinburgh, the Scottish capital, is only a two-hour-or-sos drive away and the exotic delights of Tibetan Buddhist centre, Samye Ling, can also be enjoyed. Rennaldburn, a holiday cottage nestling in the hillsides, affords comfortable, cosy and colourful living at incredibly reasonable prices. Accommodation consists that a well-equipped and cosy kitchen provides everything youd expect to knock up some good vegan or vegetarian fare! Throughout theres some fine woodwork and carpentry culminating in an impressive wooden staircase with bannisters and handrail made out of polished branches of oak. So if a drive or walk through the remote and thickly wooded countryside that is the Scottish borders is your thing, taking in some high Scottish culture along the way, then you couldnt do better than a friendly stay here. Call 01387-373277 to book or visit

of two spacious bedrooms bedecked with spreads and hangings harking back to the best of hippy living. Downstairs theres a comfortable lounge with DVD player and shelves all along one wall crammed with books. Beyond



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