Debbie Chaplin Email Permission

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Mario Koppers

From: Debbie Chaplin []

Sent: 17 June 2009 08:36 AM
To: Marc Ashton
Cc:; myrle
Subject: Fw: Myrle & Debbie - my apologies
Attachments: D Chaplin.pdf

Hi Marc/Mario

I emailed you both last week regarding who the directors of Edwafin were. I am forwarding you email correspondence
that took place between myself and Patrick Stapleton
during March this year, 3 months after I had left. I was an equity consultant for Edwafin for 2 years before resigning.
I have also attached a letter of appology received from all the Directors as at the 12 March 2009. This letter of
appology I believe was to try and stop us
(Myrle Winchester and Myself) and others from investigating Edwafin/Patrick any further, it did little but increase our
determination to expose Patrick for the despicabale human he really is.
Marc/Mario I am emailing you because of Patricks response on the latest write up on fin24 where he states that
Winchester was responsible for the Puritan Derivatives!
This is a blatant lie!!...He was the only person who ever had access to the investment, Patrick was still recieving "so
called" statements from Puritan as of the end of March.(How is that
possible when Putitan liquidated in 2007? In the last investors meeting held at PMB, he catagorically stated that they
had called for early redemtion of the investment
and would be receiving the funds shortly!!
I also want to state that Patrick (and we have a copy) had the 4 Directors sign a document stating that Edwafin would
release and sign over the Putitan Investment back to him upon Maturity,
this I strongly believe was a facade covering the fact that he had already redeemed the Puritan Investment earlier, he
didn't expect Edwafin to fold, and no one would have been the wiser!!

Marc/Mario I previously asked you not to publish anything, please go ahead and feel free to publish any and all
correspondence I have sent to you, this man must be exposed for who he
really is. One thing I am finding very difficult to comprehend is the fact that this man, the supposed CEO has not taken
any responsibility whatsover and is still pointing fingers at
others and trying to divert the focus off himself and to anyone else. You both have no idea what this man is capable of
and the things he has done. If there was ever a COWARD this is he, If there ever
was a MANIPULATOR this is he. I am actually feeling ashamed at the animosity and immense loathing I have
developed for a fellow human being. All I can
say is please don't trust a single word that passes that mans lips, it will be the furtherest from the truth than you can
imagine! My single hope, is that justice will suit the crime and he is jailed and exposed.

warm regards

----- Original Message -----

From: Dustydeb justme
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 6:59 AM
Subject: FW: Myrle & Debbie - my apologies

Subject: Fw: Myrle & Debbie - my apologies
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 07:05:20 +0200

----- Original Message -----

From: Patrick Stapleton
To: Debbie Chaplin
Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 3:21 PM
Subject: RE: Myrle & Debbie - my apologies

Thank you for your thoughtful email – I want to think about what you have said. Incidentally I can’t look into
your bedroom window in fact I can’t even see your house except for the jetty, as trees are in the way. So that
is a new one. And may I add I have no interest whatsoever in what goes on in your bedroom. The rest I want
to think about.

Best regards

From: Debbie Chaplin []

Sent: 08 March 2009 13:46
To: Patrick Stapleton
Subject: Re: Myrle & Debbie - my apologies

Hi Patrick

I am not going to thank you for your email, because, firstly let me say I do not believe for one second that you are
To put your mind at ease, no offence was taken, you have just compounded an already fragile and delicate
balance between
my integrity and personal opinion and insightful knowledge I have of yourself. I need to thank you for making
a decision for me.

Patrick I have said this before, there is "gossip" and there is "gossip". Let me simplify for you, there is "good" gossip
and there is "bad" gossip, I am sure you are capable of distinguishing between the two! As I have previously stated
directly to you,
the bad gossip emanates straight from your office, you entertain it, start it and revel in it, if it is not juicy enough for
you have no hesitation in spicing it up, this has become second nature for you.
Amazingly enough the bad gossip is still rife, even after the "so called" gossip mongers have left, in my eyes there is
only one
common denominator here and unfortunately it's YOU.

I will revert back to your email, I honestly have better things to do with my time on a Sunday morning than writing you
an email,
hoping you will get a little direction, and grow into a better person who has learnt from his previous mistakes, and to
put it plainly
and simply having a good, clean heart and conscience, but it is very clear, that you have not and will not see and
accept the
error of your ways, this I do believe is one of the reasons for the current demise Edwafin finds itself in. You may be
thinking who the hell am I
to be making such statements and there are more to follow, but, It's very simple,I am not scared of you or the truth, or
what I believe in, or what I know.
Someone should have told you what I am saying a long time ago, maybe they have, and you just haven't listened, it is
your choice after all,
your ego has cast an enormous shadow which is preventing you from seeing any light. Only you are capable of
reducing the size of the shadow. People
are scared of and tired of trying to help you, they have given up on you. Not good to hear, but the truth. Patrick,
sadly your ego has blinded you.

Please answer me this, why should I be loyal to one CEO who is definitely not who he makes out to be or seems to
be, and avoid 200 investors
who simply had trust in me and Edwafin. The answer for me is very clear, I know where I need to be.
I can count 4 apologies I personally, have had from you in the past year, and basically they have all been over the
same issues,
which I think is unacceptable considering you are the Chairman of Edwafin. I had an enormous amount of respect for
you at one time,
unfortunately I didn't really know you then. I can say now though, I find it difficult to have any respect for you.
I do respect the resilience you have shown in trying to make Edwafin profitable once again, with a good name in the
market place,
perhaps you should take a long/hard look at yourself and the good person you were only a few years ago, I only
heard great things then!
Sadly you are currently trying to revive Edwafin without ethics/ morals and integrity, you have forsaken these things
and many people in
your determination, but at what cost and to whom.
Patrick, I am not wanting or asking for justification from you, what is done is done, and you are the only person who
has to answer for his actions. I
believe you are forsaking all for money!

I would like to reiterate and now make it very clear, that my obligation is not with you Patrick or Edwafin/Edwabond,
my obligation is to my clients.
You are all very quick to inform clients that I still consult for and on behalf of Edwafin, and inform Clients that you can't
understand why I am not taking their calls,
and yet you say you are mystified as to why I am still interested in Edwafin's business? This is self explanatory in
itself don't you think, in saying this,
Patrick, don't you think that you have made it my business to know what is going on at Edwafin? and how the
business is being run?
As you yourself have stated, besides me being responsible for over 20million rands of clients funds, my family also
have millions invested in Edwafin,
of which you were still taking in December knowing full well that your intentions were not going to be honorable, so I
will continue to make every
effort possible of finding out as much as possible about the business of Edwafin.

May I add that the information I have gathered and am still gathering does not come directly from the Edwafin offices,
Edwafin has made quite a name for itself in the market place! I, unlike you though, am not so gullible and do not
believe everything I hear.
I get my facts straight and go directly to the source. Some of this information, is given to me freely, some from
brokers, from clients,
from attorneys, from accountants and some believe it or not, anonymously. Patrick, let me give you a little
advice, never underestimate people and who or what
they may know!

To answer you statement concerning Hillcrest High School, we have 2 clients there who are in fact teachers,
they are monthly income clients who have been made promises by Edwafin which have not yet been kept. One of
them is a client of mine
and a Family member. I don't have to remind you that teachers don't earn good salaries and are underpaid
considering they are the educators of our future. Patrick do you honestly believe that when investors are made
of interest payments and don't receive them, that they will just sit back and just keep quiet, of course not, they are
to warn others of not investing, and why? not because Edwafin has a bad reputation, but because people are
they know what it feels like to be made promises of funds which don't materialise, and simply do not want others to
suffer the same predicament.
This is natural human behavior, if you get served an undercooked meal, and or have bad service in a restaurant are
you going to
recommend that restaurant to another person knowing full well they will be disappointed? I don't think so.
So don't be naive and think people are going to be saying anything nice about Edwafin at the moment, or discussing
investing with Edwafin in a positive tone, that will be unrealistic to say the least.

In regard to your statement concerning Jessie, I firstly phoned her directly to confirm that what I had heard about her
pending application was in fact true,
which she did. Secondly, Patrick, I did in fact congratulate Jessie and wished her well. I also made a point of saying
she must ensure
she receives her commission, you and I both know why. Lastly I did voice my concern that there was a possibility the
client was a setup,
perhaps by the FSB or other concerned parties. I mentioned this because it has always been a concern in the
department since before I
even started working at Edwafin, and as part of our training we were informed to be very aware of this. Patrick you
and I both know that this is a possibility
especially now due to the situation Edwafin is in. Also taking into account Jessie's little experience, I felt it was
important to mention it to her,
now please tell me, am I wrong? or is this still reflecting the concern and the well being I had for Edwafin and the staff
who work there?

It would do you an unsurmountable amount of good to recognise loyalty when it stares into your face. You have lost
valuble staff members
whom you have so unfairly judged so impulsively.

Lets talk about the on going statements you keep hearing, Patrick you are not alone here, I also hear many of the
same, I choose to ignore them though,
but lets mention 1 in particular, as it has amused me so.You don't know it, but you actually make me laugh, I also at
the same time feel quite sorry for you.
I really like the one about you being able to see directly into my bedroom window, now if that is indeed true, then
shouldn't I then also be able to see
directly into yours? Should I just for the fun of it, make up something like oh! I saw 2 strange ladies lying naked on
your bed, lets make it more spicy,
you were there too! Not true is it!, and not very nice either is it?, especially if I repeat it to anyone who will take the
time to listen to me.
Do you honestly think people believe you, and hang on your every word, or has it even crossed your mind
and thought that perhaps they are thinking
shew this man is a CEO and a peeping tom!
Patrick I am totally bemused that you would like to look into my bedroom to begin with, but if it means that much
to you, let me know
and I will arrange for the huge Fir Tree to be removed, I am sure it's obscuring your view 100%. I could also inform
the body corporate if you like,
and tell them we have an avid Executive "Peeping Tom" residing on the Camelot Estate who is in dire need of a
donated Telescope,
and unfortunately the Fir Tree is in his direct line of vision!

Bear in mind, I have built up great relationships with investors over a 2 year period, many of which, still continue as
we speak.
Will they listen to me, or you? Who is making promises to them, me or you?, who do they think is lying, me or you?,
who has their money, me or you?
Who has spent their money, me or you?...but the big question here is, who will they trust me or you?

You had a board of Directors who were and are appointed for a specific task and whom you failed and are still
failing to listen to, time and time again,
who only ever had, and have had Edwafin's best interest at heart. You should have listened and heeded their advice
and input. Surely now if you
look at previous history, clearly you can see, that you were not always right.
Patrick, you try and rule by FEAR, this is your downfall. The fear you try and instill in others is only your own, and your
tongue is your worst enemy.
In my personal opinion Edwafin is in the sorry state it is in, entirely because of you and the good people you have
such influence over by fueling their
fears, with no alternatives available to them. I wouldn't be feeling too proud of myself right now.

Going back to the so called gossip amongst ex staff as you like to term it, it is actually not gossip, you and I both know
this, it is entirely the truth, you have a lot
to hide which you are trying desperately trying to avoid being exposed. That, and only that, is the only reason why you
don't want people to talk, to avoid the truth!
Patrick you are well aware of this "the truth shall set you free" another bit of advice, take heed, it's probably the best
advice I can give you and that you will ever get!
It applies to everyone, I unlike you, only learn a lesson once and kick myself very hard if I have to learn it twice.
The more you try and hide, the deeper people dig! Perhaps your reputation exceeds you, my little voice says
otherwise, just like
the day you lied blatantly to my face in your office.
Believe me the staff are not talking, it's all old news, the brokers and clients are now talking and getting angrier by the
So have a staff meeting everyday if you like, it will not change anything, you have to change as a person, you have to
take the first step, it's always the hardest,
but will last the longest if your heart is in the right place and your intentions are sincere.

Lastly, I have not pressurised Edwafin for the monies owed to me, I am aware of the situation, I would however like to
state though, that I will only accept
any monies owed to me by Edwafin upon proof that it has been obtained legally and lawfully. I will also be assisting
any clients or brokers or anyone else
who requests my assistance with any knowledge or information I may have with regard to yourself or the business
dealings of Edwafin. I will not be doing this for
any reason, besides it being the right thing to do. It saddens me greatly to hear of the things you have done and are
capable of.

This has not been a bitching session, you are free to say whatever you like about me, I have answered your email,
and said what I felt you needed to hear,
and not what I needed to say. I feel no animosity toward you only pity. A parting thought for you Patrick " a person's
richness is not measured by their wealth".


----- Original Message -----

From: Patrick Stapleton To:
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 3:21 PM
Subject: FW: Myrle & Debbie - my apologies

From: Patrick Stapleton
Sent: 07 March 2009 10:10
To: 'Myrle Winchester'
Subject: Myrle & Debbie - my apologies

Dear Myrle & Debbie

I am told that you are spitting fire and extremely upset that your names were mentioned when
we had a staff meeting this past Friday. Firstly let me sincerely apologize to you both for
causing you offence.

Let me explain, some of our senior management are mystified at how interested you are in
Edwafin, we have parted company on what I thought was good terms and I would like to keep
it that way. I say again I am delighted that you have both found happiness, but have no real
interest in what your activities in business are and hope that you feel the same way about us.

We have the same problem that we had when you were with us and that is gossip and we
called a staff meeting to:

• Emphasize the need to pull together in order to help get us out of this mess and to not pull the
company down.
• To cease these ongoing stories that keep coming back to me and you and Debbie were
amongst others that we mentioned that we asked staff to not discuss company business
with. (Not to stop socializing with you, but just not discuss Edwafin – that is a reasonable
request) I was disturbed to hear from Rajan that Myrle had apparently phoned him and said
that Edwafin was going down and had no chance of survival or that Debbie apparently
phoned Jessie about a possible deal and before she had even signed it, why not rather wish
us well? Debbie if you bad mouth the company then you are risking all of your families
investments – why would you do this? I am not out to get you or Myrle. I made a stupid
comment about Myrle being in “shit” – because I was angry about what she had apparently
said to Rajan. It was silly statement on my part and I don’t really mean it. (You know that)
Sorry Myrle. Somebody said that you knew Edwafin’s business before some of the directors
did, how true this is, I don’t know. I don’t know a thing about your business – it has nothing to
do with me.
• I moved on to talk about the gossip coming from other ex members of staff and public in
general, so we were not isolating you. We are even being mentioned at Hillcrest High School
– how I don’t know.

So my sincere apologies to you both for mentioning you both, and lets try and stay cordial
and all get on with our lives.

My best regards to you both.

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