Unit 1. Noun

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Unit 1. Noun 1. TheJohnsonsha v ejust m o v ed into a larger house.

Didthe y ha vetobu y (A)manynewfurniture (B) much new furnitures (C)manynewfurniture (D) much new furniture , , ( ) furniture,clothing, baggage, machinery, stationery move to move into The s - 2. What's the trouble? Thefa mil y ne vera gree about shares of the property. (A)her (B)its their (D) his (C) produce,scenery, for it?

ex)The audience were greatly moved 3. The committee limit the evidence. (A) adhere (B) adheres (C)haveadhered (D)have been adhered 2 4. What did you see ? We saw (A)manya (C) little police there. (B)much (D) the to its decision to

- small 6. Two weeks wait. (A)is (C)were (B)are (D) was too long for me to

the United Nations :shakehands, change trains :news,suburbs, bowels 8. Mr.Kim went to the university librarybecausehewanted (A)theinformations (B) some information (C) an information (D)onepieceofaninformation .

, , , . cf. Two weeks have passed since he died. 7. Acoustics one of the oldest

(E) none of those information uncountable noun 9.Thenewsofthelosses suffered by our A troops expected. B C D were much worse than

ofthephysicalsciences. (A) it is (C) as : hiccups, staggers, measles, rickets, blues :economics, ethics, politics, mathematics . cf. music, logic, rhetoric,arithmetic :trousers, shoes, pants, gloves :billiards,dominoes, checkers,cards :Athens,Naples, (B) is (D)being

family -nation, people(,) police - gentry, clergy, bar, jury cattle - people, vermin, poultry, goods 5. Idon'tthinkthepiano recital the other night was a great success. That m a y betrue,but there (A)werealotofaudiences (B) were many audiences (C)wasalargeaudience (D) was much audience - big, large

news 10. It was during the 1920's that A thefriendshipbetweenHemingwayand B Fitzgeraldreached their highest point. C D

Collective Noun ex)The audience was very small. Noun of Multitude

their friendship

s ` ladies' shoes 13. Her house is within from the

, Mary's ring , Marconi'swireless telegraph My father's death the boy's education the city of Seoul Men's jacket 15.Cliff'sandAl'scarbroke down again, A B

17. I saw at the barber's.

(A) a my sister's boy friend (B) a boy friend of my sister (C) my sister boy friend (D) a boy friend of my sister's a, this, some, any no,another . 18.Fireworks,whichoriginated A B

11.Thearthropods,including insects andspiders,are economic and

school. (A) a stone's throw (B) a throw of a stone (C) stone's throw (D) the stone's throw , , , today's paper Nature's law , Korea's foreign trade -sake, end, content, edge

medical significance. (A)both great (B) great (C)ofgreat (D)still greater of+= arthr+itis()bronchitis () 12. Hats ? Wherearethe hats? (A) women's (C) womens -`s Tom's book cf. my father's death =The death of my father -of the legs of the desk -`s father-in-law`s house (B) women' (D) woman

but luckily he knew how to fix it. C D

centuryagoinChina,were brought to C D

it 16. Gerbrand von den Feckhout, oneof Rembrand'spupils, followedthestyle A ofhis teachersoimplicitlythathis B paintings are sometimes confused with the C his master. D

Europe by MarcoPole. century 19. Predators and parasites share a fundamental characteristics: they both A B

at one's finger's end 14. Find a usage of the which is different the others. (A)theteacher'sarrivalat the station (B)Tom'selectionbythe committee (C) hiseducationofthe children (D)Mary'sstatementabout scandal

survive at the expense of others. C D

parasite , parasiticide







23. After Holmes's departure for the A concert, I lay down upon the sofa

knee injury, face powder iron bridge gold watch, silk stockings mathematics student

28.TheNavalObservatoryin Washington, D.C supplies offficialtimessignalsfor A B regulatingclocksthroughoutthe United C States. 29. There they were greeted by D

mathematics as A simply becausethey B C an art or a science

and B endeavored to get a couple of hours C sleep. -s ( ) -s ( s) cf. Jesus lov e, Moses law 24. Where's m y cup? It's on the . D

cf. Sunday paper summer vacation, day bed 25. I am going to the (A) books' stores (B) book's store (C) books store (D) book store 26. Reversals may be caused by . (A) brain's injury (B) the injury of brains (C) brain injury (D) brains injuries 27. Wh at does Roger Brown do for a living? He's one of the most successful in a city. (A) newspaper reporter (B) newspaper's reporters (C) newspaper's reporter (D) newspaper reporters .

contain elements of both. D mathematics 21. A scientist bases itswork on A hypothesesthat havebeen checked B C

awoman calledZenobia, beautifulwoman

of wealth and position. (A) being a (C) a (B) who is (D) and a

through careful experimentation. B hypo-(=under) the(=put) hypothesis 22. Wh at on e arth is that ? Don't y ou kno w? That's a whale, .

(A) kitchen counter (B) kitchen's counter (C) counter of the kitchen (D) counter of the kitchen's + girl friend , conference room, tennis court peace talk, school library eye measure

30.HelenVendler'sessays presentkey A insightsintoandvitalanalysesthe B C

works of major BritishandAmerican D authors. 31. I g ot a (A)fivedollars (C)fives-dollar bill. (B) five-dollars (D) five-dollar

(A) largest world's mammal (B) a largest mammal in the world (C) the world's largest mammal (D) largest mammal of the world

+ .

32. Rex told m e you m o v ed. Yes, into a huge .

She is twenty years old. 35. Which lesson is dull? seems very dull.

38. How do you know that this is the right train? Becaus e the ticket agent told me it would be on . (A) track two (B) second track (C) the track two (D) the second track , . 39. Wh atwouldyouliketo drive ? Iwouldliketodrive (A) forty-fifth car (B) car forty-fifth (C) car forty-five (D) car the forty-five 40. Whenis yourdental appointm ent ? It'sFrida y, . .

Oct.(the)first Unit 2. Article 1. I held an opinion that a honest who A married and brought up a large family B did more service than continued C single population. D a, an an umbrella, a university, a window, an M.P 2. By the time Smith graduates from A Dental School, he'll be twenty-six years B of age. D , C and only talked of the he who

(A)two-storyhouse (B) house of two story (C)twostorieshouse (D) house two storied 2 ( ( ) the second story ) the second floor

(A) Lesson tenth (B) Tenth lesson (C) Lesson the tenth (D) The tenth lesson +(), ()+ -, - 36. Who fou ght ? paper. The United States fou ght in . (A) the World War Second (B) World War the Two (C) Second World War (D) the Second World War 37. That e x a m will be on the first half of the book. That m eans w e'll ha ve to finish . (A) fifteenth chapter (B) fifteen chapter (C) chapter fifteen (D) chapter fifteenth

33. Do you hav e m uch work to do this weekend? Yes,Ihaveto w ritea

(A) two-thousand-word (B) two-thousand-words (C) two-thousands-word (D) two-thousands-words 34.According thenewly constructed highway is said to be . (A) lengthy twenty miles (B) length about twenty miles (C) about twenty miles long (D) in twenty miles of high ++ to the information,

(A) fifth October (B) five October (C) the fifth of October (D) the five of October 10/1() Oct. one 1/10()thefirstofOct.

don(t)-den(t)-(=tooth) 3. Tina always looks her best in that color. (A) dress (B) a dress of

The dinner was a very frugal one. 5. Where is our school located, Bob ? It is .

(C)atelevision set(D)the television the 9. DoesLousialike she does. (A)toplaypiano (B) to play the piano (C)ofplayingthepiano (D) playing piano the 13. ? I bet 12.

by the pound, by the day Etymologically considered, a

journeyman A B

(A) on the Fifth Avenue (B) on Fifth Avenue (C) in fifth Avenue (D) of fifth Avenue on+(:), at+() 6. Wh at is your n ationality ? I am . (B) a Korean

(C) that dress (D) the dress one Rome was not built in a day. the same Birds of a feather flock together. They are of a size. any He harmonizes with a dress. A fox is a cunning animal. some: for a time a certain An old man told me so. at a loss, in a hurry 4. I think he likes playing (A) football (B) a football .

is one who is employed by day. C Prime D announced the


names of A B

those who were to be named to the C Cabinet. the+ the president cf. (the)++ President Park Hewaselectedmayor. 14. Wh atishe ? D

(A) Korean

10. Hav e you ev er seen an y channel? Yes,I'vebeento Channel.

(C) the Korean (D) Korea . 7. The DMZ extends about two

(A)theEnglish (B) English (C)anEnglish (D)England

hundred kilometers .

, , , , , , , - the the Thames, the Pacific, the Alps 11. As a rule, the workers in this plant are paid .

(A) from the east to the west (B) from the east to west (C) from eastern to western (D) from east to west the cf. lie east and west go west , 8. He turned on (A) television . (B) radio


(A) by an hour (B) by the hour (C) by a hour (D) hours by the ,

(A) a poet and novelist (B) a poet and a novelist (C) poet and novelist (D) the poet and novelist

(C) the football (D) football game , Breakfast is ready.

a poet and a novelist (2 ) a poet and novelist (1 ) 15. All of a sudden, he caught me by . (A) my arms (C) the arm (B) arm (D) an arm

the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky 17.Thoughthedustlayheavy uponthe A floor,itwasevidentthatanoldhouse, B itswindowscarelesslyboarded up, C must once have been a magnificent D mansion.

States was ready to resume with a B roaring thewestwardexpansion C which interrupted for four years. D at the end of - rupt-(break) SRCC(Strikes Commotion) 20.Somescientistsarguethat thenewborn infantis remarkablycapableorganism A themomentitbeginsto breathe. B a+++ as so how such ++a+ 23. C D from Riot and Civil surge

togetherinthechurchyardsayinghe C mustbe crazy. go to church, go to school, at table 22.Dactyloscopy,thestudyof fingerprints, A isprovidingmedical researcherswith B C D

+vt+++the+ She hit me on the head. She looked me in the eye. She pulled me by the arm. (by) catch,hold,take,drag,lead (on) strike,hit,touch,tag,pat,kiss (in) look,gaze,stare 16.People's understanding A B earliest effortat - on - by

cluetothedetect onof Alzheimer's D disease. clue()(=clew) provide with = provide for

the 18.Atbirthbluewhalesaretwentyto A twenty-fivefeetinlength and gain B weight at therateoftwo hundred poundsthedayduring the nursing C period.






the structure of universe took the form C of myths. D

Louisiana, is A a large port at the mouth of the B C

D per(-)

what +a++ quite 21.Afterthechurchthemen stood

19. At end of the Civil War the United A

Mississippi River. D

, the 24. No one, at any rate no English writer, A has childhood B than has Dickens. D childhood() He had the kindness to show me the way. He was so kind as to show me the way. He was kind enough to show me the way. He kindly showed me the way. 25. Jellyfish are carried effortlessly from A place currents. C D from right to left, step by step, to places B by tides and C written better about the

day and night 26. In the rise of the common man during the nineteen century, the objective was A not privilege C but also economic advantages for the D underdog. the++ Unit 3. Pronoun 1. Did A m y's parents lea v e her any money? No, she has to support (A) on her own (C) by herself support oneself Who supports your family? - , She taught herself. now. merely to B secure political

cf.- , . Tom did it himself. -port carry gate 2. The primary responsibility in

(=between you and me) in spite of oneself (=unknown to one) haveto oneself(=monopolize) keepto oneself (= ) . cf.keep (oneself) to oneself (= ) say to oneself(=, ) come to oneself(=) 4. You ou ght to be a sha m ed of !

managing a dormitory rests with students (A) by itself (B) only itself

(C) themselves (D) theirs only dorm-(=sleep) 3. Did you feed the baby milk ? No, he can .

I blurted out just as I began to realize how distorted their comments were. (A) yourself (B) being yourself

(A) eat by himself (B) feed himself (C) eat himself (D) feed by himself feed oneself(=eat for oneself) for oneself(=on one's own) by oneself(=alone) of itself(=spontaneously) in itself(=essentially) beside oneself (=insane, out of one's mind) between ourselves

(C) yourselves (D) to be yourselves be ashamed of oneself You- 5. Therewewere-allof us-Einstein,Fermi, and (A) me (C) my . (B) mine (D) myself

(B) all alone (D) herself

and 6. We expect everybody else to feel

towards us that tender love and that profound respect which ourselves. (A) they feel (B) it feels towards

(A) he (C) his

(B) him (D) himself

(C) of mine

(D) of me

his pen. 15. It is difficult for a political leader to accept any criticism. A Yet, the good statesman, like all B sensible human beings, always

a,this,that,some,any,no,another, what,which , ++of+

(case), He loves her more than I (love her). He loves her more than (he loves) me. 10. Please excuse mistake. (A) for me to open D (B) that I opened (C) my opening ability to glue (D) me opening 11. Everyone brought A picnic. (A) their (C) its (B) there (D) his or her lunch to the your letter by

(C) everybody feels (D) we feel (E) others feel

13. Is this your book ? No, it isn't. It's . (B) their (D) their's

7. Plants rid them of excess water through A B C transpiration. 8. The barnacle's

(A) theirs (C) they's

learns C more from their opponents than from D supporters. E

(E) none of these += 14. In order to obtain a driver's license in A this state, one has to present your B C


(D) their statesman sensible -sensibility sensitive -sensitivity sensory , () - sensual , -sensuality sensuous , -sensuousness 16. Nobody who will not try to help the A other people develop his abilities

tenaciously to a solid surface has B aroused the interest of scientists C working on dental adhesives. D tin, ten, tain(=hold) don(t), den(t)(=tooth) 9. I know of no other person in the club who is as kindhearted as .

birth certificate as proof of age. D One should obey one's parents. cf. One of the boys does not obey his parents. One of the girls does not obey her parents. . One took his book and the other took

every, each cf..- his/ his or her -her 12. The tenor in the oper a last ni ght very good. Yes, he's a favorite (A) to me

(B) to mine

Those of us=We those(who) 20. Dr.Bell considered that problem A carefully, and finally he had them B solved. (D)them ? 21.All history confirms the doctorine that rely upon the sword shall perish by it. (A) those who (B) if we (D) though we awaken a certain C D

C or diabetes.

deserves to have friends. D (C)his ? 17. Garlic is a herb grown for his A pungently flavored bulb, which B C

a valid identification card. D () that premises(), , 24. For them interested in nature, the club A offers hikes and overnight camping B C

suchas=such as=like such as =those who norm-(standard) 27. Joan decided that she did not like the A girl eating an ice cream cone on the B bus after she yelled at her little C brother. 28. that the formation of the sun, D

is used to season foods. D 18. Would you mind me trying that coat on A for size? E mind=object to 19. Those of us who wear glasses should A B B C D

each week during the summer. D 25. William the Coqueror built the Tower

(C) however we 22. The stars

reverence A in man because, though always present, B C

the planets, and other stars began A with the condensation of an interstellar gas B C cloud. (A) Believing (C) The belief (B) To believe (D) It is believed

of London to protect himself from them

they are beyond your reach. D 23. No one is allowed on the premises A except employees and them who have

he had conquered. D 26. Acetone in the body increases under A B

have their eyes examined at regular C intervals. D Both of us=We both

29. It seems difficult for a man who enjoys . (A) to like many people who enjoy

abnormal condition such fasting

solitude (B) solitude to like many people (C) to be fond of solitude for many people (D) solitude to many people to like Itforto 30.How long will it take you (A) finishing the work (B) in order to finish the work (C) so as to finish the work (D) to finish the work It takes to =It takes for to 31. The use of radar as well as the two-way radio for the police to ?

I make it true that he is ill. cf.X-rays can make visible details in our body. 32.Phonograph records,tape recordings and computers have made to store

(C) that are past (D) those past 36. So m eone is at the door. ?

39. Only after she had been served A B

with the subpoena did Mrs. Arbor turn C over the confidential report to Mr. Harris, the head of the commission, and I, its treasurer. D servewith 40. The president announced that he A himself would act upon the evidence as B presented to himself by the C D

(A) What is it (B) Who is it (C) Who is he (D) Which one is it 37. We w alked tw enty miles today. I ne ver g uessed y o u could ha ve walked (A) as (B) those (D) who (C) that far. (B) this (D) such

data conveniently and accurately. (A) easier (B) it easier

(C) easier than (D) it is easier 33. An ythin g wron g ? There w as no objection on the part of present. (A) this (C) these

(A) as . such() far() ? 38. What makes a study scientific is not, of course, the nature of the things with which it is concerned but the method by which it deals with these things. It refers to (A) a study (C) what (E) which . (B) the nature (D) the method

those(who were)present 34. Is the climate of Italy (A) similar like Florida (B) somewhat similar to Florida (C) so much like Florida (D) somewhat like that of Florida be similar to =be like 35. Today's libraries differ greatly from . (A) the past (B) those of the past

intercept most speeders. (A) make it possible (B) makes it possible (C) makes possible (D) make it a possibility make, believe, find, take 5 to it . ex)I make it a rule to get up at 5.

congressional committee. 41. Jog grinned and winked at his visitor, A thinking he to be slightly insane but B C D


insane=beside oneself =out of one's mind think, believe to- 42. No administration or supervisor can A B

kind kind(sort,type)of++ What kind of book do you have? 49. Plants of these type grow best in A B

C with his gun. D all day(long)=the whole day =from morning till night 52. other big cats, leopards are

field of dermatology. is known for () is known as () derm-(=skin) 46. The field of guidance and

places where there is a great deal of C A shade. 50. When inflation is rampant, many A families maintaining B C find it difficult to D

enter a classroom unless they are C D

expert climbers. (A) The most unlike (B) They are unlike most (C) Unlike the most (D) Unlike most most a most=very 53. The most of the theories about its A B


invited by the teacher. or 43. Even the best of drivers can have an A accident if you are tired and driving B C D

was still in its infancy in 1914 when B C

Orie Hatcher entered them. D 47. There can be no change in policy if the A B C

the life-style to which they are accustomed. D find+it++ 51. All the day long he did not once cause A her to worry or be afraid, except when B he shot some unsuspecting creature in

origin assume that the earth began

conditions are bad. 44. Let you and I promise that we shall A always dare to do what is right. B 45. C D Kenneth Lawless, a

person in charge is him. D E

C a gaseous state, moved through a D liquid state, and finally became partly solid. most cf. most of the 54. I g uess Jones didn't win the

48. Where should they be planted ? should be planted in the shade. (A) This kind of flower (B) These kind of flower A (C) These kinds of flowers (D) This kind flower



became known for him work in the

election. He certainly didn t the people in the city voted for his opponent. (A) Almost all of (B) Most all of (C) Most of all (D) Almost the whole of most (=almost all) 55. Buying the textbooks for his

(A) either does well (B) either one will do (C) each one is good (D) each will be fine either(), neither() either (one) will do. ( ) will do(=be good=be enough) 58. Did Jack and Tom understand her? No. of them is very bright. (B) Not one (D) No one

He was a teacher and his son is another. I don't like it. Show me another. one more Will you have another cup of coffee? different There is another meaning in it. a second( 2 ) He will be another Shakespeare. To say is one thing; to do is another. =To say is different from to do. =To say and to do are two things. 60. I don't like this ink. Do you like it? No, I like (A) the other (C) another ink. (B) some other (D) some others

(A) The other (C) Others

(B) Another (D) Some other

onethe other oneanotherthe other oneanother a third the other(s) someothers somethe others(the rest) 62. Though Art Tafum was totally blind A in one eye and had only slight vision B in another, he became an

course, A paying his tuition, and renting a locker took most all the money he had saved B C

(A) Not either (C) Neither

either, neither- cf. no one() none () 59. Wh at do you think about these cakes? I'd like to hav e (A) some other (C) the other another (B) another (D) other .

internationally C D

from his summer job. D 56. Alex Bradford is one of the world's exponents of gospel music. (A) very most (C) the most (B) foremost (D) mostly

renowned jazz musician. 63. How m an y hours do you ha ve to work earn enough money to pay for a

another+ other+ 61. Do the study hard? Some of the m do. care. just don't students in your class

haircut? The barber cuts my hair for nothing. He's a friend of mine. (A) A couple of hours (B) No (C) None

57. Do you w ant to see m y driver's license or my passport? O h, .

(D) Little

(E) A lot

1. This is the actress


(C) that

(D) whose

I believed him to be honest. 6. The Tartar chief controls a A thousand men, all of which B

for nothing(=, , ) 64. Wh at is the difference ? This furniture is different fro m . (A) that book (C) that one (B) your (D) that

father claims has seduced his son! (A) who (C) that (B) whom (D) which

animal babies 4. Did the audience partic-ipate in the play? Yes, the actors to

his father claims 2. There will always remain some citizens .

must obey his orders in both C D

one I like green tea better than red (one). This book is my one.() This book is mine.() ( +ones ) Your have two pens; I have four. of . Even the best of drivers can have an accident 65. As we have finished the first lesson, A B

involve the audience the were successful. (A) whom it was the function (B) of which the function was (C) whose function it was (D) whose were the function It was their function to involve the audience. (B) of whom the function the function of whom was 5. Wh at do you think about the boy? The bo y I believed was

war and peace. 7. Man is an inquisitive and gregarious animal who wish A B

(A) which will support it (B) whoever will accept the idea (C) who just don't care enough to exercise their franchise (D) that ideas he accepted (A) which . (B) whoever(=anyone who) (C) that 3. A marsupial is an animal babies are raised in a pouch in the mother's body. (A) which (B) who its

to know what is happening C in the world. D greg-(=flock,together) 8.Of all the nurses who applied for the Frontier Nursing Program, only those which B had had experience in C A

to be honest deceived me. (A) who (B) what

now we will read the second one. C D

(C) which (D) whom The boy deceived me.

Unit 4. Relative Pronoun

working in intensive care units were called in for D interviews. nurse, had had ICU my all books() all my books() 9. He is one of those men whom, I am sure, always do A their best, even in the most B C

workers which go on strike B for higher wages is almost C D

engaging(=charming) 12. The farmer uses wood to a house to build

I cannot realize the meaning. This is a proverb the meaning of which I cannot realize. This is a proverb of which(=whose) the meaning I cannot realize. This is a proverb (which) I can not realize the meaning of. . 14. I have written about the changes in the social system to promote happiness. (A) to require (B) requirng (C) to be required (D) required +be . 15.Gail Sheehy's Pass a g es, what discusses the continuing A B C

store grains. (A) with house (B) where (C) which (D) in which

twice that of twenty years ago. a number of the number of the number of 11. There was a nobility about simple-minded person . (A) who was the most engaged (B) who was engaging the most (C) which was most engaged (D) which was most engaging nobility . There is about (= ) the

a house to store grains in =a house in which to store grains 13. From time to time we must look up words

(A) meaning of which we do not know (B) whose meanings we are not familiar (C) we do not know their meanings (D) whose meanings we do not know which This is a proverb and I cannot realize the meaning of it. This is a proverb of which

trying circumstances. D I am sure one of one of the only one of 10. Today the number of A

psychological development of normal adults, is a most D profound and important book.

what 16. In the attempt to control by eliminating social proA -grams, there are ethical B limits beyond where many C economists and politicians are reluctant to go. D + e-ex-ec-(=out) (L)limen(=threshold) 17. The seventeenth century was one in that many A significant advances were B made in both science and C D

cent-(=100), phil-(=love), soph-(wisdom) centiped, philharmonic (GK) sophos(=wise)+ moros(=stupid)=sophomore 18. The biggest single hobby A in America, the one that B Americans time, C spend most

mycophobia . myco-(=), phob-(=fear), -ia() 20. Mrs. Swanson, an member of the social committee for the coming year, is the only A B C

same,all,every,each,any,such, some,-thing,-body that . He was the only foreigner that I saw at the party. 21. Then, how about Tolstoy's great novels? W ho has read his

woman which has a car. D that ,, cf. +, + that . Look at a man and his dog that are coming this way. that Who that has a sense of honor can do such a meaning thing? ,, the onlythe verythe

great novels can forget their fascination? (A) who (C) which (B) that (D) whoever

energy and money, is D gardening. spend+,,+on , (in)ing 19. Mycophobia, that which is A the unreasonable fear of mushrooms, is said to affect B C

22. In the late 1960's the crown-of-thorns starfish began to multiply rapidly A throughout the South B Pacific, theatening the C complete destruction of the coral reefs that surrounds and protects many of the D islands in the region.

whole populations in Europe, D Asia, and Africa. which

philosophy. that .

coral reefs 23. Most people know that it is A B

call=what is called=so-called what with and what with =what with and with =what with and = to What with hunger and what with fatigue, he fell down. is to what (as) is to Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 24. The behavior of gases is explained by kinetic theory. (A) what scientists call (B) what do scientists call (C) scientists they call (D) scientists call it what we call ( ) what writers call ( ) the

25. Wh at is the as si gn m ent ? I don't know. I didn't hear . (A) what the professor said (B) what the professor says (C) that the professor said (D) which the professor says () It is true (what) he said. It is true (that) he is honest. 26. Choose one incorrect sentence: (A) What his thoughts were I could not imagine. (B) What do you think made me come here? (C) What she will fall ill before long I have no doubt. (D) Let him have what little pleasure he can. (E) Of what we call genius energy is the most essential part. (A)whatwere imagine

(B)do you think cf.Do you know what made come here? (D)what few =what little (= ) (E)what we call= 27. Is there an y particular dessert you would like to have? you select is all me

like to have their blood C pressure taken, but few understand the meanig of the record blood pressure. what (=the thing(s) which) what be (,,) what I am( ) what I was ( ) (=what I used to be) what have() She is charmed by what he is, not by what he has. what we(you,they,people) numbers D used

right with me. (A) Whatever (B) One (C) Why (D) Whichever

whoever(=anyone who), whatever(=anything that) Whoever(=Anyone who) wishes to succeed must work hard. Whoever(No matter who)

may come here cf. You may take whichever book you want. 28. Wh at do you think about John? He has no sense (A) no matter what (B) what (C) nevertheless (D) whatsoever 29. comes back first is .

estimated that only one A B

cf. the same as() the same that() This is the same watch as

Children should not have more money than is needed. Don't carry more money than you need. 33. A bridge can be defined as a structure surmounting an A obstacle such a river, B C

third to one half as many fish and other forms of

marine life live in the C oceans now that lived there D twenty years ago. (1) as as As many men as came were caught. such as such cf.such as ( ) such that most ( ) I like such a girl as is honest. the same as the same

I lost. This is the same watch that I lost. () He was absent, as is often the case with him. As is often the case with him, he was absent. Seoul, as everybody knows, is a large city. (2) but(=thatnot) There is no rule but has exceptions =There is no rule that does not have exceptions. =Every rule has exceptions. (3) than

declivity, road, or railway. D define as suchas (=such as=like=for example) bri-bre-(=short) abbreviation, brief 34. Sam had a louder voice as A the other speakers, but unfortunately the louder his B voice became,the less C attention he got. D

supposed to win the prize. (A) Those who (B) Anyone (C) Whoever (D) The one who 30. brings about happiness

has utility, according to the doctrine of utilitarianism. (A) It (B) Whatever

(C) Each (D) Why 31. Fill in the blank with the suitable word. He told the story to would listen. 32. Jacques-Yves Cousteau has

35. There is no work whatever A B

=reliable=genuine=trustworthy 2. A tropical tree that grows in , the mangrove is utilized in coastal land building. (A) salty ocean water (B) ocean salty water (C) ocean water is salty (D) water of the ocean is salty in ocean water

medals. world record 5. Women also played a large part A in our great first private relief B C D

(C) All them (D) They half

what he can criticize. C D

9. Wh at's wron g ? You see m restless. I w as co m pelled to pa y price for it. (A) double of the (B) double (C) double the (D) double of

There is no work what-ever that he can criticize. There is no work what-ever but he can criticize. Unit 5. Adjective 1. Do you like the Chinese food served in American restaurant? It's not bad but I prefer . (A) Chinese food authentically (B) Chinese authentic food (C) food Chinese authentically (D) authentic Chinese food aut+hent+ic (GK)autos(=self) (GK)hentes(=one who accomplishes) =from the master himself

organization - the United States Sanitary Commission. our- determiner + play a part(role)

double, . 10. A person's blood flows through a pipeline of vessels that, end to end, would stretch more than half times around the Earth at the equator.

3. Which shoes belon g to his father? The .

6. The tall three beautiful chinese A B

(A) blue large five ones (B) five blue large ones (C) five large blue ones (D) large five blue ones The determiner() 1 ? 4. During the 1936 Olympics, Jesse A Owens set a world new record B C

girls came to visit us today. C D it.

7. They cut out

(A) twice a (B) two and a (C) two and (D) twice and (1/2) a half (1/3) a third(=one-third) (2/3) two-thirds (3) three and two thirds (1/4) a(one) quarter (24/45) twenty-four over(by) forty-five

(A) double of (B) all both (C) half of (D) two-thirds

all of them=they all both of them=they both half of themthey half double, times of 8. had already been there

in track and won four gold D

when I arrived. (A) Both they (B) All of them

13.23(=thirteen point two three) 11. In fact, I didn't see in the museum. (A) hardly many people (B) very few people (C) some people (D) many people (A),(B) some 12. He didn't do (A) many paper work. there

address() uncountable noun (A) , (B) 15. There have been many an A B

(D) Few are the artists few+() a few+() not a few, quite a few, a good few, no few+ (=many, ) only a few+(=not many, very few , ) 18. Martha see m s quite unpopul-ar. She has any at all. (A) a little (B) few (C) many (D) little (E) a few if any at all( ) 19. The amphibians are of few A B friends, if

must be filed annually, but in B few cases they must be C submitted every six months. D fewa few tax returns every (=every ) file ,,, ,,() ann- enn-(=year) 21.During the past year the of automobile accidents in New York City has decreased. (A) degree (B) quantity (C) number (D) amount the number of 22. This study proves that there is no life on Mars. But people still think

argument about its proper usage. C D many a =many 16. I waited there for ten minutes; that seemed (A) many hours to me.

(B) lots of

(B) very much

(C) a great deal of (D) much much a lot of a great deal of ( much ) 13. He has done business.

(C) as many (D) so many as many() as much() cf. like so many(much) ((), ) The five children began to work like so many ants. 17. have ever had a more

(A) a lot of (B) a number of (C) much (D) lots

economic importance to humans. C D

14. Wh at do you think of the Prime Minister's address to the nation? I liked (A) more (C) much of what he said. (B) several (D) many

auspicious debut at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City than Jacob Lawrence did. (A) Few artists (B) The few artists (C) The artists are few

importance ambi-, amphi-(=both, around) amphi+bi(o)+an both life 20. Generally speaking, tax returns A

there is. (A) a great deal (B) much

(C) a great many (D) many a a great(good) many () 23. The number of time an object A is magnified by a telescope can B be determined by someone C who knows the focal length of D the objective lens and of the eye piece. the number of times magn-(=large,great) magnifier(=magnifying glass) 24. According to a recent report, A the number of sugar that B C

sugar uncountable noun. change alter transform , convert transmute () vary His mood varies from hour to hour. 25. At present a large number of A people thinks the worst danger B C

(C) dozens of times (D) a dozen time time(), times() a dozen of eggs two dozen(s) of eggs some dozens of eggs 27. Thousand of gold prospectors A rushed to Alaska' between 1897 B C and 1899. scores(dozens) of hundreds of thousands of tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of millions of 28. Though he has read about a A hundred of books since he B entered the university, I would hardly think he is deeply read in C the classics. D D

deeply read slightly read a hundred books hundreds of books 29. In the 1930's more than two A thousands interview of former B slaves were conducted by C members of the Federal Writers D project. in 1930, in the 1930's a thousand, two thousand 30. Wh at do you w ant m e to do? I w ant e ver ythin g by two o'clock. (A) readily (B) readiness (C) ready (D) to ready want (to be) 31. The bookstore did not prepare books for all students in the class.

from automobiles is accidents D and not pollution. a large(good,great) number of() 26. Hav e you ev er g on e on picnics? Oh, yes, (A) a dozen of time (B) dozens of time .

Americans consume does not D vary significantly from year to year.

(A) plenty

(B) enough

main,elder(eldest),upper, uppermost a- afraid,alive,alike,asleep well() worth , present ():, (): ill ():, (): late ():-,, (): certain (): (): 33. The average age of the A B

Thoreaus's farm fields have B returned to woodlands, with C broken walls and died tree D trunks to remind one of the past. trunk(=(),suitcase, pants,long distance call, elephant's nose ,, ()) 35.Moss Hart's autobiography, Act One, is one of the most readable A and information books ever B C

(C) enough of (D) as many enough - , enough - 32.Which change is not permitted? (A) a boy who is hungry a hungry boy (B) a baby who is asleep an asleep baby (C) a house which is larger than yoursa larger house than yours (D) a girl who is extremely prettyan extremely pretty girl asleep cf. the half-asleep children +en : golden,wooden cf. drunken former,latter,inner,outer only,sole,utter,mere,lone live(,)

teach them a great deal about D many matters. tree alive=living tree a lass pretty, kind and simple. a book difficult to read. ++ a road 25 meters wide -thing, -body I saw nobody strange there. all, every, (-ible,-able) I have tried every means possible. from time immemorial () the sum total()

Mediterranean olive trees grow C today is two hundred years. D med-(=) terr-(=earth, frighten) 34. A short distance north of A Concord,Massachusetts,

written on life in the theater. D informative auto-(=self),bio-(=life), graph-(=write) 36. Scientists are searching for the A oldest tree lively because it can

a poet laureate() literature proper() the parties concerned() consul general() court martial() China proper() God almighty( ) thing+( ) things Korean cf. Elizabeth the second 37. The woodwind section of an A orchestra may enrich the melody B by providing different tonally C qualities. tone ,,,, tonal quality () , en- pref-(=make) enslave, entitle, enlarge 38. Did the boys threaten to harm the lady? No, but as the y talked she D


41. Wh at's up? Nothin g serious. Barbara returned home . (A) hungry (B) hungrily (C) to be hungry (D) being hungry 42. During dreams the body is A ? asleep but the thinking part of B C

his friends? why is a man, and (is he) unable to? key point. 44. Some antibiotics used in the A B

(A) to fearing (B) fearfully (C) to fear (D) fearful

become group get,grow,turn,come,go,run,fall 39. People who live alon g this road receive their mail in these boxes. W h y are all of the

treatment of human disease are like only in that they are C obtained from fungi and bacteria. D looks like = is similar to = resembles = and are alike 45. Your face is very (A) familiar with (B) familiar of (C) familiar to (D) familiar by I am happy. cf. I am fond (of ()) be familiar to me.

(A) grey painted mailboxes (B) mailboxes grey painted (C) mailboxes painted grey (D) painted grey mailboxes They paint all of the mailboxes grey. All of the mailboxes are painted grey. Why are all of the (mailboxes painted grey.) 40. The American dream does not come to those who fall (A) sleeping (B) sleep (C) asleep (D) slept .

the brain is awake wide. D wide With his eyes wide open () Open your mouth wide () 43. Why is a man in civil life perpetually slandering and A backbiting his fellow men, and B is unable to see good even in C D

fall-(become group )

be familiar with 46. Does Jane ha v e brown hair ? Yes. In fact, it's quite similar in shade (A) as (C) like yours.

(A) of (C) by

(B) to (D) with

=have the capability of 52. Many doctors have become A B

toxicity() a- ( ) . He never goes out without losing his umbrella. 54. Many people are unawares that A B

be related to be engaged to be married to 50. Afrikaans is the only language A of European origin that is not B spoken in Europe; it has Dutch C roots but is similar with D Flemish. Afrikaans() Flemish() 51. The human ribs are capable to move so as to allow room for A B

concerned of the possible C D

(B) with (D) to

long-term effects of birth control pills. be concerned with () . be concerned about (=concern oneself about) birth control pill =contra+conception =contraception cf. contraceptive 53. Some African scorpions have a toxicity almost equal with that A of a cobra, and their sting can B C

47. Can Charles kick a ball far ? Yes, but he's especially . (A) a good passer (B) good at passing (C) passing well (D) well as a passer passer , , () be good atbe poor at 48. Yes, I ha ve known it al-ready. I w as conscious his unfriendliness. (A) for (C) at (B) with (D) of

prairies once existed in what is C D

now the state of Michigan. unawares(), He was unware of my present. He was unware that I was present. 55. It is impossible to take a walk A in the country with an average B townsman without amazing at C the vast continent of his ignorD -ance. be amazed at-

the lungs to expand during C breathing. =be capable ofing =be able to D

kill a man in a few hous. D be equal to . a toxicity(which is) almost equal

be conscious of= become aware of 49. Is Paul your brother ? No, but he is related me.

not without (ing) (= ) 56. Though Lincoln knew their attitude, he was broad-minded A B

be full of=be filled with 58. I'm certainly that you are a A B

buy? Well, I think it's somewhat (A) as yours.

C address implies some degree of D formality. speech=address syn(=same), onym(=name,word) 64. The eel larva looks alike a thin A willow leaf and is as transparent B C as glass. D larva () (pl) larvae The eel larva and a thin willow leaf look alike. weeping willow 65. Rabbits and hares look much A like and are often mistaken for B each other. D Rabbits looks much like hares take(mistake) for C

(B) like

good student in my class. C D

(C) alike (D) similar as (A) as be . (C)alike . (D)similar to 62. As every other nation, the A B

enough to appoint such men to C the important office because he was convincing of their ability. D convincing(=cogent, compelling) be convinced of broad-minded(=magnanimous)

I am certain of(that) It is certain that cf. It is sure that() 59. I don't think that your watch is .

(A) worthy the price (B) worth the price (C) worth of the price (D) worthy to buy be worthing

United States used to define its C D

unit of currency, the dollar, in terms of the gold standard. as(A=B) like(AB) term , () () () ,, She is on speaking terms with me. 63. Like a synonym of speech, A B

57. The air was full with sharp A and distinct sounds of cracking B bombs and the heavy rips of the planes' machine guns and C spitting screams of diving D wings.

be worth while to be worthy ofing 60. I had to pay ten dollars for this book. It's probably . (A) worthy it (B) worth them (C) worth it (D) worthy them ,,, 61. Wh at kind of suit did you

which is the general term,

(= ) Unit 6. Adverb 1. Are you g oin g to the football game? No. The ticket is expensive for me. (A) very much (B) so much (C) far too (D) a lot of

-iness, but devote ourselves to the strict performance of duty, then happiness comes of itself. (A) too (B) highly (D) so very

5. Why didn't you use that? Because it w asn't it. (A) good enough (B) enough good (C) as enough good (D) good as enough enough , enough , enough 6. How does he beha ve ? He behaves himself (A) well (C) nice (B) good (D) kind . to fit

(B) (,, ) (C) increase . (D) 8. Do you know how lon g this movie's running? Well, I . (A) know very well enough (B) know very much it runs long (C) think it's running a little too long (D) think it gets along very well well() (A)(B) get along well(ill) =() 9. How did you like the professor's lecture? Well, I found it .

(C) not too

(E) not without notbut high() highly() He raised his hands high. He was highly praised. cf.dive deep He was deeply moved by the story. 4. Mr. Smith did not get up until

The ticket is too expensive for me to buy. =The ticket is so expensive that I can't buy it. 2. Let's take a w alk before w e start to study. O h, I think it's walking. (A) much too hot (B) very much hot (C) too much heat (D) very much heat toofor(), tooto hot too 3. When we are anxious for

behave behave oneself well ( ) well()-,, ()-, ()- ()-(int)-, 7. Automobile production of the present time has been increased (A) greatly . (B) highly

eight-thirty that morning, and C he arrived at the meeting late too much. D late . too much .

(A) a good deal enlightening (B) most enlightened (C) very enlightened

(C) on a large scale (D) infinitely

about happiness and unhapp-

(D) most enlightening (A) a good deal() , very , , () much , , ,, the very , much the very (tired,pleased,surprised,satisfied..) afraid much,very very She had a very annoyed look on her face. 10. Wh at does he think ? He thinks me. ,

think 11. Wh at do you feel about that, Mary? I feel that this should

A because he was an

nature, but

using symbols or letters to C represent sounds. D +++ shorthand=stenography

excellent businessman, his perception of what the world might be in the postwar years

not have been done so carelessly. (A) strong (B) strongly

was strongly tinged with C business insights. D tinge -,, postwar(=postbellum) 17. Barrett had to lie on left side A all night, and the pain from B C

14. Although aging improves A some foods, fish must be handled prompt and careful B from the moment of the catch C until final processing. D 15. Professor Quincey told his class that the best way to A practice English is to write B C

(C) being very strong (D) to be strong +++ ++ + .

12. Having summoned us board A B

members to his office, the president stated that he wanted to talk serious to us C about plans for the future of D the company. talk 13. Shorthand is a method of recording words rapid by

the wrenched shoulder became some worse. D some somewhat lie on one's side lie on one's back lie on one's stomach 18. , Alex Bradford decided

(A) different with (B) differently from (C) differently (D) different from

constant letters. D 16. His trip was large political in

to devote his life to gospel

music. (A) He was thirteen (B) His age was thirteen (C) Thirteen years old (D) At the age of thirteen 19. Life insurance, before availA -able only to young, healthy B persons, can now be obtained C for old people and even for D pets. now before previously, formerly before . 20. Professor Forester that be-cause historical parallels are so much used unprecisely and uncritically it would be better to avoid them altogether in our

themes. () (much) (often) . historic , historical , 21. Excessive stress sometime A causes the disc of a spinal B vertebra to press on a nerve. C D

(C) still

(D) any more

rubbery(=elastic) mobile()

already( ) yet(),() , still() () already Has he returned yet? Has he returned already? 23. No inventor has already built A a musical instrument to match B C

24. Cactus stems remain moist and juicy dry. (A) and other long after (B) long after other (C) other after long (D) after other long and Cactus 25. Why doesn't Jessica sta y with relatives in New York? She in Boston. plants become

sometime(()) cf.sometimes()=at times =once in a while =(every) now and then =between whiles =from time to time =on occasion=occasionally 22. Michael has lived in Peru for ten years. Yes, but he doesn't

(A) has only relatives (B) only has relatives (C) has relatives only (D) relatives has only 26. First aid experts stress that knowing what to do in an A B

the ingenious flexibility of the human vocal tract, with its D rubbery, marvelously mobile walls. already yet ingenious flexibility () vocal tract(,)

emergency can often save a C life, very especially in accident D

understand Spanish. (A) already (B) yet

cases. especially very . 27. Have you ev er been to the Metropolitan Museum of Art? Yes, I w as taken .

29.The southern part of the United States is changing . (A) with swiftness (B) rapidly (C) in fast ways (D) fastly (A) rapid(,)-rapid current fast(,)-fast runner(train) 30. Where is he goin g ? He is going .

diversionary maneuver () simultaneouly=at the same time 32. The invitations to the dance A B 34. The following night Bill A returned quite lately from work B to find his wife lying unconC D

indicated that everyone should C be dressed formerly. D formerly () (,) formally 33. Influenza travels exactly as A fastly as man. In oxcart days B C

(A) there when a child regularly (B) as a child regularly there (C) there regularly as a child (D) when a child regularly there ++ 28. How do you pronounce the words? I .

-scious beside the phone. dear() dearly() hard() hardly() late() lately(=of late) direct() directly() large() largely() near() nearly(,) pretty ()-, ()- prettily ()- free() freely() early() soon( ) quick(,) fast() 35. A detailed map of the mining A camp was handed out, and the

(A) to home (B) home (C) at home (D) for home 31. The marines attacked the south beach at daybreak; , as a diversionary maneuver, a company landed on the north side of the island. (A) simultaneously (B) subsequently (C) previously (D) at noon

(A) pronounce distinctly each word in the classroom (B) distinctly pronounce in the classroom each word (C) pronounce each word distinctly in the classroom (D) in the classroom pronounce each word distinctly

its progress was slow. D hard,long,short,fast,near, far,enough,late,early,low, high,weekly,monthly,daily, yearly

directions for getting there B C

(C) the same qualified as (D) most qualified than (B)equally (C)the same (D)mostthan() 3. She speaks as (A) clear as you.

I have two times as many books as he. =I have two times the number of his books. I have half as much money as he. =I have half the sum(amount) of his money. 5. That trumpet player w as certainly loud. I w asn't bothered b y his loudness by his lack of talent.

has a population of around 3 million. D Fewso as( ) in+habit+ant 7. Scientists have recently argued that A Einstein's contribution to physics and B mathematics are less important as C Newton's. contribute to attribute to 8. Exercising is as good as a way as any A B D

were repeated very clear. D clear(ly) (=in a clear manner) loud clear . The chairman spoke loud and clear. He spoke clearly. Unit 7. 1. The prices run (A) so high as fifty dollars. (B) as expensive as

(B) clearly

(C) clearness (D) very clear as (,) as 4. All steam engines work for the same reason: steam occupies more than 1,700 times comes. (A) of the space of much of (B) much of the space (C) with as much space as (D) as much space as as as = as many as = as much as This is four times as long as that. =This is four times the length of that. the water from which it

(A) so much as (B) rather than (C) as (D) than

(C) as expensive as (D) as high as Positive Degree (as as) He is as good as tennis player as you. (not so as) It is expensive(cheap). cf. The price is high(low). 2. Kowalski is just (A) as qualified as (B) as equally qualified as Richer to lead.

=not so much as =not so much as = rather than =rather than 6. Few United States cities have grown as rapidly that Los Angeles, which had A 1,610 currently inhabitants in 1850 and

to lose unwanted weight. C D

as a(n) as 9. Even the most discriminating

gourmet A will agree that food in the South is as B

good as any other region in the country. C D

exist. 12. I think he is v ery wise. No, he is than wise. (A) kinder (B) more kind

15. The climate of Korea is that of Japan. (A) pleasanter (C) more









musicians. C (B) very pleasant pleasant (D) better D

food in the South food in any other reason

18. Mercury is the most small planet in the A B

(C) more kindly (D) so kind () more .(=rather)

pleasant -er-le-ly -ow-some -er-est cf. pleasant,polite,quiet,quick,cruel, solid,common -er-est more-most- . 16. How m uch is this book ? The ne w edition is than the old one. (A) fewer (C) less (B) more much (D) a little expensive 19. The

solar system and the closest to the Sun. C D

gourmet=gastronome=epicure=bonv ivant 10. Ball-point pens require fountain pens do. (A) the thicker the ink (B) an ink and thicker (C) a thicker ink (D) the ink is thicker . 11. Whose son ? He is her son, whom a kinder than

ex) She is more clever than wise. =She is clever rather than wise. =She is less wise than clever. 13. This cake is delicious ! Well, at least it's baked last week. (A) as worse as (B) no worse than the one I





athlete is A usually far more than they would B expect. ability great 20. Of all the Native American tribes, the A B Indians were a most C D

(C) as better than (D) not better as no than=as as He is no younger than you. =He is as old as you. 14. Wh at do you think about him ? John w alks than paul.

(A)fewer (B)more muchmuch more

son does not exist. (A)in (C) with (B) than (D) except

(A) more slow (B) many more slow (C) more slowly (D) much more slow -ly more,most 17. Numerous critics regard Bessie Smith A B

Shawnee transient.

a kinder son than him does not exist. =than whom a kinder son does not

trans-(=across,through,change) (=go) transient , - 21. She is older than .


(A) much more (B) still more (C) much less (D) even less much(still) more( ) much(still) less( ) 23. Can he buy the car ? He is a s poor (A) may (C) people be. (B) man (D) can

(A) less than piston engines and (B) less than piston engines (C) piston engines are less than (D) in piston engines less than steam turbines . 26. We should find a solution before things . (A) get worse (B) will get worse (C) get worser (D) getting worser (E) gets worse before (B)(D) bad worse 27. . (A) Mr.Smith appears to be less competent than I in performing these

competent performance of these duties.





(D) Don't you think Mr.Smith is less competent than I in performing these duties. (B)the of the two (C)than methan I (D)? 28. Choose the best paraphrase of I

(A) any other girl in the group (B) any girl in the group (C) all girls in the group (D) you and me as well as the group the++of the++in+, than any other than all the other - - 22. Her husband, a plumber's

asas () can be() She is as kind as (kind) can be. asas ever ( () ) He was as brave a soldier as ever shouldered a gun. 24. He g ot an A in econo mics and only a C in political science. Well, I will say that pol itical science is complicated than economics. (A) a little (C) equally (B) a little less (D) hardly

happiest now. (A) I have never been happier. (B) I have been happiest. (C) I have never been happy. (D) I am very happy. , . I have never been happier.(than I am now) =I have never been so happy.(as I am now)

assistant, earns only 300 a month, which makes it very difficult for her to feed and clothe her children properly, to school. send them

duties. (B) Mr.Smith is the least competent of the two men in the performance of these duties.

(B)a little less 25. Steam turbines weigh that

(C) Mr.Smith appears to be less

produce the same amount of power.







speculator ,,, out=understand=comprehend


B several respects simpler than the great C apes. D

immediate A B

31. O'Hare Airport in Chicago handles more A freight and mail than any another B tend(to favor C D

=appreciate=grasp=figure out 34. Swimming is a more strenuous daily A B

social change than conservatives do. C D

conservatives immediate change) 30. More moderate as Robespierre, A

than apparatus)




exercise than to walk. C D

airport in the United States. 32. Of all his outdoor activities, Paul likes A fishing best of all, but he doesn't enjoy

=than that of the great apes ana-(=up,after,again,away,back) tom-(=cut) anatomy () (=skeleton) 37. How can I reach there ver y fast ? You w ill get there A taxi. (A) more faster (B) faster (C) more fast (D) more fastly if you go by

. strenuous , 35. The philosopher's influence over men's

Talleyrand left France during the Jacobin B regime, prospered in the United States as a land speculator, and returned to Paris C under the Directory. D the Directory(=Directorie)

cleaning the fishing rods afterwards. 33. Nobody speaks more clearly than him, A B

minds became far greater after his death B than his life. D have an influence(effect) on 36. Comparative anatomists have C

if than . 38. So m eone hit m y car in the parkin g lot and didn't attempt to let me know. It seems that honest people are A becoming these days.

but his writing is frequently difficult to C make out. D than than .


shown that man's vocal apparatus is in

(A) less and less (B) fewer and fewer (C) lots and lots (D) more and more

and than 39. In his time he enjoyed a reputation . (A) as great as Mozart, if not greater (B) as great as, if not greater than, Mozart's (C) as great, if not greater, as Mozart's (D) greater, if not as great as Mozart's as great as Mozart's, if not greater. cf. The styles vary as much as the colors, if not more. 40. Does Edw ard like classical music ? Yes, and I think that he prefer s it any other kind. (A) than (C) to (B) over (D) against

. (A) the most isolated one (B) the one isolated more (C) the more isolated one (D) the isolated one more of the two the than . 43. The songs of Bob Dylan are very popular among young people, who A regard him as more superior to other B musicians. superior better more much . 44. The price of gold on the world market A B C D can visualize.

A the better necessary it is to break it up B C

(C) no more (D) not more 48. Although he sometimes lost his temper, his pupils liked him for it.

into a number of parts which the reader D

(A) not so much (B) not so little (C) no more (E) no little no less=none the less(for) cf. none the (for) She is none the happier for her beauty. 49. In making mortgage loans, savings and A (D) no less

the man is happy the happier man . the necessary is good the better necessary . 46. The e x a m w as v er y stiff. Now don't begin making excuses. Other boys have passed. (A) not cleverest like you (B) no cleverer than you (C) as clever not like you (D) clever not than you no cleverer than=as dull as 47. He was so poor that he had than one hundred dollars. (A) no less (B) not less

loan institutions may not longer B discriminate against against women or

prefer to cf.I prefer working to doing nothing. I prefer to work rather than (to) do nothing. 41. He is junior than me by two years. A B C D

has been rising highest each year. C D

families dependent on the incomes of C working wives. D

each year 1 than . 45. The more complex a subject

42. Of the two houses the family prefers


no longer(more)



improved (A) better

. (B) greatly (D) much

1)be He is a doctor. cf. be 1 He is in the room. cf. be

mort(death) 50. Girls usually mature faster than boys, A so that at kindergarten age a girl may be B nearly a year advanced over a boy of C same age. D (of the same age) 51. Mr. Kim bought the same kind of hair-dryer (A) like (C) as yours.

Unit 8. 1. Like all other living things, .

(C) so

improve=become better (C)improved so much (D)It has much improved 4. When he graduates college he will have A B

(A) dying cells (B) which cells die (C) cells die + Time flies like an arrow. Like allthings + . cell , , cellmate 2. Food prices last month increased only . (A) slightly (B) on a small scale (C) small (D) little (D) the death of cells

be over(=up)() be away () be in() be out() be on( )

to decide whether to continue his studies C or seek employment. D graduate from graduate into graduate as employment , get employment lose employment 5. At room temperature, calcium

be off( ) 2)become group get,grow,turn,come,go,run, fall,make,seem,appear 3) prove, turn out, come out. cf. turn out 2 () He turned out a thief. 3 She turned out her husband. (=turn off) 4) look, feel, taste, smell, sound

(B) with (D) to

52. Artifical rubies and sapphires have the A same hard and composition as the real B C D

increase (C) (B) on a small (large) scale size . (D) a little 3. How is her condition now ? It has

chloride a white solid. (A) as (C) that is (B) is (D) although


cf. look (feel,sound) like taste (smell) of 5) continue, keep, hold, remain, lie lie ill(dead) live single marry young die young 6. The reason I didn't go to France was a new job. (A) because I got (B) because of getting (C) due to (D) that I got was 7. How is the butter ? It seemed to Mrs. Gar ber that the butter smelled somewhat (A) bad (C) worse (B) badly (D) worsely .

(B) sweetly and soothingly (C) sweetingly and soothingly (D) sweetingly and soothing sound soothe (comfort), (calm), (relieve) soother( , rubber teat) 9. Guave fruit is round or the size of a hen's egg. (A) shape of a pear (B) shaped pear (C) pear-shaped (D) pear in shape or (round) (pear-shaped) He is (of) my age. ,,,, of 10. Wh at happen ed ? The situation is . (A) embarrassed (B) embarrass (C) embarrassing (D) very much embarrassed The situation is embarrassing to me. and about

I am embarrassed by the situation. 11. Having spent his last penny for the A B

outcome; circumstances





beyond your control made it difficult B C

cheese, he was determined to eat it all, C even though it tasted bitterly to him. D taste 12. However, since no ammonia fumes are A B

for you to do your best. D feel 14. Also by radio waves you may fry eggs A on a stove that never gets hotly enough B C

detected, this theory does not seem C credibly. D seem become group cred-(=believe) credible(=believable) credulous() creditable(,) detectaphone 13. Please do not feel badly about the A

to burn paper or burn you if you should D touch it. get become group If it rain tomorrow, I will stay at home. cf. If it should rain tomorrow, I will stay at home. 15. Bats deterministic their positions by

smell 8. I like Mozart's music very much because his music sounds (A) sweet and soothing .

A means of echolocation, a system that B C D

16. All the people in this villa g e hav e black hair. Yes, they all other. (A) resemble as (B) resemble with (C) resemble (D) resemble from each

19. Please contact (A) with me (C) on me (B) me

money 22. A,B,C,D . (A) Dress warmly, or else you will be cold. (B) The supply of flour very low (C) It takes a sense of humor to be able to laugh at oneself. (D) She introduced me her brothers and sisters. (A)be(=feel) (B)low(=scanty)

(D) to me

Please contact with many new ideas. ( ) 20. I attended in England.

does not rely on sight. reach,mention(=talk about),discuss, await(=wait to), attend,enter,resemble,comprise, marry,address(=speakto=talk to), approach,answer(=reply to=respond to), obey,inhabit(=live in),accompany (=go with=be accompanied by) 3 introduce,announce,explain,prove (),confess,impart,confer, for),leave,greet(=bow

resemble(=be like=be similar to) 17. Bob w ants to s ell you his old radio. I know. He's alread y sug gested . (A) me that (C) to me that suggesting suggest to (= ) suggest that (should) 18. Durin g per mitted to talk freely, walk, or smoke. That's right. The school authorities won't allow (A) to smoke . (B) smoke (D) to smoking the e x a m, we are not (B) that me (D) that to me

(A) Oxford university (B) to Oxford University (C) at Oxford University (D) on Oxford University attend cf. attend at attend on attend to 21. Mr. Kim married .

(C)takes(=requires) (D)introduce 3 23. ? (A) We entered to a coffee shop, and argued about the problem to our heart's content. (B) We entered a coffee shop, and discussed satisfaction. the problem to our

(A) with Miss Lee (B) to Miss Lee (C) Miss Lee (D) by Miss Lee

marry , () (off), Her father married Susan off to Tom. The minister married Susan and Tom. - marry young, marry for love, marry for

suggest,propose,present,furnish,entrus t, provide,supply

(C) smoking allowing

allow to

(C) We entered into a coffee shop, and a full discussion about the problem. (D) We got into a coffee shop, and debated the matter in a satisfied manner. enter(=get into) enter into ,(,), , enter for enter by( ) ex)He entered by a secret door. 24. When Carl met his wife at the airport, he .

2) for buy make,do() get(, ), choose.. cf. do good(harm,damage,wrong) do good(harm,damage,wrong) to 3) of ask, beg, demand, expect, require, inquire. 4) on He played me a trick. He played a trick on me. 3 envy, forgive, save, cost ex)I envy him his success. God will forgive you your sin. 25. Yesterda y w as m y birthday. My mother .

owe 4 . He owes me five dollars. He owes five dollars to me. I owe my father what I am. I owe what I am to my father. 27. Just as I finished eating, my brother A B

(B) I found my watch disappeared (C) I found my watch missing (D) the watch was missed (A),(D)I saw my watch missing . (B) disappeared . 30. Choose the one appropriate

explained me a question. C D

answer to the given question : What happened last night? (A) When I returned home, I found the ? open window and stealing. (B) When I returned home, I found the window stolen. (C) At returning home, I found the window stolen and open something. (D) Returning home, I discovered something window. I found the window broken. 31. I made this cart strongly enough to . A B open and breaking broken and something

explain 3 asked . 28. Are you going to leave (A) the open windows (B) the windows opened (C) open the windows (D) the windows open ++ , opened , open . 29. Returning to my apartment, (A) my watch was missing

(A) gave a kiss to her cheek. (B) gave her a kiss by the cheek. (C) gave a kiss her on the cheek. (D) gave her a kiss on the cheek. ,, 4 3 1) to give,tell,read,lend,pass() offer,show,write...

(A) made a cake to me (B) made a cake me (C) made for me a cake (D) made me a cake 26. My father has made me what I am. (=I owe )

hold five adults.

C ingeniously expessed. D . We usually define an epigram as a bright. saying - , , proverb- saying aphorism, epigram , epigram aphorism at maxim motto maxim 35. Last night, in a radio address, the president urged us Cross. (A) that we subscribed (B) subscribe (C) subscribing (D) to subscribe to-inf A B , to the Red like,intend,desire,like..)








This cart is strong. 32. We regard his argument (A) as enough reason (B) enough reasonable (C) as quite logical (D) quite logic as+ describe, refer to, consider, regard, look upon, think of, speak of, define, acknowledge. 33. Jacobson is often referred to the factory. (A) as the best engineer (B) be the best engineer (C) by the president to be the best engineer (D) as being the best engineer They often refer to Jacobson as the best engineer. 34. An epigram is usually defined to be a

witness stand, her lawyer .

(tell,order,command,ask, beg,urge,advise,persuade,entreat...) (get,cause,oblige,compel, force,enable,encourage,help..) (think,believe,consider, suppose,imagine..) (allow,permit,forbid..) (A) that we (should) subscribe to 36. My brother s ays he won't help us. O h, perhaps I can persuade him . (A) to help (C) helping (B) for helping (D) that he helps

(A) gave encouragement for her to stay calm (B) encouraged her to remain calm (C) offered her encouragement of calmness (D) encouraged that she remain calm encourage to cf. discourage froming 39. She had no inclination for sexual adventures believed except within marriage. (A) an abomination (B) to be an abomination (C) are an abomination (D) being an abomination which she herself

persuade to cf. dissuade froming 37. My friend rented a new apartment, so I helped him (A) move it (C) moving it . (B) move (D) moved

believe to have an inclination for cf. have an inclination foring (to ) .

help (to)

bright or witty thought tersely and

Highway. 39. No bank keeps enough cash paying all A B C (A) to be abandoned (B) to be abandoning (C) abandoned (D) abandon We found the truck abandoned on Highway 63. 43. His use of technical terms left his audience (A) confusing . (B) confused

++p.p (=) make, let, have My father made me go to America. (=My father compelled me to go) cf. My father let me go to America. (=My father allowed me to go) 46. My grandmother has decided to make me go back to college immediately, study my lessons carefully, and .

his son kill 48. I had a tooth yesterday. (A) pulled (B) being pulled out at the dentist's

its depositors in full at one time. D keeps ing(). in full() at one time() 40. I like John but I do not like (A) his sing (C) he sing (B) his singing (D) he singing .

(C) have pulled (D) pulling a tooth pull 49. Wh at should I do ? You ought to have your coat (A) clean and press (B) cleaned and pressed (C) cleaning and pressing (D) cleaning and pressed your coat clean and press 50. I watched Alfred (A) to paint (C) painting his bicycle. .

(C) with confusion (D) to confusion his audience confuse (his audience ) 44. Are you going to keep me day long? (A) to wait (B) wait (C) waiting (D) waited (E) none me wait (me ) 45. Finally, the police (A) wanted (C) let the thief go. all

(A) a master's degree must be attained (B) must attain my master's degree (C) attain my master's degree (D) to my master's degree I have to attain make me 47. That ha v e had his son (A) kill that man. m an esc aped. He should

I don't like his singing.(3 ) cf. I don't like him singing.(5 ) like+(), to-inf, ing() like++to-inf, ing() 41. I want the work (A) do (B) to do by tomorrow.

(B) painted (D) in painting

++ (=) ++ing (=, ) ++p.p (=, )

(C) done (D) doing (E) none want+to-inf, ing() want++to-inf want++(to be) p.p want++ing 42. The truck was found on

(B) permitted (D) allowed

++ (=)

(B) to kill

(C) to killing (D) killing

53. I made Bob clean this room; that is feel,hear,notice,observe,see,smell,wa tch.. 51. Imagine my surprise when I saw one A B to A B

visit always 2. He more in one day than I do in

5. Anne works v er y hard. In fact, I think she (A) studying right now. (B) is studied

say, Bob was made clean this room. C D

(C) is studying (D) studies right now . 6. . (A) He dreamed of bringing liberty to his country. (B) Europe is lying north of Africa. (C) His quick reply surprised

a week. (A) has been earned (B) had earned (C) earns (D) has earnings

() to-inf .

man in the car pulled out a pocket book C and begin to read. D one man pulled out 52. At the side of the piazza Tom saw an A old woman sat under an umbrella, selling B C

do Unit 9. Tense 1. We visit the drama club all the (A) evening (C) morning 1) ,, 2) He said that he gets up at 6 every day. ,, I learned at school that twice two is four. He told me that the building is still under construction. (B) day (D) time . 3. to have tea in the afternoon?

(A) Would you like (B) Do you like (C) Won't you like (D) Will you like do you like:, would you like: in the morning . 4. Refrigerating meats bacteria. (A) retards (B) retarding the spread of

everyone. (D) The mountains were topped with snow. dream of , liberty , liberation , liberality (B) Europe Africa timeless lies . 7. It is an accepted custom in our country A for men to remove their hats when a

flowers and little bouquets. D old woman sat piazza(=hallway,porch,verandah) (=,) bouquet ,(),

(C) to retard (D) is retarded , retarded child (=retardee)

and had been are . 10. A narcotic is a substance that was A having a strong depressant effect on the

(D) Since she went since . 13. It every day so far this month.

(A) was reached (C) had reached

(B) reaching (D) has

woman entered the room. D accepted custom( ) enters 8. Even when exhausted, an Olympic A B

been reached

The river() (A)(C) The river (B) . 16. Lead as a material for sculpture

(A) is raining (B) rained B (C) rains (D) has raining

human nervous system. C D

so for, how long, since, for a time . 14. Dav e just telephoned. He's co min g to see us. That's good. I haven't seen him two months. (A) since (C) until (B) for (D) before

gymnast continues to work out and C performing. D performing continues to 9. Almost every morning I receive cards A inviting me to art exhibitions, and on the B C

, have . 11. Weighed down by a mass of trivial A details, a housewife is fortunate if she did not soon lose all her charm and B C

since the time of the early Greeks. (A) has been used (B) being used (C) has used (D) used

since Lead(, ) . 17. The complex relationship between poet and poem a primary concern of critics in recent

three-quarters of her intelligence. D , . 12. to New York, her father has not

since+a point of time for+a period of time be coming 15. The possibility of a flood w as just reported over the radio. I know. I heard about it. The river the top of its bank.

psychoanalytical years. (A) being

(B) have

cards had been photographs of the works D exhibited. and

(C) has been (D) is having in recent years . 18. John go t an A in chemistry. I that he is very bright.

heard from her. (A) Because she went (B) After she went (C) When she went

(A) have heard (B) will have heard (C) was heard (D) am hearing 19. My wound has been aching ever since . (A) it has started to rain (B) it begins to rain (C) it had started raining (D) it started to rain since 20. Who's taken a w a y m y diction ar y ? . (B) He took it (D) Him

21. In all the years that Paul and I have A been friends, I had never known him to B C

Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty Four B have been sold in English alone since it C has been first published in 1949. D since a point of time in 1949

25. I wonder how long ago this school . (A) has begun (B) begins (C) began (D) has started

ago, last night, yesterday . cf. How long have you been here? 26. The bus hours ago. (A) arrived (B) has arrived at the terminal two

be friendly to anyone else. D .







was . 24. Although I have lived in this

(C) had arrived (D) is arrived cf. He wouldn't have failed a year ago.

production had A B

country A after last September, I still have trouble B C

advanced forwards with great strides. C D

27. Wh at did Mr. Tate do before he retired? He a city bus for over

In the past decade(=for the past 10 years) walk-, stride- , pace- plod- tread- stroll- 23. More than ten million copies of George A

(A) She did (C) I have

twenty-five years. (A) is driving (B) drove

getting used to American food. D He didn't drink coffee after his marriage. He has not drunk coffee since his marriage. have trouble (in)ing, have trouble with

I have(taken away your dictionary) dict-(=say) diction (), dictionary dictation , dictaphone () predict

(C) has driven (D) drives for over twenty-five years . 28. When did you g o to work ? As soon as the y ca m e, w e work. to

(A) went

(B) were going

her brother. D . in search of( ) cf. search for in searching for her brother

32. On August 3, 1719, the ship under the A command of Roger Jones, having reached B Southampton with only eighteen men C D

(4) I meant to have told you about it. (5) I still didn't see the gift that came yesterday. (4) , , . ex) I had hoped to succeed=I hoped to have succeeded=I hoepd to succeed but I couldn't 34. Jim and Kirk arise early, filled their A B

(C) had gone (D) go When as soon as cf. No sooner had they come than we went to work. 29. The great Chicago fire in October, 1871, much of the city and left about 100,000 people homeless. (A) that it destroyed (B) that destroyed (C) was destroyed (D) destroyed , 1871 . 30. Agnes went to New York, took a room A in a cheap hotel, and had spent the B C

frantically(=in a frantic search for her brother) 31. In 1937 Amelia Earhart, the famous aviatrix, attempt to A B C disappears during her

alive, finally completing its voyage. On August 3, 1719 with () with my mouth open trip- voyage- travel- tour-(), () 33. Correct the errors in the following sentences: (1) I spoke to him only once since he came to town. (2) I have seen him do it only an hour ago. (3) Before the sun rose, I finished the book.

thermos jug with hot cocoa, and C noiselessly slipped out of the house. D It was the first day of the hunting season. thermos jug cf. kleenex=facial tissue scotch tape=transparent adhesive tape Hotchkiss=Stapler

fly around the world. D in 1937 . avi-(=bird) avian aviary , aviation (), aviator aviatress(=aviatrix)

following week in a frantic search for

Xerox=copier 35. When our neighbor's grandson caught A his finger in the car door, he did not cry B even though it must have hurted him a C great deal. hurt-hurt-hurt 36. The child laughed with delight, and A then suddenly catched her breath with B C D

abscond 37. I had scarcely locked the door when the key . (B) was breaking (D) in breaking

problems many times before the students B C

43. Shall I invite Tom to m y party ? Yes, it'll be nice if y o u (A) do (C) invited (B) do invite (D) are .

will take the final examination. D go over 40. Why couldn't she join you ? hardly W hen she finally arri ved, w e the dinner. (A) are (B) have been eating

(A) breaks (C) broke

44. When will they lea ve ? The y very soon. (B) are leaving (D) leave

(E) had broken scarcely, before(when) =No sooner than =As soon as , 38. The first juries were made up A of persons who witnessed the crime in question and then passed judgement B based on what they have seen. C D

(A) do leave (C) have left

45. There is a mo vie at the Student Hall tonight. ? (B) Did you go

(C) would eat (D) had eaten cf. We ate the dinner and she finally arrived. 41. I shall go to Las Vegas before you back next week. (A) will come (B) came

(A) Are you go

(C) Are you going (D) Have you gone Are tonight)? 46. Was he studyin g for an e x a m-ination? Yes, he's it next week. (B) to take you going (to the movie

alarm, and without a word she turned and fled out of the door. D catch-caught-caught flee-fled-fled escape- avoid-escape flee-

(C) would come (D) come , 42. We can go when the ground (A) is drying (B) has dried (C) dried (D) dry .

be made up of=consist of in question (), 39. The instructor had gone over the A

(A) doing

(C) making (D) to give be to take (sit for=go in for) an

exam 47. He said that if any visitor are to ask, A B

in a week in 50. Are you g oin g to the m o vies tonight? Yes, B y then I my work.

the earth will melt away . astro-, aster-(=star) astrology , astronaut , astronomy astrospace , asterisk (*), asteroid , (starfish) disaster , Unit 10. (Auxiliary) 1. Mild forms of exercise can some that

4)() It cannot be true. cf. must ( ) cannot have p.p 5) cannottoo( ) We cannot be too careful of our health. cannot but+ =cannot choose but+=cannot helping= 2. Most species of octopus color

no information should be given. C D

(A) finished (B) will finish (C) finish (D) will have finish

be to He said, If an y visitor is to a sk... 48. The moment they met, they knew that . (A) friendship would be happen (B) friendship they would have (C) they would be friends (D) they would have friendliness The moment(instant)=As soon as 49. Ex a m s will start in a w e ek. I know. I all next weekend.

by+ 51. When he retires, Professor Jones will A be teaching here for over thirty years, B C





accompanies aging. (A) stop (B) to stop

but his classes are never dull. D for . 52. The astrophysicist claimed that in about A B

quickly. (A) can change (B) can be changed (C) changing (D) that change + (A)(B) (A) oct(a)-oct(o)-(=8) octagon 8 octave 8 octopus

(C) stopping (D) be stopped can 1)(=be able to ) 2)( ) cf.may() can can not() 3)() Can it be true that he committed suicide? D cf. can have p.p(?)

(A) will be studying (B) study (C) studied (D) have been studying all next weekend

a million years the earth will melt away. C

October 10 mono-(1), bi-(2), tri-(3), tetra-(4), penta-(5), hexa-(6), hepta-(7), octa-(8), nona-(9), deca-(10) 3. Carbon-14 analysis is not able to used A to date such inorganic materials as B pottery shards or rock and metal C artifacts, often the only traces of early D man. be able to shard(=sherd) (fragment) artifact , 4. He confessed that for months he was A scarcely being able to look at the lawyer ,

5) may well( ) =have good reason to =It is natural (no wonder) that should

, may have p.p may not have p.p 7. Wild chickens any of their own

without becoming angry. D be able to, be capable of . cannot without (= ) 5. If there is social or political change in a region where a standard language is A spoken, language C may developing. D may 1)(- ) cf. must not() 2)( ) may not( ) 3)(=can) 4)(May++!) May God be with you! B local varieties of the

chicks that lack color patterns. (A) destroying (B) will destroy (C) being destroyed (D) will be destroyed will 1) 2) He will stammer in speaking. 3) The door will not open. 4) , A drawning man will catch at a straw. , will 8. Alice is visitin g her m other today. In that case, you have dinner

may as well ( ) (=had better ) cf. may might. You might as well go to the moon on foot. may as well as (=had better than ) cf. may might You might as well expect the sun to rise in the west as expect to move me. 6. They house. (A) may haven't (B) do not may have (C) not may have (D) may not have (E) may well moved from their old

with us tonight? (A) will (C) won't (B) wouldn't (D) can

will you?() won't you?()

9. Will ei ghty dollars be enou gh ? A nother t w ent y .

11. I didn't want to go alone, and no one with me. (A) went (B) has gone

They would come outand then (they would) disappear at a disadvantage( ) 13. I am sorry that he (A) would (C) should (B) can (D) may be so weak.

7)lestshould=for should


(A) will fine (B) will cover (C) will fix (D) will do

=for fear thatshould() 14. I didn't s ee her y esterday. Oh, but you . (B) ought to

will do(=be good=be enough) 10. A:I really feel drowsy. B: (A) Do you like coffee? (B) Do you want me to get coffee? (C) Shall I get you some coffee? (D) Will I get you some coffee? shall 1) Article1 : The Republic of Korea shall be(is) a democratic republic. 2) All shall die. 3) 2, 3 You shall die.(=I will let you die.) 4)1,3 Shall I go home? (A) (B) to get you some coffee? . (C) 1,3 shall, 2 will (D)will shall

(C) had gone (D) would go would 1) 2) , He would not take the money. (=He refused to take the money.) 3)wish to If you would understand a nation, you must learn its language. 4)would rather than would sooner than would as soon as 12. They would come out to attack and then disappeared back into the deep A B C

(A) must have

(C) should have (D) cannot have 15. The prime minister's conviction for A improper campaign practices is likely to B

should 1)() 2)() They should be there by now. 3) () strange, curious, odd, wonderful, sorry, surprising, regrettable, a pity... 4) () necessary, important, right, natural, no wonder, wrong, rational, proper, fair... 5) ,,,,, (should)+ D 6) should How should I know? =I don't know at all.

result in increasing pressure that she C resigns. D conviction campaign practices pressure 16. Since his blood pressure is much higher A

forests, where their opponents were at a


than it should be, his doctor insists that B C

. will like to . 19. How would you like your steak ? ? (A) Rare, please. (B) Yes, it is.

(E) If I wish=Oh that =Would (to God) that =How I wish that 22. How high an average ?

In order to know a man, You have only to travel with him for a week. 23. They got to hurry if they are

he will not smoke. None. D E

going to catch their train. (A) are (C) will (B) have (D) must

insist() (should) not smoke 17. How do you like m y new m otor-cycle? I like it, but w o uld y ou please park it on my lawn? (A) not (B) don't

(C) Yes, thank you. (D) No, thanks. (I would like to have it cooked) Rare, please. 20. Would you mind tellin g m e how m uch it was? : it was 20 cents.

(A) a fellowship student maintains (B) must a fellowship student

must(=have (got) to) 24. Tom gr aduated fro m colle ge at a v er y young age. He have been an outstanding

maintain (C) maintains a fellowship student (D) will maintain a fellowship student ++ must 1)(=have to) have to will have to don't have to(=need not) 2)( ) must have p.p cannot() 3)() All must die. 4)(=must not) may 5)have only to (do)

(A) Yes, I would. (B) Yes, I should (C) No, not at all (D) Yes, I do mind No, I don't(wouldn't); No, not at all; of course not; Certainly not. Go (right) ahead; You are quite welcome. . Yes, I do(would). 21. that he were here to help us! (B) May

student. (A) must (C) should (B) could (D) might

(C) doesn't (D) not to Would(Will) you please? , , . You w o uld not park cf. Are you not a teacher? () Aren't you a teacher? () Are not you a teacher? () 18. some tea now?

, must have p.p 25. You didn't hear m e until now ? No, I m ust came in. (A) have been sleeping (B) have slept (C) be sleeping (D) sleep I was sleeping must have beening . soundly when you

(A) Do you like (B) Would you like (C) Will you like (D) Are you like (A) , now

(A) Could

(C) Should (D) Would

26. I'm dessert.




sta y


28. John has been sick for a long time, so

(A) need not to go (B) do not need go

(A)did dare not did do . (C)dared to (D)did not dare to 33. Choose the most correct

I'm sorr y too, but I reall y (A) must to go (B) must be gone (C) am having to go (D) have to be going .


pain. (B) is used to (D) is use to

(C) need not go (D) need go not 31. You'd better g et to the ater. You're an hour late already. I w ouldn't dare (A) go in now.

(A) used to (C) use to

(E) none of these be used to() 29. I can't see the blackbo ard v ery well. Perhaps you need (A) to examine your eyes (B) to have your eyes examined (C) to have examined your eyes (D) to be examined your eyes .

interpretation of the following: We had plenty of bread, so I need not have bought a loaf. (A) We had plenty of bread, so I could not buy a loaf. (B) We had plenty of bread, so I had to buy a loaf. (C) We had plenty of bread, so I didn't need to buy a loaf. (D) We had plenty of bread, so I didn't have to buy a loaf; but I bought

(B) be going

I must go.=I must be going.=I must take leave of you.=I'd better go now. 27. Do you s moke ? No, but .

(C) the going (D) that I go I don't dare to go in now. don't dare cf. I dare not go dare would not I would not dare go in now. 32. Because Oriental ideas if woman's subordination to man prevailed in those days, she equal basis. (A) did not dare (B) dared not (C) dared not to (D) did dare not to meet with men on an

(A) I was used (B) I was used to (C) I used used to 1) cf. be used to() ( ) . 2) Iceland used to belong to Denmark. 3) Used to Did use to (D) I used to

Need, Dare , . : He needs to do it. : Need he do it? Does he need to do it? : He need not do it. He doesn't need to do it. have p.p 30. Would you like m e to g o to the dentist's with you? No, y o u with me.

one. (E) We had plenty of bread, so I did not buy a loaf. You need not have hurried. cf. You didn't need to hurry.

34. I usually go dancin g at ni ght. do that.

have ()don't have p.p haven't used to, had todidn't had betterhadn't Let'sshall we? will you?

(A) has John (B) hasn't John (C) isn't it (D) has he

phone. There isn't an yone at ho m e, ? (A) isn't there (B) is there (C) is it (D) isn't it

(A) You had not better (B) You had better not to (C) You have better not (D) You had better not had better (not) 35. John w ants to see you today. I w ould rather he today. (A) come (B) came tomorrow than

38. We had to read the first chapter, ? (A) didn't we (B) shouldn't we (C) don't we (D) does he ?

45. You seem to be dissatisfied with your present post. I don't think you judged your ability objectively when you applied for it, (A) do (C) don't (B) did (D) didn't you?

40. Let's go by taxi,

(A) won't you (B) shall we (C) don't we (D) should we 41. Turn off the radio, ?

won't you? There isisn't there? this, thatit - - I am a teacher, and you are a student, aren't you? He is not a man who tells a lie, is he? 1 think, suppose that that . I don't think that he's sick, is he? 37. John has never been on time, ?

(A) do you (B) don't you (C) will you (D) shall you (E) aren't you 42. Wh at's the proble m ? The m eetin g isn't o ver y et, but w e can leave now, ?

(C) should come (D) has come would rather (were) . 36. He said softly that he would rather A starve than stealing to get what he B needed. would rather than (Tag Question) C D

46. I'm hun gry. I'd like a s andwich. ? (A) Would you (B) Do you

(C) Couldn't you (D) Don't you 47. Have a cup of coffee, Yes, please. (A) will you (B) won't you ?

(A) can we (B) we can't (C) can't we (D) won't we 43. Fran k is up late working again. This is the third time this w eek he's had to study late, ?

(C) wouldn't you (D) would you 48. You'd better stay, you?

(A) wouldn't (B) hadn't (C) won't (D) didn't

(A) isn't it (B) hasn't he (C) isn't he (D) hasn't it 44. They don't see m to ans w er their

Unit 11. Voice 1. The American Red Cross Clara Barton. by

(A) organized it (B) was organized (C) that was organized (D) that it was organized be + p.p by by . Clara American Red Cross. 2. Are all telephone numbers directory? (A) list (C) listing (B) listed (D) being listed in the Barton organized the

4. If so m eon e falls into deep water and can't swim, what will become of him? He will probabl y be . 7.

The thief robbed me of my money. I was robbed of my money. lose(), (,), (,), () He was to be clever but

order ()+(to be) p.p 10. I wondered party. (A) if he should have been asked (B) if he should be asked (C) if he is asked to come to the

(A) drowning (B) drown (C) drowned (D) the drowning

dishonest. (A) thought as (B) thinking

(D) should he been asked ask to if we should ask him to come if he should be asked to come 11. Thanks to the newly invented vaccine, A B

- be (get) drowned - a drowned body A drowning man will catch at a straw. 5. He him. (A) was drowning (B) had drowned (C) drowned (D) had been drowned , but I dived in and rescued

(C) they thought (D) thought I thought that he was clever. I thought him to be clever. He was thought to be clever. 8. Gold was originally valued for the magical powers that it. (A) have thought (B) were thinking (C) have been thinking (D) were thought think to be thought to (by ) 9. He ordered the work (A) start at once (B) to be started at once (C) to start at once (D) at once start order ()+to . to come from

All telephone nu m bers are listed in the directory. 3. The distance from the Earth to the Moon measured today by radar or

the liver disease has now been C disappeared. disappear 12. She in 1960. D

by laser beams. (A) is easy to (B) can easily be

rescued 6. Where is your m on ey ? M y m o ne y w as (A) robbed .

(C) easily being (D) can be easy to measure The distance . measure (A),(D) . measured

(A) did marriage (B) was married (C) married I am married() I got married in 1988. I married her. I am married to Mary. (D) got married

(B) lost

(C) not here no more (D) stolen I had my money stolen. My money was stolen. The thief stole my money.

( ) 13. He quickly stepped on the brakes, and A his car came to a stop just in time to B C

cf. Let . He let me do it. I was let to do it by him.() I was allowed to do it by him.() cf. Let() The house is let by the month to Tom. 15. They s a y that the broker is a liar. Really ! to be a liar.

He is writing a letter. A letter is being written by him. cf. . right now 17. The tourists wonder how long ago this beautiful cathedral .

(A) will be felt

(B) have been felt

(C) has been felt (D) is being felt (E) are being felt now than ever before (A),(B),(C) The need (D) 18. As long as he , the outcome

be avoided an accident. D be+p.p . () Step on it=Step on the gas=Hurry up 14. Don't touch the papers. Certainly, I'll not let the papers (A) touch (B) to touch .

was quite satisfactory. (A) concerned (B) was concerned (C) concerns (D) was concerning

(A) was built (B) has been built (C) has built (D) be built built ago . 18. He will not a gree with us. I kno w, but it can't (A) help .

As long (far) asbe concerned So long (far) asbe concerned ex) So far as the census register is concerned, 19. Instead of into a nearby river or

(A) It is said him (B) The brokers says (C) It is said that he is (D) The broker is said that They say that he is rich. That he is rich is said (by them) It is said that he is rich. He is said to be rich. 16. This washing machine brother right now. (A) been repaired (B) repaired (D) being a by my

(C) be touched (D) to be touched (Let be p.p) 1) Do it. Let it be done. 2) Don't do it. Let it not be done. Don't let it be done. 3) Let him do it. Let it be done by him.

(B) be helped

(C) be helpful (D) be helping We can't help it.It can't be helped. 19. The need for the Korean economy to gain ground on the world market on

lake, sewage is sent to a giant tank where the water is purified. (A) being dumped (B) being dumping (C) dump (D) dumped

(C) is being repaired repaired

stable basis than ever before.

more acutely now

(E) dumping of (C),(D)

sewage() (A) . 20. It was strictly forbid to bring livestock A B

24. Kenyon Cox, an art critic and painter, best known for his murals, portraits, and decorative designs

justice of the peace. a justice of the peace() by . 22. Dorothy parker had liberal political A opinions, which are reflection in her B C D

bacteria and viruses, the genes, or units of heredity, are nucleic C acid. be composed of nucleic acid 28. Thurgood Marshall was appointed to an A A B C B D composed from

in public buildings throughout the United States. (A) who is (B) he is (C) is (D) and he is

into the church, and even to think of C taking an ass into the crypt of St. Francis was a desecration. D forbid++to be forbidden to desecration crypt(o)-(=, ) crypt , crypto crypto Communist cryptogenic () cryptogram () cryptonym 21. The ceremony of marriage in the A B

is known as (A=B) is known for (A) 25. Thomas Nast was known primarily for

stories and verse. reflected reflex , reflective , reflexible reflexive , 23. How does Alm a like her new work ? She with the hours. (B) isn't satisfied

associate justice of the United States C Supreme Court in 1967. D appoint as (to be)

a political cartoonist. D 26. Much of the symbolism associated with flowers is and folklore.

(= ) Unit 12. Mood 1. If he didn't promise it yesterday, then he it tomorrow. (A) would not promise (B) will not promise (C) should not promise

(A) that is legend derived (B) from derived legend that (C) which legend derived (D) derived from legend be derived from 27. In all organisms, from human beings to

(A) can't satisfy

(C) doesn't satisfy (D) hasn't satisfied be satisfied with by .

United States can be performed from a

(D) could not promise . (Indicative Mood) . 2. Are you ready now ? Yes, Let's hurry a seat near the front.

Somebody open the door. (=I ask somebody to open the door.) (2) 1,3 Let Let him go. Let's go() cf. Let us go() Let's not go.() Don't let's go.() Let's don't go() (3) 1)+may(will) Go where you may, I will follow you. =Wherever you may go, =No matter where you may go, 2)+asmay(will) Try hard as you may, you can't carry it out. =Though you may try hard, 3)+ever so+ Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home. =Let it be ever so humble, =However humble it may be, =No matter how humble it may be,

4)+ or Be the rumor true or false. Whether the rumor is(be) true or false. (4) 1), and(=if) Make haste, and you will be in time. =If you make haste, 2),or(=Ifnot) Make haste, or you will be late. =If you don't make haste, 4. Hold the machine as steadily as you can, . (A) and you will occasionally put some oil on the drill (B) and you should occasionally put some oil on the drill (C) and occasionally put some oil on the drill (D) and occasionally putting some oil on

the drill and + and . 5. Come right away, late. (A) or (B) so you will be

(A) so to get (B) for getting (C) get (D) and get

(C) then (D) if (E) and If you don't come right away, 6. . ? (A) If you go on a step more, you will fall into the pond. (B) A step further, and you will fall into the pond. (C) If you go on a step far, you shall into the pond. (D) A step further, or you will fall into the pond. (A)if you make(take, move) one more step, . (B)(Move) A step further, and you (C) far further, (D) or and .

Go and see.=Go to see. Go see.() 3. I didn't pass the monthly e x a m. next time, and you will succeed. (A) Work hard (B) To work hard

(C) Working hard (D) Hard-working (Imperative Mood) . , , , , , (1) , , . (You) Open the door. (=I ask you to open the door) 1), . You be quiet! 2)3 .

7. What can he do ? I follow my advice. (A) suggest (C) believe (1) (demand, (B) hope (D) wish

that he

used for library books. (A) is (B) be

11. Some literary detectives suggest that A Shakespeare's plays be, in fact, written B by Bacon or Oxford or Derby or someone else who preferred to remain C unknown as a playwright. D , , , ,

essential, necessary, required, advisable, urgent..) cf. that should (strange, surprising, regrettable, wonderful, depressed, sorry..) ex) It is strange that he should be mad. cf. It is strange that he was mad. 13. Wh at is your opinion ? It is natural that an e m plo y ee his work on time. (A) finishes (B) finishs imperative, natural,

(C) has been (D) will be move 9. Was the house m as ter strict?


Yes, He requested that w e television on week nights. (A) not watch (B) must not to watch (C) not be watching

require, request), ,(suggest, advice, recommend), (decide), (insist,urge) that (should) . ex) He insisted that my father

(D) have not watched request 10. The law I am referring to requires that A everyone who owns a car has accident B C insurance. require referred reference , , refer to have reference to make reference to () D

(should) be present at the meeting. cf. He insisted that he was present at the meeting. (2) (May) God help the poor! (B)I hope that he will follow. (C)I believe that he follows. (D)I wish that he would follow. 8. Mr. Chairman, I move that the money

that . 12. Wh at are the qualifications of a g ood worker? It is essential that he (A) could be (B) can be (C) will be (D) be efficient.

(C) can finish (D) should finish 14. I can't tell you an ythin g about it. But it is v er y im por tant that you me all the information. (A) give (C) gave (B) shall give (D) will be given

15. The irritable sergeant was insistent that A B

(3) that (should) (important,

nothing supersedes the drilling of the C

forty new men. D insistant (volitional adjective) should . ex) He was keen that they (should) be present. irritable (=touchy), (nervous), (sensitive) new man=recruit, novice, amateur, apprentice, new comer, newhand, beginner 16. I'd get the pen for you I could

=As I am not a bird, I cannot fly to you. if only . 17. Supposin g you would you do? (A) couldn't (C) may not (B) can't (D) are unable write, what

(B) would afford (C) could afford (D) would have afforded afford , , (can ) 19. If John were to resign and if Henry A B

If had p.p, (would,should,could,might) have p.p ex) If I had been a bird, I could have flown to you. =As I was not a bird, I could not fly to you. 21. My husband arrived yesterday. If you'd let me know it, meet him. to

were to be elected to take his place, we C would have had more vigorous D leadership. take one's place , take place , () 20. If you hadn't gone with Tom to the party last night, .

in case (that)(=in the event that) = on condition (that)= so long as(=if only=so far as = providing (that)=provided (that) = supposing (that)=supposed (that) = 18. Where would your gr andfather live if he retired? He'd ha ve a little place beside the water if he it.

(A) I'll be glad (B) I'd be glad (C) I've been glad (D) I'd have been glad 'd let would let ((B), had let (D) . (arrived) . 22. They would buy this fancy

remember who last borrowed it. (A) except that (B) if only (C) on condition (D) considering whether (Subjunctive past) 1): 2) If (were), would(could),should(might)+ ex)If I were a bird, I could fly to you.

(A) you would meet John already (B) you won't have missed John (C) you will have met John (D) you would have met John Subjunctive past perfect 1): (,) 2)

furniture, A B

had they had enough cash on hand. C D

if they had had enough cash 23. your help, I would not have

(A) could have afforded


(A) But that (B) But for (C) But if (D) Thanks to

I should be glad to help you. =I should be glad if I helped you. Would you mind my smoking? =Would you mind if I had smoked(smoke)? The wartime, would amount to disaster. (=if it happened(should happen)) 4)() What would you do in my place? same thing, happening in

have failed. 24. Would you like to visit Los An g eles on your vacation? If I a week off. (B) had

(D) It would be rude to interrupt her ( ) , (A)(B) (C) To interrupt . (D)It would be rude if I interrupt her. rupt-(=break) I bankrupt , -, bankruptcy interrupt , abrupt(=broken off) , 27. He did not help me when I needed him. A true friend (A) acted differently.

1)without, but for If it were not for(=Were it not for ) If it had not been for (=Had it not been for) cf. with . With his help, she could have done it. =If she had had his help, =If he had helped her, 2) A little care would have prevented the accident. =If we had taken a little care, it would cf. A little care will prevent the accident. 3)

(A) have

(C) have had (D) would have (I would like to visit L.A) . 25. I g ot cau g ht in traffic;

would have been here sooner. (A) however (B) although (C) anyway (D) otherwise

otherwise but that otherwise . 26. Tell the nurse you've b een waiting an hour.

=What would you do if you were in my place. 5)+and(or) 6) You might have offered to help me. (If you had been so minded)

(B) would have acted

(C) would act (D) had acted If he had been a true friend, he would have acted differently. 28. Why didn't you help him ? I w ould ha ve, money. I didn't have the

cf. . 7) otherwise(=ifnot) I worked harder; otherwise I should

Not now. She's talkin g to a patient. . (A) It is rude interruption (B) Interruption is rude of me (C) Interruption her would be rude

(A) still

(B) but

while I am now in Boston. () but () (C)can't get in touch with 32. I would have gone with him to A Washington except I had had no time. B C D

, (now) . 34. Your gr ade on the mid-ter m e x a m is not so good. That's true. If I had studied harder, I now. (A) had a better grade (B) might had a better grade (C) might have a better grade (D) might have had a better grade now point. 35. If I your advice then, I should be

B understand why he has grown so fat. C D

(C) otherwise (D) or . but(except, save) that I would have (helped him) but I didn't have the money.(=if I had had the money.) 29. Why didn't Mary go ? She except she didn't have time. (A) would have gone (B) will go (C) would go (D) be going

he ate for breakfast this morning . . 37. I wish I could've problem. (A) hadn't been (B) weren't (C) wasn't (D) have not been (E) none I wish , . 1)I am sorry that I am not a bird. I wish that I were a bird. I am sorry I was not a bird. busy yesterday; I helped you with the

() except () (C) had ecxept (that) I had no time. (=if I had had time.) 33. If the United States had built more homes for poor people in 1955, the housing problems now in some parts of this country (A) wouldn't be (B) will not have been (C) wouldn't have been (D) would have not been so serious.

except she didn't have time. (=If she had had time.) 30. I would wear my red dress save it a stain in the front. (A) had (B) has

happier now. (A) have followed (B) did not follow (C) had followed (D) followed . 36. If you saw the amount of food he ate A for breakfast this morning, your

(C) would have (D) has not save it a stain in the front.

=if it had not a stain in the front. 31. I would go to visit that beautiful lake, A but I couldn't get in touch with you B C D


I wish I had been a bird. 2)I was sorry I was not a bird.

I wished I were a bird. I was sorry I had not been a bird. I wished I had been a bird. 38. Did you enjoy the show last ni ght ? Yes, but I w ish I (A) hadn't a cold.

known . 41. How does your aunt act ? She acts as though she (A) were (C) is (B) was (D) has been an expert.

away. (A) put (B) puts

ex) I would rather stay at home. cf. I would rather that you stayed at home. Unit 13. Infinitive 1. To read Tolstoy and being introduced to A B

(C) has put (D) is putting It's time (that) should It's high time It's about time 44. He is already on the wron g side of forty. It is about time he himself a (were)

as if I wish . .

(B) didn't have

(C) hadn't had (D) wouldn't have

nineteenth-century Russian literature are C two excellent reasons for taking D Professor Morrel's course. (1) 1)to+ , , , . 2)+to (= should ) I don't know what to do. (=I don't know what I should do.) cf. except, but, than . ex)I have no duties except to eat and

39. Wh at would wish to do if you w ere a college student again? That's v er y hard to say, but I w ish I when I was a college student. (A) has not studied psychology (B) did study psychology (C) has studied psychology (D) studied psychology 40. I wish I knew you were arriving today, A B a

1)She looks as if she were ill. She looks as if she had been ill. 2)She looked as if she were ill. She looked as if she had been ill. 42. He looked like he had been in some A B

wife and settled down. (A) finds (C) found (B) should find (D) had found

It's time that + (should )- (B)(C) parallelism (C) . on the wrong side of forty(40

strange land where age advanced at

C double pace. D like as if . , like . You look like you'd seen a ghost. 43. It is high time she her toys

)on the right side of forty 45. I'd rather you for the time being. (A) do (C) don't (B) didn't do (D) didn't anything about it

I would have met you at the station. C D

would rather (sooner) cf. would rather that (were)

wish you were arriving , (A)knew had

sleep. have no choice (alternative) but to do =There is no choice (alterative) but to do. =There is nothing for it but to do. Know better than to do ( ) 2. I never know when I go on a trip.

1) I have nothing to write with. cf. I have nothing to write. I have nothing to write on. 2)be to (be supposed to ) We are to meet here at 5 p.m. ,(should) You are to finish it by 5. ,(intend to ) If you are to succeed, you must work hard. (be destined(doomed) to ) He was never to see his home again.

4. The objective of the Skylab mission was A to studying a person's ability to live B C

() To try my best, I couldn't solve the problem. ( ) so as(in order) to (so) that may(can) +to He grew up to be a doctor. only to () He tried it again, only to fail. never to ( )

and work for extended periods in the D weightless conditions of space. be to =to . 5. I'm hun gr y, and I w ant to e at this bread. W hat! It is not g ood .

(A) what clothes should be taken (B) what clothes to take (C) what clothes will I take (D) I take what clothes (A)what clothes I should take. . 3. Because of air pollution being

We parted, never to see each other again. soas to tooto enough to The question is difficult to solve. 2) to be frank(plain) with you. (= ) to tell the truth(= ) strange (curious, odd) to say (= )

(A) for eating (B) to be eaten (C) to eat (D) eating

1)(,,) (+to ) I am glad to meet you. () I should be glad to meet you. ( ) must be, cannot be, to She must be mad to tear her dress.

(can) Not a soul was to be seen.

greatly reduced, this city is still .

cf. My only wish is to live in peace. (A) (C) (B)live be p.p (D) is living

(A) a good placer in which to live (B) lived as a good place (C) a good place to live in (D) living in as a good place

sad to say(=) lucky to say(=) needless to say(= ) so to speak(say)=as it were(= ) to say nothing of=not to speak of =not to mention(= ) to begin (start) with(=, ) to make matters worse(= ) good to+ . good , , , , , (), , (,), 6. Did the judg es ask you m an y questions? Yes, and .

them . 7. The symptoms were so unusual to perplex even the specialist. (A) that (C) ever (B) as (D) not a

It is impossible to master English in

(A) to practice actors



(B) actors practice improvisation month. He promised to buy me a car. 2) I expect him to come soon. 3)for+ It is difficult for you to read the (C) when actors practice

improvisation (D) the improvisation practiced by actors To de velop , to train, to listen , + (B)(D), (D) actors by . im(=not), pro(=), vis(=see) improvised(=unrehearsed, extemporaneous) 11. One of the most important social graces is punctuality, which means arriving on A time. For most social engagements, it often B C

to perplex they perplex (A) soas to symptom , , (), 8. To formation a layer of coal one foot A thick, about twenty feet of original plant B C

book. 4)of+ () kind, nice, generous, polite, cruel, rude, childish, sensible, clever, brave, wise It is very kind of you to help me.

material must be compacted. (), about- 9. , a Form 57 must be completed.

(A) they had difficulty being answered (B) they were difficult to answer (C) to answer them was difficulty (D) answering them difficulty difficulty (scope) (A) answering we had difficulty (in)

You are very kind to help me. How kind (it is) of you to help me. 10. To develop spontaneity, to train themselves to behave logically and truthfully, and to listen and respond to their partners, .

(A) To apply for this job (B) In order to get this job (C) Making application for this job (D) If you want to apply for this job Infinitive 1)

causes inconvenience for a guest D coming either earlier or later than the E suggested hour. Itforto mean to to (=intend to ) ing() punct-(=prick, sting) punctual punctuality , 12. It was cruel for him to beat a dog with A his stick. cruel It ofto . 13. Because of the complexity of the modern require secretaries . machine, most offices B C D

(C) to train specifiedly (D) training specified to , require (A)(C) (C) to be trained . 14. The timid mother never safe. (A) causes her children feel (B) causes he children feeling (C) causes her children to feel (D) feels her children cause cause (C) (D) , (feels) . tim-(=fear) timid , (fearful, timorous, cowardly, weak-minded) 15. I believe very largely due to that they are

(C) this be unhappiness (D) this unhappiness to be believe 16. For twelve years, Spanish

He seems to be rich. It seems that he is rich. He seems to have been rich. It seems that he was(has been) rich. cf. He is likely to succeed.It is likely that he will succeed. 2) it . He seem to(It seems that he) He appears to(It appears that he ) He happens to(It happens that he) He chances to(It chances that he) He is likely to(It is likely that he) He is certain to(It is certain that he) 3) . He is certain to succeed. It is certain that he will succeed.

censorship A did not allow Lorca's name to be B mentioned or his works from being C published. allow cens-() censor(), censorship() census(() ) censure , 17. Wh at did you hear last ni ght ? I se emed door. (A) hear (C) to hear 1) , . (B) to have heard (D) having heard someone knock at the D

He is sure to succeed. I am sure that he will succeed. 4)be sure to , be sure of . He is sure to succeed. He is sure of succeeding.(success)

mistaken views of the world. (A) this unhappiness are (B) to be this unhappiness

(A) to have specified training (B) specified in training

did , seemed , , . It seemed that I heard someone knock at the door. 18. The old lady told the little boys so noisy. (A) don't to be (B) don't be (C) not to be (D) not be runway.

I had hoped to learn French.=I hoped to have learned French.=I hoped to learn French but I couldn't. 23. Anesthetics are used

He enjoy reading historical novels. He went out without saying a word. cf. except, but, than . resist arrest (A),(B) (B)The resisting the The resisting of . jail( gaol), , (=put in jail) break jail

(spilt infinitive) I failed to entirely understand the meaning. ( .) I failed to understand the meaning entirely. ( .) . 21. To the of a stranger, the

insensitivity to pain during surgical operation. (A) the cause (C) cause of (B) to cause (D) causing

. 19. The father advised secondhand car. (A) his son to not purchase (B) his son not to purchase (C) his son's no purchasing (D) that his son doesn't purchase (A) not . (D)advised his son that he should not purchase . 20. The promoters teach the beauty queen A B the

anesthesia , general(local) anesthesia () anesthetic , Unit 14. Gerund 1. why w as your cousin put in jail? arrest is a crime, you know. (A) Resisting (B) The resisting

economy seems stable enough. (A) look (C) eye (B) sight (D) view

2. What's m ade Ruth to upset ? three tickets to the folk music concert. (A) Lost (B) Losing

to the eye of(, ) 22. I had hoped to have learned French A before my trip to Paris, but I did not B C

(C) Because of losing (D) Since she lost what 3. Please excuse being so late.

(C) Resisting to (D) Resisting of (+) 1) Making money is not the end of life. 2) My hobby is collecting stamps. 3)

have any extra money for a course. D , , .

(A) for (B) me (C) my (D) to excuse one for (one's)ing excuse (one's)ing

contestants to radiantly walk down the

1) Seeing is believing. 2) Breathing in the open air is good for his health. 3) She insisted on my paying the debt. (=She insisted that I should pay the debt.) 4) She is proud of her father('s) being a poet. cf. He was surprised at the house being burnt out. 4. Ho w did you learn to drive? strict obedience to my tutor. (A) Giving (C) To give (B) Give (D) By giving

by walking to the front of an adult bird, reaching up, and .

tox-(=poison) toxic toxicology toxin antitoxin intoxicate (, ), 7. Reading is the act of interpreted printed A B C

He showed great skill in playing the guitar. 9. Within the last year, astronomers have come closer than ever to decide which A B C

(A) they peck at its bill (B) peck at its bill (C) pecking at its bill (D) at its bill they peck by nightjar bill , , , , , , 6. The embarrassed professor pleaded not A guilty to the charge of drive while B intoxicated. (C) drive of , while intoxicated C D

of the question is right. D come close to( ) to 10. It seems very difficult (A) to stop the child to cry (B) restraining the child to cry (C) to keep the child from crying (D) holding the child's crying stop(keep, prohabit, disable, dissuade, deter. discourage) from ( ) 11. He awoke feeling as if he had eaten heavily overnight instead of hold, restrain, hinder. .

and written words. D (B) of , printed words interpreting. 8. Mary Ann Hardy was known for her A skill to paint miniature watercolor B C

portraits on ivory. driving . D is known for () is known as (=) skill in( , )

How , by (D) . 5. From birth, nightjar chicks, solicit food

DWI(Driving While Intoxicated) =DUI(Driving Under the Influence of alcohol)

nothing. (A) having eaten (B) having been eaten (C) eating (D) had eaten as if (had eaten) , awoke() . . 12. We had a very hard time of the problems. (A) discussing (B) to discuss some

(A) to find (C) finding

(B) for finding (D) with finding

afford, agree, consent, hope, wish, want, decide, determine, desire, expect, endeavor, seek, strive, fail, hesitate, . manage, pretend, refuse, resolve, venture, dare plan, offer, promise,

in-(=into), it(=go) initiate (), initial -, - 20. People complain that the costs of

(B) in finding, (D) finding . 15. He had much difficulty in

(A) telling the first item apart from the second of the two (B) finding the manner of difference between item one and two (C) telling the difference between the two items (C) try to separate the difference of the

establishing a business are so much that A B C

plan to , plan oning 18. Did you hav e trouble with your car this morning? Yes, but I finally m ana ged (A) to get it started (B) to get starting it (C) it to get started (D) getting started it .

only the rich can afford running a D company. No error. E afford , , (can ) Reading affords much pleasure. I can afford to buy a car. initial 21. Space exploration is so costly that no

(C) of discussing (D) in discussing have difficulty trouble a hard time a terrible struggle 13. John, are you still ha vin g difficulty mathematics? Yes, I still am. (A) with (C) at (B) in (D) on the obscure (in)ing with

two item tell(distinguish) from tell the difference between and tell the difference between the two 17. Mr. and Mrs. Kim are planning a trip to the west coast. (A) take (C) taking (B) to take (D) for taking

get ( )+to get ( )+to p.p 19. After a great deal of

confusion, A B C

A single nation can hope sustaining a B C D

the antiwar demonstrators decided protesting inside the administration D building gymnasium. instead of in the

major program indefinitely. 22. As time went on, he suffered such A B C

14. We had difficulty

path through the forest.

heavy losses that he was forced giving D up his business. force to =be forced to , have tomustbe obliged tobe compelledbe forced to . 23. You will probably want gathering A information promotion B C about selling and







. narrowly escape (from)ing=have a

(A) do (C) of doing

(B) doing (D) to do

continue a A friendship is through letters. Most B people enjoy to receive letters, but C few seem to be very fond of writing D them. admit, allow, avoid, escape, evade, help, appreciate, acknowledge, anticipate, consider, fancy, complete, deny, reject, resist, delay, postpone, enjoy, excuse, finish, favor, mind, miss, mention, suggest, stop, quit, keep on, give up, burst practice, recall, risk,

narrow (hair breadth) escape from =, (=come nearing) 26. As I had finished to read the newsA B

29. Wh at did she talk about? She sug gested tonight. (A) to go (C) of going (B) going (D) to going to the movies

-paper, I began to think about the C D

suggesting suggest that (should) suggest to (= ) 30. Where are the S miths goin g to live? The Smiths are considering Chicago. (A) moving (C) move (B) to move (D) moved to

terrible accident reported in the paper. 27. She always tries her best to avoid mistakes. (A) to make (C) making (B) from making (D) that she makes

methods and about channels of distribution. D want, need, require, deserve . . We need to paint the houses. The houses need painting. (=The houses needs to be painted.)

avoid that, clause, . do(try) utmost=do all one can=do everything in one's power 28. Why don't you try to do that kind one's best=try one's

move to 31. Wh at did they stru g gle for ? The t wo m en resisted (A) to examine (C) examining it.

out 25. He narrowly escaped (A) to run over by a taxi.

(B) by examine (D) examine

of work? I can't risk now. something new right

(B) to be run over

32. Dick has a bad cough. If he's sensib le, he'll give up (A) the smoking (B) smoking .

(C) running over (D) being run over run over (He)

(C) to smoke

(D) to be smoking

(C) 34. Thurgood Marshall law in 1933. (A) began (B) began to (D) he began practicing

(D) this red pen having prefer to () () , to to preferto to rather than . 37. Why don't you like John ? I dislike him tell old jokes. (A) hear (C) hearing (B) for hearing (D) by hearing

2) trying() try to ( ) 3) go oning() go on to ( ) 4) mean ing() to (=plan to ) ( ) 5) want, need, require, deserve to (to be p.p) . My house want mending. (=to be mended) 39. He has forgotten (A) to see (B) saw me before.

sensible , sensitive , , sensual , sensuous , sensory , 33. Aren't te acher why he gave you that grade? No, I intend . you g oin g to ask the

(C) beginning

practice law (medicine) () 35. He looked embarrassed. How this sort of thing!

(A) to let rest the matter (B) the matter to be let resting (C) letting the matter rest (D) to let me matter to rest , . intend, neglect, continue, like, love, hate, prefer cf. , , , . I like swimming in the river. I like to swim now. intend (A)(C)(D) Let start, begin, commence,

(A) hated to have to do (B) hated having to do (C) hated he does (D) hated to having to do hate (A)(B) have to having to to have to . (C) hated he did (had done) . 36. Wh at kind of pen do you want to have? I prefer to that blue one.

dislike , () . 38. I m ust rem e m ber John that the

garden needs watering. (A) reminded (C) reminding (B) to remind (D) to be reminded of

, . 1)(remember, forget, regret, recall) , . ex)I remember mailing the letter. I remembered to mail the letter. John that .

(C) to have seen (D) seeing 40. I never s a w you before. Can't y ou recall years ago? (A) staying (C) to stay (B) to have stayed (D) having stayed with me two

(A) having this red pen (B) to have this red pen (C) had this red pen

recall , two years ago

. 41. I regret harder while young. (B) no work (D) not

executed in Naples in 1806 for having B tried insurrection. C D inciting Calabria to

ing(=to be p.p) 45. Wh at do you e xpect m e to do ? The house needs (A) to be paint (C) painting .

practice) to 6) It goes without saying that( )=It is needless (unnecessary) to say that =Needless to say,=It is a matter of course that 7) This book is worth reading.=This book is worthy to be read.=This book is worthy of reading. =It is worth while to read this book.=It is worth while reading this book. 8) come near(to)ing( )=narrowly escapeing=escape ing by a hair's breadth 9) far froming(=never) cf. so far froming( ) So far from poverty being a misfortune,(

(A) not to work

(B) to painting (D) painted

(C) not having worked working

46. Wh at happen ed to your shoes ? The y w a nt name, (A) to mend (C) mended . (B) mending (D) mend

42. More and more Americans are planning A to stop to smoke since the

real name() (cryptonym, pseudonym, assumed name, alias) crypto-(), pseud-(=false), fictitious

1) There is noing( )=It is impossible to =We cannot 2) It is no use(good)ing( )=It is of no use(useless) to 3) can not helping( )=can not choose but 4) feel likeing( )=feel inclined(disposed) to =have

government B C

onym-(=name, word), fict-(=make), al-(=other) cryptograph , pseudograph , , synonym (antonym) fiction , coalesce () in(against)+surrect(rise) +ion(=rebellion) 44. The coffee is very cold; it needs . (A) hot (B) to heating a

has required health warnings on D cigarette packages. stoping( , cease to ) stop to ( ) (stop smoking) 43. Fra. Diavolo, an Italian bandit, whose A real name was Michele Pezza, was

(C) to be heated (D) to be hotted need want to ,

mind(desire) to 5) make a point(practice) ofing(= )=make it a rule(point,

,) 10) in the act ofing( , )=(while) 11) be on the point ofing(

)=be on the border(brink, edge) of ing=be about to 12) Oning(=as soon as ), Ining(=when ) 13) (=p.p by oneself) 14) , What do you say toing=Let's , (shall we)?=why not ? =Shall we ?=What do you think of(about)? 15) not without (ing)=not but (+)=Whenever (Every(Each) time) , 16) going( ) 17) have(find) difficulty (in)ing to 1) look forward to(=anticipate with pleasure) 2) be used to(=be habituated to=be accustomed to=be acclimated to) 3) object to(=be opposed of one's owning(=)

take) objection to) 4) with a view to(=with the view of) 5) contribute to 6) devote oneself to 7) take to( , ) 8) attend to() 9) fall to( ) 10) lead to( , ) 11) succeed to( ) 12) see to(, ) 13) assent to( ) 14) reply to(=respond to=answer) 15) bear witness to=testify to=witness to( , ) 47. Shall w e go to the library ? No, I don't feel tonight.

(C) could not avoid to laugh (D) could not stop but laughing 49. She must be looking forward as much to his return as he himself is to her. (A) see (C) seeing (B) have been (D) having seen

money. (A) tell (C) telling (B) to tell (D) having tole after

52. I am not accustomed dark. (A) walking (C) to walk (B) to walking (D) for walking

53. When will you s ee John ? I a m looking forward (A) to see him (B) to seeing him next summer.

is to is lookin g forw ard to to 50. Nothing unseemly returns. (A) expects to be turned up (B) expects to turn up (C) is expected to turn up (D) is expected to be turned up expect expected to turn(show) up (), to =be in his tax

(C) to have seen him (D) to be seeing him 54. Why do you object to directions? (A) following (B) follow (C) have followed (D) have been followed 55. Have you beco m e acclim ated in that city? (A) for living (B) on living (C) to live (D) to living the

(A) like reading (B) like to read (C) like read (D) like I'm going to read 48. When Jane fell off the slide, the other children .

tax returns Nothing 51. It is no good me about your lost

(A) couldn't help laughing (B) weren't able to stop laughter


56. Mr. Brown often wore a heavy coat

A penny saved is a penny gained. 2) () Those invited didn't turn up.

(C) called

(D) is called

, surprise, bore, excite, interesting, exhaust, satisfy 5. Did you enjoy the m o vie ? played in No, It w as (A) very boring (C) much boring . (B) very bored (D) much bored

because he was not used to live in such C a cold climate. Unit 15. (1) 1) (+) 2) () broken vase, wounded soldier () fallen leaves(), retired officer( ) cf. (+ed) one-eyed man, long-eared rabbit (2) 1) () exciting game, sleeping baby (phrase)() The baby sleeping in the cradle cf. -thing, -body D

A group which called itself the League for Peace A group calling itself. 3. Football and baseball

3) () She sat knitting by her husband. I saw a man painting a picture. 4) the living(=living people) the accused (), the unexpected ( ) 5) burning hot, exceeding glad 1. Was the rally successful? No, because the nu m ber of smaller we had expected. (A) people who attend (B) attended people (C) people attending (D) attendance of people (A) , (C)people(who were) attending 2. Who w ere those people with the banners? A group Peace. (A) calling (B) calls itself the League for was

the United States today are basically modifications originated in England. (A) as (C) being (B) are (D) that of games that

The movie was boring, so I was bored. very+(, , ), much+(, , ) 6. (stress) . (A) sleeping dogs- (B) smoking rooms- (C) diving boards- e xh austed (D) dancing girls- ()+, ()+ ex) swimming suit, swimming boy 7. At the turn of the century, theatrical A (B) exhausting (C) exhaustion in B C agent Elisabeth Marbury showed an unusual awareness of to come trends

1919 a picture of my father as (which was) photographed in 1919. 4. I hear Eelen. She w as prett y exhausted, but m ost people didn't think it was all (A) exhausted (C) exhaust at that the trip

, ()

the field of entertainment. D (C) to come coming . 8. In the past decade an embarrassed A number demonstrated B that beneath their hairshirts beats a C desire monastic D self-denial. a number of embarrassed monks, an embarrassing number of monks monastic self-denial for something besides of monks have

D people (who were) visiting 10. Understanding the cultural habits of A another bewildered B C nation is a complex, an

punishment, a child may develop habits B C

body of the (A) murder (C) murdering murdered murdering

man? (B) murdered (D) having murder man ,

lead to excessive consumption or

D unbalanced diet. (B) may develop lead (C) . lead() , , () 12. Commercial banks make most of their income from interest on loans

man () 14. Along the rocky New England coast are small areas of sand and gravel beach, some created from glacial debris, by the action of ocean storms. (A) upbuilding others (B) others build up (C) others built up (D) built up others some areas (being) created from (B) earned (D) was earned others areas (being) built by Alon g the coast are s m all are as . glacial , epoch , acetic acid debris , , 15. Wh at would you like for your

task, but the rewards of knowing of some of them are enormous. D E

bewilder task bewildering norm(=standard), ex-. ec-, e-(=out) normal ()(=normative) abnormal () subnormal (), - supernormal

and investments in stocks and bonds. (A) earn (C) to earn

9. Some of the people visited St. Peter's A B

(=out of the common) enormous (=gigantic, mammoth, colossal, huge) 11. If food is used as a reward or A

interest() earn(, ) (B) . make (the) most of 13. A man was killed. Where is the

placed bouquets on the altar of their C favorite saint.

birthday? I'd like the of Maugham. (A) collected (C) collecting


s . ex) ashes, savings, damages, waters,

digestion regulation B of the






cf. As he is honest, everyone trusts him.

(B) collection (D) collect

sands 17. The first short story publish by A B

C sugar level in the

He being honest, every trust him. () ( .) Being honest, he is trusted by everyone.() If we speak strictly, he is not honest. Strictly speaking, he is not honest. Having I had finished my work, I went to bed. Having finished my work, I went. 2) there is As there was no bus service, we had to walk. There being no bus service, we. (with++ (,)) with eyes closed with television on with his mouth open

theworks (A)(C) works() collect() . 16. The first explanation is that the hill has A compress ammonia in the depths of the B ground ammonia D freezes the water as in the manu-facture of artificial ice. ammonia) be that that . (C)depths (compressed C and that the escaping

bloodstream. D be involved in( ) pancreas , bloodstream , sugar level organ (which is) involved in is used (Participial Construction) 1)

Washington Irving was Rip Van C Winkle , which appeared in 1819. D (B) (which was) published 18. The electric furnace

extensively A B

As I had a bad cold, I couldn't go to school. Having a bad cold, I couldn't go.

to produce the high-grade steel is required for the manufacture of steel C alloys. high-grade steel (which is) required furnace , , - 19. The pancreas is organ involving in the A D

As the book was written in haste, it has many mistakes. (Being) Written in haste, it has many. As it was fine yesterday, we went on a picnic. It being fine yesterday, we went.

cf. I sat reading a book, (with) my wife sewing by my side. . Not knowing what to say, I remained silent. ( as ) As the villa stands on the hill, it commands a fine view. Standing (as it does) on the hill, the villa commands. 20. Francis Preston Blair, Jr born in

(C) Well fitted when (D) If well fitted when , ()

25. The social studies, broad speaking, deal A B

As she was hard hit by(=(Being) Hard hit by. be hard hit turn to (), , the 24. The most common form of candle is a

glasses . When(they are) well fitted, 22. The blast furnace burns

with man's relationship to other men. C D

(B)broadly speaking (=if we speaking broadly) 26. Founded in 1961 and employed an A estimated organization has gained a reputation for brutality. C D B 35.000 people, the

impurities out of the mix, .

hard cylinder of paraffin with a wick through its center. (A) running (C) runs (B) and run (D) ran

(A) which melts down the metal in the ore (B) melting down the metal in the ore (C) melts down the metal in the ore (D) melt down the metal in the ore

Kentucky, lived and practiced law in Missouri. (A) was (C) although (B) he was (D) who he was

with++(,) cand(=white) candid (frank), (outspoken), (=impartial), , candor , candidate candle (), (-power) candle light

The blast furnace() burns , (C)(D) . (A) which the mix

Founded employed , organization . 27. The hurricane, coming while it did, took A B

,although he was born in Kentucky, =,(Being) =,although born in Kentucky, 21. , glasses can correct most sight Born in Kentucky,

. 23. Hard hit by the financial crisis of 1837, A B

candle mas (2/2) candle wick candle stick(=candleholder)

the Florida coastal community by C surprise. D

defects in healthy eyes. (A) When well fitted (B) Well fitted if

Maria McIntosh turned to writing for C her livelihood. None.

as + +do(es), as + +be(have) . hurricane-, typhoon-, storm-(, , , ) 28. When saw near the horizon, the moon A B appears strikingly larger than when C viewed overhead. D (A)saw , When we saw the moon near =When the moon was seen near =When (being) seen near. 29. Writing it a terse, lucid style, the book A describes the author's childhood B C

D the outbreak of the Civil War. (A)Writing the book . Civil War()(186165) (=the War of Secession) 30. Having eaten the cherry pie, I struck A B

(being) covered. 32. Asking if he could come to the party A B

He told her that if he were a bird, he could fly to you. 2) said (to)asked(inquired of) or if(whether) ex)He said to me, When does your school begin and end? He asked me when my school began and ended. He said to me, Do you know her address? He asked me if I knew her address. 3) said (to)told, asked, advised.. to ex)He said to me, (Pleas e) Take this letter to your father. He told (asked) me to take that letter to my father. cf. He said to me, Let's go out for a walk. He suggested to me that we should

that night, John nodded his head and C left the room. When he was asked if =(Being) Asked if Unit 16. (Narration) 1) saidsaid, said totold that ex)He said, I will be back here tomorrow. He said that he would be back D

several pits and nearly broke a tooth. C D

(pit) . pit , , (, )(stone) 31. Many abandoned portions of the Erie A Canal, covering by vines and bushes, B are still cornfields C or through orchards and thickets. D (B)covering portions easily traceable across

there the next day. cf. . He said to her, If I were a bird, I could fly to you.

experiences in Louisiana just before

go out for a walk. 4) saidexclaimed, cried, shouted... (what, how) or that ex)She said, How beautiful this rose is! She exclaimed how beautiful that rose was. She said, This rose is v er y beautiful. She said that that rose was very beautiful. cf. Alas!=cried with regret Hurrah!=exclaimed with joy Brovo!=exclaimed with applause ex) He said, Alas! She has failed again! He cried with regret that she had failed again. 5) said (to)prayed express one's wish to thatmight ex)She said, God bless m y son !

She prayed that God might bless her son. She said to him, May you pass the exam! She expressed her wish to him that he might pass the exam. nowthen, todaythat day yesterdaythe previous day tomorrowthe next (following) day next weekthe next (following) week last Sundaythe previous Sunday agobefore, thisthat come herego there 1) that and but that . She said, I a m ill now and I can't go with you. She said that she was ill then and that she couldn't go with me. day before, the

cf. for that . 2) ,,and(or) if He said to me, Work hard, and you will succeed. He said to me, If you work hard, you will succeed. He told me that if I worked hard, I should succeed. 3) Might he not run up to see her? He said to her, May I not run up to see you? He asked her if he might not run up to see her. 4) He said, Yes.(No.) He answered in the affirmative (negative). 1. A: What did he advise m e to do ? B:

(A) He said, I should pa y attention. (B) He said, You should pay

attention. (C) He advised me to pay attention. (D) He told, You should pay

attention. A,B A me B you (A)(C) . , told (B) 2. Mother always told us that one who lived in a country town should know his A B

neighbors and should try to love them C as himself. D (told) (lives) . 3. ?

(A) He said, How br av e you are ! He exclaimed I was very brave. (B) He said to me, Don't be foolish. He told me not be foolish. (C) He said to me, Who tau ght you English?He asked who had taught me English. (D) She always said, I wish I could speak English.She always said she English. (B) comma(,) to He told m e not to be foolish . (D) . 4. Mary told me that she would accept the A B invitation if she had been in my place. C D wished she could speak

5. Where to find him and how to find him to us. (A) is not known (B) are not known (C) not known (D) has not known

for the accident. (C) Both you and he are to blame for the accident. (D) Either you or he is to blame for the accident. not only but also , either or , as well as both and 8. There are many stories about how smart A a fox can be when they are being B C

What I want are books. 10. The river in West Pakistan supplies water to the nearby tillers living in the A river basin, but they can not irrigate B the famine areas 200 miles away. C D

and and . bread and butter, curry and rice, man and wife All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 6. She is one of the few girls who passed the examination. (A) has (C) had (B) have (D) was (E) were

The river, (B) river it. river basin() irrigate()=supply water 11. The World Wildlife Fund supports A scientific research and conservation projects endangered B C designed to save

chased by hounds. D (a fox) (C)it is. 9. You bastard, most of (A) it are (C) it is (B) them is (D) them are lies.

one of () one of () the only one of () 7. ? (A) You as well as he is to blame for the accident. (B) Not only you but also he is to blame

animals and preserve its natural D habitats. (D)its animals their habitat (), (),

(C)were. Mary said to me, I would accept the invitation if I were in your place.

most, part, rest +of of , .

en(em)+,= endanger, enslave, entitle, enlarge 12. The museum uses volunteers from the A community who act as a guide to B show visitors the displays of local C artists' work. D as (who=volunteers) (B)guide . vol-(=will), ben(e)-(=good), mal(e)-(=bad,evil) volition (=will power) voluntary , benevolent , , malevolent , (=spiteful) 13. There was no organized sports program A B an D

at the resort, but tennis courts, a golf course, gymnasium C was available. D but (courts, course, andgymnasium) (D)was were . 14. While remaining accountable to the A administration as well as to those B individuals who submit complaints, and a well-equipped

arbitrator (=peace maker) 15. Understanding the cultural habits of

to() 3. I've never go ne skin divin g. You should ha ve. It's exciting to glide the water.

another containing A




(A) after (C) through

(B) across (D) beyond

diving clue skin diving cf. scuba diving (=self-contained breathing apparatus) 4. Where's Baltimore ? It isn't Washington D.C. (A) far away . (C) far to (B) far off (D) far from underwater

so many diversified sub-cultures as the United States, are a complex, C D

bewildering task. (D)are Understanding is Unit 17. 1. The company moved C

(A) its new building last year (B) into its new building last year (C) in for a long time (D) inside our house for two months move to , move into 2. China lies the west of Korea.

(A)far away (B)far off from (), to 5. Jane walked until the shopping center, A where she got the bus for school. B C D

arbitrator must decide each case on their own merits. D (D)theirs each case its . accountable , merit ,

(A) at (B) in (C) to (D) by in(), on(, ),

until(), to() get=get on 6. Cowboys in movies never seem to have A B

twenty minutes. (A) by at least (C) at nearly (B) around (D) in about

composing machines, all type was set or B composed by hand. D prior toposterior to 18. After a thorough inspection of the A to=before=anterior C

presented by actors onto a stage. C D

(D) onto on . C D ex) They placed some chairs on the stage. The actor stepped onto the stage. 11. During the short time Ellen lived at A B

in () , within 14. Professor Smith of my university usually arrives on campus to

any trouble drawing guns out from their

have a glass of milk before his first lecture. (A) for time (C) on time (B) in time (D) at time

holsters. intoout of holster ( ) 7. Where did you m e et John ? I m et John the restaurant.

Babylonian tables, he predicted that B another eclipse of the sun was due C in May 28, 585 B.C. D on eclipse (eclipse behind of the sun), lunar eclipse , total eclipse 19. Yes, it's a s ad story. World War , many people had to start life anew. (A) Since (C) Since the (B) After the (D) After (,), solar eclipse

in time(=soon or early enough), on time(=punctually) 15. Wh at happen ed to these people ? The y ha ve been w aiting for m an y hours to see the movie stars, but the plane must have been (A) off time (C) ahead (B) on time schedule (D) .

New York, she was employed by at C least six different companies. D in( ) 12. he went to New York.

(A) at (B) in (C) on (D) of 8. You can find the store you're looking for (A) on 2233 Highway Road. (B) at

(C) nearby (D) in (E) none at+(), on+( or ) 9. Isn't her house Hilltop station?

(A) On the next day morning (B) On the next day's morning (C) In the next day's morning (D) On the morning of the next day in the morning on the morning of the next day 13. Don't worry. She'll be here

schedule behind schedule( ) ahead of schedule 16. Prior the development of

(A) in (B) to (C) near (D) around near -, -, - around , 10. A drama is a story intended to be

mechanical A

since (A)(C) . (B)After the Second World War . 20. How is Jane ? She has been sick last Sunday. (A) since (B) in (C) during (D) on 21. When will he com e back ? He'll be back . (B) in next

This year (A)as the past as in the past . 23. Doctors are not familiar with many A incurable diseases but will be able to B detect tuberculosis or certain forms of

resulted from the destruction of more C than a hundred acres of forest. D 26. As a result from hearing the radio A announcement, Craig has written to B C

of=on account of cf. due to . 28. Why do you as k if I've been smoking? Becaus e you s m ell cigarettes. (A) by (B) with (C) of (D) as smell of , smell with 29. When I met Jenny, I took a liking her immediately. (A) of (B) for (C) on (D) in , for 30. He helps you quite a lot. We feel grateful his help.

(A) on next Sunday Sunday (C) next Sunday Sunday

offer himself as a member of the D

(D) about next

C cancer at the near future. D tuberculosis(TB) , pulmonary, tuberculin ( ) 24. Whose fault ? The accident clearly resulted your carelessness.

panel for next week. as a result of panel , , (), 27. Since their high vitamin and low calorie A B

next, last, this, that, some, every . on Sunday next Sunday=on Sunday next 22. This year, as the past, the oil company A will sponsor a television series based B C

(A) to (B) for (C) in (D) with be grateful to for 31. The World Health Organization strives A at better health throughout the world. B C D

content, mushrooms are included in C certain diets. D

(A) in (B) on (C) from (D) for result from result in 25. My neglect to extinguish our

since() , , since( )

strive for (=strive to ), strive after , 32. How did you g e t to m y office so

on major literary works. D

campfire A B

because of=owing to=on the ground

quickly? I entered the building door. (A) in (B) into (C) with (D) by enter at( ) enter by( ) ex) He entered the building at the front door. He entered the building by the back window. 33. , investigators explore the in the side

boat. (A) in (B) with (C) on (D) by by bus= in a bus (), on the bus () 36. All sewing was done with hand until A B

it. (A) by (B) about (C) with (D) on be enthusiastic about( ) 40. his cold, he came in first in the

(A) me for (C) I for

(B) me by (D) I by

44. The bond issue, proposed as a way of A financing a centennial celebration, failed C D

athletics meet. (A) Regardless (B) In spite ( C) In spite of (D) Despite of in spite of=despite regardless of (without

the invention of the sewing machine

in narrow margin. D (D)fail in( ) . by a narrow margin( ) 45. I'm going to stay my cousins in

regard to(for)=irrespective of) 41. A horse should be fed according its A B

the nineteenth century. by hand(=manually) , 37. Here is an article on

individual needs and the nature of its

human mind. (A) Through psychology (B) It is psychology (C) Psychology (D) Psychology is (B)(C). (C) investigators . 34. How do I write m y composition ? W rite y our co m position ink.

disar m a m ent. I've heard m an y debates issue recently. (A) at (B) from (C) on (D) for on(, ) 38. I bought this shawl here, but it's actually Thailand. that

C work.

America. (A) at (B) by (C) with (D) on stay with , stay at 46. rapid spread of railways and

according to cf. according as+ 42. How do you know John w as an gr y ? I could tell his face.

increase in ocean transport, long-distance traveling became more common. (A) The (C) With the (B) It was the (D) There was a

(A) in (B) except (C) from (D) about it's from Thailand. It's made in Thailand. 39. Does your father like to play g olf? Yes, he's really enthusiastic

(A) for (B) with (C) to (D) by by 43. Is she older than you ? Yes, she is older than two years.

(A) in (B) on (C) with (D) by (A)in() (C)with() 35. How are you g oin g ? We are goin g

comma ()() .

47. Have you some other reasons the ones you just mentioned above? (A) in addition to (B) besides (C) except (D) unless

(B) in the brown suit (C) on the brown suit (D) wears a brown large suit (B)in (C)on . cf. put the dress on(=put on the dress) 52. Wh at do you ha v e to do to morrow ? I'll ha ve to in a conference.

have some knowledge of ( ) nowhat (so) ever(=at all) 55. A galaxy is composed from gas, dust, A B

(A) in (B) on (C) at (D) inside on(, ) 59. The period of quarantine depends to the A amount protection C against the spread of a particular D disease. depend on(upon)=be dependent on be independent of CIQ(, , ) customs, immigration, & quarantine the 60. Is John your relative ? Yes, He's a cousin me. of time B necessary for

besides (=as well as) ,(=except) in addition(, )=as well as 48. iron, the vast mineral resources

and billions of stars. C D

of the country were practically untouched. (A) Without (C) Except for (B) Except (D) As for

be composed of( ) 56. Be careful when you light the ov en. I will. Last night I burnt m y finger the handle. (A) at (B) in (C) on (D) through on(), put on, turn on 57. I am surprised that

(A) join (C) attend

(B) taking part (D) participate

except( ) . except for( ) () (=excepting) () (=but for) 50. Wasn't the issue settled? No, the t wo sides are still conflict. (A) in (B) during (C) on (D) with in(, ), in good condition 51. Who is Mr. Halv erson ? The m an is Mr. Halverson.

join=attend=be present at=take part in=participate it 53. We should bring an end to innocent people. (A) kill (C) killed (B) the killing of (D) the killing

ad ministr ation approved of the protest march. I a m too. It usually fro w ns such demonstrations. (A) on (B) with (C) for (d) to frown on(upon) wear a frown 58. The chairman should help all the members the committee.

(A) for (B) of (C) to (D) in to(), be related to , be engaged to , be married to 61. Where sittin g me. (A) near to (B) next by is she sittin g ? She is

bring an end to() to (A),(C) . (B)(D) (killing) the of . 54. I have no knowledge whatever the sciences. (A) of (B) to (C) in (D) on

(A) having the brown suit

(C) next

(D) next to

does not hide its head in the sand; C the music when frightened, it runs. D opposite (to), ( ) contrary to 65. rug weaver, tapestry weavers

semi-demi-hemi-(=half) meridian , longitude , () cf. latitude , () 67. You have probably heard from the new A B

(A) end on

(B) on end

next to(=near)() 62. Wh at ? We danced of Jimmy Dorsey's band. (A) to (B) with (C) in ((D) on (A)to() (B)Will you dance with me? (C)dance in( ) (D)Look at that boat dancing on the waves. 63. Hepatitis brought Napoleon's

(C) end to end (D) end for end on end()=in succession, continuously

innovation in the regular morning C broadcast. hear of() , hear about , hear from () 68. The tickets for the concert were sold . (A) out (B) for (C) on (D) through D

face the back of the fabric as they work. (A) Do not like (B) No likeness to (C) Unlike (D) Dislike

Egyptian A campaign close by disaster and was B C

rug( ), tapestry( ) comma (+) . 66. The Earth can be divided to two parts, A B

responsible, in part, for Rommel's defeat in North Africa during the D Second World War. hepatic , , - hepatitis hepatitis A(A ), hepatitis B(B ) 64. Opposite to popular belief, the ostrich A B

sell out(), be sold out() 69. Don't trust her she will break it. your typewriter;

or hemispheres, according to the C meridians longitude. D divide(cut) into two(parts) of east and west

(A) on (B) with (C) in (D) for trust with (=trust to ) , () 70. She often worked for 24 hours .

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