Amniotic Tissue Tech Data Sheet

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1echnology uaLa SheeL

MlMedx Croup, lnc. locaLed ln kennesaw, CA develops blolmplanLs processed from human amnloLlc membrane, whlch
can be used for a wlde range of surglcal lndlcaLlons lncludlng ocular surface repalr, glnglval
recesslon repalr, wound care, burns, and many oLher Lypes of surgery LhaL
requlre Lhe repalr of a paLlenL's lnLegumenLal (naLlve) Llssue. AmnloLlc
membrane, as processed by MlMedx, has unlque blo-acLlve" properLles LhaL
offer beneflLs LhaL mosL compeLlLlve producLs cannoL offer. MlMedx's Llssues
provlde anLl-lnflammaLory, anLl-scarrlng and barrler properLles as well as
enhanced heallng aL Lhe wound slLe.

uehydraLed AmnloLlc Membrane AllografL
1he MlMedx uehydraLed AmnloLlc Membrane AllografL ls human amnloLlc membrane processed uslng Lhe urlon

rocess developed by Surglcal 8lologlcs, a MlMedx Croup Company. naLural human amnloLlc membrane ls composed of
mulLlple layers whlch conLaln:

SLrucLural proLelns:
! Collagen Lypes lv, v, and vll
! LlasLln

Speclallzed proLelns:
! llbrlllln
! llbronecLln
! Lamlnlns
! 1lMs 1, 2, 4, 1lssue lnhlblLor of
MeLalloproLelnase 1, 2, 4

CrowLh lacLors:
! Lpldermal CrowLh lacLor (LCl)
! 1ransformlng CrowLh lacLor 8eLa (1Cl-")
! llbroblasL CrowLh lacLor (lCl)
! laLeleL uerlved CrowLh lacLors A & 8 (uCl A&8)

AmnloLlc 1lssue PlsLory
AmnloLlc membranes have been used cllnlcally for almosL 100 years. 1he cllnlcal uses of fresh amnlon were for wound
care paLlenLs and burn vlcLlms. 1here have been over 90 publlcaLlons on Lhe use of amnloLlc membrane for uses ranglng
from wound care Lo glnglval recesslon and from pLeryglum repalr Lo reducLlon of flbrous Llssue followlng splnal surgery.
1he amnloLlc membrane has been shown Lo reduce lnflammaLlon, down regulaLe scar Llssue and promoLe Lhe
regeneraLlon of sofL Llssues.

Amolotlc membtooe teJoces loflommotloo tbtooqb eottopmeot of loflommototy cells

Amolotlc membtooe cootolos ootl-loflommototy qtowtb foctots tbot coo eobooce woooJ beolloq.

nAM (nomoo Amolotlc Membtooe) cells exptess votloos .1lssoe loblbltots of Metolloptotelooses (1lMls 1-4)

M Me em mb br ra an ne e S Sh he ee eL L
l ln n[ [e ec cL La ab bl le e M Me em mb br ra an ne e o ow wd de er r
AmnloLlc Membrane lmmunology
AmnloLlc membrane has been shown Lo lack cerLaln PLA anLlgens LhaL ellclL an lmmune response. AmnloLlc Membrane ls
consldered lmmunoprlvlledged. Some dehydraLed amnloLlc membranes lnclude Lhe eplLhellal layer, whlch sLudles have
shown conLrlbuLes slgnlflcanL lmmunosuppresslve properLles wlLh dehydraLed amnloLlc membrane producLs.

Acote lmmooe tejectloo Joes oot occot oftet tbe ttoosploototloo of bomoo omolotlc epltbellol cells

Cver 30,000 dehydraLed amnloLlc membrane grafLs have been lmplanLed ln ophLhalmlc pLeryglum paLlenLs for
con[uncLlva repalr wlLhouL any reporLed adverse evenLs or reporLed lrrlLaLlon.

M|Medx Group, Inc.
60 Chasta|n Center 8|vd, Su|te 60
kennesaw, GA 30144
Cff|ce: (678) 384-6720
Iax: (770) 218-619S
8aradaran-8affl eL al AmnloLlc Membrane 1ransplanLaLlon. lran ! CphLhalmlc 8es 2007,2 (1):38-73.

!ohn 1. eL al Puman amnloLlc membrane LransplanLaLlon: asL, presenL, and fuLure. CphLhalmology Cllnlc of norLh Am. 16 (2003) 43-63
1oda A. eL al 1he oLenLlal of AmnloLlc Membrane/Amnlon-uerlved Cells for 8egeneraLlon of varlous 1lssues. !. harmacol Scl 103 (2007), 213-228
2007 A8vC absLracL #8737 lmmunosuppresslve roperLy of urled Puman AmnloLlc Membrane
Akle, C.A eL al. lmmunogenlclLy of Puman AmnloLlc LplLhellal Cells afLer 1ransplanLaLlon lnLo volunLeers.1he LanceL SaLurday 7 nov 1981.

MiMedx and EpiFix are Registered Trademarks of MiMedx Group, Inc. 2012 MiMedx Group, Inc.

Cllnlcal use of Lplllx ln Wound Care
Much of Lhe cllnlcal usage of Lplllx has been for wound care paLlenLs sufferlng from dlabeLlc ulcers, pressure ulcers, veln clrculaLlon
ulcers, or arLery clrculaLlon ulcers. AfLer unsuccessful conservaLlve care, wound care speclallsLs ofLen place a grafL Lo lnlLlaLe
granulaLlon, Llssue formaLlon, and wound closure.

When Lo use Lplllx:

! lull Lhlckness chronlc wounds ! lull Lhlckness burns ! AcuLe wounds

aLlenL CrlLerla:
lalled Lo respond Lo LreaLmenL for 4 weeks ! no radlaLlon or chemo wlLhln 1 monLh of appllcaLlon
no lnfecLlon, LracLs, eschar, cellullLls, osLeomyellLls ! uoes noL have unconLrolled rheumaLold arLhrlLls,
aLlenL medlcally managed for dlabeLes melllLus cardlovascular dlsease, vascullLls
Cff-loadlng capable/ compresslon ! noL undergolng hlgh sLerold or lmmunosuppressanL Lherapy
ulses presenL
re-Cperat|ve Cbservat|on: 34 year-old lnsulln lndependenL dlabeLlc. 1he LoLal surface area of Lhe wound was 18.76 cm
. 1he wound was exLended Lo Lhe muscles buL
no bone was exposed.


at|ent Management: AfLer Lhe lnlLlal debrldemenL a negaLlve pressure wound closure sysLem was applled Lo serve as an acLlve dralnage sysLem LoLhe wound. 1he
paLlenL was placed on genLamycln lv for 14 days. 10 days laLer Lhe wound was debrlded once agaln, and no nldus or acLlve lnfecLlon could be found. 1wo days laLer, Lhe
Lplllx AmnloLlc Membrane AllografL was placed on Lhe wound under sLerlle Lechnlque. 1he grafL was noL secured wlLh suLures or sLaples, and adapLlc and weL gauze was
applled Lo Lhe wound wlLh a bolsLer suLure. 1he grafL was lefL lnLacL for 7 days Lhen Lhe dresslngs were removed. 1he wound appeared Lo have greaLly reduced ln slze
by 30. 1he wound was redressed wlLh sLerlle weL Lo molsL gauze dresslngs. AL day 14 Lhe wound had reduced by anoLher 13. A second grafL was reapplled.
at|ent Cutcome: AL day 28 Lhe wound was exLremely superflclal and essenLlally healed wlLh Lwo pln polnL areas whlch wenL on Lo heal successfully. AL 3 monLhs,
paLlenL remalns fully healed walklng ln a cusLom molded shoe.

rlor Lo 1reaLmenL osL-uebrldemenL- uay 0 osL-1reaLmenL- uay 28

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