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Cees Torré, World Wide Resilience:

With a background in the health care industry Cees J.A. Torré moved fifteen
years ago into business life. After a period in consultancy Cees Torré founded
World Wide Resilience and has developed the Everizone Business Capability
platform. As a consultant he has supported large outsourcing strategies.

text: Charles Muetstege / photos: Hermien Lam

Cees Torré This can go never well, thought Torré. Leaders are
is founder and CEO of World Wide Resilience. not able to keep themselves in hand as they become
As an internationally in demand boardroom more and more powerful. This touches irrevocably
consultant he knows as few others how change
the destructive sides in people and eventually leads to
processes must be carried out. His vision
alienation of self. If this happens, the story develops
is that organisations develop themselves
by making an optimal commitment of the by itself – a team is formed around the leader of
present skills of employees. That demands so-called “loyalists”. Being loyal to the leader and
an ongoing insight into all present human representing what he preaches is the team’s starting
capital, whether permanently or temporarily point. And everyone becomes a head-nodder around
employed, and goes much further than the him.
present activity of the employees. Torré “This way, a second level of alienation of
starts from the idea of an employee “as a the individual arises,” says Torré. “The individual
whole” with capacities, ambitions, social facilitates himself, developing power, instead of
and professional networks, as well as a putting his own development as a central focus point.
private situation to consider. By creating a
Take as an example the credit crisis which we are going
community, employees and organisations
through now. One thing is for certain: to come out
are able to develop themselves optimally,
of this crisis it is necessary that we develop a future,
where at the same time we are learning from the crisis.
We are dealing with a deeply damaged trust in one of

the most basic fundamentals of our personal
existence, that being: the certainty to be able to do our As far as money is concerned Cees Torré calculates
own thing. that today there is more virtual money going around
than real money.
Torré emphasizes that we were doing (and still “More credit is being given to allow more
are doing) much more than what we need to do, as basic people to share in the ‘new happiness’ and that is to
conditions for our lives. It is a rat race. Being even become bigger and more important.
bigger, being even more important. It emanates from
the leader to the individual. Everything that happens
from that moment on dominates over the origin of the
‘‘The value of money becomes a
individual, and his intrinsic motivation. At the same substitude for self-esteem.’’
time there was little attention for the individual in the
organization. People were – and are in many cases The value of money becomes in this way a substitute
still – seen as a cost. for self-worth.” Torré suspects that this is possibly
“We are used to the fact that somebody who the real essence of the present credit crisis. “Micro-
performs well in his specialty automatically deserves motivation gives macro-behavior. It has grown
a leading or management function. We know now that completely out of proportion. Maybe this is the
it is better to look first to see if there are leadership reason for every crisis: we cannot handle the growing
skills, but the real problem is even one step further. complexity. With complexity I specifically mean that
We are insufficently capable to express what we need the vulnerability of individuals is mainly defined by
in that other person. Our vision is that there is a need an overload of dependencies and risks. Within that,
to meet four basic demands to come to an optimal all relational alliances that they start up become very
structure of an organisation. The first one is that an vulnerable. So eventually the chance that you will lose
individual knows something, is able to do something these alliances again is very big.” Torré emphasizes
and shows a certain behavior. The second is that that this complexity becomes bigger all the time. The
there is a place and a role in the organization for this advice: Use technology in a strategic way and use this
individual. The third is the question – does he or she technology to put the individual in his power. Let
fit at that place and in that role - but we can only judge the technology help you as an organisation to grow
that if we look at the development of the organization to responsible proportions. Organization, go back to
in relation to the potential that this individual has. smaller and therefore better!
The fourth is that we enable this person to take his or
her development in his or her own hands.” In that light you talk about an automation
society, a society in which technology and
You have stated that we had much more time technologically steered processes are at the service of
15 years ago. And more money, while the complexity the individual. What does this society look like?
was less big. Can you explain this a bit more? If you want to have a look in the future, then
“There is something going on with the factor look at a child of 5 years of age. Have you ever looked
of time. That time has become less. A couple of at a 5-year-old child as a future CEO? He manages
examples: the world becomes smaller, an enormous amount of information, a mountain that
becomes bigger and bigger. And think that during
‘‘Individuals should be free to choose his leadership period the amount of data will grow
by at least tenfold. What is the intrinsic value and
how and with whom they’d like to motivation of this CEO? What kind of belief systems
continue their path of development.’’ does he have? I see this CEO as a treasury of that
data. I see him as someone who is capable of getting
but we are less and less capable to come home within that information, of enriching that information, and
the agreed time. If I want to discuss personal business as someone who is capable to, without thinking first
with my friends, I have to go to them. At the same of his own interests, to put that information where it
time my 12 year old son talks to his friends, kilometers belongs. The CEO of the future knows exactly where
away, via equipment with a camera at home on the there is a need to have this information, and what kind
sofa. Already for a while it has been the case that of information that should be. In other words, he is a
you are already too late if you have to change. You loyal leader, a leader that monitors the process as those
have to develop yourself to be able to bend with the in his organization develop themselves. A leader that
changes while they are happening.” believes in the continuous process of development.
These future features are what Cees Torré sees
in his 12-year-old son, who uses his PSP as a kind of
‘‘Life is a rat race. Being even bigger,
digital coordinator within his world. The thing is his being even more important.’’
route planner, communication medium to talk with and other development possibilities in the same way.
his friends, a hub on which he exchanges homework Because of this, individuals can choose in freedom
problems, plays games, listens to his favorite music… with whom and how they want to proceed on their path
“and probably another dozen things of which I do not of development. The Everizone capability platform
even know. His development and my relative staying takes over the role of mediator. Everizone facilitates
behind is a big contradiction and also his dilemma, do individuals to market themselves. The individual
you understand? These kids grow much faster with is visible, as well as his professional potential, and
technology than we who are older can keep up with. therefore he enlarges his chance to find a suitable job
There are developments going on that we do not even and further development worldwide. Participating
realize are there. My son is capable of doing many organizations who use this platform will therefore
more things at this moment than 12-year-old kids always have the right person in the right place. We
fifteen years ago. Then most kids were still looking are already working now with a platform where
up in admiration to their parents. Today my son of 12 schoolchildren and companies communicate and get
years can help me in my further development. But if to know each other, an engagement community. Our
we don’t know what he can do, or what he wants, or society stands now at a crossroads: to continue as it
where his further possibilities are, we cannot guide goes now, or to find a way back to our basic values.
him and he will not arrive at where he wants to be.” The latter means that we have to go to a redefinition of
everyone’s identity, and that we have to return to more
You speak about engagement communities. social cohesion. But that will definitely happen.”
What is that?
WWR has worked for a number of years on
Business Capability Platforms. These platforms WWR
show the capabilities of people and are expressed in World Wide Resilience is a leader in providing capability
a universally understandable language and meaning. logistics solutions. It designs and builds processes
People are enabled to understand who they are, what and instruments that enlarge the capabilities and
they can do now and what is potentially available to development of the individual, are cost efficent, and
them. Organizations are enabled to have an insight contribute to providing continuously actualized, true
into their own needs, the career paths that they offer, and secure information.

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