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Federation of University Teachers Associations


D Reg. No. 8151 President: Dr. Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri

University of Colombo Tel: 0718-016200

Department of Physics, The Open University of Sri Lanka, P. O. Box 21, Nawala, Nugegoda. Tel. 0094-11-2881451

2nd September 2013

FUTA Media Release on Harassing Academics Recently the Chief of Defense Staff General Jagath Jayasuriya made a public statement that some academics had attended a conference organised by the Transnational Government of Tamil Ealam. The General stated that he relied on information provided to the military by a foreign mission based in Sri Lanka. Subsequently, the Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Dr Sunil Jayantha Navaratne as well as the UGC Chairperson Prof Kshanika Hiriburegama have stated to the media that investigations are underway about the participation of several Sri Lankan academics at this conference. The UGC Chairperson has called

Secretary: Dr. Rohan Fernando

The Open University of Sri Lanka Tel: 0773-265138

Treasurer: Dr. Pavithra Kailasapathy

University of Colombo Tel: 0777-956743

Vice Presidents: Rev. Dambara Amila

University of Sri Jayawardenapura Tel: Tel: 0714-053689

for reports from the relevant universities on this matter and has also stated that the respective Council should take necessary action against these academics. On their return, the academics concerned were questioned at the airport regarding the agenda of the conference by CID officials.
l: Tel:

Dr. U. Anura Kumara

University of Sri Jayawardenapura 0718-483000

FUTA, as the representative union of academics of state universities in Sri Lanka is aware that the World Research Conference on Tamilological Studies 2013 is an international conference at which Tamil scholars from around the world are participating. The President of the Conference is Emeritus Professor A.

Dr. Upul Abeyratne

University of Ruhuna Tel: 0715-359423

Dr. T. Jayasingam
Eastern University of Sri Lanka Tel: 0773-059927

Sammugadas, University of Jaffna. Over one hundred papers have been selected for the conference on a range of subjects such as science and technology, religious and cultural memories, architecture and design, genealogy and kinship, race and ethnic relations, archaeology and historiography as well as many more areas. FUTA is concerned as to the manner in which vague allegations have been made at these academics in question and therefore wishes to raise the following concerns: 1. In the first instance, the Chief of Defence Staff has no authority to make judgements regarding the content and nature of academic conferences. The Tamilological conference was a publicly announced conference of which the details were available widely. It was by no means furtively organised. None of the Sri Lankan academics attending the conference did so without following the usual procedures required when attending overseas conferences which includes obtaining permission from the relevant university, the UGC as well as the Prime Ministers Office. Thus, for the

Dr. Rangika Halwathura

University of Moratuwa Tel: 0777-704826

Asst. Secretaries: Dr. Harini Amarasuriya

The Open University of Sri Lanka Tel : 0777-880737

Dr. Danesh Karunanayake

University of Peradeniya Tel: 0773-602437

Mr. Chandraguptha Thenuwara

University of Visual and Performing Arts Tel: 0777-350228

Chief of Defence Staff to make a statement as if this was a sensational discovery by the intelligence services is puzzling to say the least.

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