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The Genesis Revelation 2 Noah's Flood, Babel & Sodom and Gomorrah

By Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

Justification This is the same Justification that is at the beginning of The Genesis Revelation I: Often believers ask for a scriptural justification for a teaching or doctrine or experience; as a kind of proof that what is being put forward is valid. Thats fair enough if it is asked in the right attitude. Generally however churches are too sectarian and partial regarding scripture interpretation to accept good scriptural arguments when those arguments grate against


denominationalism; their lack of spiritual power; their prejudices and their rejection of large sections of the bible by means of explaining away rather than explaining. In particular there is a technique of taking things away from something vaguely similar in a cult or other religion and then dismissing it as automatic dismissal of the new teacher and his teaching as satanic. To draw things back to the bible and to show where they tie into the bible is the antidote to this. So I humbly ask the believer to consider the following (literal) passages that act as my biblical justification. As for Justification from the Lord, I leave that to Him.

the scripture entirely and comparing the new teaching or teacher with being the same and in the case of fundamentalists this usually means an

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

1 Corinthians Chapter 12 verses 8-11:

To one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the translation of tongues: All these work by that one and same Spirit, apportioning to every man several, as He will.

The bible promises in the letters of Paul that there will be prophets. We know from the Old Testament that prophets prophesied of the past, of the future and gave messages for the present. These messages were often warnings and

sometimes they were blessings. Therefore if someone were to become a prophet, as Paul said then we would expect them to have revelation of past, present or future; in both negative and positive terms. Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 11

He gave some as apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, shepherds and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God; to a perfect man; to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
Note that these gifted believers continue until perfection in unity and truth. To assume therefore that they ceased once the early church was established and fullness of faith and complete unity come. Now if prophets have ceased as are classed together in the above verse? contradicts this. It is not until the New Heavens and New Earth that perfection some claim do they see that also pastors and teachers have ceased, since they

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

As I have pointed out elsewhere it is no use to prophesy or have a word of Prophesying Jesus shall be called the Son of God is no prophecy at all. would be the fulfilment of Pauls words that some have revelation: 1 Corinthians Chapter 14 verse 26

knowledge regarding what is already known or written in the bible. Prophesying something Jesus said in the past or that he will say in the future

How is it then, brothers? When you come together, every one of you has a song; has a teaching; has a tongue; has a revelation; has a translation. Let all things be done to edify.
The issue therefore breaks down into two things: Firstly do believers actually believe Paul? Secondly if they do, do they put limits on what a prophet or one gifted in revelation can reveal or upon how much they reveal? If they do they should say so rather than simply categorising all who claim to have revelation as either mad or bewitched.

2 Corinthians Chapter 12 verse 7

So that I should not be exalted through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the angel of Satan to beat me, so I should not be exalted.
You see that revelations may be had in abundance! I would point out that if the bible is true then my revelations would be a good fulfilment of certain promises put in the bible. So do you believe the bible is true; or do you, as multitudes of believers do simply believe the bits you like and claim in opposition to the bible itself that prophecies have ceased, since

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

one day they are to cease? - Or that only certain people from certain sects can be accepted? I say that when the Holy Spirit promised revelation to be given, through those establishment of the first generation of believers. Secondly that as the faith of the one gifted in revelation is greater the extent of the revelations is greater, longer, broader... You have to decide then if the moulded and shaped gospel that rejects New Testament promises of revelation to be given to believers is your gospel and if you accept a Reformation gospel in which anything to do with prophecy is again that if you believe in the New Testament, as opposed to slicing large chunks of it away, you will see in the following pages a good example of revelation given to the Elect by a gift of the Holy Spirit. If you say, I believe God can give extensive revelation today, but I do not believe He does, you are in fact just deceiving yourselves, as you do not really believe God is willing to put His own word into practice. Also you cannot decide the issue, if you accept the possibility of revelation, or visions, or dreams or prophecy, on the basis of personal lack of experience and ignorance. If you think and observe carefully you will often see that Christians ignorance. If it is outside personal experience they assume it cannot be real. raising the dead is not common experience. If you judge and dismiss certain commonly dismiss a certain teaching, or person or revelation upon the basis of Yet prophetic or revelatory experience is not common experience, just as things assuming they cant be right based on your lack of wisdom and revelation as you will see there is wisdom. You should not self deceive yourself rejected, regarded as catholic enthusiasm, or charismatic madness... I say with revelatory gifts of various kinds, to the Elect it was not merely for the

knowledge you are just as much a fool. Folly is everywhere but in this that prejudice is discernment, a common practice. Neither should you rush blindly to accept revelation. Neither should you mistake feelings for guidance

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

from the Holy Spirit. You must begin by believing Paul. If you really believe Paul you will almost certainly believe me, as he was referring to those like me prophet or teacher: when he taught, Let the prophets speak... So whether visionary like myself or 1 Corinthians Chapter 14 verses 29-31

Let the foretellers speak two or three, and let the others judge. If any thing is revealed to another that sits by, let the first hold his peace. You may all foretell one by one, that all may learn, and all may be drawn close.

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah


This is a revelation regarding Noah and the Flood and acts as a kind of exposition of the Bible story using the biblical gift of revelation and particularly the gift called word of knowledge. Eves Spiritual Vision

Before Noah had been born Eve and of course Adam had seen that he would be coming and apart from anything else God had told them quite plainly. You see Noah was very special, almost a new Adam. Through him the world which was being lost and destroyed would be saved. He is also a 'type' or figure of salvation. Eve had prayed earnestly that a saviour would come who would save the world that she and Adam could see clearly was on its way to destruction. God been saved since Noah should be thankful that they exist and will exist for could so easily have destroyed this world and started again. Everyone that has eternity in Heaven. Eve had seen many things clearly in visions and over the centuries as her faith had grown she saw what no man in this world could write about. Her spirituality was transcendent because of her great age. Comparing her faith to the modern concept of faith would be impossible as no one alive today can have any concept of her faith. We can only say that what the Lord may actually do. Where then are the prophets? Christians generally conceive to be possible is very paltry compared to what Eve had seen clearly what was to unfold and could have even described fully and in detail the appearance of Noah long before he was born and also she could and did describe to Adam many of the things he would do in his life before they were fulfilled. The reason I say this is that I want to point out that the Prophetess did not merely have formal prophecies that she gave out to the community of

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

believers but Eve had a natural spirit of prophecy and abundant discernment so that for her there were always two sets of eyes: Her natural eyes and her spiritual eyes. Eve was like a beautiful, holy dove that flew in the heavens and watched the terrain below; and alighted here and there with a word from God. For herself however there was a constant discourse with God in her soul . No one has ever come close to her power out of all the children of Adam. No one at all, excepting Jesus of course: Not the Apostles or even the great Prophets. Not even others who lived to a great age and Adam who was the most spiritual of all of those Genesis pre Flood saints that lived for hundreds of years was himself not as advanced in revelation and prayer as was Eve. His faith however was more abundant. Eve therefore is very much a type of the Holy Spirit. Eve was the Prophetess of the Holy Spirit. Adam was a type or figure for the Father; and from them both this world was allowed to continue. Prior to the Flood of Genesis there were many saints who lived to be a very great age, each living for hundreds of years. All of these ones were prophets. The last of their line was Noah. If not for Noah this world would not exist. He and he alone was capable of continuing the human race. As Noah was a prophet and because he lived to a very great age, symbolic of lost immortality, it is inherent in all his descendants, that by nature they should attain to the attained to what was his inheritance in Noah. There was one other: Elijah. stature of immortal prophets. He was the right ancestor for Jesus; one who When people talk of reaching their full human potential or being all God wants us to be, they do not consider at all or even realise just what that potential is. God said to Moses, I would that all were prophets, and the Apostle Paul said, Seek the greater gifts, especially that you may prophesy. All of course via their descendants came the Son Jesus. It was mainly for Jesus that

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

believers who will live upon the New Earth will be both immortal and prophets from birth. In this age however God did not put a limit upon us; the only limit being our faith, or lack thereof. No one has ever reached the limit of exercising faith as there is no limit to faith. We live in an age of Unbelief. This age actually has a

name. It is the time of the Great Falling Away. We may attain to immortality through Christ, as clearly taught in the book of Romans. As for prophetic gifts; these are promised to all believers since Jesus said of the Holy Spirit, He will show you things to come. In practice there have been few prophets or visionaries or even miracle workers. In potential there are billions. There are few not because God said, Almost all I reject when they ask in faith. It was rather because almost all never asked in faith, never imagined even that such things could be taken seriously, nor desired such things as the gifts of Gods Spirit. This was of course why Noah alone of his generation attained to the heights God wanted Him to and why the Eternal One destroyed the world Noah came from, as He will destroy this evil generation. As you know from the bible the world of Noahs time had become too corrupt to be allowed by Gods Justice to continue. It had to be destroyed, reaching a should have ended there, but it didnt. It did not because God had given a place from which it could not return. It is amazing that the human race promise to Eve, that for Abel who was murdered, who she screamed, cried and lamented for with such heartfelt prayers that would break hearts of stone; it was for this God promised her, I will give you a new Son; one in whom all my

Light dwells.

This was reconfirmation of promises already given; of revelations gone before; as there are shades and echoes in everything...

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

Without such prayers and promises, most given to saints you will not hear of until Judgement Day, are the reason this world is still here, as yet not after his triumphant return! Noah the Boy Noah as a child was very unusual. He looked unusual and his manner and talk was very hard for others to understand. He went though many tribulations for him. Noah looked exceedingly happy almost all the time and this offended large numbers of people. He was tall and skinny and very articulate with his gestures. Noah sang loud songs and offered loud prayers to God, in public! Noah also swam, ran, carried large bundles and was generally frenetic, energetic, boisterous, jovial and mystical. He would retreat for months at a time from human society to seek God; and would return with stern warnings opposed to sin. For this he was almost killed on several occasions. I will describe one such occasion for you. Noah the Herald of Righteousness Noah journeyed to a village he had seen in his travels before where there were idol worshippers that worshipped a goddess who was said to be the daughter of the angels. She would appear to her disciples with orders about sacrifices this temple. The spirit of the goddess really did manifest herself to her devotees and often the things she said came to pass. She also possessed and spoke through the chief priestess. The actual goddess however, who in a sense has been reborn in and worship and messages of love and guidance. Only female priests served in being not simply holy but a mystery; and exceedingly different to all around destroyed, still producing saints and still heading toward the reign of Christ

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

religions since, was neither the daughter of angels nor a goddess but the spirit of a deceased sinner that had personally known Eve, upon whom she based was in the grip of this demon who was herself the emissary of Hell. Noah had seen in a revelation from God that this spirit would be chained in darkness in the Pit, as he obeyed Gods will. So Noah full of zeal and courage ran through the town crying out that he had a message to deliver outside the temple and everyone should come and hear the word of God. Noah ran up and down to get everybodys attention. He was mocked by the her deceptions, to some extent and that out of spite. The whole town therefore

female devotees for his manner and his clothing, which consisted of simple, unadorned cloth; the kind worn by the poorest of people, even though Noah was not himself from a poor background.

Noah lifted his arms to God in prayer, while some laughed and jeered, and

then began to speak to the crowd about the temple. Many of them became ashamed because they were reminded of their sins and corruption. The crowd however were more angry than repentant. Then Noah cried out, You hard of

heart, rebellious and corrupt generation! Who will save you? If you do not repent the wrath of the Lord shall consume you all....

In referring to the priestesses he cried, They are the curse of the town. This

idol temple is a temple of doom. These are the whores of Lucifer! This is his temple! God commands you all to gather to tear down this temple; to do right and make amends for your evil deeds. As for these foolish women given over to all kinds of evil, God commands that they should be executed. They are the unholy whores of this unholy place and their sins will drag you all to the Pit if you do not repent...'

It was actually the women that attacked him, the devotees of the goddess. Noah was dragged through the streets and he was going to have his throat slit.

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

At this point some of Noahs respecters rescued him and ordered him out of the town. Noah said, To cast me from the town is to cast forth Gods mercy as

through me the message of repentance or judgement came. Do you desire to destroy yourselves? Should you not rather go yourselves to your friends and relatives and tell them to leave this evil place, forsake these evil ways and live?...' A few actually agreed to do so.

Noah was very angry at the way he had been treated as he hoped there might be a far greater number that repented and that at least the town would be divided and the priestesses eventually thrown out. Instead many offered support to the women of the temple and they held a celebration that took place three days later. This was the Providence of God as it was three days later the temple was destroyed. It shook from its foundations to its roof and fell to ruin, while inside the worshippers were offering their gifts to the goddess; and as part of their worship the whores of Lucifer were engaged in sex with the important men of the village. Everyone inside died. The goddess, as she was supposed, was bound by a real angel and taken to a

dark place where to this day she remains, awaiting Judgement. That goddess will be released in the last days as a deceiving spirit during the time of Tribulation; and no doubt she will have great success. God did not spare the town, as after the temple fell a strange sickness came suddenly upon the people of this town, excepting the few that respected Noah. They all died within the one day, as a destroying angel struck them, the same one that took the demon to the pit. Noah fled far away where he continued his warnings, his devotions and his life of joy in the Spirit. At the time of these events Noah was only sixteen years of age. Young Noah sometimes thought to himself, I perceive that if the warnings of

God are not heard, as they were not heard in the time of my fathers, a great judgement shall befall the world.

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

He was thinking in terms of something far less drastic than the Flood. Yet, you can see that from an early age he was set apart and trained by the Holy Spirit to fulfil his holy destiny. This is the way with prophets. I would not say that there cannot be someone like Noah today, just because all the Christians we know are weak. I would never say that God cannot destroy most of this world as the prophecies relating to Christ can always be fulfilled in a distant generation. What is unwritten is always just as real as what is volume of things God has done or will do. The Wife of Noah As you see from the bible Noah lived to be a great age. He could have had any number of wives in all the years that he lived, or perhaps he married a woman like himself, as a sign of Gods power. It was in fact hard for Noah to find a wife as there were few spiritual women around. Regardless of his age Noah he had lived a long time before he first married; and it is his first wife I am years Noah took his first wife who lived with him until she died at only about 130 years. In those days God had set the length of human life at 120 years. Noah married a woman that was about thirty years old and who was herself a descendant of his father, who lived long with Noah. The lady in question was very pleasant, serene, joyful, spiritual and very obedient to Noah. She was in fact his disciple. Noah was very happy to be married to her and heartbroken when she perished, even though she passed peacefully. He found he carried the weight of his longevity with him. Almost all generations came and went, lived long on the earth. and were seen to be more corrupt than those before; as Noah and his father always looked young, even though he lived to be 950 years, but as it happened referring to here. Several followed after... Around the age of 200 hundred

written in scripture, which tells what is most important but not the great

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

Noahs wife was a beautiful person, highly intelligent, strong in faith, a lover of nature and meditation... Noahs wife was a hater of the world at large and often admonished Noah to flee into a wilderness where they two would be alone. Noah however was always governing, or building, or prophesying, trying to save those around him and to create spiritual oases in the carnal wilderness... Her name, if it could be properly translated into English would be an unusual one: Promise. Noah chose her because unlike almost all other women he had known, she was fiery in temperament in the most spiritual way. Promise carried upon her face scars from the tortures inflicted upon her for preaching the truth of GOD, and in her body were scars of beatings and wounds where prevented her dying even if she suffered terribly. It was when Noah discovered her hiding in a small hut with an older woman, expecting any day to be caught, dragged out and killed that he knelt before her and proposed marriage on the spot. He ordered his soldiers, he had long had a private army, to find and execute her enemies as the enemies of God. They had no children as Promise recoiled at the very thought of bringing children into such an evil world; one of the reasons that had kept Noah back from marriage. They practised an ancient form of herbal contraception. Promise was for the very first time in her life happy and content. Noah to her was a great hero. To him Promise was like an angel. As couples go they were the most like Adam and Eve since Adam and Eve. It was in counter-reaction to rebelled! Noah's wife had three scars upon her face made by a knife being pushed into her thrice. Once on the forehead and once in each cheek. The wounds in the

the sinners had tried more than once to beat her to death; but always God

their very great holiness and witness to God that the world of that day

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cheek were sunken as the knife was pushed in deep and twisted. Providentially these were for Father Son and Holy Spirit. Promise was tortured for her righteousness and the man that did it was later Noah himself used a knife to slit his throat and took an item of the victim's blood soaked raiment to his wife who looked at it and cast it upon the fire. Noah said, 'So will I do to all your enemies and to all the enemies of God and killed by Noah. Promise had suffered in this way about a year before they met.

as you have thrown his rag into the fire so God will cast the wicked into a Great Fire of the Ages.'

Noah had questioned the man and then asked about his knife, the very one

used upon Promise. It was that knife Noah used to despatch the villain. Noah had conquered a whole town in this act of vengeance, I say vengeance rather motivated by Justice and not hate, by zeal for God and not a quest for power. Noah attacked the entire village and laid it waste. Many there however saw Noah as a deliverer, as he spared the righteous, or not blatantly wicked, than revenge, for although a worldly mind cannot tell the difference Noah was

freeing them from their oppressors, while destroying the murderers, thieves and sexual beasts that lorded it over them - whom Promise had rebuked at the first! The Lord was pleased with Noah, that he could execute God's zeal in righteousness and judge between the evildoers and the innocent, freeing the human revenge but expressed God's true judgement upon sin. (Noah was His judgement upon the wicked...) After this Promise felt more secure as she had, like many righteous people supported by the Lord of Heaven himself Promise felt not only secure but since, felt the stress upon her nerves; but seeing in Noah a mighty man of God captives and delivering the oppressors to the sword. Noah was not tainted by being prepared as a judge; that is as someone through whom God would send

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

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hopeful of a better future... Noah however became even more convinced of Gods intention of destroying the world to which this was just a mere prelude. He felt very much that he had been an instrument in the hand of God, filled him a building reality of a coming Judgement. You could say the dam was rising. There is in modern Christianity, particularly in Anglicanism in which I was baptised, a spirit of pacifism and humanism; of an anaemic spirituality that is disgusted with God's Justice and Wrath and would replace it with something was found. Oh what a shock there is to come when they discover that God is is found, and in whomever, even if for a time He is patient hoping that some may repent. Noah was mercy encapsulated because through him this world was spared, rarefied and listless as if in its very weakness the love and gentleness of Christ Holy and therefore must be wrathful and punish fully wickedness wherever it with the Spirit and protected from on high. As an experiential thing it was to

but that mercy itself was encapsulated in God's wrath that destroyed the world as it was. I have found that mercy is always hidden somewhere in Gods' wrath. I had said that Promise would not have children. I quite admire her zeal for God, her strength and sacrifice. Yet, as with all truly spiritual people her children were born of her faith, her tears and her prayers that still echo came to be. Promise is now thousands of years old, looking young, and her happiness is a country with ever expanding borders. In spirit as I say, the righteous are real to one another. In Paradise they interact with angels and with the physical Heaven; although Heaven is not material in the sense earth is. The life that Promise has is real life and her joy abundant. She has grown steadily in grace all the holy Above.

down the ages. Perhaps without Promise we would not have had the Noah that

over the millennia. Her nature has been ever expanding - this is how it is with

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

Her prophetic scars are gone and in her resurrection body they will not

appear, but radiant as the sun she will look into the eyes of the men who held her down and the one who screaming wickedness into her face pushed and Lord has revealed to me, and will have many such encounters. You will see then that the torturer of Promise is a hideous creature of pure evil and and been long perfect in corruption. Comparing the two will be like darkness, who inhabiting the Darkness for millennia has grown steadily in evil comparing light and darkness. This is the fate of all humans to be one or the other. When I say 'fate' I do not mean some kind or arbitrary election on the part of God. Rather people create themselves to become what they become by twisted his knife. That Judgement Day that will actually last seven years, as the

the motives behind their actions. Blessed are those who can recognise the true nature of good and evil, of pure and impure motives in this life before it is too late, and love God from the heart. Promise was thin of face with large cheek bones and big dark eyes. She wore her hair tied in one long braid down to the small of her back. She did not carry a weapon or fight. She had a wonderful singing voice and also played an instrument of five strings. Her figure was thin, her fingers long and slender and her mouth shapely but not voluptuous. She liked to wear clothes with signs or tokens of God's grace upon them. Needlework with pictures of branches, birds, a flame, an eye - representing God's seeing all. These represented the Creator, the fire of the Angel of the LORD and God's omniscience. Promise was a virgin when she met Noah. She was of a noble background and very melancholy because of her sadness at the state of the world. Noah, along with his beloved, acted as a kind of litmus paper or test of the world at that time; a test which of course we know that world failed. It was also in reaction to the power of Noahs faith the sons of God or fallen angels

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

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began to more fully integrate with flesh and blood and to procreate with women. This insured the corruption reached a point of no return and that Gods judgement became inevitable. The Sons of God

Satan was worried that Noah would turn the world back to righteousness and counter attacked with his angels, corrupting human flesh to an incredible women were born with spirits inclined to great evil. Often these children died at a young age; and if they did they were saved as God does not judge those incapable of being judged - that is those too immature. Of all the children of would do evil and only evil all the time. In fact a few rebelled against their fathers and mothers and turned to God in prayer! All of their number who were truly heartfelt were saved. The majority of these giants however filled the world at that time with occult practices and especially violence and of course debauchery. It was like handing the world over to the brattish sons of the Mafia, but much worse. The giants as they are referred to were of course not at all like fairy tale giants being relatively short in comparison. The average biblical giant being almost stronger spirits. This group of giants became the rulers of the earth! Warfare was the norm and perversity commanded! This all under the eyes of a Holy God and in the and He began to reveal to Noah the great judgement He would bring upon the earth; a judgement which Noah knew of hundreds of years before it occurred. Noah and the Battle with the Giants presence of noble saints... God began to send His angels to preach to mankind degree. As the spirits of fallen angels are so evil the children born to human

the sons of God that reached adulthood youd expect that each and every one

twice the height of the average man. This was merely an effect of their

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

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Noah to defend his territory against incursions by foraging groups of soldiers led by a giant - and backed by a central command of generals and giants fought a guerrilla type war similar to those fought by David before he became king of Israel. The giant commanded his men to kill Noah, and the group that did should be given great riches etc... This may all seem like familiar stuff today but in that age these were the beginnings of warfare and of the occult and false religion and debauchery... Noah managed to kill the giant by subterfuge. While the giants men were seeking Noah far away based on a false report spread by Noah, Noah sent some of his best men into the camp of the giant. They poisoned some of the with the giant. wine containers. Within a day most of the men in that camp were dead along Noah then attacked the central command, a far greater force. He allied himself to anyone and everyone that wanted to resist the giants and their bid for absolute dictatorship. Gathering together all and sundry he attacked head on but not before he had got promises from the Eternal One of his success. By faith he conquered a vast army and many giants - and Satan was warned by land and the giants in theirs. God never to attack Noah again. Thereafter Noah lived in his own separate As these things progressed and the world became increasingly evil even the land of Noah was subject to increasing incursions of wickedness in the form of false prophets, general worldliness and spiritual indifference and a great

falling away. It is true that since that time to this in the history of the world there has never been an age so much like that of Noah as this one. Which is why it is highly likely that a great judgement may fall sometime over the next hundred years, worse than anything that has happened since the times of Noah.

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

Noahs wife Promise died in peace not having had children or living to see the degeneration that the world fell into. Noah on the other hand was driven to take refuge among a small band of godly people in a remote and difficult terrain, and there pretty much left to himself by the world - until he would become to them the herald of doom. Why God decided to send the Flood

God was willing that the world as it was should continue if there were some hope it would improve; but the grace He gave would not have been sufficient to save the world from itself. There would have been no point in continuing a world in which spiritual life would become completely extinct. It would have been easy to fill the world with angels and saints but that would have been an unjust reward for the wicked. Seeking God and repentance are His conditions for working among mankind. There must always be an intelligent, cooperative except for Noah and a small community of believers. response to divine grace. It was this response that had dwindled to nothing After Noah and this community were attacked and Noah escaped with his life God decided He could hold back no longer. There were not enough righteous people left, as later was the case too in Sodom, and so destruction would surely come. Noahs fortress had been breached and there was a kind of genocide of the spiritual. (This was Gods mercy in disguise.) Noah and his family were warned by God to flee to the place God would show him. The others were warned by God, who appeared in the form of the Angel of the Eternal One, to remain. They were told plainly that they would be killed, martyred for His sake.

Ark Builder

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

It took a very long time for Noah to build the Ark, which was not how it is imagined nor how it is represented in paintings. The dimensions and basic structure of the Ark are clearly described in the bible. What isnt described are the living quarters of Noah and his family, which were well made, and in which they lived for some time after the Ark lay on dry ground. Noah had also created a small temple for worship in the Ark. There were also several

carvings, ornate designs, decorations, as well as an abundance of tools, useful items, books etc. The Angel of the Eternal One would come and go upon the Ark while it sailed the ocean. Since there was a period of a hundred years between Noah being called to build and the completion of the Ark some assume he took one hundred years to build it. In fact he began to build quite some time after the Lord had spoken to him and took about twenty years. He worked with his family and especially his sons...

The Search for Noah

Noah was found just after the Lord had shut up the Ark. The army that gathered around were too frightened to attack the Ark as they sensed the power of God. They were also given a sense of impending doom deep into their consciousness by the Holy Spirit. Many begged and cried to Noah to be let into the Ark. Noah was forbidden to go out and see them. The end had come: The final separation, at that time, between the righteousness and the Judgement Day itself. And baptism which saves us is of course symbolic of the repentance and salvation found in Christ, and represented in the Ark. It may seem I have contradicted myself in that I said earlier God warned Satan not to attack Noah. In fact Satan well knew that there would be no attack upon Noah; and that only after Noah left his fortress years earlier could his friends be conquered. Satan knew - and despised his disciples whom he sent to their

wicked. It is symbolic too not only of future judgement of the earth but of the

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

doom before the Ark. If the whole world had been destroyed including Noah Satan would have been satisfied, but as it was the hordes that followed the dark angel were destroyed; thats why he gets them to follow him; but Satan was bitter beyond description that he could not touch Noah. He was just army outside the ark. The Ark The animals were drawn to the Ark by the Spirit, kept in check by the Spirit; and once aboard kept in a state of deep sleep by the Spirit. The food on the Ark was there to feed them when they woke up. They were of course, it shouldnt allowed to bluff and bluster. You must remember Noah did not even see the

need to be said, kept healthy and sound in every way by the power of God. He could have, if He had wanted to, kept them there for a thousand years - or a billion. Westerners are too naturalistic in their understanding of bible stories. Spiritual history, within and without the bible is largely about the power of God.

The Ark was built down in a valley but it was not a deep valley and the hills around were not high. This was in part God's Providence so that when the flood rose the soldiers would flee from before the Ark to higher ground... Many begged to be let upon the Ark as the waters came but as the torrent Those in boats on various oceans were tossed in a turbulent sea and lost so became deeper the soldiers ascended a hill and eventually were all drowned. that after about ten days the last of men had died but where the Ark was God kept the water calm. Over the sea however there were gargantuan waves and turbulence everywhere. Many cried out to God as the Floods came but He spared none. Some of them were saved as far as their spirits were concerned.

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

At first the Flood was fairly gentle; a slow rising. Later it became a massive out letting of waters and giant waves flowed over the globe; and as I say it was miraculously calm and safe around the Ark.

Tyrannosaurus Rex

Deceased I am afraid. God was explicit in weeding out the creatures he did not want in the new world. Thousands of species were already extinct due to the natural progression of Death. Others were hunted to extinction and others were killed off by various other ways. There were no dinosaurs upon the Ark. Neither were there a vast variety of animals upon the Ark. Many of the species we have today came about by God causing them to variate into several species as a natural mechanism but also it happened by Providence of course but form and reform. (If an angel from another world had read the bible they would take it for granted this had occurred as a natural progression and genesis without needing to be told, but humans are so stupid.) The snakes upon the Ark were few but they have a great many and varied descendants of all shapes and sizes. Yet, many of the snakes in the world today, and many of those that are now extinct, were created by God by either adding

from one ancestor from the Ark; but all clearly related. This happened partly more especially by a continuing process of creation! Yes, God continued to

something to an ancestor and causing a species change within snakedom but also by creating fresh, new ones never before seen on earth. There are more interesting things God did regards the human soul and spirit but apart from telling you this I am not permitted to tell you more about it. Birds

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

The great eagles and the tiny sparrows were hardly upon the Ark. Among birds more than among any other species of creatures there was more new creation and more adjustment made by God. You may guess why this was. If you are really clever you will figure it out and would not be classed among the we can all pretend not to be stupid. Among the birds there is the last creature you would like to guess or reason it out, if possible, before reading below. Now, you may think I am being provocative as Darwinists will tell you it is they know but how far does their knowledge go? There was in fact a far older one of the earliest of birds- the sea eagle. Of course they are right, as far as eagle that died out. There were others extinct before the Ark. The sea eagle created after the Flood was similar to them; and was bigger than its relatives today and lived longer. So you may now know why it was that the sea eagle its extinct forefathers. Kangaroos was created last, even if appearing to be first, and recreated after the image of stupid humans that know next to nothing. Someone will figure it out and then that God created upon this earth. Before telling you what bird it was perhaps

I have seen many over a lifetime, often in the wild and some up close. As for the great extinct ones... Was Australia covered by a Flood? In the bible the earth and the land are often interchangeable terms. If a flood came upon the land of Noah it may not have come upon the entire earth, just where there

were humans...? Before answering this question I will say that Australia, where often I would find sea shells laying on the earth as I walked through the bush many miles inland - Australia has many unique species of flora and fauna. The great kangaroo that stood much taller than a man aeons ago, where did it come from? There were none upon the Ark. Was it then around before or after the Ark or both? The large, extinct ones of which we have only fossilised bones left pre-

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

dated the Ark. They were long extinct before Noah built his Ark. There was another great judgement, in fact several that came upon the earth before the uninhabitable to men and beasts. Almost all of the history of the time between Adam and Noah is not only left out of the bible, and youd need a thousand bibles to record it, it is not even hinted at. The kangaroos we have today are the descendants of ones created times of Noah. In some of these judgements areas of the planet earth became

after a Flood that encircled the entire globe and destroyed everything. Among species there are some that are almost exact recreations of what was extinct, some that are similar recreations and some that were new creations, as well as the ones descended from the Ark creatures. Modern kangaroos are descended from similar recreations to the ones that once roamed Australia in ancient insect world. times before Noah. The greatest area of new creations after the Flood is in the

Consider the wording of the following verses: Revelation Chapter 4 verses 6-11:

Before the throne there was a sea of glass like crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four creatures full of eyes before and behind. The first creature was like a lion, and the second creature like a calf, and the third creature had a face like a man, and the fourth creature was like a flying eagle. The four creatures had about them six wings each; and they were full of eyes within: and they do not rest day or night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. When those creatures give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who lives for ever and ever, The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that lives for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, You are worthy, O Lord, to receive

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

glory and honour and power: for You have created all things, and for Your pleasure they are and were created.
Note that the flying eagle is mentioned last out of the creatures and also that created things 'are and were created'

Upon the Dread Ocean As Noah stood upon the Ark he saw that there were many winds blowing very rapidly. (A bit like going up in an elevator.) Noah heard the voice of God speaking to him from the heavens as he stood upon the Ark. It was a booming voice but Noah was unafraid. God spoke: outward from the Ark and flattening the ocean. He saw the ocean was rising

Noah! Believe that all is possible and I will take you to land where you will settle and build. I am with you and from your loins will come a vast multitude. As this generation passes away so a new one will be born
At another time Noah saw the Angel of the Eternal walking upon the Ark. When Noah went to Him and bowed before Him He said:

From Men I have chosen you to walk with me and to see My wonders When you are aged I will come to you and My Angels with me so that your spirit may repose in Paradise. Noah I have created you as I created Adam your father and from you will spring forth Messiah. (An intentional play on spring of water.) I am not writing the words of God as He spoke in a language forgotten by mankind. I am not translating that language into English. I am writing the essence of the meaning of Gods words in English as I sense their meaning in my spirit: That is I am not translating academically but transferring meaning spiritually. You may be surprised and a bible translator would certainly be surprised that this is a more accurate way at getting at meaning. Often I have

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

sensed not only the meaning of what was said but how it was said and the spirit of it. I have even understood body language so that for example I might have sensed that Jesus said something in a fiery temperament in which he also raised his hands and called out loudly or on another occasion that he was gentle and condescending and may have smiled This is normal for me.

Noah Laments

Noah landed upon the mount and after a while, when the Lord had removed the animals from the Ark, and by His Spirit carried many away to far away lands; Noah reposed. Noah said to his wife, 'All sons and daughters born to men are swept away

and the wicked have perished entirely from the earth; but will the earth be free of wickedness? - For I know that in its time and in its season this world shall once again rebel and become wicked far beyond the bounds of wickedness...'

'Is all in vain when one sinner may overturn a people, a clan? If my sons rebel; and in seasons to come there shall again be idolatry, wars and pestilence; from the sins under which the earth bears up; once again this world shall be cast into darkness. Our faith shall be forgotten. My own generation shall mock me and tell our story with an infinitude of lies, lies, lies!'
Noah cried out, 'O Eternal, most high, is it to you I am answerable? - For if I

have saved the world have I not also destroyed the world?'

The Angel of the Eternal One came to Noah that night and spoke with him. He said, 'Noah my son, you are not to be judged because through you this world

and its sin will continue; and do not lament that all is in vain, for from this one world righteousness shall reign over many worlds and of many righteousness shall be given (rebound) to One...'

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

This is actually a very dense form of the conversation and I am somewhat surprised the Lord wanted to reveal this, yet that is how it is. As you know from this world shall come the New Heaven and Earth that God has promised to make for the holy. Yet of the prayers of the righteous GOD has intended all along to create far more worlds like this one; and in answer to those prayers none of those worlds shall fall into sin. Of the number that God shall create as tell you however that the number is very great. The Angel of the Eternal One once again spoke with Noah and said, 'In the the righteous of the future pray to Him is a figure known only to God. I can

future when your words are mocked another will come and preach righteousness and his words shall be believed... After his story is mocked beyond all reason the wrath of God will build and the world will be in great danger of being destroyed. At that time I will work among the Elect in God and release many saints into the spiritual realm. They will balance the world and keep it from tumbling into darkness everlasting. Noah, in that time people will once again begin to believe in my Light and Messiah shall not long tarry.'
Noah asked, 'Of the angels that have fallen into darkness, will they again be let

out from the Pit?'

The Lord replied, 'As the wickedness of men increases this evil will draw out

from the Pit some of the worst of the angels ---'

The rest cannot be revealed.

This is interesting as here we have words relating directly to the present time. It was at the end of 2010 to the beginning of 2011 that the world virtually reached a point of no return in which God would have had no choice but to destroy it soon after. God's solution was to release the holy spirits of saints into

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

this world to influence the spirits of men. This alone is keeping the present world from total annihilation. (However I think that there will be some effect, some great evil and further degeneration on the part of the world and some great judgement from God, but this is only my opinion and not part of this revelation. I also note that the Mayan calendar supposedly predicts the end of the world in 2012, a few

months away as I am writing. Often astrologers get things half right, for the wrong reasons. I'm not saying anything drastic will happen in 2012 but rather I feel that within a century as I have said, it is likely.)

Noah began to cheer up as he reasoned to himself that if God would create a vast number of pure worlds in response to the prayers of his descendants then after all the good far outweighed the evil beyond measure, and with that he was content.

Afterword Genesis Chapter 6 verse 9

These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
The population of the earth at the time of the Flood was only small, as wars, famines, pestilences and other catastrophes had been sent by God from time to time as warnings; which went unheeded as they do today. So, the earth's population had dwindled. By the time Noah built the Ark there were only around seven hundred thousand people on earth. At its height the population of the world reached well over a million people- almost 1,700,000.

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

(If I had guessed rather than had revelation I would have guessed a far lower figure. Some guesses are made using statistics and creationists are notorious for giving a very large population, possibly in the billions, for the pre-flood earth. All these are based on assumptions about birth rates; often it is assumed all people lived for hundreds of years, rather than the select group of living signs; that they did not practice contraception, or celibacy etc. More than this

however there is the ignorance about all the things that happened that no one could guess at and to what extent God's Providence decided the population of the earth to be... Supposedly scientific criticisms of Noahs Flood are even more ridiculous as all the animals had to be fed and that it would have been impossible for some be unseaworthy. All of these criticisms and more are ridiculous as they assume an absence of Divine intervention and the miraculous regarding a story about Divine intervention and the miraculous. For example I have said before that the Lord kept many plants and trees alive in various places while they were under the sea... You cannot disprove that Jesus made a fig tree to wither in a day simply because 'scientifically' it takes weeks or months for such a tree to wither. Also this science, is it really science? If I were present when Jesus performed the

they criticise the miraculous by the mundane. They assume for example that animals to cover treacherous terrain to get to the Ark etc; that the Ark would

sign of the withered fig tree I would have questioned the science behind it. What is the actual process of withering? Did time speed up for the tree? Did water merely disappear from the tree and how?...
Jesus of course would have been willing to be questioned that is the assumption I have always had and one that has always proved true in my Also I do not want to unduly criticise evolutionists and the like but is a experience, even if not in the experience of the multitudes of the unfaithful. prejudice against God likely to result in objective science? Doesn't it rather

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

result in just the kind of 'science' they want? And do they not regard that as science because there is a consensus? A consensus of Sin is hardly an objective be scientists, far more intelligent and gifted than humans: Their science would be totally different to the science of today, and that science of today could not resist it.) Out of this generation just before the Cataclysm there were very many who in their own eyes were godly and righteous. God did not consider to save them themselves they were acceptable, they thought, to almighty God. God chose to recognise only Noah in scripture as a truly righteousness man. Not even his family who were all true believers are so praised. God referred to Noah as being perfect and today the average Christian will respond by immediately explaining that God never meant 'perfect' but rather convince people never to believe in perfection and this is particularly true of that Noah was totally consecrated, as if there were some urgent need to Calvinists. In fact God meant that Noah was entirely given up to the purposes of God and as a result evidently righteous; obviously holy... As for moral perfection in the sense of Noah having 'ceased from sin'; for as it says in the New Testament, 'He who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin '; of this kind of perfection Noah fell short. He was very close to it however even if he did not attain to it in this life; and yet that fact of being very close to perfection is something far above what most Christians believe is possible. I on the other hand am surprised that Noah who was so great in faith and immutable perfection. He did however enter a state of perfection in regards to from the Flood. By their own standards they were righteous and as they judge measure of reality. If there were a hundred Angels that came down to earth to

lived so long in the holy presence of the Lord never entered a state of wilful sin. Even before he entered the Ark or built it Noah had entered into a deeply spiritual state wherein it was impossible for him to sin intentionally or

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Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

wilfully. He would at times say or even do something rash that carried within it a carnal motive, sudden and impure. There was nothing considered or pondered that was sin however. This is a state preparatory to full perfection which Noah entered into at death when he was ushered into Paradise with the other saints. If Noah had not been so holy God would not have saved the world through him. He failed to enter perfection, because his faith, as great as it was, was not equal to the New Testament promises of the Spirit and sanctification. I was thinking however, before this slight digression, that Noah is the kind of man that would not suit this world today. He was too fiery, too faithful, too holy, too everything of which God approves. Without the Noahs this world judgement. That is the cold hearted will suffer judgement and the evil hearted will suffer even more judgement for rejecting true saints. I was aware while writing of Noah that he represents for modern times everything that is hated. He would be seen by today's standards as an evil bigot, filled with fire and brimstone hatred toward people for simply being human. He would be regarded as a denier of human rights, a mass murderer, a he will be and the more holy; that is more like God. God is a Judge. This has must suffer judgement and with the Noahs this world must suffer even more

monster... They cannot consider that the more perfect a man is the more just been rejected but it cannot change the fact that God is a Judge. He destroyed the world once and far into the future He will do it again but with fire not what they will say to GOD on Judgement Day and how they will correct Him. The bible reveals the future. It was Jesus who told us that on Judgement Day Paradise. sinners will scream and wail before God and many will beg to be let into water. After which comes an even greater Judgement. People often talk about

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

Where then will be all the fine speeches and the moral condemnation of God almighty for being just and holy instead of indulgent to sinners and their monstrosities? No one is going to reprove God and then be vindicated before the entire world. On the contrary we are told all will confess that Jesus is Lord: To confess in this sense means to admit to the truth they know, rather than simply being made to say something. There is a bible verse that says, 'If we judge ourselves we shall not be judged.' This means if we acknowledge our wickedness, vindicate God and then obey Him by repenting and putting our faith in Jesus we shall not be condemned by God on Judgement Day. In God's kindness we may be like Noah rather than like the whores of Lucifer. God often compared Israel to an unfaithful woman. The Bride of Christ can be compared to the Whore of Lucifer. It is not automatic that She is just and pure worldwide is more of a Whore to Lucifer than a Chaste Virgin for Christ. This persecuted and cast out, and trampled on like the dirt - and that by Christians. since in the Revelation we are told She shall be. At the moment the Church is why wherever there are believers like Noah and his scarred wife they are So, many there were that called upon the name of the Lord as the Flood came

and swept them all away. Some were saved spiritually and it was of this number that God sent their spirits to be witnesses today in the spiritual dimension to the souls of men. Many temples were buried under seas that were built to honour the gods, of which in a few the Lord was considered one! Considering how the world is today with so many religions, so many Christian sects, so many isms of unbelief... Where is the purity and truth? If a Great who? - Of what percentage of this world's population? This world is balanced no choice but to destroy the world for its excessive wickedness and had to, to Flood were to come today do you think there would be any Arks and to save on a knife edge right now. No one in the world realised that in 2011 God had

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

be faithful to His promises, release saints spirits into the world to tell about the time when they were swept away in destruction. This happens from spirit to spirit and is not part of common consciousness. It has its influence however and so the world escapes again. God chose not to use the Church to influence ago. So, the whole world was almost destroyed and no one knew. Remember, If you judge yourselves you shall not be judged. From this revelation there is a great amount left out. I spoke of a man that lived for the better part of a thousand years and described a few days, here and there, of his life. If you want to know more about him or if my revelation is a

the world. How could He? He had to use the spirits of believers who died long

divinely inspired commentary on the bible or a fraud you need to have the Spirit of revelation, or prophecy or a transcendent faith. I will be judged by unbelievers to be sure, Christian and otherwise, but I sincerely hope that one believer will write a revelation of a thousand pages about Noah, if I can inspire them that it is possible. - Instead of waiting for the reign of Christ when such things will be taken for granted...

Question of Morality The genocidal maniac Noah, as some will see him, would be almost universally condemned by this world and its anti-terrorist morality; its liberalism; its self I've ever known. Like a Promise of things to come I carry within my psyche the scars of this world inflicted because of my intense love to Christ. Now, if Noah as represented here is to be seen as an evil destroyer of innocent love and false goodness. I am the most hated man I know, the most hated man

humans then you can see the origins of a new religious movement One

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

travelling away from contemporary Christianity in two directions. It travels back into the heart of the bible and its truths, long neglected; and also it travels into the future to meet Christ. It is intensely prophetic, not in the literal sense What must a real prophet be like? as I am not a prophet, but the revelatory nature has a prophetic tincture to it. In regards to morality then we are seen to be evil for being holy and to God Who is Judge. We are the new Noahs. If Jesus were writing this instead of me of course it would be very different and vastly superior, as the night sky is higher than the horizon. Who is to say there meaning and his words? will not be a prophet sometime who can carefully and exactly convey his

condemned as heretics for being biblically balanced and hated for being close

Nimrod Between the time of the Ark and the Tower of Babel there was a man named Nimrod, meaning Rebel or Rebellious. Generally historians who believe the scriptures try and associate Nimrod with Gilgamesh the rebel against God mentioned in ancient literature. However there was one character whose

name meant Buttocks in Genesis so I think sometimes an assumed prophetic name or an assumed title is false. Nimrod can be compared to Samson who was also a courageous and overtly physical man of faith. Saying that 'before the LORD' really means 'against the LORD' since it said,

Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the LORD, is just stretching the scripture to make it fit their theory. Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the face of the Lord and if he rebelled against anything it was against the wickedness of his forefathers and the fallen angels. So little being said about him, and yet just enough to make him significant is suggestive of the Holy Spirit calling His

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

people to enter in an understanding by faith, so that in the revelation He promises the people will be well taught. There are very many places in the on this matter and you will find"... Probably the hardest thing for many believers, dogma bound as they are, to accept is that I spoke of Gods re-creation and new creation of creatures after the Flood. It was by revelation I learned this its true but then after I had learned it the Lord led me to the relevant scripture that no one seemed to speaks of the rising and falling Flood and of the post Flood period it says in verse 30: scriptures where there is a mode or writing and expression indicative of "seek

realise spoke of that very thing. In Psalm 104, if you read the whole psalm it

You send forth your Spirit, they are created: and You renew the face of the earth.
Aalsteinn Eaglehawk November 1st 2011

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

The Genesis Revelation II Continued Babel Sodom & Gomorrah And



To ask questions or make comments you may contact me here:

Introduction God gives good gifts to His servants and these are shared with all so that any are merely bible studies with expanded consciousness from the Spirit of Revelation: The Holy Spirit. who may believe may be blessed. Here is a little bible study, as my revelations

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

No one who died in the Spirit is really dead, as we know. They are simply waiting for the Resurrection. Their spirits however are full of the life of God and know pretty much everything, as pertains to this world and its future. Everyone seems to fear the spiritual realm and they seem to fear God becoming too close. It is so easy for modern believers to accept the sensational and miraculous when it is fraudulent. - So hard for them to accept it when it is too real. I could almost say, if I were to sound like a guru, that death is an illusion. God said all are alive to Him. Yet there is an illusion. It is barely realised that all believers are alive; all those who passed on are alive in spirit and with God; to me even if to others it is merely an intellectual point. Life is all around us; life we do not see; but it is still there... Deepen your understanding of the spiritual realm and learn from me as in this little volume there are things not too difficult to understand if you will apply your mind; Amen and also amen. and they work ever to bring His great purposes to pass. They watch us all too

growing, learning and working for Him. This actually is a very important truth

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

In Times before the Tower of Babel At this point you need to read the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis among men. chapter 11 which I shall comment upon using spiritual gifts uncommon

The Dispersion of the Nations at Babel

11:2 When the people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. 11:3 Then they said to one another, Come, lets make bricks and bake 11:4 Then they said, Come, lets build ourselves a city and a tower with its top scattered across the face of the entire earth. them thoroughly. (They had brick instead of stone and tar instead of mortar.) in the heavens so that we may make a name for ourselves. Otherwise we will be 11:5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the people 11:1 The whole earth had a common language and a common vocabulary.

had started building. 11:6 And the LORD said, If as one people all sharing a common language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will wont be able to understand each other. be beyond them. 11:7 Come, lets go down and confuse their language so they 11:8 So the LORD scattered them from there across the face of the entire earth,

and they stopped building the city. 11:9 That is why its name was called Babel because there the LORD confused the language of the entire world, and from there the LORD scattered them across the face of the entire earth. (NET)

During the great period leading to Noahs Flood the Lord had hoped that

people would repent to such a degree and lead lives of holiness to such a degree so that He could restore perfection and immortality. It was possible Noah and then brought forth the sons of God and their wicked rebellion... before the Flood for this to have happened. Satan feared it would happen via

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Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

God had promised Eve that perfection and immortality would be restored to her descendants at a period after the Messiah had reigned on Earth - that is in the New Earth the promise would be fulfilled.

If in early Genesis however people had been more faithful and closer to God such promises would not have been given as they would have not been needed. The Messiah would have come as the Angel of the Lord and restored Paradise. Dont get hung up on Gods foreknowledge as some people do and become terribly dogmatic and inflexible in their thinking. After Noah had settled, his sons, who lived to be a considerable age but not as old as their forefathers, became the ancestors of various tribes. The people had culture and they all spoke one language. Among them were many priests and prophets and very many who loved and served the Lord. You will read in the bible how some decided to build a great different languages that they had not known before... The Angel of the Lord saw the tower that men were making and came down to see in the flesh what He had seen in Spirit. After His visit, unrecognised by men, He returned to Heaven; and speaking with His Father they decided that this tower should not be built. Rather humanity were to undergo a change of spirit. God had decided that as He had lessened the longevity of men in the intelligent, less aware, less capable and in this way they should be spared past so too he would lessen the power of their spirits. They would become less judgement; For the Lord saw quite clearly that these highly intelligent people tower and their pride was judged by God. They were scattered and they spoke spread over the land but were for the most part together as one nation and one

were still under the dominion of sin and they would eventually fall away: That would mean God would once again have to destroy the human race for its sin. God decided therefore to lessen this judgement by lessening the guilt of the

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sinners and this by lessening their intelligence and knowing rebellion against God. This is Gods wisdom. I could despair I suppose that people would understand me but I think for those whom God wills to understand they will understand well enough and see the light where others only see darkness.

The Holy Spirit spent a long time speaking to His angels about why He had spared the world and what He would do with it in future aeons; how He would link it to other worlds and how it would be reborn, in a sense, in the

New Heaven and New Earth - as a natural continuum from this world... Also the Lord spoke of other dimensions and wonders that would be far above the intelligence of men to understand...

Among the many revelations God has given me is that there are worlds with intelligent beings on them in this universe that are astronomically more intelligent than us and are aware of multiple dimensions in which they move. There are thousands of dimensions. Also these highly developed alien saints hundreds. (You could extrapolate from this that elsewhere there are beings with less sense able to penetrate less dimensions and others with more) After God revealed His wonders the angels were content with Gods plans and rejoiced in the infinite good to be generated from the seed of this world. believing priests who had the idea to build a tower to honour the Lord. and ambition - egomania. There was a certain worldliness then mixed in with the worship of the Lord. God Who is pure decided that such a tower could not be. Instead God would have far more senses than we humans do so that there senses number in the

Noah had foreseen the Tower of Babel but had not told his sons. It was actually However mixed in with this noble plan were impure motives, human pride

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take away from men their ability to mix with one another because the new languages He gave them not only naturally divided them into the groups God the Spirit frustrated them! None of them spoke their own original language old writings and they did not understand the language they had once had chosen but they found that they could not learn each others languages as after the languages had been divided. Only the most spiritual could read the understood but they sensed its meaning spiritually. The original language had been more complex and subtle and was used by Eve their mother. The closest language to the original today is Hebrew.

In the New Testament the gift of tongues for evangelism among differing grace even in judgment the judgment in this case being lack of communication among peoples.

peoples was a direct result of this original judgement. God will always offer

The minds of people before Babel were more able to visualise things in three in those days to have strong premonitions, being the descendants of the

dimensions and language itself had more depth. It was also normal for people prophet Noah... They were particularly good at choosing the right spouse; it would almost be unheard that a person would marry badly. Prior to the Flood people were even more intellectual. The best time this world has known since the Flood was the period before

Babel when there were large communities that on the whole were godly and productive and no doubt God has purposely hidden this period of history in oblivion... The only time however when the post Flood generation had come close to Utopia. That post Babel generation then had to deal with the fact that they all realised they had become quite stupid, compared to what they had been, in the space of an hour. Often that generation would reminisce about all that they could once remember and recite, all that they could calculate; all that they could think

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and now they were vegetables! This led to a general repentance among mankind - the first great revival. They knew they had abused the intelligence and nobility inherited from Adam and they knew God had taken it away. They were sorry. This sorrow led to the gospel; that is their consciences in the Spirit adopted the teachings of the gospel into their hearts. If only mankind had continued in this spirit. At Babel The Tower of Babel was not merely a tower and not even a tower as we would normally imagine it. It was a complex of buildings like a small city which had could using the best techniques and technology they had at that time. There were many plans and discussions and some aborted attempts until one plan the core of the tower. Then there would be an outer wall and inner steps a central lookout. The idea was to extend this lookout as high as they possibly

was settled upon. There would be a central pillar of slabs of stone ascending as connected to the core. It would taper, and the stairs would taper until very narrow and open up to a lookout. It would not have been high by todays standards but it would have been their tallest building going well over the height of any they had previously made. This very same idea was used in the buildings to the glory of God. In all probability if the motives and intentions had been pure God would have blessed the tower. It was however an expression of pride and excess, inspired the Flood: An act of defiance and independence. As an act of rebellion that was seemingly innocent but carried within it a subtle, evil motive it could be compared to King Davids latter numbering of Israel and also to the original eating of the Tree of Knowledge... All things that in themselves would be innocent except as they represent disobedience; lack of by Satan. It was indicative of a returning to the rebellious spirit familiar before great European cathedrals of the Middle Ages, which towered above all other

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faith; rebellion against God. Most of all the building of the Tower of Babel was like Lucifer wanting to exalt himself above the angels and receive their worship, seeking to share Gods glory. When you can recognise the spirit behind their actions you can understand the judgement of God. In the bible but to worldly minds God seems unrighteous. With the building of Babel however there was also dissimulation and sectarianism as the people were splitting, once again, between those worldly wise and those spiritual. There were a number of critics of the tower who believed it was against Gods will and these ones the Lord blessed in their days. The author of the tower and the power man behind it was a military leader. There were elements of a building dictatorship, of warfare and strategic advantage and God foreseeing these trends of course was likely to become wrathful. The leadership were also godless men, who may have been religious by culture and duty but were not those who loved the Lord and religion to over others... them was merely a tool for self aggrandisement and ambition; of social control however the fact of Gods judgement is enough to indicate the degree of sin

Some would see nothing wrong with building such a tower and there are even those who would see God as an evil tyrant; and of course some others too would use the small g for god when writing of it and place the worst

construction upon His motives they possibly could; some will even end up proclaiming that bible believers are like fundamentalist Muslims and are out to murder everyone for being altruistic and scientific. - All the time portraying themselves as opponents to bigotry and hate as they spew forth this bigotry and hate etcetera. God of course was saving the world from itself and correcting a terrible error and this in turn led to greater peace among the fractious tribes of men at that time.

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The women had themselves a mini rebellion against the men. A prophetess stood up against the building of the tower, making people nervous, but she a former religious time that was too fundamentalist! It is this prophetess I want to speak about. As far as I can figure out the most spiritual people of all time and over all time have been divided equally between the sexes. Women have tended to be less active socially but very active in prayer, according to the norms of society. Yet, a prophetess there was and a very aged one. Her name in English would be Flower, a very common name. Flower had been a priestess as in those days both women and men priests served the Lord. Later she had become a contemplative and led a quiet life and it was during this season of her latter life that God began to appear to her and she heard the Word of the Lord. God spoke to Flower thus: 'It has been a long time you have been in mourning was overruled by the leaders who laughed her off - seeing her as a remnant of

over the lost, wandering ones of the earth, who having abandoned My ways are filled with their own plans and hopes - to build this tower. It will not be as I am going to come down and stop it. There will be a war but after this there shall also be a time of peace and a great re-birthing... Truth will shine as a light and the land will once again be filled with My presence.
The Lord came again to Flower and said, After the Tower is stopped there will

be a great mourning and much confusion. You will be killed and I will embrace you to Myself. A war will follow between the kings but after this there will be a time of great righteousness. In this judgement I will erase the knowledge of the language spoken and give to men new languages they have not learned and new writing they have never seen. There will be seven languages and the old language shall be forgotten. I will take from the people the knowledge that has been so precious and they shall be almost as the

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animals, but for you Flower, you shall remain in the height of your intellect till death. You will see My children act like children! You will wonder at how alike to the animals they become, and yet where there is conscience and good will my Spirit shall yet remain with them...
Flower interceded on behalf of men and God answered. The Lord said to Flower, For your tears I will spare mankind and they will not be so like the

beasts but their intelligence will still diminish. Also I will allow you to live for some time and see the good effect of My Spirit upon the people in future years... - And so Flower moved the heart of God and even though mankind devolved yet again it was not as bad as it could have been.
Before Flower died the Lord appeared to her saying, My daughter, the time

has come for you to be with Me. Your martyrdom is at hand. When you are in My presence your mind will grow and your knowledge of this world and the next will be as the fountain springing forth with a fullness you will only understand when you have it. Of joy, it will have no bounds and of piety you will be as a pure star shining with Me forever...
Flower went out among the people one last time and was stoned to death. Many mourned her and others thought she was just an old nobody, a crank and a fraud. Yet via my own small and awkward way, the Lord has resurrected her memory and testimony in this life. I had thought that believers can recognise the Spirit within other believers; that believers could get light from God on whether certain things are true or false. I have thought this less and less the older I have become as I see there are few who can be so in touch with God, even if many give lip service. Who among men can really know if Flower existed at all? Jesus said in: John Chapter 8 verse 56

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Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.
In this verse Jesus speaks of Abraham being glad in a time long after he had died; and being aware of Jesus and he of Abraham. You could take it that Abraham rejoiced in a prophecy but the sense is really of fulfilled prophecy. Abraham was rejoicing with Jesus at Jesus coming to Israel. Now do you think that some believers would regard Jesus as a necromancer? In John chapter 8 we see how the enemies of Jesus became more convinced that he was evil. Personally, there is a thin cord of light that stretches from me back in time to Flower as a part of consciousness, similar to experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit, Who after all is simply expanding the spiritual perception He normally gives to believers. It is like holding someones hand in the dark. Flower as a girl was precocious and lively, as a lot of spiritual people seem to be, and later in life she was very quiet and thoughtful. Consider that I said earlier that the saints are alive to God and that death, at least to some extent is an illusion not in itself but as people perceive it. Flower has experienced Life every day for thousands of years and joys greater to all the joys of this world together, I am not exaggerating. To her it is a very small thing that I could write about her and I think the saints generally wonder at the lack of faith there is on earth. Flower has been thinking, working, laughing and praying for thousands of years albeit in a different dimension. Jesus said Let the dead bury their dead and also all are alive to God; meaning that the truth is that the living are the real dead and the dead in Christ are the real living.

People believe universally, based upon their conscious experience, that life and reality itself consists of what they experience knowingly. God on the other what any single human being experiences is in the spirit. It is incorrect to think of a subconscious in this sense when speaking of the human spirit. hand has limited human experience in the flesh greatly and the majority of

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Rather it is an alternative or parallel consciousness unavailable to flesh and blood. We are inverted beings in other words. Do people when they are asleep the reality of spirit is far greater than that of the outer bodily consciousness. Just how much greater than the flesh and blood consciousness is the alternative consciousness of the spirit? Thousands of times greater and this we were to become fully conscious of our spirits; as indeed happens to all and powerful in mind, will and emotion; more like angels than humans. really is a revelation from the Holy Spirit. Should this situation be reversed and beings in the resurrection body, we would be astronomically more intelligent I am in a sense the emissary of the Holy Spirit and therefore am the teacher on these things, more so than any other that went before me. Those great teachers that began to figure out the differences between soul and spirit, will and motive helped us understand these things better. Yet in me there is a greater realise there is the reality of being awake? So too flesh and blood is asleep and

depth of analysis and understanding of the spiritual realm and the nature of things spiritual, so that I am in my ministry particularly gifted in that area. So I can definitely say there is that connection through the Holy Spirit and via His Word into a world unimagined by most. I said Flower was lively and precocious as a child and a contemplative later in life and this seems to be typical of many spiritual people. As a child I was very realised what I was really like. It was as if there was no way for them to different to everyone I have ever met and no one really understood me or even perceive me. In my lifetime I have not met anyone who felt things so deeply, thought so deeply and was so perceptive as I was even before I was a Christian and since then my mind has greatly expanded. Faith is very much about the power of the renewed mind, as opposed to the power of will or wishful

thinking. There is a sense in which things that become real and natural to the

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minds of spiritual people begin to operate on the outer world. I have found this to be so. This connection between the mind and faith is hardly recognised. It seems however that God first prepares the souls of the spiritual believers and then perception came about by meeting Christ as a toddler and by seeing visions grants to them spiritual life. I know that my unusual and extreme power of from about age seven. They were not simply experiences, as many believers suppose, but life changing events; literally soul and spirit changing events and so my mind began to be a different kind of organ, one suited to revelation for example. A rationalist I know well would say this is a kind of backward confession that I have a brain malfunction that causes me to see visions: Pseudo spiritual critics; that I teach mind over matter. How could a boy raised in a home without any very hard for evangelical believers and especially fundamentalists to religious input see things they read in the bible later or see the Lord? So this is understand but not so hard for traditional Christians; that my spiritual life

today is actually on a continuum from when I was an infant. The day I became a believer and was baptised in the Holy Spirit is like the point of the fulcrum. To put this more simply spiritual people as children were often very active mentally, often exceptionally so. So too was I. Consider 1 John 2 verses 20 & 27

But you have an unction from the Holy One and you know all things.

Now does this unction mean we can know no things as many suppose? A few things? Several things? Or is there the potential to know all things; as much as God wants? Verse 27

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The anointing which you have received from him abides in you, and you dont need any man to teach you: since the same anointing teaches you all things, and is truth, and is no lie- Even as it has taught you, you will abide in him.
So it is a question of the anointing and those with this anointing will in the measure they have it perceive whether or not Flower was real or even if God is real. In other words there is both teaching and knowledge conveyed by the anointing and unction (working) of the Holy Spirit as we abide in Christ. The teaching I was just listening to on the tele was about how historians can cast doubt upon the existence of Moses; how commentators can show the Laws of

God are cruel and how history favourable to Christianity is false... Jesus had an anointing and unction of the Spirit that taught him Abraham was not only real but he had knowledge of the activity of Abrahams spirit in relation to himself as the Messiah. Jesus fell foul of the commentators and scholars of his day. I have an anointing that teaches me that Moses was and is real; that the Laws of God are just and holy; and that history as presented today is bigoted against Christianity - and I know of a lot of important historical facts and persons suppressed, unheard of in our secular and even Christian education systems. The question is never about scholarly consensus, but about truth and fact. For example the worlds scientific and scholarly consensus is that those who claim to have the Spirit of Christ abiding in them are suffering from a psychiatric delusion and if not mentally ill well on the way to full mental illness. The fact It is also obvious to the world which is why there is so much scholarly

of Gods abiding in us, if we have such an experience, is undeniable of course. consensus against it by worldly spirits and sin soaked minds devoid of truth. The Darkness that abides in sinners is their science and scholarship; or may be distorted in any way they please... disguised as such. It neither matches up to the facts of history, or to reason but

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Twin Towers

I had said in the Genesis Revelation I that often spiritual events or characters are repeated throughout time in one form or another. There were the Twin Towers in New York City and these were brought down by planes flown by up above all the other buildings. God did not say, Let them fall - it was actually Satan who brought them down via the bitterness of men who themselves felt aggrieved. Yet the pride of men in building giant towers to evil one. He took full advantage. God had explained to me in a parable about why He allowed this event to happen. I will not relate that parable here except one brief element wherein a loving father chops off the foot of his son with an axe to free him from a bear trap, before the wolves of the forest would come to devour him... In the bible things often happen twice to confirm Gods will. Twin Towers? It was Gods Providence to say he had twinned this event to Babel. Skyscrapers called Towers? It was to relate them directly to the Tower of Babel! So few understand Providence. Miracle of 9/11 To make this brief: God promised saved every person that died in the Twin 9/11. You may say, Were the terrorists saved? If GOD had saved them would that all of those terrorists are in Hell. The exact opposite to what they believed

Islamic terrorists. If you notice the photos of New York these twin towers shot

honour their greatness, in business particularly, had left an open door to the

Towers and every person that died elsewhere in the other terrorist attacks on

not be a good thing? In fact the promise was for the victims and most but not would happen. Mohammed would not have approved of their actions and

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neither did most Muslims but God was merciful to a few that repented deeply in spirit before Christ. The wrath of Man does not work the righteousness of God. You may be interested to know, and this would shock a few Christians, but Mohammed the spirit was active while these attacks occurred as a helping spirit. The spirit of Mohammed worked tirelessly to witness to Muslims and others of the need to do justly the works of God without hate and to love from a whole host of spirits good and evil contesting over the souls of men on that others that precede it first.) the heart the Great Lord so that in turn we might love one another. There were day. This is usual. (I should say this book will make more sense if you read the

Judgement and Hell God chased away the tribes of men to be scattered and fill the earth - a good in truth everyone dies. All generations of men come and go. The wicked of a hundred years or so ago are all dead and in Hell. So many leaders of this worlds thought and fashion consigned to the ignominy of Darkness and the notice Gods hand in everything? If only people would reach out in the thing after all. We think that the Judgement of Noahs Flood was so terrible but

Pit. We notice what is dramatic, like the tragedy of the Twin Towers, but do we darkness they would find Gods hand. Soon it will be too late. I have been to Hell. I have heard the screams. I cant tell people without crying like a baby and so I dont tell people. I am still too traumatised after two decades. I can you. only write of it a little before I feel too burdened to go one. Let that be a clue to

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Visions of Hell I checked out on Youtube peoples visions of Hell. No one cried or looked ashen faced as they spoke. Some even smiled and one laughed. Even if they had been in a terrible accident and been burned they wouldnt be smiling. There were ridiculous stories that seemed like something from a painting by Hieronymus Bosch; all kinds of strange tortures. All of the videos I saw on

Youtube regarding visions of Hell were manifestly false. There is a Darkness that can consume the soul like a gnawing, endless dying. I will say no more. I said that Satan feared Noah and so he used his fallen angels to great effect to undermine Noahs ministry and bring the battle over souls to a whole new level unimagined. In these very days Satan fears the restoration of spiritual gifts to the Bride of Christ and so he has raised the battle again. We have an abundance of healing, tongues, visions, prophets and their prophecies; apostles and their boasts that have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit and everything to do with a form of Christian Spiritualism. It is very effective in hiding the few true servants of God that have such gifts; and there are very few. Most visions that you read of or hear tell of on Youtube will be false and most books on visions and by prophets have been utterly fraudulent; yet sometimes and apostles but I have never met true ones. Yet those false apostles have millions of dollars and dozens of books published and are rarely if ever criticised in mainline Christian media. It is rather on the Internet that upon them and their loved ones by such 'fallen angels. A line is being drawn in the sand by the finger of Christ. The time may well soon come when you have to choose which side of the line you will take. Day when the righteous and the wicked are separated forever. However there will always be this division right up until and after Judgement their authors actually believe the things they claim. I have met false prophets

individuals complain of the frauds, lies, sexual abuse and destruction waged

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New Revelation There was once a time when Christian literature comprised of many books that have since been included or excluded from the canon of scripture. The Greek and Latin Churches both officially closed the canon so that no more books could be added to the bible. This was actually ordained by God and they were led by the Spirit quite correctly. Over the centuries however two errors have grown up. The first is that since many extra biblical writings were there has been a tendency to accept too easily new revelations as being successfully deceived true believers and more often deceived untrue believers. The second error is a too narrow interpretation of Johns words in the Revelation that no one should either add or take away from the words of that book: Revelation 22:18-19: obviously inspired and holy people continued to have revelations and visions inspired by God without due reference to the fact that Satan sometimes has

I testify along with everyone that hears the words of this prediction in this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that were written in this book. If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prediction, God will take away his part from the Book of Life and from out of the Holy City; and of the things that were written in this book.

This has been incorrectly interpreted by mainly literalists in a non literal way: that anyone who has a new revelation is in effect making a new gospel in rebellion against GOD and adding to the bible. This is not what John meant as he referred only to his own Apocalypse and also was quite literal when he didnt want that book changed which happened soon after it was written as

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some fools tried to change the number of the beast from 666 to 616 so that it would refer to Nero Caesar by the letter/numbers in the Latin alphabet. You can add to the spirit and tone of Johns words by including all the bible, which at that time did not exist as a single book: That nothing should be added to the bible itself or taken away. Yet this too has been done subtlety when certain words are purposely mistranslated to support usually false doctrines. John never meant that no believer can have a revelation about divine things and write it out. He was not contradicting Paul who taught that believers should share revelations; that believers should seek to prophesy. Neither was he contradicting himself when he said that we have an anointing that teaches us all things.

So, these two errors consist of either exaggerating or narrowing the meaning of scripture to either allow for what is false or to disallow what is true. One mans orthodoxy is another mans heresy

According to most Christians in the world receiving revelations is perfectly consistent with Christian tradition going back to the first century. For fundamentalist Protestants however, excepting Charismatics, such revelations would be adding to scripture and therefore satanic. Thus equating fulfilment of Paul and Johns teaching about what visionaries and prophets should experience and do as a negation of that very teaching! They do not, contrary to their protests, base this position upon scripture; but upon Reformation teaching that is reductionist regarding spiritual experience and anti catholic. As many catholic saints had visions and revelations they therefore regard visions and revelations outside the scripture as anti

Reformation, anti Protestant and therefore antichrist. They cannot show the scriptures to prove having revelations is wrong and they cannot make a case for this genuine gift adding to the Revelation of John or any part of the bible. If they were to think about what they actually teach they would see that many of

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their commentaries by respected Reformers throw light upon the bible in such a way as to be revelatory even if that light came by logical deduction rather than by visions

The biblical, orthodox and traditional believer therefore accepts revelations

upon this sole condition: that they are seen to be from God. How do they arrive at this conclusion? One way is by confirmation by a witness of the Holy Spirit Who is quite capable of convincing true believers of the origin of inspired teaching. Another way is by church authority. The first way is never wrong millennia of human history. When he returns he will speak of his life.

and the second is often right. Jesus will return relatively soon in terms of the Everything he says will be a revelation. How can believers possibly believe then that Christ will be antichrist and adding to scripture? Is the Spirit of Christ really incapable of giving visions to visionaries or giving revelations to mystics because those with an anti catholic prejudice regard this as the work of the devil? I think in fact this is a case of allowing the blind to follow the blind so both will fall into a pit: That is the grave they dig for themselves.

Orthodox believers have accepted revelations outside of the bible since the time of Adam up to today! If they had not the bible itself would never have from extra biblical sources!!! Seven Bibles Revelation straight from the heart of Jesus: Our bible is merely the first of seven. When Jesus returns he is going to write the story of his life on earth and tell us many things not in the bible. In that book he will give many prophecies relating to things he will do in the future. That autobiographical book of Jesus that will in fact be long and detailed will be the first book of the second bible. come to be written as it consists of largely edited, and pared down versions

The seventh bible will be completed long into the distant future upon the New Earth where Jesus shall reign as King among the perfect. Outside of the canon

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of these scriptures there will be literally thousands upon thousands of holy books inspired by GOD - in fact a time will come when every book written will be perfectly inspired by God, regardless of the subject matter. In those does via His revelations to His saints is heretical. I am not merely being days of course no one will even consider quoting John to prove that what God facetious as there is a very real sense in which so called believers in their

mindless unbelief have continually insulted the Holy Spirit and chastised Him for giving revelations in faithfulness to His word the Bible: Using the Bible to attack Him!

I have found repeatedly throughout my life that certain narrow minded

dogmas and claims to the truth have been used in a practical way to resist the Spirit of God. Looking back over decades among Christians I am amazed at the lack of faith and power among them. How did they turn the fountain of the Holy Spirit into the thimble? How did they turn the mountain of Gods

faithfulness into the mole hill? How did they turn the saints into the satanic? How did they in effect turn the Holy Spirit into Satan? Judgement Day will be very frightening to multitudes who expect nothing but a reward from GOD. Yet, I am hopeful in spite of hopelessness, that that older generation of

unthinking slaves to dogma are dying out and a younger generation may actually put into practice what they preach. That is they may actually believe and receive revelations from God because the bible teaches His Church should. Let me now continue with some more revelation in the tradition of Adam who once wrote quite a long autobiography only about a fiftieth of which can be found in early Genesis: Chronology of spiritual states and places I said in the future Jesus will prophesy of things He will do and of many events besides. At the moment the Darkness is spreading confusion among the younger generation of believers as certain teachers have pointed out quite

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correctly that the saints will live on the New Earth. The trouble is they use this teaching as somehow contradicting the teaching that the saints go to Heaven. They are also confused as to what the New Earth actually is. I will tell you detail and with far less excellent grace than he will muster of course plainly what Jesus himself will teach on this matter in the future in far less

The saints will reign firstly with Christ upon this earth for a thousand years there will be a New Heavens and A New Earth: this is not the present earth

and then Satan will be released from the Pit. When that rebellion is crushed renewed! This earth will be destroyed by fire. There will be a New Earth far away at the other end of this universe which is perfect and the saints will be translated there. After a period, usually around 700 to a 1000 years the individual believers will have matured spiritually enough to go and live in Heaven among the angels of God and will in effect be themselves angels.

Prior to Jesus returning the dead in Christ are yet alive in spirit. Their spirits are in Heaven awaiting their resurrection. So if you are a believer and today you die you will firstly go to Heaven in spirit. Later you will return to earth

with Jesus in the body (the first resurrection) and live here. After that you will be translated to the New Earth and after that you will ascend to Heaven where you will dwell.

This is a deeper part of the revelation: There will be growth in grace and

power throughout eternity. This means that believers firstly become perfect, then they become angelic and then they become gods quite literally. If for in fact be looking upon a being that could create worlds. Of course to God example the believer could see themselves in a trillion years time they would almighty the believer has hardly grown at all! He will ever be infinitely greater than the believer. For the believer however they will see the teaching of Paul come true: that we are seeds of something greater to be revealed in Heaven.

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Judgment and revelations of saints Here is another thing from Jesus: Seeing saints in Heaven in visions is not unscriptural as John saw the 24 elders in a vision recorded in the book of Revelation. That should be enough proof but the revelation is this: Those who saints down the centuries on the false grounds that such believers were idol worshippers and necromancers will be held accountable for it by Jesus on Judgment Day. That is they will have to explain why such and such a saint elders seen by John so you can see the drift of Jesus.) Revelation 4:4 have rejected a large number of genuine revelations and visions from genuine

who saw, say Elijah, in a vision is a necromancer. (Elijah was among the 24

Round about the throne were twenty four seats and upon the seats I saw twenty four elders sitting: Clothed in white clothes, they had on their heads crowns of gold.

I have, this is what Jesus wants me to say of myself, I have quite graciously accepted a great deal of rejection of myself and my teaching or revelations because I accept believers find it hard to accept. Yet Jesus has a slightly different view. He has spoken via me and is often very angry with believers in their attitude. Not so much as they reject a revelation but with the spirit that they do it: If I saw that Heaven was not empty but saints were there, having seen Eve for example there is that automatic; That aint bible! The bible says

contacting the dead is witchcraft. You are of Satan I sense your spirit is not right Or even the falsely congenial, Excuse me brother but you are possessed. I say this out of love.
This revelation is as much for me as it is for you as it means I have to change my attitude and stop tolerating every blind dogmatist who rejects me as Satan me as I am. You see, Jesus would have me state that when Christians say my incarnate and tell them plainly they are insulting the Holy Spirit Who created

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revelation, vision or spirit is of Satan the Holy Spirit regards this as a personal insult. He gives me words or visions and the Spirit behind it is attacked: That is He is attacked. Some believers have come close to committing the unpardonable sin in their obstinate and hateful rejection of the Spirit that spoke through me, when having no justification. How I have seen them proudly mock when I have just come from the presence of GOD. Resisting the Spirit in modern times Here is another revelation added to this that Jesus particularly wants me to share: A few years back some Christians persecuted my family and myself because of my spiritual teaching. They spread viscous rumours about us. They demeaned my testimony and prayed against me as against Satan. The Holy Spirit was so angry that He decided to reject them totally and they are lost for all eternity. That is the Holy Spirit Himself made a ponderous judgment that slander of Him. Also that in equating His work through me as being from their offence was against such light as to amount to a practical rejection and Satan, when they knew better and He had spoken to their hearts; was to put themselves beyond grace. Free will means you cannot be saved by what you have forcefully rejected. For myself, I dont mind if a believer rejects any and every vision and teaching of mine if they do so honestly and graciously. Yet, from now on I must be more careful of the grace God has put within me and not allow it to be treated as dung. Philosophy, Knowledge, Dogmatism and Revelation Probably of all the forms of learning revelation is valued the least and ridiculed the most. It implies however teaching from the Holy Spirit and this implies the very best quality of knowledge. In Philosophy the Problem of Evil respects a set of questions regarding fate, providence, foreknowledge, predestination and the moral qualities of God, gods or the One. How does a

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good God or gods allow an evil world to be and still be good? And similar questions. Christian theologians tended to be men of learning and therefore influenced by Greek Philosophy and were often seen to be Neoplatonic. Certainly Augustine and later Calvin can be seen as Neoplatonic in their

treatment of free will and Gods sovereignty. So, Christian theologians along with various philosophers after two thousand years have not answered the problem of evil. There are doubts remaining and questions at best partially answered. This is because as I have said the Christian theology was largely Neoplatonic rather than Christian. It seems the Church saw fit to tone down the teaching of Christ and his apostles via theology so that common Christianity is almost as erroneous and void as Greek Philosophy. The Apostle Paul laid bare the

problem of evil if anyone had bothered to learn of him. The Lord can answer those questions by the Spirit. The idea that Paul was reworking Plato and Plato happy pro Proclus thoughts but it is a fiction entirely. In studying Paul I of was a greater teacher than Christ may make philosophers dance and sing with course realised he was writing the very teachings of Christ in doctrinal form. Also he was writing under the inspiration of the Spirit so that if Jesus himself had written out his teaching in doctrinal form you would have been hard pressed to tell the difference from Paul. Every Christian who is a Christian should be, and careful observation tells they are, wiser than the greatest Greek philosophers. They have a better idea of what the soul is than Plato or Aristotle; they have a better understanding of the meaning of life and its purpose etcetera. Yet most of all they have the fact of the Holy Spirit as God within. As opposed to trying to develop a pure intellect of virtue via philosophy and sanitised paganism. This is what it means to have the mind of Christ. Also why Paul teaches us that Gods wisdom is folly to Greeks and a stumbling block to Jews but to believers it is actually the power

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of God not a concept of power but a real power within the believer. Knowledge and power mistaken for dogmatism by the world even if there is a lot of dogmatism in Augustine and Calvin

The Spirit of Revelation

Simple revelations then carry within them a great deal of wisdom if they are studied and understood correctly and that can only come by the Spirit. When Ruth the Moabitess left her land and her people and said to Naomi, Your people are my people and your God is my God; this to the worldly or

philosophical mind is like a Muslim saying much the same to a Hindu. To the believer however this simple saying of Ruth reveals via the inner anointing that within Ruth there is the Holy Spirit pouring forth light, love and truth. Let me therefore give a revelation

Regarding the last great Neoplatonic philosopher Proclus: Proclus was very much aware of the New Testament teachings and of Christians. He admired certain aspects of their teaching; of those of Christ, or Paul or Peter, as any rational being would. But let us go beyond Proclus soul to his spirit. The Holy Spirit made a personal encounter to Proclus firstly as a child when He spoke to his spirit to tell Proclus of Christ. He does this with all children in the world then and since. Of course, like all others, almost all as Jesus appeared to me in the flesh when I was almost three years; as almost all in big bold letters and this is why as Proclus matured he decided to become a

children Proclus was unaware. Upon his spirit however the truth was written philosopher. It was his spirit yearning for God. He did not become a Christian as his flesh was resisting GOD, choosing sin and suppressing the truth; just as Paul teaches.

At points in Proclus life he heard the life stories of vital, holy saints and

dismissed them as inferior versions of religion and philosophy. When dying

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the spirit of Plato was sent to Proclus to say, Shortly the Christ will appear to

you (your spirit) and will tell you of his great salvation that we in our philosophising never dreamt of I took the opportunity to believe in Christ as he appeared to me as the Jewish Messiah (that is the pre-Christ Spirit that is eternal). I ask you Proclus to pray with me now to our True Lord and learn of me once more as you have been led away from vital truths by a seducer far more subtle than we two could ever be.
Proclus was astonished, frightened of death approaching of course but listened to Plato. Soon Christ appeared in glorious light and said to Proclus (to his spirit), I have ordained you from before this world was created, when I saw

you, to be my philosopher Also, You are to be an emblem of grace but your story cannot be told in this (present) world but in the next After some time of Jesus speaking to his spirit Proclus repented deeply and was forgiven, justified and sanctified. Yet, in departing his life he lamented to Jesus that both he and Plato had no Christian story of grace to tell this side of the grave to which the Spirit of Christ replied, At a distant time one I have called an eagle will tell briefly and simply of your coming to me through death (death conversion).
I said that there are to be seven bibles but very many inspired books. Proclus has been appointed to write a great treatise upon philosophy when he returns to earth as a resurrected saint with Jesus.

Knowledge that comes by the Spirit increases the validity of this revelation -

increases and it begins to seem, real, likely and then of course obviously true to those in deep contact with God. Just as it would be obvious that the words of Ruth to Naomi were not merely religious words about an emotional bond etcetera; but words of light and love and truth revealing the heart of Christ. Jesus can testify to the real sainthood of Plato and Proclus as opposed to the empty sainthood placed upon them by philosophy and the spirit of this world.

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- An attitude that will ever make a saint out of a flattering and charming Satan. Jesus will have some of the worlds best known figures to witness to his grace upon Judgment Day as the Holy Spirit makes Ruths out of roughly one fifth of those dying. Revelation and Judgement in the human spirit I should remind you however that although I am writing these revelations of grace they in no way reflect most peoples experience of salvation as most his last breath about ten minutes after he gave his heart to Christ. people will deny Christ as he appears to them during death. Proclus breathed

The revelation giver, whoever they may be must also lose consciousness of themselves in a sense as they often form part of their own revelation, as in Ezekiel or other prophets speaking of their great visions and what they said or heard or saw and how it affected them; making a small part of the revelation regarding themselves that they could not edit our for modestys sake.

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Sodom & Gomorrah The world has its own views

The world loves the story of Sodom and Gomorrah as they can use it to their hearts content to prove that the bible is in favour of gang rape and that it is homophobic and also that the servants of God are servants of a tyrant who children of Sodom Also it is regularly used to prove that God is not on. inflicts merciless cruelties and death upon the innocent as in the babies and omniscient as He needs to go down to Sodom to see for Himself what is going

As the world is interested in attitudes to gays and others I will say a little on it here, even though the story of Sodom and Gomorrah has more to do with satanic rage against righteousness and its condemnation rather than anything else. I would not discriminate against gays since to me they are no worse or better than my own mother or father. I have entered into the holiness of God and therefore regard all mortals as corrupt beyond imagination. On the other hand I see the love and affection and good ideals people have; even their incredible sacrifice on behalf of others. I understand the contradiction there is in human nature. I cannot be opposed to everyone and so I am opposed to no one. I barely distinguish between murderer and mother. If there is one class of

people I detest above others it is Christian hypocrites that crucify Christ afresh every day. I am opposed to all sinners as sinners; opposed to all evil as evil and am friend to no one but God. Yet, I will speak with equal respect and love to love. the serial killing psychopath as to the nun. I never speak offensively or without

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All of these petty prejudices of the world based entirely upon misrepresentations and distortions and a seeming inability to judge right from wrong I will briefly deal with before entering into my commentary and revelation. If you now read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 18-19: Where three men come to Abraham 18:17 Then the LORD said, Should I hide from Abraham what I am about to do? 18:18 After all, Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all the nations on the earth will pronounce blessings on one another using his name. 18:19 I have chosen him so that he may command his children and just. Then the LORD will give to Abraham what he promised him.

his household after him to keep the way of the L ORD by doing what is right and 18:20 So the LORD said, The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great

and their sin so blatant 18:21 that I must go down and see if they are as wicked as the outcry suggests. If not, I want to know. 18:22 The two men turned and headed toward Sodom, but Abraham was still

standing before the LORD. 18:23 Abraham approached and said, Will you sweep away the godly along with the wicked? 18:24 What if there are fifty godly people in the city? Will you really wipe it out and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty godly people who are in it? 18:25 Far be it from you to do such a thing to kill the godly with the wicked, treating the godly and the wicked alike! Far be it from you! Will not the judge of the whole earth do what is right? 18:26 So the LORD replied, If I find in the city of Sodom fifty godly people, I 18:27 Then Abraham asked, Since I have undertaken to speak to the Lord

will spare the whole place for their sake.

(although I am but dust and ashes), 18:28 what if there are five less than the fifty godly people? Will you destroy the whole city because five are lacking? He replied, I will not destroy it if I find forty-five there.

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18:29 Abraham spoke to him again, What if forty are found there? He replied, I will not do it for the sake of the forty. 18:30 Then Abraham said, May the Lord not be angry so that I may speak! 18:31 Abraham said, Since I have undertaken to speak to the Lord, what if

What if thirty are found there? He replied, I will not do it if I find thirty there.

only twenty are found there? He replied, I will not destroy it for the sake of the twenty. 18:32 Finally Abraham said, May the Lord not be angry so that I may speak

just once more. What if ten are found there? He replied, I will not destroy it for the sake of the ten. 18:33 The LORD went on his way when he had finished speaking to Abraham.

Then Abraham returned home.

The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

the citys gateway. When Lot saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face toward the ground. 19:1 The two angels came to Sodom in the evening while Lot was sitting in

19:2 He said, Here, my lords, please turn aside to your servants house. Stay

the night and wash your feet. Then you can be on your way early in the morning. No, they replied, well spend the night in the town square. 19:3 But he urged them persistently, so they turned aside with him and

entered his house. He prepared a feast for them, including bread baked without

yeast, and they ate. 19:4 Before they could lie down to sleep, all the men both young and old, from every part of the city of Sodom surrounded the house. 19:5 They shouted to Lot, Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them! 19:6 Lot went outside to them, shutting the door behind him. 19:7 He said,

No, my brothers! Dont act so wickedly! 19:8 Look, I have two daughters who have never had sexual relations with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do to them whatever you please. Only dont do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.

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19:9 Out of our way! they cried, and This man came to live here as a foreigner, and now he dares to judge us! Well do more harm to you than to the door. them! They kept pressing in on Lot until they were close enough to break down 19:10 So the men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house as

they shut the door. 19:11 Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, from the youngest to the oldest, with blindness. The men outside wore themselves out trying to find the door. 19:12 Then the two visitors said to Lot, Who else do you have here? Do you have any sons-in-law, sons, daughters, or other relatives in the city? Get them out of this place 19:13 because we are he has sent us to destroy it.

about to destroy it. The outcry against this place is so great before the L ORD that 19:14 Then Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law who were going to

marry his daughters. He said, Quick, get out of this place because the L ORD is about to destroy the city! But his sons-in-law thought he was ridiculing them. 19:15 At dawn the angels hurried Lot along, saying, Get going! Take your

wife and your two daughters who are here, or else you will be destroyed when

the city is judged! 19:16 When Lot hesitated, the men grabbed his hand and the

hands of his wife and two daughters because the LORD had compassion on them. They led them away and placed them outside the city. 19:17 When they had brought them outside, they said, Run for your lives! Dont look behind you destroyed! or stop anywhere in the valley! Escape to the mountains or you will be 19:18 But Lot said to them, No, please, Lord! 19:19 Your servant has found

favor with you, and you have shown me great kindness by sparing my life. But I and Ill die. 19:20 Look, this town over here is close enough to escape to, and its just a little one. Let me go there. Its just a little place, isnt it? Then Ill survive. 19:21 Very well, he replied, I will grant this request too and will not

am not able to escape to the mountains because this disaster will overtake me

overthrow the town you mentioned. 19:22 Run there quickly, for I cannot do

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anything until you arrive there. (This incident explains why the town was called Zoar.) 19:23 The sun had just risen over the land as Lot reached Zoar. 19:24 Then

the LORD rained down sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. It was sent

down from the sky by the L ORD. 19:25 So he overthrew those cities and all that region, including all the inhabitants of the cities and the vegetation that grew from the ground. 19:26 But Lots wife looked back longingly and was turned into a pillar of salt. 19:27 Abraham got up early in the morning and went to the place where he

had stood before the LORD. 19:28 He looked out toward Sodom and Gomorrah and all the land of that region. As he did so, he saw the smoke rising up from the land like smoke from a furnace. 19:29 So when God destroyed the cities of

the region, God honored Abrahams request. He removed Lot from the midst of the destruction when he destroyed the cities Lot had lived in. 19:30 Lot went up from Zoar with his two daughters and settled in the mountains because he was afraid to live in Zoar. So he lived in a cave with his two daughters. 19:31 Later the older daughter said to the younger, Our father is old, and there is no man anywhere nearby to have sexual relations with us, with wine so we can have sexual relations with him and preserve our family line through our father. 19:33 So that night they made their father drunk with wine, and the older according to the way of all the world. 19:32 Come, lets make our father drunk

daughter came and had sexual relations with her father. But he was not aware that she had sexual relations with him and then got up. 19:34 So in the morning the older daughter said to the younger, Since I had sexual relations with my father last night, lets make him drunk again tonight. Then you go and have sexual relations with him so we can preserve our family line through our father. 19:35 So they made their father drunk that night as well, and the

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younger one came and had sexual relations with him. But he was not aware that she had sexual relations with him and then got up. 19:36 In this way both of Lots daughters became pregnant by their father.

19:37 The older daughter gave birth to a son and named him Moab. He is the to a son and named him Ben-Ammi. He is the ancestor of the Ammonites of today. (NET)

ancestor of the Moabites of today. 19:38 The younger daughter also gave birth

Offering of daughters When Lot offered his daughters to the men of Sodom it was to avert a greater evil. That is he regarded it as a greater evil that two holy men of great nobility and grace be raped by men than having two daughters raped. This means that Lots motive considered the men of Sodom themselves not wanting them to commit the greater sin. Also it shows Lots selflessness as he would have loved his daughters but been willing to sacrifice them for the sake of the two saints. Most especially it was done by Lot as he hoped to provoke the two saints to but he was sure they had great power with God. It worked and the Angels reveal their true natures and power Lot was not sure that they were Angels rescued Lot and his daughters. In all this Lot was blameless and righteous in Gods eyes. However I am aware that these reasons mean nothing to those who want to always attack the bible and Christ and God. What kind of men were they?

The world also loves to attack God for being homophobic. They assume that since the men of Sodom wanted to rape men they were homosexual and that to judge them for being gang rapists, the way the world judges Lot, is to be homophobic by which I understand they believe God, the bible, Christ and his disciples have an irrational phobia like a phobia of bats or cockroaches or snakes regarding homosexuals. This results in treatment of them similar to the

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way cockroaches would be treated and in the case of Sodom this means extermination. In fact the entire town was gathered against the two men and a small percentage were homosexual in the sense that word is used today. What had really happened is that Satan knowing that these visitors to Lot were Angels he fell upon the town and the wicked in it in such power as a kind of counter revival- and stirred them up to hideous levels of hatred and irrationality. I have witnessed this demonic rage in individuals and a both young and old out of which a minority wanted to rape them. That is only

comparable passage in the gospel where such rage is exhibited, via Satan, is when the crowds called for the crucifixion of Christ. An example from the New Testament is where the mob raged against Stephen the first Martyr. The judgment against these men then was not a judgement against

homosexuality for two reasons: One is that they were not homosexual but heterosexual perverts. Two is that most of the men were not in the habit of strangers but to hand them over to a core group that were before killing them probably by torture as such things had happened in Sodom before. Death of the innocents having sex with men. They were not all planning to have sex with the holy

God did kill the innocent in Sodom but not as a tyrant. The Lord made a judgement that children and babies would go to Heaven if they died and this into brutality, murder, torture and various sexual perversities and so on- He were not found ten innocent men in Sodom. God judged the wicked not would be better than being raised in a form of paganism that had degenerated was saving the children. The others were not innocent. Remember that there because they were wicked but because they had reached a point where there was no possibility that Justice could permit them to live and no point in progress. hoping anything good would ever come out of them in terms of spiritual

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Gods omniscience When God came down to witness for Himself the evil of Sodom it was because God was in the form of an Angel having therefore limited knowledge. So the and men from the beginning was a created being that was not infinite. This bodily form of the Angel of the Eternal that had been interacting with Angels was an incarnation similar to the incarnation of Christ. The Angel of Lord and the Christ are both one and the same person. In both there are limitations of knowledge in the mind but in Spirit is the infinite God. Here we are not

talking of the incarnation of Christ but the incarnation of the Angel of the Lord means that the Lord in that form could have known the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of humans at once but not millions. That is He was mind of GOD.

operating through the mind of an Angel not through the infinite, all knowing

The Angel in fact did know what was going on in Sodom but He also knew that should He go down He would perceive even more. Yet you must understand He never entered Sodom! Only His two assistants entered and they were not God incarnate but Archangels. If The Angel of the Lord had gone physically into Sodom and been treated the way He foresaw His Angels would be treated He would have had no choice under Gods Just Law but to destroy the entire world. This is generally why God keeps His distance from Men Pure Mercy. Why then did the Angel of the Lord go down to earth? It was to witness all these events at a distance and command the judgement of fire to happen So, He went down by foreknowledge. It was also as a kind of prophecy that one day He shall return again to earth in the form of the Incarnate Son and call down fire from Heaven upon the armies gathered against Him outside Jerusalem. (2 Thessalonians 1:7-8)

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If a left leaning liberal visited Sodom What would the politically correct think of Sodom if they had actually been there? By way of the Light I will say, just a little. There is near Israel am speaking of the time when the Angels went to see Lot in Sodom: somewhere a piece of land that contains lots of brimstone and old rubble. Yet I

Our liberal would have visited just before the Angels and lo and behold no troubles. Perhaps even a friendly inn keeper and some chatty locals, until waking in the night he hears the furore. The local mafia boss has got together his troops and band of assorted criminals to commence his purge of Lot the holy men and these ones seem unintimidated by the local gangsters. holy man, a thorn in his side. The great offence is that now there are two other

Our liberal we will call Simon, follows the mob and sees they have weapons

and represent some of the local martial artists, mercenaries, gang leaders and political/military leaders of the town. Worshippers of certain pagan deities that practice ritualised sex, male to female, male to male, male to child, male to animal, female to female, gang rape of children, of women and men are rewarded by their god.

A strange atmosphere comes upon the mob and indeed the whole town. Even house there is a tangible feeling in the air itself that seems to be alive with malice and the presence of evil.

the mild mannered feel really angry, but at what they are not sure. Near Lots

Our homosexual liberal Simon begins to feel frightened and receives a lot of angry stares and strange looks as he is a stranger. The only way to protect Get rid of Lot and his comrades! himself is to copy the mob and cry out, Let not the strangers lord it over us!

The mafia boss orders the pagan core group that rape men to try to rape the men/Angels. That is they are homosexual in the eyes of the liberal but not in

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the eyes of God. The two men/Angels come out and one raises his hand. A great flash of light leaves the crowd blinded for several minutes. The stranger Simon makes his way back to his inn but the mob goes wild both with rage and fear. Frightened of the Angels they eventually retreat. All is quiet. In his inn Simon ruminates. He concludes that as the gay men were actually quite aggressive they are not really gay but heterosexuals seeking to sadistically humiliate the strangers that he does not recognise as saints. He feels very strongly that the problem is religious fundamentalism on the part of the pagans. He assumes the strangers have done something terrible to get the crowd so angry; such as blaspheming their gods or conspiring for a military takeover of the town As for the Light; he sees this as an example of skilled dust set alight or something similar. conjurors cleverly frightening an ignorant, religious mob by use of magnesium

In the morning he hears Lot admonishing one of his relatives at the inn to flee Sodom and he too joins in the laughter and ridicule of the old fool; whom he now sees as a madman. Yet he decides to follow Lot out of Sodom as he wants Sodom tin contradiction to what he has predicted. He expects to hear an

to hear how the delusional, religious fanatic can justify the non destruction of excuse such as, It was spiritual fire that we cannot see, or A day to the Lord

is as a thousand years and so any time in the next thousand years

Upon seeing Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding land destroyed by fire and brimstone Simon is shaken and wants to rant against the evil god of Lot but disciplines himself as there is no god. Simon after controlling his rage decides the brimstone from the sky is the repeat of an unexplained

phenomenon that has obviously happened before in that area and the old man knew the pattern of events and when the next fallout was to occur Or at the psychic connection with the mind of Lot, the cause of his madness even very unlikeliest it was the result of aliens visiting earth and somehow making a

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though there is some truth in the delusion it caused. He cannot entertain the idea that a holy and wrathful God has sent a judgement against sin to establish a principle that there is a point at which God will destroy sinners when their evil has become excessive. As He did with Noahs Flood, as He did with which the events of Sodom and Gomorrah were a living prophecy. Returning to his own time by his time machine he writes authoritatively upon the events of Sodom and Gomorrah in a way that allows for no lesson of holiness or judgement upon sin and no faith in a god but as a fascinating expos of ancient, gang ruled, warring towns descending into anarchy. The evidence of there being brimstone still in the general area is then openly that supports the bible: discussed by various scientists even though they avoid such evidence as a rule The Angel of the LORD or Eternal I understand that it is orthodox for both Roman Catholics and Protestants to How many believers are aware of this I dont know. The Spirit is able to believe that the Angel of the Lord is the pre incarnate Christ in Angelic form. materialise and dematerialise the Angelic body so that the Angel of the Lord could be dematerialised leaving the Spirit that is infinite GOD. Then later this Spirit entered the foetus in the womb of Mary and created a human soul in the body of Jesus; making him both fully human and being fully God. It was as the Angel however that the second Person of the Triune Godhead manifested Himself to Abraham, but not to Lot. That is to the more spiritual He appeared but to Lot the Angels appeared. These were not ordinary Angels but Archangels. The Angel of the Lord and indeed Future Jesus will always have these two Angels with Him. They are always the same two Angels. They are

Sodom and as He will do in the future destroying the entire Earth with fire; of

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neither Gabriel nor Michael but two of seven Archangels that serve GOD on high. It was as the Angel of the Eternal that God said Let there be Light and also it was in this Angelic form that God said Let us make Man in our image To whom was He speaking? He tells us Man is to be made in the image of GOD heard by these two Archangels and by a multitude of other Angels. So the but He was actually speaking to His Father and to the Holy Spirit but he was Eternal was speaking to God but used words so that others could hear. This that those who hear may believe

was like Jesus when He raised Lazarus praying to his Father saying, I say this Yet when the Angel of the Lord said , Let there be Light or any number of other things you must remember He was Also the Spirit and the Father, just as Time is always and together past, present and future.

So we need to establish the identity of the Eternal One or Angel of the LORD/Yaweh/Self Existent/Eternal. He is both God and Angel. He is subordinate to the Father and limited by the Angelic brain so that His

intelligence and knowledge are only several thousand times greater than a humans. Angels are spirits but they are also bodies when they need to be and in Heaven they are material: That is they can be touched. Should Adam have not fallen then the Angel of the Eternal would have continued in that form and not been reincarnated into a man Jesus. Sometimes too, on earth Angels take on material form, but usually in the appearance of men to the senses of those who view them. This is why Lot was unsure if his visitors were Angels or prophets. To appear in human form usually means that they actually appear and dress as Angels but to human perception they may seem as men that are old or young and normally in the clothing and speaking the dialect and accent of the person being spoken to. This all happens in the mind of the viewer. Angels can

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and do appear today in a form that means they can go unrecognised. If an Angel appeared they might seem to be an attendant at a petrol station for instance, wearing the overalls and logo of the company Yet they are there to do or say the right thing at the right time that will make all the difference to a life or many lives. This form of angelic activity is far more abundant than believers realise. Almost all churches for example will have at least one angelic visitor every two to three years. Their purpose is normally simply to pray.

To a prophet such an Angel appearing would seem to be an Angel and they would see them as they are and in the clothing they wear but to ordinary mortals Angels go unrecognised. This is because the seer is a see-er.

Interestingly, to the CCTV cameras that capture the image of say, the petrol attendant at the gas pump, will also record a non angelic image! This is a very small thing for God to do. Therefore when the three Angels appeared to Abraham he recognised them for who they were but to Lot, he was only half aware and to the mob at Sodom the two appeared merely as men of strange nobility and grace angering them even more as holiness is the greatest offence to impenitent hearts. Appearances of Jesus

Jesus today often descends from Heaven in the body and visits people and places and especially churches and saints. Almost never is he recognised, as this unfortunately is a very unspiritual age. Recently Jesus attended a meeting at the White House to listen to Barack Obama. This sounds very silly and even sentimental to the unbeliever but in fact Jesus has always visited the worlds spoken to directly, the worlds most interesting and important figures. leaders, been present at many great historical events and listened to but rarely

The Angel of the Lord would do this too throughout the world and not just in Israel and Jesus has been continuing this activity for two thousand years. At just about every great event or to every great personage in history Jesus will

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have some firsthand account or interaction. In effect the prayers of Jesus have saved the world from destroying itself, and as bad as it is it shall continue until he establishes his kingdom on earth. Aliens among us

This world is so unaware of the spiritual realm or spiritual realities that it is very easy for beings of other worlds to hide behind the inability of earthlings are highly intelligent witnesses from other worlds and dimensions God has culture but there are a number of intelligent worlds relatively close to our own. to recognise them. They just cannot see. Among the beings that visit our world made as well as aliens: Not necessarily the aliens of popular imagination or

As the Christian religion progresses and Christian teaching becomes more widespread it will be taken as a given that we live in a multi-populace from fallen worlds. The reason I say this, is not to be controversial or universe. Most aliens are saints of differing creations to humans. Some are sensational or anything like that; its simply that the earth has to realise that

God has made many worlds and as science progresses this will inevitably be discovered. God you see answered through prophets and seers and visionaries some of the questions that ancients had in their times and He answers today on. If you are a Christian you should realise God has been creating forever. some of the questions of modern times. God is always ahead of us drawing us Creator is not a one off title but a fact of Gods innate nature. This is also why we are procreators: Why we as humans are naturally creative; being made in His image. Most of the aliens among us, if you can accept it, are not the monsters of Hollywood movies, but righteous and more highly intelligent beings from relatively nearby worlds. Some have been appointed as sentinels to earth so that aliens from fallen worlds do not come near us. If you find this hard to

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accept consider that if what happened in Sodom happened today it is likely the Angels would have been described as aliens from another dimension. Appearance of an alien One was revealed to me, I dont know if I mentioned it elsewhere but I saw one of the greater aliens that inhabit this universe about a year ago. I could not discern its nature but had to learn by revelation from God what it was. This is a ball of light that had several tentacles of light. Yet it was revealed to me by

because it was so great it was hard to discern. In appearance it was only small; GOD that this type of being is trillions of times greater than an earthling and has power we could not imagine. Aliens of this order are always perfect as God does not allow the greater of His creations to descend into evil- having set a limit to evil in the universe. In general most aliens are saints. Among the abilities of this sentient being was the power to understand fully the worlds it visited. So that upon seeing one being from a world, say one earthling, the alien would know everything about that person and everything related to them in moments. Within the space of just a few seconds this kind of alien will know everything about everyone who has lived on earth and everything about everyone who will ever live here. They see clearly in other words. I have often found that spiritual growth consists in beginning to see things clearly and this is why prophets were once called seers. I think I mentioned somewhere that in this universe there are worlds and aliens that inhabit thousands of dimensions at a time and have hundreds of senses.

If the alien I saw had been seen by the entire earth and in size it had been five was so small and I was unable to discern it because of its greatness. An

times as big as the earth people would have got the idea that it was powerful. It

intelligent understanding of the universe is Gods will for His saints and His Church, Amen. Remember, Christians have always believed in more than one

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world, more than one dimension, and more than one kind of being. In the bible there are Archangels, Angels, Seraphim and Cherubim, and humans. There is mentioned this earth, an earth yet to be created and Heaven as a real material place. Hell too is a real place that is physical. If you consider that God had been creating for ever and in great variety the rest should follow by simple, logical deduction even if I get a lot of my knowledge from the Holy

Spirit by revelation. It is a fact therefore that in modern parlance the various kinds of angels are aliens and the New Earth and Heaven are other worlds to this one.

Growth in grace

I said earlier that in Heaven the saints continue to grow in grace forever. The alien I saw that was like a god started out millions of years ago as something similar to a human: More intelligent to us and from an unfallen world but not that far above human. In appearance she had originally been very tall, about twice the size of humans and about three times as intelligent, in a perfect world. It was a world without procreation and without males. Almost all

worlds that God creates that are similar to this one are matriarchal. Ladies may think, No woman would want to end up as a ball of light with tentacles! Of course she is able to take her body form whenever it suits her or move in spirit, which is what I saw? It was actually a representation of her multidimensional mind that I saw while her bodily form was far away, looking beautiful as ever. Her name is unknowable as the words and language of the human mind. However a title for her that would suit would be Love. You see how God first taught me years ago that believers grow in grace forever but then later in revelation confirmed this teaching, anchoring it in fact to an actual sight of an advanced saint and yet she Love is still hardly great saints of the universe is too holy for mortal lips and too intelligent for the

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changed to God and will ever be His child. There are far greater sentient beings in the universe and far greater universes to this one. As I say again the Star Trek alien of TV and screen tends to have a rubber face and an American accent and is equally intelligent to humans. In the real this to the glory of our one supreme God, Amen. I know and accept that many believers will not accept such teaching by way of revelation or even by what should be obvious logic; and yet I know they will scientific consensus for it! In short the Archangels that accompanied the Angel of the Eternal were not that different in their nature to Love and indeed Archangels interact with one of the many worlds. So God sent a great saint/alien to me but was it really to me or to the believer that can discern? Literary conventions many worlds and dimensions and beings all over this universe We are just believe in the future after rationalists decide they have enough evidence and universe almost all aliens are far above us in power, grace and mind, and all

Lot had moved to Sodom in the hope of settling and he was a man of property, owning vineyards and flocks of sheep. This meant he had a number of servants not mentioned in the bible. This failure to mention servants was not a literary convention, such as you would find in a book like Pride and Prejudice in

which servants are non entities and all dramas revolve around the rich or elite, but a simple case of brevity and relating only those points that are relevant, within the space allowed. Those people who consider that if something is not mentioned in the bible it is untrue, such as there being many worlds, should in the bible is infinite. Does this mean infinite knowledge does not exist? Extra biblical knowledge consider that Gods knowledge is infinite and therefore what is not mentioned

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Can knowledge never be added to regarding spiritual things or events if they are not already recorded in the bible? This is the logical conclusion to a certain biblical stance held by many fundamentalist believers and this narrowness of heart and mind squeezes their intellect making it hard to be both a fundamentalist and an intellectual. All forms of knowledge are ever growing including knowledge of bible events and people. Why would believers accept archaeological facts regarding the bible that help them to understand it better but reject spiritual facts related by spiritual means? Is materialist science better at getting to the truth than the Holy Spirit giving revelation? The easy answer for those who are negative is to quote fraudsters and idiots that concoct

ludicrous revelations they claim are from God. This attitude also excludes any genuine revelation from God. Still, the fact remains that many believers will never receive a true revelation from God, not because they are cautious and sensible but because they are incapable of the spiritual discernment and and therefore they will always fall back onto excuses. discipline necessary to do so. They cant believe what they cant understand

Revelation of the Old Testament in the New Lot of course did not have a prophecy that one day Sodom and Gomorrah was said of Lot: 2 Peter 2:6-8 would be destroyed and that he would lose most of his possessions. When it

2:6 and if he turned to ashes the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah when he condemned them to destruction, having appointed them to serve as an example to future generations of the ungodly, 2:7 and if he rescued Lot, a

righteous man in anguish over the debauched lifestyle of lawless men, 2:8 (for while he lived among them day after day, that righteous man was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard) (NET)

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And indeed when it was said of Abraham: Hebrews 11:17-19

11:17 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac. He had received the promises, yet he was ready to offer up his only son. 11:18 God had told him, Through Isaac descendants will carry on your name, 11:19 and he reasoned that God could even raise him from the dead, and in a sense he received him back from there. (NET)

These were forms of revelatory knowledge like the revelatory knowledge I am using here. The Apostles were not referring to manuscripts we do not have today but throwing light on scriptures by way of revelation. In both these revelations from the New Testament we see they described the hearts and minds of Abraham and Lot. Imagine then unbelieving Jews and what they would say of this form of revelation in the Apostles: How can they see into the hearts of men dead for centuries or millennia? Are they trying to contact the dead? Sola Scriptura condemns them

(Unbelieving Jews is a religious term and contrasts with believing Jews as opposed to Hebrews. Hebrew is used when referring to race in the New than is supposed today. Today however Jew normally refers to race and Testament. Some unbelieving and believing Jews were of Gentile origin. More Judaism to religion, Hebraic to culture. ) They, the unbelieving Judaists, would firstly point out these sayings are not in their scrolls. Secondly that as the revelations are essentially fraudulent. Some would see them as in error influenced. Apostles are followers of a false Messiah, they are false likewise and their historically and others would see them as in error spiritually, that is demon

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Now consider what the Apostles would think of believers who would have revelations like those they said were to be shared; like the ones above about the hearts and reasoning of dead saints? Would they not see it as the very fulfilment of their teaching? What would they think of believers that rejected given through believers down the centuries? You see how the serious Christian is thrown back onto the need to discern the things of God in the light of the bible and under the guidance of the Spirit as well as the wisdom of the Church. It never was a viable Christian position to mysteries not in the bible. simply reject visionaries, prophets or mystics on the grounds that they related

both their teaching on revelation and the genuine revelation of the Holy Spirit

Therefore in the Tradition of the New Testament I will tell you something of the reasoning of Lot:

The heart of a holy man

Before speaking of Lot I will say something about my own position on the visions or revelations of others. Roman Catholics have an image that is often in their homes of a heart surrounded by thorns. This is the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I was interested in the origins of this revelation that pre dated St. Mary

Alacoque and St. Gertrude and even the Cistercian monasteries of the 11 th and 12th centuries. I learned from God that the image of the Sacred Heart has a sacred origin.

Jesus was wounded in his left side by a spear that was pushed up into his heart. It is an evangelical complaint that Jesus is wounded today by the iniquities of men. It was from the lower rib of the left side of Adam that Eve was made; Adams wound being a prophecy of the wound of Christ in that spot that went up into his heart from under that rib; as Adam was wounded in heart by Eves transgression; and as a prophecy that the Church, sometimes

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called the Bride of Christ, is the Lords Eve. He is sometimes called the New Adam. Now if there are visionaries that say they saw the wound of Jesus on his right side, Id say they either meant the viewers right or they were in error. Unless they had a good look at the wounds of Jesus that were quite abundant as there was more than one on the left and more than one on the right. It was a miracle Jesus didnt die before he was crucified.

Id reject any official church position if it disagrees with Johns gospel that purpose of the piercing with the spear was to make sure Jesus was dead, standing below Jesus.

blood and water flowed from Christs side indicating a pierced heart. Also the implying a shove upwards into the chambers of the heart by a Roman soldier

Jesus had given a vision to a young woman in the fourth century AD of his heart crowned with thorns. This was simple teaching designed to take the focus to Jesus present and ongoing suffering for His Church and for humanity. Like most visionaries and their visions this one went unrecorded. I

had this revelation so that the Hoy Spirit could confirm to me, if to no one else, that the origin of the Sacred Heart and its image is both genuine and sensible, evangelical, if mystical, teaching. As for latter reconfirmations in Catholic character of the One or ones inspiring them. visionaries; usually the tone and character of their words reveals the tone and

In the original vision of the Sacred Heart of Jesus there were no tongues of

flame around the heart as such but rather the Holy Spirit appeared as a living Flame surrounding the heart, indicating of course His love for Jesus. In this the size of a man but His face was not clearly seen. There was just a vague shape of a man except for two hands holding the heart of normal size. Interestingly, the crown of thorns was its normal size and an exact ancient vision given to a young woman of Rome the Holy Spirit was in height

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representation of the real Crown of Thorns Jesus actually wore. The heart of Jesus was not gory but representational; but some strands of thorns were wrapped around it. No one should paint a picture of this version as it is pictures of Jesus holding his heart. offensive to make pictures of God Himself. However, people may and do make

It seems the Lord wants me to reconfirm at least the original vision so that a reminders of the love of God and may be used as believers see fit providing their motivation and love is pure.

few Christians of all denominations may know that certain images are good

In simple, practical terms then if I want to paint an image of the Sacred Heart and place the picture on my wall to remind me of the suffering, past and present, of Jesus I will do so knowing this image originated with the Holy Jesus and is simply sentimental. Also it is not my purpose to write about

Spirit. Yet, such pictures will do no real good to anyone who has no faith in various visions by others and judge of their veracity even if I could do so but rather to lay down principles that guide spiritual believers to a better understanding of spirit and truth. The Sacred Heart of Lot

A cursory reading of the story of Lot might lead the reader to think that Lot was not a very spiritual man. Yet we have the confirmation of the Apostle Peter of his righteousness. Lot was a missionary part of his reason for choosing to dwell at Sodom. It was to expel Lot and resist his influence that Satan began to there than before and whats more this degeneration was very rapid. So the

degenerate the town so that it became far worse after Lot had been witnessing evil one was very frightened that a spiritual movement might occur and the people would forsake idol worship and worship the true God. In other words the backdrop to the story is one of persecution in response to a holy family. Lots wife and daughters were also holy, but provoked by Satan after they fled

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Sodom. This is actually quite normal. Many countries today that were once at least nominally Christian are now Muslim or Hindu or even atheist. Christian propaganda: Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world and a high percentage of Muslims, about 80%, and yet in centuries past Christians were beginning to dominate and Muslims were a minority. Muslims stirred the pagans to nationalism and to murder, to drive out Christians and foreign making it dominant: That is a kind of missionaries history. missionaries and then proselytized. In later times Arab oil money funded Islam

Or you may think that after Christians failing to successfully convert the

masses the sheer grace of Islam and its prophet naturally converted a people tired of old world, traditionalism and paganism. - That this is the destiny of Islam to take over from Christianity that originated earlier.

Or you may have a more spiritual view, that Islam was effective where

Christianity was lax. That Islam was aggressive where Christianity was timid. That Islam could thrive where Christianity could not. In other words the Christians were always greatly outnumbered; even the remnants of the early Orthodox Church had no bishops and few adherents so that the world didnt know they were there.

Generally Christianity only takes root and thrives by massive, long term

evangelism and missionary work. There was little hope for Lot then in Sodom to preach successfully of the Angel of the Lord. - Little chance that a spiritual Christianity will rise up and conquer the world. This small chance can only become an absolute certainty at a particular time in history after certain

prophecies are fulfilled. However, the prayers, pains, groans, tears and faith of Lot had not been in vain. God would use his sacrifice and turn it into a story of warning and judgement that would be recorded for the whole world. The

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judgement that came then only came because of Lot and because of his wounded heart. Popular secularism in English film and TV In the Ricky Gervais film The Invention of Lying a typically English form of rationalism is evident, much like the rationalism in my family that surrounded me as a youth. In a world where no one has evolved the ability to lie one man does discover it and this leads via a series of blunders to a religion like else apart from the protagonist realises are lies. Christianity being established as rational thought gives way to lies that no one

In the movie Paul about an alien that takes a road trip with two offbeat

characters the actor Simon Peg encounters a typically ignorant and prejudiced Christian character who having her mind opened by the alien, learns the fact of evolution in defiance of the evil lie of biblical creationism.

Remember I said I encountered the mind of an alien like a god and she was a believer in our Creator. As usual the real universe is not the rationalist universe but something far more beautiful and intelligent. This war over the minds of people and especially children is well represented by the resurrected Doctor Who series. In this series Christian symbols have been regularly represented as evil. There have been episodes where various kinds of monks and nuns are murderous. There have been evil robot father Christmases. There were at least two kinds of evil angels. There was an evil Christmas star. - A killer Christmas tree. - A vicar who upon becoming

enlightened with alien consciousness, as in the movie Paul, realised there is no puny little sky god. Also there are other elements of Christianity which are represented as somehow true but false. So for example there is a beast in a pit much like Satan in the Revelation who however cannot be believed in by the intelligent Doctor and sees it as just another alien.

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In Doctor Who made by the BBC there are no positive representations of Christians and the line is even delivered by the Doctor in reference to the gospel account of the resurrection of Christ, What really happened was- before being cut off. In other words this one show gives us bible commentary and attacks some of the fundamentals of Christianity and gives a comprehensive view of Christian symbols as pure evil. - A show for children

that portrays everything Christian to do with Christmas as evil? That directly attacks the resurrection of Christ? This is very blatant propaganda but typical of English rationalism in the English media. I once sat down and looked at every English made cartoon on childrens TV and discovered each one had a good witch in it - Often evil Christians. Witches =good, Christians =evil.

As a kind of balance to this antichrist tendency in Doctor Who there is a theme of homosexuality. As the Doctor regenerates on two occasions he asks if he is ginger in reference to his hair but it is a pun as in ginger beer = queer,

rhyming slang, and he regrets he is not ginger or a woman. The Doctor is also bisexual, kisses another man in one show, and so is the heroic leader of Torchwood, an alien monitoring enterprise, as well as some main characters connected to them. These are all intelligent and good. The underlying message is a very simple one: Christian = evil and gay/bisexual = good.

From cradle to grave on TV, at school, in various dubious sciences that are

ideologically controlled the theme is the same. Christians are evil, stupid and ignorant and secularists are good, clever and knowledgeable and gays are the new saints.

The Children subjected to this propaganda suffer another avenue of attack.

They are falsely told of Christian science and beliefs in such a way as to make it impossible for any intelligent or moral person to believe in them. Of the real Christianity and of real Christian sciences they know nothing. This anti Christian propaganda is child abuse by those supposedly fighting child abuse;

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denial of childrens rights by those supposedly fighting for childrens rights etcetera. More than anything the secular world wants to save children from Christ.


So here we will discover what God really thought of the gays at Sodom, which I have said were persecutors of Lot and desirous to rape Angels. There is almost an invitation by many liberals to Christians to say something, anything against gays, which will then allow them to immediately castigate the believer as an evil bigot, without any consideration of what is actually being said, which is why I spoke of other issues before going into this one. It is a bit like the old another boy to knock it off him thus justifying a fight. The true nature of being homosexual I have said that God did not regard the men of Sodom as homosexual as most were not rapists of men and those that were, were really heterosexual perverts. That the main problem with Sodom was the light rejected that came by Lot and by the Angels in favour of the inspiration of Satan.

school days when a boy would put a chip of wood upon his shoulder and dare

There was no one in Sodom or Gomorrah that practised gay sex, who was born with a natural homosexuality, in the sense that they were inevitably destined given nature. Only a minority were actually engaging in gay rape, and other sex with incubi and succubi. to be gay if they were to be true to themselves and their nature, even their God sexual practices covering the variety of perversions known to man, including

There were however several people, and a higher percentage than in modern society, that were in their souls rather different to their bodies having a deep attraction to and affinity with either others of the same sex or animals. In Sodom and Gomorrah sex with animals was more common than sex with

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same sex partners. Also in Sodom and Gomorrah there was not the modern arguments and justification for a gay lifestyle to do with genetics, biology, religious choice and a part of religious conviction. These were also towns descending into violence and self destruction, overridden by crime and conflict. The gay men of Sodom then would not necessarily have been welcome in the modern gay communities of San Francisco or London or Perth. Yet there is a simple point that although many in soul or psyche were genuinely gay they were not naturally gay. By a long and complex process of miss-education, social pressure and temptation they succumbed to these practices. In other words counterfeit personalities were created within the gays and others of Sodom by deception, temptation and giving way to a principle of self gratification: That is by falling into sin. To put it simply whether it was loving gay relationships or vicious rapes and other deviant practices all of these activities were regarded by the Holy Spirit as manifestations of carnal nature rather than saintliness. Some gays were seen by Him as being in error due to the way free will had moulded their souls; but of God written in nature and conscience. The Holy Spirit Himself did not see the sexual practices the Lord regarded as wrong, as a transgression of the Laws much difference between those who were having sex with animals, children, demons, or those torturing for sexual pleasure. The regular sexual practices of the gay lifestyle the Holy Spirit regarded as abhorrent. He would however righteousness. So, these were the shades of recognition and degrees of condemnation in the area of perverse sexuality. The perfect mind tolerate those with gay inclinations who were non sexual if they were seeking psychology and free choice. Instead their sexuality was largely a matter of

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The representation of the mind I saw as a ball of light with tentacles was the mind of a time traveller, and yet she was not bisexual or rationalist like the Doctor or stupid, ignorant or evil as Christian type figures are often portrayed. That mind trillions of times greater than a humans that had seen worlds come and go was neither Darwinist, nor bigoted, nor pro gay; but like all saints of that kind of creation non sexual. From a female world where there were no

males she was neither lesbian nor in favour of lesbianism among humans. She has never experienced sexual activity. (Generally the higher forms of creation do not have sexual activity or procreation. We are a lower form of creation that is more than half animal.) The miracle of conversion When the gay person repents and believes in Christ their spirits cease being gay and typically their outward life changes dramatically. Some lose all desire to be gay and others are tempted but still desire to be only heterosexual. Either the Holy Spirit is perverting these gays into heterosexuals or they were not by nature gay to begin with. Gay is not a choice may be a truism to the gay motives that either give way to or resist certain types and degrees of

community and others but is ridiculous as humans are largely self created. By temptation a person will either become sexually promiscuous or perverse or not as the case may be. These decisions and motives are being made from when humans are babies and are without number, so that usually before a person reaches puberty they will have a strong inclination to certain kinds of lifestyle choices. Being true to themselves is simply being true to the self why Christianity alone is the religion of repentance. The great moral achievement of the 20th century created psyche of sin in rebellion against God. This is true of every one. This is

If the great moral achievement of the 19th Century was the abolition of slavery the essence and height of modern enlightenment seems to be that gay rights

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are espoused and by implication the most moral and enlightened of deeds is when men sodomise men. In contrast the mere hint that a person may have moral reservations about homosexual practice is seen as automatic justification for total condemnation of such persons and refusal to give these off of degree courses, of lecturers or councillors or MPs automatically losing

critics a hearing. These days too it is likely to result in students being thrown their positions. The right of consenting adults to practice what they choose in the privacy of their own homes has become the right to judge and condemn any and every person that resists this liberal dictatorship. Every Christian who is not a Lot is not a lot.

It is interesting then that the measure of modern morality is someones attitude to gays. It acts as a gauge of how people should be treated. If they are opposed to homosexuality they are seen, instantly, as evil. If they are in favour, and seen as good. For spiritual Christians then there is an instant judgement many people are eager to show they are in favour to get this result; they are against them and a total justification for treating them in an abusive way. For blesses everyone who advocates either natural or spiritual morality; but are in fear and their eagerness to show how liberal, open minded and

the Holy Spirit the converse is true. He judges everyone who supports sin and especially that which is spiritual. However I notice that many worldly people politically correct they are is tied to wanting to be treated well, to get the right job, to not be marginalised or chastised by the world. This spirit of fear is beginning to mould western society.

To sum up then the gays in Sodom and Gomorrah were a minority of the population and engaged in other things besides same sex acts as the perversions tended to run together. Normally four or five perversions could be practiced by one person, the least common being necrophilia, usually practiced after a ritualised murder. Common perversions were zoophilia, once

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called bestiality, and paedophilia. However the common morality was opposed to these things and they tended to be done in secret. Altogether the percentage of the population that engaged in at least one unnatural sexual activity regularly was 50% and those who tried such activity at one point in their lives western town today exaggerated ten times. Those who engaged in a few

pushed this figure up to around 70%. In other words it was a lot like a modern perversities regularly were about 10%. Of these perversities, or alternative sexualities, those who had sex with the incubi and succubi were the most of the evil in Sodom, the incubi and succubi. This was the inspiration for wanting to rape Angels. Jude 1:7 dangerous as liaisons with demonic entities corrupted them. This was the heart

Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the nearby towns giving them selves up to sexual immorality in a similar manner; going after strange flesh, are set out as an example by suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

In short the sexuality of Sodom and Gomorrah had largely become demonic sexuality even if today there is a liberal treatment of all these perversions as viable alternative sexualities and opposition to them is seen as prejudice based upon speciesism or societal condemnation without rational basis and so on. Of these perversions the ones most likely to be legalised and then justified and then widely practised are bestiality and paedophilia. The one least likely

because it is not believed in by secular society is sex with demonic entities. This is still practiced today. In a modern city like New York City or London the percentage of the population that would experience sex with demonic entities is 0.2%. Of this number most are unaware that the men or women they are usually Satanists. having sex with are materialised demons. Knowing participants, far less, are

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Principles of Divine Judgement God never destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because there were gays there but because firstly the people did not repent after hearing the teaching of Lot and secondly because they had been corrupted by demonism. The appearance of the Angels was merely the catalyst that forced firstly the hand of Satan and then God. Yet God had a practical reason for destroying these towns. He had meant God had to cut out those towns that were becoming like the people of Noahs Day before their influence became general and corrupted the earth. This salvation aspect of Gods work is usually judged by the world, you could

already promised that He would never again destroy the world by flood. This

say universally judged by the secular world as God behaving as an evil tyrant. As Jesus said, The world hates me because I testify against it that its deeds are


It also lets us see at which point God will actually send destruction upon a society. In comparison to Sodom a modern city like London is not that far behind. There could so easily be a rapid decline into evil, like walking over a cliff. This is true of the world as a whole at the moment. God has graciously prevented it but the world cannot become that much more evil than it already has without there being terrible judgements sent from God. Secular society really means anti Christian society and in a world where childrens programs are full of good witches and evil Christians and where a persons morality is since this society once had the gospel but trampled it into the dirt. judged on whether they advocate gay sex, judgement is inevitable, especially

The Christian influence that once held the world back from corruption is itself becoming corrupting of the world, after having been corrupted by the world. If there is not a rise in holiness in society life will become unliveable for any moral or spiritual person.

Of the lack of righteous people

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in Sodom and Gomorrah There was a spiritual atmosphere in Sodom and Gomorrah that made it hard to be righteous. There was a kind of obligation for people to be crude, dishonest, overly competitive, abusive, angry, threatening and generally

unpleasant. Many of the residents wondered why this was. There was also a tendency for the rulers to be overbearing, to act like gangsters, to practice harsh and arbitrary justice and to favour debauched religion. That is the influence of demonic spirits, mainly through sexual practices, was becoming dominant over the hearts and minds and therefore deeds of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. There seems to be a spiritual balance that if things fade on one side they become heavier on the other. There is never neutrality in spiritual things. The spiritual atmosphere will be less evil the more holy it is

and vice versa. In this atmosphere righteous people had been leaving or forced towns. Ultimately the Day of Grace came to an end and their fate was sealed saints.

out but Lot decided to remain as a sentinel, fearing what God might do to these by their own abuse of free will, preferring the influence of demons to that of

The good gays

No one is good but God, said Jesus. Who then is righteous or better than another? It was not because of homosexuality that Sodom was destroyed but because of a natural progress in evil. If this were not so then San Francisco for instance would have been destroyed.
Natural or supernatural disasters? One of the greatest natural disasters of modern times was the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami that hit Sumatra, Indonesia killing over 230,000 people, also called the Boxing Day tsunami. No one I heard of said it was a judgement from God upon the wickedness of the Indonesians. In a country where most people

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are religious, mainly Muslims with some Hindus and Christians where was the Prophet? Actually there was no prophet at Sodom or Gomorrah as Lot only warned his relatives shortly before the judgement from God.

Apart from the natural causes of shifting tectonic plates and the demography of the ocean floor were there spiritual causes or reasons for that tsunami happening at that particular time with such a great loss of life? If so why send a judgement where certain areas have Sharia law enacted and where LGBTs its resistance to homosexuality. are generally opposed? Or some may say God sent a judgment upon Islam for

Nothing happens without God either commanding it or permitting it. The

Boxing Day tsunami was not a particular judgement upon sin but a general judgment upon the world of sinners, inasmuch as all evil proceeded from Sin, upon everyone, Christians included. In fact there are very few specific whether natural or moral or spiritual. The real judgement is death that comes judgements sent by God but rather there is a general principle of evil deeds bringing forth evil results, as a kind of natural law. In a perfect world the power of the Spirit is so great both within and without humans that physical and moral harm cannot occur. It is the absence of this Power that allows death and corruption and evil to run amok here.

In Sodom then the presence of good gays, that is in worldly terms, neither evil via the supernatural that led to a specific judgment from God.

brought nor prevented Gods judgment. There was first a spiritual tsunami of

Was the fire and brimstone that rained down upon Sodom and Gomorrah a natural disaster that was precipitated by Gods Providence or a miraculous event created in the moment?

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If you have read about the archaeology you will know that some scientists think the earth vented plasma similar to an erupting volcano, and this burning rock and ash fell upon the five towns in the plains of Sodom.

The Lord usually uses natural methods as He created nature; such as turning not necessarily follow that what is written in the bible is comprehensive and thorough or that other interesting things never occurred at that time.

water to wine or Adams rib into Eve. With the judgment upon Sodom it does

The Angel of the Lord had walked to a particular spot in the plains and there strike the rock that brought forth water. Leaving that place, and a few hours

struck the ground with His staff, in a similar way to which Moses would later later, the Lord then called upon God at which precise moment a great burst of rock followed by lava burst forth from where He had struck His staff and went straight up into the air. These rocks were quite large, some were huge, and these fell upon the towns along with fire. There were some other places too

where the plasma came out. To the people of the plain it was as if the fire had just descended out of the skies, since thats what they saw. It was a storm of sorts, literally a kind of bizarre weather formation that rained fire and brimstone. What happened to the dead? All of the children, as I have said, were brought into the Kingdom of God, to Paradise where they resided with the saints. Paradise is a material place but they were there in spirit. Yet that dimension is so unusual that in Paradise it is as if they are material. There the material is subordinate to the spiritual but it is exactly the other way here in this fallen world. This means that in Paradise the saints in spirit would see themselves as seemingly flesh and blood. sleep, which is for the body alone. However that is spirit to spirit perception and they still did not eat, drink or

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Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah

Some people in Sodom cried out to God and some of these ones were saved by mercy. Most of the adult population however descended to Hell, called Sheol in Hebrew and Hades in Greek. There they dwell still in darkness and some in chains. Of this crowd of the evil dead all have been bound in the Pit and none that had deceived them are still active in the world today. As a rule these incubi and succubi spirits are unhappy how the gay movement has evolved as it is too liberal and positive for them, who would want it to be more sadistic and exclusive, for various reasons. One of these demons that works to seduce men into sexual acts with her was once alive in the times of Noah and was a young priestess in that brand of paganism Noah preached against. She was one of the whores of Lucifer destroyed after the Judgement of God fell upon her temple. (See The Genesis Revelation II on Noahs Flood)

have come up to be demons on earth. However some of the incubi and succubi

In many respects this succubus represents concepts of freedom and power to the modern world. She is not sexually repressed. She is not controlled by a man. She supports all kinds of sexual experimentation. She does not worship the Judaeo/Christian God. She does as she pleases, and is open to all kinds of spiritual practice.

The succubus Her name I do not know but a title that would suit her would be Rage. Rage is evil has been accomplished. Her normal mental state though is one of incapable of experiencing happiness but can manage bursts of joy when great unutterable misery. I say unutterable but this is not literally so as often Rage is heard to wail out her miseries in woeful sounds that would break the strongest of men if they heard her.

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Rage is full of intense hatred and fury so that she is often restless to destroy. Specific demons have specific attributes and qualities. Rage specialises as I have said in being a succubus and her greatest perverse joy is in having sex with Christian men, particularly ministers of whom she has had not a few. be. In this way she destroys souls and gains a foothold in churches. Rage is a very accomplished woman then that embodies much of modern morality and religion without the mask. Rage herself is often raped and tortured, usually by fallen angels. Regularly Rage is taken down into the Pit and dragged into the fire of Hell and told Satan will keep her there if she does not destroy more souls. This keeps her vigilance up. As her spirit cannot be cut or marked, but can feel pain, the tortures she endures are often very powerful. I could go on but I do not want to make this a book on demonism. Some of these Christians realise she is an evil spirit and most think she might

To sum up Rage she is exactly what many women in the world unwittingly free. Those caring parents who work so hard, along with schools and very kinds of parents that Rage approves of. Lots wife

aspire to be, thinking that what they are aiming at is good and spiritual and governments and media, to protect their girls and boys from Christ are the

Lots wife is not mentioned in the episode of the mob at Sodom assailing their house. Lots wife is mentioned later for looking back at the destruction of the plains and being turned into a pillar of salt. Her character was one of mercy,

which is why she tolerated being or staying in Sodom. Lots wife was also very sociable and having friends and relatives in Sodom did not want to leave to go and live in the wilderness, but this in fact happened as they were in danger the furor was outside Lots wife told her daughters to pray and she was after the judgement of God of being murdered by the people of the land. While

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praying herself, in which she had an assurance that her daughters, and herself and Lot would be protected. Rape, eroticism and perversity related to Christ and Christians Down the centuries many Christian women have been raped, most notably in the sacking of Rome by Barbarians, in which the Christian Barbarians raped the Christian women of Rome It takes a strong faith to be protected from bombs, or disease, or famine or violence or torture etcetera but no saintly woman has ever been raped. I mean those strongest in faith.

When Christians murder one another whether they are Barbarians and

Romans or Catholics and Protestants or Israelis and Palestinians they are usually conforming to the spirit of the world and its ideologies to which their Christianity is subordinate. At other times it may be out of strong religious of God. How many of these who call themselves Christians are called conviction that they do evil and then they will normally justify it in the name Christians by Christ is debatable, but certainly some were wayward saints and God by virtue of church membership. Christianity is not an ideology but a spiritual fact; not a sentiment that approves of the Sermon on the Mount but a will that lives it out There is a very unpopular bible verse, particularly to Charismatics that goes,

most were the children of the world who simply thought they were children of

the Holy Spirit, Whom God has given to those who obey Him [Acts 5:32b]
This verse tends not to be preached on by Protestants and particularly Charismatics as it relates having the Holy Spirit to being obedient to God and this conflicts with their concept of faith in opposition to works. Nobody who was filled with the Holy Spirit ever raped anyone and no one who was filled with the Holy Spirit was ever raped. However this simple spiritual fact is

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compromised, particularly by Charismatic women that have been raped believing they were a) Filled with the Holy Spirit and therefore b) Safe. However the fact of being filled with the Holy Spirit known only to those who really are is that they are far more likely to be beaten, butchered and abused in various ways. Here I will go into something I find distasteful. In the gay community it is popular to believe that Jesus was gay and that His crucifixion is a symbol of eroticism because of his nakedness and beatings. Thousands of people saw Christ as naked and beaten and then hung up to be seen by all. Humiliation was a large part of the punishment. In gay literature this scene has been used in poetry and elsewhere for the basis of erotic, you could say pornographic fantasy, some of it involving necrophilia. Love and Science

Then there is the usual justification: Love Let love rule, How can loving relationships be wrong?, If two people truly for any and every perversion known to man. Liberals in general celebrate love one another Also there is exactly the same reasoning and justification blasphemy as the height of freedom of speech. In the arts there have been a series of pictures of Mary or Jesus made of dung, or out of smaller pictures of serial killers, or out of swastikas so that there is a long list most of it not becoming well known or reported in the media. Usually there is a response to criticism along the lines, How could anyone possibly be offended by what is

conceptual art? The artist had no intention of being offensive but was provoking us to think and to explore new ways of seeing

Of course the artists had every intention of being not only offensive but

controversial for two reasons, controversy leads to publicity and blasphemy leads to patronage among liberals. In England in particular at the moment it is popular for rationalists, whether scientists, commentators or comedians, to insult Christ and Christianity openly. We are told repeatedly that those who

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believe in God and particularly Christ are stupid, ignorant, dangerous, evil, bigoted etcetera. Here the justification is not Love but usually Science. - Love and Science together forming the basis for rejection of Christ. The moral nature and quality of human creativity

All that we do or say or create has a moral element to it as we are moral agents that have motives that give a moral quality to our actions; our works. Theologians can explain this in more detail, but generally all that we do is invested with a moral quality either good or evil. I am not going to go into So, if an artist creates a piece of artwork it carries the essence of the artists moral nature in it as something of their personality and character. It is impossible not to do this because as we create we make choices that have the depths of this but only give simple examples that are easy to understand.

hidden behind them motives that are selfless or selfish; corrupted or sanctified; good or evil. To a higher mind, of an Angel for example, they will recognise a great deal about a person by seeing something they have made that seems to ball. the human observer to be totally neutral; say a doodle of a man balancing on a The human mind will detect something of the character of an artist in their

work, so to assume or rather assert, that profane, pornographic, gory, rancid, perverse works of art and literature have none of these qualities as the artist is on a higher level of intellect in which the naked child, or the nun with devils horns, or Mary the mother of Jesus as a prostitute, are really innocent, non moral, aesthetic in an unusual way; rather than reflective of a degenerating society is not only false but wicked. People cannot divorce what they create

from their own moral nature and the qualities of their character will penetrate into the most neutral and objective of arts .

Western notions of individualism and its free expression tend to be negating of moral responsibility and accountability and place individual rights over and

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above communal duty and moral obligation. The ego of the usually well educated and affluent artist that produces profanities in lieu of intelligent speech; ugly, chaotic, monstrosities instead of intelligent design is the darling of the liberal, elite. Often it isnt intellectualism really but rather lack of talent that hides behind it in both artists and their consumers that defines much of modern aesthetics, art and literature. The idea that such literature and art may be commenting reasonably and fairly upon such things as Islamic Fundamentalism or western stereotyping is dishonest and self serving. It may do these things but it is also an unprincipled way of attacking conventional morality, religion and God- which is why such artists tend to be unconventional, irreligious and God hating.

I had once had visions of both Mary and Jesus and considered doing their

portraits so that people could see what they really looked like. What keeps me back from doing this is knowing that should I do so these images could then manipulated caricatures by blasphemous, liberal and left leaning elitists, as appear in pornographic and satanic websites; but also as distasteful, digitally well as the extreme right innocently expressing their insights and politics. All that we do carries something of us in it and if we are evil what we do will be recognised as such even if it is justified with intellectual rationalisations and sophistries that have a tendency to be left wing, antichrist; that would

have a tendency to be offensive to almost all cultures in all parts of the world in all times. The idea that if you shock people you make them think and that this is good simply allows what is most disgusting to become high art.

In reality many famous artists, writers, historians and so on have targeted

certain groups of people with slanders, extremely offensive claims, and endless insults and misrepresentations so as to gain credibility among the enemies of those they slander. Of course the greatest target in history is Jesus Christ. All of

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this type of innocent and objective academia is just propaganda, often quite incendiary. Christian concepts of Love and Science For Christians love is benevolence: That is doing the very best from the best becoming pure in heart and therefore holy. Science is the proper understanding of fact as the basis for knowledge, as opposed to conjecture or assumption. Theories may be wrong or right, half wrong or half right, but they must be founded in fact not fantasy. possible motives. This means being intrinsically unselfish. In effect this means

In contrast to this Love in the world means natural affection. Science is whatever can be made to conform to a rationalist ideology.

Christian love therefore can never be sinful but worldly love is always

intrinsically sinful as there is always an element of self gratification from a purely selfish motive. Remove this fundamental principle of self gratification and mankind ceases to sin. Christian science can never be dishonest but rationalistic, dominant science is fundamentally antichrist. Therefore Christian love always works by holiness and worldly love always works by sin. Even innocent love in the world, such as between childhood sweethearts, has a high degree of motives to please self. Christian love, even when falling in love, is selfless, which is why Christians love their enemies I mean that minority of true believers who are always and inevitably saintly. Which is why sinners hate these Christians who love them. A Christian but worldly people say of themselves that they do. A Christian cannot discount miracles they have witnessed because worldly science says they have lied about them. They cannot become less rational and

therefore cannot commit adultery, or rape, or incest, or necrophilia out of love;

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stop believing in God because they are told this is irrational and blind. They cannot surrender logic to perfect irrationality because science says they will then be logical. There is another science that informs them they are more intelligent and rational than these propagandists. The science and love of this world invites us to be corrupt, wilfully ignorant, deceitful and dangerous but we should resist. Their love protects their children from salvation in Christ and from many facts of history and science supportive of the bible. Christs love invites our children to become beings of pure love that will evolve forever, not by a mechanism of natural selection but by the creative power of the Holy Spirit.

Lot warning his sons-in-law It was in the evening that Lot went out in secret accompanied by one Angel for protection and earnestly warned his sons-in-law and any acquaintance or Sodom. However in the case of his sons-in- law they were obstinate. Pillar of Salt relative he could manage to speak with. This did result in some people fleeing

Flower names are very common and Lots wife had a name that could be translated as Wildflower. Wildflower was scared stiff by what she saw as she turned and lingered to witness the destruction of fire. She was petrified. If we say someone is petrified we do not mean it to be taken literally, turned to stone. 'Pillar of salt' was an expression that meant scared stiff, as she lingered to look at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. She was frozen with fear and had them could barely open her eyes.) Wildflower actually died a few years after and before Lot fled with his daughters to the wilderness and a cave revealed to them by God- hiding from

to be coaxed away by Lot. (Her daughters kept their backs to Sodom and one of

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the very people who increasingly resented the holy man who brought destruction on the towns.... When Lot's wife looked upon the destruction of friends. Lot's wife yearned for the society of the towns. Wildflower persuaded Lot to settle nearby one only to find that the world she loved was turning increasingly against her. She fell ill and died of natural causes but the shock of what she had seen and her experiences shortened her life. So God was being sky. She was in great anguish and went through what might be called a crisis her home town she resented God and was sorry for the people, including her

considerate when he didn't want her to see the destruction that fell from the of faith. This was because she loved the world without fully loving God. As women go she was quite holy and stronger than most Christian women today deeply that she was this way and were she permitted to speak, which she is disguised Love and to learn to despise the world totally. Lots life in the wilderness After his wife died and after persecution started against Lot and his daughters because he was seen as the cause of destruction upon sinners Lot had to flee from human society and he took his daughters with him. In fact they had no choice. but the love of the world, as the Bible says, is enmity to God. She regrets not, she would urge all Christian women to trust God's harsh judgements as

Lots daughters had no children and could get no husbands. Lot had no sons to and were tempted by the evil one, after some years of loneliness in which they rarely left the wilderness to visit friends or relatives, to have children for themselves and to continue the line of their father. On two occasions Lot was and only found out when his first daughter began to manifest her pregnancy.

continue his name. His daughters realised their father was a great holy man

made drunk by wine that was drugged. He was unaware of the act of incest

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There was a very specific reason for this occurring. Satan needed to either destroy Lot or at least destroy his credibility. It was specific to get him to about by their practice of illicit sex, with demons; daughters etcetera. There lust for power. So, this was Satans reply to God for destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. The two parts of the story being the destruction of the sinners and the fall of Lot serve holiness but perfection. as warnings to both the wicked and the righteous to flee sin and seek not only commit acts of incest since the judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah came are a few holy men in the bible who are brought down, often by women or

Angels as ministering spirits The two Angels that were at Sodom are still active today in the world and often appear before great events in history; such as before wars or famines. Their this world making things rather less terrible than they could be. personal presence and influence lessens spiritual evil and increases holiness in

One of these Angels for instance hovered over the sea before the tsunami that hit Sumatra and lessened the death and destruction that would have been into the hearts of the multitudes and rewarding them for moral attitudes. caused by a third. He was able to do this under the Justice of God after seeing

Should the multitudes have had the hearts of Angels there would of course be

nothing in this world that could harm them. This is the ultimate aim of Christ. Love the sinner not the sin

There is lot of truth in this even if literally impossible. The moral character of the sinner is abhorrent and the love of the Christian to the sinner is

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benevolent, not based upon the sinners character but upon good will. The moral character that is evil is abhorrent to the saint, not to other sinners. Since the sinner cannot be separated from their sin a benevolent mind will always find them repulsive. Similarly based upon the same principles the saint will love the character of the saint. Theologians call it approbation the love of what is good in the saint. Verses such as, God is angry with the wicked every day and God so loved the

world are consistent as God abhors the moral character of sinners but desires the best for them as a father would toward rebellious children. The best for them is to become saints for this is good in itself and secondly the reward of salvation is eternal life. Gods love then consists of desiring for the wicked eternal life in holiness as the very best thing for them but it also consists of an abhorrence of them as corrupt moral beings misusing free will to self create sin drenched characters. This is because Justice emanates from Love as Justice is a necessary good. Gods love is always just: Will always condemn sinners and free saints from destruction. Jesus equally loved when he said to his disciples, How much longer must I bear with you how much longer must I put up with you?, and also, Blessed are you Or Get behind me Satan, and You are Peter Upon this rock I shall build my Church.
The strange way that some Christians have then in speaking to sinners as if loving attitude Jesus had is at best misguided. Sin must be revealed and the grace of God. All the saints were once sinners that repented deeply of the evil they openly confessed to committing. You may contact me here: their sin was of little account and they were not corrupt; because this is the rebuked before it can be dealt with fully and truthfully by the sinner and by

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Noahs Flood, Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah Aalsteinn Eaglehawk 2011, revised 2012


See Also:

Aalsteinn Eaglehawk

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